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Pet Tales
Inspirational Pet Journal
Welcome to the first publication of Pet Tales. Here you
can write down your daily or monthly thoughts while
enjoying local submissions from animal enthusiasts
and pet owners.
The money raised from your purchase of this book will be helping to fund the
Regional Animal Shelter of Fulton County, NY.
The Regional Animal Shelter shared this:
“We are the people you've seen for years when dealing with your pets in Fulton
County... we've been members of the boards of local shelters, we've worked in
local veterinarian's offices and animal shelters, we're the dog control officers
and the ‘animal people’ you deal with daily, or we're just people who love
animals and can't live without them.
We have experienced people on our numerous volunteer committees, for
planning and designing, implementing, and building a new facility that will be
able to house and care for the Fulton County Region's animal population for
many years to come.
Our dream is to build a brand new, "state of the art" facility, with necessary
isolation wards and an operating room, so that we can be as progressive as
possible providing spay/neuter facilities. We hope to build enough kennel
space that we can provide a boarding facility so pleasant that we could all be
comfortable leaving our own pets there.
We believe there is a definite need for a new facility and we ask that animal
lovers join us in our dream and help us create THE animal shelter for the
Thank you for your purchase!
Shelley D. Brienza
Sacandaga Digest Publishing
I am a nature photographer, animal lover and whether I
photograph forest, backyard, woodland or domesticated animals
and birds I enjoy sharing and protecting the Creator's gift to us of
furred and feathered creatures with whom we share this beautiful
Planet Earth. Diane Smith
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
There is nothing like owning a pet.
Submitted by: Elizabeth Emery, Gloversville, NY
Diane Smith Photography
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
Pets touch your soul, engage your mind and are good for your body.
Maggie and Maylee submitted from: Kyle Zajaceskowski, Broadalbin, NY
The poor dog, in life the firmest friend,
the first to welcome, foremost to defend.
- Lord Byron
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
Live life fully. Love your pets.
He is your friend, your partner, your defender,
your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true,
to the last beat of his heart.
- Unknown
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
Submitted by: Elizabeth Emery, Gloversville, NY
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason
or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.
- Quote by Ernest Hemingway
Submitted by: Elizabeth Emery, Gloversville, NY
It’s been one of THOSE days!
To live long, eat like a cat, drink like a dog.
- German Proverb
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive
evidence that you are wonderful.
- Ann Landers
Easy Homemade Frosty Paw Treats
1 quart vanilla yogurt
1 mashed ripe banana
2 tablespoons peanut butter
2 tablespoons honey
Mix all ingredients together and freeze
in 3 oz. paper cups, or freezer baggies.
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
A New Perspective
By Nancy C. Diamond
When I offered to do Reiki for the horses at my neighbor’s
boarding and rehab farm Wendy’s response was, “Thanks, but all
my horses are in good shape.” Then she hesitated. “Well, there is
one that could certainly use something.” Then she told me the
story of the 13-year-old Warm blood mare, a dressage horse with
anxiety issues, who had been in her care for about six months,
having been referred from another farm that couldn’t handle her.
“I can’t seem to get this horse off square one,” she said. The
mare’s issues included head tossing and constant pacing in her
stall or small enclosure. Turned out in a pasture she would run
and run until she either hurt herself or was totally exhausted. She
was quite aggressive with the other horses, would buck when
being saddled, and was too much of a handful to be ridden
regularly. Little did I know that this horse would become a dear
friend and teacher. Her name was Dee, and I felt sure that Reiki
could help her.
I began with a session for each of four consecutive days.
Receptive from day one, at first when I put my hands on her she
would stand, but after a couple of minutes she would move
forward a step or two, moving my hands further back along her
body. Then a couple minutes later a few steps in the other
direction. It seemed like she just couldn’t stand still. I wasn’t sure
if it was her anxiety making her move or not, but I soon realized
that she was also playing with the energy. She experimented with
moving away from my hands and then back, seeing what the
energy would and wouldn’t do. After her initial four sessions we
went to twice a week. She accepted the energy, but showed no
real progress. Then one day she very clearly communicated to
me, “No one really cares about me.” I told Wendy what I had
been blessed enough to receive, and thankfully she didn’t look at
me as if I was crazy, but accepted the communication as genuine.
