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Development Of A Sustainable Development Essay
Sustainable development still continues to be the main concept around which environment and development are organised. In addition, sustainable
development is currently identified as a primary policy goal of many more institutions in development than at any previous time (Elliott, 2006). The
general interpretation of sustainability is that development policies must be controlled allowing natural resources to be sustained at their initial level.
The sustainability criteria ensures that future generations enjoy the same amount of resources that are undiminished relative to those of the present
(Quiggn, 1997:1). However the fundamental assumption presently is that people are over using resources consequently leaving future generations with
lesser and that are the cause of these depletions are market processes (Huggins, 2003: 57–71). There are two factors that need to be considered in
relation to sustainable development in order to measure and reduce the impacts of the issues facing sustainability. Discount rates are generally used to
calculate the future benefits that can be benefited today. Property rights are generally used as a tool to achieve sustainable development.
What is sustainable development?
Sustainable development is the theory of the relationship between the environment and economic growth (Asefa, 2005: 1–18). According to the
Brundtland Commission's report, sustainable development can be defined as the "ability to make development
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Essay on What is Sustainable Development?
What is sustainable development? Well, think about your kids, your grandkids, their grandkids, and so on and so on. Do you want there to enough
resources on earth sustain them so they can live as you have or do you want them to live like in futuristic movies and have to go live in a space shuttle
or on another planet because all the earth's resources have been used up? Pretty much everyone wants their kids to enjoy the luxury's that they had in
their lives and that's where sustainable development comes in. The International Institute for Sustainable Development says "Sustainable development
is development that meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."(What is Sustainable more content...
Surrounding Europe and also some countries in Europe are developing countries that are caught downwind of their pollution. By lowering emissions
on cars and factories, offering aid to the poor, offering education the undereducated they are teaching them to become more sustainable themselves.
One thing that many people do not realize is that there are many chemicals being sprayed on agriculture fields in India used to kill bugs. Not only is
this not a sustainable practice for environmental reasons, it also hurts the workers in the field. Cotton is a major crop in India and pesticides are used
to control the pests. Children work on the cotton farms picking the cotton and also applying the pesticide spray on the fields. They develop both
chronic and acute symptoms from this. (Cotton and Pesticides) They way that sustainability and environment justice is plays into this, is that by better
education the developing countries we can teach them how to properly apply these pesticides and how to much to use. One big concern is that the
rivers by these farms are being contaminated and if we do not do anything about it that water source is not one
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Benefits Of A Sustainable Development Essay
As a company which states a sustainable development as one of its main development goals, HP has presented numerous global social initiatives that
may safeguard the society as well as the health of company's employees. These initiatives include computer hardware and HP supplies recycling,
various eco–solutions in its products, carbon footprint calculator creation, making corporate material safety data public, establishing the supply chain
greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal and a warning system for threatened species. (, 2015) One of its earliest social initiatives is a
take–back program. It was established in 1987 and since that time more than 1 683 000 tons of computer hardware and HP supplies have been
collected. This initiative has a global character as it is already offered in 73 countries. Besides, the program goes beyond recycling only HP's own
products and supports a development the whole recycling infrastructure around the world. The program also includes a recovery and refurbishing
solution for the further reselling, which is an option with a lowest environmental impact. (, 2015) In its products, HP uses
energy–efficient solutions that allow to achieve up to 50% economy of electricity and their packaging is greener and easily recyclable due to safer
materials usage. They also offer services like Smart Meter, Managed Print, Web Jetadmin and others that help to improve energy management and
reduce waste and
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Sustainable Development essay
1. Introduction
Imagine a world with no animals, no trees, and no drinkable water. Imagine a world that has had its natural beauty stolen from it because of the
previous generation's greed and irresponsibility. This is the type of world the next generation is facing if we, the current generation, do not start acting
in a more sustainable way. As the world's population continues to grow, our planet comes under more and more pressure. The aim ofsustainable
development is to meet the current needs of this generation without compromising the needs of future generations.
2. Definition of sustainable development
Sustainable development is a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the more
The majority of the poor people in developing countries, and especially in Africa, live in rural areas. They face an issue of trying to find a balance
between making a secure income from nature and conserving enough from nature to ensure that their children will also be in a position to have a
secure source of income. Their struggle to survive in harsh natural conditions is made more difficult by factors beyond their control, such as hardships
posed by nature and external forces, such as the urban demand for rural produce, which put extra strain on the natural resources. But developing
countries and the way in which they are using resources are not the only threats to sustainable development. The developed world is an equally large
threat, if not a larger one, because their approach to development is based on large–scale industrialisation. The development processes taking place in
these countries often have a global impact on the environment (De Beer and Cornwell, 2010:77–96). Below are a few examples of the impact humans
have on the environment:
4.1. Deforestation
Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. Forests are cut down for many reasons, but most of them are related
to money or to people's need to provide for their families. The biggest driver of deforestation is agriculture. Farmers cut forests to provide more room
for planting crops or grazing livestock. Logging companies, which provide the
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History of Sustainable Development Essay
Over the past decades, there have been valiant attempts throughout all industries and governance bodies to distinguish how enterprises can establish
and become more sustainable. Despite good intentions, a large amount of enterprises have failed to accurately determine the precise strategies to
become and maintain a sustainable establishment. Largely underpinning the growing notion of a sustainable enterprise is the principal of sustainable
development. Established in the 1980's, Sustainable Development was developed to promote sustainable living through sustainable production of
goods and services, to provide solutions for fulfilling elementary needs to improve the lives of people, now and in the future with least possible more content...
