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City Planning Directors
A team of leaders, our
Directors oversee the work
of City Planning, guide our
priorities, and enable us to
outperform expectations.

Gregg Lintern, Community
Planning, Toronto East-York

Kerri Voumvakis, Strategic
Initiatives, Policy & Analysis

Allen Appleby, Community
Planning, North York

Raymond David, Community
Planning, Scarborough

Neil Cresswell, Community
Planning, Etobicoke-York

Joe D’Abramo, Zoning &
Environmental Planning

Tim Laspa,
Transporation Planning

David Stonehouse,
Waterfront Secretariat

Harold Madi,
Urban Design
chief planner’s

Our city is transforming before our eyes!
Toronto is at a momentous point in its history,
capping out a decade of rapid growth to
become North America’s fourth largest city.
Every year, thousands of new residents come
to call Toronto home, their arrival a symbol
of belief in the opportunity this great city
Growth holds the potential for inspirational architecture, a spectacular
waterfront, vibrant neighbourhoods, streets that are for people, and
green spaces that knit our communities together. Growth also brings new
challenges as communities contend with change, as our infrastructure creaks
under the strain, and as we continue to negotiate our shared values. Using
our Official Plan as our guide, the City Planning Division seeks to shape
growth and manage change in a manner that enhances quality of life within
all of Toronto’s diverse communities.
This Annual Report is the first of its kind within our Division, and represents
a snapshot of how our actions in 2013 touched the lives of the people of
Toronto. Where Torontonians work and live, how we move around, how we
play – even the quality of the air we breathe - is directly impacted by the
work we do in collaboration with our Divisional partners.
The need for an Annual Report was identified as a key action in our Strategic
Plan as we continue to move the Division towards adopting a culture of best
practices. Our objective is to outline our accomplishments in a transparent
manner that makes clear the breadth of work delivered this past year, the
value City Planning adds to the City of Toronto, and priorities for 2014.
This report captures the quality, professional service delivered by the
City Planning team, our increasing operational efficiency, and our ability
to manage and deliver the unprecedented volume of development
experienced over the past five years. I am proud of our measurable impact
on key quality of life indicators. For this reason, we have structured the
Report to align with the key themes of our Official Plan.

In 2013, City Planning created and launched its first Strategic Plan, a
five-year guiding document that operationalizes how we implement the
Official Plan and serves as a foundation for achieving important cultural
shifts within our organization. Feeling Congested?, the review of the
Official Plan’s transportation policies, pioneered innovative consultation
techniques and reached thousands of residents. We also completed a series
of landmark projects in 2013, including the Tall Building Guidelines, the
Harmonized Zoning By-Law, and many spectacular public art installations
and civic improvements projects. Throughout the year our staff received
606 development applications, 3,162 committee of adjustment applications,
held 384 non-statutory public meetings, and approved 16,174 residential
units and 471,691 square metres of non-residential construction.
2014 brings opportunities to strengthen the completeness of our
communities and to build on the growing momentum for mid-rise buildings
along Toronto’s Avenues. The continued roll out of our Strategic Plan will
ensure we remain connected to our vision, and become more effective and
efficient as Division. Through Growing Conversations, a process launching
this winter, we will engage communities by exploring innovative ways to
broaden participation and to introduce planning to new audiences, such as
youth and recent immigrant communities.
In closing, I must stress that the successes of the past year are an outcome
of interdivisional collaborations, as well as of the many meetings,
conversations, and working groups held with stakeholders and residents of
this city. Thank you so much for your energy and inspiration!
Bring on 2014, and let’s continue to build a great city, TOgether.

Jennifer Keesmaat
Chief Planner & Executive Director

City Planning is driven by the inputs it
receives on a daily basis from the
public, developers, City Council, and
standing committees. The volume of
work handled by City Planning is
unprecedented among municipalities
in Canada.



non-statutory community




participants in chief planner


development applications


residents consulted


chief planner roundtable

In 2013, we worked to broaden the reach of
our traditional consultation through the use
of innovative methods and technologies.
Building on these successes, we are launching
Growing Conversations, an initiative that aims
to engage new audiences and transform our
approach to public consultation.

twitter interactions




1 million+

planners in public
spaces (PiPs) events
PiPs participants

interactions with the online
zoning map
page views of city planning




committee of adjustment



heritage permit applications




applications in 2013


planning and growth management
work program requests



completed hiring


internal training
sessions held


hours of internal staff


staff that participated in


staff that attended
external training

350 strong, the City Planning team handles the workload inputs received by our Division. We
strive to be leaders in city building in Toronto, delivering services efficiently, working to improve
the quality of life of residents, and following a long-term vision for the growth of Toronto.

#2013 @CityPlanTO










reports to community
councils & standing committees
design review sessions


official plan amendments

section 37 agreements

OMB development application
appeals submitted

committee of adjustment

city building studies

member’s motions at council

employment survey respondents

Robust and meaningful conversations with stakeholders is at the core of the planning process.
Through collaboration, we work to implement the pillars of the Official Plan, balance
community interests, and strengthen liveability in Toronto.

180,000 tonnes


of future Co2 reduction from toronto green standard

heritage permit applications
approved in 3 days




approved projects

public art installations

approved residential units


civic improvement projects

471,691 m2

approved non-residential space

$62 million
section 37 and 45 benefits secured

Inputs into City Planning are shaped by our team and the public to form the tangible elements of city
building that define the outputs of our Division. Toronto's future growth, resilience, and success are
fundamentally impacted by the work we do.




2013 World’s Most Liveable Cities Toronto ranked 4th

high-rise buildings
under construction














table of

City Planning - Who We Are


Planning for People - What We Do


Planning a Great City Together


The Official Plan


A City of Diversity & Opportunity
2013 Project Profiles
North Downtown Yonge
A City that Works
Parkway Forest


A City of Beauty
2013 Project Profiles
Toronto Urban Design Awards
Tall Building Guidelines
Civic Improvements
Public Art Program


A City of Connections
2013 Project Profiles
Feeling Congested?
Eglinton Connects


A City of Leaders and Stewards
2013 Project Profiles
Waterfront Secretariat
Official Plan Heritage Policy
Toronto Green Standard
Chief Planner Roundtables & Planners in Public Spaces
Zoning By-Law


Pan Am/Parapan Am Games
2013 Development Review
2013 Development Applications
Toronto & East-York
North York


Divisional Initiatives


2014 City Building

who we are

We are 350 passionate urbanists committed to building Toronto. We believe in the power of place, and that Toronto is a leading best
practice in city living. Our ranks are filled with talented professionals who deeply appreciate Toronto’s complex urban tapestry, and who
are unfaltering in their commitment to strengthening its social, economic, and environmental underpinnings.

Community Planning
As our primary face to the public, Community Planning
and Committee of Adjustment staff are the frontlines
of City Planning. Intimately familiar with their local
neighbourhoods, this driven team provides stellar
customer service and manages substantial volumes of
applications ranging from the largest skyscrapers to finegrained infill projects.

Urban Design
Shaping development to achieve beauty that astonishes
and inspires, this creative team helps craft meaningful
places and spaces designed for people. From the
massing of Toronto’s largest structures, to the fine
grained nuances of heritage preservation, public art
and public realm improvements, Urban Design and the
Graphics & Visualization team bring finesse to our work.

Strategic Initiatives, Policy and Analysis
Whether its managing the largest development boom
experienced in recent history, or responding to game
changing proposals with city-wide implications, this talented
group expediently handles critical planning issues facing
Toronto. Through comprehensive research, improved
business performance standards, zoning, area studies, and
long range policy, the work of this team sets the stage for
the quality of life of both current and future Torontonians.

Waterfront Secretariat
Revitalizing Toronto’s greatest natural asset - its waterfront
- is not without challenges. The Waterfront Secretariat
works closely with Waterfront Toronto and other partner
organizations to bring world-class planning to the shores
of Lake Ontario, helping to facilitate the largest urban
waterfront redevelopment project in North America.

Transportation Planning
Tackling urban mobility, one of Toronto’s most pressing issues,
these specialized professionals combine transportation and
land use planning to form one of Canada’s most respected
transportation planning teams. From Feeling Congested? to
planning for the Relief Line, the work of our transportation
planners will fundamentally shape Toronto’s underlying urban
structure for decades to come.





Planning for the people of Toronto is what we do. The places Torontonians call home - where we live, our neighbourhoods, and our city are all fundamentally impacted by City Planning.
As a Division, we seek to lead planning of this city, serve as stewards of its assets, and partner with communities to create a framework for
change that will enable Toronto to thrive. Our work, and its objectives, touch on all aspects of quality of life.
Where We Live and Work
We plan strategically to ensure that
appropriate housing and fulfilling employment
opportunities are available throughout Toronto
to meet the needs of a diverse and growing

How We Move
We strengthen the linkages that bind us
together by providing access to quality,
affordable transportation options that help us
move through our neighbourhoods and across
the city.

Healthy and Equitable Communities
We create complete inclusive communities by
providing the elements of healthy everyday
living in an accessible environment.

Memorable Places
We strive to protect existing built and natural
heritage, facilitate stunning new buildings, and
provide vibrant public spaces that leave us with
lasting memories.

The Legacy We Leave
We work to make Toronto both sustainable and
resilient, positioning future residents of this city to
enjoy an exceptional quality of life.

Shaping our Future City
At the hundreds of public events held in 2013, we
consistently heard the same message: Torontonians
are deeply proud of their city. We share this pride and
take privilege in the opportunity to shape the future
of Toronto.

planning for

what we do

In 2013, we launched our first ever Strategic Plan, a divisional playbook for advancing a city building agenda. With the Official Plan Vision
as its foundation, Strategic Directions are supported by key Actions that form a framework for our priorities and activities. The Strategic
Plan lays out the Charter Statements that guide City Planning as a Division, the work we do, and how we do it. We Plan TO...


city building.


We plan Toronto by taking a leading role in
city building.

3 learning.

We plan Toronto by creating policy that balances a
city-wide vision with neighbourhood interests.


We plan Toronto by facilitating a culture of
continuous learning.

5 participation.
We plan Toronto by continually working to
broaden participation in city building.

balancing interest.

We plan Toronto by embracing innovation.


We plan Toronto by pursuing partnerships with
other Divisions, City Council and the public.



City Planning is a steward of the City of Toronto’s Official Plan, a City Council-adopted policy that manages growth and change. The Official
Plan sets out a vision for Toronto and establishes the framework within which that vision will be achieved.

Official Plan Vision:

Vibrant neighbourhoods that are part of complete communities;


Affordable housing choices that meet the needs of everyone throughout their life;


Attractive, tree-lined streets with shops and housing that are made for walking;


A comprehensive and high quality affordable transit system that lets people move around the city quickly and conveniently;


A strong and competitive economy with a vital downtown that creates and sustains well-paid, stable, safe and fulfilling employment
opportunities for all Torontonians;


Clean air, land and water;


Green spaces of all sizes and public squares that bring people together;


A wealth of recreational opportunities that promote health and wellness;


A spectacular waterfront that is healthy, diverse, public, and beautiful;


Cultural facilities that celebrate the best of city living; and


Beautiful architecture and excellent urban design that astonishes and inspires.

At its core, the Official Plan is about planning for the people of Toronto by enhancing the quality of life of current and future residents. To
achieve this, four pillars underscore the Official Plan Vision, each touching on a distinct yet interconnected quality of life element. These pillars
represent the guiding structure that informs all that we do as a Division.





Economy, Housing, Complete Communities

Movement, Transportation Planning, Walking, Cycling

Toronto is a hopeful city, a place where ambition meets
opportunity. The diversity of our people is the strength that
drives our economy, culture, and pride. This pillar symbolizes
the need to create complete communities within a complete
city; places where fulfilling jobs and appropriate housing can be
found in close proximity to community amenities and services.

The quality of life of Torontonians is deeply tied to urban
connectivity. Strengthening our ability to connect, providing
movement choices that meet the needs of all citizens, and reducing
the amount of time and economic productivity lost to congestion
are critical issues facing a rapidly growing city. This pillar is not only
about making movement easier; it also is about ensuring that jobs,
schools, services, parks, and the other components of daily life are
within walking distance of where we live.



Green Spaces, Heritage, Urban Design, Streetscapes

Best Practices, Policy, Sustainability

The Official Plan seeks to create a city of beauty that astonishes
and inspires. The beauty of Toronto is not defined by any one
building or space, it is the outcome of the delicate composition in
our fine-grained urban environment. The interplay between our
ravines and heritage homes, our waterfront and skyline, and our
vibrant main streets embedded within established communities
are the daily scenes that express the inherent beauty of Toronto.

The context, challenges, and opportunities that Toronto faces are
unique in North America. Maintaining and enhancing the quality
of life within this environment demands taking a leadership role
and pioneering best practices. Strong stewardship of our existing
achievements is required to ensure the long-term sustainability
of the elements that define what makes Toronto a great city to
live in.


Economy, Housing, Complete Communities
Building complete communities that are places of
diversity and opportunity is a guiding pillar of our
Division. Complete communities provide choice;
housing that is appropriate and affordable, jobs
that are close to home, fulfilling education and
employment opportunities, and a variety of ways to
move around, socialize, and enjoy life. From citywide strategic initiatives to individual development
applications, we seek to make Toronto a city of
diversity and opportunity for all.


project profiles.
Port Lands Area Studies
Building on the successful outcomes of the
Port Lands Acceleration Initiative, Community
Planning, the Waterfront Secretariat,
Waterfront Toronto, and the Toronto and
Region Conservation Authority continue
to unlock the revitalization potential of the
Port Lands. Studies of this 356-hectare site
are currently focusing on the Don Mouth
Naturalization and Port Lands Flood Protection
Environmental Assessment, developing a
Port Lands-wide planning framework, and
completing precinct planning for Cousins
Quay and the Film Studio District.

Mr. Christie’s Master Plan
Between June and September 2013,
representatives from a diverse and inclusive
range of organizations met to explore options
to strengthen local employment opportunities
at the former Mr. Christie manufacturing site.
The working group studied the potential of
new commercial food incubator programs and
food industry tenants, and generated a vision
statement and ten guiding principles to inspire
the creation of a vibrant mixed-use community.



MCR Housing Potential Analysis

West Roncesvalles Land Use Study

Nearly 3.4 million people are expected to live
in Toronto by 2041. In order to ensure that the
Official Plan can accommodate this growth, City
Planning undertook a Municipal Comprehensive
Review. The review determined that current
planning policies are more than capable of
accommodating the forecasted population
growth without eroding lands currently
designated as Employment Areas.

Community planning initiated the West
Roncesvalles Land Use Study to preserve the
healthy mix of uses and dwelling types that
characterize this section of the west side of
Roncesvalles Avenue. City Planning established
a set of guidelines for the review of future nonresidential proposals in the area to ensure the
application of Official Plan policies and Zoning
By-Law provisions respect the unique character
of this area.

Ossington Area Study

Toronto’s Senior Strategy

Community Planning undertook extensive
community consultations as part of the
Ossington Avenue Planning Study, recognizing
that community organizations should be
leaders in building Toronto. From these
consultations emerged a new area-specific
Official Plan policy, which includes a limit on
the size of ground floor retail spaces, four and
five-storey height restrictions, and heritageconscious design standards. This policy will
help to maintain the community’s own sense
of Ossington Avenue as a “village in a city” by
encouraging diverse commercial activities and
vibrant pedestrian experiences.

City Planning assisted Social Development
Finance and Administration in the preparation
of the 2013 Toronto Seniors Strategy, a guiding
document that identifies key initiatives for
developing an age-friendly city. The new
strategy, its consultation process, and its
embodied themes of equity, respect, inclusion,
and quality of life align with the World
Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities and
Communities Initiative, and Ontario’s Seniors
Strategy: “Living Longer, Living Well.”

Section 37 Community Benefits

Queen Street West Restaurant Study

City Council and planning staff are committed
to increasing the diversity and accessibility
of Toronto’s housing. In June, City Council
revised the City’s Section 37 policies to allow
the provision of affordable rental units from a
developer in exchange for additional height
and/or density. Developers will now be able
to transfer new condominium units to a nonprofit housing provider for use as affordable
rental units, thereby increasing the diversity
of tenure types in new developments and the
accessibility of new housing.

To ensure a continued balance of residences
and commercial establishments, the Queen
Street West Restaurant Study recommends a
limit on the density of restaurants and bars
on Queen Street West, between Roncesvalles
Avenue and Dufferin Street. City Council’s
adoption of the study advances the Official
Plan’s vision of creating a city of diversity and
opportunity that encourages a mix of places to
live and work.


The North Downtown Yonge Area Specific Official Plan Policies and Urban Design Guidelines
provide the necessary vision and implementation tools to create a unique sense of place in a
dynamic mixed use community.
These policies provide direction and guidance for the built form and the public realm.
They accommodate both local and regional needs and support a diversity of housing,
employment, and recreational opportunities in this transit-integrated community.


In response to the Downtown Tall Buildings Study, and to address
the quantity and type of new development occuring in the area,
City Planning undertook the North Downtown Yonge Street
Planning Framework (NDYPF) and community consultation.
The original direction of the NDYPF was to provide area specific
urban design guidelines, but as the study process evolved it was
determined that a planning framework should also be provided
through an Official Plan Amendment with area specific policies.
In late 2013, City Council adopted both the urban design
guidelines and Official Plan Amendment, delivering to the
community a policy framework and design direction to shape the
future of the neighbourhood where they live, work, and play.



= 9,788

number of community involvement opportunities held
through the study process

Active community involvement was a critical component
throughout the study. Planning staff led a comprehensive
consultation process for the North Downtown Yonge study that
included a variety of engagement techniques, including the
development of a fully accessible webpage, area walks, a series of
open houses, a mini charrette, and a working group.


Focus on the built form of the area.
Respect the area’s extensive heritage attributes.
Identify places and streets of special interest.
Improve the pedestrian experience.
Recognize and identify opportunities to increase open space.
Community Consultation

City Council


Urban Design



participants in the
consultation process

Business Improvement Areas and
Neighbourhood Associations that
participated in the study process
(4 BIAs and 3 NAs)

sites approved,
under construction,
and proposed in the
study area


Policy Development



that works
a city

Official Plan Review of Policies for Economic Health and Employment Areas
Every municipality in Ontario is required to review its Official Plan within five years of it
coming into effect. The review must include an assessment of the policies and designations
for a municipality’s Employment Areas.