“I’m not surprised,” she told me. “Here’s a horse who has never
known what it is to be a real horse. She goes from her stall to a
paddock for training and practice, back to her stall, gets trailered
to shows, back to her stall. Someone controls her every minute
she’s out of that stall, and if she stops winning ribbons she can be
replaced in a heartbeat. I’m not surprised that she knows that.”
From then on we both began working to show Dee that there
were people who really did care about her just for herself, and
not for what she could do for them. When I did Reiki for her I
would also take the time to groom her. I would bring her apples
and carrots, and ask nothing in return except the joy of her
One day I arrived to do Reiki and she was standing with her back
to me. She turned, gave me a disgusted look, and I heard in my
head, “Oh, you. You make me think too much!” Then she turned
away and would have nothing to do with me that day. I honored
her wishes, left an apple in her grain bin and went home. A few
days later she was glad to see me again.
Gradually progress was made. Slowly, she began to calm a bit and
show her gentler side. She stopped her aggressive behavior and
actually made friends with the little blind mare in the next stall. I
introduced her to my six-year-old granddaughter who was a bit
intimidated by Dee’s size. Dee was fascinated with her, and they
quickly became friends. Every time Caiti would visit Dee would
sniff her all over and just gaze at her as if she couldn’t quite
believe that humans came in such small packages.
Fall was rapidly approaching, and for a week I was unable to do
Reiki in person for Dee, but continued to send distant Reiki. I
drove by the farm one day at the end of the week and did a
double take. Either there was a new horse at the farm, or my
lovely Dee was in the pasture. When I went for the next session,
Wendy greeted me with an excited, “Did you see? She’s out in
the pasture!” Indeed she was, and behaving like a real horse after
only five weeks of Reiki. No frantic pacing or running. All her
other “bad behaviors” had vanished as well. I cried with joy. As
an added benefit, Dottie, the little blind mare was also in the
pasture for the first time, because now she had a buddy to help
her and show her the way, which Dee patiently did, rather than
picking on Dottie or ignoring her like most of the other horses did.
Dee enjoyed a month of her newfound freedom in the pasture,
and rides through the woods and fields with Wendy before her
owners reclaimed her and took her south for the show season.
Wendy called me just before Dee was to be trailered home and I
spent a final hour with her. We had truly connected during our
brief time together and just before I left she rested her nose on
top of my head and stood that way for a long time. “Oh, look,”
Wendy, said. “She’s kissing you.”
Word reached us later that her owners were thrilled that she was
so calm. Like a different horse they said. They were even able to
body-clip her without any struggle, or even crossties. She had a
fantastic show season and came back to Wendy’s the next
summer for more R&R, and R(eiki)!
Today her picture hangs above my desk and she constantly
inspires me to provide Reiki for other animals. She gave me a
different perspective on the life of a professional show horse and
some of the issues they might face. She has since passed into
spirit, but sometimes I feel a soft breath on the top of my head,
and I know she’s with me still, and always will be.
Just for today - joy, peace, integrity, gratitude, & kindness - Reiki sessions,
classes, wellness coaching -
Quality hand-tooled leather items
This is a picture of Becca who was my husband's Sharpei and she was 6 years
old when I met him. Becca preferred women and took to me right away. She
was a different dog and let you know if she didn't like you, stubborn as a mule
and very unpredictable. Although Michael walked her EVERYDAY, she never
"bit me". At times, Mike "pushed her buttons" and that's when the fun began.
All I had to say was "in your place" and she knew to go to her doggie rug.
Although she was very stubborn, she learned in a week not to bark at anyone
including the delivery of mail, UPS and FedEx, because she would get a biscuit if
she didn't. She surprised everyone the day she walked me down the aisle when
Mike and I got married at the Holiday Inn in Johnstown, NY. She got a standing
She tolerated Duke, our friend Randy's Boxer, probably because she knew it
was Randy's dog and she loved Randy. When Becca passed, Duke was so lost
when he came to visit. When Duke passed, Mike and I felt the sadness all over
again. There is something about animals that cannot be explained; their
unconditional love. By: Dawn Ralbovsky
Sub mitted by: Elizabeth Emery, Gloversville, NY
Oh me! Oh my!
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
I care not for a man's religion whose dog and
cat are not the better for it.
- Abraham Lincoln
Adopt a pet from a shelter.
