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Application ref No:                 ________________________________________

Date Received:                      ________________________________________


                               City of Culture
                                Capital Fund

                  Cultural Community Infrastructure:
                  Expression of Interest for Funding



1.    Name of Organisation:

     Derry Print Workshop.Ltd

2.    Address of Organisation:

     Location: 9-11 Pump St. (Inner City Trust Craft Units) Derry

     *Please use contact address below for written correspondence

     Town_Derry / Londonderry________            Postcode ____________________

     Phone number: _028 71261253 mobile: 07706862496

     E-mail address:

     Web site:        ____________________________

3.   Name of contact person within organisation who will deal with all

     Andrew Hepburn or Paul Barwise

4.   Position of contact person within organisation:

     _ Treasurer / Secretary________________________________________

5.   Details of contact person (if different from 2 above):

     Address: __8 Miller Street______________________________

     Town __Derry______________________Postcode __BT486SU

     Phone number: _028 71261253_ Fax number: ___________________

     E-mail address



1.   What does your organisation do?

      Derry Print Workshop.Ltd (DPW) is a recognised non-profit organisation founded
      with the aim of providing facilities for artists to make limited edition original fine art
      prints and to promote print making as an art form. Its objectives are providing print
      making facilities for artists and provide tuition for those from as wide a range of
      backgrounds as possible who wish to learn and develop print making skills, and to
      organise a range of exhibitions, catalogues and productions of prints. The Workshop
      aims to create opportunities for artists from differing social and cultural backgrounds
      to work together.

      An initial workspace has been though the workshop requires further investment and
      development in order to satisfy the mission statement of the DPW:

      The aim of Print Workshop is to provide a focal point and a properly staffed and
      equipped centre of excellence to promote both the appreciation and practice of
      print- making and other related visual arts, and to service the print- making needs of
      both professionals and the wider community.

 2. In what year was your organisation started?


3.     What is the legal status of this organisation?

      Voluntary Organisation
      Company limited by guarantee                                                           x
      Company limited by shares
       Recognised charity                                        x
       Other public body
       Sub-section of a regional / national organisation
      Other: Please specify

4.   Recognised Charity Number (if applicable) _XR51294 (Limited Company with
     Charitable Status) Revenue evidence attached

5.   VAT Registration Number (if applicable)    ____________________________

6.   Please list the names and positions of the 3 main office-holders in your

     Name_Andrew Hepburn                   Position _Treasurer

     Name _Paul Barwise                    Position _Secretary

     Name _Julius Guzy                     Position _Chairman

7.   How many permanent paid staff (if any) work for your organisation?

     All staff are voluntary

8.   Outline the current financial position of your organisation. Please attach any
     supporting information you consider relevant.

     The company is solvent and has been cleared by the revenue each year since
     2000. Copy of most recent bank statement attached.

9.   Please confirm whether the building, for which the project is proposed, is:

 o Currently leased with the Inner City Trust since 2006

     Statutory approvals:
     Does your proposed project require any statutory approvals such as Planning
     Approval, Listed Building Consent or Building Control approval?

                   YES                                       NO x

     If any statutory approvals are required, please provide details of these
     requirements and the status of related submissions and approvals.


1.   Using the following sections, please provide a detailed description of
     your proposal, outlining the rationale for the proposed project, how it
     will be delivered and the anticipated impacts and outcomes of the
     proposed project, indicating how it can add value to the cultural offering
     of the city region. Where appropriate: plans, drawings, images or
     sketches should also be provided. This information will be used to
     assess your proposal against the stated criteria.

Please provide a description of the proposal: (400 words)

The aim of Print Workshop is to provide a focal point and a properly staffed and
equipped centre of excellence to promote both the appreciation and practice of
print-making and other related visual arts, and to service the print-making needs of
both professionals and the wider community.

The proposal will extend the capability of the existing facility in order to provide full
intaglio, relief and digital print requirements for artists, groups and education. There
has been a continued interest and high demand for access and education in
printmaking but the existing facility and equipment and insurance requirements
prohibit this development.

DPW would like to be able to provide courses in printmaking. At the moment with just
the one etching press, little work bench area and very basic clean up facilities, it is
not feasible. There is also a need to provide a safe facility for public use, which
means; Insurance ventilation, heating, and boiler units (for hot water) should be
made safe. The installation of fire safety equipment i.e. extinguishers, fire door exit
locks, smoke detectors etc. is also a priority. Funding will need to be found in order to
address these problem areas.

Artists with different levels of print making experience may use the
workshop. Those not familiar with workshop practice may use the facilities
under supervision and will be encouraged to develop their skills and
become full members with full access privileges.

There are many Print Workshop around the world and the ethos of open
access and community development are common to all. It is envisaged
that this ethos will be reflected in developing the Print Workshop.

The proposal will involve running workshop for etching, relief printing and
gyclee (digital print).

The key success factor will be in establishing at least one annual
exhibition of fine art print in the city, such as in Belfast and Bangor, with
an objective of staging a specific print exhibition to enhance the 2013 city
of culture event.