Toronto’s Employment Areas are designated for the exclusive use
of business and economic activities. Employment areas house
29% of Toronto’s jobs, and spread workplaces and commutes
across the city. It is crucial that Employment Areas are conserved
to give existing businesses room to expand, and to welcome new
businesses that will employ future generations of Torontonians.
As part of the review of Official Plan policies on Economic Health
and Employment Areas, an analysis of Toronto’s housing capacity
determined that the City is on track to meet provincial Growth
Plan population forecasts. With sufficient room to accommodate
population growth, there is no need to convert Employment Areas
to residential uses.



applications for Employment
Area conversions

140 +

of Toronto’s jobs are located in
Employment Areas

1.9 to 3.7


million m2 of new office space
required in Toronto by 2031

additional jobs forecasted by
2031 in Toronto


Promoting Office Space on Rapid Transit Lines
• Recommended Official Plan policies promote office growth in the
downtown, designated centres, and within walking distance of
rapid transit stations.
• In these transit-rich areas, if an office building is redeveloped for
residential use, the redevelopment must also contain an increase
in office space.

Draft Policies
to City Council

Research &
Policy Development


Preserving Toronto’s Employment Areas
• 8,300 hectares of land are devoted to business and economic
• Recommended Official Plan policies will preserve 97% of Toronto’s
Employment Areas.
• Employment Areas can be converted to residential uses only at the
time of the Official Plan Review.


PGM and City
Council request
further work
Policies Approved
by PGM and City





During community consultations on the project, residents made it clear they like
the leafy feel and open spaces of the area. The redevelopment seeks to retain that feel by
including plenty of green space and making sure that tall buildings are set back from the
street or set on podiums so they don’t loom too large. “We wanted to keep the park in
Parkway Forest,” says city planner Leo DeSorcy.
Marcus Gee, The Globe and Mail


Emerald City is a new community under construction in the
Parkway Forest neighbourhood, adjacent to the Don Mills
Subway Station and Fairview Mall. Once completed, the project
will include residential condominium towers, rental replacement
buildings, and new community services and facilities.
The project includes a new community centre with a gymnasium,
a running track, day care facilities, an outdoor pool, a new
community agency space, and public art commissioned from
renowned artist Douglas Copeland.
The new mid-rise rental replacement buildings and townhouses
are now occupied, and occupancy of the first residential
condominium tower commenced in December 2013.
Construction on the Parkway Forest Community Centre is
anticipated to be complete by Summer 2014.


new rental replacement dwelling
units in 3-storey townhouse buildings
and 7-storey mid-rise buildings




working group,
tenant information,
and community
consultation meetings
held through the
planning process

new condominium units in 3-storey townhouses,
7-storey mid-rise streetwall buildings and towers
ranging from 25 to 36 storeys

the size of the new Parkway Forest
Community Centre currently
under construction

5,316 m2

• Providing opportunities for new housing and rental
replacement units within a variety of mid and high rise
apartments and condominiums.
• Respecting and enhancing the existing park like character of
the community and providing new community services and
facilities for the neighbourhood.
• Using a phased transition of community services and
transportation infrastructure throughout the redevelopment to
ensure that residents always retain access to essential services.
• Creating a high-quality, safe, and comfortable public
realm with connected open space networks and improved
pedestrian routes between the community and the Don Mills
Subway Station.


Parkway Forest Community Centre - Public plaza at front entrance


Mimico-by-the-Lake is a historic Toronto community that is known for its unique
lakeside location within Toronto’s waterfront. It has exemplary public spaces and connections
to the waterfront with trails, parks and places for community gathering and play; an
accessible, attractive and vibrant main street that supports transit and a mix of shops, services,
employment opportunities and community activities and is a draw for residents and others
outside the area; housing choices and opportunities for renewed rental and ownership; and
inclusive participation from an active mixed income community which celebrates its history,
diversity, environment, arts, and culture.


Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan Vision Statement

Mimico 20/20 was a City Planning lead initiative that resulted in
the creation of the Mimico by-the-Lake Secondary Plan. The plan
provides the policy framework for revitalization and change within
this community over the next 20 years.
Taking advantage of its unique lakeside setting, this plan envisions
an inclusive, mixed-use community that is well integrated with
the surrounding neighbourhood. It provides for choice in terms of
mobility, employment, shopping, and recreational opportunities, as
well as housing in terms of built form, tenure, and affordability.
Creating the plan involved a robust consultation campaign that
drew upon a range of public consultation strategies. It successfully
engaged hundreds of local residents and property/business
owners in a substantive conversation on the future of the Mimico

8, 25 & 15
maximum building heights

1,000 +




public consultation
tools including a
charrette, open
houses, interviews,
and workshops

residents of Mimico who were
engaged through the various
community consultation processes

dedicated to containing all
the published material and
project history

1 website

Guiding Priorities
In collaboration with the community, planning staff developed
seven priorities that provide a frame of reference for developing
the Secondary Plan, which include housing, parks, public realm and
infrastructures, economic development, land use and built form,
transportation and movement, and social services.
Providing for Revitalization
The Secondary Plan presents a framework that supports
reinvestment through the creation of a new street and block pattern
that facilitates redevelopment under a built form and height regime
that is sensitive to its context.
Revitalization in the Secondary Plan area is expected to occur through
the renewal of the existing rental housing stock, infill development on
underutilized sites, and redevelopment of properties in accordance
with the Secondary Plan.

Accessing Lake Ontario
The plan emphasizes stronger connections to Lake Ontario to allow
the larger Mimico community to access Toronto’s landmark waterfront.
Access is provided by introducing new streets from Lake Shore
Boulevard West, along the waterfront, and providing pedestrian
connections with green space expansions.

a city of
Argen Elezi Photography, 2013




Green Spaces, Heritage, Urban Design,
Building a city of beauty means encouraging the
development of an urban landscape that constantly
inspires and amazes. Beautiful cities build long-term
resilience by attracting and retaining people and
investment. Protecting our existing built and natural
environments, new public art, heritage preservation,
excellent urban design, the Design Review Panel,
vibrant streetscapes, and plentiful green spaces are
among the many ways that City Planning works to
make Toronto beautiful.

project profiles.
Heritage Conservation District Studies

Heritage Preservation Services is investigating
the opportunity to create Heritage
Conservation Districts (HCD) in five city
neighbourhoods: King-Spadina, Historic Yonge
Street, the Garden District, St. Lawrence,
and Queen Street East. The first phase of
this process involves a careful assessment of
these areas, and the over 2,000 properties
that they contain, to determine their historical
significance. New area specific plans will
then establish policies that will conserve
important heritage attributes, while inviting
new developments that respect the historical
characteristics of these neighbourhoods.

City Hall Physical Model
The architectural model of the city that greets
people entering City Hall has received a wellearned refurbishment. This process involved a
thorough cleaning of the model, new tables to
support the base, and new counters and glass
to match the existing heritage counters of the
first floor lobby. New graphic wall murals and an
LED projector augments the static nature of this
venerable 3D snapshot of the city.



Privately Owned Public Spaces

Mimico Phase 2

A growing city needs new parks and open
spaces as places of retreat, relaxation, and
recreation. To create these facilities in Toronto’s
dense urban landscape, City Planning actively
pursues partnerships with private developers
to include Privately Owned Publicly Accessible
Open Spaces (POPS) as part of development
applications. POPS agreements have added
nearly 100,000 square metres of public space
to the downtown area alone; and planning
staff have identified up to 400 potential
additional POPS sites throughout the city.

Mimico Waterfront Park is a new $18 million
public space on the shore of Lake Ontario.
Funded by Waterfront Toronto, the park
includes 1.1 kilometres of waterfront trail
that provides residents with environmentally
sustainable access to the waterfront. The
recently completed Phase 2 included the
installation of three sections of cantilevered
boardwalk and a multi-use trail between
Superior Avenue and Grand Harbour.

Design Review Panel

Ranee Underpass

The Design Review Panel is an independent
advisory body comprised of private-sector
design professionals. Their mandate is to
help improve the quality of life in Toronto by
promoting design excellence in architecture,
landscape architecture, urban design, and
environmental sustainability. In 2013 the Panel
reviewed 37 projects throughout the City,
including 23 significant private developments
(office buildings, condominiums etc.) and 14
major public projects (bridge, trail and park
designs, and policy/visioning documents).

Improvements to Ranee Underpass emerged
as a priority in City Planning’s community
consultations during the Lawrence-Allen
Revitalization process. The community
produced a vibrant mural to create a more
accessible and welcoming entrance to Yorkdale
Subway Station. Civic Design then partnered
with Transportation Services to implement
numerous public realm improvements,
including widening the sidewalks, improving
the landscaping, and providing seating and
bicycle parking.

Rouge National Urban Park

Midtown in Focus

In 2011, the Federal Government announced
that it would establish Canada’s first national
urban park through an expansion of Toronto’s
Rouge Park. In addition to leading bilateral
discussions with Parks Canada, City Planning
staff are working with other Divisions to
identify and address the implications of this
expansion on existing and future infrastructure
and adjacent land uses. A national urban
park designation will ensure strengthened
protections for this important natural
environment and its significant beauty and
recreational opportunities.

The Midtown in Focus Study will create a
framework for coordinated improvements
to parks, open spaces, and streetscapes in
the area surrounding the Yonge-Eglinton
Centre. The Study will identify how the
existing relationships between parks, open
spaces, streets, and public buildings can be
improved. The objective is a public realm that
is a destination in its own right, and one that
contributes to the vibrancy of the area.



The Toronto Urban Design Awards present an opportunity to pause, take stock and
recognize the work we are doing, collectively, to create a great city.
Chief Planner Jennifer Keesmaat 2013 Awards Gala keynote address



The Toronto Urban Design Awards are for projects that not only demonstrate
excellence in design, but thoughtfully engage with and contribute to the public realm and
the creation of place.


2013 Toronto Urban Design Awards Jury

Every two years, the City of Toronto holds Urban Design Awards to
acknowledge the significant contribution that architects, landscape
architects, urban designers, artists, design students, and city
builders make to the look and liveability of the city.
The 2013 Toronto Urban Design Awards program once again
provided an encouraging snapshot of how we have collectively
shaped and improved the city’s built environment.
The 2013 Awards competition received 125 entries in the following
seven categories:
1. Elements
2. Buildings in Context – Private
a. Low-scale
b. Mid-rise
c. Tall
3. Buildings in Context – Public
4. Small Open Spaces
5. Large Places and Neighbourhood Designs
6. Visions and Master Plans
7. Student Projects

The Jury selected 28 winning projects, including 11 Awards of
Excellence, 16 Awards of Merit, and 1 Special Jury Award. The 2013
award winners were announced and celebrated during an evening
gala on September 11, 2013 at the Palais Royale.

125 entries
an impressive 125 projects entered in 7

28 winners
financial and in-kind contributions
from corporate partners supports full
program cost recovery


industry professionals
joined City representatives
at an evening awards gala
announcing the winners


11 Awards of Excellence, 16
Awards of Merit and 1 Special
Jury Award

25 sponsors

An independent jury of design professionals selected winning
projects that reflect Torontonian’s expectation for high-quality and
sustainable design.
Jury deliberation was two full days, and included a thorough
review of each entry, a tour of shortlisted projects, and selection
of the winning submissions. The results of the competition are
summarized in a 35 page Jury Report.

The Jury was particularly impressed by the range and quality of
Public Buildings entered, and awarded an unprecedented 10
projects in this category.
Toronto’s 2013 Award of Excellence winners receive advanced
placement in the 2014 National Urban Design Awards competition
hosted by Architecture Canada | RAIC, the Canadian Institute of
Planners, and the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects.


Jury Members (right to left): Marianne McKenna, KPMB Architects | Eric Turcotte, Urban
Strategies Inc. | Cecelia Paine, University of Guelph | Jeremy Sturgess, Sturgess Architecture
| Matthew Blackett, Spacing | |


What we have to think about are ways to create a vertical urban life that’s liveable. It isn’t
just about the view. It has to be about how buildings work at the base and how they contribute
to the public realm.


Bruce Kuwabara , KPMB Architects
The Toronto Star, Urban Issues, Dec 22, 2011 by Christopher Hume




Toronto has recently experienced an unprecedented number of
tall building developments. In response, City Planning developed
clear design guidance to ensure that new tall buildings fit well with
neighbours, improve living, working, and pedestrian experiences,
and support a sustainable future.


Coordination and Consistency
Provide one coordinated set of guidelines which can be applied
consistently city-wide.

In May 2013, City Council adopted updated city-wide Tall Building
Design Guidelines. These guidelines bring together previous tall
building studies and guidelines into a unified set of performance
measures. The Guidelines are used to help evaluate all new and
current tall building development applications across Toronto. The
city-wide Guidelines are used together with the award winning
companion “Downtown Tall Buildings: Vision and Supplementary
Design Guidelines” to address specific tall building planning and
design concerns identified within the city’s downtown, where tall
building development is most intensive.


Design Quality
Prioritize design excellence and innovation as a means of addressing
the important civic role tall buildings play in defining the image and
liveability of Toronto.
Use simple, direct language, clear graphic illustrations, and a userfriendly layout to communicate design concepts and solutions to a
broad audience.
Incorporate input from more than 6 years of guideline testing and review:
• 290+ “tall building” applications (about 50% downtown);
• District Planning and Design studies;
• Design Review Panel meetings;
• City Council and Ontario Municipal Board decisions;
• Community meetings; and
• Resident and industry stakeholder consultations.

2006 :



DRAFT city-wide “Design Criteria for the Review of Tall
Building Proposals” adopted


Downtown study “Tall Buildings, Inviting Change in Downtown
Toronto” completed (2013 OPPI Award of Excellence winner)


Downtown Tall Buildings Vision and Performance
Standards Design Guidelines adopted


Updated city-wide Tall Building Design Guidelines &
Downtown Tall Buildings: Vision and Supplementary Design
Guidelines adopted



Number of Tall Building* Development Applications
City-Wide (2006 to 2012)
* Applications with building(s) 14 storeys or more

Tall Building Official Plan policies adopted

Dundas Street West Parkettes,
2013 Toronto Urban Design Award
of Merit winner | PMA Landscape
Architects | Scott Eunson &
Marianne Lovink | Design input and
construction funding provided by
City Planning in collaboration with
Dundas West BIA and Economic
Development & Culture


Through a combination of wood benches, sculptural bicycle racks, curbed
planting areas and the use of high-quality paving materials, eight new public spaces
have been created that serve the needs of local residents and contribute to retail street
life on Dundas Street West...This type of initiative should be repeated and encouraged
throughout the city.


2013 Toronto Urban Design Awards Jury

Every year, City Planning undertakes a series of civic improvement
projects to advance the placemaking policy objectives of the Official
Plan. The program involves low-cost, high-value investments to
enhance the design quality and environmental sustainability of large
capital works projects underway across the city.
These demonstrations of design excellence and innovation in city
building take place on Toronot’s streets, bridges, and adjacent public
open spaces. Design enhancements may include the addition of
small public plazas, seat walls, planters, steps and ramps, interpretive
signage, public art, tree planting, stormwater management, and
naturalization programs.
These improvements result in improved pedestrian safety,
environmental benefits and more attractive, functional, and inviting
public places for local residents, businesses, and visitors to enjoy.

$2.7 million
value of civic improvement projects
completed in 2013

12 places
number of bridge,
gateway and trail
enhancements installed



extent of linear
streetscape greening and
design improvements

6 km

number of new parkettes and
small open spaces completed

5 connections

The range of projects delivered city-wide in 2013
includes new parkettes, improvements to bridges, ravine
connections, and transit waiting areas, as well as the
installation of seat walls, street trees, and an innovative
bioswale pilot project for stormwater management.
public art
City Planning creates public art policy, identifies public art
opportunities on public and private lands, and oversees the private
developer Percent for Public Art Program. Based in Urban Design,
and working with volunteer advisors at the Toronto Public Art
Commission, the Percent for Public Art Program has secured and
approved dozens of public art commissions across Toronto.
2013 was very active for the City Planning Percent for Public
Art Program: 10 new public art installations were completed, 14
Public Art Plans were approved, and more than 12 new public art
commitments were secured.


The mission of the PLAZA Public Art Program is to create inspiring living environments
that benefit their residents and cultivate a sense of community.

PLAZA’s press release for Breuning’s Guardians

65, 75, 85 East Liberty Street, Developer: PLAZA, Guardians by Olaf Breuning




525 Wilson Avenue

103 and 105 the Queensway

Developer: Tippet Developments

Developer: Cresswell

These three prominent “Light
Containers” are perforated
stainless steel with thousands
of circular holes. Sculptor Linda
Covit added programmed LEDs
to create a changing sequence
of tones.

American sculptor Jim Hodges
created this boldly abstract
sculpture made from galvanized
steele plate. 6 m wide by 9 m
tall, ‘Echo’ can be seen from the
Gardiner Expressway.

Markham Steeles Crossing

125 Western Battery Road

Developer: Baif Developments

Developer: PLAZA

“Toronto 360” announces a
large retail plaza at the corner of
Markham and Steeles. Designed
by Dean Martin, this prominent
play on words and text serves as
an important landmark.

Fastwurm’s giant treefrog is a
delightful addition to Liberty
Village’s neighbourhood. In an
open plaza, combined with an 11
m tall unicorn tusk, “Monoceros”
these sculptures are powerful
icons from traditional and popular

570 Bay Street

430 King Street West

Developer: Concert Properties

Developer: Great Gulf Limited

Two lovely bronze sculptures and
text by Ken Lum are located in
a quiet corridor near the busy
intersection of Bay and Dundas
Streets. “Across Time and Space,
Two Children of Toronto Meet”
is a symbolic reference to the
passage of time.

