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Dark Realm Magazine
Issue 4
About the MagazineAbout the MagazineAbout the MagazineAbout the Magazine
About Cheryl T. Pillsbury; Author & Founder of AG PressAbout Cheryl T. Pillsbury; Author & Founder of AG PressAbout Cheryl T. Pillsbury; Author & Founder of AG PressAbout Cheryl T. Pillsbury; Author & Founder of AG Press
Founder of aG Press, I have seen, witnessed and experienced many horrible publish-
ers with hidden fees, not doing the work and prices beyond reach. I was angry and
frustrated, so I took a year to research and develop AG Press, LLC to help those
with the same dreams and I. Author of 25 books so far and more coming in the future.
If you wish to place an ad with us it will $10.00 a month, any size. Please send your
ad to and payment to paypal at
Please make a note when making your payment.
Thank you and enjoy the chills within this magazine.
The underworld has always my haven since I was a small child. Hollywood and oth-
ers have made it evil, dark and terrifying. Although it can be but not always.
It has been a second home to me which is why the name Persephone is my Wiccan name,
I did not fully understand it until I got a little older and it made sense and I complete
in my center in my life.
With this magazine, it was time to share and invite others to the same.
Hollywood may share what they think is horror, but we know the difference, share
with me.
ISSN 2167-9800 PRINT>> ISSN 2167-9819 ONLINE Marvel Entertainment
Pearson & Pearson; Attorney at law owns the mutant characters
10 George Street Please respect their
Copyright laws
Lowell, MA 01852
(978) 452-1971
All articles, photos media about Mr. Taylor Kitsch and Mr. Nicolas Cage is copy-
righted under the law and the copyrights from AG Press respect and honor the law
and their rights, Thank you
Forever Knight is copyrighted under Sony Pictures all rights reserved so we honor
their as you should Thank you
Table of Content:
Bedtime Stories……………………………………………………………………………………….….……12
Coven Circle…..………………………………………………………………...…………………...….……26
Art Gallery………………………………………………………………………..………………...……...…38
Forever Knight…………………………………………………………...…………………………………...48
Movie Vault…………………………………………………………………...………………………...……...56
Places to Visit…………………………………………………….…………………………………...……….58
Gambit Series……..…………………………………………………………………………………..………..65
Mystical Creators………………………………………...……………………………………….………..66
Killer Korner………………………………………………………………………….……………………....72
Mutant Mania………………………………………………………………….………………………………..84
Taylor Kitsch Tribute…………………………………………………..…………………………………..90
Nicolas Cage Tribute……………………………………………………………………………………….92
Submit Page……………………………………………………………………….…………………………..… 94
Order Form…………………………………………………………………...……………………………..…..95
Our Authors
& Artists
Linda Leone Maggie Grinnell
Angela Harris Daniela Frongia
Kurt Palnois Keith Rommel
Tracy Nickels
Michael Walsh
Jennifer Tokarz
Hastin Nuraini
Info Page
If you see something that has your interest and
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Send it to:
Dark Realm Magazine
c/o AG Press
18 Maple Street Lot 58
Pepperell, MA 01463
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Enter if you dare……………..Enter if you dare……………..Enter if you dare……………..Enter if you dare……………..
Moments of Joy Endless tears
Another moment in history
Many countries run as one nation
The pain, sweat and ambition
Many causes and some unknown
The end was near many cheered
Then silence filled the air
Along with an explosion dust and debre
People children and animals alike
They ran everywhere
No place to hide
The blood, tears and fear
People dead children hurt
Who could do this to us
Ice cold hearts no spirit
To kill and mame the innocent
They had no right to do this
Our beautiful city Boston
Was united as one once again
To share and love
People celebrating a race for a cause
Shadows came in to destroy
Caused horror terror and grief
No one had this right
PoetryA BU student with a future
Young and pretty
So much to offer and give
She now must rest
Krystal a young lady
Pretty and bright
Smile a mile wide
Gone before her time
Martin a child
Innocent and pure
To cheer for his father
Gone before he began
A toothless smile
Brown hair and eyes to match
He asked for one simple
‘Stop hurting people; Peace’
They did not listen
Why not we must
Why not them
Please explain to me why?
My heart, prayers and love
To all that were lost and hurt
We will stand strong again
And still fight for our right
As we have in the past
And now in the present to
Preserve our future
If you wish to stay, stay
If not you know where the fence is
Much love and joy
Cheryl 2013
The land of the forgotten
Praise the sky for it's light to shine upon this land
As I raise my blade to protect the righteous across the sea and sand
I close my eyes as this world keeps marching to it's demise
The onset of fate's actions are to come, yet few realize
To be so true and live life with genuine ambition is lost
As greed takes over as everything goes up in cost
Technology is stealing the minds of many that are young
Destroying the thoughts and songs that have not yet been sung
Society continues burning with such notoriety
The fire that continues to run a blaze on everyone I see
For many are becoming the same, despite a different town and name
Predictable they are as they continue to play the same game
From my Village and beyond my Kingdom I see such blasphemy
It has even effected me to some degree
All that is wrong cannot be reversed
The tidal wave of corruption is destroying all that are cursed
My knights of the round table shall not give in to such
For the purity of our land is far too sacred for evils touch
We shall defy what is the norm
That has created such a storm
I believe in love, honesty and humility
To maintain such character that mostly has been lost at sea
So what is right has become uncommon amongst the earth
When we all were innocent at the time of birth
The ideas of holiness shall and will stand the test of time my lord
As I loathe these people who chase these dreams theirs souls cannot afford
One day the sun shall shine again
I'm not so sure when
No such insanity will breach my gates of dignity, honor and respect
For all that is right and good is what I will and must protect
My heart aches for what the world has become
So dark, cold and emotionally numb
BY: Michael Granger
Picture Perfect
By: Maggie Grinnell
As five am. drew, the morning scene looks like a
The ridges of the mountaintops are perfectly out-
as if drawn by a painter.
Three shades of blue layer the sky.
Pasted to the shades of blue sky are a half cres-
moon and one very bright star.
The picture perfect scene ends with a warm
Broken Spirit
By: Tracy Nickels
Can a spirit be mended.
It is done with hammer and nails?
Perhaps glue to bring a shattered
heart together.
Will it be strong enough to hold
against the world that tried
To destroy it?
Love heals all they say,
Then I will pray for the love to come
Love that I pray for is you.
Every Living Thing
Be the most dramatic person when I thought
about you
I want to write about our conscious intent from
my heart
Keep me here because through the cosmic of an
Be the most dramatic person when I heard this
I want to write about all walks of life and
wanted to support
Keep me here because through the cosmic of an
Be the most dramatic person when writing
comes more easily
I want to write about beauty of delight with
much prettier
Keep me here because the world to listen
through the next day
Be the most dramatic person when you have
something to say
I want to write about loving you and thanks for
beautiful days
Keep me here because the awareness of this
truth as it happens
Hastin nuraini
Another Dimension
You have incredible wisdom and knowledge
Your kindness and happy others because of you
Needing to align and seeing the world
You have incredible wisdom and treasure of love
Your kindness and real winner never gives up
Needing to live and going with the life
You have incredible wisdom and you will ever
Your kindness and finds the right things to do
Needing to bring a fresh spirit and perspective
You have incredible wisdom and be gentle
Your kindness and the hard part is to keep it up
Needing to be able to locate soul and home
Blood on the Hangman’s Noose.
By Tracy V. Nickels
Stained that deadly collar
A dark red color.
Many guilty necks broken
In the circle
Blood appeared in the fibers.
After each execution.
Testimony to every sin committed.
When washed the water reddened.
It still bled.
The commended would see it
Forever tainted.
It had no mercy.
No hope.
The knot pulled taut.
Cutting off the scream.
The noose lies quiet coiled it’s chest
Waiting like a serpent to strike.
Unrepentant will face that fateful
To hang from their own rope.
I have a dreamI have a dreamI have a dreamI have a dream
By: Durl LovellBy: Durl LovellBy: Durl LovellBy: Durl Lovell
A dream that one day. Yesss!
One day I may see you again.
I wake up in the morning and you are on my
When I go lay down at night I wonder...where
you are now.
Though the gods that be say, "You can't go to
him now."
Still I know you have thoughts of me as well.
One day DJ we will meet again.
And know this...
Nothing in heaven or on the earth will ever
separate us again.
And that dream I have... will be no more.
(Yes DJ even we in heaven have our dreams)
Victory International
Prom otions
Bedtime Stories………………..
The story tells that, in the past the state Boloyai, there came the king of a wealthy. The king was very favora-
bly received by the people, because of his kindness. However, it does not have a child after fifteen years of
marriage with his queen. By because it is not lasting longer want to have offspring, the King went out with
his queen to the upstream river water is very cold so blessed to have a child who will soon inherit the throne.
Place it will go is very far from the crowds. To go there, they should be down the wilderness, crossing rivers
and climbing up and down the mountain. They departed bring adequate provision. Upon arrival both hus-
band and wife there, they began to implement the purpose of their coming. After a day-night they went back
to the palace.
After waiting for days and weeks, they finally success in prayer. Queen is known to have been pregnant a
month. Eight months later, the Queen was delivered of a boy, and gave the name Alex Tita. King very happy
celebrating the birth of his son, who had needs very much. King then inform the entire people that gathered
in the palace hall. Further, King delivered that it be held as a sign of gratitude for safety of God's grace that
has thankful to have son. The next day, the safety of already held very lively with a variety of performances.
The king and queen with raising their son with love and care. They are very spoiled, until the child grows
into a very spoiled child. Time continues to pass, even the larger Alex then sent by his parents to the city to
study at a college. Before leaving, Alex Tita got a message from his father so study hard. After that, it was
farewell to his parents. Already several years Alex Tita learns, yet also capable of Alex Tita finish studies be-
cause it is accustomed to be spoiled. His father became very angry at him; even want to punish him, when he
returned to the palace.
One day his father said, "Hi, Alex Tita! Son what kind of you! Already not want to listen to older people.
Guards! Suspend this kid to death!" Order of the King. Hearing her husband's orders to guard the Queen was
immediately prostrated before her husband.
"How about we just banish him from the palace? But provided that his brother set him money as capital to
trade, "the Queen of motion.
"What do you think, my son?" Queen back Alex Tita asked
"Well, Mother! Alex Tita ready to fulfill that condition. Thank you, Mother! "Alex said Tita.
"If you violate again, there is no forgiveness for you, Alex Tita" added the King will say to his son.
After that, Alex Tita farewell to her parents to go to trade. It went from one village to the forest. In the middle
of the trip, he met with the village children who are shooting birds with a slingshot.
My brethren! Do you harm the bird, because the bird was not at fault? "Commented the Alex Tita to the chil-
'Who are you? Dare-dare you forbid us, "protested one of the village children.
Black Pearl By: Hastin Nuraini
Page 1
"If you stop shoot birds, I'll give you money," tasteless Alex Tita.
The village children receive offers Alex Tita fret giving money to them, Alex Tita even extend his journey. Yet
far from walking, he found another of those villagers who were beating a snake. Alex Tita can not bear to see
what they said. It then gives the money to the people to stop persecuting the snake. After that, she went on
another journey down the thick forest leading to a village. So forth, during the journey, it will always give the
money to the people who mistreat animals, so without realize money that should be trading capital has been
Once realized, it becomes more agitated and thought what if he returned to the palace. Of course his father
would be very angry and will punish him. Moreover, it has twice made a terrible mistake; sure his father will
never forgive him again. A day because of fatigue, he decided to rest under a shady tree. It then sat on a large
rock that is under the tree while sobbing. At that point, all of a sudden a huge snake scared .Alex Tita, count-
ing himself will prey snake.
"Do not worry, lad! I will not eat you, "said the snake. Seeing the snake could talk, feel scare Alex Tita began
to disappear.
"Hi, big snake! Who are you? Why you can talk? "Asked Alex Tita from the familiar.
"I am a King Snake in the jungle," replied the snake.
"Do you own one? Why are you sad? "The serpent said to the Alex back Tita.
"I was the Alex Tita," Alex said and tells him all the problems and all the events that were experienced during
the journey.
"You are a good son, Alex," said the snake with his close.
"Because you have to protect the animals in the forest of the village people treating her, I'll give you a gift to
thank my love," added the snake then later remove something from his mouth.
"What's that thing?" Asked the Alex Tita curious.
"Thing is a very magical thing. Whatever you ask, will be granted. Named is Black Pearl, "said the snake, then
go left the Alex Tita
Meanwhile, Alex Tita is busy observing the Black Pearl. "Beginners, wow this thing. Means this thing can
save me from the wrath of his father, "muttered Alex Tita with happy feelings. Armed with the Black Pearl,
Alex Tita ventured back to the palace to face his father. However, before arriving at the palace, it was first ap-
plied to the Black Pearl so give him a lot of money to replace the capital that was going around to the other
villagers and profits from its trading. His father was very pleased to welcome her son who has brought a lot
of money from its trading. Finally, Alex Tita welcomed back by his father and free from the threat of the
death penalty. All thanks to the help of the Black Pearl, giving the snake.
Black Pearl
By: Hastin Nuraini Page 2
When the Black Pearl will be returned to Alex Tita, the Rat cheats him by saying that both the Black Pearl fell
into the river. But actually the thing in his mouth. At the time of her second thing to look for the river, it im-
mediately turned towards the Alex Tita. Thus, the rats considered as a hero in this case. Meanwhile, the cat
and the dog feel very guilty; because it does not work bring the Black Pearl. When it is known that the Alex
Tita has discovered the Black Pearl, brought by the Rat, then convinced Cat and the Dog that the Rat has done
The local community, that originates from this story why rats are very hated by dogs and cats to date.
Black Pearl By: Hastin Nuraini
Page 3
Last night’s weather was horrid, gale winds rain harder than a faucet and the thunder crashed worst then two in a dark
alley. I walked along the sidewalk finally making home just as the lightening started, lit up the street like a Christmas
tree. I was drenched right down to my socks so sat on my bottom step slowly peeling the clothes off placing them into
the basket by the stairs and went up stairs to shower to remove the chill.
About two hours later I had showered, dressed for bed wearing my purple lounge pants and white t-shirt. I went down
stairs to make a hot cup of cocoa then searched the television for a good flick. Three hours had passed when I drifted to
sleep on the couch. I was all curled up cozy when a loud crash of thunder woke me up, I shook all over wondering what
had happened. I got up wiping my eyes looking outside and saw that a tree had been hit falling into the street blocking
both ways of traffic. It figures I replied so returned to the couch turning the television off going upstairs to my warm
bed crawling under the covers drifting back into my peaceful or so I thought.
My nose had picked a faint smell of something burning, something foul and burning. I woke up but there was nothing
there, what the hell is this. I rolled over to return to my sleep when I heard a light clicking noise like heels clicking on a
wooden floor. My room is rugged and the wooden floor is down stairs in the kitchen but this sounded like within my
room. I slowly sat up looked about the wind was blowing my curtain but everything appeared normal. This is getting
on my nerves fast.
It was about three in the morning and it was difficult to sleep because of being woken up and that damn storm outside.
I rolled onto my back closing my eyes trying to clear my mind so I could rest but there a slight chill at my feet under the
blanket, now what. I tilted my body to turn the light on lifting up the blanket and saw a clouded shadow circling my
feet. I yanked my feet out rubbing them throwing the blanket onto the floor at the foot of the bed. I curled up sitting
against my head board into a ball staring at my surroundings what the hell was that.
I waited for a few moments to see if it would come back it didn’t. I let my guard down then I saw something rolling up
the sheet making waves in the sheet. I leaped from the bed standing along of it just watching the ripples then they
stopped as fast as they started. I’m definitely not liking this. Then from the far corner of my room I saw the clouded
figure hugging the wall changing shape and slowly making its way toward me. Why me? I stared at this cloud wonder-
ing who or what it was what does it want and will leave me unharmed? I decided to climb back on my bed as I kept my
eyes on it then it stopped on the far wall a few feet from my footboard. I got on my knees to see where it was then sud-
denly it came flying at me knocking me over onto my pillows, banging my head slightly going down.
As I rubbed the pain out or at least some of it I felt this presence laying onto of me almost pressing my body like a pan-
cake I could barely breathe I was terrified. I couldn’t move a thing it was very strong and had me pinned tight. What
did this thing want with me? The clouded figure moved up to the top of my head then inch by inch down my body to
my feet then I felt a chill almost tickling me. Then I felt it at my hips, not that please, I whispered softly. The cloud
seemed not pleased with my request because the pain I felt on my hips was growing uncomfortable and uneasy.
Morning After
By: Cheryl Pillsbury
I then felt like a cloth over my mouth, I felt this presence binding me to the bed I could not move my arms or legs and I
saw my clothes being ripped from my body, I started to cry mumbling please don’t I don’t want this please leave me be.
It didn’t seem to care nor was it concerned with my fear. It then firmly laid itself strongly on my body to the point
where I could barely breathe leaning into my hips and what felt like a male penetrating me. The pain from this feeling it
was bigger than me wanting taking from me I could not handle it I wanted it to stop. I used my tongue to moisten the
gag on me hoping to remove it then I let out a tremendous scream frightening the cloud I’m guessing because the pres-
sure was gone, it gave me an over powering wind putting the blankets up and over me as it flew away.
I stayed there praying it was gone then peeked out at the top and saw there was no cloud or anything but my room was
a disaster. My clothes were blown everywhere my lamp crashed to the floor completely broken and myself utterly na-
ked raped I think hiding under my blanket. I lowered the blanket closely examining the room stepping onto the floor
made my way to the bathroom locking the door. I took a quick shower it wasn’t something that I could report so I
jacked it up to a bad dream or mean spirit showered it off and put on clean clothes. My other clothes well I could not
find them nor did I want to because I would probably burn them.
I laid under my covers lying there praying it would never happen again and for it to never return here now or ever
again. Somehow managed to fall off to sleep for a few but the nightmare played over and over in my head waking me
up or I thought. As looked around I saw several men standing over me I could hear them but some of their words did-
n’t make any sense. I yelled excuse me but get away from my bed mainly me as I jumped from my bed. To my surprise
I walked through this one guy what the hell. I turned about seeing myself lying on the bed motionless and utterly cov-
ered in blood naked. What the, what happened to me is this another nightmare or what?
I walked around to the foot of my bed and one guy stated that I was murdered, but also sexually assaulted and beaten.
But who or what did this even they didn’t know. Where am I please I don’t wish to die not now I’m too young and have
so much I wish to do. Please let me wake up from this nightmare. I collapsed to the floor crying endlessly begging for
this to end.
My bedroom door quickly opened someone came running to me shaking me yelling my name over a few times. I
looked up and it was my dear friend Frank, he said Tara are you alright what happened, what are you doing on the
floor? I looked around but my room was neat clean and untouched except for my blankets. I sat here trying to catch my
breath trying to calm my nerves down holding him extremely tight, making sure he was for real. He sat down to stay
with me until I stopped shaking, or I tried to anyway.
I spent the next hour telling him about my ordeal he stared at me like I was crazy. I didn’t know what to do or say I had
no proof but what I remember and felt. He suggested some hot tea to relax me. As I stood up with him he placed his
hands along my waist I said please don’t he grinned he smiled pressing my hips and said very clearly round two. I felt
his dark spirit he grabbed me wrapping his around me then quickly became the dark cloud then we were both gone.
There was no sign of us anywhere here or anywhere else. We were now both dark spirits in a dark universe of the un-
known but why I ask?
Sarah is twelve years old and Matt, her younger brother, is seven years old. They both attend the
grammar school up the street from their house.
Everyday, while they walk home, they pass ‘IT’ Mr. Lynch’s house. While the house is surrounded
by stone pillars, the property itself is surrounded by iron rods, covered with ivy. It is the ivy that
prevents intruders from climbing into the yard.
Mr. Lynch is rumored to be very old, tall, having dark cold eyes and a mean demeanor.
