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Nadwah Daud
Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS
International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur
H/P: +6011 1577 6723 Email:
Ummi Farhana Omar
Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS
International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur
H/P: +6019 422 4437 Email:
Muhammad Sabri Sahrir
Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS
International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur
H/P: +6019 635 7014 Email:
Developing a Checklist for Arabic for Academic Purposes (AAP)
Textbooks Evaluation
Nadwah Daud
Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS
International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur
H/P: +6011 1577 6723 Email:
Ummi Farhana Omar
Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS
International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur
H/P: +6019 422 4437 Email:
Muhammad Sabri Sahrir
Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS
International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur
H/P: +6019 635 7014 Email:
The teaching language for specific purposes is a field with an intervention of continuous
developments that are consistent with the needs of the learner, which are moving with
developments in the field of specialty. This condition requires the textbooks used in the field
to be in pace with the changes in industries of specialties. Among the best ways to determine
this is by evaluating the textbook in several aspects. Although there have been many
evaluation tools, the textbook evaluation is a subjective activity in which it has no specific
checklist consisting standards of evaluation that can be applied to all educational contexts
without modifications in order to conform to the learning culture and environment. Hence,
this study aims to develop a checklist of items in order to evaluate the textbook of Arabic
Language for Academic Purposes (AAP) among learners at the International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM). This study will present a range of checklist items used in
language for specific purposes (LSP) textbook evaluation. These items, then, are discussed
and analyzed in terms of structures and practicality to the current educational environment
based on the results of previous studies in the field. By then, the selection of appropriate
items to evaluate the textbook is done.
Keywords: Textbook - evaluation – standards - checklist - Arabic for Academic Purposes
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Appendix 1
• To what extent are the aims of the course book corresponded closely with needs of the
• To what extent is the course book comprehensible?
• To what extent is the content sequenced on the basis of complexity?
• To what extent is there adequate recycling and revision?
• To what extent are the materials suitable for individual study?
• To what extent does the course book cover the main grammar items appropriate to your level?
• To what extent is the language style matched to the social situation?
• To what extent are all four skills adequately covered (according to your need)?
• To what extent are reading passages and associated activities suitable for students’ levels?
• To what extent are listening/reading materials interesting?
• To what extent is listening/reading material as authentic as possible?
• To what extent is listening/reading material accompanied by background knowledge
• To what extent is listening/reading material accompanied by activities and questions?
• To what extent is material for spoken Arabic well-designed to equip learners for real-life
• To what extent are writing activities suitable in terms of amount of guidance/control?
• To what extent are writing activities suitable in terms of use of appropriate style such as
punctuation, spelling, etc.?
• To what extent is there variety and range of topic?
• To what extent will the topics help expand students’ awareness and enrich their experience?
• To what extent has the ordering of material by topics been arranged in a logical fashion?
• To what extent is the book easy to obtain?
• To what extent is the book attractive in appearance?
• To what extent do the graphic illustrations motivate learners to talk about the subject?
Why was the book written in the first place, and what gaps is it intended to fill?
• Are you given information about the Needs Analysis or classroom piloting that were
• Are the objectives spelt out?
• Is it easy to obtain sample copies and support material for inspection?
• Can you contact the publisher’s representatives in case you want further information about the
• Is there a clear specification of the target age range, culture, assumed background, probable
learning preferences, and educational expectations?
• Are entry/exit language levels precisely defined, e.g. by reference to international ‘standards’
such as the ELTS, ACTFL or Council of Europe scales, or by reference to local or country-
specific examination requirements?
• In the case of an AAP (Arabic for Academic Purposes) textbook, what degree of specialist
knowledge is assumed (of both learners and teacher)?
• Is there an optimum density and mix of text and graphical material on each page, or is the
impression one of clutter?
• Are the artwork and typefaces functional? colorful? appealing?
• Is the material clearly organized?
• Can the student find his or her location in the material at any point, i.e. is it possible to have a
clear view of the ‘progress’ made, and how much still needs to be covered?
