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Terry Bertrand
Robert S. Johnson
John Hall
Nanci Johnson-Plump
Cliff Mycoskie
Rick Merri
Ryan Dodson
Dr. Moody Alexander
John Arnot
Dr. Jim Burgin
O.K. Carter
Charles Clawson
Mayor Robert Cluck, M.D.
Carl Cravens
Pa Diou
Emory Estes
Randy Ford
Jeff Jordan
Kris Landrith
Varun Mallipaddi
Valerie McDonald
Kevin McGlaun
Audra Moore
Ronnie Price
Randal Rose
Beverly Salvant
Council Member Lana Wolff
Tony Ru gliano
Aimee McMullen
Alex Pietroforte
Wendy D. Shabay, Assoc. AIA, AICP
Cody Richardson, RLA
The Downtown Arlington Management Corpora on’s (DAMC)
Strategic Ac on Plan (SAP) provides direc on and ac vi es to
be completed during the next five years. The plan represents
consensus among the DAMC board, members and staff. It
establishes DAMC’s common vision for Downtown Arlington as
a unique community, rich in opportuni es. The purpose of this
SAP is to:
• Establish a “to do” list by se ng DAMC’s course for
the next five years
• Define high priority ac ons to be completed over the
next two to three years
• Provide policy guidance and a reference point for
future decision-making
• Iden fy a reflec on of needs, values and desires in
• Capture a clear Downtown vision and ar culate how
DAMC can help facilitate ac on
• Help manage DAMC resources and aid in funding
opportuni es
In addi on to this Strategic Ac on Plan, DAMC works under the
con nued guidance of past plans, most significantly the 2006
City of Arlington Downtown Master Plan. The 2006 Master Plan
outlines goals, guidelines, strategies and strategic ac ons. Many
of the exis ng goals remain relevant today, thus DAMC recognizes
the benefits in con nuously revisi ng the Downtown Arlington
Master Plan as well as updates to incorporate significant changes
in the area.
The SAP planning process built upon recent successes, past
planning efforts and decades of leadership demonstrated by local
officials, entrepreneurs, stakeholders, educa onal partners and
ci zens. The plan is intended to help manage DAMC resources
in an orderly fashion and maximize its assets to strategically
improve Downtown’s image and physical environment.
The SAP planning process kicked off in late spring 2013 and
ended the summer of 2013. Community involvement included
several avenues for input such as an online survey, stakeholder
workshop and a DAMC Board retreat. For survey results and
mee ng informa on, please contact DAMC.
This document outlines the planning process, vision, goals,
objec ves, ac on items and metrics to track progress, specifically
forDAMCasanorganiza on. Itisaplanningtooltohelpcoordinate
local efforts for Downtown and should work in conjunc on with
the City of Arlington, Tarrant County, North Central Texas Council
of Governments, local organiza ons, property and business
owners, and developers. Ac on items are presented in five topic
areas according to the exis ng Business Improvement District:
Downtown Arlington Management Corpora on
Stakeholder Workshop
The SAP planning that defines Downtown Arlington is the same as
the Business Improvement District (BID) boundary. The planning
area is approximately 448 acres or 0.7 square miles. With slight
varia ons, the BID area is approximately bound to the north
by North Street, to the east by Collins Street, to the south by
2nd Street and to the west by Cooper Street. While the BID is
a defined boundary, DAMC planning strategies go well beyond
Downtown Arlington to create an environment that capitalizes on
trends, markets, regional influences and opportuni es to make
Downtown a vibrant des na on.
Based on exis ng developments, ameni es and planned projects,
two special planning areas have been outlined on the Downtown
Arlington Area Map. These areas should not be viewed as hard
boundaries but rather as illustrated strategy areas. This most
central area, Core Area (shown in red), offers an iden fiable zone
with the most con guous walkable environment and highest
quality urban form. This is due to exis ng buildings and street
level ac vi es. It is approximately the area where the average
pedestrian would feel comfortable walking, due to street-level
con nuity, from one end to the other. This central area is a high
priority zone for DAMC efforts.
Future Expansion Areas (shown in purple), illustrate the central
area growth on the Downtown Arlington Area Map. These areas
are immediately adjacent to the Core Area and hold the greatest
poten al to expand the central walkable area through new infill
projects and well designed street-level ac vi es. The Future
Expansion Areas represent a secondary priority area for DAMC
The Greens at College Park is a focal point along the City of Arlington’s
Center Street Pedestrian Trail.
The Downtown Arlington Management Corpora on is a private,
non-profit community development organiza on whose purpose
is to forge alliances between property owners, business interests,
residents and the City of Arlington to improve and enhance
the economic vitality and overall environment of Downtown
Arlington. Funding sources include City of Arlington, University
of Texas at Arlington and a Business Improvement District.
The DAMC is charged with ini a ng and managing economic
development efforts for the Downtown/University District.