One night, Matt decides to go to the market alone in the dark. He wants to prove that he is a big
boy. Since he is only seven years old, though, Sarah follows him.
He walks around the corner towards the Lynch house. She has lost sight of him and when she finds
one of his shoes, she starts to panic.
Sarah, her heart pounds with fear, enters the unlocked iron gates. She saunters over to the back door
and wishes for it to be unlocked. God must have heard her because it opens to her frantic touch.
Sarah opens the back door and walks inside. The place is totally dark and creepy. She didn’t imag-
ine it looking any different.
Sarah opens a door to a big room with lots of books. There is a huge burgundy colored chair in the
corner and a matching footstool underneath it. Must be the library, she thinks to herself.
There is also a fireplace but it hasn’t been lit lately because as she passes by, very cold air briefly
swirls out.
Well, they weren’t in there.
Sarah sees the only light in the place shining through a crack in a door 30 feet away. She approaches
with caution not knowing what fate has for her behind the door.
Pushing the door open, she sees her little brother lying on a couch with a bloody bandage wrapped
around his head. Sarah runs to Matt and hugs him hard. She then stops due to the creaking noise
that came from behind her.
When Sarah turns around, she finally sees Mr. Lynch. He is a frail man but not as scary as she has
been told he was.
She runs up to Mr. Lynch and screams. “What are you doing with my brother?”
Mr. Lynch By: Maggie Grinnell
He says, “I forgot to feed Cleo.”
Sarah couldn’t imagine that such a big, mean dog, Cleo, could have a sweet name. Mr. Lynch ex-
plains the whole thing.
“My dog, Cleo thinks your brother Matt was trying to hurt me. Matt fell and tripped on a huge rock
hidden in the ivy. I heard a scream and ran outside. I bandaged his head and laid him down on the
couch in here.”
Mr. Lynch calls Sarah’s folks and Matt is taken to the hospital and receives five stitches.
Sarah and Matt visit Mr. Lynch in the big ivy house from time to time. The property still evokes a
scary feeling but Sarah and Matt get pass that when they reach the house.
She tells all the kids how she finally met Mr. Lynch and traveled down the road to ‘IT.’ The story
will always be legendary.
After several hours of flight across the Reigean Ocean we finally arrived at the Southern Continent of Zwesheea.
Many years before my first visit, the continent was quarantined by the Emperor so that no one could step foot on its soil.
The press had announced that it was all part of the benevolent Emperor’s ecological protection program and that this
was to save the rare and endangered species from extinction. Also the fact that anyone who ever tried to explore the
dark recesses of the rainforests were, for the most part, never heard from again. Nobody complained and the Emperor
was awarded a fancy plaque by the ecologists.
Night was falling and the men were getting restless. They kept looking at the lone scientist and I know they were
thinking what I was thinking. I kept my mouth shut and they did as well, although we all were wondering why exactly
we were here and what the mission really was about.
“Baron Ruusol,” the pilot inquired, “are these coordinates correct?”
Russol got up from his seat and moved to the cockpit area of the transport. He looked at the instrument panel and
then began hovering his bony finger over the images displayed there.
“Yes,” he said confidently. “This is the area precisely.” Ruusol then pointed to a small clearing on the map. “This is
where you will land. Just outside the cave entrance.”
The pilot nodded his head. He obviously wasn’t happy with where we were heading but he was ordered by the Em-
peror to do whatever Ruusol commanded. The Baron was in charge of this mission I soon realized. The military on-
board and I were at his disposal -- a frightening thought.
About an hour later we arrived at the clearing. The moons illuminated the forest floor with an eerie blue light as our
ship landed safely. The engines powered down and I ordered the men to disembark and remain alert. We didn’t know
what to expect in this strange land.
“Where do you want the equipment, Baron?”
“I want it brought into the cave mouth. Have your men open the crates and then tell them step aside. I will do the
rest.” Ruusol looked happy. That was not a good sign.
“You heard him. Let’s get those crates into the cave, double time!” I ordered. I opened the transport door and stepped
down onto the ground as the men moved toward the rear cargo area and dropped the ramp to the ground with a re-
sounding thud. As they moved the first crate off the ship there was a deafening roar in the distance. The ground shook
because the beast whose mouth had made the sound was enormous. We knew this because it suddenly rose its head
above the towering treetops and looked directly at us. It’s long neck stood rigid as its head cocked to the left and roared
again even louder.
“I think we need to put the perimeter shield around the vehicle right now. I suggest we use maximum power and
diameter.” I said to the pilot.
“Already on it!” he spouted back. The invisible shield was up – we were safe. Or so we thought.
“Get that gear into the cave, now!” I ordered.
Then men teamed up and carried the heavy crates to the cave mouth. Six of the men stood guard pointing their heavy
laser rifles at the behemoth looking down at the activity below it. The perimeter shield might not be strong enough if the
beast decided to charge toward us, but it just stood there marveling at our activities.
I watched Ruusol. In this short amount of time he had already moved several meters toward the colossal beast. He
marveled at it, adjusting his glasses to see it better.
Blood Draft
By: Viktor Aurelius Chapter 2
“Magnificent!” he shouted. “I am going to have you in due time my friend!”
“Baron!” I yelled. “Don’t move any closer to it. The perimeter shielding is just a few feet in front of you. If you touch
it, you will be killed instantly.”
He turned from the beast to look at me and then he glanced back for a moment before rejoining the rest of us near the
cave mouth. He stood by nervously tapping his hand against his hip while the men unloaded his crates and opened
We moved away from the open crates as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the Viso-cube he had in the Em-
peror’s private study. He pressed a command on it which activated something within the crates. Lights and sounds ema-
nated from them and then a rod emerged which blossomed into a small radio dish. It began to pulsate with an expand-
ing ray of green light which pierced the darkness of the cave. Then a high-pitched whine was broadcast into the cave.
My men and I covered our ears; the sound was annoying, shrill and repetitive.
I tried to shout to the Baron but my voice could not be heard over the sound that the devise was making. I waved my
hands at him and he ignored me. The sound stopped and all was quiet.
“Baron,” I asked as I shifted my jaw trying to make my eardrums pop. “What is it exactly that you are doing?”
He looked at me and said, “I am calling a Dethwyng?”
“Dethwyng?” I queried.
The shrill sound began again. My voice was drowned out once again. I tried to look into the cave but the green light
bathed everything in a rippled glow. It was nauseating seeing the color and hearing the sounds. I nearly passed out. I
regained my composure and moved back to the transport and sat with the pilot. I was sweating. That sound and light
emitter had some weird effect on my body. I had difficulty swallowing and my hands were shaking. I must have gotten
too close to it or something.
“He’s mad you know,” the pilot said plainly.
“Yes,” I answered with a raspy voice. “I think I agree with you about that,” I paused, grabbed my canteen and took a
swig of water then as my head cleared I continued, “…and his being a ghoul!”
The pilot chuckled and then pulled out a cigar offering one to me. I held up my hand. I was sick enough and the cigar
smoke wouldn’t make me feel any better.
The shrill sound stopped once again. Ruusol moved toward the cave mouth. The soldiers cocked their weapons.
Something was happening. I ran from the transport toward them as I saw it emerge from the cave. It was hideous. Giant
wings flapped causing buffets of current which made the soldiers back up. Its skin was glistening black and its gaping
mouth was filled with rows of stiletto-like fangs which dripped with saliva. Its eyes glowed red making it look demonic
and its screech was like the sound that the devise had emitted; shrill and ear shattering.
“Don’t shoot it!” Ruusol commanded. I am in control of its mind. It will not attack unless you frighten it.
Frightening the creature was not high on my list of worries at this moment; the giant flying man-eater was.The crea-
ture’s tail was like a serpent, rocking back and forth like a pendulum. It accidentally grazed one of the men and he fired
striking the creature’s wing. It instantly lunged at the man, biting his head off. Blood splattered the beast and the men
close to him as his twitching body dropped to the ground. The others began shooting as well as they all moved toward
the sides of the cave mouth for cover.
“STOP!” Ruusol yelled. “You mustn’t kill it! It is the last of its kind!” He was in a panic.
The Dethwyng whipped its tale frantically, throwing one soldiers into the air where it grabbed the helpless man with its
claws and devoured him before our eyes. Blood rained down upon all of us.
“Lieutenant! Make them stop! The Emperor must have this beast alive!” Ruusol pleaded with me. His eyes were wild.
“Cease fire!” I ordered as one final shot struck the creature in the neck and its wings began to slow. “Take cover!” I
shouted as the beast fell to the forest floor. It gasped for air as black blood dripped out of its mouth.
“Why?!” Ruusol screamed as he rushed to the Dethwyng’s aid. He rubbed his hand along the creature’s snout. He
began to cry as the beast whimpered and then died. “It was the last of its kind….”
“Baron…” I began to say.
Ruusol pushed me aside and ran to his crates. He pulled out a satchel and returned to the Dethwyng’s side. Opening
the bag he removed a large syringe. Raising it above his head, Ruusol brought it down swiftly, plunging it directly into
the creature’s skull. The syringe drew a black liquid from the beast’s brain. Ruusol removed the syringe and held it up to
the moonlight.
“Yes….” He said softly. “Yes indeed. This might work as well. With any luck I have captured its very soul in this con-
My men and I stood back as Ruusol returned to his crates and found a large silver cylinder into which he placed the
syringe. It instantly blew forth a cloud of mist as the cylinder was closed. Ruusol put the cylinder into the crate, deacti-
vated the emitter and turned toward me.
“We are finished here. Pack up all my belonging and take me back to my island.”
Whenever a child has a fear, Monster Fighters go into action and destroy that fear.
Wheels, married pair of roller skates takes on any type of monster. They roll silently under
the monster. When they have their grip, they roll the monster away from the child.
Leia, light switch, destroys any lightening from reaching the child’s eyes. Leia will flip on her
body filling the room with soft light. The lightening doesn’t stand a chance.
Bart, beanbag, takes care of the loud booming noise known as thunder. Whenever that noise
gets close, Bart rolls his big black beanbag body across the floor as loud and hard as he can. That
way, the evil will disappear and the child will see the noise is only their friend.
Sparks, nitelite flickers on when darkness falls. Sparks makes sure that the child will not be
consumed by this evil.
Mystic, dresser mirror, shows the child that there are no ghosts. When the child feels that
they saw or felt a ghost around, Mystic draws them over showing them only their reflections, no one
else. They feel safe and calm.
Quest, rectangle firm pillow, is there for the child to squeeze and hold when they feel lonely.
Quest has a firmness to give so that the child feels loved.
So when Monster Fighters are near, they will be no fear.
Monster Fighters
By: Maggie Grinnell
The Horrors of Bullying
(To Catch a Falling Star)
Methodist Boys' School
From eleven to thirteen years of age, I shot up like Jack and The Bean stalk; I was mostly
stalk. Both my parents were tall by Malayan standards. I was five foot ten, at age twelve, and still
My voice was changing and so was everything else. I was becoming a young man. I hated the
Methodist Boys' School I attended because I was constantly teased and harassed for behaving like a
sissy boy. Being bullied relentlessly by the older boys was a misery, my own “Nightmare on Elms
Street.” I prayed for the day when I would be ready to leave for England.
I loved my mother, aunties and cousins, but I longed to see the wider world. Each day, I
looked skyward like a frog waiting to jump out of the small pond (Kuala Lumpur) to catch a pano-
ramic view of the large ocean (London, England.) I knew it would happen soon. Foong Senior was a
great believer in sending his sons abroad for further education and I was next in line.
To me, my days at Methodist Boys' School were a phase that I had to endure for a short period.
Thank God classes were only half-day affairs. Every morning before classes began, a half
hour student assembly was held in front of the school's main building out in the football field. All
students stood at attention while Malaya's national anthem played over loud speakers. The Head
Master would stand at the podium providing the usual boring school agendas and current affairs.
The boys would be fidgeting, or up to their mischievous behaviors.
The Gang of Four
There was a gang of four boys in the same class as I was who constantly bullied me, making
silly remarks and calling me girlie names whenever they got the chance. I was a timid and shy boy,
certainly not one to retaliate or tell them to go f**K themselves! I was, in every sense of the word, a
nice, polite well-behaved boy.
One day, KiWi, the most handsome one in the group, threw a tiny pebble on my back during
assembly. When I turned around to check on the culprit, he started making silly girly faces at me.
Ignoring him and his stupid innuendos, I tried to think of a quick escape route to the classroom right
after assembly. I was too scared to think of the consequences if he cornered me.
Too bad - I wasn't fast enough. He caught up with me and started insulting me. He
was extremely obnoxious, threatening me that he and his gang of rascals would get me dur-
ing our fifteen minutes mid-morning break. I hated him and his gang of four!
True to his word, when the recess bell rang and all the students filed out of the classrooms, he
and his gang cornered me. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, trying to make my great escape. I
thought I’d lock myself in one of the toilet stalls until the bell rang for class to resume. Unfortu-
nately, I didn't run fast enough, and fell while they were chasing after me.
I was caught outside the school hall. One of the bullies who had pushed me down locked the
door and threatened to pull my pants off to check if I was a girl or a boy. They teased relentlessly,
saying that if I were a boy I would get an erection if they played with my butt.
I hated these guys and desperately tried to escape their hurtful hands. Managing to pull free
after a lengthy struggle, I ran towards the door but I couldn’t unlock it quickly enough. One of
them threw me on the floor again, tackling me over behind, while the other three tore at my pants.
I was like a frightened rabbit trapped in the paws of the 'Hounds of Baskervilles,' doing my
best to save my life. As much as I secretly fancied KiWi, I definitely didn't care for his friends.
Those malicious bullies were zooming in for the kill. Desperately trying to get free of their grip, I
kicked and screamed and shouted for help. No one came to my rescue.
KiWi had me in a Judo lock, almost choking me, when the school bell rang to resume classes.
Saved by the bell, the bullies reluctantly released me, warning that they would get me soon enough.
They ran off to their respective classes, giving me malicious snares.
I was doing my best to recover from this dreadful attack. From the corner of my eye, I noticed
KiWi was still there. Was he making sure I was OK, I wondered, or was there to be another abusive
prank? I felt like he was afraid I might have choked to death or that something else too terrifying to
comprehend had happened. I was desperately adjusting my clothes, doing my best to brush the
dirt from my soiled white uniform. I was sure Mother would give me a good scolding when I
got home.
KiWi stood by the door and didn't leave. My heart was thumping wildly, wondering
if KiWi was going to abuse me further, or possibly rape me. There was only one entrance and exit
out of the hall, so there was no escape route. I had no choice but to face up to this guy, which was
extremely terrifying for a gentle boy like me.
When I reached the door, thinking I would have to push my way through, KiWi leaned over,
pulled me to him and kissed me full on the mouth! I was completely taken by surprise! I didn't
know how to react. I was stunned when he did it again! He did not wait for my reaction. He fled
down the hall, disappearing from sight.
I slid to the bottom of the door in complete and total shock until I heard the bell ring, an-
nouncing the next class would start in a few minutes. I got up and ran to class as fast as I could, not
knowing which lesson I was supposed to attend.
As much as I enjoyed KiWi's kisses, I was at a loss! A few moments before, he had been a
hateful bullying tyrant trying to molest and possibly rape me. The next moment, he was kissing
me on my mouth! What was happening to my world? It was going topsy-turvy.
For the remainder of the day, I couldn't get his kisses off my mind. I could not figure out
what to make of this guy. It seemed completely contradictory, like a surreal dream.
Bakar drove up the school entrance to collect me. As I was getting into the car, a hand sud-
denly reached for me. Turning round, to see who it was, I froze. KiWi was standing by the car door.
He whispered, "Meet me outside the main gate of your house at 5:00 p.m. this evening.” He quickly re-
leased his grip, and fled. I became more puzzled by the minute.
When I arrived home, mother saw my soiled clothes and asked what had happened. I made
an excuse, “I tripped and fell on the ground and dirtied my clothes,” I said. I didn't dare mention the truth
to anyone, lest one of the bullies was hiding in a corner listening to my conversation, about the as-
sault by the Gang of four. I certainly wasn’t going to mention KiWi's mouth-to-mouth kisses!
The rest of the afternoon I paced restlessly and felt helpless, in my room. I couldn't concen-
trate on my homework. I watched the clock tick away. I didn't know what to expect when 5:00 p.m.
arrived. Was the Gang of four waiting at the main gate to assault me? It was too unfathomable for
my young mind to comprehend!
Earlier in the year, Father had bought a bicycle for me to ride around the neighbor-
hood. Being older, my parents were less paranoid about kidnapping possibilities than some. On the
pretext of riding my bike to the neighborhood shop to purchase ice cream, I rode to the iron-gate.
Sure enough, waiting on his bike was the boy who earlier in the day had tried to molest and maybe
rape me. KiWi did not utter a word as we rode our bikes in silence.
Behind my house was a vast tropical rainforest, covered with thick carpets of under growth,
surrounded by tall monkey-pod perennials and huge shady banyan trees. Kiwi led me into the for-
est. We arrived at a small clearing.
We left our bicycles hidden behind some tall leafy bushes and walked into the forest, unde-
tected. Without saying a word, KiWi leaned me against a huge tree trunk, and began French kissing
me. My heart was thumping hard and fast. I could hear its boom boom sounds echoing in the si-
lence. I shut my eyes, surrendering myself to KiWi. He was a good kisser. I was sexually aroused;
my mind was racing a mile a minute. It was a fantasy, come true!
As much as I had fantasized about Philip, Eric and other cute boys, I had never believed my
fantasies would play out. Although many times I had uncontrollable erections thinking of those
boys, sexually, I had no idea what to do in real life.
In the past I waited for my manhood to subside, and continued with my life. Now for the first
time in my young life, I was confronted with an opportunity to actualize my dreams.
KiWi did most of the work, as he was older. He was my sexual teacher but he was not very
experienced in the art of lovemaking. Our stay in the woods didn't last long. The entire process was
over in less time than I imagined.
We dressed without speaking. He biked home and I went on my confused way. My head
was reeling from the experience. More confused than before, I realized that I liked what happened in
the woods, yet I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do.
All my sexual urges were present and highly activated. So were his. He ejaculated. I didn't,
because there was nothing to ejaculate. I enjoyed being intimate with a boy but had not reached pu-
berty and could not yet have an orgasm. I didn't know what an orgasm felt like.
The following day in school was a complete turnaround. KiWi’s gang no longer harassed me.
I never knew what he told them or what he didn't tell them. I only knew that the harassment sud-
denly and mysteriously ceased. When we met in the school corridors, canteen or classroom, KiWi
and the gang were cordial, and they left me alone.
Those days, our class teachers would pair up the boys to work together on various school
projects. KiWi voluntarily came over to partner with me, which in our 'pre-sex' days would never
have happened. We put on a facade of being regular friends, in school. But out of school, it was a
different story; we became f**k buddies.
He, of course, never let on to his gang that we met after school, and were intimate. We did
continue to meet daily at the exact same time in the exact spot in the woods, and did similar things
each time. There were times I was invited to his home, since he lived half a mile from my house.
During our rendezvous we seldom exchanged more than a few words. We did what we set out to
do. When done, we dressed and went our separate ways, much like the ‘Last Tango in Paris’.
KiWi came from a wealthy family. His elder brother was in a British medical school studying to be a
physician. His father was an accomplished local entrepreneur and attorney. The times I visited
KiWi's home, on the pretext of working in partnership on our prescribed school projects, we would
lock ourselves in his air-conditioned library and be at it again, again and again, until we were spent,
while his mother napped in her bedchamber. She was unaware of what was going on behind the li-
brary doors.
There was usually no one else in KiWi's house in the late afternoons. His father was at work, and
his chauffeur was busy in the garage working on their Mercedes and Bentleys.
