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Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Deconstructing Modern
Idiopathic or Iatrogenic?
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
You did then what you
knew how to do,
And when you knew better,
You did better.
Maya Angelou
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Core Principles
o Pregnancy is an opportunity to break cycles of bad health
o Reproduction should be viewed from a much broader and longer
o Dad’s health matters
o At least one year pre-conception – postpartum year
o Transgenerational – can’t undue sins of our parents and grandparents, but
we can protect our children and grandchildren
oEverything is connected – a more holistic and systems approach
to health
o Health is complicated, disease is individual, we have a lot to learn
o If the symptoms don’t fit Dx categories, trust your gut and figure
out what is wrong
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Who, what and why?
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Who am I?
oMom, wife, jock, researcher, writer, women’s health advocate
oBackground in maternal health and hormones
oMore recently, medication adverse reactions, nutrition and
mitochondrial damage
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What I Do Officially
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
What I Really Do
o150,000+ monthly
o1200+ articles and
o150 guest
• 18 PhDs, 5 MDs, 2
oThousands of
Cause trouble.
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Listen and Learn
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And Try to Untangle
The untanglible.
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Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
What I Have Learned
oEnvironment matters
• More than genetics
oHealth and disease are both sudden and slow
• Thresholds and tipping points
oAll about the mitochondria
• Mitochondria determine everything
Everything we think we know is wrong.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Let the Deconstruction Begin.
Do we know what we think we know?
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
“There is often something sinister about familiar concepts.
The more familiar or ‘natural’ they appear, the less we
wonder what they mean; but because they are widespread
and well-known, we tend to act as if we know what we
mean when we use them.”
Devisch, I. & Murray, S., 2009. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2753.2009.01232.x
Just because it is familiar
Doesn’t make it right or true.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Framing the conversation
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Implications of idiopathy
oEverything we don’t understand is idiopathic
• Illness of unknown origin is random – we cannot
know the causes
oWe have no responsibility for randomness
• Choices/behaviors don’t matter
• No need to study
• Can only treat but never cure or prevent
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Cancer is random?
“These results suggest that only a third of the variation in
cancer risk among tissues is attributable to environmental
factors or inherited predispositions. The majority is due to
‘bad luck,’ that is, random mutations arising during DNA
replication in normal, noncancerous stem cells.”
Tomasetti & Vogelstein 2015. Science, Vol. 347, Issue 6217, pp. 78-81
DOI: 10.1126/science.1260825
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Randomness absolves us of
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Randomness means we can
ignore things like this
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And this…
o Pharmaceutical and
environmental chemicals
rearrange MLL Gene via
topoisomerase inhibition
• Glyphosate (and other
fluoroquinolone antibiotics,
hormonal contraceptives,
HRT and other drugs
o Topoisomerases manage
nDNA, mtDNA replication
and repair.
MLL- related leukemias are not heritable, not
found in germlines, but a result of exposure
in utero (infant leukemia) or during later child
development (pediatric leukemia).
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
25-75% of the symptoms reported in
outpatient settings are considered
medically unexplained.
How much of medicine is
Source: Smith, R.C. and Dwamena, F.C., 2007. Classification and diagnosis of patients with medically unexplained symptoms. Journal of general internal medicine, 22(5),
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Idiopathy exists, not because this stuff is
unknowable, but rather, because we
choose not to look.
Source: Smith, R.C. and Dwamena, F.C., 2007. Classification and diagnosis of patients with medically unexplained symptoms. Journal of general internal medicine, 22(5),
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For women…
Idiopathy runs rampant.
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Source: BMJ Clinical Evidence,
For medicine in general
We really don’t know what we think we know.
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Source: BMJ Clinical Evidence,
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Medication nation
Mayo Clinic Reports
o70% adults take
prescription medications
o50% take 2 or more meds
o20% take 5 or more meds
“Before the SSRIs, drugs were poisons that came with risks. Now they are fertilizers to be
used as widely as possible, being given in ever larger amounts to children and the elderly -
the only risks the authorities can see it would seem stem from not using enough of them.”
David Healy
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
If only 50% of medications have sufficient
evidence of efficacy, what happens when we
combine multiple medications?
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Can we really know what illnesses chronic
polypharmacy use might spur if we’ve never
bothered to ask the question?
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If 25-75% of symptoms can be considered
medically unexplained, how certain are we of
our current diagnostics?
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Maybe idiopathic is really
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The problem of iatrogenesis
o3rd leading cause of death in hospitalized patients
• Estimated at 200,000-400,000 patients annually
• 6.8% of cases were attributable to an adverse drug
reaction 1964-1995
oFDA/ADR data (2011)
• 2.1 to 2.7 million Americans suffer from an serious
adverse drug reaction annually
• 128,000 result in death
James, J.T., 2013. A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. Journal of patient safety, 9(3), pp.122-128; Null, G., Dean, C.,
Feldman, M. and Rasio, D., 2005. Death by medicine. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 20(1), pp.21-34; Makary, M.A. and Daniel, M., 2016. Medical error—the
third leading cause of death in the US. Bmj, 353, p.i2139; Stokowski, L.A., 2016. Who believes that medical error is the third leading cause of hospital deaths.
Medscape, May, 26Light, D.W., Lexchin, J. and Darrow, J.J., 2013. Institutional corruption of pharmaceuticals and the myth of safe and effective drugs; Light, D.W.,
Lexchin, J. and Darrow, J.J., 2013. Institutional corruption of pharmaceuticals and the myth of safe and effective drugs..
Even as currently defined.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Implications of iatrogenesis
oPresumes we know the scope of effects for a given
• If 50% of treatments unproven, do we really know the
scope of effects?
• Even when tested, often only tested in isolation, in men,
with little application to real world uses
oAnything we don’t know is random or idiopathic
oWe have no responsibility for randomness
oNo need to study
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Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Deconstructing Women’s
Where idiopathy, iatrogenesis and willful ignorance
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Women use more medications
than men
A review of insurance records for a 1 year period in 2010
• Women = 5 prescriptions
• Men = 3.7 prescriptions
• 68% of women versus 59% of men had one prescription for at
least one medication for a chronic or acute condition during the
study period.
