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Data Modeling on NoSQL
Bryce Cottam
Principal Architect, Think Big a Teradata Company
• Where we came from (RDBMS Modeling)
• Migrate Existing Data Model to NoSQL
• Questions
• Migrate a SQL based solution to NoSQL
• NoSQL Smack-Down (Battle of the NoSQL Bands)
What we are NOT going to cover:
Where We Came From
(RDBMS Modeling)
SQL Backdrop
123 Tony Soprano true 1963-04-15
124 Carmella Soprano false 1968-12-02
125 Johnny Sacrimoni true 1959-01-11
158 Paulie Gualtieri false 1960-08-04
159 Silvio Dante false 1965-10-11
162 Ralph Cifaretto false 1969-03-28
164 Christopher Moltisanti false 1974-01-11
165 Adriana La Cerva false 1976-11-02
• Column Order
• Column Names
• Column Width
• Data Types
Metadata Raw Data
• Save space
• Consistent format
• Familiar syntax (ANSI SQL Standard)
Issues at Scale
UI Presentation
UI Presentation
UI Presentation
Where We Came From
User Bid
Data Models
public class User {
private long id;
private String email;
private String name;
private String profileImageUrl;
// AccessLevel is an enum
private AccessLevel accessLevel;
private Date createdDate;
private List<Auction> auctions;
private List<Bid> bids;
public class Auction {
private long id;
private String title;
private String imageUrl;
private BigDecimal currentPrice;
private User highBidder;
private Date endTime;
private List<Bid> bids;
private Payment payment;
public class Bid {
private long id;
private User user;
private Auction auction;
private BigDecimal amount;
private Date timestamp;
public class Payment {
private long id;
private Auction auction;
private Date timestamp;
// Visa, MasterCard, AmEx etc.
private String cardType;
private String confirmationNumber;
Support Queries
select a.*, b.*
from auction a
join bid b
on = b.auction_id
where = 12345
order by b.timestamp desc
• Either manual SQL or ORM generated SQL will wind up joining a few tables to get the
desired results
• Joins are not supported by most NoSQL solutions
Get all Bids for a given Auction:
Support Queries
select count(*) from bid where user_id = 554422
• Aggregates in NoSQL are usually not supported
• If they are supported, they often have performance or memory issues
select avg(current_price) from auction
select, max(s.bid_count) as bids
from (select user_id, count(*) as bid_count
from bid group by user_id) as s
join user u on = s.user_id
Count all Bids for a User:
Get average final price of all Auctions:
Get the User with the most Bids:
Adapt to your Data Store
• Most web app developers think in terms of tables, columns, queries
• Many times the schema is simply mirrored in the application layer model objects
• (Not a bad thing, but hard to change)
• The most successful/scalable applications embrace the features and limitations of their
chosen datastore
Schema DAO Application
Patterns defined here effect application
behavior for data interaction
Access PatternStorage Details
Encouraging Scalable Access Patterns
public class BidDao {
// Common API structure, loads all in memory
// Also requires that the full User object is available
public List<Bid> getBids(User user) {…}
public class BidDao {
// Paging is a good option to avoid memory issues
public List<Bid> getBids(String userId, int offset, int limit) {…}
// Streaming APIs encourages streaming processing
public Iterator<Bid> getBids(String userId) {…}
Encouraging Scalable Access Patterns
Small buffer
Memory Required
Paging: Memory Required
Garbage Collected
Memory Required
Adapt to your Data Store
SQL-NoSQL Adapter
If you mask your true
datastore semantics,
you risk your
• DataNucleus is a good option if used with discipline
• Provides JDO/JPA support
NoSQL Store
Top level concepts to embrace
• Denormalization
• Intelligent Key Design
• Counters
• Sharding
Identify Conceptually Immutable Fields
public class User {
private long id;
private String email;
private String name;
private String profileImageUrl;
// AccessLevel is an enum
private AccessLevel accessLevel;
private Date createdDate;
private List<Auction> auctions;
private List<Bid> bids;
public class Auction {
private long id;
private String title;
private String imageUrl;
private BigDecimal currentPrice;
private User highBidder;
private Date endTime;
private List<Bid> bids;
private Payment payment;
public class UserReference {
private long id;
private String name;
private String profileImageUrl;
public class AuctionReference {
private long id;
private String title;
private String imageUrl;
Modified Data Structures
public class User {
// Changed ids to Strings
// (more on that soon)
private String id;
private String email;
private String name;
private String profileImageUrl;
private AccessLevel accessLevel;
private Date createdDate;
private List<Auction> auctions;
private List<Bid> bids;
public class Auction {
private String id;
private String title;
private String imageUrl;
private BigDecimal currentPrice;
private UserReference highBidder;
private Date endTime;
private List<Bid> bids;
private Payment payment;
public class Bid {
private String id;
private UserReference user;
private AuctionReference auction;
private BigDecimal amount;
private Date timestamp;
public class Payment {
private String id;
private AuctionReference auction;
private Date timestamp;
// Visa, MasterCard, AmEx etc.