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
I have found that when you are deeply troubled,
there are things you get from the silent
devoted companionship of a dog that you can
get from no other source.
- Doris Day
Largest Dog Biscuits
The world's largest dog biscuit measured 7 ft. 9.4 in. long,
1 ft. 11.3 in. wide, and 1 in. thick. Produced by the People's
Company Bakery in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the biscuit weighing
8,849 lb. was unveiled at the Phalen Pork Pavilion,
St. Paul, Minnesota, for the annual Walk and Talk for
Homeless Animals. It was broken up and eaten by about
100 dogs that had been in the walkathon.
Guinness World Records
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
If you pick up a starving dog and make
him prosperous, he will not bite you;
that is the principal difference between
a dog and a man.
- Mark Twain
Ask of the beasts and they will teach
you the beauty of this earth.
- St. Francis of Assisi
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures;
they give unconditional love. For me they
are the role model for being alive.
- Gilda Radner
"We had a great old dog named Billy when we were growing up
in Tribes Hill, New York...his actual name was Sir William
Johnson, but we just called him Billy. Billy was a wee bit slower
than most dogs, but he was beloved by us and spent most of his
time sunning himself on a scatter rug on our wrap around front
porch. Chooch, on the other hand, was the younger dog across
the street. Chooch was the bane of Billy's existence. We never
knew he was stealing Billy's evening meal until one of us caught
him in the act. Here is something I penned about the two of
them many years ago."
The Ken L Ration Thief
Chooch was hidden behind the unpainted porch,
waiting, drooling, as the aroma of Ken L Ration
swept down the yard like Aunt Bess's broom.
Oblivious to the oncoming onslaught,
Billy Boy lumbered out on to the porch,
his evening meal just out of reach.
Unseen, Chooch was primed and posed.
Chooch saw his opening.
Like a crow on fresh road kill,
he lunged at the soggy meat,
sinking his canines into it
with one swift motion it was gone.
Alone and starving,
Billy Boy remained baffled on the porch,
wondering if he'd ever get his dinner.
Dejected, he accepted his fate and found solitude
on the tattered porch rug,
where he slumbered, awaiting the next battle.
By: Christine O. Eggleston
Life -long Montgomery County resident. Presently a teacher at Lynch
Literacy Academy in Amsterdam NY formerly had a 20 year career as a
photojournalist for various area publications.
The banks of the Oswegatchie River, East Branch, near Star Lake,
NY. ©Brenda Potter Reynolds.
“Maylee” by Kyle Zajaceskowski & Molly Brink, Broadalbin, NY
“Maggie” by Kyle Zajaceskowski, Broadalbin, NY
Everything is looking up!
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
A dog has the soul of a philosopher.
- Plato
They All Run in Packs
The hiker cannot dwell there long,
concealed on a high gull-lined cliff,
overlooking the grey of the Sound.
Framed in a solemn March day,
two curiously juxtaposed species hold her gaze.
Silent as a fawn she watches
a black wolf beneath her arboreal outpost,
hunched in the fashion of Asian street vendors,
observing the other creatures.
Great humpbacks frolic in icy waters ---
spouting volcano plumes of spray
that catch the freshened wind ---
riding white-capped waves,
till entropy dissolves their mist to atomized brine.
Whale-song, too distant for the hiker's gentle ears,
comes rolling in tsunami-like
to the aurally attuned wolf,
which cocks its head and nods
in musical agreement with the odes.
Then little lupine brother
rears back his head and howls,
so sorrowful a moan, as she has ever heard ---
answering his water-brethren,
hunters of krill upon the seas.
Giggling at the incongruity of this lone celebrant
singing pack-songs to leviathans,
she hurries on her way,
lone wolf herself returning to the pack.
Brian Oarr is a native of the Mohawk Valley and attended Tribes Hill Elementary, Fonda-
Fultonville HS, Wilbur H. Lynch HS and graduated from St. Johnsville HS in 1966 as a NY
St. Regents Scholarship recipient. His college education was obtained at Fulton-
Montgomery CC, Utica College and the Univ. of Hawaii. He served 20 years in the US Air
Force as a photo interpreter and computer programmer, retiring in 1990 as a MSgt with
a Meritorius Service Medal with oak leaf cluster. He then worked for 10 years for the
Office of Attorney General of WA St. as their database manager. In 2000 he
married his present wife Judy and retired to Las Vegas, where he is a semi-
professional advantage play gambler. He began writing poetry while studying
creative poetic writing at the Univ. of Hawaii in 1975.
