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Behind the Scenes
Whatever you are going through is not a surprise to God.
You are work in progress and God is working at the background fixing
your case and setting your stage
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
Kenya Copyright © 2018 by Theword Bookstores Publishers.
Requests for information should be addressed to:
Ambassador Steve Mbugua.
P.O. Box 12092-00400 - Nairobi - Kenya
Tel. No. (254) 724036078
Layout and design by Theword Bookstore Publishers.
Theword Printing Press.
Cell phone (+254)723335887.
P.O Box 59119-00100 - NAIROBI, KENYA
© 2018, Ambassador Steve Mbugua. All rights reserved. No part
of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
written permission from the publisher.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the
Holy Bible, are from the New King James Version (NKJV), © 1979,
1980, 1982, 1984 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All
rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the
King James Version of the Holy Bible. Scripture quotations marked
(NASB) are from the New American Standard Bible®, NASB ®, ©
1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1988.
Behind the Scenes
I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude to my most
merciful God for always working behind the scenes in my
life. My dearest and patient wife Kezia Mbugua, you are the
rock of my life. You are the best in this life, I thank God for
you. Your support in this assignment is beyond measure.
You have been a blessing every step of the way. To my
gracious daughter Zannet Mbugua and son Israel Bryton
Mbugua; thank you for always believing in me. You bring
me tremendous joy and you are such a blessing. God bless
you. I thank all my spiritual sons and daughters who have
undergone my mentorship programs. You all inspire me to
do more. I also want to thank the wider circle of faithful
family and friends whose encouragement and gifts of
wisdom gave this story its life. I owe a debt of gratitude to
my father, mother and siblings. I thank all my mentors and
Pastors, this work is not just the great achievement of one
person but of many. It is with that in mind that I realize the
words inside this pages are inspired by many. The prayers
of others made this come true. I thank Wycliffe Mije for
working tirelessly on this book to make the dream come
true. I want to thank all that have helped me in many
unexplainable ways. You inspired me to think on paper.
Once again I thank God through His grace I have this book
for you and to His Glory.
Behind the Scenes
This book is dedicated to every one going
through any hardship and stagnation.
This is for you. To let you know that God is
at work Behind the Scenes to make you
perfect and blessed.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares
the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Behind the Scenes
Acknowledgment 3
Dedication 4
Introduction 6
Chapter 1: God is working Behind the Scenes 7
Chapter 2: Nothing Just Happens 31
Chapter 3: God doesn’t Make Idle Introduction 46
Chapter 4: The Secret of Gratitude 58
Chapter 5: When we are the Answer to someone’s prayer 65
Chapter 6: Let God take the Steering Wheel 78
Chapter 7: The Power of a Positive Attitude 88
Chapter 8: The Power of Creativity 101
Chapter 9: Face your Fears, Procrastination and be Free 105
Chapter 10: Take full responsibility of your Life 112
Chapter 11: Don’t give up suddenly a Shift is Coming 116
Chapter 12: Divine Encounters 126
Chapter 13: God is not yet over with You 137
About The Author 150
Behind the Scenes
his book is an inspiration that came to me years ago, one Saturday
evening while seated at Huruma Grounds in Eldoret. I had countless
hard questions in my mind about life, because of many years of
living in reproach, suffering, and lack, being despised, molested and
stuck in the league of the less fortunate. I had a deep desire to break
this yoke and change the trend, so that I could live a fruitful life as I pursue
my purpose. Instead, I found myself going round and round in Eldoret town
from morning to evening meditating and asking myself dozens of questions.
Why am I always a victim of circumstances? Occasionally walking from disaster to
catastrophe, crawling from a trench into a pit, wading from stormy seas to
shark attack. Whenever something good occurred two bad things would
miraculously follow.
I have been wondering, why bad things happen to good people and why
sometimes life seems to be very brutal and unfair to others. It is through many
inquisitive days and hours without getting answers, that I came to the
conclusion that; “God is working behind the scenes in my favour.”
This is the genesis of the tittle of this book. Since that time I have been
recording my life’s experiences. By the grace of God, His invisible hand lifted
and shifted me from a street boy to dining table with Kings. He mercifully
lifted me from being the dullest pupil in class to a Pure Economics university
graduate. I can’t believe it to date. He changed me from a stammerer to a
motivational speaker, coach and instructor of thousands. He plucked me from
a hawker selling stolen onions on the streets to owning group of companies.
He elevated me from the level of handling coins to millions, and sure enough
from grace to glory.
This is a collection of thrills, episodes and incidents that will make you realize
that God can change your situation in a mighty way that will perplex you.
You could be a widow, single mother, disabled, having a chronic illness, taken
years without getting a marriage partner or you have tried everything but it
failed. You might be at the point of giving up. Just know that like the snake
of bronze, God will lift up and restore you as a testimony to others going
through similar situations. When they look at you they will be encouraged and
healed. Am writing this book to unfold this misery and will take you through
scenes, events, case studies, thrilling and real life testimonies with virtues that
will help you appreciate and understand the workings of God. The book will
give you insights and a picture of how God works behind the scenes.
Behind the Scenes
Chapter 1
y friend, we all go through moments of anxiety,
uncertainty, fear of unknown and challenges of life giving
us a fix, and making us feel like all the forces of nature
are working against us and ready to give us a technical
knockout. You may sometimes feel as if life is pulling back a trigger
aiming at your head ready to release the bullet. You may have a clear
and compelling vision, that is so flawless and sure, you know very well
that if you achieve it, your life will instantly take a complete turnaround
to usher your success. However, between your current state and the
vision, issues, situations and disappointments seem to be ganging
against your dreams. God allows different scenarios to happen, so that
you can learn vital lessons and acquire experiences that will be very
fundamental to achieving your visions effectively. He is working behind
the scenes in your favor. He is crafting and welding things together with
your best interests at heart. Sometimes, we feel like we are pressed
against a rough and thick wall and all hope is gone. But later, we say
that God made a way. Why? Because it was not a surprise to Him.
Every person regardless of tribe, race or gender go through situations
at a point in life, many times not pleasant and with no definite ending.
We all go through things in life that we don’t understand. But, did you
know that God uses the dark spots in our lives as part of His divine
plan? Do you know that God order our steps and destinies. Behind the
scenes He knits things, experiences, divine connections and provisions
to make us be what He intended us to be and where He wants us to be.
Behind the Scenes
Take a journey through the scriptures and see how countless people
that did anything great went through a dark place! But developed new
potential in that valley. All the celebrities in the Bible had to go through
some situations that later gave them the heroic status. Look at the lives
of Joseph, David, Moses, Jesus, Paul, Abraham, Ruth among others,
went through the valley of darkness where God was preparing them for
the task ahead. The dark places are where you really grow. Just like
inside the womb where your body organs and systems are knit together
to make a human being that has five senses and functional organs. For
a seed to germinate and grow, it has to be buried under the soil, ‘die’
and later shoot to become a magnificent plant. You are work in
progress being prepared to shoot up.
For a case study to exist it has to face the test of time and later becomes
a blue print and bench mark. When tough times come, they prepare you
for the greatness ahead so that other
greats will look up to. Sometimes
looking at the nature, some features
are very captivating but when the
government or an investor want to
put up a structure or infrastructure
there, the same rather beautiful
ground on its comfort zone suffer
massive breaking and excavation but
the end product gives it worth, value
and more recognition. Look at the
Standard Gauge Railway, Thika
Superhighway, Northern Corridor, Two
Rivers Mall among other grounds that
were calm in their comfort zone but
later a time came when they had to go through a rough excavation to
be the valuable structures they are today.
It is during the time of the wilderness and darkness that God prepares
you. That’s where your character is developed; that’s when you learn to
trust, endure and persevere. It’s where your spiritual muscles get
stronger. Just like the great national projects were developed. God dealt
with the spiritual heroes who were there before us, these moments of
“Every great man, every
successful man, no matter
what the field of endeavor,
has known the magic that
lies in these words: Every
adversity has the seed of an
equivalent or greater
W. Clement Stone.
Behind the Scenes
excavation in our lives are because of the huge projects in His hands.
Take a new look when facing dark times and discover the God-given
growth and potential inside of you that you never knew existed, learn
about the plan and purpose of the valley and trials. If these spiritual
heroes did not go through these tough preparation times, they could
not have achieved the privilege and status of their names inscribed in
the Holy Bible.
My friend, you may be going through a situation in life that could be
making you feel like God is so far from you, and, probably feeling like
He is not fair to you. It is work in progress. Just know that the situation
is not meant to finish you, but give you a great experience and testimony
just like the experience that King David acquired when he faced the
bear, the lion and Goliath before being crowned the King. Our God is
a God of abundance and His intentions for you are to make you prosper
and live a hopeful, fruitful and victorious life. He is working behind the
scenes on your behalf and for your good.
Every person always desires to do something that will make someone
else happy and be appreciated. Unfortunately, most of us do not know
how, when and what to do even though we always have a lot of
opportunities to serve mankind. Sometimes God will prepare us for this
using a very unfamiliar path so that we acquire crucial skills, experiences
and character formation for the tasks He wants us to perfume in the
future. In this book I share some of lessons I have learnt in my walk
with God and the development of my quest for lifesaving. God
prepared me in the wilderness through the hardest experience to have
compassion as my mission and service to mankind as a culture.
At a very early age in primary school I always desired to do good to
people and save lives that is why I joined scouting club. I actually
wanted to be a doctor one day to save lives. I was brought up in a very
humble poverty stricken family that was punctuated by going to school
in a torn short trousers exposing all your body parts because my parents
cannot afford a needle and thread to stitch it up. I understand what it
means going to school bare footed from Monday to Friday, and also
attending the Church service on Sunday barefoot, because you cannot
afford a pair of shoes. At some point later on, I received a donation of
plastic shoes commonly known as Sandak. They were however not my
size, but the excitement pushed me to put them on despite the size
Behind the Scenes
causing injuries on my feet; the value attached to them could only allow
me to wear them only on Christmas or a very special occasion.
I know what it means to sleep hungry
because the only little flour available
is saved to prepare a little porridge for
the children. In Kamurunyu Primary
School I endured by the grace of
God. After the end year exams boys
would fight to score personal
vendetta commonly known as kufunga
na wewe (Closing with you), but due to
malnutrition, I was very weak and
would loose all the fights including in
two cases where my opponent were
girls. I was also a stammerer and all
these extremely affected my self-
esteem and my academic performance. I was easily found on the
bottom of the class merit list. Upon completion of my primary school
education, I could not get any admission to secondary school, because
my performance was below the required mark for high school
admission and this shuttered and dimmed my dreams to continue with
education. However, there was a concerned neighbor who decided to
intervene on my behalf and by the grace of God I was given two schools
to choose from; Jemus Academy or Bavuni Secondary School.
My parents didn’t have the money to buy uniform and other
requirements, so I decide to scavenge on people’s maize farms
collecting maize left overs, which was accidentally left during and after
harvesting called Kereiyo. I was able to sell the maize collection and got
little money. I then went to Wanguhu Market where I bought a mix and
match for my school uniform.
In the middle of the term, however late, I was able to join Bavuni
secondary school. I was behind the school schedule, despite the fact that I
had also scored 0% in Mathematics and was always last in class. When
I joined my secondary school, everything was late, even fellow form
one students took advantage of bullying me since I could not
“The difficulties and
struggles of today are
but the price we must
pay for the
accomplishments and
victories of tomorrow.”
William Boetcker
Behind the Scenes
distinguish who was of my level and my senior, this really affected my
A lot of times, I didn’t take breakfast from home because there was
none and I also missed lunch in school because I didn’t have a meal
card. It was not easy at all. My class performance was still low, and my
best score in Physics was 16% and 32% in Mathematics. To be able to
get a meal in school, I would collude with the kitchen staffs and help
them clean the big cooking pans (sufuria) and also help them fetch water
from a nearby well. This gave me access to a plate of left over at lunch
time and in the evening meal before going home.
I remember a gentleman called Ouko who was always on my side and
as a prefect he intervened for me in a lot of ways. May God bless him.
In pursuit of trying to fit in school, I joined a bad group of drug users
and this is where my life started taking a new twist. We could get out of
the school compound through the fence or panya routes and get
involved in petty crimes and gradually I graduated into a criminal.
Today as you read this book, eight members of this group died. Two of
them became touts and died in road accidents, one was found murdered
along the road, two died of HIV/Aids, one committed suicide and the
others died in unclear circumstances. I thank that God I am alive to
give this testimony.
I worked as a casual worker in almost all the farms in Murunyu area, for
us to be guaranteed of a meal, we had to be given maize, beans and
potatoes by some families and in exchange my mother, brother and I
would spend days in their farms cultivating their lands.
When I joined form two at Bavuni Secondary School which is in
Nakuru, I was suspended because of lack of school fees, poor
performance and engaging in drugs. My academic performance was
poor since I was always at the tail in class. So I became a street boy for
four years in Nakuru town. When I joined the streets, I was trying to
learn the game and soon or later I got into serious crimes. One of my
aunt who was a vegetable hawker selling tomatoes by the road sides,
tried her level best to tame me by involving me in her business but I
was untamable.
I hang around Clubs like Coco Savanah, Taidy’s and Dimples, these were
my den every Wednesday (Ladies night), Friday night and Sunday Jam
session and with time my life was corrupted. Drug use and a careless
attitude made my life to seriously change and I started robbery,
Behind the Scenes
pickpocketing and other serious crimes. Am sorry for all the people I robbed
off their phones, money and properties.
It is in the streets that I learnt the value of humanity through being
compelled to attend to many injured colleagues and street families
(Chokoras) and sometimes others involved in hit and run road accidents,
mugged, assaulted, gunshot wounds etc. This made me desire more to
be an emergency doctor as I was handling a lot of very severe cases.
After four years of life on the streets, the day a bright Sunday morning
of the 3rd
August 2003 a guy by the name Joseph Maina invited me to
Deliverance Church Murunyu promising me that there were beautiful girls
there and so that morning I showed up with a motive to conquer a girl
for myself.
The sermon from the book of Isaiah60:1;
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
For behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples; but
the LORD will rise upon you, and His glory will appear over you.…
Rev. Elijah Maina Mwangi guided by the inspiration from the Holy
Spirit preached about second chance and how my life would turn
around. My time to arise and shine came on this very day. I became
born again and gave my life to Christ, from that day and my perspective
of life changed.
I connected with friends like Mash, Dadson, Mose, Martin, and Mum
Mama Kiarie among others and they
helped me grow spiritually. I went
through new converts classes, baptism
classes and was later baptized and
filled with the Holy Spirit and now
there was a new me, with a changed
perspective, mindset and elevated
I knew I was now a new person and
committed to be a man of faith and
one thing that I purposed to do was go
back to school and pursue my dreams.
Salvation really changed my life and my faith elevated. When I made
the decision to go to school, I reconciled with my parents, shaved the
“Many of life's failures
are people who did not
realize how close they
were to success when
they gave up.”
Thomas Edison
Behind the Scenes
deadlocks, set my mind ready for school. My parents were still not able
to pay school fees and so I had to do some manual work, saved five
thousand Kenya shillings which I used three thousands to buy uniform
and left with two thousand to enroll with.
Let me share with you how faith operated. I made a decision to join
Anestar Secondary School in form two, bear in mind that I had stopped
schooling four years ago just after form one. I was from the streets and
so it was not obvious that any institution would accept me. I bought
the school uniforms by faith and informed my parents that I would be
joining Anestar Secondary School, even though I had not even done
any inquiry from the school itself. Therefore I went to the school and
met with the Madam Principal to share my story and request. By the
grace of God and after sharing my story she was persuaded and allowed
me to join the school in form two, without even sitting for any interview
or exams. That was a miracle. I paid the two thousand shillings that I
had and left the rest to God.
The people who knew me were astonished by how this criminal
changed all over sudden and went back to school and rumors about my
past spread around the school like a wild fire. All students would stare
at me wondering what the hell I was doing in school.
Just to take you back; the best Physics score I ever got was 16%,
Mathematics 32% and Biology 24%, went to the street, had my head
intoxicated with drugs, sniffed glue joined a criminal gang, crime etc.
You can guess what was waiting for me ahead but the hand of God was
in control.
That is where I started and every term I improved. I started from grade
(D-) in first term and all the way up to form four and in final Secondary
School Exams (KCSE) I scored (A-) and was the fourth best student.
Look at this hand of God at work; all my life I was always the last person
in class academically, went to the streets thus this would cause more
effect on my literacy level but later God turns it around and I get
admission in a public university to study degree in Pure Economics.
It is at Anestar School where I met some great people who inspired me
and planted the seed of compassion in me. I later became a school
teacher before joining the University, where again found myself dealing
with a lot of emergency cases including dormitories on fire, road
accidents, medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, Asthma etc. It
Behind the Scenes
was here that my desire to learn First Aid and Fire Safety was stirred
When I joined Moi University, I became a member of several clubs like
St John Ambulance, Counseling club, Karate club, Environmental club,
Red Cross and Christian Union and all these touches lives in a way.
I was straightaway nominated by Kenya RedCross Moi University
Chapter to be the training coordinator in charge of all trainings like
induction, First Aid, Blood drive, Humanitarian training, Disaster
Management, HIV and Aids etc. St. John Ambulance also appointed me
as a Sergeant in the Brigade wing and within months I became the
regions Divisional Superintendent. It is here where I met very
influential people like Abbas Gullet the Kenya Redcross Secretary
General, Mr. Joe Wangendo the Founder and Executive Director of
Blood link who later became my boss and others who are my closest
mentors to date. It is in Moi University that I pursued advanced
emergency response courses, ILS, ICS, Disaster Management, Fire Safety
and later Training of Trainers with St. John Ambulance Sommerset United
Kingdom and became an approved trainer. I also received an Award from
the Deputy President Mr. William Ruto due to the fact that I had trained
10,000 people and responded to a minimum of 127 recorded incidents.