Women’s Health 2012: The 20th Annual Congress;
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
During Pregnancy
o80% of women take at least
one medication during
o~30% take 4 or more
medications during
• 60% increase in
medication use during
pregnancy in 30 years
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Most of these drugs were never
safety tested with women
oNo testing on drugs approved before 1993
oGuidelines not enacted until 1998
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Even after the regulations
oPer the GAO (2000)
• 52% of clinical trial participants women,
mostly later phases
• Only 22% of early phase trials, where safety
and dosing determined
oPer the IOM OWH (2010)
• Much the same
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Here’s the thing
Even though women are now allowed in clinical trials, there is
no requirement for researchers/drug companies to determine
whether women react differently than men to a medication
before it is approved.
So they don’t.
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As a result
oWomen suffer significantly more frequent and
more severe adverse drug events
oFew notice because none of these reactions were
documented in the first place
Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in
American women and in recently recalled medications for heart
disease there were disproportionately higher fatalities and
serious adverse events in women than in men.
– Cochrane Reports
Idiopathic or iatrogenic?
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Ethical conundrum
oTesting on women might impair reproductive
oMedication use during pregnancy might
harm the fetus
oBUT women use medications across the
lifespan and during pregnancy
• If we’re not going to test, should we really be
recommending these medications to women?
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Possible solutions
oAnimal testing
oUse meds only sparingly
in pregnant women
oIntense post market
Might temper some of the risks
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Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
What do human females and
male rodents have in common?
Apparently, they are equivalent.
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Source: Beery, A., & Zucker, I. (2011). Sex Bias in Neuroscience and Biomedical Research. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35 (3), 565-572.;
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No one considered
Until 2014!
that males and females
might be different
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Perhaps it’s not about ethics at all, but rather,
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Long, inglorious history
• Used from 1957-1961
as anti-emetic,
hyperemesis mostly in
• 2000-100,000 children
born with severely
malformed limbs
• FDA denied approval
Thalidomide -prescribed for
morning sickness Of medicating women.
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Diethylstilbestrol (DES) – to prevent miscarriage
At least 3 generations affected: sons, daughters
and grandchildren
Without research
• 5-10 million women from
• FDA approved, no research
• Late 50s-60s first research:
increased risk of miscarriage
• Multi-generational damage
(cancer, organ malformation,
• Used in farm animals
• Caused cancer in farm hands,
miscarriage and illness in
• Banned in 1958 in animals
• Still used in women for
another 20+ years
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Or dubious research
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For male
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And for social reasons
1959-1970s physicians and
researchers from the Royal Children’s
Hospital and the University of
Melbourne gave adolescent girls of
tall stature DES to stunt growth.
The rationale behind treating tall girls
was so they could do ballet, buy
clothes more easily, and find
boyfriends and husbands.
Source: Lee & Howell, Tall girls: the social shaping of a medical therapy. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 Oct;160(10):1035-9.
When Being a Tall Girl was a Medical
Condition: DES and the Tall Girls
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
And then covering it up
Used as a pregnancy test 1960s-70s
Equivalent to 13 morning after pills or 157
oral contraceptive pills
January 1975, Dr William Inman,
principal medical officer for the British
Government, had found that women
who took a hormone pregnancy test
“had a five-to-one risk of giving birth to
a child with malformations”.
Dr Inman wrote to Primodos’s German
manufacturer, Schering, so the firm could
“take measures to avoid medico-legal
problems”, rather than recall the drug.
A later document explains that Dr Inman
destroyed the materials on which his
findings were based, “to prevent
individual claims being based on his
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
It’s worse for pregnant women
• There are no data for [insert vaccine]
administered to pregnant women to inform
vaccine-associated Package insert
• Available data on [insert vaccine] administered
to pregnant women are insufficient to inform
vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.
• There were no developmental toxicity studies
of [insert vaccine] performed in animals.
• It is not known whether [insert vaccine] is
excreted in human milk.
• Data are not available to assess the effects of
on the breastfed infant or on milk
Despite all marketing
to the contrary, most
medications and
vaccines were never
tested for use during
Source: Package inserts
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We never learned
With little evidence of safety and
We continue to drug women
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And for children
o Only 10-20% of
medications for
pediatric use have been
tested in children
o Pharmacokinetic and
research developed in
adult males
o Rampant off-label for
kids, particularly kids in
foster care
Sources: Conroy, S., McIntyre, J., Choonara, I., & Stephenson, T. (2000). Drug trials in children: problems and the way forward. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 49(2),
93–97. ; FDA,;
“In the absence of rigorous pediatric clinical
trial data, physicians are forced to act as if
children are just ‘small adults’ with a smaller
weight, and then interpret the adult data to
adjust the dose. But statistically, we know that
approach only works in 6% of the cases.”
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
We’re addicted
Psychotropics prescribed in
the US
o 274,000 infants (0-1 year olds)
o 370,000 toddlers (1-3 year olds)
“Prescriptions of powerful
antipsychotics such as Risperdal for
infants and very young children have
also sharply risen. Office visits for
childhood bipolar disorder have risen
40-fold over the past decade in the
U.S.” To solving problems with pills
and looking away when
problems arise.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
If drugs are not tested in women or children and thus, their
effects in women are unknown, they can easily be disregarded
and labeled as idiopathic.
If they are idiopathic, rather than iatrogenic, there is no need
to investigate or even acknowledge side effects as real.
For all intents and purposes, they simply do not exist.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
For example
oLupron – GnRHa
• Chemically castrates
oDeveloped for male prostate cancer
• Tested on 6 healthy men
• One low dose for a drug to be used repeatedly and chronically at
higher doses
oApproved for
• Women with endometriosis, fibroids, heavy bleeding
• Children with precocious puberty, gender dysphoria
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Considered perfectly safe by
many practitioners
• No recognition chemical
castration might cause problems
• Depletes gonadal hormones
• Hormones have receptors
everywhere and are involved with
a myriad of functions beyond
• With very little research pre – or
post-market, symptoms are
considered idiopathic or
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It’s not safe
Lupron damages the mitochondria, perhaps irrevocably.