The investment sought will extend the services and facilities of the DPW
and provide a capital investment necessary to properly equip and run the

Please outline the rationale for the proposed project: (150 words)

The only comparable facilities are available in Belfast (Belfast Print
2.   How does your project meet the criteria listed in the guidance notes?

        Criterion 1: Adding value to the Arts/Cultural infrastructure
        See Guidance Notes, Criterion 1.
        How does your proposal add value to the cultural offering in the Derry City
        Council area and help to deliver on the ambition and step changes for City of
        Culture and its legacy? (300 words)

        Born out of need, it will extend the resources in the Derry City area
        providing a facility for artists, illustrators, and professional printmakers. It
        will provide taught courses in printmaking techniques for beginners,
        professional artists and the general community.

        The facility will benefit local and visiting artists. Art teachers and students,
        providing a resource for professional development and organised
        printmaking demonstrations by resident and visiting artists. Those in the
        general community who have an interest in printmaking techniques.

        The project will have a lasting legacy long after 2013 providing the city
        with a facility that can further grow, expand and become part of an
        international network of printmaking organisations.

        The proposed project will add value through:

        •   Print making facilities - for the professionals. An open workshop used all the time
            with room for up to 10 competent artists to work on their own printmaking.

        •   Provide a much needed Digital Printmaking facility extending the capability of the
            existing facility
        •   Courses / Teaching, and demonstrations workshops for professional artists and a       Comment
            variety of classes and supervision for all levels of experience and covering all      s:
            aspects of printmaking.

        •   Cross community initiatives - for the Community Relations Council. An input to
            cross cultural and community development by means such exhibitions. Projects
            using themes reflecting cultural traditions and training for youth workers.

        •   Employment - for the locality.

        •   Tourist attraction - also for the locality. A programme of exhibitions, both
            permanent and temporary, local and travelling, and including exchange

Criterion 2 : Cultural services provided:
See Guidance Notes, Criterion 2
What opportunities will your proposal provide to the local cultural sector and
the local community to experience and appreciate arts and/or culture? (300

The proposal will provide many opportunities for the local cultural sector and

The following are the Workshop's main stakeholders and/or clients (present and
potential) and their requirements within:

Who want to have a significant say in the direction of the workshop, to have the use of
its facilities, and to exhibit their work.

Other Professional Artists:
Who want to do, and to exhibit, their own work and some of whom want to earn
money from workshops, demonstrations and teaching.

Visiting Artists and Artists-in-Residence:
With requirements specific to the individuals but which include use of the facilities and
the opportunity to exhibit.

Leisure Users:
Participants in Classes who want tuition and the opportunity to practice and to exhibit.

Institutions: such as schools, colleges, and education boards who want to rent
specialised facilities and expertise.

The City: Who want a key arts resource to build into the tourism and marketing
strategy of the area.

The proposal will enable:

•   An open workshop used all the time with room for up to competent 10 artists to

work on their own print-making.

•   A variety of classes and supervision for all levels of experience and covering all
    aspects of print-making. Extending existing work with local organisations.

•   A programme of exhibitions both permanent and temporary, local and travelling,
    and including exchange exhibitions.

•   An input to cross cultural and community development by means such exhibitions.
    projects using themes reflecting cultural traditions and training for youth workers.

•   Potential to engage with the community and increase awareness and appreciation
    of fine art printmaking produced by local artists.

Criterion 3 : Innovation and Creativity
See Guidance Notes, Criterion 3.
Will your proposal bring something new, exciting or innovative to the wider
arena of arts and culture? (200 words)

No fully accessible print workshop has yet been established in the North
West of Ireland. The workshop would provide important support for the
artist community and assist in its continued development in this region of
the UK and Ireland

The aim of Print Workshop is to provide a focal point and a properly staffed and
equipped centre of excellence to promote both the appreciation and practice of
print-making and other related visual arts, and to service the print-making needs of
both professionals and the wider community.

There has been a highly positive reaction to the proposal from local artists and
educators in the area. There is a real demand to expand the limited provision at
present. This proposal will go some way to improve the facilities and enable artists,
educators and the community to engage in an ancient yet highly innovative and
progressive art form.

Criterion 4 : Deliverability and capacity to deliver
See Guidance Notes, Criterion 4.
How will the project be delivered? Give details of the current status of the
project and the project delivery structure.


See Attached document.

    Any other information you consider relevant (150 words)

    The workshop has highly experienced and capable voluntary directors; professional
    educators in the visual arts, established fine artists and practising printmakers and

    There is now a ‘Critical Mass’ of visual artists who need access to the facility in order
    to develop their practise and have a focal point for artistic and cultural development.

    The highly positive impact of Belfast Print Workshop and Seacourt Print Workshop in
    Bangor indicate what can be achieved in terms of the positive cultural, economic and
    community impact a small investment can achieve. We fully believe if our proposal is
    supported that the Derry Print Workshop expansion plan will provide a real legacy to
    the city and make a considerable cultural impact in the region.

    We hope the panel will look favourably on our expression of interest submission and
    are happy to work in partnership and realise the potential of the proposal.

Derry Print Workshop Expansion Project and Implementation

Time Frame

Capital investment sought through Phase one of the proposal outlined can begin
immediately after final decision in July 2011 using the existing workshop premises in
the Inner City Trust Craft Unit at Pump Street.