private String cardType;
private String confirmationNumber;
Modified Data Models
public class Bid {
// the @Embedded annotation (both JDO and JPA)
// indicates that this is not an FK relationship:
private UserReference user;
private AuctionReference auction;
…/d288-4af3-8821-27a37269ec0c {amount:”14.00”, user_id:”abc123”, user_name:”Ralph Cifaretto”, user_profile_image:”http://…”, …}
…/d288-4af3-8821-27a37283af10 {amount:”240.00”, user_id:”abc123”, user_name:”Ralph Cifaretto”, user_profile_image:”http://…”, …}
Under the hood in the data store:
• JDO/JPA configuration is certainly not required
• We’re making a copy of the conceptually immutable properties of the user
• When we read a Bid record now, we don’t need to go fetch the User record
• Nor do we need a join
Manual Marshaling
public class BidDao {
public Bid read(String id) {
// This is an HBase-like API, but the idea is the same for most all
// NoSQL datastore native APIs:
Result result = openConnection().get(“bid”, id);
Bid bid = new Bid();
String userId = result.getValue(“user_id”);
String userName = result.getValue(“user_name”);
String profileUrl = result.getValue(“user_profile_image”);
UserReference user = new UserReference(userId, userName, profileUrl);
return bid;
// To access user information:
UserReference user = bid.getUser();
String userName = user.getName();
We support access pattern without joins
Click on Auction
image or name
and go to details
for Auction
Data is duplicated many (many) times
id amount user_id user_name user_profile_image auction_id auction_title . . .
124 14.00 5432 Gustavo ‘Gus’ Fring… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . .
125 13.00 1234 Walter White http://dead.users… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . .
126 12.00 2223 Hank Schrader… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . .
127 11.00 1234 Walter White http://dead.users… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . .
128 10.00 1112 Jesse Pinkman… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . .
129 9.00 2223 Hank Schrader… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . .
130 8.00 1234 Walter White http://dead.users… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . .
131 7.00 1112 Jesse Pinkman… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . .
132 6.00 1234 Walter White http://dead.users… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . .
id name profile_image email created_date . . .
5432 Gustavo ‘Gus’ Fring… 2008-01-01 . . .
1234 Walter White http://chem.users… 2008-02-02 . . .
2223 Hank Schrader… 2009-01-12 . . .
1112 Jesse Pinkman… 2008-11-16 . . .
What about updates?
Async Request to
change all Bid
records related to
this user
Time Line
sent to user
Use workers to
modify affected
Possibly minutes
Denormalization Observations
• We don’t always need ACID compliance
• Strict FK enforcement not always required
• MySQL’s MyISAM storage works fine for many situations
• Users are getting used to change latency
• There is a trade off between horizontal scalability in your app
and patterns we’ve been trained to rely on
Intelligent Key Design
Sample NoSQL Storage Layout
Server 1
Server 2
Server 3
Server n
• This scan is “get everything from key16 through key22”
• A key-range scan returns N rows in linear time O(N) regardless of the number of rows in the table
• This is not true for relational databases
Intelligent Key Design
abc123 {…}
abc124 {name:”Tony Soprano”, createdDate:”2011-01-12”, email:””, role:”BOSS”}
abc125 {name:”Salvator Bonpensiero”, createdDate:”2014-10-02”, email:””, role:”CAPO”}
abc126 {name:”Christopher Moltisanti”, createdDate:”2012-10-02”, email:””, role:”SOLDIER”}
abc2 {name:”Carmella Soprano”, createdDate:”2011-10-02”, email:””, favoriateCar:”BMW”}
abc20 {name:”Meadow Soprano”, createdDate:”2012-01-02”, email:””, favoriateCar:12.25}
abc21 {someField:”some value”, averageScore:5.75, someOtherDate:”2011-10-02”}
abc22 {…}
bcd1 {…}
bcd12 {…}
Key ordering is lexical
Records can be
different schemas
Ascending Timestamp
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:00.000 {…}
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:12.975 {…}
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:14.221 {…}
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:18.005 {…}
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:35.572 {…}
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:40.003 {…}
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:41.123 {…}
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:41.124 {…}
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:41.150 {…}
Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:41.218 {…}
is a pretty standard timestamp and lexically orders chronologically
• Great for time-series data
• Timeline tracking (viewing data in the order it was processed etc.)
