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Interviewee 1: My improved health is a direct result of my
growing appreciation for and awareness of the intricate
workings of my body.
The strong belief that following the female body clock will
benefit the body
Interviewee 1: I feel that the person does not exactly know what
the biological clock means. I, therefore, pity them.
Interviewee 1: The variability in fertility occurs over a person's
lifetime and may be tracked by that person's biological clock.
Because of this, I now better understand the optimal timing to
have a family.
Uncertainty about fertility
Glad to follow the biological clock
Proving the benefits of following the biological clock in another
Interviewee 1: I got the idea in high school. My mother often
told me that women need to do the right things at the right time,
22 is the best age to have children, and the timing is very ripe.
Women can still have a lot of time to pursue their dream careers
after giving birth. Even though most women around me chose to
start working, I think my mother was right.
Influenced by mother's thoughts
Very trust mother
Interviewee 1: I don't think it would be a good idea to focus on
my profession throughout my childbearing years. I think we can
move on to the next question.
Avoiding answer
Interviewee 1: I have never regretted it because I have already
seen the health benefits that come with it. (pause) But
sometimes I wonder if I didn't follow the female biological
clock and continued to finish college and get into work, would I
be more integrated with my friends? (laughs)
very firm, no regrets
another possibility
Desire to connect with friends around
Interviewee 1: I would advise them to follow this and avoid
rushing when it is too late. (laughs)
Encourage follow female biological clock
Interviewee 2: As many women reach the peak of their
reproductive years, they tend to feel pressured to get pregnant. I
was aware that fertility begins to decline for many women once
they approach their mid thirty's. It motivated me to plan my
pregnancy at the right age.
Feel pressured at mid thirty
Acknowledgment of fertility decline
Encourage females to plan pregnancy at the right age
Interviewee 2: It is crucial for women, especially those in their
early twenties, to understand the benefits of getting pregnant at
their most fertile age when they are not exposed to risks. I
always try to teach people, especially ladies my age, to embrace
following the biological clock for their benefit.
Crucial to know the benefits of the biological clock
No risks
Teach other females to follow the biological clock
Interviewee 2: As people become older, their bodies naturally
generate fewer eggs and sperm, and those produced are lower
Tell the risks and truths of the biological aspect
Interviewee 2: I embraced this idea after learning the
importance of following the biological clock in a specific
influenced by family
don't really understand the female biological clock
Interviewee 2: A composite female will examine her tummy and
agonize about her life decisions. (erm) I understand that modern
society has encouraged women's empowerment to a great extent.
It is selfish for a woman to choose her career over a healthy
modern society encourages women’s empowerment to a great
Having a baby is a goal in the whole female life?
Selfish choose career over a baby?
Interviewee 2: Parents should encourage their daughters to
pursue this path because it can help alleviate stress related to
delayed production.
Parents' education and ideas influence children's future choices
and plans
Interviewee 3: I always encourage my daughter to follow the
biological clock because it helps improve our health; we need to
learn about and appreciate the processes by which our body
operates. (laughs) (erm) While most women nowadays are
delaying parenting for professional reasons, and some are afraid
they lack the emotional maturity to start a family, this decision
often has adverse consequences later in their lives.
The choice she made in the past, but also let her daughter
continue to follow. She didn't ask her daughter how she felt.
Suitable for yourself does not mean suitable for others
Interviewee 3: I do not feel bad because I know many people do
not understand this precisely. (laughs) I usually take my time to
converse with them on the significance of following a biological
clock and the risks of not adhering to it.
Very happy to know about the biological clock
Convince more people to follow the biological clock
Popularize the biological clock for more people
Interviewee 3: One of my sisters had a tough time getting a
child when she married at 36. (erm) It got me thinking about the
importance of the biological clock. (pause) I weighed the
challenges she had gone through, which included expensive
fertility treatments, anxiety, depression, and possible divorce.
(coughs) I did not want to go through the same difficulties and
therefore decided to try my luck by embracing the biological
Real experiences
Side-effects of old age pregnant
Use side effects to scare people in order to follow the biological
Interviewee 3: I think it is the best for my daughter. (laughs)
She is always happy with this decision. (laughs) I am also glad I
followed it, as it has been excellent in helping me plan my
reproductive time well. My daughter and I have had no
pregnancy-related issues. Hence, we have no single regret for
following the biological clock.
Real happy?
Any regret about your career or friendship?
Instructions to writer: this is a peer respond, please respond to
Ivis and Valonie with a minimum of 150 words to each peer and
at least 1 academic resource to
each peer.
Please respond individually to each peer. Example: “Hello Ivis I
enjoyed reading your post and liked the points you made. I
agree with you”, write what works best, this was just an intro
example, but must meet this:
· You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending,
refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
All replies must be constructive and use literature where
I need this in APA Style. Thank you!
This’s Ivis Discussion Post ↓
Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care
The advanced practice nurse (APN) can apply a range of
learning theories and principles to give patients high-quality
care. Behaviorism, cognitivism, social learning theory,
cognitive behavioral theory, self-efficacy theory, and
constructivism are a few of the most practical theories.
Behaviorism is a learning theory that focuses on the observable
behavior of learners. This theory is useful to the APN because it
can help identify specific behaviors that need to be changed to
improve health outcomes (Merriam, 2018). For example, if a
behaviorist approach is used to identify a patient’s smoking
behavior, the APN can change that behavior to improve the
patient's health (Merriam, 2018). Cognitivism is a learning
theory that focuses on the mental processes of learners. This
theory is useful to the APN because it can help to understand
how patients learn and remember information. This
understanding can then be used to design educational materials
and interventions that are more likely to succeed (Merriam,
2018). For example, suppose a cognitivist approach is used to
understand how patients learn about a new medication. In that
case, the APN can design an educational intervention more
likely to teach patients about the medication successfully.
According to the social learning theory, people pick up new
skills by watching and copying the actions of others. Given that
APNs frequently work one-on-one with clients, this notion is
very pertinent to them. The APN can employ social learning
theory to help clients learn new skills and model desired
behaviors for them (Merriam, 2018). The cognitive behavioral
theory posits that people's thoughts and beliefs influence their
behavior. This theory is useful for the APN in providing health
care because it can help the APN understand how clients'
thoughts and beliefs may impact their health behaviors. Self-
efficacy theory posits that people's beliefs about their ability to
perform a task or behavior influence their performance
(Merriam, 2018). This theory is useful for the APN in providing
health care because it can help the APN to understand how to
motivate and encourage clients to change their health behaviors.
Constructivism is a learning theory that focuses on how learners
construct knowledge. This theory is useful to the APN because
it can help to understand how patients make sense of health
information. This understanding can then be used to design
educational materials and interventions that are more likely to
succeed (Al-Rasbi, 2020). For example, if a constructivist
approach is used to understand how patients understand the
concept of "healthy eating," the APN can design an educational
intervention that is more likely to teach patients about healthy
In addition to the learning theories, a few important learning
principles are also relevant to the APN. One principle is that
learning is an active process. This means that people learn best
when actively engaged in the learning process (Merriam, 2018).
The APN can encourage active learning by involving clients in
their care and providing opportunities for them to practice new
skills. Another principle is that learning is a social process
(Mukhalalati & Taylor, 2019). This means that people learn best
when they are working with others. The APN can encourage
social learning by involving family members and other
healthcare team members in the care of clients.
This’s Valonie Discussion Post ↓
The advanced practice nurse needs to understand learning
theories to best communicate with their clients and ensure the
client understands their plan of care. Learning theories help
nurses to understand their thought processes and the thought
processes of patients and families during an interaction. The
cognitive and social learning theories can be considered the
most useful to the advanced practice (APN) in providing high-
quality care to clients because they influence how the APN and
the client receive and use new educational information to
maximize care.
