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                                       by Christa Johnson

Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider
Before Taking the Plunge

© 2012 No Agenda Homeschool, LLC

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                                                                                        page i


  Education, in the broadest of truest sense,
  will make an individual seek to help all
  people, regardless of race, regardless of
  color, regardless of condition.
  ~George Washington Carver

                                                Photo credit:
Section 1
                                                                        You’re starting to get suspicious. There’s this nagging little

COULD I BE A                                                       thought in the back of your mind. It’s been there for a while and

                                                                   it’s developing into this all-consuming force that can’t be ignored.

                                                                   MAYBE TRADITIONAL SCHOOL
                                                                   ISN’T RIGHT FOR MY CHILD.
                                                                        Something’s not right. Perhaps something’s going on at school.
                                                                   It could be bullying, a changing social dynamic, a teacher that
                                                                   doesn’t mesh with your child’s style. Perhaps something’s going on
                                                                   with your child, maybe they’re losing their interest in all things
                                                                   academic, getting stressed out over the content or rigor of school,
                                                                   or getting to that age where the cookie cutter model of education
                                                                   just isn’t working anymore.
                                                                        Whatever it is, something’s not right and you need to look for
                                                                   a solution. Have you considered homeschooling?
                                                                        Of course, there are tons of alternatives for parents struggling
                                                                   with their current school. Private school, cyber school, Christian
            Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as         school, military school(!), and so on. These are possible solutions
                         bridges over which they invite their      for families that like the idea of groups of same-age kids learning
                    students to cross, then having facilitated     together from a professional, with an established curriculum and
                              their crossing, joyfully collapse,   traditional classroom environment. Those might be worth a try!
                                                                   (And that’s OK!)
                      encouraging them to create bridges of
                                                                        There’s security in outsourcing your child’s education. There’s a
                                                     their own.
                                                                   staff of experienced professionals, there’s a level of accountability,
                                         ~Nikos Kazantzakis
                                                                   there’s a built-in social network, and there’s simply that extra level
                                                                   of support. There are teachers, administrators, counselors, and

                                                                                                                                       page 3
coaches that wor k together to create an all-in-one ,                      homeschooling. These families have different backgrounds, race,
comprehensive environment for your child to develop                        religion, lifestyles, pocketbooks, educational beliefs, and motivations
academically, socially, and emotionally.                                   that drive them to consider homeschooling. One thing they all
                                                                           have in common is the desire to provide individualized,
                                                                           quality education (Home Educated and Now Adults, Table 3,
BUT WHAT IF THAT’S NOT                                                     Ray).
    Parents who start to think of homeschooling as an option
                                                                           LEARNING DOESN’T HAVE TO
often struggle with the same five questions:
                                                                           HAPPEN IN A SCHOOL.
   •   How will I know what to teach?                                           Todays public school system has only been around for 150
   •   What will we do all day?                                             years. It was established in a time when a large-scale, factory
   •   Does it work? Really?
                                                                            model was necessary (check out Horace Mann and his now-
   •   Can we financially afford to homeschool?
   •   How do I know I’m doing the right thing?                             outdated thoughts on universal public education).
                                                                                Standardized and compulsory education was introduced to
      The homeschooling movement is gaining significant                     ensure everyone had access to quality education. It started with
momentum and it’s for all kinds of families. In the                                        the rural one-room schoolhouse. This was a
past, it seemed there were two extremes of                                                 learning environment comprised of multiple age
homeschoolers: the folks who wanted to integrate                                           groups and different abilities working in the same
religion and faith into every aspect of their child’s               2 MILLION              room with a young teacher who facilitated
life and the anti-establishment revolutionaries who               CHILDREN ARE             learning. Likely, the sole teacher, an unmarried
wanted to grow organic gardens and learn from                    HOMESCHOOLED              woman who had advanced education but didn’t
life. As Mark Twain said, “All generalizations are
                                                                                           necessarily have a degree, covered subjects like
false.”                                                                                    literacy, penmanship, arithmetic, and etiquette. This
                                                                   SOURCE: NHERI
      Nothing wrong with either of these extremes,                                         style of education gave rural children the
but homeschooling is becoming much more broad                                              opportunity to learn basic skills that they would
a n d i n c l u s i ve , w i t h a l l k i n d s o f p e o p l e

                                                                                                                                                page 4
not naturally have encountered.                                         function is to create the workers we need to fuel our economy,
     The one-room school house was originally a child’s only            we need to change school, because the workers we need have
opportunity to improve their situation and develop a relationship       changed as well” (p.11).
with an educated adult. The modern world is entirely different.             What do you need to know about homeschooling?
Now, access to education is abundant and schools, once the sole
source of learning and enrichment, no longer have a monopoly on
this. Anyone can design a unique form of education if they know         FIRST, IT’S NOT FOR EVERYONE.
where to look, who to talk to, and have the confidence to trust
themselves.                                                                   Any veteran homeschooler will say that you’ve definitely got
     This is exactly what homeschoolers are doing right now (and        to want it bad. (Isn’t that what they say about being a musician, a
have been for over 40 years).                                           lawyer, or a priest? If you can imagine yourself doing anything else,
     They’ve rejected the traditional school model that just doesn’t    do that instead.) They’ll also tell you it’s the most rewarding thing
seem to work and found a working, viable, and healthy alternative.      they’ve ever done. But go into it with open eyes.
                                                                              This book will introduce you to some common questions and
                                                                        concerns that new homeschool parents experience. I’ll provide
COULD HOMESCHOOLING BE                                                  my perspective based on
RIGHT FOR YOU?                                                          field research, interviews
                                                                        with hundreds of
     The news is peppered with homeschool stories, both positive        homeschool parents, and
and negative: spelling bee successes, overlooked abuse, nonstop         a general knowledge of
                                                                                                                    We need
field trips, and legal battles in foreign countries. This movement is   the homeschool world.                       school b o change
getting an increasing amount of media time as more parents              I’ll also give you some                 workers ecause the
                                                                                                                               we n
discover that it’s not just a fringe activity anymore. Homeschooling    resources to do some                         changed eed have
is for parents who want to save their children from a system that       more reading if you’re                        #homes well
is designed to get students into a factory or a cubicle, not to         still on the fence.
create happy, self-sufficient, creative adults that are capable of            At some point, it
learning without enforcement. Seth Godin writes about this              might be nice to know                        Click&on&the&
change in purpose in his ebook, Stop Stealing Dreams. “If school’s      why other parents are                           text&to&
                                                                                                                                           page 5
0        20              40               60                    80    and distribute as they see fit. With
Private School is Expensive
                                                                                                      mobile technology and constant
      Problems with School
                                                                      Common Reasons                  internet access, the easy answers can
              Safety of Child
                                                                       to Homeschool                  be found within a single keyword
               Guide Socially
    School Not Challenging                                           *Source: Worldwide Guide         search in Google. The real education
                                                                         to Homeschooling
       Individualize Learning                                                                         is not what to learn, but how to learn.
       Learning Environment                                                                           The real education is how to find
          Develop Character
                                                                                                      knowledge, analyze, reason, think
          Values/World View
             Better Education                                                                         critically, and answer your own
                                                                                                      What better way to provide your
                                                                                                      child with a real education than to
                                                                                                      model it yourself? If you’re the kind
considering homeschool. We’ve all got our reasons, regardless of                                      of parent that’s even thinking about
whether or not we actually take the plunge. Hearing the                 homeschooling, you are also the kind of person that is a problem-
motivations of others to homeschool might resonate with you,            solver. You probably:
reassure you that there are others who have the same fears and              • fall into the out-of-the-box thinking in other areas of your
hold the same desires for their kids.
                                                                            • are a confident individual with a bit of a wild side
    Here’s the big question: are you ready to be a student again?           • like to create, whether it’s starting an herb garden or
That’s right. You’re going to be teaching yourself not only how to               figuring out how to change the oil in your car
homeschool, but you will become a math, science, history, English,          • get energized by the prospect of spending more time in
                                                                                 museums and finding little gems in your town that could
and foreign language facilitator. And you know what? You can do                  be teaching opportunities
it! No question in my mind. You’re actually demonstrating the
exact role model of what your child needs: learning how to
    As we said earlier, access is now abundant. Content isn’t
contained in a classroom for only the privileged and elite to use

                                                                                                                                           page 6
This ebook will address the most common questions that
parents have when considering the switch to homeschool.

1. How will I know what to teach?

2. What will we do all day?

3. Does it work? Really?

4. Can we financially afford to homeschool?

5. How do I know I’m doing the right thing?

                                                             page 7


  It is the supreme art of the teacher to
  awaken joy in creative expression and
  knowledge. ~Albert Einstein

                                            Photo credit:
Section 1

                                                        IN THE BEGINNING
                                                             I’m going to answer this question with a question: how did
                                                        your kids learn to walk, talk, or eat? Were you a part of that? Did
                                                        you have formal lessons on how to get your child to learn their
                                                        first language? Some of those super-organized, neurotic planner-
                                                        type parents may have, but you probably just figured it out
                                                        through trial and error, right? Maybe you Googled it, talked to
                                                        some friends, or went to the library and checked out a few books
                                                        on what a parent should do to get their child talking.

                                                        SAME THING WITH
                                                            You know your kids and you know what you—and they—are
                                                        capable of. Teaching a classroom of 30 students (times six classes
                                                        each day) can be really intimidating and why many people choose
                                                        not to get into education. Thank goodness there are teachers who
                                                        actually like that kind of environment because it’s rough, no
                                                            You, on the other hand, don’t have 180 students to teach.
                                                        Just one. Maybe two. You know what they like (and don’t like),
            If a child can't learn the way we teach,    you know their personalities, and you know their strengths and
              maybe we should teach the way they        struggles. That’s a much greater starting point than your average
                                                        teacher gets in September every year. So don’t sell yourself short:
                              learn. ~Ignacio Estrada
                                                        you know more than you think!

                                                                                                                         page 9
It’s not the easiest thing in the world to educate your child,       when we needed. This is a prime example of self-directed learning,
but it’s certainly not as hard as you think. It requires thinking about   with “teachers” and “students” taking on many different faces.
learning in a different way. In fact, recently, I was talking with             It will take some time to get used to this new role and your
someone about professional interests, dabbling in different areas         child too will need time to adjust to a parent/teacher hybrid. This
of alternative education. She said, “Well, why don’t you just go and      process, known as deschooling, could take a few weeks or, more
teach?” I burst out laughing. “Absolutely not! Been there and it’s        likely, a few months. In this time, you’re not just figuring out how
not for me.” “But you’re interested in education… What else               to “start homeschooling,” but also forgetting all that traditional
would you do besides be in a classroom?”                                  school has instilled, mastering a new schedule, and getting used to
     Education doesn’t have to happen in a school. It just takes a        a change of scenery. Not going to school on the bus every day is
new set of eyes to realize when and how learning takes place.             a big change for a child; we’ve been indoctrinated into this system
Once your viewpoint changes, educating at home takes on a                 of expectation. Remember Leave it to Beaver? The Cleavers taught
whole new meaning and becomes much easier to process.                     us to pack a brown bag lunch, put the kids on the bus, and see
Guerrilla Learning, from the wacky minds of Grace Llewellyn and           them for a few hours in the evening when they got back.
Amy Silver, charges you to "start to see learning not as the                   You’re throwing out this standard and setting a new one.
province of experts but as the province of the family. Learning           Pretty cool, huh?
belongs to you, not to schools and government administrators. It's
a function of human wonder and curiosity and love for the world."
     I got into photography when I was teaching English in Japan.
It’s such a photogenic country that even my point-and-shoot
Canon let me take some beautiful shots! When I got back, I
wanted to take quality pictures “on purpose,” so my dad and I                                                    have to n doesn’t
took a half-day photography workshop in Washington, DC. The                                                     school # appen in a
instructor taught us about aperture, shutter speed, lighting, and                                                             hool
other basic skills in the gardens of the National Cathedral. We
then spent the next few hours wandering on our own, inside and
outside, finding those perfect shots, and asking him questions