Widely regarded as the biggest factor challenging environmental governance structures, global climate change promises to be one of the most critical.
As the need to design policies to respond to the negative impacts of climate change increases, more attention has been paid to emerging modes of
environmental governance and to how they can increase the capacity of economic, social, and cultural systems to help humans mitigate and adapt to
climatic change. Current British Government Chief Scientific Adviser David King (p 42–44 , 2007) validates this, stating that "climate change is the
most severe problem that we are facing today, more serious even than the threat of terrorism". In order to stimulate this and move towards being
sustainable, the strategy of green taxation has been appropriately implemented. While many criticise green taxes to be nothing more than raising of
revenue, the general purpose of green taxation is to promote and reward sustainable conduct, while penalising the wasteful and the polluters (Lemos &
Agrawal, 2006). Nationally, green taxes are commonly used effectively to tax resources put into production processes, as well as being charge on the
outputs of those processes, depending on their ecological impact. Furthermore, researcher Jonathan Reuvid (2005 , 55–70) argues governments could
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Education for Sustainable Development Essay
Sustainability development has three components: environment, society, and economy. If you consider the three to be overlapping circles of the same
size, the area of overlap in the center is human well–being. As the environment, society, and economy become more aligned, the area of overlap
increases, and so does human well–being. Therefore, education for sustainable development (ESD) is the use of education as a tool to achieve
sustainability. Simply put, ESD is a way to make the world a safer, healthier, and more livable place for us and future generations (McKeown, 2002,
pgs 7–9).
Children in grades 3 through 5 are moving from "learning to read" to "reading to learn" and from "learning to write" to "writing more content...
Since students in grades 3 through 5 typically learn better by incorporating all three learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) into their daily
classroom work, instructors for these grades may find it easier to create and design lesson plans. Including sustainable development on a basic level
into the curriculum at this age is generally not difficult because science and reading classes have usually touched on the subject of recycling or the
environment. A simple, low–cost activity would be for students to make reminder plates for light switches and thermostats in their homes or schools
(see Appendices A and B). This lesson allows students to be creative in designing the reminder plates and it allows them to teach their families and
friends about conserving energy. Another easy, low
–cost activity that can actually be done in all grades is creating bird feeders from milk cartons (see
Appendix C). This lesson teaches students how to take already developed materials and reuse them to create something new. Students can also learn
about how solar energy supplies more than just sunlight and heat to our planet by making solar sweet tea right in the classroom (see Appendix D).
This lesson calls on students' observation abilities and allows them to express their findings in their own words. The class may
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United Nations Sustainable Development Goals On September 15th, 2015 United Nation leaders created and embraced the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) but it was not until January 1st, 2016 that the goals came into full effect ("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). The
purpose of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to combat poverty and hunger, ensure well–being, reduce inequality, protect land,
secure clean water, and manage climate change("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). These goals expanded on the achievements of the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and now include peace and justice, sustainable consumption, and go further in undertaking issues of poverty
("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). The SDGs include solving issues of hunger, education, gender equality, economic growth, peace, climate
action, clean energy, and clean water and sanitation. They present clear regulations for nations to incorporate into their daily routines to provide better
lives for future generations. Although the SDGs are not binding contracts, governments and leaders are expected to work together and follow through
on ensuring that progress and development is being made. The new development goals require that all countries, impoverished and affluent alike, do
their part in protecting their environment and making sure that they are making headway. The SDGs are a 15–year plan that focus on building a
healthy and fair future for the world and its inhabitants
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The Importance Of Sustainable Development
"Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice,
exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance." This quote by Ban Ki–moon describes the development of the world from the time
that man first appeared all the way to now. From the minute that the first signs of humans appeared all the way to this very moment in time the world
and human culture have been developing. The five most important ways that the world has developed is democracy, the development of permanent
living, the agricultural revolution, trade, and monarchy. The world did not truly start to develop until the Neolithic Revolution, which started with an more content...
However, since only certain crops grow in certain places people did not have all the food that they need. This opened the door for the trading of
goods. Trading started because certain people had certain skills that allowed them to make goods that not everyone else could. Trade started at the
same time as the Neolithic villages, people could store goods and if they had too much of one thing and not enough of another they could trade with
someone who had what they need. Without trade the United States would not be able to function. They do not have the oil needed to make gasoline,
or most of the space to make goods to feed its own population. Some would like to argue that trading is bad because the U.S. has such a large debt
due to trade. However, if it were not for trade they would not have all the amenities that they are used to now. While rare monarchy started in ancient
Greece, often the creation of a monarchy was due to a tyranny. The rise of tyrants started in the seventh century and lasted through the end of the sixth
century. The tyrants were not horrible leaders, as the term usually means, they just came to rule in an unconstitutional way. While most would argue
that tyranny's and monarchies are bad because they do not allow the people to have a say, that is not always true there have been quite a few good
monarchs that have led their countries very well. Also, without monarchy the path for democracy never would have been
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Sustainable Development Essay
Sustainable development, when applied to the development of a system, creates complexity for the stakeholders involved in and affected by that
development. To delve this complexity, solid definitions must be proposed for development and sustainable development in order for a framework to
be established through which these complexities can be understood. Furthermore, these definitions are necessary evils for explorations of the intricacies
of sustainable development due to the various paradigms used to define "development" and "sustainable development." One definition of development,
and the one that will be utilized within this report, is the, "utilizing resources to advance the complexity of a whole society." From this, a definition of more content...