Responsibili es include, but are not limited to: public and private
development assistance; Tax Increment Finance consulta ons
and management; promo on and marke ng; strengthening and
coordina ng efforts between the City and University of Texas
at Arlington; advising the City on parking, security, and overall
use of public right-of-way; and oversight on land use and zoning
compliance for the Downtown/University District.
DAMC members are
ambassadors for Downtown and
work to improve quality of life.
DAMC has of a diverse group of members with varying
backgrounds, demographics, and skill-sets. DAMC is made
up of business/property owners, stakeholders, organiza ons,
educators, students, local leaders, elected officials and ci zens.
The organiza on promotes Downtown by collabora ng on ideas,
design, marke ng, funding and volunteerism.
DAMC Board Retreat
DAMC Stakeholder Workshop
Downtown Arlington is a vibrant des na on for residents, families,
students, ar sts, visitors and entrepreneurs.
vision for downtown
The Downtown Arlington Management Corpora on fosters economic,
cultural and educa onal vitality.
Strategic planning and ac on items have served Downtown and
theBIDcontributorswell. DAMChasoverseenBIDresourcessince
it was formed in 2010. Through the years, DAMC, its partners
and board have overseen significant investment and physical
improvements to Downtown Arlington. These projects represent
millions of dollars of impact to the Downtown’s economy and
have improved quality of life for all of Arlington. DAMC’s recent
successes include:
• Forma on of Business Improvement District
• Opening of the College Park District
• New restaurants and nightlife in Downtown
• Banner program
• Downtown brand launch
• Li er patrol
• Forma on of Levi Pavilion
• Installa on of trash receptacles in Downtown
• Marke ng and promo on of Downtown
• Community events
Downtown Logo and Campaign
Center Street Streetscape Enhancements
Flying Fish Grease Monkey
Fuzzy’s Taco Shop Old School’s Pizza
Levi Pavilion
Downtown Farmers Market UT Arlington’s Gateway Tower
Founders Plaza Sanford House
College Park Center
Arlington Music Hall
J. Gilligan’s Center Street Enhancements
The Groundwork...
The City of Arlington: Downtown Master Plan was created in
2004 and provides vision, policy goals and guidelines for the
development of Downtown Arlington. The 2004 Downtown
Master Plan laid the groundwork for many recent project
successes in Arlington and many components s ll remain valid
today. DAMC con nues to reference its goals and objec ves
and uses the 2004 Downtown Plan for decision making. This
SAP is not a replacement document of the 2004 Downtown
Master Plan. Rather, the SAP is a complimentary document that
builds upon the 2004 Downtown Master Plan and helps to focus
DAMC’s ac ons and involvement to further implement the Plan’s
recommenda ons.
This SAP sets in mo on what DAMC can do to help further the
2004 Downtown Master Plan, as well as other planning efforts
ongoing with the City and UTA. It is DAMC’s desire to work in
concert with viable planning ini a ves such as the Division
Street Corridor Redevelopment Strategy, UTA’s master plan and
others that exist to promote the health and vitality of Downtown
what we support
what we do not support
The DAMC supports roadway and streetscape enhancements to
Abram Street that elevate its status as an urban gateway street. It
is desired that future improvements would incorporate a similar
concept as recent updates to Center Street. Enhancements
should include strong aesthe cs, removal of overhead u lity
lines and increased streetscape elements. Such elements include
street trees, banner poles, landscaped areas, site furnishings and
signage. Safe pedestrian spaces are encouraged though the use
of wide sidewalks, decora ve pedestrian crossings, signage and
pedestrian ligh ng. Infrastructure improvements and on-street
parking should be incorporated to help s mulate a business and
customer friendly environment.
Abram Street Design Principles
Abram Street improvements are directly related to DAMC’s
mission statement, vision statement and all five major goals. In
addi on, numerous objec ves and ac ons related to Abram
Street can be found throughout the SAP. Specific design principles
desired for Abram Street reconstruc on include:
1. Incorporate strong urban design, quality urban forms,
and pedestrian improvements to create a sense of place
and to promote Abram Street as a gateway experience for
2. Remove or relocate u lity poles and overhead u lity lines.
3. Provide infrastructure to support Downtown events.
ABRAMSTREET downtown’s immediate issues
Two significant projects that will greatly impact Downtown will be constructed or designed in the next few years. These key projects are
the Downtown library and Abram Street. Both projects are located in the heart of Downtown and will be highly visible. Their designs
and physical a ributes will set the tone for future Downtown improvements. These projects will con nue to define how Downtown is
used and developed for decades to come. Rather than create conceptual design solu ons per project, DAMC is providing the following
descrip ons and design principles for each.
4. Reduce traffic speed.
5. Provide pedestrian ameni es.
6. Create streetscape to promote first-floor uses in buildings
and ac ve public spaces.
7. Incorporate wide sidewalks.
8. Provide unique landscaped areas.
9. Provide street trees.
10. Provide both vehicular and pedestrian ligh ng.
11. Use interes ng materials, textures and colors similar to
Center Street streetscape enhancements for sidewalks and
pedestrian crossings.