Within a month after our initial forest rendezvous, I became a fixture in his house and at the Royal
Selangor Club; KiWi's father was an honorary member. KiWi had the privilege of using the club's
Olympic size pool for his swimming practice. I would go with him, like his 'boyfriend,' encouraging
him on.
Mother knew I had a friend with whom I collaborated on projects. She was curious to meet
him. When I told her KiWi's parents’ names, she knew who they were.
They moved in the same social circles. Kuala Lumpur was not a metropolis, back in 1963.
Mum wasn't worried that I was spending time with KiWi because she knew his family's background
and she assumed I would be safe in their son's company.
One day when K.L. was out playing mahjong and Father was not home, (Tai Yee and Lai
Ngor were busy with their sewing projects in their sewing rooms and the maids and servants were
fussing in the kitchen,) I invited KiWi to our ohana.
Father had converted part of our large garage into an air-conditioned guest room. Most of the
time, the ohana was vacant. It had air-conditioning; noises from within were undetectable when the
air was switched on.
I locked the ohana's door and Kiwi and I proceeded into our sexual zone. One day, half na-
ked, with our pants on the floor, our lovemaking was interrupted. There was an urgent banging on
the bedroom door, and it shocked us back to our senses. We didn't have sufficient time to dress and
so I wrapped a sarong round my waist and went to check out the commotion. Who should be stand-
ing on the other side of the door but a furious S. S., shouting and barking like a dog with his head
cut off!
He took a look inside the room, and commanded us to get dressed immediately. He
screamed at KiWi to leave the house right that minute. We were caught red-handed in the heat of
our boy love session! To this day, I have no idea how father got wind of my secret rendezvous at the
All hell broke loose! I would never hear the end of it! Father carried on for weeks about how
disgusted he was with the way I behaved! I was sick and tired of old man Foong so I prayed dili-
gently that I would be banished to a British school ASAP!
With all the fuss and drama going on, KiWi and I still met secretly in the forest. By then, Tai
Yee, Lai Ngor, and, of course, Mother knew about my sexual escapades with KiWi.
I have a feeling Mother knew of my sexual liaison before father so rudely interrupted us.
Mummy never said anything negative about my relationship with KiWi, because she loved and ac-
cepted me just the way I was, unlike Father. He was narrow-minded and could not come to terms
with what he feared most -- his own sexuality being threatened. Since Father's outburst, I hated him
more than ever. When he was home, I would lock myself in my fairytale bedroom, refusing to come
out for dinner until he left the house for the evening. Mother, being the kind, gentle woman she was,
brought food to my room and urged me to be more understanding of my father. I would not. I
wanted nothing to do with this man!
Shortly after this dramatic episode, KiWi told me one day he was
leaving to attend boarding school in Belfast, Ireland. It was a sad
day for me because I knew, in my heart, that our affair was com-
ing to an end. After school that day, I locked myself in my room
and cried. I was infatuated and 'in love' with the beautiful swim-
mer boy! I saw KiWi a couple more times. We made passionate
love; by then, I sort of knew what I was doing.
KiWi had taught me a few tricks along the way, before he de-
parted. After he left, I was devastated and fell into a miserable
state. I didn't feel like eating and I wept constantly, thinking of
our times together.
Mother, Tai Yee and Lai Ngor comforted me, reminding me it was puppy love, and that all
first time lovers go through this. Soon, they counseled, I would learn to live without him. But I did
not get over this sexy handsome young man for a long time. We continued our relationship for an-
other year before it faded, becoming just a memory.
The following summer, KiWi came home for his summer break, for a month and a half. My
parents had no idea KiWi was in town. I had been corresponding with him throughout the year.
We picked up where we left off. I was happy as a lark to see my boyfriend again but the
winds of time had slowly changed the course of our lives. I was no longer passionately 'in love' with
KiWi. I had moved forward with my life while he was away. I didn't tell anyone that I was seeing
KiWi that summer. It was none of their business and I preferred to keep it that way.
I was the happiest boy, when Foong Senior told me I had been enrolled in school in the UK.
The year was 1964. I was overjoyed by the news. Within six months, I would be a free man doing all
the fabulous things I want to do! No Father Foong to tell me what I could or could not pursue.
The few months before leaving Kuala Lumpur, I promised myself I would not return to that
'small pond' if I could help it. I would, rather, soar high like a condor, with winds beneath my gigan-
tic wings, pushing me forward to achieve great and marvelous goals, only to glance below when I
happened to fly pass Kuala Lumpur! I would circle long enough to send kisses to those I loved, be-
In my own way, I'm glad I caught a falling star when I did, and that I put it in my pocket.
Memories of KiWi never waned nor faded, and I will cherish him in my heart, forever. Past experi-
ences are what make us who we are, today. What I learned with Kiwi contributed to the oceans of
love I have to shower upon those who are willing to open their arms to The Gift of Love!
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Greetings to all
Welcome to
The circle
Earthen Paths
As we all know, every living thing has an aura* and gives off energy, vibrations, be it
positive or negative. Why should we care about all this? Well, every bit of energy we
put out into the world can cause us to receive it back. For instance, let’s say we are
having a hard time of it at work. We constantly complain about how hard it is, how
the boss is giving you a hard time etc.
By constantly saying these things, you are putting negativity out into the world , and
the world will just keep giving it back to you … More hard times, more bad experi-
ences with the boss ,more bad things, more negativity! If you try real hard to ease
those negative thoughts and try to look for the good things and say: my job is good,
and my boss isn’t so bad, then you are putting positive energy out there and soon the
positive vibes will come back to you and things should improve for you. I know it’s
really hard to do this when things are looking bad, but you should give it a try and
see the results. What have you got to lose?
Being on an earthen path or even a conventional path can pose quite a challenge on a
daily basis. It’s up to ourselves to change our way of thinking and try to aim for a
more positive outlook and send as much positive energy out into the universe as we
*Aura: An aura is an energy field that all living things have. It is a distinctive atmos-
phere surrounding a given source, a luminous radiation/ energy field that emanates
from living beings.
Our Sister,
Linda Leone
Cheryl Pillsbury
Continuous Circle: Boston Strong
For almost 6 months I have been studying for my High Priestess first Degree
to be truly centered with the Gods Goddesses Spirits but mostly myself. I
have felt so much of the sun and the light along with the Underworld since I
was 13 and now everything has made sense since I was about 20 and I am in my
50’s now.
Life has been a true gift with the dreams being Clairvoyant and being an Em-
path amazing on what I feel the emotions and my friends far and near that
are close to me, two include celebrities. One in particular we’ll call TK we
seem to share the same time and bloodline same path with the same light. It’s
amazing what I have learned from him as we guide comfort and converse in
our dreams.
The recent event April 15, 2013 a nightmare we will never forget nor will we
be beaten by it. The bombing at the Boston Marathon it terrified me so know-
ing how close to home it was. Three died over 170 hurt the children utterly
scared not knowing or understanding as we all wanted to know one thing,
The outsiders beg to come here for a better life, better jobs and schools and
some they pay us back by bombs, if things change and you don’t like it here
LEAVE. It’s very simple no one is forcing you to stay. This may be heartless
and insulting but people here stay here because they love it here if things
change you need to move on and discover another path not one of destruc-
tion and death.
When I found my way led by the Goddess, Mother Earth is was the most fulfill-
ing enlightening time of my life I had found my true path, life and I have fol-
lowed since and will continue to do so as I help, guide and comfort others
when they decide to follow. I will be there for them always.
Much love and joy to all, BB
My Dad
Born a redneck
Raised on the farm life
Tended the animals
Lived the wholesome clean life
Joined the Air Force
Saw the pain
Felt their losses
But came home strong
Met his soul mate
Married her for life
Four children
Six grandchildren
His wife was laid to rest
Survived by his legacy
Enjoying the simple life
Savoring every memory
Non-stop work
Non-stop love
Non-stop care
Non-stop support
My dad
Non-stop being there
Non-stop being a dad
Who’s always here and there
On The Scene Magazine is a free monthly publication serving the North
Central Commonwealth of Massachusetts. OTS focuses on local, inde-
pendently owned restaurants with reviews of their food and services,
chef & bartender profiles and advertisements.
The greater local business community (and non-profits) are served by
OTS with articles, photos, and ads. Our main objective here at OTS
Magazine is to serve you, the reader, as a vehicle for local independently
owned businesses.
The website you are viewing is becoming increasingly interactive to best
serve the public with useful and timely information about what's going
on in our communities. Please check in with us often over the coming
Author/Illustrator Jennifer Tokarz
Jennifer Tokarz
Published author at 14
Illustrator most of her life
Four books later at 18
High School Graduate
College bound
Beautiful young lady
Huge future in the horizon
Book Premiere
Love & Death
Shannon Garrety
Shannon Garrety
A 15 year old author with huge
Order your copy fast:
Book Premiere
BY: Cheryl Pillsbury
By: Cheryl Pillsbury
Her fifth book in her vampire series
The Crimson Moon sks Blood Moon read the myth the story and
will you believe, read it and see.
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Book Review
Book Review
Forever Knight
Geraint Wyn Davies
Nigel Bennett
Geraint Wyn Davies as
Nicolas Knight
Nigel Bennett as
Lucien LaCroix
Me, a victim of the damned, my aim was always toward the light
I try to refrain from the blood of humans, using animals to quench my undying thirst
I value mortal life even if I am a creature of the night
I never asked for my unending curse.
I had a dream, an encounter that was so very real
My prayers were answered from an angel on high, they touched this old heart so I could be free
From this encounter, from my curse I would heal
Making me mortal, my biggest wish, see.
Now I am starting to feel very strange
I can feel this old heart as it beats, I am aware of the inhale and exhale of my lungs
I can feel again, this is so very strange
Maybe my dream was real, because of my good deeds, I am mortal again, to this life with hope I al-
ways clung.
I am totally convinced, by God and his angel, I was changed back to what I once was
Being so convinced, I will take the chance and walk out into the light of day so very bright
I am now standing in the sunshine like any other mortal man does
Being of the damned, all the deeds I did must have been right.
Eight hundred years it has been since I could stand in the presence of the sun so warm
I can actually feel the warmth upon my skin
So for a mortal life again, never will I have to mourn
Oh, to feel, to breathe, to see as a mortal man again.
I am so happy, because to mortal life today I was reborn
Feeling the sun, smelling the fresh air, and never again feeling that damned unquenchable thirst
To my existence never again will I be forlorn
I am free, free forever from what I thought was an eternal curse.
My rebirth to mortal man has presented a few problems within my life
My father too, is of the undead, and has not been as lucky as I
Even as a vampire, I served the people on a police force, faced with all kinds of problems filled with strife
Back to mortal life will help me better solve certain mysteries and whys.
My father worries he has lost a son but I love him too
Just because my prayers were answered, I could never disown my father
Don't fret father, I could never leave you so sad and blue
Even knowing what you are, to me you would never be a bother.
Because of what you are, your instincts are as sharp as a knife
So this way you can help me with your sixth sense, it will be easier to solve a case
Because of you, I had a mortal life before my deadly bite, gosh to my life you never brought any strife
Gosh, no one could ever take your place.
I am on a case now that involves jewel thieves
When I became mortal, I lost that keen sixth sense
I would never turn my back on you father, a father son relationship only brings relief
Maybe one day, you too, can overcome that deadly unholy fence.
My father, my giver of life, but also now you can help me in my profession
I know my job is dangerous, but wasn't life before I was reborn?
You can help me because now I am mortal, and now I can be killed by a gun
So father, don't look so forlorn.
I loved you as a child, so why do you worry now?
No need, for in my life you have always been my rock
You are my strength, my stability, even though you are a member of the undead, I needed you as a child just like I do
So together we will face my new life, together we can plan and plot.
Nigel Bennett
Lucien LaCroix
The Night Crawler
The Voice
The father/master
Many names but one creature one fear one love
Forever Knight Lives
©2006 A Dream Before
By: Cheryl T. Pillsbury
Heavy rains fell upon the city of Toronto; drowning the grassy fields, pedals wilted from the weight of
the raindrops and high winds blew through the leaves causing them to fall, covering the ground. Before the
sun rose; Nick flew into his loft, entering his bedroom, soaked to the skin and quickly stripped down grab-
bing a towel to dry off. He removed a pair of lounge pants from the dresser draw and his long black robe get-
ting dressed then walked down the stairs starting a small fire to warm himself. Nick stretched out on the
couch, his robe came undone exposing his bare chest and drifted off to a restful sleep.
LaCroix happened to be flying by as the sun made its presence known swooping through the sky win-
dow closing the blinds as he touched down. He strolled over towards the fire seeing its beauty of red and or-
ange, and the heat filling the room. He turned about observing his sire lying very still on the couch; chest in
fill view.
LaCroix walked over sitting down upon the coffee table staring at Nick from foot to head, every inch
he memorized then he lightly touched his stomach. He felt the heat and the sweat on his skin filling his
senses; the urge to examine further. He lovingly ran his finger upward to his nipples rotating in small circles
and Nick’s body twitched from his gesture. Nick didn’t resist; he laid his arms along side of his body as La-
Croix moved his fingers downward touching the trim on his lounge pants. He heard Nick moan a bit allow-
ing him passage to continue. He slowly pulled the string on his lounge pants moving it aside exposing his
hardness. LaCroix gasped at the acceptance Nick has given him.
LaCroix stood up removing his clothes, all but his pants and warmly stroked his cheek; all the while
Nick’s eyes remained closed. The sweat from their bodies built, rolling off to the sides then Nick stood up
holding LaCroix’s hand and followed him over to the fireplace. LaCroix placed his hands upon his upper
arms taking his robe off and his lounge pants fell down around his ankles. Nick struggled to open his eyes,
but couldn’t, so he went further and let play out.
Nick reached over unbuckling and zipping his master’s fly, giving his pants a slight push down falling
to the floor. They stepped out, stood there facing one another and Nick reached over touching him; touching
his hardness, feeling his heat rising. They embraced each other in a passionate kiss massaging one another’s
bodies and knelt down to the floor. Nick laid back as LaCroix crawled in between his legs tasting every inch
of him, feeling his desire rising and his hardness became overwhelmed. Nick sat up caressing LaCroix’s, feel-
ing his hunger for release; LaCroix assisted Nick to turn over and he lightly stroked his sire’s butt and gently
penetrated him.
Nick let out a gasping moan as LaCroix slowly went in then out, groaning with the passion he felt.
Nick held onto his hardness pumping along with LaCroix’s motions. LaCroix placed his hand upon Nick’s
adding a tighter grip on him. They moaned feeling their essence surging to the surface, adding to their desire
and hunger. As their essence emerged from their bodies; LaCroix plunged his fangs into Nick’s upper back
and Nick grabbed hold of LaCroix’s wrist and they fed until their essence exploded from their climax; spill-
ing over Nick’s ass and he onto the scarf LaCroix placed there.
They released each other from their bite and collapsed to the floor; winded and satisfying their need.
Nick laid their unconscious; LaCroix touched his son, still existing and smiled exhaling hard. He stood up
getting dressed and slipped Nick back into his pants and covered him up with his robe, leaving him their to
regain his strength. LaCroix felt the sun vanishing into the horizon and the heartbeat of Natalie riding up in
the elevator. LaCroix took to flight up and out the sky window then Natalie entered the loft seeing Nick at
the fireplace, not moving.
Natalie carefully walked in kneeling down at his side and rolled him over onto his back. Nick sud-
denly woke up curling into a ball and looked all around him. He saw Natalie smiling at him; he shook all
over and grabbed his robe clinching onto it. Natalie noticed his condition asking him if he was all right.
Nick heard the calmness in her voice reached out embracing her tight and slowly relaxed his nerves. She felt
his tremors, rubbing his upper and he jerked his body backwards with a slight moan.
“Nick, what happened here?” she asked, concerned.
“Don’t know; I don’t remember,” he replied, moaning in pain.
“Let me see,”
Natalie moved around to his and saw the puncher wounds, lightly touching them and he moved away.
“Nick, you have a bite mark on your back; what did you do last night?” she inquired.
“A dream, before…” he started.
“It’s all right; tell me later; time to get ready.” She told him.
“Yes, all right,” he replied, looking away.
Natalie stood up walking towards the kitchen removing a bottle for him as Nick sat there wondering
what took place and who did this to him. He snuggled into his robe then felt something strange in between
his thighs. He moved the robe and discovered a scarf with LaCroix’s name written on it. He thought for the
moment then realized what took place and how he slept through it or was in a trance so he wouldn’t resist
Witchcraft, Blood, Love
With the rescue of my best friend, things now seem to be going my way
I am so at ease with everything, now I can muster the courage to ask my girl just to be with me
Anticipation and anxiety fill my soul for this awaited day
Just when things seem to be going so good, another nut on the war path, see.
Escaped from a mental hospital, a man searching for immortality
Using witchcraft to obtain his goal, he even considers his self to be a war lock
The blood of three virgins and a vampire, using this, he thinks the dark side will hear his warped
This person really needs to be locked up, put him in a cell, throw away the key to the lock.
LaCroix my only family left, he is missing, I guess the nut got him, the nut in his warped mind,
must think LaCroix to be a vampire
According to legend, if he drinks the blood he obtains, immortality will be his
I will find the only family I have left, of this chore I will never tire
I will search high and low for this nut, kill LaCroix? I don't think so, instead I will take his.
Each victim we find, is a virgin, with emblems of witchcraft cut into their skin
All of the females, drained of their blood, Was the killer crazy enough to drink it?
Summoning the dark side, this is an ultimate sin
This person's soul will surely burn in the fiery pits of hell.
To my relief, we find this person that is completely insane
LaCroix my family, he is weak but he is fine
The nut thinking, immortality would be his, by his horrid sadistic game
When he kidnapped LaCroix, now here, he crossed the line.
My nerves are a lot better now, so I can calmly continue with my plans
To give my lady, so sweet, a ring because I love her so
I choose a ring, a ruby, so red, to represent my heart, she can display on her finger, and know of my
love for her, each time she looks at her hand
I want my lady by my side, what ever path I choose to go.
Communing With Nature
I am privileged to have a few days, to spend with my love, Molly
On our last day, Molly suggests something new, a walk in the woods and a picnic
So, we gleefully walk in the woods, hand in hand, not a care in the world, see
We find a clearing, near a pond, for our picnic.
Lounging in the sun, after our meal, I feel passion arousing from within
I look into Molly's eyes, and she playfully asked," Desert, sir?"
Her sexual teasing makes me grin
Communing with nature, this is new, so I allow this to occur.
Just like the birds and the bees, we are making love outside
No worries, no cares, except for what is happening right here, right now
I love Molly so; I can't wait until I make her my bride
Molly brought out the man in me, and all I can say is wow.
Under the sun, here, where all the world can hear
I profess my love for Molly, forever wanting her by my side
I would never leave Molly, this she doesn't have to fear
Just the thought of Molly makes me smile, and my smile is very wide.
Outside, by the pond, listening to all the creatures as they sing
This was a totally different experience for me
Communing with nature, and all the joys that it brings
Molly is the only one that fills me with such happiness and glee.
Molly has brought out the man in me; something I thought no longer existed
Feeling all the pleasures, felt by any mortal man
I must choose the right time, to tell Molly about my past, see
Someday I must do this, bare my very soul, so I will feel at peace, when I give Molly a wedding
Movie Vault
Movie Vault
Places (Hauntings)
The Stanley HotelThe Stanley HotelThe Stanley HotelThe Stanley Hotel
Stephen King and his wife spent a night at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park,
Co., in late September 1974. Because the resort was to be closed for the win-
ter the very next day, the writer and his wife were the only guests in the
sprawling hotel, which King would later describe as the archetypical set-
ting for a ghost story. Legend has it that King stayed in room 217, where he
saw the spirit of a young boy in distress, but according to the writer's offi-
cial Web site, it was a vivid dream of his own 3-year-old son running terrified
through the corridors that jolted King awake that night and helped to in-
spire his classic horror story, "The Shining."