The cognitive learning theory is helpful to the APN in
understanding the internal thought processes and motivations
for learning for themselves and their clients. The cognitive
learning theory focuses on learning through internalizing
information with a focus on the individual's perception and how
it affects their information processing (McSparron et al., 2019).
Therefore, the individual's ability to learn is predetermined by
their readiness, and they are more likely to retain information if
they have reasonable expectations. According to the cognitive
learning theory, learning is based on perceiving the data,
interpreting it based on what is already known, and reorganizing
the information to form new understanding (Bastable, 2017).
This theory can help the APN provide high-quality health care
to clients by making them aware of their opportunities to learn
and creating learning opportunities for their clients. APNs can
incorporate the cognitive learning theory when adopting new
evidence-based practice guidelines. Although they may be
comfortable with a standard method of practice, as new
evidence becomes available to providers, they must maintain an
attitude that promotes learning to perceive and interpret the
information so that they can use it to benefit their clients.
Similarly, when educating their clients on disease processes, the
ANP must be cognizant of the learner's goals and expectations
in order to create an equilibrium of what the client already
knows and their perception of the new information in order for
the client to reorganize the information into new learning and
The social learning theory is useful to the APN in providing
high-quality care to clients because it helps the APN and their
clients to better retain new information that is taught. The
social learning theory emphasizes the importance of modeling.
The social learning theory establishes that people pay attention
to role models and learn by observing others (Horsburgh &
Ippolito, 2018). The model creates a connection between the
teacher and the learner. The learner pays attention to the
teacher, sees the behavior, internalizes what they see to retain
the information, and reproduces it (Horsburgh & Ippolito,
2018). This theory is best exemplified by the student nurse
practitioner and new APNs. They learn some of their practices
by observing their preceptor or the experienced nurse
practitioner and reciprocating what they learn with their future
patients. Additionally, the APN may benefit from using this
theory in patient education by incorporating communication that
involves examples or using a teach-back method. For example,
if a patient is newly diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes,
the best method of teaching the patient about managing their
diabetes with insulin may be to utilize a teach-back method that
includes a hands-on model. Although the principle of self-
injecting insulin to control blood sugars may be easily
understood by a healthcare professional, the APN should
understand that this is a foreign concept to the patient. Simply
explaining the steps will not be enough for the patient to recall
and implement in their daily lives. Self-administering insulin is
a new behavior for the patient; therefore, they may best acquire
this behavior by observing this action from the APN.
Wenjia Zhang
COMN 2200
Professor Elizabeth Suter
Oct 11,2022
Interview and Transcription
I interviewed the first interviewee through online channels, she
follows the female biological clock and is my longtime friend in
junior studies. The data from the interview will help view life
from other people’s description and their way of thinking and
how to encourage the observance of the female "biological"
clock to balance between being a mother and having a career.
Interviewer: Hello, Interviewee 1. How are you? (laughs) (deep
breath) Today’s topic is the female biological clock. Please feel
relaxed; if you feel uncomfortable with anything, feel free to
stop me anytime. Could we start now?
Interviewee 1: Sure things. (laughs)
Interviewer: So, the first question is: How has following the
female biological clock impacted your life?
Interviewee 1: (erm) My improved health is a direct result of
my growing appreciation for and awareness of the intricate
workings of my body.
Interviewer: Got it. (erm) Let’s move on to the next question
when someone describes the following biological clock as
“primitive,” how does that make you feel?
Interviewee 1: (pause) I feel that the person does not exactly
know what the biological clock means. I, therefore, pity them.
Interviewer: (pause) Would you like to share more?
Interviewee 1: Sure, (erm) when some women choose to give up
pregnancy at a fertile period, the chances of a successful
pregnancy are significantly reduced when they get older.
Interviewer: Great. (laughs) Tell me about the understanding of
a woman’s biological clock program and how it has impacted
your life in the journey of your motherhood.
Interviewee 1: (erm) The variability in fertility occurs over a
person's lifetime and may be tracked by that person's biological
clock. Because of this, I now better understand the optimal
timing to have a family.
Interviewer: I understand it. (pause) So, when did you embrace
the idea of following the female biological clock?
Interviewee 1: (erm) I got the idea in high school. My mother
often told me that women need to do the right things at the right
time, 22 is the best age to have children, and the timing is very
ripe. Women can still have a lot of time to pursue their dream
careers after giving birth. Even though most women around me
chose to start working, I think my mother was right. (laughs)
Interviewer: There are a few questions left. Should we continue,
or have a rest?
Interviewee 1: I’m good, we can continue. (laughs)
Interviewer: What would happen if, during your fertile years,
you got engaged in many activities to enhance your career life?
How would you do? Would you sacrifice your career to get
children first? (coughs)
Interviewee 1: (erm) I don't think it would be a good idea to
focus on my profession throughout my childbearing years.
Interviewer: Can you share more things?
Interviewee: (pause) I think we can move on to the next
Interviewer: Of course. (pause) Is there a point when your
decision to follow the biological clock to have a child early was
misunderstood by your peers?
Interviewee 1: Yes. (erm) It is because, in most cases, people
have not understood it fully. The reaction would have been
different if they had better understood it.
Interviewer: The next question is, how do you hope others will
understand the importance of using the female biological clock?
Interviewee 1: Through educating one another, we can all get to
know its benefits.
Interviewer: (erm) Do you ever regret following the biological
clock? Why?
Interviewee 1: (erm) I have never regretted it because I have
already seen the health benefits that come with it. (pause) But
sometimes I wonder if I didn't follow the female biological
clock and continued to finish college and get into work, would I
be more integrated with my friends? (laughs)
Interviewer: Excellent, how do you feel about following a
biological clock to give birth?
Interviewee 1: (coughs) I choose to follow this path because it
is easier and with no health concerns.
Interviewer: In conclusion, how do you advise other parents
with daughters who have entered fertility? (pause) Will you
encourage them to let their daughters follow it to avoid delayed
Interviewee 1: I would advise them to follow this and avoid
rushing when it is too late. (laughs)
Interviewer: Thank you so much for doing the interview; it was
helpful for my research topic. (laughs) I hope you have a good
day. Bye.
Interviewee 1: Thank you, Wenjia. Bye. (laughs)
Honest Self-assessment:
My preparation for the first interview is relatively sufficient
because it is a native language interview and an online
interview, which will be relatively relaxed. Of course, there
were a lot of problems in the first interview. The first point was
the time difference. It was challenging to find a relatively
suitable time for both sides. The second point is that the
interviewee is relatively shy, and I need to encourage them to
express their thoughts more.
Wenjia Zhang
COMN 2200
Professor Elizabeth Suter
Oct 20,2022
Interview and Transcription
I interviewed the second interviewee online, who followed the
female biological clock and was six months pregnant. The data
from the interview will help view life from other people’s
description and their way of thinking and how to encourage the
observance of the female "biological" clock to balance between
being a mother and having a career.
Interviewer: Hello, Interviewee 2. How are you? (laughs) I’m
sorry to bother you in the early morning.
Interviewee 2: It's okay. I've been waking up very early since I
got pregnant. (laughs)
Interviewer: Ok. (pause) Today’s topic is the female biological
clock. There is a total of 11 questions. Maybe I need to spend
an hour. (erm) Please feel relaxed; if you need a rest, just let me
know, and we can stop anytime.
Interviewee 2: Sounds great. (laughs)
Interviewer: Could we start now? (laughs)
Interviewee 2: Sure. (laughs)
Interviewer: (erm) The first question is: How has following the
female biological clock impacted your life?