UI Presentation
Descending Order
UI Presentation
Descending Order
Descending Timestamp
Bid/9223370622642200431 {…}
Bid/9223370622642200478 {…}
Bid/9223370622642200512 {…}
Bid/9223370622642203021 {…}
Bid/9223370622642203897 {…}
Bid/9223370622642204112 {…}
Bid/9223370622642204559 {…}
Bid/9223370622642207054 {…}
Bid/9223370622642215431 {…}
Bid/9223370622642235500 {…}
public class User {
// This will yield some ridiculous value like: 9223370622642200431
// Number of millseconds in a year: 3153600000
// This computation will reach 0 in the year 292,471,163
long descendingTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE – System.currentTimeMillis();
Descending Timestamp
Bid/9223370622642200431 {… action_id:”12345” …}
Bid/9223370622642200478 {… action_id:”54321” …}
Bid/9223370622642200512 {… action_id:”12345” …}
Bid/9223370622642203021 {… action_id:”22222” …}
Bid/9223370622642203897 {… action_id:”22233” …}
Bid/9223370622642204112 {… action_id:”12345” …}
Bid/9223370622642204559 {… action_id:”22233” …}
Bid/9223370622642207054 {… action_id:”54321” …}
Bid/9223370622642215431 {… action_id:”54321” …}
Bid/9223370622642235500 {… action_id:”12345” …}
Start with ”Bid/”
Stop after 5 rows
5 most recent bids
• Known as a “range scan”
• Very easy to start with some prefix and read for N records
• Complexity stays constant for top 5 bids no matter how many bids are in the system
Descending Timestamp
Auction/11222/Bid/9223370622642203021 {… action_id:”11222” …}
Auction/12233/Bid/9223370622642203897 {… action_id:”12233” …}
Auction/12233/Bid/9223370622642204559 {… action_id:”12233” …}
Auction/12345/Bid/9223370622642200431 {… action_id:”12345” …}
Auction/12345/Bid/9223370622642200512 {… action_id:”12345” …}
Auction/12345/Bid/9223370622642204112 {… action_id:”12345” …}
Auction/12345/Bid/9223370622642235500 {… action_id:”12345” …}
Auction/54321/Bid/9223370622642200478 {… action_id:”54321” …}
Auction/54321/Bid/9223370622642207054 {… action_id:”54321” …}
Auction/54321/Bid/9223370622642215431 {… action_id:”54321” …}
Start with ”Auction/12345”
Stop after 4 rows
4 most recent bids
• Now, all Bids for each Auction are located right next to each other
• This matches our most used access pattern
• We now have information about related data just from the key
• Key-only queries can be used to help speed up apps
• Why 4 Bids instead of 5? My example only had 4 records
(or until row “Auction/12346”)
Linking Related Data With Intelligent Keys
Auction/11222/... {…}
Auction/12233/... {…}
Auction/12233/... {…}
Auction/12345/... {…}
Auction/12345/... {…}
Auction/12345/... {…}
Auction/12345/... {…}
Auction/54321/... {…}
Auction/54321/... {…}
Auction/54321/... {…}
11222 {…}
12233 {…}
12345 {…}
54321 {…}
datastore.rangeScan(”Auction/12345/”, 5);
Both reads can be done
in parallel
Linking Related Data With Intelligent Keys
Auction/11222/Bid/987321... {…}
Auction/12233/Bid/987534... {…}
Auction/12233/Bid/987635... {…}
Auction/12345 {…, ..., ...}
Auction/12345/Bid/977534... {…}
Auction/12345/Bid/987501... {…}
Auction/12345/Bid/987687... {…}
Auction/12345/Bid/988012... {…}
Auction/54321 {…, ..., ...}
Auction/54321/... {…}
Auction/54321/... {…}
datastore.rangeScan(”Auction/12345”, 6);
Data of completely different
schemas / types can be written to
the same table co-located on disk
public void placeBid(String userId, String auctionId) {
// Many NoSQL stores support a native counter via some increment-and-get
// After the counter has been incremented, we don’t need to worry about contention
long bidCount = datastore.incrementAndGet(auctionId + ”_counter”);
BigDecimal amount = bidCount * BID_INCREMENT;
long descendingTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE - System.currentTimeMillis();
String bidId = ”Auction/” + auctionId + ”/Bid/” + reverseTimestamp + ”/” + amount;
// Increment some helper counters...