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How bad is it?
Really bad.
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Because we don’t recognize
the possibility of ill-effects
They effectively do not exist.
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Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
We are drowning
in a sea of toxins
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Environmental toxic soup
“Unlike the current system in Europe,
the 60,000-plus chemicals in
production when the US’s TSCA took
effect 39 years ago continued to be
used without any safety reviews. Most
are still in use today, although some
have since filed toxicity data.
The US allows the use of many
chemicals that are banned elsewhere,
and its primary chemicals law has
failed to keep up with thousands of
chemicals currently in use, including
the approximately 2,000 new chemicals
introduced each year.”
Friday 13 February 2015 13.41 EST
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
That remain in our bodies
Certain polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, PFCs,
phenols, PBDEs, phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and
perchlorate were detected in 99–100% of pregnant women. The median
number of detected chemicals by chemical class ranged from 4 of 12 PFCs
to 9 of 13 phthalates. Across chemical classes, median number ranged
from 8 of 17 chemical analytes to 50 of 71 chemical analytes.
BPA and tOP were detected in 92.6% and 57.4% of the persons, respectively...Females
had statistically higher BPA LSGM concentrations than males (p = 0.043). Children had
higher concentrations than adolescents (p < 0.001), who in turn had higher
concentrations than adults (p = 0.003).
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Affecting generations to come
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What would normally filter the
Bad diet
Has been compromised.
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Maternal nutrient deficiency is
Oxidative stress caused by free radicals has been implicated in many studies of the etiology
of preeclampsia (38). Because ascorbic acid and vitamin E inhibit free radical formation, a
double-blind randomized trial was conducted in 283 women who had either a previous
history of pregnancy complications or an abnormal ultrasound (39). The supplement
provided 1000 mg ascorbic acid and 400 IU vitamin E daily from week 16–22 of
pregnancy, and resulted in a 76% reduction in preeclampsia, and a 21% reduction in
indicators of endothelial activation and placental dysfunction.
Evidence from experimental animals supports the concept that in addition to primary deficiencies,
secondary embryonic and fetal nutritional deficiencies can be caused by diverse factors including
genetics, maternal disease, toxicant insults and physiological stressors that can trigger a maternal
acute phase response. These secondary responses may be significant contributors to the occurrence
of birth defects. An implication of the above is that the frequency and severity of pregnancy
complications may be reduced through an improvement in the micronutrient status of the mother.
Micronutrient status in fetal and early life may alter metabolism,
vasculature, and organ growth and function, leading to increased risk
of cardiometabolic disorders, adiposity, altered kidney function, and,
ultimately, to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
The food we eat
Isn’t really food
High calorie malnutrition
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It’s food like
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
We’re told it’s real food
“Everything nature can do, man can do
so much better and more profitably.”
o ‘Natural’ cheese that matures in 72
o Preservatives prevent produce
And if we can’t, then re-define
o ‘Clean labeling’ removes the most
glaring industrial ingredients and
replaces them with substitutes that
sound natural and benign.
“For the salesman, this preparation was
a technical triumph, a boon to caterers
who would otherwise waste unsold
food. There was a further benefit:
NatureSeal is classed as a processing
aid, not an ingredient, so there’s no
need to declare it on the label, no
obligation to tell consumers that their
“fresh” fruit salad is weeks old.”
But it isn’t.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Industrial food production
o Highly processed food-like products
o Sugar, carbs, fats and chemicals
o Genetically culled produce
o 70% reduced nutrient content
o With no genetic variation ( 96%)
o Glyphosate, toxic adjuvants and more
o Chemically laden meats
o Heavy antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria,
growth and other hormones
Has stripped our food of critical nutrients
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
It’s an industrial descaling agent
oUsed to remove minerals from pipes
oDoes the same in our bodies
• Blocks critical enzymes and amino acids
• Disrupts vitamin A metabolism
• Weakens the blood brain barrier
oCarcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic
and an endocrine disruptor
• Topoisomerase inhibitor
• Glycine analog
• Mineral chelator
oWould kill all the plants if not
genetically altered to withstand the
toxinAnd a powerful antibiotic.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
A perfect storm
Of pharmaceutical and environmental toxicants.
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But, cancer is random?
And most women’s symptoms are psychosomatic – until they aren’t’.
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Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
The rise of random ill-health.
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Suffering from a multitude of
chronic illnesses
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Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
With generational effects
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Increase in childhood illness
o1-68 children develop
o Neurodevelopmental and behavioral
problems on the rise
o1 in 13 children food
o1 in 1000 – 10,000 children
with autoimmune disorder
(celiac, JA, TD1)
JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167(2):141-148; Psychiatry (Edgmont). Aug 2005; 2(8): 14–19; Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012;69(12):1247-1256; BMC
Pediatrics 2013, 13:40 3; JAMA. 2014;311(17):1778-1786.
Idiopathic or random?
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Something is not working
• Spend more healthcare
• Highly vaccinated
• Taking lots of meds
• That were never tested
on over half the
• Of those, only 50%
considered effective
• Embrace
• Living sicker
• With increasingly
complicated but
‘random’ diseases
• Dying younger
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Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
How can we reasonably assert
Which health issues are idiopathic and which are caused by us?
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Except in rare cases
oMost modern illness is iatrogenic – caused by us
• Our choices individually and collectively
• Diet, lifestyle, pharmaceutical and environmental decisions
“I believe the collective denial of lifestyle disease is the reason cardiology is in
an innovation rut. This denial is not active or overt. It is indolent and
apathetic… This is how I see modern cardiology. Our tricks can no longer
overcome eating too much and moving too little. We approach health but
never get there. If you waddle, snore at night, and cannot see your toes while
standing, how much will a statin or ACE inhibitor or even LCZ696 help?”