12. Incorporate site furnishings with con nuity in design
character that include benches, trash receptacles, light and
banner poles.
13. Incorporate public art.
14. Provide safe pedestrian crosswalks that are well lit and
provide design interest at intersec ons.
15. Provide parking solu ons that promote a business- and
customer-friendly experience. Parking should be easily
accessible to businesses, par cularly ground floor retailers.
16. Minimize unnecessary driveway cuts and increase cross-
access between businesses.
17. Incorporate design elements that visually connect the Levi
Pavilion, new road improvements and the City Hall block.
Wide sidewalks for cafes and store front activity Streets help to define character with street trees and
strong relationships to buildings
Ground floor retail, restaurants and pedestrian activity Well defined crosswalks and multi modal considerations
Streets interact with surrounding uses and are part of
programmed events
Incorporate parking strategies
The DAMC supports improvements to the exis ng Downtown
library in the form of redevelopment, renova on and/or
reloca on in Downtown. The site of the current library is in a key,
prominent loca on in Downtown. However, the current design
does not relate to the urban fabric by promo ng ac vity on all
four sides. Future design and/or reloca on should promote a
pedestrian-friendly realm on all four sides, par cularly on the
blocks that front Center, Abram and Mesquite. DAMC believes
the Downtown library provides an essen al public space and
community services that should be a part of the Downtown
environment. DAMC stresses its desire for Arlington to maintain
its central library branch in Downtown. Updates to the library
should help ac vate first-floor uses and create be er street-level
ac vi es. DAMC supports be er rela onships between the
library to surrounding context such as land uses, sidewalks and
streets. DAMC encourages the City to consider a public-private
partnership to help finance the redevelopment project.
Downtown Library Design Principles
Library improvements are directly related to DAMC’s mission
statement, vision statement and all five major goals. In addi on,
numerous objec ves and ac ons related to the Downtown
library can be found throughout the Strategic Ac on Plan. Specific
design principles desires for the Downtown library improvements
1. Arlington should maintain a library in Downtown.
2. Use Downtown’s library as a magnet for economic
3. Downtown’s library should exhibit an urban-style
development which incorporates joint uses such as retail and
4. The library should promote to street-level ac vi es and other
civic buildings and uses. It should create a strong civic area.
5. The library should incorporate well designed outdoor public
6. Locate the library to serve as an anchor or des na on for
new development.
7. Incorporate inspiring architecture to promote civic uses and
community pride.
8. Encourage large windows to take advantage of natural light
and to provide snapshots into building ac vi es and spaces.
9. If renovated in its current loca on, the design should ac vate
street-level uses, par cularly along Abram Street.
downtown’s immediate issues
Example of an urban library
Colonel Neel E. Kearby Memorial at Downtown’s existing George W.
Hawkes Central Library
Existing Center Street improvements adjacent to George W. Hawkes Cen-
tral Library
Existing library facade facing Abram Street with unactivated spaces and
limited urban design relationship to street
1. Renew Business Improvement District
2. Provide streetscape enhancements including addi onal benches, trash
receptacles, trees and street lights
3. Provide public art
4. Host art event
5. Provide murals in Downtown
6. Provide increased security patrol
7. Create an organized restaurant partner program
8. Create complimentary marke ng to brand launch
9. Establish a circulator system from Downtown during major events outside
of the Downtown area
10. Provide Wi-Fi coverage in Downtown
11. Implement parking management program
12. Prepare property materials and a end the Interna onal Council of Shopping
Centers exposi on
13. Provide incubator space for emerging businesses
14. Establish Downtown Arlington as a Cultural Arts District
15. Create a grant program to assist property owners with aesthe c
improvements such as facade enhancements, landscaping and tree ligh ng
During the 2013 DAMC Board Retreat, top priority ac on items
were iden fied. The following are considered high priority ac on
items in no par cular order:
DAMC goals are set to guide decision making towards
reaching their mission and vision. Goals are what we
aspire to be or to create.
Objec ves are strategies to help obtain DAMC goals.
Objec ves are defined without specific me frames but
set the path for con nuing efforts.
ACTIONS: Ac ons are specific items to be accomplished. Ac ons
can be measured and have priority rankings.
METRICS: Metrics establish baseline informa on and units of
measurement to track progress.