datastore.incrementAndGet(auctionId + ”_bidCounter”);
datastore.incrementAndGet(userId + ”_bidCounter”);
// ... other logic like creating the Bid object ...
bidDao.write(bidId, bid);
// Some datastores may have a first-order Counter object:
Counter bidCounter = datastore.getCounter(auctionId + ”_counter”);
long bidCount = counter.incrementAndGet();
UI Presentation
datastore.incrementAndGet(userId + ”_bidCounter”);
UI Presentation
• Global counters are a major bottleneck
Data Model Sharding
public class Auction {
private String id;
private String title;
private String imageUrl;
private String description;
private BigDecimal currentPrice;
private User highBidder;
private Date endTime;
public class AuctionState {
private String id;
private BigDecimal currentPrice;
private User highBidder;
private Date endTime;
• Separate frequently changing data from static data
• Allows caching of static data
• Makes reads/writes of changing data faster
• Separate values expensive to serialize but in-frequently read
More Parallel Reads
11222 {…}
12233 {…}
12345 {…}
54321 {…}
Both records can
share the same key
11222 {…}
12233 {…}
12345 {…}
54321 {…}
Memcache Check
Both reads can be
done in parallel
Auction/11222/Bid/987321... {…}
Auction/12233/Bid/987534... {…}
Auction/12233/Bid/987635... {…}
Auction/12345 {…, ..., ...}
Auction/12345/AuctionState {…}
Auction/12345/Bid/977534... {…}
Auction/12345/Bid/987501... {…}
Auction/54321 {…, ..., ...}
Auction/54321/... {…}
More Parallel Reads
Again, records can be in the
same table
Memcache Check
1 4
Sharding a 64 bit Integer
long count = datastore.incrementAndGet(”global_bidCounter”);
52 84 40+ + = 176
52 84 41 177+ + =
53 84 40 177+ + =
52 85 40 177+ + =
• Decompose the counter
• Pick any part of the count and increment it
Implementing a Sharded Counter
public class ShardedCounter {
// the @Embedded annotation (both JDO and JPA)
// indicates that this is not an FK relationship:
private String name;
private int shards;
private void increment() {
int index = random(shards);
datastore.incrementAndGet(name + ”-” + index);
private long get() {
long count = 0;
// All the shards of the counter are located next to each other:
Result scan = datastore.rangeScan(name + ”-”, shards);
while (scan.hasNext()) {
Counter next =;
count += next.get();
return count;
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Data Modeling on NoSQL

  • 1. Data Modeling on NoSQL Bryce Cottam Principal Architect, Think Big a Teradata Company
  • 2. • Where we came from (RDBMS Modeling) • Migrate Existing Data Model to NoSQL • Questions Agenda
  • 3. • Migrate a SQL based solution to NoSQL • NoSQL Smack-Down (Battle of the NoSQL Bands) Anti-Agenda What we are NOT going to cover:
  • 4. Where We Came From (RDBMS Modeling)
  • 5. SQL Backdrop 123 Tony Soprano true 1963-04-15 124 Carmella Soprano false 1968-12-02 125 Johnny Sacrimoni true 1959-01-11 158 Paulie Gualtieri false 1960-08-04 159 Silvio Dante false 1965-10-11 162 Ralph Cifaretto false 1969-03-28 164 Christopher Moltisanti false 1974-01-11 165 Adriana La Cerva false 1976-11-02 • Column Order • Column Names • Column Width • Data Types Metadata Raw Data • Save space • Consistent format • Familiar syntax (ANSI SQL Standard)
  • 10. Where We Came From Auction User Bid Payment id email name profile_image_url access_level created_date id user_id auction_id amount timestamp id title image_url current_price high_bidder end_time id auction_id timestamp card_type confirmation_number
