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Content                                                                                   Page
ABOUT THE RESEARCH…………………………………………………………………………….…. 3
THE BENEFITS………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 8
THE CHALLENGES……………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
              How not to become a ‘nexus of hatred’…………………………….. 15
              Which other industries face similar challenges?.................... 16
WHICH PLATFORM IS MOST EFFECTIVE?.......................................................... 17
              Dispelling myths about the word ‘social’…………………………... 19
              Breaking news…………………………………………………………………… 22
DEFENCE CONTRACTORS RATED…………………………………………………………………. 23
              Listening: An alternative role for social media…………………... 29
              Counting the cost………………………………………………………………. 30
              Getting it right……………………………………………………………………. 31
APPENDIX A………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35
APPENDIX B………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36
APPENDIX C………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
APPENDIX D………………………………………………………………………………………….…….. 38
ABOUT DEFENCE IQ…………………………………………………………………………….………. 39
DISCLAIMER………………………………………………………………………………………….…….. 40

                                                         Page 2
About the research
This report explores the use of social media         The majority of survey respondents were
in the defence industry. It is primarily             from the commercial sector, accounting for
focused on the commercial sector,                    68% of total responses (Figure 1). This
considering what benefits, if any, social            includes representatives from government
media offers to defence contractors and              organisations and prime contractors, 2nd and
organisations. Based on a survey of defence          3rd tier suppliers and other defence-related
professionals, the report also examines the          agencies. Defence media professionals
use of social media within a wider context,          (22%) and ‘other’ respondents (10%)
looking at how the defence media and                 complete the grouping of those surveyed.
journalists are utilising social media as a tool
to learn more about the industry and
engage with suppliers.

The analysis of the survey data has been
supplemented with proprietary interviews
and desktop research.

                                        Figure 1:
                              Overview of respondent by type
                                    Commercial     Media    Other




                                                   Page 3
Looking at Figure 2 (the data for which can      respondents with the remaining 29%
been seen in Appendix A, page 35), the           sourced from around the globe, including
United     States      had     the   highest     Canada, Israel, India, Australia, Singapore
representation in the survey (30%) followed      and South Africa.
closely by the UK (29%). Other European
nations – Germany (5%) and Sweden (4%) –
account for a significant portion of

                                                    Figure 2:
                                                    Illustration of respondent by country

      Data: Appendix A

                                               Page 4
What is social media? What does
online presence mean?
Before we consider the role social media           According     to    the     open     source
plays in the defence industry, perhaps a           encyclopaedia, social media is defined as
short introduction to the concept is required      “media for social interaction, using highly
first.                                             accessible and scalable communication
                                                   techniques. Social media is the use of web-
What is social media, and how do you define        based and mobile technologies to turn
it? Can you define it?                             communication into interactive dialogue.”

A dictionary reference is usually prescient in     Social media platforms will not replace
these cases, but not here; there is no             customer service centres or usher in the
dictionary    reference.     Instead,     and      death of the telephonic conversation. They
somewhat appropriately in this instance, we        won’t replace face-to-face networking
must rely on Wikipedia.                            meetings and nor will they offer an
                                                   alternative to lead generation. In a
                                                   commercial context, using social media does
                                                   not mean that marketing teams are
                                                   permitted to talk to their friends all day.

                                                   Social media tools allow users to create and
                                                   converse in online interactive dialogues.

         Social media: “Media for social
         interaction, using highly accessible
         and scalable communication
         techniques. Social media is the use of
         web-based and mobile technologies
         to turn communication into
         interactive dialogue.”

         The social encyclopaedia

                                                 Page 5
For the purposes of this report, social media
platforms can include, but are not exclusive
to, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and

An ‘online presence’ can be considered
within a wider framework outside of and in
addition to social media. Keeping a blog
updated with timely and relevant content
can help establish an effective online
presence. So too can producing technical
whitepapers, participating in topic-specific
webinars and being open to interviews with
relevant industry publications.

                                                Page 6
The importance of being…
social media savvy
The majority (62%) of respondents believe            companies in the industry. The advantages
that it is very important, if not critical, that     and challenges of this new media will be
defence contractors improve their online             explored in greater detail later in this report,
and social media presence over the next five         but it’s clear that Figure 3 demonstrates the
years (Figure 3).                                    defence industry is aware of social media’s
                                                     growing significance as a real-world business
Just under 1 in 10 respondents failed to             tool as well as the need to embrace it more
appreciate that social media could benefit           fully in future.

                                      Figure 3:
      Analysis of how important it is for defence contractors to improve their
              online and social media presence over the next 5 years
             Essential     Very important      Somewhat important       Not important




                                                   Page 7
The benefits
A key conclusion from the survey data              But it’s not just the primes that can adopt
suggests that social media should be used as       online recruitment techniques. Any recruiter
a platform to increase brand awareness and         or headhunter will have a story where
for embracing outreach initiatives. It is more     they’ve been bested by a shrewd employee
to do with nurturing a brand and less about        at an SME (Small and Medium Enterprise)
generating new business.                           that advertised and recruited someone
                                                   independently through social media. Do not
The top five responses in Figure 4 highlight       expect these stories to become less
this trend. All relate to brand awareness and      frequent in the future.
thought leadership while the more ‘hard
sell’ factors, such as lead generation and         Towards the bottom of the list of social
competitive edge, come much further down           media advantages is that it allows
the priority list.                                 companies to ‘keep tabs’ on the
                                                   competition. However, as Figure 5 on page
Thomas Guest, formerly of the UKTI Defence         14 shows, respondents felt that the risk of
& Security Organisation, said “social media is     divulging too much information to
most important for improving PR and not as         competitors through social media channels
a means to drive new business, that will           was the key disadvantage to having an
continue to be done in tradition manners.”         online presence.

One of the challenges of using social media        There is a paradox here. Contactors do not
to any length is convincing the accountants        generally see social media as a useful means
that there is an ROI. This can be difficult.       of gaining any form of competitive edge; it is
However, one area where this distinction           not an effective corporate espionage tool.
becomes clearer is when social media               What we are seeing here is the unsupported
platforms are used as recruitment tools.           and irrational fear of exposure being used as
                                                   an excuse for online discretion to the
A number of firms including Boeing,                detriment of the company’s brand and,
Raytheon and Thales have active social             ultimately, bottom line performance. The
media outreach programmes dedicated to             climate of suspicion that surrounds social
recruitment. With 59% of respondents               media in the defence industry does not
indicating that this is one of the key             reflect the reality. If managed properly
advantages of social media it’s likely that        social media platforms do not leave
others will follow this example.                   companies open to risks relating to IP and
                                                   corporate strategy; they do, however,
                                                   provide an excellent forum to enhance
                                                   brand awareness, as underpinned by the
                                                   survey data.

                                                 Page 8
Figure 4:
                                   Overview of the advantages for defence contractors using social media

Increased brand awareness                                                                 68%
Recruitment purposes                                                     59%
Chance to become a recognised thought leader in the market              56%
Easier and freer relationship building with journalists and the media   55%
It’s the cheapest form of marketing            46%
Lead generation                               39%
Keeping tabs on the competition              38%
For collecting customer feedback            34%
To stay ahead of the competition          28%
Other                         11%
There are NO advantages       5%
   Data: Appendix B

                                                       Page 9
While only 5% of respondents noted that            Up to that point, most of the people making
there are no real-world advantages to using        the decisions at the corporate level had
social media, it’s still 5%. Even those that       gone through the National Service
have least bought into social media would          programme whereby all healthy males
be expected to have had some appreciation          between the ages of 17 to 21 years were
for what benefits an online presence can           signed up to the armed forces for four years.
offer, however minor. For a respondent to          When a TA asked for leave from work to
underline that there are none is revealing.        participate in exercises, the answer, since
                                                   most managers and directors were proud
At the Farnborough International Airshow in        ex-military personnel, the answer was often
July, the Defence IQ team undertook a straw        a resounding yes. With a hearty pat on the
poll to get some indicative insight on social      back too.
media practice. One participant made an
interesting comparison; he explained that          However, following the demise of National
social media today is much like Territorial        Service in 1960 in the UK, by the time the
Army (TA) service in the 1980s.                    80s came around many of these leaders
                                                   with military breeding had passed the torch
                                                   on to a new generation of company
                                                   management. The new generation didn’t
                                                   understand the need for TA’s to have quite
                                                   so much paid time off. So the ‘yes’ count
                                                   dried up.