When questioned about how the tribe would respond if the Company would usurp the land, "Moi...answered, "we will attack them with spears from all
sides." While this attack would be symbolic of their commitment to their land, a small group of firearms could easily quell this attack (Kane 56). Thus,
the Huaorani do not know the ways of the world, even though the ONHAE letter claims they, "know about the problems of the whole world" (Kane
54). The most probable reason for this stems from their lack of conformity with societies beyond their tribe, as is exemplified by their " be
independent and self reliant" by utilizing the resources of the forest and not modern society (Kane 57). This can be further substantiated by a Huaorani
tribe member stating that penicillin, an antibiotic, has the same use as codeine, a pain killer (Kane 64). However, the leaders of the Oriente tribes,
which Huaorani is a part of, do understand the economic aspects of the world, which is evident through the request made by Grefa, the president of
CONFENIAE, to increase the price that Conoco would pay for Huao homeland (Kane 62). From this action, it can be concluded that the leaders
understand that the money acquired from selling their land could provide a large benefit to their people. Thus, through these negotiations, it becomes
evident that the leaders are acting within the
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Sustainable Development Essay
Sustainable Development
By the year 2200 there will be a lot more people living on this planet then there are now. Estimates range anywhere from 15 to 36 billion people.
Where will these people live? How will they live? The answer is sustainable development. Sustainable development, "meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. " It also, "requires meeting the basic needs of all
peoples and extending to them the opportunity to fulfill their aspirations for a better life. A world in which poverty is endemic will always be prone to
ecological and other catastrophes."
Sustainable development is being ignored in Chile, more content...
Normally the forest would have stopped any flash floods as it would have held the water let it out slowly, but with the forests gone there was nothing
to delay the water from exiting the system. The economical effect of this that land and buildings were destroyed causing millions of peso's worth of
damage. The social impact is easy to discern, those who lost loved ones, friends, and family can never get them back.
In Madagascar the same type of thing was happening. Locals were cutting down the forest and planting rice and cassava. It was estimated that this
process of deforestation was costing the country between, "100 and 300 million a year in decreased crop yields, the loss of productive forests and
damage to infrastructure." Something needed to be done, the government implemented a plan to, "protect and improve the environment
while working for sustainable development." The approach integrates all aspects of sustainable development.
Socially, a public education programme explains why locals shouldn't cut down the tree's and why it is economically more important that they don't.
Environmentally, the forests will not be lost now. And economically some cutting is still down however it is sustainable cutting. New jobs were also
created in this program. In order to persuade villagers that this was the best route to take, half of all fees paid by tourists to enter the parks within
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The Importance Of Sustainable Development
With the development of economy, the improvement of living standard, the rapid development of agricultural industry production and urbanization, the
increase of resource demand, people realize that the emergence of energy crisis gradually, especially the water resources. On a global scale, water
pollution, the rapid increase in water demand and the unreasonable utilization of the inter–sectoral competitive development, results in the further
shortage of water resources and worsening of the water environment. Currently, because of the shortage of natural resources of mankind, in order to
realize the sustainable development is the common aspiration of all mankind.
"Sustainable development is defined there as: development that means the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations t
meet their own needs" (Phill, 2013, p, 19). In other words, it is an inseparable system and refers to economy; society, resources and environmental
protection develop coordinately, not only to achieve the purpose of developing the economy, but also to protect the atmosphere, fresh water, sea, land,
forest and other series of natural resources, thus, future generation enable to develop sustainable and live in peace (Sachs, J. D., 2015). Environment is
an important aspect in sustainable development, the core of develop, however its requirement must have the strict population control, improve
population's quality, environmental protection and resources sustainable,
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Living sustainably isn 't always easy. It seems that every aspect of life can be looked at from a sustainable perspective, and when trying to reduce
your ecological footprint this can be very overwhelming. Previously, I believed that our values must be redefined to live sustainably, However, this
series of lecture reflections made me realize that instead of changing our values to live sustainably, we must apply our current values in a sustainable
way! Elizabeth Mrema is an environmental activist who uses her passion of law to help sustain the environment. Sharon Clark is a principle at the office
of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD), and uses her background in political science to examine the
government 's impact on the environment. Finally, graduates of Dalhousie's Sustainability program explain where their degree in sustainability has taken
them. Through the stories of people who have applied sustainability to things they are passionate about, I have realized that we do not have to change
our values to be sustainable. Sustainable living can be achieved when we combine our passions with sustainability. Elizabeth Mrema is passionate
about law, and has an expertise in environmental law. She explains how environmental law has developed, and how governments must change the way
they protect the environment. The government 's role in protecting the environment became apparent in the 1930's when laws were created to preserve
flora and fauna
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In the past several decades, the term sustainable development has gained a lot of attention, however, it has since been overused to a point of saturation
where it has lost the influence it previously elucidated and become a jargon for developers and slogan for environmentalists. What does sustainable
development mean? For years scholars have tried to define and articulate the concept of sustainable development which has led it to become an
oxymoron of sorts.
