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Questions/Articles Extracted From’s
Placement Papers And Jobs
    Help FREE E-Book

                                               By Kamalkk Kannan,


                                                    Version: 4.4

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Questions/Articles Extracted From

Table of Index:

Subject                                                                    Page No.

Section – I (Placements Help)

 1. Introduction                                                               3
 2. TCS Sample Solved Questions                                                4
 3. Infosys Sample Solved Questions                                            13
 4. Wipro Sample Solved Questions                                              22
 5. CTS Sample Solved Questions                                                29
 6. HCL Sample Solved Questions                                                35
 7. Accenture Sample Solved Questions                                          39
 8. IBM Sample Solved Questions                                                45
 9. Syntel Sample Solved Questions                                             47
 10. HP Sample Solved Questions                                                49
 11. General Aptitude & Verbal Questions                                       56
     (For All IT Companies like L&T, Amazon, 3i Infotech, Alcatel etc.,)

Section – II (Jobs Help)

 12. How to Write a Great Resume?                                              68
 13. Usefulness of SAP Training?                                               70
 14. Usefulness of J2EE Training?                                              72
 15. Use Search Engines and Bookmarks                                         73

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Hi, This is Kamalkk Kannan from At CareersValley, we work to provide useful
learning resources for job seekers across different sectors. You can write to us at

What to Expect and What Not to Expect in this e-
Don't expect a huge number of questions which obviously is not possible in a simple e-book.

But expect a limited number of the most important types of questions commonly being asked in
placement tests and interviews.

Don't expect this e-book to be the only resource to prepare completely.

But expect this e-book to give you a right head start. This e-book is NOT A replacement for our
very comprehensive Placement Success Book or's solved placement papers

(For details on our very useful 465 pages hardcopy book “Placement Success”, visit

So, what’s inside this free e-Book?
This e-book contains solved sample questions in the first section and career related tips/articles
in the second part. The first part will not have too many questions but most important question
types that get repeated very often with minor differences. Most of the questions have been
extracted from those posted on our website.


The placement papers/questions discussed are SAMPLE and Unofficial and not from the
respective companies. They have been framed based on the inputs and discussions from
students based on their memory, to help the student community stay prepared. Contact us using
the contact form on the website for any discrepancies and policy related

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Section I – Placement Papers Section

TCS Sample Questions

1) 5 Men are living in a home. The average age of the five men before 5 years was 55.
After P years, one man aged 50 joins with others in the house which makes the average
age 60. Find the value of P.
a) 4      b) 3     c) 2     d) 7
Answer: a) 4
Let the total age of 5 men be X.
Then the average age of 5 men before 5 years = (X - number of years x number of men)
/ number of men = (X - 3x5)/5 = (X-15)/5 = 55
Then X = 55 x 5 + 15 = 290. That is, presently the total age = 290.
After P years, the total age of the 5 men becomes X + 5xP = 290 + 5xP.
One man aged 50 joins with them. Therefore the average becomes (Total age of 5
original men after P years + Age of new man) / Total number of men = (290 + 5P + 50)/
(5+1) = 60
or 5P = 360 - 340 = 20
p = 20/5 = 4
Therefore, 4 years is our required answer.

2) A boy has several colored balls in his bag - 12 white, 15 orange and 25 pink. The
lights are out and it is totally dark. Now, how many balls he must take out to make sure
that he has a pair of each color?
a) 40     b) 42     c) 6       d) 12
Answer: b) 42

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In this problem, the worst case scenario will be as follows.
Step 1: He picks all of same colored balls of the largest group. The largest group is pink.
Therefore, he will be picking all 25 pink balls first.
Step 2: Then he picks all of same colored balls of the next largest group. The second
largest group is Orange. Therefore, he will be picking 15 orange balls.
Step 3: Now, if he starts picking the remaining balls which are white, he could very well
stop at 2 balls as he would be having a pair of white ball anyway.

Therefore total picks = 25 + 15 + 2 = 42.

If confused, for these kinds of problems you have to add higher values first + 2, leaving
the least group. Here least group is white.
Therefore our answer will be 25 pink + 15 orange + 2 = 42
Hence the answer is 42.

3) 4 equal aged boys and 6 equal aged girls were regularly attending a guitar class. 22
is the average age of all and 56 is the age of two boys and three girls. After 3 years a
boy is replaced by a new boy aged 15. Now, what will be the average age of boys?
a) 13.5 years     b) 15.4years      c) 16.3 years        d) 14 years
Answer: a) 13.5 years.
Let X and Y be the age of a boy and a girl respectively.
Given that 22 is the average age of all.
Then 4X/4 + 6Y/6 = 22
i.e., X + Y = 22 ...eqn1
Also given that, 56 is the age of two boys and three girls.
Then, 2X + 3Y = 56 ...eqn2
Solving the above equations, we get X=10, Y=12.
That is, the age of each boy is 10 and age of each girl is 12.
After 3 years, 1 among 4 boys leaves the group but replaced by a new 15 year old boy.

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Sum of the ages of 3 left over boys + new boy = Ages of original 3 boys after 3 years +
Age of new boy = 3(X+3) + 15 = 3x13 + 15 = 54 years.
Their average age = Total Age / 4 = 54/4 = 13.5 years.
13.5 Years is our answer.

4) Find the most appropriate meaning for the word ‘Correlate’.
a. to join     b. to match           c. to refer      d. to fix
Answer: b. to match
Correlate is to match, observe or compare two or more different things. For example, in
India illiteracy and poverty can be correlated to each other.

5) Find the most appropriate meaning for the word ‘Volatile’.
a. Oscillate           b. Transient        c. Penetrate           d. Light
Answer: b. Transient.
Transient can be used to refer something that is temporary and volatile.

6) When 8 is subtracted out from two third of X, the result is 25 more than one third of X.
Find the largest prime number which is less than X.
a) 113         b) 97         c) 89           d) 131
Answer: b) 97
Part-1: To find X.
Below equation can be formed based on the data in question.
(2/3)x X - 8 = 25 + 1/3 x X
(2/3)x X - (1/3)x X = 25+8
X/3 = 33

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Part-2: To find the required prime
97 is the largest prime number which is lesser than 99. Hence 97 is the answer.

7) 6 reduced from 1/5 of a number is 7 reduced from half of the same number. Find the
a)10/3        b)22/3       c)7/3        d)none of these

Answer: a) 10/3
X/5 - 6 = X/2 - 7
(X-30)/5 = (X-14)/2
2X-60 = 5X-70
5X-2X = 70-60
3X = 10
X = 10/3

8) Ideal Toy company, New York brought out two models – one rectangle and another
hexagon in shape. The area of the two are same. The base and height of the triangle are
48” and √3” respectively. Find the length of each of the sides of the hexagon.
a) 2”       b) 4”      c) 24”   d) 8”
Answer: b) 4”
Area of triangle = 1/2 x base x height = 1/2 x 48 x √3 = 24√3 sq. inches
Since, the areas of a triangle and hexagon are equal , Area of hexagon = 24√3 sq.
inches ....(1)
If the side of the hexagon is X inches, then its area = (3√3/2 )r2 ...(2)
Since equations 1 and 2 equal,
24√3 = (3√3/2 )r2

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16 = r2
Or r = 4 inch

9) Four friends namely Rahul, Ravi, Rajesh and Rohan contested for a dairy milk
chocolate. To decide which friend will get the chocolate they decided to throw two dice.
Every friend was asked to choose a number and if the sum of the numbers on two dice
equals that number, the concerned person will get the chocolate. Rahul's choice was7,
Ravi's choice was 9, Rajesh's choice was 10 and Rohan's choice was 11. Who has the
maximum probability of winning the amount?
a) Rahul        b) Ravi      c) Rajesh     d) Rohan

Answer: a) Rahul
Number 7 will appear more often –(1,6), (2,5), (3,4), (4,3), (6,1), (5,2) --- 6 cases
Number 9 -- (3,6),(6,3), (4,5) (5,4) ---4 cases
For number 10 -- (4,6) ,(6,4) (5,5) ---3 cases
For number 11 -- (5,6),(6,5)...2 cases.
Since number 7 has the maximum chance of appearing, it will have the maximum
probability as well. Hence, Rahul will most probably be the winner.

10) A man raises sheep and chickens. One fine day, his son wants to count the number
of sheep and chickens. Farmer gives hit as below:
"The average number of legs for each animal is 2 38/57. There are 19 more chickens
than that of sheep." Can you help the son by finding the total number of sheep?
a) 25       b) 19         c) 17    d) 20
Answer: b) 19
Let the number of sheep be s and the number of chickens be c.
We know every sheep has 4 legs and every chicken has got 2 legs.

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Total number of legs = 4s + 2c
Average number of legs = Total number of legs / Total number of all animals
= 4s + 2c / (s + c)
It is given that the average = 2 38/57 = 152/57
Therefore 4s + 2c / (s + c) = 152/57
Or 228s + 114c = 152s + 152c
Or 76s = 38c
Or 2s = c
Also the question states that there are 19 more chickens than that of sheep.
Therefore c - s = 19 ... (1)
Substituting c = 2s in eq 1 we get
2s - s = 19
Or s = 19

(Next 4 questions are of interview type)
11) What is the prime difference between while and Do While Loop?
Though while and do-while are loop statements, in Do While it is assured that the
statements within the loop will be executed at least once (even if the condition fails.)

12) What is the difference between a = ++b and a = b++?
The first statement a = ++b can be broken down into two statements b = b + 1 followed
by a = b. Hence b will be incremented first and will be assigned to a. Hence values of a
and b will be same at the end.
The second statement a = b++ can be broken down into two statements a = b followed
by b = b + 1. Hence b will be assigned to a. Only after this assignment b will be
incremented. Hence values of a and b will be different at the end.

13) Is it necessary to use register modifier on all compilers irrespective of whether they
are old or modern ones ?

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No, compilers nowadays are intelligent enough to decide which variables need to be
kept in CPU registers depending upon the estimated usage.

14) Can a program be invoked from another program? If yes, how it can be done?
Yes, a program can invoke another program using system calls.

15) Which of the following program structure/component/statement is not an example for
the implementation of modularization?
a) DLL      b) Functions     c) type casting
Option c) type casting. DLL and Functions help in modularization of a program while
typecasting just converts from one data type to another.

Useful Tip :: Prepare For Placement Papers By Exploring Common

Almost all of the companies have a placement test in their recruitment process. It is a
common tendency to prepare specifically for every company's paper at the
announcement of a recruitment drive either on campus or off campus. But most
youngsters fail to explore the common sections that exist across placement papers of
different companies so that they can complete their preparation in one shot.