                                                                                                                                           page 10
Section 2

                                                             SO HOW DO YOU BEGIN?
                                                                  Before you figure out what to teach, take some time to get to
                                                             know how your child learns. You probably already have a pretty
                                                             good idea of this. You’ve known your child all their life. That’s not
                                                             trivial. Learning styles are a hot topic in education right now and
                                                             proving quite challenging for teachers. Luckily, you don’t need to
                                                             adopt different teaching styles and methods of interaction for
                                                             each of your 30 kids. You’ve just got the one. Whew!
                                                                  As a concept, learning styles sound rather overwhelming and
                                                             for good reason. Everyone has their own opinion about what it
                                                             means. Does it include personality? How about intelligences?
                                                             Environment? Depending on who you talk to, these could all be
                                                             overlapping or completely separate concepts. I’d like to introduce
                                                             you to the major schools of thought to get you started and if you
                                                             find yourself more interested, I’ll provide some resources where
                                                             you can learn more.
                                                                  First off, let’s go over the major learning styles that I refer to as
                                                             “The Big Three”: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. These
                                                             are the best terms to know for the new homeschooling parent as
                                                             they will dictate the optimal way your child will acquire knowledge
                                                             and demonstrate mastery. Adapting to learning styles is also a
            Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a        unique benefit to homeschooling! When you are in a classroom of
              fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will   30 kids, there’s no way your child’s teacher can take everyone’s
                  live its whole life believing that it is   learning style into account. Try as they may, even the best teacher
                               stupid. ~Albert Einstein      will struggle to constantly address their class with all three modes.
                                                             If your child is a kinesthetic learner, it’s highly unlikely that there

                                                                                                                                   page 11
will be the space and
                 5%                         environment for your
                                            child to jump, skip, tap,              Visual learners learn by SEEING.
Auditory                                    and so on while he or
     30%                                    she learns. And even if
                                            there was enough room,
                                            they’d be a distraction                Auditory learners learn by HEARING.
                             65%            to other students. Again,
                                            this is not the fault of
                                            teachers to suppress
                                            this form of learning; it’s            Kinesthetic learners learn by DOING.
                                            the fault of the system
 that chooses to group students by age instead of learning style or
 intelligence.                                                                 No surprises here.
      Also a word of warning, don't worry about finding that one          How do you pinpoint
 style; most people are some combination of at least two or even          your child’s dominant
 three. The cool thing about homeschooling is you can take the            style and how do you
 time to figure out what style they learn towards and modify your         help him learn better?
 teaching to their optimal way. It might vary by gender, age or even                                             Adaptin
                                                                                                             #learnin g to
 subject. Most teachers make an effort to teach things in a multi-                                                    g styles
                                                                                                             a great           is
 sensory way, but few have the time to teach the same thing in                                                       advanta
                                                                                                            of #hom           ge
 different ways. Your child may be a total visual learner in history,                                                eschooli
 and a kinesthetic learner in math. You have the bandwidth to
 figure these little nuances out!

                                                                                                                                    page 12
Let’s start with the Visual learners. These make up the             anything they have seen and most schools are quite skilled at
majority of us, which is convenient for a traditional school setting.   providing worksheets, textbooks, and supplemental visual
Around 65% of Americans consider themselves visual learners,            materials for learning (Dunn, Dunn, & Price,1989).
which makes us easy to manage in large groups (Bradford, 2011).             Does your child...
They take written tests well, they easily follow lectures that are          • Talk with his hands a lot?
supported by board work or Powerpoint presentations, and they               • Like to use different colors when drawing or doodling?
read well for long(er) stretches of time. Overall, they recall              • Use his “mind’s eye” to “see” places from memory, recall
                                                                                information, or give directions?

        MOVIE 2.1 Learning Through Pictures

                                                                                            TIPS FOR THE
                                                                                          VISUAL LEARNER

                                                                                      •   Use maps, timelines, and pictures
                                                                                      •   Outline everything!
                                                                                      •   Take notes on reading, videos, etc.
                                                                                      •   Use color-coding
                                                                                      •   Highlight/underline words
                                                                                      •   Diagram when possible (venn
                                                                                          diagrams, sentence diagramming)
        In this TED Talk, Temple Grandin shares her                                   •   Flashcards (color cards and/or
                                                                                          markers, especially for vocabulary)
        ability to “think in pictures” and how the world                              •   Use different kinds of charts (pie,
        needs people who see things differently, noting                                   bar, line, flow)
        that people on the autism spectrum often                                      •   Use educational videos to reinforce
                                                                                          lectures, books, or other topics
        have unique ways of learning and thinking.

                                                                                                                                   page 13
Next, the Auditory learners. These learners also make up a             Watch this clip from A Beautiful Mind (2001). Notice how
huge chunk of most learners, about 30%. Lectures don't bother          John Nash is whispering the letters out loud as his eyes graze over
them because they learn best with their ears. They might visualize     the highlighted code? This is an example of a combination visual/
the words you're saying and then the next time they see them           auditory learner.
written, they'll actually "hear" the words they read. They like to         Instead of learning a language with a textbook, the auditory
discuss things in study groups and will read their notes out loud in   learner would benefit from CDs like Pimsleur or Living Language.
order to hear if they “sound right.”                                   Find lectures on tape and incorporate discussions into any and all
    Does your child...                                                 new content or material.
    • Talk to himself?
    • Read lips or follow directions that were given verbally
        better than those given through a note?
    • Recall names better than faces?                                                   TIPS FOR THE
                                                                                      AUDITORY LEARNER

        MOVIE 2.2 A Beautiful Mind (2001)                                             •   Read books aloud when possible
                                                                                      •   Use word association for facts/dates
                                                                                      •   Listen to podcasts/recorded
                                                                                      •   Use videos when appropriate
                                                                                      •   Discuss subject matter aloud, either
                                                                                          in discussion or debate
                                                                                      •   Create stories out of material
                                                                                      •   Listen to audiobooks
                                                                                      •   Read notes aloud and record
                                                                                      •   Repeat things aloud when possible
        Mathematician and codebreaker John Nash                                       •   Study in groups with discussion
        demonstrates two types of learning styles in                                  •   Turn off television and radio as
                                                                                          they’ll interfere with “audio”
        this brief clip.                                                                  memory

                                                                                                                                       page 14
Last, let’s take a look at the Kinesthetic learners, also             In the movie Akeelah and the Bee, Akeelah taps the book to
known as Tactile Learners. They learn best by interacting or         recite a large word (and later discovers that jumping rope helps
experiencing things around them. These learners typically struggle   her focus). If you haven’t seen this movie, be sure to check it out.
the most in traditional school environments and as they make up           Kinesthetic learners benefit from hands-on engagement, rather
about 5% of the population, are the most overlooked.                 than listening to a lecture or reading from a book. They like to act
    Does your child...                                               things out and use their bodies to remember facts, such as
    • Use his hands to list, count, or name things?                  “dialing” a phone number into their hand. Prolonged quiet or
    • Check if something “feels” right (versus “sounds right” or     sitting still will make it very difficult for them to concentrate.
        “looks right”)?
    • Use his body (hands, fingers, arms, etc.) to get his point

                                                                                      TIPS FOR THE
        MOVIE 2.3 Akeelah and the Bee (2006)                                      KINESTHETIC LEARNER

                                                                                    •   Take frequent (brief) breaks
                                                                                    •   Hands-on activities, such as
                                                                                        experiments and historical
                                                                                    •   Build models
                                                                                    •   Enroll in multiple classes, such as
                                                                                        dance, kickboxing and sports
                                                                                    •   Emphasize adventure/action books
                                                                                    •   Incorporate games, construction
                                                                                        sets, etc.
                                                                                    •   Involve role-playing and acting
        Young Akeelah from LA shows her kinesthetic                                 •   Study in groups with frequent
        learning style while studying for the National                              •   Use flash cards for memory
        Spelling Bee.

                                                                                                                                      page 15
Incorporating projects, manipulatives, and physical engagement as      in the classroom. Personally, I’ve discovered that chewing gum
incentives, the kinesthetic learner can effectively learn.             actually helps me write, but that was never allowed when I was in
    There’s also plenty of research that supports a multisensory       school.
education. The world won’t change to meet your child’s learning             You can consider the best combination of these experiences
preferences, but with homeschooling, you can begin teaching them       to help your child learn most effectively. Schools don’t have this
how to learn and systematically integrate other styles.                freedom. What if children bring in smelly food? What if there’s a
                                                                       fire drill and 10 kids are sitting in bean bag chairs? How do you
                                                                       schedule a 9am start time for the high schools when elementary

                                                                      schools need the school buses? Take these considerations out of
OTHER INFLUENCES ON                                                    the equation and focus on what’s best for your child.
    Beyond simply looking at the style of learning, homeschoolers
are lucky in that they can consider the other factors that influence
effective learning.
    Environment or location: Do they like learning in the
dark or in sunlight? A cold room or a hot room?
    Furniture: Does your child like being at a desk or sitting in a
bean bag chair?
    Scheduling: Does 6am feel a little early? Would they learn                                               Schools
                                                                                                                     don’t h
better if they slept in a little? It doesn’t matter what time you                                                bandwid ave the
                                                                                                                          th to
wake up when you homeschool, just that you get enough time for                                              #learnin rate all
                                                                                                                    g styles
learning.                                                                                                      system        . I’m a
                                                                                                                       of one!
    Food: Does your child need a little snack mid-morning? Does                                                  #edrefo
that boost of sugar or even the simple act of eating help them
focus? Most schools have rotating lunch schedules, which attempt
to give students a mid-day break. Few schools, if any, allow eating

                                                                                                                                       page 16
Section 3

                                                       WHICH STYLE MAKES SENSE
HOMESCHOOL                                             FOR ME?
STYLES                                                      So now you've got a pretty good idea of how to start
                                                       narrowing down your child's learning style. Great! It may take
                                                       some time, but you'll get there, don't worry.
                                                            Why else do you need to know? What kind of a homeschool
                                                       style would you like to have? Depending on why you're
                                                       homeschooling, you will go for a certain feel in your home.
                                                       Perhaps you want to completely duplicate the traditional school
                                                       experience, which means your homeschool will be designed with
                                                       desks, chairs, and a blackboard. That's fine and many homeschool
                                                       parents default to that kind of setup because it's what they’re
                                                       familiar with. Some parents say, “I've never designed a homeschool
                                                       so I'm not sure what it's supposed to look like. I have, however,
                                                       been in a school and feel confident I can make that at home.”
                                                            The only problem with this default setting is that it may be the
                                                       exact reason you're taking your child out of school. It is limited
                                                       thinking and while you may want to delineate the home from the
                                                       school at the beginning, there may not need to be such a dramatic
                                                       separation. Until they went off to school, learning and life were
                If you employed study, thinking, and   one and the same. This doesn’t necessarily have to change. John
              planning time daily, you could develop   Holt, one of the founding fathers of homeschooling, asserted,
            and use the power that can change the      “Living is learning and when kids are living fully and energetically
                             course of your destiny.   and happily they are learning a lot, even if we don't always know
                                ~W. Clement Stone      what it is.”