Capital Investment sought through Phase two of the proposal outlined can begin on
securing the proposed larger location at the ‘Old Clinic’ site on Pump Street. The
workshop is working closely with Studio6ix.Ltd and a long term lease is available
from summer 2011. The workshop intends to move to the new location enabling full
implementation of Phase two of the proposal from August 2011. The projected time
frame to fully realise the expansion of the project is no more than three months and
certainly well in advance of the Derry City UK 2013 City of Culture event.

Estimated Project Costs (Capital)

The following cost estimate is outlined in two phases. The first phase can be
implemented within the existing workspace facilitating the provision of digital
printmaking (gyclee) system enhancing the existing facilities of the DPW.

Improving workshop facility: Phase One

Assessment of what is needed for first phase of development:

Provide a Digital Imaging / Printmaking Facility

If the workshop is to embrace the digital era and support new artforms then it
will have to expand into this area. All key print workshops now support and
provide digital printmaking facilities. This equipment will be supported through

digital imaging workshops provided at the Northwest Regional College
utilising existing digital imaging studios. An assessment (based on
equipment used by Glasgow print workshop) of what is needed in order to
facilitate small and large scale digital fine art printmaking has been provided:

If the above areas are addressed then the workshop will be able to
   •   Offer public access to the workshop by running courses in Digital
       (gyclee) Printmaking
   •   Facilitate group work and exhibitions
   •   Improve workshop facilities
   •   Vary artistic production
   •   Encourage and increase membership

List of Equipment Needed (with approximate pricing)
First Phase of set up

Equipment                                                      Approx price

EPSON 44" STYLUS PRO 9880                                      £7000

COLOUR PRINTER                                                 £2200

2 x iMac, 27-inch, 3.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo                     £3000

       2 x Photoshop Imaging Software                          £600

Also an initial material stock will be needed in the set up in
order to facilitate courses

2 x Lyson Media 265gsm Fine Art Paper              £380
 – Roll Format, 610mm x 30m (44’)

Continous Ink System /supplies                     £1200

Paper Stock                                        £500

TOTAL ESTIMATE COST:                               £13780

Improving workshop facility: Phase Two

Derry Print workshop would like to be able to provide courses in printmaking.
At the moment with just the one etching press, little work bench area and very
basic clean up facilities, it is not feasible. There is also a need to provide a
larger safe facility for public use, which means electrical installation of lighting,
ventilation, heating, and boiler units (for hot water) should be made safe. The
installation of fire safety equipment i.e. extinguishers, fire door exit locks,
smoke detectors etc. is also a priority. Funding will need to be found in order
to address these areas.

The workshop will relocate to Studio6ix workshops Pump Street.

Assessment of what is needed for second phase of

Making good the Print workspace at Studio6ix

If the workshop is to run courses then it will have to expand into this area. An
assessment of what is needed in order to make the back workspace suitable
for working in has been provided:


The workshop would like to provide courses in etching and relief print
processes. To do this we need additional equipment and materials.
At present we have two presses:

1 etching press – plank size 48 inch x 24 inches with double reduction
1 small bench mounted Platen relief press suitable only for A4 size paper.

While the small bench press is suitable for small individual work it is restrictive
for any group work and does not facilitate large-scale relief printing. The
inclusion of an Albion or Columbian press to the workshops equipment would
enhance the process of relief printing in all areas.

In addition to improving the relief printing area the introduction of a second
larger good quality etching press (Harry Rochats double reduction gearing
etching press, size 813mm x 1651mm bed) will prove invaluable. It will make
it easier for running courses by freeing up the smaller etching press while also
allowing the production of larger intaglio prints of good quality.

The provision of these presses would also necessitate the improvement of the
larger work area to accommodate equipment and work procedures.

Larger sink for clean up area.

We need a large, purpose built, sink to ease the task of cleaning up and
improve the workshops facilities for courses. An example would be one of the
sinks offered by Richards of Hull (see enclosed description). The addition of
such a large sink is invaluable when trying to create a good, safe workshop
practice. An electric water boiler would also need to be installed in order to
provide hot water for clean up and an extraction fan unit should also be
located here, particularly as it is also intended to place the acid bath facility in
this area.

Aquatint Area

Whether incorporating a resin based or non – toxic aquatint procedure a
properly ventilated booth area needs to be set up.

Workbench areas

The workshop needs additional workbenches (both fixed and freestanding) in
order to facilitate working on drawings, plate preparation, inking up plates,
cutting blocks etc. This will become particularly necessary with the
introduction of courses and the increase in the number of people using the
facility at the one time.


With any print workshop ventilation is important, so as to extract any fumes
from inks, acids etc. Although DPW mean to set up as a non-toxic workshop,
i.e. using ferric chloride for the acid bite, a non resin aquatint process and
limiting the use of turpentine for clean up etc, there is still a need for good
ventilation. The large workspace (which will contain the clean up, acid bath
and aquatint areas) is enclosed with very little natural ventilation so ventilation
is a necessity here. Local ventilation booths are needed solvent use.


Two large portable electric heaters will be needed in order to make the work
area comfortable for working in.