Interviewee 2: (erm) As many women reach the peak of their
reproductive years, they tend to feel pressured to get pregnant. I
was aware that fertility begins to decline for many women once
they approach their mid thirty's. It motivated me to plan my
pregnancy at the right age. (erm) Following the female
biological clock has changed my life for the better. I do not
need to worry about fertility treatments. Fertility treatments are
also costly and have many risks involved. (coughs) I am also
glad that I do not have to deal with the feelings of anxiety on
the biological clock that get intense as women get older.
(laughs) (pause) Many risks are associated with late
pregnancies, such as cesarean section delivery, gestational
diabetes, low birth weight babies, and many more. (erm) My
choice of following the female biological clock is excellent
since it does not pose any risks to my health, both physically
and mentally. I am glad I am pregnant at the right age with no
troubles. (laughs)
Interviewer: Excellent. (laughs) The next question is when
someone describes the following biological clock as
“primitive,” how does that make you feel?
Interviewee 2: (pause) I always need to educate the person
about what it is. (laughs) (erm) Most people think getting
pregnant young is an obstacle, especially in their careers. (erm)
However, people do not understand the bitter fact that the
female biological clock would not slow down just because they
are not ready to start a family due to a career or other concerns.
(pause) It is crucial for women, especially those in their early
twenties, to understand the benefits of getting pregnant at their
most fertile age when they are not exposed to risks. I always try
to teach people, especially ladies my age, to embrace following
the biological clock for their benefit. (coughs)
Interviewer: Understand. (coughs) (erm) Tell me about the
understanding of a woman’s biological clock program and how
it has impacted your life in the journey of your motherhood.
Interviewee 2: (erm) As people become older, their bodies
naturally generate fewer eggs and sperm, and those produced
are lower quality. As a result, one can make informed decisions
on the optimal timing to have a family. I have been successful
in both the planning and accomplishment of my maternal
objectives (laughs). (coughs) The peak fertility age for most
women is in their early twenties, while the fertility rate
decreases as they approach 30. As a result, the chances of
women at 40 getting pregnant is approximately 2-3% each
Interviewer: (erm) Can you share more thoughts on this
Interviewee 2: (laughs) Of course. The age-related fertility
decline results in the quantity and quality of eggs in women
going down. It means that the woman will lose many eggs as
she ages. (erm) Furthermore, the quality of eggs in an aged
woman will be affected by age and decrease, making it difficult
to get pregnant and have a healthy baby. (pause) Most embryos
in women over the age of 40 are genetically abnormal.
Therefore, it is essential to get pregnant in your early 20s when
you are confident of having a healthy baby. Understanding the
female biological clock has been eye-opening, and I am glad I
embraced it. My pregnancy journey has been smooth. (laughs)
Interviewer: Good job. (laughs) So, when did you embrace the
idea of following the female biological clock?
Interviewee 2: I embraced this idea after learning the
importance of following the biological clock in a specific
family. (laughs)
Interviewer: (erm) (pause) There are a few questions left. Do
you need a rest?
Interviewee 2: Yes, I think I need a rest. I may need some
water. (laughs)
Interviewer: Of course. (laughs) We can have a ten-minute
Interviewee 2: Thanks.
(Pause for 6 minutes)
Interviewee 2: Hi, Interviewer. I am ready. (laughs) We can
continue the rest of the interview.
Interviewer: Great.
What would happen if, during your fertile years, you
got engaged in many activities to enhance your career life? How
would you do? (pause) Would you sacrifice your career to get
children first? (coughs)
Interviewee 2: (pause) I don't think it's a good idea to put off
having children to advance in one's job. A composite female
will examine her tummy and agonize about her life decisions.
(erm) I understand that modern society has encouraged women's
empowerment to a great extent. As a result, women have access
to better careers and educational opportunities. (pause) (coughs)
However, despite the positive changes in women's roles,
fertility is still limited by age. (erm) It is selfish for a woman to
choose her career over a healthy baby. Most people know that
the ability to have a healthy embryo weakens with age. (erm)
Therefore, choosing to postpone motherhood due to a job is just
ignorance and a poor decision. The career factor causes intense
anxiety to women, especially when deciding the right time to
approach parenthood. (pause) Despite the advanced fertility
treatments available, having children in the most fertile years is
the best option. I would choose children first, and I focus on my
career later. (coughs)
Interviewer: Understood. (coughs) Is there a point when your
decision to follow the biological clock to have a child early was
misunderstood by your peers?
Interviewee 2: Many times. I have always shown them the sense
of it (laughs). Most of my peers perceive that a lady should
spend her early 20s focusing on her career, finances, and
finding the right partner. (erm) (pause) However, they don't
understand that the biological clock will not accommodate
delayed reproduction. (coughs) The reasons for delaying
motherhood can be justifiable, but the fact remains that fertility
diminishes with age.
Interviewer: (erm)
The next question is, how do you hope others will
understand the importance of using the female biological clock?
Interviewee 2: (erm) (pause) I hope healthcare facilities can
help educate people about its significance. Women should be
aware that the level of reproductive hormones and the health of
their eggs diminishes with age. (pause) Furthermore, we should
educate them on the risk of certain conditions that can make it
difficult for them to get pregnant as they age. Conditions such
as uterine fibroids, cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, and
endometriosis, among others, significantly affect pregnancy in
women. (erm) Healthcare facilities should also educate women
on the risks involved in advanced fertility treatments and
greatly discourage them. Young women should be encouraged to
follow the female biological clock and have children at a young
age. (laughs)
Interviewer: Great. (erm)
Do you ever regret following the biological clock?
Interviewee 2: Not even once. (laughs) I have tremendously
benefited from this; thus, I have no reason to look back and
regret it. My mental health has been very stable, especially
during my pregnancy. (laughs) I have had no reason for the
anxiety or stress often associated with late pregnancies. Having
a child at my fertile age convinced me that my baby would be
healthy and no risks such as cesarean delivery would be
associated. (laughs)
Interviewer: (laughs) How do you feel about following a
biological clock to give birth? (coughs)
Interviewee 2: (erm) This is a natural method with no side
effects or regrets.
Interviewer: Almost done. (laughs)
Interviewee 2: Awesome. (laughs)
Interviewer: (pause)
In conclusion, how do you advise other parents with
daughters who have entered fertility? (erm) Will you encourage
them to let their daughters follow it to avoid delayed
Interviewee 2: (erm) Parents should encourage their daughters
to pursue this path because it can help alleviate stress related to
delayed production.
Interviewer: (erm) Do you want to add something else we didn’t
Interviewee 2: Yes. (laughs) Women of childbearing should be
encouraged to eat a balanced diet and limit alcohol, smoking,
and consuming caffeine. It will play a significant role in
improving their reproductive health.
Interviewer: Well done.
Thank you so much for doing the interview; it was
helpful for my research topic.
I hope you have a good day. Bye. (laughs)
Interviewee 2: Thank you, Interviewer. Bye. (laughs)
I think my second interview was more informative than the first
one. I encourage interviewees to say more. And there is a proper
rest adjustment time in the middle of the interview, which is
very helpful for this interview.
Wenjia Zhang
COMN 2200
Professor Elizabeth Suter
Oct 23,2022
Interview and Transcription
I interviewed the third interviewee through online channels; she
is a parent who lets her daughter track the female biological
clock. She also followed the female biological clock when she
was young. The data from the interview will help view life from
other people’s description and their way of thinking and how to
encourage the observance of the female "biological" clock to
balance between being a mother and having a career.
Interviewer: Hello, Interviewee 3. (laughs) How are you?
Interviewee 3: I’m good. (laughs) What about you? How was
your study in the US? (laughs)
Interviewer: (erm) I’m good. It is midterm period, so busy.
Interviewee 3: When are you planning to go back home?
