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United Kingdom Edition                                      May 28-June 3, 2012                                          Money Matters 11
                        24 Practice Management                                                                                                             United Kingdom Edition                         June 4-10, 2012

autionary tale your practice is
                                                                                            period of stress. The sellers were                      saving. It is essential that before

    Why improving
                                                                                            forced into a situation whereby                         making the decision to incorpo-         – which must surely be banned
                                                                                            they had to discharge all debt                          rate, legal and accounting advice       by GDC rules. And, in any case,
                                                                                            relating to their business, when                        from dental expert lawyers and          I’m using the ‘royal’ you – your
                                                                                            they otherwise would not have                           accountants is taken and that the       practice, your practice team

                           a mystery – part nine
                                                                                            wished to, and the legal and ac-                        incorporation is properly docu-
 an discusses incorporating dental practices                                                countancy costs were increased                          mented with all ancillary issues
                                                                                                                                                                                            and you.

                                                                                            significantly from what they                            dealt with to avoid significant         Patient journey
st lawyers       transferred out of the company         tion against future claims, and to  would have been, had the prac-                          problems in the future. DT              I’ve written before about how
  who are
DAL, have
                        Jacqui Goss asks: Who are you?
                 to a new company. This involved
                 significant additional cost, time
                                                        incur the further cost of prepar-
                                                        ing additional sets of accounts in
                                                                                            tice not incorporated or been in-
                                                                                            corporated into a separate com-
                                                                                                                                                                                            your team should work to en-
                                                                                                                                                          About the author                  sure each person enjoys a

  two pub-                     kay, pop quiz                and reached number 18 in the panythe band. other practice and
                 and stress. As a result of the time! Inable to ascertain the true balance
                                                con-                                           of from the That’s correct; it’s                      should make yourself as visi-          ‘wow’ patient journey. But the
 sing con-       tinuing potential risks to the buy-wassheet position on completion.of the laboratory. You by The Who.
                               July 1978 a single           record charts. The title           Who Are                                                Ray Goodman: Goodman Lawyers
                                                                                                                                                     ble and memorable as you can.          benefits of that great experi-
                                                                                                                                                      for Dentist. For more information
 e in some       er, it was necessary for which was
                                            the sell-                                                                                                Don’t contact Ray won’t advocate       ence in terms of the oppor-
                               released                     single was the same as the                                                                please worry, I Goodman on 0151
  to incor-      ers to discharge version of the al- As a direct resulta of the lack
                       an edited all debts of the           album released      month later     Incorporation can, here I right
                                                                                                  My point? Well, in the want                        you 0090 or emailfancy dress and
                                                                                                                                                      707 donning rng@goodmanlegal.         tunity for patients to share it
s without        business on completion, to havenameof foresight on incorporating name circumstances, be highly benefi-
                                                   a                                   the                                                  
                       bum track of the same                and included part of the           to discuss why and how you                            parading down the high street          with friends and family, will
 e possible      significant proportion of the sale     practice both the seller and the    cial to a practice. However, there                              be lost if they can’t remember
                 price held back by way of a reten-     buyer were subjected to a lengthy   are consequences other than tax                                                                 who you are. You may think
                                                                                                                                                                                            you’re memorable but believe
    practices                                                                                                                                                                               me you’re eminently forgetta-
 list dental                                                                                                                                                                                ble! Don’t take it personally. As
  . This was
  ns, which                 Perfect Contacts, Virtually no Flash, Interproximal Separation                                                                                                  soon as patients have their foot
                                                                                                                                                                                            out of the door they’ll prob-
   een prop-
                            on Class II Composites with Composi-Tight® 3D™!                                                                                                                 ably begin forgetting the name
                                                                                                                                                                                            of your practice, most likely
 ary docu-                                                                                                                                                                                  failing to recall the name of
 ing put in                                                                                                                                                                                 the dentist or hygienist they
 nges from                                                                                                                                                                                  saw and certainly putting
 d robustly                                                                                                                                              35% smaller yet                    out of their minds the names
  on sale or                                                                                                                                             stronger & more                    of nurses and front of house
  n the line.                                                                                                                                            durable reinforce-
                                                                                                                                                                                            (FoH) staff! I offer no science
                                                                                                                                                         ment. Fully steam
                                                                                                                                                                                            to support this, only empirical
  ow begin-                 Firm core                                                                                                                                                       evidence based on making tel-
 ms caused                  separates teeth                                                                                                                                                 ephone calls to patients when
 ons raise                  interproximally.                                                                                                             Soft silicone hugs                 I’m commissioned to under-
   more fre-                                                                                                                                             bands to teeth -
                                                                                                                                                                                            take satisfaction surveys.