• Are there indexes, vocabulary lists, section headings, and other methods of signposting the
content that allow the student to use the material easily, especially for revision or self-study
• Is the learner (as opposed to the teacher) given clear advice about how the book and its
contents could be most effectively exploited?
• Do the units and exercises connect in terms of theme, situation, topic, pattern of skill
development, or grammatical/lexical ‘progression’?
• Is the nature of such connection made obvious, for example by placing input texts and
supporting exercises in close proximity?
• Does the textbook cohere both internally and externally (e.g. with other books in a series)?
• Selection/grading - Does the introduction, practice, and recycling of new linguistic items
seem to be shallow/steep enough for your students?
• Is there a discernible system at work in the selection and grading of these items (e.g. on the
basis of frequency counts, or on the basis of useful comparisons between the learner’s mother
tongue and Arabic)?
• Is the linguistic inventory presented appropriate for your purposes, bearing in mind the L1
background of your learners?
• Is there space to write in the book?
• Is the book robust? Too large? Too heavy?
• Is the spine labeled?
• Is it a book that could be used more than once, especially if it is marked by previous students?
• Is the material substantial enough or interesting enough to hold the attention of learners?
• Is it pitched at the right level of maturity and language, and (particularly in the case of AAP
situations), at the right conceptual level?
• Is it topical?
• Is the content obviously realistic, being taken from L1 material not initially intended for AAP
• Do the tasks exploit language in a communicative or ‘real-world’ way?
• If not, are the texts unacceptably simplified or artificial (for instance, in the use of whole-
sentence dialogues)?
• Is the book complete enough to stand on its own, or must the teacher produce a lot of
ancillary bridging material to make it workable?
• Can you teach the course using only the student’s book, or must all the attendant aids (e.g.
cassettes) be deployed?
• Are different and appropriate religious and social environments catered for, both in terms of
the topics/situations presented and of those left out?
• Are students’ expectations in regard to content, methodology, and format successfully
• If not, would the book be able to wean students away from their preconceived notions?
• Does the course book enshrine stereotyped, inaccurate, condescending or offensive images of
gender, race, social class, or nationality?
• Does the textbook take account of, and seem to be in tune with, broader educational concerns
(e.g. the nature and role of learning skills, concept development in younger learners, the
function of ‘knowledge of the world’, the exploitation of sensitive issues, the value of
metaphor as a powerful cognitive learning device)?
• Is the course material interactive, and are there sufficient opportunities for the learner to use
his or her Arabic so that effective consolidation takes place?
• Is the material likely to be retained/remembered by learners?
• Is allowance made for revision, testing, and on-going evaluation/marking of exercises and
activities, especially in large-group situations; are ready-made achievement tests provided for
the course book, or is test development left for the hard pressed teacher? Are ‘self-checks’
• Can the book accommodate the practical constraints with which you must deal, or are
assumptions made about such things as the availability Leslie Sheldon of audio-visual
equipment, pictorial material, class size, and classroom geography; does the material make
too many demands on teachers’ preparation time and students’ homework time?
• Can the material be exploited or modified as required by local circumstances, or is it too rigid
in format, structure, and approach?
• Is there a full range of supplementary aids available?
• Are the teacher’s notes useful and explicit?
• Has there been an inordinate delay between the publication of the student’s and teacher’s
books which has meant that teachers have had to fend for themselves in exploiting the
• Is there advice about how to supplement the course book, or to present the lessons in different
• Is there enough/too much ‘hand-holding’?
• Are typescripts, answer keys, ‘technical notes’, vocabulary lists, structural/functional
inventories, and lesson summaries provided in the Teacher’s Book?
• Is allowance made for the perspectives, expectations, and preferences of non-native teachers
of Arabic?
• Has there been an inordinate delay between the publication of the student’s and teacher’s
books which has meant that teachers have had to fend for themselves in exploiting the
• Is there advice about how to supplement the course book, or to present the lessons in different
• Is there enough/too much ‘hand-holding’?
• Are typescripts, answer keys, ‘technical notes’, vocabulary lists, structural/functional
inventories, and lesson summaries provided in the Teacher’s Book?