What are the Common Sections?

With few exceptions, all most all companies give due importance to quantitative aptitude.
From chapters like time and speed, age, linear equations, averages etc.

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Verbal sections like synonyms and antonyms (GRE type), filling with right tenses etc.
are again common across different placement papers.

Software placement papers also have questions from basic programming languages
like C.
Preparing on these common sections can help you to save much time.

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How should you Plan your Preparation?

My first advice is that you should not wait till the last minute. Keep preparing on the
common sections mentioned above as much as you can.’s Placement Success Book priced at Rs. 400 will help you to a
great extent. In that book, we have explored and presented common sections and
repeated question types. When you get that book, you never have to prepare for every
company separately but can prepare simultaneously for all companies. For details visit

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Infosys Sample Questions

1) A train starts from A towards B with some velocity. Due to an engine problem, after
travelling 3/8 of its journey, it slows to 3/5 of its actual velocity. The train reaches B 1
hour later than the actual planned time. If the engine had failed after travelling 80km and
if it would have slowed down to 4/5th of its initial velocity for another 80km and covered
the remaining distance with 1/2 of its initial velocity, the train would have reached the
destination one and half hours late. What is the distance between A and B in meters?
a)10000      b)480000        c)240000       d)520000
Answer: b) 480000
Let the distance between A and B be X and the speed initially be V.
The train travels 3X/8km with speed V and the remaining distance(X - 3X/8) km with
speed 3/5 of V. Ultimately the train was late by 1 hour.
According to the above condition with the formula " distance/speed = time", we can have
[(3X/8)/V]+[(X-(3X/8))/(3V/5)] = [X/V]+1
[3X/8V] + 5(8X-3X)/24V = [X/V]+1
9X+25X-24X / 24V = 1
10X-24V = 0 ..........eqn1
According to the question, if the train travelled 80km with speed V, another 80km with
4/5 th of V and the remaining distance(X-160)km with speed 1/2 of V then
[80/V]+[80/(4V/5)]+[(X-160)/(1V/2)] = [X/V]+3/2
80/V + 100/V + (2X-360)/V = X/V + 3/2
X-180 / V = 3/2
2X-3V = 360 .........eqn2
Solving eqn1 and eqn2
We have, X=480 and V=200
Thus the distance between A and B is 480km and the speed of the train is 200km/hour.
Hence 480km = 480000meters is the answer.

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2) A man rides a bike with speed V for a distance X km. After completing 1/2 of his
journey he slows down to 1/2 of his initial speed and completes his ride half an hour later
than the planned time. What will be the ratio of the distance to the speed?
a) 1:2       b) 2:1       c) 1:1     d) 2:3
Answer: c) 1:1
Let the distance be X and the speed initially be V.
Using the same logic as we used for the previous questions, we get,
X/2V + [X-(X/2)]/(V/2) = X/V + 1/2
X/2V + [4X-2X]/2V = X/V + 1/2
X/2V = 1/2
X = V or X/V = 1
Thus 1:1 is the required ratio.

3) Agil is twice as fast as Mugil. Mugil is thrice as fast as Annie. The distance covered
by Annie in 54 minutes will be covered by Mugil in ___ minutes.
a)27 minutes          b)9minutes      c)38 minutes      d)18 minutes
Answer: d)18 minutes
Let Annie's speed be X km/hr.
It’s given, Mugil is thrice as fast as Annie. Therefore Mugil's speed is a 3X km / hr.
Also it is said Agil is twice as fast as Mugil. Therefore, Agil's speed = Mugil's speed x 2 =
6X km/hr.
Therefore ratio of their speeds = 6X : 3X : X = 6 : 3 : 1
For a given distance, the time taken will be inversely proportional to speed.
Therefore, Ratio of times taken by the three friends Agil, Mugil and Annie = 1/6 : 1/3 : 1 =
If Annie takes 6 minutes then Mugil takes 2 minutes.
If Annie takes 54 minutes then Mugil takes [2/6 x 54] = 18 minutes.
Hence the answer is 18 minutes

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4) At the time of his marriage Arunachalam was 29 years old. During marriage, his wife
was younger by 3 ½ years.20 years afterwards the total ages of Arunachalam, his wife
and their only son Kamalraj is 110 years. What will be the age of Kamalraj forty years
from now?
a) 35 1/2 years      b) 45 1/2 years     c) 25 years     d) 30 years
Answer: a) 35 1/2 years
I. During Marriage
Arunachalam's age = 29 years
Wife's age = 29 - 3.5 = 25.5 years
II. 20 years afterwards
Arunachalam's age = 29 + 20 = 49 years
Wife's age = 25.5 + 20 = 45.5 years
Let Son's age (20 years after marriage) = S
It is given that, 20 years after the wedding, Arunachalam's age + Wife's age + S = 110
Or 49 + 45.5 + S = 110
S = 15.5 years
III. 40 years afterwards.
Since we have found that the son was 15.5 years old 20 years after marriage, adding 20
to 15.5 will give age of Kamalraj after 40 years.
Therefore answer = 15.5 + 20 = 35.5 years =35 1/2 years.

5) Akbar told his friends Amar and Antony that he is fond of possessing multiple cell
phones and added as follows:
OF all cell phones I have, except 6, all are Nokia cell phones
OF all cell phones I have, except 5, all are Samsung cell phones
OF all cell phones I have, except 7, and all are LG cell phones.
How many Nokia, Samsung and LG cell phones?
a) 2 Nokia cell phones, 2 Samsung cell phones and 2 LG cell phones
b) 3 Nokia cell phones, 2 Samsung cell phones and 3 LG cell phones

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c) 3 Nokia cell phones, 4 Samsung cell phones and 2 LG cell phones
d) 3 Nokia cell phones, 3 Samsung cell phones and 3 LG cell phones
Answer: c) 3 Nokia cell phones, 4 Samsung cell phones and 2 LG cell phones
Again this question has to be solved by looking at the options one by one. While we are
leaving the exercise of inspecting each option for your practice, we will just see why
option c is right.
Option c states that there are 3 Nokia cell phones, 4 Samsung cell phones and 2 LG cell
The above option implies the below three things:
i) Except 3 Nokia + 4 Samsung = 7 cell phones, all the remaining 2 are LG cell phones
ii) Except 3 Nokia + 2 LG = 5 cell phones, all the remaining 4 are Samsung phones
iii) Except 2 LG + 4 Samsung = 6 cell phones, all the remaining 3 are Nokia phones.
All the above three interpretations coincide exactly with those given in the question.
Hence option c has to be right.

6) Eight friends Harsha, Fakis, Balaji, Eswar, Dhinesh, Chandra, Geetha, and Ahmed
are sitting in a circle facing the center.

Balaji is sitting between Geetha and Dhinesh. Harsha is third to the left of Balaji and
second to the right of Ahmed. Chandra is sitting between Ahmed and Geetha and
Balaji and Eshwar are not sitting opposite to each other. Who is third to the left of

Answer: Fakis

Explanation: Arranging the friends as per the question statement we can arrive at the
following diagram


            Fakis          Chandra

        Harsha                Geetha

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            Eswar       Balaji


Hence correct answer is Fakis.

7) A fast typist can type some matter in 2 hours and a slow typist can type the same in 3
hours. If both type jointly, in how much time will they finish?

Answer: 1 hr 12 min
Explanation: The fast typist’s work done in 1 hr = 1/2
The slow typist’s work done in 1 hr = 1/3
If they work jointly, work done in 1 hr = 1/2+1/3 = 5/6
So, the work will be completed in 6/5 hours. i.e., 1+1/5 hours = 1hr 12 min

8) Today is 4.11.09. Keeping that figure 41109 in mind, I have arrived at the following
sequence: 2, 1, 9, 5, _. Which of the following four numbers can fill the dash?


a) 7

b) 65

c) 4563

d) 262144

Answer: d) 262144

1^4 + 1 = 2
1^1 + 0 = 1
0^1 + 9 = 9
9^0 + 4 = 5

So next is 4^9 + 1 = 262144

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9) Let S be a Set of some positive integral numbers; with an average of 47; and
containing the number 83. The numbers may or may not be distinct .However ; when the
number 83 is removed ; the Avg drops to 46 .What is the largest number that can be
possibly contained in that Set ?

Let S be the sum of that set of n positive integers. S/n = 47
(S - 83)/(n - 1) = 46
Solving the above 2 equations, we get S = 1739; n = 37.
This set of 37 positive integers contains 83. To get to the expected answer, we have to
Suppose that 35 of the remaining 36 integers has a value of 1 each (least +ve integer).
Thus, the largest possible integer in the set = 1739 - 83 - 35*1 = 1621

10) Sum of squares of two numbers 'x' and 'y' is less than or equal to 100. How many
sets of integer solutions of 'x', 'y' is possible?

Answer: Total 317 solutions

x = 0, |y| <= 10 -> 21 solutions
|x| = 1, |y| <= 9 -> 38 solutions
|x| = 2, |y| <= 9 -> 38 solutions
|x| = 3, |y| <= 9 -> 38 solutions
|x| = 4, |y| <= 9 -> 38 solutions
|x| = 5, |y| <= 8 -> 34 solutions
|x| = 6, |y| <= 8 -> 34 solutions
|x| = 7, |y| <= 7 -> 30 solutions
|x| = 8, |y| <= 6 -> 26 solutions
|x| = 9, |y| <= 4 -> 18 solutions
|x| = 10, y = 0 -> 2 solutions

11) There is a unique number of which the square and the cube together use all
ciphers from 0 up to 9 exactly once. Which number is this?

Answer: The number is 69.


69^2=4761 and 69^3=328509

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12) You are standing next to a well, and you have two jugs. One jug has a content of
3 litres and the other one has a content of 5 litres. How can you get just 4 litres of
water using only these two jugs?


Fill 3 litre jug pour to 5 litre jug

Fill again 3 litre jug and add to 5 litre jug then 1 litre will be there in 3 litre jug

Pour all water outside from 5 litre jug

Fill 1 litre water from 3 litre jug to 5 litre jug

Fill 3 litre jug and add to 5 litre jug making it 4 litres of water.

13) In a certain code RELATED to written as EFUBKDQ. How is RETAINS written in that
a) SDQBTOJ                b) JOTBQDS
C) JOTBSDQ                d) TOJBSDQ
Answer: d) TOJBSDQ
Inspecting how RELATED was written as EFUBKDQ, we can easily find that,
RELATED – is first written as DETALER
DETALER becomes EFUBKDQ (+1,+1,+1, +1,-1,-1,-1 – alphabetically)
Applying the same logic to RETAINS we get,
RETAINS is first written as SNIATER
SNIATER becomes TOJBSDQ (applying the above rule)

14) Six people – A,B,C,D, E and F are standing in a straight line facing north not
necessarily in the same order. B is standing to the right of D. A is standing fourth to the
left of F and F is not standing on the extreme end of the line. D is standing second to the
left of B.