Interviewer: Actually, I don’t know. (erm) Maybe summer.
Interviewee 3: Sounds great. (laughs)
Interviewer: Ok. Let’s get back on the right track. (pause)
(laughs) The interview topic is the female biological clock.
Please feel relaxed; if you feel uncomfortable with any
questions, feel free to stop me anytime. (coughs)
Interviewee 3: I will. (laughs)
Interviewer: Could we start now? (laughs)
Interviewee 3: Sure. (laughs) Please go ahead.
Interviewer: The first question is: How has following the female
biological clock impacted your life? (coughs)
Interviewee 3: (pause) I always encourage my daughter to
follow the biological clock because it helps improve our health;
we need to learn about and appreciate the processes by which
our body operates. (laughs) (erm) While most women nowadays
are delaying parenting for professional reasons, and some are
afraid they lack the emotional maturity to start a family, this
decision often has adverse consequences later in their lives.
Interviewer: Got it. Could you share more thoughts on this
question? (laughs)
Interviewee 3: Of course. (laughs) By keeping tabs on my
biological clock, I could schedule my life so that my personal
and professional goals would not clash with the window of
opportunity for having my children as set by the biological
clock. (erm)(pause) I am aware, too, that a woman's fertility
might start to diminish well before she is ready to start a family
and that by the time she is prepared on all fronts. It can be
profoundly discouraging and even depressing to find that she is
past the best biological time to start a family. (pause) Thus, I
am relieved that I can keep track of my biological clock and use
that information to make wise decisions about my life and
sidestep the health and emotional dangers of giving birth later
in life. (coughs)
Interviewer: Great. (laughs) The next question is when someone
describes the following biological clock as “primitive,” how
does that make you feel?
Interviewee 3: (pause) I do not feel bad because I know many
people do not understand this precisely. (laughs) I usually take
my time to converse with them on the significance of following
a biological clock and the risks of not adhering to it. (erm) Most
believe that getting pregnant earlier in life is primitive and
associated with lower income, (erm) lower educational levels,
and economic difficulties. These individuals do not consider
that education and finances can be achieved even after
childbirth and enjoy life. (coughs) I always try to educate them
that being a mother at a relatively young age is not an archaic
practice; instead, it is more advantageous to the child's health.
Interviewer: Thank you. (pause) Tell me about the
understanding of a woman’s biological clock program and how
it has impacted your life in the journey of your motherhood.
Interviewee 3: The key to success is thinking critically and
acting on that thinking. (pause) (erm) Starting a family might go
more smoothly if you know your reproductive physiology and
plan appropriately. (erm) Women’s fertility fluctuates
throughout their lifetimes. The "biological clock" program
stresses the difficulty of conceiving later in life (the late
thirties) due to the natural reduction in egg and sperm count and
quality with age. (coughs) It also represents the emotional stress
one may experience if they have not started a family by a
specific period. (erm) This program encouraged me to plan my
reproductive time well to avoid the challenges of delayed
childbirth. (erm) Adherence to the program has also helped me
strike a healthy balance between my professional and personal
life, with fewer conflicts on either front. (laughs)
Interviewer: I understand it. (erm) So, when did you embrace
the idea of following the female biological clock? (coughs)
Interviewee 3: (pause) (erm) One of my sisters had a tough time
getting a child when she married at 36. (erm) It got me thinking
about the importance of the biological clock. (pause) I weighed
the challenges she had gone through, which included expensive
fertility treatments, anxiety, depression, and possible divorce.
(coughs) I did not want to go through the same difficulties and
therefore decided to try my luck by embracing the biological
clock. By then, I was in my early twenties. (erm) Since then, I
can testify that the biological clock is excellent since it has
helped me avoid those challenges, ensuring my health, both
physically and mentally.
Interviewer: Excellent. (laughs) (pause) What would happen if,
during your fertile years, you got engaged in many activities to
enhance your career life? (erm) How would you do? (erm)
Would you sacrifice your career to get children first?
Interviewee 3: (pause) This is a tricky question. (laughs)
Interviewer: (laughs) Take your time to think about it.
Interviewee 3: (erm) (coughs)
I would first sacrifice my career and get back later.
(pause) Though most women currently prefer to pursue their
careers till early in life, this decision has negatively affected
most of them as they face challenges trying to conceive in old
age. (erm) The significant difficulties adversely affect their
physical and mental health and finances, leaving some
depressed. (erm) Delaying childbearing is a risky endeavor that
necessitates careful consideration of potential adverse outcomes
for fertility, the pregnancy itself, maternal and infant health,
and women's capacity to care for children and be "good"
mothers. (pause) Some risks of defying the biological clock are
premature births, miscarriages, infertility, and prolonged labor.
The health of babies born in old age may also be at risk due to
conditions such as Down syndrome due to declined reproductive
potential. (coughs) Hence, it will mean I risk my baby's life
over a career. I would therefore forego my job and make the
conscious decision to start a family while my reproductive
potential is at its highest. (laughs)
Interviewer: Understood. (coughs) Is there a point when your
decision to follow the biological clock to have a child early was
misunderstood by your peers?
Interviewee 3: (laughs) People will always be adamant when
they do not understand something. (erm) Most of my peers
always thought and told me that starting a family early was a
wrong choice with adverse repercussions on my future life,
significantly since I had not yet stabilized my career and
finances. (pause) They believed that a woman was supposed to
build their career first and stabilize economically before
deciding to have children. (laughs) However, I always took time
to explain to them the importance of following the biological
clock and that fertility declines over time while a career does
not. (coughs)
Interviewer: Let’s have a 10-minute break! (laughs)
Interviewee 3: Ok. Thanks (laughs)
(Pause for 10 minutes)
Interviewer: Welcome back.
The next question is, how do you hope others will
understand the importance of using the female biological clock?
Interviewee 3: (erm) Parents should educate their children about
the significance of this method. (pause) As a woman ages, her
reproductive hormones decline, and her eggs become less
viable, making it difficult to conceive. (pause) In addition,
people should be aware of the possibility of developing diseases
that make pregnancy more challenging as they age. (erm) Doing
this will encourage people to embrace the biological clock,
minimizing the risks of delayed childbirth.
Interviewer: (pause) Do you ever regret following the biological
clock? (erm) Why?
Interviewee 3: I think it is the best for my daughter. (laughs)
She is always happy with this decision. (laughs) I am also glad I
followed it, as it has been excellent in helping me plan my
reproductive time well. My daughter and I have had no
pregnancy-related issues. Hence, we have no single regret for
following the biological clock. (laughs)
Interviewer: Excellent. How do you feel about following a
biological clock to give birth? (erm) Why did you choose to let
your daughter follow it? (coughs)
Interviewee 3: (laughs) I allowed my daughter to follow this so
that she can produce during her fertile period. I also encouraged
her to embrace it since I knew the benefits that come with
embracing it and the challenges of not adhering to it. (coughs)
Keeping track of the biological clock helped me avoid these
challenges, and I feel doing so will also benefit my daughter.
(pause) I think following the biological clock is excellent for all
women since it helps avoid childbirth-related risks. (laughs)
Interviewer: In conclusion, how do you advise other parents
with daughters who have entered fertility? (coughs) Will you
encourage them to let their daughters follow it to avoid delayed
Interviewee 3: (pause) The age of peak fertility varies from
person to person, just as the age at which women begin and end
menstruation. Therefore, parents should advise their children to
produce when they are productive. (laughs) Parents should also
encourage their children to follow the biological clock to
minimize the anxiety caused by childbirth delays and risks.