                                                                                                                                                         eliminating flash.
   case, that
  d after 11                                                                                                                                                                                    So, how do you counter this
 gal wran-                                                                                                                                                                                  collective and, presumably, se-
 .                          Wider tips make                                                                                                                                                 lective amnesia? Quite simply,
                            wider preps a snap!                                                                                                                                             your name (by which I mean
                                                                                                                                                          Tips fit over
  to act for                                                                                                                                              wedge for easier                  the practice name and appro-
 ase of an                                                                                                                                                placement.                        priate team member names)
 our client                                                                                                                                                                                 should go everywhere. Logo
 the good-                                                                                                                                                                                  and nameplate design is not my
ngs in the                                                                                                                                                                                  department but I do know they
y when we                                                                                                                                                                                   should be distinctive, memora-
back from
                                                                                                                       Composi-Tight® 3D™ Kit:                                              ble and repeatedly visible. I’ve
uiries that                                                                                                                                                                                 quite often walked in to a den-
                                                                                                                       2 Soft FaceTM 3D-Rings with soft silicone tips,
ler had in-                                                                                                                                                                                 tal practice (and other estab-
                                                                                                                       100 Slick Bands™ non-stick matrices, anatomically
onths ear-                                                                                                                                                                                  lishments) and seen nothing to
                                                                                                                       contoured, assorted in 5 sizes,
or was not                                                                                                             1 special Ring Placement Forceps for easy and                        reinforce the knowledge that
hus hadn’t                                                                                                             secure placement of the rings,                                       I’m in the correct place. Look
hat flowed                                                                                                             80 WedgeWands™ with applicator handle, assorted                      around your practice – does my
n until we                                                                                                             in 4 sizes - now transparent.                                        comment ring true? There are,
                                                                                                                                                                                            of course, many places to put
                                                                                                                       TKK01 Kit                                                            your practice name and or logo
  practices,                                                                                                           Price: £ 249.00*                                                     – leaflets, posters, mugs, pens
 ivate, and                                                                                                                                                                                 and so on.
ory. All of
 d into the                 For further information or to order please call Garrison Toll Free at Tel. 0800 011 2738.                                                                       Name calling
  ncorpora-                 The products are available through all major UK retailers or directly through Garrison Dental Solutions.                                                        Turning to the FoH team,
  T, having                                                                                                                                                                                 which is my department, there
 allow the                                                                                                                                                                                  are several ways they can re-
  s contract                                                                                                                                                                                inforce the name of the prac-
any on in-                                                                                                                                                                                  tice, the names of the clinical
 nclined to                                                                                                                                                                                 staff and their own names. The
 sfer of the                                                                                                                                                                                most obvious is for the infor-
  d the NHS                                                                                                                                                                                 mation to be on their clothing.