                                                   The point is that there was a generation gap;
                                                   a fundamental change had occurred from
                                                   one generation to the next. A whole mind-
        “Social media is most                      set had shifted.
        important for
        improving PR and not
        as a means to drive
        new business, that will
        be done in tradition

        Thomas Guest,
        Formerly of UKTI
        Defence & Security

                                                Page 10
Likewise, when this generation of internet           contractors       are      having   difficulty
savvy children become the decision-makers            transforming their cultures … the need to be
of the future, not having a robust online            more open and communicative is not
presence with an engaging and spirited               currently familiar territory for the defence
social media policy would be, at the very            industry, but it will be.”
least, ignorant. Like it or not, in one form or
another, social media is here to stay. The           As Figure 4 highlights, there are significant
platforms we use will evolve – Facebook and          benefits to using social media, regardless of
Twitter may or may not be the tools of               industry.*
choice ten years from now – but the concept
of connecting with more people, customers,           However, there are of course challenges too
brands and businesses online is unavoidable.         and the full benefit of these social platforms
                                                     cannot be realised until these hurdles are
As Douglas Burdett, a social media expert in         addressed, mitigated and eradicated.
the defence industry and author of the Fire
Support blog, says: “Inertia is a powerful
force in the defence industry. Some defence

* A comparison of how other industries face similar challenges to defence is presented on page 16

                                                  Page 11
“The climate of suspicion that surrounds
     social media in the defence industry
    does not reflect the reality. If managed
properly social media platforms do not leave
  companies open to risks relating to IP and
corporate strategy; they do, however, provide
        an excellent forum to enhance
              brand awareness.”

                              Page 12
The challenges
Figure 5 highlights that the discreet nature       Most of the top 20 defence contractors have
of the defence industry is a critical barrier      active Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
for companies to utilise social media.             accounts, so it’s clear that there is a ready-
                                                   made audience. However, the extent to
One third of respondents stated that a lack        which these are being successfully utilised is
of an active and relevant online community         explored in greater detail later in this report.
to engage with was one of the pitfalls for
defence companies using social media. But
to reframe that, 70% of respondents
inferred that there was an active and
relevant community.

                “Companies from all industries face
                the challenge of not divulging
                proprietary ideas, direction or
                corporate strategy, so defence is not

                Steven Mains, PhD
                TechMIS, LLC

                                                Page 13
Figure 5:
    Overview of the disadvantages for
defence contractors using social media

       58% Risk of divulging too much information (to competitors, enemy states etc.)
             53%                                                The discreet nature of the business

                   47%                 Limited internal understanding and lack of correct skill base

                                             30% Inactive/irrelevant online community
                                             30% Easy for detractors to air grievances
                                                                     14%                      Other

    There are NO significant challenges compared with other industries     10%

                                                                               Data: Appendix C

                                                   Page 14
How not to become a ‘nexus of hatred’

Respondents indicated that social media            After being open and honest in response to
tools allow the public at large to easily and      reasonable and understandable comments,
coarsely air their grievances and complaints.      the social media team then went on the
This is a very real issue.                         offensive, which is where the real success
                                                   story begins. During the blackout some
“A lot of companies set-up a Facebook page         oddballs in the Twittersphere took the
and just become a nexus of hatred,” Patrick        chance to send rude, unnecessary and often
Herridge, Co-Founder of corporate social           illogical messages to the mobile network
media monitoring firm Social360 Ltd., said.        provider. O2 responded with humour:
“Without clear social media objectives all
you’re doing is creating a public forum for
people who hate your brand.”

But this is true of any industry, not just
defence. Last month, one of the UK’s largest
mobile phone operators, O2, suffered a
blackout. All of its customers lost
connectivity – no calls, no texts, no email.
The company’s Twitter feed was awash with
complaints and criticism as hordes of
customers vented their anger – it should
have been a public relations disaster.

However, O2’s social media team were
prepared. They had a strategy to mitigate
negative complaints aired on Twitter and
managed, against all probability, to turn the      It doesn’t matter that the social media team
network’s blackout into a customer relations       responded with humour; the key point is
triumph.                                           that O2 responded. It could have been with
                                                   grovelling apologies or with parent-like
How? First and foremost by being open and          disdain; the way in which O2 responded is
honest. Here’s an example of the sort of           less important that the simple fact that it
response O2 produced:                              actually responded. In doing so it exposed
                                                   the members of that community that were
                                                   uninterested in participating in a sensible
                                                   interactive dialogue and, in turn, won the
                                                   company a legion of new fans.

                                                   Developing a detailed social media strategy
                                                   is compulsory as it will be an effective tool
                                                   when faced with online detractors.

                                                Page 15
Which other industries face similar challenges?

Defence contractors will possibly receive          The negative perception attached to all
disparaging messages and attract unwanted          these industries is what ties them together.
comments on social networks. But then so           Therefore, in addition to this you might add
might any company, in any industry.                legal, oil & gas, tobacco, and even the fast
                                                   food industry.
“Companies from all industries face the
challenge of not divulging proprietary ideas,      One in ten respondents said there are no
direction or corporate strategy, so defence        significant challenges that the defence
is not unique,” said Steven Mains, COO,            industry faces that others do not (Figure 5).
                                                   The nature of these industries means that
When asked to detail other industries that         there will always be those that disapprove.
faced similar challenges as defence, the           However, that minority should not be
most recurrent examples expressed by               allowed to cloud what could be an active,
respondents included the alcohol, financial        appealing and valuable social media
services, pharmaceutical and chemical              strategy.

                                                Page 16
Which platform is most effective?
 Survey respondents from the ‘Commercial’               This is important because it shows that
 sector were asked: Which online medium do              thought leadership is regarded more highly
 you think is most effective in increasing              by defence contractors than brand
 brand awareness and thought leadership?                awareness is.

 Whitepapers, LinkedIn, Twitter and hosted              Social media tools (LinkedIn and Twitter) are
 articles were identified as the key platforms          seen to be very important, but creating
 (Figure 6). Taking the ‘very effective’ and            valuable content through whitepapers and
 ‘critical’ responses together from the graph           articles is underlined as the most relevant
 below reveals that whitepapers and hosted              and effective form of online presence by
 articles are seen as the most effective                defence companies.
 platforms, followed by LinkedIn and Twitter.