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
Dictionary for Dogs
LEASH: A strap which attaches to your collar, enabling you to
lead your person where you want him/her to go.
BATH: This is a process by which the humans drench the floor,
walls and themselves. You can help by shaking vigorously and
BUMP: The best way to get your human's attention when they
are drinking a fresh cup of coffee or tea.
Pretty Lady
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
I love a dog. He does nothing
for political reasons.
- Will Rogers
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
The dog was created especially for children.
He is the god of frolic.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Karm and Moonie - A Love Story
By Nancy C. Diamond
He got his color and disposition from his mother. She was a sweeter than sweet
longhaired orange and white fluff ball named Butterscotch. We named him
Caramel, but it quickly morphed into Karma Kat, and further to Karmie, or just
Karm. He was a lover, sweet and affectionate. He grew to be a big boy,
weighing in at about thirteen pounds.
Moonie was a longhaired calico. The top of her head looked like a half-moon
cookie, hence, her name. A very shy, quiet little girl who would much rather be
in the house than outdoors. She fell in love with Karmie at first sight. Where he
went, she went. She slept beside him. He washed her ears. They became
inseparable. That they loved each was plain for anyone to see.
Then the day came when, being a tomcat, Karmie strayed from Moonie, and
fathered kittens with another female. We worried, having always heard that
tomcats will kill kittens. Not Karmie. He loved his babies, and spent almost as
much time watching over them and caring for them as their mother did.
Moonie was heartbroken. He had betrayed her, and it was plain to see that she
knew it. She became an outdoor cat. For an entire year she barely came inside.
When she did she was dirty and thin. She only came in long enough to eat, and
then she went back outside to hide in weeds, or under the house. Where she
had been shy, but friendly, and immaculately clean, now she was depressed,
sullen, and scruffy. She would have nothing whatsoever to do with Karm. She
would not come in the house to eat if he was inside.
Finally, after a year had passed, she began to spend more time indoors. She
cleaned herself up, and put on a little weight, but she remained somewhat
aloof. She no longer avoided Karm, she simply ignored him. It was as if he no
longer existed for her. She would walk past him as if she couldn’t even see him.
He would try to wash her ears like old times, and she would get up and walk
away. He finally gave up.
Things went on like this for months. Then one day I was privileged to witness a
beautiful scene. Karm was dozing in the sunshine on one side of the living
room. Moonie was resting on the other side of the room. She kept watching
him, and finally after about twenty minutes she heaved a big sigh and stood up.
She walked across the room and lay down beside Karmie. He flopped a paw
across her back, and began to bathe her. She had finally forgiven him.
From that day on, it was Karm and Moonie, Moonie and Karm, together again.
There are people who say that animals have no emotions. I know better.
I was there, and I saw it. Karmie and Moonie proved to me, once and for all
time, that love, hurt, and forgiveness are part of animal life, as much as they
are for humans.
You Taught Me So
Many Lessons About Life…
Experience Love and Joy
Let Go of Worry and Strife
Stay in the Present Moment
And Appreciate Each Day
Always Expect the Best
And Remember to Play
Learning to Let Go
Was the Hardest By Far
Though in Truth We Are One
No Matter Where We Both Are
I Know That I Am Never Alone
Though Physically We Are Apart
For You Will Always Live On
As the Love in My Heart
This poem is in Memoriam for:
Barney Barn Barn Bartholomew
June 21, 1992 to October 19, 2004
Today is __________________________________________________
My thoughts are:
Please adopt a pet. There are so many dogs and cats
at the animal shelter who need your love and care.
Please spay and neuter.
For the love of all animals….
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not
boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It
always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your purchase of Sacandaga Sun Digest’ first
published book. The proceeds of this book will be given to the
Regional Animal Shelter in Fulton County, NY. Our own love of
animals was the inspiration to create something of use and
something to treasure. Thank you to all of our contributors for
donating their pictures of their own beloved pets and giving
stories to share.