mited com-                                                                                                                                                                                  However, this may not be ob-
  ferred.                                                                                                                                                                                   viously visible to the patient as
                                                                                                                                                                                            they approach the reception
 the part-                                                                                                                                                                                  area (they may not be wearing
en used to                                                                                                                                                                                  their reading glasses) so have
o be trans-                                                                                                                                                                                 nice large nameplates on the
where one                                                                                                                                                                                   desk or counter as well. FoH
any, as the                                                                                                                                                                                 staff should get in the habit of
egulations                                                                                                                                                                                  introducing themselves. This
s between                                                                                                                                                                                   is vital on the telephone but
uals.                                                                                                                                                                                       also useful in face-to-face con-
                                                                                                                                                                                            tact. As well as the ‘who are
 to enable                                                                                                                                                                                  you?’ benefits I’m discussing
d involved                                                                                                                                                                                  here, it also prevents patients
he limited                  *All offers are valid until 31st July 2012 and are subject to availability. All prices are subject to VAT.                                                      having to make awkward ref-
 the prac-                   Garrison Dental Solutions • Carlstrasse 50 • D-52531 Uebach-Palenberg • Germany                                                                                erences such as: “The girl on
                             Tel. 0800 011 2738 • •                                                                                          reception said…” or “Can you
 ent, being

                                                                                                                                                                                   23/05/2012 16:15
            DTUK_issue15_22-25.indd 24                                                                                                                                                                                     29/05/2012 19:53
United Kingdom Edition
                                                         United Kingdom Edition
                                                                                                     May 28-June 3, 2012
                                                                                                    June 4-10, 2012
                                                                                                                                        Feature 17
                                                                                                                           Practice Management 25
                                                         your toothbrush)! is        receive an extra five per cent      spective if you have a patient    is likely to be far higher, and
                ‘Educating our                           a subscription-based delivery        discount on their order, while      who takes responsibility for      patients may consider treat-
                patients then, is
            lend me your pen, er, miss?”                rewarded fortoothbrushes and
                                                         service for recommending a          this reason I suggest avoiding
                                                                                              the practice will receive 10        their teeth then they will start dering: that they might other-
                                                                                                                                up a practice Twitter, Face-        ments
                                                        friend. If so, you’ll need to give
                                                         other oral hygiene products         things that need order value as
                                                                                              per cent of the to be pinned      book or more ofsocial mediain
                                                                                                                                  to take other an interest         wise never have considered.
              one of the biggest
                Now for some clinical staff             them something they can pass
                                                         that saves patients money,          up. How about a fridge magnet-
                                                                                              revenue.                          account, do mouths. These pa-
                                                                                                                                  their own make your posts           Who are you?
             challenges we face
            name reinforcement. FoH staff               on – similar to a business card,
                                                         while also ensuring they re-        ic, a branded pen or a mouse       ‘social’ (ie not just go on to get
                                                                                                                                  tients may then oral health         Who, who, many who?
                                                                                                                                                                        With so who, advances in
            should say something simi-
                as a profession,                        perhaps. to change their tooth-
                                                         member                              mat The advantage of of givea-
                                                                                                  instead? For ideas schemes    orientated) and do keep itmight
                                                                                                                                  other treatments they go-         technologyyou? recent years, as
                                                                                                                                                                      Who are over
            lar to: “Right Mrs Goss, your                brush every three months.           ways, Ias is that they
                                                                                              such suggest you look at the      ing. A dormanthave considered.
                                                                                                                                  not otherwise account gives       a Who, who, we now have more
                                                                                                                                                                      profession who, who? DT
            appointment is we must
             and is one with Doctor                         There is an almost endless       British to actively engage pa-
                                                                                              work Dental Health Founda-        a poor impression – shut it         tools than ever to help us engage
                                                        choice of corporate gifts as         tion shop their own oral health
                                                                                              tients in (     down if you’rewider viewpoint,
                                                                                                                                      From a no longer going
              embrace and take
            XXXXX in five minutes and her
            nurse, XXXXX, will collect you
                                                             The system is simple. Each
                                                        potential giveaways. I favour Anything you     to use it. On LinkedIn, which
                                                                                                                                                                    with our patients. Be it through
                                                         practice that registers will         – they encourage patients to        patients who are actively en-     social media, forums, websites,
            head-on ready.” are to
            when she is if we                           things that are likely to leaflets
                                                         receive posters and be re-          do give to patients must contain
                                                                                              take a deeper interest in oral    isgaging with for your profes-
                                                                                                                                    a showcase their own oral       or even schemes such as dfyt.
            improve the overall                         tained and, preferably, kept
                                                         marked with a practice-spe-         your practice name and contact
                                                                                              hygiene. In the long term,        sional identity and likely to re-
                                                                                                                                  health are more a network-        com, there is a whole world of
                They can actually be a bit              wherecode. Every patient that
                                                         cific they are easily visible.      details.