  • 11. Data Models public class User { private long id; private String email; private String name; private String profileImageUrl; // AccessLevel is an enum private AccessLevel accessLevel; private Date createdDate; private List<Auction> auctions; private List<Bid> bids; ... } public class Auction { private long id; private String title; private String imageUrl; private BigDecimal currentPrice; private User highBidder; private Date endTime; private List<Bid> bids; private Payment payment; ... } public class Bid { private long id; private User user; private Auction auction; private BigDecimal amount; private Date timestamp; ... } public class Payment { private long id; private Auction auction; private Date timestamp; // Visa, MasterCard, AmEx etc. private String cardType; private String confirmationNumber; ... }
  • 12. Support Queries select a.*, b.* from auction a join bid b on = b.auction_id where = 12345 order by b.timestamp desc • Either manual SQL or ORM generated SQL will wind up joining a few tables to get the desired results • Joins are not supported by most NoSQL solutions Get all Bids for a given Auction:
  • 13. Support Queries select count(*) from bid where user_id = 554422 • Aggregates in NoSQL are usually not supported • If they are supported, they often have performance or memory issues select avg(current_price) from auction select, max(s.bid_count) as bids from (select user_id, count(*) as bid_count from bid group by user_id) as s join user u on = s.user_id Count all Bids for a User: Get average final price of all Auctions: Get the User with the most Bids:
  • 14. Adapt to your Data Store Model • Most web app developers think in terms of tables, columns, queries • Many times the schema is simply mirrored in the application layer model objects • (Not a bad thing, but hard to change) • The most successful/scalable applications embrace the features and limitations of their chosen datastore Schema DAO Application Patterns defined here effect application behavior for data interaction Model Access PatternStorage Details Model
  • 15. Encouraging Scalable Access Patterns public class BidDao { // Common API structure, loads all in memory // Also requires that the full User object is available public List<Bid> getBids(User user) {…} ... } public class BidDao { // Paging is a good option to avoid memory issues public List<Bid> getBids(String userId, int offset, int limit) {…} // Streaming APIs encourages streaming processing public Iterator<Bid> getBids(String userId) {…} ... } Common: Alternative:
  • 16. Encouraging Scalable Access Patterns DAO DAO Common: Streaming: Small buffer Memory Required DAO Paging: Memory Required … Garbage Collected … Memory Required
  • 17. Adapt to your Data Store Application SQL-NoSQL Adapter DAO DAO DAO Danger!! If you mask your true datastore semantics, you risk your scalability • DataNucleus is a good option if used with discipline • Provides JDO/JPA support NoSQL Store
  • 18. Top level concepts to embrace • Denormalization • Intelligent Key Design • Counters • Sharding
  • 20. Identify Conceptually Immutable Fields public class User { private long id; private String email; private String name; private String profileImageUrl; // AccessLevel is an enum private AccessLevel accessLevel; private Date createdDate; private List<Auction> auctions; private List<Bid> bids; ... } public class Auction { private long id; private String title; private String imageUrl; private BigDecimal currentPrice; private User highBidder; private Date endTime; private List<Bid> bids; private Payment payment; ... } public class UserReference { private long id; private String name; private String profileImageUrl; ... } public class AuctionReference { private long id; private String title; private String imageUrl; ... }