Over a century before the use of phrase "sustainable development" came to practice several publications had been dealing with what we would come to
call sustainable development. John Stuart Mill (1984) in his publication Principles of political economics, infers that in order more content...
In 1971 Barbara Ward, often considered by some as the pioneer of sustainable development, founded IIED (International Institute for Environment and
Development) which further played a significant role in the Brundtland Commission to help define sustainable development. It reflected ideas from her
pioneering book along with Rene Dubos, Only one Earth: care and maintenance of a small planet (1972). Ward is considered by many to have coined
the term 'sustainable development' and once the term gained traction it was now realized that development needed to focus on not only economic
aspects but also on social and environmental facades. Moreover, in 1972, the Club of Rome published The limits of growth, a report outlined its
central message i.e. "the impossibility of infinite growth within earth's finite biosphere", (Pezzoli, 1997, p. 551). Conscious of this profound
predicament, prominent scientists and leaders came together in 1972 at the Stockholm Conference on Human environment leading to the
establishment of United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In 1974 UNEP and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development convened
the Cocoyoc seminar which led to a historic union of those who argued that priority had to be given to satisfying basic needs of people
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Sustainable Development Essay
Sustainable Development
The term sustainable development was introduced in the 1987 report "Our Common Future". The World Commission on Environment and
Development defined sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs". Different communities are organizing themselves to promote this ideology. They are combating the
pressure of corporations' economic practices, which damage the environment and living conditions.
Corporations are taking over community farms. This is degrading the land due to the harsh agricultural processes used for mass production. The use of
chemicals, found in pesticides, fertilizers, more content...
They are not used to dealing with written proofs of land ownership. There are extensive forms to fill out in order to claim property and the people
can't afford the legal fees, big corporations have no problems doing this paper work and paying money to gain tittles to the land. (U.S. and African
Farmers Creating Co–Opportunities)
On the other side of the world, in the Andes of South America,. Andean agriculture ran the risk of being permanently damaged. The Green
Revolution had a great effect on the people because of the incorporation of hybrid seeds. These arrived at the time of the year allowed to produce
very large potatoes. The technicians convinced the local people to plant these. At times of heavy frosts the hybrid did not withstand the cold, but the
native species began to be lost. If the local people had continued doing agriculture in their traditional way this would not have happened. (The
Founding of Chuyma Aru) These three examples show how modernization, technology and corporations' quest for power, have failed to provide a
better life style for local people from developing nations. Sustainable development is an alternative solution for their problems. Different organizations
such UNESCO, OXFAM, CFED and others, are working to increase sustainability and social justice in these
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Sustainable development that allows the present generation to meet our current needs, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs. In other words, sustainable development is a inseparable system of economic, social, resource and protection of environmental which not
only can attain the objective of economic development, but also it can protect the natural resources of atmospheric, freshwater, marine and
environment. It can make the future generations live and work in peace and environmental protection. Sustainable development has the connection
with environmental protection, but it cannot be equated with environmental protection. environmental protection is one of the important aspect of
environmental protection. The core of sustainable development is development, but the premise of social and economic development is controlling of
population strictly, improving the quality of people, protecting the environment and using the resources permanently. There are 5 main points of
sustainable development nowadays: 1. the support of development, 2. the cleanness of water, 3. the green trade, 4. the exploitation of energy, 5. the
protection of environment. Specifically, the support of development is that developed countries enlarge the economic assistance to the developing
countries. The proportion of the assistance should reach 0.7% of GDP. 2. the cleanness of water means that economizing the water for half of the
population who are short of
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Sustainable Development
Q. Sustainable Development?
Ans:. Sustainable development refers to a mode of human development in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the
environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come. The term 'sustainable development ' was used by
the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the most often–quoted definition of sustainable development: "development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development ties together concern
for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social challenges faced by humanity. more content...
An environmentally ideal plant that is shut down due to bankruptcy is obviously less sustainable than one that is maintainable by the community, even
if it is somewhat less effective from an environmental standpoint. However, this view depends on whether one determines that it is the development
(the plant) which needs to be sustainable, or whether it is the human–nature ecology (the environmental conditions) in which the plant exists which
should be sustainable. It follows, then, that an operational but heavily polluting plant may be judged as actually 'less sustainable ' than having no plant
at all.