                                                                                              this can only benefit the pro-    ing opportunity, don’t be shy a
                                                                                                                                  search treatments and so as       opportunity out there to support
               standard of oral
            more sophisticated. If the den-             My noticeboard in the kitch-
                                                         subscribes using the code will       fession.finally, the few words
                                                                                                 And From a dental per-         – result, treatment image! You
                                                                                                                                   include a profile acceptance     us in our daily efforts. DT
            tist or hygienist the UK is
               health in in question                    en is so overcrowded that for        about social media. If you set     don’t really want people won-
            a recent addition to the prac-
                  and Ireland’
            tice team how about: “Okay,
            Mrs Goss, your appointment is
            with XXXXX our new hygien-
                The first way in which we
            ist, whom I’m sure you’ll like.”
            can embrace this challenge is
            to ensure we all make strides
            to actually engage with our
              ‘There is an almost
            patients. This doesn’t just
            mean reminding patients to                                                                     Straight Teeth. Less Time. Clear Braces.
                 endless choice of
            brush their teeth – this means
            actually talking gifts as
                corporate to patients,
            discussing the advantages of
                 potential givea-                                                     WHY SIX MONTH SMILES WAS VOTED
            good oral hygiene habits, and
            the benefitsfavor things
             ways. I they will experi-                                                THE #1 ORTHO COURSE FOR GDPS...
            ence in are likely to lives.
              that their day to day be
            As a profession we can very
                    retained and
            often get too caught up in our
            own preferably kept
                   little working “bubbles”,
                  where they are
            sometimes to our own detri-
            ment and that of our patients.
                    easily visible’
            This is why campaigns such
            as National Smile Month are
            so important, and serve as a
            powerful reminder to us that
            patients aren’t just “mouths
                If your practice offers, say,
            on legs”, but are real people,
            cosmetic treatments, what
            with real thoughtsGoss, emo-
            about: “Now Mrs and your
            tions and very real pressures
            appointment is with our cos-                           it’s easy...                             effective...                              AND PATIENTS WANT IT.
            upon their lives. XXXXX, and
            metic dentist, Mrs                                     No previous orthodontic                  Six Month Smiles award- winning           Short treatment times and clear
            her nurse, XXXXX, will come                            experience needed. Expertly              clear braces and shape-memory             braces give patients the most
            for Other waysa educating our
                you in just few minutes.”                          positioned clear brackets come           wires are specifically engineered         attractive option to finally have
            patients in in other patients
            No harm the importance of                              set in custom bonding trays -            for optimum and predictable               the smile they’ve always wanted.
            oral health include thehave of
            overhearing that you use a                             ready for 1-step seating.                short-term orthodontic results.
            marketing material such as
            cosmetic dentist!
            posters and leaflets that com-
            municate good oral the nurse
                Of course, XXXXX hygiene
            messages. Practices say some-
            should subsequently may also
                                                              “The 6MS support team is excellent.             “Six Month Smiles increased             “I will look back on Six Month Smiles
            chooselike: “Hellotheir Goss,
            thing     to use      Mrs prac-
                                                                The online forum helps Providers                 my revenues by 40%!”                    as a turning point in my career. I
            tice XXXXX and Mrs additional
            I’m website as an XXXXX is                        with case support and marketing.”                - Dr. John Seward, Cork, Ireland          have sent in 4 cases this week!”
            source of you now.”
            ready for information that pa-
                                                                     - Dr. Nick Simon, London, UK                                                         - Dr. Dan Cattell, Christchurch, UK
            tients can refer to for tips and
            advice. Furthermore, with the
            recentlet patients leave with-
            Don’t boom in social media,
            some practices are now them
            out something reminding even
            actively discussing issues with
            where they’ve been and who
            patients seen. Even with SMS
            they’ve online, promoting de-                                                       CLINICAL INSTRUCTORS
            bate emailparticipation the old
            and and reminders, on the
                                                                                                                                                            Courses in Ireland:
            likes of Facebook, Twittercard
            appointment reminder and
                                                                                                                                                        Dublin, Ireland       26-27 Oct.
            dedicatedstill valid forums.
            system is internet and should
            be used. You may also consider
            a system whereby patients get                                                                                                                    Courses in the UK:
                Another excellent innova-
            tion is (don’t forget                                                                                                             London, UK          18-19 May
                                                                                                                                                                  SOLD OUT!