According to some accounts, King and his wife put their suitcases in room 217
after checking in, then left the room for dinner. They returned to find all
their belongings neatly put away -- but not by any living member of the hotel
staff. But despite the famous link between room 217 and one of the scariest
novels of all time, many visitors believe room 401 actually boasts the most
paranormal activity. Guests staying here have reported hearing the sounds
of children running and playing in the halls when no children were present,
the feeling of blankets being pulled tight across legs and feet, and even the
sensation of the bed gently shaking as they slept. The ghosts of F.O. Stanley
and his wife Flora, who built the hotel in 1909, are said to frequent the bar
and billiards areas and the ballroom, where Flora's piano sometimes plays
all by itself.
While alleged ghost sightings at the Stanley Hotel are certainly frequent,
they don't seem to be particularly threatening or violent, which may help to
account for the popularity of the ghost tours still led by the management of
this stately hotel.
Most visitors to our next location come for its Civil War history, but what-
ever your reason for visiting, it's hard to set foot in Gettysburg, Pa., without
hearing of a famous haunting or two.
Gettysburg, Pa., is best known as the site of the bloody Civil War battle that
took place here from July 1 to July 3, 1863. More than 163,000 Union and
Confederate soldiers were involved in the Battle of Gettysburg, and more
than 51,000 of them were dead, wounded or missing by the time the fighting
ended. Given the rich history of the town and its surrounding area, it should
probably come as no surprise that so many hauntings and ghost sightings
have been reported.
In one famous story, two women stopped to look through the window of a
craft shop in the town late one evening after the stores had closed. Instead
of crafts, they saw a woman dressed in black, sitting in a rocking chair, ap-
parently keeping vigil over the body of a man on a cot. The room was other-
wise empty. The next day, the two tourists returned to the shop to find it
filled with crafts. They asked the shopkeeper if perhaps there had been wax
figures on display in the store the night before. Of course, there were not,
and the shopkeeper was surprised when the women described a door visible in
the previous night's scene that was entirely hidden behind a pegboard in the
modern-day store. As it turned out, the shop was in the historic George House,
where the body of Union Major General John F. Reynolds was held after he
was killed on the battlefield on July 1, 1863.
Hundreds of ghost sightings have also been reported on the historic battle-
fields just outside of town. In an area known as Devil's Den, where Confeder-
ate sharpshooters took refuge in an outcrop of large boulders, visitors
have reported encounters with a ragged-looking man who has come to be
known as the "Phantom of Devil's Den." In multiple accounts, he appears out
of nowhere, saying, "What you're looking for is over there." He vanishes the
moment tourists turn their heads to look in the direction of his outstretched
Was the site of our next famous haunting designed to confuse spirits or to
welcome them? No one knows for sure, but the question fascinates tens of
thousands of visitors who visit the Winchester Mystery House every year.
Ghosts of GettysburgGhosts of GettysburgGhosts of GettysburgGhosts of Gettysburg
The Brown Lady of Raynham HallThe Brown Lady of Raynham HallThe Brown Lady of Raynham HallThe Brown Lady of Raynham Hall
Raynham Hall is one of England's best-known haunting sites thanks to the
Brown Lady, a spirit allegedly captured on film in a 1936 photograph pub-
lished in Country Life magazine. The famous photo depicts a figure on a stair-
case, with the wooden stairs clearly visible through her ghostly form. The
spirit is believed to be that of Lady Dorothy Walpole Townshend, the wife of
the second viscount of the Raynham estate, who lived at Raynham Hall from
1713 until her death in 1726.
According to the Mysterious Britain Web site, the first reference to the
ghost of Lady Dorothy was recorded in 1835, when Christmas guests wit-
nessed an "aristocratic looking" lady in a brown dress on the main staircase.
Her face glowed with an "unearthly light," and there were only dark sock-
ets where her eyes should have been. In other accounts, the Brown Lady car-
ries a lantern, and her face, illuminated by the lantern's eerie light, is identi-
cal to a portrait of Lady Dorothy that hangs in the home.
The Ghost Database Web site reports that the Brown Lady even disturbed the
sleep of King George IV, who stayed at Raynham Hall while he was still
Prince Regent. He awoke in the middle of the night to find "a little lady all
dressed in brown, with disheveled hair and a face of ashy paleness" standing
by his bedside. Perhaps not surprisingly, he left the hall at once, refusing to
spend another moment there.
While reports of the Brown Lady have tapered off since the famous photo
was taken in 1936, Lord Charles Raynham, a descendant of the Townshend
family, told the BBC in 2009 that he knows Lady Dorothy is still there, and
he's "glad she's around."
Would Lord Raynham be as welcoming to the ghostly inhabitants of the next
stop on our tour? We're guessing maybe not.
It's been 100 years since the Titanic and 1,500 of its passengers sank to a wa-
tery grave. Divers have since recovered numerous artifacts from the site of
the wreck. Have the spirits of those lost souls somehow survived, as well?
Since 1994, an exhibit of Titanic artifacts managed by RMS Titanic, Inc., has
traveled to major cities around the world. In multiple locations, the local
staff, volunteers and visitors to the exhibit have reported experiencing
strange phenomena and eerie sensations as they view the authentic artifacts.
During the exhibit's 2008 stay at the Georgia Aquarium, a team from Roswell
Georgia Paranormal Investigations even captured voices on a digital voice re-
corder and reported the presence of a young crew member, an elderly
woman and an older gentleman in various areas of the exhibit.
One Atlanta volunteer reported feeling a hand move over her head and
through her hair. And while viewing a replica of the ship's first-class quar-
ters, also in Atlanta, a 4-year-old boy repeatedly asked, "Who's that lady?"
and "What is she doing?" The adults with him saw only a dress laid out across
a loveseat. At the Putnam Museum in Davenport, Iowa, volunteers and mem-
bers of the staff reported the distinct smell -- and sometimes even the appear-
ance -- of cigar smoke in the vicinity of a cigar holder recovered from the ship.
An actor who played the role of a uniformed ship's officer at a permanent Ti-
tanic exhibit in Orlando, Fla., also reported the smell of cigar smoke and was
startled one night to see the reflection of a real-life Titanic officer when he
looked into a mirror in a replica of the ship's veranda café. When the actor
yelled, "Who's that?" the mysterious officer smiled and walked away.
Our next haunted destination plays up the controversial story of a former
slave named Chloe, but it's the less famous spirits of the Myrtles Plantation
that really make our hair stand on end.
The Titanic ExhibitThe Titanic ExhibitThe Titanic ExhibitThe Titanic Exhibit
The Myrtles PlantationThe Myrtles PlantationThe Myrtles PlantationThe Myrtles Plantation
The Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, La., is described on its official
Web site as "one of America's most haunted houses." But just who or what is
responsible for all the haunting?
The best-known Myrtles Plantation ghost story is that of Chloe, a slave on
the plantation in the early 19th century. As the legend goes, Chloe became
the mistress of plantation owner Judge Clarke Woodruff. Fearing that she
was losing his affection, she baked a cake for his daughter's birthday, adding
a small amount of poison in an attempt to sicken the children just enough
that she could miraculously nurse them back to health and therefore be as-
sured of her master's continued attentions. Of course, the plan went horri-
bly awry. According to legend, two children and their mother died of the poi-
son, and Chloe was quickly found out and consequently hanged from a tree
on the plantation.
Today, Chloe is said to appear frequently between two trees outside the
home, and she is credited with many mysterious goings-on inside, from mis-
placed earrings to moving furniture. However, historians have questioned
whether she ever truly existed. At the very least, the story of the poisoned
children is untrue, as the deaths of the children (and their mother, one year
earlier) from yellow fever are well documented.
Fortunately for visitors, there's plenty of other paranormal activity at the
Myrtles Plantation. According to the American Hauntings Web site, the
home's then-owner Frances Myers claimed in 1987 to have been awakened sud-
denly by an old black woman wearing a green turban and a long dress. The
woman stood silently beside the bed holding a metal candlestick in her hand.
Myers pulled the covers over her head and screamed, then slowly looked out
to find that the apparition had vanished. Other residents and visitors have re-
ported seeing children playing on the veranda or floating outside the win-
dow of a game room, and the grand piano on the first floor plays by itself,
stops when someone comes into the room and plays again when they leave.
Mysterious music is just one of the unexplained occurrences in the town of
Tombstone, Ariz., the next famous haunting on our list.
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Fantastic Story
Killer Korner
Jeffrey Dahmer
Over the years I have read, seen and heard most of everything that was in the media, newspapers and books but nothing
touched his other side. Believe it or not Jeffrey did have another side but his horrid side always won. I have always felt
sad for him, the life he never had or got, the things he should have been doing as a boy growing up and meeting people
instead of being pushed aside and told what to do, what to say and how to feel. I have explored many areas before
writing this but the need to say something for him is now, now I feel as the victims families the world is better without
him, Jeffrey said that himself and he welcomed death and no matter where he would go in the after life, he could no
longer harm anyone else.
Jeffrey Dahmer has always had my interest from the beginning, yes what he did was inhuman and the punishment, for
the most part, fit the crime, but he was doomed from the beginning, even before his conception. I have always felt sad
for Jeffrey because his life never started out the way it should have, the imagination of superheroes, playing with other
kids his age or a special bond that most brothers share. His father really didn’t spend much time with him playing ball,
going fishing or the fatherly talks most boys would have about life, because if he did I strongly feel Jeffrey would have
been a chemist like his father or a professor at a college, because he was so smart, almost a genius of sorts.
Jeffrey could have also been a doctor of high skills, a specialist in surgery because of his nature with life, and fascination
on how things operated. His twisted mind could have good for the gone learning the mysteries of life, maybe create a
surgery unknown to man or find a cure for disease. Because his family situation started out bad before he was here then
he arrives and he was doomed from the start. They said she had a difficult pregnancy, perhaps the word was children
would not be a good idea but in those days it was be fruitful and multiply.
His father, Lionel Dahmer, was a chemist, possibly very smart in that area but he was from a dysfunctional home as
well, his father worked all the time, mother, Joyce Dahmer, was busy with the family or other things, and he was left to
entertain himself like Jeffrey but he was shown what was right from wrong, Jeffrey was not just as long he was out of
their way, they were fine with that.
Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee on May 21, 1960. He was the oldest child but when he had some surgical proce-
dure at the age of six and at the time of his younger brother’s birth which is unclear of what altered his manner, the sur-
gery perhaps had issues unknown or knowing he was not the only child getting attention. For most firstborn children
they get use to having the attention, the gifts, and extra things in life but when a child is added into the family they feel
rejected, no longer loved or wanted. If families help with that showing the good things of having a brother or sister they
usually do very well but where he had surgery and the new brother arrives, another son; it placed a dent into his
personality. So Jeffrey adapted the only way he knew how, he climbed into himself and accepted he was not that impor-
tant. He then created his own world which was on the path to destruction and unknown territory, and everyone
thought it was a little boy exploring the world and trying to figure out his place and how things worked around him, if
they did.
Jeffrey would spend a lot of time outside in the yard playing with his toy plastic soldiers, fighting, shooting and slaugh-
tering each other, like during war time. His parents were busy with the new baby. Without realizing the damage this
was having on Jeffrey, he would seek out insects, small animals to slaughter, pulling their wings off, tails off or perhaps
dissecting them to see what was inside, but he found it fascinating when they died, their bodies became hard and stiff
and their eyes empty shells of color, no life or movement.
Like with most families growing larger, his father sorts out a job which caused them to move from Iowa to Ohio. Now
Jeffrey was not the out going type of kid, he was quiet, shy, a loner and didn’t have very many friends or kids that
would speak to him except to call him names and beat him. So this made Jeffrey more inward, his father a lot of time
away from home which created issues, fights and words being said in the home. The hatred and anger displayed in
front of him fed into his need to be more aggressive, the breakdown of the family home caused his parents to be di-
vorced which was hard on Jeffrey; what about him now? Will dad ever come back?
It is most likely this turned his thoughts of what if, into some action that he could do. Using his anger and frustration
out on an animal killing it but when he wanted to kill them for breaking up the family. So where he couldn’t harm them
he harmed the animals’ feeling it was okay. He said it began at fourteen but I feel it started when the family began to
crumble apart. His father was gone, in those days women did not instruct their sons on sexual orientation, the men did
but he was gone. This enhances his dismay in life not knowing his place.
I feel that Jeffrey was feeling the homosexual urges at the tender age of 10 or so because had no one to teach or show
him, like most guys, your friends would teach you what to look at and how to score as they say. He had his younger
brother but he didn’t know so he went with what his urge was telling him. Jeffrey was becoming a problem at home so
his mother sent him to his grandmother whom I felt was the worst thing for him because here’s an elderly woman who
will help raise a teenager and teach him right or wrong, I don’t think so. She had trouble getting out of her own way.
Jeffrey would be bounced back and forth between his mother and the grandmother, never really had a stable home nor
did anyone see a problem with the slaughter of animals.
Jeffrey graduated from high school, shortly after that June 1978, he was discovering his sexuality, he wasn’t quite sure
but he did lean more toward homosexual needs. He met a young man named Steven Hicks, he was about the same age,
a hitchhiker and they hung out at the home, playing around then it turned to sexual games and passes. They drank beer
but Jeffrey made sure Steven had more to have sleep from being drunk and they had sex. But Steven tried to leave and
Jeffrey feared what he may say or do he want him again later, his evil side kicked in and he killed Steven by bashing his
skull in using a barbell. He quickly grabbed a trash bag slowly dismembering his body wrapping him up and buried
him in a shallow grave in the woods. It would be about nine years before his urge nudged him again to kill.
Soon after his murder about January 1979, he began to drink heavily. His drinking became out of control and would
show up for classes at the Ohio State University. Jeffrey like most, he dropped out of school. His father, a controlling
person and recently remarried, stepped in telling Jeffrey he needs to join the Army, maybe that would help. Jeffrey was
sent to Germany for his first mission. Here Jeffrey would witness the slaughter of people and display his contempt and
disregard for authority. Jeffrey would continue his drinking over the next two years until the Army deemed it necessary
to discharge him due to his drinking problem. As far as evidence shows and he never said if he had any victims during
his Army term, so we have to assume he didn’t kill during that time.
Jeffrey would return to the family home walking through the woods carrying a hammer locating Steven Hicks remains.
He dug Steven up laying his remains on flat ground then began using the hammer smashing his bones into tiny pieces.
He would gather them up and started to scatter them about in the woods. No evidence to find or tie Jeffrey to it. His
drinking increased over the months becoming a problem to others.
Jeffrey was arrested in October of 1981, for disorderly conduct due to his drinking, his father was notified, his father feel-
ing he can not be on his own, he sent him to live with his grandmother in Wisconsin. But sadly his drinking remained
his demon throughout most of his life. His next arrest was in September of 1986 for masturbating in front of two young
boys; his punishment: one year probationary sentence.
Jeffrey could no longer maintain the urge, he could not keep it at bay, in September 1987, almost exactly one year later
he claims his second victim. He went to Gay Bar downtown, in the evening and met Steven Toumi; they sat, talked and
enjoyed a few drinks, mainly Steven. They both stumbled out of the bar paying for a hotel room where they engaged in
sex. Jeffrey claims he woke up and Steven was dead, terrified, he bought, grabbing a suitcase and stuffed his body into
it. He then took him back to his grandmothers home and stored downstairs in the basement. Later he removed the
body then had sex and masturbated on Steven’s body. Once he was done, Jeffrey started to dismember the body throw-
ing into trash bags then into the rubbish.
These seventeen murders occurred during a thirteen year span which bothers me that no one noticed foul stenches or
any unusual noises from his apartment, #213 where he was finally arrested. He favored African-American he would
lure them to his place from gay bars promising them alcohol and sex, but what they didn’t know they would die by
morning or that very night. Jeffrey has said a few times that he ate some of the remains, but always kept something of
their bodies, he said not only did he want them close to him but he wanted them within him because of what he shared
with them. He would take them to his grandmother’s house downstairs in the basement with the same promise but the
alcohol was laced with drugs and he would have his way with them. The next day he would have sex and masturbate
on them, dismember their bodies, and he would their genitals as a trophy.
His grandmother grew tired and annoyed at the drunkenness and late nights she told Jeffrey to leave where he got an
apartment, #213, in the center of town where he continued his reign of torture. Within the walls of his home he had the
skulls in a row over the fireplace, kept body parts in the freezer and one victim in a blue barrel.
He was almost caught when he was picked up for engaging a sexual favor from a thirteen year old, he pleaded guilty
stating the young appeared older and didn’t give age when they got together. On May 26, 1991, Dahmer’s African-
American neighbor called the police to report that a young Asian boy was running naked in the street. When the police
arrived, the boy was staggering, and incoherent. Dahmer explained that he was his 19 year old lover who had too much
to drink. The police accepted his explanation and left it there.
Jeffrey’s luck ran out on July 22, 1991 when two Milwaukee officers picked up Tracy Edwards, a young African-America
who wandering the streets with a handcuff dangling from his wrist. They investigated his claim to, ‘weird dude,’ arriv-
ing at Dahmer’s apartment where he calmly offered to the key to the handcuffs. Tracy said Jeffrey had a knife threaten-
ing him and tried to take him into the bedroom.
Needless to say upon investigating his claim they searched the apartment finding skulls in the freezer and they called it
in as well as taking Dahmer to the station. Dahmer felt a sense of relief confessing to the murders giving them a list of
who, where, when and how he did it. He was labeled one of the worst serial killers in history. He was sentenced to fif-
teen consecutive life terms which came to the total of 957 years; he was deemed sane and was found guilty on all counts.
One mother, however, lost it just before he was sentenced screaming at Jeffrey, ‘I hate you,’ which he showed no reac-
tion or remorse because in my opinion he was insane and psychotic not to display an ounce of something for he did. He
welcomed prison because he said if was not put away he would continue to kill until they did catch him or he died try-
ing to take another person.
Jeffrey adjusted to life in prison although he was kept at bay from the others because they knew someone will try and
kill Jeffrey for what he did. Jeffrey discovered religion during his prison time like most of them do, his father brought
him some book and he was granted permission by the Columbia Correctional Institution to be baptized by a local
November 28, 1994, in accordance with his inclusion in regular work details he was assigned to work with two prisoners
who happened to be white supremacists murderer, Jesse Anderson and the other a delusional, schizophrenic African-
American murderer, Christopher Scarver. They spent about twenty minutes doing their duties when the guards re-
turned to pick them up, they found Anderson unconscious and Dahmer in the cell with his bashed in bleeding every-
The Milwaukee police distant themselves from the Dahmer case saying it was closed and over. Explaining it was a life
sentenced murderer who took his life and added years to his term, but he was never going to see the light of day any-
way so there was not much more they could do to punish him. Dahmer was later buried and labeled a horrific serial
Join us
In the
Wiccan Ways
Theban Alphabet as old as time, our language,
practice, learn it then share it.