I. Economics: The domain of 'economics ' is fundamental to considerations of sustainable development, however there has been considerable criticism
of the tendency to use the three–domain model of the triple bottom line: economics, environment and social. This approach is challenged to the extent
that it treats the economy as the master domain, or as a domain that exists outside of the social; it treats the environment as a world of natural metrics;
and it treats the social as a miscellaneous collection of extra things that do not fit into the economic or environmental domains (see the section on
Economic sustainability below). In the alternative Circles of Sustainability approach, the economic
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Development Of A Sustainable Development Essay

  • 1. Development Of A Sustainable Development Essay Introduction Sustainable development still continues to be the main concept around which environment and development are organised. In addition, sustainable development is currently identified as a primary policy goal of many more institutions in development than at any previous time (Elliott, 2006). The general interpretation of sustainability is that development policies must be controlled allowing natural resources to be sustained at their initial level. The sustainability criteria ensures that future generations enjoy the same amount of resources that are undiminished relative to those of the present (Quiggn, 1997:1). However the fundamental assumption presently is that people are over using resources consequently leaving future generations with lesser and that are the cause of these depletions are market processes (Huggins, 2003: 57–71). There are two factors that need to be considered in relation to sustainable development in order to measure and reduce the impacts of the issues facing sustainability. Discount rates are generally used to calculate the future benefits that can be benefited today. Property rights are generally used as a tool to achieve sustainable development. What is sustainable development? Sustainable development is the theory of the relationship between the environment and economic growth (Asefa, 2005: 1–18). According to the Brundtland Commission's report, sustainable development can be defined as the "ability to make development Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on What is Sustainable Development? What is sustainable development? Well, think about your kids, your grandkids, their grandkids, and so on and so on. Do you want there to enough resources on earth sustain them so they can live as you have or do you want them to live like in futuristic movies and have to go live in a space shuttle or on another planet because all the earth's resources have been used up? Pretty much everyone wants their kids to enjoy the luxury's that they had in their lives and that's where sustainable development comes in. The International Institute for Sustainable Development says "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."(What is Sustainable more content... Surrounding Europe and also some countries in Europe are developing countries that are caught downwind of their pollution. By lowering emissions on cars and factories, offering aid to the poor, offering education the undereducated they are teaching them to become more sustainable themselves. One thing that many people do not realize is that there are many chemicals being sprayed on agriculture fields in India used to kill bugs. Not only is this not a sustainable practice for environmental reasons, it also hurts the workers in the field. Cotton is a major crop in India and pesticides are used to control the pests. Children work on the cotton farms picking the cotton and also applying the pesticide spray on the fields. They develop both chronic and acute symptoms from this. (Cotton and Pesticides) They way that sustainability and environment justice is plays into this, is that by better education the developing countries we can teach them how to properly apply these pesticides and how to much to use. One big concern is that the rivers by these farms are being contaminated and if we do not do anything about it that water source is not one Get more content on
  • 3. Benefits Of A Sustainable Development Essay As a company which states a sustainable development as one of its main development goals, HP has presented numerous global social initiatives that may safeguard the society as well as the health of company's employees. These initiatives include computer hardware and HP supplies recycling, various eco–solutions in its products, carbon footprint calculator creation, making corporate material safety data public, establishing the supply chain greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal and a warning system for threatened species. (, 2015) One of its earliest social initiatives is a take–back program. It was established in 1987 and since that time more than 1 683 000 tons of computer hardware and HP supplies have been collected. This initiative has a global character as it is already offered in 73 countries. Besides, the program goes beyond recycling only HP's own products and supports a development the whole recycling infrastructure around the world. The program also includes a recovery and refurbishing solution for the further reselling, which is an option with a lowest environmental impact. (, 2015) In its products, HP uses energy–efficient solutions that allow to achieve up to 50% economy of electricity and their packaging is greener and easily recyclable due to safer materials usage. They also offer services like Smart Meter, Managed Print, Web Jetadmin and others that help to improve energy management and reduce waste and Get more content on
  • 4. Sustainable Development essay 1. Introduction Imagine a world with no animals, no trees, and no drinkable water. Imagine a world that has had its natural beauty stolen from it because of the previous generation's greed and irresponsibility. This is the type of world the next generation is facing if we, the current generation, do not start acting in a more sustainable way. As the world's population continues to grow, our planet comes under more and more pressure. The aim ofsustainable development is to meet the current needs of this generation without compromising the needs of future generations. 2. Definition of sustainable development Sustainable development is a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the more content... The majority of the poor people in developing countries, and especially in Africa, live in rural areas. They face an issue of trying to find a balance between making a secure income from nature and conserving enough from nature to ensure that their children will also be in a position to have a secure source of income. Their struggle to survive in harsh natural conditions is made more difficult by factors beyond their control, such as hardships posed by nature and external forces, such as the urban demand for rural produce, which put extra strain on the natural resources. But developing countries and the way in which they are using resources are not the only threats to sustainable development. The developed world is an equally large threat, if not a larger one, because their approach to development is based on large–scale industrialisation. The development processes taking place in these countries often have a global impact on the environment (De Beer and Cornwell, 2010:77–96). Below are a few examples of the impact humans have on the environment: 4.1. Deforestation Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. Forests are cut down for many reasons, but most of them are related to money or to people's need to provide for their families. The biggest driver of deforestation is agriculture. Farmers cut forests to provide more room for planting crops or grazing livestock. Logging companies, which provide the Get more content on