                    About the author
                    About the author                                                                                                                   London, UK     5-6 Oct.
                               Dr Conor Gallagh-                                                                                                       Manchester, UK 9-10 Nov.
               A proven manager of change
                               er qualified from
               and driver of dramatic business
                               University of Man-                                        Dr. Anoop Maini      Dr. Andy Denny
               growth, Jacqui Goss is the manag-
                               chester in 1987 and
                                                                                                                                                           Major U.S. hub cities
               ing partner of Yes!RESULTS. By us-
                               regularly     attends
               ing Yes!RESULTS dental practices                                                                                                        New York City       26-27 Jul.
               see an increasepostgraduate cours-
                                 in treatment plan                                       Six Month Smiles was voted #1 in the following
               take-up, improvedboth in the UK
                               es     patient satis-                                                                                                   Philadelphia        24-25 Aug.
               faction and more Ireland. Hav-
                               and appointments                                          categories for the Townie Choice Awards:
                                                                                                                                                       Chicago             14-15 Sept.
               resulting from ing set up his own
                                general enquiries.
                               practice in Dublin in
               Yes!RESULTS turns good practices
                                                                                             #1 Post-Graduate Orthodontic Institute for GPs            Miami               9-10 Nov.
                               1995, Conor under-
               into great practices. Managing                                                #1 Brackets
              stands the Yes!RESULTS Honeydale
               Partner, many pressures facing the
              modern dental practice, and through
               Barn, Wall under Heywood, Shrop-
                                                                                             #1 Archwires
    , sees anTel: 08456 448066
               shire SY6 7DU ideal opportunity
              for other practices to Email: jacqui@
               Mob: 07795 562617 take advantage                                                              The last 3 courses have sold out. Register today as space is limited.
              of a powerful new income stream. For
      Website: www.
              more information Twitter:
      on how @Yesre-                                                               To register, visit or call 585-594-0606
              can benefit your patients’ oral health,
              visit For further dental
              enquiries, email For
              sales, email

 DTUK_issue15_22-25.indd 25                                                                                                                                                                      29/05/2012 19:54
DTUK_issue14_12-21.indd 17                                                                                                                                                                          23/05/2012 16:53

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Dental Tribune June 2012

  • 1. United Kingdom Edition May 28-June 3, 2012 Money Matters 11 24 Practice Management United Kingdom Edition June 4-10, 2012 autionary tale your practice is period of stress. The sellers were saving. It is essential that before Why improving forced into a situation whereby making the decision to incorpo- – which must surely be banned they had to discharge all debt rate, legal and accounting advice by GDC rules. And, in any case, relating to their business, when from dental expert lawyers and I’m using the ‘royal’ you – your they otherwise would not have accountants is taken and that the practice, your practice team a mystery – part nine wished to, and the legal and ac- incorporation is properly docu- an discusses incorporating dental practices countancy costs were increased