Interviewer: (erm)
Do you want to say something else? (laughs)
Interviewee 3: (laughs) No. (erm) I think I have finished all the
things I want to say. (laughs)
Interviewer: Thank you so much for doing the interview; it was
helpful for my research topic. (laughs) I hope you have a good
day. (laughs)
Interviewee 3: Thank you, Interviewer. Remember to tell me
when you come back to China. (laughs)
Interviewer: I will. (laughs)
I think my third interview was relatively successful. After the
first two interviews, the third interview became relatively
relaxed. The first two interviews were very tense and stiff. I
only read the sentences I prepared. In the third interview, I was
already very familiar with the interview questions, so the whole
atmosphere was very harmonious.
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  • 1. Datas Codes Interviewee 1: My improved health is a direct result of my growing appreciation for and awareness of the intricate workings of my body. The strong belief that following the female body clock will benefit the body Interviewee 1: I feel that the person does not exactly know what the biological clock means. I, therefore, pity them. emotional helpless pity incomprehensible Interviewee 1: The variability in fertility occurs over a person's lifetime and may be tracked by that person's biological clock. Because of this, I now better understand the optimal timing to have a family. Uncertainty about fertility Glad to follow the biological clock Proving the benefits of following the biological clock in another way Interviewee 1: I got the idea in high school. My mother often told me that women need to do the right things at the right time, 22 is the best age to have children, and the timing is very ripe. Women can still have a lot of time to pursue their dream careers after giving birth. Even though most women around me chose to start working, I think my mother was right. Influenced by mother's thoughts Very trust mother Interviewee 1: I don't think it would be a good idea to focus on my profession throughout my childbearing years. I think we can move on to the next question. Uncertainly Avoiding answer
  • 2. Sensitive Interviewee 1: I have never regretted it because I have already seen the health benefits that come with it. (pause) But sometimes I wonder if I didn't follow the female biological clock and continued to finish college and get into work, would I be more integrated with my friends? (laughs) very firm, no regrets another possibility Desire to connect with friends around Interviewee 1: I would advise them to follow this and avoid rushing when it is too late. (laughs) Encourage follow female biological clock Interviewee 2: As many women reach the peak of their reproductive years, they tend to feel pressured to get pregnant. I was aware that fertility begins to decline for many women once they approach their mid thirty's. It motivated me to plan my pregnancy at the right age. Feel pressured at mid thirty Acknowledgment of fertility decline Encourage females to plan pregnancy at the right age Interviewee 2: It is crucial for women, especially those in their early twenties, to understand the benefits of getting pregnant at their most fertile age when they are not exposed to risks. I always try to teach people, especially ladies my age, to embrace following the biological clock for their benefit. Crucial to know the benefits of the biological clock No risks Teach other females to follow the biological clock Interviewee 2: As people become older, their bodies naturally generate fewer eggs and sperm, and those produced are lower quality. Tell the risks and truths of the biological aspect Interviewee 2: I embraced this idea after learning the importance of following the biological clock in a specific
  • 3. family. influenced by family don't really understand the female biological clock Interviewee 2: A composite female will examine her tummy and agonize about her life decisions. (erm) I understand that modern society has encouraged women's empowerment to a great extent. It is selfish for a woman to choose her career over a healthy baby. modern society encourages women’s empowerment to a great extent. Having a baby is a goal in the whole female life? Selfish choose career over a baby? Interviewee 2: Parents should encourage their daughters to pursue this path because it can help alleviate stress related to delayed production. Parents' education and ideas influence children's future choices and plans Interviewee 3: I always encourage my daughter to follow the biological clock because it helps improve our health; we need to learn about and appreciate the processes by which our body operates. (laughs) (erm) While most women nowadays are delaying parenting for professional reasons, and some are afraid they lack the emotional maturity to start a family, this decision often has adverse consequences later in their lives. The choice she made in the past, but also let her daughter continue to follow. She didn't ask her daughter how she felt. Suitable for yourself does not mean suitable for others Interviewee 3: I do not feel bad because I know many people do not understand this precisely. (laughs) I usually take my time to converse with them on the significance of following a biological clock and the risks of not adhering to it. Very happy to know about the biological clock Convince more people to follow the biological clock Popularize the biological clock for more people Interviewee 3: One of my sisters had a tough time getting a
  • 4. child when she married at 36. (erm) It got me thinking about the importance of the biological clock. (pause) I weighed the challenges she had gone through, which included expensive fertility treatments, anxiety, depression, and possible divorce. (coughs) I did not want to go through the same difficulties and therefore decided to try my luck by embracing the biological clock. Real experiences Side-effects of old age pregnant Use side effects to scare people in order to follow the biological clock Interviewee 3: I think it is the best for my daughter. (laughs) She is always happy with this decision. (laughs) I am also glad I followed it, as it has been excellent in helping me plan my reproductive time well. My daughter and I have had no pregnancy-related issues. Hence, we have no single regret for following the biological clock. Real happy? Any regret about your career or friendship? Instructions to writer: this is a peer respond, please respond to Ivis and Valonie with a minimum of 150 words to each peer and at least 1 academic resource to each peer. Please respond individually to each peer. Example: “Hello Ivis I enjoyed reading your post and liked the points you made. I agree with you”, write what works best, this was just an intro example, but must meet this: · You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. I need this in APA Style. Thank you!
  • 5. This’s Ivis Discussion Post ↓ Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care The advanced practice nurse (APN) can apply a range of learning theories and principles to give patients high-quality care. Behaviorism, cognitivism, social learning theory, cognitive behavioral theory, self-efficacy theory, and constructivism are a few of the most practical theories. Behaviorism is a learning theory that focuses on the observable behavior of learners. This theory is useful to the APN because it can help identify specific behaviors that need to be changed to improve health outcomes (Merriam, 2018). For example, if a behaviorist approach is used to identify a patient’s smoking behavior, the APN can change that behavior to improve the patient's health (Merriam, 2018). Cognitivism is a learning theory that focuses on the mental processes of learners. This theory is useful to the APN because it can help to understand how patients learn and remember information. This understanding can then be used to design educational materials and interventions that are more likely to succeed (Merriam, 2018). For example, suppose a cognitivist approach is used to understand how patients learn about a new medication. In that case, the APN can design an educational intervention more likely to teach patients about the medication successfully. According to the social learning theory, people pick up new skills by watching and copying the actions of others. Given that APNs frequently work one-on-one with clients, this notion is very pertinent to them. The APN can employ social learning theory to help clients learn new skills and model desired behaviors for them (Merriam, 2018). The cognitive behavioral theory posits that people's thoughts and beliefs influence their behavior. This theory is useful for the APN in providing health care because it can help the APN understand how clients' thoughts and beliefs may impact their health behaviors. Self- efficacy theory posits that people's beliefs about their ability to