My first major employer was St. John Ambulance as a first aid trainer
where within three years I was promoted from Trainer, Training and
Development Officer, Assistant Training Manager and later Training Manager.
As a Training Manager I organized and conducted hundreds of
trainings in East Africa and was also part of Government Committee
designing several policies like the EMS, MCI, Fire and Disaster
Management plan. I also participated in designing the Machakos
County Emergency Response plan and training needs assessment for
the County and the Kenyatta National Hospital Disaster Response
plan. All police at Kiganjo Police Training College and General Service
Unit (GSU) had their First Aid Certificate signed by me and had other
great powers and privileges.
I have also been hosted by several media stations such as QTV, Inooro,
Family TV and Hope TV to discuss about safety. I have participated in
different safety competitions and won, I have nurtured young
emergency medical responders like Brian Ochieng who was with a
Behind the Scenes
patient in an ambulance for 18hours, Brian Beuttah who was the best
EMT in Kenya in 2014, Sam Okello who is one of the best EMT and
trainer amongst others. I have trained the military, Presidential escorts,
GSU, Recce group, Fire brigade first aiders etc. I have conducted safety
advisory to companies like Delloitte, Crown paints, Brookside Ltd,
Kapa Oils, Kenha, Central Bank, KPA, KRA, Safari Park Hotel Villa
Rosa Kempiski, Alexander Forbes, USIU, Kenya Utalii College
amongst others.
When I got my first employment, I purposed that I would either work
for three years or train 10,000 people whichever will come first then
resign to start my own life changing initiatives and within three years I
had achieved both and so I resigned and went to self-employment.
Note, I was a street boy for four years, born a stammerer and was always
the last student in class, and within few years all these changes had
happened in my life.
I started an initiative called Makinika Afrika doing free safety awareness
through social media campaign, writing articles, visiting schools and
churches and the public. We encourage young people to take part in
humanitarian activities more so through the skills, talents, abilities and
opportunities they have. How did you get the name Ambassador? You
might be asking. The name Ambassador came from the First lady
Margret Kenyatta and other people who found me very passionate
doing free Boda Boda road safety awareness, schools safety awareness and in
social media. I started the first World safety day event and World first aid
day events in Kenya and this far am proud of the growth and
commitment of different institutions towards these events.
Am an Ambassador of safety and wellness, remember am not a trained
medical Doctor but a trained Economist who had a passion for saving
lives and building a culture of safety and wellness. Behind the scenes
God orchestrated things, people, events and opportunities that made
the dream come true. To date I have responded to more than 200 major
emergencies in the country, done a research on factors that affects
effective Fire incidents response in Kenya slums that later led to the
Africa Fire mission team from America coming to Kenya to support
Fire teams as well as Reasons why First Aid should be introduced in the
Kenya primary school curriculum that connected me to the Kenya first
lady and senior education experts. I launched the Nairobi Safety Shop
Behind the Scenes
which is a one stop safety shop, the largest in Africa that provides
solutions to all safety equipment and
systems amongst other initiatives
and programs.
God allowed me to the streets to
learn the value of humanity and
service to mankind, allowed me to
become a primary school teacher
after form four before joining
campus which helped me to become
an effective instructor later, allowed me to join Kenya Redcross and St
John Ambulance as a volunteer where I developed the passion,
experience and exposure to help me become an Ambassador of Safety
and wellness. All that time I was work in progress and the chief master
planner was connecting the dots behind the scene.
Our God is an extra ordinary master and even when we see like our
lives amount to nothing just like how Joseph would have felt when he
was thrown in the pit and also put in prison, He provides enough grace
and behind the scenes, He craft everything to work together for good
to be what He created us to be and serve His purpose. Don’t fear when
you see like part of your life has a state of inadequacy. Joseph could
have felt the same when he was thrown into a pit and prison but he was
focused unto his dream and he was diligent wherever he found himself.
There was sufficient grace for all the circumstances he found himself in
and the hand of God was with him, he was work in progress. God was
all that time preparing him for the tasks ahead in an extra ordinary way.
God doesn’t provide almost enough, maybe enough or barely enough.
He provides more than enough in every area of our lives. Enough grace,
enough mercies, enough of His presence. There is no such thing as
wasted time or opportunity to God. God does not waste an
introduction neither does He waste an experience. God uses ordinary
people to do extraordinary things in the lives of others and He will use
you. Sometimes we may ask God for success, and He gives us physical
and mental stamina. We might plead for prosperity, and we receive
enlarged perspective and increased patience, or we petition for growth
“I would rather attempt
something great and fail
than attempt to do
nothing and succeed."
Robert Schuller
Behind the Scenes
and are blessed with the gift of grace. He may bestow upon us
conviction and confidence as we strive to achieve worthy goals. He sees
the end from the beginning and He gives us what we need to get what
we want.
In life, I have severally attempted to kill people, birds, hares, dogs etc.
The most memorable occasion was in the year 2000, when I was
attacked by a group of young crooks led by a very famous notorious
guy from Lanet in Nakuru. When I was exchanging blows with them,
one of them who was carrying a panga attacked me and by bad luck it
landed on my left ear. It was a very painful experience and I had to have
six stitches at Kabatini hospital to stop bleeding. The doctors told me
that I must first report the incident at the Police Station, get a P3 form
after which the treatment would commence. At the Police Station, the
Officer in charge told me that my case was a suspicious criminal
incident leading to an attack and he threatened to arrest me, and I was
forced to run like a mad person from the Police Station before they
could arrest me. I went back to the hospital and for about six hours I
was there insisting that they must treat me. One compassionate nurse
begged the others to have mercy on me and after persuading her
counterparts they agreed. The injury had taken about 12 hours by now
and for them to put stitches I had to undergo a very painful moment of
scratching to remove the top dry skin to make it fresh. It was a real
torture that I had to persevere. The pain was severe. After leaving the
hospital several friends visited me and requested me to allow them
revenge on my behalf but I couldn’t allow them but several days later I
decided to do revenge....murder....eliminate him.....chop off his neck on
my own…
It was a Friday evening, I sharpened my panga, put on a heavy red puff
jacket, my 4 wheels sandals and left to hunt him around 7pm, it was
getting darker and so it was not possible to clearly see people from a far
distance. Luckily while walking around PCEA Murunyu, I saw him
coming towards my direction. He had not noticed anything. So I started
positioning myself ready to cut off his neck and dump his body in River
Muriundu next to St. Anthony secondary school. I was ready to
eradicate the problem of continuous thefts, night attacks and
hooliganism in the area perpetrated by him. Of course this was a great
step for the community and I was about to solve a major community
problem. When he was almost 20 meters to his death, a voice came to
Behind the Scenes
me and told me that it was not the solution and it won’t solve the
problem, instead I should forgive, forget and befriend him.
This is not easy but I did exactly that. I greeted him and when he
realized it was me, he started stammering but I said,"sina ubaya Ras, maze
ulinikata joo lakini iza hayo yashapita. Wewe mind your life, uko na future, wewe
ni msee strong and unaeza achieve much ukichange your character." I took a U
turn and went back to Kwa Rugito. Note, I was not born again this time
but Still God was behind the scenes shaping my character. He was
amazed but rather confused and since then I have never seen
him....rumours have it that he was killed some years later. Ever since
that day, I developed a big heart, easy to forgive and I don’t keep
grudges. My intention was revenge but God was behind the scene using
the situation to teach me forgiveness and meekness for His kingdom’s
You see, God was preparing me for an assignment and I had to go
through that painful experience to learn to forgive as well as a ground
on how to encourage other people to forgive. The experience distorted
my physical look and I had a good chance to revenge. What if I attacked
him? What if I murdered him? What if I was arrested for murder or
killed by mob justice? You know in the life that you are in, you are the
starling. Life is a thriller movie and you are the main actor. The main
actor never dies. They live a life of suspense and surprises. God is
behind the scenes as the production director and knows how the story
will end. Trust His direction.
I was once attacked and beaten by mob justice at Mololine booking
office Nakuru for pickpocketing with colleagues like Simbampala and
others who later died... but am alive and kicking. Having survived, I
now visit inmates at several prisons to give them hope. Some of them
are robbers like I was. There was a time we robbed a muhindi shop
around Pekars Plaza Nakuru and did some irrational stuff at different
parts in the streets of Nakuru town and having our den at Bondeni
Estate around the mosque area, where we would store stolen items.
God ensured that I survived in all the criminal activities that I was
involved in. Most of my colleagues didn’t live to tell the story but God
allowed me to live to tell the robbers that He can transform them.
Behind the Scenes
I was once kidnapped by some notorious youths at Mombasa village in
Wanyororo village and one guy with his bloody knife decided that he
would eliminate me from this world. So they took me into a dark room.
One cool guy murmured to me and told me that I didn’t have chances
of survival but he was doing everything possible to rescue me. He told
me that the guy who had a bloody knife had killed his mother and had
come to hide in that area and had also killed several people…
here. God rescued me and when I gave my life to Christ these were
some of the places we went for missions to preach the Gospel to them.
In another strange incident, I was once kidnapped and taken to
Menengai crater on a Saturday afternoon, was about to be slaughtered
by some guys I have never known what they were up to, all my cash
and phone had been taken away but again here I am...God softened
their hearts and they allowed me to
walk out of that crater. They even
gave me back my sim card. How
many people get kidnapped and never
live to tell the story? He made it
In countless times I was used by drug
dealers to transport them from
Mombasa and Danger area to Nakuru town with my friend Majizee and
Kajini, am here today...not distributing drugs but the love of Christ, the
gospel of truth. I didn’t change the streets, the town or my parents but
I changed myself, I changed my attitude and I changed my life. I
realized to whom I belong and I chose to pledge my allegiance to the
great I AM.
We once held hostage a whole Changaa den at Greensteed area with
colleagues, lots of shit happened, a group of local hooligans came and
so we had two gangs fighting…what happened later is history. Though
one lost his life, no stone was left unturned and it’s not inspiring to
share the details here so allow me not to. The following day we decided
with Kamau Kajini to go for a mission to teach one guy a lesson, he
was a son of a tycoon in Nakuru and how we did it even action movies
are not as effective and daring. I found myself going through an electric
fence into the compound to fulfill a mission, some German shepherd
dogs couldn’t believe there were strangers in the compound so they just
cooperated and took us around. We traced his room amongst the
“To be successful, the
first thing to do is fall in
love with your work."
Sister Mary Lauretta
Behind the Scenes
bungalows there, found our way in and right there at his bed where he
was sleeping. He was speechless and couldn’t believe his eyes even
though we had threatened to deal with here smiling by the
grace of God.
That’s just a quarter of a past misused but the good news is that today
I use my feet to spread the love of Christ, the social media to share His
goodness and my money, experience and energy to change lives. I gave
up on the old me, I had let myself down. I realized that I owed myself
an explanation and that if my life had to mean a thing, it is I to make it
happen. In all these times, God was on the throne. He does not waste
an experience. He allowed me to go through these dark valleys to
prepare me for the task ahead. Task to rescue souls and saving lives. He
was preparing me to write this for you to read and be inspired.
Realizing where I belong and who holds my life inspired me to get
motivation from Him, from His word, from the life’s manual and these
are some of the Bible verses which have been inspiring me day by day.
They give me a dose every moment I feel low.
Isaiah 43:2 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass
through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will
not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."
Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of
them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
May the Lord use your past and current situation to impact and change
lives. He doesn't waste an experience but you have to totally surrender
unto Him. He doesn’t hate you, He loves you too much to allow you
go through that experience because He knows what is good for you.
He is working behind the scene, behind that loss, behind that trial,
behind that tragedy and the end result will be glorious. That obstacle
will thrust you to the next level. That obstacle is the gate way to your
greatness. You will look back and say like me, “I thank God for having
allowed me to go through that experience because it opened a way for me to the
purpose full life I live today.”
Behind the Scenes
Some years ago I had a lot of issues around my life involving financial
constraints and there is this day that I was going home from our office
but I didn’t have Bus fare of (Ksh40) to connect from Nairobi to home
(Githurai 45). I walked all the way from Parliament Road to Ronald Ngala
not sure what to do. My wife had just called informing me to buy food
for dinner and some necessities for the baby. This increased my worry
a great deal. While standing outside Nakumatt Supermarket at Ronald
Ngala, a friend called me requesting that I visit them urgently for an
urgent matter, more worries.
It reached a point that I decided to talk to God to intervene and I found
myself heading towards Afya Center not sure what was driving me.
Fortunately I met with an old friend who was so happy to see me and
he claimed that he has been reading my daily texts, tweets and Facebook
posts and they have been touching and changed his life and he
requested to share coffee with me but I didn’t take the offer so he gave
me a 100 shilling note, answered prayer. Immediately I turned rejoicing
and went straight to the bus stop and boarded a bus to Zimmerman to
see the friend.
When I arrived at their home, I received a warm welcome, had a long
chat then they handed to me parcels with goodies and shopping and an
envelope with several 1000 notes. I didn’t tell them my problem but
God was working behind the scene on my favor.
Yes, I almost gave up but God had not given up on me. I had felt like
life was about to give me a technical knockout. I was powerless, I felt
useless, I was embarrassed that working as a Training Manager in an
international NGO I couldn’t afford transport to Githurai. God was
preparing something behind the scenes. When I felt like I had reached
at the end, His arm was stretching to hold and guide me. He was
teaching me to trust and wait upon Him. He was preparing people
behind the scene to meet my needs and the moment I purposed to let
go the worry, embrace faith and trust for His provision, He stepped in.
There was a time set for all of these to happen and at the appointed
time, He made everything beautiful.
God has an appointed time to fulfill the visions, dreams and desires in
your heart. Just because it has taken a long time or because you’ve tried
and failed doesn’t mean that it’s not going to happen. Don’t give up on
Behind the Scenes
those dreams. Don’t be complacent about pursuing what God has
placed in your heart. Don’t give up on God because He will never give
up on you. Our God is a faithful God. No matter how long it’s been,
no matter how impossible things looks, if you’ll stay in faith, your
appointed time is coming.
God will use your enemies as your stepping stone, that condition that
seems to push you down will be your way to your major breakthrough.
The enemy will come into your thoughts trying to discourage you but
this is the Goliath that God will use you to defeat and make you the
King. Don't be intimidated, we grow in tough times and that's when
our courage and faith grows. When the enemy puts you and pressure
you, he prepares you to push you further with high pressure. Your boss
may be intimidating you but it’s the Lord who is using him to push you
ahead and your boss will be a witness.
God will use your enemy to push you forward and soon you will say it
was good that it happened, just the same way David said, “It is good
Goliath came that I was promoted from a shepherd to a King and given the King's
daughter to be my wife." God created you to be successful. Before the
foundation of the world, He laid out an exact plan for your life. And in
this plan, He has marked moments that are going to come across your
path. These moments are not ordinary; they are destiny-altering
moments. They are designed to thrust you years ahead. In the Book of
Ecclesiastes we find that time and chance come together for every
person. That means you’ll have opportunities to meet the right people,
opportunities to advance in your career, and opportunities to fulfill your
dreams. You will have chances to give and be a blessing, chances to
seize opportunities, chances to lay a foundation for your destiny. God
has already pre-arranged times of increase and blessings. You may not
be seeing a lot of good breaks right now, but be encouraged because
there are seasons of favor and increase marked for your future. There
are God-ordained moments planned out for you. Don’t miss these
moments by giving up. Don’t get distracted by your circumstances.
Focus on removing the clutter from your life so you can hear His voice.
You are much more than what your life is portraying right now. The
Bible states that what we think about, we will become. When you think
thoughts of success, victory, joy and peace, your life will be filled with
Behind the Scenes
success, victory, joy and peace. It doesn’t matter what’s going on
around you when the greater One lives in you.
You are an overcomer through Christ. My friend, set your mind on
victory and move forward into the victory He has for you. Change your
mindset! Dream big! Think big! What you see is temporary, we serve a
supernatural God, and you are not on your own, God is directing your
steps and leading you towards the appointed time for your
breakthrough. He is working behind the scenes on your case. Make a
decision to change how you perceive those obstacles, those
circumstances, that pain; that hurt break and be positive. Raise your
faith and know that all your past failure, your past frustrations are
actually laying the foundation of the greatness that awaits. That is the
story that will attract the media be will be written on journals, it will be
compiled on the bestselling books emanating from your current
situation. Step up!
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and
my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9 NIV).
God’s dream for your life is so extremely bigger than your own. He
wants to bless you and enlarge your territory. His ways and thoughts
are so much higher than ours, and His plan is so much bigger than we
can imagine. Don’t allow the circumstances of life to drag your
thoughts down. Choose God’s thoughts by meditating on His Word,
because His ways and thoughts are far higher than ours. We need to
connect with the mind of Christ.
The Scripture declares that we should, “set your mind on things above.”
Those “things above” are God’s thoughts and His ways. Having higher
thoughts means thinking, “I am blessed and highly favored. I am holy, am more
than a conqueror, I am the best there is, I am above only and not beneath. I am the
head and not the tail. I am a victor, not a victim. I am righteous, and my path shines
brighter and brighter to the full day!”
When you allow those higher thoughts to fill your mind, they will direct
your steps. You will see yourself as an overcomer and live the abundant
life God has in store for you!
And the Lord answered me;
Behind the Scenes
“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision
awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end, it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it
will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:2
Even though the frustrations and setbacks seem strong as if they are
meant to finish you, the mind of Christ is different. Just like the way He
allowed the lion and the bear to attack sheep for David to attack and
get the courage to fight and win, He is using those situations you have
been in to equip you and give you the mastery so connect with His ways
and mind. He is putting the right connections, the right experience, the
right exposer, the right attitude, the right character on you behind the
scene for you to be what He wants you to be. Don’t believe that lie that
because things aren’t perfect, you can’t progress. The Lord will use what
you are going through and in the process you will grow.
Arise and Shine for your time to go an extra mile, beyond limits and
enjoy a great overflow has come. I declare a great breakthrough, favor,
divine idea, divine strategy, divine connection, divine provision and a
new song in Jesus name.