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In the above arrangement, which of the following pair represents the people standing at
the extreme ends of the line?
a) DF      b) AC     c) BC      d) AF
Answer: b) AC
Based on the information given seating arrangement is as follows:

(Next 5 Questions are of interview type)
15) You would have heard of Data Source Names (DSNs) used while accessing
databases. Can you tell any three important attributes of DSN?
Yes. Some important attributes of DSN include 1) Directory 2) User Id and 3) Password.

16) How many clustered and non clustered indices a table can contain? What is the
usual type of the primary key?
A table can have only one clustered index but there can be many non clustered indexes.
Generally, a clustered index is created on the primary key.

17) Tell any two advantages offered by a DLL (Dynamic Link Libraries) to programmers.
DLLs are shared across many processes. This sharing significantly reduces the memory
requirement which in turn provides better memory management.
DLLs can provide great functionality enhancements without much rework on applications
(like recompilation, relinking etc.).

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18) Tell any two important features/characteristics of Telnet protocol?
a. Telnet is bidirectional. That is participants can both send and receive information.
b. Telnet is a text oriented protocol.

19) Tell any two features of 'Sessions' used in communications over the internet.
a. Generally sessions exist only for a predefined period of time. For example, if you are
accessing an eCommerce site, leaving the browser idle for an hour or so could
automatically log you out.

b. By default HTML communications are stateless. But sessions can make the
communication 'stateful'. For example, when you are accessing a shopping site, the
shopping server will know that the subsequent requests are from the same buyer i.e.
you. This state is maintained till session expiration.

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Wipro Sample Questions
1) A merchant had a diamond, cost of which varies as a square of its weight. The
merchant broke the diamond into 3 pieces in the ratio (based on weights) 4:5:6. When
the pieces were sold he incurred a loss of Rs.444000. What could be the original price of
the diamond?
a)Rs.750000       b)Rs.665000        c)Rs.600000          d)Rs.675000
Answer: d) Rs.675000.
As given, the weights of the broken pieces are in the ratio 4:5:6.
Let the actual weights of broken pieces be 4X,5X and 6X.
Then weight of the original diamond = 4X + 5X + 6X = 15X
Since the cost of a diamond varies as its square of the weight, the original cost will be
(15X)2 = 225(X2). ...(1)
The total cost of individual pieces will be (4X)2 + (5X)2 + (6X)2 = (16 + 25 + 36)x(X2) =
77(X2). ...(2)
The loss value = (1) - (2) = 225(X2)-77(X2) = 148(X2).
But the above loss value is given to be Rs.444000
Therefore, 148(X2)=Rs.444000
X2 =Rs.444000/148.
Original cost = 225(X2) = 225 x 3000
= 675000
Hence the answer is Rs.675000.

2) X and Y can complete a work in 12 days and 10 days respectively. With the help of Z,
X and Y can together complete the work in 5 days for a total wage of Rs.6000. Then
what wage should be paid to Z for his part of the work?
a) Rs.1000       b) Rs.1500       c) Rs.500      d) Rs.2000

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Answer : c) Rs.500
From given data,
X's 1 day work = 1/12
Y's 1 day work = 1/10
If X,Y and Z would complete the work in 5 days, then Z's 1 day work = One day work of
X,Y and Z combined - (One day work of X + One day work of Y) =
1/5 -[(1/12)+(1/10)].
= 1/5 - 11/60 = 1/60.
Now we have to find Z's share of the salary.
X's share : Y's share : Z's share = 1/12 : 1/10 : 1/60 = 5 : 6 : 1
Z's share of wage from the total wage of Rs.6000 = 1/(5 + 6 + 1) x 6000 = Rs.500

3) Gautam is good in sculpturing. He makes a sculpture of height 4 feet 8 inches and
places them on a sandal pedestal. If the total height of sculpture and the pedestal put
together is 7 feet 3 inches, what is the height of the pedestal?
a) 2 feet 4 inches      b) 5 feet 2 inches      c) 2 feet 7 inches   d) none of these
Answer : c) 2 feet 3 inches
Total Height = Height of the sculpture + Height of the pedestal
7 feet 3 inches = 4 feet 8 inches + Height of the pedestal
Height of the pedestal = 7 feet 3 inches - 4 feet 8 inches
Writing all the measurements in units of inches we get,
Height of the pedestal = 7 x 12 + 3 inches - 4 x 12 + 8 inches = 87 inches - 56 inches =
31 inches = 2 x 12 inches and 7 inches = 2 feet 7 inches

4) John, Chief Executive Officer of Infacan , Mumbai drove by his Benz car from Mumbai
to New Delhi. He started at 2 pm and drove at 60 kmph. Around 2.30 pm his personal
assistant called him over his cell phone and told that John had not taken an important
paper with him and sought instructions from him. John advised his personal assistant to

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send those papers through Don Lee. Don Lee started from Mumbai at 2.45 pm and he
was driving his Hyundai car at 75 kmph. At what time Don Lee will overtake John
assuming they travel at speeds indicated and they do not stop in between?
a) 5.15 pm         b) 5.45 pm     c) 5.30pm      d) 6.00 pm
Answer: b) 5.45 pm
Distance travelled by John before Don Lee starting from Mumbai is 45 km.
Relative speed of Don Lee with respect to John = 75 - 60 = 15 kmph.
Time taken by Don Lee to overtake John = Distance travelled by John before Don Lee
starting / Relative speed = 45/15 = 3 hours
So Don Lee will overtake at 2.45 + 3 = 5.45 hours

5) Raghavan and Krishnan started from Chennai to Mumbai in two different cars at 10
am one day. Raghavan was driving his car at 50 kmph and Krishnan was driving his car
at 40 km per hour. Around 11 am their friend Gopalan started in his car from Chennai
and drove his car at 70 kmph. At what time Gopalan will overtake Raghavan and
a) 1.00pm and 12.20 pm             b) 1.30 pm and 12.10 pm
c) 1.30 pm and 12.20 pm            d) none of these.
Answer: c) 1.30 pm and 12.20 pm
Raghavan and Krishnan would have travelled 50 km and 40 km by the time Gopalan
starts at 11 am.
Gopalan is driving at 70 kmph.
Relative speed – Gopalan with respect to Raghavan = 70 - 50 = 20 kmph
Distance travelled by Raghavan when Gopalan started = 50 km.
To catch up with Raghavan, time taken by Gopalan = Distance covered by Raghavan
when Gopalan starts / Relative speed of Gopalan with respect to Raghavan = 50/20 = 2
½ hours.

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Therefore, he will overtake Raghavan at 11.00 + 2.30 = 1.30 pm.
Relative speed of Gopalan with respect to Krishnan = 30 kmph
Distance travelled by Krishnan when Gopalan started = 40 Km.
Time taken by Gopalan to cross Krishnan = Distance covered by Krishnan when
Gopalan started / Relative speed of Gopalan with respect to Krishnan = 40/30 = 1.33
hours = approximately 1 hour 20 minutes
Gopalan is starting at 11 am. So he will overtake Krishnan at 11 + 1hr 20 min = 12.20

6) A 2 mb PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) has
a) 32 voice channels
b) 30 voice channels & 1 signalling channel
c) 31 voice channels & 1 signalling channel
d) 32 channels out of which 30 voice channels, 1 signalling channel and 1
synchronization channel.
Answer: 31 voice channels & 1 signalling channel

7) Word alignment is
a) aligning the address to the next word boundary of the machine
b) aligning to even boundary
c) aligning to word boundary
d) none of the above
Answer : aligning the address to the next word boundary of the machine

8) To send a packet data using datagram, when a connection will be established
a) before data transmission
b) connection is not established before data transmission
c) no connection required

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d) none of the above
Answer: no connection required

9) The status of the kernel is?
a) task
b) process
c) not defined
d) none of the above
Answer : Process

(Next 8 questions are of interview type)
10) Briefly can you explain a 'database trigger'?
A database trigger is a predefined code that gets executed based on certain events on
tables. For example, a trigger can be written that executes automatically whenever a
particular column gets updated in a table. Though they are memory intensive, they can
be used for critical background tasks to maintain data integrity.

11) Tell a common error encountered by programmers when using stack data structures
without proper precautions?
Stack Overflow is a common error when dealing with stack data structures. This occurs
when data is pushed onto stack till a point when there is no further memory is available.
Good programming and understanding of the resource limitations of the underlying
machine can prevent these errors.

12) When a program is under execution, what does a Program Counter (PC) hold?
When a program is in execution, the program counter holds the address of the next
instruction to be executed.

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13) (Generally) In an application development life cycle, give the proper order of the
following stages: Testing, Test Plan Preparation, Development, and Requirement
Correct order would be: Requirements Gathering, Test Plan Preparation, Development
and Testing.

14) Can you guess why IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) addresses came into
existence while still IPv4 is being used by many machines?
The only reason could be the enormous growth in the number of machines using v4
addresses. This forces concerned agencies to raise the address pool by some means.
One of such ways was the introduction of IPv6 so that more machines can be

15) Consider two network layer devices, one operating at network layer and the other
operating at data link layer. In very generic terms, which one is more intelligent? Explain
with example.
Generally a device that operates at a higher layer in OSI model is intelligent. For
example, there are switches that operate at data link layer and some others that operate
at network layer. Simply due to the additional capabilities of the switches that operate in
network layer they can be considered more intelligent.

16) What is the main drawback when using Hubs in networks?
Hubs are least intelligent devices transmitting whatever data they receive into all the
output ports. Though this behaviour can be favourable in some cases, most of the times
this behaviour results in unnecessary traffic in the network. More network consumption
leads to problems like collision and congestion.

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17) In socket communication happening between a client and a server, how can you tell
which one is a client and which is a server?
Consider two network devices communicating through network sockets. In many cases a
client initiates a transaction. For example, your computer could request a web page from
a server. This implies that your computer is initiating the connection and is a client. The
responding machine will be the server.