• Is allowance made for the perspectives, expectations, and preferences of non-native teachers
of Arabic?

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Developing a Checklist for Arabic for Academic Purposes (AAP) Textbooks Evaluation

  • 1. ‫ءءءء‬‫ءءءءء‬‫ءءءءءء‬‫ءءءءءء‬‫ءءء‬‫ءءءءءء‬‫ءءء‬‫ء‬‫ء‬‫ء‬‫ءءءءءءء‬ ‫ءءءءءء‬‫ءءءءء‬ Nadwah Daud Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur H/P: +6011 1577 6723 Email: Ummi Farhana Omar Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur H/P: +6019 422 4437 Email: Muhammad Sabri Sahrir Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur H/P: +6019 635 7014 Email: ‫ءءءء‬ ‫ءءءءء‬‫ءءءءءءء‬ Developing a Checklist for Arabic for Academic Purposes (AAP) Textbooks Evaluation Nadwah Daud Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur H/P: +6011 1577 6723 Email: Ummi Farhana Omar Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur H/P: +6019 422 4437 Email: 1
  • 2. Muhammad Sabri Sahrir Dept. of Arabic Lang. & Literature, Kulliyyah of IRKHS International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur H/P: +6019 635 7014 Email: Abstract The teaching language for specific purposes is a field with an intervention of continuous developments that are consistent with the needs of the learner, which are moving with developments in the field of specialty. This condition requires the textbooks used in the field to be in pace with the changes in industries of specialties. Among the best ways to determine this is by evaluating the textbook in several aspects. Although there have been many evaluation tools, the textbook evaluation is a subjective activity in which it has no specific checklist consisting standards of evaluation that can be applied to all educational contexts without modifications in order to conform to the learning culture and environment. Hence, this study aims to develop a checklist of items in order to evaluate the textbook of Arabic Language for Academic Purposes (AAP) among learners at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). This study will present a range of checklist items used in language for specific purposes (LSP) textbook evaluation. These items, then, are discussed and analyzed in terms of structures and practicality to the current educational environment based on the results of previous studies in the field. By then, the selection of appropriate items to evaluate the textbook is done. Keywords: Textbook - evaluation – standards - checklist - Arabic for Academic Purposes ‫ءءءءء‬ )2007))AAP))AOP))ABP ))AEP Toc aymah (1989()Toc aymah, 1989(Mahmud (1983()c Obaydat, 2003(.)Hutchison and Waters, 1987( )Haycrot, 1998()Sheldon, 1988.( )Hutchison and Torres, 1994(. ‫ءءءءء‬‫ءءءءءءء‬ 2
  • 3. Swales (1980( O’Neill (1982)Sheldon, 1988(. ‫ءءءءء‬‫ءءءءءءء‬ 1. 2. ‫ءءءءءءءء‬:‫ءءءءءءء‬ Chik & T.A. Rahman (2012( )Skierso, 1991; Mukundan, 2004; ACTFL, 2007(.Toc aymah (1987(Husaini (2007( Danaye Tous & Haghighi (2014()Celce-Murcia, 2001; Cunningsworth, 1995; Sheldon, 1988; Harding, 2007; McDonough & Shaw, 2003; Hyland, 2005; Belcher, 2006.( ‫ءءءءءء‬‫ءءءءءءء‬ Mackay and Mountford (1978( )Jordan, 1997(. Cunningsworth (1979(Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 153(Cunningsworth (1995:15-17( )Sheldon, 1988(.)teaching language for no obvious reasons – TELNOR)Carver, 1983()Guariento & Morley, 2001.( Jordan (1997(. Chik & T.A. Rahman (2012( )Chen, Belkada & Okamoto, 2004()Felea & Stanca, 2010(. ‫ءءءءء‬‫ءءءءءء‬ 3
  • 4. ‫ةةةةة‬Hutchinson and Water (1987( )21 Ghalandari and Talebinejad (2012(Karimi etc. (2013.( ‫ةةةةة‬ -‫ة‬Sheldon (1988( )50Sheldon (1988(Sheldon Karimi (2006()Hessamy and Mohebi, 2014; Jamshidi and Soori, 2013; Baleghizadeh and Rahimi; 2011. ( ‫ةةةةة‬ -‫ة‬Danaye Tous & Haghighi (2014( )22 )Appendix1(. ‫ةةةةةةة‬ )Cunningsworth 1995, Robinson 1990,Jack C. Richards 2007 Ansari & Babayi 2002( ‫ةةةةةةة‬ Baleghizadeh. S. & Rahimi, A.H. (2011). Evaluation of an ESP Textbook for the Students of Sociology. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(5), PP. 1009-1014. 4