                                            Figure 6:
                              Analysis of most effective platform for
                             brand awareness and thought leadership
                     Innefective      Somewhat effective         Very effective    Critical

                                 0%   10%   20%   30%      40%     50%     60%    70%    80%   90% 100%


                    Linked In


                Hosted article

         Company newsletter



               Hosted videos



Other social media (Pinterest)

                  Banner ads

                                                    Page 17
However, this belies what the defence                   The conclusion is that a balance between
media think. Figure 7 shows that LinkedIn is            producing informed, constructive content
the most ‘critical’ platform, while Twitter is          and effective social media engagement is
the most ‘effective’.                                   fundamental to building and maintaining a
                                                        strong brand, which is backed up by a robust
Although this report seeks to distinguish               online presence.
social media from other forms of online
presence, the disparity between the data in             Another critical point to understand here is
Figures 6 and 7 demonstrates that the two               that while no one thinks Twitter – and for
are inextricably linked. Both work hand-in-             the purposes of this analysis we can extract
hand to present an overall picture of a                 that out to mean social media platforms in
company.                                                general – is a ‘critical’ tool (Figure 7), it is the
                                                        most effective for online engagement, as the
                                                        majority (53%) indicated.

                                         Figure 7:
              Analysis of key platforms the media use for engaging with and
                         learning more about defence contractors
                    Innefective       Somewhat effective      Very effective       Critical

                                 0%   10%   20%   30%      40%   50%     60%    70%     80%   90% 100%

                    Linked In

               Hosted videos


               Hosted article

                  Banner ads




Other social media (Pinterest)



         Company newsletter

                                                   Page 18
Dispelling the myth about the word ‘social’

Facebook is a far more effective platform for          Diversification and flexibility, especially in an
informing and shaping people’s, and                    economy like the one facing industry in
especially the media’s, perceptions about a            2012, are vital characteristics for a company
company than the defence industry realises.            if it is to execute a successful growth
Looking at Figure 6, Facebook is ineffective
according to commercial respondents while              “Many defence contractors are stepping up
Figure 7 shows that media respondents see              their diversification – to other government
it as a valuable learning tool. This is primarily      sectors, internationally and to commercial
due to an image problem, and it also                   markets,” said Burdett. “This diversification
underpins a deeper challenge: the word                 is driving the need to increase awareness
‘social’ in social media.                              beyond      the      defence    procurement
One commercial respondent commented:
“Should grown-ups use SOCIAL media in                  Social media can be an invaluable tool for
business?”                                             this. Even if it was held that social media
                                                       offers few benefits for the defence industry,
It’s a fair question, but a common                     that is not to say the same is true for all
misconception.                                         defence companies.

Perhaps it is an unfortunate term but rather           Social media allows commercial enterprises
than having to call ‘social media’ by another          to connect with people in far more subtle
less gregarious name, it is people’s                   ways than ever before. Companies are now
perceptions of the phrase that will have to            using content marketing, such as blogs,
adapt instead. And in time, that will happen.          webinars, whitepapers, eBooks and videos,
                                                       to provide useful information to attract and
“As social media becomes a successful,                 engage the people with whom they need to
integral part of the fabric of defence                 communicate, according to Burdett. Social
contractor communications, the perception              media is an excellent forum through which
of social media as being an unnecessary                to distribute that content.
marketing tactic will fade,” Douglas Burdett
said.                                                  Social media channels don’t allow
                                                       companies to connect with people on a
The argument that social media, while                  social level; they offer a very real and
relevant for many, will never be necessary             effective form of inbound marketing that
for the day-to-day operations of a defence             can add considerable weight to any forward-
company is not an unreasonable one.                    looking corporate strategy.
However, this approach is only accurate if
growth is not on the owners’ agenda.

                                                    Page 19
“The urban myth of the social media world is
when the CEO’s daughter comes back home
and asks him why his company isn’t on
Facebook. Next morning the CEO tells his
marketing team to create a Facebook page
but with no understanding of what the point
of having one is … A lot of companies set-up a
Facebook page and just become a ‘nexus of
hatred’…without clear social media objectives
all you’re doing is creating a public forum for
people who hate your brand. There’s a real
negative ROI with outreach which I think
defence contractors have to be careful of.”

Patrick Herridge,
Social360 Ltd.

                       Page 20
Douglas Burdett recommends that those                   We still have telephones the same as we did
    companies considering using social media as             in 1972, but in 2012 they now come
    a marketing tool ask themselves one                     equipped with music players, navigation
    question: Which groups would you most like              systems and cameras too. Social media is to
    to have a relationship with and what                    marketing what the iPhone was to the
    content can you offer that would be of                  rotary dial.
    interest to them? This will be the
    cornerstone of any successful social media

                                           Figure 8:
              Analysis of which tools the defence media use to learn more about
                                   industy news and issues
                      Innefective      Somewhat effective         Very effective    Critical

                                 0%   10%   20%   30%       40%     50%     60%    70%    80%   90%   100%

                    Linked In




               Hosted videos


                Hosted article


         Company newsletter


                  Banner ads

Other social media (Pinterest)

                                                        Page 21
Breaking news
According to respondents, Figure 8 again
shows that Twitter is most effective in
helping users learn about and understand
issues in the defence industry. The reason
for this is that social media offers instant,
up-to-date and, if you’re following the right
people, reliable information. While blogging
is also highly rated by defence media
professionals, Twitter is the preferred
option because it’s immediate. It also allows
users to easily read a wide range of opinions
and quickly appreciate many different
angles on the same story.

                                                Page 22
Defence contractors rated
The company with the most outstanding              Leonie and CACI – the majority used this to
social media presence is Lockheed Martin,          state that none of the aforementioned
according to survey data (Figure 9 – a             companies had an outstanding social media
breakdown of the data can be found in              presence.
Appendix D). Boeing follows with 33% and
BAE Systems with 26%, but with 44%                 Figure 13 at the end of this report shows
Lockheed Martin is seen as a clear leader.         that defence contractors need to
                                                   significantly increase their social media and
However, the ‘other’ category offers a             online presence over the next five years,
remarkable insight. While some respondents         which is supported by the response in Figure
mentioned other companies – such as                9.

Special recognition

EADS provoked a decent response from the           updates. The EADS team shared exclusive
survey participants (with 22%), but this does      pictures, insight from visiting delegations,
not fairly represent the quality of the            chances to win (relevant) prizes in on-going
European defence company’s social media            competitions, as well as general event
outreach. This was demonstrable during the         updates. The coverage was not aimed at
Farnborough Airshow where the EADS social          being corporate propaganda and nor was it
media team, using the event-specific               idle nonsense – it was balanced, helpful, and
@EASlive Twitter account, gave a master            interesting.
class in how to provide informative on-site

                                                Page 23
Figure 9:
               Illustration of defence companies with outstanding social media

Data: Appendix D
                                  Page 24
“We still have telephones the same as we did
in 1972, but in 2012 they now come equipped
 with music players, navigation systems and
  cameras too. Social media is to marketing
   what the iPhone was to the rotary dial.”

                  Page 25
Together with the survey data it is worth          Essentially, the higher the purple areas and
                 considering these responses in the context         the lower the blue bar, the better a
                 of what the specified companies’ social            company’s social media presence is.
                 media presence actually looks like. Figure 10
                 shows the number of followers each                 The companies identified by survey
                 company has on their main Twitter account,         respondents are generally those that have
                 the number of likes they have on Facebook,         active and established social media
                 as well as giving an indication of how             activities, although it’s clear that Booz Allen
                 frequently their Twitter accounts are              Hamilton should have been considered
                 updated (based on an average taken from            within the top group that included BAE,
                 three random samples).                             Boeing and EADS.

                                                         Figure 10:
                                   Analysis of defence companies social media presence

                                    Twitter followers      Facebook likes       Last Twitter post

                50000                                                                                       200

                45000                                                                                       180

                                                                                                                  No. of hours since last post on Twitter
                40000                                                                                       160

                35000                                                                                       140

                30000                                                                                       120
No. of people

                25000                                                                                       100

                20000                                                                                       80

                15000                                                                                       60

                10000                                                                                       40

                 5000                                                                                       20

                    0                                                                                       0

                                                                 Page 26
“I think the large defence companies
are failing miserably in this area. If
you go to a webpage, Facebook
page, etc. for one of these
companies, you can hardly tell which
one you're visiting. There is no
individuality or personality. The large
companies seem to benefit from
being perceived as a commodity - a
concept that is inconsistent with
having an effective social media
presence; an effective social media
presence benefits from personality.”