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CTS Sample Questions
1) A few students of Ramiah Engineering College went to a party in the nearby hotel to
celebrate the success of their College Cricket Team in a recent match. The total bill
amount was Rs.3200. The leader of the group found that two students had not brought
any amount with them. The two people requested others to share the bill and assured
them that they will pay afterwards. This resulted in each of the members paying Rs.80
more. How many students went to the party?
a) 10       b) 12     c) 16    d) none of these.
Answer: a) 10
Let 'x' be the number of persons in the group and let 'y' be an amount per head which
they have to pay.
Then xy = 3200.
or y = 3200/x
Since two friends have forgotten the purse, x-2 persons should share the total amount
If they share, they have to make an extra contribution of Rs.80 to pay up the bill
That is x-2 persons should pay y+80 each
or (x-2)(y+80) = 3200
or y+80 = 3200/(x-2)
or y = 3200/(x-2) - 80
Therefore we have got two equations namely,
y= 3200/x and y = 3200/(x-2) - 80
Comparing these two, we get
3200/x = 3200/(x-2) - 80
Solving this we get
x2 - 2x -80 = 0
or (x-10) (x+8) = 0
or x = 10 or x = -8

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Since 'x' denotes the number of persons, it should be positive.
So, x =10

2) A group of teachers from Venkat Engineering College went to a hotel for celebrating a
happy event with an understanding all of them will share the expenses. The bill amount
was Rs.2560. Since four teachers did not bring their purse other teachers had to
contribute Rs.32 more. How many teachers contributed towards the bill settlement?
a) 24       b) 16      c) 20    d) none of these.
Answer: b) 16
Let the number of teachers be x.
Total bill amount = Rs. 2560.
Share of each teacher = 2560/x
But, 4 teachers failed to bring their purse.
Number of teachers who actually paid = x - 4
Each one had paid Rs. 32 more than the planned share of 2560/x so as to settle the bill
amount of Rs. 2560
Therefore, (x- 4)(2560/x + 32) = 2560
2560 + 32x - 10240/x - 128 = 2560
Multiply both sides by x.
2560x + 32x2 - 10240 - 128x=2560x
32x2 - 128x - 10240=0
x2 - 4x - 320=0
Factorizing the above equation, we get
(x - 20)(x + 16) = 0
x = +20 or -16
Since x cannot be negative, x = 20 = total number of teachers.
Since, 4 teachers did not carry their purses, number present at the party = 20 - 4 = 16
Therefore, our answer = 16.

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3) What number should come at the place of the question mark?
16, 136, 1096, ?
a) 4998      b) 6884       c) 8776      d) none of these
Answer : c) 8776
Solution :
(16 x 8) + 8 = 136
( 136 x 8) + 8 = 1096
(1096 x 8) + 8 = 8776

4) Find the number that should replace the question mark.
4200, 1680, 672, ?
a) 268.8     b) 324.8      c) 242.8    d) 122.8
Answer : a) 268.8
Solution :
4200/2.5 = 1680
1680/2.5 = 672
672/2.5 = 268.8

5) Which number should replace the question mark?
25, 168, ? , 8176
a) 6176      b) 9176      c) 7776     d) 8176
Answer : d) 8176
Solution :
(25 x 7) - 7 = 168
(168 x 7) - 7 = 1169
(1179 X 7) - 7 = 8176

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6) Kashinath, can row 5 kmph in still water.When the rate of flow of the river is 2.0 kmph
, it takes Kashinath 1 hour to row to a ghat and return. How far is Kashinath’s starting
place from the ghat ?
(a) 2 km       (b) 2.1 km   (c)2.5km      (d) 2.8 km
Answer : b) 2.1 km
Let d be the distance of ghat from the point where Kashinath starts to swim.
Let Sk be the speed of Kashinath in still water
Let Sr be the speed of the stream (river)
Then, Sdown = Sk + Sr ...(1)
And Sup = Sk - Sr ...(2)
Time taken to travel downstream to ghat = d / Sdown
Time taken to travel upstream from ghat = d / Sup
Total time taken, T = d / Sdown + d / Sup
Substituting values from eq1 and eq2 in the above equation we get,
Or, T = d/(Sk + Sr) + d/(Sk - Sr)
T = d(Sk - Sr) + d(Sk + Sr) / (Sk + Sr)(Sk - Sr)
T = 2dSk / (Sk2-Sr2)
Or d = T (Sk2-Sr2) / 2Sk ...(3)
Note : Remember the above formula as this can prove to be a shortcut.
Substitute T = 1 hour, Sk = 5 Kmph and Sr = 2 Kmph in equation 3 we get
d = 1(52 - 22) / 2x5 = 21 / 10=2.1 km

7) Janaki gets onto the elevator at the 8th floor of a building and rides up at the rate of
60 floors per minute. At the same time, Ajay gets on another elevator at the 71st floor of
the same building and rides down at the rate of 66 floors per minute. If they continue
travelling at these rates, then in which floor will their paths cross?
a.31st floor      b. will never cross     c.38th floor     d.12thfloor

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Answer : c. 38th floor
Speed of Janaki upwards = 60 floors/min
Speed of Ajay downwards = 66 floors/min
No of floors in between 8th and 71st floors = 71 - 8 = 63 floors
Let t be the time after which they cross each other. In other words, after t minutes the
number of floors covered by Ajay downwards added to the number of floors Janaki
covers upwards should be equal to 63 floors. Putting this in the form of an equation we
get :
60t + 66t = 63
Or 126t = 63
Or t = 63/126 = 1/2 minutes
Therefore, in half a minute both will cross each other. Floors travelled by Janaki upwards
in 1/2 min can be found as below:
Time      Floors
1           60
1/2         ?
Floors travelled by Janaki upwards in 1/2 min = 60/2 = 30 floors
Since Janaki is already starting from 8th floor, the floor of crossing counted from ground
floor will be 8 + 30 = 38th floor.

( Next 3 questions are of interview type )
8) Tell at least two uses of NORMALIZATION in designing tables and other structures in
a database?
Normalization ensures that a) there is no redundant data storage and b) data
dependencies across tables (foreign keys) are suitable for the level of concurrency.

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9) How Databases handle concurrent SQL operations on the same row of a table?
Concurrent operations are handled by the use of "Locks". To be more clear, if one sql
query is updating (INSERT/UPDATE) a particular row of a table, no other sql query
would be able to update the same row at the same point in time. However other sql
queries can read (SELECT) columns from the row under updation.

10) In SDLC, what is black box testing (which comes under testing phase)?
Black box testing is nothing but testing the actual functionality of a module/program at a
high level. Here one may test different outputs for different sets of inputs. Also the one
may not worry about the module/program internals under testing.

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HCL Sample Technical Questions (DBMS)

1) Atomicity is _____
a) Either all actions are carried out or none are. Users should not have to worry about
the effect of incomplete transactions. DBMS ensures this by undoing the actions of
incomplete transactions.
b) A concept which is used to model a relationship between a collection of
entities and relationships. It is used when we need to express a relationship
among relationships.
Answer: a) Either all actions are carried out or none are. Users should not have to
worry about the effect of incomplete transactions. DBMS ensures this by undoing the
actions of incomplete transactions.

2) The phase that identifies an efficient execution plan for evaluating a query that has
the least estimated cost is referred to as___.
a) Query optimization
b) Query String
Answer: a) Query optimization

3) Expansion of DDL is _____.
a) Data Description Language
b) Data Definition Language
c) Data Degree Language
Answer: Data Definition Language

4) A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships data
semantics and Constraints is called as_____.

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a) Data base
b) Table
c) Data model
Answer: Data model

5) ______ is copying the three sets of files (database files, redo logs, and control file)
when the instance is shut down. This is a straight file copy, usually from the disk directly
to tape. You must shut down the instance to guarantee a consistent copy.
a) cold backup
b) hot backup
c) Armstrong Rules
Answer: cold backup

6) _______ is a program module, which ensures that database remains in a consistent
state despite system failures and concurrent transaction execution proceeds without
a) Transaction manager
b) File manager
c) None of these
Answer: Transaction manager

7) _______ is a program module that provides the interface between the low-level data
stored in database, application programs and queries submitted to the system.
a) Buffer manager
b) Storage manager
C) None of these
Answer: Storage manager

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8) A _____ with respect to DBMS relates to user commands that are used to interact
with a database.
a) Connection string
b) Query String
c) Query
Answer: Query

(Next 4 questions are of interview type)
9) In Very Simple Terms, Can you describe what is actually a Database Server
Every Database Server Instance is a complete server by itself with own set of
databases, login credentials etc. A single machine that has many server instances can
be logically compared to multiple machines with their own Database Server installations.

10) Will executing/operating more than one Database Server instances on a single
machine affect performance of applications adversely?
More than one instance would require more memory and processor related resources
than single instance on the same machine. But, more than one instance can speed up
applications by allowing multiple applications to operate on multiple instances of
Database Server simultaneously.

11) What could be the role of a server administrator to keep up the performance of
machine with multiple instances?
The server administrator is responsible for striking a balance between number of allowed
SQL instances and system's hardware resources.

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12) Can databases on multiple instances have same names?
Yes. Any database on an instance is completely local to that database.

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Accenture Solved Questions
Note: some questions are directly given with answers and solutions without having

(Next 12 questions are of interview type)
1) (State True or False). The Java interpreter is used for the execution of the source
Answer: True

2) What declarations are required for every Java application?
Answer: A class and the main ( ) method declarations.

3) What are the two primary components involved in executing a Java program and their
Answer: Two parts in executing a Java program are:
Java Compiler and Java Interpreter.

4) What are the three basic OOPs principles and define them?
Answer: Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism are the three OOPs Principles.
Is the Mechanism that binds together code and the data? It manipulates, and keeps
both safe from outside interference and misuse.
Is the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object?
Is a feature that allows one interface to be used for a general class of actions?

5) What are identifiers and what are their naming conventions in C?

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Answer: Identifiers are used for class names, method names and variable names. An
identifier may be any descriptive sequence of upper case & lower case letters, numbers
or underscore or dollar sign and must not begin with numbers.

6) What is the return type of program’s main ( ) method?
Answer: void

7) What is the use of bin and lib in the JDK?
Answer: Bin contains all tools such as javac, applet viewer, awt tool etc.,
whereas Lib contains all packages and variables.

8) The Java source code can be created in a Notepad editor.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

9) In C, arrays can be passed by reference. State True or False.
Yes, it is true; arrays are passed by reference (Though individual or group of elements of
the array can be passed by value/values as well.)

10) Name the function which takes two strings as arguments and copies the second
string into the character array of the first string. After this the function returns the value of
the first string.
Answer: strcpy is the answer.