Remember, every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has
taken root, God put it there. Not only that, but He has every intention
of bringing it to pass. Hold on to that vision today and declare, “My time
is coming. God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny!”
As you hold on to your vision and speak life over your dreams, you’ll
see them begin to take shape. You’ll see your faith grow; you’ll see your
hope strengthen, and you’ll see yourself step into the appointed time
God has for you!
Are you going through a hard time? Maybe you recently lost your job,
or you're dealing with a death in your family. Maybe you were involved
in an accident and lost part of your body organs leading to disability.
Maybe you were divorced by the person who meant life to you. Maybe
you lost your husband. Maybe you lost your parents and is now a lonely
orphan. Maybe you lost your job or your property, something you had
special attachment with. Maybe you're just not sure anything good in
life can happen to you. Whatever you're dealing with, I want you to
know that you're not alone and something good can come from the
tough spot you're in right now. Jesus experienced hard times too. The
Behind the Scenes
road to the cross was no small matter. But He had to decide to go
through it. He even asked God if it was really necessary. (But we know
how this amazing love story ended.) Just like Jesus had to make a choice, you
and I also have to decide to go through hard times.
All things do work together for our
good. When something doesn't
happen the way we would like it to
happen, we can believe God will
work things out for good. It's the
place we can always come back to in
every kind of trial.
Now this doesn't mean the trials are
necessarily good, but God can work
them out for our good because He is awesome. You have to be some
kind of awesome God to be able to take bad things and turn them
around for good. I have faced trials in life that even pushed me to have
suicidal thoughts. Sometimes I felt like if I was given a chance to meet
this God, I could have taught Him a lesson for allowing me through
the storms. We love God and really want His will for our life, I think
it's safe to say that we can trust Him to bring good from it, no matter
what happens to us. Even if we have to take detours because of our
own stupidity or if we're innocent but someone else gets involved and
brings hurt and pain into our life, we can trust God to work it out. No
person on earth and no devil in hell can keep you from God's will. Only
you can.
Everyone goes through seasons of difficulty and challenge in life. One
of the enemy’s traps is to isolate you and convince you that you won’t
make it. But God promises that He will deliver the righteous out of all
of their afflictions. If you’re going through a tough time today, keep an
attitude of faith and expectancy. Declare His promises over your life.
You are more than a conqueror through Him. The joy of the Lord is
your strength. As you continue to stand, even during the difficult times,
you can be assured that victory is on the way. It might be today, it might
be next week, next month or next year, but God is faithful. Through
faith and patience, you will inherit the promise. You will get beyond
your difficulty, and you’ll increase in wisdom and strength and live the
abundant life He has for you.
“I've always tried to go
one step past wherever
people expected me to
end up."
Beverly Sills
Behind the Scenes
What are you looking at today? Not in the natural, but with your
spiritual eyes. Are you facing challenges? Don’t just look at your
problems day in and day out. Lift up your eyes and look toward heaven.
That is where our help comes from. That is where the holder of your
life is. He is busy behind the scene working on your manuscript.
In the natural, you will move in the direction that your eyes are looking.
The same is true in the spiritual realm. If you are always looking at your
problems, meditating on them, feeling sorry for yourself, telling
everybody about them, you will become consumed by them. But when
you look up, your life will start to move up.
Occasionally God will take you through the fire, sometimes He’ll make
you fire proof and sometimes you’ll need to be purified by the hot
furnace. Just hold on to His will, God has the final say and you are
coming out better and when you come out every one will see that favor
is on you.
When you keep your eyes on Jesus, it is a sign of your faith and
expectancy. Faith is what gets God’s attention. When you have an
attitude of faith and expectancy, you open the door for His power in
your life. God is working behind the scene on your favor and have your
best interest at heart, He has good plans for you and has written your
names on His palm that He may not forget about you.
My friend, your appointed time is coming, time to rejoice, to shift, to a
rise and shine. It’s your time, your chance, your season!
Some years ago I sent a tweet on my page and later a stranger emailed
me sharing about how the tweet ministered to him on his hospital bed
and he realized that the fire He was going through was for his good as
he learnt lessons, learnt to trust in God and that He is able to encourage
people going through emotional breakdown. Today, he is using the
experience he got from that long period of illness to encourage people
in hospitals. The message was about God giving you another chance;
‘At least there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots
will not fail. Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, yet at the
scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant.’ (Job 14:7).
Even though you see as if your life has been cut off and there is no
hope, God will water the situation, your life and will sprout and will
have new strong shoots. There is hope for you and it will not be
Behind the Scenes
thwarted. God is working behind the scene on your favor, to water the
situation. God is going to change your ashes for beauty, weeping may
endure for this far but joy is around the corner. Maybe you are in the
valley of disappointment and loneliness, which is not your final
destination. Devine connection and provision is coming your way.
You may be going through a tough time, hardship, and struggles and
not being able to make the ends meet just like Joseph in the pit. You
may not understand it but God allowed it, not that He could not take
you out but wants to walk with you step by step and bring you out with
great substance better off than you were before.
You are destined to win. You will succeed in life. There will be road
blocks, and obstacles will come, but it’s possible that you are going to
make it. Behind the scene God is putting together the right people, right
connections, and right resources for you. Keep pressing your way
forward, have faith in God, your dream will come true. Too many are
looking for instant gratification but know that not everything is going
to happen the same time we want it to. Everything takes time. Still we
must not give in or quit. It will happen. Remain patient while we learn
the many facet in life, and even learn about ourselves and others. At the
end of patience, endurance and perseverance are crucial lessons that
we’ll use to reach our destiny.
Don’t just sit there thinking about the magnitude of the problem, no,
no, no! Stand firm and declare the magnitude of our God, start walking
towards receiving the divine provision. Every day we must do
something that will move us forward in the direction of our goals. Our
consistent actions must also be positive and be in harmony with our
thoughts. We must believe that our dreams, ideas, our goals are possible
and also believe that we have what it takes to make them work in our
favor. Write down each goal, surround ourselves with people that are
supportive and be ready to take personal responsibility to make it
happen. Don’t let the negativity be the catalyst for you to live distressed.
Embrace courage and faith and beat all odds.
In life, you may face bumps in the road. You may have had a lot of ups
and downs, struggles in finances, or difficulties in relationships that
have lasted year after year. You’re thinking, “Is it ever going to get easier? Is
it ever going to change? Am I ever going to see a breakthrough?” The answer is
YES. Because you keep abiding in Christ. He is the master of
Behind the Scenes
restoration and redemption, you’re going to come into promotion,
restoration and vindication where God not only lifts you up, but He is
going to keep you up.
We must have faith to believe that we already have whatever it is that
we envision for ourselves in life. It is that kind of faith that will cause
you and me to rise up from the hard times and begin to call things that
have not yet come into existence as if they already did. Believe that there
is a higher power who already know that our outcome is going to be
successful. You have this promise that regardless of the fire, mountain
and valleys you will still be standing because you are a child of the
highest God. Face the problem. God want you to just be strong and
courageous, to position yourself and stand firm then He’ll fight for you
so keep moving, keep shinning, keep pushing until something happen.
Jesus said in John 15, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you abide in Me,
you will bear much fruit and your fruit will remain...apart from me you can do
Abide in your maker, your deliverer. He is behind the scene working it
out for you. He is eternal God, an extra ordinary master who does
things His way giving you suspense and surprises. Be a spectator of
what He is doing on your life. He is good at that because He sees the
end from the beginning.
Probably you are in a tight place, feeling like you are at the appropriate
place to give up, to throw up the towel. Be still and know that He is
God. This is not your battle. All that you have to do is to be still because
He is working it out for you. He is going to give you victory if you just
believe it. He Has been fighting for me, even when my life seemed to
have hit a rock, He was right just there saying, “Relax my son, am in control,
be still and let me finish working on you for the assignment ahead requires serious
preparation for you to live a purpose full life.” God is using that mountain to
change you. He has anointed some hardships, He has anointed the
storm, the mountain, and the fire and that darkness to change you and
make you what He want you to be.
That failure is part of your training before you get to your season. You
are work in progress. You have been going through the preparation
stage. He was pruning you to ensure you bear much fruits. God sees
the end from the beginning but does not show us the middle. You have
Behind the Scenes
to believe that regardless of the situation, behind the scenes God is at
work and the outcome will be glorious.
The assurance is that you will go through it. You will look back and see
the great work He was working on behind the scene.
I am the LORD. That is my name, and I will not give my glory to another or my praise to
idols. See, the former things have taken place, and I'm announcing the new things before
they spring into being I'm telling you about them. (Isaiah 42:8-9)
We often get discouraged and feel like giving up because things don’t
turn out the way we anticipated. It is important that we look at the big
picture and not let these temporary setbacks and hardships that make
us lose focus on who is in control of guiding our life.
A story is told of a little boy who was telling his Grandma how
"everything" was going wrong. School, family problems, severe health
problems, etc.
Meanwhile, Grandma was baking a cake. She asked her grandson if he
would like a snack, which, of course, he does.
"Here, have some cooking oil."
"Yuck" says the boy.
"How about a couple raw eggs?"
"Gross, Grandma!"
"Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?"
"Grandma, those are all yucky!"
To which Grandma replied; "Yes, all those things seem bad by themselves, but
when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake.
God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through
such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in
His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually,
they will all make something wonderful!"
Behind the scenes God is putting together the right ingredients in your
life to bake the best cake ever. That pain, discouragement, pain, loss,
death is one of the ingredient which is ‘yuck’ when taken alone but it’s
going to be delicious if you chose to wait for the best baker to finish
Our God is a jealous God. He does not share glory. He laid that dream,
that desire that wish, that vision in your heart and He expects you to
fully and wholly trust in Him to fulfill it for His glory and so you have
Behind the Scenes
to walk in that line of trust and obedience. Forget what has already
happened and wait earnestly in faith for the new that He is doing.
Behind the scene He is working on something new and it shall be so
great that He is saying in the above verse that He is warning you in
advance that when the great things happen- as they will, remember that
He does not share glory.
When God Has blessed you, don’t glorify your creativity, your
networks, your hard work, your ability or what people did. It was God
doing it behind the scene for you so all glory, honour, adoration and
praise should be unto Him. Arise and Get Set for the new thing He is
doing now!
Behind the Scenes
Chapter 2
othing just happens. Everything happens with a reason
and a purpose. Sometimes the delays, hiccups, struggles,
setbacks and stagnations are all aligned on our paths with
better things and outcomes attached to them. We should
always set our minds and aspirations to positivity, hope
and bigger and better expectations. It’s amazing how sometimes when
we are committed to follow our ways that seems good that God
deviates us to His way that might at the moment look ugly but later we
realize it was to the best way. God often protects His people by leading
them into situations of lesser comfort but greater dependence on
Himself. He strategically places us in line with the destiny He Has put
in store for us and not in our own way and plan but His.
Joseph in the Bible might have asked himself a lot of Whys. He
thought that the brothers and parents would celebrate his big dream
but he ended up in a pit, naked. When they decided to sell him as a
slave, they didn’t know that they were connecting him with his destiny.
God had already prepared some slave traders from a far country and
ordered them not only to pass right where they were throwing him in
the pit but also sell him at Potiphar’s house. It just didn’t happen.
Oftentimes, God will use our experiences in life as stepping stones to
prepare us for what He has in store next. Scripture tells us that He’ll
even take the things the enemy tries to bring against us and turn them
around and use them for our good. He is always leading us on a
journey of preparation. Sometimes it takes a painful experience to
make us change our ways. Sometimes God needs to shake us to wake
us up. Without such wake up calls we will blindly fall onto the wrong
Behind the Scenes
path that leads to greater disappointment and ruin. We will not see it
coming, because our will is in the
way of His. But know this, God is
there leading and protecting us, even
when we do not see Him. And be
warned if your will is in the way of
His, He will light a fire under you to
get you moving. If He didn't, it
would show He does not love you.
Just as a parent will discipline their
child out of love. Problems will
point us in a right direction if we surrender our will over to His. His
love is there to motivate us and change us into the best path and plan,
much better than we could ever come up with. God uses problems to
lead you in the right direction. Is God trying to get your attention?
Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways.
That’s why it’s so important to keep our eyes focused on Him. We
have to trust that when we are submitted to Him even if we don’t
understand He is ordering our steps. If something is not happening on
your timetable, remind yourself, “God knows what He is doing. He has my
best interest at heart. God is preparing me.” While you’re waiting, don’t make
the mistake of trying to figure everything out. If you’re constantly
trying to figure things out, that will only frustrate you. Turn it over to
God. Declare, “God, my times are in Your hands. I’m not going to worry because
I trust that You are leading me on a journey of preparation for all the wonderful
blessings You have in store for me.”
All things work together for our good. Salt is bitter but it’s a core
ingredient for any delicious meal. We all experience challenges that do
not make sense. If you keep pressing forward, one day you'll look back
and see how each setback played in God's master plan for your life.
That’s simply one part of the puzzle, there will be another piece that
connects it all and give it a significant and delightful outcome.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have
been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) NIV.
One day I was desperate in the office after being frustrated by a couple
of my colleagues. I went and closed the board room, knelt and started
“It is in the small
decisions you and I make
every day that create our
Anthony Robbins
Behind the Scenes
praying asking God why everyone was against me. In that year I was
given a target of Ksh 31.3M and by the eleventh month. I managed to
raise Ksh. 37.4M yet still everyone was against me with no reason. The
position I was serving had a lot of opportunities to be corrupt and get
extra income even triple what I was earning but rather than utilizing the
moment to be unethical I did everything possible to completely seal
those gaps that no any staff would be able to practice corruption. After
praying, I went back to the office and sat there. I started listening from
within whether there was any conviction from above on what step to
take. There were other staffs seated and discussing issues as it was
around 4pm and so I was preparing to go home. A guy called Moses
Macharia realized that I was sweating, had difficulty in breathing and
was holding my chest and very fast he suspected that I was almost
having a heart attack. He came and offered first aid to me and
reassured me. After I was well, I asked myself why all this was
happening but there was a voice telling me that I was about to step to
another level.
The experience of rejection that I was going through was to thrust me
out of my comfort zone. It just didn’t happen that I was going through
rejection but God was stirring me from my comfort zone to arise and
serve my purpose. Some people were jobless out there because I was
reluctant and not opening ventures that would hire them.
Listening to the discussion from my colleagues, I heard Moses ask the
other guys whether they knew of any one stop safety shop in Kenya.
All of them said that they didn’t know of any. They went on discussing
on how that could be a great investment and immediately at that point,
the dream of Nairobi Safety Shop was hatched in me. I listened to all
the ideas they were sharing and wrote them on my diary. I also at the
same time searched more information on goggle concerning the largest
safety equipment suppliers in the world. Today I am the founder and
Director of Nairobi Safety shop with several millions returns per year
and have employed several people.
When I was going through rejection and frustration, behind the scene
God was preparing people to share an idea amongst themselves for me
to embrace and rise to greatness through it. It just didn’t happen that
an ordinary discussion was taking place, no. It was an ordained and
divine discussion that was to connect me to my destiny.
Behind the Scenes
Everyone experiences adversity. It’s a part of life no one escapes. In
fact, if you haven’t experienced adversity you haven’t lived long
When something unpleasant happens, often and we suffer. At times it's
a mild inconvenience like a flat tire, a toothache, failing an exam, lack
of school fees, a house girl running away, harsh boss, another car
scratching yours from the back... Sometimes adversity is more severe
like an illness or the death of a loved one. Or the car engine coughs
rather than purrs, your house broken into, your premises catching fire
and you lose everything, you lose a job, your fiancée leaves you. Things
don't work out the way we hoped or planned; instead, we experience
trials and tribulations.
In the Old Testament, Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery with evil
intent. Yet God used these misguided brothers to accomplish his
purposes. He placed Joseph in high Egyptian office so Joseph could
later save those very brothers from famine. It just didn’t happen that all
these challenges faced Joseph and wasn’t a surprise to God, He was
working behind the scene to ensure that he is at the position where he
would save his family and the entire nation from famine.
When Joseph realized this, he said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended
it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis
50:20). Joseph’s adversity demonstrates that not all of our trials are
there to destroy and finish us; actually most of them are to help us
accomplish the will of God in our lives.
Job, too, experienced adversity; overwhelming, spirit-crushing
adversity, none of it due to his disobedience. While it's possible to
bring adversity upon ourselves by ignoring God's commands, it's also
possible that many of the problems we face in our lives come upon us
because we are being aligned in to our purpose and His will. We are in
a in a journey and He allows us to go through the preparation stage to
be effective in our calling.
In the Book of Jeremiah 1:5, God says, "Before I formed you in the womb I
knew you, before you were born I set you apart." You and I are not accidental
creature. We are here because God wanted us to exist and he has a
purpose for us here. He also determines how long we'll be here.
Behind the Scenes
Now if that is true, and it is, it stands to reason that what happens to us
occurs within the sovereign purpose of God for our lives. There are no
accidents. God's sovereign engagement in our lives includes the
troubles we just escaped, the troubles we're in now, and the troubles
we're about to be in. It is through the trials that Job went through that
we read about him in the good book. His end up was glorious than His
beginning. God tested Abraham’s faith and loyalty through telling him
to sacrifice his only child and later he became the father of nations. It
just didn’t happen; the hand of God was on the situation.
Our lives might be Adversity Central, but God is walking right beside
us. The Psalmist said,
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou
art with me” (Psalm 23:4, KJV).
God knows when we rise up and when we lay down. We belong to the
Lord, and so does history itself. Our lives is not our own and so we
don’t have full authority on the path our life will take.
Behind the scene, God is preparing something for our good. It’s not a
surprise to Him that we are going through a tough moment.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have
been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV).
Whatever you are going through will soon become a great testimony
and encouraging story because God is taking you through it.
Am writing this book to unfold this misery and will take you through
scenes, episodes, case studies, thrills, real life stories, testimonies and
virtues that will help you appreciate His presence in your life behind
the scene.