                                                                                                                        page 17
With that in mind, take a quick look at some homeschool          between" styles. Because the motivations behind homeschooling
"rooms" I've come across. Sometimes it's easier to look at           are so different (see the earlier section), so are the educational
something tangible before moving to the intangible. Do any of        pedagogies. I don't think you need to worry exactly about what
those look like you?                                                 your philosophy of education is right now. Rather, this will present
                                                                                 itself and evolve as you design your homeschool.
                                                                                 As you get more comfortable with homeschooling, the
                                                                                 more your homeschool style will develop. Most
                                                                                 parents say that they began thinking they were one
                                                                                 kind of homeschooler, but grew into something
                                                                                 different as they met more homeschoolers like them
                                                                                 or homeschoolers that they wanted to be. Either way,
                                                                                 this is a natural evolution; the more practice you get at
                                                                                 something, the more secure you feel in letting go a
                                                                                 little or trying something new.
                                                                                 Below is a diagram that summarizes the popular types
                                                                                 of homeschool styles that you’ll likely come across.
                                                                                 These are balanced across 4 spectra:
                                                                                 •driving “force”
                                                                                 My favorite style of homeschooling is Unit Studies.
                                                                                 They're the perfect blend of child- and parent-driven,
    The term "homeschool style" means slightly different things,     optimizing all the advantages of homeschooling. Unit Studies are
depending on the source. Let’s consider it a combination of          lesson plans that are organized by a theme or topic, rather than
curriculum choice and personality. There are dozens of styles that   by a subject. They are short, usually four weeks in length. They are
have popped up over the years and many more that are "in             easy to tailor to children of other ages and learning styles. And

                                                                                                                                       page 18
most of all, they are interesting! You can buy one or two at a time,
and constantly modify because they're only four weeks at a time.
Other curricula require you to purchase an entire year's worth of
                                                                       Homeschool Styles Diagram
content in the beginning. That just makes no sense for the new
homeschooler. You can't possibly know where you will be in three
months, let alone 12. Save your money and go month to month.
    For more information on Unit Studies, check out No Agenda’s
website. If you’d like more detailed explanations of each
homeschool style, I’ve written a book that addresses these
questions, Homeschooling: A Guide for Regular People, available
on the iTunes Store.

     #Unit St
   Interest dies rock!
     is the be learning
   learn! # st way to

                                                                                                   page 19


  It wasn't in books. It wasn't in a church.
  What I needed to know was out there in
  the world. ~Robert Fulghum

                                               Photo credit:
Section 1

                                                                  ONE DAY AT A TIME
TO TEACH?                                                              One of the biggest concerns when starting to homeschool is
                                                                  knowing what to teach. What on earth do I teach them now that
                                                                  they're with me 24/7?!? Tip from the experts: don't think about the
                                                                  entire year. As I said earlier, you will most likely find that you would
                                                                  like to change your style a few months after you begin, so don't
                                                                  even bother. Plus, you could drown in the worry and stress of
                                                                  planning an entire year at once. Professional educators don't do
                                                                  that; why should you?
                                                                       Start small and simple. Figure out the legal requirements of
                                                                  your state (check out HSLDA) such as required subjects, numbers
                                                                  of hours, and so on (every state is a little different so make sure
                                                                  you are clear on yours). Once you have an idea of what you have
                                                                  to learn, break it down. Remember: your average homeschool day
                                                                  is about 3 hours long. You're in a small classroom and can be
                                                                  much more efficient with your time—isn't that great? And
                                                                  something else to keep in mind, you only need to be one day
                                                                  ahead of your child. Not 10, not 100. Just one. You can do that,
     Let us think of education as the means of developing
                                                                       Looking at your state’s academic standards will give you a
                   our greatest abilities, because in each of
                                                                  great place to start. They may be called something different, such
                      us there is a private hope and dream
                                                                  as standards of learning, core curriculum, or content standards.
                       which, fulfilled, can be translated into
                                                                  Finding them may take some time, but if anything, a cursory search
                           benefit for everyone and greater       with your favorite search engine will certainly produce a starting
                  strength for our nation. ~John F Kennedy        point. (For example, enter “California,” “content standards,” and
                                                                  “history.”) Here, your state will tell you exactly what public school

                                                                                                                                      page 21
students are studying. You         We have Homeschool With Confidence kits available for the most
        Tip fr                          don’t need to stick to it          popular states for homeschoolers; shoot me an email if you have
  experts om the
             : don’t t                  verbatim, but it will help         any questions.
    about th           hink
   year, jus e entire                   you develop a framework,
 chunk!        t the fir
           #homes st                    a high-level view of the
                      chool             k i n d s o f t h i n g s yo u r   HOW DO I TEACH THOSE
                                        children should study and          TOUGH SUBJECTS?
                                        master in each grade.
                                        These documents, typically             Homeschooling doesn't mean that you are now your child's
                                        organized by subject and           exclusive teacher; it means that now you are responsible for
                                        then grade, will provide           crafting the best education for your child from as many sources as
                                        excr uciatingly clear              you need. You’re less a teacher and more a guide. If you happen to
guidelines to the content public schools will be introducing.              be an expert in nuclear physics, great! But if you're like the
Depending on your state, you may choose how closely you'd like             majority of homeschooling parents, you just need to find the right
to follow these guidelines. How rigorously you choose to follow            solution, be it a tutor, software, or community college. Most
your state’s curriculum depends on whether or not you are                  parents feel comfortable homeschooling until around 8th grade.
required to:                                                               Then the subjects get more specialized and parents begin to
                                                                           doubt themselves.
    • take standardized or state tests
    • submit quarterly reports documenting the content and                     A representative from Classical Conversations, a classical
         your child’s progress                                             education curriculum provider, said they typically see a huge drop
    • the style in which you’re choosing to homeschool                     off at the end of the middle school years. Parents who had
    • your personal educational philosophy or beliefs.                     confidently homeschooled their children for several years
    This process can often take a fair amount of time. Most
homeschool parents say they spend between three and six                    suddenly became intimidated with teaching the high school years.
months deciding to homeschool and figuring out how to get                      But I barely remember trigonometry. And I never even took
started. This can be a helpful discovery process, wading your way          chemistry! How do I teach my child these subjects?
into this new way of thinking. Alternatively, No Agenda offers                 Say it again: I'm not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. You are a
comprehensive kits with all that searching already done for you.           problem-solver. You are a facilitator. If the “problem” is chemistry,
                                                                           how can you get your child access to the right learning

                                                                                                                                             page 22
environment? You find a tutor, a textbook, another homeschool
parent or child, some software, community college class. You find
something! While you might not know ever ything about
everything, you certainly can find someone who knows about one
thing, right? As Joy Hakim, author of A History of US, said at a
recent homeschool conference, “The best skill we can develop is
to learn how to find out what we don’t know.” Helping someone
else find it is just as important.
    Many parents struggle with confidence to teach at home,
particularly the more challenging subjects of high school, but one
reason for this may be the misdirection of the word “teach.” The
same way that “homeschool” really isn’t “school, at home,”
teaching takes on a new definition too.
    By choosing to homeschool, you’re not replacing all the              I’m not a teacher! I’m
teachers in your child’s school; you’re replacing the principal. The       just keeping it all
principal (or administrator) makes sure that students have access           together! Done!
to all subjects, opportunities to participate in enrichment activities
and mentorships, support to address problems, and guidance in
their preparation for the years to come.

                                                                                                  page 23


  Educating the mind without educating the
  heart is no education at all. ~Aristotle

                                             Photo credit:
Section 1

                                                        HOW WILL YOU FILL 8 HOURS,
WHAT WILL WE DO                                         EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK?
                                                             Wondering what to do all day is probably the scariest part of
                                                        homeschooling. What are you supposed to do for eight hours a
                                                        day, 5 days a week? This is the same reason many people fear self-
                                                        employment: no dictated schedule. You have too much freedom.
                                                        Someone has always told you what your children should be doing.
                                                        Now, you have to reverse that mindset and consider what your
                                                        children would enjoy doing (in addition to what they should be
                                                        doing). In reality, once you develop a routine, it's like anything else;
                                                        it will become natural. Until then, a framework of training wheels
                                                        isn't a bad idea.
                                                             Good news! A homeschooling day is more often three or four
                                                        hours, not eight.
                                                             Let's start with what do you teach. How do you identify what
                                                        is required? What is optional? What would be fun?
                                                             A unique opportunity now is not only learning what your
                                                        state tells you to learn, but adding subjects that you would never
                                                        have the opportunity to study in school, at least not until you
                                                        enter higher education. You can take as much or as little time with
             The difference between education and       subjects as you'd like. Before you begin, take some time to
            experience? Education is when you read      "deschool" yourself, by reminding yourself what learning is and the
               the fine print. Experience is what you   conditions under which it happens. Does it only happen at school?
                                  get when you don't.   Or did you learn something at the museum last week? How about
                                        ~Pete Seeger    at dinner last night when you calculated the tip? Identifying
                                                        learning opportunities will be a critical skill in homeschooling and

                                                                                                                            page 25
one that comes easier than you may think. We get used to
thinking that teachers establish what we are supposed to study
and set the contexts in which we learn.                                                                      30 minutes of reading every
                                                                                                             day. This can be reading aloud as a
                                                                                                             group or reading individually. This may
NOT ANYMORE.                                                                                                 include comic books, audio books,
                                                                        Photo credit:
                                                                                                             paper books, electronic books, poetry,
     So let’s first look at what you’re supposed to teach those kids    photos/starstreak007/3882191947/
                                                                                                             plays, newspapers, journals, or articles.
all day! Thinking of an entire year at once is overwhelming and
                                                                         These may support the unit you are currently studying or be
often destructive. Start with a week. You want to cover the big
                                                                         unrelated. If you’re in the middle of a unit on Space and your child
guys: English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science,
                                                                         finds herself interested in Japanese history, take her to the library
and History. You may also want to incorporate language
                                                                         or a bookstore and pick up some Japanese anime books. 30
learning, the arts, physical education/health, and technology. You’ve
                                                                         minutes of reading is actually not that much when you think of all
got plenty of time to work on all of that! How much should you
                                                                         the ways words are presented. This is a suggested schedule,
“teach” of each?
                                                                         reading a little each day, particularly for those kids who have lost
                                                                         their love of reading. However, a typical child who enjoys reading
    Shoot for this:
                                                                         can do an entire week of “required” reading in a single day! If
    • English/Language Arts: 300 minutes per week (60 minutes,           they’re in the zone, continue along with path where there’s
       5 times a week)
    • Mathematics: 200 minutes per week (40 minutes, 5 times             interest.
       a week)                                                                30 minutes of composition, three times a week.
    • History: 180 minutes per week (60 minutes, 3 times a               “Composition” seems like a pretty serious word, evoking images
                                                                         of quills, parchment, and long sessions of formulating great works
    • Science: 180 minutes per week (60 minutes, 3 times a
       week)                                                             of literature. That may certainly be the case in some families. This
                                                                         word also encompasses more everyday pursuits: diary entries,
                                                                         nature journals, poetry, short stories, and book reports. In a given
                                                                         week, your child should spend 90 minutes writing. Writing
                                                                         anything! Send them outside with a journal and a pen. They can

                                                                                                                                                  page 26
write a response to a section in the book they’re reading,              Language
reflections on a news story they just read, or any other type of          Arts                             Description
writing that takes thoughts from their head and puts it on paper.       Activities
     30 minutes of grammar, two times a week. Take                                     •   Games: Scrabble, Boggle, Hangman, Mad Libs
some time each week to focus on building Language Arts skills.                         •   Read aloud with family
Sentence structure, vocabulary, parts of speech, punctuation, style,     Activities    •   Word searches/ unscramble
and so on. These don’t have to be separate from Composition,                           •   Use your iPad to read short stories and learn new
                                                                                           words, using built-in dictionary
but actively dedicating time to it each week ensures you’re
systematically building up your child’s writing arsenal.                            •      Take a writing workshop
     More important than how long you should spend on each              Composition •      Set writing challenges
subject, which of course will vary by your child’s age, aptitude, and    Activities •      Create a blog
                                                                                    •      Family newsletter
interest, is changing how you view learning experiences. Here are
some examples of each that would qualify as learning.                                  •   Visit birthplace of famous authors
                                                                                       •   Attend poetry reading
                                                                         Field Trips
                                                                                       •   Tour local news station
                                                                                       •   Go to the movies and write a review!