Lughnasadh 8/1
First of 3 Harvest
Good Fortune
Nuts, apples, berries
Rosemary &
Maybon 9/21
2 of 3 Harvest
Wine making
Gather herbs
Walk in the
Harmony &
Breads, nuts,
Carrots, onions
Myrrh & Sage
Samhain 10/31
The Final Harvest
Birth of the new God
Feast of Harvest produce,
Dance, candles
Wine, apples
Mint, Nutmeg
Thought for a few
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Are always welcomed
18 Maple Street Lot 58, Pepperell, MA 01463
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Dark realm 4
Dark realm 4
Dark realm 4
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Dark realm 4

  • 1. Dark Realm Magazine Issue 4 DARK REALM MAGAZINE ISSUE 4
  • 2. 2 About the MagazineAbout the MagazineAbout the MagazineAbout the Magazine About Cheryl T. Pillsbury; Author & Founder of AG PressAbout Cheryl T. Pillsbury; Author & Founder of AG PressAbout Cheryl T. Pillsbury; Author & Founder of AG PressAbout Cheryl T. Pillsbury; Author & Founder of AG Press Founder of aG Press, I have seen, witnessed and experienced many horrible publish- ers with hidden fees, not doing the work and prices beyond reach. I was angry and frustrated, so I took a year to research and develop AG Press, LLC to help those with the same dreams and I. Author of 25 books so far and more coming in the future. If you wish to place an ad with us it will $10.00 a month, any size. Please send your ad to and payment to paypal at Please make a note when making your payment. Thank you and enjoy the chills within this magazine. The underworld has always my haven since I was a small child. Hollywood and oth- ers have made it evil, dark and terrifying. Although it can be but not always. It has been a second home to me which is why the name Persephone is my Wiccan name, I did not fully understand it until I got a little older and it made sense and I complete in my center in my life. With this magazine, it was time to share and invite others to the same. Hollywood may share what they think is horror, but we know the difference, share with me. ISSN 2167-9800 PRINT>> ISSN 2167-9819 ONLINE Marvel Entertainment Pearson & Pearson; Attorney at law owns the mutant characters 10 George Street Please respect their Copyright laws Lowell, MA 01852 (978) 452-1971 _________________________________________________________________________________________ All articles, photos media about Mr. Taylor Kitsch and Mr. Nicolas Cage is copy- righted under the law and the copyrights from AG Press respect and honor the law and their rights, Thank you _________________________________________________________________________________________ Forever Knight is copyrighted under Sony Pictures all rights reserved so we honor their as you should Thank you
  • 3. 3 Table of Content: Poetry…………………………………………………………………………………………………....…………6 Bedtime Stories……………………………………………………………………………………….….……12 Coven Circle…..………………………………………………………………...…………………...….……26 Art Gallery………………………………………………………………………..………………...……...…38 Previews…………………………………………………………………….……………………………….…...44 Reviews……………………………………………………………………...……………………………….…...46 Forever Knight…………………………………………………………...…………………………………...48 Movie Vault…………………………………………………………………...………………………...……...56 Places to Visit…………………………………………………….…………………………………...……….58 Gambit Series……..…………………………………………………………………………………..………..65 Mystical Creators………………………………………...……………………………………….………..66 Killer Korner………………………………………………………………………….……………………....72 Wicca…………………………………………………………………………………...……………………….....76 Mutant Mania………………………………………………………………….………………………………..84 Taylor Kitsch Tribute…………………………………………………..…………………………………..90 Nicolas Cage Tribute……………………………………………………………………………………….92 Submit Page……………………………………………………………………….…………………………..… 94 Order Form…………………………………………………………………...……………………………..…..95
  • 4. 4 Our Authors & Artists Volunteers Linda Leone Maggie Grinnell Angela Harris Daniela Frongia Kurt Palnois Keith Rommel Tracy Nickels Michael Walsh Jennifer Tokarz Hastin Nuraini
  • 5. 5 Info Page ********************************************************** If you see something that has your interest and need to know more have your opinion publish Send it to: Dark Realm Magazine c/o AG Press 18 Maple Street Lot 58 Pepperell, MA 01463 Or Email to Put your name, city/town and the title of the Interest on your comment so we get it right for print *********************************************************
  • 6. 6 Enter if you dare……………..Enter if you dare……………..Enter if you dare……………..Enter if you dare……………..
  • 7. 7 Moments of Joy Endless tears Another moment in history Many countries run as one nation The pain, sweat and ambition Many causes and some unknown The end was near many cheered Then silence filled the air Along with an explosion dust and debre People children and animals alike They ran everywhere No place to hide The blood, tears and fear People dead children hurt Who could do this to us Ice cold hearts no spirit To kill and mame the innocent They had no right to do this Our beautiful city Boston Was united as one once again To share and love People celebrating a race for a cause Shadows came in to destroy Caused horror terror and grief No one had this right Why? PoetryA BU student with a future Young and pretty So much to offer and give She now must rest Krystal a young lady Pretty and bright Smile a mile wide Gone before her time Martin a child Innocent and pure To cheer for his father Gone before he began A toothless smile Brown hair and eyes to match He asked for one simple ‘Stop hurting people; Peace’ They did not listen Why not we must Why not them Please explain to me why? My heart, prayers and love To all that were lost and hurt We will stand strong again And still fight for our right As we have in the past And now in the present to Preserve our future If you wish to stay, stay If not you know where the fence is Much love and joy Cheryl 2013
  • 8. 8 The land of the forgotten Praise the sky for it's light to shine upon this land As I raise my blade to protect the righteous across the sea and sand I close my eyes as this world keeps marching to it's demise The onset of fate's actions are to come, yet few realize To be so true and live life with genuine ambition is lost As greed takes over as everything goes up in cost Technology is stealing the minds of many that are young Destroying the thoughts and songs that have not yet been sung Society continues burning with such notoriety The fire that continues to run a blaze on everyone I see For many are becoming the same, despite a different town and name Predictable they are as they continue to play the same game From my Village and beyond my Kingdom I see such blasphemy It has even effected me to some degree All that is wrong cannot be reversed The tidal wave of corruption is destroying all that are cursed My knights of the round table shall not give in to such For the purity of our land is far too sacred for evils touch We shall defy what is the norm That has created such a storm I believe in love, honesty and humility To maintain such character that mostly has been lost at sea So what is right has become uncommon amongst the earth When we all were innocent at the time of birth The ideas of holiness shall and will stand the test of time my lord As I loathe these people who chase these dreams theirs souls cannot afford One day the sun shall shine again I'm not so sure when No such insanity will breach my gates of dignity, honor and respect For all that is right and good is what I will and must protect My heart aches for what the world has become So dark, cold and emotionally numb BY: Michael Granger
  • 9. 9 Picture Perfect By: Maggie Grinnell As five am. drew, the morning scene looks like a postcard. The ridges of the mountaintops are perfectly out- lined as if drawn by a painter. Three shades of blue layer the sky. Pasted to the shades of blue sky are a half cres- cent moon and one very bright star. The picture perfect scene ends with a warm breeze Poetry Broken Spirit By: Tracy Nickels Can a spirit be mended. It is done with hammer and nails? Perhaps glue to bring a shattered heart together. Will it be strong enough to hold against the world that tried To destroy it? Love heals all they say, Then I will pray for the love to come Love that I pray for is you.
  • 10. 10 Every Living Thing Be the most dramatic person when I thought about you I want to write about our conscious intent from my heart Keep me here because through the cosmic of an inspiration Be the most dramatic person when I heard this interview I want to write about all walks of life and wanted to support Keep me here because through the cosmic of an inspiration Be the most dramatic person when writing comes more easily I want to write about beauty of delight with much prettier Keep me here because the world to listen through the next day Be the most dramatic person when you have something to say I want to write about loving you and thanks for beautiful days Keep me here because the awareness of this truth as it happens Hastin nuraini Another Dimension You have incredible wisdom and knowledge Your kindness and happy others because of you Needing to align and seeing the world You have incredible wisdom and treasure of love Your kindness and real winner never gives up Needing to live and going with the life You have incredible wisdom and you will ever know Your kindness and finds the right things to do Needing to bring a fresh spirit and perspective You have incredible wisdom and be gentle Your kindness and the hard part is to keep it up Needing to be able to locate soul and home
  • 11. 11 Blood on the Hangman’s Noose. By Tracy V. Nickels Stained that deadly collar A dark red color. Many guilty necks broken In the circle Blood appeared in the fibers. After each execution. Testimony to every sin committed. When washed the water reddened. It still bled. The commended would see it Forever tainted. It had no mercy. No hope. The knot pulled taut. Cutting off the scream. The noose lies quiet coiled it’s chest Waiting like a serpent to strike. Unrepentant will face that fateful day. To hang from their own rope. Poetry I have a dreamI have a dreamI have a dreamI have a dream By: Durl LovellBy: Durl LovellBy: Durl LovellBy: Durl Lovell A dream that one day. Yesss! One day I may see you again. I wake up in the morning and you are on my mind. When I go lay down at night I wonder...where you are now. Though the gods that be say, "You can't go to him now." Still I know you have thoughts of me as well. One day DJ we will meet again. And know this... Nothing in heaven or on the earth will ever separate us again. And that dream I have... will be no more. (Yes DJ even we in heaven have our dreams)
  • 13. 13 The story tells that, in the past the state Boloyai, there came the king of a wealthy. The king was very favora- bly received by the people, because of his kindness. However, it does not have a child after fifteen years of marriage with his queen. By because it is not lasting longer want to have offspring, the King went out with his queen to the upstream river water is very cold so blessed to have a child who will soon inherit the throne. Place it will go is very far from the crowds. To go there, they should be down the wilderness, crossing rivers and climbing up and down the mountain. They departed bring adequate provision. Upon arrival both hus- band and wife there, they began to implement the purpose of their coming. After a day-night they went back to the palace. After waiting for days and weeks, they finally success in prayer. Queen is known to have been pregnant a month. Eight months later, the Queen was delivered of a boy, and gave the name Alex Tita. King very happy celebrating the birth of his son, who had needs very much. King then inform the entire people that gathered in the palace hall. Further, King delivered that it be held as a sign of gratitude for safety of God's grace that has thankful to have son. The next day, the safety of already held very lively with a variety of performances. The king and queen with raising their son with love and care. They are very spoiled, until the child grows into a very spoiled child. Time continues to pass, even the larger Alex then sent by his parents to the city to study at a college. Before leaving, Alex Tita got a message from his father so study hard. After that, it was farewell to his parents. Already several years Alex Tita learns, yet also capable of Alex Tita finish studies be- cause it is accustomed to be spoiled. His father became very angry at him; even want to punish him, when he returned to the palace. One day his father said, "Hi, Alex Tita! Son what kind of you! Already not want to listen to older people. Guards! Suspend this kid to death!" Order of the King. Hearing her husband's orders to guard the Queen was immediately prostrated before her husband. "How about we just banish him from the palace? But provided that his brother set him money as capital to trade, "the Queen of motion. "What do you think, my son?" Queen back Alex Tita asked "Well, Mother! Alex Tita ready to fulfill that condition. Thank you, Mother! "Alex said Tita. "If you violate again, there is no forgiveness for you, Alex Tita" added the King will say to his son. After that, Alex Tita farewell to her parents to go to trade. It went from one village to the forest. In the middle of the trip, he met with the village children who are shooting birds with a slingshot. My brethren! Do you harm the bird, because the bird was not at fault? "Commented the Alex Tita to the chil- dren. 'Who are you? Dare-dare you forbid us, "protested one of the village children. Black Pearl By: Hastin Nuraini Page 1
  • 14. 14 "If you stop shoot birds, I'll give you money," tasteless Alex Tita. The village children receive offers Alex Tita fret giving money to them, Alex Tita even extend his journey. Yet far from walking, he found another of those villagers who were beating a snake. Alex Tita can not bear to see what they said. It then gives the money to the people to stop persecuting the snake. After that, she went on another journey down the thick forest leading to a village. So forth, during the journey, it will always give the money to the people who mistreat animals, so without realize money that should be trading capital has been exhausted. Once realized, it becomes more agitated and thought what if he returned to the palace. Of course his father would be very angry and will punish him. Moreover, it has twice made a terrible mistake; sure his father will never forgive him again. A day because of fatigue, he decided to rest under a shady tree. It then sat on a large rock that is under the tree while sobbing. At that point, all of a sudden a huge snake scared .Alex Tita, count- ing himself will prey snake. "Do not worry, lad! I will not eat you, "said the snake. Seeing the snake could talk, feel scare Alex Tita began to disappear. "Hi, big snake! Who are you? Why you can talk? "Asked Alex Tita from the familiar. "I am a King Snake in the jungle," replied the snake. "Do you own one? Why are you sad? "The serpent said to the Alex back Tita. "I was the Alex Tita," Alex said and tells him all the problems and all the events that were experienced during the journey. "You are a good son, Alex," said the snake with his close. "Because you have to protect the animals in the forest of the village people treating her, I'll give you a gift to thank my love," added the snake then later remove something from his mouth. "What's that thing?" Asked the Alex Tita curious. "Thing is a very magical thing. Whatever you ask, will be granted. Named is Black Pearl, "said the snake, then go left the Alex Tita Meanwhile, Alex Tita is busy observing the Black Pearl. "Beginners, wow this thing. Means this thing can save me from the wrath of his father, "muttered Alex Tita with happy feelings. Armed with the Black Pearl, Alex Tita ventured back to the palace to face his father. However, before arriving at the palace, it was first ap- plied to the Black Pearl so give him a lot of money to replace the capital that was going around to the other villagers and profits from its trading. His father was very pleased to welcome her son who has brought a lot of money from its trading. Finally, Alex Tita welcomed back by his father and free from the threat of the death penalty. All thanks to the help of the Black Pearl, giving the snake. Black Pearl By: Hastin Nuraini Page 2
  • 15. 15 When the Black Pearl will be returned to Alex Tita, the Rat cheats him by saying that both the Black Pearl fell into the river. But actually the thing in his mouth. At the time of her second thing to look for the river, it im- mediately turned towards the Alex Tita. Thus, the rats considered as a hero in this case. Meanwhile, the cat and the dog feel very guilty; because it does not work bring the Black Pearl. When it is known that the Alex Tita has discovered the Black Pearl, brought by the Rat, then convinced Cat and the Dog that the Rat has done cunning. The local community, that originates from this story why rats are very hated by dogs and cats to date. Black Pearl By: Hastin Nuraini Page 3
  • 16. 16 Last night’s weather was horrid, gale winds rain harder than a faucet and the thunder crashed worst then two in a dark alley. I walked along the sidewalk finally making home just as the lightening started, lit up the street like a Christmas tree. I was drenched right down to my socks so sat on my bottom step slowly peeling the clothes off placing them into the basket by the stairs and went up stairs to shower to remove the chill. About two hours later I had showered, dressed for bed wearing my purple lounge pants and white t-shirt. I went down stairs to make a hot cup of cocoa then searched the television for a good flick. Three hours had passed when I drifted to sleep on the couch. I was all curled up cozy when a loud crash of thunder woke me up, I shook all over wondering what had happened. I got up wiping my eyes looking outside and saw that a tree had been hit falling into the street blocking both ways of traffic. It figures I replied so returned to the couch turning the television off going upstairs to my warm bed crawling under the covers drifting back into my peaceful or so I thought. My nose had picked a faint smell of something burning, something foul and burning. I woke up but there was nothing there, what the hell is this. I rolled over to return to my sleep when I heard a light clicking noise like heels clicking on a wooden floor. My room is rugged and the wooden floor is down stairs in the kitchen but this sounded like within my room. I slowly sat up looked about the wind was blowing my curtain but everything appeared normal. This is getting on my nerves fast. It was about three in the morning and it was difficult to sleep because of being woken up and that damn storm outside. I rolled onto my back closing my eyes trying to clear my mind so I could rest but there a slight chill at my feet under the blanket, now what. I tilted my body to turn the light on lifting up the blanket and saw a clouded shadow circling my feet. I yanked my feet out rubbing them throwing the blanket onto the floor at the foot of the bed. I curled up sitting against my head board into a ball staring at my surroundings what the hell was that. I waited for a few moments to see if it would come back it didn’t. I let my guard down then I saw something rolling up the sheet making waves in the sheet. I leaped from the bed standing along of it just watching the ripples then they stopped as fast as they started. I’m definitely not liking this. Then from the far corner of my room I saw the clouded figure hugging the wall changing shape and slowly making its way toward me. Why me? I stared at this cloud wonder- ing who or what it was what does it want and will leave me unharmed? I decided to climb back on my bed as I kept my eyes on it then it stopped on the far wall a few feet from my footboard. I got on my knees to see where it was then sud- denly it came flying at me knocking me over onto my pillows, banging my head slightly going down. As I rubbed the pain out or at least some of it I felt this presence laying onto of me almost pressing my body like a pan- cake I could barely breathe I was terrified. I couldn’t move a thing it was very strong and had me pinned tight. What did this thing want with me? The clouded figure moved up to the top of my head then inch by inch down my body to my feet then I felt a chill almost tickling me. Then I felt it at my hips, not that please, I whispered softly. The cloud seemed not pleased with my request because the pain I felt on my hips was growing uncomfortable and uneasy. Morning After By: Cheryl Pillsbury
  • 17. 17 I then felt like a cloth over my mouth, I felt this presence binding me to the bed I could not move my arms or legs and I saw my clothes being ripped from my body, I started to cry mumbling please don’t I don’t want this please leave me be. It didn’t seem to care nor was it concerned with my fear. It then firmly laid itself strongly on my body to the point where I could barely breathe leaning into my hips and what felt like a male penetrating me. The pain from this feeling it was bigger than me wanting taking from me I could not handle it I wanted it to stop. I used my tongue to moisten the gag on me hoping to remove it then I let out a tremendous scream frightening the cloud I’m guessing because the pres- sure was gone, it gave me an over powering wind putting the blankets up and over me as it flew away. I stayed there praying it was gone then peeked out at the top and saw there was no cloud or anything but my room was a disaster. My clothes were blown everywhere my lamp crashed to the floor completely broken and myself utterly na- ked raped I think hiding under my blanket. I lowered the blanket closely examining the room stepping onto the floor made my way to the bathroom locking the door. I took a quick shower it wasn’t something that I could report so I jacked it up to a bad dream or mean spirit showered it off and put on clean clothes. My other clothes well I could not find them nor did I want to because I would probably burn them. I laid under my covers lying there praying it would never happen again and for it to never return here now or ever again. Somehow managed to fall off to sleep for a few but the nightmare played over and over in my head waking me up or I thought. As looked around I saw several men standing over me I could hear them but some of their words did- n’t make any sense. I yelled excuse me but get away from my bed mainly me as I jumped from my bed. To my surprise I walked through this one guy what the hell. I turned about seeing myself lying on the bed motionless and utterly cov- ered in blood naked. What the, what happened to me is this another nightmare or what? I walked around to the foot of my bed and one guy stated that I was murdered, but also sexually assaulted and beaten. But who or what did this even they didn’t know. Where am I please I don’t wish to die not now I’m too young and have so much I wish to do. Please let me wake up from this nightmare. I collapsed to the floor crying endlessly begging for this to end. My bedroom door quickly opened someone came running to me shaking me yelling my name over a few times. I looked up and it was my dear friend Frank, he said Tara are you alright what happened, what are you doing on the floor? I looked around but my room was neat clean and untouched except for my blankets. I sat here trying to catch my breath trying to calm my nerves down holding him extremely tight, making sure he was for real. He sat down to stay with me until I stopped shaking, or I tried to anyway. I spent the next hour telling him about my ordeal he stared at me like I was crazy. I didn’t know what to do or say I had no proof but what I remember and felt. He suggested some hot tea to relax me. As I stood up with him he placed his hands along my waist I said please don’t he grinned he smiled pressing my hips and said very clearly round two. I felt his dark spirit he grabbed me wrapping his around me then quickly became the dark cloud then we were both gone. There was no sign of us anywhere here or anywhere else. We were now both dark spirits in a dark universe of the un- known but why I ask?