When your plans don’t work out, don’t get negative and sour. Don’t
start complaining, “I can’t believe this is happening to me. God, I just can’t
afford this delay.” “This guy is taking too long to propose.” “This salary is never
getting enough and am quitting the job.” “This traffic jam is messing me up.” “This
sermon is taking too long and I want to take my friend out.” God may be
protecting you from an accident. How do you know God has not
allowed that delay so you can meet somebody He really wanted you to
know? Learn to go with the flow. Don’t get upset and let minor
interruptions steal your joy. Listen to the still silent voice. Nothing just
happens. He can delay something for you to get something better.
Behind the Scenes
A while back there was a Matatu
tout who picked Ksh. 30,000 from
a Public Service Vehicle and he
kept it waiting for the owner to
come and claim it. Daniel the tout
had every reason to celebrate and
thank God for answering his prayer and meeting his financial needs, his
wife was expecting a baby and thus he needed money to meet the
hospital expenses. He had also hoped to pursue an ICT course and
now here comes free provision. He eventually gave back the money to
the owner who had intended to use the money to pay the hospital bill
for his child. Several people heard about Daniel’s faithfulness and
contributed millions of shillings to support his dream and the Nairobi
Hospital also commit to take care of his expectant wife. It just didn’t
happen. God tested his faithfulness and behind the scenes he was
preparing a scene that would change his life and thrust him to his great
destiny. Today he is a celebrated hero hosted by various media stations
and he has received several Awards. It just didn’t happen that money
was left inside the vehicle, it was divine connection and provision at
In a similar incident, another tout was kind enough to let an expectant
mother give birth in a PSV bus along Thika superhighway. When he
was living home early in the morning, his wife gave him a Maasai shawl
since it was very cold and drizzling, he later used the same shawl to
help in the delivery of this woman. It just didn’t happen that that day
the wife gave him the shawl which was not a common situation, behind
the scenes God was preparing a scene that would thrust him to
greatness that made the world celebrate him as a hero to date.
In the course of the August 2017 Kenya elections, there was man who
showed up at a political rally with githeri packed in a polythene paper.
He was suddenly all over the media and everyone was talking and
ridiculing him, but later he was awarded and given many gifts that
changed his destiny. It just didn’t happen; God was behind the scenes
putting up moments for him and a scene that would turn things round
for him.
In the 2018 London marathon, Vivian Cheruiyot became the world
champion. When they started the race, Mary Keitany and Dibaba who
“The biggest temptation
is to settle for too little."
Thomas Merton
Behind the Scenes
were ahead of them were the obvious winners. The difference is that
they both were targeting to break a world record since they were
previous champions and so they started the race very fast, using a lot of
energy and speed but later they got tired on the way and actually
Dibaba walked out of the race midway. Vivian Cheruiyot was not
targeting to break a world record but to win the race and so she didn’t
have much pressure but ran her race with the pace she was used to and
she overtook all of them. It just didn’t happen, God prepared moment
for her that the obvious champions gave up on the way as God was
working behind the scene to shape up the destiny of Vivian.
One of my most valued photos that I have used in most of my
publications is one having a fun moment with the Kenya First lady.
Earlier that day when the photo was taken, there was an event at the
KICC and nowhere was I to make a presentation though I was wishing
that one day I would meet her and encourage her on the need to have
first aid training introduced in the Kenya primary school curriculum.
The two persons, Felix Otieno and Ann Wali were meant to make a
presentation and that was during a moment that I was going through
serious rejections in my career and was in the transition moment. I
remember even on the same day a laptop and LCD Projector were
mysteriously stolen and am the one who signed them out. I was
eventually charged for loss in addition to a crate of sodas that were also
mysteriously removed from the vehicle. It was a depressing Saturday
morning. When we went to the exhibition and the first lady was headed
there, Felix and Ann all over sudden said that they won’t make the
presentation which they had prepared for and rehearsed for a couple of
days and that I was to do it. Their intention was to embarrass me in
front of the guests, public and the media. Honestly I didn’t have an
idea of what to do. The First lady was accompanied by the then
Cabinet Secretary for Health Mr. James Macharia, the Nairobi
Governor Evans Kidero, Senator Mike Sonko and US Ambassador to
Kenya Mr. Godec among other senior guests and while they were
waiting for my presentation. I told God to take charge and am not sure
what I said in the introduction but they all smiled and eagerly and
expectantly looked at me concentrating on the presentation which
looked very interesting to them by the look of their face expressions
and nodding of heads.
Behind the Scenes
The first lady greeted me severally and said that I was passionate and
an Ambassador of Safety. It just didn’t happen, behind the scene God
was preparing that moment for me to rise towards my great destiny. If
Felix and Ann made the presentation, I could not have experienced
such a moment in life. That is where the title Ambassador started and
was later used in a lot of other forums. Nothing just happens, even that
rejection, frustration, set back and embarrassing moment is not meant
to harm you.
I know of a Pastor who was dearly loved by people. He had a pretty
wife and were adored marriage counselors. They mentored a lot of
people, supported a lot of people towards their marriage and were best
couple to many. One thing they lacked was a child of their own. Years
and years they lived praying and fasting for a child until they gave up.
They accepted the fact that they didn’t have and couldn’t get a child,
adjusted by loving one another regardless of the lack, concentrated on
helping others fulfill their dreams and advanced by adopting a young
boy from a children’s home. This was a cute boy and they really
treasured him. After a while, the Pastor died and the widow was very
discouraged. Her pillar was this adopted young man who helped her
pull together the pieces and move on with the ministry. The man grew
to a very hardworking and adored gentleman, married and got three
beautiful and lovely kids. All these brought special joy to the widow.
One child was named after her and a boy named after the late Pastor.
Today the widow is a vibrant servant of God having immense support
from the son and family. She always travels with them and proudly says
that it was her God ordained family and reason for her living. She had
to accept, adjust and advance and behind the scene God was sewing a
garment of honor and praise for her. She is invited to a lot of forums
to either receive gifts or witness crowning of her son, daughter in law
or grandchildren.
Whenever you are in such a situation of hurt, loss, pain, misfortune or
misery, just accept, adjust, advance and let God take control for His
glory. It is not a surprise to Him what you are going through. His
intentions are right and to your favor. Nothing just happens.
Sometimes our plans may be interrupted because God has somebody
He wants us to touch or something special He wants us to do.
Countless times we don’t even realize such “behind the scenes” events are
Behind the Scenes
happening, but God is using us. Sometimes as a football player, you
may feel disappointed that the coach did not put you in the starting
lineup, but your 25 minutes play towards the end of the game might be
the ultimate energy that the team will need to get that crucial goal to
guarantee them three points and a win. You could be the custodian of
the last minute finishing stamina behind the scene.
God has His way of surprising you and ensuring that you have a
testimony, witness a miracle and learn
a lesson and experience which will
make you acknowledge that He Has
done it for you and glory go to Him.
You will use this experience to
encourage others tomorrow and it will
be very sweet as you will have risen to
great heights of blessings and
If God would reveal to you what He was preparing for you behind the
scenes, you would be amazed. He is not yet over with you, just as He
was with Joseph even to the pit and prison, was with David when he
was an ordinary shepherd and was with Joshua when he was just a
subordinate staff of Moses. Your better days are ahead, what you have
been going through is not meant for your harm but its God working
behind the scene on you, for you, with you and around you for your
Sometimes nature and circumstances of life do not give us what we
want at the moment but what we need to get what we want at the
appointed time. Things unfold step by step, from a grain to a tree and
we must never assume the seed in us. The position we are today is a
unit and a subset of where we ought to be. It is part of the dots that
will be connected towards our destiny so must not be disillusioned by
these dots which looks like they may not grow to much.
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work
begin…" Zechariah 4:10
Our creator has plotted and architected our life and destiny and He
bring situations, circumstances, people and events in our lives with
clear and good intentions. Nothing that happens in our lives is a
surprise to God. He bring them to shape our destiny, to help us be
“We must never be
afraid to go too far, for
success lies just
Marcel Proust
Behind the Scenes
equipped with the virtues, the lessons and experiences that will work
together to take us to our serving our purpose on earth and His
purpose over our lives and His Kingdom for eternity.
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love
God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28.
When things happen in our lives that seem negative and discouraging,
we should always know that God never have any evil plans over our
lives. Heavy rainfall doesn’t necessarily mean distraction neither is a
long dry spell or drought. Sometimes it’s through these tough times
and seasons that we develop ideas, strategies, experiences, learn lessons
and plot policies that gives us a great future and hope. Most of the
great people we see, the legacies we celebrate, the heroes and heroines
we recognize had to identify and face a challenge in life and it is
through their endurance that we see what we see in them, and celebrate
their pursuits and achievements. If Prof. Wangari Maathai did not go
through the hard time of defending the environment, she could not be
in the history books. The defining moment of her life was in the tough
and painful moments she went through that shaped her destiny, legacy
and Nobel recognition. Nothing just happens. God does not waste an
experience, He does not make idle introduction.
Nearly all musicians and other categories of people to go through a
bruising experience, enduring and persevering with a lot of patience
and today we know them by their names and achievements, not by
their toils, sweat and pain.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah29:11)
In your pursuit for your life’s purpose, in your determination to add
value to life and in your efforts to leave a legacy that will stand times
eternal, God will give you the grace, the ability and divine connections
to take you to your destiny. Things will be tough but God has
promised to take you through it.
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the
rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be
burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” (Isaiah 43:2.)
Behind the scenes God is seeing, hearing and concerned by your life
just as He was behind the scene following up on the case of the
Behind the Scenes
“The LORD said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people. I have heard them crying
out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. I am coming to
deliver them.” (Exodus 3:7).
When your purpose and value systems are aligned with the will and
plan of God, you just need to be strong and courageous in your
“You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the
deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.” 2
(Chronicles 20:17.)
God will take you through every stage of your pursuit of your purpose.
Sometimes His hand doesn’t seem visible and many are the times we
feel like His presence is far away and that He doesn’t care but the Bible
clearly tells us that before we were formed in our mothers’ wombs, He
knew and predestined us.
“The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you
and watch over you.” (Psalms 32:8)
I would like to briefly share about a guy I greatly admire. Tyler Perry
had a rough childhood. He was physically and sexually abused growing
up, got kicked out of high school, and tried to commit suicide twice-
once as a teen and again at 22. At the age of 23 he moved to Atlanta
and took up odd jobs as he started working on his stage career.
In 1992 he wrote, produced, and featured in his first theater
production, I Know I’ve Been Changed, somewhat informed by his difficult
upbringing. Perry put all his savings into the show and it failed
miserably; the run lasted just one weekend and only 30 people came to
watch. He kept up with the production, working more odd jobs and
often slept in his car. Six years later, Perry finally broke through when,
on its seventh run, the show became a success. He’s since gone on to
have an extremely successful career as a director, writer, and actor. In
fact, Perry was named Forbes’ highest paid man in entertainment
industry in the year 2011. Nothing just happens. He went through a
challenging childhood but later he rose to greatness. Nothing could
stop him.
When you are inconvenienced, and things don’t go your way, don’t
give in to the temptation to get bent out of shape. Not only is it going
Behind the Scenes
to cause you problems, but it also may prevent God from using you in
the way He really wants to. Stand firm, behind the scene the invisible
hand of God is in control. He is binding and sewing up things in place
on your favor.
We need to embrace faith and patience. It is hope that keeps us going
and we have to trust God’s leading. In most cases, events unfold step
by step, phase by phase and incident by incident and you have to
understand that one phase leads to other. When going up a storey
building, you go up step by step, and every stair matters. God wants us
to live in balance. In life, everything doesn't happen all at once. All of
our dreams, desires, and goals aren't fulfilled instantly; it happens a
little bit at a time. You grow one step at a time. You increase little by
little. You strengthen your marriage a little bit at a time. You lose
weight gradually over time. You get healthy one choice at a time. You
pay your debt off a little at a time. The scripture states that, "With God,
all things are possible" but notice that it doesn't say, "With God, everything
happens instantaneously." Yes, we do serve a God of miracles. We should
look for Him to act on our behalf but we should also do our part to be
"The hand of the diligent will rule." (Hebrews 6:12) "through faith and patience, we
inherit His promises." (Proverbs 12:24).
When I came to Nairobi and was living along Thika Superhighway, I
joined a church congregation from the same church I fellowshipped
back at home but six months later, I was feeling like stranger and it is at
this time that I decided to look for another church. One Saturday
morning while taking a walk around Githurai 44, I met David Karuri
who was my primary school peer and church mate in my home
Church. We had a long discussion since we had not met for a couple of
years. We discussed church matters and he also narrated to me his
empty experience in the Church I had just left. He like me felt empty
and spiritual stagnation for several months. He then relocated to his
current vibrant church where he was enjoying the fellowship. He
invited me to attend in the following Sunday of which I obliged. I
went there and sure enough I felt at home with the congregation there.
On that Sunday, something happened. A group of young ladies known
as Rhema worshippers were given a chance to present and as they were
Behind the Scenes
singing a glorious song, I noticed one beautiful lady amongst the team
and I had an inner conviction that she was the way my future wife
should look like. Her name was Keziah. She was very pretty that after
that service, my mind was thinking about her every moment. In three
Sundays time, we were friends and three months later, I proposed to
her and by the end of one year we had a colorful wedding. She is my
beautiful wife, mother of my kids that I love very much. Behind the
scenes, God had prepared a wife for me in a different church and I was
to get bored, meet David to invite me into a different church to get my
partner there. It just didn’t happen. I was to change my location of
worship to meet with my partner. We had to meet with David to stir
me up to get out of my comfort zone.
My friend, God is in the business of coloring your destiny. He is
behind the scene working on your case and yours will be a delightful
future. Learn to follow His Lordship, His direction.
While pursuing my undergraduate education, I had an opportunity to
work with Equity bank a chance that helped me raise school fees and
money for other projects. It was at the end of the semester and every
one was clearing their hostel to go home. I didn’t have cash to pay for
transport to go home and was waiting for my friend Mash to send
some money. I was forced to seek accommodation from a friend who
was staying at a private residence around the university since every
student had to leave the hostels. Incidentally, that evening, a notice was
mounted outside the dean of student’s office of a paid internship
opportunity for those clearing their fourth year. I had just cleared my
second year and immediately I applied for the internship opportunity. I
had not met the minimum qualification but because almost all the
students had travelled home, everyone who applied got the chance and
I was one of them. Two days later we went for training in Eldoret town
and we were paid for the days we attended the training. This gave me
fare to go home and some pocket money to help me report at Nakuru
Gate House branch where I was posted. It just didn’t happen, God
allowed me not to have fare and so was left behind for me to get the
internship opportunity which would later connect me to a lot of other
opportunities, people as well as get money to pay for the subsequent
semesters as well as help my parents.
God will always give you an inner conviction to do something.
Sometimes He will use people, sometimes it’s a delay to avoid
Behind the Scenes
destruction, sometimes a loss to get something better, and sometimes
He will take you through a painful experience to put a ministry in you.
Sometimes you will lose a child or experience death for God to prepare
you to be encouraging other people who are on the same path. Don’t
ask yourself why He chose you to follow that path, who did you want
to go through it? You are the right candidate and all through He has
been working on you behind the scenes and His grace is sufficient.
Nothing just happens! It is at the time plan of God. He allows you to
lose a job to establish your own firm and entity that will solve a
problem for the community around and employ many. He can allow
you to face a break up in the engagement to avoid a broken marriage.
He can make you miss a boda boda ride to experience a Mercedes ride.
God can allow you to miss enrolment in to the university to get a full
scholarship to pursue your dream career in your dream country. He can
allow you to miss that promotion into a supervisor for you to become
a manager. He can make you not excel academically but successfully
flourish in business to employ professors and other intellectuals to
manage your ventures. Trust and obey Him.
Be strong and of good courage my friend, the Lord loves you and will
never give up on you. He is working behind the scenes in your favor
and greater is your destiny. Nothing just happens. What you see around
and in your life is not a surprise to God. He is joining the dots together
and you will look back and declare that surely His hand was with you
all this time. He sees the end from the beginning. He is the Alpha and
Omega. Your time of uncommon harvest is at the corner but you have
to be a little bit patient and have a little moment of faith as He finalize
on you. You are blessed and highly favored and it is well with you.
I can’t finish this without sharing about a caterpillar and butterfly.
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening
appeared, he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it
struggled to force its body through that little hole.
Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had
gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. Then the man
decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped
off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily.
But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man
continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any
Behind the Scenes
moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the
body, which would contract in time. Neither happened. In fact, the
butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body
and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.
What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that
the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get
through the tiny opening were God’s way of forcing fluid from the
body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight
once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are
exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our
life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as
strong as what we could have been. And we could never fly.
Nothing just happens. God is working behind the scene on that
situation and at the fullness of time and in His appointed time He will
make everything beautiful.
Behind the Scenes
Chapter 3
ur God has a way of preparing people to help us reach our
destiny. Some of these people are destiny carriers, destiny
shapers, destiny connectors, and divine connectors. Mostly
He will use the people we list expect and in most cases they
are those we disregard and wish away. It’s easy to focus on others’ faults
and what we would like to change about them. But, God is the one that
put the talents, creativity and strengths into each person.
I remember when I got the idea to launch the Nairobi Safety Shop, I
had prepared everything on paper; design of the shop, items to stock,
contents for the website, searched and preserved the name and my
mind was set for it. One Sunday afternoon I attended a medical camp
committee meeting at Deliverance Church Githurai 45 where I had
been invited to advise them on how to set up a medical camp. At the
meeting I met a gentleman called Richardson Ndege who was
representing a company known as Lochlabs Ltd. I was there in the
capacity of the Director Makinika Afrika and was to partner with the
church in setting up the camp. After the long meeting, I left and behind
me was Richard who left the meeting unsatisfied. We walked together
getting to share about ourselves. After about a 25 minutes introduction
and having asked me about what I do, we got so much connected and
he said that he would support the Makinika Afrika dream by making it’s
website for free. This was amazing and a great miracle. Months later
after completing the website he committed to even do the Nairobi
Behind the Scenes
Safety Shop website. This was God using him to launch me to the next
level and honestly after he did the two
website the companies grew
unanimously as I used the sites for
online marketing.