  • 6. perform a task or behavior influence their performance (Merriam, 2018). This theory is useful for the APN in providing health care because it can help the APN to understand how to motivate and encourage clients to change their health behaviors. Constructivism is a learning theory that focuses on how learners construct knowledge. This theory is useful to the APN because it can help to understand how patients make sense of health information. This understanding can then be used to design educational materials and interventions that are more likely to succeed (Al-Rasbi, 2020). For example, if a constructivist approach is used to understand how patients understand the concept of "healthy eating," the APN can design an educational intervention that is more likely to teach patients about healthy eating. In addition to the learning theories, a few important learning principles are also relevant to the APN. One principle is that learning is an active process. This means that people learn best when actively engaged in the learning process (Merriam, 2018). The APN can encourage active learning by involving clients in their care and providing opportunities for them to practice new skills. Another principle is that learning is a social process (Mukhalalati & Taylor, 2019). This means that people learn best when they are working with others. The APN can encourage social learning by involving family members and other healthcare team members in the care of clients. This’s Valonie Discussion Post ↓ The advanced practice nurse needs to understand learning theories to best communicate with their clients and ensure the client understands their plan of care. Learning theories help nurses to understand their thought processes and the thought processes of patients and families during an interaction. The cognitive and social learning theories can be considered the most useful to the advanced practice (APN) in providing high- quality care to clients because they influence how the APN and the client receive and use new educational information to
  • 7. maximize care. The cognitive learning theory is helpful to the APN in understanding the internal thought processes and motivations for learning for themselves and their clients. The cognitive learning theory focuses on learning through internalizing information with a focus on the individual's perception and how it affects their information processing (McSparron et al., 2019). Therefore, the individual's ability to learn is predetermined by their readiness, and they are more likely to retain information if they have reasonable expectations. According to the cognitive learning theory, learning is based on perceiving the data, interpreting it based on what is already known, and reorganizing the information to form new understanding (Bastable, 2017). This theory can help the APN provide high-quality health care to clients by making them aware of their opportunities to learn and creating learning opportunities for their clients. APNs can incorporate the cognitive learning theory when adopting new evidence-based practice guidelines. Although they may be comfortable with a standard method of practice, as new evidence becomes available to providers, they must maintain an attitude that promotes learning to perceive and interpret the information so that they can use it to benefit their clients. Similarly, when educating their clients on disease processes, the ANP must be cognizant of the learner's goals and expectations in order to create an equilibrium of what the client already knows and their perception of the new information in order for the client to reorganize the information into new learning and understanding. The social learning theory is useful to the APN in providing high-quality care to clients because it helps the APN and their clients to better retain new information that is taught. The social learning theory emphasizes the importance of modeling. The social learning theory establishes that people pay attention to role models and learn by observing others (Horsburgh & Ippolito, 2018). The model creates a connection between the teacher and the learner. The learner pays attention to the
  • 8. teacher, sees the behavior, internalizes what they see to retain the information, and reproduces it (Horsburgh & Ippolito, 2018). This theory is best exemplified by the student nurse practitioner and new APNs. They learn some of their practices by observing their preceptor or the experienced nurse practitioner and reciprocating what they learn with their future patients. Additionally, the APN may benefit from using this theory in patient education by incorporating communication that involves examples or using a teach-back method. For example, if a patient is newly diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes, the best method of teaching the patient about managing their diabetes with insulin may be to utilize a teach-back method that includes a hands-on model. Although the principle of self- injecting insulin to control blood sugars may be easily understood by a healthcare professional, the APN should understand that this is a foreign concept to the patient. Simply explaining the steps will not be enough for the patient to recall and implement in their daily lives. Self-administering insulin is a new behavior for the patient; therefore, they may best acquire this behavior by observing this action from the APN. 1 Wenjia Zhang COMN 2200 Professor Elizabeth Suter Oct 11,2022 Interview and Transcription I interviewed the first interviewee through online channels, she follows the female biological clock and is my longtime friend in junior studies. The data from the interview will help view life from other people’s description and their way of thinking and
  • 9. how to encourage the observance of the female "biological" clock to balance between being a mother and having a career. Interviewer: Hello, Interviewee 1. How are you? (laughs) (deep breath) Today’s topic is the female biological clock. Please feel relaxed; if you feel uncomfortable with anything, feel free to stop me anytime. Could we start now? Interviewee 1: Sure things. (laughs) Interviewer: So, the first question is: How has following the female biological clock impacted your life? Interviewee 1: (erm) My improved health is a direct result of my growing appreciation for and awareness of the intricate workings of my body. Interviewer: Got it. (erm) Let’s move on to the next question when someone describes the following biological clock as “primitive,” how does that make you feel? Interviewee 1: (pause) I feel that the person does not exactly know what the biological clock means. I, therefore, pity them. Interviewer: (pause) Would you like to share more? Interviewee 1: Sure, (erm) when some women choose to give up pregnancy at a fertile period, the chances of a successful pregnancy are significantly reduced when they get older. Interviewer: Great. (laughs) Tell me about the understanding of a woman’s biological clock program and how it has impacted your life in the journey of your motherhood. Interviewee 1: (erm) The variability in fertility occurs over a person's lifetime and may be tracked by that person's biological clock. Because of this, I now better understand the optimal
  • 10. timing to have a family. Interviewer: I understand it. (pause) So, when did you embrace the idea of following the female biological clock? Interviewee 1: (erm) I got the idea in high school. My mother often told me that women need to do the right things at the right time, 22 is the best age to have children, and the timing is very ripe. Women can still have a lot of time to pursue their dream careers after giving birth. Even though most women around me chose to start working, I think my mother was right. (laughs) Interviewer: There are a few questions left. Should we continue, or have a rest? Interviewee 1: I’m good, we can continue. (laughs) Interviewer: What would happen if, during your fertile years, you got engaged in many activities to enhance your career life? How would you do? Would you sacrifice your career to get children first? (coughs) Interviewee 1: (erm) I don't think it would be a good idea to focus on my profession throughout my childbearing years. Interviewer: Can you share more things? Interviewee: (pause) I think we can move on to the next question. Interviewer: Of course. (pause) Is there a point when your decision to follow the biological clock to have a child early was misunderstood by your peers? Interviewee 1: Yes. (erm) It is because, in most cases, people have not understood it fully. The reaction would have been
  • 11. different if they had better understood it. Interviewer: The next question is, how do you hope others will understand the importance of using the female biological clock? (coughs) Interviewee 1: Through educating one another, we can all get to know its benefits. Interviewer: (erm) Do you ever regret following the biological clock? Why? Interviewee 1: (erm) I have never regretted it because I have already seen the health benefits that come with it. (pause) But sometimes I wonder if I didn't follow the female biological clock and continued to finish college and get into work, would I be more integrated with my friends? (laughs) Interviewer: Excellent, how do you feel about following a biological clock to give birth? Interviewee 1: (coughs) I choose to follow this path because it is easier and with no health concerns. Interviewer: In conclusion, how do you advise other parents with daughters who have entered fertility? (pause) Will you encourage them to let their daughters follow it to avoid delayed production? Interviewee 1: I would advise them to follow this and avoid rushing when it is too late. (laughs) Interviewer: Thank you so much for doing the interview; it was helpful for my research topic. (laughs) I hope you have a good day. Bye.