                                                                                    •      Words of the Day
                                                                        Worksheets/ •      Grammar
 “It is wh                                                               Quizzes    •      Phonics
 when yo t you read                                                                 •      Reading Comprehension
 to that d don't have
what yo etermines
        u wi
 you can ll be when
          't he
    #oscarw lp it.”

                                                                                                                                               page 27
     30 minutes of learning math every day. This can be                     Activities
from a textbook, watching tutorials through online sources like                          Preparing a meal takes more skill than a parent
Khan Academy or YouTube, using software (particularly in the later                       realizes (you’ve been doing it for years, you’re
                                                                                         pretty good by now). This may involve:
years), or finding math books at the library that tackle very
                                                                                         • Measuring ingredients
specific elements of math. During this time each day, your child                         • Planning dinner time based on cook start time
should be learning something new or building on what they’ve                             • Buying the groceries
already learned.                                                             Cooking
                                                                                         • Changing serving size based on people in the
     10 minutes of math drills every day. This sounds a
                                                                                         • Coordinating time so all parts of the meal finish at
little scar y and potentially against your philosophy as a                                 the same time
homeschool parent, but this just means that your child should
                                                                                         This can be a group lesson, or individual (with
practice or apply what they’ve learned in some way. This could be                        parental supervision), but fun either way!
done through cooking, calculating the tip at a restaurant, figuring                      •   Train/Plane arrival/departure times
out how long it will take to get to Grandma’s house, etc. When                           •   Duration of trip
you look at your everyday interactions, there’s actually quite a bit         Planning    •   Budget to complete trip (travel, food, lodging)
of math hidden in there. Here are some other math-related                    vacations   •   Budget time to accomplish all sightseeing
activities.                                                                              •   Planning when the trip can happen based on family
                                                                                         Got a kid who’s nuts about basketball? Turn it into a
                                                                                         lesson! Points necessary to win a game, what is a
                                                                              Sports     certain player’s shooting average, different angles to
                                                                                         shoot from, etc.
                                                                                         Another opportunity to work on budgeting, layout
                                                                                         (shapes), algebra (how many seeds times how many
                                                                                         feet), basic chemistry (composting), and developing
                                                                            Gardening    timelines (estimation). Building and maintaining a
                                                                                         garden is actually a great math unit, with a delicious
                                                                                         return on investment!
                                     Photo credit:

                                                                                                                                              page 28
Also during this time each week, your family should do things
                                                                        other than read! Watch documentaries, re-enact great battles of
     60 minutes of History, three times a week. History is              history, learn about inventors and statesmen, or create maps. All
one of those subjects where there is always more to learn. World        of these options “count” towards your history minutes per week.
History, Ancient History, Religion, Civics, Government, Economics,      When you start to think of history in these terms, it becomes
Military History, Geography and much more. And it doesn’t have          easier to weave them with your other subjects. If your daughter is
to involve sitting at the kitchen table, systematically reading         reading a book by Louisa May Alcott, history during those few
through a history book. In fact, the folks at The Lukeion Project       weeks can focus on the mid-19th century in New England. What
refuse to use textbooks! Regan Barr, who spoke at an unschooling        was life like then? What was happening politically in other areas of
conference in August 2011 (and I’m sure many since then), gave a        the US at that time? What was happening in other countries at
great presentation on how textbooks take the most mundane               that time? What major inventions came from that part of the
parts of history, summarize them, and throw them into a                 world? How did Alcott’s literature impact other writers? Use your
consolidated book, with little to no hope of inspiring kids to learn    imagination!
more. Yet, after learning about the histrionics of Caligula,                One technique that helps young readers is to watch the
homeschool parents were reminded that history is, in fact,              movie first and then tackle the book. With the basic plot and
stranger than fiction!                                                  characters in mind, readers get the rich context that isn’t found in
     With that in mind, you’re welcome to use whichever kinds of        the movie version. Watch The Princess Bride and then read the
books interest you and your children. Susan Wise Bauer, author of       book—like many novels, there’s so much more good stuff than in
The Well-Trained Mind, publishes a wonderful series of storybooks       the movie!
called The Story of the World, where she presents history as a              Below are other ideas of activities you may choose to fill your
series of stories, progressing from early civilizations to the modern   weekly history time.
world. You may choose to spend this time reading “real” books,
stories/historical fiction, primary sources such as letters or
newspapers, or religious texts such as the Bible or the Koran.
History is not found solely in textbooks, though potentially they
are good idea generators.

                                                                                                                                         page 29
                  •   Historical site near your home
                  •   Visit state capitol
                  •   Archaeological sites
                  •   Birthplaces of famous people
                                                                            60 minutes of Science,
 Field Trips                                                           three times a week. Science
                  •   Historic trail hikes
                  •   Post office (government)                         (like math) is a subject that                        Bonsai tree by
                  •   Fire/police station (civics)                     str ikes fear into the hear ts of many Azuma Makoto
                  •   Attend a service or visit a religious facility   homeschool parents, particularly in the middle
                  • History/art museums                                and high school years. The elementary years are the perfect time
  Museums         • Transportation museum                              to get comfortable teaching (or facilitating) science education! As
                  • Aviation museum                                    a non-science educator told me, “This rampant fear of science is
                  So many options with this!                           baffling. You get to be outside, dig in the mud, find patterns in
                  • Buy a big map and track places you’ve studied/     nature, and generally examine life around you. How could anyone
  Mapping                                                              not like science?”
                  • Make maps of road trips
                  • Use maps to discuss culture, language, and              Because science experiments take time to set up and take
                    traditions                                         down, it’s a good idea to set aside 60-minute chunks of time,
                  Read read read! You can study people, countries,     rather than breaking it out over more days. During this time, you
                  and events, not just boring lists of dates.
                  Biographies, newspapers, historical fiction,         may choose to use a textbook, do research on famous inventors
                  narratives.                                          and their inventions, conduct experiments and observations, or do
                  • Read as a group
                                                                       any other kinds of activities that involve exploration, discovery, and
                  • Read individually
                  • Read plays from parts of history
                                                                       a pursuit of knowledge about the natural, physical, and biological
                  •   Documentaries
  Watch TV                                                                  Like other subjects, working from interest will make learning
                  •   TV Dramas (a la History Channel)
(no, seriously,                                                        fun and retention easy! And science is more than sitting in a lab
                  •   Historical fiction
  it’s OK!)
                  •   Make your own!                                   with test tubes, goggles, and a Bunsen burner. Science includes

                                                                                                                                          page 30
astronomy, marine biology, botany, zoology, medicine, engineering,       Science
molecular genetics, and computer science. Getting away from the         Activities
daunting image of the Periodic Table and complex mathematics,                             •   Aquarium or zoo
science activities can inspire students to begin exploring the world                      •   Natural History or dinosaur museum
around them. These minutes each week can be spent supporting           Museum Trips       •   Planetarium or space museum
the current unit of study, or harnessing a newfound interest based                        •   Arboretum
on a movie they just saw (don’t tell me that first scene in Contact                       •   Robotics

with Jodie Foster didn’t instantly make you want to become an                        Watching science-themed movies can really bring
                                                                                     content to life! After watching a movie (or parts of
astronomer). Using that example, a meteor shower or lunar                            it), take time to discuss it as a family. This could also
                                                                          Movies/    function as a writing opportunity; take the 30
eclipse at 4am on a Tuesday is the perfect time to “schedule” your     Documentaries minutes from English composition and write a
60-minute lesson time. A trip to the aquarium with your mother-                      response on the movie (coolest part, scariest part, do
                                                                                     you feel different having seen it and how).
in-law is another opportunity to learn about marine biology and
aquatic life. Taking advantage of these isolated, and often not-so-                       Take the family for a hike! In this time, your kids
                                                                                          should bring their nature journals and document
isolated, learning opportunities is an incredible advantage of                            things they see along the way: bugs, leaves, trees,
                                                                         Family Hike      animals, erosion, pollution, rocks, rivers, caves, etc.
homeschool education.                                                                     They can draw pictures, write poems, anything
                                                                                          they’d like to document their trip.
                                                                                          Talk to your local hospital and see if observations
                                                                                          are allowed. A homeschool parent told me about
                                                                           Hospital       going to watch open heart surgery with her
                                                                                          daughter! Wow!
    Dig arou                                                                              Don’t forget the value of a good, old-fashioned
 outside,    nd, be                                                     Experiments       chemistry set.
  how cou ploring—                                                                        •   Dairy farm               •   Greenhouse tour
 NOT like anyone                                                                          •   Factory                  •   Cave/caverns
   #homes ence?                                                                           •   Observatory              •   Bird watching
                                                                          Field Trips     •   The ocean                •   National or State Park
                                                                                          •   Bakery                   •   Local orchard
                                                                                          •   Recycling center         •   Local power plant
                                                                                          •   Laboratory tour          •   Animal shelter

                                                                                                                                                    page 31


  No man is a failure who enjoys life.
  ~William Feather

                                         Photo credit:
Section 1
                                                         Does homeschooling work? Absolutely! Regardless of what
WILL MY KIDS ACTUALLY                                goal you have in mind, homeschooling has worked for a long time
LISTEN TO ME?                                        and research is showing that it continues to be an effective
                                                     solution for many families. Are you shooting for success today? In
                                                     a week? A year? A decade? Are you hoping to rekindle a love of
                                                     learning? Has an unsafe situation at school caused you to take
                                                     emergency action? Are you moving around a lot and hoping that
                                                     homeschooling will be the least disruptive way to educate? There
                                                     are many definitions of what “success” in a homeschool looks like.
                                                         Some common criteria that homeschoolers use to define
                                                     success include:
                                                         • passion for learning
                                                         • discovering and developing interests
                                                         • academic performance (standardized tests)
                                                         • improved behavior or self-esteem
                                                         • educational stability
                                                         • safety
                                                         • happiness
                                                         • serving as a bandaid for a problematic school year
                                                         • private school education at fraction of the cost
                                                         • more efficient education with time to pursue
                                                         It can be any of these or none of these. Success is incredibly
                                                     subjective, so figure out what that means for you. As you
            Learning is not attained by chance. It   determine whether or not homeschooling is right for you,
              must be sought for with ardor and      consider goals you are hoping that homeschool will help you
                       attended to with diligence.   achieve.
                                                         Now, every child and every family is different, but the kinds of
                                  ~Abigail Adams
                                                     families that are choosing homeschool have been diversifying over

                                                                                                                      page 33
the past 25 years. 25% of homeschoolers are minorities. 25% are
not homeschooling for religious reasons. 10% are from one-parent                         Money Spent
                                                                                                                     Level of
                                                                                         on Education
households. Almost 60% live in urban rather than rural settings.                                                    Education

17% are from religions other than Christianity (Ray, 1997).
     And research is demonstrating that there isn’t much variability
in the value homeschooling provides.