Health and safety

The workshop must adhere to the Health and Safety at works act and apply to
COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health) regulations. So in

addition to safe clean up, good ventilation, and adequate heating, fire safety
standards need to be met.

This necessitates the provision of fire extinguishers / blankets suitable for a
print workshop environment, smoke detector installation and good fire door


All access doors and windows need to be secure. The installation of an alarm
system may also be advisable.

If the above areas are addressed then the workshop will be able to
   •   Offer public access to the workshop by running courses in relief print
       and intaglio processes
   •   Facilitate group work and exhibitions
   •   Improve workshop facilities
   •   Enable larger scale artwork to be produced in both relief and intaglio.
   •   Vary artistic production
   •   Improve print quality of relief work
   •   Help free up existing etching press
   •   Encourage and increase membership.

List of Equipment Needed (with approximate pricing)
Second Phase of set up

Equipment                                                      Approx price

Clean up area:
   •   General purpose sink for cleaning of plates / blocks,
       With a waste disposal treatment unit
              Richards of Hull model T1 standard sink             £600
              Waste treatment unit ?                      £500
   •   Point of use hot water boiler                           £150
   •   Local ventilation unit                                  £ 250
   •   Extraction fan unit                                     £150
   •   Small sink for eye wash with spray attachment
       (Health and safety)                                     £150
   •   Metal storage cupboard                                  £100

Large area:
   •   Medium sized etching press
              Harry Rochat double geared
              813mm x 1651mm bed                               £9,000
   •   Guillotine for plate cutting                            £1,200
   •   Aquatint booth set up – (non toxic)
       Compressor and spray attachments,
       Local ventilation unit.                                 £ 2,500
   •   Free standing benches –
       various sizes some with storage                         £1,200
   •   Drying wrack                                            £460
   •   Metal storage cupboard                                  £250
   •   Large ventilation and ducting units                     £2,000

•   Free standing electrical heaters x 2         £400

Front room:
  •   Large Platen relief press – Albion           £4,500
  •   Print storage drawers                        £500
  •   Drying Wrack                                 £500
  •   Print display wrack                          £150
  •   Ventilation units – wall or window mounted
      and local ventilation unit                      £250

Other associated equipment and tools needed for workshop

  Inking up tools – knives, rollers, dabbers
  Relief cutting tools, chisels – for woodcuts,
  V-tools gauges for linocuts, etc.
  Dremal drill tool (for relief and intaglio)
  Engraving tools- student and some professional
  Etching tools- student and some professional
  Dishes – large for soaking paper / acid trays
  Etching press blankets
  Cutting mats
  Rules and straight edges
  Vertical Acid Bath
  Nitric / Hydrochloric Acid
                                                   Total: £5000

Also an initial material stock will be needed in the set up in
order to facilitate courses

Lino blocks – 1 roll
Paper drypoint plates
Perspex sheets (for Drypoint)
Zinc plates (for drypoint) small and large sheets
Copper plates

Grounds / stop outs etc
Wax grounds
Acrylic grounds
Non toxic aquatint materials – Hunts speedball etc

       cartridge,      reams
       card            reams
       blotting        reams
       Etching papers - bk rives reams
                        German etching white
       Relief papers Zerhkal white
                       Ts saunders

       For relief – water based and oil based
       Bk/white and various colours

       For intaglio - 300g cartridges in
       Black / white and various colours


Brushes, pencils, crayons, Indian ink,
       drawing pens, tracing paper, carbon paper

For Collograph -
       PVC glue, acrylic gesso, carbarundum powder,
       scalpels, hard board, mount board, masking tape etc.

                                                                Total: £2500

                                 Fire safety

Funding will be required in order to supply sufficient fire prevention
A brief assessment of what is needed is as follows
Print Workshop space -
Clean up / acid bath area -
                                                                Total: £1000

TOTAL ESTIMATE COST:                                            £33310

Installation of sink and extraction units

Extra costs will be incurred for the electrical and plumbing installation of
above equipment. An estimate would need to be sourced if we are successful
in securing the equipment.

TOTAL ESTIMATE COST:                                            £2500

Additional Operating Costs


All investment, work and input has been on a voluntary basis so far. If the true
potential of this project is to be realised the Workshop needs to employ the
equivalent of a full-time manager / administrator/technician to deal with the routine
administration of the Workshop and to provide a basic technical service for its users.
Belfast and Seacourt have full time staff dealing with administration, funding and
technical operation.

It is proposed to establish a 3 year post (fixed term) to satisfy the initial requirements
of the workshop.

Additional Operating Income

Phase 1: With the provision of Fine Art Digital Print facility additional income will be
generated through providing gyclee print editions for existing artists and enable the
workshop to source new business. The service will enable the workshop to provide
this bespoke service for artists and potentially gallerys.

Phase 2: With an increase in members and fee contributions and the ability to
generate income through teaching courses, events and joint exhibitions there will be
adequate revenue to meet higher rent and running costs associated with the

Sent:        21 April 2011 00:36
To:          Hepburn, Andrew

Dear Andrew,

I refer to the recent Expression of Interest made on behalf of
Derry Print Workshop, in relation to the City of Culture Capital
Scheme. I wish to advise that the assessment panel for the
Community Cultural Infrastructure fund have recommended that

your proposal would be brought forward for consideration at
Stage II (Economic Appraisal). We will follow up with you
again in the coming week to advise of the process for Stage II
and to offer guidance in that regard.