You see, God set up a forum where He
would later introduce me to Richard to
be my destiny connector and in his heart
He placed the heart and grace to help
me. Today am so greatful for what he
did for me.
After the websites were set and had started getting some few orders and
training opportunities, there was a need for an office and shop. I trusted
God for a shop at the Central Business District (CBD) Nairobi and as
you know this is expensive.
I had earlier on I connected with my Lawyer Sir. Nyoro and so when I
hinted to him that I was planning to establish a company, he offered to
do registration without any legal fee as a way to support me. This was
great news and I do thank God for him. Apart from that, he offered
me his office to be using it and was willing even to partition it to create
room for Safety shop stock. Remember he was doing this for free. The
office was at Parliament Road in Nairobi and this is a great offer.
All this time I was committed to prayers trusting God for a great break
through. In our church there is a room on the first floor that was meant
to be used as a studio but was vacant and I was using it as a power
room. Several days in a week I could get in that room with a notebook
and pen and would discuss a lot of issues with God, sometimes writing
two pages of the deliberation.
I had an idea of acquiring a bank loan but when I approached two banks
which I had an account with they rejected my request.
One afternoon after conducting prayers at the upper room, I had a
conviction to contact a friend and share with him my plan to launch a
Safety Shop. I called the friend and we met for a cup of coffee at
Stanmatt café. After sharing about my dream, he said that he had
admired my passion in safety and had been desiring to partner with me.
He asked me the budget I had to establish the shop and when I
“What the mind can
conceive and believe,
the mind can achieve."
Napoleon Hill

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  • 1. 1
  • 2. Behind the Scenes 2 BEHIND THE SCENES Whatever you are going through is not a surprise to God. You are work in progress and God is working at the background fixing your case and setting your stage
  • 4. Behind the Scenes 4 BEHIND THE SCENES Kenya Copyright © 2018 by Theword Bookstores Publishers. Requests for information should be addressed to: Ambassador Steve Mbugua. P.O. Box 12092-00400 - Nairobi - Kenya Tel. No. (254) 724036078 Email: Layout and design by Theword Bookstore Publishers. Theword Printing Press. Email: Cell phone (+254)723335887. P.O Box 59119-00100 - NAIROBI, KENYA © 2018, Ambassador Steve Mbugua. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, are from the New King James Version (NKJV), © 1979, 1980, 1982, 1984 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible. Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are from the New American Standard Bible®, NASB ®, © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1988.
  • 5. Behind the Scenes 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude to my most merciful God for always working behind the scenes in my life. My dearest and patient wife Kezia Mbugua, you are the rock of my life. You are the best in this life, I thank God for you. Your support in this assignment is beyond measure. You have been a blessing every step of the way. To my gracious daughter Zannet Mbugua and son Israel Bryton Mbugua; thank you for always believing in me. You bring me tremendous joy and you are such a blessing. God bless you. I thank all my spiritual sons and daughters who have undergone my mentorship programs. You all inspire me to do more. I also want to thank the wider circle of faithful family and friends whose encouragement and gifts of wisdom gave this story its life. I owe a debt of gratitude to my father, mother and siblings. I thank all my mentors and Pastors, this work is not just the great achievement of one person but of many. It is with that in mind that I realize the words inside this pages are inspired by many. The prayers of others made this come true. I thank Wycliffe Mije for working tirelessly on this book to make the dream come true. I want to thank all that have helped me in many unexplainable ways. You inspired me to think on paper. Once again I thank God through His grace I have this book for you and to His Glory.
  • 6. Behind the Scenes 6 DEDICATION This book is dedicated to every one going through any hardship and stagnation. This is for you. To let you know that God is at work Behind the Scenes to make you perfect and blessed. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • 7. Behind the Scenes 7 CONTENTS Acknowledgment 3 Dedication 4 Introduction 6 Chapter 1: God is working Behind the Scenes 7 Chapter 2: Nothing Just Happens 31 Chapter 3: God doesn’t Make Idle Introduction 46 Chapter 4: The Secret of Gratitude 58 Chapter 5: When we are the Answer to someone’s prayer 65 Chapter 6: Let God take the Steering Wheel 78 Chapter 7: The Power of a Positive Attitude 88 Chapter 8: The Power of Creativity 101 Chapter 9: Face your Fears, Procrastination and be Free 105 Chapter 10: Take full responsibility of your Life 112 Chapter 11: Don’t give up suddenly a Shift is Coming 116 Chapter 12: Divine Encounters 126 Chapter 13: God is not yet over with You 137 About The Author 150
  • 8. Behind the Scenes 8 INTRODUCTION his book is an inspiration that came to me years ago, one Saturday evening while seated at Huruma Grounds in Eldoret. I had countless hard questions in my mind about life, because of many years of living in reproach, suffering, and lack, being despised, molested and stuck in the league of the less fortunate. I had a deep desire to break this yoke and change the trend, so that I could live a fruitful life as I pursue my purpose. Instead, I found myself going round and round in Eldoret town from morning to evening meditating and asking myself dozens of questions. Why am I always a victim of circumstances? Occasionally walking from disaster to catastrophe, crawling from a trench into a pit, wading from stormy seas to shark attack. Whenever something good occurred two bad things would miraculously follow. I have been wondering, why bad things happen to good people and why sometimes life seems to be very brutal and unfair to others. It is through many inquisitive days and hours without getting answers, that I came to the conclusion that; “God is working behind the scenes in my favour.” This is the genesis of the tittle of this book. Since that time I have been recording my life’s experiences. By the grace of God, His invisible hand lifted and shifted me from a street boy to dining table with Kings. He mercifully lifted me from being the dullest pupil in class to a Pure Economics university graduate. I can’t believe it to date. He changed me from a stammerer to a motivational speaker, coach and instructor of thousands. He plucked me from a hawker selling stolen onions on the streets to owning group of companies. He elevated me from the level of handling coins to millions, and sure enough from grace to glory. This is a collection of thrills, episodes and incidents that will make you realize that God can change your situation in a mighty way that will perplex you. You could be a widow, single mother, disabled, having a chronic illness, taken years without getting a marriage partner or you have tried everything but it failed. You might be at the point of giving up. Just know that like the snake of bronze, God will lift up and restore you as a testimony to others going through similar situations. When they look at you they will be encouraged and healed. Am writing this book to unfold this misery and will take you through scenes, events, case studies, thrilling and real life testimonies with virtues that will help you appreciate and understand the workings of God. The book will give you insights and a picture of how God works behind the scenes. T
  • 9. Behind the Scenes 9 Chapter 1 GOD IS WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES y friend, we all go through moments of anxiety, uncertainty, fear of unknown and challenges of life giving us a fix, and making us feel like all the forces of nature are working against us and ready to give us a technical knockout. You may sometimes feel as if life is pulling back a trigger aiming at your head ready to release the bullet. You may have a clear and compelling vision, that is so flawless and sure, you know very well that if you achieve it, your life will instantly take a complete turnaround to usher your success. However, between your current state and the vision, issues, situations and disappointments seem to be ganging against your dreams. God allows different scenarios to happen, so that you can learn vital lessons and acquire experiences that will be very fundamental to achieving your visions effectively. He is working behind the scenes in your favor. He is crafting and welding things together with your best interests at heart. Sometimes, we feel like we are pressed against a rough and thick wall and all hope is gone. But later, we say that God made a way. Why? Because it was not a surprise to Him. Every person regardless of tribe, race or gender go through situations at a point in life, many times not pleasant and with no definite ending. We all go through things in life that we don’t understand. But, did you know that God uses the dark spots in our lives as part of His divine plan? Do you know that God order our steps and destinies. Behind the scenes He knits things, experiences, divine connections and provisions to make us be what He intended us to be and where He wants us to be. M
  • 10. Behind the Scenes 10 Take a journey through the scriptures and see how countless people that did anything great went through a dark place! But developed new potential in that valley. All the celebrities in the Bible had to go through some situations that later gave them the heroic status. Look at the lives of Joseph, David, Moses, Jesus, Paul, Abraham, Ruth among others, went through the valley of darkness where God was preparing them for the task ahead. The dark places are where you really grow. Just like inside the womb where your body organs and systems are knit together to make a human being that has five senses and functional organs. For a seed to germinate and grow, it has to be buried under the soil, ‘die’ and later shoot to become a magnificent plant. You are work in progress being prepared to shoot up. For a case study to exist it has to face the test of time and later becomes a blue print and bench mark. When tough times come, they prepare you for the greatness ahead so that other greats will look up to. Sometimes looking at the nature, some features are very captivating but when the government or an investor want to put up a structure or infrastructure there, the same rather beautiful ground on its comfort zone suffer massive breaking and excavation but the end product gives it worth, value and more recognition. Look at the Standard Gauge Railway, Thika Superhighway, Northern Corridor, Two Rivers Mall among other grounds that were calm in their comfort zone but later a time came when they had to go through a rough excavation to be the valuable structures they are today. It is during the time of the wilderness and darkness that God prepares you. That’s where your character is developed; that’s when you learn to trust, endure and persevere. It’s where your spiritual muscles get stronger. Just like the great national projects were developed. God dealt with the spiritual heroes who were there before us, these moments of “Every great man, every successful man, no matter what the field of endeavor, has known the magic that lies in these words: Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit." W. Clement Stone.
  • 11. Behind the Scenes 11 excavation in our lives are because of the huge projects in His hands. Take a new look when facing dark times and discover the God-given growth and potential inside of you that you never knew existed, learn about the plan and purpose of the valley and trials. If these spiritual heroes did not go through these tough preparation times, they could not have achieved the privilege and status of their names inscribed in the Holy Bible. My friend, you may be going through a situation in life that could be making you feel like God is so far from you, and, probably feeling like He is not fair to you. It is work in progress. Just know that the situation is not meant to finish you, but give you a great experience and testimony just like the experience that King David acquired when he faced the bear, the lion and Goliath before being crowned the King. Our God is a God of abundance and His intentions for you are to make you prosper and live a hopeful, fruitful and victorious life. He is working behind the scenes on your behalf and for your good. Every person always desires to do something that will make someone else happy and be appreciated. Unfortunately, most of us do not know how, when and what to do even though we always have a lot of opportunities to serve mankind. Sometimes God will prepare us for this using a very unfamiliar path so that we acquire crucial skills, experiences and character formation for the tasks He wants us to perfume in the future. In this book I share some of lessons I have learnt in my walk with God and the development of my quest for lifesaving. God prepared me in the wilderness through the hardest experience to have compassion as my mission and service to mankind as a culture. At a very early age in primary school I always desired to do good to people and save lives that is why I joined scouting club. I actually wanted to be a doctor one day to save lives. I was brought up in a very humble poverty stricken family that was punctuated by going to school in a torn short trousers exposing all your body parts because my parents cannot afford a needle and thread to stitch it up. I understand what it means going to school bare footed from Monday to Friday, and also attending the Church service on Sunday barefoot, because you cannot afford a pair of shoes. At some point later on, I received a donation of plastic shoes commonly known as Sandak. They were however not my size, but the excitement pushed me to put them on despite the size
  • 12. Behind the Scenes 12 causing injuries on my feet; the value attached to them could only allow me to wear them only on Christmas or a very special occasion. I know what it means to sleep hungry because the only little flour available is saved to prepare a little porridge for the children. In Kamurunyu Primary School I endured by the grace of God. After the end year exams boys would fight to score personal vendetta commonly known as kufunga na wewe (Closing with you), but due to malnutrition, I was very weak and would loose all the fights including in two cases where my opponent were girls. I was also a stammerer and all these extremely affected my self- esteem and my academic performance. I was easily found on the bottom of the class merit list. Upon completion of my primary school education, I could not get any admission to secondary school, because my performance was below the required mark for high school admission and this shuttered and dimmed my dreams to continue with education. However, there was a concerned neighbor who decided to intervene on my behalf and by the grace of God I was given two schools to choose from; Jemus Academy or Bavuni Secondary School. My parents didn’t have the money to buy uniform and other requirements, so I decide to scavenge on people’s maize farms collecting maize left overs, which was accidentally left during and after harvesting called Kereiyo. I was able to sell the maize collection and got little money. I then went to Wanguhu Market where I bought a mix and match for my school uniform. In the middle of the term, however late, I was able to join Bavuni secondary school. I was behind the school schedule, despite the fact that I had also scored 0% in Mathematics and was always last in class. When I joined my secondary school, everything was late, even fellow form one students took advantage of bullying me since I could not “The difficulties and struggles of today are but the price we must pay for the accomplishments and victories of tomorrow.” William Boetcker
  • 13. Behind the Scenes 13 distinguish who was of my level and my senior, this really affected my self-esteem. A lot of times, I didn’t take breakfast from home because there was none and I also missed lunch in school because I didn’t have a meal card. It was not easy at all. My class performance was still low, and my best score in Physics was 16% and 32% in Mathematics. To be able to get a meal in school, I would collude with the kitchen staffs and help them clean the big cooking pans (sufuria) and also help them fetch water from a nearby well. This gave me access to a plate of left over at lunch time and in the evening meal before going home. I remember a gentleman called Ouko who was always on my side and as a prefect he intervened for me in a lot of ways. May God bless him. In pursuit of trying to fit in school, I joined a bad group of drug users and this is where my life started taking a new twist. We could get out of the school compound through the fence or panya routes and get involved in petty crimes and gradually I graduated into a criminal. Today as you read this book, eight members of this group died. Two of them became touts and died in road accidents, one was found murdered along the road, two died of HIV/Aids, one committed suicide and the others died in unclear circumstances. I thank that God I am alive to give this testimony. I worked as a casual worker in almost all the farms in Murunyu area, for us to be guaranteed of a meal, we had to be given maize, beans and potatoes by some families and in exchange my mother, brother and I would spend days in their farms cultivating their lands. When I joined form two at Bavuni Secondary School which is in Nakuru, I was suspended because of lack of school fees, poor performance and engaging in drugs. My academic performance was poor since I was always at the tail in class. So I became a street boy for four years in Nakuru town. When I joined the streets, I was trying to learn the game and soon or later I got into serious crimes. One of my aunt who was a vegetable hawker selling tomatoes by the road sides, tried her level best to tame me by involving me in her business but I was untamable. I hang around Clubs like Coco Savanah, Taidy’s and Dimples, these were my den every Wednesday (Ladies night), Friday night and Sunday Jam session and with time my life was corrupted. Drug use and a careless attitude made my life to seriously change and I started robbery,
  • 14. Behind the Scenes 14 pickpocketing and other serious crimes. Am sorry for all the people I robbed off their phones, money and properties. It is in the streets that I learnt the value of humanity through being compelled to attend to many injured colleagues and street families (Chokoras) and sometimes others involved in hit and run road accidents, mugged, assaulted, gunshot wounds etc. This made me desire more to be an emergency doctor as I was handling a lot of very severe cases. After four years of life on the streets, the day a bright Sunday morning of the 3rd August 2003 a guy by the name Joseph Maina invited me to Deliverance Church Murunyu promising me that there were beautiful girls there and so that morning I showed up with a motive to conquer a girl for myself. The sermon from the book of Isaiah60:1; Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. For behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you, and His glory will appear over you.… Rev. Elijah Maina Mwangi guided by the inspiration from the Holy Spirit preached about second chance and how my life would turn around. My time to arise and shine came on this very day. I became born again and gave my life to Christ, from that day and my perspective of life changed. I connected with friends like Mash, Dadson, Mose, Martin, and Mum Mama Kiarie among others and they helped me grow spiritually. I went through new converts classes, baptism classes and was later baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit and now there was a new me, with a changed perspective, mindset and elevated faith. I knew I was now a new person and committed to be a man of faith and one thing that I purposed to do was go back to school and pursue my dreams. Salvation really changed my life and my faith elevated. When I made the decision to go to school, I reconciled with my parents, shaved the “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas Edison
  • 15. Behind the Scenes 15 deadlocks, set my mind ready for school. My parents were still not able to pay school fees and so I had to do some manual work, saved five thousand Kenya shillings which I used three thousands to buy uniform and left with two thousand to enroll with. Let me share with you how faith operated. I made a decision to join Anestar Secondary School in form two, bear in mind that I had stopped schooling four years ago just after form one. I was from the streets and so it was not obvious that any institution would accept me. I bought the school uniforms by faith and informed my parents that I would be joining Anestar Secondary School, even though I had not even done any inquiry from the school itself. Therefore I went to the school and met with the Madam Principal to share my story and request. By the grace of God and after sharing my story she was persuaded and allowed me to join the school in form two, without even sitting for any interview or exams. That was a miracle. I paid the two thousand shillings that I had and left the rest to God. The people who knew me were astonished by how this criminal changed all over sudden and went back to school and rumors about my past spread around the school like a wild fire. All students would stare at me wondering what the hell I was doing in school. Just to take you back; the best Physics score I ever got was 16%, Mathematics 32% and Biology 24%, went to the street, had my head intoxicated with drugs, sniffed glue joined a criminal gang, crime etc. You can guess what was waiting for me ahead but the hand of God was in control. That is where I started and every term I improved. I started from grade (D-) in first term and all the way up to form four and in final Secondary School Exams (KCSE) I scored (A-) and was the fourth best student. Look at this hand of God at work; all my life I was always the last person in class academically, went to the streets thus this would cause more effect on my literacy level but later God turns it around and I get admission in a public university to study degree in Pure Economics. It is at Anestar School where I met some great people who inspired me and planted the seed of compassion in me. I later became a school teacher before joining the University, where again found myself dealing with a lot of emergency cases including dormitories on fire, road accidents, medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, Asthma etc. It