  • 18. 18 Sarah is twelve years old and Matt, her younger brother, is seven years old. They both attend the grammar school up the street from their house. Everyday, while they walk home, they pass ‘IT’ Mr. Lynch’s house. While the house is surrounded by stone pillars, the property itself is surrounded by iron rods, covered with ivy. It is the ivy that prevents intruders from climbing into the yard. Mr. Lynch is rumored to be very old, tall, having dark cold eyes and a mean demeanor. One night, Matt decides to go to the market alone in the dark. He wants to prove that he is a big boy. Since he is only seven years old, though, Sarah follows him. He walks around the corner towards the Lynch house. She has lost sight of him and when she finds one of his shoes, she starts to panic. Sarah, her heart pounds with fear, enters the unlocked iron gates. She saunters over to the back door and wishes for it to be unlocked. God must have heard her because it opens to her frantic touch. Sarah opens the back door and walks inside. The place is totally dark and creepy. She didn’t imag- ine it looking any different. Sarah opens a door to a big room with lots of books. There is a huge burgundy colored chair in the corner and a matching footstool underneath it. Must be the library, she thinks to herself. There is also a fireplace but it hasn’t been lit lately because as she passes by, very cold air briefly swirls out. Well, they weren’t in there. Sarah sees the only light in the place shining through a crack in a door 30 feet away. She approaches with caution not knowing what fate has for her behind the door. Pushing the door open, she sees her little brother lying on a couch with a bloody bandage wrapped around his head. Sarah runs to Matt and hugs him hard. She then stops due to the creaking noise that came from behind her. When Sarah turns around, she finally sees Mr. Lynch. He is a frail man but not as scary as she has been told he was. She runs up to Mr. Lynch and screams. “What are you doing with my brother?” Mr. Lynch By: Maggie Grinnell
  • 19. 19 He says, “I forgot to feed Cleo.” Sarah couldn’t imagine that such a big, mean dog, Cleo, could have a sweet name. Mr. Lynch ex- plains the whole thing. “My dog, Cleo thinks your brother Matt was trying to hurt me. Matt fell and tripped on a huge rock hidden in the ivy. I heard a scream and ran outside. I bandaged his head and laid him down on the couch in here.” Mr. Lynch calls Sarah’s folks and Matt is taken to the hospital and receives five stitches. Sarah and Matt visit Mr. Lynch in the big ivy house from time to time. The property still evokes a scary feeling but Sarah and Matt get pass that when they reach the house. She tells all the kids how she finally met Mr. Lynch and traveled down the road to ‘IT.’ The story will always be legendary.
  • 20. 20 After several hours of flight across the Reigean Ocean we finally arrived at the Southern Continent of Zwesheea. Many years before my first visit, the continent was quarantined by the Emperor so that no one could step foot on its soil. The press had announced that it was all part of the benevolent Emperor’s ecological protection program and that this was to save the rare and endangered species from extinction. Also the fact that anyone who ever tried to explore the dark recesses of the rainforests were, for the most part, never heard from again. Nobody complained and the Emperor was awarded a fancy plaque by the ecologists. Night was falling and the men were getting restless. They kept looking at the lone scientist and I know they were thinking what I was thinking. I kept my mouth shut and they did as well, although we all were wondering why exactly we were here and what the mission really was about. “Baron Ruusol,” the pilot inquired, “are these coordinates correct?” Russol got up from his seat and moved to the cockpit area of the transport. He looked at the instrument panel and then began hovering his bony finger over the images displayed there. “Yes,” he said confidently. “This is the area precisely.” Ruusol then pointed to a small clearing on the map. “This is where you will land. Just outside the cave entrance.” The pilot nodded his head. He obviously wasn’t happy with where we were heading but he was ordered by the Em- peror to do whatever Ruusol commanded. The Baron was in charge of this mission I soon realized. The military on- board and I were at his disposal -- a frightening thought. About an hour later we arrived at the clearing. The moons illuminated the forest floor with an eerie blue light as our ship landed safely. The engines powered down and I ordered the men to disembark and remain alert. We didn’t know what to expect in this strange land. “Where do you want the equipment, Baron?” “I want it brought into the cave mouth. Have your men open the crates and then tell them step aside. I will do the rest.” Ruusol looked happy. That was not a good sign. “You heard him. Let’s get those crates into the cave, double time!” I ordered. I opened the transport door and stepped down onto the ground as the men moved toward the rear cargo area and dropped the ramp to the ground with a re- sounding thud. As they moved the first crate off the ship there was a deafening roar in the distance. The ground shook because the beast whose mouth had made the sound was enormous. We knew this because it suddenly rose its head above the towering treetops and looked directly at us. It’s long neck stood rigid as its head cocked to the left and roared again even louder. “I think we need to put the perimeter shield around the vehicle right now. I suggest we use maximum power and diameter.” I said to the pilot. “Already on it!” he spouted back. The invisible shield was up – we were safe. Or so we thought. “Get that gear into the cave, now!” I ordered. Then men teamed up and carried the heavy crates to the cave mouth. Six of the men stood guard pointing their heavy laser rifles at the behemoth looking down at the activity below it. The perimeter shield might not be strong enough if the beast decided to charge toward us, but it just stood there marveling at our activities. I watched Ruusol. In this short amount of time he had already moved several meters toward the colossal beast. He marveled at it, adjusting his glasses to see it better. Blood Draft By: Viktor Aurelius Chapter 2
  • 21. 21 “Magnificent!” he shouted. “I am going to have you in due time my friend!” “Baron!” I yelled. “Don’t move any closer to it. The perimeter shielding is just a few feet in front of you. If you touch it, you will be killed instantly.” He turned from the beast to look at me and then he glanced back for a moment before rejoining the rest of us near the cave mouth. He stood by nervously tapping his hand against his hip while the men unloaded his crates and opened them. We moved away from the open crates as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the Viso-cube he had in the Em- peror’s private study. He pressed a command on it which activated something within the crates. Lights and sounds ema- nated from them and then a rod emerged which blossomed into a small radio dish. It began to pulsate with an expand- ing ray of green light which pierced the darkness of the cave. Then a high-pitched whine was broadcast into the cave. My men and I covered our ears; the sound was annoying, shrill and repetitive. I tried to shout to the Baron but my voice could not be heard over the sound that the devise was making. I waved my hands at him and he ignored me. The sound stopped and all was quiet. “Baron,” I asked as I shifted my jaw trying to make my eardrums pop. “What is it exactly that you are doing?” He looked at me and said, “I am calling a Dethwyng?” “Dethwyng?” I queried. The shrill sound began again. My voice was drowned out once again. I tried to look into the cave but the green light bathed everything in a rippled glow. It was nauseating seeing the color and hearing the sounds. I nearly passed out. I regained my composure and moved back to the transport and sat with the pilot. I was sweating. That sound and light emitter had some weird effect on my body. I had difficulty swallowing and my hands were shaking. I must have gotten too close to it or something. “He’s mad you know,” the pilot said plainly. “Yes,” I answered with a raspy voice. “I think I agree with you about that,” I paused, grabbed my canteen and took a swig of water then as my head cleared I continued, “…and his being a ghoul!” The pilot chuckled and then pulled out a cigar offering one to me. I held up my hand. I was sick enough and the cigar smoke wouldn’t make me feel any better. The shrill sound stopped once again. Ruusol moved toward the cave mouth. The soldiers cocked their weapons. Something was happening. I ran from the transport toward them as I saw it emerge from the cave. It was hideous. Giant wings flapped causing buffets of current which made the soldiers back up. Its skin was glistening black and its gaping mouth was filled with rows of stiletto-like fangs which dripped with saliva. Its eyes glowed red making it look demonic and its screech was like the sound that the devise had emitted; shrill and ear shattering. “Don’t shoot it!” Ruusol commanded. I am in control of its mind. It will not attack unless you frighten it. Frightening the creature was not high on my list of worries at this moment; the giant flying man-eater was.The crea- ture’s tail was like a serpent, rocking back and forth like a pendulum. It accidentally grazed one of the men and he fired striking the creature’s wing. It instantly lunged at the man, biting his head off. Blood splattered the beast and the men close to him as his twitching body dropped to the ground. The others began shooting as well as they all moved toward the sides of the cave mouth for cover. “STOP!” Ruusol yelled. “You mustn’t kill it! It is the last of its kind!” He was in a panic. The Dethwyng whipped its tale frantically, throwing one soldiers into the air where it grabbed the helpless man with its claws and devoured him before our eyes. Blood rained down upon all of us. “Lieutenant! Make them stop! The Emperor must have this beast alive!” Ruusol pleaded with me. His eyes were wild.
  • 22. 22 “Cease fire!” I ordered as one final shot struck the creature in the neck and its wings began to slow. “Take cover!” I shouted as the beast fell to the forest floor. It gasped for air as black blood dripped out of its mouth. “Why?!” Ruusol screamed as he rushed to the Dethwyng’s aid. He rubbed his hand along the creature’s snout. He began to cry as the beast whimpered and then died. “It was the last of its kind….” “Baron…” I began to say. Ruusol pushed me aside and ran to his crates. He pulled out a satchel and returned to the Dethwyng’s side. Opening the bag he removed a large syringe. Raising it above his head, Ruusol brought it down swiftly, plunging it directly into the creature’s skull. The syringe drew a black liquid from the beast’s brain. Ruusol removed the syringe and held it up to the moonlight. “Yes….” He said softly. “Yes indeed. This might work as well. With any luck I have captured its very soul in this con- tainer!” My men and I stood back as Ruusol returned to his crates and found a large silver cylinder into which he placed the syringe. It instantly blew forth a cloud of mist as the cylinder was closed. Ruusol put the cylinder into the crate, deacti- vated the emitter and turned toward me. “We are finished here. Pack up all my belonging and take me back to my island.”
  • 23. 23 Whenever a child has a fear, Monster Fighters go into action and destroy that fear. Wheels, married pair of roller skates takes on any type of monster. They roll silently under the monster. When they have their grip, they roll the monster away from the child. Leia, light switch, destroys any lightening from reaching the child’s eyes. Leia will flip on her body filling the room with soft light. The lightening doesn’t stand a chance. Bart, beanbag, takes care of the loud booming noise known as thunder. Whenever that noise gets close, Bart rolls his big black beanbag body across the floor as loud and hard as he can. That way, the evil will disappear and the child will see the noise is only their friend. Sparks, nitelite flickers on when darkness falls. Sparks makes sure that the child will not be consumed by this evil. Mystic, dresser mirror, shows the child that there are no ghosts. When the child feels that they saw or felt a ghost around, Mystic draws them over showing them only their reflections, no one else. They feel safe and calm. Quest, rectangle firm pillow, is there for the child to squeeze and hold when they feel lonely. Quest has a firmness to give so that the child feels loved. So when Monster Fighters are near, they will be no fear. Monster Fighters By: Maggie Grinnell
  • 24. 24 The Horrors of Bullying (To Catch a Falling Star) Methodist Boys' School From eleven to thirteen years of age, I shot up like Jack and The Bean stalk; I was mostly stalk. Both my parents were tall by Malayan standards. I was five foot ten, at age twelve, and still growing. My voice was changing and so was everything else. I was becoming a young man. I hated the Methodist Boys' School I attended because I was constantly teased and harassed for behaving like a sissy boy. Being bullied relentlessly by the older boys was a misery, my own “Nightmare on Elms Street.” I prayed for the day when I would be ready to leave for England. I loved my mother, aunties and cousins, but I longed to see the wider world. Each day, I looked skyward like a frog waiting to jump out of the small pond (Kuala Lumpur) to catch a pano- ramic view of the large ocean (London, England.) I knew it would happen soon. Foong Senior was a great believer in sending his sons abroad for further education and I was next in line. To me, my days at Methodist Boys' School were a phase that I had to endure for a short period. Thank God classes were only half-day affairs. Every morning before classes began, a half hour student assembly was held in front of the school's main building out in the football field. All students stood at attention while Malaya's national anthem played over loud speakers. The Head Master would stand at the podium providing the usual boring school agendas and current affairs. The boys would be fidgeting, or up to their mischievous behaviors. The Gang of Four There was a gang of four boys in the same class as I was who constantly bullied me, making silly remarks and calling me girlie names whenever they got the chance. I was a timid and shy boy, certainly not one to retaliate or tell them to go f**K themselves! I was, in every sense of the word, a nice, polite well-behaved boy.
  • 25. 25 One day, KiWi, the most handsome one in the group, threw a tiny pebble on my back during assembly. When I turned around to check on the culprit, he started making silly girly faces at me. Ignoring him and his stupid innuendos, I tried to think of a quick escape route to the classroom right after assembly. I was too scared to think of the consequences if he cornered me. Too bad - I wasn't fast enough. He caught up with me and started insulting me. He was extremely obnoxious, threatening me that he and his gang of rascals would get me dur- ing our fifteen minutes mid-morning break. I hated him and his gang of four! KiWi True to his word, when the recess bell rang and all the students filed out of the classrooms, he and his gang cornered me. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, trying to make my great escape. I thought I’d lock myself in one of the toilet stalls until the bell rang for class to resume. Unfortu- nately, I didn't run fast enough, and fell while they were chasing after me. I was caught outside the school hall. One of the bullies who had pushed me down locked the door and threatened to pull my pants off to check if I was a girl or a boy. They teased relentlessly, saying that if I were a boy I would get an erection if they played with my butt. I hated these guys and desperately tried to escape their hurtful hands. Managing to pull free after a lengthy struggle, I ran towards the door but I couldn’t unlock it quickly enough. One of them threw me on the floor again, tackling me over behind, while the other three tore at my pants. I was like a frightened rabbit trapped in the paws of the 'Hounds of Baskervilles,' doing my best to save my life. As much as I secretly fancied KiWi, I definitely didn't care for his friends. Those malicious bullies were zooming in for the kill. Desperately trying to get free of their grip, I kicked and screamed and shouted for help. No one came to my rescue. KiWi had me in a Judo lock, almost choking me, when the school bell rang to resume classes. Saved by the bell, the bullies reluctantly released me, warning that they would get me soon enough. They ran off to their respective classes, giving me malicious snares. I was doing my best to recover from this dreadful attack. From the corner of my eye, I noticed KiWi was still there. Was he making sure I was OK, I wondered, or was there to be another abusive prank? I felt like he was afraid I might have choked to death or that something else too terrifying to comprehend had happened. I was desperately adjusting my clothes, doing my best to brush the dirt from my soiled white uniform. I was sure Mother would give me a good scolding when I got home. KiWi stood by the door and didn't leave. My heart was thumping wildly, wondering if KiWi was going to abuse me further, or possibly rape me. There was only one entrance and exit out of the hall, so there was no escape route. I had no choice but to face up to this guy, which was extremely terrifying for a gentle boy like me. When I reached the door, thinking I would have to push my way through, KiWi leaned over, pulled me to him and kissed me full on the mouth! I was completely taken by surprise! I didn't know how to react. I was stunned when he did it again! He did not wait for my reaction. He fled down the hall, disappearing from sight.
  • 26. 26 I slid to the bottom of the door in complete and total shock until I heard the bell ring, an- nouncing the next class would start in a few minutes. I got up and ran to class as fast as I could, not knowing which lesson I was supposed to attend. As much as I enjoyed KiWi's kisses, I was at a loss! A few moments before, he had been a hateful bullying tyrant trying to molest and possibly rape me. The next moment, he was kissing me on my mouth! What was happening to my world? It was going topsy-turvy. For the remainder of the day, I couldn't get his kisses off my mind. I could not figure out what to make of this guy. It seemed completely contradictory, like a surreal dream. Bakar drove up the school entrance to collect me. As I was getting into the car, a hand sud- denly reached for me. Turning round, to see who it was, I froze. KiWi was standing by the car door. He whispered, "Meet me outside the main gate of your house at 5:00 p.m. this evening.” He quickly re- leased his grip, and fled. I became more puzzled by the minute. When I arrived home, mother saw my soiled clothes and asked what had happened. I made an excuse, “I tripped and fell on the ground and dirtied my clothes,” I said. I didn't dare mention the truth to anyone, lest one of the bullies was hiding in a corner listening to my conversation, about the as- sault by the Gang of four. I certainly wasn’t going to mention KiWi's mouth-to-mouth kisses! The rest of the afternoon I paced restlessly and felt helpless, in my room. I couldn't concen- trate on my homework. I watched the clock tick away. I didn't know what to expect when 5:00 p.m. arrived. Was the Gang of four waiting at the main gate to assault me? It was too unfathomable for my young mind to comprehend! Earlier in the year, Father had bought a bicycle for me to ride around the neighbor- hood. Being older, my parents were less paranoid about kidnapping possibilities than some. On the pretext of riding my bike to the neighborhood shop to purchase ice cream, I rode to the iron-gate. Sure enough, waiting on his bike was the boy who earlier in the day had tried to molest and maybe rape me. KiWi did not utter a word as we rode our bikes in silence. Behind my house was a vast tropical rainforest, covered with thick carpets of under growth, surrounded by tall monkey-pod perennials and huge shady banyan trees. Kiwi led me into the for- est. We arrived at a small clearing. We left our bicycles hidden behind some tall leafy bushes and walked into the forest, unde- tected. Without saying a word, KiWi leaned me against a huge tree trunk, and began French kissing me. My heart was thumping hard and fast. I could hear its boom boom sounds echoing in the si- lence. I shut my eyes, surrendering myself to KiWi. He was a good kisser. I was sexually aroused; my mind was racing a mile a minute. It was a fantasy, come true! As much as I had fantasized about Philip, Eric and other cute boys, I had never believed my fantasies would play out. Although many times I had uncontrollable erections thinking of those boys, sexually, I had no idea what to do in real life. In the past I waited for my manhood to subside, and continued with my life. Now for the first time in my young life, I was confronted with an opportunity to actualize my dreams. KiWi did most of the work, as he was older. He was my sexual teacher but he was not very experienced in the art of lovemaking. Our stay in the woods didn't last long. The entire process was over in less time than I imagined.
  • 27. 27 We dressed without speaking. He biked home and I went on my confused way. My head was reeling from the experience. More confused than before, I realized that I liked what happened in the woods, yet I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do. All my sexual urges were present and highly activated. So were his. He ejaculated. I didn't, because there was nothing to ejaculate. I enjoyed being intimate with a boy but had not reached pu- berty and could not yet have an orgasm. I didn't know what an orgasm felt like. The following day in school was a complete turnaround. KiWi’s gang no longer harassed me. I never knew what he told them or what he didn't tell them. I only knew that the harassment sud- denly and mysteriously ceased. When we met in the school corridors, canteen or classroom, KiWi and the gang were cordial, and they left me alone. Those days, our class teachers would pair up the boys to work together on various school projects. KiWi voluntarily came over to partner with me, which in our 'pre-sex' days would never have happened. We put on a facade of being regular friends, in school. But out of school, it was a different story; we became f**k buddies. He, of course, never let on to his gang that we met after school, and were intimate. We did continue to meet daily at the exact same time in the exact spot in the woods, and did similar things each time. There were times I was invited to his home, since he lived half a mile from my house. During our rendezvous we seldom exchanged more than a few words. We did what we set out to do. When done, we dressed and went our separate ways, much like the ‘Last Tango in Paris’. KiWi came from a wealthy family. His elder brother was in a British medical school studying to be a physician. His father was an accomplished local entrepreneur and attorney. The times I visited KiWi's home, on the pretext of working in partnership on our prescribed school projects, we would lock ourselves in his air-conditioned library and be at it again, again and again, until we were spent, while his mother napped in her bedchamber. She was unaware of what was going on behind the li- brary doors. There was usually no one else in KiWi's house in the late afternoons. His father was at work, and his chauffeur was busy in the garage working on their Mercedes and Bentleys. Within a month after our initial forest rendezvous, I became a fixture in his house and at the Royal Selangor Club; KiWi's father was an honorary member. KiWi had the privilege of using the club's Olympic size pool for his swimming practice. I would go with him, like his 'boyfriend,' encouraging him on. Mother knew I had a friend with whom I collaborated on projects. She was curious to meet him. When I told her KiWi's parents’ names, she knew who they were. They moved in the same social circles. Kuala Lumpur was not a metropolis, back in 1963. Mum wasn't worried that I was spending time with KiWi because she knew his family's background and she assumed I would be safe in their son's company. One day when K.L. was out playing mahjong and Father was not home, (Tai Yee and Lai Ngor were busy with their sewing projects in their sewing rooms and the maids and servants were fussing in the kitchen,) I invited KiWi to our ohana.