Mandrola, J., 2015. Heart Disease and Lifestyle: Why Are Doctors in Denial? Medscape.
A hard truth that none of us wants to admit
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Now what?
Who cares whether we call it idiopathic or iatrogenic,
how do we fix this mess?
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Easy answer
• eating food-like products
• looking for medical
solutions to what are
lifestyle issues
oGo back to basics
• What does your body
need and is it getting it?
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
More complicated answer
oFind the root causes of illness and
fix them
• Stop treating symptoms
• Learn the chemistry
oBecome an expert in your/your
family’s health
• Own your health
oShare what you learn with others
• Build the knowledge base
• Publish/post online if you can
Entire model has to change.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
What I have learned
It’s all about the
Feed them well and life will be good.
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o1000-2000 per cell
oFuel source for cells
• Convert food to ATP
oSit at center of cell survival
• Sense and respond to all threats
oMasters at adapting to toxic environments – until
they aren’t
• Seemingly endless repertoire of survival cascades
• Threshold and tipping points
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
But that’s not all they do
o Mitochondria control just about everything
o Energy
o Steroidogenesis
o Inflammatory and immune
o Ca2+ homeostasis (cell excitotoxicity)
o Apoptosis/necrosis
Damage at your own risk.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
All they ask of us is to feed them
oTo get from food to
• O2 (mitochondria
need to breathe)
• Lots of nutrients
• >24 vitamins and
And not hurl too many poisons at them.
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Western diet = high calorie
We don’t.
Nutrient deficiency alone will damage mitochondria,
evoke chronic and complicated illness and can lead to
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All pharmaceutical, environmental, and
industrial chemicals damage the
mitochondria and deplete nutrients.
But wait, there’s more…
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Mitochondria are targets
Sensors of cell danger
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Poor nutrition, high toxic load
Foundation from
which most parents-
to-be approach
With the cascade of ill-
health already in progress.
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Net result
“These are partial defects.
Mitochondrial dysfunction doesn’t
really cause anything, what it does is
predisposes towards seemingly
everything. It’s one of many risk factors
in multifactorial disease. It can
predispose towards epilepsy, chronic
fatigue, and even autism, but it doesn’t
do it alone. It does it in combination
with other factors, which is why in a
family with a single mutation going
through the family, everyone in the
family is affected in a different way.
Because it predisposes for disease
throughout the entire system.”
Dr. Richard Boles, Geneticist
Complicated disease processes that affect
everything and don’t fit our neat little
diagnostic categories.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
How prevalent is mitochondrial
disease or dysfunction?
“Disorders of the mitochondrial respiratory chain affect at least 1 in 8000 of the population,
making them among the most common genetically determined diseases.”
Patrick Chinnery, Medical School, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Prevalence is likely underestimated because
functional mitochondrial damage is often
overlooked and most mitochondrial
deficits, especially those emerging later in
life, remain undiagnosed.
Not widely recognized
1 in 500
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Energy is key
• Insufficient mitochondrial ATP
• Cells adapt alternative, less efficient
energy pathways
o Cancer pathways or they die
• Mitochondria activate danger
protocols and deactivate extraneous
• Cells die, tissues die, organs die,
and we die (sometimes slowly and
painfully, sometimes quickly)
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
How important are nutrients
oCells cannot ‘breathe’ without certain
vitamins and minerals
• Thiamine and magnesium
oNutrient deficiency causes cellular hypoxia
• No obstruction necessary
oBrain and heart most adversely effected
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
During pregnancy
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 Mitochondrial membrane
permeability changes
 Alter channel open times
 Activate death pathways
 Block critical nutrient co-factors
for ATP
 Alters hormone activity
(endocrine disruptors)
 Activate/deactivate critical
transcription and repair proteins
Cycle of damage
Altered ETC
Mito damage
Toxic Exposures
Medications, Vaccines, Environmental
Cell death & disease
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Cascade of ill health
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Not just about mom
o mDNA passed from mom-child,
o But mitochondria rely on
nuclear DNA to function (~90%)
o If Dad is unhealthy and
nutrient deficient,
dysfunctional mitochondria
are possible in the offspring,
even if mom is healthy
Dad’s health matters too!
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Long before conception
o The lifetime of unhealthy habits affect your
o Mitochondria have memories
o Cleaning up a few months before conception is
good but not good enough
o Should consider health of both parents at least a
year before conception
Health has to be considered
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Nutrients minimize damage
Nutrient deficiency maximizes damage.
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
All comes back to
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Clean up the diet
Feed the deficiencies
Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
Idiopathy versus iatrogenesis
oWhen presented with complicated case, a disease
process that doesn’t seem to fit into any one category
• Remove the notion of randomness/idiopathy
• Return the notion of responsibility
• Figure it out (together)
• Think mitochondria
• What the patient needs to be healthy
• Are they getting it
oFix it
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Deconstructing Modern Illness: Idiopathic or Iatrogenic?

  • 1. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Deconstructing Modern Illness Idiopathic or Iatrogenic?
  • 2. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter You did then what you knew how to do, And when you knew better, You did better. Maya Angelou
  • 3. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Core Principles o Pregnancy is an opportunity to break cycles of bad health o Reproduction should be viewed from a much broader and longer perspective. o Dad’s health matters o At least one year pre-conception – postpartum year o Transgenerational – can’t undue sins of our parents and grandparents, but we can protect our children and grandchildren oEverything is connected – a more holistic and systems approach to health o Health is complicated, disease is individual, we have a lot to learn o If the symptoms don’t fit Dx categories, trust your gut and figure out what is wrong
  • 4. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Introduction Who, what and why?
  • 5. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Who am I? oMom, wife, jock, researcher, writer, women’s health advocate oBackground in maternal health and hormones oMore recently, medication adverse reactions, nutrition and mitochondrial damage
  • 6. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter What I Do Officially
  • 7. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter What I Really Do o150,000+ monthly views o1200+ articles and growing o150 guest contributors/writers • 18 PhDs, 5 MDs, 2 DPTs oThousands of comments Cause trouble.
