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Community Fun: Expanding the Circle
Phenom: Artist Adam Makkar
New World Record New Hope for Cancer Patients
www. 3
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MEDIA LICENCE NO. 1/105866/24295
Akbar Abdullah
Alma Kadragic
Anaje Brinkley
Dina Siada
Donna Howarth
Dorian “Paul D” Rogers
Heather Long
Kimberly Moultrie
Lana Nasser
Marien Oomen
Melissa Lowry
Mirriam Akbar
Nadia Zahid
Nisma Hamid
Sana Ashraf
Seumas Gallacher
Shahid Saeed
Vanessa Middleton
Wafia Shaheer
Sana Bagersh
Managing Editor
Twitter @bagersh
So its 2015 - a year that is already promising to be
bigger than life!
To get a pulse on Tempo (wordplay intended) I
talked to the magazine team and Tempoplanet’s
friends about their wish list for 2015. Here’s are
the top 12:
1. Peace in the UAE and the rest of the world.
2. Harmony between people, countries, religions
and governments.
3. More empowerment for people to work, live and
pursue happiness.
4. Instill values of respect and responsibility in our
new generation.
5. Encourage people to volunteer and help
their communities.
6. Protect the environment and the
planet’s resources.
7. Empower business entities and organisations to
innovate and seek exciting new solutions
for old problems.
8. Share wealth with poorer people.
9. Provide a helping hand for those who are down
on their luck and need support.
10. Celebrate art, music and creativity.
11. Make an effort everyday to show kindness.
12. Help build a nation that is peaceful and secure.
Need I say more?
Have a wonderful 2015 everyone!
Sana Bagersh
Vera Rosales
Reneil Bie
Bilal Yaman
Shihabudheen Hamza
Melaku Muluneh
04 notes &cyberchatter/ librarian’s lounge
05 quest for quirky/ generation z
06 what’s hot
07 what’s cool/people calendar
08 tempo top 10/ high five/ #temporeviews
09 talking books/ the blog
11 tempo infographix: top 10 (most broken)
new year’s resolutions
12 phototripping
13 shutterbug
14 the epicurean
15 lean and clean
17 the covered cocinera: maria al hosani
18 tempo swag
19 fashion cool: wardrobe trends for 2015
20 blueprint: cashion coffman
22 my 2015 self improvement plan
25 time capsule
26 phenom: artist adam makkar
29 mom’s guide: knows best
30 articulate café/ dhabi dames
31 youth talk/ parental guide
33 flash fiction
34 game hedz
35 tech talk
36 vox pop: new year’s resolutions
37 aisa time capsule/ an expat returns home
40 community fun: expanding the circle
41 vox pop: new year’s resolutions
42 design: a teaching perspective
Tempo UAE (Group)
TempoBeat (Group)
Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page)
www. tempoplanet.com4
notes cyberchatter
It’s so great to see young talent reach its
true potential and to see how librarians
play a big role in doing so, especially
when unfortunately they are so
undermined these days.
- Scott
Stars have always fascinated me
but before I read this article, I never
imagined that you could enjoy a view
of those dazzling constellations ‘at your
roof’ right before you sleep at night!
- Dylan
Giving something without expecting
anything in return – that’s how I
understood the central message for
this story. These kids… these people,
they can’t really give anything material
right back to you but what counts was
the fact that they accepted the help
you extended to them wholeheartedly.
Such a heart-warming story! I’d love to
read more stories like this!
- Harvey
Poets and performers of the spoken
word are hard to come by these days.
It’s great to learn that there are still
some of them who wish to try out their
thing here in the Gulf.
- Tyrone
Seeing these meals already make me
hungry. I think it would be worth
the wait, even after slow-cooking the
Venison. That last picture made a
mouth-watering impression!
- George
I am a firm believer that it’s very
important to instill the cultural values
in the minds of young children so that
the heritage and legacy of previous
generations would live on to today
while keeping up - or better, integrating
their learnings with the ever changing
world of modern technology.
- Timothy
tweet@tempoplanet follow@tempoplanetlikeusonfacebook/abudhabitempo
What do you think about New Years Resolutions?
•	 I always make a list but only do 1 or 2 of
my resolutions. (70%)
•	 I don’t make lists. I just act! (50%)
•	 I always look forward to making and fulfilling a
whole new list every year. (30%)
•	 I failed to do my resolutions last year so I’m
carrying them over for this year’s. (10%)
By Vanessa Middleton
A change of diet usually tops the list of New Year’s resolutions, and nothing is
healthier that a raw food diet. There are several notable books on raw food diets
such as: Choosing Raw, Making Raw Foods Part of the Way You Eat by Gena
Hamshaw; Everyday Raw Express: Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less by Matthew
Kenney; Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People by Jennifer Cornbleet; and Ani’s
Raw Food Essentials: Recipes and Techniques for Mastering the Art of Raw Food by
Ani Phyo.
I became excited about raw food after meeting America’s leading expert in the art
of raw food cuisine, Dr. Aris LaTham. Recognized in The 2012 Second Edition of
Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America as the father of gourmet ethical
raw-food cuisine in America, Aris was a presenter recently at the Middle East
Natural and Organic Products Expo in Dubai.
Aris is originally from Panama but has lived throughout the Caribbean and
managed his own restaurant, SunFired Foods in the US since the early 80s. He says
that a raw food diet focuses on fresh, local or organic fruits and vegetables. He says
produce can be soaked, blended, dehydrated, sprouted and juiced – but not cooked!
The list of those who have sampled Aris’ food read like a who’s who directory.
He has catered to many personalities including former US Supreme Court Justice
Sandra Day O’Connor, Demi Moore, Deepak Chopra and Cecily Tyson. Over 40
years he has shared his knowledge throughout the world about the benefits of
the raw foods diet. Aris explained that there are four reasons why people should
incorporate more raw foods into their diet:
1. Heating food beyond 135 degrees Fahrenheit (or, in some cases, as low as
110 degrees) destroys the natural enzymes in the food
that aid in pre-digestion.
2. Eating “live” foods in their natural state gives the body the energy it
needs, as well as strengthens the immune system to avoid colds,
flu and infections.
3. Cooking can rob flavour from many foods.
4. Eating heat-processed food triggers a massive release of white blood
cells by our body – a similar response that happens when we have an
infection or are poisoned.
@tempoplanetTempo UAE (Group) TempoBeat (Group) Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page) @tempoplanet
www. 5
quest for quirkyBy Kimberly Moultrie
By Mirriam Akbar /@InMirzWords generation z
Ahhh it is 2015: a time for people to
make yearlong promises to themselves!
Promises for a new weight loss regimen,
better wages, the opportunity to finally
quit smoking, travel more, the list goes
on and on. But when and how did all this
begin? People have been making these
short-lived vows since the time of the
Babylonians and Romans, who began the
practice of offering resolutions of good
conduct to their deity, Janus. Once the
Roman calendar was reformed, the first
month of the year was renamed January,
in honour of their deity, and January 1st
marked the first day of new beginnings.
Fast forward to 2015 and the practice is
still very much in play! Over time, people
begin to realize that without discipline,
it’s difficult to stick to these resolutions.
Here we present some of the strangest
resolutions we’ve come across lately…
“Start using Facebook for anything else
than Farmville, Candy Crush Saga and
other social games.”
“I will not click “reply all” when I want to
send a private message to someone!”
“I will replace my bad habits….with other
bad habits!”
“I will wash my underwear more often”
“I will not text while driving, especially
when on a street with a school on it.”
“Learn a new skill, like plucking nose hairs.”
“Care more about the environment and the
air we breathe by passing
less wind!”
“I will save enough money to buy a Velcro
wall—and I plan on ‘sticking to it’!”
“Spend less than $1850 for coffee at
Starbucks this year.”
“I will spend more time watching
TV and movies.”
“I will balance my checkbook…on my nose.”
“I will save some money for a rainy day
- that way I can shop online instead of
having to go to an actual store.”
An example of a resolution gone wrong
over the years:
2007-- I will reduce my weight to
below 65kg
2008 – I will watch my calories until my
weight is below 75kg.
2009 – I will follow my new diet until
I get below 85
2010 – I will go to the gym once a week
2011-- I will drive past a gym at least
once a week
What are some of the strangest resolutions
you’ve heard?
Let me know: @friedwanderer!
It rarely happens, but even out of the
most horrible situations, beautiful things
can come. A sense of greater awareness
and unity emerges along with a sense of
morality that is based entirely on how
people and society handle a given situation.
That’s exactly what happened to the people
of Australia -with the help of social media.
Last December an armed man took hostage
nine customers and eight employees of
Lindt chocolate café in Sydney. The hostage
situation lasted 16 hours, and two people
were killed.
Due to the gunman’s motives and his
background, the Muslim community
was genuinely afraid of a racial backlash.
Many hate crimes have taken place against
Muslims after such events, and this time as
well they anticipated a similar response.
TV content editor and writer Tessa
Kum from Sydney read a story about
discrimination that made her so upset she
started the hashtag “#IllRideWithYou”.
Itwas offered to Muslims who didn’t feel
safe riding the train alone. In no time at all
the hashtag went viral with tweets from
thousands of people from all over Australia
sharing the same message of solidarity. The
hashtag began trending worldwide and
stayed there throughout the day. Within
the first three hours, 60,000 tweets were
generated with the hashtag, and as this
went to press there were a total of 117,682
tweets and counting.
Australians could not have been prouder
about the way they handled the situation.
People from all over the world joined the
hashtag and expressed their concerns and
the need for all communities, regardless of
race, religion, gender and ethnicity to unite.
Many might wonder what difference a
simple hashtag on social media can make.
Usually when news breaks out of such
events, hateful comments dominate, but
this time it was different and the hashtag
urged tolerance, respect,
and understanding.
The episode wasn’t saying that these issues
do not exist but rather that “We know
it exists, we acknowledge it, and we are
fighting it.” It also speaks volumes to the
future generation. The fact is this took
place via social media, a virtual platform
that gave voice to thousands in the midst
of such chaos –and it’s good to know that
even out of such horrible events something
beautiful can happen. The people of
Australia are a leading example, and we
hope that we continue to spread unity
beyond hashtags and trends. The power of
social media is in our hands: it is endless,
and it can open doors to much needed love
respect, and understanding.
Australia, #IllRideWithYou
Learn more about the
campaign here:
www. tempoplanet.com6
7 January
Manarat Al Saadiyat , Abu Dhabi
The capital will welcome the new star of the international
piano scene, Khatia Buniatishvili, who The Guardian
newspaper has hailed as “one of the great pianists of the
future.” A multiple prizewinner and distinguished as
a BBC New Generation Artist, this emerging pianist is
regarded by many as the new Martha Argerich.
24 January
Al Wasl Sports Club, Oud Metha
The first series of the 5th Emirates Cup will take place in
Al Wasl Sports Club. The 25 meter race is designed for
Junior and Senior swimmers and will see
professional swimmers from all over the
world meet in Dubai.
15-27 January
Abu Dhabi Falconers’ Club, Abu Dhabi
The second President’s Cup Falconry Competition is being
organised with the generous support of the UAE President
His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
This competition is organised by Abu Dhabi Falconers’
Club with the aim of preserving past achievements and
supporting the UAE’s heritage and ancestral sports.
15 -19 January
Masdar City, Abu Dhabi
The first-ever solar car competition to take place in the
UAE, the cars will drive through the heart of the capital,
before heading out into the emirate’s desert terrain. The
event coincides with Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week
and will conclude at the opening ceremony of the World
Future Energy Summit. The challenge is set to attract over
20 top university solar car teams from Australia, Europe,
America and Asia, including Michigan State, Nuon
and Tokai.
16 January
Abu Dhabi Corniche, Abu Dhabi
The UAE Jet Ski Racehas attracted the participation of
some of the world’s top Jet Ski racers. The event, featuring
the primary heats, will thrill water sport fans and beach
goers as competitors show us how to ride the waves! The
race is divided into seven different classes,allowingracers
to compete at their own level and in their area of
specialty. Set along the shores of the Abu Dhabi
Breakwater, spectators will be able to
follow the competition from up close.
Cinema At The Space
Mondays | 7PM
A series of film screenings that aims to encourage
conversation among filmmakers, supporters, patrons
and enthusiasts, who are central to the exciting growth
of the local film culture.
Decoupage Workshops
Wednesdays | 5:30PM – 8:30PM
Decoupage: the art of decorating an object by gluing
coloured paper cutouts onto it in combination with
special paint effects. By Intersect Innovation. Info:
Fatima Bin Hussain 0569180007
Rooftop Rythyms
Sat Jan.3 | 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Rooftop Rhythms pays homage to the rich Arabic
history of poetry with a new event hosted and
performed exclusively in Arabic.
Facebook/ Rooftop Rhythms.
Basic Photography Workshop
Sun Jan. 4 | 6:00PM – 9:00PM
Learn basics of photography with a workshop that
will focus on camera operation and handling, basic
terminology and composition rules with hands-on
Mosaic Workshop
Mon. Jan 5 | 10:00AM – 12:00PM
Learn about the rich history of mosaic art and its
contemporary use today with artist Maie Salah. Create
your own mosaic mirror to take home! RSVP and
inquiries to
www. 7
Anaje Brinkley
jan jan11 13
jan jan15 18
•	 Syrian
•	 Student
2015 Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf
@ Abu Dhabi Golf Club,
Abu Dhabi
Japan Experiences on
the Life Sciences Middle
East-JELSME /Conference
@ Abu Dhabi National
Exhibition Centre,
Abu Dhabi
Dubai World Cup
Carnival 2015 (Race 3)
@ Meydan Racecourse,
World number 1 and recently crowned Wimbledon champion Novak
Djokovic, and world number 2 Rafael Nadal, return to Abu Dhabi for
the Mubadala World Tennis Championship. The annual tournament at
Zayed Sports City sees six of the world’s top players vie for the ‘winner
takes all’ US $250,000 prize. In addition to the tennis displays, the event
will feature off-court action in its Tennis Village, with players hold
coaching clinics and signing autographs.
NSO Opera presents the Abu Dhabi Premiere of this classic seasonal
opera by American Composer Gian Carlo Menotti.The fully-staged,
one-act opera, sung in English, will feature professional opera singers,
supported by the NSO Chorus, a young ballet troupe and the NSO
Chamber Orchestra, led by Andrew Berryman. Originally written for
American Television, ‘Amahl and the Night Visitors’ is a moving tale
about a curious, crippled shepherd boy and his widowed mother who
are visited by the Three Wise Men on their way to Bethlehem. The
concert is made in support of the eradication of worldwide polio.
Having its beginnings back in 2011, the International Kite Fiesta Dubai
is the only event of its kind in the Middle East. The event offers a
unique outdoor experience to not only kite enthusiast but spectators
as well. International kite teams will be brought together to compete
and exhibit their skills while kids will have workshops and a play area
to keep themselves entertained. A variety of cultural programs and
themes will be used to represent the various participating nations in the
kite festival. Bring your own kites or get new kites at the festival with
your friends and have a blast.
We’re inviting the UAE community to join us in packing 50,000 school
kits for the children of Gaza as part of our “Rebuild Palestine. Start with
Education.” initiative. This volunteering initiative which is scheduled to
take place between the 8th and 11th of January 2015 from 10 am to 6 pm
at Al Boom Tourist Village, addresses the shortage in basic educational
supplies in Gaza amidst the aftermath of the latest round of violence.
www. tempoplanet.com8
songs in
the uae
| Abu Dhabi | Ajman | Dubai | Fujairah | Ras Al Khaimah | Sharjah | Umm Al Quwain
> iLoveMakonnen (ft. Drake)
> Rae Sremmurd
> Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne
> Iggy Azalea ft. Rita Ora
> Meghan Trainor1
> Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars
> Hozier
> Beyoncé
> Ed Sheeran
> Sam Smith
now showing this month
Tempo’s movie buffs came together and discovered this month’s latest flicks in the Gulf.
For contests, ticket giveaways and
freebies, Like & Follow Tempo on
Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
tempo movie reviews Follow #TempoReviews on Twitter for more.
Directed by: Simon West
Cast: : Jason Statham, Michael Angarano, Dominik García-Lorido
Directed by: David Koepp
Cast: Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor
Directed by: Jeremy Garelick
Cast: Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, Josh Gad, Alan Ritchson
Sarah Alshehhi
Age: 15
Nationality: Emirati
Genres: Classic Rock and Ballad
Inspiration: Joan Jett, Demi Lovato
Favourite Artists: Jessie J, Christina Aguilera, Joan Jett
Music Dreams: To be able to be an X Factor or American Idol and sing
with DefLeppard, Bon Jovi or Joan Jett Watch my High Five video here
DIRECTED BY: Olivier Megaton
CAST: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen
www. 9
By Seumas Gallacher
…the Big Bid for Infant
Freedom… and the dire
consequences lurking
I believe that a book that doesn’t leave one thinking
about it afterwards is not worth recommending.
Eleanor and Park isn’t one of those books. It left
me dumbfounded, confused, and aching for more
to read. It was one of the most honest books I have
ever had the pleasure of reading.
Set in America during the late 1980’s, Eleanor and
Park bonded over comic books and good music,
much as couples would bond over TV shows
nowadays. (Sherlock or Game of Thrones anyone?)
Eleanor, the new student, sat alongside Park. He
was different from her. He slept on a waterbed, in
the luxury of his own space, whilst she and her five
siblings crammed in one bedroom. He was half-
Korean. Her red hair ‘glowed at night’. Perhaps it is
true when they say that opposites attract, but these
two were not exactly yin and yang.
Added to the heart-wrenching obstacles and their
contrasting lives, everything about them was
simply awkward. The conversations between the
characters were so eloquently put together that it
felt as though it were all recorded in real-time.
Rowell’s portrayal of the protagonists’ views on each other is illustrated beautifully. I felt as though
I were reading the novel in the first-person, despite it being written in third-person because of the
author’s style switching between Eleanor and Park every other page. The switching between the two
distinguishes this novel from its fellow Young Adult novels.
Reading it was like watching someone talk about their own experience... as their eyes would sparkle
at the telling of the story; as though by the act of retelling the story they were reliving it again - for
instance... “Eleanor was right. She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn’t supposed to
look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.” How can one not fall in love with
words like that?
Eleanor’s flawed personality echoed throughout the novel in her constant self-doubt, but Park loved
it all. He adored everything about her, and craved constantly for more of her. Their love is addictive,
but every beginning has an ending, and that perhaps is what left me wishing Rowell had picked up a
pen and written a sequel.
Overall, anything I say cannot do this book justice. I recommend this to everyone in search of a good
story, but be warned as it will leave you with unsettled thoughts and emotions.
An international bestseller, Mornings in
Jenin tells the story of a Palestinian family
forcibly exiled from their home through the
eyes of four generations of a single family.
It is a journey of love, courage, identity and
friendship, all resulting from the Palestinian
‘nakba’ of 1948.
…from the outset, this ol’ Jurassic would like to make it clear that I’m not
a strong advocate for needless wholesale corporate punishment… but
there are times when the administration of… of… well… just read on… it’s
almost a ‘once-upon-a-time’ true story… over 60 years ago, when Master
Gallacher was possessed of all the WURLD-ly knowledge available to a
wee five-year-old lad from Dockland Govan in Glasgow… my even wee-
er sister was all of three-and-a-half, going on forty… with money always
scarce, Mam and Da rarely went out on a date together back then, but
on one such blue-moon event, they went off to the cinema (I think it was
after the silent movies era, but I couldn’t swear to it)… a very, very, very
much older girl of around fourteen or fifteen was detailed to babysit the
pair of us… the trouble started the minute the door closed on our parents’
over-the shoulder ‘goodbye…see yeez later’… it was only about 5 p.m.,
and we generally didn’t go to bed until at least 8 or 9 o’clock… we wanted
to build a cardboard box fort around the legs of our tiny dining table…
the sitter, Helen Foster by name, resisted all our efforts to construct our
castle… we squealled, we screeched, we screamed… proper little brats,
truth be known… eventually, when Ms Foster’s back was turned, we
made it… the Big Bid for Freedom…
…hand-in-hand, this infant Govan version of Bonnie and Clyde bolted
through the door and off down the street… the budding Evil Mastermind
in me had a plan… about four streets away the River Clyde presented a
playground universe… particularly in the form of the free ferries that
crossed from the Govan side across to the Partick side of Glasgow… the
service shuttled forth and back every 8 minutes… a passengers-only fleet,
and more attractive, the vehicular ferry…
car ferry
…this was the craft of kids’ dreams… ‘coz it had an upstairs deck with
railings from which to scan the length of the Govan shipyards… magic
land indeed… we scampered aboard the big boat and stayed there for
what seemed like hours, heedless of the panic we’d left behind with the
Forlorn Foster Witch… about ten o’clock, we docked on the Govan side
for the umpteenth time, and there waiting for us were Mam and Da, and
the tearful Ms Foster… the editor should prob’ly draw a curtain over the
punishment proceedings when we arrived home… suffice to say, my
sister and I had hardly any skin left on our respective criminal backsides
when we went to bed…
…did we suffer mental anguish for the rest of our lives from that?… not
a bit of it!… if it had happened in these modern times, with all the P.C.
nonsense that swills around, we could prob’ly have had Mam and Da
locked up in jail for centuries… I reckon I’m the better respecter of proper
authority nowadays… but I’m still a bit leary of boats… see yeez later…
www. 11
After doing some research, and also chatting with readers, Tempo came up with what are
typical resolutions that seem to be the first ones that are broken. See if yours fit in any of these,
and if you can keep pledge to keep them in 2015.tempo infographix
Save Money
It would be great to start off
the New Year by spending less
and saving more! You wouldn’t
know when that extra moolah
would be handy.
A new instrument? A new
language? A new sport? The
choices are endless!
Sell Old
Things in the
Some of us might be keeping
things for sentimental pur-
poses but surely, some other
things are just gathering dust
up in your closet or attic. Clean
up some stuff, get more space,
and earn some extra dirhams.
Strive to be charitable in 2015
- perhaps by giving stuff away
to those in need?
Spend More
Quality Time
with Family
Working an 8-5 job weekly
might leave you exhausted to
the point that you’ll just want
to sleep in on the weekends.
But never forget that the
weekends are actually the best
time to bond with your fam-
ily – watch a movie together,
go on a picnic, swim. Lots of
choices to fit all budgets.
Quit your
Vices are hard to break espe-
cially if they’ve been part of
your life for a long time now.
Smoking is just one of the
many vices you need to give
up if you want to give your
body a fresh slate next year!
Again as with the diet, you
should do it on a slow but sure
rhythm so that your body can
adapt to the change.
Volunteer /
Do Something
for Charity
Time is one of the most precious
resources we can give to anyone.
Spend a weekend out to teach
kids. Orjump on a good cause
and feel good about helping out.
How about broadening your
perspective by seeing the
world? Perhaps you can take a
trip to the Far East? Or maybe
romantic Venice? Or if you’re
on a budget, you can travel
somewhere nearer – to a place
you’ve never been to before.
How about bringing a friend
or two along - or even crazier,
travel alone!
the Home
The holidays might have filled
our homes with holiday cheer,
but they also left our homes
with lots of holiday clutter.
Go for a 2-in1 by redecorating
your home while you’re clean-
ing up as well. With a little bit
of elbow grease you could have
a spanking new look in 2015!
Go on a Diet
and Lose
As with #2, you could lose
weight more if you take your
diet seriously. But don’t do a
crash diet to avoid the yo-yo
weight effect. A change in diet
must be slow but sure.
Get Fit
Contrary to popular belief, you
don’t have to go to the gym in
your efforts to trim down that
waistline. While going to a
gym does help, simple exercises
like walking or jogging around
the park, climbing up and
down on the stairs and even
skipping that cab and walk-
ing to your office helps if done
frequently! And while we’re
on the topic…
www. tempoplanet.com12
phototripping By Shahid Saeed
LOCATION: Indoor, Sharjah - UAE
SETTING: Manual Mode
ISO: 200
LOCATION: Corniche, Ajman - UAE
SETTING: Manual Mode
ISO: 200
LOCATION: Indoor, Sharjah - UAE
SETTING: Manual Mode
ISO: 160
LOCATION: Desert, Dubai - UAE
SETTING: Manual Mode
ISO: 100
LOCATION: Indoor, Sharjah - UAE
SETTING: Manual Mode
ISO: 100
Bridal photography
is a popular genre
in photographic
art. It encompasses
photographs of the bride
before marriage (for
announcements, portrait
or thank you cards) as
well as coverage of the
wedding and reception.
It is vital commercially
as it funds the efforts of
photographers and
their studios.
Wardah Lodhi
www. 13
Akbar Abdullah
I am a self-taught photographer with lots of enthusiasm for photography. While I have my day job as an Interior Designer, photography has
been my passion and life ever since I was a kid. Nature photography has always been my favourite. I’m happy to share what I consider to be an
unbelievable experience of my life – my trip to Salalah. I remember the view as I entered a desert of 45°C heat, and the cold and misty mountains
of Salalah. It is a land of miracles!
@tempoplanetTempo UAE (Group) TempoBeat (Group) Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page) @tempoplanet
www. tempoplanet.com14
the epicureanBy Lana Nasser
Instagram: @l4n4n
HELLO 2015!
We all know that January
is the month of resolutions,
ultimatums and deadlines.
But why not make it a great
time to get together with
your friends and energize for
the year ahead? Here’s how
to plan perfectly...
The reason?
Why are you throwing a party? The
reason is what will give it soul and heart.
It will also help determine your guest list
and your theme. I love themes to parties,
even if they are small intimate affairs. You
can play a board game, or have a murder
mystery dinner. If board games are not
your thing you can always try your voice
at karaoke and have everyone show up as
their favourite singer with a favourite song
they’ve been practicing. If it’s a larger party,
a zany Hunger Games feel would definitely
be a first!
The menu?
In my book, the food always makes the
party. Good food keeps people happy. So
how do you decide what to serve? Well, it
all depends on the type of evening. Chilled
hangouts require soulful comfort food
such as spinach and artichoke dip, seven
layer Mexican dip, big bowls of salads
with quinoa and kale. Make your own
tacos or build your own burgers. If it’s
a more corporate holiday dinner party,
where you’re inviting your husband’s boss,
colleagues or staff, then strive to impress.
Always take your guests’ special requests
and dietary restrictions into consideration.
If I have guests visiting from out of town,
I love to welcome them into my home and
into my world by serving a few authentic
Middle Eastern dishes.
If your evening has a special theme to it,
then it’s always interesting to pair it with
a menu that reinforces the style of your
event. I threw an indoor Mexican beach
party a few years back, with finger-foods
like coconut shrimp skewers, pineapple
and chicken, beef taquitos with guacamole
and spicy crispy burgers with jalapeno
mayo. All the waitstaff wore sombreros and
everyone had to show up in their shorts
and flip-flops. There was perfect synergy
between the theme and the food to create
the right ambiance. It’s more fun to pass
canapés than to serve a full dinner buffet
because it keeps people on their feet so
they can mingle or dance.
How much is enough?
The ubiquitous question: “Will there
be enough food?” If the quantities are
meticulously planned, you’ll never run out
of food. When I plan my cocktail menu,
I prefer to have a larger variety of items
of smaller quantities rather than a more
restricted selection of greater quantity. The
more eclectic the food, even better, it keeps
people waiting to see what’s coming up
next and reduces the chances of everyone
eating from the same type. It also gives
the impression of a more lavish spread.
Another trick is to do a rough calculation;
so if it’s a one to two hour pre-dinner event
such as a gallery opening or a corporate
networking event, where people are not
expected to fill up on food, we usually
calculate two to three pieces per person.
If, however, it’s a fortieth birthday party
with guests expecting to stay around four
to six hours, then a calculation of 12 to 14
pieces per person is recommended. This
equation has proven to be useful time and
time again.
And the Music?
Music, for me, is like food: it adds life to
your party and needs to be shared with
everyone. There is a misconception that
music has to be played only if it’s a dance
party and people are expected to dance.
I say even if you’re having a few close
friends over for dinner have some lounge,
jazz or pop music so you can sing along
with your friends.
Party on!
www. 15
lean and cleanBy Melissa Lowry
By Donna Howarth
Tis’ the season for New Year’s resolutions
and increased gym memberships, which
means you may be waiting a long time
for a treadmill, exercise machine or set of
10kg dumbbells. So, rummage through
your storage bin. It may hold the key to
unlocking your at-home, personal
exercise regimen.
What about that long-forgotten jump rope?
It is an excellent resource for increasing
cardiovascular endurance, core strength
and pure athleticism. Besides, if you
haven’t picked up a jump rope in a while,
you will feel like you’re at recess – do you
need a better excuse to play?
Make your playground on the balcony or
patio or in the living room and warm up
with a basic two-legged hop for five to ten
minutes before incorporating the
following challenges:
Alternating Toe Taps: While jumping
rope with forward motion, shift your
bodyweight from side to side moving one
foot in front of the other and tapping your
toes. Perform toe taps for 1 minute,
three times.
Single-Leg Hops: While jumping rope, hop
on each leg for 10-50 repetitions,
three times.
Did you dig up those ankle weights? Don’t
toss them; they aren’t an outdated fashion
accessory. Instead, use ankle weights at
home for floor exercises or in absence of
weighted cable machines.
Fire up those hamstrings, glutes and lower
back while performing the following
exercises with ankle weights:
Reverse Scissors: Lie flat on your stomach
with arms outstretched in front of you. Dig
your abdominals into the mat, keep a soft
knee and open your legs as wide and as
straight as you comfortably can while you
move them over one another. Complete 20
reps, three-five times.
Three Quarter Kick: Position yourself on
all fours and lift one leg up and out to the
side while keeping your back straight and
elbows soft. The Three Quarter Kick not
only engages the hamstrings and glutes but
unlike the Donkey Kick, it also targets the
inner thigh. Alternate each leg for 25 reps,
four times.
Before you overlook or avoid that kettlebell
because it isn’t child’s play, think again.
Wielding a ball of iron develops strength,
conditioning, stamina and coordination all
while improving fitness and physique. So,
get into the swing, the Kettlebell Swing, by
performing the following drill:
Standard Kettlebell Swing: Place feet
between shoulder and hip width apart
and center bell about 3-6 inches in front of
your toes. Fold at the hips shifting weight
to your heels (think: deadlift). Establish a
two-handed grip on the kettlebell, slightly
bend and extend your knees and hike the
kettlebell back between your legs. As the
bell reaches the end of your back swing,
press through your heels, hips and back
until you are in the upright position. This
action should launch the bell hip or
chest height.
Perform a Tabata by setting a timer or
downloading a Gymboss application to
track 20 seconds swings and 10 seconds
rest – totaling eight rounds equivalent to
four minutes.
So here we are, the start of another year:
new beginnings and resolutions that will
not see the end of January, nevermind the
rest of the year!
Clean eating is a way of life, and not a
diet that you give up after two weeks just
because you are bored with the restrictions
and constantly feeling hungry.
If this is completely new to you, take small
steps to make small changes. For example:
Instead of white rice choose brown rice
or quinoa; instead of white bread choose
brown bread with whole grains; instead of
white sugar choose honey, maple syrup or
dark sugar; and instead of breakfast cereals
choose porridge oats.
Eat regularly, 5-6 times a day, to stop
you feeling hungry and reaching for the
first thing you can find, which is most
probablyhigh in sugary carbohydrates!
When shopping, check the ingredients
and read the label. If there are more than
5-6 ingredients or there are words you
cannot pronounce, it is most probably not a
“clean” food. I cannot stress this enough!It
is something you will need to do on your
shopping trips, and it’s all part of your
“clean eating” education.
Take your time in the fresh vegetable
andfruit aisle in the supermarkets. Smell
and “feel” the produce; find the freshest
produce you can find… that way it will last
longer. When you are buying meat, buy it
plain and ask for your meat to be minced
rather than buying ready minced. Pick the
freshest and leanest of meat – if possible
buy organic and grass-fed.
Expect your tastebuds to change – clean
food may appear bland at first as your
tongue is used to food with additives and
preservatives. On the flip side, once you
have been eating clean for a couple of
weeks your tastebuds will be sensitive to
salt and sugar.
With any changes you make in life, you
have to give it time. Research “clean eating”
(take a look at my CleanEat UAE page for
help and advice), search for new recipes
and involve your whole family. Cook with
the children as they are more likely to eat
food they have helped to prepare. Create
a weekly menu for the family and write
a shopping list, this way the food is in the
cupboard and fridge waiting to be made
into a nutritious meal.
The recipe this month is a healthy and
clean beef burger option that is tasty and
easy to make.
Beef Burgers with Sweet Potato and
melted Mozzarella (Serves 4)
1 large sweet potato (or 2 medium) with
skin on. Cut into 1” slices
Good pinch of oregano
1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil
4 organic beef burgers
2 large Mozzarella balls, sliced
2 large tomatoes, sliced
All room temperature.
In a frying pan, heat the oil and add the
sliced sweet potato. Sprinkle the oregano
and a little salt and pepper on both sides.
Cook for approximately 8 minutes, turning
frequently. Transfer to a roasting tin that
has been lined with foil. Place in an oven
(175 – fan) till soft but not mushy. In the
same frying pan, cook the burgers to your
liking (season lightly). Place the sliced
cheese on top to melt.
Meantime, arrange your cooked sweet
potato on a plate followed by the tomatoes
and finally the burger and cheese. Serve
with a rocket or spinach salad.
Lovely! Enjoy!
Check more
recipes from @cleaneatuae here:
www. 17
As a melting pot of so many
cultures, the UAE offers
a feast of cuisines that
would delight any globe-
exploring foodie. Mexican,
however, surprisingly
remains underexposed, and
underserved. Enter Maria
Al Hosani: a native of El
Paso, Texas – who’s trying to
change that.
Anyone trawling the ‘concineras’ of the
UAE would be hard pressed to find that
culinary authenticity that combines the
heady gastronomy of Mesoamerican and
Spanish cooking. Yet the Abu Dhabi based
entrepreneur has found her niche not only
in preparing real Mexican food, but also in
delivering it to her clientele.
“I can honestly say that all of my menu
items in one way or another are a favorite,
it all depends on what my client is looking
for at that moment. I can say that the best
seller for the past few years is the Chipotle
Looks may certainly be deceiving when
it comes to Maria, but in the best of ways.
While she may appear Emirati in her
neatly done black abaya and sound Emirati
due to her fluent Arabic, Maria is in fact a
native to El Paso, Texas. The story of how
she ended up in Abu Dhabi is as equally
romantic as it is successful.
“When I first arrived in Abu Dhabi life was
very simple but quite pleasant. I came from
El Paso, Texas so the transition wasn’t so
scary with both being small cities.”
While spending time in Fort Bliss, Texas,
Maria met an Emirati man. The two fell
in love, which eventually led to marriage,
and a move to the sparsely built Abu Dhabi
in 1989. When she first arrived in Abu
Dhabi, Maria dressed semi-conservatively
to respect her Emirati in-laws of whom she
was staying with. This notion led towards
an interest in Emirati culture and customs,
which eventually led to her donning the
full black abaya and even converting to
Islam from Catholicism. And as with many
married couples in the UAE, the idea and
reality of children and family life quickly
entered the picture.
“Adapting from Texas to Abu Dhabi wasn’t
very hard, finding friends was the most
difficult part.”
One would assume that the Mexican
recipes Maria crafts originate from her
roots in Texas (a southern state that borders
Mexico). Yet the truth is she actually
learned how to cook most of the meals she
makes once she was already settled in to
Abu Dhabi. Maria found a group of Latinas
that taught her how to make delicious
tortillas along with a few other items.
“I learned all my recipes from Mom, family
and some trusted cook books of course
adding my own touches along the way. I
have managed to personalize
all of my recipes.”
Though as successful as her story may
be, Maria still faces some very relatable
challenges when it comes to
running her business.
“The biggest challenge has always been
supply. I can pretty much manage anything
else thrown at me but suppliers always
keep me on my toes!”
When it comes to others who want to
start their own business, or share in the
entrepreneurial experience
Maria simply says:
“Just do it, don’t let anything get
in your way!”
However, she also warns that you must
be prepared to “Work, sacrifice, and work
some more”, a motto that certainly rings
true to how much effort she puts into both
her family and her business.
While Maria still loves to cook her
authentic Mexican menu, she also loves to
sew. She hopes that in the future she might
be able to pursue purse making as well as
making other items of apparel. But as for
the far future she’s unsure about when she
wants to retire, but is strongly considering
the possibility of giving cooking lessons.
For those interested in
ordering food from Maria,
you can either email her
for the menu, or join the
Facebook group:
@tempoplanetTempo UAE (Group) TempoBeat (Group) Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page) @tempoplanet
www. tempoplanet.com18
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FOR 2015
Fashion is known to reinvigorate itself as designers launch
new trends whilst bringing back some old favourites. Expect
2015 to usher in some exciting fashion trends as top designers
compete to up the ante. We predict five top fashion looks that
you can work into your wardrobe…
TREND 1: Gingham
Think Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz! You
may think of this as American barn-style
dressing, but ‘Print of Spring’ has hit the
runway like a storm and has joined fashion’s
mainstream for the upcoming season. With
designers such as Michael Kors, Oscar
de la Renta, Altuzarra and Ralph Lauren
featuring it on their catwalks, this print look
is incorporated in everything from dresses
all the way to pants.
TREND 4: Festival Chick
Loose fit, draped cut, and printed chiffons
epitomized flow. From jackets to vests, this
distinctive style is being seen in all forms of
fashion from designers like Saint Laurent,
Gucci, Christian Dior and Roberto Cavalli.
TREND 5: Denim
Denim never gets old! It comes this
season in all shades of colours, and
shows that there is more to it than
just jeans. It is now combined with
materials such as lace, jewels and
patches. The fashion variations of
denim are endless and versatile, as
demonstrated by Louis Vuitton, Dolce
&Gabbana, Stella McCartney
and Lacoste.
TREND 2: Suede
We have seen this trend get stronger
over the years and it has now reached
a point where it is becoming something
you can wear all year round –kind of like
leather. This fabric has dominated on the
runways of Gucci, Valentino, Jason Wu
and Derek Lam - but with interesting
twists. It has been used in deep, rich
shades like purple and green and is now
making an appearance on trench coats,
A-line skirts and dresses.
TREND 3: Fringe
The fringe trend won’t go away.
Although it echoes classic styles from
the 20’s and 70’s, it is updated into
modern day chic in eveningwear. The
easy motion of the fringe has been seen
on dresses, skirts and tops in fashion
shows this season. Designers such as
Givenchy, Fendi, Proneza Schouler have
all embraced fringe in their designs.
www. tempoplanet.com20
Cashion Coffman
AGE: 17
Anaje Brinkley
Fashion statement: Just have
fun with your style!
Personal style: Fun and classy.
Fave buy of the past month: Silky
leopard pajamas.
Does the UAE have style: Yes, of course! A
lot of people who know how
to accessorize.
What does style mean to you: It’s
everything to me; you get to express
yourself and your personality. I don’t leave
the house until I’m one hundred percent
sure that I look good.
Fashion Pet Hate: Definitely
socks with sandals.
www. tempoplanet.com22
my 2015 self
My Goals My Goals
My Mantra My Mantra
february may
My Goals
My Mantra
My Goals
My Mantra
My Goals
My Mantra
My Goals
My Mantra
You’ve seen my descent. Now
watch my rising. – Rumi
Defeat is a state of mind; no
one is ever defeated until
defeat has been accepted
as reality. – Bruce Lee
You must master a new way to
think before you can master
a new way to be.
– Marianne Williamson
I am not what has happened
to me. I am what I chose to
become. – Carl Jung
Most of the shadows of this life are
caused by standing in one’s own
sunshine. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is never too late to be what you
might have been. – George Eliot
pull out
pin up
my 2015 self
improvement plan
www. 23
improvement plan
My Goals My Goals
My Mantra My Mantra
My Goals
My Mantra
My Goals
My Mantra
My Goals
My Mantra
My Goals
My Mantra
Knowing is not enough, we must
apply. Willing is not enough, we
must do. - Johann von Goethe
A man cannot be comfortable
without his own approval.
– Mark Twain
In the middle of difficulty lies
opportunity - Albert Einstein
Be Yourself. Everyone
else is already taken. –
Oscar Wilde
Trust yourself. You know
more than you think you do.
– Benjamin Spock
Accept responsibility for your
life. Know that it is you who will
get you where you want to go, no
one else. — Les Brown
www. 25
Most valued
possession: I don’t
know. I don’t place a
lot of value in things,
I value experiences a
whole lot more.
My idea of peace:
When I mediate.
Favourite dessert:
A perfect weekend is:
Going to the beach
I’d most like to be
stuck in an elevator
with: My best friends
Music I connect most
to: Hip Hop
If today were my
last day: I’d probably
travel one last time.
To look great I’d wear:
Jeans, my favourite
sneakers, and a nice
fitted t-shirt.
Goal in life:
To become a
professional Jiu
Jitsu fighter.
Who deserves a
big thank you:
My Jiu Jitsu
coaches because
they motivate
me to do good.
I need to survive:
Food, water, and
the love of
my life,
I see myself
in 10 years: I’ll
be living right
in front of the
beach in Brazil.
What inspires
me most: Seeing
people follow
their dreams.
My favourite
hangout: This secret
mountain that has a
lookout point where
you can see the
city lights.
Earliest memory: I use to
like insects and bugs. I once
found a dead lizard, and
when my teacher told me to
throw it away, I threw a fit
and ended up keeping the
dead lizard for months.
NAME: Nick Hurtado
AGE: 18
NAME: Nick Hurtado
AGE: 18
www. tempoplanet.com26
Whether it’s painting a huge
mural of Biggie or a stylized
painting of Tupac, Adam
Makkar is a standout talent
who is difficult to ignore.
Tempo caught up with him…
As a student, Makkar’s artwork adorned
the walls of his school the American
Community School (ACS). It was his eighth
grade art teacher Stephanie Goebel who
first noticed his artistic potential, and
encouraged him to work on his craft. He
later took IB art and started dabbling with
different art forms, immersing himself in
deeper artistic experimentation.
Makkar, now 19, is majoring in Visual
Communications Design and Graphic
Design at Cornish College of the Arts in
Seattle, Washington. He comes back to the
UAE periodically to visit family
and friends.
“I love working with pen, water colours,
printmaking tools and spray,” he says.
“I honestly don’t know if I can bring it
down to just one simple thing, but I think
everything in my life somehow affects the
art that I produce.”
“My artistic process is very impulsive. I
either work on something for hours on end
www. 27
or ignore it for days. I get these random
urges to create something specific and just
dive into the work and not do anything
but that. Sometimes I plan out the piece,
draw out a sketch, experiment with
materials and techniques, create Photoshop
renditions of what I want to make and
test different colour combinations - or I go
in blind and do whatever comes to me in
the moment. It really all depends on my
confidence in the medium and technique
I’m using. It also depends on how clear an
image I have in my head.”
He adds, “For the most part art is
salvageable; if you wipe away at it fast
enough or start over entirely you can
always end up with the outcome you were
hoping for. You don’t have to settle for good
enough if it isn’t exactly what you wanted.
Sometimes you just have to keep practicing
and re-doing things until you’re satisfied,
but eventually you’ll get there. I always
mess things up, which is why art is good for
me… because when I do mess up, I know I
can fix it over and over again until its what
I want it to be.”
Makkar sees himself becoming a
professional tattoo artist: “It’s a way of
leaving my mark on something. It’s a form
artistic expression that really interests me. I
don’t see myself influencing the modern art
world in other way, like becoming the next
Bansky, or having my worked displayed
along with Salvador Dali.”
He says although his parents accept his
decision they want him to aspire to more
ambitious goals. “But I don’t see myself
revolutionizing art or bringing it into a new
era. To me, giving people tattoos is enough.
People come to me and have complete trust
in my vision, and to be able to permanently
display that vision on their bodies for
others to see for the rest of their life is
pretty amazing.”
Makkar has already been approached for
commissioned work. He has done a few
large artworks like the Tupac and Biggie oil
paintings, and smaller pieces like the Big
Hero 6 drawing.
He hasn’t exhibited publicly. His only
exhibition was at school as part of the IB
Art programme.
“I enjoy making art most when I’m
being paid for it. I like it when I have to
force myself to finish something - not
because I have a deadline to meet or an
angry teacher to show my piece to, but
because the customer will withdraw their
commission. When I want to do something
right, I voluntarily stop being lazy and get
up to work; my pieces turn out
better that way.”
@tempoplanetTempo UAE (Group) TempoBeat (Group) Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page) @tempoplanet | |
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One of the hardest jobs in the
world is being a mom and
that’s why Esraa Rothman
launched Mom’s Guide Abu
Dhabi two years ago. Esraa
took time away from her
busy schedule to talk to
Tempo about motherhood,
business and good times…
Tempo: Esraa, Tempo interviewed you two
years ago. How have things changed for
you as a mom and as a business owner?
Esraa: I feel much more settled now. I feel
so settled in fact that I started redecorating
our home after three years of living in the
same place. You know I was reflecting on
this the other day. Fatima, my six year old
daughter, asked me “what does our flag
look like?” and I started to answer “stars
and stripes” and she said ‘no, the UAE flag’.
That made me pause for a second and think
about how much our daughters consider
this home. I definitely feel more settled
now, in this home away from home.
Tempo: How have things changed for
Mom’s Guide Abu Dhabi?
Esraa: That’s an interesting question
because your last interview with me
was actually during the launch of Mom’s
Guide Abu Dhabi. Back in the first year
my effort was focused on having a website
and a social media presence. We basically
wanted to tell people that we’re here and
we exist. The second year, we concentrated
on being out in the community and having
an on-the-ground presence.
So we’ve evolved from being seen as a
media information sharing organisation
to a community-based organisation that
reaches out to moms.
My days now are just as busy as before,
but I’ve gotten busier because I now do
development consulting in addition to
Moms Guide Abu Dhabi.
Tempo: What has been the best event
Mom’s Guide Abu Dhabi has organised?
Esraa: That’s a hard one. It is like asking
a mother which one of her kids is her
favourite! If I had to pick one, the one that
comes to mind is The Platform, which is an
interactive discussion aimed at informing
and educating parents about the different
curriculum models available in Abu Dhabi.
The overarching goal of “The Platform”
events is to foster creative brainstorming,
exchange advice, and give mothers and
caretakers the opportunity to make well-
informed decisions for their families. We
had representatives from leading schools
in the area including the headmaster of
Cranleigh, the superintendent from ACS,
the CEO of Al Dar Academies, and the
principal of Al Bateen School. We love
creating child-friendly spaces for moms to
get inspired, empowered, and connected.
Tempo: Is that how you know you’re doing
things right?
Esraa: Well, success to us is the level of
interest and support we get from other
moms. We love it when we meet moms
and they are excited about Moms Guide
Abu Dhabi, and they tell us how much
they love our site, or how informative our
tweet was, or that they went to an event
because we put it up on facebook, or that
they are so happy they came to our moms
guide meetup and made new friends.
That tells us we are doing something
right! Unfortunately, we will have to start
thinking more financially in the future in
order to keep Moms Guide Abu Dhabi here
for the long run. We want to be here alive
and well to report live on the
Expo 20/20 haha!
Tempo: What were the challenges you
have had to overcome?
Esraa: Retaining our volunteers in this
dynamic, face-paced and transient city is
challenging. Running Moms Guide Abu
Dhabi with a team that is full of working
moms with very young children is also
challenging. We do not want to lament
the difficulty of running a business while
also working full-time, running a house
and parenting young children, but the fact
remains that it is not easy.
We are now able to overcome some of
these challenges by approving new team
members to be on board to free us from the
administrative tasks. Another solution has
been to schedule regular business meetings
at night after we put our kids to sleep at
8-10pm on Sundays and Tuesdays.
Tempo: What are your future plans for
Mom’s Guide Abu Dhabi?
Esraa: It is to continue to be responsive to
the mom community in Abu Dhabi. We
want to organically grow and evolve our
current programs.
Here are some near future plans: Moms
in the city, our Moms Meetup group, was
launched in April 2012 and has over 450
moms.In 2015 we will grow the number of
services; starting this month we are going
to be launching two new products: a mom
organizer and a loyalty card. Visit our
website to have it delivered to your home.
We will try to highlight all businesses that
are family-friendly under our “Friends of
Moms Guide” section on the website.
Moms Talk will come to the forefront; you
will be seeing more moms talk and give
reviews on our site. Other than that we will
try to just keep doing what we are doing,
just a notch better than what we’ve been
doing the previous two years.
Tempo:What’s your message to all the
moms out there?
Esraa: Don’t try to survive, figure out what
type of self-care you need to tap into to
THRIVE! Be easy on yourself, forgive
yourself, love yourself. “Good is Good
enough,” should be your mommy mantra!
Esraa’s new year’s resolutions:
1. Set a week day routine, in stone!
2. Wake Up earlier. Yes 6:30 am is not early
enough. I want to go back to my routine
prior to moving to UAE of waking up at
4am to meditate /pray then ease into my
day with a healthy breakfast and chai bi
laban (tea with milk).
3. Learn how to delegate more tasks. This is
key for a healthy work-life balance.
(I can hear Manal, my mom’s guide partner
saying “umm, it’s about time Esraa!”)
4. Plan my meals for the week. No more
“What’s for dinner?” every single day
of the week.
5. Tackle my long list of DIY projects and
blog about it on
6. Put more “Me” time on the calendar: I
need to branch out and do other low-stress
activities such as yoga multiple times a
week at Bodytree, or simply visit a relaxing
spa every once in a while.
7. Keep my house tidy and super organized.
(Ha! I don’t know why I started cracking up
when I wrote that resolution).
“Appreciating our new home”, Abdallah Ezekiel Rothman, Me,
Fatima Rothman 6, Wafaa Rothman 3. Location: Abu Dhabi
Corniche, 2014
#WhatLiftsYou always inspired
by my surrounding, 2014
www. tempoplanet.com30
By Dorian “Paul D” Rogers/@pauldTHERIPY
Dorian ‘Paul D’ Rogers is a regular Tempo
contributor and award-winning poet.
articulate cafe
Where do I begin to tell the sweet love
story of Fido? He was a ‘best friend’ to
each member of the family. He left a
paw print and his cuddly love in our
hearts forever.
He had the most ordinary dog name. He
was our Havanese Cuban dog and that’s
why we thought Fidel suited him best…
but Fido he was until his last breath at
the age of 12.
A slip disc and arthritis reduced his
quality of life. His last days were
spent at the ICU and that’s when the vet
recommended euthanasia. We could not
think of bringing him back home in his sorry
state; it was too demeaning to his dignity.
Seeing him for the grand dog he was we sadly,
and totally heart broken, agreed to let him go.
Coping With Loss
In spite of being an ‘older’ mom, it wasn’t easy
for me to say the right things to my children
who were at the time away from home. “Look
beyond the present sadness. Something
good is waiting on the horizon. ”We all cried
on Skype. My home had become huge and
empty and I had excess love in my heart to
give away.
Why do people live long and pets die young?
Loving unconditionally doesn’t come easy to
humans. Humans know to doubt, to mock,
and to be cynical. Humans have to live long
lives till they learn what true loving and
giving is. But dogs learn to trust, love and
obey from the very beginning.
To everyone, Fido was just a dog, but to
us he was our furry comfort, our angel
dog, ever understanding and ever caring.
When our son passed onto heaven nine
years ago, Fido comforted us on earth.
When my mom passed away two years
ago, Fido lent his furry warmth to my sad
daughter. He didn’t bark as the neighbor’s
dogs do. Every guest was welcomed with
a joyous whelp. Fido slid all the way
down the corridor, guiding them to their
seats, absolutely thrilled. He honoured
every guest that walked into my home,
and maintained a decent distance from
those who didn’t understand him.
What Humans Can Learn From Dogs
Fido never held grudges. He waited on
his favourite chair when I left him for
long hours. He never complained if his
food was delayed, or if I remained at the
computer when it was time for his walk.
He disliked loud arguments and looked at
those arguing with concern. He always
made us smile after a long day. He never
terrorized the birds that came to my
garden. Sometimes he mistook a plastic
bag flying down the road for a cat that
needed some chasing! He would grinat
the mangiest cat in the neighborhood, as
he held no class differences, though he
himself was higher bred.
Rest in peace. My gentleman dog.
I had a chat with Farah Bushnaq, the
Programme Manager of “The Space,” to
see what sets this venue apart from other
hubs within the city.
Paul D: How did you get involved as
programme manager for The Space?
Farah: I was unemployed at the time, and
reading at numerous cafes around Abu
Dhabi. I heard about The Space one day
and became a quick fan. As soon as I heard
of a job opening, I leaped at the opportunity
and got the job!
Paul D: The Space is a unique concept in
this town. Can you explain it for those that
may assume it is just a magazine
shop and café?
Farah: The Space is a cultural venue
that is the first of its kind in the capital.
It’s a specialized business and social
hub dedicated to building a cultural
and entrepreneurial community. The
Space encourages and promotes a new
perspective on entrepreneurship, one
which fuels people with similar and
dissimilar interests to find inspiration,
a common ground and ultimately get
involved with the community through
events. It is a place for people to meet,
work, relax, take a break, learn, and
network. We have a quality book
collection, an intimate and well-equipped
cinema room, and a contemporary café.
The Space is an environment which fosters
the intellect and inspires people to explore
the arts.
Paul D: It has been a blessing to the artistic
community since it opened. I have my
Arabic poetry night here and I’ve also
hosted a screening of a poetry-related
movie called Slam. Thanks for existing!
Farah: We’ve also recently had an
interesting talk from James Langton of The
National newspaper about Abu Dhabi in its
pre-oil phase. The talk revealed some never
before seen photographs and clips of Abu
Dhabi in the early 60s. Many were shocked
at how Abu Dhabi was and the extreme
transformation that took place in such a
short time. Rooftop Rhythms is one of my
favourites. It is an all-Arabic poetry night
featuring some instruments and songs. This
event brings Arab cultures together and
draws in foreign interest too.
Paul D: The city is taking many intentional
strides to becoming more of a cultural hub.
Do you notice any artistic synergy in the
city since you’ve been here?
Farah: More than anything I’ve noticed a
great support system among emerging and
established artists. The community is really
working together to build a strong and
diverse cultural hub in all areas whether its
film, fashion, music, visual art, architecture,
design, innovation and technology. This
type of synergy is being recognized
by organizations and institutions
internationally and it exists because of the
multicultural society within Abu Dhabi.
Paul D: What are your favourite
programmes that you have held at
The Space?
Farah: There are two art exhibitions that
I helped plan at The Space: “The Incessant
Ramblings of a Yellow Kind” and
“I’m Feeling 22”. These were first
time exhibitions for these artists and
were special to me because of the
recognition they received. The Space
made a difference in their artistic
journey, and this gave meaning to
what I do.
Paul D: What would be a dream event
that you would love to plan one day?
Farah: There are so many things I’d
like to plan! I would love to host a week
of Arab culture, celebrating Arab arts
and culture in its many forms: cinema,
art, architecture, music, and literature.
Bringing cultural experts, film
directors, musicians, and authors in
to discuss the traditional and modern
Arab culture would be fascinating to
put together. I think the Arab world
has a lot to offer and this would inspire
and enlighten more of the community
to preserve and enhance our culture.
We would let creative minds roam free
with no pressure, limits or guidelines.
Paul D: I’m so glad that you are all
about taking pressure away and
allowing for freedom. Now, I feel no
anxiety asking you to take care
of the bill.
dhabi dames GOODBYE FRIEND: EULOGY TO FIDO By Marien Oomen
www. 31
By Heather Long Vandevoorde, Ph.D./@hvdvoorde
arental guide
By Nisma Hamid/@nismahamid
Fact: we are closer to 2020 than we are to
2005. I know!
So much has happened this year that I
haven’t even noticed the passage of time.
Joining the International Baccalaureate (IB)
programme, applying for universities, and
writing for Tempo; it’s all so surreal. But all
my experiences this year have taught me
things that I will carry with me for a very
long time.
Personally, entering a new year is always
bittersweet. It is exciting and thrilling
to think of all the possibilities and
opportunities that I can take advantage
of in the next 365 days. However, the
unknown prospects frighten me at the
same time.
I know that change is inevitable; but that
does not necessarily mean that it will all
be well received. My life has changed
drastically over the course of the last
two years, the biggest change being my
transition from an American high school
system to the International Baccalaureate.
Although challenging, the programme will
hopefully help me improve my research,
presentation, and study skills, and also
shape me into a hard-working, well-
rounded student.
Despite the extreme changes of the last
few years, 2015 will be the year that my
entire world takes a 180 turn. If all goes
well, I’ll be in a different hemisphere,
surrounded by lots of strangers and new
opportunities. Because of all the upcoming
changes, I realize that adapting is the only
option. Whether good or bad, I consider
everything to be opportunities that should
be seize dor conquered.
Another valuable lesson I learned,
especially this close to university
application deadlines, is to breakthrough
the layers of insecurities and embrace
myself wholly. Confidence is key.
In order for universities to see your worth
as a contributor to their community and,
later on to the world, you must first be
convinced of that yourself. Making your
confidence and intellectual capability shine
through is a challenge; you have to make a
good first impression!
My New Year’s resolution is to challenge
myself by coming out of my comfort zone
and welcoming the changes that I know are
going to occur. I want to also better myself
as a student and as a human being.
My two daughters went on
their first overnight school trip
in October. They were excited
about the adventure awaiting
them during the three days in
the desert with their friends. My
husband and I looked forward to
some ‘alone time’- snuggling on
the couch together.
I had passed the day anticipating the good
report they would give of the fun they
were having. My phone rang. It was
Lolita. When I asked her how she was,
she burst into tears. “Mommy, Mommy
we just saw a scorpion in our tent. It
was horrible. I’m so scared. We’re going
to die. Help, Mommy, help.” (It may be
integral to know I was at least 250kms
away at the time).
At the same time, my husband’s phone
rang. Jania’s words? “Daddy, Mommy’s
phone is busy. Why won’t she answer
my call?” After which she proceeded to
relay the scorpion episode and yell at him
about my phone being engaged.
Two minutes later, after talking Lolita
out of hyper-ventilation and my
husband speaking with the counselor
to ensure the local hospital had anti-
scorpion venom in stock, we were no
longer together on the couch…we were
at separate corners of the living room
feeling like we’d just been run over by
a tractor-trailer! That was the precise
moment it dawned on me: I’m raising
two drama queens.
Though their call was much happier
the next day (the scorpion successfully
captured), I needed help. After reading
many articles and talking with friends,
I’m sharing the top tips I have found for
handling a life full of pre-teen or teenage
• Don’t get sucked in – remember they
are doing this to solicit an emotional
response. If you react with a similar
level of emotion, it will be a downward
spiral. You will never break free
of the cycle.
• Walk away –let the drama queen
perform to an empty house. Taking the
“audience” away drains the thrill of
being so worked up.
• Ask for it in writing – tell your drama
queen (or king, boys get this way too,
I’m told) that you can’t understand
why they are so upset and tell them
to write down what they’re feeling. It
should diffuse any excess drama.
• Get it on film – video tape the drama as
it unfolds. Since we all carry our phones
with us most of the time, this is simple.
Film the action live. Save it and show
them how ridiculous they look the next
day when the situation has blown over.
• Keep them busy – kids who
engage in clubs and sport are often
too busy (and too tired) for the world
to come to an end over every little
incident. I must say this is the tip I’m
least convinced about as my girls
are very active but still find time for
dramatic interludes. But maybe
it will work for you.
I’m told by mothers who have survived
raising drama queens that this type of
behaviour is very normal, and that it
must be endured as a rite of passage to
adulthood. I’ll admit I’m not super thrilled
with this idea, but I am reassured that my
girls are somewhat “normal,” even when it
feels like it’s the end of the world…
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by Mariam Mohammed Shaikhan Al Manthari
was created to enrich the legacy of the Emirati storytelling tradition
and contribute to the revival of this important cultural heritage
within the United Arab Emirates.
Last year, the Club in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Music &
Arts Foundation launched an Emirati cultural literacy project titled
the Story Mile, a collection of 48 original fables and folktales, written by students
from the Academic Bridge Program, illustrated by the College of Arts and Creative
Enterprise majors and translated by ZOWD volunteers into the language of its
characters, Emirati dialect.
The Story Mile tales, which are the first of a three volume series, were recently
published as a book in English and titled “Tales from the Emirates” in Arabic. The
stories not only share the storytelling tradition of the Emirates, but have also
introduced other key aspects of Emirati culture and are creating new footprints in
the sands of the cultural landscape of the UAE.
One bright morning by a beautiful
shore, an old woman screamed,
“My chickens have been stolen.” She
put on her abaya and walked past
the other houses looking for her
chickens until she arrived at an arish
house. It was built from old dark
palm fronds and had a wooden door.
The old woman knocked. When a
hunchback man with a bulging eye
appeared, she quickly ran away.
Saber the hunchback felt sad, and
went to get ready to go diving.
In the sea, Saber collected lots of
seashells. As he swam back to the
boat, a shark attacked him and cut
his rope. He dropped all the seashells
and swam for his life. That day,
Saber returned home with nothing so decided to leave the village
and go somewhere else.
Saber walked through the desert under a burning sun for two weeks. Suddenly, he saw
an oasis surrounded by palm trees. Saber noticed that the water tasted different and
made him feel strange. He cupped his hands in the water, and noticed it was pure and
clear. Then, he turned his hands over and the water fell down onto the sand. After a
moment, the sand changed into a shiny Dana (a beautiful pearl). “Am I daydreaming?”
he thought. Suddenly, a pretty voice said, “Marhaba, Essa Saber. I know that you have
had many troubles in your life. You have faced them with strength and patience. Saber,
you are a nice man with a kind heart. That special pearl is yours. You deserve it.” Then,
the oasis began to glow like the sun and suddenly disappeared.
The next morning, Saber went back to the villageand was happy that nobody had
taken or damaged his arish. He went to the souq and sold the Dana for lots of money.
From his good fortune, he bought a Dukkan (market). Slowly, children started to visit
Saber’s shop. Every day they came with their parents to buy sweets. Soon, the villagers
began to love Saber and were no longer afraid. From that day forward, Saber lived
happily in acceptance by his community in the seaside village.
Looking for a cool
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game hedzBlakniss
Original game head from Atari to XBox!
HAPPY 2015
By Blakniss
Ok so 2014 wasn’t the best year for gaming.
There were some disappointments and
average titles as well as major scandals
- like the notorious Gamergate craziness
(Google it).
Whatever the game developers do, it’s time
for us to make our own resolutions:
I will not troll other online gamers
I will not ignore my family while
I play games on my phone/tablet/
console/mind 24/7
I will give my younger sibling/spouse
the controller without complaining
I will read Game Hedz and Tempo
I won’t be the guy who doesn’t revive other
players just be to a jerk
Heroes of Might and Magic III: HD Edition
Platform: Windows, iOS, Android
Status: Releasing in January 2015
A re-mastered version of the game released
during 1999-2000, Heroes of Might and
Magic III: HD Edition promises a great
gaming experience with better graphics
while sticking true to their roots of having
seven intense campaign scenarios coupled
with 50 maps for skirmishes. It also has
a local multiplayer mode and map editor
along with a multiplayer lobby for PC that’s
Steamworks compatible - you can now get
to battle it out or assist fellow gamers!
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
Platform: Windows, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO
Status: Releasing in January 2015
This standalone expansion of the
previously released Saints Row IV gets you
to play in the shoes of Johnny Gat, only this
time he has a pair of demon wings allowing
you to traverse terrains throughout the
map. Learning Gat’s ‘flight’ system would
take time and the challenges coupled with
this would really take the game to the next
level. Instead of your usual fights against
soldiers, aliens and a mix of the two, lots
of new missions are available as you fight
your way against demons, warlocks, and
succubi. Exploring the entirety of ‘Hell’ in
this expansion will definitely keep you in
your seat as you course through countless
hours of gameplay in it.
Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires
Platform: Windows, PS4, XBO, PS3
Status: Releasing in January 2015
Reports from IGN state that this latest
installment of the Dynasty Warriors
franchise is “the most satisfying and
complete Warriors game yet” - and
that’s saying a lot as it was pitted against
Warriors Orochi 3. While the game might
feel all too familiar for those who have
closely played the previous games, both
old and new players will enjoy the latest
additions and tweaks found as you progress
throughout the game.Add your own. Have a great 2015!
www. 35
If you’ve been living on planet earth over the past few weeks, you would have
heard about the whole debacle with the release of The Interview and the Sony
Pictures website hack. The November 24 hack evolved into an international crisis,
filled with extortion attempts and embarrassing leaks that included details about
the lives of Hollywood celebrities. And all of this, because of the release of the Seth
Rogan-James Franco comedy “The Interview”, a movie about a plot to kill North
Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Hackers have exposed the secret aliases of A-list
celebrities and Social Security numbers of Conan O’Brien, Sylvester Stallone and
47,424 other Sony employees and contractors. As this went to press Sony decided to
release the film through select movie theatres and to stream the movie on YouTube
Movies, Google Play, Microsoft’s Xbox Video and the studio’s own dedicated
website. It looks, at this point, that the whole thing is fueling lots of publicity for
the film…hmmm. Watch The Interview:
A Polish film maker’s short horror film
featuring his pet dog in a tarantula costume
was the biggest “trending” video on YouTube
in 2014, Google has announced. With over
113 million views since it was posted in
September, Mutant Giant Spider
Dog was the most shared and
discussed video online, according
to YouTube.
tech talkShahid Saeed
Talker for the Non-Techies
LG G Flex 2
Status: Releasing January 2015
With the recent fiasco of the ‘bending’
iPhone 6 plus, more and more phone
manufacturers have searched for ways
to avoid that from happening. Instead of
making non-bending variety, LG has come
up with the G Flex 2 which allows you
to physically bend the phone to a certain
angle. There are rumours that this phone
will have a 1080p resolution, a step up from
the previous 720p of the G Flex. We will all
get to see the final specs of this promising
mobile phone at the CES 2015 - Consumer
Electronics Show 2015- that is being held in
Las Vegas first week of this month.
Project Ara
Status: First demo available January 2015
This gadget launched by no less than
Google is aimed at those who want to
personalize their phone according to
their wishes. No more one-size-fits-all
concept – with this phone you can decide
on the components you need. The basic
“grey phone” will consist of the basic
components such as the screen, battery,
SIM card slot, WI-FI connection and the
processor for users to customize with
their own plug-ins and accessories. The
best thing about it? You don’t have to
buy a phone every year just to “upgrade”
something – you just have to buy the
components per piece.
HTC One Wear
Status: First demo available January 2015
HTC is the latest company to jump in
the smartwatch bandwagon as it plans
to launch the HTC One Wear at CES
2015 with their first available demo.
This device, rumoured to be made out of
metal and plastic, is intended as a health
and fitness tracker - aside from of course
being a watch in the first place. HTC One
Wear will run on Android Wear, Google’s
Android platform for smartwatches.
Apple’s launch of its 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus
has confirmed that big screen phones are
the future. Huawei Ascend mate 7 falls
into the same category, and what remains
important will be performance and value
for the money. The Mate 7 is a feature
packed monster, and almost every spec is
identical to most of the available devices in
the market. But what gives it an advantage
over others is its huge battery capacity, its
bright and bold screen, and its fingerprint
sensor. The device is available to grab for
free with certain ETISALAT packages.
The G3 is touted to be LG’s best phone yet.
It comes with higher resolution and is very
simple to use. The camera is a full feature
workhorse that turns out good images
even under low light conditions. As such
the phone looks better than the G2 or any
galaxy phone. Although the display might
not be quite as impressive as others, it still
shines given the right content. Indeed, it
might well be the best android phone you
can buy right now. It’s available at around
Dh 2299 for 32 GB model and Dh 2099 for
the 16GB model.
Video Link:
www. tempoplanet.com36
Massimiliano Secone, 33
Italian, Pilot ‘To give more
to poor people.’
Beverly Sobremesana, 24
Filipino, Customer Service
Representative ‘Be more
responsible and mature
Shivon Watson, 37
British, Senior Project
Coordinator ‘Progress to
the next level with my
career and fitness.’
Laura Sherwood, 25
British, Purchase Ledger
Supervisor ‘To complete
my accreditation from
AAT (Association of
Accounting Technicians)
and eat breakfast every day.’
Michelle Sandajan, 33
Filipino, Sales Executive
‘To save more money.’
Wafia Shaheer, 19
Australian, Intern
‘Plan better and
listen more.’
Nico de Corato, 37
Italian, Freelancer
‘To complete my first
Cheima Khaled, 27
Algerian, Writer
‘Nothing in particular. I just
want to discover more.’
Tania Glibertos, 30
Italian, Employee
‘Settle down in Abu Dhabi.’
Sameer Saeed, 26
Pakistani, Office Boy
‘Get fit and go on a
vacation to Iran.’
What is your
New Year’s
Tempo chatted with the community...vox pop
www. 37
Dr. Alma KadragicBy Nadia Zahid
Student, American International School Abu Dhabi Follow Alma on Twitter: @almakad
an expat
returns home
aisa writing
When you come back to your own country
after living eight years in the UAE, you
bring some new habits related to what you
had been doing overseas.
I’ve been visiting museums since childhood
when my mother would take me to the
Metropolitan Museum of Art or the
Museum of Natural History or the Museum
of Modern Art. Living in New York, we had
easy access to them. But I never went to a
big art show until I was in the UAE.
It was there that I began attending the
annual art shows - Art Abu Dhabi and Art
Dubai – and regularly visiting galleries
in Al Quoz and Downtown Dubai. The
exciting news about the development of
Saadiyat Island, the Louvre, Guggenheim,
and National Museums being developed
brought art closer.
When I moved to Florida, I left behind
major museums; however, I soon learned
about the big annual event called Art Basel
Miami. Since I had never heard of Art
Basel, I did some research and learned that
Art Basel began in 1970 when a group of
European gallery owners decided to create
an exhibition focusing on modern and
contemporary art. It developed over the
years into an annual must-attend event for
art lovers and collectors.
As Miami grew from a beach resort often
associated with narcotics – see Miami Vice
and later Burn Notice – some art experts
decided that Art Basel in June needed an
equivalent six months later. So Art Basel
Miami was born in 2002 and has been
growing in size and importance ever since.
Two huge art fairs on two continents
weren’t enough for the world’s art
business. Art Basel Hong Kong was added
in 2012, and since it takes place in March,
it adds another date to the calendar for
appreciating contemporary art.
I attended Art Basel Miami (ABM) for the
first time in early December, six days of
nonstop activities. It is located in the Miami
Beach Convention Center, and for the 13th
edition 267 galleries from 31 countries
As I walked around the gallery booths, I
saw several Picassos, including one that
had sold for USD 10 million in 1968 and
was back on the market. Four Chagall
paintings were also available – one had
already sold for USD 2 million.
Many interesting works by current
painters and sculptors could be seen, none
of them inexpensive. One gallery owner I
spoke to said probably the least expensive
works at ABM would cost USD 50,000.
Out of six days, I visited ABM only twice.
The rest of the time was spent at the
satellite expos that have grown up around
ABM. They are less difficult for galleries
to enter, contain newer and thus less
expensive works, and can be found in huge
tents in Miami Beach and various parts of
Miami – Wynwood, the former industrial
area; the Design District; Little Haiti; and
Most of the time I attended with Dr. Sharon
Parker, the art historian whom I met in
the UAE in 2005 when we began teaching
at Zayed University, who is now living in
Tucson, Arizona. As an expert on Iranian
and Middle Eastern art, she pointed out
that the region was barely visible in the
main fair and the satellite exhibitions.
We found one gallery from Tehran
featuring Iranian works and learned about
another from Beirut. That was it. While
Japan, China, and Korea were represented
by a few galleries and works from those
countries could be seen in galleries from
New York and London, the Middle East has
yet to discover ABM, and vice versa.
The American International School
Abu Dhabi (AISA) is celebrating its 20th
anniversary this year. In honour of this
auspicious occasion, the AISA Parents
Group dedicated their annual writing
competition to the topic of, “Building an
AISA Time Capsule.”
I was the winner of the competition and
here’s my time capsule:
Within my contents, you will find items
that are typically seen throughout a
mundane day at any school. A pen,
calculator, USB, and headphones are found
at the base of my box. You have probably
already harshly judged the items you have
found, finding them uninteresting and
ordinary. In order to understand the true
meaning of each of my items, you must see
beyond what you can comprehend. Each
item has so much more meaning because
they belong to the students of AISA.
The ordinary blue liquid ball-pen is used
to write our essays, letters, and our names.
However, ordinary it seems, in actual fact,
the pen is rather extraordinary. With a pen,
you can write the uncreated words that
only belong to you. The words that glide
smoothly on a clean sheet of paper prove to
ourselves who we are and document what
are hearts feel and our minds believe.
The scribbles of a smooth 0.7 pen glide
effortlessly onto the paper proving to the
world who we are. This tiny insignificant
plastic blue pen gives us a chance to express
our emotions and help connect in our
relationships with others. Once we write
down the simple words, they belong to
us, and only us regardless of whether we
compose positive or negative thoughts. Not
only can the vibrant blue ink change us,
but also the magnificent pen can change
the world we live in. The words created
by an individual can spread new ideas and
innovations across the globe, impacting the
lives of both the fortunate and unfortunate.
Words can change developing countries
into developed countries. Words can
enlighten those ignorant minds in the
dark of different paradigms. With an item
costing so little, the pen is a remarkable
creation. Never lose the power of the pen.
The miniature neon orange numbered
buttons of the dull smoky grey calculator
probably symbolize one thing in your
mind, math. In school, it is the tool that
helps us pass the dreadful and intimidating
problems found in our complicated Algebra
textbook. However, the calculator is so
much more than a mathematical tool. The
calculator symbolizes the need to calculate
the risks and benefits worth taking in life.
It is vital for each of us to be a risk-taker, as
taking reasonable social and educational
risks is the only way we can learn. With
each risk we follow through with, we may
struggle. If we fail we create mistakes and
learn from others successes. It develops our
character, making us stronger, smarter, and
wiser. Always calculate and take
intelligent risks.
The next item you find is the dark
purple pastel USB. A USB carries all
your documents and data required
throughout your school life at AISA. This
meek computer chip not only carries
our school life, but our whole life. As
a human, each of us experiences new
situations and encounter new problems
throughout our years of existence. With
each incident occurs, we store memory.
Hence, the symbolism of a USB represents
our memories. We are constructed and
composed entirely of memories. Our
memories and our experiences shape
who we are and give us the strength and
knowledge to be the best that we can be.
Create memories and learn from them.
The last of the objects you will find are the
plain white uneventful Apple earphones.
I have learned that every person, whether
strong or weak, craves to feel accepted and
understood. When this wired stringy item
meets your eardrum, that emptiness we
sometimes feel disappears. Headphones
take us to an understanding world, where
the artist of a song feels the emotions you
are experiencing within that day. The
constant beat created by the percussionist,
combined with the string instruments, and
the accepting lyrics of the song occupies
our time and we no longer feel alone. We
feel a soothing sense of serenity passing
through our bodies, as our souls fill with
acceptance. Let music ring in your ears to
sooth your mind and body.
Look closely at each of these items and
realize they are so much more than
what they seem.
www. tempoplanet.com38
With the advent of the
New Year, most of us make
promises to become better
versions of ourselves. But for
personal trainer Eva Clarke,
January presents a different
kind of opportunity: a chance
to break a Guinness World
Record and raise money for
a cancer charity. Indeed, it
was just last February that
Eva successfully achieved
the world record for the most
knuckle push-ups in a space
of 24 hours. She made 9,241
push ups and raised US $
17,000 for the Maria Cristina
Foundation. Tempo caught
up with the fiery Clarke to
learn of her new record-
breaking aspirations…
Tempo: Who is Eva Clarke?
Eva: First and foremost I am a mother
and a wife. Every spare second I can
get between kids and a husband,
I squeeze in for clients and group
fitness sessions. I find time to chase my
dreams, and so I’ve decided to give back
to those who need help.
Tempo: What does fitness mean to you?
Eva: Fitness is equivalent to a vital
organ to me, if I don’t do it I feel like I
won’t survive. It’s my routine: I love
to move. What I do feels right for
me because I am passionate about it.
There are so many forms of fitness
in the world, and we all just need
to find what we like and what suits
our lifestyle and habits. My fitness
is BJJ (Brazilian jiu-jitsu), HUA
(Military Fitness Training), CrossFit,
ultra-marathons, circuit training and
sometimes just playing games with the
kids. Fitness is all about variety and
moving! Just move, and you’ll feel good
about yourself!
Tempo: Tell us about your new attempt
to break a Guinness World Record.
Eva: I am pairing up with fellow
personal trainer, Lee Ryan. I am
attempting one-minute knuckle
pushups, one hour burpees, 12 hour
burpees, and 24 hour burpees. I would
like to add that in April I will run the
London Marathon for charity and I
hope to break the world record for
fastest time carrying a 20 pound
back pack.
Tempo: Run us through the day
of attempt.
Eva: In the first minute I hope to do 80
plus knuckle pushups. Straight after
I will do 20 burpees on every minute
mark for 60 minutes aiming for 1200.
After that I am going to grit my teeth
and dig jaw it through till I get 5000
plus in 12 hours and 7500 in 24 hours.
Last time, I did this and I had a plan
and it didn’t go as “planned” because it
was so arduous on my body. This time
around, I will go until we raise
US 50,000.
Tempo: How were your preparations
for this?
Eva: Every day if am doing a hundred
of burpees, I add them to all my
sessions as warm ups, super sets and
By Vera Rosales
Tempo January 2015
Tempo January 2015
Tempo January 2015
Tempo January 2015
Tempo January 2015
Tempo January 2015

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Tempo January 2015

  • 1. @tempoplanet @tempoplanet Abu Dhabi Tempo JANUARY2015 Now circulating 45,000 copies! Make Your Best Move Change is Good. And That’s Exactly What We’re All About. Master Degree Programs • Master of Business Administration (MBA) • Master of Science in Instructional Technology (MSIT) Bachelor Degree Programs • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration • Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE For more info call 02-4048523 | 056-6882042 adnyit nyitad nyitad is the first licensed American university in Abu Dhabi. It isaccreditedby the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and is located in the heart of the city on Al Muroor Road. Transfer to New York Institute of Technology for a transformative effect on your college career and well beyond! Community Fun: Expanding the Circle Phenom: Artist Adam Makkar New World Record New Hope for Cancer Patients p40 p26 p38
  • 2.
  • 3. www. 3 ADDRESS: To reach editorial at Tempo email: If you need to find out where you can pick up your copy call: 02 491 8624/25 or check out the list of Tempo distribution points on our website. NOTE TO ADVERTISERS: Advertisers can request brand tagging with all advertisements. To reach advertising: tel: 02 491 8624/25 | fax: 02 491 8626 | email: DISCLAIMER: Tempo Magazine does its best to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of its contents, the publisher cannot accept any responsibility for errors, mistakes and inaccuracies. The publisher reserves the rights of this product and no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publisher. MEDIA LICENCE NO. 1/105866/24295 CONTRIBUTORS: SOCIAL PLATFORMS: Akbar Abdullah Alma Kadragic Anaje Brinkley Blakniss Dina Siada Donna Howarth Dorian “Paul D” Rogers Heather Long Vandevoorde Kimberly Moultrie Lana Nasser Marien Oomen Melissa Lowry Mirriam Akbar Nadia Zahid Nisma Hamid Sana Ashraf Seumas Gallacher Shahid Saeed Vanessa Middleton Wafia Shaheer Sana Bagersh Managing Editor Twitter @bagersh d’s note So its 2015 - a year that is already promising to be bigger than life! To get a pulse on Tempo (wordplay intended) I talked to the magazine team and Tempoplanet’s friends about their wish list for 2015. Here’s are the top 12: 1. Peace in the UAE and the rest of the world. 2. Harmony between people, countries, religions and governments. 3. More empowerment for people to work, live and pursue happiness. 4. Instill values of respect and responsibility in our new generation. 5. Encourage people to volunteer and help their communities. 6. Protect the environment and the planet’s resources. 7. Empower business entities and organisations to innovate and seek exciting new solutions for old problems. 8. Share wealth with poorer people. 9. Provide a helping hand for those who are down on their luck and need support. 10. Celebrate art, music and creativity. 11. Make an effort everyday to show kindness. 12. Help build a nation that is peaceful and secure. Need I say more? Have a wonderful 2015 everyone! MANAGING EDITOR Sana Bagersh EDITORIAL COORDINATOR Vera Rosales EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Reneil Bie MARKETING COORDINATOR Bilal Yaman DESIGN & LAYOUT Shihabudheen Hamza DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR Melaku Muluneh TEMPO TEAM ontents 04 notes &cyberchatter/ librarian’s lounge 05 quest for quirky/ generation z 06 what’s hot 07 what’s cool/people calendar 08 tempo top 10/ high five/ #temporeviews 09 talking books/ the blog 11 tempo infographix: top 10 (most broken) new year’s resolutions 12 phototripping 13 shutterbug 14 the epicurean 15 lean and clean 17 the covered cocinera: maria al hosani 18 tempo swag 19 fashion cool: wardrobe trends for 2015 20 blueprint: cashion coffman 22 my 2015 self improvement plan 25 time capsule 26 phenom: artist adam makkar 29 mom’s guide: knows best 30 articulate café/ dhabi dames 31 youth talk/ parental guide 33 flash fiction 34 game hedz 35 tech talk 36 vox pop: new year’s resolutions 37 aisa time capsule/ an expat returns home 38newworldrecordnewhopeforcancerpatients 40 community fun: expanding the circle 41 vox pop: new year’s resolutions 42 design: a teaching perspective Bridal Photography 12 @tempoplanet @tempoplanet Tempo UAE (Group) TempoBeat (Group) Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page)
  • 4. www. tempoplanet.com4 POST YOUR VIEWS AND COMMENTS ON OUR FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM notes cyberchatter TEMPO POLL OF THE MONTH ON LIBRARIANS: DEVELOPING THE FUTURE INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL OF THE UAE It’s so great to see young talent reach its true potential and to see how librarians play a big role in doing so, especially when unfortunately they are so undermined these days. - Scott ON PAINTING CONSTELLATIONS WITH TINA MCNIFF Stars have always fascinated me but before I read this article, I never imagined that you could enjoy a view of those dazzling constellations ‘at your roof’ right before you sleep at night! - Dylan ON STUDENTS GIVE BACK: BUILDING BORNEO Giving something without expecting anything in return – that’s how I understood the central message for this story. These kids… these people, they can’t really give anything material right back to you but what counts was the fact that they accepted the help you extended to them wholeheartedly. Such a heart-warming story! I’d love to read more stories like this! - Harvey ON ARTICULATE CAFÉ: CALVIN ‘MADE SON’ EARLY: Poets and performers of the spoken word are hard to come by these days. It’s great to learn that there are still some of them who wish to try out their thing here in the Gulf. - Tyrone ON LEAN AND CLEAN: V FOR VENISON Seeing these meals already make me hungry. I think it would be worth the wait, even after slow-cooking the Venison. That last picture made a mouth-watering impression! - George ON FATIMA BINT HAZZA CULTURAL FOUNDATION, A SOCIAL PROGRESS BEACON I am a firm believer that it’s very important to instill the cultural values in the minds of young children so that the heritage and legacy of previous generations would live on to today while keeping up - or better, integrating their learnings with the ever changing world of modern technology. - Timothy tweet@tempoplanet follow@tempoplanetlikeusonfacebook/abudhabitempo What do you think about New Years Resolutions? • I always make a list but only do 1 or 2 of my resolutions. (70%) • I don’t make lists. I just act! (50%) • I always look forward to making and fulfilling a whole new list every year. (30%) • I failed to do my resolutions last year so I’m carrying them over for this year’s. (10%) LIBRARIANS’ LOUNGE By Vanessa Middleton A change of diet usually tops the list of New Year’s resolutions, and nothing is healthier that a raw food diet. There are several notable books on raw food diets such as: Choosing Raw, Making Raw Foods Part of the Way You Eat by Gena Hamshaw; Everyday Raw Express: Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less by Matthew Kenney; Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People by Jennifer Cornbleet; and Ani’s Raw Food Essentials: Recipes and Techniques for Mastering the Art of Raw Food by Ani Phyo. I became excited about raw food after meeting America’s leading expert in the art of raw food cuisine, Dr. Aris LaTham. Recognized in The 2012 Second Edition of Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America as the father of gourmet ethical raw-food cuisine in America, Aris was a presenter recently at the Middle East Natural and Organic Products Expo in Dubai. Aris is originally from Panama but has lived throughout the Caribbean and managed his own restaurant, SunFired Foods in the US since the early 80s. He says that a raw food diet focuses on fresh, local or organic fruits and vegetables. He says produce can be soaked, blended, dehydrated, sprouted and juiced – but not cooked! The list of those who have sampled Aris’ food read like a who’s who directory. He has catered to many personalities including former US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Demi Moore, Deepak Chopra and Cecily Tyson. Over 40 years he has shared his knowledge throughout the world about the benefits of the raw foods diet. Aris explained that there are four reasons why people should incorporate more raw foods into their diet: 1. Heating food beyond 135 degrees Fahrenheit (or, in some cases, as low as 110 degrees) destroys the natural enzymes in the food that aid in pre-digestion. 2. Eating “live” foods in their natural state gives the body the energy it needs, as well as strengthens the immune system to avoid colds, flu and infections. 3. Cooking can rob flavour from many foods. 4. Eating heat-processed food triggers a massive release of white blood cells by our body – a similar response that happens when we have an infection or are poisoned. BOOKS ON RAW FOOD: THE SUPER HEALTHY RAW-FOOD DIET. @tempoplanetTempo UAE (Group) TempoBeat (Group) Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page) @tempoplanet
  • 5. www. 5 quest for quirkyBy Kimberly Moultrie @Friedwanderer By Mirriam Akbar /@InMirzWords generation z NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS: COUNTDOWN TO BROKEN VOWS #ILLRIDEWITHYOU Ahhh it is 2015: a time for people to make yearlong promises to themselves! Promises for a new weight loss regimen, better wages, the opportunity to finally quit smoking, travel more, the list goes on and on. But when and how did all this begin? People have been making these short-lived vows since the time of the Babylonians and Romans, who began the practice of offering resolutions of good conduct to their deity, Janus. Once the Roman calendar was reformed, the first month of the year was renamed January, in honour of their deity, and January 1st marked the first day of new beginnings. Fast forward to 2015 and the practice is still very much in play! Over time, people begin to realize that without discipline, it’s difficult to stick to these resolutions. Here we present some of the strangest resolutions we’ve come across lately… “Start using Facebook for anything else than Farmville, Candy Crush Saga and other social games.” “I will not click “reply all” when I want to send a private message to someone!” “I will replace my bad habits….with other bad habits!” “I will wash my underwear more often” “I will not text while driving, especially when on a street with a school on it.” “Learn a new skill, like plucking nose hairs.” “Care more about the environment and the air we breathe by passing less wind!” “I will save enough money to buy a Velcro wall—and I plan on ‘sticking to it’!” “Spend less than $1850 for coffee at Starbucks this year.” “I will spend more time watching TV and movies.” “I will balance my checkbook…on my nose.” “I will save some money for a rainy day - that way I can shop online instead of having to go to an actual store.” An example of a resolution gone wrong over the years: 2007-- I will reduce my weight to below 65kg 2008 – I will watch my calories until my weight is below 75kg. 2009 – I will follow my new diet until I get below 85 2010 – I will go to the gym once a week 2011-- I will drive past a gym at least once a week What are some of the strangest resolutions you’ve heard? Let me know: @friedwanderer! It rarely happens, but even out of the most horrible situations, beautiful things can come. A sense of greater awareness and unity emerges along with a sense of morality that is based entirely on how people and society handle a given situation. That’s exactly what happened to the people of Australia -with the help of social media. Last December an armed man took hostage nine customers and eight employees of Lindt chocolate café in Sydney. The hostage situation lasted 16 hours, and two people were killed. Due to the gunman’s motives and his background, the Muslim community was genuinely afraid of a racial backlash. Many hate crimes have taken place against Muslims after such events, and this time as well they anticipated a similar response. TV content editor and writer Tessa Kum from Sydney read a story about discrimination that made her so upset she started the hashtag “#IllRideWithYou”. Itwas offered to Muslims who didn’t feel safe riding the train alone. In no time at all the hashtag went viral with tweets from thousands of people from all over Australia sharing the same message of solidarity. The hashtag began trending worldwide and stayed there throughout the day. Within the first three hours, 60,000 tweets were generated with the hashtag, and as this went to press there were a total of 117,682 tweets and counting. Australians could not have been prouder about the way they handled the situation. People from all over the world joined the hashtag and expressed their concerns and the need for all communities, regardless of race, religion, gender and ethnicity to unite. Many might wonder what difference a simple hashtag on social media can make. Usually when news breaks out of such events, hateful comments dominate, but this time it was different and the hashtag urged tolerance, respect, and understanding. The episode wasn’t saying that these issues do not exist but rather that “We know it exists, we acknowledge it, and we are fighting it.” It also speaks volumes to the future generation. The fact is this took place via social media, a virtual platform that gave voice to thousands in the midst of such chaos –and it’s good to know that even out of such horrible events something beautiful can happen. The people of Australia are a leading example, and we hope that we continue to spread unity beyond hashtags and trends. The power of social media is in our hands: it is endless, and it can open doors to much needed love respect, and understanding. Australia, #IllRideWithYou Learn more about the campaign here:
  • 6. www. tempoplanet.com6 TheSpaceAD TO ADVERTISE YOUR EVENT AND BE INCLUDED IN OUR ISSUE, CONTACT US AT: or e-mail 2 491 8624 MOTHERLAND 7 January Manarat Al Saadiyat , Abu Dhabi The capital will welcome the new star of the international piano scene, Khatia Buniatishvili, who The Guardian newspaper has hailed as “one of the great pianists of the future.” A multiple prizewinner and distinguished as a BBC New Generation Artist, this emerging pianist is regarded by many as the new Martha Argerich. Info: 5TH EMIRATES CUP - 25M - FIRST SERIES 24 January Al Wasl Sports Club, Oud Metha The first series of the 5th Emirates Cup will take place in Al Wasl Sports Club. The 25 meter race is designed for Junior and Senior swimmers and will see professional swimmers from all over the world meet in Dubai. THE PRESIDENT CUP FALCON COMPETITIONS 2015 15-27 January Abu Dhabi Falconers’ Club, Abu Dhabi The second President’s Cup Falconry Competition is being organised with the generous support of the UAE President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. This competition is organised by Abu Dhabi Falconers’ Club with the aim of preserving past achievements and supporting the UAE’s heritage and ancestral sports. Info: ABU DHABI SOLAR CHALLENGE 15 -19 January Masdar City, Abu Dhabi The first-ever solar car competition to take place in the UAE, the cars will drive through the heart of the capital, before heading out into the emirate’s desert terrain. The event coincides with Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week and will conclude at the opening ceremony of the World Future Energy Summit. The challenge is set to attract over 20 top university solar car teams from Australia, Europe, America and Asia, including Michigan State, Nuon and Tokai. Info: UAE JET SKI RACE 16 January Abu Dhabi Corniche, Abu Dhabi The UAE Jet Ski Racehas attracted the participation of some of the world’s top Jet Ski racers. The event, featuring the primary heats, will thrill water sport fans and beach goers as competitors show us how to ride the waves! The race is divided into seven different classes,allowingracers to compete at their own level and in their area of specialty. Set along the shores of the Abu Dhabi Breakwater, spectators will be able to follow the competition from up close. Info: Cinema At The Space Mondays | 7PM A series of film screenings that aims to encourage conversation among filmmakers, supporters, patrons and enthusiasts, who are central to the exciting growth of the local film culture. Decoupage Workshops Wednesdays | 5:30PM – 8:30PM Decoupage: the art of decorating an object by gluing coloured paper cutouts onto it in combination with special paint effects. By Intersect Innovation. Info: Fatima Bin Hussain 0569180007 Rooftop Rythyms Sat Jan.3 | 6:00PM - 8:00PM Rooftop Rhythms pays homage to the rich Arabic history of poetry with a new event hosted and performed exclusively in Arabic. Facebook/ Rooftop Rhythms. Basic Photography Workshop Sun Jan. 4 | 6:00PM – 9:00PM Learn basics of photography with a workshop that will focus on camera operation and handling, basic terminology and composition rules with hands-on training! Mosaic Workshop Mon. Jan 5 | 10:00AM – 12:00PM Learn about the rich history of mosaic art and its contemporary use today with artist Maie Salah. Create your own mosaic mirror to take home! RSVP and inquiries to Info:
  • 7. www. 7 THE TALK OF THE TOWN Anaje Brinkley jan jan11 13 jan jan15 18 jan22 marwa • Syrian • Student 2015 Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship @ Abu Dhabi Golf Club, Abu Dhabi Japan Experiences on the Life Sciences Middle East-JELSME /Conference @ Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, Abu Dhabi Dubai World Cup Carnival 2015 (Race 3) @ Meydan Racecourse, Dubai 2015 MUBADALA WORLD TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP | 1-3 JANUARY | ZAYED SPORTS CITY | ABU DHABI World number 1 and recently crowned Wimbledon champion Novak Djokovic, and world number 2 Rafael Nadal, return to Abu Dhabi for the Mubadala World Tennis Championship. The annual tournament at Zayed Sports City sees six of the world’s top players vie for the ‘winner takes all’ US $250,000 prize. In addition to the tennis displays, the event will feature off-court action in its Tennis Village, with players hold coaching clinics and signing autographs. Info: AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITORS | 22-23 JANUARY | BRIGHTON COLLEGE SCHOOL | ABU DHABI NSO Opera presents the Abu Dhabi Premiere of this classic seasonal opera by American Composer Gian Carlo Menotti.The fully-staged, one-act opera, sung in English, will feature professional opera singers, supported by the NSO Chorus, a young ballet troupe and the NSO Chamber Orchestra, led by Andrew Berryman. Originally written for American Television, ‘Amahl and the Night Visitors’ is a moving tale about a curious, crippled shepherd boy and his widowed mother who are visited by the Three Wise Men on their way to Bethlehem. The concert is made in support of the eradication of worldwide polio. Info: DUBAI INTERNATIONAL KITE FEST 2015 | 29-31 JANUARY | JUMEIRAH BEACH | DUBAI Having its beginnings back in 2011, the International Kite Fiesta Dubai is the only event of its kind in the Middle East. The event offers a unique outdoor experience to not only kite enthusiast but spectators as well. International kite teams will be brought together to compete and exhibit their skills while kids will have workshops and a play area to keep themselves entertained. A variety of cultural programs and themes will be used to represent the various participating nations in the kite festival. Bring your own kites or get new kites at the festival with your friends and have a blast. Info: REBUILD PALESTINE. START WITH EDUCATION. | 8-11 JANUARY | AL BOOM TOURIST VILLAGE | DUBAI We’re inviting the UAE community to join us in packing 50,000 school kits for the children of Gaza as part of our “Rebuild Palestine. Start with Education.” initiative. This volunteering initiative which is scheduled to take place between the 8th and 11th of January 2015 from 10 am to 6 pm at Al Boom Tourist Village, addresses the shortage in basic educational supplies in Gaza amidst the aftermath of the latest round of violence. Info: campaigns-19.html
  • 8. www. tempoplanet.com8 songs in the uae | Abu Dhabi | Ajman | Dubai | Fujairah | Ras Al Khaimah | Sharjah | Umm Al Quwain 6 7 8 9 10 TUESDAY > iLoveMakonnen (ft. Drake) NO TYPE > Rae Sremmurd RATHER BE > Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne BLACK WIDOW > Iggy Azalea ft. Rita Ora LIPS ARE MOVIN > Meghan Trainor1 2 3 4 5 UPTOWN FUNK > Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars TAKE ME TO CHURCH > Hozier 7/11 > Beyoncé DON’T > Ed Sheeran I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE > Sam Smith now showing this month Tempo’s movie buffs came together and discovered this month’s latest flicks in the Gulf. For contests, ticket giveaways and freebies, Like & Follow Tempo on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! tempo movie reviews Follow #TempoReviews on Twitter for more. A RECOVERING GAMBLING ADDICT FINDS WORK PROVIDING PROTECTION TO HIS FRIENDS. FUN FACT: TO STAY LEAN FOR THIS ROLE, JASON STATHAM CONSUMED A DIET OF JUST SPINACH AND BROWN RICE. Directed by: Simon West Cast: : Jason Statham, Michael Angarano, Dominik García-Lorido ART DEALER CHARLES MORTDECAI SEARCHES FOR A STOLEN PAINTING THAT’S REPORTEDLY LINKED TO A LOST BANK ACCOUNT FILLED WITH NAZI GOLD. FUN FACT: THE SECOND FILM DIRECTED BY DAVID KOEPP STARRING JOHNNY DEPP. THE FIRST BEING THE 2004 ADAPTION OF STEPHEN KING’S THE “SECRET WINDOW”. FUN FACT: THE SECOND FILM DIRECTED BY DAVID KOEPP STARRING JOHNNY DEPP. THE FIRST BEING THE 2004 ADAPTION OF STEPHEN KING’S THE “SECRET WINDOW”. Directed by: David Koepp Cast: Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor A SHY YOUNG GROOM NEEDS TO IMPRESS HIS IN-LAWS, SO HE TURNS TO A BEST-MAN-FOR-HIRE TO HELP HIM OUT. FUN FACT: THIS WAS ORIGINALLY SET TO BE A STARRING VEHICLE FOR OWEN WILSON AND VINCE VAUGHN. Directed by: Jeremy Garelick Cast: Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, Josh Gad, Alan Ritchson WILD CARD GENRE:ACTION | CRIME | DRAMA TEMPO PREDICTION: MORTDECAI GENRE: ACTION | COMEDY TEMPO PREDICTION: TAKEN 3 GENRE: ACTION | CRIME | THRILLER TEMPO PREDICTION: THE WEDDING RINGER GENRE: COMEDY TEMPO PREDICTION: POWERED BY Sarah Alshehhi Age: 15 Nationality: Emirati Genres: Classic Rock and Ballad Inspiration: Joan Jett, Demi Lovato Favourite Artists: Jessie J, Christina Aguilera, Joan Jett Music Dreams: To be able to be an X Factor or American Idol and sing with DefLeppard, Bon Jovi or Joan Jett Watch my High Five video here SHOUT OUT: DO YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED IN TEMPO HIGH FIVE? JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP ‘‘TEMPOBEAT” AND TELL US MORE ABOUT YOUR TALENT! BRYAN MILLS, AN EX-GOVERNMENT OPERATIVE IS ACCUSED OF A RUTHLESS MURDER HE NEVER COMMITTED OR WITNESSED. AS HE IS PURSUED, BRYAN MILLS BRINGS OUT HIS PARTICULAR SET OF SKILLS TO CLEAR HIS NAME. FUN FACT: IN TAKEN 3, IN AN INTERESTING ROLE-REVERSAL, FRANCK DOTZLER TELLS BRYAN EXACTLY WHAT HE WILL DO AND WHAT BRYAN IS UP AGAINST TO WHICH BRYAN REPLIES, “GOOD LUCK”. DIRECTED BY: Olivier Megaton CAST: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen
  • 9. www. 9 By Seumas Gallacher @seumasgallacher by Sana aShraf THE BLOGTALKING BOOKS …the Big Bid for Infant Freedom… and the dire consequences lurking thereby… ELEANOR AND PARK BY RAINBOW ROWELL I believe that a book that doesn’t leave one thinking about it afterwards is not worth recommending. Eleanor and Park isn’t one of those books. It left me dumbfounded, confused, and aching for more to read. It was one of the most honest books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Set in America during the late 1980’s, Eleanor and Park bonded over comic books and good music, much as couples would bond over TV shows nowadays. (Sherlock or Game of Thrones anyone?) Eleanor, the new student, sat alongside Park. He was different from her. He slept on a waterbed, in the luxury of his own space, whilst she and her five siblings crammed in one bedroom. He was half- Korean. Her red hair ‘glowed at night’. Perhaps it is true when they say that opposites attract, but these two were not exactly yin and yang. Added to the heart-wrenching obstacles and their contrasting lives, everything about them was simply awkward. The conversations between the characters were so eloquently put together that it felt as though it were all recorded in real-time. Rowell’s portrayal of the protagonists’ views on each other is illustrated beautifully. I felt as though I were reading the novel in the first-person, despite it being written in third-person because of the author’s style switching between Eleanor and Park every other page. The switching between the two distinguishes this novel from its fellow Young Adult novels. Reading it was like watching someone talk about their own experience... as their eyes would sparkle at the telling of the story; as though by the act of retelling the story they were reliving it again - for instance... “Eleanor was right. She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn’t supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.” How can one not fall in love with words like that? Eleanor’s flawed personality echoed throughout the novel in her constant self-doubt, but Park loved it all. He adored everything about her, and craved constantly for more of her. Their love is addictive, but every beginning has an ending, and that perhaps is what left me wishing Rowell had picked up a pen and written a sequel. Overall, anything I say cannot do this book justice. I recommend this to everyone in search of a good story, but be warned as it will leave you with unsettled thoughts and emotions. ANOTHER BOOK RECOMMENDATION An international bestseller, Mornings in Jenin tells the story of a Palestinian family forcibly exiled from their home through the eyes of four generations of a single family. It is a journey of love, courage, identity and friendship, all resulting from the Palestinian ‘nakba’ of 1948. …from the outset, this ol’ Jurassic would like to make it clear that I’m not a strong advocate for needless wholesale corporate punishment… but there are times when the administration of… of… well… just read on… it’s almost a ‘once-upon-a-time’ true story… over 60 years ago, when Master Gallacher was possessed of all the WURLD-ly knowledge available to a wee five-year-old lad from Dockland Govan in Glasgow… my even wee- er sister was all of three-and-a-half, going on forty… with money always scarce, Mam and Da rarely went out on a date together back then, but on one such blue-moon event, they went off to the cinema (I think it was after the silent movies era, but I couldn’t swear to it)… a very, very, very much older girl of around fourteen or fifteen was detailed to babysit the pair of us… the trouble started the minute the door closed on our parents’ over-the shoulder ‘goodbye…see yeez later’… it was only about 5 p.m., and we generally didn’t go to bed until at least 8 or 9 o’clock… we wanted to build a cardboard box fort around the legs of our tiny dining table… the sitter, Helen Foster by name, resisted all our efforts to construct our castle… we squealled, we screeched, we screamed… proper little brats, truth be known… eventually, when Ms Foster’s back was turned, we made it… the Big Bid for Freedom… kids …hand-in-hand, this infant Govan version of Bonnie and Clyde bolted through the door and off down the street… the budding Evil Mastermind in me had a plan… about four streets away the River Clyde presented a playground universe… particularly in the form of the free ferries that crossed from the Govan side across to the Partick side of Glasgow… the service shuttled forth and back every 8 minutes… a passengers-only fleet, and more attractive, the vehicular ferry… car ferry …this was the craft of kids’ dreams… ‘coz it had an upstairs deck with railings from which to scan the length of the Govan shipyards… magic land indeed… we scampered aboard the big boat and stayed there for what seemed like hours, heedless of the panic we’d left behind with the Forlorn Foster Witch… about ten o’clock, we docked on the Govan side for the umpteenth time, and there waiting for us were Mam and Da, and the tearful Ms Foster… the editor should prob’ly draw a curtain over the punishment proceedings when we arrived home… suffice to say, my sister and I had hardly any skin left on our respective criminal backsides when we went to bed… spank …did we suffer mental anguish for the rest of our lives from that?… not a bit of it!… if it had happened in these modern times, with all the P.C. nonsense that swills around, we could prob’ly have had Mam and Da locked up in jail for centuries… I reckon I’m the better respecter of proper authority nowadays… but I’m still a bit leary of boats… see yeez later… LUV YEEZ!…
  • 10.
  • 11. www. 11 After doing some research, and also chatting with readers, Tempo came up with what are typical resolutions that seem to be the first ones that are broken. See if yours fit in any of these, and if you can keep pledge to keep them in 2015.tempo infographix Save Money It would be great to start off the New Year by spending less and saving more! You wouldn’t know when that extra moolah would be handy. Learn Something New A new instrument? A new language? A new sport? The choices are endless! Sell Old Things in the House Some of us might be keeping things for sentimental pur- poses but surely, some other things are just gathering dust up in your closet or attic. Clean up some stuff, get more space, and earn some extra dirhams. Strive to be charitable in 2015 - perhaps by giving stuff away to those in need? Spend More Quality Time with Family Working an 8-5 job weekly might leave you exhausted to the point that you’ll just want to sleep in on the weekends. But never forget that the weekends are actually the best time to bond with your fam- ily – watch a movie together, go on a picnic, swim. Lots of choices to fit all budgets. Quit your Vices Vices are hard to break espe- cially if they’ve been part of your life for a long time now. Smoking is just one of the many vices you need to give up if you want to give your body a fresh slate next year! Again as with the diet, you should do it on a slow but sure rhythm so that your body can adapt to the change. Volunteer / Do Something for Charity Time is one of the most precious resources we can give to anyone. Spend a weekend out to teach kids. Orjump on a good cause and feel good about helping out. Travel How about broadening your perspective by seeing the world? Perhaps you can take a trip to the Far East? Or maybe romantic Venice? Or if you’re on a budget, you can travel somewhere nearer – to a place you’ve never been to before. How about bringing a friend or two along - or even crazier, travel alone! Redecorate the Home The holidays might have filled our homes with holiday cheer, but they also left our homes with lots of holiday clutter. Go for a 2-in1 by redecorating your home while you’re clean- ing up as well. With a little bit of elbow grease you could have a spanking new look in 2015! Go on a Diet and Lose Weight As with #2, you could lose weight more if you take your diet seriously. But don’t do a crash diet to avoid the yo-yo weight effect. A change in diet must be slow but sure. Get Fit Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to go to the gym in your efforts to trim down that waistline. While going to a gym does help, simple exercises like walking or jogging around the park, climbing up and down on the stairs and even skipping that cab and walk- ing to your office helps if done frequently! And while we’re on the topic… THE TOP 10 (MOST BROKEN) NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS
  • 12. www. tempoplanet.com12 phototripping By Shahid Saeed BRIDAL PHOTOGRAPHY LOCATION: Indoor, Sharjah - UAE SETTING: Manual Mode CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D800 F-STOP/APERTURE: f10 ISO: 200 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/125sec LOCATION: Corniche, Ajman - UAE SETTING: Manual Mode CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D800 F-STOP/APERTURE: f4.5 ISO: 200 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/100sec LOCATION: Indoor, Sharjah - UAE SETTING: Manual Mode CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D800 F-STOP/APERTURE: f11 ISO: 160 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/160sec LOCATION: Desert, Dubai - UAE SETTING: Manual Mode CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D3100 F-STOP/APERTURE: f9 ISO: 100 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/250sec LOCATION: Indoor, Sharjah - UAE SETTING: Manual Mode CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D800 F-STOP/APERTURE: f10 ISO: 100 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/160sec Bridal photography is a popular genre in photographic art. It encompasses photographs of the bride before marriage (for announcements, portrait or thank you cards) as well as coverage of the wedding and reception. It is vital commercially as it funds the efforts of photographers and their studios. PHOTOGRAPHER: Wardah Lodhi
  • 13. www. 13 shutterbug SALALAH: BEAUTIFUL REALITY Akbar Abdullah I am a self-taught photographer with lots of enthusiasm for photography. While I have my day job as an Interior Designer, photography has been my passion and life ever since I was a kid. Nature photography has always been my favourite. I’m happy to share what I consider to be an unbelievable experience of my life – my trip to Salalah. I remember the view as I entered a desert of 45°C heat, and the cold and misty mountains of Salalah. It is a land of miracles! @tempoplanetTempo UAE (Group) TempoBeat (Group) Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page) @tempoplanet
  • 14. www. tempoplanet.com14 the epicureanBy Lana Nasser Instagram: @l4n4n JANUARY PARTIES: HELLO 2015! We all know that January is the month of resolutions, ultimatums and deadlines. But why not make it a great time to get together with your friends and energize for the year ahead? Here’s how to plan perfectly... The reason? Why are you throwing a party? The reason is what will give it soul and heart. It will also help determine your guest list and your theme. I love themes to parties, even if they are small intimate affairs. You can play a board game, or have a murder mystery dinner. If board games are not your thing you can always try your voice at karaoke and have everyone show up as their favourite singer with a favourite song they’ve been practicing. If it’s a larger party, a zany Hunger Games feel would definitely be a first! The menu? In my book, the food always makes the party. Good food keeps people happy. So how do you decide what to serve? Well, it all depends on the type of evening. Chilled hangouts require soulful comfort food such as spinach and artichoke dip, seven layer Mexican dip, big bowls of salads with quinoa and kale. Make your own tacos or build your own burgers. If it’s a more corporate holiday dinner party, where you’re inviting your husband’s boss, colleagues or staff, then strive to impress. Always take your guests’ special requests and dietary restrictions into consideration. If I have guests visiting from out of town, I love to welcome them into my home and into my world by serving a few authentic Middle Eastern dishes. If your evening has a special theme to it, then it’s always interesting to pair it with a menu that reinforces the style of your event. I threw an indoor Mexican beach party a few years back, with finger-foods like coconut shrimp skewers, pineapple and chicken, beef taquitos with guacamole and spicy crispy burgers with jalapeno mayo. All the waitstaff wore sombreros and everyone had to show up in their shorts and flip-flops. There was perfect synergy between the theme and the food to create the right ambiance. It’s more fun to pass canapés than to serve a full dinner buffet because it keeps people on their feet so they can mingle or dance. How much is enough? The ubiquitous question: “Will there be enough food?” If the quantities are meticulously planned, you’ll never run out of food. When I plan my cocktail menu, I prefer to have a larger variety of items of smaller quantities rather than a more restricted selection of greater quantity. The more eclectic the food, even better, it keeps people waiting to see what’s coming up next and reduces the chances of everyone eating from the same type. It also gives the impression of a more lavish spread. Another trick is to do a rough calculation; so if it’s a one to two hour pre-dinner event such as a gallery opening or a corporate networking event, where people are not expected to fill up on food, we usually calculate two to three pieces per person. If, however, it’s a fortieth birthday party with guests expecting to stay around four to six hours, then a calculation of 12 to 14 pieces per person is recommended. This equation has proven to be useful time and time again. And the Music? Music, for me, is like food: it adds life to your party and needs to be shared with everyone. There is a misconception that music has to be played only if it’s a dance party and people are expected to dance. I say even if you’re having a few close friends over for dinner have some lounge, jazz or pop music so you can sing along with your friends. Party on!
  • 15. www. 15 A NEW YEAR: A YOUTHFUL APPROACH A NEW YEAR: CLEAN EATING! lean and cleanBy Melissa Lowry @fitandfaithfulforever By Donna Howarth @cleaneatuae Tis’ the season for New Year’s resolutions and increased gym memberships, which means you may be waiting a long time for a treadmill, exercise machine or set of 10kg dumbbells. So, rummage through your storage bin. It may hold the key to unlocking your at-home, personal exercise regimen. What about that long-forgotten jump rope? It is an excellent resource for increasing cardiovascular endurance, core strength and pure athleticism. Besides, if you haven’t picked up a jump rope in a while, you will feel like you’re at recess – do you need a better excuse to play? Make your playground on the balcony or patio or in the living room and warm up with a basic two-legged hop for five to ten minutes before incorporating the following challenges: Alternating Toe Taps: While jumping rope with forward motion, shift your bodyweight from side to side moving one foot in front of the other and tapping your toes. Perform toe taps for 1 minute, three times. Single-Leg Hops: While jumping rope, hop on each leg for 10-50 repetitions, three times. Did you dig up those ankle weights? Don’t toss them; they aren’t an outdated fashion accessory. Instead, use ankle weights at home for floor exercises or in absence of weighted cable machines. Fire up those hamstrings, glutes and lower back while performing the following exercises with ankle weights: Reverse Scissors: Lie flat on your stomach with arms outstretched in front of you. Dig your abdominals into the mat, keep a soft knee and open your legs as wide and as straight as you comfortably can while you move them over one another. Complete 20 reps, three-five times. Three Quarter Kick: Position yourself on all fours and lift one leg up and out to the side while keeping your back straight and elbows soft. The Three Quarter Kick not only engages the hamstrings and glutes but unlike the Donkey Kick, it also targets the inner thigh. Alternate each leg for 25 reps, four times. Before you overlook or avoid that kettlebell because it isn’t child’s play, think again. Wielding a ball of iron develops strength, conditioning, stamina and coordination all while improving fitness and physique. So, get into the swing, the Kettlebell Swing, by performing the following drill: Standard Kettlebell Swing: Place feet between shoulder and hip width apart and center bell about 3-6 inches in front of your toes. Fold at the hips shifting weight to your heels (think: deadlift). Establish a two-handed grip on the kettlebell, slightly bend and extend your knees and hike the kettlebell back between your legs. As the bell reaches the end of your back swing, press through your heels, hips and back until you are in the upright position. This action should launch the bell hip or chest height. Perform a Tabata by setting a timer or downloading a Gymboss application to track 20 seconds swings and 10 seconds rest – totaling eight rounds equivalent to four minutes. So here we are, the start of another year: new beginnings and resolutions that will not see the end of January, nevermind the rest of the year! Clean eating is a way of life, and not a diet that you give up after two weeks just because you are bored with the restrictions and constantly feeling hungry. If this is completely new to you, take small steps to make small changes. For example: Instead of white rice choose brown rice or quinoa; instead of white bread choose brown bread with whole grains; instead of white sugar choose honey, maple syrup or dark sugar; and instead of breakfast cereals choose porridge oats. Eat regularly, 5-6 times a day, to stop you feeling hungry and reaching for the first thing you can find, which is most probablyhigh in sugary carbohydrates! When shopping, check the ingredients and read the label. If there are more than 5-6 ingredients or there are words you cannot pronounce, it is most probably not a “clean” food. I cannot stress this enough!It is something you will need to do on your shopping trips, and it’s all part of your “clean eating” education. Take your time in the fresh vegetable andfruit aisle in the supermarkets. Smell and “feel” the produce; find the freshest produce you can find… that way it will last longer. When you are buying meat, buy it plain and ask for your meat to be minced rather than buying ready minced. Pick the freshest and leanest of meat – if possible buy organic and grass-fed. Expect your tastebuds to change – clean food may appear bland at first as your tongue is used to food with additives and preservatives. On the flip side, once you have been eating clean for a couple of weeks your tastebuds will be sensitive to salt and sugar. With any changes you make in life, you have to give it time. Research “clean eating” (take a look at my CleanEat UAE page for help and advice), search for new recipes and involve your whole family. Cook with the children as they are more likely to eat food they have helped to prepare. Create a weekly menu for the family and write a shopping list, this way the food is in the cupboard and fridge waiting to be made into a nutritious meal. The recipe this month is a healthy and clean beef burger option that is tasty and easy to make. Beef Burgers with Sweet Potato and melted Mozzarella (Serves 4) 1 large sweet potato (or 2 medium) with skin on. Cut into 1” slices Good pinch of oregano 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil 4 organic beef burgers 2 large Mozzarella balls, sliced 2 large tomatoes, sliced All room temperature. In a frying pan, heat the oil and add the sliced sweet potato. Sprinkle the oregano and a little salt and pepper on both sides. Cook for approximately 8 minutes, turning frequently. Transfer to a roasting tin that has been lined with foil. Place in an oven (175 – fan) till soft but not mushy. In the same frying pan, cook the burgers to your liking (season lightly). Place the sliced cheese on top to melt. Meantime, arrange your cooked sweet potato on a plate followed by the tomatoes and finally the burger and cheese. Serve with a rocket or spinach salad. Lovely! Enjoy! Check more recipes from @cleaneatuae here:
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  • 17. www. 17 As a melting pot of so many cultures, the UAE offers a feast of cuisines that would delight any globe- exploring foodie. Mexican, however, surprisingly remains underexposed, and underserved. Enter Maria Al Hosani: a native of El Paso, Texas – who’s trying to change that. Anyone trawling the ‘concineras’ of the UAE would be hard pressed to find that culinary authenticity that combines the heady gastronomy of Mesoamerican and Spanish cooking. Yet the Abu Dhabi based entrepreneur has found her niche not only in preparing real Mexican food, but also in delivering it to her clientele. “I can honestly say that all of my menu items in one way or another are a favorite, it all depends on what my client is looking for at that moment. I can say that the best seller for the past few years is the Chipotle Enchilada.” Looks may certainly be deceiving when it comes to Maria, but in the best of ways. While she may appear Emirati in her neatly done black abaya and sound Emirati due to her fluent Arabic, Maria is in fact a native to El Paso, Texas. The story of how she ended up in Abu Dhabi is as equally romantic as it is successful. “When I first arrived in Abu Dhabi life was very simple but quite pleasant. I came from El Paso, Texas so the transition wasn’t so scary with both being small cities.” While spending time in Fort Bliss, Texas, Maria met an Emirati man. The two fell in love, which eventually led to marriage, and a move to the sparsely built Abu Dhabi in 1989. When she first arrived in Abu Dhabi, Maria dressed semi-conservatively to respect her Emirati in-laws of whom she was staying with. This notion led towards an interest in Emirati culture and customs, which eventually led to her donning the full black abaya and even converting to Islam from Catholicism. And as with many married couples in the UAE, the idea and reality of children and family life quickly entered the picture. “Adapting from Texas to Abu Dhabi wasn’t very hard, finding friends was the most difficult part.” One would assume that the Mexican recipes Maria crafts originate from her roots in Texas (a southern state that borders Mexico). Yet the truth is she actually learned how to cook most of the meals she makes once she was already settled in to Abu Dhabi. Maria found a group of Latinas that taught her how to make delicious tortillas along with a few other items. “I learned all my recipes from Mom, family and some trusted cook books of course adding my own touches along the way. I have managed to personalize all of my recipes.” Though as successful as her story may be, Maria still faces some very relatable challenges when it comes to running her business. “The biggest challenge has always been supply. I can pretty much manage anything else thrown at me but suppliers always keep me on my toes!” When it comes to others who want to start their own business, or share in the entrepreneurial experience Maria simply says: “Just do it, don’t let anything get in your way!” However, she also warns that you must be prepared to “Work, sacrifice, and work some more”, a motto that certainly rings true to how much effort she puts into both her family and her business. While Maria still loves to cook her authentic Mexican menu, she also loves to sew. She hopes that in the future she might be able to pursue purse making as well as making other items of apparel. But as for the far future she’s unsure about when she wants to retire, but is strongly considering the possibility of giving cooking lessons. MARIA AL HOSANI: THE COVERED COCINERABy Warren Fox For those interested in ordering food from Maria, you can either email her at for the menu, or join the Facebook group: @tempoplanetTempo UAE (Group) TempoBeat (Group) Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page) @tempoplanet
  • 18. www. tempoplanet.com18 > Bally Bloom - XL Travel Bag Available @ Bally > Aldo Acilisa Earrings Available @ Al Wahda Mall > Rocket Clutch Bag Available @ Kate Spade > Boho Chic Arye Coat Available @ Diesel >Armani Jeans-Slim Fit Dark Wash Available @ Marina Mall >Eyezone Tom Ford Eyewear Available @ Khalidiya Mall > Pinko Petalo Chiodo Biker Jacket Available @ The Galleria Mall > Adidas Supernova Glide Boost Shoes Available @ Al Wahda Mall > EvitaPeroniRuggedLeatherHeadBand Available @ World Trade Center Mall >OscardelaRentaEmbroideredJacquardDress Available @ Moda Operandi TO SEE YOUR SWAG OR YOUR BRAND HERE, EMAIL:Follow us on Twitter. Post your Fashion Shots with #TempoSwag
  • 19. www. 19 FASHION COOL: WARDROBE TRENDS FOR 2015 BYWAFIASHAHEER Fashion is known to reinvigorate itself as designers launch new trends whilst bringing back some old favourites. Expect 2015 to usher in some exciting fashion trends as top designers compete to up the ante. We predict five top fashion looks that you can work into your wardrobe… TREND 1: Gingham Think Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz! You may think of this as American barn-style dressing, but ‘Print of Spring’ has hit the runway like a storm and has joined fashion’s mainstream for the upcoming season. With designers such as Michael Kors, Oscar de la Renta, Altuzarra and Ralph Lauren featuring it on their catwalks, this print look is incorporated in everything from dresses all the way to pants. TREND 4: Festival Chick Loose fit, draped cut, and printed chiffons epitomized flow. From jackets to vests, this distinctive style is being seen in all forms of fashion from designers like Saint Laurent, Gucci, Christian Dior and Roberto Cavalli. TREND 5: Denim Denim never gets old! It comes this season in all shades of colours, and shows that there is more to it than just jeans. It is now combined with materials such as lace, jewels and patches. The fashion variations of denim are endless and versatile, as demonstrated by Louis Vuitton, Dolce &Gabbana, Stella McCartney and Lacoste. TREND 2: Suede We have seen this trend get stronger over the years and it has now reached a point where it is becoming something you can wear all year round –kind of like leather. This fabric has dominated on the runways of Gucci, Valentino, Jason Wu and Derek Lam - but with interesting twists. It has been used in deep, rich shades like purple and green and is now making an appearance on trench coats, A-line skirts and dresses. TREND 3: Fringe The fringe trend won’t go away. Although it echoes classic styles from the 20’s and 70’s, it is updated into modern day chic in eveningwear. The easy motion of the fringe has been seen on dresses, skirts and tops in fashion shows this season. Designers such as Givenchy, Fendi, Proneza Schouler have all embraced fringe in their designs.
  • 20. www. tempoplanet.com20 Cashion Coffman AGE: 17 PROFESSION: STUDENT NATIONALITY: AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH BY: Anaje Brinkley Fashion statement: Just have fun with your style! Personal style: Fun and classy. Fave buy of the past month: Silky leopard pajamas. Does the UAE have style: Yes, of course! A lot of people who know how to accessorize. What does style mean to you: It’s everything to me; you get to express yourself and your personality. I don’t leave the house until I’m one hundred percent sure that I look good. Fashion Pet Hate: Definitely socks with sandals.
  • 21.
  • 22. www. tempoplanet.com22 my 2015 self january My Goals My Goals My Mantra My Mantra february may junemarch april My Goals My Mantra My Goals My Mantra My Goals My Mantra My Goals My Mantra You’ve seen my descent. Now watch my rising. – Rumi Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as reality. – Bruce Lee You must master a new way to think before you can master a new way to be. – Marianne Williamson I am not what has happened to me. I am what I chose to become. – Carl Jung Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine. – Ralph Waldo Emerson It is never too late to be what you might have been. – George Eliot pull out pin up my 2015 self
  • 23. improvement plan www. 23 improvement plan My Goals My Goals My Mantra My Mantra july august september october november december My Goals My Mantra My Goals My Mantra My Goals My Mantra My Goals My Mantra Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. - Johann von Goethe A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. – Mark Twain In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity - Albert Einstein Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken. – Oscar Wilde Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. – Benjamin Spock Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. — Les Brown
  • 24.
  • 25. www. 25 LIFE MUSIC FOOD TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY BY ANAJE BRINKLEYABOUT ME Most valued possession: I don’t know. I don’t place a lot of value in things, I value experiences a whole lot more. My idea of peace: When I mediate. Favourite dessert: Cheesecake A perfect weekend is: Going to the beach I’d most like to be stuck in an elevator with: My best friends Music I connect most to: Hip Hop If today were my last day: I’d probably travel one last time. To look great I’d wear: Jeans, my favourite sneakers, and a nice fitted t-shirt. Goal in life: To become a professional Jiu Jitsu fighter. Who deserves a big thank you: My Jiu Jitsu coaches because they motivate me to do good. I need to survive: Food, water, and the love of my life, I see myself in 10 years: I’ll be living right in front of the beach in Brazil. What inspires me most: Seeing people follow their dreams. My favourite hangout: This secret mountain that has a lookout point where you can see the city lights. Earliest memory: I use to like insects and bugs. I once found a dead lizard, and when my teacher told me to throw it away, I threw a fit and ended up keeping the dead lizard for months. NAME: Nick Hurtado AGE: 18 PROFESSION: Student NATIONALITY: Colombian NAME: Nick Hurtado AGE: 18 PROFESSION: Student NATIONALITY: Colombian
  • 26. www. tempoplanet.com26 Whether it’s painting a huge mural of Biggie or a stylized painting of Tupac, Adam Makkar is a standout talent who is difficult to ignore. Tempo caught up with him… As a student, Makkar’s artwork adorned the walls of his school the American Community School (ACS). It was his eighth grade art teacher Stephanie Goebel who first noticed his artistic potential, and encouraged him to work on his craft. He later took IB art and started dabbling with different art forms, immersing himself in deeper artistic experimentation. Makkar, now 19, is majoring in Visual Communications Design and Graphic Design at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Washington. He comes back to the UAE periodically to visit family and friends. “I love working with pen, water colours, printmaking tools and spray,” he says. “I honestly don’t know if I can bring it down to just one simple thing, but I think everything in my life somehow affects the art that I produce.” “My artistic process is very impulsive. I either work on something for hours on end PHENOM: ARTIST ADAM MAKKARBy Dina Siada
  • 27. www. 27 or ignore it for days. I get these random urges to create something specific and just dive into the work and not do anything but that. Sometimes I plan out the piece, draw out a sketch, experiment with materials and techniques, create Photoshop renditions of what I want to make and test different colour combinations - or I go in blind and do whatever comes to me in the moment. It really all depends on my confidence in the medium and technique I’m using. It also depends on how clear an image I have in my head.” He adds, “For the most part art is salvageable; if you wipe away at it fast enough or start over entirely you can always end up with the outcome you were hoping for. You don’t have to settle for good enough if it isn’t exactly what you wanted. Sometimes you just have to keep practicing and re-doing things until you’re satisfied, but eventually you’ll get there. I always mess things up, which is why art is good for me… because when I do mess up, I know I can fix it over and over again until its what I want it to be.” Makkar sees himself becoming a professional tattoo artist: “It’s a way of leaving my mark on something. It’s a form artistic expression that really interests me. I don’t see myself influencing the modern art world in other way, like becoming the next Bansky, or having my worked displayed along with Salvador Dali.” He says although his parents accept his decision they want him to aspire to more ambitious goals. “But I don’t see myself revolutionizing art or bringing it into a new era. To me, giving people tattoos is enough. People come to me and have complete trust in my vision, and to be able to permanently display that vision on their bodies for others to see for the rest of their life is pretty amazing.” Makkar has already been approached for commissioned work. He has done a few large artworks like the Tupac and Biggie oil paintings, and smaller pieces like the Big Hero 6 drawing. He hasn’t exhibited publicly. His only exhibition was at school as part of the IB Art programme. “I enjoy making art most when I’m being paid for it. I like it when I have to force myself to finish something - not because I have a deadline to meet or an angry teacher to show my piece to, but because the customer will withdraw their commission. When I want to do something right, I voluntarily stop being lazy and get up to work; my pieces turn out better that way.” @tempoplanetTempo UAE (Group) TempoBeat (Group) Abu Dhabi Tempo (Page) @tempoplanet
  • 29. www. 29 MOM’S GUIDE: KNOWS BEST One of the hardest jobs in the world is being a mom and that’s why Esraa Rothman launched Mom’s Guide Abu Dhabi two years ago. Esraa took time away from her busy schedule to talk to Tempo about motherhood, business and good times… Tempo: Esraa, Tempo interviewed you two years ago. How have things changed for you as a mom and as a business owner? Esraa: I feel much more settled now. I feel so settled in fact that I started redecorating our home after three years of living in the same place. You know I was reflecting on this the other day. Fatima, my six year old daughter, asked me “what does our flag look like?” and I started to answer “stars and stripes” and she said ‘no, the UAE flag’. That made me pause for a second and think about how much our daughters consider this home. I definitely feel more settled now, in this home away from home. Tempo: How have things changed for Mom’s Guide Abu Dhabi? Esraa: That’s an interesting question because your last interview with me was actually during the launch of Mom’s Guide Abu Dhabi. Back in the first year my effort was focused on having a website and a social media presence. We basically wanted to tell people that we’re here and we exist. The second year, we concentrated on being out in the community and having an on-the-ground presence. So we’ve evolved from being seen as a media information sharing organisation to a community-based organisation that reaches out to moms. My days now are just as busy as before, but I’ve gotten busier because I now do development consulting in addition to Moms Guide Abu Dhabi. Tempo: What has been the best event Mom’s Guide Abu Dhabi has organised? Esraa: That’s a hard one. It is like asking a mother which one of her kids is her favourite! If I had to pick one, the one that comes to mind is The Platform, which is an interactive discussion aimed at informing and educating parents about the different curriculum models available in Abu Dhabi. The overarching goal of “The Platform” events is to foster creative brainstorming, exchange advice, and give mothers and caretakers the opportunity to make well- informed decisions for their families. We had representatives from leading schools in the area including the headmaster of Cranleigh, the superintendent from ACS, the CEO of Al Dar Academies, and the principal of Al Bateen School. We love creating child-friendly spaces for moms to get inspired, empowered, and connected. Tempo: Is that how you know you’re doing things right? Esraa: Well, success to us is the level of interest and support we get from other moms. We love it when we meet moms and they are excited about Moms Guide Abu Dhabi, and they tell us how much they love our site, or how informative our tweet was, or that they went to an event because we put it up on facebook, or that they are so happy they came to our moms guide meetup and made new friends. That tells us we are doing something right! Unfortunately, we will have to start thinking more financially in the future in order to keep Moms Guide Abu Dhabi here for the long run. We want to be here alive and well to report live on the Expo 20/20 haha! Tempo: What were the challenges you have had to overcome? Esraa: Retaining our volunteers in this dynamic, face-paced and transient city is challenging. Running Moms Guide Abu Dhabi with a team that is full of working moms with very young children is also challenging. We do not want to lament the difficulty of running a business while also working full-time, running a house and parenting young children, but the fact remains that it is not easy. We are now able to overcome some of these challenges by approving new team members to be on board to free us from the administrative tasks. Another solution has been to schedule regular business meetings at night after we put our kids to sleep at 8-10pm on Sundays and Tuesdays. Tempo: What are your future plans for Mom’s Guide Abu Dhabi? Esraa: It is to continue to be responsive to the mom community in Abu Dhabi. We want to organically grow and evolve our current programs. Here are some near future plans: Moms in the city, our Moms Meetup group, was launched in April 2012 and has over 450 moms.In 2015 we will grow the number of services; starting this month we are going to be launching two new products: a mom organizer and a loyalty card. Visit our website to have it delivered to your home. We will try to highlight all businesses that are family-friendly under our “Friends of Moms Guide” section on the website. Moms Talk will come to the forefront; you will be seeing more moms talk and give reviews on our site. Other than that we will try to just keep doing what we are doing, just a notch better than what we’ve been doing the previous two years. Tempo:What’s your message to all the moms out there? Esraa: Don’t try to survive, figure out what type of self-care you need to tap into to THRIVE! Be easy on yourself, forgive yourself, love yourself. “Good is Good enough,” should be your mommy mantra! Esraa’s new year’s resolutions: 1. Set a week day routine, in stone! 2. Wake Up earlier. Yes 6:30 am is not early enough. I want to go back to my routine prior to moving to UAE of waking up at 4am to meditate /pray then ease into my day with a healthy breakfast and chai bi laban (tea with milk). 3. Learn how to delegate more tasks. This is key for a healthy work-life balance. (I can hear Manal, my mom’s guide partner saying “umm, it’s about time Esraa!”) 4. Plan my meals for the week. No more “What’s for dinner?” every single day of the week. 5. Tackle my long list of DIY projects and blog about it on 6. Put more “Me” time on the calendar: I need to branch out and do other low-stress activities such as yoga multiple times a week at Bodytree, or simply visit a relaxing spa every once in a while. 7. Keep my house tidy and super organized. (Ha! I don’t know why I started cracking up when I wrote that resolution). “Appreciating our new home”, Abdallah Ezekiel Rothman, Me, Fatima Rothman 6, Wafaa Rothman 3. Location: Abu Dhabi Corniche, 2014 #WhatLiftsYou always inspired by my surrounding, 2014
  • 30. www. tempoplanet.com30 By Dorian “Paul D” Rogers/@pauldTHERIPY Dorian ‘Paul D’ Rogers is a regular Tempo contributor and award-winning poet. THE SPACE FOR NEW PERSPECTIVES articulate cafe Where do I begin to tell the sweet love story of Fido? He was a ‘best friend’ to each member of the family. He left a paw print and his cuddly love in our hearts forever. He had the most ordinary dog name. He was our Havanese Cuban dog and that’s why we thought Fidel suited him best… but Fido he was until his last breath at the age of 12. A slip disc and arthritis reduced his quality of life. His last days were spent at the ICU and that’s when the vet recommended euthanasia. We could not think of bringing him back home in his sorry state; it was too demeaning to his dignity. Seeing him for the grand dog he was we sadly, and totally heart broken, agreed to let him go. Coping With Loss In spite of being an ‘older’ mom, it wasn’t easy for me to say the right things to my children who were at the time away from home. “Look beyond the present sadness. Something good is waiting on the horizon. ”We all cried on Skype. My home had become huge and empty and I had excess love in my heart to give away. Why do people live long and pets die young? Loving unconditionally doesn’t come easy to humans. Humans know to doubt, to mock, and to be cynical. Humans have to live long lives till they learn what true loving and giving is. But dogs learn to trust, love and obey from the very beginning. To everyone, Fido was just a dog, but to us he was our furry comfort, our angel dog, ever understanding and ever caring. When our son passed onto heaven nine years ago, Fido comforted us on earth. When my mom passed away two years ago, Fido lent his furry warmth to my sad daughter. He didn’t bark as the neighbor’s dogs do. Every guest was welcomed with a joyous whelp. Fido slid all the way down the corridor, guiding them to their seats, absolutely thrilled. He honoured every guest that walked into my home, and maintained a decent distance from those who didn’t understand him. What Humans Can Learn From Dogs Fido never held grudges. He waited on his favourite chair when I left him for long hours. He never complained if his food was delayed, or if I remained at the computer when it was time for his walk. He disliked loud arguments and looked at those arguing with concern. He always made us smile after a long day. He never terrorized the birds that came to my garden. Sometimes he mistook a plastic bag flying down the road for a cat that needed some chasing! He would grinat the mangiest cat in the neighborhood, as he held no class differences, though he himself was higher bred. Rest in peace. My gentleman dog. I had a chat with Farah Bushnaq, the Programme Manager of “The Space,” to see what sets this venue apart from other hubs within the city. Paul D: How did you get involved as programme manager for The Space? Farah: I was unemployed at the time, and reading at numerous cafes around Abu Dhabi. I heard about The Space one day and became a quick fan. As soon as I heard of a job opening, I leaped at the opportunity and got the job! Paul D: The Space is a unique concept in this town. Can you explain it for those that may assume it is just a magazine shop and café? Farah: The Space is a cultural venue that is the first of its kind in the capital. It’s a specialized business and social hub dedicated to building a cultural and entrepreneurial community. The Space encourages and promotes a new perspective on entrepreneurship, one which fuels people with similar and dissimilar interests to find inspiration, a common ground and ultimately get involved with the community through events. It is a place for people to meet, work, relax, take a break, learn, and network. We have a quality book collection, an intimate and well-equipped cinema room, and a contemporary café. The Space is an environment which fosters the intellect and inspires people to explore the arts. Paul D: It has been a blessing to the artistic community since it opened. I have my Arabic poetry night here and I’ve also hosted a screening of a poetry-related movie called Slam. Thanks for existing! Farah: We’ve also recently had an interesting talk from James Langton of The National newspaper about Abu Dhabi in its pre-oil phase. The talk revealed some never before seen photographs and clips of Abu Dhabi in the early 60s. Many were shocked at how Abu Dhabi was and the extreme transformation that took place in such a short time. Rooftop Rhythms is one of my favourites. It is an all-Arabic poetry night featuring some instruments and songs. This event brings Arab cultures together and draws in foreign interest too. Paul D: The city is taking many intentional strides to becoming more of a cultural hub. Do you notice any artistic synergy in the city since you’ve been here? Farah: More than anything I’ve noticed a great support system among emerging and established artists. The community is really working together to build a strong and diverse cultural hub in all areas whether its film, fashion, music, visual art, architecture, design, innovation and technology. This type of synergy is being recognized by organizations and institutions internationally and it exists because of the multicultural society within Abu Dhabi. Paul D: What are your favourite programmes that you have held at The Space? Farah: There are two art exhibitions that I helped plan at The Space: “The Incessant Ramblings of a Yellow Kind” and “I’m Feeling 22”. These were first time exhibitions for these artists and were special to me because of the recognition they received. The Space made a difference in their artistic journey, and this gave meaning to what I do. Paul D: What would be a dream event that you would love to plan one day? Farah: There are so many things I’d like to plan! I would love to host a week of Arab culture, celebrating Arab arts and culture in its many forms: cinema, art, architecture, music, and literature. Bringing cultural experts, film directors, musicians, and authors in to discuss the traditional and modern Arab culture would be fascinating to put together. I think the Arab world has a lot to offer and this would inspire and enlighten more of the community to preserve and enhance our culture. We would let creative minds roam free with no pressure, limits or guidelines. Paul D: I’m so glad that you are all about taking pressure away and allowing for freedom. Now, I feel no anxiety asking you to take care of the bill. dhabi dames GOODBYE FRIEND: EULOGY TO FIDO By Marien Oomen
  • 31. www. 31 By Heather Long Vandevoorde, Ph.D./@hvdvoorde arental guide By Nisma Hamid/@nismahamid Fact: we are closer to 2020 than we are to 2005. I know! So much has happened this year that I haven’t even noticed the passage of time. Joining the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, applying for universities, and writing for Tempo; it’s all so surreal. But all my experiences this year have taught me things that I will carry with me for a very long time. Personally, entering a new year is always bittersweet. It is exciting and thrilling to think of all the possibilities and opportunities that I can take advantage of in the next 365 days. However, the unknown prospects frighten me at the same time. I know that change is inevitable; but that does not necessarily mean that it will all be well received. My life has changed drastically over the course of the last two years, the biggest change being my transition from an American high school system to the International Baccalaureate. Although challenging, the programme will hopefully help me improve my research, presentation, and study skills, and also shape me into a hard-working, well- rounded student. Despite the extreme changes of the last few years, 2015 will be the year that my entire world takes a 180 turn. If all goes well, I’ll be in a different hemisphere, surrounded by lots of strangers and new opportunities. Because of all the upcoming changes, I realize that adapting is the only option. Whether good or bad, I consider everything to be opportunities that should be seize dor conquered. Another valuable lesson I learned, especially this close to university application deadlines, is to breakthrough the layers of insecurities and embrace myself wholly. Confidence is key. In order for universities to see your worth as a contributor to their community and, later on to the world, you must first be convinced of that yourself. Making your confidence and intellectual capability shine through is a challenge; you have to make a good first impression! My New Year’s resolution is to challenge myself by coming out of my comfort zone and welcoming the changes that I know are going to occur. I want to also better myself as a student and as a human being. WHAT I WISH FOR FAMILY TIME: DRAMA AT ITS BEST My two daughters went on their first overnight school trip in October. They were excited about the adventure awaiting them during the three days in the desert with their friends. My husband and I looked forward to some ‘alone time’- snuggling on the couch together. I had passed the day anticipating the good report they would give of the fun they were having. My phone rang. It was Lolita. When I asked her how she was, she burst into tears. “Mommy, Mommy we just saw a scorpion in our tent. It was horrible. I’m so scared. We’re going to die. Help, Mommy, help.” (It may be integral to know I was at least 250kms away at the time). At the same time, my husband’s phone rang. Jania’s words? “Daddy, Mommy’s phone is busy. Why won’t she answer my call?” After which she proceeded to relay the scorpion episode and yell at him about my phone being engaged. Two minutes later, after talking Lolita out of hyper-ventilation and my husband speaking with the counselor to ensure the local hospital had anti- scorpion venom in stock, we were no longer together on the couch…we were at separate corners of the living room feeling like we’d just been run over by a tractor-trailer! That was the precise moment it dawned on me: I’m raising two drama queens. Though their call was much happier the next day (the scorpion successfully captured), I needed help. After reading many articles and talking with friends, I’m sharing the top tips I have found for handling a life full of pre-teen or teenage drama. • Don’t get sucked in – remember they are doing this to solicit an emotional response. If you react with a similar level of emotion, it will be a downward spiral. You will never break free of the cycle. • Walk away –let the drama queen perform to an empty house. Taking the “audience” away drains the thrill of being so worked up. • Ask for it in writing – tell your drama queen (or king, boys get this way too, I’m told) that you can’t understand why they are so upset and tell them to write down what they’re feeling. It should diffuse any excess drama. • Get it on film – video tape the drama as it unfolds. Since we all carry our phones with us most of the time, this is simple. Film the action live. Save it and show them how ridiculous they look the next day when the situation has blown over. • Keep them busy – kids who engage in clubs and sport are often too busy (and too tired) for the world to come to an end over every little incident. I must say this is the tip I’m least convinced about as my girls are very active but still find time for dramatic interludes. But maybe it will work for you. I’m told by mothers who have survived raising drama queens that this type of behaviour is very normal, and that it must be endured as a rite of passage to adulthood. I’ll admit I’m not super thrilled with this idea, but I am reassured that my girls are somewhat “normal,” even when it feels like it’s the end of the world…
  • 32. T • Conferences and seminars • Exhibitions and roadshows • Team building and corporate retreats • VIP and bespoke events The Art of Awesome Events Synovetics, a premier event organiser in the UAE You drEam IT, WE dElIVEr IT
  • 33. www. 33 Download Tempo App now at Google Play Store link with us and catch the rhythm unlock #tempoplanet today! TempoKuw aitTempoBa hrainTemp o Riyadh Tempo O m anTem po UAE TempoQat ar FLASH FICTION IS A STYLE OF FICTIONAL LITERATURE CHARACTERIZED BY BREVITY; WITH THE STANDARD BEING A STORY OF UNDER 1000 WORDS. SEND US YOUR STORIES TO: SABER & THE OASIS by Mariam Mohammed Shaikhan Al Manthari ZAYED UNIVERSITY’S AL KHARAREEF STORYTELLING CLUB was created to enrich the legacy of the Emirati storytelling tradition and contribute to the revival of this important cultural heritage within the United Arab Emirates. Last year, the Club in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation launched an Emirati cultural literacy project titled the Story Mile, a collection of 48 original fables and folktales, written by students from the Academic Bridge Program, illustrated by the College of Arts and Creative Enterprise majors and translated by ZOWD volunteers into the language of its characters, Emirati dialect. The Story Mile tales, which are the first of a three volume series, were recently published as a book in English and titled “Tales from the Emirates” in Arabic. The stories not only share the storytelling tradition of the Emirates, but have also introduced other key aspects of Emirati culture and are creating new footprints in the sands of the cultural landscape of the UAE. One bright morning by a beautiful shore, an old woman screamed, “My chickens have been stolen.” She put on her abaya and walked past the other houses looking for her chickens until she arrived at an arish house. It was built from old dark palm fronds and had a wooden door. The old woman knocked. When a hunchback man with a bulging eye appeared, she quickly ran away. Saber the hunchback felt sad, and went to get ready to go diving. In the sea, Saber collected lots of seashells. As he swam back to the boat, a shark attacked him and cut his rope. He dropped all the seashells and swam for his life. That day, Saber returned home with nothing so decided to leave the village and go somewhere else. Saber walked through the desert under a burning sun for two weeks. Suddenly, he saw an oasis surrounded by palm trees. Saber noticed that the water tasted different and made him feel strange. He cupped his hands in the water, and noticed it was pure and clear. Then, he turned his hands over and the water fell down onto the sand. After a moment, the sand changed into a shiny Dana (a beautiful pearl). “Am I daydreaming?” he thought. Suddenly, a pretty voice said, “Marhaba, Essa Saber. I know that you have had many troubles in your life. You have faced them with strength and patience. Saber, you are a nice man with a kind heart. That special pearl is yours. You deserve it.” Then, the oasis began to glow like the sun and suddenly disappeared. The next morning, Saber went back to the villageand was happy that nobody had taken or damaged his arish. He went to the souq and sold the Dana for lots of money. From his good fortune, he bought a Dukkan (market). Slowly, children started to visit Saber’s shop. Every day they came with their parents to buy sweets. Soon, the villagers began to love Saber and were no longer afraid. From that day forward, Saber lived happily in acceptance by his community in the seaside village. Looking for a cool space rental? AN urban haven in the heart of Abu Dhabi’s media hub twofour54, MoxieZone is a flexible studio space available for public rental from workshops and seminars to meetup groups and intimate gatherings. INCLUSIVE OF: • Fully-furnished venue • Coffee bar • Large dry-erase wall • In-house event planner • Catering • Audio Visual System LOCATION ADDRESS: twofour54, Park Rotana Complex #307 (Next to Khalifa Park and Park Rotana Hotel), Abu Dhabi FOR BOOKINGS: Contact Vera at 02 491 8624, Or MoxieZone
  • 34. www. tempoplanet.com34 game hedzBlakniss Original game head from Atari to XBox! HAPPY 2015 By Blakniss THIS MONTH’S GAMER PICKS: Ok so 2014 wasn’t the best year for gaming. There were some disappointments and average titles as well as major scandals - like the notorious Gamergate craziness (Google it). Whatever the game developers do, it’s time for us to make our own resolutions: I will not troll other online gamers I will not ignore my family while I play games on my phone/tablet/ console/mind 24/7 I will give my younger sibling/spouse the controller without complaining I will read Game Hedz and Tempo EVERY MONTH I won’t be the guy who doesn’t revive other players just be to a jerk DECEMBER2014 Heroes of Might and Magic III: HD Edition Platform: Windows, iOS, Android Status: Releasing in January 2015 A re-mastered version of the game released during 1999-2000, Heroes of Might and Magic III: HD Edition promises a great gaming experience with better graphics while sticking true to their roots of having seven intense campaign scenarios coupled with 50 maps for skirmishes. It also has a local multiplayer mode and map editor along with a multiplayer lobby for PC that’s Steamworks compatible - you can now get to battle it out or assist fellow gamers! Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Platform: Windows, PS3, PS4, X360, XBO Status: Releasing in January 2015 This standalone expansion of the previously released Saints Row IV gets you to play in the shoes of Johnny Gat, only this time he has a pair of demon wings allowing you to traverse terrains throughout the map. Learning Gat’s ‘flight’ system would take time and the challenges coupled with this would really take the game to the next level. Instead of your usual fights against soldiers, aliens and a mix of the two, lots of new missions are available as you fight your way against demons, warlocks, and succubi. Exploring the entirety of ‘Hell’ in this expansion will definitely keep you in your seat as you course through countless hours of gameplay in it. Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires Platform: Windows, PS4, XBO, PS3 Status: Releasing in January 2015 Reports from IGN state that this latest installment of the Dynasty Warriors franchise is “the most satisfying and complete Warriors game yet” - and that’s saying a lot as it was pitted against Warriors Orochi 3. While the game might feel all too familiar for those who have closely played the previous games, both old and new players will enjoy the latest additions and tweaks found as you progress throughout the game.Add your own. Have a great 2015!
  • 35. www. 35 SCREEN VS RESOLUTION THIS MONTH’S GADGET PICKS: BITS AND BYTES THE SONY MEGA-HACK: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW If you’ve been living on planet earth over the past few weeks, you would have heard about the whole debacle with the release of The Interview and the Sony Pictures website hack. The November 24 hack evolved into an international crisis, filled with extortion attempts and embarrassing leaks that included details about the lives of Hollywood celebrities. And all of this, because of the release of the Seth Rogan-James Franco comedy “The Interview”, a movie about a plot to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Hackers have exposed the secret aliases of A-list celebrities and Social Security numbers of Conan O’Brien, Sylvester Stallone and 47,424 other Sony employees and contractors. As this went to press Sony decided to release the film through select movie theatres and to stream the movie on YouTube Movies, Google Play, Microsoft’s Xbox Video and the studio’s own dedicated website. It looks, at this point, that the whole thing is fueling lots of publicity for the film…hmmm. Watch The Interview: ‘MUTANT GIANT SPIDER DOG’ TOPS YOUTUBE CHART A Polish film maker’s short horror film featuring his pet dog in a tarantula costume was the biggest “trending” video on YouTube in 2014, Google has announced. With over 113 million views since it was posted in September, Mutant Giant Spider Dog was the most shared and discussed video online, according to YouTube. tech talkShahid Saeed Talker for the Non-Techies LG G Flex 2 Status: Releasing January 2015 With the recent fiasco of the ‘bending’ iPhone 6 plus, more and more phone manufacturers have searched for ways to avoid that from happening. Instead of making non-bending variety, LG has come up with the G Flex 2 which allows you to physically bend the phone to a certain angle. There are rumours that this phone will have a 1080p resolution, a step up from the previous 720p of the G Flex. We will all get to see the final specs of this promising mobile phone at the CES 2015 - Consumer Electronics Show 2015- that is being held in Las Vegas first week of this month. Project Ara Status: First demo available January 2015 This gadget launched by no less than Google is aimed at those who want to personalize their phone according to their wishes. No more one-size-fits-all concept – with this phone you can decide on the components you need. The basic “grey phone” will consist of the basic components such as the screen, battery, SIM card slot, WI-FI connection and the processor for users to customize with their own plug-ins and accessories. The best thing about it? You don’t have to buy a phone every year just to “upgrade” something – you just have to buy the components per piece. HTC One Wear Status: First demo available January 2015 HTC is the latest company to jump in the smartwatch bandwagon as it plans to launch the HTC One Wear at CES 2015 with their first available demo. This device, rumoured to be made out of metal and plastic, is intended as a health and fitness tracker - aside from of course being a watch in the first place. HTC One Wear will run on Android Wear, Google’s Android platform for smartwatches. HUAWEI ASCEND MATE 7 Apple’s launch of its 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus has confirmed that big screen phones are the future. Huawei Ascend mate 7 falls into the same category, and what remains important will be performance and value for the money. The Mate 7 is a feature packed monster, and almost every spec is identical to most of the available devices in the market. But what gives it an advantage over others is its huge battery capacity, its bright and bold screen, and its fingerprint sensor. The device is available to grab for free with certain ETISALAT packages. LG G3 The G3 is touted to be LG’s best phone yet. It comes with higher resolution and is very simple to use. The camera is a full feature workhorse that turns out good images even under low light conditions. As such the phone looks better than the G2 or any galaxy phone. Although the display might not be quite as impressive as others, it still shines given the right content. Indeed, it might well be the best android phone you can buy right now. It’s available at around Dh 2299 for 32 GB model and Dh 2099 for the 16GB model. Video Link:
  • 36. www. tempoplanet.com36 Massimiliano Secone, 33 Italian, Pilot ‘To give more to poor people.’ Beverly Sobremesana, 24 Filipino, Customer Service Representative ‘Be more responsible and mature Shivon Watson, 37 British, Senior Project Coordinator ‘Progress to the next level with my career and fitness.’ Laura Sherwood, 25 British, Purchase Ledger Supervisor ‘To complete my accreditation from AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) and eat breakfast every day.’ Michelle Sandajan, 33 Filipino, Sales Executive ‘To save more money.’ Wafia Shaheer, 19 Australian, Intern ‘Plan better and listen more.’ Nico de Corato, 37 Italian, Freelancer ‘To complete my first Triathlon.’ Cheima Khaled, 27 Algerian, Writer ‘Nothing in particular. I just want to discover more.’ Tania Glibertos, 30 Italian, Employee ‘Settle down in Abu Dhabi.’ Sameer Saeed, 26 Pakistani, Office Boy ‘Get fit and go on a vacation to Iran.’ What is your New Year’s Resolution? Tempo chatted with the community...vox pop
  • 37. www. 37 Dr. Alma KadragicBy Nadia Zahid Student, American International School Abu Dhabi Follow Alma on Twitter: @almakad an expat returns home aisa writing competition THE AISA TIME CAPSULE ART BASEL MIAMI: ONE OF THE ART WORLD’S BIG THREE When you come back to your own country after living eight years in the UAE, you bring some new habits related to what you had been doing overseas. I’ve been visiting museums since childhood when my mother would take me to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or the Museum of Natural History or the Museum of Modern Art. Living in New York, we had easy access to them. But I never went to a big art show until I was in the UAE. It was there that I began attending the annual art shows - Art Abu Dhabi and Art Dubai – and regularly visiting galleries in Al Quoz and Downtown Dubai. The exciting news about the development of Saadiyat Island, the Louvre, Guggenheim, and National Museums being developed brought art closer. When I moved to Florida, I left behind major museums; however, I soon learned about the big annual event called Art Basel Miami. Since I had never heard of Art Basel, I did some research and learned that Art Basel began in 1970 when a group of European gallery owners decided to create an exhibition focusing on modern and contemporary art. It developed over the years into an annual must-attend event for art lovers and collectors. As Miami grew from a beach resort often associated with narcotics – see Miami Vice and later Burn Notice – some art experts decided that Art Basel in June needed an equivalent six months later. So Art Basel Miami was born in 2002 and has been growing in size and importance ever since. Two huge art fairs on two continents weren’t enough for the world’s art business. Art Basel Hong Kong was added in 2012, and since it takes place in March, it adds another date to the calendar for appreciating contemporary art. I attended Art Basel Miami (ABM) for the first time in early December, six days of nonstop activities. It is located in the Miami Beach Convention Center, and for the 13th edition 267 galleries from 31 countries participated. As I walked around the gallery booths, I saw several Picassos, including one that had sold for USD 10 million in 1968 and was back on the market. Four Chagall paintings were also available – one had already sold for USD 2 million. Many interesting works by current painters and sculptors could be seen, none of them inexpensive. One gallery owner I spoke to said probably the least expensive works at ABM would cost USD 50,000. Out of six days, I visited ABM only twice. The rest of the time was spent at the satellite expos that have grown up around ABM. They are less difficult for galleries to enter, contain newer and thus less expensive works, and can be found in huge tents in Miami Beach and various parts of Miami – Wynwood, the former industrial area; the Design District; Little Haiti; and more. Most of the time I attended with Dr. Sharon Parker, the art historian whom I met in the UAE in 2005 when we began teaching at Zayed University, who is now living in Tucson, Arizona. As an expert on Iranian and Middle Eastern art, she pointed out that the region was barely visible in the main fair and the satellite exhibitions. We found one gallery from Tehran featuring Iranian works and learned about another from Beirut. That was it. While Japan, China, and Korea were represented by a few galleries and works from those countries could be seen in galleries from New York and London, the Middle East has yet to discover ABM, and vice versa. The American International School Abu Dhabi (AISA) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. In honour of this auspicious occasion, the AISA Parents Group dedicated their annual writing competition to the topic of, “Building an AISA Time Capsule.” I was the winner of the competition and here’s my time capsule: Within my contents, you will find items that are typically seen throughout a mundane day at any school. A pen, calculator, USB, and headphones are found at the base of my box. You have probably already harshly judged the items you have found, finding them uninteresting and ordinary. In order to understand the true meaning of each of my items, you must see beyond what you can comprehend. Each item has so much more meaning because they belong to the students of AISA. The ordinary blue liquid ball-pen is used to write our essays, letters, and our names. However, ordinary it seems, in actual fact, the pen is rather extraordinary. With a pen, you can write the uncreated words that only belong to you. The words that glide smoothly on a clean sheet of paper prove to ourselves who we are and document what are hearts feel and our minds believe. The scribbles of a smooth 0.7 pen glide effortlessly onto the paper proving to the world who we are. This tiny insignificant plastic blue pen gives us a chance to express our emotions and help connect in our relationships with others. Once we write down the simple words, they belong to us, and only us regardless of whether we compose positive or negative thoughts. Not only can the vibrant blue ink change us, but also the magnificent pen can change the world we live in. The words created by an individual can spread new ideas and innovations across the globe, impacting the lives of both the fortunate and unfortunate. Words can change developing countries into developed countries. Words can enlighten those ignorant minds in the dark of different paradigms. With an item costing so little, the pen is a remarkable creation. Never lose the power of the pen. The miniature neon orange numbered buttons of the dull smoky grey calculator probably symbolize one thing in your mind, math. In school, it is the tool that helps us pass the dreadful and intimidating problems found in our complicated Algebra textbook. However, the calculator is so much more than a mathematical tool. The calculator symbolizes the need to calculate the risks and benefits worth taking in life. It is vital for each of us to be a risk-taker, as taking reasonable social and educational risks is the only way we can learn. With each risk we follow through with, we may struggle. If we fail we create mistakes and learn from others successes. It develops our character, making us stronger, smarter, and wiser. Always calculate and take intelligent risks. The next item you find is the dark purple pastel USB. A USB carries all your documents and data required throughout your school life at AISA. This meek computer chip not only carries our school life, but our whole life. As a human, each of us experiences new situations and encounter new problems throughout our years of existence. With each incident occurs, we store memory. Hence, the symbolism of a USB represents our memories. We are constructed and composed entirely of memories. Our memories and our experiences shape who we are and give us the strength and knowledge to be the best that we can be. Create memories and learn from them. The last of the objects you will find are the plain white uneventful Apple earphones. I have learned that every person, whether strong or weak, craves to feel accepted and understood. When this wired stringy item meets your eardrum, that emptiness we sometimes feel disappears. Headphones take us to an understanding world, where the artist of a song feels the emotions you are experiencing within that day. The constant beat created by the percussionist, combined with the string instruments, and the accepting lyrics of the song occupies our time and we no longer feel alone. We feel a soothing sense of serenity passing through our bodies, as our souls fill with acceptance. Let music ring in your ears to sooth your mind and body. Look closely at each of these items and realize they are so much more than what they seem.
  • 38. www. tempoplanet.com38 With the advent of the New Year, most of us make promises to become better versions of ourselves. But for personal trainer Eva Clarke, January presents a different kind of opportunity: a chance to break a Guinness World Record and raise money for a cancer charity. Indeed, it was just last February that Eva successfully achieved the world record for the most knuckle push-ups in a space of 24 hours. She made 9,241 push ups and raised US $ 17,000 for the Maria Cristina Foundation. Tempo caught up with the fiery Clarke to learn of her new record- breaking aspirations… Tempo: Who is Eva Clarke? Eva: First and foremost I am a mother and a wife. Every spare second I can get between kids and a husband, I squeeze in for clients and group fitness sessions. I find time to chase my dreams, and so I’ve decided to give back to those who need help. Tempo: What does fitness mean to you? Eva: Fitness is equivalent to a vital organ to me, if I don’t do it I feel like I won’t survive. It’s my routine: I love to move. What I do feels right for me because I am passionate about it. There are so many forms of fitness in the world, and we all just need to find what we like and what suits our lifestyle and habits. My fitness is BJJ (Brazilian jiu-jitsu), HUA (Military Fitness Training), CrossFit, ultra-marathons, circuit training and sometimes just playing games with the kids. Fitness is all about variety and moving! Just move, and you’ll feel good about yourself! Tempo: Tell us about your new attempt to break a Guinness World Record. Eva: I am pairing up with fellow personal trainer, Lee Ryan. I am attempting one-minute knuckle pushups, one hour burpees, 12 hour burpees, and 24 hour burpees. I would like to add that in April I will run the London Marathon for charity and I hope to break the world record for fastest time carrying a 20 pound back pack. Tempo: Run us through the day of attempt. Eva: In the first minute I hope to do 80 plus knuckle pushups. Straight after I will do 20 burpees on every minute mark for 60 minutes aiming for 1200. After that I am going to grit my teeth and dig jaw it through till I get 5000 plus in 12 hours and 7500 in 24 hours. Last time, I did this and I had a plan and it didn’t go as “planned” because it was so arduous on my body. This time around, I will go until we raise US 50,000. Tempo: How were your preparations for this? Eva: Every day if am doing a hundred of burpees, I add them to all my sessions as warm ups, super sets and NEW WORLD RECORD NEW HOPE FOR CANCER PATIENTS NEW WORLD RECORD NEW HOPE FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Vera Rosales