We hope you enjoy this and would like to hear from you. Email us
If you would like to volunteer or donate goods to the shelter,
please contact them by phone: 518-725-5956 or by mail: PO Box
1274, Gloversville, NY 12078.
Abundant blessings to you all,
Shelley D. Brienza
Sacandaga Sun Digest
Prepared by MagCloud for Shelley Brienza. Get more at

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Sacandaga Sun Books Pet Journal

  • 2. Welcome to the first publication of Pet Tales. Here you can write down your daily or monthly thoughts while enjoying local submissions from animal enthusiasts and pet owners. The money raised from your purchase of this book will be helping to fund the Regional Animal Shelter of Fulton County, NY. The Regional Animal Shelter shared this: “We are the people you've seen for years when dealing with your pets in Fulton County... we've been members of the boards of local shelters, we've worked in local veterinarian's offices and animal shelters, we're the dog control officers and the ‘animal people’ you deal with daily, or we're just people who love animals and can't live without them. We have experienced people on our numerous volunteer committees, for planning and designing, implementing, and building a new facility that will be able to house and care for the Fulton County Region's animal population for many years to come. Our dream is to build a brand new, "state of the art" facility, with necessary isolation wards and an operating room, so that we can be as progressive as possible providing spay/neuter facilities. We hope to build enough kennel space that we can provide a boarding facility so pleasant that we could all be comfortable leaving our own pets there. We believe there is a definite need for a new facility and we ask that animal lovers join us in our dream and help us create THE animal shelter for the future!” Thank you for your purchase! Editor-in-Chief, Shelley D. Brienza Sacandaga Digest Publishing
  • 3. I am a nature photographer, animal lover and whether I photograph forest, backyard, woodland or domesticated animals and birds I enjoy sharing and protecting the Creator's gift to us of furred and feathered creatures with whom we share this beautiful Planet Earth. Diane Smith
  • 4. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ There is nothing like owning a pet.
  • 5. Submitted by: Elizabeth Emery, Gloversville, NY Diane Smith Photography
  • 6. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Pets touch your soul, engage your mind and are good for your body.
  • 7. Maggie and Maylee submitted from: Kyle Zajaceskowski, Broadalbin, NY The poor dog, in life the firmest friend, the first to welcome, foremost to defend. - Lord Byron
  • 8. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Live life fully. Love your pets.
  • 9. He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. - Unknown
  • 10. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
  • 11. Submitted by: Elizabeth Emery, Gloversville, NY
  • 12. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. - Quote by Ernest Hemingway
  • 13. Submitted by: Elizabeth Emery, Gloversville, NY It’s been one of THOSE days! To live long, eat like a cat, drink like a dog. - German Proverb
  • 14. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. - Ann Landers
  • 15. Easy Homemade Frosty Paw Treats 1 quart vanilla yogurt 1 mashed ripe banana 2 tablespoons peanut butter 2 tablespoons honey Mix all ingredients together and freeze in 3 oz. paper cups, or freezer baggies.
  • 16. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • 17. A New Perspective By Nancy C. Diamond When I offered to do Reiki for the horses at my neighbor’s boarding and rehab farm Wendy’s response was, “Thanks, but all my horses are in good shape.” Then she hesitated. “Well, there is one that could certainly use something.” Then she told me the story of the 13-year-old Warm blood mare, a dressage horse with anxiety issues, who had been in her care for about six months, having been referred from another farm that couldn’t handle her. “I can’t seem to get this horse off square one,” she said. The mare’s issues included head tossing and constant pacing in her stall or small enclosure. Turned out in a pasture she would run and run until she either hurt herself or was totally exhausted. She was quite aggressive with the other horses, would buck when being saddled, and was too much of a handful to be ridden regularly. Little did I know that this horse would become a dear friend and teacher. Her name was Dee, and I felt sure that Reiki could help her. I began with a session for each of four consecutive days. Receptive from day one, at first when I put my hands on her she would stand, but after a couple of minutes she would move forward a step or two, moving my hands further back along her body. Then a couple minutes later a few steps in the other direction. It seemed like she just couldn’t stand still. I wasn’t sure if it was her anxiety making her move or not, but I soon realized that she was also playing with the energy. She experimented with moving away from my hands and then back, seeing what the energy would and wouldn’t do. After her initial four sessions we went to twice a week. She accepted the energy, but showed no real progress. Then one day she very clearly communicated to me, “No one really cares about me.” I told Wendy what I had