  • 12. Interviewee 1: Thank you, Wenjia. Bye. (laughs) Honest Self-assessment: My preparation for the first interview is relatively sufficient because it is a native language interview and an online interview, which will be relatively relaxed. Of course, there were a lot of problems in the first interview. The first point was the time difference. It was challenging to find a relatively suitable time for both sides. The second point is that the interviewee is relatively shy, and I need to encourage them to express their thoughts more. 1 Wenjia Zhang COMN 2200 Professor Elizabeth Suter Oct 20,2022 Interview and Transcription I interviewed the second interviewee online, who followed the female biological clock and was six months pregnant. The data from the interview will help view life from other people’s description and their way of thinking and how to encourage the observance of the female "biological" clock to balance between being a mother and having a career. Interviewer: Hello, Interviewee 2. How are you? (laughs) I’m sorry to bother you in the early morning. Interviewee 2: It's okay. I've been waking up very early since I got pregnant. (laughs) Interviewer: Ok. (pause) Today’s topic is the female biological
  • 13. clock. There is a total of 11 questions. Maybe I need to spend an hour. (erm) Please feel relaxed; if you need a rest, just let me know, and we can stop anytime. Interviewee 2: Sounds great. (laughs) Interviewer: Could we start now? (laughs) Interviewee 2: Sure. (laughs) Interviewer: (erm) The first question is: How has following the female biological clock impacted your life? Interviewee 2: (erm) As many women reach the peak of their reproductive years, they tend to feel pressured to get pregnant. I was aware that fertility begins to decline for many women once they approach their mid thirty's. It motivated me to plan my pregnancy at the right age. (erm) Following the female biological clock has changed my life for the better. I do not need to worry about fertility treatments. Fertility treatments are also costly and have many risks involved. (coughs) I am also glad that I do not have to deal with the feelings of anxiety on the biological clock that get intense as women get older. (laughs) (pause) Many risks are associated with late pregnancies, such as cesarean section delivery, gestational diabetes, low birth weight babies, and many more. (erm) My choice of following the female biological clock is excellent since it does not pose any risks to my health, both physically and mentally. I am glad I am pregnant at the right age with no troubles. (laughs) Interviewer: Excellent. (laughs) The next question is when someone describes the following biological clock as “primitive,” how does that make you feel? Interviewee 2: (pause) I always need to educate the person
  • 14. about what it is. (laughs) (erm) Most people think getting pregnant young is an obstacle, especially in their careers. (erm) However, people do not understand the bitter fact that the female biological clock would not slow down just because they are not ready to start a family due to a career or other concerns. (pause) It is crucial for women, especially those in their early twenties, to understand the benefits of getting pregnant at their most fertile age when they are not exposed to risks. I always try to teach people, especially ladies my age, to embrace following the biological clock for their benefit. (coughs) Interviewer: Understand. (coughs) (erm) Tell me about the understanding of a woman’s biological clock program and how it has impacted your life in the journey of your motherhood. Interviewee 2: (erm) As people become older, their bodies naturally generate fewer eggs and sperm, and those produced are lower quality. As a result, one can make informed decisions on the optimal timing to have a family. I have been successful in both the planning and accomplishment of my maternal objectives (laughs). (coughs) The peak fertility age for most women is in their early twenties, while the fertility rate decreases as they approach 30. As a result, the chances of women at 40 getting pregnant is approximately 2-3% each month. Interviewer: (erm) Can you share more thoughts on this question? Interviewee 2: (laughs) Of course. The age-related fertility decline results in the quantity and quality of eggs in women going down. It means that the woman will lose many eggs as she ages. (erm) Furthermore, the quality of eggs in an aged woman will be affected by age and decrease, making it difficult to get pregnant and have a healthy baby. (pause) Most embryos in women over the age of 40 are genetically abnormal.
  • 15. Therefore, it is essential to get pregnant in your early 20s when you are confident of having a healthy baby. Understanding the female biological clock has been eye-opening, and I am glad I embraced it. My pregnancy journey has been smooth. (laughs) Interviewer: Good job. (laughs) So, when did you embrace the idea of following the female biological clock? Interviewee 2: I embraced this idea after learning the importance of following the biological clock in a specific family. (laughs) Interviewer: (erm) (pause) There are a few questions left. Do you need a rest? Interviewee 2: Yes, I think I need a rest. I may need some water. (laughs) Interviewer: Of course. (laughs) We can have a ten-minute break. Interviewee 2: Thanks. (Pause for 6 minutes) Interviewee 2: Hi, Interviewer. I am ready. (laughs) We can continue the rest of the interview. Interviewer: Great. (laughs) What would happen if, during your fertile years, you got engaged in many activities to enhance your career life? How would you do? (pause) Would you sacrifice your career to get children first? (coughs) Interviewee 2: (pause) I don't think it's a good idea to put off having children to advance in one's job. A composite female
  • 16. will examine her tummy and agonize about her life decisions. (erm) I understand that modern society has encouraged women's empowerment to a great extent. As a result, women have access to better careers and educational opportunities. (pause) (coughs) However, despite the positive changes in women's roles, fertility is still limited by age. (erm) It is selfish for a woman to choose her career over a healthy baby. Most people know that the ability to have a healthy embryo weakens with age. (erm) Therefore, choosing to postpone motherhood due to a job is just ignorance and a poor decision. The career factor causes intense anxiety to women, especially when deciding the right time to approach parenthood. (pause) Despite the advanced fertility treatments available, having children in the most fertile years is the best option. I would choose children first, and I focus on my career later. (coughs) Interviewer: Understood. (coughs) Is there a point when your decision to follow the biological clock to have a child early was misunderstood by your peers? Interviewee 2: Many times. I have always shown them the sense of it (laughs). Most of my peers perceive that a lady should spend her early 20s focusing on her career, finances, and finding the right partner. (erm) (pause) However, they don't understand that the biological clock will not accommodate delayed reproduction. (coughs) The reasons for delaying motherhood can be justifiable, but the fact remains that fertility diminishes with age. Interviewer: (erm) The next question is, how do you hope others will understand the importance of using the female biological clock? Interviewee 2: (erm) (pause) I hope healthcare facilities can help educate people about its significance. Women should be aware that the level of reproductive hormones and the health of
  • 17. their eggs diminishes with age. (pause) Furthermore, we should educate them on the risk of certain conditions that can make it difficult for them to get pregnant as they age. Conditions such as uterine fibroids, cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, and endometriosis, among others, significantly affect pregnancy in women. (erm) Healthcare facilities should also educate women on the risks involved in advanced fertility treatments and greatly discourage them. Young women should be encouraged to follow the female biological clock and have children at a young age. (laughs) Interviewer: Great. (erm) Do you ever regret following the biological clock? Why? Interviewee 2: Not even once. (laughs) I have tremendously benefited from this; thus, I have no reason to look back and regret it. My mental health has been very stable, especially during my pregnancy. (laughs) I have had no reason for the anxiety or stress often associated with late pregnancies. Having a child at my fertile age convinced me that my baby would be healthy and no risks such as cesarean delivery would be associated. (laughs) Interviewer: (laughs) How do you feel about following a biological clock to give birth? (coughs) Interviewee 2: (erm) This is a natural method with no side effects or regrets. Interviewer: Almost done. (laughs) Interviewee 2: Awesome. (laughs) Interviewer: (pause) In conclusion, how do you advise other parents with
  • 18. daughters who have entered fertility? (erm) Will you encourage them to let their daughters follow it to avoid delayed production? Interviewee 2: (erm) Parents should encourage their daughters to pursue this path because it can help alleviate stress related to delayed production. Interviewer: (erm) Do you want to add something else we didn’t mention? Interviewee 2: Yes. (laughs) Women of childbearing should be encouraged to eat a balanced diet and limit alcohol, smoking, and consuming caffeine. It will play a significant role in improving their reproductive health. Interviewer: Well done. Thank you so much for doing the interview; it was helpful for my research topic. I hope you have a good day. Bye. (laughs) Interviewee 2: Thank you, Interviewer. Bye. (laughs) Self-Assessment: I think my second interview was more informative than the first one. I encourage interviewees to say more. And there is a proper