  • 5. Carver, D. (1983). Some Propositions About ESP. The ESP Journal. Vol. 2, pp. 131-137. Doi: 10.1016/0272-2380(93)90003-P Chen, J., Belkada, S. & Okamoto, T. (2004). How A Web-Based Course Facilitates Acquisition of English for Academic Purposes. Language Learning and Technology, 8(2), pp. 33-49 Chik, A.R. & T.A. Rahman, T.A.F. ( 2012 ). An Evaluation Study on ASP Textbook ‘Advanced Media Arabic’. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 66(2012), pp. 223 – 231. Doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.11.264 Cunningsworth, A. (1979). ‘Evaluating course materials’ in S. Holden (ed.): Teacher Training. London: Modern English Publications. Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your coursebook. Oxford: Macmillan. Guariento, W. & Morley, J. (2001). Text and Task Authenticity in the EFL Classroom. ELT Journal. 55(4). Doi: 10.1093/elt/55.4.347 Felea, C. & Stanca, L. (2013, April). Wiki Tools and Teaching English for Academic Purposes-IT and Language Proficiency as Predictors of Online Participation . Paper presented at the 9th International Scientific Confeence – eLearning and Software Education. Doi: 10.12753/2066-026X-13-265 Ghalandari, S. & Talebinejad, M.R. (2012). Medical ESP Textbook Evaluation In Shiraz Medical College. International Research Journals, 2(1), 20 – 29. Ghali, Nasir Abdullah (1991). Usus Ic dad al-Kutub at-Tac limiyyah Lighayr an-Natiqin Bi al- c Arabiyyah. Cairo: Dar el-Ec tisom. Pp. 75 Halif, M.S.N.A. (2010). Taqwim al-Kitab al-Awwal Li Tac lim al-Lughah al- c Arabiyyah Bi Mac had Tahfiz Darul Qur’an Bi Maliziya. (Master’s thesis, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). Retrieved from: IIUM Library, Gombak on 20/6/2014. Haycroft, J.( 1998). An introduction to English language teaching. Longman. Hessamy, G. & Mohebi, M. (2014). Perceptions of Medical Students and EFL Instructors of Their EAP Materials, Challenges and Implications for Iranian EAP Instructors. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 5(1), pp.183-192. Doi:10.4304/jltr.5.1.183-192 Hutchinson,T. & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 97. Hutchinson, T., & Torres, E. (1994). The textbook as agent of change. ELT Journal, 48(4), 315–328. Jamshidi, T. & Soori, A. (2013). Advances in Language and Literary Studies, Textbook Evaluation for the Students of Speech Therapy, 4(2), pp. 159-164. Doi:10.7575/aiac.alls.v.4n.2p.159 5
  • 6. Jordan, R. R. (1997). English for academic purposes: A guide and resource book for teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Karimi, S. (2006). ESP Textbook Evaluation:English for the students of computer. (Master’s thesis, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran , Iran). Recited by: T Jamshidi & A Soori (2013), L Karimi etc (2013), A Al Fraidan (2012), S Baleghizadeh&AH Rahimi (2011.( Karimi, L., Sadeghi, B., Behnam, F., Salumahaleh, A.E., Mirzaei, K. & Farokhzadi, A. (2013). Agricultural Extension and Rural Development ESP Textbook. English Linguistics Research, 1(2), 113-127. Doi:10.5430/elr.v2n1p113 Mackay, R. and Mountford, J. (1978). The Teaching of English for Special Purposes: Theory and Practice. In R.Mackay and A.Mountford (Eds.), English for Specific Purposes (pp. 2-20). London: Longman. Mahmud, c Esyari Ahmad. (1983). Tac lim al-c Arabiyyah Li Aghradh Muhaddadah, al- Majallah al-c Arabiyyah Lid-Dirasat al-Lughawiyyah, 2(1). c Obaydat, Hussein, (2003). Taqwim Baramij al-Lughah al-c Arabiyyah Li Aghradh Khassoh. Paper presented at the Nadwah Tac lim al-Lughah al- c Arabiyyah Li Aghradh Khassoh, Mac had al-Khurtum ad-Duali lil Lughah al- c Arabiyyah, Khurtum, Sudan 4-6 Jan, (Pp. 61- 78). O’Neill, R. (1982). Why use testbookd?. ELT Journal, 36(2), pp. 104-111. Richard, J.C. (2007). Tatwir Manahij Tac lim al-Lughah (N.A. Ghali and S.N.Syuwayrekh Trans). Riyadh: University of King Suc ud Translation Centre. (Original work published 2001).pp. 355 Sheldon, L. (1988). Evaluating ELT Textbooks and Materials. ELT Journal,42(2). Swales, J. (1980). ESP: The textbook problem. The ESP Journal, 1(1), pp. 11-23 Toc aymah, Roshdi Ahmad. (1989). Tac lim al-Lughah al- c Arabiyyah Lighayr an-Natiqin Biha: Manahijuh wa Asalibuh, Ar- Rabat: al-Munazzomah al-Islamiyyah Li at-Tarbiyah wa al-c Ulum wa ath-Thaqafah (ISESSCO). Pp. 276. Appendix 1 • To what extent are the aims of the course book corresponded closely with needs of the learners? • To what extent is the course book comprehensible? • To what extent is the content sequenced on the basis of complexity? • To what extent is there adequate recycling and revision? • To what extent are the materials suitable for individual study? 6