  • 18. been blessed enough to receive, and thankfully she didn’t look at me as if I was crazy, but accepted the communication as genuine. “I’m not surprised,” she told me. “Here’s a horse who has never known what it is to be a real horse. She goes from her stall to a paddock for training and practice, back to her stall, gets trailered to shows, back to her stall. Someone controls her every minute she’s out of that stall, and if she stops winning ribbons she can be replaced in a heartbeat. I’m not surprised that she knows that.” From then on we both began working to show Dee that there were people who really did care about her just for herself, and not for what she could do for them. When I did Reiki for her I would also take the time to groom her. I would bring her apples and carrots, and ask nothing in return except the joy of her company. One day I arrived to do Reiki and she was standing with her back to me. She turned, gave me a disgusted look, and I heard in my head, “Oh, you. You make me think too much!” Then she turned away and would have nothing to do with me that day. I honored her wishes, left an apple in her grain bin and went home. A few days later she was glad to see me again. Gradually progress was made. Slowly, she began to calm a bit and show her gentler side. She stopped her aggressive behavior and actually made friends with the little blind mare in the next stall. I introduced her to my six-year-old granddaughter who was a bit intimidated by Dee’s size. Dee was fascinated with her, and they quickly became friends. Every time Caiti would visit Dee would sniff her all over and just gaze at her as if she couldn’t quite believe that humans came in such small packages. Fall was rapidly approaching, and for a week I was unable to do Reiki in person for Dee, but continued to send distant Reiki. I drove by the farm one day at the end of the week and did a double take. Either there was a new horse at the farm, or my lovely Dee was in the pasture. When I went for the next session, Wendy greeted me with an excited, “Did you see? She’s out in
  • 19. the pasture!” Indeed she was, and behaving like a real horse after only five weeks of Reiki. No frantic pacing or running. All her other “bad behaviors” had vanished as well. I cried with joy. As an added benefit, Dottie, the little blind mare was also in the pasture for the first time, because now she had a buddy to help her and show her the way, which Dee patiently did, rather than picking on Dottie or ignoring her like most of the other horses did. Dee enjoyed a month of her newfound freedom in the pasture, and rides through the woods and fields with Wendy before her owners reclaimed her and took her south for the show season. Wendy called me just before Dee was to be trailered home and I spent a final hour with her. We had truly connected during our brief time together and just before I left she rested her nose on top of my head and stood that way for a long time. “Oh, look,” Wendy, said. “She’s kissing you.” Word reached us later that her owners were thrilled that she was so calm. Like a different horse they said. They were even able to body-clip her without any struggle, or even crossties. She had a fantastic show season and came back to Wendy’s the next summer for more R&R, and R(eiki)! Today her picture hangs above my desk and she constantly inspires me to provide Reiki for other animals. She gave me a different perspective on the life of a professional show horse and some of the issues they might face. She has since passed into spirit, but sometimes I feel a soft breath on the top of my head, and I know she’s with me still, and always will be. Nancy Just for today - joy, peace, integrity, gratitude, & kindness - Reiki sessions, classes, wellness coaching - Quality hand-tooled leather items
  • 20. This is a picture of Becca who was my husband's Sharpei and she was 6 years old when I met him. Becca preferred women and took to me right away. She was a different dog and let you know if she didn't like you, stubborn as a mule and very unpredictable. Although Michael walked her EVERYDAY, she never "bit me". At times, Mike "pushed her buttons" and that's when the fun began. All I had to say was "in your place" and she knew to go to her doggie rug. Although she was very stubborn, she learned in a week not to bark at anyone including the delivery of mail, UPS and FedEx, because she would get a biscuit if she didn't. She surprised everyone the day she walked me down the aisle when Mike and I got married at the Holiday Inn in Johnstown, NY. She got a standing ovation! She tolerated Duke, our friend Randy's Boxer, probably because she knew it was Randy's dog and she loved Randy. When Becca passed, Duke was so lost when he came to visit. When Duke passed, Mike and I felt the sadness all over again. There is something about animals that cannot be explained; their unconditional love. By: Dawn Ralbovsky
  • 21. Sub mitted by: Elizabeth Emery, Gloversville, NY Oh me! Oh my!