11) Blocks are chosen randomly on a chessboard. What is the probability that they are
on the same diagonal?
There are a total of 64 blocks on a chessboard. So 3 blocks can be chosen

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out of 64 in 64C3 ways.
So the sample space is = 41664
There are 2 diagonal on chessboard each one having 8 blocks. Consider one of
them. 3 blocks out of 8 blocks in diagonal can be chosen in 8C3 ways.
But there are 2 such diagonals, hence favourables = 2 * 8C3 = 2 * 56 =
112 the required probability is
= 112 / 1664
= 1 / 372
= 0.002688

12) What is the area of the triangle ABC with A (e, p) B (2e, 3p) and C (3e, 5p)?
Where p = PI (3.141592654)
A tricky ONE.
Given 3 points are collinear. Hence, it is a straight line.
Hence the area of a triangle is 0.

13) Silu and Meenu were walking on the road. Silu said, "I weigh 51 Kgs. How much do
you weigh?" Meenu replied that she wouldn't reveal her weight directly as she is
overweight. But she said, "I weigh 29 Kgs plus half of my weight”. How much does
Meenu weigh?
Meenu weighs 58 Kgs.
It is given that Meenu weighs 29 Kgs plus half of her own weight. It means that
29 Kgs is the other half. So she weighs 58 Kgs.
Solving mathematically, let's assume that her weight is X Kgs.
X = 29 + X/2
2*X = 58 + X
X = 58 Kgs

14) Consider the sum: ABC + DEF + GHI = JJJ .If different letters represent different

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digits, and there are no leading zeros, what does J represent?
The value of J must be 9.Since there are no leading zeros, J must be 7, 8, or 9. (JJJ =
ABC + DEF + GHI= 14? + 25? + 36? = 7??)Now, the remainder left after dividing any
number by 9 is the same as the remainder left after dividing the sum of the digits of that
number by 9. Also, note that 0 + 1 + ... + 9 have a remainder of 0 after dividing by 9 and
JJJ has a remainder of 0, 3, or 6. The number 9 is the only number from 7, 8 and 9 that
leaves a remainder of 0, 3, or 6 if you remove it from the sum 0 + 1 + ... + 9. Hence, it
follows that J must be 9.

15) Using two 2's and two 3's and using a maxim of three mathematical signs,
symbols, can you have a result in between 14 and 15? Concatenation (clubbing of
digits) allowed.
(23 + 3! ) / 2 = 14.5

16) a*b*c*d*e + b*c*d*e*f + a*c*d*e*f + a*b*d*e*f + a*b*c*e*f + a*b*c*d*f = a*b*c*d*e*f
and a,b,c,d,e and f are all positive nonrepeating integers then solve a,b,c,d,e, and f.
Start with 1/2 + 1/2, then progressively split the last part x into 2x/3 + x/3. This gives the
following progression:
2, 2
2, 3, 6
2, 3,9,18

17) 729 ml of a mixture contains milk and water in ratio 7:2. How much of the water is to
be added to get a new mixture containing half milk and half water?
(i) 79 ml
(ii) 81 ml

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(iii) 72 ml
(iv) 91 ml
Milk Quantity = (729 * (7/9)) =567ml
Water Quantity = (729-567) = 162ml
Let water to be added be x ml 567/(162+x) = 7/3 1701 = 1134 + 7x x = 81ml

18) If one-seventh of a number exceeds its eleventh part by 100 then the number is…
(i) 770
(ii) 1100
(iii) 1825
(iv) 1925
Let the number be x. Then X/7 - x/11 =100 11x-7x = 7700 x=1925.

19) If 1.5x=0.04y then the value of (y-x)/(y+x) is
(i) 730/77
(ii) 73/77
(iii) 7.3/77
(iv) None
x/y = 0.04/1.5 = 2/75
So (y-x)/(y+x) = (1 - x/y)/(1 + x/y) = (1 - 2/75)/ (1 + 2/75) = 73/77.

20) The smallest number which when diminished by 3 is divisible by 21, 28, 36 and 45
(i) 869
(ii) 859
(iii) 4320
(iv) 1263

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The required number = l.c.m. of (21, 28, 36 ,45)+3=1263

21) If x and y are the two digits f the number 653xy such that this number is divisible by
80, then x+y is equal to:
(i) 2
(ii) 3
(iii) 4
(iv) 6
80 = 2 x 5 x 10
Therefore, for 653xy to be divisible by 80, it has to be divisible by 2,5 and 10 as well.
Since 653xy is divisible by 2 as well as by 5, so y = 0
Now 653x0 is divisible by 8 so 3x0 should also be divisible by 8.
Only option which satisfies the above condition is x = 6.

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IBM Solved Technical Questions
1) From a particular spot, Tom started to chase Jerry which had left the spot before 30
minutes. Tom ran across a highway and three streets. After travelling 1 hour Tom met
Jerry at a distance if 120 meters. Find the ratio of the speed of Tom to that of Jerry.
a)X=2,Y=1 b)X=3,Y=2 c)X=5,Y=2 d)X=4,Y=3
Answer: b)X=3,Y=2
Solution :
Part :1 To find the speed of Tom
As given in the question, the total time taken by Tom = 1 hour and
The total distance = 120 meters = 0.12 km
Now, the speed of Tom = distance / time = 0.12 / 1 = 0.12km/hr
Part :2 To find the speed of Jerry
The total time taken by Jerry = 30 minutes + 1 hour = 3/2 hour
Distance = 0.12km
Then, the speed of Jerry = 0.12/(3/2) = 0.08km/hr.
Part :3 To find the ratio of the speed of Tom to that of Jerry
Based on part 1 and 2, ratio of the speed of Tom and Jerry = 0.12:0.08 = 3:2

2. Evaluate [(1.386 x 0.643 + (2.921-1.535)x 0.357)/(0.6 x 0.015 + 0.6 x 0.985)]x(3 x 2.7
+ 3 x 0.3)
a)20.00 b)18.19 c)20.79 d)19.19
Answer: c)20.79
The given expression can be simplified as follows;
[(1.386 x 0.643 + (1.386) x 0.357)/(0.6 x 0.015 + 0.6 x 0.985)]x(3 x 2.7 + 3 x 0.3)
= {[1.386 x (0.643 + 0.357)]/[0.6(0.015 + 0.985)]} x [3(2.7 + 0.3)]
= {[1.386 x 1.000]/[0.6 x 1.000]} x [3x3]
= [1.386 / 0.6] x [3 x 3] = 1.386 x 3/0.2 = 6.93 x 3 = 20.79

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3. Find the greatest number that exactly divides 7667, 4603, 12263 when each of these
is reduced by 7.
a) 2298 b) 1572 c) 1532 d) 2546
Answer : c) 1532
(Actually this is a simple problem dealing with finding just HCF of the numbers after
subtracting 7 from each of these numbers. Since it immediately follows the I problem,
some readers could think it as complex as the first.)
the required number = h.c.f of [(4603-7),(7667-7),(12263-7)] (given that the numbers
leaves 7)
= h.c.f of (4596, 7660, 12256)
= 1532.

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   Syntel Solved Aptitude Questions
1. Find the missing number in the sequence 2,5,4,7,_
   a) 6      b) 4    c) 5      d) 7
   Answer is : 6.
   Just consider the sequence 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and start subtracting and adding 1 to
   consecutive numbers which will get you the sequence in question.

2. In an alien planet, the word "lion" is coded as "mhpm". Then how the word "tiger" would
   be coded as?
 a) uhids
 b) uhhds
 c) uhhfs
 d) uhhfq
   Answer is : uhhds.
   Reason : First letter in a word would be replaced by the next adjacent letter. Second
   letter would be replaced by the immediately preceding letter... and so on.

3. Find the odd man out a) 123 b) 235 c) 135 d) 358
   Answer is: 135.
   Adding first two digits will give the third digit in all the other three options except option C

4. Read the following statements.
   "Weather is good in all northern cities of India.
   Unlike northern cities, sunny weather exists in most of eastern cities of India.
   Warm weather exists in all northern cities and some eastern cities of India."
   Considering above statements, which of the following statements is false
       a) Warm weather is considered good.
       b) All eastern cities experience bad weather
       c) Some eastern cities experience good weather

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   Answer: b) All eastern cities experience bad weather is false.
   This is because, the second statement clearly states that warm (good) weather prevails
   in some eastern cities.

5. A bookseller sells a particular novel at 10% discount on the labelled price. Also he is so
   generous that he gives a free book for every 15 books for wholesale buyers. In this
   transaction his gain is 35%. Then find the ratio of Ratio of Labelled Price to the actual
   Lets assume the CP of each book be 100. Hence CP of 16 books would be
   1600. SP of 15 books = 1600 + (1600 * 35/100) = 2160.
   SP of each book would be 2160/15 = 144.
   If SP of each book is 90, labelled price would be 100 (since he gives at a 10%
   discount). Hence if SP is 144 marked price would be 144*(100/90) = 160.
   Ratio of Labelled Price to the actual CP = 160/100 = 8/5.

6. If a pen is being sold at 4% profit instead of 4% loss the actual profit is Rs 16. What is
   the actual cost price of the pen?
   Let x be the CP. (104/100)x - (96/100 )x = 16.Solving we get x = Rs.200.

7. A cake seller sells one cake at a profit of 10% and sells another at a loss of 5%. Let the
   ratio of the CPs of the cakes is 2:3 respectively. Find his net profit or loss percentage.
   Let the CPs of the cakes be 2x and 3x (so that they are in the ration 2:3 as per the
   Hence net CP = 5x.
   SP of first cake = (110/100)*2x = 220x/100 SP of second cake = (95/100)*3x = 285x/100
   Net SP = (220x/100) + (285x/100) = 505x/100 = 5.05x. SP is greater than CP
   and his profit is 5.05x - 5x = .05x. His profit percentage = (.05x/5x)% = .01%.

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HP Sample Questions
1) If one-seventh of a number exceeds its eleventh part by 100 then the number is…
(i) 770
(ii) 1100
(iii) 1825
(iv) 1925
Answer: (iv) 1925
Solution: Let the number be x. Then X/7 - x/11 =100 11x-7x = 7700 x=1925.

2) The ratio of Rita's age to her mother's age is 3:8. The difference of their ages is
35 years. The ratio of their ages after 4 years will be:
(i) 7:12
(ii) 5:12
(iii) 38:43
(iv) 42:47
Answer: (ii) 5:12
Let their ages be 3x and 8x
8x - 3x =35
x =7
Their present ages are 21 and 56 years.
Ratio of their ages after 4 years are 25:60 = 5:12

3) A tap can fill the tank in 15 minutes and another can empty it in 8 minutes. If the tank
is already half full and both the taps are opened together, the tank will be:
(i) filled in 12 min
(iii) emptied in 12 min
(iv) filled in 8 min

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(v) emptied in 8 min
Answer: 8 minutes
Rate of waste pipe being more the tank will be emptied when both taps are
Net emptying work done in 1min = (1/8 -1/16) = 1/16
So full tank will be emptied in 16 min
Half tank will be emptied in 8 minutes.