  • 21. Modified Data Structures public class User { // Changed ids to Strings // (more on that soon) private String id; private String email; private String name; private String profileImageUrl; private AccessLevel accessLevel; private Date createdDate; private List<Auction> auctions; private List<Bid> bids; ... } public class Auction { private String id; private String title; private String imageUrl; private BigDecimal currentPrice; private UserReference highBidder; private Date endTime; private List<Bid> bids; private Payment payment; ... } public class Bid { private String id; private UserReference user; private AuctionReference auction; private BigDecimal amount; private Date timestamp; ... } public class Payment { private String id; private AuctionReference auction; private Date timestamp; // Visa, MasterCard, AmEx etc. private String cardType; private String confirmationNumber; ... }
  • 22. Modified Data Models public class Bid { // the @Embedded annotation (both JDO and JPA) // indicates that this is not an FK relationship: @Embedded private UserReference user; @Embedded private AuctionReference auction; ... } …/d288-4af3-8821-27a37269ec0c {amount:”14.00”, user_id:”abc123”, user_name:”Ralph Cifaretto”, user_profile_image:”http://…”, …} …/d288-4af3-8821-27a37283af10 {amount:”240.00”, user_id:”abc123”, user_name:”Ralph Cifaretto”, user_profile_image:”http://…”, …} Bid id user_id user_name user_profile_image amount timestamp auction_title … Under the hood in the data store: • JDO/JPA configuration is certainly not required • We’re making a copy of the conceptually immutable properties of the user • When we read a Bid record now, we don’t need to go fetch the User record • Nor do we need a join
  • 23. Manual Marshaling public class BidDao { public Bid read(String id) { // This is an HBase-like API, but the idea is the same for most all // NoSQL datastore native APIs: Result result = openConnection().get(“bid”, id); Bid bid = new Bid(); bid.setId(result.getValue(“id”)); ... String userId = result.getValue(“user_id”); String userName = result.getValue(“user_name”); String profileUrl = result.getValue(“user_profile_image”); UserReference user = new UserReference(userId, userName, profileUrl); bid.setUser(user); ... return bid; } ... } // To access user information: UserReference user = bid.getUser(); String userName = user.getName();
  • 24. We support access pattern without joins auction_title auction_title auction_title auction_title auction_image .somg Bid id user_id user_name user_profile_image amount timestamp auction_id auction_title auction_image_url Click on Auction image or name and go to details for Auction
  • 25. Data is duplicated many (many) times Bid id amount user_id user_name user_profile_image auction_id auction_title . . . 124 14.00 5432 Gustavo ‘Gus’ Fring… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . . 125 13.00 1234 Walter White http://dead.users… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . . 126 12.00 2223 Hank Schrader… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . . 127 11.00 1234 Walter White http://dead.users… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . . 128 10.00 1112 Jesse Pinkman… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . . 129 9.00 2223 Hank Schrader… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . . 130 8.00 1234 Walter White http://dead.users… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . . 131 7.00 1112 Jesse Pinkman… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . . 132 6.00 1234 Walter White http://dead.users… 555111222 Barrel Methylamine . . . User id name profile_image email created_date . . . 5432 Gustavo ‘Gus’ Fring… 2008-01-01 . . . 1234 Walter White http://chem.users… 2008-02-02 . . . 2223 Hank Schrader… 2009-01-12 . . . 1112 Jesse Pinkman… 2008-11-16 . . .