  • 28. 28 Father had converted part of our large garage into an air-conditioned guest room. Most of the time, the ohana was vacant. It had air-conditioning; noises from within were undetectable when the air was switched on. I locked the ohana's door and Kiwi and I proceeded into our sexual zone. One day, half na- ked, with our pants on the floor, our lovemaking was interrupted. There was an urgent banging on the bedroom door, and it shocked us back to our senses. We didn't have sufficient time to dress and so I wrapped a sarong round my waist and went to check out the commotion. Who should be stand- ing on the other side of the door but a furious S. S., shouting and barking like a dog with his head cut off! He took a look inside the room, and commanded us to get dressed immediately. He screamed at KiWi to leave the house right that minute. We were caught red-handed in the heat of our boy love session! To this day, I have no idea how father got wind of my secret rendezvous at the ohana. All hell broke loose! I would never hear the end of it! Father carried on for weeks about how disgusted he was with the way I behaved! I was sick and tired of old man Foong so I prayed dili- gently that I would be banished to a British school ASAP! With all the fuss and drama going on, KiWi and I still met secretly in the forest. By then, Tai Yee, Lai Ngor, and, of course, Mother knew about my sexual escapades with KiWi. I have a feeling Mother knew of my sexual liaison before father so rudely interrupted us. Mummy never said anything negative about my relationship with KiWi, because she loved and ac- cepted me just the way I was, unlike Father. He was narrow-minded and could not come to terms with what he feared most -- his own sexuality being threatened. Since Father's outburst, I hated him more than ever. When he was home, I would lock myself in my fairytale bedroom, refusing to come out for dinner until he left the house for the evening. Mother, being the kind, gentle woman she was, brought food to my room and urged me to be more understanding of my father. I would not. I wanted nothing to do with this man! England Shortly after this dramatic episode, KiWi told me one day he was leaving to attend boarding school in Belfast, Ireland. It was a sad day for me because I knew, in my heart, that our affair was com- ing to an end. After school that day, I locked myself in my room and cried. I was infatuated and 'in love' with the beautiful swim- mer boy! I saw KiWi a couple more times. We made passionate love; by then, I sort of knew what I was doing. KiWi had taught me a few tricks along the way, before he de- parted. After he left, I was devastated and fell into a miserable state. I didn't feel like eating and I wept constantly, thinking of our times together.
  • 29. 29 Mother, Tai Yee and Lai Ngor comforted me, reminding me it was puppy love, and that all first time lovers go through this. Soon, they counseled, I would learn to live without him. But I did not get over this sexy handsome young man for a long time. We continued our relationship for an- other year before it faded, becoming just a memory. The following summer, KiWi came home for his summer break, for a month and a half. My parents had no idea KiWi was in town. I had been corresponding with him throughout the year. We picked up where we left off. I was happy as a lark to see my boyfriend again but the winds of time had slowly changed the course of our lives. I was no longer passionately 'in love' with KiWi. I had moved forward with my life while he was away. I didn't tell anyone that I was seeing KiWi that summer. It was none of their business and I preferred to keep it that way. I was the happiest boy, when Foong Senior told me I had been enrolled in school in the UK. The year was 1964. I was overjoyed by the news. Within six months, I would be a free man doing all the fabulous things I want to do! No Father Foong to tell me what I could or could not pursue. The few months before leaving Kuala Lumpur, I promised myself I would not return to that 'small pond' if I could help it. I would, rather, soar high like a condor, with winds beneath my gigan- tic wings, pushing me forward to achieve great and marvelous goals, only to glance below when I happened to fly pass Kuala Lumpur! I would circle long enough to send kisses to those I loved, be- low. In my own way, I'm glad I caught a falling star when I did, and that I put it in my pocket. Memories of KiWi never waned nor faded, and I will cherish him in my heart, forever. Past experi- ences are what make us who we are, today. What I learned with Kiwi contributed to the oceans of love I have to shower upon those who are willing to open their arms to The Gift of Love!
  • 31. 31 AG Press Cheryl Pillsbury, Founder 18 Maple St. Lot 58 Pepperell, MA 01463 (978) 925-9541 (978) 727-3659-Cell ______________________________________________________________________ Flat Package $300.00 Editing $0.010 per word Illustrating Covers and Inside Images Lowest Rates Budget Dealers 6 Free books Your Own Book Page __________________________________________________________________________ Partners with VIP Sign up with both parties and see how far you can FLY
  • 33. 33 Earthen Paths As we all know, every living thing has an aura* and gives off energy, vibrations, be it positive or negative. Why should we care about all this? Well, every bit of energy we put out into the world can cause us to receive it back. For instance, let’s say we are having a hard time of it at work. We constantly complain about how hard it is, how the boss is giving you a hard time etc. By constantly saying these things, you are putting negativity out into the world , and the world will just keep giving it back to you … More hard times, more bad experi- ences with the boss ,more bad things, more negativity! If you try real hard to ease those negative thoughts and try to look for the good things and say: my job is good, and my boss isn’t so bad, then you are putting positive energy out there and soon the positive vibes will come back to you and things should improve for you. I know it’s really hard to do this when things are looking bad, but you should give it a try and see the results. What have you got to lose? Being on an earthen path or even a conventional path can pose quite a challenge on a daily basis. It’s up to ourselves to change our way of thinking and try to aim for a more positive outlook and send as much positive energy out into the universe as we can! *Aura: An aura is an energy field that all living things have. It is a distinctive atmos- phere surrounding a given source, a luminous radiation/ energy field that emanates from living beings. Our Sister, Linda Leone
  • 34. 34 Cheryl Pillsbury Continuous Circle: Boston Strong For almost 6 months I have been studying for my High Priestess first Degree to be truly centered with the Gods Goddesses Spirits but mostly myself. I have felt so much of the sun and the light along with the Underworld since I was 13 and now everything has made sense since I was about 20 and I am in my 50’s now. Life has been a true gift with the dreams being Clairvoyant and being an Em- path amazing on what I feel the emotions and my friends far and near that are close to me, two include celebrities. One in particular we’ll call TK we seem to share the same time and bloodline same path with the same light. It’s amazing what I have learned from him as we guide comfort and converse in our dreams. The recent event April 15, 2013 a nightmare we will never forget nor will we be beaten by it. The bombing at the Boston Marathon it terrified me so know- ing how close to home it was. Three died over 170 hurt the children utterly scared not knowing or understanding as we all wanted to know one thing, WHY? The outsiders beg to come here for a better life, better jobs and schools and some they pay us back by bombs, if things change and you don’t like it here LEAVE. It’s very simple no one is forcing you to stay. This may be heartless and insulting but people here stay here because they love it here if things change you need to move on and discover another path not one of destruc- tion and death. When I found my way led by the Goddess, Mother Earth is was the most fulfill- ing enlightening time of my life I had found my true path, life and I have fol- lowed since and will continue to do so as I help, guide and comfort others when they decide to follow. I will be there for them always. Much love and joy to all, BB
  • 35. 35 ‘MY DAD’ CHERYL PILLSBURY My Dad Born a redneck Raised on the farm life Tended the animals Lived the wholesome clean life Joined the Air Force Saw the pain Felt their losses But came home strong Met his soul mate Married her for life Four children Six grandchildren His wife was laid to rest Survived by his legacy Enjoying the simple life Savoring every memory Non-stop work Non-stop love Non-stop care Non-stop support My dad Non-stop being there Non-stop being a dad Who’s always here and there
  • 36. 36 On The Scene Magazine is a free monthly publication serving the North Central Commonwealth of Massachusetts. OTS focuses on local, inde- pendently owned restaurants with reviews of their food and services, chef & bartender profiles and advertisements. The greater local business community (and non-profits) are served by OTS with articles, photos, and ads. Our main objective here at OTS Magazine is to serve you, the reader, as a vehicle for local independently owned businesses. The website you are viewing is becoming increasingly interactive to best serve the public with useful and timely information about what's going on in our communities. Please check in with us often over the coming weeks. THE MESSENGERTHE MESSENGERTHE MESSENGERTHE MESSENGER A LOCAL PAPER FROMA LOCAL PAPER FROMA LOCAL PAPER FROMA LOCAL PAPER FROM PEPPERELL TO TOWNSENDPEPPERELL TO TOWNSENDPEPPERELL TO TOWNSENDPEPPERELL TO TOWNSEND GROTON TO ASHBYGROTON TO ASHBYGROTON TO ASHBYGROTON TO ASHBY LUNENBURG TO FITCHBURGLUNENBURG TO FITCHBURGLUNENBURG TO FITCHBURGLUNENBURG TO FITCHBURG MANY MOREMANY MOREMANY MOREMANY MORE CARE TO ADVERTISECARE TO ADVERTISECARE TO ADVERTISECARE TO ADVERTISE FIND THEM ON INTERNET ANDFIND THEM ON INTERNET ANDFIND THEM ON INTERNET ANDFIND THEM ON INTERNET AND TELL THEM CHERYL SENT YOUTELL THEM CHERYL SENT YOUTELL THEM CHERYL SENT YOUTELL THEM CHERYL SENT YOU
  • 37. 37
  • 40. 40
  • 41. 41
  • 42. 42 Jennifer Tokarz Published author at 14 Illustrator most of her life Four books later at 18 High School Graduate College bound Beautiful young lady Huge future in the horizon
  • 43. 43
  • 44. 44 Book Premiere Love & Death Shannon Garrety Shannon Garrety A 15 year old author with huge talent Order your copy fast:
  • 45. 45 Book Premiere GAYAN BY: Cheryl Pillsbury GAYAN By: Cheryl Pillsbury Her fifth book in her vampire series The Crimson Moon sks Blood Moon read the myth the story and will you believe, read it and see. Order yours at
  • 46. 46 Care to be a reviewer Receive a free book to review Grade and become known for Your opinion Just say pick me and the Book is yours and so is the Page. Book Review
  • 48. 48 Forever Knight Geraint Wyn Davies Nigel Bennett Geraint Wyn Davies as Nicolas Knight Nigel Bennett as Lucien LaCroix
  • 49. 49 REBIRTH TO MORTAL MAN Me, a victim of the damned, my aim was always toward the light I try to refrain from the blood of humans, using animals to quench my undying thirst I value mortal life even if I am a creature of the night I never asked for my unending curse. I had a dream, an encounter that was so very real My prayers were answered from an angel on high, they touched this old heart so I could be free From this encounter, from my curse I would heal Making me mortal, my biggest wish, see. Now I am starting to feel very strange I can feel this old heart as it beats, I am aware of the inhale and exhale of my lungs I can feel again, this is so very strange Maybe my dream was real, because of my good deeds, I am mortal again, to this life with hope I al- ways clung. I am totally convinced, by God and his angel, I was changed back to what I once was Being so convinced, I will take the chance and walk out into the light of day so very bright I am now standing in the sunshine like any other mortal man does Being of the damned, all the deeds I did must have been right. Eight hundred years it has been since I could stand in the presence of the sun so warm I can actually feel the warmth upon my skin So for a mortal life again, never will I have to mourn Oh, to feel, to breathe, to see as a mortal man again. I am so happy, because to mortal life today I was reborn Feeling the sun, smelling the fresh air, and never again feeling that damned unquenchable thirst To my existence never again will I be forlorn I am free, free forever from what I thought was an eternal curse.
  • 50. 50 NEVER My rebirth to mortal man has presented a few problems within my life My father too, is of the undead, and has not been as lucky as I Even as a vampire, I served the people on a police force, faced with all kinds of problems filled with strife Back to mortal life will help me better solve certain mysteries and whys. My father worries he has lost a son but I love him too Just because my prayers were answered, I could never disown my father Don't fret father, I could never leave you so sad and blue Even knowing what you are, to me you would never be a bother. Because of what you are, your instincts are as sharp as a knife So this way you can help me with your sixth sense, it will be easier to solve a case Because of you, I had a mortal life before my deadly bite, gosh to my life you never brought any strife Gosh, no one could ever take your place. I am on a case now that involves jewel thieves When I became mortal, I lost that keen sixth sense I would never turn my back on you father, a father son relationship only brings relief Maybe one day, you too, can overcome that deadly unholy fence. My father, my giver of life, but also now you can help me in my profession I know my job is dangerous, but wasn't life before I was reborn? You can help me because now I am mortal, and now I can be killed by a gun So father, don't look so forlorn. I loved you as a child, so why do you worry now? No need, for in my life you have always been my rock You are my strength, my stability, even though you are a member of the undead, I needed you as a child just like I do now So together we will face my new life, together we can plan and plot.
  • 51. 51 Nigel Bennett Lucien LaCroix The Night Crawler The Voice The father/master Many names but one creature one fear one love Forever Knight Lives
  • 52. 52 ©2006 A Dream Before By: Cheryl T. Pillsbury Heavy rains fell upon the city of Toronto; drowning the grassy fields, pedals wilted from the weight of the raindrops and high winds blew through the leaves causing them to fall, covering the ground. Before the sun rose; Nick flew into his loft, entering his bedroom, soaked to the skin and quickly stripped down grab- bing a towel to dry off. He removed a pair of lounge pants from the dresser draw and his long black robe get- ting dressed then walked down the stairs starting a small fire to warm himself. Nick stretched out on the couch, his robe came undone exposing his bare chest and drifted off to a restful sleep. LaCroix happened to be flying by as the sun made its presence known swooping through the sky win- dow closing the blinds as he touched down. He strolled over towards the fire seeing its beauty of red and or- ange, and the heat filling the room. He turned about observing his sire lying very still on the couch; chest in fill view. LaCroix walked over sitting down upon the coffee table staring at Nick from foot to head, every inch he memorized then he lightly touched his stomach. He felt the heat and the sweat on his skin filling his senses; the urge to examine further. He lovingly ran his finger upward to his nipples rotating in small circles and Nick’s body twitched from his gesture. Nick didn’t resist; he laid his arms along side of his body as La- Croix moved his fingers downward touching the trim on his lounge pants. He heard Nick moan a bit allow- ing him passage to continue. He slowly pulled the string on his lounge pants moving it aside exposing his hardness. LaCroix gasped at the acceptance Nick has given him. LaCroix stood up removing his clothes, all but his pants and warmly stroked his cheek; all the while Nick’s eyes remained closed. The sweat from their bodies built, rolling off to the sides then Nick stood up holding LaCroix’s hand and followed him over to the fireplace. LaCroix placed his hands upon his upper arms taking his robe off and his lounge pants fell down around his ankles. Nick struggled to open his eyes, but couldn’t, so he went further and let play out. Nick reached over unbuckling and zipping his master’s fly, giving his pants a slight push down falling to the floor. They stepped out, stood there facing one another and Nick reached over touching him; touching his hardness, feeling his heat rising. They embraced each other in a passionate kiss massaging one another’s bodies and knelt down to the floor. Nick laid back as LaCroix crawled in between his legs tasting every inch of him, feeling his desire rising and his hardness became overwhelmed. Nick sat up caressing LaCroix’s, feel- ing his hunger for release; LaCroix assisted Nick to turn over and he lightly stroked his sire’s butt and gently penetrated him.
  • 53. 53 Nick let out a gasping moan as LaCroix slowly went in then out, groaning with the passion he felt. Nick held onto his hardness pumping along with LaCroix’s motions. LaCroix placed his hand upon Nick’s adding a tighter grip on him. They moaned feeling their essence surging to the surface, adding to their desire and hunger. As their essence emerged from their bodies; LaCroix plunged his fangs into Nick’s upper back and Nick grabbed hold of LaCroix’s wrist and they fed until their essence exploded from their climax; spill- ing over Nick’s ass and he onto the scarf LaCroix placed there. They released each other from their bite and collapsed to the floor; winded and satisfying their need. Nick laid their unconscious; LaCroix touched his son, still existing and smiled exhaling hard. He stood up getting dressed and slipped Nick back into his pants and covered him up with his robe, leaving him their to regain his strength. LaCroix felt the sun vanishing into the horizon and the heartbeat of Natalie riding up in the elevator. LaCroix took to flight up and out the sky window then Natalie entered the loft seeing Nick at the fireplace, not moving. Natalie carefully walked in kneeling down at his side and rolled him over onto his back. Nick sud- denly woke up curling into a ball and looked all around him. He saw Natalie smiling at him; he shook all over and grabbed his robe clinching onto it. Natalie noticed his condition asking him if he was all right. Nick heard the calmness in her voice reached out embracing her tight and slowly relaxed his nerves. She felt his tremors, rubbing his upper and he jerked his body backwards with a slight moan. “Nick, what happened here?” she asked, concerned. “Don’t know; I don’t remember,” he replied, moaning in pain. “Let me see,” Natalie moved around to his and saw the puncher wounds, lightly touching them and he moved away. “Nick, you have a bite mark on your back; what did you do last night?” she inquired. “A dream, before…” he started. “It’s all right; tell me later; time to get ready.” She told him. “Yes, all right,” he replied, looking away. Natalie stood up walking towards the kitchen removing a bottle for him as Nick sat there wondering what took place and who did this to him. He snuggled into his robe then felt something strange in between his thighs. He moved the robe and discovered a scarf with LaCroix’s name written on it. He thought for the moment then realized what took place and how he slept through it or was in a trance so he wouldn’t resist him.
  • 54. 54 Witchcraft, Blood, Love With the rescue of my best friend, things now seem to be going my way I am so at ease with everything, now I can muster the courage to ask my girl just to be with me Anticipation and anxiety fill my soul for this awaited day Just when things seem to be going so good, another nut on the war path, see. Escaped from a mental hospital, a man searching for immortality Using witchcraft to obtain his goal, he even considers his self to be a war lock The blood of three virgins and a vampire, using this, he thinks the dark side will hear his warped plea This person really needs to be locked up, put him in a cell, throw away the key to the lock. LaCroix my only family left, he is missing, I guess the nut got him, the nut in his warped mind, must think LaCroix to be a vampire According to legend, if he drinks the blood he obtains, immortality will be his I will find the only family I have left, of this chore I will never tire I will search high and low for this nut, kill LaCroix? I don't think so, instead I will take his. Each victim we find, is a virgin, with emblems of witchcraft cut into their skin All of the females, drained of their blood, Was the killer crazy enough to drink it? Summoning the dark side, this is an ultimate sin This person's soul will surely burn in the fiery pits of hell. To my relief, we find this person that is completely insane LaCroix my family, he is weak but he is fine The nut thinking, immortality would be his, by his horrid sadistic game When he kidnapped LaCroix, now here, he crossed the line. My nerves are a lot better now, so I can calmly continue with my plans To give my lady, so sweet, a ring because I love her so I choose a ring, a ruby, so red, to represent my heart, she can display on her finger, and know of my love for her, each time she looks at her hand I want my lady by my side, what ever path I choose to go.
  • 55. 55 Communing With Nature I am privileged to have a few days, to spend with my love, Molly On our last day, Molly suggests something new, a walk in the woods and a picnic So, we gleefully walk in the woods, hand in hand, not a care in the world, see We find a clearing, near a pond, for our picnic. Lounging in the sun, after our meal, I feel passion arousing from within I look into Molly's eyes, and she playfully asked," Desert, sir?" Her sexual teasing makes me grin Communing with nature, this is new, so I allow this to occur. Just like the birds and the bees, we are making love outside No worries, no cares, except for what is happening right here, right now I love Molly so; I can't wait until I make her my bride Molly brought out the man in me, and all I can say is wow. Under the sun, here, where all the world can hear I profess my love for Molly, forever wanting her by my side I would never leave Molly, this she doesn't have to fear Just the thought of Molly makes me smile, and my smile is very wide. Outside, by the pond, listening to all the creatures as they sing This was a totally different experience for me Communing with nature, and all the joys that it brings Molly is the only one that fills me with such happiness and glee. Molly has brought out the man in me; something I thought no longer existed Feeling all the pleasures, felt by any mortal man I must choose the right time, to tell Molly about my past, see Someday I must do this, bare my very soul, so I will feel at peace, when I give Molly a wedding band.