mented with all ancillary issues and you. significantly from what they dealt with to avoid significant Patient journey st lawyers transferred out of the company tion against future claims, and to would have been, had the prac- problems in the future. DT I’ve written before about how who are DAL, have Jacqui Goss asks: Who are you? to a new company. This involved significant additional cost, time incur the further cost of prepar- ing additional sets of accounts in tice not incorporated or been in- corporated into a separate com- your team should work to en- About the author sure each person enjoys a O two pub- kay, pop quiz and reached number 18 in the panythe band. other practice and and stress. As a result of the time! Inable to ascertain the true balance con- of from the That’s correct; it’s should make yourself as visi- ‘wow’ patient journey. But the sing con- tinuing potential risks to the buy-wassheet position on completion.of the laboratory. You by The Who. July 1978 a single record charts. The title Who Are Ray Goodman: Goodman Lawyers ble and memorable as you can. benefits of that great experi- for Dentist. For more information e in some er, it was necessary for which was the sell- Don’t contact Ray won’t advocate ence in terms of the oppor- released single was the same as the please worry, I Goodman on 0151 to incor- ers to discharge version of the al- As a direct resulta of the lack an edited all debts of the album released month later Incorporation can, here I right My point? Well, in the want you 0090 or emailfancy dress and 707 donning rng@goodmanlegal. tunity for patients to share it s without business on completion, to havenameof foresight on incorporating name circumstances, be highly benefi- a the bum track of the same and included part of the to discuss why and how you parading down the high street with friends and family, will e possible significant proportion of the sale practice both the seller and the cial to a practice. However, there be lost if they can’t remember price held back by way of a reten- buyer were subjected to a lengthy are consequences other than tax who you are. You may think you’re memorable but believe practices me you’re eminently forgetta- list dental ble! Don’t take it personally. As . This was ns, which Perfect Contacts, Virtually no Flash, Interproximal Separation soon as patients have their foot out of the door they’ll prob- een prop- mproperly on Class II Composites with Composi-Tight® 3D™! ably begin forgetting the name of your practice, most likely ary docu- failing to recall the name of ing put in the dentist or hygienist they nges from saw and certainly putting d robustly 35% smaller yet out of their minds the names on sale or stronger & more of nurses and front of house n the line. durable reinforce- (FoH) staff! I offer no science ment. Fully steam autoclavable. to support this, only empirical ow begin- Firm core evidence based on making tel- ms caused separates teeth ephone calls to patients when ons raise interproximally. Soft silicone hugs I’m commissioned to under- more fre- bands to teeth - take satisfaction surveys. eliminating flash. case, that d after 11 So, how do you counter this gal wran- collective and, presumably, se- . Wider tips make lective amnesia? Quite simply, wider preps a snap! your name (by which I mean Tips fit over to act for wedge for easier the practice name and appro- ase of an placement. priate team member names) our client should go everywhere. Logo the good- and nameplate design is not my ngs in the department but I do know they y when we should be distinctive, memora- back from Composi-Tight® 3D™ Kit: ble and repeatedly visible. I’ve uiries that quite often walked in to a den- 2 Soft FaceTM 3D-Rings with soft silicone tips, ler had in- tal practice (and other estab- 100 Slick Bands™ non-stick matrices, anatomically onths ear- lishments) and seen nothing to contoured, assorted in 5 sizes, or was not 1 special Ring Placement Forceps for easy and reinforce the knowledge that hus hadn’t secure placement of the rings, I’m in the correct place. Look hat flowed 80 WedgeWands™ with applicator handle, assorted around your practice – does my n until we in 4 sizes - now transparent. comment ring true? There are, of course, many places to put TKK01 Kit your practice name and or logo practices, Price: £ 249.00* – leaflets, posters, mugs, pens ivate, and and so on. ory. All of d into the For further information or to order please call Garrison Toll Free at Tel. 0800 011 2738. Name calling ncorpora- The products are available through all major UK retailers or directly through Garrison Dental Solutions. Turning to the FoH team, T, having which is my department, there allow the are several ways they can re- s contract inforce the name of the prac- any on