At a busy King Street West corner
sits Jed Lind’s “Ballast”, a 5 m tall
bronze homage to the shipping
days. This bold contemporary
relic is the focal point of a popular
social space for the public.
a city of



Movement, Transportation Planning, Walking,
Urban connectivity ties us together. How we travel
to work, to buy our groceries, or to visit family and
friends profoundly impacts our quality of life. A
connected city is a place where all residents have the
ability to move in a way that is accessible, efficient,
affordable, sustainable, and healthy. Through our
Transportation Planning Section, Civic Improvement
Program, and planning inputs into transportation
initiatives led by our corporate partners, City
Planning is deeply committed to making Toronto a
city of connections.

project profiles.
Richmond-Adelaide Cycle Tracks
Transportation Services and City Planning
are undertaking the Richmond-Adelaide
Cycle Tracks Planning and Design Study,
an assesment of the potential for physically
separated bicycle lanes (“cycle tracks”) running
along Richmond, Adelaide and/or Wellington
Streets between Bathurst and Sherbourne
Streets. The Richmond-Adelaide Cycle Tracks
will advance the transportation objectives
established in the Official Plan by expanding
the city’s bike-way network, improving transit
interconnectedness, reducing automobile
dependency, and creating a bicycle-friendly
urban environment.

Billy Bishop Island Airport
For the expedited review of the Billy Bishop
Toronto City Airport expansion proposal,
planning staff collected public input from more
than 1,000 attendees at four public meetings,
41,000 online surveys, 350 face-to-face
interviews, and 1,000 residents via a telephone
poll. As well, staff led an interdisciplinary
consultant and staff team, and comprehensively
analyzed and synthesized the technical report
findings. Staff formulated recommendations for
Executive Committee and City Council on the
basis of this information.



Ward 18 Rail Corridor

Mount Dennis Mobility Hub

City Planning sought to respond proactively
to development proposals along the western
edge of Ward 18, and plan for long-term
revitalization of the lands beside the Canadian
National Railway tracks. The study identifies
potential sites for parks and open spaces,
advocates for bikeway connections to the
West Toronto Rail Path, incorporates options
for additional vehicle parking and pedestrian
walkways, and strives to protect and conserve
heritage resources.

The Mount Dennis Mobility Hub Study aims to
inform the development of a fully integrated
transit station. The completed study - a
collaboration between Metrolinx and City
Planning - will establish a long-term vision
for the station and surrounding lands that
aspires towards a higher density mixed-use
environment with enhanced pedestrian and
cyclist connectivity and functionally improved
public spaces.

Lawrence-Allen Revitalization

Gardiner Environmental Assessment

The Lawrence-Allen Secondary Plan establishes
a foundation for a long-term revitalization
of the Lawrence Heights neighbourhood.
City staff, the Toronto Community Housing
Corporation, and developer partners are
currently planning the first phase of this
development which will include both market
and social housing components. With a short
walk of two subway stations, the development
will encourage active and sustainable living
with excellent integration into the city’s
transportation network.

A joint project of the City and Waterfront
Toronto, the Gardiner East Environmental
Assessment and Urban Design Study is
studying four options for the elevated
expressway east of Jarvis Street: maintain,
improve, replace, and remove. Given the
importance of the corridor to Toronto’s
economic future, and its role within emerging
waterfront communities, the options are
being evaluated from the perspective of
transportation and infrastructure, economics,
urban design, and environment in accordance
with the approved Terms of Reference. Council
will consider a preferred EA alternative in April.

Beecroft Streetscape

Kennedy Mobility Hub

Urban Design viewed the planned extension
of Beecroft Road as an opportunity to
collaborate with Transportation Services to
engage in a project of placemaking, and bring
aesthetic and functional enhancements to
the community. Now completed, the Beecroft
Streetscape revitalization added a series of
parkettes for playgrounds with new seating
and picnicking areas. A tree-lined streetscape
now connects the residential community to
the North York Centre subway station.

In 2013, City Planning, Metrolinx, and the
Toronto Transit Commission engaged in
dialogue on the future development of this
important transportation hub. Following
community consultations, a comprehensive
plan emerged for a well-designed and
integrated Kennedy Station that will contribute
significantly to the connectivity of the city.
The mixed-use focus of the Mobility Hub,
and a high-quality station design, will help
strengthen the connections between residential
neighbourhoods and employment areas.


As we were riding down Sherbourne St. toward Allen Gardens, I realized just how much
the separated bike lanes make a difference. I felt immediately safer peddling down the green
marked lane, and cautioning a look at drivers, I could tell they were happy they didn’t have to
deal with cyclists.


Julia Alexander, Toronto Sun

Feeling Congested? is a process to update the transportation
policies in the City’s Official Plan. Designed around a robust
consultation campaign that has pioneered a range of innovative
engagement methods, it is successfully engaging thousands of
Torontonians in a substantive conversation about the future of
transportation in this city.
Extensive consultation and analysis was undertaken throughout
2013 to develop a Rapid Transit Decision Making Framework that
applies a criteria-based process for prioritizing future rapid transit
investments. For the first time ever, this prioritization framework will
be included in the Official Plan once approved.
In addition, a new Bicycle Policy Framework, a Complete Streets
Framework, and other amendments to existing policies are
proposed. The process is scheduled to conclude in early 2015.

135 million


residents of Toronto engaged so
far through the process

residents engaged in “meetings-onthe-move” discussion panels, public
meetings and intercepts

8,300 +

Build Capacity
• Enable the public to engage in informed conversations with City
Planning through capacity building.
Engage New Audiences
• Use innovative consultation techniques and new technologies,
including web-based tools and social media, to reach larger and
more diverse audiences than has traditionally been possible.
• Use marketing, branding, and media to broaden reach.

Improve Transportation Planning and Decision Making
• Reduce congestion and increase movement options.
• Adopt a network-based approach to transportation planning and
implementation that is grounded in evidence and good planning.
• Establish transportation priorities within the City’s Official Plan.
• Provide political and financial certainty for investment.

Policy Development


Decision Process

Community Consultation




rapid transit
projects evaluated

media impressions through “earned media”,
TTC adverts, and through social media

18,000 +



Eglinton Connects is about evaluating options to take advantage
of new rapid transit infrastructure along Eglinton Avenue. How do
we grow with rapid transit? Where will people live and work, and
what kind and size of buildings should be built along Eglinton
Avenue in the future? How should Eglinton Avenue function, how
should it look, and what features should it have?
Through Eglinton Connects, City Planning is working to answer
these, and many other, questions. The Study began with an
existing policy framework that indicates the Eglinton corridor is an
area appropriate for accommodating growth, but that the degree
of change will vary across the corridor and must be considerate
of existing character, context, and local needs. The Study is an
opportunity to monitor and implement the Performance Standards
for mid-rise buildings adopted by City Council in 2010.

Eglinton Connects is both a Planning Study and a streetscape-related Environmental
Assessment. The focus is on planning for the future Eglinton Avenue, and how to best
leverage investment in the Metrolinx Crosstown Light Rail Transit line for the benefit of our
communities and our city.
Although still in progress, Eglinton Connects is already an award-winning study, having
recently been awarded the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s “Project of the Year” for 2013.

Through over 60 consultation events, promoted through 14 methods
(including 6 newspaper ads, 238,000 flyers, and social media), and
two years of research and analysis, City Planning now has an initial list
of 21 recommendations for the Eglinton Avenue corridor.

Involve the Communities of Eglinton
• Host multiple consultation events across the 19 km corridor that
are both formal and informal.
• Promote the events through multiple channels to ensure
awareness of the Study by employing newspaper, direct mail,
radio, online, and social media methods.
Direct ‘Right-sized’ Built Form
• Develop a built form strategy that accommodates intensification
and is sensitive to existing contexts, local needs and character,
while also providing appropriate transition to low-scale
• Make it easy for the right kind of development to occur, through
as-of-right zoning or a Development Permit System.


60 +

of protected bike lanes are recommended as a
component of creating a complete street


people who have participated in the
Study through attending events or
answering surveys

5000 +

Create a Great Metropolitan Avenue
• Develop a streetscape that facilitates efficient travel,
accommodates all users, and maintains existing parking capacity.
Partner to Create a Great Transit Experience
• Work with Metrolinx and other partners to ensure the transit
infrastructure is designed to achieve excellence in function,
physical quality, and user experience.





consultations including 13
workshops and open houses,
and 11 pop-ups

approximate proportion of the Study
corridor recommended for as-ofright zoning for mid-rise buildings

38 km


3D test modelling of mid-rise buildings along Eglinton Avenue

Research &

Policy Development



Decision Process

a city of


Best Practices, Policy, Sustainability
As a city of stewards and leaders, Torontonians take
ownership and pride in the physical, economic,
and social assets that define the city. All residents,
organizations, and communities have a role to play
in upholding Toronto as a leader in global best
practices. As stewards and leaders, City Planning
works to pioneer exemplary policy, research,
processes, and guiding principles that collectively
ensure that Toronto remains a thriving and
sustainable metropolis.


project profiles.
Bird Friendly Guidelines
City Planning encourages the stewardship of
the city’s wildlife, and recently published the
“Best Practices for Bird Friendly Glass” manual
as a follow-up to the internationally acclaimed
“Bird Friendly Development Guidelines”. The
manual identifies strategies that architects and
designers can use to meet the Toronto Green
Standard bird-friendly performance measures.

Best Practices for Effective Lighting
Light pollution is pervasive in urban
environments. The Division’s “Best Practices
for Effective Lighting” attempts to address
this problem by identifying applications and
technologies for effective urban lightning,
minimizing light pollution while enhancing the
safety, security, and beauty of the city at night.



Green Roof Policies



647 - City Blue

The characteristics and habitats of Toronto’s
native wildlife have been beautifully and
carefully rendered in the acclaimed Biodiversity
Booklet Series. The series, which is the
product of a dedicated group of volunteers including experts, financial contributors, and
photographers - expanded in 2013 with the
publication of the “Mammals of Toronto” and
the “Reptiles and Amphibians of Toronto”.

Casino Proposal


Biodiversity Booklet Series

As the first city in North America to establish
a By-Law that requires and regulates the
construction of green roofs, Toronto is a leader
in pioneering sustainable development. In 2013,
the Green Roof By-Law resulted in 196 site plan
applications requiring green roof installations
that will create over 50,000 square metres of
new green roofs city-wide. New Biodiverse
Green Roofs Guidelines will encourage green
roof designs that can accommodate a variety of
wildlife native to Toronto.

Toronto 3D Model

City Planning was part of an inter-divisional
group tasked with conducting public
consultation, providing analysis, and making
recommendations about a potential new casino
in Toronto’s downtown and an expanded facility
at Woodbine Race Track. City Planning staff
focused on four thematic areas: urban fabric,
placemaking, transportation, and infrastructure.
The Division prepared materials for five public
consultation meetings and identified planning
directions for City Council’s consideration.

Forty-eight new buildings were added to the
City’s Urban Design 3D model in 2013. The
model is a geographically correct depiction of
existing and proposed buildings, roads, parks,
and other features of the urban landscape.
Its accurate and extensive coverage, and its
ability to seamlessly accommodate all potential
development, makes the model an important
tool for addressing development concerns
pertaining to light, privacy, and potential shadow
impacts on parks and other public spaces.

Annual Toronto Employment Survey

Putting People First

The Toronto Employment Survey (TES) is a
rich dataset that provides a valuable profile of
economic activity across the city. The survey team
marked the TES’s thirtieth year by visiting 75,000
business establishments to create a detailed
resource for the analysis of the nature of the
city’s employers and land uses. The TES results
are combined with the findings of other surveys,
such as the 2011 Living in the Downtown and
Centres Survey, to better understand Toronto’s
changing employment opportunities.

City Planning is partnering with the
Toronto Community Housing Corporation
(TCHC) to revitalize TCHC residences and
physically transform former public housing
neighbourhoods into mixed-income, mixeduse communities. The seven projects currently
underway include large-scale initiatives, such
as Regent Park and Lawrence Heights, and
smaller, targeted intensification projects like
Allenbury Gardens.

In 2013, the Waterfront Secretariat joined City Planning, creating a fully integrated unit that
acts as the “one window” at the City level for waterfront revitalization. In this capacity, the
Secretariat works with City Divisions and agencies, the other two orders of government, and
Waterfront Toronto to support the revitalization of the Central Waterfront.



The public opening of Phase 2 of Corktown Commons by Waterfront
Toronto in 2013 has been extended into 2014. Phase 1 of the park
has been an important step in the evolution of the West Don Lands
community. It is within short walking distance of the new River City
and Toronto Community Housing developments under construction
to the north and the emerging Canary District/Athletes’ Village to
the west. The park is located on top of a flood protection landform
completed through work with the Province and Toronto Region
and Conservation Authority. The Secretariat is assisting Waterfront
Toronto and Infrastructure Ontario with the park handover process.

Queens Quay Revitalization



The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee has approved
a Design Build process to complete a revised bridge design,
integrated with area development in the Ordnance Triangle Lands
north and west of the fort. The bridge will connect the area park
system across the rail corridors and south into Garrison Common
and the waterfront.

The Secretariat’s involvement in this project dates back to 2006 when
Waterfront Toronto, in conjunction with the City, conducted a design
competition for re-imaging Queens Quay. The design then proceeded
to an Environmental Assessment in 2010. In 2013, the project was under
construction. To date, in the vicinity of the Redpath Sugar plant, new
sidewalks and a Martin Goodman Trail extension have been completed.
Construction of the portion between Bathurst Street and Bay Street will
continue in 2014 and 2015. Already, granite and other finishes are being
installed along some portions of the street.

The Design Build process and bridge construction will be carried out
by Build Toronto. This process will determine the final design and
construction costs, and will help deliver a high-quality project on
time and on budget.

In 2013, the Bayside Affordable Housing Pilot Project came one step
closer to becoming a reality. In November, City Council gave approval
in principle to the construction of approximately 70-80 affordable
housing units integrated with market housing in the next buildings to be
constructed on the Bayside site. Negotiations continue on all of the details
which will be presented to City Council for final approval in May 2014.


Bayside Development

Bayside is a 5.3 ha parcel of City-owned lands to be revitalized by
Waterfront Toronto and their development partner, Hines. All of the
governing agreements relating to respective obligations are now in
place and development will proceed in a series of phases. The first
two residential buildings are at the planning approval stage with
construction targeted to begin mid 2014.
official plan

heritage policy


These new Official Plan heritage policies are the result of feedback from the public
and the work of many stakeholders who came together to share thoughts and provide
input. We all want Toronto to be a city that is a great place to live, work, invest and play,
and the Official Plan policies will help to set out the vision for where and how Toronto will
grow through to the year 2031.


Jennifer Keesmaat, Toronto’s Chief Planner

Heritage assets, whether architectural, natural, or cultural, are
fundamental in creating and maintaining a sense of place and
identity for Torontonians. Since the approval of the Official Plan
in 2006, City Council has acquired new resources through the
Ontario Heritage Act to better preserve Toronto’s heritage assets.
A priority of the Five-Year Review of the Official Plan is to build
these new provisions into holistic heritage policies. Working in
conjunction with a consulting team, Planning staff prepared a
progressive, cultural-heritage oriented set of conservation policies
for integration into the Official Plan. These new polices earned
the City a national award of excellence in heritage planning from
the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP).

100 +


new policies for heritage planning and conservation

policy review meetings with specially formed
Heritage Advisory Committee

The new Official Plan heritage policies are now consistent with
the expanded authority granted to City Council by the Ontario
Heritage Act. These Official Plan policies - informed by modern
conservation theory - provide council with a broad and complete
set of heritage conservation policies. By providing better
protection for significant views, heritage conservation districts,
and archaeological resources, the new policies also acknowledge
the importance of Toronto’s heritage in fostering a liveable and
diverse city amid rapid growth and development.

Mary MacDonald and Scott Barrett receiving the CAHP award on behalf of City Planning

Policy Review
Project Initiation & RFP
Consultant Selection


Stakeholder Consultation

Public Meeting - Report to PGM - Approval by PGM Adoption by City Council - Notice of the Minister of
Municipal Affairs Decision to Approve OPA 199

Policy Development



new views protected
in the Official Plan

people attended public meetings for
Official Plan Heritage Policies




toronto green


Going Green – Toronto Green Standard identified as one of 10 important policies that
are making Toronto a more sustainable city.
Spacing Magazine, Winter 2013/2014



Since Toronto brought in these mandatory standards, other municipalities have
started looking at creating policies of their own.
Gabrielle Kalapos, Executive Director of Clean Air Partnership


$20 million

The Toronto Green Standard (TGS) is a two-tier set of
environmental performance measures applied during the planning
process to create more sustainable developments. The TGS helps
to build a resilient city through measures that improve air quality,
manage storm water on site, and promote the planting of native
species. Since January 2010, when TGS first came into effect,
Toronto has led other cities in North America by being the only
municipality to require green standards for new construction.

annual energy saving for buildings
constructed to Tier 1 performace measures


The TGS was updated in 2013 to incorporate new regulations,
guidelines, and input from the development industry and City
Divisions. The result is a clearer, more accessible document
that will achieve better environmental performance from new
developments while being easier to implement. TGS Version 2.0
came into effect on January 1, 2014.



applications for higher
performace measures
under TGS Tier 2


forecasted reduction in annual tonnes
of Co2 emissions as a result of TGS

new site plan applications required to meet TGS
Tier 1 performance measures since 2010


Responds to Environmental Pressures & Policies
TGS addresses the City‘s environmental priorities: air quality, energy
efficiency and green house gas emissions; water quality and efficiency;
solid waste; and ecology and the natural environment.

Implement the Official Plan
The TGS is an innovative tool for strengthening the environmental
performance of new developments. It helps to achieve the Official
Plan’s vision for clean air, land, and water, and contributes to
realizing the targeted 80% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2050.
Measurable and Performance–oriented
The policies encourage innovative initiatives to meet performance


Oct.2009 Council
Jan 2010



July TGS v2 Council

TGS Review



Jan 2014 TGS v2
came into effect

chief planner

Chief Planner Rountable public forum

The Chief Planner Roundtable is a public forum where
Torontonians discuss key city-building issues and identify
innovative “drivers for change”. Each roundtable is held in
an engaging environment, and provides a variety of options
for participation, including attendance in person, watching
a live-stream on the internet, and contributing to the
conversation through comment cards, e-mail, and on Twitter.
The roundtables allow City Planning to reach out beyond the
structured conversations typical of the planning process, creating
meaningful dialogue and new partnerships with community
advocates, other Divisions, academics and the private sector.



held in 2013, with
more planned for in

including civic leaders, industry
professionals, academics, and City
and agency staff

55 members

2,000+ tweets

roundtable conversations continued on Twitter

attended in-person or viewed livestreams of the events online

2,600 +


Our Urban Fabric: Designing and Creating Public Places
The Resilient City
Next Generation Suburbs
The Shape of Toronto’s Suburbs
Arrival City: Toronto’s Suburbs as Global City Landing Spot
Mobility in the Suburbs


These information sessions are an important way to keep
Torontonians engaged with their city, their neighbourhoods,
and most importantly the planning decisions City Hall makes
on their behalf…So, we call on planning staff to continue these
out-reach initiatives and start planning many, many more.
The Etobicoke Guardian, August 2013


On August 20, 2013, City Planning launched a month-long outreach
campaign called “Planners in Public Spaces” (PiPS). City Planning
information booths sprang up in public spaces across Toronto, and
residents had opportunities to learn about planning issues and the
role of city planners. Over 1,700 people participated in this initiative
by visiting information booths at 20 community spaces, asking
questions about planning, and discovering ways to become more
involved in shaping their city.


public events held throughout
the city




less cost per
person reached
vs. average

250 tweets

social media coverage helped draw visitors to event locations

people participated in PiPs events and
connected with City Planning

1,700 +

Raise people’s awareness of the importance of city planning and
the role that planners play in shaping the city.
Provide education about the basic elements of city planning and
how it can create more liveable neighbourhoods.
Engage people to become more involved in city planning issues in
their neighbourhoods and city-wide.
Planners in Public Spaces kick-off event at City Hall

planners in

By-Law 560-2013 is Toronto’s first city-wide Zoning By-Law. Enacted
on May 9, 2013, the By-Law is a consistent set of rules that applies to
every property in the city. The By-Law regulates the use of land, as
well as building height, size, bulk, location, and amount of parking
The project required consolidating 43 different Zoning By-Laws of
the former municipalities. Most of these By-Laws dated back to the
1950s and included over 8,000 amendments. By-Law 569-2013 is
now the single largest regulatory By-Law in Toronto, affecting over
470,000 properties.
Innovative features of the new By-Law include transition clauses,
which allow applications submitted prior to the enactment of the new
By-Law to continue the approval process under the old zoning rules.

Zoning By-Law 569-2013 is the result of a ten-year harmonization exercise, with the goals
of developing a common terminology, structure, and set of defined zoning terms that
apply across the City.

Capture the intent of existing By-Laws
Harmonized language and definitions will ensure a consistent
application of the regulations across Toronto.
Simplify the language and structure
The use of accessible language and a simple organization make
the new By-Law easier to understand.
Introduce new standards for parking and loading
New parking ratios were created for each type of land use, and
are now determined by geographic areas.
Be innovative
The online zoning map is fully interactive and accessible.

3,450 Maps
in five volumes including zoning maps and
policy area, height, lot coverage, rooming
house overlay maps


43 general zoning By-Laws from the
former municipalities to one city-wide
Zoning By-Law

2003-04: Comparison of existing By-Laws
2004-05: Preparation of GIS mapping
Parking studies


Public Consultation



pages of text in three


visitors to the interactive zoning map in
2013, ranking it as one of the top five City
mapping applications




Zoning By-Law 569-2013 enacted

Visit for more zoning information

43 to 1
parapan am
pan am /


In the summer of 2015 the Pan Am / Parapan American Games are being held in Toronto.
Close to 7,000 athletes from across the Americas will be competing in this major
international sporting event.



The CIBC Pan Am/Parapan Am Aquatic Centre and Field House,
currently under construction at the corner of Morningside Avenue
and Military Trail, is an example of city building grounded in the
principles of leadership and stewardship. Meeting international
standards of excellence, this facility will provide recreational
opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.
City Planning worked extensively with the University of Toronto and
Infrastructure Ontario during the design, review, and remediation
phases of this project. The new facility is approximately 29,000 square
metres in size and will include two Olympic size swimming pools,
a dive pool, a field house, office space, and meeting rooms. The
building will also provide facilities for the Canadian Sports Institute
of Ontario, an organization that provides training opportunities for
Canada’s high performance athletes.

Interior: Aquatic Centre

The Athletes’ Village is located within the West Don Lands and will
provide temporary accommodation for athletes during the games.
After the games, the Village will become affordable rental housing,
market housing, commercial space, community recreation facilities,
and several parks and public spaces.
The West Don Lands is a key precinct within the Waterfront
Revitalization Initiative, and the games provide the impetus to
expedite the planning, design, and construction schedule. City
Planning expertise in subdivision implementation, environmental
analysis, design, and construction issue resolution supported the
Province and Waterfront Toronto in advancing this project in time for
the 2015 Games.

Track & Field Stadium at York University

The new CIBC Pan Am/Parapan Am Athletics Stadium is part of an
expansion of the world-class athletics facilities at York University. As
part of this project, the City of Toronto is also revitalizing the indoor
tracks at the Toronto Track & Field Centre, at Birchmount Stadium,
and Centennial Park Stadium. With an anticipated completion date
of July 2014, athletes will have one year to break-in the facilities
before the largest games Canada has ever hosted arrive.

Pan Am Village looking west

2013 development


With 606 development applications and 3,162
Committee of Adjustment applications received in
2013, the Division’s impact is city-wide in breadth.
In the review of every application, we seek to
uphold our responsibility to the public interest by
implementing the Official Plan’s pillars of diversity
and opportunity, beauty, connectivity, leadership
and stewardship.






















2013 development
2 Temperance Street | Status: Built
The City’s heritage policies encourage the active reuse and
repurposing of historically significant buildings. An excellent
example of this approach is the award-winning revitalization of the
Dineen Building at the corner of Yonge and Temperance Streets.
The project is a testament to the collaboration of heritage planning
staff and the developer to preserve and restore a building’s heritage
attributes while creating modern functionality in a unique and
desirable space.

2263 Yonge Street | Status: Approved
A 58 storey tower will soon define the skyline at the intersection of
Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue. The development, which includes
an additional tower of 38 stories and an expansive public plaza, is a
crucial component of the ongoing redevelopment and intensification
in this area. Community Planning and Urban Design worked with
the developers to ensure compliance with the Tall Building Design
Guidelines, the creation of welcoming and functional public spaces,
and seamless integration with the transportation network that
converges at this intersection.



Toronto & East York
Development Applications received in 2013

501 Yonge Street | Status: Approved
Active community involvement informed the development of two
condominium towers at 501 Yonge Street. Community planners
established a partnership between the developer, staff, and the
community that resulted in a proposal for a vibrant, mixed-use
development with a range of housing options to allow residents to
age-in-place. Section 37 benefits securing public art, streetscape
improvements, and additional parkland will go far towards realizing
the Official Plan’s vision of a city of beauty.

Ripley’s Aquarium | Status: Built
The Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada opened in 2013 to become one
of the most significant tourism attractions in downtown Toronto.
The aquarium, and future mixed-use tower, will fulfill the Official
Plan’s principles of fostering diversity and opportunity by providing
new employment opportunities and by enhancing the area’s
entertainment attractions. In working with the developer, community
planners refined the proposal by securing additional publicly
accessible open space and sightlines through the development.
385 Passmore Avenue | Status: Built
An example of how planning and development processes are
keeping pace with our dynamic city is the new 7,000 square metre
Federal Express distribution facility at 385 Passmore Avenue.
Opened in record time thanks to the City’s Gold Star Program, a
process that expedites planning approvals and building permits
for qualified non-residential developments, the facility received
approvals and building permits in twelve weeks. The facility is now
operational and employs 150 people.

3220 Sheppard Avenue East | Status: Approved
This is the first project to build upon the new neighbourhood vision
that emerged from the Sheppard/Warden Avenue Study. A 262
unit residential apartment building with a 6 storey podium and a
20 storey tower will create new housing options for the community.
The development will also realize the Division’s advocacy for strong
Avenues by creating a walkable street with sensitive transitions in
height, and integration with local transportation networks.

Scarborough Civic Centre Library | Status: Approved
When complete, the 1,400 square metre Scarborough Centre Branch
Library will be a learning and community centre best practice.
Community planners sought a well-connected public space that
will be both an organic extension to Raymond Moriyama’s heritage
designated Civic Centre building and a centrepiece for the longterm renewal of the area.

4040 Lawrence Avenue East | Status: Approved
The East Scarborough Storefront is a service delivery hub that
manages relationships with 40 different community organizations. A
major addition to the existing facility will accommodate a multipurpose space, meeting rooms, and a community greenhouse. This
grassroots effort to improve an important community facility is a
collaboration between the East Scarborough Storefront, the City of
Toronto, and local volunteers.



Development Applications received in 2013
Development Applications received in 2013



34-50 Southport | Status: Approved
The Official Plan’s advocacy for complete communities is realized in
the proposed redevelopment of this low-rise retail plaza. Planning
staff worked with the developer, the architect, and local residents
to enable the development of a mixed-use community with 558
residential units and over 2,000 square metres of commercial retail
space. Plans for public art installations and improved pedestrian
accessibility will create a beautiful and walkable public realm.

Humbertown Shopping Centre | Status: Approved
Toronto’s low-density shopping centres present exciting
opportunities to bring amenities and services to established
communities. The redevelopment of the Humbertown Shopping
Centre will see a 1950s era low-rise shopping plaza transformed into
a new commercial and residential community. New green spaces
and transit connectivity will help realize the Official Plan’s vision of
community-sensitive intensification in Mixed Use Areas.

1844 Bloor Street West | Status: Approved
Community planners worked with the developer on a proposal
to turn this site into a 14 storey mixed-use, mixed-tenure
development. The project will accommodate 407 residential units,
including rental replacements. On the ground floor, commercial
space and a plaza will help animate the Bloor West streetscape.
Environmental sustainability is enhanced by the incorporation of
Toronto Green Tier 2 Standards and bird-friendly design.

Humber College | Status: Approved
A new Learning Resource Centre will form a key component of
Humber College’s North Campus expansion. The centre will be
the new hub of the campus, providing a welcome centre, student
services, a library, administration offices, and IT support, and will
also serve as the “front door“ to the college by architecturally
coalescing a number of existing buildings.
Forensics Building Provincial Campus | Status: Built
The state-of-the-art Forensics Services and Coroner’s Complex
opened its doors in 2013. Planning staff and the Province of Ontario
collaborated to ensure the environmental sensitivity of the new
complex by creating extensive green infrastructure and achieving
LEED Gold certification. The facility is the first new building in the
Provincial Campus which includes a network of new public streets, a
public park and trails, and the Humber River Regional Hospital that
is currently under construction.

North York
Development Applications received in 2013

Stanley Greene | Status: Approved
Planning staff worked closely with Parc Downsview Park Inc. to plan a
new community that will advance the Official Plan’s commitment to
complete and connected neighbourhoods. 1,356 new housing units,
113 affordable rental units, and mid-rise buildings with ground floor
commercial space will create a dynamic and resilient community. A
new municipal park, a stormwater management pond, and Section
37 benefits for daycare spaces and public art will help to ensure the
beauty and sustainability of this neighbourhood.

Willowdale Plaza | Status: Approved
Encouraging mixed-use development along Toronto’s
transportation corridors is a key priority for planning staff. The
Hullmark Centre is a true mixed use project that will bring
90,591 square metres of residential, retail, and office space to
the transportation hub at the intersection of Yonge Street and
Sheppard Avenue. A new landmark plaza at the Yonge and Shepard
intersection will give identity to the area and provide another focus
for pedestrian life in North York Centre. New direct subway access
from the plaza reinforces the significance of this corner.



Allenbury Gardens | Status: Approved
The Allenbury Gardens redevelopment is a landmark project that
will help ensure housing stock diversity through the replacement of
127 social housing units, as well as adding 907 new condominium
and rental units. The centre of the site is a new 0.3 ha park which
will be the social focus for the neighbourhood. The proposed
housing will line the streets and parks, creating integration between
old and new. Section 37 benefits will revitalize the nearby Godstone
Park, Fairview Drive streetscape, and the Fairview Library.



Throughout 2013, City Planning implemented a
series of initiatives designed to improve our capacity
to deliver services effectively and to re-imagine our
existing work processes. A major component in this
undertaking was the development of our Five-Year
Strategic Plan, the Divisional playbook that forms the
framework for our future actions.
In 2014, we will advance new initiatives to implement
the Strategic Plan’s 44 Actions, which are arranged
under five Strategic Directions:
1. Setting Priorities and Improving Processes;
2. Enhancing and Strengthening the Capacity of the
3. Clear, Consistent and Compelling Communication;
4. Pursing Deep Collaborations; and
5. Measuring Success.
Guided by the Strategic Plan, the first initiatives
are underway. They will improve our ability to work
efficiently and collaboratively, strengthen the skills and
capacity of our team, and increase the transparency of
the planning process by realizing new opportunities to
engage the public.


Our new Heritage E-Permit Services is an online
system that allows permit applications to be received and reviewed
electronically. Heritage Preservation Services reviewed 1,549 permits
since its launch in February 2013. The Application Information Centre,
an e-service initiative that provides online access to information on
development applications, was enhanced with improved mapping and
search functionality in June and has since attracted 23,550 visitors.

strategic plan

gold star program

As part of the
City’s Gold Star Program, an initiative intended to
reduce the time it takes to review development
applications identified as having an economic
benefit, City Planning services were harmonized
to ensure a seamless transition from preliminary
project review to planning applications to building
permits. In 2013, City Planning received 47 projects
to review using this program.

City Planning launched its first
ever Strategic Plan, an internal guiding document that
establishes the framework for the Division to implement
Toronto’s Official Plan. Our Strategic Plan’s 44 Actions
are the outcome of many months of consultation and
will be our operational guidebook through to 2018.

online presence

A new City Planning website
was launched as part of the City‘s “Web-Revitalization”
process, making important public information easier
to find, universally accessible, and regularly updated.
Concurrently, we established a social media presence
using Twitter with our @CityPlanTO handle, attracting
thousands of interactions in only a few months.



building team environments
City Planning is adjusting our existing office
facilities to help create more collaborative and
integrated working environments.

growing conversations

technological advancement
City Planning is studying how to better
leverage technology to improve both our
working efficiency and our ability to interface
with stakeholders. Planned initiatives, such as
an ePortal for development applications, will
increase the accessibility of City Planning.

Toronto is stronger when we plan it together.
In 2014, City Planning will launch Growing
Conversations, which is about making sure
that our public engagement processes work
to better reflect the vision and values of
residents and the communities in which they
live. Key objectives include exploring new
engagement models and tools, engaging
new audiences, and identifying other
opportunities to improve engagement in the
current community planning process.

building capacity In 2013, City Planning
initiated 64 hiring processes and collectively underwent
2,300 hours of professional training. Building on this
success, our new Talent Development Manager will
launch a comprehensive approach to talent development,
including facilitating an internal staff performance
review process, assessing training requirements, and
implementing a succession management program.
2014 city


City Planning strives to proactively respond to
emerging needs within Toronto. The city’s sustained
growth over the last decade has brought new
residents, job opportunities, and renewed vibrancy
to our many neighbourhoods. While urban growth
is a healthy reality, it also brings unique challenges
and places pressures on Toronto’s existing
infrastructure. Our 2014 planning priorities are
designed to encourage development in growing
communities with sufficient transit connectivity
and public facilities to accommodate development,
while protecting our stable neighbourhoods and
our natural and cultural assets.




Public transit ridership in Toronto is at an all-time high, but
investment in new infrastructure has not kept pace with
demand. Feeling Congested?, the five-year review of the City’s
Official Plan transportation policies, will continue in 2014 with
a focus on transit investment priorities and network planning.
Parallel to this study, City Planning will conduct a comprehensive
review of the proposed Relief Line and host an extensive public
consultation process.

HCD policies require specialized plans and guidelines for areas
of Toronto designated as having common heritage attributes.
By assessing the neighbourhood-wide impact of proposed
developments, HCD guidelines are an important preservation
tool in an environment of increasing development pressures.
Five HCD studies began in 2013, and three additional studies
will launch in 2014.

Mid-rise buildings are an appropriate scale of redevelopment
along many of Toronto’s main streets. No taller than the width
of the street, mid-rise buildings ensure a comfortable pedestrian
environment and transition to low-rise neighbourhoods. They
often contain a mix of uses, including stores, services, and
restaurants on the ground floor, and a mix of dwelling types
above. Through studies like Eglinton Connects, City Planning is
making it easier to develop mid-rise buildings through measures
such as as-of-right zoning. In 2010, City Council adopted
Performance Standards for mid-rise buildings, the effectiveness of
which staff will evaluate in 2014.




The last decade brought unprecedented growth to particular
areas of the city, sometimes resulting in a strain on local
infrastructure and resources. In 2014, City Planning will assess
the capacity of under pressure neighbourhoods to absorb
additional development, and will identify infrastructure
investments required to accommodate further growth.
Similarly, an ongoing review of Section 37 policies will study
recommendations intended to ensure that significant new
developments contribute needed community amenities.

Advancing the City’s Official Plan Review work program
in 2014 will include reviews of affordable housing and
neighbourhood, environmental, and housing policies. City
Planning will also defend City Council’s approval of new
Official Plan heritage policies at the Ontario Municipal Board.

In 2014, City Planning will launch Reset TO, a consultation
process on the implementation of a DPS, a new planning
framework that allows an area-based approach to the
assessment of development applications. A DPS will merge
zoning, site plan, and minor variance processes into one
application and approval system. This system will provide
greater stability to communities experiencing growth, as well
as shorten the approval period for developments that meet
specific performance requirements.


“ As leaders and partners in an innovative

culture, we build a great city through
excellence in planning and influential policy.
We implement Toronto’s Official Plan for a
sustainable, connected city of neighbourhoods
where life and business flourish.

City Planning Mission Statement



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2013 Annual Report - City Planning Toronto

  • 2. City Planning Directors A team of leaders, our Directors oversee the work of City Planning, guide our priorities, and enable us to outperform expectations. Gregg Lintern, Community Planning, Toronto East-York Kerri Voumvakis, Strategic Initiatives, Policy & Analysis Allen Appleby, Community Planning, North York Raymond David, Community Planning, Scarborough Neil Cresswell, Community Planning, Etobicoke-York Joe D’Abramo, Zoning & Environmental Planning Tim Laspa, Transporation Planning David Stonehouse, Waterfront Secretariat Harold Madi, Urban Design
  • 3. message. chief planner’s Our city is transforming before our eyes! Toronto is at a momentous point in its history, capping out a decade of rapid growth to become North America’s fourth largest city. Every year, thousands of new residents come to call Toronto home, their arrival a symbol of belief in the opportunity this great city provides. Growth holds the potential for inspirational architecture, a spectacular waterfront, vibrant neighbourhoods, streets that are for people, and green spaces that knit our communities together. Growth also brings new challenges as communities contend with change, as our infrastructure creaks under the strain, and as we continue to negotiate our shared values. Using our Official Plan as our guide, the City Planning Division seeks to shape growth and manage change in a manner that enhances quality of life within all of Toronto’s diverse communities. This Annual Report is the first of its kind within our Division, and represents a snapshot of how our actions in 2013 touched the lives of the people of Toronto. Where Torontonians work and live, how we move around, how we play – even the quality of the air we breathe - is directly impacted by the work we do in collaboration with our Divisional partners. The need for an Annual Report was identified as a key action in our Strategic Plan as we continue to move the Division towards adopting a culture of best practices. Our objective is to outline our accomplishments in a transparent manner that makes clear the breadth of work delivered this past year, the value City Planning adds to the City of Toronto, and priorities for 2014. This report captures the quality, professional service delivered by the City Planning team, our increasing operational efficiency, and our ability to manage and deliver the unprecedented volume of development experienced over the past five years. I am proud of our measurable impact on key quality of life indicators. For this reason, we have structured the Report to align with the key themes of our Official Plan. In 2013, City Planning created and launched its first Strategic Plan, a five-year guiding document that operationalizes how we implement the Official Plan and serves as a foundation for achieving important cultural shifts within our organization. Feeling Congested?, the review of the Official Plan’s transportation policies, pioneered innovative consultation techniques and reached thousands of residents. We also completed a series of landmark projects in 2013, including the Tall Building Guidelines, the Harmonized Zoning By-Law, and many spectacular public art installations and civic improvements projects. Throughout the year our staff received 606 development applications, 3,162 committee of adjustment applications, held 384 non-statutory public meetings, and approved 16,174 residential units and 471,691 square metres of non-residential construction. 2014 brings opportunities to strengthen the completeness of our communities and to build on the growing momentum for mid-rise buildings along Toronto’s Avenues. The continued roll out of our Strategic Plan will ensure we remain connected to our vision, and become more effective and efficient as Division. Through Growing Conversations, a process launching this winter, we will engage communities by exploring innovative ways to broaden participation and to introduce planning to new audiences, such as youth and recent immigrant communities. In closing, I must stress that the successes of the past year are an outcome of interdivisional collaborations, as well as of the many meetings, conversations, and working groups held with stakeholders and residents of this city. Thank you so much for your energy and inspiration! Bring on 2014, and let’s continue to build a great city, TOgether. Jennifer Keesmaat Chief Planner & Executive Director
  • 4. INPUT. PEOPLE. City Planning is driven by the inputs it receives on a daily basis from the public, developers, City Council, and standing committees. The volume of work handled by City Planning is unprecedented among municipalities in Canada. 384 19,204 non-statutory community consultations PiPS 2,600 PiPS participants in chief planner roundtables 606 development applications 40,000+ residents consulted 6 chief planner roundtable events In 2013, we worked to broaden the reach of our traditional consultation through the use of innovative methods and technologies. Building on these successes, we are launching Growing Conversations, an initiative that aims to engage new audiences and transform our approach to public consultation. twitter interactions 20 103,102 1,703 1 million+ planners in public spaces (PiPs) events PiPs participants interactions with the online zoning map page views of city planning website EXTERNAL ORGANIZATIONS OTHER DIVISIONS PLANNERS TASK FORCES COMMITTEES 3,162 THINK TANKS COUNCILLORS RESIDENTS UNIVERSITIES DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY committee of adjustment applications HOSPITALS COMMUNITY GROUPS MPs INDIVIDUALS INSTITUTIONS UNIVERSITIES INDUSTRY CITY PLANNING COUNCIL COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS MEDIA 1,919 heritage permit applications RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATIONS COLLEGES SCHOOLS BUSINESSES MINISTRIES MPPs 5,687 OTHER LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT NGOs AGENCIES ARCHITECTS COUNCIL BIAs applications in 2013 26 planning and growth management work program requests PLANNING. STAFF 64 completed hiring competitions 27 internal training sessions held 2,300 hours of internal staff training 85 staff that participated in conferences/seminars 59 staff that attended external training 350 strong, the City Planning team handles the workload inputs received by our Division. We strive to be leaders in city building in Toronto, delivering services efficiently, working to improve the quality of life of residents, and following a long-term vision for the growth of Toronto. #2013 @CityPlanTO
  • 5. PROCESS. 493 45 92 37 24 21 31 75,000 148 reports to community councils & standing committees design review sessions OP official plan amendments section 37 agreements OMB development application appeals submitted committee of adjustment hearings city building studies member’s motions at council employment survey respondents Robust and meaningful conversations with stakeholders is at the core of the planning process. Through collaboration, we work to implement the pillars of the Official Plan, balance community interests, and strengthen liveability in Toronto. 180,000 tonnes 73% of future Co2 reduction from toronto green standard heritage permit applications approved in 3 days 156 10 16,174 approved projects public art installations unveiled approved residential units 14 civic improvement projects completed 471,691 m2 approved non-residential space $62 million section 37 and 45 benefits secured Inputs into City Planning are shaped by our team and the public to form the tangible elements of city building that define the outputs of our Division. Toronto's future growth, resilience, and success are fundamentally impacted by the work we do. OUTPUT. IN 2013, TORONTO GREW TO BECOME THE 4TH LARGEST CITY IN NORTH AMERICA TORONTONIANS 2013 World’s Most Liveable Cities Toronto ranked 4th high-rise buildings under construction 130 TORONTO 91 NEW YORK 88 MEXICO CITY 25 MONTREAL 23 VANCOUVER 18 HOUSTON 14 CHICAGO
  • 7. 8 City Planning - Who We Are 10 Planning for People - What We Do 12 Planning a Great City Together 14 The Official Plan 16 A City of Diversity & Opportunity 2013 Project Profiles North Downtown Yonge A City that Works Parkway Forest Mimico-by-the-Lake 28 A City of Beauty 2013 Project Profiles Toronto Urban Design Awards Tall Building Guidelines Civic Improvements Public Art Program 40 A City of Connections 2013 Project Profiles Feeling Congested? Eglinton Connects 48 A City of Leaders and Stewards 2013 Project Profiles Waterfront Secretariat Official Plan Heritage Policy Toronto Green Standard Chief Planner Roundtables & Planners in Public Spaces Zoning By-Law 64 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games 2013 Development Review 2013 Development Applications Toronto & East-York Scarborough Etobicoke-York North York 76 Divisional Initiatives 80 2014 City Building
  • 8. planning. city who we are We are 350 passionate urbanists committed to building Toronto. We believe in the power of place, and that Toronto is a leading best practice in city living. Our ranks are filled with talented professionals who deeply appreciate Toronto’s complex urban tapestry, and who are unfaltering in their commitment to strengthening its social, economic, and environmental underpinnings. Community Planning As our primary face to the public, Community Planning and Committee of Adjustment staff are the frontlines of City Planning. Intimately familiar with their local neighbourhoods, this driven team provides stellar customer service and manages substantial volumes of applications ranging from the largest skyscrapers to finegrained infill projects. Urban Design Shaping development to achieve beauty that astonishes and inspires, this creative team helps craft meaningful places and spaces designed for people. From the massing of Toronto’s largest structures, to the fine grained nuances of heritage preservation, public art and public realm improvements, Urban Design and the Graphics & Visualization team bring finesse to our work.
  • 9. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT Strategic Initiatives, Policy and Analysis Whether its managing the largest development boom experienced in recent history, or responding to game changing proposals with city-wide implications, this talented group expediently handles critical planning issues facing Toronto. Through comprehensive research, improved business performance standards, zoning, area studies, and long range policy, the work of this team sets the stage for the quality of life of both current and future Torontonians. Waterfront Secretariat Revitalizing Toronto’s greatest natural asset - its waterfront - is not without challenges. The Waterfront Secretariat works closely with Waterfront Toronto and other partner organizations to bring world-class planning to the shores of Lake Ontario, helping to facilitate the largest urban waterfront redevelopment project in North America. Transportation Planning Tackling urban mobility, one of Toronto’s most pressing issues, these specialized professionals combine transportation and land use planning to form one of Canada’s most respected transportation planning teams. From Feeling Congested? to planning for the Relief Line, the work of our transportation planners will fundamentally shape Toronto’s underlying urban structure for decades to come. | 9
  • 10.
  • 11. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 11 Planning for the people of Toronto is what we do. The places Torontonians call home - where we live, our neighbourhoods, and our city are all fundamentally impacted by City Planning. As a Division, we seek to lead planning of this city, serve as stewards of its assets, and partner with communities to create a framework for change that will enable Toronto to thrive. Our work, and its objectives, touch on all aspects of quality of life. Where We Live and Work We plan strategically to ensure that appropriate housing and fulfilling employment opportunities are available throughout Toronto to meet the needs of a diverse and growing population. How We Move We strengthen the linkages that bind us together by providing access to quality, affordable transportation options that help us move through our neighbourhoods and across the city. Healthy and Equitable Communities We create complete inclusive communities by providing the elements of healthy everyday living in an accessible environment. Memorable Places We strive to protect existing built and natural heritage, facilitate stunning new buildings, and provide vibrant public spaces that leave us with lasting memories. The Legacy We Leave We work to make Toronto both sustainable and resilient, positioning future residents of this city to enjoy an exceptional quality of life. Shaping our Future City At the hundreds of public events held in 2013, we consistently heard the same message: Torontonians are deeply proud of their city. We share this pride and take privilege in the opportunity to shape the future of Toronto. people. planning for what we do
  • 12. together. planningagreatcity In 2013, we launched our first ever Strategic Plan, a divisional playbook for advancing a city building agenda. With the Official Plan Vision as its foundation, Strategic Directions are supported by key Actions that form a framework for our priorities and activities. The Strategic Plan lays out the Charter Statements that guide City Planning as a Division, the work we do, and how we do it. We Plan TO... 1 city building. 2 We plan Toronto by taking a leading role in city building. 3 learning. We plan Toronto by creating policy that balances a city-wide vision with neighbourhood interests. 4 We plan Toronto by facilitating a culture of continuous learning. 5 participation. We plan Toronto by continually working to broaden participation in city building. balancing interest. innovation. We plan Toronto by embracing innovation. 6 partnerships. We plan Toronto by pursuing partnerships with other Divisions, City Council and the public.
  • 14. officialplan. the City Planning is a steward of the City of Toronto’s Official Plan, a City Council-adopted policy that manages growth and change. The Official Plan sets out a vision for Toronto and establishes the framework within which that vision will be achieved. Official Plan Vision: • Vibrant neighbourhoods that are part of complete communities; • Affordable housing choices that meet the needs of everyone throughout their life; • Attractive, tree-lined streets with shops and housing that are made for walking; • A comprehensive and high quality affordable transit system that lets people move around the city quickly and conveniently; • A strong and competitive economy with a vital downtown that creates and sustains well-paid, stable, safe and fulfilling employment opportunities for all Torontonians; • Clean air, land and water; • Green spaces of all sizes and public squares that bring people together; • A wealth of recreational opportunities that promote health and wellness; • A spectacular waterfront that is healthy, diverse, public, and beautiful; • Cultural facilities that celebrate the best of city living; and • Beautiful architecture and excellent urban design that astonishes and inspires. At its core, the Official Plan is about planning for the people of Toronto by enhancing the quality of life of current and future residents. To achieve this, four pillars underscore the Official Plan Vision, each touching on a distinct yet interconnected quality of life element. These pillars represent the guiding structure that informs all that we do as a Division.
  • 15. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 15 A CITY OF DIVERSITY & OPPORTUNITY A CITY OF CONNECTIONS Economy, Housing, Complete Communities Movement, Transportation Planning, Walking, Cycling Toronto is a hopeful city, a place where ambition meets opportunity. The diversity of our people is the strength that drives our economy, culture, and pride. This pillar symbolizes the need to create complete communities within a complete city; places where fulfilling jobs and appropriate housing can be found in close proximity to community amenities and services. The quality of life of Torontonians is deeply tied to urban connectivity. Strengthening our ability to connect, providing movement choices that meet the needs of all citizens, and reducing the amount of time and economic productivity lost to congestion are critical issues facing a rapidly growing city. This pillar is not only about making movement easier; it also is about ensuring that jobs, schools, services, parks, and the other components of daily life are within walking distance of where we live. A CITY OF BEAUTY A CITY OF LEADERS & STEWARDS Green Spaces, Heritage, Urban Design, Streetscapes Best Practices, Policy, Sustainability The Official Plan seeks to create a city of beauty that astonishes and inspires. The beauty of Toronto is not defined by any one building or space, it is the outcome of the delicate composition in our fine-grained urban environment. The interplay between our ravines and heritage homes, our waterfront and skyline, and our vibrant main streets embedded within established communities are the daily scenes that express the inherent beauty of Toronto. The context, challenges, and opportunities that Toronto faces are unique in North America. Maintaining and enhancing the quality of life within this environment demands taking a leadership role and pioneering best practices. Strong stewardship of our existing achievements is required to ensure the long-term sustainability of the elements that define what makes Toronto a great city to live in.
  • 17. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | nity Economy, Housing, Complete Communities Building complete communities that are places of diversity and opportunity is a guiding pillar of our Division. Complete communities provide choice; housing that is appropriate and affordable, jobs that are close to home, fulfilling education and employment opportunities, and a variety of ways to move around, socialize, and enjoy life. From citywide strategic initiatives to individual development applications, we seek to make Toronto a city of diversity and opportunity for all. 17
  • 18. 2013 project profiles. Port Lands Area Studies Building on the successful outcomes of the Port Lands Acceleration Initiative, Community Planning, the Waterfront Secretariat, Waterfront Toronto, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority continue to unlock the revitalization potential of the Port Lands. Studies of this 356-hectare site are currently focusing on the Don Mouth Naturalization and Port Lands Flood Protection Environmental Assessment, developing a Port Lands-wide planning framework, and completing precinct planning for Cousins Quay and the Film Studio District. Mr. Christie’s Master Plan Between June and September 2013, representatives from a diverse and inclusive range of organizations met to explore options to strengthen local employment opportunities at the former Mr. Christie manufacturing site. The working group studied the potential of new commercial food incubator programs and food industry tenants, and generated a vision statement and ten guiding principles to inspire the creation of a vibrant mixed-use community.
  • 19. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 19 MCR Housing Potential Analysis West Roncesvalles Land Use Study Nearly 3.4 million people are expected to live in Toronto by 2041. In order to ensure that the Official Plan can accommodate this growth, City Planning undertook a Municipal Comprehensive Review. The review determined that current planning policies are more than capable of accommodating the forecasted population growth without eroding lands currently designated as Employment Areas. Community planning initiated the West Roncesvalles Land Use Study to preserve the healthy mix of uses and dwelling types that characterize this section of the west side of Roncesvalles Avenue. City Planning established a set of guidelines for the review of future nonresidential proposals in the area to ensure the application of Official Plan policies and Zoning By-Law provisions respect the unique character of this area. Ossington Area Study Toronto’s Senior Strategy Community Planning undertook extensive community consultations as part of the Ossington Avenue Planning Study, recognizing that community organizations should be leaders in building Toronto. From these consultations emerged a new area-specific Official Plan policy, which includes a limit on the size of ground floor retail spaces, four and five-storey height restrictions, and heritageconscious design standards. This policy will help to maintain the community’s own sense of Ossington Avenue as a “village in a city” by encouraging diverse commercial activities and vibrant pedestrian experiences. City Planning assisted Social Development Finance and Administration in the preparation of the 2013 Toronto Seniors Strategy, a guiding document that identifies key initiatives for developing an age-friendly city. The new strategy, its consultation process, and its embodied themes of equity, respect, inclusion, and quality of life align with the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Initiative, and Ontario’s Seniors Strategy: “Living Longer, Living Well.” Section 37 Community Benefits Queen Street West Restaurant Study City Council and planning staff are committed to increasing the diversity and accessibility of Toronto’s housing. In June, City Council revised the City’s Section 37 policies to allow the provision of affordable rental units from a developer in exchange for additional height and/or density. Developers will now be able to transfer new condominium units to a nonprofit housing provider for use as affordable rental units, thereby increasing the diversity of tenure types in new developments and the accessibility of new housing. To ensure a continued balance of residences and commercial establishments, the Queen Street West Restaurant Study recommends a limit on the density of restaurants and bars on Queen Street West, between Roncesvalles Avenue and Dufferin Street. City Council’s adoption of the study advances the Official Plan’s vision of creating a city of diversity and opportunity that encourages a mix of places to live and work.
  • 20. downtown north yonge The North Downtown Yonge Area Specific Official Plan Policies and Urban Design Guidelines provide the necessary vision and implementation tools to create a unique sense of place in a dynamic mixed use community. These policies provide direction and guidance for the built form and the public realm. They accommodate both local and regional needs and support a diversity of housing, employment, and recreational opportunities in this transit-integrated community.
  • 21. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT 7 OVERVIEW In response to the Downtown Tall Buildings Study, and to address the quantity and type of new development occuring in the area, City Planning undertook the North Downtown Yonge Street Planning Framework (NDYPF) and community consultation. The original direction of the NDYPF was to provide area specific urban design guidelines, but as the study process evolved it was determined that a planning framework should also be provided through an Official Plan Amendment with area specific policies. In late 2013, City Council adopted both the urban design guidelines and Official Plan Amendment, delivering to the community a policy framework and design direction to shape the future of the neighbourhood where they live, work, and play. 35 350 = 9,788 number of community involvement opportunities held through the study process COMMUNITY CONSULTATION: Active community involvement was a critical component throughout the study. Planning staff led a comprehensive consultation process for the North Downtown Yonge study that included a variety of engagement techniques, including the development of a fully accessible webpage, area walks, a series of open houses, a mini charrette, and a working group. STUDY PLANNING OBJECTIVES • • • • • Focus on the built form of the area. Respect the area’s extensive heritage attributes. Identify places and streets of special interest. Improve the pedestrian experience. Recognize and identify opportunities to increase open space. Community Consultation Process City Council Direction 2011 Urban Design Guidelines 2012 21 participants in the consultation process Business Improvement Areas and Neighbourhood Associations that participated in the study process (4 BIAs and 3 NAs) sites approved, under construction, and proposed in the study area | Policy Development 2013 residential units 12