  • 7. • To what extent does the course book cover the main grammar items appropriate to your level? • To what extent is the language style matched to the social situation? • To what extent are all four skills adequately covered (according to your need)? • To what extent are reading passages and associated activities suitable for students’ levels? • To what extent are listening/reading materials interesting? • To what extent is listening/reading material as authentic as possible? • To what extent is listening/reading material accompanied by background knowledge information? • To what extent is listening/reading material accompanied by activities and questions? • To what extent is material for spoken Arabic well-designed to equip learners for real-life interaction? • To what extent are writing activities suitable in terms of amount of guidance/control? • To what extent are writing activities suitable in terms of use of appropriate style such as punctuation, spelling, etc.? • To what extent is there variety and range of topic? • To what extent will the topics help expand students’ awareness and enrich their experience? • To what extent has the ordering of material by topics been arranged in a logical fashion? • To what extent is the book easy to obtain? • To what extent is the book attractive in appearance? • To what extent do the graphic illustrations motivate learners to talk about the subject? Why was the book written in the first place, and what gaps is it intended to fill? • Are you given information about the Needs Analysis or classroom piloting that were undertaken? • Are the objectives spelt out? • Is it easy to obtain sample copies and support material for inspection? • Can you contact the publisher’s representatives in case you want further information about the content? • Is there a clear specification of the target age range, culture, assumed background, probable learning preferences, and educational expectations? • Are entry/exit language levels precisely defined, e.g. by reference to international ‘standards’ such as the ELTS, ACTFL or Council of Europe scales, or by reference to local or country- specific examination requirements? • In the case of an AAP (Arabic for Academic Purposes) textbook, what degree of specialist knowledge is assumed (of both learners and teacher)? • Is there an optimum density and mix of text and graphical material on each page, or is the impression one of clutter? • Are the artwork and typefaces functional? colorful? appealing? • Is the material clearly organized? • Can the student find his or her location in the material at any point, i.e. is it possible to have a clear view of the ‘progress’ made, and how much still needs to be covered? • Are there indexes, vocabulary lists, section headings, and other methods of signposting the content that allow the student to use the material easily, especially for revision or self-study purposes? • Is the learner (as opposed to the teacher) given clear advice about how the book and its contents could be most effectively exploited? • Do the units and exercises connect in terms of theme, situation, topic, pattern of skill development, or grammatical/lexical ‘progression’? • Is the nature of such connection made obvious, for example by placing input texts and supporting exercises in close proximity? • Does the textbook cohere both internally and externally (e.g. with other books in a series)? 7