4) A man can row 5 kmph in still water. If the river is running at 1kmph, it takes him
75 minutes to row to a place and back. How far is the place?
(i) 3km
(ii) 2.5 km
(iii) 4 km
(iv) 5 km
Answer: 3 Km
Speed downstream = (5+1)km/hr = 6 km/hr Speed upstream = (5-1)km/hr = 4 km/hr
Let the required distance be x km x/6 + x/4 = 75/60 2x+3x = 15 x = 3km

5) If log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364 then find log 0.319?
Answer: 0.3396
Solution: log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364,
then log 0.319=log0.318+(log(0.318-0.317)) = 0.3396

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6) In a hotel, rooms are numbered from 101 to 550. A room is chosen at random.
What is the probability that room number starts with 1, 2 or 3 and ends with 4, 5 or 6?
There are total 450 rooms.
Out of which 299 room number starts with either 1, 2 or 3. (as room number
100 is not there) Now out of those 299 rooms only 90 room numbers end with
4, 5 or 6.So the probability is 90/450 i.e. 1/5 or 0.20.

7) Difference between Bholu's and Molu's age is 2 years and the difference between
Molu's and Kolu's age is 5 years. What is the maximum possible value of the sum of
the difference in their ages, taken two at a time?
The maximum possible value of the sum of the difference in their ages - taken two at a
time - is 14 years.

8) A 31" x 31" square metal plate needs to be fixed by a carpenter on to a wooden
board. The carpenter uses nails all along the edges of the square such that there are 32
nails on each side of the square. Each nail is at the same distance from the
neighbouring nails. How many nails does the carpenter use?
Solution: 32*2 + 30*2=124

9) It was vacation time, and so I decided to visit my cousin's home. What a grand time
we had! In the mornings, we both would go for a jog. The evenings were spent on the
tennis court. Tiring as these activities were, we could manage only one per day, i.e.,
either we went for a jog or played tennis each day. There were days when we felt lazy
and stayed home all day long. Now, there were 12 mornings when we did nothing, 18
evenings when we stayed at home, and a total of 14 days when we jogged or played
tennis. For how many days did I stay at my cousin's place?
Use sets and Venn diagram to solve such questions. a, b ,aυb, anb etc.

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18=jog+leave so jog-tennis=6
again jog+tennis=14. So solve and get jog=10,leave=8,tennis=4. so tot=22

10) How many even integers n, where, are divisible neither by seven nor by nine?
There are 101 integers in all, of which 51 are even. From 100 to 200, there are 14
multiples of 7, of which 7 are even. There are 11 multiples of 9, of which 6 are even.
But there is one integer (i.e. 126) that is a multiple of both 7 and 9 and also even. Hence
the answer is (51 – 7 – 6 + 1) = 39

11) Four persons A, B, C and D are playing cards. Each person has one card, laid
down on the table below him, which has two different colours on either side.
No card has the same color on both sides. The colours visible on the table are Red,
Green, Red and Blue respectively. They see the color on the reverse side and give
the following comment.
A: Yellow or Green
B: Neither Blue nor Green
C: Blue or Yellow
D: Blue or Yellow
Given that out of the 4 people 2 always lie find out the colours on the cards each
   Try all possible combinations. Keep in mind two things. THE combination obtained
Should satisfy the conditions

  1. Two are lying and two are telling the truth
  2. Neither two cards are similar nor are two sides of a card are of same color

                 A     YELLOW
                 B     YELLOW
                 C       GREEN

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                  D       RED

12) Four tourists A,B,C,D and four languages English, German, French and Italian.
They are not able to converse among themselves in one language. Though A does
not know English he can act as an interpreter between B and C. No one spoke both
French and German. A knows German and was able to converse with D who doesn’t
know a word in German. Only one language was spoken by more than two persons.
Each spoke two languages. Find who spoke what.

     A                    B                  C             D

  GERMAN               FRENCH            GERMAN         ITALIAN

  ITALIAN              ITALIAN           ENGLISH        ENGLISH

13) Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 40 days for 40
cows and 60 days for 30 cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many days does it
take for 20 cows to do the same?
g - grass at the beginning
r - rate at which grass grows, per day
y - rate at which one cow eats grass, per day
n - no of cows to eat the grass in 96 days

 g + 40*r = 40 * 40 * y------- 1
 g + 60*r = 30 * 60 * y------- 2
  g + n*r = 20 * n * y-------- 3
 from 1 and 2
 r=10y g=120r
 from 3

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  Solving, n = 120

14) Lucia is a wonderful grandmother. Her age is between 50 and 70.Each of her sons
has as many sons as they have brothers. Their combined number gives Lucia’s age.
What is the age?
  Let the no. of Lucia’s sons = n
  No. of brothers for each son = n-1
  No. of sons for each of Lucia’s son = n-1
  Lucia’s age = n-1 * n-1
  = a perfect square between 50 and 70
  = 64

15) Gold is 19 times as heavy as water and copper is 9 times as heavy as water. In what
ratio should these be mixed to get an alloy 15 times as heavy as water?
(i) 1:1
(ii) 2:3
(iii) 1:2
(iv) 3:2
Let 1gm of gold be mixed with x gm of copper to give (1+x)gm of the alloy.
1G=19W, 1C = 9W and alloy = 15W 1gm gold + x

16) What is not a part of OS?
a) swapper
b) compiler
c) device driver
d) file system

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Answer is compiler

17) Which is the protocol used by PING?
Answer is ICMP

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            General Aptitude & Verbal Questions
Can be used for all IT Companies like L&T, Amazon, 3i Infotech,
Alcatel etc.,
1) A starts a project of duration of 15 months with capital Rs.60000. 3 months
after the start, B joins with A and invests one fourth of that of A. After another 6
months, C joins with capital Rs. 90000. At the end of the year, A withdrew the
partnership leaving the firm to be run by B and C. What will be the shares of B
and C if total profit is Rs.50000?
a)Rs.25000, Rs.6250                  b)Rs.6250,Rs.18750
c)Rs.18750, Rs.6250                  d)Rs.25000,Rs.18750
Answer: b)Rs.6250,Rs.18750.
A works since start of the project but withdrew 3 months before completion.
Therefore, he works for 15 - 3 = 12 months
B works 3 months after start of the project and continues till end. Therefore, his
duration of partnership = 15 - 3 = 12 months
C joins 9 months after A started business (6 months after B who was already late
by 3 months) and works till completion. Therefore, his duration = 15 - 9 = 6
The ratio of their profits =(60000 x 12):(1/4 x 60000 x 12):(90000 x 6)
Now let us find the respective share of profits out of total profit Rs.50,000
A's share= 4/8 x 50000 = 25000
B's share = 1/8 x 50000 = 6250
C's share = 3/8 x 50000 = 18750.
Based on above results, our answer is option b.

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2) Arun says that his weight is in the range of 58 kg to 64 kg. His brother weight
is 62 kg and Arun's weight is not more than that of his brother's. Also, as a matter
of fact, Arun's weight is in between 60 kg and 65 kg. If all the above statements
are true, then find the average weight of Arun.
Answer: 60.5 kg
Let the weight of Arun be x.
In Arun's view, 58 < x < 64 ...(1)
Based on his brother's estimation we have x < = 62 ...(2)
also given that 60 < x < 65 ...(3)
Combining, (1),(2) and (3) we have 58 < 60 < x < = 62 < 64 < 65
Simplifying the above inequality, we get, 58 < x < = 62
Probable values for x are 59,60,61 and 62
Average of the probables are(59+60+61+62)/4 = 242/4 = 60.5

3) Before 5 years, the sum of the ages of Ragu and Suresh was 80 years. The
sum will be 104 years after 7 years. What could be possible combinations of
ages from among the options.
a) 50, 40      b) 25,65       c) none of these      d)both a & b
Answer: d) both a & b
Let the age of Ragu be x and that of Suresh be y
Before 5 years, the sum of ages was 80, i.e x - 5 + y - 5 = 80
Or x + y = 90 ...(1)
After 7 years, the sum will be 104, i.e x + 7 + y + 7 = 104
i.e. x + y = 90 ...(2)
Equations 1 and 2 indicate that the sum of the ages has to be 90.

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Both option a and option b have listed ages whose sum is 90. Hence there are
two possible solutions from among options. Hence option d) is correct answer.

4) During Summer holidays, Deepa and Ramya visited their uncle who was
residing in a village. It was a different experience in the village for these two girls.
Aunty engaged them teaching how to play games with marbles.In one particular
game both Ramya and Deepa had the same number of marbles when they
started playing.After sometime Deepa gained 50 marbles. After some time
Deepa lost 3/5 th of what she had. At the same instance Ramya had 3 times as
many marbles as Deepa had. Can you find out the number of marbles the girls
had at the start ?
(a) 100       (b) 200          (c) 175      (d)140
Answer : b) 200
It is stated that both Deepa and Ramya had the same number of marbles to start
with. Let us assume both of them had x number of marbles when the game
began. After sometime Deepa gained 50 marbles, which means she had x+50
marbles and Ramya had x-50 marbles.
Later, Deepa lost 3/5th marbles. Therefore, Deepa had (x + 50) - (3/5)( x + 50) =
2/5 (x+50)
These lost 3/5th of marbles by Deepa would had been gained by Ramya
These 2/5 (x+50) marbles would have been gained by Ramya. Therefore, she
would have had x - 50 + 3/5(x + 50). At that particular instance, Ramya's marble
count was thrice that of Deepa.
i.e 3 * 2 / 5(x + 50)= x - 50 + 3 / 5(x + 50)
6 / 5 (x + 50)=8/5 x - 20 or
6x+300=8x-100 (By multiplying both sides by 5)

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2x= 400 or x=200
The number of marbles Deepa and Ramya had initially = 200.