  • 22. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ I care not for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it. - Abraham Lincoln
  • 23. Adopt a pet from a shelter.
  • 24. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source. - Doris Day
  • 25. Largest Dog Biscuits The world's largest dog biscuit measured 7 ft. 9.4 in. long, 1 ft. 11.3 in. wide, and 1 in. thick. Produced by the People's Company Bakery in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the biscuit weighing 8,849 lb. was unveiled at the Phalen Pork Pavilion, St. Paul, Minnesota, for the annual Walk and Talk for Homeless Animals. It was broken up and eaten by about 100 dogs that had been in the walkathon. Guinness World Records
  • 26. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man. - Mark Twain
  • 27. Ask of the beasts and they will teach you the beauty of this earth. - St. Francis of Assisi
  • 28. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive. - Gilda Radner
  • 29. "We had a great old dog named Billy when we were growing up in Tribes Hill, New York...his actual name was Sir William Johnson, but we just called him Billy. Billy was a wee bit slower than most dogs, but he was beloved by us and spent most of his time sunning himself on a scatter rug on our wrap around front porch. Chooch, on the other hand, was the younger dog across the street. Chooch was the bane of Billy's existence. We never knew he was stealing Billy's evening meal until one of us caught him in the act. Here is something I penned about the two of them many years ago." The Ken L Ration Thief Chooch was hidden behind the unpainted porch, waiting, drooling, as the aroma of Ken L Ration swept down the yard like Aunt Bess's broom. Oblivious to the oncoming onslaught, Billy Boy lumbered out on to the porch, his evening meal just out of reach. Unseen, Chooch was primed and posed. Chooch saw his opening. Like a crow on fresh road kill, he lunged at the soggy meat, sinking his canines into it with one swift motion it was gone. Alone and starving, Billy Boy remained baffled on the porch, wondering if he'd ever get his dinner.
  • 30. Dejected, he accepted his fate and found solitude on the tattered porch rug, where he slumbered, awaiting the next battle. By: Christine O. Eggleston Life -long Montgomery County resident. Presently a teacher at Lynch Literacy Academy in Amsterdam NY formerly had a 20 year career as a photojournalist for various area publications. The banks of the Oswegatchie River, East Branch, near Star Lake, NY. ©Brenda Potter Reynolds.
  • 31. “Maylee” by Kyle Zajaceskowski & Molly Brink, Broadalbin, NY “Maggie” by Kyle Zajaceskowski, Broadalbin, NY Everything is looking up!
  • 32. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ A dog has the soul of a philosopher. - Plato
  • 33. They All Run in Packs The hiker cannot dwell there long, concealed on a high gull-lined cliff, overlooking the grey of the Sound. Framed in a solemn March day, two curiously juxtaposed species hold her gaze. Silent as a fawn she watches a black wolf beneath her arboreal outpost, hunched in the fashion of Asian street vendors, observing the other creatures. Great humpbacks frolic in icy waters --- spouting volcano plumes of spray that catch the freshened wind --- riding white-capped waves, till entropy dissolves their mist to atomized brine. Whale-song, too distant for the hiker's gentle ears, comes rolling in tsunami-like to the aurally attuned wolf, which cocks its head and nods in musical agreement with the odes. Then little lupine brother rears back his head and howls, so sorrowful a moan, as she has ever heard --- answering his water-brethren, hunters of krill upon the seas. Giggling at the incongruity of this lone celebrant singing pack-songs to leviathans, she hurries on her way, lone wolf herself returning to the pack. Brian Oarr is a native of the Mohawk Valley and attended Tribes Hill Elementary, Fonda- Fultonville HS, Wilbur H. Lynch HS and graduated from St. Johnsville HS in 1966 as a NY St. Regents Scholarship recipient. His college education was obtained at Fulton- Montgomery CC, Utica College and the Univ. of Hawaii. He served 20 years in the US Air Force as a photo interpreter and computer programmer, retiring in 1990 as a MSgt with a Meritorius Service Medal with oak leaf cluster. He then worked for 10 years for the Office of Attorney General of WA St. as their database manager. In 2000 he married his present wife Judy and retired to Las Vegas, where he is a semi- professional advantage play gambler. He began writing poetry while studying creative poetic writing at the Univ. of Hawaii in 1975.