• A ract new businesses to con nue to grow retail, office, entertainment, restaurant and residen al uses
• Become the “Go To” organiza on for development ac vity in Downtown Arlington Encourage a mixture of land
uses throughout the core
• Encourage research and high-tech businesses to locate within Downtown to support UT Arlington ini a ves
• Support residen al units with a variety of housing types including student, market-rate and senior housing
• Support small business crea on
• Create a Downtown community with a strong, diverse and sustainable economy
• Create a culturally rich downtown
• Maintain and enhance the role of Downtown as a premier banking, educa onal and governmental center
• Support redevelopment of the central library in Downtown
• Provide development assistance to business and property owners
• Provide liaison between private developers and the City of Arlington
• Coordinate economic development ac vi es with the City of Arlington’s Office of Economic Development
• Maintain and provide an easily accessible snapshot for Downtown’s demographics, markets and business trends
• Ensure the design and installa on of an effec ve wayfinding program for Downtown
• Facilitate parking strategies that offer business- and customer-friendly solu ons to address current and future
• Create and maintain infrastructure system for economic development and to support Downtown events
• Support regional connec ons from Downtown to other parts of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
• Support a safe and effec ve transporta on network within Downtown and to other parts of Arlington
• Enhance Downtown’s mobility through mul -modal op ons
• Create a more pedestrian friendly Downtown
• Support redevelopment of Abram Street, from Cooper to Collins, into a Downtown des na on corridor
• Improve aesthe cs and building appearances to encourage development and long-term success
• Encourage joint development strategies for Downtown uses serving both the public and UT Arlington
• Provide a link between UT Arlington and the entertainment district through the Downtown area
• Strengthen es with UT Arlington by extending its educa onal presence and providing services and products
that the university faculty, staff and students need and use
• Strengthen development standards to promote high-quality development and to protect investments
• Market Downtown Arlington and the Business Improvement District
• A ract local and regional audiences with effec ve marke ng
• Convey business, event, product and venue informa on
• Adver se available building space and proper es to local and na onal businesses and developers
• Promote DAMC’s staff, skill sets and capabili es
• Provide precise and accessible informa on
• Communicate constantly and effec vely with Downtown property owners, visitors and stakeholders
• Support and facilitate events and fes vals
• Create a unique sense of place and further enhance Downtown to become a des na on
• Create and promote an image of being the civic heart with safe places to shop, live, work and visit
• Ensure that Downtown Arlington is a community with a clearly established iden ty
• Facilitate cross-coordina on/promo on between exis ng events and businesses
• Facilitate cross-coordina on/promo on between Downtown, other districts and major City and University events
• Facilitate a comprehensive marke ng approach with the forma on of a marke ng commi ee with broad representa on of
Downtown stakeholders
• Con nue to work with Experience Arlington, Friends of the Levi , City of Arlington, UT Arlington and others to create/
enhance Downtown events
• Promote exis ng cultural and entertainment facili es such as the Arlington Museum of Art, Theatre Arlington, Crea ve Arts
Theatre and School, Levi Pavilion, UT Arlington and Arlington Music Hall
• Work to provide a safer Downtown and improve visitor percep ons
• Promote community involvement, communica on and educa on
• Support crime preven on ac vi es
• Provide liaison between Downtown businesses and the City of Arlington Police and UT Arlington Police
• Support an effec ve, safe and appropriate transporta on system in Downtown Arlington
• Advocate for areas with good pedestrian design and ameni es including sidewalks, shade and calm traffic
• Advocate for pedestrian and bike safety
• Advocate for healthy environments
• Improve the cleanliness of Downtown
• Encourage local business and property owners to par cipate in safety and cleanliness ini a ves
• Promote compliance with codes, regula ons, safety and cleanliness
• Make Downtown Arlington a more enjoyable place to live, work, shop, and play
• Foster and support volunteer par cipa on
• Support a Downtown des na on where people go to experience history, culture and art
• Encourage the redevelopment and maintenance of historic structures and areas
• Support effec ve City codes and ordinances regarding aesthe cs and design
• Create streetscape that offers good urban design, interes ng spaces, landscaped areas and high-quality
aesthe cs
• Preserve exis ng parks and promote new parks and outdoor public areas
• Ensure appropriate maintenance and care for exis ng landscaping, streetscape, parks, public areas and
• Foster community pride through Downtown beau fica on
• Encourage local business and property owners to par cipate Downtown’s beau fica on ini a ves
• Foster and support volunteer par cipa on
• Encourage facade improvements to exis ng buildings to include awnings, unique signage, outdoor dining,
storefront visibility and curb appeal
• Oversee DAMC organiza on as the ambassadors for Downtown Arlington
• Provide overall management and administra on of the Business Improvement District (BID) ac vi es and
• Provide liaison with property owners, merchants, tenants, residents and City of Arlington to maximize the
benefits of the BID
• Work with all BID commi ees to provide coordina on and support
• Improve BID programs and services
P.817.303.2800 F.817.303.2805

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2013 - 2018 Downtown Arlington Management Corp. Strategic Action Plan

  • 1. 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 8 STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN
  • 2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Terry Bertrand   Robert S. Johnson   John Hall   Nanci Johnson-Plump ecretary Cliff Mycoskie  Rick Merri  Ryan Dodson  DIRECTORS Dr. Moody Alexander  John Arnot  Dr. Jim Burgin  O.K. Carter  DIRECTORS CONTINUED Charles Clawson  Mayor Robert Cluck, M.D.  Carl Cravens  Pa Diou  Emory Estes  Randy Ford  Jeff Jordan  Kris Landrith  Varun Mallipaddi  Valerie McDonald  Kevin McGlaun  Audra Moore  Ronnie Price  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS DIRECTORS CONTINUED Randal Rose  Beverly Salvant  Council Member Lana Wolff  STAFF Tony Ru gliano  Aimee McMullen  Alex Pietroforte  PLANNING CONSULTANT Wendy D. Shabay, Assoc. AIA, AICP   Cody Richardson, RLA  
  • 4. 4 The Downtown Arlington Management Corpora on’s (DAMC) Strategic Ac on Plan (SAP) provides direc on and ac vi es to be completed during the next five years. The plan represents consensus among the DAMC board, members and staff. It establishes DAMC’s common vision for Downtown Arlington as a unique community, rich in opportuni es. The purpose of this SAP is to: • Establish a “to do” list by se ng DAMC’s course for the next five years • Define high priority ac ons to be completed over the next two to three years • Provide policy guidance and a reference point for future decision-making • Iden fy a reflec on of needs, values and desires in Downtown • Capture a clear Downtown vision and ar culate how DAMC can help facilitate ac on • Help manage DAMC resources and aid in funding opportuni es In addi on to this Strategic Ac on Plan, DAMC works under the con nued guidance of past plans, most significantly the 2006 City of Arlington Downtown Master Plan. The 2006 Master Plan outlines goals, guidelines, strategies and strategic ac ons. Many of the exis ng goals remain relevant today, thus DAMC recognizes the benefits in con nuously revisi ng the Downtown Arlington Master Plan as well as updates to incorporate significant changes in the area. The SAP planning process built upon recent successes, past planning efforts and decades of leadership demonstrated by local officials, entrepreneurs, stakeholders, educa onal partners and ci zens. The plan is intended to help manage DAMC resources in an orderly fashion and maximize its assets to strategically improve Downtown’s image and physical environment. The SAP planning process kicked off in late spring 2013 and ended the summer of 2013. Community involvement included several avenues for input such as an online survey, stakeholder workshop and a DAMC Board retreat. For survey results and mee ng informa on, please contact DAMC. This document outlines the planning process, vision, goals, objec ves, ac on items and metrics to track progress, specifically forDAMCasanorganiza on. Itisaplanningtooltohelpcoordinate local efforts for Downtown and should work in conjunc on with the City of Arlington, Tarrant County, North Central Texas Council of Governments, local organiza ons, property and business owners, and developers. Ac on items are presented in five topic areas according to the exis ng Business Improvement District: • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS • SAFETY AND CLEANLINESS • BEAUTIFICATION • OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION
  • 5. 5 Downtown Arlington Management Corpora on Stakeholder Workshop
  • 6. 6 The SAP planning that defines Downtown Arlington is the same as the Business Improvement District (BID) boundary. The planning area is approximately 448 acres or 0.7 square miles. With slight varia ons, the BID area is approximately bound to the north by North Street, to the east by Collins Street, to the south by 2nd Street and to the west by Cooper Street. While the BID is a defined boundary, DAMC planning strategies go well beyond Downtown Arlington to create an environment that capitalizes on trends, markets, regional influences and opportuni es to make Downtown a vibrant des na on. Based on exis ng developments, ameni es and planned projects, two special planning areas have been outlined on the Downtown Arlington Area Map. These areas should not be viewed as hard boundaries but rather as illustrated strategy areas. This most central area, Core Area (shown in red), offers an iden fiable zone with the most con guous walkable environment and highest quality urban form. This is due to exis ng buildings and street level ac vi es. It is approximately the area where the average pedestrian would feel comfortable walking, due to street-level con nuity, from one end to the other. This central area is a high priority zone for DAMC efforts. Future Expansion Areas (shown in purple), illustrate the central area growth on the Downtown Arlington Area Map. These areas are immediately adjacent to the Core Area and hold the greatest poten al to expand the central walkable area through new infill projects and well designed street-level ac vi es. The Future Expansion Areas represent a secondary priority area for DAMC efforts. PLANNING AREA The Greens at College Park is a focal point along the City of Arlington’s Center Street Pedestrian Trail.
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8 The Downtown Arlington Management Corpora on is a private, non-profit community development organiza on whose purpose is to forge alliances between property owners, business interests, residents and the City of Arlington to improve and enhance the economic vitality and overall environment of Downtown Arlington. Funding sources include City of Arlington, University of Texas at Arlington and a Business Improvement District. The DAMC is charged with ini a ng and managing economic development efforts for the Downtown/University District. Responsibili es include, but are not limited to: public and private development assistance; Tax Increment Finance consulta ons and management; promo on and marke ng; strengthening and coordina ng efforts between the City and University of Texas at Arlington; advising the City on parking, security, and overall use of public right-of-way; and oversight on land use and zoning compliance for the Downtown/University District. DAMC members are ambassadors for Downtown and work to improve quality of life. DAMC has of a diverse group of members with varying backgrounds, demographics, and skill-sets. DAMC is made up of business/property owners, stakeholders, organiza ons, educators, students, local leaders, elected officials and ci zens. The organiza on promotes Downtown by collabora ng on ideas, design, marke ng, funding and volunteerism. ABOUT DAMC DAMC Board Retreat DAMC Stakeholder Workshop
  • 9. 9 Downtown Arlington is a vibrant des na on for residents, families, students, ar sts, visitors and entrepreneurs. vision for downtown “ mission The Downtown Arlington Management Corpora on fosters economic, cultural and educa onal vitality. “tality.tality. “DownDown “eneurs.eneurs.
  • 10. 10 Strategic planning and ac on items have served Downtown and theBIDcontributorswell. DAMChasoverseenBIDresourcessince it was formed in 2010. Through the years, DAMC, its partners and board have overseen significant investment and physical improvements to Downtown Arlington. These projects represent millions of dollars of impact to the Downtown’s economy and have improved quality of life for all of Arlington. DAMC’s recent successes include: • Forma on of Business Improvement District • Opening of the College Park District • New restaurants and nightlife in Downtown • Banner program • Downtown brand launch • Li er patrol • Forma on of Levi Pavilion • Installa on of trash receptacles in Downtown • Marke ng and promo on of Downtown • Community events RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Downtown Logo and Campaign
  • 12. 12 Flying Fish Grease Monkey Fuzzy’s Taco Shop Old School’s Pizza
  • 14. 14 Downtown Farmers Market UT Arlington’s Gateway Tower Founders Plaza Sanford House
  • 16. 16 Arlington Music Hall J. Gilligan’s Center Street Enhancements
  • 17. 17 The Groundwork... The City of Arlington: Downtown Master Plan was created in 2004 and provides vision, policy goals and guidelines for the development of Downtown Arlington. The 2004 Downtown Master Plan laid the groundwork for many recent project successes in Arlington and many components s ll remain valid today. DAMC con nues to reference its goals and objec ves and uses the 2004 Downtown Plan for decision making. This SAP is not a replacement document of the 2004 Downtown Master Plan. Rather, the SAP is a complimentary document that builds upon the 2004 Downtown Master Plan and helps to focus DAMC’s ac ons and involvement to further implement the Plan’s recommenda ons. This SAP sets in mo on what DAMC can do to help further the 2004 Downtown Master Plan, as well as other planning efforts ongoing with the City and UTA. It is DAMC’s desire to work in concert with viable planning ini a ves such as the Division Street Corridor Redevelopment Strategy, UTA’s master plan and others that exist to promote the health and vitality of Downtown Arlington. CITY OF ARLINGTON: DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN
  • 19. 19 what we do not support
  • 20. 20 The DAMC supports roadway and streetscape enhancements to Abram Street that elevate its status as an urban gateway street. It is desired that future improvements would incorporate a similar concept as recent updates to Center Street. Enhancements should include strong aesthe cs, removal of overhead u lity lines and increased streetscape elements. Such elements include street trees, banner poles, landscaped areas, site furnishings and signage. Safe pedestrian spaces are encouraged though the use of wide sidewalks, decora ve pedestrian crossings, signage and pedestrian ligh ng. Infrastructure improvements and on-street parking should be incorporated to help s mulate a business and customer friendly environment. Abram Street Design Principles Abram Street improvements are directly related to DAMC’s mission statement, vision statement and all five major goals. In addi on, numerous objec ves and ac ons related to Abram Street can be found throughout the SAP. Specific design principles desired for Abram Street reconstruc on include: 1. Incorporate strong urban design, quality urban forms, and pedestrian improvements to create a sense of place and to promote Abram Street as a gateway experience for Downtown. 2. Remove or relocate u lity poles and overhead u lity lines. 3. Provide infrastructure to support Downtown events. ABRAMSTREET downtown’s immediate issues Two significant projects that will greatly impact Downtown will be constructed or designed in the next few years. These key projects are the Downtown library and Abram Street. Both projects are located in the heart of Downtown and will be highly visible. Their designs and physical a ributes will set the tone for future Downtown improvements. These projects will con nue to define how Downtown is used and developed for decades to come. Rather than create conceptual design solu ons per project, DAMC is providing the following descrip ons and design principles for each. 4. Reduce traffic speed. 5. Provide pedestrian ameni es. 6. Create streetscape to promote first-floor uses in buildings and ac ve public spaces. 7. Incorporate wide sidewalks. 8. Provide unique landscaped areas. 9. Provide street trees. 10. Provide both vehicular and pedestrian ligh ng. 11. Use interes ng materials, textures and colors similar to Center Street streetscape enhancements for sidewalks and pedestrian crossings. 12. Incorporate site furnishings with con nuity in design character that include benches, trash receptacles, light and banner poles. 13. Incorporate public art. 14. Provide safe pedestrian crosswalks that are well lit and provide design interest at intersec ons. 15. Provide parking solu ons that promote a business- and customer-friendly experience. Parking should be easily accessible to businesses, par cularly ground floor retailers. 16. Minimize unnecessary driveway cuts and increase cross- access between businesses. 17. Incorporate design elements that visually connect the Levi Pavilion, new road improvements and the City Hall block.