Gregg R. Sypeck,
Senior Vice President,
Mav6, LLC

                           Page 27
For further context, in his blog Douglas          Based on Defence News’ annual list, here
Burdett recently published a list of the top      are the top 20 defence contractors from
100 defence contractors rated by the quality      2011 together with their website grade:
of their website.

1.    Lockheed Martin     68%
2.    Boeing              72%
3.    BAE Systems         45%
4.    General Dynamics 46%

5.    Raytheon            69%
6.    Northrop Grumman 78%

7.    EADS                58%
8.    Finmeccanica        27%
9.    L-3 Communications 50%

10.   United Technologies 57%

11.   Thales              68%
12.   SIAC                73%
13.   Huntington Ingalls 61%

14.   Honeywell           55%
15.   Booz Allen Hamilton 84%
16.   Rolls-Royce         55%
17.   CSC                 72%
18.   Oshkosh             54%
19.   Textron             53%
20.    GE

                                               Page 28
Listening: An alternative role for
social media
                                                    protestors are doing outside their offices,”
Up to this point, the focus of this report has
                                                    said Herridge.
been on outreach. But there is another
element to social media networks too:
                                                    Social360 aggregates all of the social data
                                                    aligned to a specific company and then
                                                    presents it in a format that the client can
Companies can use Twitter, Facebook,
LinkedIn and thousands of other platforms
to ‘listen’ to what other people are saying
                                                    “The same way you used to get press
about them.
                                                    cuttings every morning, we now provide a
                                                    daily report on what is being said on social
Patrick Herridge co-founded a social media
                                                    media,” Herridge explained.
monitoring firm, Social360 Ltd., which has a
number of defence firms on its books, to do
                                                    A number of other firms offer similar
exactly that.
                                                    services which exploit the vast quantity of
                                                    data flowing through these social networks.
“Corporates want to know what investors
                                                    Social media platforms aren’t just for
are saying on bulletin boards, they want to
                                                    engaging with people – through this type of
know what staff are saying about what
                                                    analytical feedback they can also be used as
they’re doing, they want to know what
                                                    a tool to improve processes, avoid
                                                    unwanted events and stay ahead of the

                                                 Page 29
Counting the cost                                                     Figure 11:
                                                      Overview of what percentage of marketing
Although slight, there is a discrepancy              budget defence contractors should spend on
between how much media professionals                     social media (company perspective)
believe defence companies should be
spending on their social media activities                              0%                <2%
compared to what the companies                                         2% - 5%           5% - 10%
                                                                       10% - 20%         20% - 30%
themselves think they should.

The majority of the media think that
defence companies should spend between
                                                                           10%     10%
5% to 20% of their marketing budget (Figure
12),    while    commercial     respondents                      15%
indicated that anything up to 10% was more                                                      20%
reasonable (Figure 11).
Social media is relatively inexpensive – the
tools required are available for free or at                       7%
negligible cost – all it requires is the human
resource to manage the strategy. For any
company of a decent size this resource
should be absorbed relatively easily.

But that is not to say a company should hire                         Figure 12:
an intern or recent graduate to manage its            Overview of what percentage of marketing
social media strategy. The social media team
                                                     budget defence contractors should spend on
will be responsible for the company’s brand
– they are the company mouthpiece.                        social media (media perspective)
Everyone in that team should not only be                           <2%               2% - 5%
social media savvy but they need to                                5% - 10%          10% - 20%
understand and be comfortable with the                             20% - 30%         30%+
technical aspects of the business too; they
need to be industry savvy. Inc. magazine
recently published an excellent guide to who                           5% 5%       11%
should not be in charge of corporate social
media accounts.                                                                                 21%

Brett van Niekerk, who has completed a PhD
at South Africa’s University of KwaZulu-                    47%
Natal, offered a useful postscript:

“As having a social media profile is often
free, budget is less of a concern than
actually getting it right.”

That is the critical part: getting it right.

                                                 Page 30
Getting it right
When a social media campaign goes right it          The Twitter application powered by
can have a real impact. Perhaps one of the          Raytheon led to the ‘donation’ of 335,013
more obvious examples is Raytheon’s                 characters to the WWP. This resulted in a
Hashtags for Heroes (#HT4H). This is how            huge surge in traffic for the WWP website
the company described it in a press release:        together with an influx of (monetary)
                                                    donations. Details of the successful
“This innovative campaign takes advantage           campaign can be found overleaf.
of what is, in effect, surplus tweet capacity.
Of the total 140 characters that Twitter
users are allotted for every tweet, many
characters often go unused (according to
one estimate, the most common tweet
length is about 28 characters). The campaign
enables users to download a special Twitter
platform application to tweet from their
computers or mobile devices and easily
"donate" their unused Twitter characters in
support of WWP [Wounded Warrior

                                                 Page 31
Page 2
  Page 32
Taking advantage of opportunities
When asked to what extent defence                            The benefits of social media have been
companies need to increase their social                      discussed earlier in this report and it’s
media and online presence, the top                           apparent that at least a third of survey
response was: Significantly, we need to                      respondents agree with the need for an
make major changes to take advantage of                      online presence. While 7% still see no
opportunities (Figure 13).                                   advantages, the top two responses in Figure
                                                             13, accounting for the majority (58%), show
There are two important concepts within                      that defence contractors do see the benefit
that sentence: First is the acknowledgement                  of social media tools and will be doing more
that companies need to do more online; the                   in the future to increase their use of them.
second, arguably of more import, is that
respondents appreciate that there are
distinct opportunities in doing so.

                                             Figure 13:
                      To what extent do you think you will be increasing your
                      social media and online presence over the next 5 years?

   Significantly, we need to make major changes
         to take advantage of opportunities

   A little, it could be better than it is and we see
                       the benefit

     It will probably increase organically, but we
        won’t be putting much resource into it

     We will continue to improve somewhat, but
            our current presence is good

                      Not at all, there’s no benefit

                                                        0%   5%    10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

                                                         Page 33
“When this generation of internet
 savvy children become the decision-
  makers of the future, not having a
    robust online presence with an
  engaging and spirited social media
   policy would be, at the very least,
ignorant. Like it or not, in one form or
another, social media is here to stay.”

          Page 34
Appendix A

                    Analysis of respondent by country

New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
South Africa

               0%   5%      10%      15%      20%       25%   30%   35%

                                           Page 35
Appendix B

                                           Overview of the advantages for
                                        defence contractors using social media

                  Increased brand awareness                                                           68%

                       Recruitment purposes                                                     59%

Recognised as a thought leader in the market                                                  56%

Relationship building with journalists / media                                                55%

          It’s the cheapest form of marketing                                           46%

                             Lead generation                                      39%

            Keeping tabs on the competition                                   38%

            For collecting customer feedback                                34%

            To stay ahead of the competition                          28%

                                       Other          11%

         There are NO real-world advantages      5%

                                                            Page 36
Appendix C

                                    Overview of the disadvantages for
                                  defence contractors using social media

             Risk of divulging too much information
                 The discreet nature of the business
Limited internal understanding and lack of skill base
    Lack of active online community to engage with
 Too easy for detractors to air complaints publically
                 There are NO significant challenges


                                                             Page 37
Appendix D

                           Analysis of defence companies
                           with outstanding social media

  Lockheed Martin
      BAE Systems
             Other                                             26%
             EADS                                        23%
       Rolls-Royce                                    22%
            Thales                                 21%
         Raytheon                                  21%

Northrop Grumman                             18%

 General Dynamics                            18%

              Saab                          17%
Booz Allen Hamilton
      Finmeccanica              8%
United Technologies
           Oshkosh         5%
             RUAG     3%
L-3 Communications    3%

                                            Page 38
About Defence IQ

Defence IQ is an authoritative news source for high quality and exclusive commentary and
analysis on global defence and military-related topics. Sourcing interviews and insights directly
from senior military and industry professionals on air defence, cyber warfare, armoured
vehicles, naval defence, land defence and many more topics, Defence IQ is a unique multimedia
platform to discuss and learn about the latest developments within the defence sector.