  • 58. 58 Places (Hauntings) of interest The Stanley HotelThe Stanley HotelThe Stanley HotelThe Stanley Hotel Stephen King and his wife spent a night at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Co., in late September 1974. Because the resort was to be closed for the win- ter the very next day, the writer and his wife were the only guests in the sprawling hotel, which King would later describe as the archetypical set- ting for a ghost story. Legend has it that King stayed in room 217, where he saw the spirit of a young boy in distress, but according to the writer's offi- cial Web site, it was a vivid dream of his own 3-year-old son running terrified through the corridors that jolted King awake that night and helped to in- spire his classic horror story, "The Shining." According to some accounts, King and his wife put their suitcases in room 217 after checking in, then left the room for dinner. They returned to find all their belongings neatly put away -- but not by any living member of the hotel staff. But despite the famous link between room 217 and one of the scariest novels of all time, many visitors believe room 401 actually boasts the most paranormal activity. Guests staying here have reported hearing the sounds of children running and playing in the halls when no children were present, the feeling of blankets being pulled tight across legs and feet, and even the sensation of the bed gently shaking as they slept. The ghosts of F.O. Stanley and his wife Flora, who built the hotel in 1909, are said to frequent the bar and billiards areas and the ballroom, where Flora's piano sometimes plays all by itself. While alleged ghost sightings at the Stanley Hotel are certainly frequent, they don't seem to be particularly threatening or violent, which may help to account for the popularity of the ghost tours still led by the management of this stately hotel. Most visitors to our next location come for its Civil War history, but what- ever your reason for visiting, it's hard to set foot in Gettysburg, Pa., without hearing of a famous haunting or two.
  • 59. 59 Gettysburg, Pa., is best known as the site of the bloody Civil War battle that took place here from July 1 to July 3, 1863. More than 163,000 Union and Confederate soldiers were involved in the Battle of Gettysburg, and more than 51,000 of them were dead, wounded or missing by the time the fighting ended. Given the rich history of the town and its surrounding area, it should probably come as no surprise that so many hauntings and ghost sightings have been reported. In one famous story, two women stopped to look through the window of a craft shop in the town late one evening after the stores had closed. Instead of crafts, they saw a woman dressed in black, sitting in a rocking chair, ap- parently keeping vigil over the body of a man on a cot. The room was other- wise empty. The next day, the two tourists returned to the shop to find it filled with crafts. They asked the shopkeeper if perhaps there had been wax figures on display in the store the night before. Of course, there were not, and the shopkeeper was surprised when the women described a door visible in the previous night's scene that was entirely hidden behind a pegboard in the modern-day store. As it turned out, the shop was in the historic George House, where the body of Union Major General John F. Reynolds was held after he was killed on the battlefield on July 1, 1863. Hundreds of ghost sightings have also been reported on the historic battle- fields just outside of town. In an area known as Devil's Den, where Confeder- ate sharpshooters took refuge in an outcrop of large boulders, visitors have reported encounters with a ragged-looking man who has come to be known as the "Phantom of Devil's Den." In multiple accounts, he appears out of nowhere, saying, "What you're looking for is over there." He vanishes the moment tourists turn their heads to look in the direction of his outstretched arm. Was the site of our next famous haunting designed to confuse spirits or to welcome them? No one knows for sure, but the question fascinates tens of thousands of visitors who visit the Winchester Mystery House every year. Ghosts of GettysburgGhosts of GettysburgGhosts of GettysburgGhosts of Gettysburg
  • 60. 60 The Brown Lady of Raynham HallThe Brown Lady of Raynham HallThe Brown Lady of Raynham HallThe Brown Lady of Raynham Hall Raynham Hall is one of England's best-known haunting sites thanks to the Brown Lady, a spirit allegedly captured on film in a 1936 photograph pub- lished in Country Life magazine. The famous photo depicts a figure on a stair- case, with the wooden stairs clearly visible through her ghostly form. The spirit is believed to be that of Lady Dorothy Walpole Townshend, the wife of the second viscount of the Raynham estate, who lived at Raynham Hall from 1713 until her death in 1726. According to the Mysterious Britain Web site, the first reference to the ghost of Lady Dorothy was recorded in 1835, when Christmas guests wit- nessed an "aristocratic looking" lady in a brown dress on the main staircase. Her face glowed with an "unearthly light," and there were only dark sock- ets where her eyes should have been. In other accounts, the Brown Lady car- ries a lantern, and her face, illuminated by the lantern's eerie light, is identi- cal to a portrait of Lady Dorothy that hangs in the home. The Ghost Database Web site reports that the Brown Lady even disturbed the sleep of King George IV, who stayed at Raynham Hall while he was still Prince Regent. He awoke in the middle of the night to find "a little lady all dressed in brown, with disheveled hair and a face of ashy paleness" standing by his bedside. Perhaps not surprisingly, he left the hall at once, refusing to spend another moment there. While reports of the Brown Lady have tapered off since the famous photo was taken in 1936, Lord Charles Raynham, a descendant of the Townshend family, told the BBC in 2009 that he knows Lady Dorothy is still there, and he's "glad she's around." Would Lord Raynham be as welcoming to the ghostly inhabitants of the next stop on our tour? We're guessing maybe not.
  • 61. 61 It's been 100 years since the Titanic and 1,500 of its passengers sank to a wa- tery grave. Divers have since recovered numerous artifacts from the site of the wreck. Have the spirits of those lost souls somehow survived, as well? Since 1994, an exhibit of Titanic artifacts managed by RMS Titanic, Inc., has traveled to major cities around the world. In multiple locations, the local staff, volunteers and visitors to the exhibit have reported experiencing strange phenomena and eerie sensations as they view the authentic artifacts. During the exhibit's 2008 stay at the Georgia Aquarium, a team from Roswell Georgia Paranormal Investigations even captured voices on a digital voice re- corder and reported the presence of a young crew member, an elderly woman and an older gentleman in various areas of the exhibit. One Atlanta volunteer reported feeling a hand move over her head and through her hair. And while viewing a replica of the ship's first-class quar- ters, also in Atlanta, a 4-year-old boy repeatedly asked, "Who's that lady?" and "What is she doing?" The adults with him saw only a dress laid out across a loveseat. At the Putnam Museum in Davenport, Iowa, volunteers and mem- bers of the staff reported the distinct smell -- and sometimes even the appear- ance -- of cigar smoke in the vicinity of a cigar holder recovered from the ship. An actor who played the role of a uniformed ship's officer at a permanent Ti- tanic exhibit in Orlando, Fla., also reported the smell of cigar smoke and was startled one night to see the reflection of a real-life Titanic officer when he looked into a mirror in a replica of the ship's veranda café. When the actor yelled, "Who's that?" the mysterious officer smiled and walked away. Our next haunted destination plays up the controversial story of a former slave named Chloe, but it's the less famous spirits of the Myrtles Plantation that really make our hair stand on end. The Titanic ExhibitThe Titanic ExhibitThe Titanic ExhibitThe Titanic Exhibit
  • 62. 62 The Myrtles PlantationThe Myrtles PlantationThe Myrtles PlantationThe Myrtles Plantation The Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, La., is described on its official Web site as "one of America's most haunted houses." But just who or what is responsible for all the haunting? The best-known Myrtles Plantation ghost story is that of Chloe, a slave on the plantation in the early 19th century. As the legend goes, Chloe became the mistress of plantation owner Judge Clarke Woodruff. Fearing that she was losing his affection, she baked a cake for his daughter's birthday, adding a small amount of poison in an attempt to sicken the children just enough that she could miraculously nurse them back to health and therefore be as- sured of her master's continued attentions. Of course, the plan went horri- bly awry. According to legend, two children and their mother died of the poi- son, and Chloe was quickly found out and consequently hanged from a tree on the plantation. Today, Chloe is said to appear frequently between two trees outside the home, and she is credited with many mysterious goings-on inside, from mis- placed earrings to moving furniture. However, historians have questioned whether she ever truly existed. At the very least, the story of the poisoned children is untrue, as the deaths of the children (and their mother, one year earlier) from yellow fever are well documented. Fortunately for visitors, there's plenty of other paranormal activity at the Myrtles Plantation. According to the American Hauntings Web site, the home's then-owner Frances Myers claimed in 1987 to have been awakened sud- denly by an old black woman wearing a green turban and a long dress. The woman stood silently beside the bed holding a metal candlestick in her hand. Myers pulled the covers over her head and screamed, then slowly looked out to find that the apparition had vanished. Other residents and visitors have re- ported seeing children playing on the veranda or floating outside the win- dow of a game room, and the grand piano on the first floor plays by itself, stops when someone comes into the room and plays again when they leave. Mysterious music is just one of the unexplained occurrences in the town of Tombstone, Ariz., the next famous haunting on our list.
  • 63. 63 Awaikeena Wind Dancer Rainwolf To place an or- der If you wish see and know more check out her Facebook Page under her name I started collecting it and still amazed by its beauty
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  • 72. 72 Killer Korner Jeffrey Dahmer Over the years I have read, seen and heard most of everything that was in the media, newspapers and books but nothing touched his other side. Believe it or not Jeffrey did have another side but his horrid side always won. I have always felt sad for him, the life he never had or got, the things he should have been doing as a boy growing up and meeting people instead of being pushed aside and told what to do, what to say and how to feel. I have explored many areas before writing this but the need to say something for him is now, now I feel as the victims families the world is better without him, Jeffrey said that himself and he welcomed death and no matter where he would go in the after life, he could no longer harm anyone else. Jeffrey Dahmer has always had my interest from the beginning, yes what he did was inhuman and the punishment, for the most part, fit the crime, but he was doomed from the beginning, even before his conception. I have always felt sad for Jeffrey because his life never started out the way it should have, the imagination of superheroes, playing with other kids his age or a special bond that most brothers share. His father really didn’t spend much time with him playing ball, going fishing or the fatherly talks most boys would have about life, because if he did I strongly feel Jeffrey would have been a chemist like his father or a professor at a college, because he was so smart, almost a genius of sorts. Jeffrey could have also been a doctor of high skills, a specialist in surgery because of his nature with life, and fascination on how things operated. His twisted mind could have good for the gone learning the mysteries of life, maybe create a surgery unknown to man or find a cure for disease. Because his family situation started out bad before he was here then he arrives and he was doomed from the start. They said she had a difficult pregnancy, perhaps the word was children would not be a good idea but in those days it was be fruitful and multiply. His father, Lionel Dahmer, was a chemist, possibly very smart in that area but he was from a dysfunctional home as well, his father worked all the time, mother, Joyce Dahmer, was busy with the family or other things, and he was left to entertain himself like Jeffrey but he was shown what was right from wrong, Jeffrey was not just as long he was out of their way, they were fine with that. Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee on May 21, 1960. He was the oldest child but when he had some surgical proce- dure at the age of six and at the time of his younger brother’s birth which is unclear of what altered his manner, the sur- gery perhaps had issues unknown or knowing he was not the only child getting attention. For most firstborn children they get use to having the attention, the gifts, and extra things in life but when a child is added into the family they feel rejected, no longer loved or wanted. If families help with that showing the good things of having a brother or sister they usually do very well but where he had surgery and the new brother arrives, another son; it placed a dent into his
  • 73. 73 personality. So Jeffrey adapted the only way he knew how, he climbed into himself and accepted he was not that impor- tant. He then created his own world which was on the path to destruction and unknown territory, and everyone thought it was a little boy exploring the world and trying to figure out his place and how things worked around him, if they did. Jeffrey would spend a lot of time outside in the yard playing with his toy plastic soldiers, fighting, shooting and slaugh- tering each other, like during war time. His parents were busy with the new baby. Without realizing the damage this was having on Jeffrey, he would seek out insects, small animals to slaughter, pulling their wings off, tails off or perhaps dissecting them to see what was inside, but he found it fascinating when they died, their bodies became hard and stiff and their eyes empty shells of color, no life or movement. Like with most families growing larger, his father sorts out a job which caused them to move from Iowa to Ohio. Now Jeffrey was not the out going type of kid, he was quiet, shy, a loner and didn’t have very many friends or kids that would speak to him except to call him names and beat him. So this made Jeffrey more inward, his father a lot of time away from home which created issues, fights and words being said in the home. The hatred and anger displayed in front of him fed into his need to be more aggressive, the breakdown of the family home caused his parents to be di- vorced which was hard on Jeffrey; what about him now? Will dad ever come back? It is most likely this turned his thoughts of what if, into some action that he could do. Using his anger and frustration out on an animal killing it but when he wanted to kill them for breaking up the family. So where he couldn’t harm them he harmed the animals’ feeling it was okay. He said it began at fourteen but I feel it started when the family began to crumble apart. His father was gone, in those days women did not instruct their sons on sexual orientation, the men did but he was gone. This enhances his dismay in life not knowing his place. I feel that Jeffrey was feeling the homosexual urges at the tender age of 10 or so because had no one to teach or show him, like most guys, your friends would teach you what to look at and how to score as they say. He had his younger brother but he didn’t know so he went with what his urge was telling him. Jeffrey was becoming a problem at home so his mother sent him to his grandmother whom I felt was the worst thing for him because here’s an elderly woman who will help raise a teenager and teach him right or wrong, I don’t think so. She had trouble getting out of her own way. Jeffrey would be bounced back and forth between his mother and the grandmother, never really had a stable home nor did anyone see a problem with the slaughter of animals. Jeffrey graduated from high school, shortly after that June 1978, he was discovering his sexuality, he wasn’t quite sure but he did lean more toward homosexual needs. He met a young man named Steven Hicks, he was about the same age, a hitchhiker and they hung out at the home, playing around then it turned to sexual games and passes. They drank beer but Jeffrey made sure Steven had more to have sleep from being drunk and they had sex. But Steven tried to leave and Jeffrey feared what he may say or do he want him again later, his evil side kicked in and he killed Steven by bashing his skull in using a barbell. He quickly grabbed a trash bag slowly dismembering his body wrapping him up and buried him in a shallow grave in the woods. It would be about nine years before his urge nudged him again to kill.
  • 74. 74 Soon after his murder about January 1979, he began to drink heavily. His drinking became out of control and would show up for classes at the Ohio State University. Jeffrey like most, he dropped out of school. His father, a controlling person and recently remarried, stepped in telling Jeffrey he needs to join the Army, maybe that would help. Jeffrey was sent to Germany for his first mission. Here Jeffrey would witness the slaughter of people and display his contempt and disregard for authority. Jeffrey would continue his drinking over the next two years until the Army deemed it necessary to discharge him due to his drinking problem. As far as evidence shows and he never said if he had any victims during his Army term, so we have to assume he didn’t kill during that time. Jeffrey would return to the family home walking through the woods carrying a hammer locating Steven Hicks remains. He dug Steven up laying his remains on flat ground then began using the hammer smashing his bones into tiny pieces. He would gather them up and started to scatter them about in the woods. No evidence to find or tie Jeffrey to it. His drinking increased over the months becoming a problem to others. Jeffrey was arrested in October of 1981, for disorderly conduct due to his drinking, his father was notified, his father feel- ing he can not be on his own, he sent him to live with his grandmother in Wisconsin. But sadly his drinking remained his demon throughout most of his life. His next arrest was in September of 1986 for masturbating in front of two young boys; his punishment: one year probationary sentence. Jeffrey could no longer maintain the urge, he could not keep it at bay, in September 1987, almost exactly one year later he claims his second victim. He went to Gay Bar downtown, in the evening and met Steven Toumi; they sat, talked and enjoyed a few drinks, mainly Steven. They both stumbled out of the bar paying for a hotel room where they engaged in sex. Jeffrey claims he woke up and Steven was dead, terrified, he bought, grabbing a suitcase and stuffed his body into it. He then took him back to his grandmothers home and stored downstairs in the basement. Later he removed the body then had sex and masturbated on Steven’s body. Once he was done, Jeffrey started to dismember the body throw- ing into trash bags then into the rubbish. These seventeen murders occurred during a thirteen year span which bothers me that no one noticed foul stenches or any unusual noises from his apartment, #213 where he was finally arrested. He favored African-American he would lure them to his place from gay bars promising them alcohol and sex, but what they didn’t know they would die by morning or that very night. Jeffrey has said a few times that he ate some of the remains, but always kept something of their bodies, he said not only did he want them close to him but he wanted them within him because of what he shared with them. He would take them to his grandmother’s house downstairs in the basement with the same promise but the alcohol was laced with drugs and he would have his way with them. The next day he would have sex and masturbate on them, dismember their bodies, and he would their genitals as a trophy. His grandmother grew tired and annoyed at the drunkenness and late nights she told Jeffrey to leave where he got an apartment, #213, in the center of town where he continued his reign of torture. Within the walls of his home he had the skulls in a row over the fireplace, kept body parts in the freezer and one victim in a blue barrel.
  • 75. 75 He was almost caught when he was picked up for engaging a sexual favor from a thirteen year old, he pleaded guilty stating the young appeared older and didn’t give age when they got together. On May 26, 1991, Dahmer’s African- American neighbor called the police to report that a young Asian boy was running naked in the street. When the police arrived, the boy was staggering, and incoherent. Dahmer explained that he was his 19 year old lover who had too much to drink. The police accepted his explanation and left it there. Jeffrey’s luck ran out on July 22, 1991 when two Milwaukee officers picked up Tracy Edwards, a young African-America who wandering the streets with a handcuff dangling from his wrist. They investigated his claim to, ‘weird dude,’ arriv- ing at Dahmer’s apartment where he calmly offered to the key to the handcuffs. Tracy said Jeffrey had a knife threaten- ing him and tried to take him into the bedroom. Needless to say upon investigating his claim they searched the apartment finding skulls in the freezer and they called it in as well as taking Dahmer to the station. Dahmer felt a sense of relief confessing to the murders giving them a list of who, where, when and how he did it. He was labeled one of the worst serial killers in history. He was sentenced to fif- teen consecutive life terms which came to the total of 957 years; he was deemed sane and was found guilty on all counts. One mother, however, lost it just before he was sentenced screaming at Jeffrey, ‘I hate you,’ which he showed no reac- tion or remorse because in my opinion he was insane and psychotic not to display an ounce of something for he did. He welcomed prison because he said if was not put away he would continue to kill until they did catch him or he died try- ing to take another person. Jeffrey adjusted to life in prison although he was kept at bay from the others because they knew someone will try and kill Jeffrey for what he did. Jeffrey discovered religion during his prison time like most of them do, his father brought him some book and he was granted permission by the Columbia Correctional Institution to be baptized by a local preacher. November 28, 1994, in accordance with his inclusion in regular work details he was assigned to work with two prisoners who happened to be white supremacists murderer, Jesse Anderson and the other a delusional, schizophrenic African- American murderer, Christopher Scarver. They spent about twenty minutes doing their duties when the guards re- turned to pick them up, they found Anderson unconscious and Dahmer in the cell with his bashed in bleeding every- where. The Milwaukee police distant themselves from the Dahmer case saying it was closed and over. Explaining it was a life sentenced murderer who took his life and added years to his term, but he was never going to see the light of day any- way so there was not much more they could do to punish him. Dahmer was later buried and labeled a horrific serial killer.
  • 77. 77 Wiccan Ways A B C D E F G H I K L A B C D E F G H I/J K L M N O P Q R S T V VV M N O P Q R S T U/V W X Y Z X Y Z Theban Alphabet as old as time, our language, practice, learn it then share it.
  • 78. 78 Lughnasadh 8/1 First of 3 Harvest Good Fortune Nuts, apples, berries Rosemary & Chamonille MAYBON Maybon 9/21 2 of 3 Harvest Wine making Gather herbs Walk in the woods Harmony & Balance Breads, nuts, Carrots, onions Myrrh & Sage
  • 79. 79 Samhain 10/31 The Final Harvest Birth of the new God Rebirth/Renew/Spirits Night Feast of Harvest produce, bonfire, Dance, candles Wine, apples Mint, Nutmeg
  • 80. 80 Thought for a few Opinions and comments Are always welcomed 18 Maple Street Lot 58, Pepperell, MA 01463