  • 21. 21 ELEMENTS OF A GREAT STREET Wide sidewalks for cafes and store front activity Streets help to define character with street trees and strong relationships to buildings Ground floor retail, restaurants and pedestrian activity Well defined crosswalks and multi modal considerations Streets interact with surrounding uses and are part of programmed events Incorporate parking strategies
  • 22. 22 The DAMC supports improvements to the exis ng Downtown library in the form of redevelopment, renova on and/or reloca on in Downtown. The site of the current library is in a key, prominent loca on in Downtown. However, the current design does not relate to the urban fabric by promo ng ac vity on all four sides. Future design and/or reloca on should promote a pedestrian-friendly realm on all four sides, par cularly on the blocks that front Center, Abram and Mesquite. DAMC believes the Downtown library provides an essen al public space and community services that should be a part of the Downtown environment. DAMC stresses its desire for Arlington to maintain its central library branch in Downtown. Updates to the library DOWNTOWNLIBRARY should help ac vate first-floor uses and create be er street-level ac vi es. DAMC supports be er rela onships between the library to surrounding context such as land uses, sidewalks and streets. DAMC encourages the City to consider a public-private partnership to help finance the redevelopment project. Downtown Library Design Principles Library improvements are directly related to DAMC’s mission statement, vision statement and all five major goals. In addi on, numerous objec ves and ac ons related to the Downtown library can be found throughout the Strategic Ac on Plan. Specific design principles desires for the Downtown library improvements include: 1. Arlington should maintain a library in Downtown. 2. Use Downtown’s library as a magnet for economic development. 3. Downtown’s library should exhibit an urban-style development which incorporates joint uses such as retail and restaurant 4. The library should promote to street-level ac vi es and other civic buildings and uses. It should create a strong civic area. 5. The library should incorporate well designed outdoor public spaces. 6. Locate the library to serve as an anchor or des na on for new development. 7. Incorporate inspiring architecture to promote civic uses and community pride. 8. Encourage large windows to take advantage of natural light and to provide snapshots into building ac vi es and spaces. 9. If renovated in its current loca on, the design should ac vate street-level uses, par cularly along Abram Street. downtown’s immediate issues Example of an urban library
  • 23. 23 Colonel Neel E. Kearby Memorial at Downtown’s existing George W. Hawkes Central Library Existing Center Street improvements adjacent to George W. Hawkes Cen- tral Library Existing library facade facing Abram Street with unactivated spaces and limited urban design relationship to street
  • 24. 24 HIGH PRIORITY ACTIONS 1. Renew Business Improvement District 2. Provide streetscape enhancements including addi onal benches, trash receptacles, trees and street lights 3. Provide public art 4. Host art event 5. Provide murals in Downtown 6. Provide increased security patrol 7. Create an organized restaurant partner program 8. Create complimentary marke ng to brand launch 9. Establish a circulator system from Downtown during major events outside of the Downtown area 10. Provide Wi-Fi coverage in Downtown 11. Implement parking management program 12. Prepare property materials and a end the Interna onal Council of Shopping Centers exposi on 13. Provide incubator space for emerging businesses 14. Establish Downtown Arlington as a Cultural Arts District 15. Create a grant program to assist property owners with aesthe c improvements such as facade enhancements, landscaping and tree ligh ng During the 2013 DAMC Board Retreat, top priority ac on items were iden fied. The following are considered high priority ac on items in no par cular order:
  • 25. 25 GOALS: DAMC goals are set to guide decision making towards reaching their mission and vision. Goals are what we aspire to be or to create. OBJECTIVES: Objec ves are strategies to help obtain DAMC goals. Objec ves are defined without specific me frames but set the path for con nuing efforts. ACTIONS: Ac ons are specific items to be accomplished. Ac ons can be measured and have priority rankings. METRICS: Metrics establish baseline informa on and units of measurement to track progress.
  • 26. 26 • A ract new businesses to con nue to grow retail, office, entertainment, restaurant and residen al uses • Become the “Go To” organiza on for development ac vity in Downtown Arlington Encourage a mixture of land uses throughout the core • Encourage research and high-tech businesses to locate within Downtown to support UT Arlington ini a ves • Support residen al units with a variety of housing types including student, market-rate and senior housing • Support small business crea on • Create a Downtown community with a strong, diverse and sustainable economy • Create a culturally rich downtown • Maintain and enhance the role of Downtown as a premier banking, educa onal and governmental center • Support redevelopment of the central library in Downtown • Provide development assistance to business and property owners • Provide liaison between private developers and the City of Arlington • Coordinate economic development ac vi es with the City of Arlington’s Office of Economic Development • Maintain and provide an easily accessible snapshot for Downtown’s demographics, markets and business trends • Ensure the design and installa on of an effec ve wayfinding program for Downtown • Facilitate parking strategies that offer business- and customer-friendly solu ons to address current and future demands FOSTER AND PROMOTE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN DOWNTOWN ARLINGTON GOALOBJECTIVES
  • 27. 27 • Create and maintain infrastructure system for economic development and to support Downtown events • Support regional connec ons from Downtown to other parts of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex • Support a safe and effec ve transporta on network within Downtown and to other parts of Arlington • Enhance Downtown’s mobility through mul -modal op ons • Create a more pedestrian friendly Downtown • Support redevelopment of Abram Street, from Cooper to Collins, into a Downtown des na on corridor • Improve aesthe cs and building appearances to encourage development and long-term success • Encourage joint development strategies for Downtown uses serving both the public and UT Arlington • Provide a link between UT Arlington and the entertainment district through the Downtown area • Strengthen es with UT Arlington by extending its educa onal presence and providing services and products that the university faculty, staff and students need and use • Strengthen development standards to promote high-quality development and to protect investments OBJECTIVES
  • 30. 30 • Market Downtown Arlington and the Business Improvement District • A ract local and regional audiences with effec ve marke ng • Convey business, event, product and venue informa on • Adver se available building space and proper es to local and na onal businesses and developers • Promote DAMC’s staff, skill sets and capabili es • Provide precise and accessible informa on • Communicate constantly and effec vely with Downtown property owners, visitors and stakeholders • Support and facilitate events and fes vals • Create a unique sense of place and further enhance Downtown to become a des na on • Create and promote an image of being the civic heart with safe places to shop, live, work and visit • Ensure that Downtown Arlington is a community with a clearly established iden ty • Facilitate cross-coordina on/promo on between exis ng events and businesses • Facilitate cross-coordina on/promo on between Downtown, other districts and major City and University events • Facilitate a comprehensive marke ng approach with the forma on of a marke ng commi ee with broad representa on of Downtown stakeholders • Con nue to work with Experience Arlington, Friends of the Levi , City of Arlington, UT Arlington and others to create/ enhance Downtown events • Promote exis ng cultural and entertainment facili es such as the Arlington Museum of Art, Theatre Arlington, Crea ve Arts Theatre and School, Levi Pavilion, UT Arlington and Arlington Music Hall PROVIDE MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS TO INCREASE IDENTITY, AWARENESS AND SUCCESS OF DOWNTOWN ARLINGTON INITIATIVES GOALOBJECTIVES
  • 32. 32 • Work to provide a safer Downtown and improve visitor percep ons • Promote community involvement, communica on and educa on • Support crime preven on ac vi es • Provide liaison between Downtown businesses and the City of Arlington Police and UT Arlington Police Departments • Support an effec ve, safe and appropriate transporta on system in Downtown Arlington • Advocate for areas with good pedestrian design and ameni es including sidewalks, shade and calm traffic • Advocate for pedestrian and bike safety • Advocate for healthy environments • Improve the cleanliness of Downtown • Encourage local business and property owners to par cipate in safety and cleanliness ini a ves • Promote compliance with codes, regula ons, safety and cleanliness • Make Downtown Arlington a more enjoyable place to live, work, shop, and play • Foster and support volunteer par cipa on ENHANCE SAFETY AND CLEANLINESS TO MAKE DOWNTOWN ARLINGTON A MORE ENJOYABLE PLACE TO LIVE, WORK, SHOP AND PLAY GOALOBJECTIVES
  • 34. 34 • Support a Downtown des na on where people go to experience history, culture and art • Encourage the redevelopment and maintenance of historic structures and areas • Support effec ve City codes and ordinances regarding aesthe cs and design • Create streetscape that offers good urban design, interes ng spaces, landscaped areas and high-quality aesthe cs • Preserve exis ng parks and promote new parks and outdoor public areas • Ensure appropriate maintenance and care for exis ng landscaping, streetscape, parks, public areas and buildings • Foster community pride through Downtown beau fica on • Encourage local business and property owners to par cipate Downtown’s beau fica on ini a ves • Foster and support volunteer par cipa on • Encourage facade improvements to exis ng buildings to include awnings, unique signage, outdoor dining, storefront visibility and curb appeal PROVIDE AND STRENGTHEN BEAUTIFICATION EFFORTS TO CREATE A UNIQUE DESTINATION AND TO ENHANCE DOWNTOWN’S VISIBILITY AND APPEAL GOALOBJECTIVES
  • 36. 36 • Oversee DAMC organiza on as the ambassadors for Downtown Arlington • Provide overall management and administra on of the Business Improvement District (BID) ac vi es and programs • Provide liaison with property owners, merchants, tenants, residents and City of Arlington to maximize the benefits of the BID • Work with all BID commi ees to provide coordina on and support • Improve BID programs and services RENDER EXCEPTIONAL OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES OF FUNDING RESOURCES GOALOBJECTIVES