Yours sincerely,
Caoimhín Corrigan

Caoimhin Corrigan
ILEX ~ Cultural Broker
Derry ~ Londonderry


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Des 809 dpw capital_bid_city of culture 2013

  • 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- For office use only ---------- Application ref No: ________________________________________ Date Received: ________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City of Culture Capital Fund Cultural Community Infrastructure: Expression of Interest for Funding 1
  • 2. SECTION ONE: CONTACT DETAILS 1. Name of Organisation: Derry Print Workshop.Ltd 2. Address of Organisation: Location: 9-11 Pump St. (Inner City Trust Craft Units) Derry *Please use contact address below for written correspondence Town_Derry / Londonderry________ Postcode ____________________ Phone number: _028 71261253 mobile: 07706862496 E-mail address: Web site: ____________________________ 3. Name of contact person within organisation who will deal with all correspondence: Andrew Hepburn or Paul Barwise 4. Position of contact person within organisation: _ Treasurer / Secretary________________________________________ 5. Details of contact person (if different from 2 above): Address: __8 Miller Street______________________________ Town __Derry______________________Postcode __BT486SU Phone number: _028 71261253_ Fax number: ___________________ E-mail address 2
  • 3. SECTION TWO: ORGANISATION DETAILS 1. What does your organisation do? Derry Print Workshop.Ltd (DPW) is a recognised non-profit organisation founded with the aim of providing facilities for artists to make limited edition original fine art prints and to promote print making as an art form. Its objectives are providing print making facilities for artists and provide tuition for those from as wide a range of backgrounds as possible who wish to learn and develop print making skills, and to organise a range of exhibitions, catalogues and productions of prints. The Workshop aims to create opportunities for artists from differing social and cultural backgrounds to work together. An initial workspace has been though the workshop requires further investment and development in order to satisfy the mission statement of the DPW: The aim of Print Workshop is to provide a focal point and a properly staffed and equipped centre of excellence to promote both the appreciation and practice of print- making and other related visual arts, and to service the print- making needs of both professionals and the wider community. 2. In what year was your organisation started? 2000 3. What is the legal status of this organisation? Voluntary Organisation Company limited by guarantee x Company limited by shares Recognised charity x Trust Other public body Sub-section of a regional / national organisation Other: Please specify _______________________________________________________________ 3
  • 4. 4. Recognised Charity Number (if applicable) _XR51294 (Limited Company with Charitable Status) Revenue evidence attached 5. VAT Registration Number (if applicable) ____________________________ 6. Please list the names and positions of the 3 main office-holders in your organisation: Name_Andrew Hepburn Position _Treasurer Name _Paul Barwise Position _Secretary Name _Julius Guzy Position _Chairman 7. How many permanent paid staff (if any) work for your organisation? All staff are voluntary 8. Outline the current financial position of your organisation. Please attach any supporting information you consider relevant. The company is solvent and has been cleared by the revenue each year since 2000. Copy of most recent bank statement attached. 9. Please confirm whether the building, for which the project is proposed, is: o Currently leased with the Inner City Trust since 2006 Statutory approvals: Does your proposed project require any statutory approvals such as Planning Approval, Listed Building Consent or Building Control approval? YES NO x If any statutory approvals are required, please provide details of these requirements and the status of related submissions and approvals. 4
  • 5. SECTION THREE: PROJECT PROPOSAL 1. Using the following sections, please provide a detailed description of your proposal, outlining the rationale for the proposed project, how it will be delivered and the anticipated impacts and outcomes of the proposed project, indicating how it can add value to the cultural offering of the city region. Where appropriate: plans, drawings, images or sketches should also be provided. This information will be used to assess your proposal against the stated criteria. 5
  • 6. Please provide a description of the proposal: (400 words) The aim of Print Workshop is to provide a focal point and a properly staffed and equipped centre of excellence to promote both the appreciation and practice of print-making and other related visual arts, and to service the print-making needs of both professionals and the wider community. The proposal will extend the capability of the existing facility in order to provide full intaglio, relief and digital print requirements for artists, groups and education. There has been a continued interest and high demand for access and education in printmaking but the existing facility and equipment and insurance requirements prohibit this development. DPW would like to be able to provide courses in printmaking. At the moment with just the one etching press, little work bench area and very basic clean up facilities, it is not feasible. There is also a need to provide a safe facility for public use, which means; Insurance ventilation, heating, and boiler units (for hot water) should be made safe. The installation of fire safety equipment i.e. extinguishers, fire door exit locks, smoke detectors etc. is also a priority. Funding will need to be found in order to address these problem areas. Artists with different levels of print making experience may use the workshop. Those not familiar with workshop practice may use the facilities under supervision and will be encouraged to develop their skills and become full members with full access privileges. There are many Print Workshop around the world and the ethos of open access and community development are common to all. It is envisaged that this ethos will be reflected in developing the Print Workshop. The proposal will involve running workshop for etching, relief printing and gyclee (digital print). The key success factor will be in establishing at least one annual exhibition of fine art print in the city, such as in Belfast and Bangor, with an objective of staging a specific print exhibition to enhance the 2013 city of culture event. The investment sought will extend the services and facilities of the DPW and provide a capital investment necessary to properly equip and run the workshop. 6 Please outline the rationale for the proposed project: (150 words) The only comparable facilities are available in Belfast (Belfast Print