  • 19. rest adjustment time in the middle of the interview, which is very helpful for this interview. 1 Wenjia Zhang COMN 2200 Professor Elizabeth Suter Oct 23,2022 Interview and Transcription I interviewed the third interviewee through online channels; she is a parent who lets her daughter track the female biological clock. She also followed the female biological clock when she was young. The data from the interview will help view life from other people’s description and their way of thinking and how to encourage the observance of the female "biological" clock to balance between being a mother and having a career. Interviewer: Hello, Interviewee 3. (laughs) How are you? Interviewee 3: I’m good. (laughs) What about you? How was your study in the US? (laughs) Interviewer: (erm) I’m good. It is midterm period, so busy. (coughs) Interviewee 3: When are you planning to go back home? (laughs) Interviewer: Actually, I don’t know. (erm) Maybe summer. (laughs) Interviewee 3: Sounds great. (laughs) Interviewer: Ok. Let’s get back on the right track. (pause)
  • 20. (laughs) The interview topic is the female biological clock. Please feel relaxed; if you feel uncomfortable with any questions, feel free to stop me anytime. (coughs) Interviewee 3: I will. (laughs) Interviewer: Could we start now? (laughs) Interviewee 3: Sure. (laughs) Please go ahead. Interviewer: The first question is: How has following the female biological clock impacted your life? (coughs) Interviewee 3: (pause) I always encourage my daughter to follow the biological clock because it helps improve our health; we need to learn about and appreciate the processes by which our body operates. (laughs) (erm) While most women nowadays are delaying parenting for professional reasons, and some are afraid they lack the emotional maturity to start a family, this decision often has adverse consequences later in their lives. (coughs) Interviewer: Got it. Could you share more thoughts on this question? (laughs) Interviewee 3: Of course. (laughs) By keeping tabs on my biological clock, I could schedule my life so that my personal and professional goals would not clash with the window of opportunity for having my children as set by the biological clock. (erm)(pause) I am aware, too, that a woman's fertility might start to diminish well before she is ready to start a family and that by the time she is prepared on all fronts. It can be profoundly discouraging and even depressing to find that she is past the best biological time to start a family. (pause) Thus, I am relieved that I can keep track of my biological clock and use that information to make wise decisions about my life and
  • 21. sidestep the health and emotional dangers of giving birth later in life. (coughs) Interviewer: Great. (laughs) The next question is when someone describes the following biological clock as “primitive,” how does that make you feel? Interviewee 3: (pause) I do not feel bad because I know many people do not understand this precisely. (laughs) I usually take my time to converse with them on the significance of following a biological clock and the risks of not adhering to it. (erm) Most believe that getting pregnant earlier in life is primitive and associated with lower income, (erm) lower educational levels, and economic difficulties. These individuals do not consider that education and finances can be achieved even after childbirth and enjoy life. (coughs) I always try to educate them that being a mother at a relatively young age is not an archaic practice; instead, it is more advantageous to the child's health. Interviewer: Thank you. (pause) Tell me about the understanding of a woman’s biological clock program and how it has impacted your life in the journey of your motherhood. Interviewee 3: The key to success is thinking critically and acting on that thinking. (pause) (erm) Starting a family might go more smoothly if you know your reproductive physiology and plan appropriately. (erm) Women’s fertility fluctuates throughout their lifetimes. The "biological clock" program stresses the difficulty of conceiving later in life (the late thirties) due to the natural reduction in egg and sperm count and quality with age. (coughs) It also represents the emotional stress one may experience if they have not started a family by a specific period. (erm) This program encouraged me to plan my reproductive time well to avoid the challenges of delayed childbirth. (erm) Adherence to the program has also helped me strike a healthy balance between my professional and personal
  • 22. life, with fewer conflicts on either front. (laughs) Interviewer: I understand it. (erm) So, when did you embrace the idea of following the female biological clock? (coughs) Interviewee 3: (pause) (erm) One of my sisters had a tough time getting a child when she married at 36. (erm) It got me thinking about the importance of the biological clock. (pause) I weighed the challenges she had gone through, which included expensive fertility treatments, anxiety, depression, and possible divorce. (coughs) I did not want to go through the same difficulties and therefore decided to try my luck by embracing the biological clock. By then, I was in my early twenties. (erm) Since then, I can testify that the biological clock is excellent since it has helped me avoid those challenges, ensuring my health, both physically and mentally. Interviewer: Excellent. (laughs) (pause) What would happen if, during your fertile years, you got engaged in many activities to enhance your career life? (erm) How would you do? (erm) Would you sacrifice your career to get children first? Interviewee 3: (pause) This is a tricky question. (laughs) Interviewer: (laughs) Take your time to think about it. Interviewee 3: (erm) (coughs) I would first sacrifice my career and get back later. (pause) Though most women currently prefer to pursue their careers till early in life, this decision has negatively affected most of them as they face challenges trying to conceive in old age. (erm) The significant difficulties adversely affect their physical and mental health and finances, leaving some depressed. (erm) Delaying childbearing is a risky endeavor that necessitates careful consideration of potential adverse outcomes for fertility, the pregnancy itself, maternal and infant health,
  • 23. and women's capacity to care for children and be "good" mothers. (pause) Some risks of defying the biological clock are premature births, miscarriages, infertility, and prolonged labor. The health of babies born in old age may also be at risk due to conditions such as Down syndrome due to declined reproductive potential. (coughs) Hence, it will mean I risk my baby's life over a career. I would therefore forego my job and make the conscious decision to start a family while my reproductive potential is at its highest. (laughs) Interviewer: Understood. (coughs) Is there a point when your decision to follow the biological clock to have a child early was misunderstood by your peers? Interviewee 3: (laughs) People will always be adamant when they do not understand something. (erm) Most of my peers always thought and told me that starting a family early was a wrong choice with adverse repercussions on my future life, significantly since I had not yet stabilized my career and finances. (pause) They believed that a woman was supposed to build their career first and stabilize economically before deciding to have children. (laughs) However, I always took time to explain to them the importance of following the biological clock and that fertility declines over time while a career does not. (coughs) Interviewer: Let’s have a 10-minute break! (laughs) Interviewee 3: Ok. Thanks (laughs) (Pause for 10 minutes) Interviewer: Welcome back. (laughs) The next question is, how do you hope others will understand the importance of using the female biological clock? (coughs)
  • 24. Interviewee 3: (erm) Parents should educate their children about the significance of this method. (pause) As a woman ages, her reproductive hormones decline, and her eggs become less viable, making it difficult to conceive. (pause) In addition, people should be aware of the possibility of developing diseases that make pregnancy more challenging as they age. (erm) Doing this will encourage people to embrace the biological clock, minimizing the risks of delayed childbirth. Interviewer: (pause) Do you ever regret following the biological clock? (erm) Why? Interviewee 3: I think it is the best for my daughter. (laughs) She is always happy with this decision. (laughs) I am also glad I followed it, as it has been excellent in helping me plan my reproductive time well. My daughter and I have had no pregnancy-related issues. Hence, we have no single regret for following the biological clock. (laughs) Interviewer: Excellent. How do you feel about following a biological clock to give birth? (erm) Why did you choose to let your daughter follow it? (coughs) Interviewee 3: (laughs) I allowed my daughter to follow this so that she can produce during her fertile period. I also encouraged her to embrace it since I knew the benefits that come with embracing it and the challenges of not adhering to it. (coughs) Keeping track of the biological clock helped me avoid these challenges, and I feel doing so will also benefit my daughter. (pause) I think following the biological clock is excellent for all women since it helps avoid childbirth-related risks. (laughs) Interviewer: In conclusion, how do you advise other parents with daughters who have entered fertility? (coughs) Will you encourage them to let their daughters follow it to avoid delayed
  • 25. production? Interviewee 3: (pause) The age of peak fertility varies from person to person, just as the age at which women begin and end menstruation. Therefore, parents should advise their children to produce when they are productive. (laughs) Parents should also encourage their children to follow the biological clock to minimize the anxiety caused by childbirth delays and risks. Interviewer: (erm) Do you want to say something else? (laughs) Interviewee 3: (laughs) No. (erm) I think I have finished all the things I want to say. (laughs) Interviewer: Thank you so much for doing the interview; it was helpful for my research topic. (laughs) I hope you have a good day. (laughs) Interviewee 3: Thank you, Interviewer. Remember to tell me when you come back to China. (laughs) Interviewer: I will. (laughs) Self-assessment: I think my third interview was relatively successful. After the first two interviews, the third interview became relatively relaxed. The first two interviews were very tense and stiff. I only read the sentences I prepared. In the third interview, I was already very familiar with the interview questions, so the whole atmosphere was very harmonious.