So join over 60,000 defence professionals to access all the exclusive video interviews, podcasts,
articles and whitepapers that are available and updated on a daily basis.

Join today for free by signing up on our website:

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   Twitter                 LinkedIn                   Google+                  Facebook

                                                Page 39
This report is provided for information purposes only. This report may not be reproduced,
published or distributed by an recipient for any purpose. The company accepts no responsibility
whatsoever for any direct or indirect losses arising from the use of this report or its contents.

Images courtesy of U.S. DoD,, and Raytheon.

About the author

                      Andrew Elwell is the Editor-in-Chief of Defence IQ. He has previously worked
                      as a survivability specialist for a provider of ballistic and blast armour
                      systems. Andrew holds a BA in History and American Studies from the
                      University of Nottingham. He can be reached on

                      In the spirit of social media outreach:

                      Connect with Andrew on LinkedIn
                      Follow him on Twitter: DefenceIQ and @AJElwell

                                                 Page 40

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Defence IQ's Social media in Defence Report 2012

  • 1.
  • 2. Table of contents Content Page ABOUT THE RESEARCH…………………………………………………………………………….…. 3 WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? WHAT DOES ONLINE PRESENCE MEAN?................. 5 THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING … SOCIAL MEDIA SAAVY………………………………... 7 THE BENEFITS………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 8 THE CHALLENGES……………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 How not to become a ‘nexus of hatred’…………………………….. 15 Which other industries face similar challenges?.................... 16 WHICH PLATFORM IS MOST EFFECTIVE?.......................................................... 17 Dispelling myths about the word ‘social’…………………………... 19 Breaking news…………………………………………………………………… 22 DEFENCE CONTRACTORS RATED…………………………………………………………………. 23 Listening: An alternative role for social media…………………... 29 Counting the cost………………………………………………………………. 30 Getting it right……………………………………………………………………. 31 TAKING ADVANTAGE OF OPPORTUNITIES…………………………………………….…….. 33 APPENDIX A………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35 APPENDIX B………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36 APPENDIX C………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37 APPENDIX D………………………………………………………………………………………….…….. 38 ABOUT DEFENCE IQ…………………………………………………………………………….………. 39 DISCLAIMER………………………………………………………………………………………….…….. 40 Page 2
  • 3. About the research This report explores the use of social media The majority of survey respondents were in the defence industry. It is primarily from the commercial sector, accounting for focused on the commercial sector, 68% of total responses (Figure 1). This considering what benefits, if any, social includes representatives from government media offers to defence contractors and organisations and prime contractors, 2nd and organisations. Based on a survey of defence 3rd tier suppliers and other defence-related professionals, the report also examines the agencies. Defence media professionals use of social media within a wider context, (22%) and ‘other’ respondents (10%) looking at how the defence media and complete the grouping of those surveyed. journalists are utilising social media as a tool to learn more about the industry and engage with suppliers. The analysis of the survey data has been supplemented with proprietary interviews and desktop research. Figure 1: Overview of respondent by type Commercial Media Other 10% 22% 68% Page 3
  • 4. Looking at Figure 2 (the data for which can respondents with the remaining 29% been seen in Appendix A, page 35), the sourced from around the globe, including United States had the highest Canada, Israel, India, Australia, Singapore representation in the survey (30%) followed and South Africa. closely by the UK (29%). Other European nations – Germany (5%) and Sweden (4%) – account for a significant portion of Figure 2: Illustration of respondent by country Data: Appendix A Page 4
  • 5. What is social media? What does online presence mean? Before we consider the role social media According to the open source plays in the defence industry, perhaps a encyclopaedia, social media is defined as short introduction to the concept is required “media for social interaction, using highly first. accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media is the use of web- What is social media, and how do you define based and mobile technologies to turn it? Can you define it? communication into interactive dialogue.” A dictionary reference is usually prescient in Social media platforms will not replace these cases, but not here; there is no customer service centres or usher in the dictionary reference. Instead, and death of the telephonic conversation. They somewhat appropriately in this instance, we won’t replace face-to-face networking must rely on Wikipedia. meetings and nor will they offer an alternative to lead generation. In a commercial context, using social media does not mean that marketing teams are permitted to talk to their friends all day. Social media tools allow users to create and converse in online interactive dialogues. Social media: “Media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue.” Wikipedia, The social encyclopaedia Page 5
  • 6. For the purposes of this report, social media platforms can include, but are not exclusive to, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest. An ‘online presence’ can be considered within a wider framework outside of and in addition to social media. Keeping a blog updated with timely and relevant content can help establish an effective online presence. So too can producing technical whitepapers, participating in topic-specific webinars and being open to interviews with relevant industry publications. Page 6
  • 7. The importance of being… social media savvy The majority (62%) of respondents believe companies in the industry. The advantages that it is very important, if not critical, that and challenges of this new media will be defence contractors improve their online explored in greater detail later in this report, and social media presence over the next five but it’s clear that Figure 3 demonstrates the years (Figure 3). defence industry is aware of social media’s growing significance as a real-world business Just under 1 in 10 respondents failed to tool as well as the need to embrace it more appreciate that social media could benefit fully in future. Figure 3: Analysis of how important it is for defence contractors to improve their online and social media presence over the next 5 years Essential Very important Somewhat important Not important 9% 21% 30% 40% Page 7
  • 8. The benefits A key conclusion from the survey data But it’s not just the primes that can adopt suggests that social media should be used as online recruitment techniques. Any recruiter a platform to increase brand awareness and or headhunter will have a story where for embracing outreach initiatives. It is more they’ve been bested by a shrewd employee to do with nurturing a brand and less about at an SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) generating new business. that advertised and recruited someone independently through social media. Do not The top five responses in Figure 4 highlight expect these stories to become less this trend. All relate to brand awareness and frequent in the future. thought leadership while the more ‘hard sell’ factors, such as lead generation and Towards the bottom of the list of social competitive edge, come much further down media advantages is that it allows the priority list. companies to ‘keep tabs’ on the competition. However, as Figure 5 on page Thomas Guest, formerly of the UKTI Defence 14 shows, respondents felt that the risk of & Security Organisation, said “social media is divulging too much information to most important for improving PR and not as competitors through social media channels a means to drive new business, that will was the key disadvantage to having an continue to be done in tradition manners.” online presence. One of the challenges of using social media There is a paradox here. Contactors do not to any length is convincing the accountants generally see social media as a useful means that there is an ROI. This can be difficult. of gaining any form of competitive edge; it is However, one area where this distinction not an effective corporate espionage tool. becomes clearer is when social media What we are seeing here is the unsupported platforms are used as recruitment tools. and irrational fear of exposure being used as an excuse for online discretion to the A number of firms including Boeing, detriment of the company’s brand and, Raytheon and Thales have active social ultimately, bottom line performance. The media outreach programmes dedicated to climate of suspicion that surrounds social recruitment. With 59% of respondents media in the defence industry does not indicating that this is one of the key reflect the reality. If managed properly advantages of social media it’s likely that social media platforms do not leave others will follow this example. companies open to risks relating to IP and corporate strategy; they do, however, provide an excellent forum to enhance brand awareness, as underpinned by the survey data. Page 8