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 2. How does your project meet the criteria listed in the guidance notes? Criterion 1: Adding value to the Arts/Cultural infrastructure See Guidance Notes, Criterion 1. How does your proposal add value to the cultural offering in the Derry City Council area and help to deliver on the ambition and step changes for City of Culture and its legacy? (300 words) Born out of need, it will extend the resources in the Derry City area providing a facility for artists, illustrators, and professional printmakers. It will provide taught courses in printmaking techniques for beginners, professional artists and the general community. The facility will benefit local and visiting artists. Art teachers and students, providing a resource for professional development and organised printmaking demonstrations by resident and visiting artists. Those in the general community who have an interest in printmaking techniques. The project will have a lasting legacy long after 2013 providing the city with a facility that can further grow, expand and become part of an international network of printmaking organisations. The proposed project will add value through: • Print making facilities - for the professionals. An open workshop used all the time with room for up to 10 competent artists to work on their own printmaking. • Provide a much needed Digital Printmaking facility extending the capability of the existing facility CBA • Courses / Teaching, and demonstrations workshops for professional artists and a Comment variety of classes and supervision for all levels of experience and covering all s: aspects of printmaking. • Cross community initiatives - for the Community Relations Council. An input to cross cultural and community development by means such exhibitions. Projects using themes reflecting cultural traditions and training for youth workers. • Employment - for the locality. • Tourist attraction - also for the locality. A programme of exhibitions, both permanent and temporary, local and travelling, and including exchange exhibitions. 8
  • 9. Criterion 2 : Cultural services provided: See Guidance Notes, Criterion 2 What opportunities will your proposal provide to the local cultural sector and the local community to experience and appreciate arts and/or culture? (300 words) The proposal will provide many opportunities for the local cultural sector and community. The following are the Workshop's main stakeholders and/or clients (present and potential) and their requirements within: Directors: Who want to have a significant say in the direction of the workshop, to have the use of its facilities, and to exhibit their work. Other Professional Artists: Who want to do, and to exhibit, their own work and some of whom want to earn money from workshops, demonstrations and teaching. Visiting Artists and Artists-in-Residence: With requirements specific to the individuals but which include use of the facilities and the opportunity to exhibit. Leisure Users: Participants in Classes who want tuition and the opportunity to practice and to exhibit. Institutions: such as schools, colleges, and education boards who want to rent specialised facilities and expertise. The City: Who want a key arts resource to build into the tourism and marketing strategy of the area. The proposal will enable: • An open workshop used all the time with room for up to competent 10 artists to 9
  • 10. work on their own print-making. • A variety of classes and supervision for all levels of experience and covering all aspects of print-making. Extending existing work with local organisations. • A programme of exhibitions both permanent and temporary, local and travelling, and including exchange exhibitions. • An input to cross cultural and community development by means such exhibitions. projects using themes reflecting cultural traditions and training for youth workers. • Potential to engage with the community and increase awareness and appreciation of fine art printmaking produced by local artists. Criterion 3 : Innovation and Creativity See Guidance Notes, Criterion 3. Will your proposal bring something new, exciting or innovative to the wider arena of arts and culture? (200 words) No fully accessible print workshop has yet been established in the North West of Ireland. The workshop would provide important support for the artist community and assist in its continued development in this region of the UK and Ireland The aim of Print Workshop is to provide a focal point and a properly staffed and equipped centre of excellence to promote both the appreciation and practice of print-making and other related visual arts, and to service the print-making needs of both professionals and the wider community. There has been a highly positive reaction to the proposal from local artists and educators in the area. There is a real demand to expand the limited provision at present. This proposal will go some way to improve the facilities and enable artists, educators and the community to engage in an ancient yet highly innovative and progressive art form. 10
  • 11. Criterion 4 : Deliverability and capacity to deliver See Guidance Notes, Criterion 4. How will the project be delivered? Give details of the current status of the project and the project delivery structure. . See Attached document. Any other information you consider relevant (150 words) The workshop has highly experienced and capable voluntary directors; professional educators in the visual arts, established fine artists and practising printmakers and exhibitors. There is now a ‘Critical Mass’ of visual artists who need access to the facility in order to develop their practise and have a focal point for artistic and cultural development. The highly positive impact of Belfast Print Workshop and Seacourt Print Workshop in Bangor indicate what can be achieved in terms of the positive cultural, economic and community impact a small investment can achieve. We fully believe if our proposal is supported that the Derry Print Workshop expansion plan will provide a real legacy to the city and make a considerable cultural impact in the region. We hope the panel will look favourably on our expression of interest submission and are happy to work in partnership and realise the potential of the proposal. 11