  • 16. Behind the Scenes 16 was here that my desire to learn First Aid and Fire Safety was stirred up. When I joined Moi University, I became a member of several clubs like St John Ambulance, Counseling club, Karate club, Environmental club, Red Cross and Christian Union and all these touches lives in a way. I was straightaway nominated by Kenya RedCross Moi University Chapter to be the training coordinator in charge of all trainings like induction, First Aid, Blood drive, Humanitarian training, Disaster Management, HIV and Aids etc. St. John Ambulance also appointed me as a Sergeant in the Brigade wing and within months I became the regions Divisional Superintendent. It is here where I met very influential people like Abbas Gullet the Kenya Redcross Secretary General, Mr. Joe Wangendo the Founder and Executive Director of Blood link who later became my boss and others who are my closest mentors to date. It is in Moi University that I pursued advanced emergency response courses, ILS, ICS, Disaster Management, Fire Safety and later Training of Trainers with St. John Ambulance Sommerset United Kingdom and became an approved trainer. I also received an Award from the Deputy President Mr. William Ruto due to the fact that I had trained 10,000 people and responded to a minimum of 127 recorded incidents. My first major employer was St. John Ambulance as a first aid trainer where within three years I was promoted from Trainer, Training and Development Officer, Assistant Training Manager and later Training Manager. As a Training Manager I organized and conducted hundreds of trainings in East Africa and was also part of Government Committee designing several policies like the EMS, MCI, Fire and Disaster Management plan. I also participated in designing the Machakos County Emergency Response plan and training needs assessment for the County and the Kenyatta National Hospital Disaster Response plan. All police at Kiganjo Police Training College and General Service Unit (GSU) had their First Aid Certificate signed by me and had other great powers and privileges. I have also been hosted by several media stations such as QTV, Inooro, Family TV and Hope TV to discuss about safety. I have participated in different safety competitions and won, I have nurtured young emergency medical responders like Brian Ochieng who was with a
  • 17. Behind the Scenes 17 patient in an ambulance for 18hours, Brian Beuttah who was the best EMT in Kenya in 2014, Sam Okello who is one of the best EMT and trainer amongst others. I have trained the military, Presidential escorts, GSU, Recce group, Fire brigade first aiders etc. I have conducted safety advisory to companies like Delloitte, Crown paints, Brookside Ltd, Kapa Oils, Kenha, Central Bank, KPA, KRA, Safari Park Hotel Villa Rosa Kempiski, Alexander Forbes, USIU, Kenya Utalii College amongst others. When I got my first employment, I purposed that I would either work for three years or train 10,000 people whichever will come first then resign to start my own life changing initiatives and within three years I had achieved both and so I resigned and went to self-employment. Note, I was a street boy for four years, born a stammerer and was always the last student in class, and within few years all these changes had happened in my life. I started an initiative called Makinika Afrika doing free safety awareness through social media campaign, writing articles, visiting schools and churches and the public. We encourage young people to take part in humanitarian activities more so through the skills, talents, abilities and opportunities they have. How did you get the name Ambassador? You might be asking. The name Ambassador came from the First lady Margret Kenyatta and other people who found me very passionate doing free Boda Boda road safety awareness, schools safety awareness and in social media. I started the first World safety day event and World first aid day events in Kenya and this far am proud of the growth and commitment of different institutions towards these events. Am an Ambassador of safety and wellness, remember am not a trained medical Doctor but a trained Economist who had a passion for saving lives and building a culture of safety and wellness. Behind the scenes God orchestrated things, people, events and opportunities that made the dream come true. To date I have responded to more than 200 major emergencies in the country, done a research on factors that affects effective Fire incidents response in Kenya slums that later led to the Africa Fire mission team from America coming to Kenya to support Fire teams as well as Reasons why First Aid should be introduced in the Kenya primary school curriculum that connected me to the Kenya first lady and senior education experts. I launched the Nairobi Safety Shop
  • 18. Behind the Scenes 18 which is a one stop safety shop, the largest in Africa that provides solutions to all safety equipment and systems amongst other initiatives and programs. God allowed me to the streets to learn the value of humanity and service to mankind, allowed me to become a primary school teacher after form four before joining campus which helped me to become an effective instructor later, allowed me to join Kenya Redcross and St John Ambulance as a volunteer where I developed the passion, experience and exposure to help me become an Ambassador of Safety and wellness. All that time I was work in progress and the chief master planner was connecting the dots behind the scene. Our God is an extra ordinary master and even when we see like our lives amount to nothing just like how Joseph would have felt when he was thrown in the pit and also put in prison, He provides enough grace and behind the scenes, He craft everything to work together for good to be what He created us to be and serve His purpose. Don’t fear when you see like part of your life has a state of inadequacy. Joseph could have felt the same when he was thrown into a pit and prison but he was focused unto his dream and he was diligent wherever he found himself. There was sufficient grace for all the circumstances he found himself in and the hand of God was with him, he was work in progress. God was all that time preparing him for the tasks ahead in an extra ordinary way. God doesn’t provide almost enough, maybe enough or barely enough. He provides more than enough in every area of our lives. Enough grace, enough mercies, enough of His presence. There is no such thing as wasted time or opportunity to God. God does not waste an introduction neither does He waste an experience. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the lives of others and He will use you. Sometimes we may ask God for success, and He gives us physical and mental stamina. We might plead for prosperity, and we receive enlarged perspective and increased patience, or we petition for growth “I would rather attempt something great and fail than attempt to do nothing and succeed." Robert Schuller
  • 19. Behind the Scenes 19 and are blessed with the gift of grace. He may bestow upon us conviction and confidence as we strive to achieve worthy goals. He sees the end from the beginning and He gives us what we need to get what we want. In life, I have severally attempted to kill people, birds, hares, dogs etc. The most memorable occasion was in the year 2000, when I was attacked by a group of young crooks led by a very famous notorious guy from Lanet in Nakuru. When I was exchanging blows with them, one of them who was carrying a panga attacked me and by bad luck it landed on my left ear. It was a very painful experience and I had to have six stitches at Kabatini hospital to stop bleeding. The doctors told me that I must first report the incident at the Police Station, get a P3 form after which the treatment would commence. At the Police Station, the Officer in charge told me that my case was a suspicious criminal incident leading to an attack and he threatened to arrest me, and I was forced to run like a mad person from the Police Station before they could arrest me. I went back to the hospital and for about six hours I was there insisting that they must treat me. One compassionate nurse begged the others to have mercy on me and after persuading her counterparts they agreed. The injury had taken about 12 hours by now and for them to put stitches I had to undergo a very painful moment of scratching to remove the top dry skin to make it fresh. It was a real torture that I had to persevere. The pain was severe. After leaving the hospital several friends visited me and requested me to allow them revenge on my behalf but I couldn’t allow them but several days later I decided to do revenge....murder....eliminate him.....chop off his neck on my own… It was a Friday evening, I sharpened my panga, put on a heavy red puff jacket, my 4 wheels sandals and left to hunt him around 7pm, it was getting darker and so it was not possible to clearly see people from a far distance. Luckily while walking around PCEA Murunyu, I saw him coming towards my direction. He had not noticed anything. So I started positioning myself ready to cut off his neck and dump his body in River Muriundu next to St. Anthony secondary school. I was ready to eradicate the problem of continuous thefts, night attacks and hooliganism in the area perpetrated by him. Of course this was a great step for the community and I was about to solve a major community problem. When he was almost 20 meters to his death, a voice came to
  • 20. Behind the Scenes 20 me and told me that it was not the solution and it won’t solve the problem, instead I should forgive, forget and befriend him. This is not easy but I did exactly that. I greeted him and when he realized it was me, he started stammering but I said,"sina ubaya Ras, maze ulinikata joo lakini iza hayo yashapita. Wewe mind your life, uko na future, wewe ni msee strong and unaeza achieve much ukichange your character." I took a U turn and went back to Kwa Rugito. Note, I was not born again this time but Still God was behind the scenes shaping my character. He was amazed but rather confused and since then I have never seen him....rumours have it that he was killed some years later. Ever since that day, I developed a big heart, easy to forgive and I don’t keep grudges. My intention was revenge but God was behind the scene using the situation to teach me forgiveness and meekness for His kingdom’s sake. You see, God was preparing me for an assignment and I had to go through that painful experience to learn to forgive as well as a ground on how to encourage other people to forgive. The experience distorted my physical look and I had a good chance to revenge. What if I attacked him? What if I murdered him? What if I was arrested for murder or killed by mob justice? You know in the life that you are in, you are the starling. Life is a thriller movie and you are the main actor. The main actor never dies. They live a life of suspense and surprises. God is behind the scenes as the production director and knows how the story will end. Trust His direction. I was once attacked and beaten by mob justice at Mololine booking office Nakuru for pickpocketing with colleagues like Simbampala and others who later died... but am alive and kicking. Having survived, I now visit inmates at several prisons to give them hope. Some of them are robbers like I was. There was a time we robbed a muhindi shop around Pekars Plaza Nakuru and did some irrational stuff at different parts in the streets of Nakuru town and having our den at Bondeni Estate around the mosque area, where we would store stolen items. God ensured that I survived in all the criminal activities that I was involved in. Most of my colleagues didn’t live to tell the story but God allowed me to live to tell the robbers that He can transform them.
  • 21. Behind the Scenes 21 I was once kidnapped by some notorious youths at Mombasa village in Wanyororo village and one guy with his bloody knife decided that he would eliminate me from this world. So they took me into a dark room. One cool guy murmured to me and told me that I didn’t have chances of survival but he was doing everything possible to rescue me. He told me that the guy who had a bloody knife had killed his mother and had come to hide in that area and had also killed several people… here. God rescued me and when I gave my life to Christ these were some of the places we went for missions to preach the Gospel to them. In another strange incident, I was once kidnapped and taken to Menengai crater on a Saturday afternoon, was about to be slaughtered by some guys I have never known what they were up to, all my cash and phone had been taken away but again here I am...God softened their hearts and they allowed me to walk out of that crater. They even gave me back my sim card. How many people get kidnapped and never live to tell the story? He made it happen. In countless times I was used by drug dealers to transport them from Mombasa and Danger area to Nakuru town with my friend Majizee and Kajini, am here today...not distributing drugs but the love of Christ, the gospel of truth. I didn’t change the streets, the town or my parents but I changed myself, I changed my attitude and I changed my life. I realized to whom I belong and I chose to pledge my allegiance to the great I AM. We once held hostage a whole Changaa den at Greensteed area with colleagues, lots of shit happened, a group of local hooligans came and so we had two gangs fighting…what happened later is history. Though one lost his life, no stone was left unturned and it’s not inspiring to share the details here so allow me not to. The following day we decided with Kamau Kajini to go for a mission to teach one guy a lesson, he was a son of a tycoon in Nakuru and how we did it even action movies are not as effective and daring. I found myself going through an electric fence into the compound to fulfill a mission, some German shepherd dogs couldn’t believe there were strangers in the compound so they just cooperated and took us around. We traced his room amongst the “To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work." Sister Mary Lauretta
  • 22. Behind the Scenes 22 bungalows there, found our way in and right there at his bed where he was sleeping. He was speechless and couldn’t believe his eyes even though we had threatened to deal with here smiling by the grace of God. That’s just a quarter of a past misused but the good news is that today I use my feet to spread the love of Christ, the social media to share His goodness and my money, experience and energy to change lives. I gave up on the old me, I had let myself down. I realized that I owed myself an explanation and that if my life had to mean a thing, it is I to make it happen. In all these times, God was on the throne. He does not waste an experience. He allowed me to go through these dark valleys to prepare me for the task ahead. Task to rescue souls and saving lives. He was preparing me to write this for you to read and be inspired. Realizing where I belong and who holds my life inspired me to get motivation from Him, from His word, from the life’s manual and these are some of the Bible verses which have been inspiring me day by day. They give me a dose every moment I feel low. Isaiah 43:2 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." May the Lord use your past and current situation to impact and change lives. He doesn't waste an experience but you have to totally surrender unto Him. He doesn’t hate you, He loves you too much to allow you go through that experience because He knows what is good for you. He is working behind the scene, behind that loss, behind that trial, behind that tragedy and the end result will be glorious. That obstacle will thrust you to the next level. That obstacle is the gate way to your greatness. You will look back and say like me, “I thank God for having allowed me to go through that experience because it opened a way for me to the purpose full life I live today.”
  • 23. Behind the Scenes 23 Some years ago I had a lot of issues around my life involving financial constraints and there is this day that I was going home from our office but I didn’t have Bus fare of (Ksh40) to connect from Nairobi to home (Githurai 45). I walked all the way from Parliament Road to Ronald Ngala not sure what to do. My wife had just called informing me to buy food for dinner and some necessities for the baby. This increased my worry a great deal. While standing outside Nakumatt Supermarket at Ronald Ngala, a friend called me requesting that I visit them urgently for an urgent matter, more worries. It reached a point that I decided to talk to God to intervene and I found myself heading towards Afya Center not sure what was driving me. Fortunately I met with an old friend who was so happy to see me and he claimed that he has been reading my daily texts, tweets and Facebook posts and they have been touching and changed his life and he requested to share coffee with me but I didn’t take the offer so he gave me a 100 shilling note, answered prayer. Immediately I turned rejoicing and went straight to the bus stop and boarded a bus to Zimmerman to see the friend. When I arrived at their home, I received a warm welcome, had a long chat then they handed to me parcels with goodies and shopping and an envelope with several 1000 notes. I didn’t tell them my problem but God was working behind the scene on my favor. Yes, I almost gave up but God had not given up on me. I had felt like life was about to give me a technical knockout. I was powerless, I felt useless, I was embarrassed that working as a Training Manager in an international NGO I couldn’t afford transport to Githurai. God was preparing something behind the scenes. When I felt like I had reached at the end, His arm was stretching to hold and guide me. He was teaching me to trust and wait upon Him. He was preparing people behind the scene to meet my needs and the moment I purposed to let go the worry, embrace faith and trust for His provision, He stepped in. There was a time set for all of these to happen and at the appointed time, He made everything beautiful. God has an appointed time to fulfill the visions, dreams and desires in your heart. Just because it has taken a long time or because you’ve tried and failed doesn’t mean that it’s not going to happen. Don’t give up on
  • 24. Behind the Scenes 24 those dreams. Don’t be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. Don’t give up on God because He will never give up on you. Our God is a faithful God. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible things looks, if you’ll stay in faith, your appointed time is coming. God will use your enemies as your stepping stone, that condition that seems to push you down will be your way to your major breakthrough. The enemy will come into your thoughts trying to discourage you but this is the Goliath that God will use you to defeat and make you the King. Don't be intimidated, we grow in tough times and that's when our courage and faith grows. When the enemy puts you and pressure you, he prepares you to push you further with high pressure. Your boss may be intimidating you but it’s the Lord who is using him to push you ahead and your boss will be a witness. God will use your enemy to push you forward and soon you will say it was good that it happened, just the same way David said, “It is good Goliath came that I was promoted from a shepherd to a King and given the King's daughter to be my wife." God created you to be successful. Before the foundation of the world, He laid out an exact plan for your life. And in this plan, He has marked moments that are going to come across your path. These moments are not ordinary; they are destiny-altering moments. They are designed to thrust you years ahead. In the Book of Ecclesiastes we find that time and chance come together for every person. That means you’ll have opportunities to meet the right people, opportunities to advance in your career, and opportunities to fulfill your dreams. You will have chances to give and be a blessing, chances to seize opportunities, chances to lay a foundation for your destiny. God has already pre-arranged times of increase and blessings. You may not be seeing a lot of good breaks right now, but be encouraged because there are seasons of favor and increase marked for your future. There are God-ordained moments planned out for you. Don’t miss these moments by giving up. Don’t get distracted by your circumstances. Focus on removing the clutter from your life so you can hear His voice. You are much more than what your life is portraying right now. The Bible states that what we think about, we will become. When you think thoughts of success, victory, joy and peace, your life will be filled with
  • 25. Behind the Scenes 25 success, victory, joy and peace. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around you when the greater One lives in you. You are an overcomer through Christ. My friend, set your mind on victory and move forward into the victory He has for you. Change your mindset! Dream big! Think big! What you see is temporary, we serve a supernatural God, and you are not on your own, God is directing your steps and leading you towards the appointed time for your breakthrough. He is working behind the scenes on your case. Make a decision to change how you perceive those obstacles, those circumstances, that pain; that hurt break and be positive. Raise your faith and know that all your past failure, your past frustrations are actually laying the foundation of the greatness that awaits. That is the story that will attract the media be will be written on journals, it will be compiled on the bestselling books emanating from your current situation. Step up! As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9 NIV). God’s dream for your life is so extremely bigger than your own. He wants to bless you and enlarge your territory. His ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours, and His plan is so much bigger than we can imagine. Don’t allow the circumstances of life to drag your thoughts down. Choose God’s thoughts by meditating on His Word, because His ways and thoughts are far higher than ours. We need to connect with the mind of Christ. The Scripture declares that we should, “set your mind on things above.” Those “things above” are God’s thoughts and His ways. Having higher thoughts means thinking, “I am blessed and highly favored. I am holy, am more than a conqueror, I am the best there is, I am above only and not beneath. I am the head and not the tail. I am a victor, not a victim. I am righteous, and my path shines brighter and brighter to the full day!” When you allow those higher thoughts to fill your mind, they will direct your steps. You will see yourself as an overcomer and live the abundant life God has in store for you! And the Lord answered me;
  • 26. Behind the Scenes 26 “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end, it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:2 Even though the frustrations and setbacks seem strong as if they are meant to finish you, the mind of Christ is different. Just like the way He allowed the lion and the bear to attack sheep for David to attack and get the courage to fight and win, He is using those situations you have been in to equip you and give you the mastery so connect with His ways and mind. He is putting the right connections, the right experience, the right exposer, the right attitude, the right character on you behind the scene for you to be what He wants you to be. Don’t believe that lie that because things aren’t perfect, you can’t progress. The Lord will use what you are going through and in the process you will grow. Arise and Shine for your time to go an extra mile, beyond limits and enjoy a great overflow has come. I declare a great breakthrough, favor, divine idea, divine strategy, divine connection, divine provision and a new song in Jesus name. Remember, every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put it there. Not only that, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass. Hold on to that vision today and declare, “My time is coming. God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny!” As you hold on to your vision and speak life over your dreams, you’ll see them begin to take shape. You’ll see your faith grow; you’ll see your hope strengthen, and you’ll see yourself step into the appointed time God has for you! Are you going through a hard time? Maybe you recently lost your job, or you're dealing with a death in your family. Maybe you were involved in an accident and lost part of your body organs leading to disability. Maybe you were divorced by the person who meant life to you. Maybe you lost your husband. Maybe you lost your parents and is now a lonely orphan. Maybe you lost your job or your property, something you had special attachment with. Maybe you're just not sure anything good in life can happen to you. Whatever you're dealing with, I want you to know that you're not alone and something good can come from the tough spot you're in right now. Jesus experienced hard times too. The