  • 34. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Dictionary for Dogs LEASH: A strap which attaches to your collar, enabling you to lead your person where you want him/her to go. BATH: This is a process by which the humans drench the floor, walls and themselves. You can help by shaking vigorously and frequently. BUMP: The best way to get your human's attention when they are drinking a fresh cup of coffee or tea.
  • 36. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ I love a dog. He does nothing for political reasons. - Will Rogers
  • 37. Monte
  • 38. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ The dog was created especially for children. He is the god of frolic. - Henry Ward Beecher
  • 39. Karm and Moonie - A Love Story By Nancy C. Diamond He got his color and disposition from his mother. She was a sweeter than sweet longhaired orange and white fluff ball named Butterscotch. We named him Caramel, but it quickly morphed into Karma Kat, and further to Karmie, or just Karm. He was a lover, sweet and affectionate. He grew to be a big boy, weighing in at about thirteen pounds. Moonie was a longhaired calico. The top of her head looked like a half-moon cookie, hence, her name. A very shy, quiet little girl who would much rather be in the house than outdoors. She fell in love with Karmie at first sight. Where he went, she went. She slept beside him. He washed her ears. They became inseparable. That they loved each was plain for anyone to see. Then the day came when, being a tomcat, Karmie strayed from Moonie, and fathered kittens with another female. We worried, having always heard that tomcats will kill kittens. Not Karmie. He loved his babies, and spent almost as much time watching over them and caring for them as their mother did. Moonie was heartbroken. He had betrayed her, and it was plain to see that she knew it. She became an outdoor cat. For an entire year she barely came inside. When she did she was dirty and thin. She only came in long enough to eat, and then she went back outside to hide in weeds, or under the house. Where she had been shy, but friendly, and immaculately clean, now she was depressed, sullen, and scruffy. She would have nothing whatsoever to do with Karm. She would not come in the house to eat if he was inside. Finally, after a year had passed, she began to spend more time indoors. She cleaned herself up, and put on a little weight, but she remained somewhat aloof. She no longer avoided Karm, she simply ignored him. It was as if he no longer existed for her. She would walk past him as if she couldn’t even see him. He would try to wash her ears like old times, and she would get up and walk away. He finally gave up. Things went on like this for months. Then one day I was privileged to witness a beautiful scene. Karm was dozing in the sunshine on one side of the living room. Moonie was resting on the other side of the room. She kept watching him, and finally after about twenty minutes she heaved a big sigh and stood up. She walked across the room and lay down beside Karmie. He flopped a paw across her back, and began to bathe her. She had finally forgiven him. From that day on, it was Karm and Moonie, Moonie and Karm, together again.
  • 40. There are people who say that animals have no emotions. I know better. I was there, and I saw it. Karmie and Moonie proved to me, once and for all time, that love, hurt, and forgiveness are part of animal life, as much as they are for humans.
  • 41. Barney You Taught Me So Many Lessons About Life… Experience Love and Joy Let Go of Worry and Strife Stay in the Present Moment And Appreciate Each Day Always Expect the Best And Remember to Play Learning to Let Go Was the Hardest By Far Though in Truth We Are One No Matter Where We Both Are I Know That I Am Never Alone Though Physically We Are Apart For You Will Always Live On As the Love in My Heart Robin This poem is in Memoriam for: Barney Barn Barn Bartholomew June 21, 1992 to October 19, 2004
  • 42. Today is __________________________________________________ My thoughts are: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Please adopt a pet. There are so many dogs and cats at the animal shelter who need your love and care. Please spay and neuter.
  • 43. For the love of all animals…. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
  • 44. Dear Friends, Thank you for your purchase of Sacandaga Sun Digest’ first published book. The proceeds of this book will be given to the Regional Animal Shelter in Fulton County, NY. Our own love of animals was the inspiration to create something of use and something to treasure. Thank you to all of our contributors for donating their pictures of their own beloved pets and giving stories to share. We hope you enjoy this and would like to hear from you. Email us at: If you would like to volunteer or donate goods to the shelter, please contact them by phone: 518-725-5956 or by mail: PO Box 1274, Gloversville, NY 12078. Abundant blessings to you all, Shelley D. Brienza Editor-in-Chief Sacandaga Sun Digest ©2013 Prepared by MagCloud for Shelley Brienza. Get more at