  • 8. • Selection/grading - Does the introduction, practice, and recycling of new linguistic items seem to be shallow/steep enough for your students? • Is there a discernible system at work in the selection and grading of these items (e.g. on the basis of frequency counts, or on the basis of useful comparisons between the learner’s mother tongue and Arabic)? • Is the linguistic inventory presented appropriate for your purposes, bearing in mind the L1 background of your learners? • Is there space to write in the book? • Is the book robust? Too large? Too heavy? • Is the spine labeled? • Is it a book that could be used more than once, especially if it is marked by previous students? • Is the material substantial enough or interesting enough to hold the attention of learners? • Is it pitched at the right level of maturity and language, and (particularly in the case of AAP situations), at the right conceptual level? • Is it topical? • Is the content obviously realistic, being taken from L1 material not initially intended for AAP purposes? • Do the tasks exploit language in a communicative or ‘real-world’ way? • If not, are the texts unacceptably simplified or artificial (for instance, in the use of whole- sentence dialogues)? • Is the book complete enough to stand on its own, or must the teacher produce a lot of ancillary bridging material to make it workable? • Can you teach the course using only the student’s book, or must all the attendant aids (e.g. cassettes) be deployed? • Are different and appropriate religious and social environments catered for, both in terms of the topics/situations presented and of those left out? • Are students’ expectations in regard to content, methodology, and format successfully accommodated? • If not, would the book be able to wean students away from their preconceived notions? • Does the course book enshrine stereotyped, inaccurate, condescending or offensive images of gender, race, social class, or nationality? • Does the textbook take account of, and seem to be in tune with, broader educational concerns (e.g. the nature and role of learning skills, concept development in younger learners, the function of ‘knowledge of the world’, the exploitation of sensitive issues, the value of metaphor as a powerful cognitive learning device)? • Is the course material interactive, and are there sufficient opportunities for the learner to use his or her Arabic so that effective consolidation takes place? • Is the material likely to be retained/remembered by learners? • Is allowance made for revision, testing, and on-going evaluation/marking of exercises and activities, especially in large-group situations; are ready-made achievement tests provided for the course book, or is test development left for the hard pressed teacher? Are ‘self-checks’ provided? • Can the book accommodate the practical constraints with which you must deal, or are assumptions made about such things as the availability Leslie Sheldon of audio-visual equipment, pictorial material, class size, and classroom geography; does the material make too many demands on teachers’ preparation time and students’ homework time? • Can the material be exploited or modified as required by local circumstances, or is it too rigid in format, structure, and approach? • Is there a full range of supplementary aids available? • Are the teacher’s notes useful and explicit? 8
  • 9. • Has there been an inordinate delay between the publication of the student’s and teacher’s books which has meant that teachers have had to fend for themselves in exploiting the material? • Is there advice about how to supplement the course book, or to present the lessons in different ways? • Is there enough/too much ‘hand-holding’? • Are typescripts, answer keys, ‘technical notes’, vocabulary lists, structural/functional inventories, and lesson summaries provided in the Teacher’s Book? • Is allowance made for the perspectives, expectations, and preferences of non-native teachers of Arabic? 9
  • 10. • Has there been an inordinate delay between the publication of the student’s and teacher’s books which has meant that teachers have had to fend for themselves in exploiting the material? • Is there advice about how to supplement the course book, or to present the lessons in different ways? • Is there enough/too much ‘hand-holding’? • Are typescripts, answer keys, ‘technical notes’, vocabulary lists, structural/functional inventories, and lesson summaries provided in the Teacher’s Book? • Is allowance made for the perspectives, expectations, and preferences of non-native teachers of Arabic? 9