  • 26. What about updates? Backend Node(s) Async Request to change all Bid records related to this user Name Change Request Edge Node Time Line NoSQL Response sent to user Use workers to modify affected records Possibly minutes
  • 27. Denormalization Observations • We don’t always need ACID compliance • Strict FK enforcement not always required • MySQL’s MyISAM storage works fine for many situations • Users are getting used to change latency • There is a trade off between horizontal scalability in your app and patterns we’ve been trained to rely on
  • 29. Sample NoSQL Storage Layout Server 1 key001 key002 key003 key004 key005 key006 key007 key008 key009 key010 … Server 2 key011 key012 key013 key014 key015 key016 key017 key018 key019 key020 Server 3 key021 key022 key023 key024 key025 key026 key027 key028 key029 key030 Server n key091 key092 key093 key094 key095 key096 key097 key098 key099 key100 • This scan is “get everything from key16 through key22” • A key-range scan returns N rows in linear time O(N) regardless of the number of rows in the table • This is not true for relational databases
  • 30. Intelligent Key Design abc123 {…} abc124 {name:”Tony Soprano”, createdDate:”2011-01-12”, email:””, role:”BOSS”} abc125 {name:”Salvator Bonpensiero”, createdDate:”2014-10-02”, email:””, role:”CAPO”} abc126 {name:”Christopher Moltisanti”, createdDate:”2012-10-02”, email:””, role:”SOLDIER”} abc2 {name:”Carmella Soprano”, createdDate:”2011-10-02”, email:””, favoriateCar:”BMW”} abc20 {name:”Meadow Soprano”, createdDate:”2012-01-02”, email:””, favoriateCar:12.25} abc21 {someField:”some value”, averageScore:5.75, someOtherDate:”2011-10-02”} abc22 {…} bcd1 {…} bcd12 {…} Key ordering is lexical Records can be different schemas
  • 31. Ascending Timestamp Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:00.000 {…} Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:12.975 {…} Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:14.221 {…} Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:18.005 {…} Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:35.572 {…} Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:40.003 {…} Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:41.123 {…} Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:41.124 {…} Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:41.150 {…} Bid/2014-10-26T09:00:41.218 {…} yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS is a pretty standard timestamp and lexically orders chronologically • Great for time-series data • Timeline tracking (viewing data in the order it was processed etc.) OlderNewer
  • 34. Descending Timestamp Bid/9223370622642200431 {…} Bid/9223370622642200478 {…} Bid/9223370622642200512 {…} Bid/9223370622642203021 {…} Bid/9223370622642203897 {…} Bid/9223370622642204112 {…} Bid/9223370622642204559 {…} Bid/9223370622642207054 {…} Bid/9223370622642215431 {…} Bid/9223370622642235500 {…} public class User { // This will yield some ridiculous value like: 9223370622642200431 // Number of millseconds in a year: 3153600000 // This computation will reach 0 in the year 292,471,163 long descendingTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE – System.currentTimeMillis(); } NewerOlder
  • 35. Descending Timestamp Bid/9223370622642200431 {… action_id:”12345” …} Bid/9223370622642200478 {… action_id:”54321” …} Bid/9223370622642200512 {… action_id:”12345” …} Bid/9223370622642203021 {… action_id:”22222” …} Bid/9223370622642203897 {… action_id:”22233” …} Bid/9223370622642204112 {… action_id:”12345” …} Bid/9223370622642204559 {… action_id:”22233” …} Bid/9223370622642207054 {… action_id:”54321” …} Bid/9223370622642215431 {… action_id:”54321” …} Bid/9223370622642235500 {… action_id:”12345” …} 1 2 3 4 5 Start with ”Bid/” Stop after 5 rows 5 most recent bids • Known as a “range scan” • Very easy to start with some prefix and read for N records • Complexity stays constant for top 5 bids no matter how many bids are in the system
  • 36. Descending Timestamp Auction/11222/Bid/9223370622642203021 {… action_id:”11222” …} Auction/12233/Bid/9223370622642203897 {… action_id:”12233” …} Auction/12233/Bid/9223370622642204559 {… action_id:”12233” …} Auction/12345/Bid/9223370622642200431 {… action_id:”12345” …} Auction/12345/Bid/9223370622642200512 {… action_id:”12345” …} Auction/12345/Bid/9223370622642204112 {… action_id:”12345” …} Auction/12345/Bid/9223370622642235500 {… action_id:”12345” …} Auction/54321/Bid/9223370622642200478 {… action_id:”54321” …} Auction/54321/Bid/9223370622642207054 {… action_id:”54321” …} Auction/54321/Bid/9223370622642215431 {… action_id:”54321” …} 1 2 3 4 Start with ”Auction/12345” Stop after 4 rows 4 most recent bids “Bid/9223370622642200431”“Auction/12345” • Now, all Bids for each Auction are located right next to each other • This matches our most used access pattern • We now have information about related data just from the key • Key-only queries can be used to help speed up apps • Why 4 Bids instead of 5? My example only had 4 records (or until row “Auction/12346”)