                                                                           Parent as                                             Time Spent
                                                                                                 Relationship to
IT SIMPLY WORKS.                                                           Certified
                                                                            Teacher                Academic
                                                                                                                                  in Formal
    A child’s academic performance is not dependent on any of
the following factors:
    • parent’s level of education
    • whether or not a parent is a certified teacher
    • how much money was spent on their education                                          Level of                 Kind of
    • how much time was spent in formal education                                           State                  Curriculum
    • level of state regulation                                                           Regulation                Chosen
    • the kind of curriculum chosen
    What researchers are finding is that the key components of
homeschooling include small classrooms, a completely invested            complex concepts and practicing new skills, but again, no matter
“educator,” and time. With tutoring, where you have a one-to-one         how you slice it, you’ve got more time to pursue the things you’d
student-to-teacher ratio, you can be much more efficient with            like.
your time. You can accomplish in 2 to 3 hours what it takes 30-                Now, the thing that many homeschool families are concerned
person classrooms 8 hours to accomplish. Plus, since you “got the        with is those first few weeks. Will my child actually listen to me? I
content right” the first time, you don’t need to assign homework.        can’t tell you the answer to that. You know your kids better than
This leaves a lot of time to simply explore, think, create.              anyone else and this is certainly a change in your relationship. It
    Yes, it will be busy. Yes, you’ll have to do some work finding the   may take some time to mentally adjust from parent/child to
right combination of personal and academic pursuits. Yes, as your        educator/student, but that may not even be a factor. Many
child gets older, they may need to spend more time learning              homeschool parents don’t simply “school at home.” They establish
                                                                                                                                           page 34
another kind of relationship entirely. They don’t necessarily choose    You want them to have social lives
to become an authoritative figure for a few hours and then switch       too.
hats and become the parent for the remainder of the day. Take                Of cour se , all parents are
some time to figure out what this new relationship looks like and       concerned about proper
find what makes you and your kids comfortable.                          “socialization.” I hear this word more
    Another thought: you’ll never know till you try. Maybe this         with homeschooling than I ever hear
homeschooling things turns out to be a big, huge mistake. Your          with other forms of education. For
                                                                                                                         CLICK ME!
kids don’t listen, learn, or benefit from home education. Maybe         some reason, administrators don’t
you wanted to try it out for a year as a trial and see how things       see drug and alcohol abuse, sexual activity, bullying, weapons, lack
went. This is completely fine and you’ll never be sorry for trying.     of respect for elders, and peer pressure as “socialization
Research indicates that even a year or two of homeschooling             problems.” They’re school problems. Either way, they’re problems.
shows marked results with students performing 10 points higher          And perhaps they are one of the reasons you’re considering
on standardized tests (Strengths of Their Own, 1997).                   homeschooling. It’s understandable to worry that such a change in
    And from my experience, if you’re seriously thinking about          your child’s schedule and learning environment might influence
homeschooling, you probably have the kind of relationship with          him for the worse. Will he become a recluse? Will he forget how to
your children that would handle this new dynamic well. Same             talk to people?
                                                 thing with finding          Your kids will be who they were meant to be. Surround them
                                                 social                 with people of all ages who pique their curiosity, kids who they
                                                 oppor tunities for     have fun with, adults who can teach them something and serve as
                                                 your kids. If you’re   role models. Essentially, do what you did before and just take the
           #10,000                               even wor r ying        school out of the equation. They won’t lose social skills unless you
                       hours is
             magic n            the
                       umber f
                                                 about it, then         actively deprive them of the exposure.
                      . What w                   you’re not likely to        With homeschooling, you have the freedom to modify your
          your kid              ill
                     s do wit
            that ext          h all              be the parent who      course of action immediately rather than wait to adopt new
                      ra time?
                                                 quarantines their      standards, curriculum, and teacher training for 50 million students
                                                 children in the        and 3 million teachers. It’s a system of one. Any concerns you
                                                 kitchen for school.    have, you can change in an instant. Fear your child is becoming

                                                                                                                                         page 35
antisocial? Register him in a few courses and clubs. Your child isn’t      What’s the point? Try it! Homeschooling for a year can’t
as happy as he was in public school? Talk with him and come up          possibly hurt your kids and it could change their lives (and yours!).
with a new game plan. He isn’t doing well academically? Figure out
if it’s the content, the learning style, or the situation. Perhaps he
can go back to public school for extracurricular activities which
might charge him up for “academic work” at home. (And as
always, homeschooling doesn’t have to be forever.)
      You’re going to have fears, doubts, and concerns. That’s
completely normal. Every homeschooling family has felt this to
some degree.
      But let me reassure you! Research shows that homeschool
      • Perform 30 percentile points higher on standardized
          testing in reading and math (Ray, 2004)
      • Read at or above grade level (Ray, 1997)
      • Participate in 5 - 7 activities outside the home (Ray, 2004)
      • Are more likely to attend college and finish with a higher
          GPA (Cogan, 2009)
      • Are more like to say they’re happy (Ray, 2004)                                                YOU
      • Are more likely to feel capable of changing the world (Ray,

                                                                                                                                          page 36


  If you think education is expensive, try
  ignorance. ~Anonymous

                                             Photo credit:
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge
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Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge

  • 2. Deciding to Homeschool: Five Questions to Consider Before Taking the Plunge © 2012 No Agenda Homeschool, LLC Please feel free to post this e-book on your blog or email it to whomever you believe would benefit from reading it. 121205 page i
  • 3. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Education, in the broadest of truest sense, will make an individual seek to help all people, regardless of race, regardless of color, regardless of condition. ~George Washington Carver Photo credit:
  • 4. Section 1 You’re starting to get suspicious. There’s this nagging little COULD I BE A thought in the back of your mind. It’s been there for a while and HOMESCHOOLER? it’s developing into this all-consuming force that can’t be ignored. MAYBE TRADITIONAL SCHOOL ISN’T RIGHT FOR MY CHILD. Something’s not right. Perhaps something’s going on at school. It could be bullying, a changing social dynamic, a teacher that doesn’t mesh with your child’s style. Perhaps something’s going on with your child, maybe they’re losing their interest in all things academic, getting stressed out over the content or rigor of school, or getting to that age where the cookie cutter model of education just isn’t working anymore. Whatever it is, something’s not right and you need to look for a solution. Have you considered homeschooling? Of course, there are tons of alternatives for parents struggling with their current school. Private school, cyber school, Christian Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as school, military school(!), and so on. These are possible solutions bridges over which they invite their for families that like the idea of groups of same-age kids learning students to cross, then having facilitated together from a professional, with an established curriculum and their crossing, joyfully collapse, traditional classroom environment. Those might be worth a try! (And that’s OK!) encouraging them to create bridges of There’s security in outsourcing your child’s education. There’s a their own. staff of experienced professionals, there’s a level of accountability, ~Nikos Kazantzakis there’s a built-in social network, and there’s simply that extra level of support. There are teachers, administrators, counselors, and page 3
  • 5. coaches that wor k together to create an all-in-one , homeschooling. These families have different backgrounds, race, comprehensive environment for your child to develop religion, lifestyles, pocketbooks, educational beliefs, and motivations academically, socially, and emotionally. that drive them to consider homeschooling. One thing they all have in common is the desire to provide individualized, quality education (Home Educated and Now Adults, Table 3, BUT WHAT IF THAT’S NOT Ray). ENOUGH? Parents who start to think of homeschooling as an option LEARNING DOESN’T HAVE TO often struggle with the same five questions: HAPPEN IN A SCHOOL. • How will I know what to teach? Todays public school system has only been around for 150 • What will we do all day? years. It was established in a time when a large-scale, factory • Does it work? Really? model was necessary (check out Horace Mann and his now- • Can we financially afford to homeschool? • How do I know I’m doing the right thing? outdated thoughts on universal public education). Standardized and compulsory education was introduced to The homeschooling movement is gaining significant ensure everyone had access to quality education. It started with momentum and it’s for all kinds of families. In the the rural one-room schoolhouse. This was a past, it seemed there were two extremes of learning environment comprised of multiple age homeschoolers: the folks who wanted to integrate groups and different abilities working in the same religion and faith into every aspect of their child’s 2 MILLION room with a young teacher who facilitated life and the anti-establishment revolutionaries who CHILDREN ARE learning. Likely, the sole teacher, an unmarried wanted to grow organic gardens and learn from HOMESCHOOLED woman who had advanced education but didn’t life. As Mark Twain said, “All generalizations are (2010). necessarily have a degree, covered subjects like false.” literacy, penmanship, arithmetic, and etiquette. This SOURCE: NHERI Nothing wrong with either of these extremes, style of education gave rural children the but homeschooling is becoming much more broad opportunity to learn basic skills that they would a n d i n c l u s i ve , w i t h a l l k i n d s o f p e o p l e page 4
  • 6. not naturally have encountered. function is to create the workers we need to fuel our economy, The one-room school house was originally a child’s only we need to change school, because the workers we need have opportunity to improve their situation and develop a relationship changed as well” (p.11). with an educated adult. The modern world is entirely different. What do you need to know about homeschooling? Now, access to education is abundant and schools, once the sole source of learning and enrichment, no longer have a monopoly on this. Anyone can design a unique form of education if they know FIRST, IT’S NOT FOR EVERYONE. where to look, who to talk to, and have the confidence to trust themselves. Any veteran homeschooler will say that you’ve definitely got This is exactly what homeschoolers are doing right now (and to want it bad. (Isn’t that what they say about being a musician, a have been for over 40 years). lawyer, or a priest? If you can imagine yourself doing anything else, They’ve rejected the traditional school model that just doesn’t do that instead.) They’ll also tell you it’s the most rewarding thing seem to work and found a working, viable, and healthy alternative. they’ve ever done. But go into it with open eyes. This book will introduce you to some common questions and concerns that new homeschool parents experience. I’ll provide COULD HOMESCHOOLING BE my perspective based on RIGHT FOR YOU? field research, interviews with hundreds of The news is peppered with homeschool stories, both positive homeschool parents, and and negative: spelling bee successes, overlooked abuse, nonstop a general knowledge of We need t field trips, and legal battles in foreign countries. This movement is the homeschool world. school b o change getting an increasing amount of media time as more parents I’ll also give you some workers ecause the we n discover that it’s not just a fringe activity anymore. Homeschooling resources to do some changed eed have as is for parents who want to save their children from a system that more reading if you’re #homes well chool is designed to get students into a factory or a cubicle, not to still on the fence. create happy, self-sufficient, creative adults that are capable of At some point, it learning without enforcement. Seth Godin writes about this might be nice to know Click&on&the& change in purpose in his ebook, Stop Stealing Dreams. “If school’s why other parents are text&to& tweet&it& page 5
  • 7. 0 20 40 60 80 and distribute as they see fit. With Private School is Expensive mobile technology and constant Problems with School Common Reasons internet access, the easy answers can Safety of Child to Homeschool be found within a single keyword Guide Socially School Not Challenging *Source: Worldwide Guide search in Google. The real education to Homeschooling Individualize Learning is not what to learn, but how to learn. Learning Environment The real education is how to find Develop Character knowledge, analyze, reason, think Values/World View Better Education critically, and answer your own questions. What better way to provide your child with a real education than to model it yourself? If you’re the kind considering homeschool. We’ve all got our reasons, regardless of of parent that’s even thinking about whether or not we actually take the plunge. Hearing the homeschooling, you are also the kind of person that is a problem- motivations of others to homeschool might resonate with you, solver. You probably: reassure you that there are others who have the same fears and • fall into the out-of-the-box thinking in other areas of your life hold the same desires for their kids. • are a confident individual with a bit of a wild side Here’s the big question: are you ready to be a student again? • like to create, whether it’s starting an herb garden or That’s right. You’re going to be teaching yourself not only how to figuring out how to change the oil in your car homeschool, but you will become a math, science, history, English, • get energized by the prospect of spending more time in museums and finding little gems in your town that could and foreign language facilitator. And you know what? You can do be teaching opportunities it! No question in my mind. You’re actually demonstrating the exact role model of what your child needs: learning how to learn. As we said earlier, access is now abundant. Content isn’t contained in a classroom for only the privileged and elite to use page 6
  • 8. This ebook will address the most common questions that parents have when considering the switch to homeschool. 1. How will I know what to teach? 2. What will we do all day? 3. Does it work? Really? 4. Can we financially afford to homeschool? 5. How do I know I’m doing the right thing? page 7
  • 9. CHAPTER 2 KNOWING HOW TO TEACH It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. ~Albert Einstein Photo credit:
  • 10. Section 1 IN THE BEGINNING HOW DO I DO THIS? I’m going to answer this question with a question: how did your kids learn to walk, talk, or eat? Were you a part of that? Did you have formal lessons on how to get your child to learn their first language? Some of those super-organized, neurotic planner- type parents may have, but you probably just figured it out through trial and error, right? Maybe you Googled it, talked to some friends, or went to the library and checked out a few books on what a parent should do to get their child talking. SAME THING WITH HOMESCHOOLING. You know your kids and you know what you—and they—are capable of. Teaching a classroom of 30 students (times six classes each day) can be really intimidating and why many people choose not to get into education. Thank goodness there are teachers who actually like that kind of environment because it’s rough, no question. You, on the other hand, don’t have 180 students to teach. Just one. Maybe two. You know what they like (and don’t like), If a child can't learn the way we teach, you know their personalities, and you know their strengths and maybe we should teach the way they struggles. That’s a much greater starting point than your average teacher gets in September every year. So don’t sell yourself short: learn. ~Ignacio Estrada you know more than you think! page 9
  • 11. It’s not the easiest thing in the world to educate your child, when we needed. This is a prime example of self-directed learning, but it’s certainly not as hard as you think. It requires thinking about with “teachers” and “students” taking on many different faces. learning in a different way. In fact, recently, I was talking with It will take some time to get used to this new role and your someone about professional interests, dabbling in different areas child too will need time to adjust to a parent/teacher hybrid. This of alternative education. She said, “Well, why don’t you just go and process, known as deschooling, could take a few weeks or, more teach?” I burst out laughing. “Absolutely not! Been there and it’s likely, a few months. In this time, you’re not just figuring out how not for me.” “But you’re interested in education… What else to “start homeschooling,” but also forgetting all that traditional would you do besides be in a classroom?” school has instilled, mastering a new schedule, and getting used to Education doesn’t have to happen in a school. It just takes a a change of scenery. Not going to school on the bus every day is new set of eyes to realize when and how learning takes place. a big change for a child; we’ve been indoctrinated into this system Once your viewpoint changes, educating at home takes on a of expectation. Remember Leave it to Beaver? The Cleavers taught whole new meaning and becomes much easier to process. us to pack a brown bag lunch, put the kids on the bus, and see Guerrilla Learning, from the wacky minds of Grace Llewellyn and them for a few hours in the evening when they got back. Amy Silver, charges you to "start to see learning not as the You’re throwing out this standard and setting a new one. province of experts but as the province of the family. Learning Pretty cool, huh? belongs to you, not to schools and government administrators. It's a function of human wonder and curiosity and love for the world." I got into photography when I was teaching English in Japan. It’s such a photogenic country that even my point-and-shoot Canon let me take some beautiful shots! When I got back, I Educati o wanted to take quality pictures “on purpose,” so my dad and I have to n doesn’t h took a half-day photography workshop in Washington, DC. The school # appen in a homesc instructor taught us about aperture, shutter speed, lighting, and hool other basic skills in the gardens of the National Cathedral. We then spent the next few hours wandering on our own, inside and outside, finding those perfect shots, and asking him questions page 10
  • 12. Section 2 SO HOW DO YOU BEGIN? LEARNING STYLES Before you figure out what to teach, take some time to get to know how your child learns. You probably already have a pretty good idea of this. You’ve known your child all their life. That’s not trivial. Learning styles are a hot topic in education right now and proving quite challenging for teachers. Luckily, you don’t need to adopt different teaching styles and methods of interaction for each of your 30 kids. You’ve just got the one. Whew! As a concept, learning styles sound rather overwhelming and for good reason. Everyone has their own opinion about what it means. Does it include personality? How about intelligences? Environment? Depending on who you talk to, these could all be overlapping or completely separate concepts. I’d like to introduce you to the major schools of thought to get you started and if you find yourself more interested, I’ll provide some resources where you can learn more. First off, let’s go over the major learning styles that I refer to as “The Big Three”: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. These are the best terms to know for the new homeschooling parent as they will dictate the optimal way your child will acquire knowledge and demonstrate mastery. Adapting to learning styles is also a Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a unique benefit to homeschooling! When you are in a classroom of fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will 30 kids, there’s no way your child’s teacher can take everyone’s live its whole life believing that it is learning style into account. Try as they may, even the best teacher stupid. ~Albert Einstein will struggle to constantly address their class with all three modes. If your child is a kinesthetic learner, it’s highly unlikely that there page 11
  • 13. will be the space and Kinesthetic 5% environment for your child to jump, skip, tap, Visual learners learn by SEEING. Auditory and so on while he or 30% she learns. And even if there was enough room, they’d be a distraction Auditory learners learn by HEARING. Visual 65% to other students. Again, this is not the fault of teachers to suppress this form of learning; it’s Kinesthetic learners learn by DOING. the fault of the system that chooses to group students by age instead of learning style or intelligence. No surprises here. Also a word of warning, don't worry about finding that one How do you pinpoint style; most people are some combination of at least two or even your child’s dominant three. The cool thing about homeschooling is you can take the style and how do you time to figure out what style they learn towards and modify your help him learn better? teaching to their optimal way. It might vary by gender, age or even Adaptin #learnin g to subject. Most teachers make an effort to teach things in a multi- g styles a great is sensory way, but few have the time to teach the same thing in advanta of #hom ge different ways. Your child may be a total visual learner in history, eschooli ng and a kinesthetic learner in math. You have the bandwidth to figure these little nuances out! page 12
  • 14. Let’s start with the Visual learners. These make up the anything they have seen and most schools are quite skilled at majority of us, which is convenient for a traditional school setting. providing worksheets, textbooks, and supplemental visual Around 65% of Americans consider themselves visual learners, materials for learning (Dunn, Dunn, & Price,1989). which makes us easy to manage in large groups (Bradford, 2011). Does your child... They take written tests well, they easily follow lectures that are • Talk with his hands a lot? supported by board work or Powerpoint presentations, and they • Like to use different colors when drawing or doodling? read well for long(er) stretches of time. Overall, they recall • Use his “mind’s eye” to “see” places from memory, recall information, or give directions? MOVIE 2.1 Learning Through Pictures TIPS FOR THE VISUAL LEARNER • Use maps, timelines, and pictures • Outline everything! • Take notes on reading, videos, etc. • Use color-coding • Highlight/underline words • Diagram when possible (venn diagrams, sentence diagramming) In this TED Talk, Temple Grandin shares her • Flashcards (color cards and/or markers, especially for vocabulary) ability to “think in pictures” and how the world • Use different kinds of charts (pie, needs people who see things differently, noting bar, line, flow) that people on the autism spectrum often • Use educational videos to reinforce lectures, books, or other topics have unique ways of learning and thinking. page 13