  • 5. History of Sustainable Development Essay Over the past decades, there have been valiant attempts throughout all industries and governance bodies to distinguish how enterprises can establish and become more sustainable. Despite good intentions, a large amount of enterprises have failed to accurately determine the precise strategies to become and maintain a sustainable establishment. Largely underpinning the growing notion of a sustainable enterprise is the principal of sustainable development. Established in the 1980's, Sustainable Development was developed to promote sustainable living through sustainable production of goods and services, to provide solutions for fulfilling elementary needs to improve the lives of people, now and in the future with least possible more content... Widely regarded as the biggest factor challenging environmental governance structures, global climate change promises to be one of the most critical. As the need to design policies to respond to the negative impacts of climate change increases, more attention has been paid to emerging modes of environmental governance and to how they can increase the capacity of economic, social, and cultural systems to help humans mitigate and adapt to climatic change. Current British Government Chief Scientific Adviser David King (p 42–44 , 2007) validates this, stating that "climate change is the most severe problem that we are facing today, more serious even than the threat of terrorism". In order to stimulate this and move towards being sustainable, the strategy of green taxation has been appropriately implemented. While many criticise green taxes to be nothing more than raising of revenue, the general purpose of green taxation is to promote and reward sustainable conduct, while penalising the wasteful and the polluters (Lemos & Agrawal, 2006). Nationally, green taxes are commonly used effectively to tax resources put into production processes, as well as being charge on the outputs of those processes, depending on their ecological impact. Furthermore, researcher Jonathan Reuvid (2005 , 55–70) argues governments could Get more content on
  • 6. Education for Sustainable Development Essay Sustainability development has three components: environment, society, and economy. If you consider the three to be overlapping circles of the same size, the area of overlap in the center is human well–being. As the environment, society, and economy become more aligned, the area of overlap increases, and so does human well–being. Therefore, education for sustainable development (ESD) is the use of education as a tool to achieve sustainability. Simply put, ESD is a way to make the world a safer, healthier, and more livable place for us and future generations (McKeown, 2002, pgs 7–9). Population Children in grades 3 through 5 are moving from "learning to read" to "reading to learn" and from "learning to write" to "writing more content... Since students in grades 3 through 5 typically learn better by incorporating all three learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) into their daily classroom work, instructors for these grades may find it easier to create and design lesson plans. Including sustainable development on a basic level into the curriculum at this age is generally not difficult because science and reading classes have usually touched on the subject of recycling or the environment. A simple, low–cost activity would be for students to make reminder plates for light switches and thermostats in their homes or schools (see Appendices A and B). This lesson allows students to be creative in designing the reminder plates and it allows them to teach their families and friends about conserving energy. Another easy, low –cost activity that can actually be done in all grades is creating bird feeders from milk cartons (see Appendix C). This lesson teaches students how to take already developed materials and reuse them to create something new. Students can also learn about how solar energy supplies more than just sunlight and heat to our planet by making solar sweet tea right in the classroom (see Appendix D). This lesson calls on students' observation abilities and allows them to express their findings in their own words. The class may Get more content on
  • 7. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals On September 15th, 2015 United Nation leaders created and embraced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but it was not until January 1st, 2016 that the goals came into full effect ("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). The purpose of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to combat poverty and hunger, ensure well–being, reduce inequality, protect land, secure clean water, and manage climate change("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). These goals expanded on the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and now include peace and justice, sustainable consumption, and go further in undertaking issues of poverty ("Sustainable Development Agenda," 2016). The SDGs include solving issues of hunger, education, gender equality, economic growth, peace, climate action, clean energy, and clean water and sanitation. They present clear regulations for nations to incorporate into their daily routines to provide better lives for future generations. Although the SDGs are not binding contracts, governments and leaders are expected to work together and follow through on ensuring that progress and development is being made. The new development goals require that all countries, impoverished and affluent alike, do their part in protecting their environment and making sure that they are making headway. The SDGs are a 15–year plan that focus on building a healthy and fair future for the world and its inhabitants Get more content on
  • 8. The Importance Of Sustainable Development "Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance." This quote by Ban Ki–moon describes the development of the world from the time that man first appeared all the way to now. From the minute that the first signs of humans appeared all the way to this very moment in time the world and human culture have been developing. The five most important ways that the world has developed is democracy, the development of permanent living, the agricultural revolution, trade, and monarchy. The world did not truly start to develop until the Neolithic Revolution, which started with an more content... However, since only certain crops grow in certain places people did not have all the food that they need. This opened the door for the trading of goods. Trading started because certain people had certain skills that allowed them to make goods that not everyone else could. Trade started at the same time as the Neolithic villages, people could store goods and if they had too much of one thing and not enough of another they could trade with someone who had what they need. Without trade the United States would not be able to function. They do not have the oil needed to make gasoline, or most of the space to make goods to feed its own population. Some would like to argue that trading is bad because the U.S. has such a large debt due to trade. However, if it were not for trade they would not have all the amenities that they are used to now. While rare monarchy started in ancient Greece, often the creation of a monarchy was due to a tyranny. The rise of tyrants started in the seventh century and lasted through the end of the sixth century. The tyrants were not horrible leaders, as the term usually means, they just came to rule in an unconstitutional way. While most would argue that tyranny's and monarchies are bad because they do not allow the people to have a say, that is not always true there have been quite a few good monarchs that have led their countries very well. Also, without monarchy the path for democracy never would have been Get more content on