  • 37. Linking Related Data With Intelligent Keys 1234 12341234 Bid Auction/11222/... {…} Auction/12233/... {…} Auction/12233/... {…} Auction/12345/... {…} Auction/12345/... {…} Auction/12345/... {…} Auction/12345/... {…} Auction/54321/... {…} Auction/54321/... {…} Auction/54321/... {…} Auction 11222 {…} 12233 {…} 12345 {…} 54321 {…} datastore.get(”12345”); datastore.rangeScan(”Auction/12345/”, 5); Both reads can be done in parallel
  • 38. Linking Related Data With Intelligent Keys 1234 12341234 AuctionData Auction/11222/Bid/987321... {…} Auction/12233/Bid/987534... {…} Auction/12233/Bid/987635... {…} Auction/12345 {…, ..., ...} Auction/12345/Bid/977534... {…} Auction/12345/Bid/987501... {…} Auction/12345/Bid/987687... {…} Auction/12345/Bid/988012... {…} Auction/54321 {…, ..., ...} Auction/54321/... {…} Auction/54321/... {…} datastore.rangeScan(”Auction/12345”, 6); Data of completely different schemas / types can be written to the same table co-located on disk
  • 40. Counters public void placeBid(String userId, String auctionId) { // Many NoSQL stores support a native counter via some increment-and-get // After the counter has been incremented, we don’t need to worry about contention long bidCount = datastore.incrementAndGet(auctionId + ”_counter”); BigDecimal amount = bidCount * BID_INCREMENT; long descendingTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE - System.currentTimeMillis(); String bidId = ”Auction/” + auctionId + ”/Bid/” + reverseTimestamp + ”/” + amount; // Increment some helper counters... datastore.incrementAndGet(”global_bidCounter”); datastore.incrementAndGet(auctionId + ”_bidCounter”); datastore.incrementAndGet(userId + ”_bidCounter”); // ... other logic like creating the Bid object ... bidDao.write(bidId, bid); } // Some datastores may have a first-order Counter object: Counter bidCounter = datastore.getCounter(auctionId + ”_counter”); long bidCount = counter.incrementAndGet();
  • 44. Data Model Sharding public class Auction { private String id; private String title; private String imageUrl; private String description; private BigDecimal currentPrice; private User highBidder; private Date endTime; ... } public class AuctionState { private String id; private BigDecimal currentPrice; private User highBidder; private Date endTime; ... } • Separate frequently changing data from static data • Allows caching of static data • Makes reads/writes of changing data faster • Separate values expensive to serialize but in-frequently read
  • 45. 12341234 More Parallel Reads 1234 AuctionState Auction 11222 {…} 12233 {…} 12345 {…} 54321 {…} datastore.get(”12345”); datastore.get(”12345”); Both records can share the same key 11222 {…} 12233 {…} 12345 {…} 54321 {…} Memcache Check Cache Both reads can be done in parallel
  • 46. 1234 1234 AuctionData Auction/11222/Bid/987321... {…} Auction/12233/Bid/987534... {…} Auction/12233/Bid/987635... {…} Auction/12345 {…, ..., ...} Auction/12345/AuctionState {…} Auction/12345/Bid/977534... {…} Auction/12345/Bid/987501... {…} Auction/54321 {…, ..., ...} Auction/54321/... {…} More Parallel Reads 12341234 datastore.get(”Auction/12345/AuctionState”); datastore.get(”Auction/12345”); Again, records can be in the same table Memcache Check Cache 1 4
  • 47. Sharding a 64 bit Integer long count = datastore.incrementAndGet(”global_bidCounter”); 176 52 84 40+ + = 176 global_bidCounter 52 84 41 177+ + = 53 84 40 177+ + = 52 85 40 177+ + = • Decompose the counter • Pick any part of the count and increment it
  • 48. Implementing a Sharded Counter public class ShardedCounter { // the @Embedded annotation (both JDO and JPA) // indicates that this is not an FK relationship: private String name; private int shards; private void increment() { int index = random(shards); datastore.incrementAndGet(name + ”-” + index); } private long get() { long count = 0; // All the shards of the counter are located next to each other: Result scan = datastore.rangeScan(name + ”-”, shards); while (scan.hasNext()) { Counter next =; count += next.get(); } return count; } }
  • 49. We Love Feedback Questions/Comments Email: Rate This Session with the PARTNERS Mobile App Remember To Share Your Virtual Passes Follow Teradata 2015 PARTNERS