  • 12. Derry Print Workshop Expansion Project and Implementation Plan Time Frame Capital investment sought through Phase one of the proposal outlined can begin immediately after final decision in July 2011 using the existing workshop premises in the Inner City Trust Craft Unit at Pump Street. Capital Investment sought through Phase two of the proposal outlined can begin on securing the proposed larger location at the ‘Old Clinic’ site on Pump Street. The workshop is working closely with Studio6ix.Ltd and a long term lease is available from summer 2011. The workshop intends to move to the new location enabling full implementation of Phase two of the proposal from August 2011. The projected time frame to fully realise the expansion of the project is no more than three months and certainly well in advance of the Derry City UK 2013 City of Culture event. Estimated Project Costs (Capital) The following cost estimate is outlined in two phases. The first phase can be implemented within the existing workspace facilitating the provision of digital printmaking (gyclee) system enhancing the existing facilities of the DPW. Improving workshop facility: Phase One Assessment of what is needed for first phase of development: Provide a Digital Imaging / Printmaking Facility If the workshop is to embrace the digital era and support new artforms then it will have to expand into this area. All key print workshops now support and provide digital printmaking facilities. This equipment will be supported through 12
  • 13. digital imaging workshops provided at the Northwest Regional College utilising existing digital imaging studios. An assessment (based on equipment used by Glasgow print workshop) of what is needed in order to facilitate small and large scale digital fine art printmaking has been provided: If the above areas are addressed then the workshop will be able to • Offer public access to the workshop by running courses in Digital (gyclee) Printmaking • Facilitate group work and exhibitions • Improve workshop facilities • Vary artistic production • Encourage and increase membership List of Equipment Needed (with approximate pricing) First Phase of set up Equipment Approx price EPSON 44" STYLUS PRO 9880 £7000 COLOUR PRINTER EPSON A2 STYLUS PHOTO R4880 COLOUR PRINTER £2200 2 x iMac, 27-inch, 3.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo £3000 2 x Photoshop Imaging Software £600 13
  • 14. Also an initial material stock will be needed in the set up in order to facilitate courses 2 x Lyson Media 265gsm Fine Art Paper £380 – Roll Format, 610mm x 30m (44’) Continous Ink System /supplies £1200 Paper Stock £500 TOTAL ESTIMATE COST: £13780 14
  • 15. Improving workshop facility: Phase Two Derry Print workshop would like to be able to provide courses in printmaking. At the moment with just the one etching press, little work bench area and very basic clean up facilities, it is not feasible. There is also a need to provide a larger safe facility for public use, which means electrical installation of lighting, ventilation, heating, and boiler units (for hot water) should be made safe. The installation of fire safety equipment i.e. extinguishers, fire door exit locks, smoke detectors etc. is also a priority. Funding will need to be found in order to address these areas. The workshop will relocate to Studio6ix workshops Pump Street. Assessment of what is needed for second phase of development: Making good the Print workspace at Studio6ix If the workshop is to run courses then it will have to expand into this area. An assessment of what is needed in order to make the back workspace suitable for working in has been provided: Presses The workshop would like to provide courses in etching and relief print processes. To do this we need additional equipment and materials. At present we have two presses: 1 etching press – plank size 48 inch x 24 inches with double reduction gearing. And 1 small bench mounted Platen relief press suitable only for A4 size paper. 15
  • 16. While the small bench press is suitable for small individual work it is restrictive for any group work and does not facilitate large-scale relief printing. The inclusion of an Albion or Columbian press to the workshops equipment would enhance the process of relief printing in all areas. In addition to improving the relief printing area the introduction of a second larger good quality etching press (Harry Rochats double reduction gearing etching press, size 813mm x 1651mm bed) will prove invaluable. It will make it easier for running courses by freeing up the smaller etching press while also allowing the production of larger intaglio prints of good quality. The provision of these presses would also necessitate the improvement of the larger work area to accommodate equipment and work procedures. Larger sink for clean up area. We need a large, purpose built, sink to ease the task of cleaning up and improve the workshops facilities for courses. An example would be one of the sinks offered by Richards of Hull (see enclosed description). The addition of such a large sink is invaluable when trying to create a good, safe workshop practice. An electric water boiler would also need to be installed in order to provide hot water for clean up and an extraction fan unit should also be located here, particularly as it is also intended to place the acid bath facility in this area. Aquatint Area Whether incorporating a resin based or non – toxic aquatint procedure a properly ventilated booth area needs to be set up. 16