  • 8. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Listen and Learn
  • 9. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter And Try to Untangle The untanglible.
  • 10. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
  • 11. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter What I Have Learned oEnvironment matters • More than genetics oHealth and disease are both sudden and slow • Thresholds and tipping points oAll about the mitochondria • Mitochondria determine everything Everything we think we know is wrong.
  • 12. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Let the Deconstruction Begin. Do we know what we think we know?
  • 13. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter “There is often something sinister about familiar concepts. The more familiar or ‘natural’ they appear, the less we wonder what they mean; but because they are widespread and well-known, we tend to act as if we know what we mean when we use them.” Devisch, I. & Murray, S., 2009. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2753.2009.01232.x Just because it is familiar Doesn’t make it right or true.
  • 14. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Framing the conversation
  • 15. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Implications of idiopathy oEverything we don’t understand is idiopathic • Illness of unknown origin is random – we cannot know the causes oWe have no responsibility for randomness • Choices/behaviors don’t matter • No need to study • Can only treat but never cure or prevent
  • 16. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Cancer is random? “These results suggest that only a third of the variation in cancer risk among tissues is attributable to environmental factors or inherited predispositions. The majority is due to ‘bad luck,’ that is, random mutations arising during DNA replication in normal, noncancerous stem cells.” Tomasetti & Vogelstein 2015. Science, Vol. 347, Issue 6217, pp. 78-81 DOI: 10.1126/science.1260825
  • 17. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Randomness absolves us of responsibility
  • 18. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Randomness means we can ignore things like this
  • 19. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter And this… o Pharmaceutical and environmental chemicals rearrange MLL Gene via topoisomerase inhibition • Glyphosate (and other herbicides/pesticides), fluoroquinolone antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, HRT and other drugs o Topoisomerases manage nDNA, mtDNA replication and repair. MLL- related leukemias are not heritable, not found in germlines, but a result of exposure in utero (infant leukemia) or during later child development (pediatric leukemia).
  • 20. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter 25-75% of the symptoms reported in outpatient settings are considered medically unexplained. How much of medicine is idiopathic? Source: Smith, R.C. and Dwamena, F.C., 2007. Classification and diagnosis of patients with medically unexplained symptoms. Journal of general internal medicine, 22(5), pp.685-691.
  • 21. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Idiopathy exists, not because this stuff is unknowable, but rather, because we choose not to look. Source: Smith, R.C. and Dwamena, F.C., 2007. Classification and diagnosis of patients with medically unexplained symptoms. Journal of general internal medicine, 22(5), pp.685-691.
  • 22. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter 70% OF OB/GYN CLINCAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES NOT BASED ON EVIDENCE For women… Idiopathy runs rampant.
  • 23. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter 50% OF MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS UNPROVEN ONLY 35% KNOWN TO BE BENEFICIAL Source: BMJ Clinical Evidence, For medicine in general We really don’t know what we think we know.
  • 24. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Source: BMJ Clinical Evidence,
  • 25. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Medication nation Mayo Clinic Reports o70% adults take prescription medications chronically o50% take 2 or more meds o20% take 5 or more meds “Before the SSRIs, drugs were poisons that came with risks. Now they are fertilizers to be used as widely as possible, being given in ever larger amounts to children and the elderly - the only risks the authorities can see it would seem stem from not using enough of them.” David Healy
  • 26. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter If only 50% of medications have sufficient evidence of efficacy, what happens when we combine multiple medications? Efficacy? Safety?
  • 27. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Can we really know what illnesses chronic polypharmacy use might spur if we’ve never bothered to ask the question?
  • 28. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter If 25-75% of symptoms can be considered medically unexplained, how certain are we of our current diagnostics?
  • 29. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Maybe idiopathic is really iatrogenic?
  • 30. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter The problem of iatrogenesis o3rd leading cause of death in hospitalized patients • Estimated at 200,000-400,000 patients annually • 6.8% of cases were attributable to an adverse drug reaction 1964-1995 oFDA/ADR data (2011) • 2.1 to 2.7 million Americans suffer from an serious adverse drug reaction annually • 128,000 result in death James, J.T., 2013. A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. Journal of patient safety, 9(3), pp.122-128; Null, G., Dean, C., Feldman, M. and Rasio, D., 2005. Death by medicine. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 20(1), pp.21-34; Makary, M.A. and Daniel, M., 2016. Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US. Bmj, 353, p.i2139; Stokowski, L.A., 2016. Who believes that medical error is the third leading cause of hospital deaths. Medscape, May, 26Light, D.W., Lexchin, J. and Darrow, J.J., 2013. Institutional corruption of pharmaceuticals and the myth of safe and effective drugs; Light, D.W., Lexchin, J. and Darrow, J.J., 2013. Institutional corruption of pharmaceuticals and the myth of safe and effective drugs.. Even as currently defined.
  • 31. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Implications of iatrogenesis oPresumes we know the scope of effects for a given treatment • If 50% of treatments unproven, do we really know the scope of effects? • Even when tested, often only tested in isolation, in men, with little application to real world uses oAnything we don’t know is random or idiopathic oWe have no responsibility for randomness oNo need to study
  • 32. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
  • 33. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Deconstructing Women’s Health Where idiopathy, iatrogenesis and willful ignorance intersect.
  • 34. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Women use more medications than men A review of insurance records for a 1 year period in 2010 showed: • Women = 5 prescriptions • Men = 3.7 prescriptions • 68% of women versus 59% of men had one prescription for at least one medication for a chronic or acute condition during the study period. Women’s Health 2012: The 20th Annual Congress; always-take-them-research-shows/2010/12/20/gIQAJm5hNS_blog.html?utm_term=.f913aa9f54a6
  • 35. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter During Pregnancy o80% of women take at least one medication during pregnancy o~30% take 4 or more medications during pregnancy • 60% increase in medication use during pregnancy in 30 years
  • 36. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Most of these drugs were never safety tested with women oNo testing on drugs approved before 1993 oGuidelines not enacted until 1998
  • 37. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Even after the regulations oPer the GAO (2000) • 52% of clinical trial participants women, mostly later phases • Only 22% of early phase trials, where safety and dosing determined oPer the IOM OWH (2010) • Much the same
  • 38. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Here’s the thing Even though women are now allowed in clinical trials, there is no requirement for researchers/drug companies to determine whether women react differently than men to a medication before it is approved. So they don’t.