  • 22. that works a city Official Plan Review of Policies for Economic Health and Employment Areas Every municipality in Ontario is required to review its Official Plan within five years of it coming into effect. The review must include an assessment of the policies and designations for a municipality’s Employment Areas.
  • 23. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT OVERVIEW Toronto’s Employment Areas are designated for the exclusive use of business and economic activities. Employment areas house 29% of Toronto’s jobs, and spread workplaces and commutes across the city. It is crucial that Employment Areas are conserved to give existing businesses room to expand, and to welcome new businesses that will employ future generations of Torontonians. As part of the review of Official Plan policies on Economic Health and Employment Areas, an analysis of Toronto’s housing capacity determined that the City is on track to meet provincial Growth Plan population forecasts. With sufficient room to accommodate population growth, there is no need to convert Employment Areas to residential uses. 29% 23 applications for Employment Area conversions 140 + of Toronto’s jobs are located in Employment Areas 1.9 to 3.7 | million m2 of new office space required in Toronto by 2031 additional jobs forecasted by 2031 in Toronto 120,000 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Promoting Office Space on Rapid Transit Lines • Recommended Official Plan policies promote office growth in the downtown, designated centres, and within walking distance of rapid transit stations. • In these transit-rich areas, if an office building is redeveloped for residential use, the redevelopment must also contain an increase in office space. Public Consultation Draft Policies to City Council Research & Policy Development 2011 Preserving Toronto’s Employment Areas • 8,300 hectares of land are devoted to business and economic activity. • Recommended Official Plan policies will preserve 97% of Toronto’s Employment Areas. • Employment Areas can be converted to residential uses only at the time of the Official Plan Review. 2012 PGM and City Council request further work Policies Approved by PGM and City Council 2013 Ministerial Review 2014
  • 24. parkway forest “ During community consultations on the project, residents made it clear they like the leafy feel and open spaces of the area. The redevelopment seeks to retain that feel by including plenty of green space and making sure that tall buildings are set back from the street or set on podiums so they don’t loom too large. “We wanted to keep the park in Parkway Forest,” says city planner Leo DeSorcy. Marcus Gee, The Globe and Mail ”
  • 25. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT OVERVIEW Emerald City is a new community under construction in the Parkway Forest neighbourhood, adjacent to the Don Mills Subway Station and Fairview Mall. Once completed, the project will include residential condominium towers, rental replacement buildings, and new community services and facilities. The project includes a new community centre with a gymnasium, a running track, day care facilities, an outdoor pool, a new community agency space, and public art commissioned from renowned artist Douglas Copeland. The new mid-rise rental replacement buildings and townhouses are now occupied, and occupancy of the first residential condominium tower commenced in December 2013. Construction on the Parkway Forest Community Centre is anticipated to be complete by Summer 2014. 332 new rental replacement dwelling units in 3-storey townhouse buildings and 7-storey mid-rise buildings 2,200 12 25 working group, tenant information, and community consultation meetings held through the planning process new condominium units in 3-storey townhouses, 7-storey mid-rise streetwall buildings and towers ranging from 25 to 36 storeys the size of the new Parkway Forest Community Centre currently under construction 5,316 m2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES • Providing opportunities for new housing and rental replacement units within a variety of mid and high rise apartments and condominiums. • Respecting and enhancing the existing park like character of the community and providing new community services and facilities for the neighbourhood. • Using a phased transition of community services and transportation infrastructure throughout the redevelopment to ensure that residents always retain access to essential services. • Creating a high-quality, safe, and comfortable public realm with connected open space networks and improved pedestrian routes between the community and the Don Mills Subway Station. | Parkway Forest Community Centre - Public plaza at front entrance
  • 26. by-the-lake mimico “ Mimico-by-the-Lake is a historic Toronto community that is known for its unique lakeside location within Toronto’s waterfront. It has exemplary public spaces and connections to the waterfront with trails, parks and places for community gathering and play; an accessible, attractive and vibrant main street that supports transit and a mix of shops, services, employment opportunities and community activities and is a draw for residents and others outside the area; housing choices and opportunities for renewed rental and ownership; and inclusive participation from an active mixed income community which celebrates its history, diversity, environment, arts, and culture. ” Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan Vision Statement
  • 27. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT OVERVIEW Mimico 20/20 was a City Planning lead initiative that resulted in the creation of the Mimico by-the-Lake Secondary Plan. The plan provides the policy framework for revitalization and change within this community over the next 20 years. Taking advantage of its unique lakeside setting, this plan envisions an inclusive, mixed-use community that is well integrated with the surrounding neighbourhood. It provides for choice in terms of mobility, employment, shopping, and recreational opportunities, as well as housing in terms of built form, tenure, and affordability. Creating the plan involved a robust consultation campaign that drew upon a range of public consultation strategies. It successfully engaged hundreds of local residents and property/business owners in a substantive conversation on the future of the Mimico community. 8, 25 & 15 maximum building heights recommended 1,000 + 9 | 27 public consultation tools including a charrette, open houses, interviews, and workshops residents of Mimico who were engaged through the various community consultation processes dedicated to containing all the published material and project history 1 website PROJECT OBJECTIVES Guiding Priorities In collaboration with the community, planning staff developed seven priorities that provide a frame of reference for developing the Secondary Plan, which include housing, parks, public realm and infrastructures, economic development, land use and built form, transportation and movement, and social services. Providing for Revitalization The Secondary Plan presents a framework that supports reinvestment through the creation of a new street and block pattern that facilitates redevelopment under a built form and height regime that is sensitive to its context. Revitalization in the Secondary Plan area is expected to occur through the renewal of the existing rental housing stock, infill development on underutilized sites, and redevelopment of properties in accordance with the Secondary Plan. Accessing Lake Ontario The plan emphasizes stronger connections to Lake Ontario to allow the larger Mimico community to access Toronto’s landmark waterfront. Access is provided by introducing new streets from Lake Shore Boulevard West, along the waterfront, and providing pedestrian connections with green space expansions. Mimico20/20
  • 29. Argen Elezi Photography, 2013 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 29 Green Spaces, Heritage, Urban Design, Streetscapes Building a city of beauty means encouraging the development of an urban landscape that constantly inspires and amazes. Beautiful cities build long-term resilience by attracting and retaining people and investment. Protecting our existing built and natural environments, new public art, heritage preservation, excellent urban design, the Design Review Panel, vibrant streetscapes, and plentiful green spaces are among the many ways that City Planning works to make Toronto beautiful.
  • 30. 2013 project profiles. Heritage Conservation District Studies Heritage Preservation Services is investigating the opportunity to create Heritage Conservation Districts (HCD) in five city neighbourhoods: King-Spadina, Historic Yonge Street, the Garden District, St. Lawrence, and Queen Street East. The first phase of this process involves a careful assessment of these areas, and the over 2,000 properties that they contain, to determine their historical significance. New area specific plans will then establish policies that will conserve important heritage attributes, while inviting new developments that respect the historical characteristics of these neighbourhoods. City Hall Physical Model The architectural model of the city that greets people entering City Hall has received a wellearned refurbishment. This process involved a thorough cleaning of the model, new tables to support the base, and new counters and glass to match the existing heritage counters of the first floor lobby. New graphic wall murals and an LED projector augments the static nature of this venerable 3D snapshot of the city.
  • 31. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 31 Privately Owned Public Spaces Mimico Phase 2 A growing city needs new parks and open spaces as places of retreat, relaxation, and recreation. To create these facilities in Toronto’s dense urban landscape, City Planning actively pursues partnerships with private developers to include Privately Owned Publicly Accessible Open Spaces (POPS) as part of development applications. POPS agreements have added nearly 100,000 square metres of public space to the downtown area alone; and planning staff have identified up to 400 potential additional POPS sites throughout the city. Mimico Waterfront Park is a new $18 million public space on the shore of Lake Ontario. Funded by Waterfront Toronto, the park includes 1.1 kilometres of waterfront trail that provides residents with environmentally sustainable access to the waterfront. The recently completed Phase 2 included the installation of three sections of cantilevered boardwalk and a multi-use trail between Superior Avenue and Grand Harbour. Design Review Panel Ranee Underpass The Design Review Panel is an independent advisory body comprised of private-sector design professionals. Their mandate is to help improve the quality of life in Toronto by promoting design excellence in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and environmental sustainability. In 2013 the Panel reviewed 37 projects throughout the City, including 23 significant private developments (office buildings, condominiums etc.) and 14 major public projects (bridge, trail and park designs, and policy/visioning documents). Improvements to Ranee Underpass emerged as a priority in City Planning’s community consultations during the Lawrence-Allen Revitalization process. The community produced a vibrant mural to create a more accessible and welcoming entrance to Yorkdale Subway Station. Civic Design then partnered with Transportation Services to implement numerous public realm improvements, including widening the sidewalks, improving the landscaping, and providing seating and bicycle parking. Rouge National Urban Park Midtown in Focus In 2011, the Federal Government announced that it would establish Canada’s first national urban park through an expansion of Toronto’s Rouge Park. In addition to leading bilateral discussions with Parks Canada, City Planning staff are working with other Divisions to identify and address the implications of this expansion on existing and future infrastructure and adjacent land uses. A national urban park designation will ensure strengthened protections for this important natural environment and its significant beauty and recreational opportunities. The Midtown in Focus Study will create a framework for coordinated improvements to parks, open spaces, and streetscapes in the area surrounding the Yonge-Eglinton Centre. The Study will identify how the existing relationships between parks, open spaces, streets, and public buildings can be improved. The objective is a public realm that is a destination in its own right, and one that contributes to the vibrancy of the area.
  • 32. urbandesign toronto awards “ The Toronto Urban Design Awards present an opportunity to pause, take stock and recognize the work we are doing, collectively, to create a great city. Chief Planner Jennifer Keesmaat 2013 Awards Gala keynote address “ ” The Toronto Urban Design Awards are for projects that not only demonstrate excellence in design, but thoughtfully engage with and contribute to the public realm and the creation of place. ” 2013 Toronto Urban Design Awards Jury
  • 33. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT OVERVIEW Every two years, the City of Toronto holds Urban Design Awards to acknowledge the significant contribution that architects, landscape architects, urban designers, artists, design students, and city builders make to the look and liveability of the city. The 2013 Toronto Urban Design Awards program once again provided an encouraging snapshot of how we have collectively shaped and improved the city’s built environment. The 2013 Awards competition received 125 entries in the following seven categories: 1. Elements 2. Buildings in Context – Private a. Low-scale b. Mid-rise c. Tall 3. Buildings in Context – Public 4. Small Open Spaces 5. Large Places and Neighbourhood Designs 6. Visions and Master Plans 7. Student Projects AWARD WINNERS The Jury selected 28 winning projects, including 11 Awards of Excellence, 16 Awards of Merit, and 1 Special Jury Award. The 2013 award winners were announced and celebrated during an evening gala on September 11, 2013 at the Palais Royale. 125 entries an impressive 125 projects entered in 7 categories 28 winners financial and in-kind contributions from corporate partners supports full program cost recovery | industry professionals joined City representatives at an evening awards gala announcing the winners 400+ 11 Awards of Excellence, 16 Awards of Merit and 1 Special Jury Award 25 sponsors JURY An independent jury of design professionals selected winning projects that reflect Torontonian’s expectation for high-quality and sustainable design. Jury deliberation was two full days, and included a thorough review of each entry, a tour of shortlisted projects, and selection of the winning submissions. The results of the competition are summarized in a 35 page Jury Report. The Jury was particularly impressed by the range and quality of Public Buildings entered, and awarded an unprecedented 10 projects in this category. Toronto’s 2013 Award of Excellence winners receive advanced placement in the 2014 National Urban Design Awards competition hosted by Architecture Canada | RAIC, the Canadian Institute of Planners, and the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects. 33 Jury Members (right to left): Marianne McKenna, KPMB Architects | Eric Turcotte, Urban Strategies Inc. | Cecelia Paine, University of Guelph | Jeremy Sturgess, Sturgess Architecture | Matthew Blackett, Spacing | |
  • 34. tallbuilding guidelines “ What we have to think about are ways to create a vertical urban life that’s liveable. It isn’t just about the view. It has to be about how buildings work at the base and how they contribute to the public realm. ” Bruce Kuwabara , KPMB Architects The Toronto Star, Urban Issues, Dec 22, 2011 by Christopher Hume
  • 35. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | OVERVIEW PROJECT OBJECTIVES Toronto has recently experienced an unprecedented number of tall building developments. In response, City Planning developed clear design guidance to ensure that new tall buildings fit well with neighbours, improve living, working, and pedestrian experiences, and support a sustainable future. 35 Coordination and Consistency Provide one coordinated set of guidelines which can be applied consistently city-wide. In May 2013, City Council adopted updated city-wide Tall Building Design Guidelines. These guidelines bring together previous tall building studies and guidelines into a unified set of performance measures. The Guidelines are used to help evaluate all new and current tall building development applications across Toronto. The city-wide Guidelines are used together with the award winning companion “Downtown Tall Buildings: Vision and Supplementary Design Guidelines” to address specific tall building planning and design concerns identified within the city’s downtown, where tall building development is most intensive. 188 Design Quality Prioritize design excellence and innovation as a means of addressing the important civic role tall buildings play in defining the image and liveability of Toronto. Clarity Use simple, direct language, clear graphic illustrations, and a userfriendly layout to communicate design concepts and solutions to a broad audience. Consultation Incorporate input from more than 6 years of guideline testing and review: • 290+ “tall building” applications (about 50% downtown); • District Planning and Design studies; • Design Review Panel meetings; • City Council and Ontario Municipal Board decisions; • Community meetings; and • Resident and industry stakeholder consultations. TIMELINE 2002: 2006 : 47 21 NORTH YORK SCARBOROUGH TORONTO EAST YORK DRAFT city-wide “Design Criteria for the Review of Tall Building Proposals” adopted 2010: Downtown study “Tall Buildings, Inviting Change in Downtown Toronto” completed (2013 OPPI Award of Excellence winner) 2012: Downtown Tall Buildings Vision and Performance Standards Design Guidelines adopted 2013: Updated city-wide Tall Building Design Guidelines & Downtown Tall Buildings: Vision and Supplementary Design Guidelines adopted 34 ETOBICOKE YORK Number of Tall Building* Development Applications City-Wide (2006 to 2012) * Applications with building(s) 14 storeys or more Tall Building Official Plan policies adopted
  • 36. civic improvements Dundas Street West Parkettes, 2013 Toronto Urban Design Award of Merit winner | PMA Landscape Architects | Scott Eunson & Marianne Lovink | Design input and construction funding provided by City Planning in collaboration with Dundas West BIA and Economic Development & Culture “ Through a combination of wood benches, sculptural bicycle racks, curbed planting areas and the use of high-quality paving materials, eight new public spaces have been created that serve the needs of local residents and contribute to retail street life on Dundas Street West...This type of initiative should be repeated and encouraged throughout the city. ” 2013 Toronto Urban Design Awards Jury
  • 37. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT OVERVIEW Every year, City Planning undertakes a series of civic improvement projects to advance the placemaking policy objectives of the Official Plan. The program involves low-cost, high-value investments to enhance the design quality and environmental sustainability of large capital works projects underway across the city. These demonstrations of design excellence and innovation in city building take place on Toronot’s streets, bridges, and adjacent public open spaces. Design enhancements may include the addition of small public plazas, seat walls, planters, steps and ramps, interpretive signage, public art, tree planting, stormwater management, and naturalization programs. These improvements result in improved pedestrian safety, environmental benefits and more attractive, functional, and inviting public places for local residents, businesses, and visitors to enjoy. $2.7 million value of civic improvement projects completed in 2013 12 places number of bridge, gateway and trail enhancements installed | 37 extent of linear streetscape greening and design improvements completed 6 km number of new parkettes and small open spaces completed 5 connections CAPITAL PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2013 The range of projects delivered city-wide in 2013 includes new parkettes, improvements to bridges, ravine connections, and transit waiting areas, as well as the installation of seat walls, street trees, and an innovative bioswale pilot project for stormwater management.
  • 38. public art program OVERVIEW City Planning creates public art policy, identifies public art opportunities on public and private lands, and oversees the private developer Percent for Public Art Program. Based in Urban Design, and working with volunteer advisors at the Toronto Public Art Commission, the Percent for Public Art Program has secured and approved dozens of public art commissions across Toronto. 2013 was very active for the City Planning Percent for Public Art Program: 10 new public art installations were completed, 14 Public Art Plans were approved, and more than 12 new public art commitments were secured. “ The mission of the PLAZA Public Art Program is to create inspiring living environments that benefit their residents and cultivate a sense of community. PLAZA’s press release for Breuning’s Guardians 65, 75, 85 East Liberty Street, Developer: PLAZA, Guardians by Olaf Breuning ”
  • 39. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 39 525 Wilson Avenue 103 and 105 the Queensway Developer: Tippet Developments Incorporated Developer: Cresswell These three prominent “Light Containers” are perforated stainless steel with thousands of circular holes. Sculptor Linda Covit added programmed LEDs to create a changing sequence of tones. American sculptor Jim Hodges created this boldly abstract sculpture made from galvanized steele plate. 6 m wide by 9 m tall, ‘Echo’ can be seen from the Gardiner Expressway. Markham Steeles Crossing 125 Western Battery Road Developer: Baif Developments Limited Developer: PLAZA “Toronto 360” announces a large retail plaza at the corner of Markham and Steeles. Designed by Dean Martin, this prominent play on words and text serves as an important landmark. Fastwurm’s giant treefrog is a delightful addition to Liberty Village’s neighbourhood. In an open plaza, combined with an 11 m tall unicorn tusk, “Monoceros” these sculptures are powerful icons from traditional and popular cultures. 570 Bay Street 430 King Street West Developer: Concert Properties Developer: Great Gulf Limited Two lovely bronze sculptures and text by Ken Lum are located in a quiet corridor near the busy intersection of Bay and Dundas Streets. “Across Time and Space, Two Children of Toronto Meet” is a symbolic reference to the passage of time. At a busy King Street West corner sits Jed Lind’s “Ballast”, a 5 m tall bronze homage to the shipping days. This bold contemporary relic is the focal point of a popular social space for the public.
  • 41. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 41 ns Movement, Transportation Planning, Walking, Cycling Urban connectivity ties us together. How we travel to work, to buy our groceries, or to visit family and friends profoundly impacts our quality of life. A connected city is a place where all residents have the ability to move in a way that is accessible, efficient, affordable, sustainable, and healthy. Through our Transportation Planning Section, Civic Improvement Program, and planning inputs into transportation initiatives led by our corporate partners, City Planning is deeply committed to making Toronto a city of connections.
  • 42. 2013 project profiles. Richmond-Adelaide Cycle Tracks Transportation Services and City Planning are undertaking the Richmond-Adelaide Cycle Tracks Planning and Design Study, an assesment of the potential for physically separated bicycle lanes (“cycle tracks”) running along Richmond, Adelaide and/or Wellington Streets between Bathurst and Sherbourne Streets. The Richmond-Adelaide Cycle Tracks will advance the transportation objectives established in the Official Plan by expanding the city’s bike-way network, improving transit interconnectedness, reducing automobile dependency, and creating a bicycle-friendly urban environment. Billy Bishop Island Airport For the expedited review of the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport expansion proposal, planning staff collected public input from more than 1,000 attendees at four public meetings, 41,000 online surveys, 350 face-to-face interviews, and 1,000 residents via a telephone poll. As well, staff led an interdisciplinary consultant and staff team, and comprehensively analyzed and synthesized the technical report findings. Staff formulated recommendations for Executive Committee and City Council on the basis of this information.
  • 43. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 43 Ward 18 Rail Corridor Mount Dennis Mobility Hub City Planning sought to respond proactively to development proposals along the western edge of Ward 18, and plan for long-term revitalization of the lands beside the Canadian National Railway tracks. The study identifies potential sites for parks and open spaces, advocates for bikeway connections to the West Toronto Rail Path, incorporates options for additional vehicle parking and pedestrian walkways, and strives to protect and conserve heritage resources. The Mount Dennis Mobility Hub Study aims to inform the development of a fully integrated transit station. The completed study - a collaboration between Metrolinx and City Planning - will establish a long-term vision for the station and surrounding lands that aspires towards a higher density mixed-use environment with enhanced pedestrian and cyclist connectivity and functionally improved public spaces. Lawrence-Allen Revitalization Gardiner Environmental Assessment The Lawrence-Allen Secondary Plan establishes a foundation for a long-term revitalization of the Lawrence Heights neighbourhood. City staff, the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, and developer partners are currently planning the first phase of this development which will include both market and social housing components. With a short walk of two subway stations, the development will encourage active and sustainable living with excellent integration into the city’s transportation network. A joint project of the City and Waterfront Toronto, the Gardiner East Environmental Assessment and Urban Design Study is studying four options for the elevated expressway east of Jarvis Street: maintain, improve, replace, and remove. Given the importance of the corridor to Toronto’s economic future, and its role within emerging waterfront communities, the options are being evaluated from the perspective of transportation and infrastructure, economics, urban design, and environment in accordance with the approved Terms of Reference. Council will consider a preferred EA alternative in April. Beecroft Streetscape Kennedy Mobility Hub Urban Design viewed the planned extension of Beecroft Road as an opportunity to collaborate with Transportation Services to engage in a project of placemaking, and bring aesthetic and functional enhancements to the community. Now completed, the Beecroft Streetscape revitalization added a series of parkettes for playgrounds with new seating and picnicking areas. A tree-lined streetscape now connects the residential community to the North York Centre subway station. In 2013, City Planning, Metrolinx, and the Toronto Transit Commission engaged in dialogue on the future development of this important transportation hub. Following community consultations, a comprehensive plan emerged for a well-designed and integrated Kennedy Station that will contribute significantly to the connectivity of the city. The mixed-use focus of the Mobility Hub, and a high-quality station design, will help strengthen the connections between residential neighbourhoods and employment areas.
  • 44. congested? feeling “ As we were riding down Sherbourne St. toward Allen Gardens, I realized just how much the separated bike lanes make a difference. I felt immediately safer peddling down the green marked lane, and cautioning a look at drivers, I could tell they were happy they didn’t have to deal with cyclists. ” Julia Alexander, Toronto Sun
  • 45. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT OVERVIEW Feeling Congested? is a process to update the transportation policies in the City’s Official Plan. Designed around a robust consultation campaign that has pioneered a range of innovative engagement methods, it is successfully engaging thousands of Torontonians in a substantive conversation about the future of transportation in this city. Extensive consultation and analysis was undertaken throughout 2013 to develop a Rapid Transit Decision Making Framework that applies a criteria-based process for prioritizing future rapid transit investments. For the first time ever, this prioritization framework will be included in the Official Plan once approved. In addition, a new Bicycle Policy Framework, a Complete Streets Framework, and other amendments to existing policies are proposed. The process is scheduled to conclude in early 2015. 135 million 24 residents of Toronto engaged so far through the process residents engaged in “meetings-onthe-move” discussion panels, public meetings and intercepts 8,300 + OBJECTIVES Build Capacity • Enable the public to engage in informed conversations with City Planning through capacity building. Engage New Audiences • Use innovative consultation techniques and new technologies, including web-based tools and social media, to reach larger and more diverse audiences than has traditionally been possible. • Use marketing, branding, and media to broaden reach. Improve Transportation Planning and Decision Making • Reduce congestion and increase movement options. • Adopt a network-based approach to transportation planning and implementation that is grounded in evidence and good planning. • Establish transportation priorities within the City’s Official Plan. • Provide political and financial certainty for investment. Policy Development RFP 2012 Decision Process Community Consultation 2013 2014 45 rapid transit projects evaluated media impressions through “earned media”, TTC adverts, and through social media 18,000 + | 2015
  • 46. connects eglinton OVERVIEW Eglinton Connects is about evaluating options to take advantage of new rapid transit infrastructure along Eglinton Avenue. How do we grow with rapid transit? Where will people live and work, and what kind and size of buildings should be built along Eglinton Avenue in the future? How should Eglinton Avenue function, how should it look, and what features should it have? Through Eglinton Connects, City Planning is working to answer these, and many other, questions. The Study began with an existing policy framework that indicates the Eglinton corridor is an area appropriate for accommodating growth, but that the degree of change will vary across the corridor and must be considerate of existing character, context, and local needs. The Study is an opportunity to monitor and implement the Performance Standards for mid-rise buildings adopted by City Council in 2010. Eglinton Connects is both a Planning Study and a streetscape-related Environmental Assessment. The focus is on planning for the future Eglinton Avenue, and how to best leverage investment in the Metrolinx Crosstown Light Rail Transit line for the benefit of our communities and our city. Although still in progress, Eglinton Connects is already an award-winning study, having recently been awarded the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s “Project of the Year” for 2013.
  • 47. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT Through over 60 consultation events, promoted through 14 methods (including 6 newspaper ads, 238,000 flyers, and social media), and two years of research and analysis, City Planning now has an initial list of 21 recommendations for the Eglinton Avenue corridor. OBJECTIVES Involve the Communities of Eglinton • Host multiple consultation events across the 19 km corridor that are both formal and informal. • Promote the events through multiple channels to ensure awareness of the Study by employing newspaper, direct mail, radio, online, and social media methods. Direct ‘Right-sized’ Built Form • Develop a built form strategy that accommodates intensification and is sensitive to existing contexts, local needs and character, while also providing appropriate transition to low-scale neighbourhoods. • Make it easy for the right kind of development to occur, through as-of-right zoning or a Development Permit System. 25% 60 + of protected bike lanes are recommended as a component of creating a complete street approximately people who have participated in the Study through attending events or answering surveys 5000 + Create a Great Metropolitan Avenue • Develop a streetscape that facilitates efficient travel, accommodates all users, and maintains existing parking capacity. Partner to Create a Great Transit Experience • Work with Metrolinx and other partners to ensure the transit infrastructure is designed to achieve excellence in function, physical quality, and user experience. RFP 2012 Community Consultation 47 consultations including 13 workshops and open houses, and 11 pop-ups approximate proportion of the Study corridor recommended for as-ofright zoning for mid-rise buildings 38 km | 3D test modelling of mid-rise buildings along Eglinton Avenue Research & Analysis Policy Development 2013 2014 Decision Process 2015
  • 49. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | Best Practices, Policy, Sustainability As a city of stewards and leaders, Torontonians take ownership and pride in the physical, economic, and social assets that define the city. All residents, organizations, and communities have a role to play in upholding Toronto as a leader in global best practices. As stewards and leaders, City Planning works to pioneer exemplary policy, research, processes, and guiding principles that collectively ensure that Toronto remains a thriving and sustainable metropolis. 49
  • 50. 2013 project profiles. Bird Friendly Guidelines City Planning encourages the stewardship of the city’s wildlife, and recently published the “Best Practices for Bird Friendly Glass” manual as a follow-up to the internationally acclaimed “Bird Friendly Development Guidelines”. The manual identifies strategies that architects and designers can use to meet the Toronto Green Standard bird-friendly performance measures. Best Practices for Effective Lighting Light pollution is pervasive in urban environments. The Division’s “Best Practices for Effective Lighting” attempts to address this problem by identifying applications and technologies for effective urban lightning, minimizing light pollution while enhancing the safety, security, and beauty of the city at night.
  • 51. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 51 Green Roof Policies Toronto Consultation 647 - City Blue The characteristics and habitats of Toronto’s native wildlife have been beautifully and carefully rendered in the acclaimed Biodiversity Booklet Series. The series, which is the product of a dedicated group of volunteers including experts, financial contributors, and photographers - expanded in 2013 with the publication of the “Mammals of Toronto” and the “Reptiles and Amphibians of Toronto”. Casino Proposal CASINO Biodiversity Booklet Series As the first city in North America to establish a By-Law that requires and regulates the construction of green roofs, Toronto is a leader in pioneering sustainable development. In 2013, the Green Roof By-Law resulted in 196 site plan applications requiring green roof installations that will create over 50,000 square metres of new green roofs city-wide. New Biodiverse Green Roofs Guidelines will encourage green roof designs that can accommodate a variety of wildlife native to Toronto. Toronto 3D Model City Planning was part of an inter-divisional group tasked with conducting public consultation, providing analysis, and making recommendations about a potential new casino in Toronto’s downtown and an expanded facility at Woodbine Race Track. City Planning staff focused on four thematic areas: urban fabric, placemaking, transportation, and infrastructure. The Division prepared materials for five public consultation meetings and identified planning directions for City Council’s consideration. Forty-eight new buildings were added to the City’s Urban Design 3D model in 2013. The model is a geographically correct depiction of existing and proposed buildings, roads, parks, and other features of the urban landscape. Its accurate and extensive coverage, and its ability to seamlessly accommodate all potential development, makes the model an important tool for addressing development concerns pertaining to light, privacy, and potential shadow impacts on parks and other public spaces. Annual Toronto Employment Survey Putting People First The Toronto Employment Survey (TES) is a rich dataset that provides a valuable profile of economic activity across the city. The survey team marked the TES’s thirtieth year by visiting 75,000 business establishments to create a detailed resource for the analysis of the nature of the city’s employers and land uses. The TES results are combined with the findings of other surveys, such as the 2011 Living in the Downtown and Centres Survey, to better understand Toronto’s changing employment opportunities. City Planning is partnering with the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) to revitalize TCHC residences and physically transform former public housing neighbourhoods into mixed-income, mixeduse communities. The seven projects currently underway include large-scale initiatives, such as Regent Park and Lawrence Heights, and smaller, targeted intensification projects like Allenbury Gardens.
  • 52. secretariat waterfront In 2013, the Waterfront Secretariat joined City Planning, creating a fully integrated unit that acts as the “one window” at the City level for waterfront revitalization. In this capacity, the Secretariat works with City Divisions and agencies, the other two orders of government, and Waterfront Toronto to support the revitalization of the Central Waterfront.
  • 53. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 53 CORKTOWN COMMONS The public opening of Phase 2 of Corktown Commons by Waterfront Toronto in 2013 has been extended into 2014. Phase 1 of the park has been an important step in the evolution of the West Don Lands community. It is within short walking distance of the new River City and Toronto Community Housing developments under construction to the north and the emerging Canary District/Athletes’ Village to the west. The park is located on top of a flood protection landform completed through work with the Province and Toronto Region and Conservation Authority. The Secretariat is assisting Waterfront Toronto and Infrastructure Ontario with the park handover process. Queens Quay Revitalization FORT YORK PEDESTRIAN/CYCLIST BRIDGE QUEENS QUAY REVITALIZATION The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee has approved a Design Build process to complete a revised bridge design, integrated with area development in the Ordnance Triangle Lands north and west of the fort. The bridge will connect the area park system across the rail corridors and south into Garrison Common and the waterfront. The Secretariat’s involvement in this project dates back to 2006 when Waterfront Toronto, in conjunction with the City, conducted a design competition for re-imaging Queens Quay. The design then proceeded to an Environmental Assessment in 2010. In 2013, the project was under construction. To date, in the vicinity of the Redpath Sugar plant, new sidewalks and a Martin Goodman Trail extension have been completed. Construction of the portion between Bathurst Street and Bay Street will continue in 2014 and 2015. Already, granite and other finishes are being installed along some portions of the street. The Design Build process and bridge construction will be carried out by Build Toronto. This process will determine the final design and construction costs, and will help deliver a high-quality project on time and on budget. BAYSIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING PILOT PROJECT In 2013, the Bayside Affordable Housing Pilot Project came one step closer to becoming a reality. In November, City Council gave approval in principle to the construction of approximately 70-80 affordable housing units integrated with market housing in the next buildings to be constructed on the Bayside site. Negotiations continue on all of the details which will be presented to City Council for final approval in May 2014. BAYSIDE DEVELOPMENT- HINES Bayside Development Bayside is a 5.3 ha parcel of City-owned lands to be revitalized by Waterfront Toronto and their development partner, Hines. All of the governing agreements relating to respective obligations are now in place and development will proceed in a series of phases. The first two residential buildings are at the planning approval stage with construction targeted to begin mid 2014.
  • 54. official plan heritage policy “ These new Official Plan heritage policies are the result of feedback from the public and the work of many stakeholders who came together to share thoughts and provide input. We all want Toronto to be a city that is a great place to live, work, invest and play, and the Official Plan policies will help to set out the vision for where and how Toronto will grow through to the year 2031. ” Jennifer Keesmaat, Toronto’s Chief Planner
  • 55. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT OVERVIEW Heritage assets, whether architectural, natural, or cultural, are fundamental in creating and maintaining a sense of place and identity for Torontonians. Since the approval of the Official Plan in 2006, City Council has acquired new resources through the Ontario Heritage Act to better preserve Toronto’s heritage assets. A priority of the Five-Year Review of the Official Plan is to build these new provisions into holistic heritage policies. Working in conjunction with a consulting team, Planning staff prepared a progressive, cultural-heritage oriented set of conservation policies for integration into the Official Plan. These new polices earned the City a national award of excellence in heritage planning from the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP). 100 + 52 new policies for heritage planning and conservation policy review meetings with specially formed Heritage Advisory Committee OBJECTIVES The new Official Plan heritage policies are now consistent with the expanded authority granted to City Council by the Ontario Heritage Act. These Official Plan policies - informed by modern conservation theory - provide council with a broad and complete set of heritage conservation policies. By providing better protection for significant views, heritage conservation districts, and archaeological resources, the new policies also acknowledge the importance of Toronto’s heritage in fostering a liveable and diverse city amid rapid growth and development. Mary MacDonald and Scott Barrett receiving the CAHP award on behalf of City Planning Policy Review Project Initiation & RFP Consultant Selection 2011 Stakeholder Consultation Public Meeting - Report to PGM - Approval by PGM Adoption by City Council - Notice of the Minister of Municipal Affairs Decision to Approve OPA 199 Policy Development 2012 55 new views protected in the Official Plan people attended public meetings for Official Plan Heritage Policies 48 | 2013 5
  • 56. standard toronto green “ Going Green – Toronto Green Standard identified as one of 10 important policies that are making Toronto a more sustainable city. Spacing Magazine, Winter 2013/2014 “ ” Since Toronto brought in these mandatory standards, other municipalities have started looking at creating policies of their own. Gabrielle Kalapos, Executive Director of Clean Air Partnership ”
  • 57. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT $20 million OVERVIEW The Toronto Green Standard (TGS) is a two-tier set of environmental performance measures applied during the planning process to create more sustainable developments. The TGS helps to build a resilient city through measures that improve air quality, manage storm water on site, and promote the planting of native species. Since January 2010, when TGS first came into effect, Toronto has led other cities in North America by being the only municipality to require green standards for new construction. annual energy saving for buildings constructed to Tier 1 performace measures 180,000 The TGS was updated in 2013 to incorporate new regulations, guidelines, and input from the development industry and City Divisions. The result is a clearer, more accessible document that will achieve better environmental performance from new developments while being easier to implement. TGS Version 2.0 came into effect on January 1, 2014. | 57 applications for higher performace measures under TGS Tier 2 20 forecasted reduction in annual tonnes of Co2 emissions as a result of TGS new site plan applications required to meet TGS Tier 1 performance measures since 2010 600 OBJECTIVES Responds to Environmental Pressures & Policies TGS addresses the City‘s environmental priorities: air quality, energy efficiency and green house gas emissions; water quality and efficiency; solid waste; and ecology and the natural environment. Implement the Official Plan The TGS is an innovative tool for strengthening the environmental performance of new developments. It helps to achieve the Official Plan’s vision for clean air, land, and water, and contributes to realizing the targeted 80% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2050. Measurable and Performance–oriented The policies encourage innovative initiatives to meet performance targets. Community Consultation Oct.2009 Council Approval Jan 2010 Implementation 2008-2009 2010-2011 July TGS v2 Council Approval TGS Review 2012 2013 Jan 2014 TGS v2 came into effect 2014
  • 58. roundtables chief planner Chief Planner Rountable public forum ROUNDTABLE OVERVIEW The Chief Planner Roundtable is a public forum where Torontonians discuss key city-building issues and identify innovative “drivers for change”. Each roundtable is held in an engaging environment, and provides a variety of options for participation, including attendance in person, watching a live-stream on the internet, and contributing to the conversation through comment cards, e-mail, and on Twitter. The roundtables allow City Planning to reach out beyond the structured conversations typical of the planning process, creating meaningful dialogue and new partnerships with community advocates, other Divisions, academics and the private sector. 6 roundtables held in 2013, with more planned for in 2014 including civic leaders, industry professionals, academics, and City and agency staff 55 members 2,000+ tweets roundtable conversations continued on Twitter attended in-person or viewed livestreams of the events online 2,600 + 2013 ROUNDTABLE TOPICS • • • • • • Our Urban Fabric: Designing and Creating Public Places The Resilient City Next Generation Suburbs The Shape of Toronto’s Suburbs Arrival City: Toronto’s Suburbs as Global City Landing Spot Mobility in the Suburbs
  • 59. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT “ These information sessions are an important way to keep Torontonians engaged with their city, their neighbourhoods, and most importantly the planning decisions City Hall makes on their behalf…So, we call on planning staff to continue these out-reach initiatives and start planning many, many more. The Etobicoke Guardian, August 2013 ” PLANNERS IN PUBLIC SPACES (PiPS) OVERVIEW On August 20, 2013, City Planning launched a month-long outreach campaign called “Planners in Public Spaces” (PiPS). City Planning information booths sprang up in public spaces across Toronto, and residents had opportunities to learn about planning issues and the role of city planners. Over 1,700 people participated in this initiative by visiting information booths at 20 community spaces, asking questions about planning, and discovering ways to become more involved in shaping their city. 20 public events held throughout the city 75% | 59 less cost per person reached vs. average community meeting 250 tweets social media coverage helped draw visitors to event locations people participated in PiPs events and connected with City Planning 1,700 + OBJECTIVES Raise people’s awareness of the importance of city planning and the role that planners play in shaping the city. Provide education about the basic elements of city planning and how it can create more liveable neighbourhoods. Engage people to become more involved in city planning issues in their neighbourhoods and city-wide. Planners in Public Spaces kick-off event at City Hall planners in publicspaces
  • 60. zoningby-law OVERVIEW By-Law 560-2013 is Toronto’s first city-wide Zoning By-Law. Enacted on May 9, 2013, the By-Law is a consistent set of rules that applies to every property in the city. The By-Law regulates the use of land, as well as building height, size, bulk, location, and amount of parking required. The project required consolidating 43 different Zoning By-Laws of the former municipalities. Most of these By-Laws dated back to the 1950s and included over 8,000 amendments. By-Law 569-2013 is now the single largest regulatory By-Law in Toronto, affecting over 470,000 properties. Innovative features of the new By-Law include transition clauses, which allow applications submitted prior to the enactment of the new By-Law to continue the approval process under the old zoning rules. Zoning By-Law 569-2013 is the result of a ten-year harmonization exercise, with the goals of developing a common terminology, structure, and set of defined zoning terms that apply across the City.
  • 61. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT OBJECTIVES Capture the intent of existing By-Laws Harmonized language and definitions will ensure a consistent application of the regulations across Toronto. Simplify the language and structure The use of accessible language and a simple organization make the new By-Law easier to understand. Introduce new standards for parking and loading New parking ratios were created for each type of land use, and are now determined by geographic areas. Be innovative The online zoning map is fully interactive and accessible. 3,450 Maps in five volumes including zoning maps and policy area, height, lot coverage, rooming house overlay maps 103,102 43 general zoning By-Laws from the former municipalities to one city-wide Zoning By-Law 2003-04: Comparison of existing By-Laws 2004-05: Preparation of GIS mapping Parking studies 2009: Public Consultation 2013: 61 pages of text in three volumes 1,795 visitors to the interactive zoning map in 2013, ranking it as one of the top five City mapping applications TIMELINE 2006: | Zoning By-Law 569-2013 enacted Visit for more zoning information 43 to 1
  • 62. parapan am pan am / games In the summer of 2015 the Pan Am / Parapan American Games are being held in Toronto. Close to 7,000 athletes from across the Americas will be competing in this major international sporting event.
  • 63. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 63 PAN AM AQUATIC CENTRE The CIBC Pan Am/Parapan Am Aquatic Centre and Field House, currently under construction at the corner of Morningside Avenue and Military Trail, is an example of city building grounded in the principles of leadership and stewardship. Meeting international standards of excellence, this facility will provide recreational opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. City Planning worked extensively with the University of Toronto and Infrastructure Ontario during the design, review, and remediation phases of this project. The new facility is approximately 29,000 square metres in size and will include two Olympic size swimming pools, a dive pool, a field house, office space, and meeting rooms. The building will also provide facilities for the Canadian Sports Institute of Ontario, an organization that provides training opportunities for Canada’s high performance athletes. Interior: Aquatic Centre PAN AM VILLAGE The Athletes’ Village is located within the West Don Lands and will provide temporary accommodation for athletes during the games. After the games, the Village will become affordable rental housing, market housing, commercial space, community recreation facilities, and several parks and public spaces. The West Don Lands is a key precinct within the Waterfront Revitalization Initiative, and the games provide the impetus to expedite the planning, design, and construction schedule. City Planning expertise in subdivision implementation, environmental analysis, design, and construction issue resolution supported the Province and Waterfront Toronto in advancing this project in time for the 2015 Games. Track & Field Stadium at York University TRACK & FIELD STADIUM YORK UNIVERSITY The new CIBC Pan Am/Parapan Am Athletics Stadium is part of an expansion of the world-class athletics facilities at York University. As part of this project, the City of Toronto is also revitalizing the indoor tracks at the Toronto Track & Field Centre, at Birchmount Stadium, and Centennial Park Stadium. With an anticipated completion date of July 2014, athletes will have one year to break-in the facilities before the largest games Canada has ever hosted arrive. Pan Am Village looking west
  • 65. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | With 606 development applications and 3,162 Committee of Adjustment applications received in 2013, the Division’s impact is city-wide in breadth. In the review of every application, we seek to uphold our responsibility to the public interest by implementing the Official Plan’s pillars of diversity and opportunity, beauty, connectivity, leadership and stewardship. 65
  • 68. 2 Temperance Street | Status: Built The City’s heritage policies encourage the active reuse and repurposing of historically significant buildings. An excellent example of this approach is the award-winning revitalization of the Dineen Building at the corner of Yonge and Temperance Streets. The project is a testament to the collaboration of heritage planning staff and the developer to preserve and restore a building’s heritage attributes while creating modern functionality in a unique and desirable space. 2263 Yonge Street | Status: Approved A 58 storey tower will soon define the skyline at the intersection of Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue. The development, which includes an additional tower of 38 stories and an expansive public plaza, is a crucial component of the ongoing redevelopment and intensification in this area. Community Planning and Urban Design worked with the developers to ensure compliance with the Tall Building Design Guidelines, the creation of welcoming and functional public spaces, and seamless integration with the transportation network that converges at this intersection.
  • 69. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 69 Toronto & East York Development Applications received in 2013 501 Yonge Street | Status: Approved Active community involvement informed the development of two condominium towers at 501 Yonge Street. Community planners established a partnership between the developer, staff, and the community that resulted in a proposal for a vibrant, mixed-use development with a range of housing options to allow residents to age-in-place. Section 37 benefits securing public art, streetscape improvements, and additional parkland will go far towards realizing the Official Plan’s vision of a city of beauty. Ripley’s Aquarium | Status: Built The Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada opened in 2013 to become one of the most significant tourism attractions in downtown Toronto. The aquarium, and future mixed-use tower, will fulfill the Official Plan’s principles of fostering diversity and opportunity by providing new employment opportunities and by enhancing the area’s entertainment attractions. In working with the developer, community planners refined the proposal by securing additional publicly accessible open space and sightlines through the development.
  • 70. 385 Passmore Avenue | Status: Built An example of how planning and development processes are keeping pace with our dynamic city is the new 7,000 square metre Federal Express distribution facility at 385 Passmore Avenue. Opened in record time thanks to the City’s Gold Star Program, a process that expedites planning approvals and building permits for qualified non-residential developments, the facility received approvals and building permits in twelve weeks. The facility is now operational and employs 150 people. 3220 Sheppard Avenue East | Status: Approved This is the first project to build upon the new neighbourhood vision that emerged from the Sheppard/Warden Avenue Study. A 262 unit residential apartment building with a 6 storey podium and a 20 storey tower will create new housing options for the community. The development will also realize the Division’s advocacy for strong Avenues by creating a walkable street with sensitive transitions in height, and integration with local transportation networks. Scarborough Civic Centre Library | Status: Approved When complete, the 1,400 square metre Scarborough Centre Branch Library will be a learning and community centre best practice. Community planners sought a well-connected public space that will be both an organic extension to Raymond Moriyama’s heritage designated Civic Centre building and a centrepiece for the longterm renewal of the area. 4040 Lawrence Avenue East | Status: Approved The East Scarborough Storefront is a service delivery hub that manages relationships with 40 different community organizations. A major addition to the existing facility will accommodate a multipurpose space, meeting rooms, and a community greenhouse. This grassroots effort to improve an important community facility is a collaboration between the East Scarborough Storefront, the City of Toronto, and local volunteers.
  • 71. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 71 Scarborough Development Applications received in 2013
  • 73. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 73 34-50 Southport | Status: Approved The Official Plan’s advocacy for complete communities is realized in the proposed redevelopment of this low-rise retail plaza. Planning staff worked with the developer, the architect, and local residents to enable the development of a mixed-use community with 558 residential units and over 2,000 square metres of commercial retail space. Plans for public art installations and improved pedestrian accessibility will create a beautiful and walkable public realm. Humbertown Shopping Centre | Status: Approved Toronto’s low-density shopping centres present exciting opportunities to bring amenities and services to established communities. The redevelopment of the Humbertown Shopping Centre will see a 1950s era low-rise shopping plaza transformed into a new commercial and residential community. New green spaces and transit connectivity will help realize the Official Plan’s vision of community-sensitive intensification in Mixed Use Areas. 1844 Bloor Street West | Status: Approved Community planners worked with the developer on a proposal to turn this site into a 14 storey mixed-use, mixed-tenure development. The project will accommodate 407 residential units, including rental replacements. On the ground floor, commercial space and a plaza will help animate the Bloor West streetscape. Environmental sustainability is enhanced by the incorporation of Toronto Green Tier 2 Standards and bird-friendly design. Humber College | Status: Approved A new Learning Resource Centre will form a key component of Humber College’s North Campus expansion. The centre will be the new hub of the campus, providing a welcome centre, student services, a library, administration offices, and IT support, and will also serve as the “front door“ to the college by architecturally coalescing a number of existing buildings.
  • 74. Forensics Building Provincial Campus | Status: Built The state-of-the-art Forensics Services and Coroner’s Complex opened its doors in 2013. Planning staff and the Province of Ontario collaborated to ensure the environmental sensitivity of the new complex by creating extensive green infrastructure and achieving LEED Gold certification. The facility is the first new building in the Provincial Campus which includes a network of new public streets, a public park and trails, and the Humber River Regional Hospital that is currently under construction. North York Development Applications received in 2013 Stanley Greene | Status: Approved Planning staff worked closely with Parc Downsview Park Inc. to plan a new community that will advance the Official Plan’s commitment to complete and connected neighbourhoods. 1,356 new housing units, 113 affordable rental units, and mid-rise buildings with ground floor commercial space will create a dynamic and resilient community. A new municipal park, a stormwater management pond, and Section 37 benefits for daycare spaces and public art will help to ensure the beauty and sustainability of this neighbourhood.
  • 75. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT Willowdale Plaza | Status: Approved Encouraging mixed-use development along Toronto’s transportation corridors is a key priority for planning staff. The Hullmark Centre is a true mixed use project that will bring 90,591 square metres of residential, retail, and office space to the transportation hub at the intersection of Yonge Street and Sheppard Avenue. A new landmark plaza at the Yonge and Shepard intersection will give identity to the area and provide another focus for pedestrian life in North York Centre. New direct subway access from the plaza reinforces the significance of this corner. | 75 Allenbury Gardens | Status: Approved The Allenbury Gardens redevelopment is a landmark project that will help ensure housing stock diversity through the replacement of 127 social housing units, as well as adding 907 new condominium and rental units. The centre of the site is a new 0.3 ha park which will be the social focus for the neighbourhood. The proposed housing will line the streets and parks, creating integration between old and new. Section 37 benefits will revitalize the nearby Godstone Park, Fairview Drive streetscape, and the Fairview Library.
  • 77. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 77 Throughout 2013, City Planning implemented a series of initiatives designed to improve our capacity to deliver services effectively and to re-imagine our existing work processes. A major component in this undertaking was the development of our Five-Year Strategic Plan, the Divisional playbook that forms the framework for our future actions. In 2014, we will advance new initiatives to implement the Strategic Plan’s 44 Actions, which are arranged under five Strategic Directions: 1. Setting Priorities and Improving Processes; 2. Enhancing and Strengthening the Capacity of the Division; 3. Clear, Consistent and Compelling Communication; 4. Pursing Deep Collaborations; and 5. Measuring Success. Guided by the Strategic Plan, the first initiatives are underway. They will improve our ability to work efficiently and collaboratively, strengthen the skills and capacity of our team, and increase the transparency of the planning process by realizing new opportunities to engage the public.
  • 78. initiatives. divisional e-service Our new Heritage E-Permit Services is an online system that allows permit applications to be received and reviewed electronically. Heritage Preservation Services reviewed 1,549 permits since its launch in February 2013. The Application Information Centre, an e-service initiative that provides online access to information on development applications, was enhanced with improved mapping and search functionality in June and has since attracted 23,550 visitors. strategic plan gold star program As part of the City’s Gold Star Program, an initiative intended to reduce the time it takes to review development applications identified as having an economic benefit, City Planning services were harmonized to ensure a seamless transition from preliminary project review to planning applications to building permits. In 2013, City Planning received 47 projects to review using this program. City Planning launched its first ever Strategic Plan, an internal guiding document that establishes the framework for the Division to implement Toronto’s Official Plan. Our Strategic Plan’s 44 Actions are the outcome of many months of consultation and will be our operational guidebook through to 2018. online presence A new City Planning website was launched as part of the City‘s “Web-Revitalization” process, making important public information easier to find, universally accessible, and regularly updated. Concurrently, we established a social media presence using Twitter with our @CityPlanTO handle, attracting thousands of interactions in only a few months.
  • 79. 2014 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | 79 building team environments City Planning is adjusting our existing office facilities to help create more collaborative and integrated working environments. growing conversations technological advancement City Planning is studying how to better leverage technology to improve both our working efficiency and our ability to interface with stakeholders. Planned initiatives, such as an ePortal for development applications, will increase the accessibility of City Planning. Toronto is stronger when we plan it together. In 2014, City Planning will launch Growing Conversations, which is about making sure that our public engagement processes work to better reflect the vision and values of residents and the communities in which they live. Key objectives include exploring new engagement models and tools, engaging new audiences, and identifying other opportunities to improve engagement in the current community planning process. building capacity In 2013, City Planning initiated 64 hiring processes and collectively underwent 2,300 hours of professional training. Building on this success, our new Talent Development Manager will launch a comprehensive approach to talent development, including facilitating an internal staff performance review process, assessing training requirements, and implementing a succession management program.
  • 81. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT | City Planning strives to proactively respond to emerging needs within Toronto. The city’s sustained growth over the last decade has brought new residents, job opportunities, and renewed vibrancy to our many neighbourhoods. While urban growth is a healthy reality, it also brings unique challenges and places pressures on Toronto’s existing infrastructure. Our 2014 planning priorities are designed to encourage development in growing communities with sufficient transit connectivity and public facilities to accommodate development, while protecting our stable neighbourhoods and our natural and cultural assets. 81
  • 82. 1 2 3 TRANSIT PLANNING Public transit ridership in Toronto is at an all-time high, but investment in new infrastructure has not kept pace with demand. Feeling Congested?, the five-year review of the City’s Official Plan transportation policies, will continue in 2014 with a focus on transit investment priorities and network planning. Parallel to this study, City Planning will conduct a comprehensive review of the proposed Relief Line and host an extensive public consultation process. HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICTS (HCD) HCD policies require specialized plans and guidelines for areas of Toronto designated as having common heritage attributes. By assessing the neighbourhood-wide impact of proposed developments, HCD guidelines are an important preservation tool in an environment of increasing development pressures. Five HCD studies began in 2013, and three additional studies will launch in 2014. MID-RISE BUILDINGS Mid-rise buildings are an appropriate scale of redevelopment along many of Toronto’s main streets. No taller than the width of the street, mid-rise buildings ensure a comfortable pedestrian environment and transition to low-rise neighbourhoods. They often contain a mix of uses, including stores, services, and restaurants on the ground floor, and a mix of dwelling types above. Through studies like Eglinton Connects, City Planning is making it easier to develop mid-rise buildings through measures such as as-of-right zoning. In 2010, City Council adopted Performance Standards for mid-rise buildings, the effectiveness of which staff will evaluate in 2014.
  • 83. 2013 CITY PLANNING ANNUAL REPORT 4 5 6 COMPLETE COMMUNITIES The last decade brought unprecedented growth to particular areas of the city, sometimes resulting in a strain on local infrastructure and resources. In 2014, City Planning will assess the capacity of under pressure neighbourhoods to absorb additional development, and will identify infrastructure investments required to accommodate further growth. Similarly, an ongoing review of Section 37 policies will study recommendations intended to ensure that significant new developments contribute needed community amenities. ADVANCING THE OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW Advancing the City’s Official Plan Review work program in 2014 will include reviews of affordable housing and neighbourhood, environmental, and housing policies. City Planning will also defend City Council’s approval of new Official Plan heritage policies at the Ontario Municipal Board. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SYSTEM (DPS) In 2014, City Planning will launch Reset TO, a consultation process on the implementation of a DPS, a new planning framework that allows an area-based approach to the assessment of development applications. A DPS will merge zoning, site plan, and minor variance processes into one application and approval system. This system will provide greater stability to communities experiencing growth, as well as shorten the approval period for developments that meet specific performance requirements. | 83
  • 84. “ As leaders and partners in an innovative culture, we build a great city through excellence in planning and influential policy. We implement Toronto’s Official Plan for a sustainable, connected city of neighbourhoods where life and business flourish. City Planning Mission Statement ”