  • 17. Workbench areas The workshop needs additional workbenches (both fixed and freestanding) in order to facilitate working on drawings, plate preparation, inking up plates, cutting blocks etc. This will become particularly necessary with the introduction of courses and the increase in the number of people using the facility at the one time. Ventilation With any print workshop ventilation is important, so as to extract any fumes from inks, acids etc. Although DPW mean to set up as a non-toxic workshop, i.e. using ferric chloride for the acid bite, a non resin aquatint process and limiting the use of turpentine for clean up etc, there is still a need for good ventilation. The large workspace (which will contain the clean up, acid bath and aquatint areas) is enclosed with very little natural ventilation so ventilation is a necessity here. Local ventilation booths are needed solvent use. Heating Two large portable electric heaters will be needed in order to make the work area comfortable for working in. Health and safety The workshop must adhere to the Health and Safety at works act and apply to COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health) regulations. So in 17
  • 18. addition to safe clean up, good ventilation, and adequate heating, fire safety standards need to be met. This necessitates the provision of fire extinguishers / blankets suitable for a print workshop environment, smoke detector installation and good fire door access. Security All access doors and windows need to be secure. The installation of an alarm system may also be advisable. If the above areas are addressed then the workshop will be able to • Offer public access to the workshop by running courses in relief print and intaglio processes • Facilitate group work and exhibitions • Improve workshop facilities • Enable larger scale artwork to be produced in both relief and intaglio. • Vary artistic production • Improve print quality of relief work • Help free up existing etching press • Encourage and increase membership. 18
  • 19. List of Equipment Needed (with approximate pricing) Second Phase of set up Equipment Approx price Clean up area: • General purpose sink for cleaning of plates / blocks, With a waste disposal treatment unit Richards of Hull model T1 standard sink £600 Waste treatment unit ? £500 • Point of use hot water boiler £150 • Local ventilation unit £ 250 • Extraction fan unit £150 • Small sink for eye wash with spray attachment (Health and safety) £150 • Metal storage cupboard £100 Large area: • Medium sized etching press Harry Rochat double geared 813mm x 1651mm bed £9,000 • Guillotine for plate cutting £1,200 • Aquatint booth set up – (non toxic) Compressor and spray attachments, Local ventilation unit. £ 2,500 • Free standing benches – various sizes some with storage £1,200 • Drying wrack £460 • Metal storage cupboard £250 • Large ventilation and ducting units £2,000 19
  • 20. Free standing electrical heaters x 2 £400 Front room: • Large Platen relief press – Albion £4,500 • Print storage drawers £500 • Drying Wrack £500 • Print display wrack £150 • Ventilation units – wall or window mounted and local ventilation unit £250 Other associated equipment and tools needed for workshop Inking up tools – knives, rollers, dabbers Relief cutting tools, chisels – for woodcuts, V-tools gauges for linocuts, etc. Dremal drill tool (for relief and intaglio) Engraving tools- student and some professional Etching tools- student and some professional Dishes – large for soaking paper / acid trays Etching press blankets Cutting mats Rules and straight edges Magnifier Vertical Acid Bath Nitric / Hydrochloric Acid Total: £5000 20
  • 21. Also an initial material stock will be needed in the set up in order to facilitate courses Lino blocks – 1 roll Paper drypoint plates Perspex sheets (for Drypoint) Zinc plates (for drypoint) small and large sheets Copper plates Grounds / stop outs etc Wax grounds Acrylic grounds Non toxic aquatint materials – Hunts speedball etc Paper- cartridge, reams card reams blotting reams tissue Etching papers - bk rives reams German etching white Relief papers Zerhkal white Ts saunders Ink- For relief – water based and oil based Bk/white and various colours For intaglio - 300g cartridges in Black / white and various colours Sundries- 21
  • 22. Brushes, pencils, crayons, Indian ink, drawing pens, tracing paper, carbon paper For Collograph - PVC glue, acrylic gesso, carbarundum powder, scalpels, hard board, mount board, masking tape etc. Total: £2500 Fire safety Funding will be required in order to supply sufficient fire prevention equipment. A brief assessment of what is needed is as follows Print Workshop space - Clean up / acid bath area - Total: £1000 TOTAL ESTIMATE COST: £33310 Installation of sink and extraction units Extra costs will be incurred for the electrical and plumbing installation of above equipment. An estimate would need to be sourced if we are successful in securing the equipment. TOTAL ESTIMATE COST: £2500 22
  • 23. Additional Operating Costs Administration All investment, work and input has been on a voluntary basis so far. If the true potential of this project is to be realised the Workshop needs to employ the equivalent of a full-time manager / administrator/technician to deal with the routine administration of the Workshop and to provide a basic technical service for its users. Belfast and Seacourt have full time staff dealing with administration, funding and technical operation. It is proposed to establish a 3 year post (fixed term) to satisfy the initial requirements of the workshop. Additional Operating Income Phase 1: With the provision of Fine Art Digital Print facility additional income will be generated through providing gyclee print editions for existing artists and enable the workshop to source new business. The service will enable the workshop to provide this bespoke service for artists and potentially gallerys. Phase 2: With an increase in members and fee contributions and the ability to generate income through teaching courses, events and joint exhibitions there will be adequate revenue to meet higher rent and running costs associated with the expansion. Sent: 21 April 2011 00:36 To: Hepburn, Andrew Dear Andrew, I refer to the recent Expression of Interest made on behalf of Derry Print Workshop, in relation to the City of Culture Capital Scheme. I wish to advise that the assessment panel for the Community Cultural Infrastructure fund have recommended that 23
  • 24. your proposal would be brought forward for consideration at Stage II (Economic Appraisal). We will follow up with you again in the coming week to advise of the process for Stage II and to offer guidance in that regard. Yours sincerely, Caoimhín Corrigan _____________________ Caoimhin Corrigan ILEX ~ Cultural Broker Derry ~ Londonderry 24