  • 9. Figure 4: Overview of the advantages for defence contractors using social media Increased brand awareness 68% Recruitment purposes 59% Chance to become a recognised thought leader in the market 56% Easier and freer relationship building with journalists and the media 55% It’s the cheapest form of marketing 46% Lead generation 39% Keeping tabs on the competition 38% For collecting customer feedback 34% To stay ahead of the competition 28% Other 11% There are NO advantages 5% Data: Appendix B Page 9
  • 10. While only 5% of respondents noted that Up to that point, most of the people making there are no real-world advantages to using the decisions at the corporate level had social media, it’s still 5%. Even those that gone through the National Service have least bought into social media would programme whereby all healthy males be expected to have had some appreciation between the ages of 17 to 21 years were for what benefits an online presence can signed up to the armed forces for four years. offer, however minor. For a respondent to When a TA asked for leave from work to underline that there are none is revealing. participate in exercises, the answer, since most managers and directors were proud At the Farnborough International Airshow in ex-military personnel, the answer was often July, the Defence IQ team undertook a straw a resounding yes. With a hearty pat on the poll to get some indicative insight on social back too. media practice. One participant made an interesting comparison; he explained that However, following the demise of National social media today is much like Territorial Service in 1960 in the UK, by the time the Army (TA) service in the 1980s. 80s came around many of these leaders with military breeding had passed the torch on to a new generation of company management. The new generation didn’t understand the need for TA’s to have quite so much paid time off. So the ‘yes’ count dried up. The point is that there was a generation gap; a fundamental change had occurred from one generation to the next. A whole mind- “Social media is most set had shifted. important for improving PR and not as a means to drive new business, that will be done in tradition manners.” Thomas Guest, Formerly of UKTI Defence & Security Organisation Page 10
  • 11. Likewise, when this generation of internet contractors are having difficulty savvy children become the decision-makers transforming their cultures … the need to be of the future, not having a robust online more open and communicative is not presence with an engaging and spirited currently familiar territory for the defence social media policy would be, at the very industry, but it will be.” least, ignorant. Like it or not, in one form or another, social media is here to stay. The As Figure 4 highlights, there are significant platforms we use will evolve – Facebook and benefits to using social media, regardless of Twitter may or may not be the tools of industry.* choice ten years from now – but the concept of connecting with more people, customers, However, there are of course challenges too brands and businesses online is unavoidable. and the full benefit of these social platforms cannot be realised until these hurdles are As Douglas Burdett, a social media expert in addressed, mitigated and eradicated. the defence industry and author of the Fire Support blog, says: “Inertia is a powerful force in the defence industry. Some defence * A comparison of how other industries face similar challenges to defence is presented on page 16 Page 11
  • 12. “The climate of suspicion that surrounds social media in the defence industry does not reflect the reality. If managed properly social media platforms do not leave companies open to risks relating to IP and corporate strategy; they do, however, provide an excellent forum to enhance brand awareness.” Page 12
  • 13. The challenges Figure 5 highlights that the discreet nature Most of the top 20 defence contractors have of the defence industry is a critical barrier active Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for companies to utilise social media. accounts, so it’s clear that there is a ready- made audience. However, the extent to One third of respondents stated that a lack which these are being successfully utilised is of an active and relevant online community explored in greater detail later in this report. to engage with was one of the pitfalls for defence companies using social media. But to reframe that, 70% of respondents inferred that there was an active and relevant community. “Companies from all industries face the challenge of not divulging proprietary ideas, direction or corporate strategy, so defence is not unique.” Steven Mains, PhD COO, TechMIS, LLC Page 13
  • 14. Figure 5: Overview of the disadvantages for defence contractors using social media 58% Risk of divulging too much information (to competitors, enemy states etc.) 53% The discreet nature of the business 47% Limited internal understanding and lack of correct skill base 30% Inactive/irrelevant online community 30% Easy for detractors to air grievances 14% Other There are NO significant challenges compared with other industries 10% Data: Appendix C Page 14
  • 15. How not to become a ‘nexus of hatred’ Respondents indicated that social media After being open and honest in response to tools allow the public at large to easily and reasonable and understandable comments, coarsely air their grievances and complaints. the social media team then went on the This is a very real issue. offensive, which is where the real success story begins. During the blackout some “A lot of companies set-up a Facebook page oddballs in the Twittersphere took the and just become a nexus of hatred,” Patrick chance to send rude, unnecessary and often Herridge, Co-Founder of corporate social illogical messages to the mobile network media monitoring firm Social360 Ltd., said. provider. O2 responded with humour: “Without clear social media objectives all you’re doing is creating a public forum for people who hate your brand.” But this is true of any industry, not just defence. Last month, one of the UK’s largest mobile phone operators, O2, suffered a blackout. All of its customers lost connectivity – no calls, no texts, no email. The company’s Twitter feed was awash with complaints and criticism as hordes of customers vented their anger – it should have been a public relations disaster. However, O2’s social media team were prepared. They had a strategy to mitigate negative complaints aired on Twitter and managed, against all probability, to turn the It doesn’t matter that the social media team network’s blackout into a customer relations responded with humour; the key point is triumph. that O2 responded. It could have been with grovelling apologies or with parent-like How? First and foremost by being open and disdain; the way in which O2 responded is honest. Here’s an example of the sort of less important that the simple fact that it response O2 produced: actually responded. In doing so it exposed the members of that community that were uninterested in participating in a sensible interactive dialogue and, in turn, won the company a legion of new fans. Developing a detailed social media strategy is compulsory as it will be an effective tool when faced with online detractors. Page 15
  • 16. Which other industries face similar challenges? Defence contractors will possibly receive The negative perception attached to all disparaging messages and attract unwanted these industries is what ties them together. comments on social networks. But then so Therefore, in addition to this you might add might any company, in any industry. legal, oil & gas, tobacco, and even the fast food industry. “Companies from all industries face the challenge of not divulging proprietary ideas, One in ten respondents said there are no direction or corporate strategy, so defence significant challenges that the defence is not unique,” said Steven Mains, COO, industry faces that others do not (Figure 5). TechMIS, LLC. The nature of these industries means that When asked to detail other industries that there will always be those that disapprove. faced similar challenges as defence, the However, that minority should not be most recurrent examples expressed by allowed to cloud what could be an active, respondents included the alcohol, financial appealing and valuable social media services, pharmaceutical and chemical strategy. industries. Page 16
  • 17. Which platform is most effective? Survey respondents from the ‘Commercial’ This is important because it shows that sector were asked: Which online medium do thought leadership is regarded more highly you think is most effective in increasing by defence contractors than brand brand awareness and thought leadership? awareness is. Whitepapers, LinkedIn, Twitter and hosted Social media tools (LinkedIn and Twitter) are articles were identified as the key platforms seen to be very important, but creating (Figure 6). Taking the ‘very effective’ and valuable content through whitepapers and ‘critical’ responses together from the graph articles is underlined as the most relevant below reveals that whitepapers and hosted and effective form of online presence by articles are seen as the most effective defence companies. platforms, followed by LinkedIn and Twitter. Figure 6: Analysis of most effective platform for brand awareness and thought leadership Innefective Somewhat effective Very effective Critical 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Whitepapers Linked In Twitter Hosted article Company newsletter Blogging Webinar Hosted videos YouTube Facebook Other social media (Pinterest) Banner ads Page 17