  • 27. Behind the Scenes 27 road to the cross was no small matter. But He had to decide to go through it. He even asked God if it was really necessary. (But we know how this amazing love story ended.) Just like Jesus had to make a choice, you and I also have to decide to go through hard times. All things do work together for our good. When something doesn't happen the way we would like it to happen, we can believe God will work things out for good. It's the place we can always come back to in every kind of trial. Now this doesn't mean the trials are necessarily good, but God can work them out for our good because He is awesome. You have to be some kind of awesome God to be able to take bad things and turn them around for good. I have faced trials in life that even pushed me to have suicidal thoughts. Sometimes I felt like if I was given a chance to meet this God, I could have taught Him a lesson for allowing me through the storms. We love God and really want His will for our life, I think it's safe to say that we can trust Him to bring good from it, no matter what happens to us. Even if we have to take detours because of our own stupidity or if we're innocent but someone else gets involved and brings hurt and pain into our life, we can trust God to work it out. No person on earth and no devil in hell can keep you from God's will. Only you can. Everyone goes through seasons of difficulty and challenge in life. One of the enemy’s traps is to isolate you and convince you that you won’t make it. But God promises that He will deliver the righteous out of all of their afflictions. If you’re going through a tough time today, keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Declare His promises over your life. You are more than a conqueror through Him. The joy of the Lord is your strength. As you continue to stand, even during the difficult times, you can be assured that victory is on the way. It might be today, it might be next week, next month or next year, but God is faithful. Through faith and patience, you will inherit the promise. You will get beyond your difficulty, and you’ll increase in wisdom and strength and live the abundant life He has for you. “I've always tried to go one step past wherever people expected me to end up." Beverly Sills
  • 28. Behind the Scenes 28 What are you looking at today? Not in the natural, but with your spiritual eyes. Are you facing challenges? Don’t just look at your problems day in and day out. Lift up your eyes and look toward heaven. That is where our help comes from. That is where the holder of your life is. He is busy behind the scene working on your manuscript. In the natural, you will move in the direction that your eyes are looking. The same is true in the spiritual realm. If you are always looking at your problems, meditating on them, feeling sorry for yourself, telling everybody about them, you will become consumed by them. But when you look up, your life will start to move up. Occasionally God will take you through the fire, sometimes He’ll make you fire proof and sometimes you’ll need to be purified by the hot furnace. Just hold on to His will, God has the final say and you are coming out better and when you come out every one will see that favor is on you. When you keep your eyes on Jesus, it is a sign of your faith and expectancy. Faith is what gets God’s attention. When you have an attitude of faith and expectancy, you open the door for His power in your life. God is working behind the scene on your favor and have your best interest at heart, He has good plans for you and has written your names on His palm that He may not forget about you. My friend, your appointed time is coming, time to rejoice, to shift, to a rise and shine. It’s your time, your chance, your season! Some years ago I sent a tweet on my page and later a stranger emailed me sharing about how the tweet ministered to him on his hospital bed and he realized that the fire He was going through was for his good as he learnt lessons, learnt to trust in God and that He is able to encourage people going through emotional breakdown. Today, he is using the experience he got from that long period of illness to encourage people in hospitals. The message was about God giving you another chance; ‘At least there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail. Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant.’ (Job 14:7). Even though you see as if your life has been cut off and there is no hope, God will water the situation, your life and will sprout and will have new strong shoots. There is hope for you and it will not be
  • 29. Behind the Scenes 29 thwarted. God is working behind the scene on your favor, to water the situation. God is going to change your ashes for beauty, weeping may endure for this far but joy is around the corner. Maybe you are in the valley of disappointment and loneliness, which is not your final destination. Devine connection and provision is coming your way. You may be going through a tough time, hardship, and struggles and not being able to make the ends meet just like Joseph in the pit. You may not understand it but God allowed it, not that He could not take you out but wants to walk with you step by step and bring you out with great substance better off than you were before. You are destined to win. You will succeed in life. There will be road blocks, and obstacles will come, but it’s possible that you are going to make it. Behind the scene God is putting together the right people, right connections, and right resources for you. Keep pressing your way forward, have faith in God, your dream will come true. Too many are looking for instant gratification but know that not everything is going to happen the same time we want it to. Everything takes time. Still we must not give in or quit. It will happen. Remain patient while we learn the many facet in life, and even learn about ourselves and others. At the end of patience, endurance and perseverance are crucial lessons that we’ll use to reach our destiny. Don’t just sit there thinking about the magnitude of the problem, no, no, no! Stand firm and declare the magnitude of our God, start walking towards receiving the divine provision. Every day we must do something that will move us forward in the direction of our goals. Our consistent actions must also be positive and be in harmony with our thoughts. We must believe that our dreams, ideas, our goals are possible and also believe that we have what it takes to make them work in our favor. Write down each goal, surround ourselves with people that are supportive and be ready to take personal responsibility to make it happen. Don’t let the negativity be the catalyst for you to live distressed. Embrace courage and faith and beat all odds. In life, you may face bumps in the road. You may have had a lot of ups and downs, struggles in finances, or difficulties in relationships that have lasted year after year. You’re thinking, “Is it ever going to get easier? Is it ever going to change? Am I ever going to see a breakthrough?” The answer is YES. Because you keep abiding in Christ. He is the master of
  • 30. Behind the Scenes 30 restoration and redemption, you’re going to come into promotion, restoration and vindication where God not only lifts you up, but He is going to keep you up. We must have faith to believe that we already have whatever it is that we envision for ourselves in life. It is that kind of faith that will cause you and me to rise up from the hard times and begin to call things that have not yet come into existence as if they already did. Believe that there is a higher power who already know that our outcome is going to be successful. You have this promise that regardless of the fire, mountain and valleys you will still be standing because you are a child of the highest God. Face the problem. God want you to just be strong and courageous, to position yourself and stand firm then He’ll fight for you so keep moving, keep shinning, keep pushing until something happen. Jesus said in John 15, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you abide in Me, you will bear much fruit and your fruit will remain...apart from me you can do nothing.” Abide in your maker, your deliverer. He is behind the scene working it out for you. He is eternal God, an extra ordinary master who does things His way giving you suspense and surprises. Be a spectator of what He is doing on your life. He is good at that because He sees the end from the beginning. Probably you are in a tight place, feeling like you are at the appropriate place to give up, to throw up the towel. Be still and know that He is God. This is not your battle. All that you have to do is to be still because He is working it out for you. He is going to give you victory if you just believe it. He Has been fighting for me, even when my life seemed to have hit a rock, He was right just there saying, “Relax my son, am in control, be still and let me finish working on you for the assignment ahead requires serious preparation for you to live a purpose full life.” God is using that mountain to change you. He has anointed some hardships, He has anointed the storm, the mountain, and the fire and that darkness to change you and make you what He want you to be. That failure is part of your training before you get to your season. You are work in progress. You have been going through the preparation stage. He was pruning you to ensure you bear much fruits. God sees the end from the beginning but does not show us the middle. You have
  • 31. Behind the Scenes 31 to believe that regardless of the situation, behind the scenes God is at work and the outcome will be glorious. The assurance is that you will go through it. You will look back and see the great work He was working on behind the scene. I am the LORD. That is my name, and I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and I'm announcing the new things before they spring into being I'm telling you about them. (Isaiah 42:8-9) We often get discouraged and feel like giving up because things don’t turn out the way we anticipated. It is important that we look at the big picture and not let these temporary setbacks and hardships that make us lose focus on who is in control of guiding our life. A story is told of a little boy who was telling his Grandma how "everything" was going wrong. School, family problems, severe health problems, etc. Meanwhile, Grandma was baking a cake. She asked her grandson if he would like a snack, which, of course, he does. "Here, have some cooking oil." "Yuck" says the boy. "How about a couple raw eggs?" "Gross, Grandma!" "Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?" "Grandma, those are all yucky!" To which Grandma replied; "Yes, all those things seem bad by themselves, but when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake. God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!" Behind the scenes God is putting together the right ingredients in your life to bake the best cake ever. That pain, discouragement, pain, loss, death is one of the ingredient which is ‘yuck’ when taken alone but it’s going to be delicious if you chose to wait for the best baker to finish baking. Our God is a jealous God. He does not share glory. He laid that dream, that desire that wish, that vision in your heart and He expects you to fully and wholly trust in Him to fulfill it for His glory and so you have
  • 32. Behind the Scenes 32 to walk in that line of trust and obedience. Forget what has already happened and wait earnestly in faith for the new that He is doing. Behind the scene He is working on something new and it shall be so great that He is saying in the above verse that He is warning you in advance that when the great things happen- as they will, remember that He does not share glory. When God Has blessed you, don’t glorify your creativity, your networks, your hard work, your ability or what people did. It was God doing it behind the scene for you so all glory, honour, adoration and praise should be unto Him. Arise and Get Set for the new thing He is doing now!
  • 33. Behind the Scenes 33 Chapter 2 NOTHING JUST HAPPENS othing just happens. Everything happens with a reason and a purpose. Sometimes the delays, hiccups, struggles, setbacks and stagnations are all aligned on our paths with better things and outcomes attached to them. We should always set our minds and aspirations to positivity, hope and bigger and better expectations. It’s amazing how sometimes when we are committed to follow our ways that seems good that God deviates us to His way that might at the moment look ugly but later we realize it was to the best way. God often protects His people by leading them into situations of lesser comfort but greater dependence on Himself. He strategically places us in line with the destiny He Has put in store for us and not in our own way and plan but His. Joseph in the Bible might have asked himself a lot of Whys. He thought that the brothers and parents would celebrate his big dream but he ended up in a pit, naked. When they decided to sell him as a slave, they didn’t know that they were connecting him with his destiny. God had already prepared some slave traders from a far country and ordered them not only to pass right where they were throwing him in the pit but also sell him at Potiphar’s house. It just didn’t happen. Oftentimes, God will use our experiences in life as stepping stones to prepare us for what He has in store next. Scripture tells us that He’ll even take the things the enemy tries to bring against us and turn them around and use them for our good. He is always leading us on a journey of preparation. Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways. Sometimes God needs to shake us to wake us up. Without such wake up calls we will blindly fall onto the wrong N
  • 34. Behind the Scenes 34 path that leads to greater disappointment and ruin. We will not see it coming, because our will is in the way of His. But know this, God is there leading and protecting us, even when we do not see Him. And be warned if your will is in the way of His, He will light a fire under you to get you moving. If He didn't, it would show He does not love you. Just as a parent will discipline their child out of love. Problems will point us in a right direction if we surrender our will over to His. His love is there to motivate us and change us into the best path and plan, much better than we could ever come up with. God uses problems to lead you in the right direction. Is God trying to get your attention? Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways. That’s why it’s so important to keep our eyes focused on Him. We have to trust that when we are submitted to Him even if we don’t understand He is ordering our steps. If something is not happening on your timetable, remind yourself, “God knows what He is doing. He has my best interest at heart. God is preparing me.” While you’re waiting, don’t make the mistake of trying to figure everything out. If you’re constantly trying to figure things out, that will only frustrate you. Turn it over to God. Declare, “God, my times are in Your hands. I’m not going to worry because I trust that You are leading me on a journey of preparation for all the wonderful blessings You have in store for me.” All things work together for our good. Salt is bitter but it’s a core ingredient for any delicious meal. We all experience challenges that do not make sense. If you keep pressing forward, one day you'll look back and see how each setback played in God's master plan for your life. That’s simply one part of the puzzle, there will be another piece that connects it all and give it a significant and delightful outcome. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) NIV. One day I was desperate in the office after being frustrated by a couple of my colleagues. I went and closed the board room, knelt and started “It is in the small decisions you and I make every day that create our destiny." Anthony Robbins
  • 35. Behind the Scenes 35 praying asking God why everyone was against me. In that year I was given a target of Ksh 31.3M and by the eleventh month. I managed to raise Ksh. 37.4M yet still everyone was against me with no reason. The position I was serving had a lot of opportunities to be corrupt and get extra income even triple what I was earning but rather than utilizing the moment to be unethical I did everything possible to completely seal those gaps that no any staff would be able to practice corruption. After praying, I went back to the office and sat there. I started listening from within whether there was any conviction from above on what step to take. There were other staffs seated and discussing issues as it was around 4pm and so I was preparing to go home. A guy called Moses Macharia realized that I was sweating, had difficulty in breathing and was holding my chest and very fast he suspected that I was almost having a heart attack. He came and offered first aid to me and reassured me. After I was well, I asked myself why all this was happening but there was a voice telling me that I was about to step to another level. The experience of rejection that I was going through was to thrust me out of my comfort zone. It just didn’t happen that I was going through rejection but God was stirring me from my comfort zone to arise and serve my purpose. Some people were jobless out there because I was reluctant and not opening ventures that would hire them. Listening to the discussion from my colleagues, I heard Moses ask the other guys whether they knew of any one stop safety shop in Kenya. All of them said that they didn’t know of any. They went on discussing on how that could be a great investment and immediately at that point, the dream of Nairobi Safety Shop was hatched in me. I listened to all the ideas they were sharing and wrote them on my diary. I also at the same time searched more information on goggle concerning the largest safety equipment suppliers in the world. Today I am the founder and Director of Nairobi Safety shop with several millions returns per year and have employed several people. When I was going through rejection and frustration, behind the scene God was preparing people to share an idea amongst themselves for me to embrace and rise to greatness through it. It just didn’t happen that an ordinary discussion was taking place, no. It was an ordained and divine discussion that was to connect me to my destiny.
  • 36. Behind the Scenes 36 Everyone experiences adversity. It’s a part of life no one escapes. In fact, if you haven’t experienced adversity you haven’t lived long enough. When something unpleasant happens, often and we suffer. At times it's a mild inconvenience like a flat tire, a toothache, failing an exam, lack of school fees, a house girl running away, harsh boss, another car scratching yours from the back... Sometimes adversity is more severe like an illness or the death of a loved one. Or the car engine coughs rather than purrs, your house broken into, your premises catching fire and you lose everything, you lose a job, your fiancée leaves you. Things don't work out the way we hoped or planned; instead, we experience trials and tribulations. In the Old Testament, Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery with evil intent. Yet God used these misguided brothers to accomplish his purposes. He placed Joseph in high Egyptian office so Joseph could later save those very brothers from famine. It just didn’t happen that all these challenges faced Joseph and wasn’t a surprise to God, He was working behind the scene to ensure that he is at the position where he would save his family and the entire nation from famine. When Joseph realized this, he said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20). Joseph’s adversity demonstrates that not all of our trials are there to destroy and finish us; actually most of them are to help us accomplish the will of God in our lives. Job, too, experienced adversity; overwhelming, spirit-crushing adversity, none of it due to his disobedience. While it's possible to bring adversity upon ourselves by ignoring God's commands, it's also possible that many of the problems we face in our lives come upon us because we are being aligned in to our purpose and His will. We are in a in a journey and He allows us to go through the preparation stage to be effective in our calling. In the Book of Jeremiah 1:5, God says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." You and I are not accidental creature. We are here because God wanted us to exist and he has a purpose for us here. He also determines how long we'll be here.
  • 37. Behind the Scenes 37 Now if that is true, and it is, it stands to reason that what happens to us occurs within the sovereign purpose of God for our lives. There are no accidents. God's sovereign engagement in our lives includes the troubles we just escaped, the troubles we're in now, and the troubles we're about to be in. It is through the trials that Job went through that we read about him in the good book. His end up was glorious than His beginning. God tested Abraham’s faith and loyalty through telling him to sacrifice his only child and later he became the father of nations. It just didn’t happen; the hand of God was on the situation. Our lives might be Adversity Central, but God is walking right beside us. The Psalmist said, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me” (Psalm 23:4, KJV). God knows when we rise up and when we lay down. We belong to the Lord, and so does history itself. Our lives is not our own and so we don’t have full authority on the path our life will take. Behind the scene, God is preparing something for our good. It’s not a surprise to Him that we are going through a tough moment. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV). Whatever you are going through will soon become a great testimony and encouraging story because God is taking you through it. Am writing this book to unfold this misery and will take you through scenes, episodes, case studies, thrills, real life stories, testimonies and virtues that will help you appreciate His presence in your life behind the scene. When your plans don’t work out, don’t get negative and sour. Don’t start complaining, “I can’t believe this is happening to me. God, I just can’t afford this delay.” “This guy is taking too long to propose.” “This salary is never getting enough and am quitting the job.” “This traffic jam is messing me up.” “This sermon is taking too long and I want to take my friend out.” God may be protecting you from an accident. How do you know God has not allowed that delay so you can meet somebody He really wanted you to know? Learn to go with the flow. Don’t get upset and let minor interruptions steal your joy. Listen to the still silent voice. Nothing just happens. He can delay something for you to get something better.