  • 15. Next, the Auditory learners. These learners also make up a Watch this clip from A Beautiful Mind (2001). Notice how huge chunk of most learners, about 30%. Lectures don't bother John Nash is whispering the letters out loud as his eyes graze over them because they learn best with their ears. They might visualize the highlighted code? This is an example of a combination visual/ the words you're saying and then the next time they see them auditory learner. written, they'll actually "hear" the words they read. They like to Instead of learning a language with a textbook, the auditory discuss things in study groups and will read their notes out loud in learner would benefit from CDs like Pimsleur or Living Language. order to hear if they “sound right.” Find lectures on tape and incorporate discussions into any and all Does your child... new content or material. • Talk to himself? • Read lips or follow directions that were given verbally better than those given through a note? • Recall names better than faces? TIPS FOR THE AUDITORY LEARNER MOVIE 2.2 A Beautiful Mind (2001) • Read books aloud when possible • Use word association for facts/dates • Listen to podcasts/recorded lectures • Use videos when appropriate • Discuss subject matter aloud, either in discussion or debate • Create stories out of material • Listen to audiobooks • Read notes aloud and record • Repeat things aloud when possible Mathematician and codebreaker John Nash • Study in groups with discussion demonstrates two types of learning styles in • Turn off television and radio as they’ll interfere with “audio” this brief clip. memory page 14
  • 16. Last, let’s take a look at the Kinesthetic learners, also In the movie Akeelah and the Bee, Akeelah taps the book to known as Tactile Learners. They learn best by interacting or recite a large word (and later discovers that jumping rope helps experiencing things around them. These learners typically struggle her focus). If you haven’t seen this movie, be sure to check it out. the most in traditional school environments and as they make up Kinesthetic learners benefit from hands-on engagement, rather about 5% of the population, are the most overlooked. than listening to a lecture or reading from a book. They like to act Does your child... things out and use their bodies to remember facts, such as • Use his hands to list, count, or name things? “dialing” a phone number into their hand. Prolonged quiet or • Check if something “feels” right (versus “sounds right” or sitting still will make it very difficult for them to concentrate. “looks right”)? • Use his body (hands, fingers, arms, etc.) to get his point across? TIPS FOR THE MOVIE 2.3 Akeelah and the Bee (2006) KINESTHETIC LEARNER • Take frequent (brief) breaks • Hands-on activities, such as experiments and historical reenactments • Build models • Enroll in multiple classes, such as dance, kickboxing and sports • Emphasize adventure/action books • Incorporate games, construction sets, etc. • Involve role-playing and acting Young Akeelah from LA shows her kinesthetic • Study in groups with frequent breaks learning style while studying for the National • Use flash cards for memory Spelling Bee. page 15
  • 17. Incorporating projects, manipulatives, and physical engagement as in the classroom. Personally, I’ve discovered that chewing gum incentives, the kinesthetic learner can effectively learn. actually helps me write, but that was never allowed when I was in There’s also plenty of research that supports a multisensory school. education. The world won’t change to meet your child’s learning You can consider the best combination of these experiences preferences, but with homeschooling, you can begin teaching them to help your child learn most effectively. Schools don’t have this how to learn and systematically integrate other styles. freedom. What if children bring in smelly food? What if there’s a fire drill and 10 kids are sitting in bean bag chairs? How do you schedule a 9am start time for the high schools when elementary 
 schools need the school buses? Take these considerations out of OTHER INFLUENCES ON the equation and focus on what’s best for your child. LEARNING Beyond simply looking at the style of learning, homeschoolers are lucky in that they can consider the other factors that influence effective learning. Environment or location: Do they like learning in the dark or in sunlight? A cold room or a hot room? Furniture: Does your child like being at a desk or sitting in a bean bag chair? Scheduling: Does 6am feel a little early? Would they learn Schools don’t h better if they slept in a little? It doesn’t matter what time you bandwid ave the th to incorpo wake up when you homeschool, just that you get enough time for #learnin rate all g styles learning. system . I’m a of one! Food: Does your child need a little snack mid-morning? Does #edrefo rm that boost of sugar or even the simple act of eating help them focus? Most schools have rotating lunch schedules, which attempt to give students a mid-day break. Few schools, if any, allow eating page 16
  • 18. Section 3 WHICH STYLE MAKES SENSE HOMESCHOOL FOR ME? STYLES So now you've got a pretty good idea of how to start narrowing down your child's learning style. Great! It may take some time, but you'll get there, don't worry. Why else do you need to know? What kind of a homeschool style would you like to have? Depending on why you're homeschooling, you will go for a certain feel in your home. Perhaps you want to completely duplicate the traditional school experience, which means your homeschool will be designed with desks, chairs, and a blackboard. That's fine and many homeschool parents default to that kind of setup because it's what they’re familiar with. Some parents say, “I've never designed a homeschool so I'm not sure what it's supposed to look like. I have, however, been in a school and feel confident I can make that at home.” The only problem with this default setting is that it may be the exact reason you're taking your child out of school. It is limited thinking and while you may want to delineate the home from the school at the beginning, there may not need to be such a dramatic separation. Until they went off to school, learning and life were If you employed study, thinking, and one and the same. This doesn’t necessarily have to change. John planning time daily, you could develop Holt, one of the founding fathers of homeschooling, asserted, and use the power that can change the “Living is learning and when kids are living fully and energetically course of your destiny. and happily they are learning a lot, even if we don't always know ~W. Clement Stone what it is.” page 17
  • 19. With that in mind, take a quick look at some homeschool between" styles. Because the motivations behind homeschooling "rooms" I've come across. Sometimes it's easier to look at are so different (see the earlier section), so are the educational something tangible before moving to the intangible. Do any of pedagogies. I don't think you need to worry exactly about what those look like you? your philosophy of education is right now. Rather, this will present itself and evolve as you design your homeschool. As you get more comfortable with homeschooling, the more your homeschool style will develop. Most parents say that they began thinking they were one kind of homeschooler, but grew into something different as they met more homeschoolers like them or homeschoolers that they wanted to be. Either way, this is a natural evolution; the more practice you get at something, the more secure you feel in letting go a little or trying something new. Below is a diagram that summarizes the popular types of homeschool styles that you’ll likely come across. These are balanced across 4 spectra: •structure •independence •driving “force” •traditional My favorite style of homeschooling is Unit Studies. They're the perfect blend of child- and parent-driven, The term "homeschool style" means slightly different things, optimizing all the advantages of homeschooling. Unit Studies are depending on the source. Let’s consider it a combination of lesson plans that are organized by a theme or topic, rather than curriculum choice and personality. There are dozens of styles that by a subject. They are short, usually four weeks in length. They are have popped up over the years and many more that are "in easy to tailor to children of other ages and learning styles. And page 18
  • 20. most of all, they are interesting! You can buy one or two at a time, and constantly modify because they're only four weeks at a time. Other curricula require you to purchase an entire year's worth of Homeschool Styles Diagram content in the beginning. That just makes no sense for the new homeschooler. You can't possibly know where you will be in three months, let alone 12. Save your money and go month to month. For more information on Unit Studies, check out No Agenda’s website. If you’d like more detailed explanations of each homeschool style, I’ve written a book that addresses these questions, Homeschooling: A Guide for Regular People, available on the iTunes Store. #Unit St u Interest dies rock! -led is the be learning learn! # st way to homesc hool page 19
  • 21. CHAPTER 3 KNOWING WHAT TO TEACH It wasn't in books. It wasn't in a church. What I needed to know was out there in the world. ~Robert Fulghum Photo credit:
  • 22. Section 1 ONE DAY AT A TIME WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO TEACH? One of the biggest concerns when starting to homeschool is knowing what to teach. What on earth do I teach them now that they're with me 24/7?!? Tip from the experts: don't think about the entire year. As I said earlier, you will most likely find that you would like to change your style a few months after you begin, so don't even bother. Plus, you could drown in the worry and stress of planning an entire year at once. Professional educators don't do that; why should you? Start small and simple. Figure out the legal requirements of your state (check out HSLDA) such as required subjects, numbers of hours, and so on (every state is a little different so make sure you are clear on yours). Once you have an idea of what you have to learn, break it down. Remember: your average homeschool day is about 3 hours long. You're in a small classroom and can be much more efficient with your time—isn't that great? And something else to keep in mind, you only need to be one day ahead of your child. Not 10, not 100. Just one. You can do that, right? Let us think of education as the means of developing Looking at your state’s academic standards will give you a our greatest abilities, because in each of great place to start. They may be called something different, such us there is a private hope and dream as standards of learning, core curriculum, or content standards. which, fulfilled, can be translated into Finding them may take some time, but if anything, a cursory search benefit for everyone and greater with your favorite search engine will certainly produce a starting strength for our nation. ~John F Kennedy point. (For example, enter “California,” “content standards,” and “history.”) Here, your state will tell you exactly what public school page 21
  • 23. students are studying. You We have Homeschool With Confidence kits available for the most Tip fr don’t need to stick to it popular states for homeschoolers; shoot me an email if you have experts om the : don’t t verbatim, but it will help any questions. about th hink year, jus e entire you develop a framework, chunk! t the fir #homes st a high-level view of the chool k i n d s o f t h i n g s yo u r HOW DO I TEACH THOSE children should study and TOUGH SUBJECTS? master in each grade. These documents, typically Homeschooling doesn't mean that you are now your child's organized by subject and exclusive teacher; it means that now you are responsible for then grade, will provide crafting the best education for your child from as many sources as excr uciatingly clear you need. You’re less a teacher and more a guide. If you happen to guidelines to the content public schools will be introducing. be an expert in nuclear physics, great! But if you're like the Depending on your state, you may choose how closely you'd like majority of homeschooling parents, you just need to find the right to follow these guidelines. How rigorously you choose to follow solution, be it a tutor, software, or community college. Most your state’s curriculum depends on whether or not you are parents feel comfortable homeschooling until around 8th grade. required to: Then the subjects get more specialized and parents begin to doubt themselves. • take standardized or state tests • submit quarterly reports documenting the content and A representative from Classical Conversations, a classical your child’s progress education curriculum provider, said they typically see a huge drop • the style in which you’re choosing to homeschool off at the end of the middle school years. Parents who had • your personal educational philosophy or beliefs. confidently homeschooled their children for several years This process can often take a fair amount of time. Most homeschool parents say they spend between three and six suddenly became intimidated with teaching the high school years. months deciding to homeschool and figuring out how to get But I barely remember trigonometry. And I never even took started. This can be a helpful discovery process, wading your way chemistry! How do I teach my child these subjects? into this new way of thinking. Alternatively, No Agenda offers Say it again: I'm not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. You are a comprehensive kits with all that searching already done for you. problem-solver. You are a facilitator. If the “problem” is chemistry, how can you get your child access to the right learning page 22
  • 24. environment? You find a tutor, a textbook, another homeschool parent or child, some software, community college class. You find something! While you might not know ever ything about everything, you certainly can find someone who knows about one thing, right? As Joy Hakim, author of A History of US, said at a recent homeschool conference, “The best skill we can develop is to learn how to find out what we don’t know.” Helping someone else find it is just as important. Many parents struggle with confidence to teach at home, particularly the more challenging subjects of high school, but one reason for this may be the misdirection of the word “teach.” The same way that “homeschool” really isn’t “school, at home,” teaching takes on a new definition too. By choosing to homeschool, you’re not replacing all the I’m not a teacher! I’m teachers in your child’s school; you’re replacing the principal. The just keeping it all principal (or administrator) makes sure that students have access together! Done! to all subjects, opportunities to participate in enrichment activities and mentorships, support to address problems, and guidance in their preparation for the years to come. page 23
  • 25. CHAPTER 4 A REAL DAY OF HOMESCHOOL Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. ~Aristotle Photo credit:
  • 26. Section 1 HOW WILL YOU FILL 8 HOURS, WHAT WILL WE DO EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK? ALL DAY? Wondering what to do all day is probably the scariest part of homeschooling. What are you supposed to do for eight hours a day, 5 days a week? This is the same reason many people fear self- employment: no dictated schedule. You have too much freedom. Someone has always told you what your children should be doing. Now, you have to reverse that mindset and consider what your children would enjoy doing (in addition to what they should be doing). In reality, once you develop a routine, it's like anything else; it will become natural. Until then, a framework of training wheels isn't a bad idea. Good news! A homeschooling day is more often three or four hours, not eight. Let's start with what do you teach. How do you identify what is required? What is optional? What would be fun? A unique opportunity now is not only learning what your state tells you to learn, but adding subjects that you would never have the opportunity to study in school, at least not until you enter higher education. You can take as much or as little time with The difference between education and subjects as you'd like. Before you begin, take some time to experience? Education is when you read "deschool" yourself, by reminding yourself what learning is and the the fine print. Experience is what you conditions under which it happens. Does it only happen at school? get when you don't. Or did you learn something at the museum last week? How about ~Pete Seeger at dinner last night when you calculated the tip? Identifying learning opportunities will be a critical skill in homeschooling and page 25
  • 27. one that comes easier than you may think. We get used to ENGLISH thinking that teachers establish what we are supposed to study and set the contexts in which we learn. 30 minutes of reading every day. This can be reading aloud as a group or reading individually. This may NOT ANYMORE. include comic books, audio books, Photo credit: paper books, electronic books, poetry, So let’s first look at what you’re supposed to teach those kids photos/starstreak007/3882191947/ plays, newspapers, journals, or articles. all day! Thinking of an entire year at once is overwhelming and These may support the unit you are currently studying or be often destructive. Start with a week. You want to cover the big unrelated. If you’re in the middle of a unit on Space and your child guys: English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, finds herself interested in Japanese history, take her to the library and History. You may also want to incorporate language or a bookstore and pick up some Japanese anime books. 30 learning, the arts, physical education/health, and technology. You’ve minutes of reading is actually not that much when you think of all got plenty of time to work on all of that! How much should you the ways words are presented. This is a suggested schedule, “teach” of each? reading a little each day, particularly for those kids who have lost their love of reading. However, a typical child who enjoys reading Shoot for this: can do an entire week of “required” reading in a single day! If • English/Language Arts: 300 minutes per week (60 minutes, they’re in the zone, continue along with path where there’s 5 times a week) • Mathematics: 200 minutes per week (40 minutes, 5 times interest. a week) 30 minutes of composition, three times a week. • History: 180 minutes per week (60 minutes, 3 times a “Composition” seems like a pretty serious word, evoking images week) of quills, parchment, and long sessions of formulating great works • Science: 180 minutes per week (60 minutes, 3 times a week) of literature. That may certainly be the case in some families. This word also encompasses more everyday pursuits: diary entries, nature journals, poetry, short stories, and book reports. In a given week, your child should spend 90 minutes writing. Writing anything! Send them outside with a journal and a pen. They can page 26