  • 9. Sustainable Development Essay Sustainable development, when applied to the development of a system, creates complexity for the stakeholders involved in and affected by that development. To delve this complexity, solid definitions must be proposed for development and sustainable development in order for a framework to be established through which these complexities can be understood. Furthermore, these definitions are necessary evils for explorations of the intricacies of sustainable development due to the various paradigms used to define "development" and "sustainable development." One definition of development, and the one that will be utilized within this report, is the, "utilizing resources to advance the complexity of a whole society." From this, a definition of more content... When questioned about how the tribe would respond if the Company would usurp the land, "Moi...answered, "we will attack them with spears from all sides." While this attack would be symbolic of their commitment to their land, a small group of firearms could easily quell this attack (Kane 56). Thus, the Huaorani do not know the ways of the world, even though the ONHAE letter claims they, "know about the problems of the whole world" (Kane 54). The most probable reason for this stems from their lack of conformity with societies beyond their tribe, as is exemplified by their " be independent and self reliant" by utilizing the resources of the forest and not modern society (Kane 57). This can be further substantiated by a Huaorani tribe member stating that penicillin, an antibiotic, has the same use as codeine, a pain killer (Kane 64). However, the leaders of the Oriente tribes, which Huaorani is a part of, do understand the economic aspects of the world, which is evident through the request made by Grefa, the president of CONFENIAE, to increase the price that Conoco would pay for Huao homeland (Kane 62). From this action, it can be concluded that the leaders understand that the money acquired from selling their land could provide a large benefit to their people. Thus, through these negotiations, it becomes evident that the leaders are acting within the Get more content on
  • 10. Sustainable Development Essay Sustainable Development By the year 2200 there will be a lot more people living on this planet then there are now. Estimates range anywhere from 15 to 36 billion people. Where will these people live? How will they live? The answer is sustainable development. Sustainable development, "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. " It also, "requires meeting the basic needs of all peoples and extending to them the opportunity to fulfill their aspirations for a better life. A world in which poverty is endemic will always be prone to ecological and other catastrophes." Sustainable development is being ignored in Chile, more content... Normally the forest would have stopped any flash floods as it would have held the water let it out slowly, but with the forests gone there was nothing to delay the water from exiting the system. The economical effect of this that land and buildings were destroyed causing millions of peso's worth of damage. The social impact is easy to discern, those who lost loved ones, friends, and family can never get them back. In Madagascar the same type of thing was happening. Locals were cutting down the forest and planting rice and cassava. It was estimated that this process of deforestation was costing the country between, "100 and 300 million a year in decreased crop yields, the loss of productive forests and damage to infrastructure." Something needed to be done, the government implemented a plan to, "protect and improve the environment while working for sustainable development." The approach integrates all aspects of sustainable development. Socially, a public education programme explains why locals shouldn't cut down the tree's and why it is economically more important that they don't. Environmentally, the forests will not be lost now. And economically some cutting is still down however it is sustainable cutting. New jobs were also created in this program. In order to persuade villagers that this was the best route to take, half of all fees paid by tourists to enter the parks within Get more content on
  • 11. The Importance Of Sustainable Development With the development of economy, the improvement of living standard, the rapid development of agricultural industry production and urbanization, the increase of resource demand, people realize that the emergence of energy crisis gradually, especially the water resources. On a global scale, water pollution, the rapid increase in water demand and the unreasonable utilization of the inter–sectoral competitive development, results in the further shortage of water resources and worsening of the water environment. Currently, because of the shortage of natural resources of mankind, in order to realize the sustainable development is the common aspiration of all mankind. "Sustainable development is defined there as: development that means the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations t meet their own needs" (Phill, 2013, p, 19). In other words, it is an inseparable system and refers to economy; society, resources and environmental protection develop coordinately, not only to achieve the purpose of developing the economy, but also to protect the atmosphere, fresh water, sea, land, forest and other series of natural resources, thus, future generation enable to develop sustainable and live in peace (Sachs, J. D., 2015). Environment is an important aspect in sustainable development, the core of develop, however its requirement must have the strict population control, improve population's quality, environmental protection and resources sustainable, Get more content on
  • 12. Living sustainably isn 't always easy. It seems that every aspect of life can be looked at from a sustainable perspective, and when trying to reduce your ecological footprint this can be very overwhelming. Previously, I believed that our values must be redefined to live sustainably, However, this series of lecture reflections made me realize that instead of changing our values to live sustainably, we must apply our current values in a sustainable way! Elizabeth Mrema is an environmental activist who uses her passion of law to help sustain the environment. Sharon Clark is a principle at the office of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD), and uses her background in political science to examine the government 's impact on the environment. Finally, graduates of Dalhousie's Sustainability program explain where their degree in sustainability has taken them. Through the stories of people who have applied sustainability to things they are passionate about, I have realized that we do not have to change our values to be sustainable. Sustainable living can be achieved when we combine our passions with sustainability. Elizabeth Mrema is passionate about law, and has an expertise in environmental law. She explains how environmental law has developed, and how governments must change the way they protect the environment. The government 's role in protecting the environment became apparent in the 1930's when laws were created to preserve flora and fauna Get more content on