in- tice, the names of the clinical nclined to staff and their own names. The sfer of the most obvious is for the infor- d the NHS mation to be on their clothing. mited com- However, this may not be ob- ferred. viously visible to the patient as they approach the reception the part- area (they may not be wearing en used to their reading glasses) so have o be trans- nice large nameplates on the where one desk or counter as well. FoH any, as the staff should get in the habit of egulations introducing themselves. This s between is vital on the telephone but uals. also useful in face-to-face con- tact. As well as the ‘who are to enable you?’ benefits I’m discussing d involved here, it also prevents patients he limited *All offers are valid until 31st July 2012 and are subject to availability. All prices are subject to VAT. having to make awkward ref- the prac- Garrison Dental Solutions • Carlstrasse 50 • D-52531 Uebach-Palenberg • Germany erences such as: “The girl on Tel. 0800 011 2738 • • reception said…” or “Can you ent, being 23/05/2012 16:15 DTUK_issue15_22-25.indd 24 29/05/2012 19:53
  • 2. United Kingdom Edition United Kingdom Edition May 28-June 3, 2012 June 4-10, 2012 Feature 17 Practice Management 25 your toothbrush)! is receive an extra five per cent spective if you have a patient is likely to be far higher, and ‘Educating our a subscription-based delivery discount on their order, while who takes responsibility for patients may consider treat- patients then, is lend me your pen, er, miss?” rewarded fortoothbrushes and service for recommending a this reason I suggest avoiding the practice will receive 10 their teeth then they will start dering: that they might other- up a practice Twitter, Face- ments friend. If so, you’ll need to give other oral hygiene products things that need order value as per cent of the to be pinned book or more ofsocial mediain to take other an interest wise never have considered. one of the biggest Now for some clinical staff them something they can pass that saves patients money, up. How about a fridge magnet- revenue. account, do mouths. These pa- their own make your posts Who are you? challenges we face name reinforcement. FoH staff on – similar to a business card, while also ensuring they re- ic, a branded pen or a mouse ‘social’ (ie not just go on to get tients may then oral health Who, who, many who? With so who, advances in should say something simi- as a profession, perhaps. to change their tooth- member mat The advantage of of givea- instead? For ideas schemes orientated) and do keep itmight other treatments they go- technologyyou? recent years, as Who are over lar to: “Right Mrs Goss, your brush every three months. ways, Ias is that they such suggest you look at the ing. A dormanthave considered. not otherwise account gives a Who, who, we now have more profession who, who? DT appointment is we must and is one with Doctor There is an almost endless British to actively engage pa- work Dental Health Founda- a poor impression – shut it tools than ever to help us engage choice of corporate gifts as tion shop their own oral health tients in ( down if you’rewider viewpoint, From a no longer going embrace and take XXXXX in five minutes and her nurse, XXXXX, will collect you The system is simple. Each potential giveaways. I favour Anything you to use it. On LinkedIn, which with our patients. Be it through practice that registers will – they encourage patients to patients who are actively en- social media, forums, websites, head-on ready.” are to when she is if we things that are likely to leaflets receive posters and be re- do give to patients must contain take a deeper interest in oral isgaging with for your profes- a showcase their own oral or even schemes such as dfyt. improve the overall tained and, preferably, kept marked with a practice-spe- your practice name and contact hygiene. In the long term, sional identity and likely to re- health are more a network- com, there is a whole world of They can actually be a bit wherecode. Every patient that cific they are easily visible. details. this can only benefit the pro- ing opportunity, don’t be shy a search treatments and so as opportunity out there to support standard of oral more sophisticated. If the den- My noticeboard in the kitch- subscribes using the code will fession.finally, the few words And From a dental per- – result, treatment image! You include a profile acceptance us in our daily efforts. DT tist or hygienist the UK is health in in question en is so overcrowded that for about social media. If you set don’t really want people won- a recent addition to the prac- and Ireland’ tice team how about: “Okay, Mrs Goss, your appointment is with XXXXX our new hygien- The first way in which we ist, whom I’m sure you’ll like.” can embrace this