  • 28. write a response to a section in the book they’re reading, Language reflections on a news story they just read, or any other type of Arts Description writing that takes thoughts from their head and puts it on paper. Activities 30 minutes of grammar, two times a week. Take • Games: Scrabble, Boggle, Hangman, Mad Libs some time each week to focus on building Language Arts skills. • Read aloud with family Reading Sentence structure, vocabulary, parts of speech, punctuation, style, Activities • Word searches/ unscramble and so on. These don’t have to be separate from Composition, • Use your iPad to read short stories and learn new words, using built-in dictionary but actively dedicating time to it each week ensures you’re systematically building up your child’s writing arsenal. • Take a writing workshop More important than how long you should spend on each Composition • Set writing challenges subject, which of course will vary by your child’s age, aptitude, and Activities • Create a blog • Family newsletter interest, is changing how you view learning experiences. Here are some examples of each that would qualify as learning. • Visit birthplace of famous authors • Attend poetry reading Field Trips • Tour local news station • Go to the movies and write a review! • Words of the Day Worksheets/ • Grammar “It is wh Quizzes • Phonics a when yo t you read • Reading Comprehension u to that d don't have what yo etermines u wi you can ll be when 't he #oscarw lp it.” ilde page 27
  • 29. MATHEMATICS Math Description 30 minutes of learning math every day. This can be Activities from a textbook, watching tutorials through online sources like Preparing a meal takes more skill than a parent Khan Academy or YouTube, using software (particularly in the later realizes (you’ve been doing it for years, you’re pretty good by now). This may involve: years), or finding math books at the library that tackle very • Measuring ingredients specific elements of math. During this time each day, your child • Planning dinner time based on cook start time should be learning something new or building on what they’ve • Buying the groceries already learned. Cooking • Changing serving size based on people in the family 10 minutes of math drills every day. This sounds a • Coordinating time so all parts of the meal finish at little scar y and potentially against your philosophy as a the same time homeschool parent, but this just means that your child should This can be a group lesson, or individual (with practice or apply what they’ve learned in some way. This could be parental supervision), but fun either way! done through cooking, calculating the tip at a restaurant, figuring • Train/Plane arrival/departure times out how long it will take to get to Grandma’s house, etc. When • Duration of trip you look at your everyday interactions, there’s actually quite a bit Planning • Budget to complete trip (travel, food, lodging) of math hidden in there. Here are some other math-related vacations • Budget time to accomplish all sightseeing activities. • Planning when the trip can happen based on family budget Got a kid who’s nuts about basketball? Turn it into a lesson! Points necessary to win a game, what is a Sports certain player’s shooting average, different angles to shoot from, etc. Another opportunity to work on budgeting, layout (shapes), algebra (how many seeds times how many feet), basic chemistry (composting), and developing Gardening timelines (estimation). Building and maintaining a garden is actually a great math unit, with a delicious return on investment! Photo credit: photos/whatleydude/4923405764/ page 28
  • 30. Also during this time each week, your family should do things HISTORY other than read! Watch documentaries, re-enact great battles of 60 minutes of History, three times a week. History is history, learn about inventors and statesmen, or create maps. All one of those subjects where there is always more to learn. World of these options “count” towards your history minutes per week. History, Ancient History, Religion, Civics, Government, Economics, When you start to think of history in these terms, it becomes Military History, Geography and much more. And it doesn’t have easier to weave them with your other subjects. If your daughter is to involve sitting at the kitchen table, systematically reading reading a book by Louisa May Alcott, history during those few through a history book. In fact, the folks at The Lukeion Project weeks can focus on the mid-19th century in New England. What refuse to use textbooks! Regan Barr, who spoke at an unschooling was life like then? What was happening politically in other areas of conference in August 2011 (and I’m sure many since then), gave a the US at that time? What was happening in other countries at great presentation on how textbooks take the most mundane that time? What major inventions came from that part of the parts of history, summarize them, and throw them into a world? How did Alcott’s literature impact other writers? Use your consolidated book, with little to no hope of inspiring kids to learn imagination! more. Yet, after learning about the histrionics of Caligula, One technique that helps young readers is to watch the homeschool parents were reminded that history is, in fact, movie first and then tackle the book. With the basic plot and stranger than fiction! characters in mind, readers get the rich context that isn’t found in With that in mind, you’re welcome to use whichever kinds of the movie version. Watch The Princess Bride and then read the books interest you and your children. Susan Wise Bauer, author of book—like many novels, there’s so much more good stuff than in The Well-Trained Mind, publishes a wonderful series of storybooks the movie! called The Story of the World, where she presents history as a Below are other ideas of activities you may choose to fill your series of stories, progressing from early civilizations to the modern weekly history time. world. You may choose to spend this time reading “real” books, stories/historical fiction, primary sources such as letters or newspapers, or religious texts such as the Bible or the Koran. History is not found solely in textbooks, though potentially they are good idea generators. page 29
  • 31. History Description Activities • Historical site near your home • Visit state capitol SCIENCE • Archaeological sites • Birthplaces of famous people 60 minutes of Science, Field Trips three times a week. Science • Historic trail hikes • Post office (government) (like math) is a subject that Bonsai tree by • Fire/police station (civics) str ikes fear into the hear ts of many Azuma Makoto • Attend a service or visit a religious facility homeschool parents, particularly in the middle • History/art museums and high school years. The elementary years are the perfect time Museums • Transportation museum to get comfortable teaching (or facilitating) science education! As • Aviation museum a non-science educator told me, “This rampant fear of science is So many options with this! baffling. You get to be outside, dig in the mud, find patterns in • Buy a big map and track places you’ve studied/ nature, and generally examine life around you. How could anyone visited Mapping not like science?” • Make maps of road trips • Use maps to discuss culture, language, and Because science experiments take time to set up and take traditions down, it’s a good idea to set aside 60-minute chunks of time, Read read read! You can study people, countries, rather than breaking it out over more days. During this time, you and events, not just boring lists of dates. Biographies, newspapers, historical fiction, may choose to use a textbook, do research on famous inventors narratives. and their inventions, conduct experiments and observations, or do Reading • Read as a group any other kinds of activities that involve exploration, discovery, and • Read individually • Read plays from parts of history a pursuit of knowledge about the natural, physical, and biological worlds. • Documentaries Watch TV Like other subjects, working from interest will make learning • TV Dramas (a la History Channel) (no, seriously, fun and retention easy! And science is more than sitting in a lab • Historical fiction it’s OK!) • Make your own! with test tubes, goggles, and a Bunsen burner. Science includes page 30
  • 32. astronomy, marine biology, botany, zoology, medicine, engineering, Science Description molecular genetics, and computer science. Getting away from the Activities daunting image of the Periodic Table and complex mathematics, • Aquarium or zoo science activities can inspire students to begin exploring the world • Natural History or dinosaur museum around them. These minutes each week can be spent supporting Museum Trips • Planetarium or space museum the current unit of study, or harnessing a newfound interest based • Arboretum on a movie they just saw (don’t tell me that first scene in Contact • Robotics with Jodie Foster didn’t instantly make you want to become an Watching science-themed movies can really bring content to life! After watching a movie (or parts of astronomer). Using that example, a meteor shower or lunar it), take time to discuss it as a family. This could also Movies/ function as a writing opportunity; take the 30 eclipse at 4am on a Tuesday is the perfect time to “schedule” your Documentaries minutes from English composition and write a 60-minute lesson time. A trip to the aquarium with your mother- response on the movie (coolest part, scariest part, do you feel different having seen it and how). in-law is another opportunity to learn about marine biology and aquatic life. Taking advantage of these isolated, and often not-so- Take the family for a hike! In this time, your kids should bring their nature journals and document isolated, learning opportunities is an incredible advantage of things they see along the way: bugs, leaves, trees, Family Hike animals, erosion, pollution, rocks, rivers, caves, etc. homeschool education. They can draw pictures, write poems, anything they’d like to document their trip. Talk to your local hospital and see if observations are allowed. A homeschool parent told me about Hospital going to watch open heart surgery with her daughter! Wow! Dig arou Don’t forget the value of a good, old-fashioned outside, nd, be Experiments chemistry set. ex how cou ploring— • Dairy farm • Greenhouse tour ld NOT like anyone • Factory • Cave/caverns #sci #homes ence? • Observatory • Bird watching chool Field Trips • The ocean • National or State Park • Bakery • Local orchard • Recycling center • Local power plant • Laboratory tour • Animal shelter page 31
  • 33. CHAPTER 5 DOES IT WORK? No man is a failure who enjoys life. ~William Feather Photo credit:
  • 34. Section 1 Does homeschooling work? Absolutely! Regardless of what WILL MY KIDS ACTUALLY goal you have in mind, homeschooling has worked for a long time LISTEN TO ME? and research is showing that it continues to be an effective solution for many families. Are you shooting for success today? In a week? A year? A decade? Are you hoping to rekindle a love of learning? Has an unsafe situation at school caused you to take emergency action? Are you moving around a lot and hoping that homeschooling will be the least disruptive way to educate? There are many definitions of what “success” in a homeschool looks like. Some common criteria that homeschoolers use to define success include: • passion for learning • discovering and developing interests • academic performance (standardized tests) • improved behavior or self-esteem • educational stability • safety • happiness • serving as a bandaid for a problematic school year • private school education at fraction of the cost • more efficient education with time to pursue opportunities It can be any of these or none of these. Success is incredibly subjective, so figure out what that means for you. As you Learning is not attained by chance. It determine whether or not homeschooling is right for you, must be sought for with ardor and consider goals you are hoping that homeschool will help you attended to with diligence. achieve. Now, every child and every family is different, but the kinds of ~Abigail Adams families that are choosing homeschool have been diversifying over page 33
  • 35. the past 25 years. 25% of homeschoolers are minorities. 25% are Parent’s not homeschooling for religious reasons. 10% are from one-parent Money Spent Level of on Education households. Almost 60% live in urban rather than rural settings. Education 17% are from religions other than Christianity (Ray, 1997). And research is demonstrating that there isn’t much variability in the value homeschooling provides. No Parent as Time Spent Relationship to IT SIMPLY WORKS. Certified Teacher Academic in Formal Education Achievement A child’s academic performance is not dependent on any of the following factors: • parent’s level of education • whether or not a parent is a certified teacher • how much money was spent on their education Level of Kind of • how much time was spent in formal education State Curriculum • level of state regulation Regulation Chosen • the kind of curriculum chosen What researchers are finding is that the key components of homeschooling include small classrooms, a completely invested complex concepts and practicing new skills, but again, no matter “educator,” and time. With tutoring, where you have a one-to-one how you slice it, you’ve got more time to pursue the things you’d student-to-teacher ratio, you can be much more efficient with like. your time. You can accomplish in 2 to 3 hours what it takes 30- Now, the thing that many homeschool families are concerned person classrooms 8 hours to accomplish. Plus, since you “got the with is those first few weeks. Will my child actually listen to me? I content right” the first time, you don’t need to assign homework. can’t tell you the answer to that. You know your kids better than This leaves a lot of time to simply explore, think, create. anyone else and this is certainly a change in your relationship. It Yes, it will be busy. Yes, you’ll have to do some work finding the may take some time to mentally adjust from parent/child to right combination of personal and academic pursuits. Yes, as your educator/student, but that may not even be a factor. Many child gets older, they may need to spend more time learning homeschool parents don’t simply “school at home.” They establish page 34
  • 36. another kind of relationship entirely. They don’t necessarily choose You want them to have social lives to become an authoritative figure for a few hours and then switch too. hats and become the parent for the remainder of the day. Take Of cour se , all parents are some time to figure out what this new relationship looks like and concerned about proper find what makes you and your kids comfortable. “socialization.” I hear this word more Another thought: you’ll never know till you try. Maybe this with homeschooling than I ever hear homeschooling things turns out to be a big, huge mistake. Your with other forms of education. For CLICK ME! kids don’t listen, learn, or benefit from home education. Maybe some reason, administrators don’t you wanted to try it out for a year as a trial and see how things see drug and alcohol abuse, sexual activity, bullying, weapons, lack went. This is completely fine and you’ll never be sorry for trying. of respect for elders, and peer pressure as “socialization Research indicates that even a year or two of homeschooling problems.” They’re school problems. Either way, they’re problems. shows marked results with students performing 10 points higher And perhaps they are one of the reasons you’re considering on standardized tests (Strengths of Their Own, 1997). homeschooling. It’s understandable to worry that such a change in And from my experience, if you’re seriously thinking about your child’s schedule and learning environment might influence homeschooling, you probably have the kind of relationship with him for the worse. Will he become a recluse? Will he forget how to your children that would handle this new dynamic well. Same talk to people? thing with finding Your kids will be who they were meant to be. Surround them social with people of all ages who pique their curiosity, kids who they oppor tunities for have fun with, adults who can teach them something and serve as your kids. If you’re role models. Essentially, do what you did before and just take the #10,000 even wor r ying school out of the equation. They won’t lose social skills unless you hours is magic n the umber f or about it, then actively deprive them of the exposure. mastery . What w you’re not likely to With homeschooling, you have the freedom to modify your your kid ill s do wit that ext h all be the parent who course of action immediately rather than wait to adopt new ra time? quarantines their standards, curriculum, and teacher training for 50 million students children in the and 3 million teachers. It’s a system of one. Any concerns you kitchen for school. have, you can change in an instant. Fear your child is becoming page 35
  • 37. antisocial? Register him in a few courses and clubs. Your child isn’t What’s the point? Try it! Homeschooling for a year can’t as happy as he was in public school? Talk with him and come up possibly hurt your kids and it could change their lives (and yours!). with a new game plan. He isn’t doing well academically? Figure out if it’s the content, the learning style, or the situation. Perhaps he can go back to public school for extracurricular activities which might charge him up for “academic work” at home. (And as always, homeschooling doesn’t have to be forever.) You’re going to have fears, doubts, and concerns. That’s completely normal. Every homeschooling family has felt this to some degree. But let me reassure you! Research shows that homeschool kids… • Perform 30 percentile points higher on standardized testing in reading and math (Ray, 2004) • Read at or above grade level (Ray, 1997) • Participate in 5 - 7 activities outside the home (Ray, 2004) • Are more likely to attend college and finish with a higher GPA (Cogan, 2009) • Are more like to say they’re happy (Ray, 2004) YOU • Are more likely to feel capable of changing the world (Ray, 2004) page 36
  • 38. CHAPTER 6 MAKING THE DOWNPAYMENT If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. ~Anonymous Photo credit: