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Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
“Restoring your database just 30 minutes faster, after an unexpected system
downtime or an outage could SAVE thousands of dollars.”
If you are Not Doing much about Cutting Down
your database outage windows.…. It’s Literally
Costing You a Fortune.
“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it’s the illusion of
- Daniel J Boorstin
Efficient businesses are great innovators, they are constantly on the look-out for
ideas that improve productivity and profitability, reduce stress among
employees and save money by means of researching new ideas to deliver this
© Falcon Database Coaching All rights reserved
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
“Shoot for the moon even if you miss you are going to land
among the stars anyway”
I once heard that eighty percent of the results you achieve in your life come from twenty percent
of the activities that occupy your time.
Now let’s talk about the three percent rule. 3% of the population is earning 96% of the money
that’s being earned. It’s amazing when you look at this figure.
You know that some of the most brilliant people in the world don’t earn a lot of money, and
others who are not so smart and bright are earning millions.
If wealth can provide all the wonderful things you desire in this world, you may be wondering,
why is it that such a small percentage of people ever become wealthy, while the remaining are
content only to dream? It’s because of the image they hold in their subconscious mind.
What kind of image are you holding in your mind?, because that is what is dictating your ability
to earn money.
How was Edison going to invent the light bulb and illuminate the world? He didn’t know until
he finally executed the final step of that light bulb after more than 10,000 failures he had
encountered prior to that. When a reporter asked him how he felt about those failures, he
replied, “I didn’t fail 10,000 times; the light bulb had 10,000 steps to it.”
What Edison was probably trying to say is “I haven’t failed 10,000 times. I’ve succeeded in
finding 10,000 different ways that you cannot possibly build a light bulb.”
Hard work alone will not bring success.
Those words generate quite a variety of responses from different people depending on where
they are in the success ladder.
The majority of people’s reaction would be something like this:
 I wonder what other alternatives can possibly take you in the direction of Thomas
Edison. All I have heard in my life is “You must work hard to pay your bills, pay off the
mortgage and hopefully one day you get there.”
--The ‘old timers’ out there, most of who are burned out
 You know, I have always worked hard in my life, but for some reason I feel that I have
caught up in a rat race going nowhere. I earn some money but I spend all of it on my
bills, mortgage payments, and day-to-day essentials, but by the end of the month, I feel
that I am where I was when I first started my career.
-- The majority of working people.
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
 It’s good to be one among the 5% of top performing professionals. Hard work alone,
will only lead to early grey hair.
-- Successful IT Pros in our new Information Age
The most common vibe in today’s IT departments
We want our IT technical people to send us a detailed First incident report of why the IT
Business system wasn’t available, and the person who is supposed to restore and recover the
Business service should be on the conference bridge during the outage answering questions from
everyone, and we want our IT technical people to spend more and more time attending meetings
and answering e-mails.
-- The vast majority of unsuccessful IT managers
“Most people drown because they jump but never decide to swim"
The sad reality is that traditional method of doing more and working hard without focussing
your energy on the activities which bring most of the productivity with less effort, continues in
almost all IT departments.
The Information Age is also known as the Computer Age and started in the late 1980’s. The
onset of the Information Age is associated with the Digital Revolution, just as the Industrial
Revolution marked the onset of the Industrial Age.
All Businesses rely on the internet to do their business. Just like a machine has its wear and tear
and needs to be shut down for regular maintenance, the computerised business systems also
need downtime for regular upgrades and patching. But in reality apart from expected
downtimes, we often see unexpected downtimes and extended delays in fixing the unforeseen
hiccups in a computer system.
Smart businesses save thousands of dollars by reducing System downtime.
In today’s global economy, if your system is not available it simply means you are not in the
business. Imagine over a period of time, the number of hours an average business system goes
under the hammer just to fix some unforeseen, unexpected problems and remain unavailable for
business users or end users. Restoring your service just 30 minutes faster, after an unexpected
system downtime or outage could SAVE thousands of dollars to your organization.
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
Businesses spend thousands of dollars training employees, but general
training will not do any good if you cannot handle the stress
Efficient businesses are great innovators, they are constantly on the look-out for ideas that
improve productivity and profitability, reduce stress among employees, and save money by
means of researching new ideas to deliver this outcome.
In spite of all this, most IT managers and businesses are busy clinging to the old ideas of
arranging conferences, organizing meetings for more discussion and putting out fires, and you
will be surprised to know that no one really starts working on the actual problem which caused
the outage and system downtime until after an hour or so. You can imagine how much time is
wasted in mundane activities.
This reminds me of a story.
A young boy was playing in a park with his friends when he overheard a group of men sitting
under a tree debating about something. As the sun was about to set in the west the debate grew
heated. There was no sign of them arriving at a conclusion in their discussion.
As this young boy was watching them he became curious to find out what they were discussing.
He walked up to the group and stood near the tree and soon he figured out what this discussion
was all about. The topic of the discussion was “How many teeth a horse has”
“I am certain that there are 40 teeth,” said one man.
“No, no, a horse has 36 teeth,” said another.
After watching them discussing and arguing for so long and having still not arrived at a
conclusion the little boy said “You have been discussing this for a very long time and you still
haven’t figured out how many teeth a horse has. Why doesn’t one of you go to the stable nearby
and just open a horse’s mouth and count them?”
This is exactly how most of the IT departments handle the system downtimes and outages. The
reason I say this with so much conviction is that I have seen this on the job for many years and it
was one of the most frustrating things I have experienced on the job.
The heart and soul of a Business
An organisation’s data is its lifeblood, and without this, organisations cannot possibly be in the
business. Therefore it needs an experienced, skilled steward, like you (Database administrator),
who can look after their valuable information.
Database Administration is the most commanding position in IT
I remember when I was in primary school; whenever the post man arrived to deliver any mail I
used to be so curious to know where it came from, and what it contained. I am sure my parents
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
had the same curiosity. These days when I check my mail box, I always wish that my mail box
was empty. Today, in this fast moving Information age, we are all bombarded with information.
We had the Stone Age, we had the Bronze Age, then we had the Iron Age, and now we
are in something called the Information Age.
You see information everywhere. You open your mailbox it is full of junk mail, open your e-mail
you have hundreds of e-mails, and for most of them you don’t even know where they have come
from, because there are people working full-time just to send you spam messages.
Today, you’re being inundated with information from the radio, from other people, from the
television, the newspapers and from e-mails. Information is flowing into your conscious mind.
We are in the “Information Age” which started in the late 1980’s. We have passed the “Industrial
Age”. Information has become the powerhouse of any company. Well if information needs to
be turned into knowledge it needs to be organised, stored, indexed, processed, managed and
networked efficiently. That is why companies’ databases are growing bigger and bigger.
The greater the power, the greater the responsibility.
There was a time when we measured data in terms of kilobytes, and these days we talk about
Terabytes. That explains why a Database Administrator’s job is becoming more commanding
and at the same time more challenging and demanding, because with great power comes great
Oracle is the largest database software company in the world and most of the large databases are
built using oracle database software. So there is a high demand for Oracle DBAs and Database
I wish I had chosen a different career.
What do you normally do and how do you feel when you are on call and the helpdesk calls you
at 2:00 am in the morning saying they cannot access the database, when you are half asleep?
How about those extended outage windows for regular database maintenance work in odd
hours? Have you ever thought "I wish I had chosen a different career,”? Does that sound
Worse still, after working on a weekend round the clock, you go back to work on Monday and
some users complain about performance issue due to weekend maintenance work.
What goes on in your mind after fixing some critical issues on the weekend, and on Monday
morning your IT manager and Business manager & few more invite you for an incident review
meeting and make you go through all the drama once again and expect you to answer technical
questions to non-technical managers? It is not much fun isn’t it?
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it’s the illusion of
- Daniel J Boorstin
To make the situation worse, many companies and IT managers require Database administrators
and Developers to waste vast amounts of time attending meetings, answering e-mails through
micro-management, requiring documentation and reporting of incident reviews, and answering
the top management what happened and why it happened.
If you’re reading this book, you know the frustration when you are expected to focus on all the
mundane activities instead of investigating and attending to the problem and bring the system
back up and running.
Knowing Exactly What to Do and How to Do it, to Restore and Recover Your
Business System, Can Catapult Your Confidence And
Thrust You Into A Position Of Leadership And Authority.
The “Business Restore and Recovery using RMAN” coaching and Online program with the
detailed instruction manual and practical scenarios on the field will prepare you how to equip
yourself as a Technical expert to focus on the key components of identifying the underlying
cause of the downtime and lead the entire outage, and command the process of bringing the
system back up and running with minimal downtime.
Database Restore and Recovery expertise is the only skill that separates you
from Average DBAs
Being an informed expert in Database restoration and recovery is the single most important skill
you can possess as a Leader. Among all skill sets of Information technology, this skill has the
ability to cut costs, boost productivity and profitability, increase self-esteem and confidence and
also SAVE thousands in revenue to the company. As a database administrator or specialist, this
skill would put you in the driver’s seat, it is the feeling of “knowing that you know it” and there
is no substitute for this. It is the secret weapon to mega-success. Becoming an expert in database
restoration and recovery gives you the confidence and charisma to get what you want, live your
dreams, and help others to do the same.
Whether to choose Cambridge or Harvard……….Or just choose any
We have seen in history, great industrialists like Henry Ford, great inventors like Thomas Edison
and many great thinkers who chose neither of those official schooling categories to educate
themselves. That doesn’t mean that they were not well-educated and well-informed successful
people. The point is, it’s not how you educate yourself, it is the confidence you gain in your own
chosen field due to the knowledge and awareness to use it. That is what the big league
universities give you. There is nothing wrong about studying in an average college, most people
do. In fact I didn’t get a chance to study in Big League University either, but let’s be frank,
there's a big difference in the quality of a world-class institution. The great thing about a first
class education is the sheer confidence of knowing you've gone to the top.
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
Believe me when you are in charge of business systems and databases and the entire business is
down and the CEO, Directors and Chairman of the company are counting on you to
restore and recover the business system, you will CRAVE that confidence. This online
program in Business Restoration and Recovery will give you an Ivy League education in Service
We can only influence by our example.
“You can preach a better sermon with your life than you can with your lips”
-- Oliver goldsmith
So Here’s My Story. . . And a Confession.
Honestly, most people would rather get a root canal than restore a production database. I still
remember the day when I was asked to import some data into one of the production database
schema by my manager. I completely stuffed it up, not because I didn’t know how to import
data, just because of the anxiety of handling the production database.
I was embarrassed, terrified, and shaken…and it was about to get worse.
When the manager asked me how I managed to stuff the database, I was so nervous I couldn't
seem to catch my breath. I broke out in a cold sweat. You can relate to similar incidents. And I
should know this, because I used to be an expert in the field of anxiety and nervousness when it
came to handling the production outages.
“Knowledge at any given moment will be a function of the thresholds of our
available means of perception.”
All because of fear: I knew deep within me that, it wasn’t that I didn’t know how to import and
how it works, but I had a more serious problem than that - handling the anxiety. It is not a
subject we learn as a technical skill, so I just didn’t know how to explain it to the manager. All I
remember was feeling so embarrassed in front of the manager and the rest of the team that I
couldn’t do a simple data import properly.
That incident had a big impact on how I approached the production databases even after a few
years of that incident. During these years I thought of completely changing my career, but
something within me kept telling me quitting was not a solution and I was well aware that the
fear of failure was trying to paralyse me.
I Suffered through The Next couple of Years Fearing I Would Stuff Up the
Production Outages. . . And Then The Unthinkable Happened…
I was on call and the service desk called me to look at one of the production databases, because
the service desk got the problem alert. The same anxiety and fear resurfaced, but this time…
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
I Felt Relieved and Triumphant Over My Own Nerves…. But I Was Secretly
Ashamed. . . Because Deep Down I Knew this Anxiety and these Nerves were
Costing Me the Opportunity Of A Lifetime.
I once heard that, “If you really want to change the direction of your life, you have got to
be really fed up with the direction you are currently moving in.” True to these words, I
decided that I was going to let go of all my feelings of embarrassment, and completely surrender
to the situation because I truly had had enough of it. For the first time in a couple of years I was
able to handle the situation in a cool and calm manner. I really felt good about it. It was a great
feeling of triumph over my own nerves.
I've Kept This Secret for 18 years. . .
You may or may not have a similar experience handling your nerves. The reason I decided to
share my story of anxiety and fear is, in one way or another, the fear of failure always daunts us
in many different ways. There are different reasons why fear of failure, fear of inadequacy, fear
of opinions and criticisms of other people we care about, keep us paralysed in our daily lives.
“The farther you go out on a limb, the easier it is to fall. But then again, out
on the limb is where all the fruit is.”
If you study the most successful people in history, all of them had their moments to break
through those demons and unleash the power and potential within them. Whatever it is that is
holding you back from unleashing your potential and living your life to its fullest potential, there
is a feeling of freedom, self-esteem and power waiting for you on the other side of your fear.
Being an expert in your chosen field gives you the confidence and unleashes the passion within
you. When you have that confidence you will experience the feeling of “Knowing that you Know
If you choose any field, you will find that there are lot of people are busy doing the things they
do, but you will find very few professionals. Once you overcome the fear you’ll never be the
“Nothing seems to intimidate the DBA who has mastered the art of Restore
and Recovery of Business systems.
Mastery of this skill sets off a nuclear explosion of confidence inside
your mind and launches your self-image into the stratosphere”
Napoleon Hill, author of the all-time best seller book “Think and Grow Rich”, which has been
one of the top 10 best sellers worldwide ever since it was published in 1934, said:
“The law of compensation” is based on three very simple points:-
1. The amount of money you and I earn is always going to be in direct ration to the need for
what you do.
2. Your ability to do it.
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
3. The difficulty will be in replacing it.
Yes! Hill has captured it all in 3 points.
Let’s analyse the first point:
 The amount of money you and I earn is always going to be in direct ration to
the need for what you do:
We all know that Information Technology is the fastest growing industry in the world. Most of
the revenue in every business is spent on IT department……And databases are the heart and
soul of every Business System. You will never find a computer system without a
database……And all critical business information is stored in the database. That means you
possibly can’t think of any computerised businesses doing any business without a database. So
you’ve probably guessed what it means to the business when the database is not functional and
not available for the business. So there is plenty of demand for what you do as a database
specialist/administrator who is responsible for looking after the company’s valuable wealth of
Let’s analyse the second point:
 Your ability to do it :-
You know that you have the ability to do your job, if not you wouldn’t have chosen this IT
career. You may not be an expert in what you are doing but you know that you can do it better
than how you do it currently. That’s where we come to the third point of Law of compensation.
Let’s analyse the third point:
 The difficulty will be in replacing it :-
I want you to stop and think: how can I be in definite demand in my own area of expertise? If
you practice your craft every day, you soon reach a point where you become very good at what
you are doing. Believe me when you are good at what you are doing you start to enjoy what you
are doing.
You find that lots of people are busy, but that doesn’t make them professionals and they are not
doing it properly. In any area you consider you’ll find that there are very few professionals.
The Confidence of DBAs and Developers boosts the morale of the entire IT
This online program in “Business recovery and restoration” will set you on the fast track, you
will learn in one day more than you have learned in your entire career with respect to service
restoration and confidence building. This is the most important skill you require to put yourself
ahead of many skilled, experienced people in IT.
So Here's The Rest Of the Story…
Though I did not read the “Law of compensation” from “Think and Grow Rich” back then, I
did try to practice my craft every day. I started documenting what I was doing on the job. As I
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
was doing this I realised something, every day was different and I had a plan to learn something
new every day. As I did learn something new every day, I kept documenting my progress and
results, including the little commands and procedures I used to solve everyday issues on the job.
Here's What's Happened Since. . .
There is an old proverb “Fear and doubt knocked on the door. Faith and
courage answered”. There is no one there.
Within 6 months I wasn’t the same person I was before. My confidence level went up. I had the
feeling that I could handle any task on the job including production database outages without
any anxiety or fear. That confidence and courage went from strength to strength and soon I
realised that I wasn’t the same person I was 2 years before.
How I Became a Writer
A few years ago, I noticed that the notes I made from on the job issues and challenges on an
everyday basis had grown so fat that I decided that I should write books and publish them, so
that it would be a very valuable asset for many database and system specialists who take care of
the valuable information of their businesses and who manage their databases. That is how 2 of
my technical books “Oracle Real Application Cluster Field DBA Admin Handbook“ and “Unix
Handbook for Oracle DBA“ came into existence.
These books are based on the practical challenges faced by database administrators and
developers on a daily basis handling Oracle Real Application Cluster and “Must know Unix
commands and tips” that you must know as a database administrator and developer to separate
yourself from the rest.
How I became a Life Coach
The great Spanish Philosopher Jose Ortega reminded us that:
“All other creatures are guided by their instinct which they are neither aware of nor have they the
capacity to question. We human beings are the only creatures on the planet earth that have been
born into a natural state of disorientation with our world.”
---Jose Ortega
My Life was About to Change
I think many of us have a false concept programmed into our mind with respect to education.
Sydney Herbert Wood came up with a concept, the “Test of an Educated Person.”
He said in the 1st
part of this concept, “We have been raised to believe that education is going to
school for a certain number of years and be able to correctly answer a series of questions”. You
know many people who go to school for many years of their life are able to correctly answer the
questions, but when it comes to getting out to the market place and really making it happen, they
just don’t know how to compete. Many are withdrawn; they don’t know how to feel comfortable
meeting or greeting a stranger.
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My Situation was Worse than Many would Imagine
I studied Electronics Engineering and I started working with computers over 2 decades ago.
One of the things I liked about working with computers as a technical expert was that it gave me
an opportunity to research and experiment with things, which I love the most.
But as I mentioned previously in my story, the most haunting demons I feared were my own
nerves and anxiety. I felt very uncomfortable when it came to handling these demons and I had
all the signs Wood mentioned in the 1st
part of his concept. I suffered most when I went to
attend interviews due to these demons rather than my technical skill.
Yes, as Wood indicated, going to school or even completing a professional degree doesn’t
necessarily guarantee the freedom we are seeking.
Self Improvement is the Biggest Room in the World
Wood said in the 2nd
part of his concept, “Can I entertain another person?” Now there are many
people who would feel totally uncomfortable, walking up to a stranger and saying, “Hi, how are
you today?”
Now do you know some people, when it comes to meeting a new person, have their head down,
their hand is sweaty and they are shaking, and their heart is pounding, and they only do it
because they really have to. Now that individual has not learned very much, if anything, about
Because we should feel totally comfortable meeting anyone, anywhere, at any time.
I wasn’t Prepared to Throw the Towel in
Winston Churchill’s favourite line was ………NEVER GIVE UP……..
Lastly, Wood asked, “Can I entertain myself?”
Well you know many people are not able to entertain themselves. I spent many years of my life
not being able to entertain myself. I always had to be around someone else, I always would say
“Come on, let’s get together.” I absolutely hated being alone, and that’s because I really didn’t
like myself.
Most of the time during which we live, we spend with ourselves.
We Do Not have to Re-Invent the Wheel Over and Over Again
I always admired those great sages whom we often read about in books, about their wisdom,
composure, patience, perseverance. I always wished that one day I would learn what it is that
separates a person from rest of the crowd.
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
Here is the Beginning of My New Life Journey……
Some of us get woken up by the harsh realities of life. We suffer so much that we wake up, but
most people keep bumping again and again into life. They still go on sleep walking, they never
wake up.
Tragically, it never occurs to them that there may be another way. There has to be an attitude of
openness and willingness to discover something new, a willingness to listen and unlearn almost
everything you have been taught.
Humans want us to believe that we are just ordinary creatures and once you believe
them, that’s when you become one.
Ever since I remember I have been asking some questions about life, which I believe many, ask
during their life journey. My journey of personal development started in 2001 after experiencing
a life-changing personal experience.
When I first started my new life in 2001, I was not happy, I wasn’t healthy and I definitely wasn’t
wealthy. However, I thought I was doing ok just like everyone else around me. It’s only dawned
upon me, as my thinking started to change, that I was one of the most miserable people on this
planet. I was an unhappy person, I always had back pain, headaches and my bank balance wasn’t
any healthier either. And more importantly I had not learned to be myself.
You see there are certain laws governing happiness, health and wealth, and if you follow them
you keep getting happier and happier. We have an ingenious system built within us that keeps
our body in excellent working order. In the area of money there is an exact law governing wealth.
“The mind is the greatest power in all of creation.”
--Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine
We all like stories don’t we? I would like to share with you a story which captures the meaning of
our existence as superior creatures on this planet and why we do what we do, compared to rest
of the animal kingdom.
In ancient mythology, all people on earth were gifted with awesome power. However they began
to abuse their power so the supreme god decided to take this gift away from them and hide it in
a place where they would never be able to find it.
One advisor suggested that it be buried deep within the ground. The supreme god thought
about it and said, “Mankind will one day dig deep enough to find it.”
Another advisor suggested it be hidden in the deepest part of the ocean. But the supreme god
didn’t like that idea; he said “The day will come when mankind will dive deep enough to discover
it.” After a long pause another advisor suggested that this great gift be placed on the highest peak
of the highest mountain. “Well,” the supreme god said, “it won’t be long before we witness
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
people climbing the highest mountain and creating records, and it wouldn’t be a big deal for
them to spot it.”
After silently thinking about it for a long time, the supreme god finally found the ideal resting
place for that greatest of all gifts, and he said, “Let’s hide it within man himself, it will never
occur to him to look there.”
Well what is this greatest gift? The mind is our greatest gift, my friend.
Miracle of Life
My quest for searching the meaning of life started in 2001, As a result of this quest and
experience, I thought of sharing this experience with rest of the world.
It is all about shifting our awareness, unlearning almost everything that we have learned and re-
programming our mind. The Coaching at will shift your
awareness and take you to a different level where you will be able to see life in a different
perspective. This will enable you to live your dreams regardless of what you choose to do with
your life. If you would like to know more about the life changing coaching programs, please feel
free to visit and become a part of it.
“A journey of a thousand Miles begins with a single step”
Well this is the story of my journey. Do you want to start writing your story? Do not wait any
longer. Take that very first step you need to take. Be the expert in your own chosen career and
live your life with passion. As I mention earlier, when you are good at what you are doing, you
start to enjoy what you are doing.
Command and Drive your Life as a Pro
“Experience has taught me that success is a systematic process and there are no shortcuts.
The right tools and systematic processes with the right business model can help accelerate your
growth, so that you achieve your goals and realise your objectives in far less time than you could
have on your own.
I believe one of the single most effective success-accelerators in business, is coaching. A coach
or mentor helps to breathe life into your business intentions, transforming them into concrete
goals, and then providing you with the information and motivation you need to turn those goals
into reality.
--Flavia D’Souza
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
1. Falcon Database Recovery and Restore Coaching Service is based on a system which is
Tried, Tested and Proven on the field. This database restore and recovery coaching service can
be tailored to suit individual business environments.
Customised and Built based on Practical scenarios on the Job
This coaching, direct from the expert who has the practical experience on the field for 2 decades
and who has the reputation of delivering results, has customised a fast database restoration
solution to address the most daunting practical scenarios faced by today's IT Managers, database
administrators, application DBAs and developers in the field of handling outages and service
With our Database Restore and Recovery Coaching Service we can review individual business
database restore and recovery processes and arrive at a tailor-made oracle database restore and
recovery process, including disaster recovery (DR) to suit individual business requirements,
depending on the environment you are using. For example: whether you use Standalone
Databases, Oracle Real Application Cluster or Oracle Data Guard environment.
Tried, Tested and Proven Restore and Recovery Process Can Catapult your Confidence
and Success And Thrust You Into A Position Of Leadership And Authority.
When it comes to disaster recovery, many organisations think they’ve got their data protected,
and sadly learn the hard way that their solution wasn’t up to scratch.
We all know that customising, documenting and testing the database restore and recovery
process including disaster recovery is an important vital component of Business, but in reality,
most businesses don’t have this process in place.
2. Online program, “Business Restore and Recovery using RMAN” This online program enables
you to study and master the art of oracle database restore and recovery in your own pace. It is
especially designed to make it more affordable and reachable to individuals and organisations
who wish to train their DBAs, developers and IT specialists to master the art of oracle database
restore and recovery.
If we have to succeed in life in a big way, we definitely have to start setting goals.
Well what type of goals should we be setting? You see most of us make decisions about our
future; we all do that on a daily basis. What am I going to do with rest of my life?
“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”.
The main thing is that we have one life and it’s a wonderful life, so it’s about lifestyle, it’s about
contribution, it’s about how we spend our days. You see, we should spend our days doing
absolutely what we love to do, and unfortunately most people don’t.
If we study human nature “Most people are extras in their own movie.” They don’t take
control of their own life. You think he can, she can, and they can, but I’m not able to do that.
The truth is that we have infinite potential and we are capable of doing anything.
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
If something has to grow, it needs to have roots
Now I want you to switch over and I want you to stop and think about yourself, really focus on
yourself and your life, and ask yourself:
What do you really want? Now, every one of us wants something. You see we should ask
ourselves where “the wants” come from.
As human beings we have certain emotional and spiritual needs apart from our basic existence
for survival, and unless and until we satisfy ourselves with these needs, we will never be happy.
If you study the most successful people in history, you will find that once they created an image
of what they wanted, they burnt that image into their mind; they refused to accept circumstances
regardless of the logic or reality. Every one of them has succeeded in achieving by holding the
image of what they want.
“Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the
blueprints of your ultimate achievements.”
Many people have tried to run a mile in 4 minutes and they have tried that for many, many
years. You know the ancient Egyptians practiced many sports, and they were the ones who set
the rules and regulations for many of the sporting events which are still in practice. Inscriptions
on monuments indicate that they practiced many of the most popular modern sports.
They tried many things to make a person run a mile in 4 minutes. They used to turn a lion loose
and it would chase a person, hoping they would run a mile in 4 minutes, but they couldn’t do it.
They consulted the experts on how this could be achieved, and experts said that the human body
is not fit for running a mile in 4 minutes, our cardiovascular system is not designed for it, the
bone structure is not appropriate, and our muscles just can’t cope with it, and they concluded
that it just can’t be done.
But in the spring of 1954, a young man named Roger Banister stopped believing the experts and
started believing in himself, and he ran a mile in under 4 minutes.
Make sure you have a vision; there is no such thing as unrealistic vision.
Roger Banister did not believe in the experts, Roger Banister believed in Roger Banister, and
that’s precisely why he broke that 4 minute mile.
Edmund Hilary did not know how to get to the top of the mountain. Edison didn’t know how
to illuminate the light bulb until he failed 10 thousand times, Ford didn’t know how to build a
V8 Engine. You will not know how to get what you want until you make a decision that “I’m
going to do it.”
And the second you make the decision, you flip your brain onto a higher frequency and the
thoughts start to roll in your mind on how to do it. See you’ve got to make the decision first to
move from where you are now to where you want to go.
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
The single most skill set, as an oracle DBA that propels you to the Top.
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”
--Joseph Campbell
Someone once said “There is one thing human beings value more than survival and that’s
If you want to reach to the top faster, being an expert in business restoration and recovery can
propel you quicker than any skill set no matter which industry you are in. If you know what you
are doing, this is the fastest way to save thousands of dollars to the company, and as an
individual, no one can parallel you.
“Business Restore and Recovery Expertise is the great equaliser. It's the skill that
tells the world,
"I have something to offer, my expertise and opinion matters, and I can deliver it
power, passion, and skill.”
Today’s Businesses Needs Your Expertise Desperately....
“Even a circus lion learns to sit on a chair in fear of the whip, but you call such a lion
well- trained, not well-educated.”
There is an urgent need for people like you, who can save thousands of dollars and help
businesses in the changing world of competition. And that can only be done by reducing the
cost, by reducing the system downtimes. And as a database administrator and expert, only you
can do it by mastering the art of Business recovery and restore by becoming a unique expert who
has the power to do it.
Imagine what that means to your career and earning opportunity by commanding your rate in IT.
Business Recovery is the most important skill of a Database Expert
“The one, who knows, does not say. The one, who says, does not know.”
Before you can be ready to understand and use this system, you need to understand exactly why
Business Recovery is the most important skill of a Database Expert. You probably know how
important this skill is to be a successful database expert, and you might have already experienced
some of the difficulties in handling system downtimes and scheduled outages, but you may still
be sceptical to accept the importance and significance of this skill to be a successful database
expert and start enjoying what you do on a daily basis.
Let’s take a look at the specific reason why Business Recovery is the most important skill of a
Database Expert
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
Business recovery expertise builds your Status as a Business Equal
One of the things I’ve learned along the way as a Database Specialist is that in order to be
supremely successful in the world of IT specialisation and to maintain a commanding respect as
a database specialist, you need to project a very strong image that you are in total control of the
situation when it comes to handling the issues related to database and also handling outages and
system downtimes.
Will not exactly knowing where to start the ball rolling or not being in control when the entire
business system is down will present the perception that you are an expert on the task at hand?
Of course not!
In fact the general perception in the IT industry is that when there is any issue with the computer
system, it is always to do with databases, and the database administrator should be in a position
to pin point the error and fix it as soon as possible. So message is VERY LOUD and CLEAR; it
is the database team who is responsible for fixing the problems related to any business
Micro managing limits productivity and wastes valuable time
One of the key defining factors in today’s “Information Age” is that successful managers and
organisations are using the power of leverage to their advantage.
Trying to re-invent the wheel every time there is an unexpected system downtime, extended
outage or a disaster will not allow you to make use of the Power of Leverage.
Rabindranath Tagore, a distinguished Calcutta poet said in his poem “I slept and
dreamt that life was joy, I woke and saw that life was duty, I acted and behold Duty was
A systematic approach to the situation by following a system or business model will give you the
edge, regardless of what business you are in, to leverage the expertise, equivalent to the most
skilful army of personnel who are armed with right tools and “Business Restore and Recovery
using RMAN” coaching and online program will equip your database administrators, developers
and IT specialist with the tool they require.
Without the right tool, the results you produce are strictly finite and are severely limited by your
time and resources. On the other hand, leveraging the power of systems to work in your
favour is like virtually being in many places at one time.
Here’s a classic example of the non-leveraged, non-systematic method of activity
Planning usually practiced in most IT departments.
It’s a Friday evening; the Service desk calls the DBA on call to look into a problem ticket which
has just popped up on its monitor. The DBA on call, being not well conversant with handling
problem tickets, tries to log into the database and realises that he or she cannot login. Well, the
first thing he does is he panic, and tries to call his senior colleague for his assistance. The phone
rings but all he gets is voice mail. He tries to call his IT manager, but this time he can’t even
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
reach him. Well its Friday evening, you don’t expect people to be around waiting for phone calls.
Whether we like it or not, that is the reality. Now multiply these kinds of events a business goes
through time and time again, and how long those outages get extended without any control, and
in today’s economy, if your computer systems are not functional, you are simply out of business
or service. We all know that time is money, and translate this downtime to money and you can
draw an estimate on how many thousands of dollars a business would be losing over a period of
What if there was a business model or system to follow, when the DBA on call got that first call
from the service desk to check systematically what went wrong, where to look for information
and how to approach the situation, things would have been much smoother, wouldn’t it?
Here Are Some Of the Things You Will Learn. . .
 3 quick backend steps to identify the specific problem which caused the outage before
the service desk even get a Problem Alert.
 Why most DBA’s spend a majority of their time figuring out which solution to apply and
how to resolve the issue when there is a Service interruption or databases or applications
are not responding.
 How to go on call without the stress and anxiety of an unexpected service interruption.
 How to program yourself into a mindset, and having the feeling of “knowing that you
know it”
 How to have and exercise the expertise of a professional, experienced database expert
when it comes to service restoration and reducing the business downtime even if you are
only a junior database administrator.
 How to restore and recover your system, without restoring the backup files from tape
and spending hours, after a scheduled upgrade goes pear shape.
 How to rebuild your entire databases after losing the whole system due to an unexpected
disaster, much faster than an average business.
 How to restore and recover your database when the most trusted weapon RMAN
recovery catalogue itself is wiped off and you cannot access it.
 Recover and reconstruct the system without data loss when backups are unavailable.
 Recovering your service when all members of an Online Redo Log Group are lost.
 The key ideas you must know to be a Service Restoration Expert.
 Recovering your system within minutes without using the backup files, when a table
containing the most important critical information of your business has accidentally
 How to empower your junior staff to carry out the most daunting tasks of handling
outages and service restoration efficiently and stress-free.
 How to remain calm and cool and take control of the situation when there is an
unexpected outage, and drive the entire process, being in the driver’s seat.
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
 How to handle the large production databases independently and report the actual issue
rather than panic when there is a problem alert.
 How to recover the system by targeting only the problematic blocks of physical
corruption, without restoring the entire backup.
 How to recover the database systems much faster, without using a time-consuming,
lengthy process of media recovery that uses restore from backup.
 How to recover a database in minutes without restoring a single database file from
 How to revert and restore your system to the original state within minutes after an
unsuccessful upgrade or application deployments.
 How to duplicate/clone live production database without using backups.
 How to create a cut down version of a large production database using the cloning
techniques without bringing down the database.
 Restore and recovery scenarios when you use Oracle Real Application Cluster.
 How to restore and recover your Primary and Standby database in a Data Guard
Here is the list of topics covered.
(Oracle 11g Database Restore and Recovery using RMAN)
Chapter1: Introduction 1
Database Management System (DBMS) 2
Database and Application Architecture 2
Networking Architecture 3
Chapter 2: Backup and Recovery Strategy 5
Basic backup strategies 6
How to decide Backup and Recovery strategy 6
Database Backup and Recovery Concepts 7
Chapter 3: Database Architecture and Internals 9
Oracle Database Internals 10
State of the oracle database and instance during Oracle Recovery 11
Startup command and its Variations 12
Shutdown command and its Variations 13
The Oracle Processes 13
Types of Processes 14
Optional oracle processes. 14
RMAN and Oracle Memory 14
Oracle database structures 15
Oracle physical components: 15
Oracle Logical Components: 15
Chapter 4: Recovery Manager (RMAN) Concepts 17
RMAN Utility 18
Limitations of RMAN 18
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
RMAN and Media Manager 18
RMAN catalog 19
3 options of RMAN backup 19
1. Backup Copy 19
2. Image Copy 19
3. Proxy Copy 20
RMAN Backup Sets and Block Compression 20
Consistent and Inconsistent Database State 20
Inconsistent RMAN backup 20
2 types of RMAN backups 21
Full Backups 21
Incremental Backups 21
2 Levels of Incremental Backups 21
Difference between full backup and level 0 incremental backup 21
Recovery with Incremental Backups v/s Archived logs 22
Backup Retention Policies 22
2 options for retention policy 22
Backup Window 23
Backup housekeeping 23
Chapter 5: Control file and Autobackups 25
Controlfile Autobackup 26
Snapshot control file 26
Why Autobackups 26
Manual Backup of the Control File 27
Backing up Server Parameter File with RMAN 27
Chapter 6: Restore and Recovery Preparation 29
Restore and Recovery 30
Identifying the files that require Restore and Recovery 30
Why determine the DBID of the Database 33
Check and Preview Backups before Restore Operation 33
How exactly RESTORE …..PREVIEW command operates? 34
How RMAN does handles offsite backups? 34
Backup Validation before Restore 35
Archived redo Logs Restore for Recovery 37
Restoring Archived Redo Logs to a New Location 37
Chapter 7: Full Database Restore and Recovery 39
Complete Database Recovery 40
Restore Guidelines 40
Redirected Restore to local or remote location (Nondefault location) 41
Full Database Restore and Recovery 41
Temporary tablespace restore 41
Full Restore with NO DATA LOSS with current control file 42
Recovery using Image Copy 43
Recovery by switching data files to Image copy 44
Switch Tablespace to Image Copy 45
Recover full database by switching to a Database Copy 45
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
Chapter 8: Database Point-in-Time Recovery (DBPITR) 47
Basic Concepts of Database Point-in-Time Recovery 48
The disadvantages of DBPITR 48
Performing Database Point-in-Time Recovery 48
Prerequisites of Database Point-in-Time Recovery (DBPITR) 49
Steps to perform DBPITR 50
How to Recover the Database to an Ancestor Incarnation 53
Perform DBPITR to a noncurrent incarnation 54
Restore using SET UNTIL Clause 57
Chapter 9: DBPITR using Flashback Database 59
Point-in-time or Flashback Scenarios 60
Basic Concepts of Point-in-Time Recovery 60
What is Flashback Recovery? 60
Concepts and Configuration of Flashback database 61
Flashback Database and Restore Points 61
Why Restore points? 62
How to use Flashback database? 62
Operation of Flashback Database 62
Flashback Database Window 62
Limitations of Flashback Database 63
Normal Restore Points 63
Advantages of Creating Normal Restore Points 63
Guaranteed Restore Points 63
Prerequisites for Guaranteed Restore Points with Flashback Database 64
Creating a restore point 64
Listing of all Restore Points 64
Dropping Restore Points 66
Rewinding a Database with Flashback Database 66
Flashback Database and Impact on Performance 69
Fast Recovery Area Space Usage with Flashback logs 69
Logical Flashback Features Useful in Backup and Recovery 70
Flashback Table 70
Rewinding a Table with Flashback Table 71
Prerequisites of Flashback Table 71
Performing a Flashback Table Operation 71
Flashback Drop 73
Privileges required for Flashback Drop User 74
Rewinding a DROP TABLE Operation with Flashback Drop 74
Chapter 10: Block Media Recovery 77
Overview of Block Media Recovery 78
Advantages of block media recovery over data file media recovery 78
Basic Concepts of Block Media Recovery 78
Block corruption and physical standby database 78
Corrupt Blocks detection 78
2 types of corruptions 79
Prerequisites for Block Media Recovery 79
Identify Corrupt Blocks 79
Recover specific data blocks 80
Recover multiple corrupted blocks 80
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
Chapter 11: Advanced Database Recovery Scenarios 83
Recovery of database in NOARCHIVELOG mode 84
Restoring the Server Parameter File 86
Server Parameter File restore from a Control File Autobackup 86
Recovery with a Backup Control File when all current control files are lost 88
Restore control File to nondefault Location 89
Recovery With and Without a Recovery Catalog 90
Recovery of Control file when RMAN catalog in not available 90
Chapter 12: Disaster Recovery 93
Performing Disaster Recovery 94
Prerequisites of Disaster Recovery 94
Database recovery after a disaster 94
Disaster Recovery Testing on a New Host 98
Chapter 13: Adhoc Scenarios of Database Recovery 101
I. Restore and Recovery using Special Retention Periods 102
1. Backup database with Adhoc/Special Retention Policy 103
2. List Backup of Special Retention Policy 103
3. Restore and Recover database from Special Retention Policy Backup 104
4. Reset Database to Special Retention Policy Backup Incarnation 105
II. Restore and Recovery using Backup control file 107
1. One of the control file copy is lost 107
2. Restore control file to non default location 108
3. USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE to restore the database. 108
4. Recovery by re-creating controlfile when all online logs are available 109
5. Recovery by re-creating controlfile when all online logs are lost 110
6. Complete database recovery with newly added datafiles 112
7. Read-Only Tablespaces & database recovery using backup control file 113
8. Recover database when there is no backup for Data Files 113
III. Database Recovery after the Loss of Online Redo Log Files 114
1. Recovery when Member of a Multiplexed online redo loggroup is lost 114
2. Recovery when active online redo group is lost 114
Handy commands useful to investigate online redo log status 115
Chapter 14: RMAN Reporting on Database Files and Backups 117
Why use RMAN Reporting 118
Reporting on RMAN Operations 118
Monitoring RMAN Backups and Restore operations 118
RMAN Reporting and Metadata 119
How to Access metadata from RMAN repository 119
Listing Backups 120
Various Options of LIST command 120
How to List Backups and Copies in RMAN 121
Listing Specific Backups and Copies 123
Database Incarnations Listing 124
RMAN Backups Reporting 125
Obsolete Backups 128
Crosschecking the RMAN Repository 129
Expired and obsolete backups 130
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
Deleting Expired RMAN Backups and Copies 130
Deleting Obsolete RMAN Backups Based on Retention Policies 132
RMAN Jobs and V$ Views to Query Backup Metadata 133
Past and Current RMAN jobs details 133
Chapter 15: Safeguarding RMAN Repository Records 137
Control File Repository and RMAN 138
How to Protect the Control File 138
Chapter 16: Database Duplication using RMAN 139
Concepts of Database Duplication 140
Two types of database duplication 140
Cloning database using duplicate command from RMAN backups 141
Duplicating a Subset of the Source Database using RMAN backups 148
Duplicate database with restore point variation 148
1. Backup based duplication of database to a Past Point in Time 148
2. Duplication of database from active source database 148
Chapter 17: RMAN Recovery in Real Application Clusters 149
Media Recovery in Oracle RAC 150
Fast Recovery Area and Oracle RAC 151
Chapter 18: RMAN to Back Up and Restore Files in Data Guard 153
Data Guard Environment and Backups Interchangeability 154
RMAN Configuration in a Data Guard Environment 154
RMAN configuration for Oracle database 155
Fast Recovery area Configuration 155
Primary Database RMAN Configuration 155
Standby Database RMAN Configurations where backups are performed 156
Standby Database RMAN configurations where backups are not performed156
Data Guard specific backup considerations 157
Data Guard Environment and Recovery Scenarios 157
Various Recovery Scenarios in a Data Guard environment 157
1. Loss of Datafiles on the Primary Database 157
2. Loss of Datafiles on the Standby Database 159
3. Loss of a Standby Control File 160
4. Loss of the Primary Control File 160
5. Loss of an Online Redo Log File 161
6. Incomplete Recovery of the Primary Database 161
Study With Us at Your Own Pace, And Catapult Your Career!
Becoming an effective professional database recovery expert is a process. It involves skills you
gain on the job with experience, but as you know most businesses do not give you an
opportunity to gain this skill set. Each business is different and the standard operating
procedures are written to carry out the recoveries in a certain way. In the majority of cases, these
processes are not updated regularly. It is quite natural for a database administrator with 10 years
of experience on the job still not to know the most efficient database recovery steps and not feel
confident about the service down-time handling process.
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
The Practical, Field based Scenarios in this coaching and online program will take your
awareness to a different level and give you that confidence you need on the job to handle the
most daunting, anxious moments of your career. You also receive a program manual full of
practical recovery and restore scenarios for you to practice and reference whenever you need it.
Success is a Journey, not a destination……Your Awareness Will Skyrocket on
The Very First Day.
Whether you choose Coaching or the Online program, it is an awakening to the roadmap for the
possibilities you have, to be in that commanding position as a service restoration and recovery
expert. Our goal is to guide you through the systematic approach and process you must take on
the field to achieve the result you desire, more efficiently and proficiently with this new level of
confidence. You will learn everything you need to be an expert restore and recovery specialist
on the job. The program manual will guide you each step of the way on the field, and help you
carry out your task by guiding you through the process of the best choice of option to choose
for a specific recovery and restore scenario. When you complete this program, you will know the
3 step solution of an expert, that is, “How to find out, What to do, and How to execute.”
At the conclusion of the Coaching or Online program, you will be among the selected few in the
IT industry who has the calibre and awareness of a pro who can handle the service restoration
and recovery with confidence. This confidence will propel you to the height of your career,
because no other skill in IT has the potential to save thousands of dollars to your company by
reducing the business downtime.
Think about it: If you can handle the service restoration and recovery on a
large production database without fear and anxiety and have fun doing it, why
would you feel intimidated again?
Developing this skill does something wonderful to your belief system. Suddenly, the world opens
up to you. The event that you once viewed as a threat is now seen as a huge opportunity. People
begin connecting with you because you're charismatic on the job--which comes directly from
becoming a competent expert. These skills and level of confidence will carry over from your
professional life to your personal life, and you’ll notice improvements in all areas of your life.
Is It Worth The Price?
After I became confident in handling production outages without fear and anxiety, it boosted my
self-esteem; I could quit my 9 to 5 job and went on doing independent contracting for big
companies and handling large projects involving huge databases for Business Intelligence (Data
ware house) and complex projects on Oracle Real Application Cluster and Oracle Data Guard.
These large projects rewarded me with big dividends. I earned more in 3 months than I earned in
my 9 to 5 job for an entire year within 2 years of my Independent Contracting and Consulting. I
didn’t have to depend on my 9 to 5 job anymore. It gave me the flexibility to work when I
wanted and carry out coaching remotely without being on site.
What's it worth to you to develop supreme confidence and world-class expertise in the fastest
moving Industry of Information Technology?
If You Can Influence, Motivate and Encourage Anyone, You Will Never be
Beholden to Anyone Else for the Rest of Your Life…
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
I'm not exaggerating
When you are in a commanding position you automatically start leading people around you, you
attract them in accordance with the Law of attraction. When you shift your gear from follower to
leader, the whole world looks different.
As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at
When you share your Wealth with others it Decreases….when you share
your Knowledge with others it Increases….
Believe me there is lot of joy in sharing what you have learned, and great power in empowering
others. There is a saying in the East which goes like this: ‘When you share your wealth with
others it decreases….when you share your Knowledge with others it increases.’
True professionals lead others and pursue other passions in their own life.
When you become good at what you are doing, it gives you the courage and desire to unravel
your dreams and passions. You go from one success to another. You start falling in love with
your life again.
Show Me a Champion. . . And I'll Show You an Expert
Behind every champion there is an expert. As I mention in the 2nd
law of compensation being an
expert in your own chosen career is the only way to catapult your career to success and gives you
the opportunity to unleash your passion for life.
Thank you for reading this free preview of “Recover your Database
10 times Faster than an Average Business”
Stop Postponing Your Success
We receive enquiries every day from people all over the world asking us
what is the best way to start a career in Database administration and
what they need to do to become better at it…. But at the end of the day
it is the action that counts… Postponing acting doesn’t lead to success
and your entry or advancement among the world -class experts and
business practises. Why wait?
1. For expert Oracle Database Restore and Recovery
Coaching based on “practical field scenarios on the job, please visit
Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved
2. To study and master the art of oracle database restore and recovery
in your own pace, an Online Program, based on a system which is
Tried, Tested and Proven on the field, Please visit
© Falcon Database Coaching
All rights reserved

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Db recovery free_book

  • 1. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved “Restoring your database just 30 minutes faster, after an unexpected system downtime or an outage could SAVE thousands of dollars.” If you are Not Doing much about Cutting Down your database outage windows.…. It’s Literally Costing You a Fortune. “The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it’s the illusion of knowledge” - Daniel J Boorstin Efficient businesses are great innovators, they are constantly on the look-out for ideas that improve productivity and profitability, reduce stress among employees and save money by means of researching new ideas to deliver this outcome. © Falcon Database Coaching All rights reserved
  • 2. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved “Shoot for the moon even if you miss you are going to land among the stars anyway” I once heard that eighty percent of the results you achieve in your life come from twenty percent of the activities that occupy your time. Now let’s talk about the three percent rule. 3% of the population is earning 96% of the money that’s being earned. It’s amazing when you look at this figure. You know that some of the most brilliant people in the world don’t earn a lot of money, and others who are not so smart and bright are earning millions. If wealth can provide all the wonderful things you desire in this world, you may be wondering, why is it that such a small percentage of people ever become wealthy, while the remaining are content only to dream? It’s because of the image they hold in their subconscious mind. What kind of image are you holding in your mind?, because that is what is dictating your ability to earn money. How was Edison going to invent the light bulb and illuminate the world? He didn’t know until he finally executed the final step of that light bulb after more than 10,000 failures he had encountered prior to that. When a reporter asked him how he felt about those failures, he replied, “I didn’t fail 10,000 times; the light bulb had 10,000 steps to it.” What Edison was probably trying to say is “I haven’t failed 10,000 times. I’ve succeeded in finding 10,000 different ways that you cannot possibly build a light bulb.” Hard work alone will not bring success. Those words generate quite a variety of responses from different people depending on where they are in the success ladder. The majority of people’s reaction would be something like this:  I wonder what other alternatives can possibly take you in the direction of Thomas Edison. All I have heard in my life is “You must work hard to pay your bills, pay off the mortgage and hopefully one day you get there.” --The ‘old timers’ out there, most of who are burned out  You know, I have always worked hard in my life, but for some reason I feel that I have caught up in a rat race going nowhere. I earn some money but I spend all of it on my bills, mortgage payments, and day-to-day essentials, but by the end of the month, I feel that I am where I was when I first started my career. -- The majority of working people.
  • 3. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved  It’s good to be one among the 5% of top performing professionals. Hard work alone, will only lead to early grey hair. -- Successful IT Pros in our new Information Age The most common vibe in today’s IT departments We want our IT technical people to send us a detailed First incident report of why the IT Business system wasn’t available, and the person who is supposed to restore and recover the Business service should be on the conference bridge during the outage answering questions from everyone, and we want our IT technical people to spend more and more time attending meetings and answering e-mails. -- The vast majority of unsuccessful IT managers “Most people drown because they jump but never decide to swim" The sad reality is that traditional method of doing more and working hard without focussing your energy on the activities which bring most of the productivity with less effort, continues in almost all IT departments. The Information Age is also known as the Computer Age and started in the late 1980’s. The onset of the Information Age is associated with the Digital Revolution, just as the Industrial Revolution marked the onset of the Industrial Age. All Businesses rely on the internet to do their business. Just like a machine has its wear and tear and needs to be shut down for regular maintenance, the computerised business systems also need downtime for regular upgrades and patching. But in reality apart from expected downtimes, we often see unexpected downtimes and extended delays in fixing the unforeseen hiccups in a computer system. Smart businesses save thousands of dollars by reducing System downtime. In today’s global economy, if your system is not available it simply means you are not in the business. Imagine over a period of time, the number of hours an average business system goes under the hammer just to fix some unforeseen, unexpected problems and remain unavailable for business users or end users. Restoring your service just 30 minutes faster, after an unexpected system downtime or outage could SAVE thousands of dollars to your organization.
  • 4. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved Businesses spend thousands of dollars training employees, but general training will not do any good if you cannot handle the stress Efficient businesses are great innovators, they are constantly on the look-out for ideas that improve productivity and profitability, reduce stress among employees, and save money by means of researching new ideas to deliver this outcome. In spite of all this, most IT managers and businesses are busy clinging to the old ideas of arranging conferences, organizing meetings for more discussion and putting out fires, and you will be surprised to know that no one really starts working on the actual problem which caused the outage and system downtime until after an hour or so. You can imagine how much time is wasted in mundane activities. This reminds me of a story. A young boy was playing in a park with his friends when he overheard a group of men sitting under a tree debating about something. As the sun was about to set in the west the debate grew heated. There was no sign of them arriving at a conclusion in their discussion. As this young boy was watching them he became curious to find out what they were discussing. He walked up to the group and stood near the tree and soon he figured out what this discussion was all about. The topic of the discussion was “How many teeth a horse has” “I am certain that there are 40 teeth,” said one man. “No, no, a horse has 36 teeth,” said another. After watching them discussing and arguing for so long and having still not arrived at a conclusion the little boy said “You have been discussing this for a very long time and you still haven’t figured out how many teeth a horse has. Why doesn’t one of you go to the stable nearby and just open a horse’s mouth and count them?” This is exactly how most of the IT departments handle the system downtimes and outages. The reason I say this with so much conviction is that I have seen this on the job for many years and it was one of the most frustrating things I have experienced on the job. The heart and soul of a Business An organisation’s data is its lifeblood, and without this, organisations cannot possibly be in the business. Therefore it needs an experienced, skilled steward, like you (Database administrator), who can look after their valuable information. Database Administration is the most commanding position in IT I remember when I was in primary school; whenever the post man arrived to deliver any mail I used to be so curious to know where it came from, and what it contained. I am sure my parents
  • 5. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved had the same curiosity. These days when I check my mail box, I always wish that my mail box was empty. Today, in this fast moving Information age, we are all bombarded with information. We had the Stone Age, we had the Bronze Age, then we had the Iron Age, and now we are in something called the Information Age. You see information everywhere. You open your mailbox it is full of junk mail, open your e-mail you have hundreds of e-mails, and for most of them you don’t even know where they have come from, because there are people working full-time just to send you spam messages. Today, you’re being inundated with information from the radio, from other people, from the television, the newspapers and from e-mails. Information is flowing into your conscious mind. We are in the “Information Age” which started in the late 1980’s. We have passed the “Industrial Age”. Information has become the powerhouse of any company. Well if information needs to be turned into knowledge it needs to be organised, stored, indexed, processed, managed and networked efficiently. That is why companies’ databases are growing bigger and bigger. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. There was a time when we measured data in terms of kilobytes, and these days we talk about Terabytes. That explains why a Database Administrator’s job is becoming more commanding and at the same time more challenging and demanding, because with great power comes great responsibility. Oracle is the largest database software company in the world and most of the large databases are built using oracle database software. So there is a high demand for Oracle DBAs and Database Specialists. I wish I had chosen a different career. What do you normally do and how do you feel when you are on call and the helpdesk calls you at 2:00 am in the morning saying they cannot access the database, when you are half asleep? How about those extended outage windows for regular database maintenance work in odd hours? Have you ever thought "I wish I had chosen a different career,”? Does that sound familiar? Worse still, after working on a weekend round the clock, you go back to work on Monday and some users complain about performance issue due to weekend maintenance work. What goes on in your mind after fixing some critical issues on the weekend, and on Monday morning your IT manager and Business manager & few more invite you for an incident review meeting and make you go through all the drama once again and expect you to answer technical questions to non-technical managers? It is not much fun isn’t it?
  • 6. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved “The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it’s the illusion of knowledge” - Daniel J Boorstin To make the situation worse, many companies and IT managers require Database administrators and Developers to waste vast amounts of time attending meetings, answering e-mails through micro-management, requiring documentation and reporting of incident reviews, and answering the top management what happened and why it happened. If you’re reading this book, you know the frustration when you are expected to focus on all the mundane activities instead of investigating and attending to the problem and bring the system back up and running. Knowing Exactly What to Do and How to Do it, to Restore and Recover Your Business System, Can Catapult Your Confidence And Thrust You Into A Position Of Leadership And Authority. The “Business Restore and Recovery using RMAN” coaching and Online program with the detailed instruction manual and practical scenarios on the field will prepare you how to equip yourself as a Technical expert to focus on the key components of identifying the underlying cause of the downtime and lead the entire outage, and command the process of bringing the system back up and running with minimal downtime. Database Restore and Recovery expertise is the only skill that separates you from Average DBAs Being an informed expert in Database restoration and recovery is the single most important skill you can possess as a Leader. Among all skill sets of Information technology, this skill has the ability to cut costs, boost productivity and profitability, increase self-esteem and confidence and also SAVE thousands in revenue to the company. As a database administrator or specialist, this skill would put you in the driver’s seat, it is the feeling of “knowing that you know it” and there is no substitute for this. It is the secret weapon to mega-success. Becoming an expert in database restoration and recovery gives you the confidence and charisma to get what you want, live your dreams, and help others to do the same. Whether to choose Cambridge or Harvard……….Or just choose any University We have seen in history, great industrialists like Henry Ford, great inventors like Thomas Edison and many great thinkers who chose neither of those official schooling categories to educate themselves. That doesn’t mean that they were not well-educated and well-informed successful people. The point is, it’s not how you educate yourself, it is the confidence you gain in your own chosen field due to the knowledge and awareness to use it. That is what the big league universities give you. There is nothing wrong about studying in an average college, most people do. In fact I didn’t get a chance to study in Big League University either, but let’s be frank, there's a big difference in the quality of a world-class institution. The great thing about a first class education is the sheer confidence of knowing you've gone to the top.
  • 7. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved Believe me when you are in charge of business systems and databases and the entire business is down and the CEO, Directors and Chairman of the company are counting on you to restore and recover the business system, you will CRAVE that confidence. This online program in Business Restoration and Recovery will give you an Ivy League education in Service Restoration. We can only influence by our example. “You can preach a better sermon with your life than you can with your lips” -- Oliver goldsmith So Here’s My Story. . . And a Confession. Honestly, most people would rather get a root canal than restore a production database. I still remember the day when I was asked to import some data into one of the production database schema by my manager. I completely stuffed it up, not because I didn’t know how to import data, just because of the anxiety of handling the production database. I was embarrassed, terrified, and shaken…and it was about to get worse. When the manager asked me how I managed to stuff the database, I was so nervous I couldn't seem to catch my breath. I broke out in a cold sweat. You can relate to similar incidents. And I should know this, because I used to be an expert in the field of anxiety and nervousness when it came to handling the production outages. “Knowledge at any given moment will be a function of the thresholds of our available means of perception.” All because of fear: I knew deep within me that, it wasn’t that I didn’t know how to import and how it works, but I had a more serious problem than that - handling the anxiety. It is not a subject we learn as a technical skill, so I just didn’t know how to explain it to the manager. All I remember was feeling so embarrassed in front of the manager and the rest of the team that I couldn’t do a simple data import properly. That incident had a big impact on how I approached the production databases even after a few years of that incident. During these years I thought of completely changing my career, but something within me kept telling me quitting was not a solution and I was well aware that the fear of failure was trying to paralyse me. I Suffered through The Next couple of Years Fearing I Would Stuff Up the Production Outages. . . And Then The Unthinkable Happened… I was on call and the service desk called me to look at one of the production databases, because the service desk got the problem alert. The same anxiety and fear resurfaced, but this time…
  • 8. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved I Felt Relieved and Triumphant Over My Own Nerves…. But I Was Secretly Ashamed. . . Because Deep Down I Knew this Anxiety and these Nerves were Costing Me the Opportunity Of A Lifetime. I once heard that, “If you really want to change the direction of your life, you have got to be really fed up with the direction you are currently moving in.” True to these words, I decided that I was going to let go of all my feelings of embarrassment, and completely surrender to the situation because I truly had had enough of it. For the first time in a couple of years I was able to handle the situation in a cool and calm manner. I really felt good about it. It was a great feeling of triumph over my own nerves. I've Kept This Secret for 18 years. . . You may or may not have a similar experience handling your nerves. The reason I decided to share my story of anxiety and fear is, in one way or another, the fear of failure always daunts us in many different ways. There are different reasons why fear of failure, fear of inadequacy, fear of opinions and criticisms of other people we care about, keep us paralysed in our daily lives. “The farther you go out on a limb, the easier it is to fall. But then again, out on the limb is where all the fruit is.” If you study the most successful people in history, all of them had their moments to break through those demons and unleash the power and potential within them. Whatever it is that is holding you back from unleashing your potential and living your life to its fullest potential, there is a feeling of freedom, self-esteem and power waiting for you on the other side of your fear. Being an expert in your chosen field gives you the confidence and unleashes the passion within you. When you have that confidence you will experience the feeling of “Knowing that you Know it”. If you choose any field, you will find that there are lot of people are busy doing the things they do, but you will find very few professionals. Once you overcome the fear you’ll never be the same. “Nothing seems to intimidate the DBA who has mastered the art of Restore and Recovery of Business systems. Mastery of this skill sets off a nuclear explosion of confidence inside your mind and launches your self-image into the stratosphere” Napoleon Hill, author of the all-time best seller book “Think and Grow Rich”, which has been one of the top 10 best sellers worldwide ever since it was published in 1934, said: “The law of compensation” is based on three very simple points:- 1. The amount of money you and I earn is always going to be in direct ration to the need for what you do. 2. Your ability to do it.
  • 9. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved 3. The difficulty will be in replacing it. Yes! Hill has captured it all in 3 points. Let’s analyse the first point:  The amount of money you and I earn is always going to be in direct ration to the need for what you do: We all know that Information Technology is the fastest growing industry in the world. Most of the revenue in every business is spent on IT department……And databases are the heart and soul of every Business System. You will never find a computer system without a database……And all critical business information is stored in the database. That means you possibly can’t think of any computerised businesses doing any business without a database. So you’ve probably guessed what it means to the business when the database is not functional and not available for the business. So there is plenty of demand for what you do as a database specialist/administrator who is responsible for looking after the company’s valuable wealth of information. Let’s analyse the second point:  Your ability to do it :- You know that you have the ability to do your job, if not you wouldn’t have chosen this IT career. You may not be an expert in what you are doing but you know that you can do it better than how you do it currently. That’s where we come to the third point of Law of compensation. Let’s analyse the third point:  The difficulty will be in replacing it :- I want you to stop and think: how can I be in definite demand in my own area of expertise? If you practice your craft every day, you soon reach a point where you become very good at what you are doing. Believe me when you are good at what you are doing you start to enjoy what you are doing. You find that lots of people are busy, but that doesn’t make them professionals and they are not doing it properly. In any area you consider you’ll find that there are very few professionals. The Confidence of DBAs and Developers boosts the morale of the entire IT team This online program in “Business recovery and restoration” will set you on the fast track, you will learn in one day more than you have learned in your entire career with respect to service restoration and confidence building. This is the most important skill you require to put yourself ahead of many skilled, experienced people in IT. So Here's The Rest Of the Story… Though I did not read the “Law of compensation” from “Think and Grow Rich” back then, I did try to practice my craft every day. I started documenting what I was doing on the job. As I
  • 10. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved was doing this I realised something, every day was different and I had a plan to learn something new every day. As I did learn something new every day, I kept documenting my progress and results, including the little commands and procedures I used to solve everyday issues on the job. Here's What's Happened Since. . . There is an old proverb “Fear and doubt knocked on the door. Faith and courage answered”. There is no one there. Within 6 months I wasn’t the same person I was before. My confidence level went up. I had the feeling that I could handle any task on the job including production database outages without any anxiety or fear. That confidence and courage went from strength to strength and soon I realised that I wasn’t the same person I was 2 years before. How I Became a Writer A few years ago, I noticed that the notes I made from on the job issues and challenges on an everyday basis had grown so fat that I decided that I should write books and publish them, so that it would be a very valuable asset for many database and system specialists who take care of the valuable information of their businesses and who manage their databases. That is how 2 of my technical books “Oracle Real Application Cluster Field DBA Admin Handbook“ and “Unix Handbook for Oracle DBA“ came into existence. These books are based on the practical challenges faced by database administrators and developers on a daily basis handling Oracle Real Application Cluster and “Must know Unix commands and tips” that you must know as a database administrator and developer to separate yourself from the rest. How I became a Life Coach The great Spanish Philosopher Jose Ortega reminded us that: “All other creatures are guided by their instinct which they are neither aware of nor have they the capacity to question. We human beings are the only creatures on the planet earth that have been born into a natural state of disorientation with our world.” ---Jose Ortega My Life was About to Change I think many of us have a false concept programmed into our mind with respect to education. Sydney Herbert Wood came up with a concept, the “Test of an Educated Person.” He said in the 1st part of this concept, “We have been raised to believe that education is going to school for a certain number of years and be able to correctly answer a series of questions”. You know many people who go to school for many years of their life are able to correctly answer the questions, but when it comes to getting out to the market place and really making it happen, they just don’t know how to compete. Many are withdrawn; they don’t know how to feel comfortable meeting or greeting a stranger.
  • 11. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved My Situation was Worse than Many would Imagine I studied Electronics Engineering and I started working with computers over 2 decades ago. One of the things I liked about working with computers as a technical expert was that it gave me an opportunity to research and experiment with things, which I love the most. But as I mentioned previously in my story, the most haunting demons I feared were my own nerves and anxiety. I felt very uncomfortable when it came to handling these demons and I had all the signs Wood mentioned in the 1st part of his concept. I suffered most when I went to attend interviews due to these demons rather than my technical skill. Yes, as Wood indicated, going to school or even completing a professional degree doesn’t necessarily guarantee the freedom we are seeking. Self Improvement is the Biggest Room in the World Wood said in the 2nd part of his concept, “Can I entertain another person?” Now there are many people who would feel totally uncomfortable, walking up to a stranger and saying, “Hi, how are you today?” Now do you know some people, when it comes to meeting a new person, have their head down, their hand is sweaty and they are shaking, and their heart is pounding, and they only do it because they really have to. Now that individual has not learned very much, if anything, about themselves. Because we should feel totally comfortable meeting anyone, anywhere, at any time. I wasn’t Prepared to Throw the Towel in Winston Churchill’s favourite line was ………NEVER GIVE UP…….. Lastly, Wood asked, “Can I entertain myself?” Well you know many people are not able to entertain themselves. I spent many years of my life not being able to entertain myself. I always had to be around someone else, I always would say “Come on, let’s get together.” I absolutely hated being alone, and that’s because I really didn’t like myself. Most of the time during which we live, we spend with ourselves. We Do Not have to Re-Invent the Wheel Over and Over Again I always admired those great sages whom we often read about in books, about their wisdom, composure, patience, perseverance. I always wished that one day I would learn what it is that separates a person from rest of the crowd.
  • 12. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved Here is the Beginning of My New Life Journey…… Some of us get woken up by the harsh realities of life. We suffer so much that we wake up, but most people keep bumping again and again into life. They still go on sleep walking, they never wake up. Tragically, it never occurs to them that there may be another way. There has to be an attitude of openness and willingness to discover something new, a willingness to listen and unlearn almost everything you have been taught. Humans want us to believe that we are just ordinary creatures and once you believe them, that’s when you become one. Ever since I remember I have been asking some questions about life, which I believe many, ask during their life journey. My journey of personal development started in 2001 after experiencing a life-changing personal experience. When I first started my new life in 2001, I was not happy, I wasn’t healthy and I definitely wasn’t wealthy. However, I thought I was doing ok just like everyone else around me. It’s only dawned upon me, as my thinking started to change, that I was one of the most miserable people on this planet. I was an unhappy person, I always had back pain, headaches and my bank balance wasn’t any healthier either. And more importantly I had not learned to be myself. You see there are certain laws governing happiness, health and wealth, and if you follow them you keep getting happier and happier. We have an ingenious system built within us that keeps our body in excellent working order. In the area of money there is an exact law governing wealth. “The mind is the greatest power in all of creation.” --Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine We all like stories don’t we? I would like to share with you a story which captures the meaning of our existence as superior creatures on this planet and why we do what we do, compared to rest of the animal kingdom. In ancient mythology, all people on earth were gifted with awesome power. However they began to abuse their power so the supreme god decided to take this gift away from them and hide it in a place where they would never be able to find it. One advisor suggested that it be buried deep within the ground. The supreme god thought about it and said, “Mankind will one day dig deep enough to find it.” Another advisor suggested it be hidden in the deepest part of the ocean. But the supreme god didn’t like that idea; he said “The day will come when mankind will dive deep enough to discover it.” After a long pause another advisor suggested that this great gift be placed on the highest peak of the highest mountain. “Well,” the supreme god said, “it won’t be long before we witness
  • 13. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved people climbing the highest mountain and creating records, and it wouldn’t be a big deal for them to spot it.” After silently thinking about it for a long time, the supreme god finally found the ideal resting place for that greatest of all gifts, and he said, “Let’s hide it within man himself, it will never occur to him to look there.” Well what is this greatest gift? The mind is our greatest gift, my friend. Miracle of Life My quest for searching the meaning of life started in 2001, As a result of this quest and experience, I thought of sharing this experience with rest of the world. It is all about shifting our awareness, unlearning almost everything that we have learned and re- programming our mind. The Coaching at will shift your awareness and take you to a different level where you will be able to see life in a different perspective. This will enable you to live your dreams regardless of what you choose to do with your life. If you would like to know more about the life changing coaching programs, please feel free to visit and become a part of it. “A journey of a thousand Miles begins with a single step” --Lao-Tze Well this is the story of my journey. Do you want to start writing your story? Do not wait any longer. Take that very first step you need to take. Be the expert in your own chosen career and live your life with passion. As I mention earlier, when you are good at what you are doing, you start to enjoy what you are doing. Command and Drive your Life as a Pro “Experience has taught me that success is a systematic process and there are no shortcuts. The right tools and systematic processes with the right business model can help accelerate your growth, so that you achieve your goals and realise your objectives in far less time than you could have on your own. I believe one of the single most effective success-accelerators in business, is coaching. A coach or mentor helps to breathe life into your business intentions, transforming them into concrete goals, and then providing you with the information and motivation you need to turn those goals into reality. --Flavia D’Souza
  • 14. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved 1. Falcon Database Recovery and Restore Coaching Service is based on a system which is Tried, Tested and Proven on the field. This database restore and recovery coaching service can be tailored to suit individual business environments. Customised and Built based on Practical scenarios on the Job This coaching, direct from the expert who has the practical experience on the field for 2 decades and who has the reputation of delivering results, has customised a fast database restoration solution to address the most daunting practical scenarios faced by today's IT Managers, database administrators, application DBAs and developers in the field of handling outages and service restoration. With our Database Restore and Recovery Coaching Service we can review individual business database restore and recovery processes and arrive at a tailor-made oracle database restore and recovery process, including disaster recovery (DR) to suit individual business requirements, depending on the environment you are using. For example: whether you use Standalone Databases, Oracle Real Application Cluster or Oracle Data Guard environment. Tried, Tested and Proven Restore and Recovery Process Can Catapult your Confidence and Success And Thrust You Into A Position Of Leadership And Authority. When it comes to disaster recovery, many organisations think they’ve got their data protected, and sadly learn the hard way that their solution wasn’t up to scratch. We all know that customising, documenting and testing the database restore and recovery process including disaster recovery is an important vital component of Business, but in reality, most businesses don’t have this process in place. 2. Online program, “Business Restore and Recovery using RMAN” This online program enables you to study and master the art of oracle database restore and recovery in your own pace. It is especially designed to make it more affordable and reachable to individuals and organisations who wish to train their DBAs, developers and IT specialists to master the art of oracle database restore and recovery. If we have to succeed in life in a big way, we definitely have to start setting goals. Well what type of goals should we be setting? You see most of us make decisions about our future; we all do that on a daily basis. What am I going to do with rest of my life? “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”. The main thing is that we have one life and it’s a wonderful life, so it’s about lifestyle, it’s about contribution, it’s about how we spend our days. You see, we should spend our days doing absolutely what we love to do, and unfortunately most people don’t. If we study human nature “Most people are extras in their own movie.” They don’t take control of their own life. You think he can, she can, and they can, but I’m not able to do that. The truth is that we have infinite potential and we are capable of doing anything.
  • 15. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved If something has to grow, it needs to have roots Now I want you to switch over and I want you to stop and think about yourself, really focus on yourself and your life, and ask yourself: What do you really want? Now, every one of us wants something. You see we should ask ourselves where “the wants” come from. As human beings we have certain emotional and spiritual needs apart from our basic existence for survival, and unless and until we satisfy ourselves with these needs, we will never be happy. If you study the most successful people in history, you will find that once they created an image of what they wanted, they burnt that image into their mind; they refused to accept circumstances regardless of the logic or reality. Every one of them has succeeded in achieving by holding the image of what they want. “Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” Many people have tried to run a mile in 4 minutes and they have tried that for many, many years. You know the ancient Egyptians practiced many sports, and they were the ones who set the rules and regulations for many of the sporting events which are still in practice. Inscriptions on monuments indicate that they practiced many of the most popular modern sports. They tried many things to make a person run a mile in 4 minutes. They used to turn a lion loose and it would chase a person, hoping they would run a mile in 4 minutes, but they couldn’t do it. They consulted the experts on how this could be achieved, and experts said that the human body is not fit for running a mile in 4 minutes, our cardiovascular system is not designed for it, the bone structure is not appropriate, and our muscles just can’t cope with it, and they concluded that it just can’t be done. But in the spring of 1954, a young man named Roger Banister stopped believing the experts and started believing in himself, and he ran a mile in under 4 minutes. Make sure you have a vision; there is no such thing as unrealistic vision. Roger Banister did not believe in the experts, Roger Banister believed in Roger Banister, and that’s precisely why he broke that 4 minute mile. Edmund Hilary did not know how to get to the top of the mountain. Edison didn’t know how to illuminate the light bulb until he failed 10 thousand times, Ford didn’t know how to build a V8 Engine. You will not know how to get what you want until you make a decision that “I’m going to do it.” And the second you make the decision, you flip your brain onto a higher frequency and the thoughts start to roll in your mind on how to do it. See you’ve got to make the decision first to move from where you are now to where you want to go.
  • 16. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved The single most skill set, as an oracle DBA that propels you to the Top. “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek” --Joseph Campbell Someone once said “There is one thing human beings value more than survival and that’s familiarity”. If you want to reach to the top faster, being an expert in business restoration and recovery can propel you quicker than any skill set no matter which industry you are in. If you know what you are doing, this is the fastest way to save thousands of dollars to the company, and as an individual, no one can parallel you. “Business Restore and Recovery Expertise is the great equaliser. It's the skill that tells the world, "I have something to offer, my expertise and opinion matters, and I can deliver it with power, passion, and skill.” Today’s Businesses Needs Your Expertise Desperately.... “Even a circus lion learns to sit on a chair in fear of the whip, but you call such a lion well- trained, not well-educated.” There is an urgent need for people like you, who can save thousands of dollars and help businesses in the changing world of competition. And that can only be done by reducing the cost, by reducing the system downtimes. And as a database administrator and expert, only you can do it by mastering the art of Business recovery and restore by becoming a unique expert who has the power to do it. Imagine what that means to your career and earning opportunity by commanding your rate in IT. Business Recovery is the most important skill of a Database Expert “The one, who knows, does not say. The one, who says, does not know.” Before you can be ready to understand and use this system, you need to understand exactly why Business Recovery is the most important skill of a Database Expert. You probably know how important this skill is to be a successful database expert, and you might have already experienced some of the difficulties in handling system downtimes and scheduled outages, but you may still be sceptical to accept the importance and significance of this skill to be a successful database expert and start enjoying what you do on a daily basis. Let’s take a look at the specific reason why Business Recovery is the most important skill of a Database Expert
  • 17. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved Business recovery expertise builds your Status as a Business Equal One of the things I’ve learned along the way as a Database Specialist is that in order to be supremely successful in the world of IT specialisation and to maintain a commanding respect as a database specialist, you need to project a very strong image that you are in total control of the situation when it comes to handling the issues related to database and also handling outages and system downtimes. Will not exactly knowing where to start the ball rolling or not being in control when the entire business system is down will present the perception that you are an expert on the task at hand? Of course not! In fact the general perception in the IT industry is that when there is any issue with the computer system, it is always to do with databases, and the database administrator should be in a position to pin point the error and fix it as soon as possible. So message is VERY LOUD and CLEAR; it is the database team who is responsible for fixing the problems related to any business applications. Micro managing limits productivity and wastes valuable time One of the key defining factors in today’s “Information Age” is that successful managers and organisations are using the power of leverage to their advantage. Trying to re-invent the wheel every time there is an unexpected system downtime, extended outage or a disaster will not allow you to make use of the Power of Leverage. Rabindranath Tagore, a distinguished Calcutta poet said in his poem “I slept and dreamt that life was joy, I woke and saw that life was duty, I acted and behold Duty was Joy” A systematic approach to the situation by following a system or business model will give you the edge, regardless of what business you are in, to leverage the expertise, equivalent to the most skilful army of personnel who are armed with right tools and “Business Restore and Recovery using RMAN” coaching and online program will equip your database administrators, developers and IT specialist with the tool they require. Without the right tool, the results you produce are strictly finite and are severely limited by your time and resources. On the other hand, leveraging the power of systems to work in your favour is like virtually being in many places at one time. Here’s a classic example of the non-leveraged, non-systematic method of activity Planning usually practiced in most IT departments. It’s a Friday evening; the Service desk calls the DBA on call to look into a problem ticket which has just popped up on its monitor. The DBA on call, being not well conversant with handling problem tickets, tries to log into the database and realises that he or she cannot login. Well, the first thing he does is he panic, and tries to call his senior colleague for his assistance. The phone rings but all he gets is voice mail. He tries to call his IT manager, but this time he can’t even
  • 18. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved reach him. Well its Friday evening, you don’t expect people to be around waiting for phone calls. Whether we like it or not, that is the reality. Now multiply these kinds of events a business goes through time and time again, and how long those outages get extended without any control, and in today’s economy, if your computer systems are not functional, you are simply out of business or service. We all know that time is money, and translate this downtime to money and you can draw an estimate on how many thousands of dollars a business would be losing over a period of time. What if there was a business model or system to follow, when the DBA on call got that first call from the service desk to check systematically what went wrong, where to look for information and how to approach the situation, things would have been much smoother, wouldn’t it? Here Are Some Of the Things You Will Learn. . . YOU WILL LEARN:  3 quick backend steps to identify the specific problem which caused the outage before the service desk even get a Problem Alert.  Why most DBA’s spend a majority of their time figuring out which solution to apply and how to resolve the issue when there is a Service interruption or databases or applications are not responding.  How to go on call without the stress and anxiety of an unexpected service interruption.  How to program yourself into a mindset, and having the feeling of “knowing that you know it”  How to have and exercise the expertise of a professional, experienced database expert when it comes to service restoration and reducing the business downtime even if you are only a junior database administrator.  How to restore and recover your system, without restoring the backup files from tape and spending hours, after a scheduled upgrade goes pear shape.  How to rebuild your entire databases after losing the whole system due to an unexpected disaster, much faster than an average business.  How to restore and recover your database when the most trusted weapon RMAN recovery catalogue itself is wiped off and you cannot access it.  Recover and reconstruct the system without data loss when backups are unavailable.  Recovering your service when all members of an Online Redo Log Group are lost.  The key ideas you must know to be a Service Restoration Expert.  Recovering your system within minutes without using the backup files, when a table containing the most important critical information of your business has accidentally dropped.  How to empower your junior staff to carry out the most daunting tasks of handling outages and service restoration efficiently and stress-free.  How to remain calm and cool and take control of the situation when there is an unexpected outage, and drive the entire process, being in the driver’s seat.
  • 19. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved  How to handle the large production databases independently and report the actual issue rather than panic when there is a problem alert.  How to recover the system by targeting only the problematic blocks of physical corruption, without restoring the entire backup.  How to recover the database systems much faster, without using a time-consuming, lengthy process of media recovery that uses restore from backup.  How to recover a database in minutes without restoring a single database file from backups.  How to revert and restore your system to the original state within minutes after an unsuccessful upgrade or application deployments.  How to duplicate/clone live production database without using backups.  How to create a cut down version of a large production database using the cloning techniques without bringing down the database.  Restore and recovery scenarios when you use Oracle Real Application Cluster.  How to restore and recover your Primary and Standby database in a Data Guard Environment. Here is the list of topics covered. (Oracle 11g Database Restore and Recovery using RMAN) Contents Chapter1: Introduction 1 Database Management System (DBMS) 2 Database and Application Architecture 2 Networking Architecture 3 Chapter 2: Backup and Recovery Strategy 5 Basic backup strategies 6 How to decide Backup and Recovery strategy 6 Database Backup and Recovery Concepts 7 Chapter 3: Database Architecture and Internals 9 Oracle Database Internals 10 State of the oracle database and instance during Oracle Recovery 11 Startup command and its Variations 12 Shutdown command and its Variations 13 The Oracle Processes 13 Types of Processes 14 Optional oracle processes. 14 RMAN and Oracle Memory 14 Oracle database structures 15 Oracle physical components: 15 Oracle Logical Components: 15 Chapter 4: Recovery Manager (RMAN) Concepts 17 RMAN Utility 18 Limitations of RMAN 18
  • 20. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved RMAN and Media Manager 18 RMAN catalog 19 3 options of RMAN backup 19 1. Backup Copy 19 2. Image Copy 19 3. Proxy Copy 20 RMAN Backup Sets and Block Compression 20 Consistent and Inconsistent Database State 20 Inconsistent RMAN backup 20 2 types of RMAN backups 21 Full Backups 21 Incremental Backups 21 2 Levels of Incremental Backups 21 Difference between full backup and level 0 incremental backup 21 Recovery with Incremental Backups v/s Archived logs 22 Backup Retention Policies 22 2 options for retention policy 22 Backup Window 23 Backup housekeeping 23 Chapter 5: Control file and Autobackups 25 Controlfile Autobackup 26 Snapshot control file 26 Why Autobackups 26 Manual Backup of the Control File 27 Backing up Server Parameter File with RMAN 27 Chapter 6: Restore and Recovery Preparation 29 Restore and Recovery 30 Identifying the files that require Restore and Recovery 30 Why determine the DBID of the Database 33 Check and Preview Backups before Restore Operation 33 How exactly RESTORE …..PREVIEW command operates? 34 How RMAN does handles offsite backups? 34 Backup Validation before Restore 35 Archived redo Logs Restore for Recovery 37 Restoring Archived Redo Logs to a New Location 37 Chapter 7: Full Database Restore and Recovery 39 Complete Database Recovery 40 Restore Guidelines 40 Redirected Restore to local or remote location (Nondefault location) 41 Full Database Restore and Recovery 41 Temporary tablespace restore 41 Full Restore with NO DATA LOSS with current control file 42 Recovery using Image Copy 43 Recovery by switching data files to Image copy 44 Switch Tablespace to Image Copy 45 Recover full database by switching to a Database Copy 45
  • 21. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved Chapter 8: Database Point-in-Time Recovery (DBPITR) 47 Basic Concepts of Database Point-in-Time Recovery 48 The disadvantages of DBPITR 48 Performing Database Point-in-Time Recovery 48 Prerequisites of Database Point-in-Time Recovery (DBPITR) 49 Steps to perform DBPITR 50 How to Recover the Database to an Ancestor Incarnation 53 Perform DBPITR to a noncurrent incarnation 54 Restore using SET UNTIL Clause 57 Chapter 9: DBPITR using Flashback Database 59 Point-in-time or Flashback Scenarios 60 Basic Concepts of Point-in-Time Recovery 60 What is Flashback Recovery? 60 Concepts and Configuration of Flashback database 61 Flashback Database and Restore Points 61 Why Restore points? 62 How to use Flashback database? 62 Operation of Flashback Database 62 Flashback Database Window 62 Limitations of Flashback Database 63 Normal Restore Points 63 Advantages of Creating Normal Restore Points 63 Guaranteed Restore Points 63 Prerequisites for Guaranteed Restore Points with Flashback Database 64 Creating a restore point 64 Listing of all Restore Points 64 Dropping Restore Points 66 Rewinding a Database with Flashback Database 66 Flashback Database and Impact on Performance 69 Fast Recovery Area Space Usage with Flashback logs 69 Logical Flashback Features Useful in Backup and Recovery 70 Flashback Table 70 Rewinding a Table with Flashback Table 71 Prerequisites of Flashback Table 71 Performing a Flashback Table Operation 71 Flashback Drop 73 Privileges required for Flashback Drop User 74 Rewinding a DROP TABLE Operation with Flashback Drop 74 Chapter 10: Block Media Recovery 77 Overview of Block Media Recovery 78 Advantages of block media recovery over data file media recovery 78 Basic Concepts of Block Media Recovery 78 Block corruption and physical standby database 78 Corrupt Blocks detection 78 2 types of corruptions 79 Prerequisites for Block Media Recovery 79 Identify Corrupt Blocks 79 Recover specific data blocks 80 Recover multiple corrupted blocks 80
  • 22. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved Chapter 11: Advanced Database Recovery Scenarios 83 Recovery of database in NOARCHIVELOG mode 84 Restoring the Server Parameter File 86 Server Parameter File restore from a Control File Autobackup 86 Recovery with a Backup Control File when all current control files are lost 88 Restore control File to nondefault Location 89 Recovery With and Without a Recovery Catalog 90 Recovery of Control file when RMAN catalog in not available 90 Chapter 12: Disaster Recovery 93 Performing Disaster Recovery 94 Prerequisites of Disaster Recovery 94 Database recovery after a disaster 94 Disaster Recovery Testing on a New Host 98 Chapter 13: Adhoc Scenarios of Database Recovery 101 I. Restore and Recovery using Special Retention Periods 102 1. Backup database with Adhoc/Special Retention Policy 103 2. List Backup of Special Retention Policy 103 3. Restore and Recover database from Special Retention Policy Backup 104 4. Reset Database to Special Retention Policy Backup Incarnation 105 II. Restore and Recovery using Backup control file 107 1. One of the control file copy is lost 107 2. Restore control file to non default location 108 3. USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE to restore the database. 108 4. Recovery by re-creating controlfile when all online logs are available 109 5. Recovery by re-creating controlfile when all online logs are lost 110 6. Complete database recovery with newly added datafiles 112 7. Read-Only Tablespaces & database recovery using backup control file 113 8. Recover database when there is no backup for Data Files 113 III. Database Recovery after the Loss of Online Redo Log Files 114 1. Recovery when Member of a Multiplexed online redo loggroup is lost 114 2. Recovery when active online redo group is lost 114 Handy commands useful to investigate online redo log status 115 Chapter 14: RMAN Reporting on Database Files and Backups 117 Why use RMAN Reporting 118 Reporting on RMAN Operations 118 Monitoring RMAN Backups and Restore operations 118 RMAN Reporting and Metadata 119 How to Access metadata from RMAN repository 119 Listing Backups 120 Various Options of LIST command 120 How to List Backups and Copies in RMAN 121 Listing Specific Backups and Copies 123 Database Incarnations Listing 124 RMAN Backups Reporting 125 Obsolete Backups 128 Crosschecking the RMAN Repository 129 Expired and obsolete backups 130
  • 23. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved Deleting Expired RMAN Backups and Copies 130 Deleting Obsolete RMAN Backups Based on Retention Policies 132 RMAN Jobs and V$ Views to Query Backup Metadata 133 Past and Current RMAN jobs details 133 Chapter 15: Safeguarding RMAN Repository Records 137 Control File Repository and RMAN 138 How to Protect the Control File 138 Chapter 16: Database Duplication using RMAN 139 Concepts of Database Duplication 140 Two types of database duplication 140 Cloning database using duplicate command from RMAN backups 141 Duplicating a Subset of the Source Database using RMAN backups 148 Duplicate database with restore point variation 148 1. Backup based duplication of database to a Past Point in Time 148 2. Duplication of database from active source database 148 Chapter 17: RMAN Recovery in Real Application Clusters 149 Media Recovery in Oracle RAC 150 Fast Recovery Area and Oracle RAC 151 Chapter 18: RMAN to Back Up and Restore Files in Data Guard 153 Data Guard Environment and Backups Interchangeability 154 RMAN Configuration in a Data Guard Environment 154 RMAN configuration for Oracle database 155 Fast Recovery area Configuration 155 Primary Database RMAN Configuration 155 Standby Database RMAN Configurations where backups are performed 156 Standby Database RMAN configurations where backups are not performed156 Data Guard specific backup considerations 157 Data Guard Environment and Recovery Scenarios 157 Various Recovery Scenarios in a Data Guard environment 157 1. Loss of Datafiles on the Primary Database 157 2. Loss of Datafiles on the Standby Database 159 3. Loss of a Standby Control File 160 4. Loss of the Primary Control File 160 5. Loss of an Online Redo Log File 161 6. Incomplete Recovery of the Primary Database 161 Study With Us at Your Own Pace, And Catapult Your Career! Becoming an effective professional database recovery expert is a process. It involves skills you gain on the job with experience, but as you know most businesses do not give you an opportunity to gain this skill set. Each business is different and the standard operating procedures are written to carry out the recoveries in a certain way. In the majority of cases, these processes are not updated regularly. It is quite natural for a database administrator with 10 years of experience on the job still not to know the most efficient database recovery steps and not feel confident about the service down-time handling process.
  • 24. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved The Practical, Field based Scenarios in this coaching and online program will take your awareness to a different level and give you that confidence you need on the job to handle the most daunting, anxious moments of your career. You also receive a program manual full of practical recovery and restore scenarios for you to practice and reference whenever you need it. Success is a Journey, not a destination……Your Awareness Will Skyrocket on The Very First Day. Whether you choose Coaching or the Online program, it is an awakening to the roadmap for the possibilities you have, to be in that commanding position as a service restoration and recovery expert. Our goal is to guide you through the systematic approach and process you must take on the field to achieve the result you desire, more efficiently and proficiently with this new level of confidence. You will learn everything you need to be an expert restore and recovery specialist on the job. The program manual will guide you each step of the way on the field, and help you carry out your task by guiding you through the process of the best choice of option to choose for a specific recovery and restore scenario. When you complete this program, you will know the 3 step solution of an expert, that is, “How to find out, What to do, and How to execute.” At the conclusion of the Coaching or Online program, you will be among the selected few in the IT industry who has the calibre and awareness of a pro who can handle the service restoration and recovery with confidence. This confidence will propel you to the height of your career, because no other skill in IT has the potential to save thousands of dollars to your company by reducing the business downtime. Think about it: If you can handle the service restoration and recovery on a large production database without fear and anxiety and have fun doing it, why would you feel intimidated again? Developing this skill does something wonderful to your belief system. Suddenly, the world opens up to you. The event that you once viewed as a threat is now seen as a huge opportunity. People begin connecting with you because you're charismatic on the job--which comes directly from becoming a competent expert. These skills and level of confidence will carry over from your professional life to your personal life, and you’ll notice improvements in all areas of your life. Is It Worth The Price? After I became confident in handling production outages without fear and anxiety, it boosted my self-esteem; I could quit my 9 to 5 job and went on doing independent contracting for big companies and handling large projects involving huge databases for Business Intelligence (Data ware house) and complex projects on Oracle Real Application Cluster and Oracle Data Guard. These large projects rewarded me with big dividends. I earned more in 3 months than I earned in my 9 to 5 job for an entire year within 2 years of my Independent Contracting and Consulting. I didn’t have to depend on my 9 to 5 job anymore. It gave me the flexibility to work when I wanted and carry out coaching remotely without being on site. What's it worth to you to develop supreme confidence and world-class expertise in the fastest moving Industry of Information Technology? If You Can Influence, Motivate and Encourage Anyone, You Will Never be Beholden to Anyone Else for the Rest of Your Life…
  • 25. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved I'm not exaggerating When you are in a commanding position you automatically start leading people around you, you attract them in accordance with the Law of attraction. When you shift your gear from follower to leader, the whole world looks different. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” When you share your Wealth with others it Decreases….when you share your Knowledge with others it Increases…. Believe me there is lot of joy in sharing what you have learned, and great power in empowering others. There is a saying in the East which goes like this: ‘When you share your wealth with others it decreases….when you share your Knowledge with others it increases.’ True professionals lead others and pursue other passions in their own life. When you become good at what you are doing, it gives you the courage and desire to unravel your dreams and passions. You go from one success to another. You start falling in love with your life again. Show Me a Champion. . . And I'll Show You an Expert Behind every champion there is an expert. As I mention in the 2nd law of compensation being an expert in your own chosen career is the only way to catapult your career to success and gives you the opportunity to unleash your passion for life. Thank you for reading this free preview of “Recover your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business” Stop Postponing Your Success We receive enquiries every day from people all over the world asking us what is the best way to start a career in Database administration and what they need to do to become better at it…. But at the end of the day it is the action that counts… Postponing acting doesn’t lead to success and your entry or advancement among the world -class experts and business practises. Why wait? 1. For expert Oracle Database Restore and Recovery Coaching based on “practical field scenarios on the job, please visit restore.html
  • 26. Restore your Database 10 times Faster than an Average Business © All rights reserved 2. To study and master the art of oracle database restore and recovery in your own pace, an Online Program, based on a system which is Tried, Tested and Proven on the field, Please visit © Falcon Database Coaching All rights reserved