challenge is to ensure we all make strides to actually engage with our ‘There is an almost patients. This doesn’t just mean reminding patients to Straight Teeth. Less Time. Clear Braces. endless choice of brush their teeth – this means actually talking gifts as corporate to patients, discussing the advantages of potential givea- WHY SIX MONTH SMILES WAS VOTED good oral hygiene habits, and the benefitsfavor things ways. I they will experi- THE #1 ORTHO COURSE FOR GDPS... ence in are likely to lives. that their day to day be As a profession we can very retained and often get too caught up in our own preferably kept little working “bubbles”, where they are sometimes to our own detri- ment and that of our patients. easily visible’ This is why campaigns such as National Smile Month are so important, and serve as a powerful reminder to us that patients aren’t just “mouths If your practice offers, say, on legs”, but are real people, cosmetic treatments, what with real thoughtsGoss, emo- about: “Now Mrs and your tions and very real pressures appointment is with our cos- it’s easy... effective... AND PATIENTS WANT IT. upon their lives. XXXXX, and metic dentist, Mrs No previous orthodontic Six Month Smiles award- winning Short treatment times and clear her nurse, XXXXX, will come experience needed. Expertly clear braces and shape-memory braces give patients the most for Other waysa educating our you in just few minutes.” positioned clear brackets come wires are specifically engineered attractive option to finally have patients in in other patients No harm the importance of set in custom bonding trays - for optimum and predictable the smile they’ve always wanted. oral health include thehave of overhearing that you use a ready for 1-step seating. short-term orthodontic results. marketing material such as cosmetic dentist! posters and leaflets that com- municate good oral the nurse Of course, XXXXX hygiene messages. Practices say some- should subsequently may also “The 6MS support team is excellent. “Six Month Smiles increased “I will look back on Six Month Smiles chooselike: “Hellotheir Goss, thing to use Mrs prac- The online forum helps Providers my revenues by 40%!” as a turning point in my career. I tice XXXXX and Mrs additional I’m website as an XXXXX is with case support and marketing.” - Dr. John Seward, Cork, Ireland have sent in 4 cases this week!” source of you now.” ready for information that pa- - Dr. Nick Simon, London, UK - Dr. Dan Cattell, Christchurch, UK tients can refer to for tips and advice. Furthermore, with the Reminders recentlet patients leave with- Don’t boom in social media, some practices are now them out something reminding even actively discussing issues with where they’ve been and who patients seen. Even with SMS they’ve online, promoting de- CLINICAL INSTRUCTORS bate emailparticipation the old and and reminders, on the Courses in Ireland: likes of Facebook, Twittercard appointment reminder and Dublin, Ireland 26-27 Oct. dedicatedstill valid forums. system is internet and should be used. You may also consider a system whereby patients get Courses in the UK: Another excellent innova- tion is (don’t forget London, UK 18-19 May SOLD OUT! About the author About the author London, UK 5-6 Oct. Dr Conor Gallagh- Manchester, UK 9-10 Nov. A proven manager of change er qualified from and driver of dramatic business University of Man- Dr. Anoop Maini Dr. Andy Denny growth, Jacqui Goss is the manag- chester in 1987 and Major U.S. hub cities ing partner of Yes!RESULTS. By us- regularly attends ing Yes!RESULTS dental practices New York City 26-27 Jul. see an increasepostgraduate cours- in treatment plan Six Month Smiles was voted #1 in the following take-up, improvedboth in the UK es patient satis- Philadelphia 24-25 Aug. faction and more Ireland. Hav- and appointments categories for the Townie Choice Awards: Chicago 14-15 Sept. resulting from ing set up his own general enquiries. practice in Dublin in Yes!RESULTS turns good practices #1 Post-Graduate Orthodontic Institute for GPs Miami 9-10 Nov. 1995, Conor under- into great practices. Managing #1 Brackets stands the Yes!RESULTS Honeydale Partner, many pressures facing the modern dental practice, and through Barn, Wall under Heywood, Shrop- #1 Archwires, sees anTel: 08456 448066 shire SY6 7DU ideal opportunity for other practices to Email: jacqui@ Mob: 07795 562617 take advantage The last 3 courses have sold out. Register today as space is limited. of a powerful new income stream. For Website: www. more information Twitter: on how @Yesre- To register, visit or call 585-594-0606 can benefit your patients’ oral health, sults visit For further dental enquiries, email For oss sales, email DTUK_issue15_22-25.indd 25 29/05/2012 19:54 DTUK_issue14_12-21.indd 17 23/05/2012 16:53