5) Roushan was a B.E student pursuing studies in the city of Vizag. During
summer holidays he visited his village.In the courtyard of his house, there are
many hens and goats. Roushan asked his sister as to how many hens are there
in the courtyard. His sister who is a village girl gave her reply like this : If you
count all the heads you will get 300. But if you count the legs you will get 700.
Can you help Roushan in calculating the number of hens.
(a) 200       (b) 250         (c) 600       (d) 400
Answer : b) 250
Let us assume that x number of hens and y number of goats are there in the
x+y = 300, -------(1) since the total head count is given as 300.
Its given, there are totally 700 legs when counted. We know the hens have two
legs and the goats have 4 legs. Therefore
2x+4y= 700 -------(2)
(1)x2 will give, 2x+2y=600 -------(3)
(2)-(3) will give you, 2y=100 and y=50.
Substituting in equation (1) you get x value as 250

6) Green and blue coloured toys are 149 in number in a box. Two green toys are
removed from the lot and now there are twice as many green ones as blue ones.
How many green coloured toys are there now?
a) 76         b) 86          c) 90          d) 98

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Answer: d) 98
Let x and y be the original number of green and blue toys respectively. Originally
there were 149 toys. Hence,
x + y = 149 ----------(1)
After two green toys were removed, the number of green toys becomes twice
that of the blue toys.
X-2 = 2 y -----------(2)
Solving eq 1 and eq 2 we get
3 y = 149-2=147
y= 49
The current number of green toys (after removal of two) is twice as that of blue
ones.So the green toys are 98 in number.

7) Ganesh Ram starts in his luxurious Honda City for a week end holiday trip to a
near by hill station. The road was in a poor condition and the car tire got
punctured in the mid way. Before he could reach out for help he wanted to
measure how long he can sustain the repair. The first puncture by itself would
make the tire flat in 9 minutes. The second puncture by itself would make the tire
flat in 18 minutes. How long will it take for both the punctures together to make
the tire flat, if Ganesh Ram assumes that the air leaks at a constant rate?
(a) 3 3/5 minutes                        (b)13 1/2 minutes
(c) 6 minutes                            (d)27 minutes
Answer : c) 6 minutes

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This is a time and work problem.
In each minute, the first puncture will leak 1/9th of the air and the second
puncture in one minute will leak 1/18th of the air. When both are punctured
together effective leak per minute will be 1/9 +1/18=3/18 or 1/6th of the air.
So, in 6 minutes time the entire tire will be flat. Hence, correct answer is option

8) The district collectorate at Thanjavoor had a flag post with the tri colour flag
flying. The 18 m high flags post casts a shadow of length 42m. Collectors
residential quarters cast a shadow of 28m under similar conditions. Calculate the
height of the building?
(a)14m         (b)15m          (c)12m      (d) 16.5m
Answer: c)12m
Height of the flag post = 18m
Length of the shadow of flag post = 42m
Let the height of Collector's residential quarters be x m
Length of the shadow of Collector's residential quarters = 28m
Under similar conditions, we can safely assume that the shadows are
proportional to the heights.

Therefore we can write, Length of the shadow of the flag post / Height of the flag
post = Length of the shadow of Collector's residential quarters / Height of
Collector's residential quarters
Substituting length and height values in the above equation we get
42/18 = 28/x

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x = 28 x 18/42 = 4 x 18/6 = 4 x 3 = 12m
Therefore our answer is 12 m.

9) Ranjit Kumar purchased a new watch in Burma Bazaar. Sooner he found that
the uniformly gaining watch starts with a lag of 2 minutes at noon on a particular
Monday and it is 4 minutes 48 seconds fast at 2PM on the following Monday.
Please guide Ranjit Kumar when the clock would show the true time ?
(a)2PM on Tuesday                          (b)2PM on Wednesday
(c)3PM on Thursday                          (d)1PM on Friday
Answer: b)2PM on Wednesday
12 noon Monday to 2PM next Monday is 7 days and 2 hours. i.e. 7 x 24 +2 = 170
The new watch purchased by Ranjit Kumar was 2 minutes slow and by 170
hours it was fast by 4 minutes 48 seconds. (4 minutes 48 seconds can be written
as 4 48/60 or 4 4/5 minutes.)
Therefore the total gain in 170 hours = 2 minutes + 4 4/5 minutes = 34/5 minutes
= 408 seconds
Gain per hour = 408/170 = 2.4 seconds.

It is given that the watch was slow by 2 minutes (120 seconds) initially. Therefore
the time at which the watch will make up for the lost 2 minutes by gaining 2
minutes or 120 seconds will be our answer.
2.4 seconds are gained in 1 hour.
120 seconds will be gained in 1/2.4 x 120 =50 hours.
So the watch will show right time in 50 hours from Monday 12.00 noon ie at
Wednesday 2.00 PM.

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10) Dilip is a book worm and his wife Rama Dilip is also a voracious reader. Dilip
reads at an average rate of 40 pages per hour, while Rama Dilip reads at an
average rate of 50 pages per hour. Dilip starts reading a novel at 4.30 PM and
Rama Dilip begins reading an identical copy of the same book at 5.20 PM. At
6.00 PM suddenly a family friend arrived and both husband and wife had to
spend 30 minutes with the guest. Thereafter, they started reading again. At what
time will both husband and wife will be reading the same page?
(a)10.00PM           (b) 9.30 pm          (c) 9.10 PM
(d) 8.20Pm           (e) 7.30 PM
Answer: c) 9.10 PM
We have to find out when Rama Dilip will catch up with Dilip. Dilip reads at the
rate of 40 pages per hour and Rama Dilip reads at the rate of 50 pages per hour.
Dilip starts 50 minutes ahead of his wife. Since 50 minutes is 5/6 of an hour, by
the time Rama Dilip starts reading at 5.20 PM, Dilip has already read 5/6
x40=200/6 pages. Please note that Rama Dilip is faster by 10 pages per hour as
compared to her husband.

Since Dilip started with 200/6 pages ahead at 5.20 PM to catch up with Dilip it
should take Rama Dilip 200/6 pages / 10 pages per hour. ie 200/60 hours or 3
hours 20 minutes. And of course the common time spent by both husband and
wife chatting with guest is 30 minutes. So to catch up with Dilip, Rama Dilip
requires 3 hours 20 minutes + 30 minutes or 3 hours 50 minutes. Rama Dilip and
Dilip will be reading the same page at 5.20 PM + 3 hours 50 minutes ie by 9.10

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11) All Win Recreation Club is a famous club in the city of Vijayawada. A general
body meeting of the club was convened to discuss the expenses that was
incurred during an inter club tournament.The total expenses were for Rs.5000/-.
All the club members agreed in the first instance to share the expenses among
themselves. However, five members of the Club chose to resign, leaving the
remaining members to pay an extra Rs 50 each. What is the original membership
of the club?
(a) 33         (b)35          (c)28          (d) 25
Answer: d) 25
Let us assume there are originally T members in the club.
Total expense as per plan = Rs. 5000
This means everyone has to pay Rs. 5000/T
However 5 members resigned. This means the budget was short by 5 x 5000/T
Number of remaining members = T - 5
This shortcoming was balanced by the remaining members as they paid an extra
of Rs. 50 each.
Total extra amount paid = 50 x (T - 5) ...(2)
Since total shortcoming is balanced by extra amount paid, values of 1 and 2
should be equal

Therefore, 5 x 5000/T = 50 x (T - 5)
25000/T = 50 (T-5)
Multiplying both sides by T, we get
25000= 50T2-250T or
50T2 - 250T-25000=0

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Factorising you get,
(T-25) (T+20) = 0
T = 25 or T = -20
Since total members cannot be negative, T = 25

12) Find the odd option among : astronomy,science, telescope, astrology
Answer: astrology
'Astronomy' refers to a 'Science' where celestial space and bodies are studies
using devices such as 'Telescope'. 'Astrology' is an entirely different concept

13) Find the odd option among:
a) Gaur b) blackbuck c) Sambar d) Swallow
Answer: d) Swallow
First three options namely Gaur, Blackbuck and Sambar refer to animals while
Swallow is a bird. Hence d is the answer.

14) ___ of Indian painters and musicians who lived during medieval period is to
be wondered about and appreciated.
a. Artistry
b. Works
c. Sculptures
d. Innovation
Answer: a. Artistry

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Artistry refers to work in the field of art. Though option b Works fits the blank, it
may not as good choice as Artistry. Sculptures and Innovation do not fit the blank
either. Hence option a is the right answer.

15) Which of the following is an appropriate synonym for the word Debauch?
a) Demoralize
b) Encourage
c) Cultivate
Answer : a) Demoralize

16) Find the synonym of Decreed?
a) made up one's mind
b) disagree
c) decrease in quantity
Answer: a) made up one's mind

17) What is an appropriate synonym for Bifid?
a) Divided
b) Divided in two
c) Timid
Answer: a) Divided

18) Find the antonym for gaurish.
a) Cheap
b) Flashy
c) Costly
Answer: a) Cheap

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19) Choose an appropriate antonym for the word deliberate.
a) unintended
b) targeted
c) focussed
Answer: a) Unintended

20) Choose the antonym for Sorrow.
a) Joy
b) empathy
c) sympathy
Answer: a) Joy

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Section II – Jobs Help

1) How To Write A Great Resume?
Do you know that 90% of the resumes carry 'Computer Networks' and 'Database
Concepts' as areas of interest? You would agree that there is no good reason to
have these subjects as areas of interest other than being relatively easier topics to
answer. This is ideally how your resume SHOULD NOT LOOK LIKE!

Why Resumes Are So Important?

Resumes are always great way to leave a first impression to your interviewer before
even answering his questions. But most youngsters fail to make a resume that can stand
apart from the others.

Why Resumes Should Stand Apart?

Simple answer to this question is the increasing competition and emerging talents. Year
after year the competition is growing steadily due to the increasing number of fresh
graduates with not a proportional increase in vacancies. Hence it is extremely important
that you give your best while writing resumes.

How Should You Write Your Resume?
Actually, the technique is simple. Keep the resume short and straightforward. Don't use
the same areas of interest as 99 others will use. Instead think of subjects which you
genuinely liked and include those. Don't include the common 'Class Leader'
achievement in your resumes. I used to conduct interviews and used to wonder how
many class leaders are posting resumes to my company :).

More importantly you need to copy the declaration like (first two lines of declaration

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which many resume formats contain) from your friend's resume. It is better not to include

How Should You Order The Sections?

It is always good to start with high school and college marks. Following that you should
be having your areas of interest followed by skills and achievements.

This is all about writing great resumes. Don't forget to leave your comments in the 'share
your thoughts' section at the end of this page.

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2) Usefulness Of SAP Training?
If you are not already aware, SAP is among the world's leading business management
software used by many large and medium sized companies worldwide. SAP is a huge
business suite which requires trained professionals to manage and operate. With more
and more businesses automating their business with SAP, there is a growing need for
graduates trained in SAP.

What is the best time to undergo training?

There is no specific best time to learn SAP. In fact, SAP training is being provided by
many leading institutes like NIIT in India. To add to the benefits, the courses are not only
offline, but online courses are available as well.

If you are a graduate or postgraduate or an experienced person looking to switch jobs,
SAP can help you a lot to go to the next level in your career.