  • 39. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter As a result oWomen suffer significantly more frequent and more severe adverse drug events oFew notice because none of these reactions were documented in the first place Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in American women and in recently recalled medications for heart disease there were disproportionately higher fatalities and serious adverse events in women than in men. – Cochrane Reports Idiopathic or iatrogenic?
  • 40. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Ethical conundrum oTesting on women might impair reproductive capacity oMedication use during pregnancy might harm the fetus oBUT women use medications across the lifespan and during pregnancy • If we’re not going to test, should we really be recommending these medications to women?
  • 41. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Possible solutions oAnimal testing oUse meds only sparingly in pregnant women oIntense post market surveillance Might temper some of the risks
  • 42. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
  • 43. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter What do human females and male rodents have in common? Apparently, they are equivalent.
  • 44. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Source: Beery, A., & Zucker, I. (2011). Sex Bias in Neuroscience and Biomedical Research. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35 (3), 565-572.;
  • 45. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter No one considered Until 2014! that males and females might be different
  • 46. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Perhaps it’s not about ethics at all, but rather, expediency.
  • 47. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Long, inglorious history • Used from 1957-1961 as anti-emetic, hyperemesis mostly in Europe • 2000-100,000 children born with severely malformed limbs • FDA denied approval Thalidomide -prescribed for morning sickness Of medicating women.
  • 48. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Diethylstilbestrol (DES) – to prevent miscarriage At least 3 generations affected: sons, daughters and grandchildren Without research • 5-10 million women from 1940-1970s • FDA approved, no research • Late 50s-60s first research: increased risk of miscarriage • Multi-generational damage (cancer, organ malformation, more) • Used in farm animals • Caused cancer in farm hands, miscarriage and illness in animals • Banned in 1958 in animals • Still used in women for another 20+ years
  • 49. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Or dubious research
  • 50. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter For male satisfaction
  • 51. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter And for social reasons 1959-1970s physicians and researchers from the Royal Children’s Hospital and the University of Melbourne gave adolescent girls of tall stature DES to stunt growth. The rationale behind treating tall girls was so they could do ballet, buy clothes more easily, and find boyfriends and husbands. Source: Lee & Howell, Tall girls: the social shaping of a medical therapy. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 Oct;160(10):1035-9. When Being a Tall Girl was a Medical Condition: DES and the Tall Girls
  • 52. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter And then covering it up Used as a pregnancy test 1960s-70s Equivalent to 13 morning after pills or 157 oral contraceptive pills January 1975, Dr William Inman, principal medical officer for the British Government, had found that women who took a hormone pregnancy test “had a five-to-one risk of giving birth to a child with malformations”. Dr Inman wrote to Primodos’s German manufacturer, Schering, so the firm could “take measures to avoid medico-legal problems”, rather than recall the drug. A later document explains that Dr Inman destroyed the materials on which his findings were based, “to prevent individual claims being based on his material”. Source: birth/
  • 53. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter It’s worse for pregnant women • There are no data for [insert vaccine] administered to pregnant women to inform vaccine-associated Package insert • Available data on [insert vaccine] administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy. • There were no developmental toxicity studies of [insert vaccine] performed in animals. • It is not known whether [insert vaccine] is excreted in human milk. • Data are not available to assess the effects of on the breastfed infant or on milk production/excretion. Despite all marketing to the contrary, most medications and vaccines were never tested for use during pregnancy. Source: Package inserts
  • 54. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter We never learned With little evidence of safety and efficacy We continue to drug women
  • 55. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter And for children o Only 10-20% of medications for pediatric use have been tested in children o Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic research developed in adult males o Rampant off-label for kids, particularly kids in foster care Sources: Conroy, S., McIntyre, J., Choonara, I., & Stephenson, T. (2000). Drug trials in children: problems and the way forward. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 49(2), 93–97. ; FDA,; “In the absence of rigorous pediatric clinical trial data, physicians are forced to act as if children are just ‘small adults’ with a smaller weight, and then interpret the adult data to adjust the dose. But statistically, we know that approach only works in 6% of the cases.”
  • 56. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
  • 57. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter We’re addicted Psychotropics prescribed in the US o 274,000 infants (0-1 year olds) o 370,000 toddlers (1-3 year olds) “Prescriptions of powerful antipsychotics such as Risperdal for infants and very young children have also sharply risen. Office visits for childhood bipolar disorder have risen 40-fold over the past decade in the U.S.” To solving problems with pills and looking away when problems arise.
  • 58. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter If drugs are not tested in women or children and thus, their effects in women are unknown, they can easily be disregarded and labeled as idiopathic. If they are idiopathic, rather than iatrogenic, there is no need to investigate or even acknowledge side effects as real. For all intents and purposes, they simply do not exist.
  • 59. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter For example oLupron – GnRHa • Chemically castrates oDeveloped for male prostate cancer • Tested on 6 healthy men • One low dose for a drug to be used repeatedly and chronically at higher doses oApproved for • Women with endometriosis, fibroids, heavy bleeding • IVF • Children with precocious puberty, gender dysphoria
  • 60. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Considered perfectly safe by many practitioners • No recognition chemical castration might cause problems • Depletes gonadal hormones • Hormones have receptors everywhere and are involved with a myriad of functions beyond reproduction • With very little research pre – or post-market, symptoms are considered idiopathic or hysteric.
  • 61. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter It’s not safe Lupron damages the mitochondria, perhaps irrevocably.