  • 18. However, this belies what the defence The conclusion is that a balance between media think. Figure 7 shows that LinkedIn is producing informed, constructive content the most ‘critical’ platform, while Twitter is and effective social media engagement is the most ‘effective’. fundamental to building and maintaining a strong brand, which is backed up by a robust Although this report seeks to distinguish online presence. social media from other forms of online presence, the disparity between the data in Another critical point to understand here is Figures 6 and 7 demonstrates that the two that while no one thinks Twitter – and for are inextricably linked. Both work hand-in- the purposes of this analysis we can extract hand to present an overall picture of a that out to mean social media platforms in company. general – is a ‘critical’ tool (Figure 7), it is the most effective for online engagement, as the majority (53%) indicated. Figure 7: Analysis of key platforms the media use for engaging with and learning more about defence contractors Innefective Somewhat effective Very effective Critical 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Linked In Hosted videos Facebook Hosted article Banner ads Blogging YouTube Whitepapers Other social media (Pinterest) Twitter Webinar Company newsletter Page 18
  • 19. Dispelling the myth about the word ‘social’ Facebook is a far more effective platform for Diversification and flexibility, especially in an informing and shaping people’s, and economy like the one facing industry in especially the media’s, perceptions about a 2012, are vital characteristics for a company company than the defence industry realises. if it is to execute a successful growth strategy. Looking at Figure 6, Facebook is ineffective according to commercial respondents while “Many defence contractors are stepping up Figure 7 shows that media respondents see their diversification – to other government it as a valuable learning tool. This is primarily sectors, internationally and to commercial due to an image problem, and it also markets,” said Burdett. “This diversification underpins a deeper challenge: the word is driving the need to increase awareness ‘social’ in social media. beyond the defence procurement community.” One commercial respondent commented: “Should grown-ups use SOCIAL media in Social media can be an invaluable tool for business?” this. Even if it was held that social media offers few benefits for the defence industry, It’s a fair question, but a common that is not to say the same is true for all misconception. defence companies. Perhaps it is an unfortunate term but rather Social media allows commercial enterprises than having to call ‘social media’ by another to connect with people in far more subtle less gregarious name, it is people’s ways than ever before. Companies are now perceptions of the phrase that will have to using content marketing, such as blogs, adapt instead. And in time, that will happen. webinars, whitepapers, eBooks and videos, to provide useful information to attract and “As social media becomes a successful, engage the people with whom they need to integral part of the fabric of defence communicate, according to Burdett. Social contractor communications, the perception media is an excellent forum through which of social media as being an unnecessary to distribute that content. marketing tactic will fade,” Douglas Burdett said. Social media channels don’t allow companies to connect with people on a The argument that social media, while social level; they offer a very real and relevant for many, will never be necessary effective form of inbound marketing that for the day-to-day operations of a defence can add considerable weight to any forward- company is not an unreasonable one. looking corporate strategy. However, this approach is only accurate if growth is not on the owners’ agenda. Page 19
  • 20. “The urban myth of the social media world is when the CEO’s daughter comes back home and asks him why his company isn’t on Facebook. Next morning the CEO tells his marketing team to create a Facebook page but with no understanding of what the point of having one is … A lot of companies set-up a Facebook page and just become a ‘nexus of hatred’…without clear social media objectives all you’re doing is creating a public forum for people who hate your brand. There’s a real negative ROI with outreach which I think defence contractors have to be careful of.” Patrick Herridge, Co-Founder, Social360 Ltd. Page 20
  • 21. Douglas Burdett recommends that those We still have telephones the same as we did companies considering using social media as in 1972, but in 2012 they now come a marketing tool ask themselves one equipped with music players, navigation question: Which groups would you most like systems and cameras too. Social media is to to have a relationship with and what marketing what the iPhone was to the content can you offer that would be of rotary dial. interest to them? This will be the cornerstone of any successful social media strategy. Figure 8: Analysis of which tools the defence media use to learn more about industy news and issues Innefective Somewhat effective Very effective Critical 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Linked In Twitter Facebook Whitepapers Hosted videos Blogging Hosted article Webinar Company newsletter YouTube Banner ads Other social media (Pinterest) Page 21
  • 22. Breaking news According to respondents, Figure 8 again shows that Twitter is most effective in helping users learn about and understand issues in the defence industry. The reason for this is that social media offers instant, up-to-date and, if you’re following the right people, reliable information. While blogging is also highly rated by defence media professionals, Twitter is the preferred option because it’s immediate. It also allows users to easily read a wide range of opinions and quickly appreciate many different angles on the same story. Page 22
  • 23. Defence contractors rated The company with the most outstanding Leonie and CACI – the majority used this to social media presence is Lockheed Martin, state that none of the aforementioned according to survey data (Figure 9 – a companies had an outstanding social media breakdown of the data can be found in presence. Appendix D). Boeing follows with 33% and BAE Systems with 26%, but with 44% Figure 13 at the end of this report shows Lockheed Martin is seen as a clear leader. that defence contractors need to significantly increase their social media and However, the ‘other’ category offers a online presence over the next five years, remarkable insight. While some respondents which is supported by the response in Figure mentioned other companies – such as 9. Special recognition EADS provoked a decent response from the updates. The EADS team shared exclusive survey participants (with 22%), but this does pictures, insight from visiting delegations, not fairly represent the quality of the chances to win (relevant) prizes in on-going European defence company’s social media competitions, as well as general event outreach. This was demonstrable during the updates. The coverage was not aimed at Farnborough Airshow where the EADS social being corporate propaganda and nor was it media team, using the event-specific idle nonsense – it was balanced, helpful, and @EASlive Twitter account, gave a master interesting. class in how to provide informative on-site Page 23
  • 24. Figure 9: Illustration of defence companies with outstanding social media Data: Appendix D Page 24
  • 25. “We still have telephones the same as we did in 1972, but in 2012 they now come equipped with music players, navigation systems and cameras too. Social media is to marketing what the iPhone was to the rotary dial.” Page 25
  • 26. Together with the survey data it is worth Essentially, the higher the purple areas and considering these responses in the context the lower the blue bar, the better a of what the specified companies’ social company’s social media presence is. media presence actually looks like. Figure 10 shows the number of followers each The companies identified by survey company has on their main Twitter account, respondents are generally those that have the number of likes they have on Facebook, active and established social media as well as giving an indication of how activities, although it’s clear that Booz Allen frequently their Twitter accounts are Hamilton should have been considered updated (based on an average taken from within the top group that included BAE, three random samples). Boeing and EADS. Figure 10: Analysis of defence companies social media presence Twitter followers Facebook likes Last Twitter post 50000 200 45000 180 No. of hours since last post on Twitter 40000 160 35000 140 30000 120 No. of people 25000 100 20000 80 15000 60 10000 40 5000 20 0 0 Page 26
  • 27. “I think the large defence companies are failing miserably in this area. If you go to a webpage, Facebook page, etc. for one of these companies, you can hardly tell which one you're visiting. There is no individuality or personality. The large companies seem to benefit from being perceived as a commodity - a concept that is inconsistent with having an effective social media presence; an effective social media presence benefits from personality.” Gregg R. Sypeck, Senior Vice President, Mav6, LLC Page 27