  • 38. Behind the Scenes 38 A while back there was a Matatu tout who picked Ksh. 30,000 from a Public Service Vehicle and he kept it waiting for the owner to come and claim it. Daniel the tout had every reason to celebrate and thank God for answering his prayer and meeting his financial needs, his wife was expecting a baby and thus he needed money to meet the hospital expenses. He had also hoped to pursue an ICT course and now here comes free provision. He eventually gave back the money to the owner who had intended to use the money to pay the hospital bill for his child. Several people heard about Daniel’s faithfulness and contributed millions of shillings to support his dream and the Nairobi Hospital also commit to take care of his expectant wife. It just didn’t happen. God tested his faithfulness and behind the scenes he was preparing a scene that would change his life and thrust him to his great destiny. Today he is a celebrated hero hosted by various media stations and he has received several Awards. It just didn’t happen that money was left inside the vehicle, it was divine connection and provision at work. In a similar incident, another tout was kind enough to let an expectant mother give birth in a PSV bus along Thika superhighway. When he was living home early in the morning, his wife gave him a Maasai shawl since it was very cold and drizzling, he later used the same shawl to help in the delivery of this woman. It just didn’t happen that that day the wife gave him the shawl which was not a common situation, behind the scenes God was preparing a scene that would thrust him to greatness that made the world celebrate him as a hero to date. In the course of the August 2017 Kenya elections, there was man who showed up at a political rally with githeri packed in a polythene paper. He was suddenly all over the media and everyone was talking and ridiculing him, but later he was awarded and given many gifts that changed his destiny. It just didn’t happen; God was behind the scenes putting up moments for him and a scene that would turn things round for him. In the 2018 London marathon, Vivian Cheruiyot became the world champion. When they started the race, Mary Keitany and Dibaba who “The biggest temptation is to settle for too little." Thomas Merton
  • 39. Behind the Scenes 39 were ahead of them were the obvious winners. The difference is that they both were targeting to break a world record since they were previous champions and so they started the race very fast, using a lot of energy and speed but later they got tired on the way and actually Dibaba walked out of the race midway. Vivian Cheruiyot was not targeting to break a world record but to win the race and so she didn’t have much pressure but ran her race with the pace she was used to and she overtook all of them. It just didn’t happen, God prepared moment for her that the obvious champions gave up on the way as God was working behind the scene to shape up the destiny of Vivian. One of my most valued photos that I have used in most of my publications is one having a fun moment with the Kenya First lady. Earlier that day when the photo was taken, there was an event at the KICC and nowhere was I to make a presentation though I was wishing that one day I would meet her and encourage her on the need to have first aid training introduced in the Kenya primary school curriculum. The two persons, Felix Otieno and Ann Wali were meant to make a presentation and that was during a moment that I was going through serious rejections in my career and was in the transition moment. I remember even on the same day a laptop and LCD Projector were mysteriously stolen and am the one who signed them out. I was eventually charged for loss in addition to a crate of sodas that were also mysteriously removed from the vehicle. It was a depressing Saturday morning. When we went to the exhibition and the first lady was headed there, Felix and Ann all over sudden said that they won’t make the presentation which they had prepared for and rehearsed for a couple of days and that I was to do it. Their intention was to embarrass me in front of the guests, public and the media. Honestly I didn’t have an idea of what to do. The First lady was accompanied by the then Cabinet Secretary for Health Mr. James Macharia, the Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, Senator Mike Sonko and US Ambassador to Kenya Mr. Godec among other senior guests and while they were waiting for my presentation. I told God to take charge and am not sure what I said in the introduction but they all smiled and eagerly and expectantly looked at me concentrating on the presentation which looked very interesting to them by the look of their face expressions and nodding of heads.
  • 40. Behind the Scenes 40 The first lady greeted me severally and said that I was passionate and an Ambassador of Safety. It just didn’t happen, behind the scene God was preparing that moment for me to rise towards my great destiny. If Felix and Ann made the presentation, I could not have experienced such a moment in life. That is where the title Ambassador started and was later used in a lot of other forums. Nothing just happens, even that rejection, frustration, set back and embarrassing moment is not meant to harm you. I know of a Pastor who was dearly loved by people. He had a pretty wife and were adored marriage counselors. They mentored a lot of people, supported a lot of people towards their marriage and were best couple to many. One thing they lacked was a child of their own. Years and years they lived praying and fasting for a child until they gave up. They accepted the fact that they didn’t have and couldn’t get a child, adjusted by loving one another regardless of the lack, concentrated on helping others fulfill their dreams and advanced by adopting a young boy from a children’s home. This was a cute boy and they really treasured him. After a while, the Pastor died and the widow was very discouraged. Her pillar was this adopted young man who helped her pull together the pieces and move on with the ministry. The man grew to a very hardworking and adored gentleman, married and got three beautiful and lovely kids. All these brought special joy to the widow. One child was named after her and a boy named after the late Pastor. Today the widow is a vibrant servant of God having immense support from the son and family. She always travels with them and proudly says that it was her God ordained family and reason for her living. She had to accept, adjust and advance and behind the scene God was sewing a garment of honor and praise for her. She is invited to a lot of forums to either receive gifts or witness crowning of her son, daughter in law or grandchildren. Whenever you are in such a situation of hurt, loss, pain, misfortune or misery, just accept, adjust, advance and let God take control for His glory. It is not a surprise to Him what you are going through. His intentions are right and to your favor. Nothing just happens. Sometimes our plans may be interrupted because God has somebody He wants us to touch or something special He wants us to do. Countless times we don’t even realize such “behind the scenes” events are
  • 41. Behind the Scenes 41 happening, but God is using us. Sometimes as a football player, you may feel disappointed that the coach did not put you in the starting lineup, but your 25 minutes play towards the end of the game might be the ultimate energy that the team will need to get that crucial goal to guarantee them three points and a win. You could be the custodian of the last minute finishing stamina behind the scene. God has His way of surprising you and ensuring that you have a testimony, witness a miracle and learn a lesson and experience which will make you acknowledge that He Has done it for you and glory go to Him. You will use this experience to encourage others tomorrow and it will be very sweet as you will have risen to great heights of blessings and prosperity. If God would reveal to you what He was preparing for you behind the scenes, you would be amazed. He is not yet over with you, just as He was with Joseph even to the pit and prison, was with David when he was an ordinary shepherd and was with Joshua when he was just a subordinate staff of Moses. Your better days are ahead, what you have been going through is not meant for your harm but its God working behind the scene on you, for you, with you and around you for your favor. Sometimes nature and circumstances of life do not give us what we want at the moment but what we need to get what we want at the appointed time. Things unfold step by step, from a grain to a tree and we must never assume the seed in us. The position we are today is a unit and a subset of where we ought to be. It is part of the dots that will be connected towards our destiny so must not be disillusioned by these dots which looks like they may not grow to much. “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…" Zechariah 4:10 Our creator has plotted and architected our life and destiny and He bring situations, circumstances, people and events in our lives with clear and good intentions. Nothing that happens in our lives is a surprise to God. He bring them to shape our destiny, to help us be “We must never be afraid to go too far, for success lies just beyond." Marcel Proust
  • 42. Behind the Scenes 42 equipped with the virtues, the lessons and experiences that will work together to take us to our serving our purpose on earth and His purpose over our lives and His Kingdom for eternity. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28. When things happen in our lives that seem negative and discouraging, we should always know that God never have any evil plans over our lives. Heavy rainfall doesn’t necessarily mean distraction neither is a long dry spell or drought. Sometimes it’s through these tough times and seasons that we develop ideas, strategies, experiences, learn lessons and plot policies that gives us a great future and hope. Most of the great people we see, the legacies we celebrate, the heroes and heroines we recognize had to identify and face a challenge in life and it is through their endurance that we see what we see in them, and celebrate their pursuits and achievements. If Prof. Wangari Maathai did not go through the hard time of defending the environment, she could not be in the history books. The defining moment of her life was in the tough and painful moments she went through that shaped her destiny, legacy and Nobel recognition. Nothing just happens. God does not waste an experience, He does not make idle introduction. Nearly all musicians and other categories of people to go through a bruising experience, enduring and persevering with a lot of patience and today we know them by their names and achievements, not by their toils, sweat and pain. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah29:11) In your pursuit for your life’s purpose, in your determination to add value to life and in your efforts to leave a legacy that will stand times eternal, God will give you the grace, the ability and divine connections to take you to your destiny. Things will be tough but God has promised to take you through it. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” (Isaiah 43:2.) Behind the scenes God is seeing, hearing and concerned by your life just as He was behind the scene following up on the case of the Israelites.
  • 43. Behind the Scenes 43 “The LORD said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. I am coming to deliver them.” (Exodus 3:7). When your purpose and value systems are aligned with the will and plan of God, you just need to be strong and courageous in your pursuits. “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.” 2 (Chronicles 20:17.) God will take you through every stage of your pursuit of your purpose. Sometimes His hand doesn’t seem visible and many are the times we feel like His presence is far away and that He doesn’t care but the Bible clearly tells us that before we were formed in our mothers’ wombs, He knew and predestined us. “The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” (Psalms 32:8) I would like to briefly share about a guy I greatly admire. Tyler Perry had a rough childhood. He was physically and sexually abused growing up, got kicked out of high school, and tried to commit suicide twice- once as a teen and again at 22. At the age of 23 he moved to Atlanta and took up odd jobs as he started working on his stage career. In 1992 he wrote, produced, and featured in his first theater production, I Know I’ve Been Changed, somewhat informed by his difficult upbringing. Perry put all his savings into the show and it failed miserably; the run lasted just one weekend and only 30 people came to watch. He kept up with the production, working more odd jobs and often slept in his car. Six years later, Perry finally broke through when, on its seventh run, the show became a success. He’s since gone on to have an extremely successful career as a director, writer, and actor. In fact, Perry was named Forbes’ highest paid man in entertainment industry in the year 2011. Nothing just happens. He went through a challenging childhood but later he rose to greatness. Nothing could stop him. When you are inconvenienced, and things don’t go your way, don’t give in to the temptation to get bent out of shape. Not only is it going
  • 44. Behind the Scenes 44 to cause you problems, but it also may prevent God from using you in the way He really wants to. Stand firm, behind the scene the invisible hand of God is in control. He is binding and sewing up things in place on your favor. We need to embrace faith and patience. It is hope that keeps us going and we have to trust God’s leading. In most cases, events unfold step by step, phase by phase and incident by incident and you have to understand that one phase leads to other. When going up a storey building, you go up step by step, and every stair matters. God wants us to live in balance. In life, everything doesn't happen all at once. All of our dreams, desires, and goals aren't fulfilled instantly; it happens a little bit at a time. You grow one step at a time. You increase little by little. You strengthen your marriage a little bit at a time. You lose weight gradually over time. You get healthy one choice at a time. You pay your debt off a little at a time. The scripture states that, "With God, all things are possible" but notice that it doesn't say, "With God, everything happens instantaneously." Yes, we do serve a God of miracles. We should look for Him to act on our behalf but we should also do our part to be faithful. "The hand of the diligent will rule." (Hebrews 6:12) "through faith and patience, we inherit His promises." (Proverbs 12:24). When I came to Nairobi and was living along Thika Superhighway, I joined a church congregation from the same church I fellowshipped back at home but six months later, I was feeling like stranger and it is at this time that I decided to look for another church. One Saturday morning while taking a walk around Githurai 44, I met David Karuri who was my primary school peer and church mate in my home Church. We had a long discussion since we had not met for a couple of years. We discussed church matters and he also narrated to me his empty experience in the Church I had just left. He like me felt empty and spiritual stagnation for several months. He then relocated to his current vibrant church where he was enjoying the fellowship. He invited me to attend in the following Sunday of which I obliged. I went there and sure enough I felt at home with the congregation there. On that Sunday, something happened. A group of young ladies known as Rhema worshippers were given a chance to present and as they were
  • 45. Behind the Scenes 45 singing a glorious song, I noticed one beautiful lady amongst the team and I had an inner conviction that she was the way my future wife should look like. Her name was Keziah. She was very pretty that after that service, my mind was thinking about her every moment. In three Sundays time, we were friends and three months later, I proposed to her and by the end of one year we had a colorful wedding. She is my beautiful wife, mother of my kids that I love very much. Behind the scenes, God had prepared a wife for me in a different church and I was to get bored, meet David to invite me into a different church to get my partner there. It just didn’t happen. I was to change my location of worship to meet with my partner. We had to meet with David to stir me up to get out of my comfort zone. My friend, God is in the business of coloring your destiny. He is behind the scene working on your case and yours will be a delightful future. Learn to follow His Lordship, His direction. While pursuing my undergraduate education, I had an opportunity to work with Equity bank a chance that helped me raise school fees and money for other projects. It was at the end of the semester and every one was clearing their hostel to go home. I didn’t have cash to pay for transport to go home and was waiting for my friend Mash to send some money. I was forced to seek accommodation from a friend who was staying at a private residence around the university since every student had to leave the hostels. Incidentally, that evening, a notice was mounted outside the dean of student’s office of a paid internship opportunity for those clearing their fourth year. I had just cleared my second year and immediately I applied for the internship opportunity. I had not met the minimum qualification but because almost all the students had travelled home, everyone who applied got the chance and I was one of them. Two days later we went for training in Eldoret town and we were paid for the days we attended the training. This gave me fare to go home and some pocket money to help me report at Nakuru Gate House branch where I was posted. It just didn’t happen, God allowed me not to have fare and so was left behind for me to get the internship opportunity which would later connect me to a lot of other opportunities, people as well as get money to pay for the subsequent semesters as well as help my parents. God will always give you an inner conviction to do something. Sometimes He will use people, sometimes it’s a delay to avoid
  • 46. Behind the Scenes 46 destruction, sometimes a loss to get something better, and sometimes He will take you through a painful experience to put a ministry in you. Sometimes you will lose a child or experience death for God to prepare you to be encouraging other people who are on the same path. Don’t ask yourself why He chose you to follow that path, who did you want to go through it? You are the right candidate and all through He has been working on you behind the scenes and His grace is sufficient. Nothing just happens! It is at the time plan of God. He allows you to lose a job to establish your own firm and entity that will solve a problem for the community around and employ many. He can allow you to face a break up in the engagement to avoid a broken marriage. He can make you miss a boda boda ride to experience a Mercedes ride. God can allow you to miss enrolment in to the university to get a full scholarship to pursue your dream career in your dream country. He can allow you to miss that promotion into a supervisor for you to become a manager. He can make you not excel academically but successfully flourish in business to employ professors and other intellectuals to manage your ventures. Trust and obey Him. Be strong and of good courage my friend, the Lord loves you and will never give up on you. He is working behind the scenes in your favor and greater is your destiny. Nothing just happens. What you see around and in your life is not a surprise to God. He is joining the dots together and you will look back and declare that surely His hand was with you all this time. He sees the end from the beginning. He is the Alpha and Omega. Your time of uncommon harvest is at the corner but you have to be a little bit patient and have a little moment of faith as He finalize on you. You are blessed and highly favored and it is well with you. I can’t finish this without sharing about a caterpillar and butterfly. A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared, he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any
  • 47. Behind the Scenes 47 moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were God’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. And we could never fly. Nothing just happens. God is working behind the scene on that situation and at the fullness of time and in His appointed time He will make everything beautiful.
  • 48. Behind the Scenes 48 Chapter 3 GOD DOES NOT MAKE IDLE INTRODUCTION ur God has a way of preparing people to help us reach our destiny. Some of these people are destiny carriers, destiny shapers, destiny connectors, and divine connectors. Mostly He will use the people we list expect and in most cases they are those we disregard and wish away. It’s easy to focus on others’ faults and what we would like to change about them. But, God is the one that put the talents, creativity and strengths into each person. I remember when I got the idea to launch the Nairobi Safety Shop, I had prepared everything on paper; design of the shop, items to stock, contents for the website, searched and preserved the name and my mind was set for it. One Sunday afternoon I attended a medical camp committee meeting at Deliverance Church Githurai 45 where I had been invited to advise them on how to set up a medical camp. At the meeting I met a gentleman called Richardson Ndege who was representing a company known as Lochlabs Ltd. I was there in the capacity of the Director Makinika Afrika and was to partner with the church in setting up the camp. After the long meeting, I left and behind me was Richard who left the meeting unsatisfied. We walked together getting to share about ourselves. After about a 25 minutes introduction and having asked me about what I do, we got so much connected and he said that he would support the Makinika Afrika dream by making it’s website for free. This was amazing and a great miracle. Months later after completing the website he committed to even do the Nairobi O
  • 49. Behind the Scenes 49 Safety Shop website. This was God using him to launch me to the next level and honestly after he did the two website the companies grew unanimously as I used the sites for online marketing. You see, God set up a forum where He would later introduce me to Richard to be my destiny connector and in his heart He placed the heart and grace to help me. Today am so greatful for what he did for me. After the websites were set and had started getting some few orders and training opportunities, there was a need for an office and shop. I trusted God for a shop at the Central Business District (CBD) Nairobi and as you know this is expensive. I had earlier on I connected with my Lawyer Sir. Nyoro and so when I hinted to him that I was planning to establish a company, he offered to do registration without any legal fee as a way to support me. This was great news and I do thank God for him. Apart from that, he offered me his office to be using it and was willing even to partition it to create room for Safety shop stock. Remember he was doing this for free. The office was at Parliament Road in Nairobi and this is a great offer. All this time I was committed to prayers trusting God for a great break through. In our church there is a room on the first floor that was meant to be used as a studio but was vacant and I was using it as a power room. Several days in a week I could get in that room with a notebook and pen and would discuss a lot of issues with God, sometimes writing two pages of the deliberation. I had an idea of acquiring a bank loan but when I approached two banks which I had an account with they rejected my request. One afternoon after conducting prayers at the upper room, I had a conviction to contact a friend and share with him my plan to launch a Safety Shop. I called the friend and we met for a cup of coffee at Stanmatt café. After sharing about my dream, he said that he had admired my passion in safety and had been desiring to partner with me. He asked me the budget I had to establish the shop and when I “What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." Napoleon Hill