  • 62. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter How bad is it? Really bad.
  • 63. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Because we don’t recognize the possibility of ill-effects They effectively do not exist.
  • 64. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
  • 65. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter We are drowning in a sea of toxins
  • 66. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Environmental toxic soup “Unlike the current system in Europe, the 60,000-plus chemicals in production when the US’s TSCA took effect 39 years ago continued to be used without any safety reviews. Most are still in use today, although some have since filed toxicity data. The US allows the use of many chemicals that are banned elsewhere, and its primary chemicals law has failed to keep up with thousands of chemicals currently in use, including the approximately 2,000 new chemicals introduced each year.” Source: Friday 13 February 2015 13.41 EST
  • 67. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter That remain in our bodies Certain polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, PFCs, phenols, PBDEs, phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and perchlorate were detected in 99–100% of pregnant women. The median number of detected chemicals by chemical class ranged from 4 of 12 PFCs to 9 of 13 phthalates. Across chemical classes, median number ranged from 8 of 17 chemical analytes to 50 of 71 chemical analytes. BPA and tOP were detected in 92.6% and 57.4% of the persons, respectively...Females had statistically higher BPA LSGM concentrations than males (p = 0.043). Children had higher concentrations than adolescents (p < 0.001), who in turn had higher concentrations than adults (p = 0.003).
  • 68. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Affecting generations to come
  • 69. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter What would normally filter the damage Medicines Toxins Bad diet Nutrients Exercise Has been compromised.
  • 70. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Maternal nutrient deficiency is rampant Oxidative stress caused by free radicals has been implicated in many studies of the etiology of preeclampsia (38). Because ascorbic acid and vitamin E inhibit free radical formation, a double-blind randomized trial was conducted in 283 women who had either a previous history of pregnancy complications or an abnormal ultrasound (39). The supplement provided 1000 mg ascorbic acid and 400 IU vitamin E daily from week 16–22 of pregnancy, and resulted in a 76% reduction in preeclampsia, and a 21% reduction in indicators of endothelial activation and placental dysfunction. Evidence from experimental animals supports the concept that in addition to primary deficiencies, secondary embryonic and fetal nutritional deficiencies can be caused by diverse factors including genetics, maternal disease, toxicant insults and physiological stressors that can trigger a maternal acute phase response. These secondary responses may be significant contributors to the occurrence of birth defects. An implication of the above is that the frequency and severity of pregnancy complications may be reduced through an improvement in the micronutrient status of the mother. Micronutrient status in fetal and early life may alter metabolism, vasculature, and organ growth and function, leading to increased risk of cardiometabolic disorders, adiposity, altered kidney function, and, ultimately, to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • 71. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter The food we eat Isn’t really food High calorie malnutrition
  • 72. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter It’s food like
  • 73. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter We’re told it’s real food “Everything nature can do, man can do so much better and more profitably.” o ‘Natural’ cheese that matures in 72 hours. o Preservatives prevent produce browning And if we can’t, then re-define o ‘Clean labeling’ removes the most glaring industrial ingredients and replaces them with substitutes that sound natural and benign. “For the salesman, this preparation was a technical triumph, a boon to caterers who would otherwise waste unsold food. There was a further benefit: NatureSeal is classed as a processing aid, not an ingredient, so there’s no need to declare it on the label, no obligation to tell consumers that their “fresh” fruit salad is weeks old.” But it isn’t.
  • 74. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Industrial food production o Highly processed food-like products o Sugar, carbs, fats and chemicals o Genetically culled produce o 70% reduced nutrient content o With no genetic variation ( 96%) o Glyphosate, toxic adjuvants and more o Chemically laden meats o Heavy antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria, growth and other hormones Has stripped our food of critical nutrients
  • 75. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter It’s an industrial descaling agent oUsed to remove minerals from pipes oDoes the same in our bodies • Blocks critical enzymes and amino acids • Disrupts vitamin A metabolism • Weakens the blood brain barrier oCarcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic and an endocrine disruptor • Topoisomerase inhibitor • Glycine analog • Mineral chelator oWould kill all the plants if not genetically altered to withstand the toxinAnd a powerful antibiotic.
  • 76. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter A perfect storm Of pharmaceutical and environmental toxicants.
  • 77. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter But, cancer is random? And most women’s symptoms are psychosomatic – until they aren’t’.
  • 78. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
  • 79. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Consequences The rise of random ill-health.
  • 80. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Suffering from a multitude of chronic illnesses
  • 81. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
  • 82. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
  • 83. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter With generational effects
  • 84. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Increase in childhood illness o1-68 children develop autism o Neurodevelopmental and behavioral problems on the rise o1 in 13 children food allergies o1 in 1000 – 10,000 children with autoimmune disorder (celiac, JA, TD1) JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167(2):141-148; Psychiatry (Edgmont). Aug 2005; 2(8): 14–19; Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012;69(12):1247-1256; BMC Pediatrics 2013, 13:40 3; JAMA. 2014;311(17):1778-1786. Idiopathic or random?
  • 85. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Something is not working • Spend more healthcare • Highly vaccinated • Taking lots of meds • That were never tested on over half the population • Of those, only 50% considered effective • Embrace environmental/industrial chemistry • Living sicker • With increasingly complicated but ‘random’ diseases • Dying younger
  • 86. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter
  • 87. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter How can we reasonably assert Which health issues are idiopathic and which are caused by us?
  • 88. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Except in rare cases oMost modern illness is iatrogenic – caused by us • Our choices individually and collectively • Diet, lifestyle, pharmaceutical and environmental decisions “I believe the collective denial of lifestyle disease is the reason cardiology is in an innovation rut. This denial is not active or overt. It is indolent and apathetic… This is how I see modern cardiology. Our tricks can no longer overcome eating too much and moving too little. We approach health but never get there. If you waddle, snore at night, and cannot see your toes while standing, how much will a statin or ACE inhibitor or even LCZ696 help?” Mandrola, J., 2015. Heart Disease and Lifestyle: Why Are Doctors in Denial? Medscape. A hard truth that none of us wants to admit
  • 89. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Now what? Who cares whether we call it idiopathic or iatrogenic, how do we fix this mess?