  • 28. For further context, in his blog Douglas Based on Defence News’ annual list, here Burdett recently published a list of the top are the top 20 defence contractors from 100 defence contractors rated by the quality 2011 together with their website grade: of their website. 1. Lockheed Martin 68% 2. Boeing 72% 3. BAE Systems 45% 4. General Dynamics 46% 5. Raytheon 69% 6. Northrop Grumman 78% 7. EADS 58% 8. Finmeccanica 27% 9. L-3 Communications 50% 10. United Technologies 57% 11. Thales 68% 12. SIAC 73% 13. Huntington Ingalls 61% 14. Honeywell 55% 15. Booz Allen Hamilton 84% 16. Rolls-Royce 55% 17. CSC 72% 18. Oshkosh 54% 19. Textron 53% 20. GE 67% Page 28
  • 29. Listening: An alternative role for social media protestors are doing outside their offices,” Up to this point, the focus of this report has said Herridge. been on outreach. But there is another element to social media networks too: Social360 aggregates all of the social data listening. aligned to a specific company and then presents it in a format that the client can Companies can use Twitter, Facebook, action. LinkedIn and thousands of other platforms to ‘listen’ to what other people are saying “The same way you used to get press about them. cuttings every morning, we now provide a daily report on what is being said on social Patrick Herridge co-founded a social media media,” Herridge explained. monitoring firm, Social360 Ltd., which has a number of defence firms on its books, to do A number of other firms offer similar exactly that. services which exploit the vast quantity of data flowing through these social networks. “Corporates want to know what investors Social media platforms aren’t just for are saying on bulletin boards, they want to engaging with people – through this type of know what staff are saying about what analytical feedback they can also be used as they’re doing, they want to know what a tool to improve processes, avoid unwanted events and stay ahead of the game. Page 29
  • 30. Counting the cost Figure 11: Overview of what percentage of marketing Although slight, there is a discrepancy budget defence contractors should spend on between how much media professionals social media (company perspective) believe defence companies should be spending on their social media activities 0% <2% compared to what the companies 2% - 5% 5% - 10% 10% - 20% 20% - 30% themselves think they should. The majority of the media think that defence companies should spend between 10% 10% 5% to 20% of their marketing budget (Figure 12), while commercial respondents 15% indicated that anything up to 10% was more 20% reasonable (Figure 11). 12% Social media is relatively inexpensive – the tools required are available for free or at 7% 26% negligible cost – all it requires is the human resource to manage the strategy. For any company of a decent size this resource should be absorbed relatively easily. But that is not to say a company should hire Figure 12: an intern or recent graduate to manage its Overview of what percentage of marketing social media strategy. The social media team budget defence contractors should spend on will be responsible for the company’s brand – they are the company mouthpiece. social media (media perspective) Everyone in that team should not only be <2% 2% - 5% social media savvy but they need to 5% - 10% 10% - 20% understand and be comfortable with the 20% - 30% 30%+ technical aspects of the business too; they need to be industry savvy. Inc. magazine recently published an excellent guide to who 5% 5% 11% should not be in charge of corporate social media accounts. 21% Brett van Niekerk, who has completed a PhD at South Africa’s University of KwaZulu- 47% 11% Natal, offered a useful postscript: “As having a social media profile is often free, budget is less of a concern than actually getting it right.” That is the critical part: getting it right. Page 30
  • 31. Getting it right When a social media campaign goes right it The Twitter application powered by can have a real impact. Perhaps one of the Raytheon led to the ‘donation’ of 335,013 more obvious examples is Raytheon’s characters to the WWP. This resulted in a Hashtags for Heroes (#HT4H). This is how huge surge in traffic for the WWP website the company described it in a press release: together with an influx of (monetary) donations. Details of the successful “This innovative campaign takes advantage campaign can be found overleaf. of what is, in effect, surplus tweet capacity. Of the total 140 characters that Twitter users are allotted for every tweet, many characters often go unused (according to one estimate, the most common tweet length is about 28 characters). The campaign enables users to download a special Twitter platform application to tweet from their computers or mobile devices and easily "donate" their unused Twitter characters in support of WWP [Wounded Warrior Project].” Page 31
  • 32. Page 2 Page 32
  • 33. Taking advantage of opportunities When asked to what extent defence The benefits of social media have been companies need to increase their social discussed earlier in this report and it’s media and online presence, the top apparent that at least a third of survey response was: Significantly, we need to respondents agree with the need for an make major changes to take advantage of online presence. While 7% still see no opportunities (Figure 13). advantages, the top two responses in Figure 13, accounting for the majority (58%), show There are two important concepts within that defence contractors do see the benefit that sentence: First is the acknowledgement of social media tools and will be doing more that companies need to do more online; the in the future to increase their use of them. second, arguably of more import, is that respondents appreciate that there are distinct opportunities in doing so. Figure 13: To what extent do you think you will be increasing your social media and online presence over the next 5 years? Significantly, we need to make major changes to take advantage of opportunities A little, it could be better than it is and we see the benefit It will probably increase organically, but we won’t be putting much resource into it We will continue to improve somewhat, but our current presence is good Not at all, there’s no benefit 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Page 33
  • 34. “When this generation of internet savvy children become the decision- makers of the future, not having a robust online presence with an engaging and spirited social media policy would be, at the very least, ignorant. Like it or not, in one form or another, social media is here to stay.” Page 34
  • 35. Appendix A Analysis of respondent by country US UK Germany Sweden Australia Canada Italy Israel Netherlands Norway Spain Ethiopia India Lebanon Malaysia New Zealand Pakistan Romania Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa Switzerland 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Page 35
  • 36. Appendix B Overview of the advantages for defence contractors using social media Increased brand awareness 68% Recruitment purposes 59% Recognised as a thought leader in the market 56% Relationship building with journalists / media 55% It’s the cheapest form of marketing 46% Lead generation 39% Keeping tabs on the competition 38% For collecting customer feedback 34% To stay ahead of the competition 28% Other 11% There are NO real-world advantages 5% Page 36
  • 37. Appendix C Overview of the disadvantages for defence contractors using social media Risk of divulging too much information The discreet nature of the business Limited internal understanding and lack of skill base Lack of active online community to engage with Too easy for detractors to air complaints publically Other There are NO significant challenges 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Page 37
  • 38. Appendix D Analysis of defence companies with outstanding social media Lockheed Martin Boeing 44% BAE Systems 33% Other 26% EADS 23% Rolls-Royce 22% Thales 21% Raytheon 21% Northrop Grumman 18% General Dynamics 18% Saab 17% 15% Booz Allen Hamilton 15% SAIC 10% Finmeccanica 8% United Technologies 8% Honeywell 8% Cobham 8% Oshkosh 5% RUAG 3% L-3 Communications 3% Textron Page 38
  • 39. About Defence IQ Defence IQ is an authoritative news source for high quality and exclusive commentary and analysis on global defence and military-related topics. Sourcing interviews and insights directly from senior military and industry professionals on air defence, cyber warfare, armoured vehicles, naval defence, land defence and many more topics, Defence IQ is a unique multimedia platform to discuss and learn about the latest developments within the defence sector. So join over 60,000 defence professionals to access all the exclusive video interviews, podcasts, articles and whitepapers that are available and updated on a daily basis. Join today for free by signing up on our website: Connect with us through social media too, just follow the links below: Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Facebook Page 39
  • 40. Disclaimer This report is provided for information purposes only. This report may not be reproduced, published or distributed by an recipient for any purpose. The company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any direct or indirect losses arising from the use of this report or its contents. Images courtesy of U.S. DoD,, and Raytheon. About the author Andrew Elwell is the Editor-in-Chief of Defence IQ. He has previously worked as a survivability specialist for a provider of ballistic and blast armour systems. Andrew holds a BA in History and American Studies from the University of Nottingham. He can be reached on In the spirit of social media outreach: Connect with Andrew on LinkedIn Follow him on Twitter: DefenceIQ and @AJElwell Page 40