  • 13. In the past several decades, the term sustainable development has gained a lot of attention, however, it has since been overused to a point of saturation where it has lost the influence it previously elucidated and become a jargon for developers and slogan for environmentalists. What does sustainable development mean? For years scholars have tried to define and articulate the concept of sustainable development which has led it to become an oxymoron of sorts. Over a century before the use of phrase "sustainable development" came to practice several publications had been dealing with what we would come to call sustainable development. John Stuart Mill (1984) in his publication Principles of political economics, infers that in order more content... In 1971 Barbara Ward, often considered by some as the pioneer of sustainable development, founded IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development) which further played a significant role in the Brundtland Commission to help define sustainable development. It reflected ideas from her pioneering book along with Rene Dubos, Only one Earth: care and maintenance of a small planet (1972). Ward is considered by many to have coined the term 'sustainable development' and once the term gained traction it was now realized that development needed to focus on not only economic aspects but also on social and environmental facades. Moreover, in 1972, the Club of Rome published The limits of growth, a report outlined its central message i.e. "the impossibility of infinite growth within earth's finite biosphere", (Pezzoli, 1997, p. 551). Conscious of this profound predicament, prominent scientists and leaders came together in 1972 at the Stockholm Conference on Human environment leading to the establishment of United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In 1974 UNEP and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development convened the Cocoyoc seminar which led to a historic union of those who argued that priority had to be given to satisfying basic needs of people Get more content on
  • 14. Sustainable Development Essay Sustainable Development The term sustainable development was introduced in the 1987 report "Our Common Future". The World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Different communities are organizing themselves to promote this ideology. They are combating the pressure of corporations' economic practices, which damage the environment and living conditions. Corporations are taking over community farms. This is degrading the land due to the harsh agricultural processes used for mass production. The use of chemicals, found in pesticides, fertilizers, more content... They are not used to dealing with written proofs of land ownership. There are extensive forms to fill out in order to claim property and the people can't afford the legal fees, big corporations have no problems doing this paper work and paying money to gain tittles to the land. (U.S. and African Farmers Creating Co–Opportunities) On the other side of the world, in the Andes of South America,. Andean agriculture ran the risk of being permanently damaged. The Green Revolution had a great effect on the people because of the incorporation of hybrid seeds. These arrived at the time of the year allowed to produce very large potatoes. The technicians convinced the local people to plant these. At times of heavy frosts the hybrid did not withstand the cold, but the native species began to be lost. If the local people had continued doing agriculture in their traditional way this would not have happened. (The Founding of Chuyma Aru) These three examples show how modernization, technology and corporations' quest for power, have failed to provide a better life style for local people from developing nations. Sustainable development is an alternative solution for their problems. Different organizations such UNESCO, OXFAM, CFED and others, are working to increase sustainability and social justice in these Get more content on
  • 15. Sustainable development that allows the present generation to meet our current needs, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In other words, sustainable development is a inseparable system of economic, social, resource and protection of environmental which not only can attain the objective of economic development, but also it can protect the natural resources of atmospheric, freshwater, marine and environment. It can make the future generations live and work in peace and environmental protection. Sustainable development has the connection with environmental protection, but it cannot be equated with environmental protection. environmental protection is one of the important aspect of environmental protection. The core of sustainable development is development, but the premise of social and economic development is controlling of population strictly, improving the quality of people, protecting the environment and using the resources permanently. There are 5 main points of sustainable development nowadays: 1. the support of development, 2. the cleanness of water, 3. the green trade, 4. the exploitation of energy, 5. the protection of environment. Specifically, the support of development is that developed countries enlarge the economic assistance to the developing countries. The proportion of the assistance should reach 0.7% of GDP. 2. the cleanness of water means that economizing the water for half of the population who are short of Get more content on
  • 16. Sustainable Development Q. Sustainable Development? Ans:. Sustainable development refers to a mode of human development in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come. The term 'sustainable development ' was used by the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the most often–quoted definition of sustainable development: "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development ties together concern for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social challenges faced by humanity. more content... An environmentally ideal plant that is shut down due to bankruptcy is obviously less sustainable than one that is maintainable by the community, even if it is somewhat less effective from an environmental standpoint. However, this view depends on whether one determines that it is the development (the plant) which needs to be sustainable, or whether it is the human–nature ecology (the environmental conditions) in which the plant exists which should be sustainable. It follows, then, that an operational but heavily polluting plant may be judged as actually 'less sustainable ' than having no plant at all. DOMAINS I. Economics: The domain of 'economics ' is fundamental to considerations of sustainable development, however there has been considerable criticism of the tendency to use the three–domain model of the triple bottom line: economics, environment and social. This approach is challenged to the extent that it treats the economy as the master domain, or as a domain that exists outside of the social; it treats the environment as a world of natural metrics; and it treats the social as a miscellaneous collection of extra things that do not fit into the economic or environmental domains (see the section on Economic sustainability below). In the alternative Circles of Sustainability approach, the economic Get more content on