  • 90. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Easy answer oStop • eating food-like products • looking for medical solutions to what are lifestyle issues oGo back to basics • What does your body need and is it getting it?
  • 91. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter More complicated answer oFind the root causes of illness and fix them • Stop treating symptoms • Learn the chemistry oBecome an expert in your/your family’s health • Own your health oShare what you learn with others • Build the knowledge base • Publish/post online if you can Entire model has to change.
  • 92. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter What I have learned It’s all about the mitochondria. Feed them well and life will be good.
  • 93. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Mitochondria o1000-2000 per cell oFuel source for cells • Convert food to ATP oSit at center of cell survival • Sense and respond to all threats oMasters at adapting to toxic environments – until they aren’t • Seemingly endless repertoire of survival cascades • Threshold and tipping points
  • 94. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter But that’s not all they do o Mitochondria control just about everything o Energy o Steroidogenesis o Inflammatory and immune activation/deactivation o Ca2+ homeostasis (cell excitotoxicity) o Apoptosis/necrosis Damage at your own risk.
  • 95. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter All they ask of us is to feed them well oTo get from food to ATP • O2 (mitochondria need to breathe) • Lots of nutrients • >24 vitamins and minerals And not hurl too many poisons at them. Source:
  • 96. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Western diet = high calorie malnutrition. We don’t. Nutrient deficiency alone will damage mitochondria, evoke chronic and complicated illness and can lead to death.
  • 97. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter All pharmaceutical, environmental, and industrial chemicals damage the mitochondria and deplete nutrients. But wait, there’s more…
  • 98. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Mitochondria are targets Sensors of cell danger
  • 99. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Poor nutrition, high toxic load Foundation from which most parents- to-be approach reproduction With the cascade of ill- health already in progress.
  • 100. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Net result “These are partial defects. Mitochondrial dysfunction doesn’t really cause anything, what it does is predisposes towards seemingly everything. It’s one of many risk factors in multifactorial disease. It can predispose towards epilepsy, chronic fatigue, and even autism, but it doesn’t do it alone. It does it in combination with other factors, which is why in a family with a single mutation going through the family, everyone in the family is affected in a different way. Because it predisposes for disease throughout the entire system.” Dr. Richard Boles, Geneticist Complicated disease processes that affect everything and don’t fit our neat little diagnostic categories.
  • 101. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter How prevalent is mitochondrial disease or dysfunction? “Disorders of the mitochondrial respiratory chain affect at least 1 in 8000 of the population, making them among the most common genetically determined diseases.” Patrick Chinnery, Medical School, Newcastle upon Tyne. Prevalence is likely underestimated because functional mitochondrial damage is often overlooked and most mitochondrial deficits, especially those emerging later in life, remain undiagnosed. Not widely recognized 1 in 500
  • 102. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Energy is key • Insufficient mitochondrial ATP • Cells adapt alternative, less efficient energy pathways o Cancer pathways or they die • Mitochondria activate danger protocols and deactivate extraneous tasks • Cells die, tissues die, organs die, and we die (sometimes slowly and painfully, sometimes quickly)
  • 103. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter How important are nutrients oCells cannot ‘breathe’ without certain vitamins and minerals • Thiamine and magnesium oNutrient deficiency causes cellular hypoxia • No obstruction necessary oBrain and heart most adversely effected
  • 104. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter During pregnancy
  • 105. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Direct  Mitochondrial membrane permeability changes  Alter channel open times  Activate death pathways Indirect  Block critical nutrient co-factors for ATP  Alters hormone activity (endocrine disruptors)  Activate/deactivate critical transcription and repair proteins (epigenetics) Cycle of damage mtDNA damage Functional deficits mtDNA mutations Altered ETC Decreased ATP Mito damage Increased ROS Oxidative stress Toxic Exposures Medications, Vaccines, Environmental Cell death & disease
  • 106. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Cascade of ill health
  • 107. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Not just about mom o mDNA passed from mom-child, o But mitochondria rely on nuclear DNA to function (~90%) o If Dad is unhealthy and nutrient deficient, dysfunctional mitochondria are possible in the offspring, even if mom is healthy Dad’s health matters too!
  • 108. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Long before conception o The lifetime of unhealthy habits affect your mitochondria o Mitochondria have memories o Cleaning up a few months before conception is good but not good enough o Should consider health of both parents at least a year before conception Health has to be considered
  • 109. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Nutrients minimize damage Medicines Toxins Diet Nutrients Exercise Nutrient deficiency maximizes damage.
  • 110. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter All comes back to nutrients
  • 111. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Avoid the toxins Clean up the diet Feed the deficiencies
  • 112. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Idiopathy versus iatrogenesis oWhen presented with complicated case, a disease process that doesn’t seem to fit into any one category • Remove the notion of randomness/idiopathy • Return the notion of responsibility • Figure it out (together) • Think mitochondria oAsk • What the patient needs to be healthy • Are they getting it oFix it
  • 113. Lucine Health Sciences, Inc. | Hormones Matter Websites o I Business o I online journal, medication adverse events surveys Social Media o Facebook pages: Hormones Matter, Lucine Women Community o Twitter: @chanatlucine, @hormonesmatter o Email: or How to find me

Editor's Notes

  1. Leukemia in infants less than one year old is a rare, 41 cases per one million births annually in the US; but it is often deadly. Only 42% of infant leukemia patients survive beyond five years of age making it one of the more devastating forms of cancer. A large percentage (75%) of the babies with infant leukemia carry a specific mutation on the MLL gene at chromosome 11q23. The MLL gene is responsible for hematopoiesis or blood cell development. An error in blood cell development is at the root of this disease process, and unfortunately, it appears to be environmentally induced by specific, and increasingly common, in utero chemical exposures.