Is there any specific qualification to undergo training?

Actually, any graduate degree is considered for enrolment (registration) for SAP
courses. Training programs are designated in a way that the course covers
everything from basics.

How to get started?

Wherever you may be, whatever may be your qualification, you can get started
immediately by enrolling to any of reputed SAP training centres’ offering certification
in SAP.

What about future demand?

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Whatever may be the market condition, recession or whatsoever, business are not going
to stop installing SAP related software to automate their businesses. This fact is an
assurance that SAP trained graduates will be required in more numbers in future. Also
the demand would steadily raise.

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3) Usefulness Of J2EE Training?
Are you a fresher aspiring for job with any leading software company? Else are you an
experienced person looking to switch company? You might be missing something if you
have not considered undergoing J2EE training either offline or online.

Why J2EE is important?

Two most commonly used web based technologies across companies are DotNet and
J2EE.Among these, Dot Net is a proprietary technology requiring investment from
company on softwares and rights. However J2EE is an open source framework which is
equally good as Dot Net and don't cost much to the company. This fact is being
exploited for creating of new programs in J2EE by companies. Several large companies
have started migrating their existing applications to J2EE as well. These factors make
J2EE a very important one.

Why Web Technologies are significant?

This is an era where companies have realized the efficiency and cost effectiveness
of implementing client server architecture to their existing traditional applications.
Hence companies would prefer candidates with certification in at least any one web

Where You Can Get Trained?

There are several good institutes like NIIT, CSC etc which offer certification training in
J2EE. A certificate with top institutes like the ones mentioned will be considered
seriously by the software companies. This reduces their burden to train you in web
technologies. This keeps you always on priority when compared to candidates without

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Questions/Articles Extracted From

4) Use Search Engines And Bookmarks To Search Jobs

Recently I got a mail from one of CareersValley users stating that she is unable to find
information on TCS recruitment drives..

Staying informed of the latest job openings could be a major concern for many
youngsters like You.

Which Are The Best Resources To Stay Informed?

Reading through newspapers is a cumbersome process and chances are that you are
going to miss several openings. Hence undoubtedly best resources to stay informed are

a) Google

b) Trusted Newsletters (Just like the one you get from CareersValley)

c) Company Websites (Not applicable to medium and small companies)

How To Use Google Smartly For Job Search?

Most of you would be using Google for job search. But many fail to learn some smart
and simple techniques to do a more efficient search. Let me give you examples to
search for TCS openings. However this applies to any other company as well.

If you would like to search for TCS jobs, be specific on the year and category. For
example let me consider you are searching for 2012 openings under freshers
category. Now your search query should be specific and enclosed within double
quotes. (Double quote returns exact matches)

"tcs jobs for freshers 2012" could be a very good query. You could just copy this query

                                                                                           Page 73
Questions/Articles Extracted From

and replace the company name, category and year to find jobs in the company you are
looking for. If you are experienced use "tcs jobs for experienced 2012"

If you trust a particular site and would like to search for job postings on that particular
site (In the following example I am using your query would look like
site: "tcs placement papers". In the above query I am searching for
exact matches for infosys placement papers from

Learn Bookmaking To Search For More Job Openings In Quick Time

Nobody has enough time to go through each and every individual job posting. There is a
simple solution to this problem.

Whenever you find a job posting or job site interesting at a glance, don't forget to
bookmark the site by pressing 'Ctrl + D'. You could continue this process for as many
websites and postings as you can. Then you could choose between the bookmarks
which you think worthy of reading.

Thank You For Reading,
Kamalkk Kannan.
Visit for plenty of useful resources.

                                                                                              Page 74

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Cv jobs help

  • 1. Questions/Articles Extracted From’s Placement Papers And Jobs Help FREE E-Book By Kamalkk Kannan, Version: 4.4 Page 1
  • 2. Questions/Articles Extracted From Table of Index: Subject Page No. Section – I (Placements Help) 1. Introduction 3 2. TCS Sample Solved Questions 4 3. Infosys Sample Solved Questions 13 4. Wipro Sample Solved Questions 22 5. CTS Sample Solved Questions 29 6. HCL Sample Solved Questions 35 7. Accenture Sample Solved Questions 39 8. IBM Sample Solved Questions 45 9. Syntel Sample Solved Questions 47 10. HP Sample Solved Questions 49 11. General Aptitude & Verbal Questions 56 (For All IT Companies like L&T, Amazon, 3i Infotech, Alcatel etc.,) Section – II (Jobs Help) 12. How to Write a Great Resume? 68 13. Usefulness of SAP Training? 70 14. Usefulness of J2EE Training? 72 15. Use Search Engines and Bookmarks 73 Page 2
  • 3. Questions/Articles Extracted From Introduction: Hi, This is Kamalkk Kannan from At CareersValley, we work to provide useful learning resources for job seekers across different sectors. You can write to us at What to Expect and What Not to Expect in this e- Book? Don't expect a huge number of questions which obviously is not possible in a simple e-book. But expect a limited number of the most important types of questions commonly being asked in placement tests and interviews. Don't expect this e-book to be the only resource to prepare completely. But expect this e-book to give you a right head start. This e-book is NOT A replacement for our very comprehensive Placement Success Book or's solved placement papers section. (For details on our very useful 465 pages hardcopy book “Placement Success”, visit So, what’s inside this free e-Book? This e-book contains solved sample questions in the first section and career related tips/articles in the second part. The first part will not have too many questions but most important question types that get repeated very often with minor differences. Most of the questions have been extracted from those posted on our website. Disclaimer: The placement papers/questions discussed are SAMPLE and Unofficial and not from the respective companies. They have been framed based on the inputs and discussions from students based on their memory, to help the student community stay prepared. Contact us using the contact form on the website for any discrepancies and policy related questions. Page 3
  • 4. Questions/Articles Extracted From Section I – Placement Papers Section TCS Sample Questions 1) 5 Men are living in a home. The average age of the five men before 5 years was 55. After P years, one man aged 50 joins with others in the house which makes the average age 60. Find the value of P. Options a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 7 Answer: a) 4 Explanation: Let the total age of 5 men be X. Then the average age of 5 men before 5 years = (X - number of years x number of men) / number of men = (X - 3x5)/5 = (X-15)/5 = 55 Then X = 55 x 5 + 15 = 290. That is, presently the total age = 290. After P years, the total age of the 5 men becomes X + 5xP = 290 + 5xP. One man aged 50 joins with them. Therefore the average becomes (Total age of 5 original men after P years + Age of new man) / Total number of men = (290 + 5P + 50)/ (5+1) = 60 or 5P = 360 - 340 = 20 p = 20/5 = 4 Therefore, 4 years is our required answer. 2) A boy has several colored balls in his bag - 12 white, 15 orange and 25 pink. The lights are out and it is totally dark. Now, how many balls he must take out to make sure that he has a pair of each color? Options a) 40 b) 42 c) 6 d) 12 Answer: b) 42 Explanation: Page 4
  • 5. Questions/Articles Extracted From In this problem, the worst case scenario will be as follows. Step 1: He picks all of same colored balls of the largest group. The largest group is pink. Therefore, he will be picking all 25 pink balls first. Step 2: Then he picks all of same colored balls of the next largest group. The second largest group is Orange. Therefore, he will be picking 15 orange balls. Step 3: Now, if he starts picking the remaining balls which are white, he could very well stop at 2 balls as he would be having a pair of white ball anyway. Therefore total picks = 25 + 15 + 2 = 42. Shortcut: If confused, for these kinds of problems you have to add higher values first + 2, leaving the least group. Here least group is white. Therefore our answer will be 25 pink + 15 orange + 2 = 42 Hence the answer is 42. 3) 4 equal aged boys and 6 equal aged girls were regularly attending a guitar class. 22 is the average age of all and 56 is the age of two boys and three girls. After 3 years a boy is replaced by a new boy aged 15. Now, what will be the average age of boys? Options a) 13.5 years b) 15.4years c) 16.3 years d) 14 years Answer: a) 13.5 years. Solution: Let X and Y be the age of a boy and a girl respectively. Given that 22 is the average age of all. Then 4X/4 + 6Y/6 = 22 i.e., X + Y = 22 ...eqn1 Also given that, 56 is the age of two boys and three girls. Then, 2X + 3Y = 56 ...eqn2 Solving the above equations, we get X=10, Y=12. That is, the age of each boy is 10 and age of each girl is 12. After 3 years, 1 among 4 boys leaves the group but replaced by a new 15 year old boy. Page 5
  • 6. Questions/Articles Extracted From Sum of the ages of 3 left over boys + new boy = Ages of original 3 boys after 3 years + Age of new boy = 3(X+3) + 15 = 3x13 + 15 = 54 years. Their average age = Total Age / 4 = 54/4 = 13.5 years. 13.5 Years is our answer. 4) Find the most appropriate meaning for the word ‘Correlate’. Options: a. to join b. to match c. to refer d. to fix Answer: b. to match Correlate is to match, observe or compare two or more different things. For example, in India illiteracy and poverty can be correlated to each other. 5) Find the most appropriate meaning for the word ‘Volatile’. Options: a. Oscillate b. Transient c. Penetrate d. Light Answer: b. Transient. Transient can be used to refer something that is temporary and volatile. 6) When 8 is subtracted out from two third of X, the result is 25 more than one third of X. Find the largest prime number which is less than X. Options: a) 113 b) 97 c) 89 d) 131 Answer: b) 97 Solution: Part-1: To find X. Below equation can be formed based on the data in question. (2/3)x X - 8 = 25 + 1/3 x X (2/3)x X - (1/3)x X = 25+8 X/3 = 33 X=99. Page 6
  • 7. Questions/Articles Extracted From Part-2: To find the required prime 97 is the largest prime number which is lesser than 99. Hence 97 is the answer. 7) 6 reduced from 1/5 of a number is 7 reduced from half of the same number. Find the number. Options a)10/3 b)22/3 c)7/3 d)none of these Answer: a) 10/3 Solution: X/5 - 6 = X/2 - 7 (X-30)/5 = (X-14)/2 2X-60 = 5X-70 5X-2X = 70-60 3X = 10 X = 10/3 8) Ideal Toy company, New York brought out two models – one rectangle and another hexagon in shape. The area of the two are same. The base and height of the triangle are 48” and √3” respectively. Find the length of each of the sides of the hexagon. Options: a) 2” b) 4” c) 24” d) 8” Answer: b) 4” Solution: Area of triangle = 1/2 x base x height = 1/2 x 48 x √3 = 24√3 sq. inches Since, the areas of a triangle and hexagon are equal , Area of hexagon = 24√3 sq. inches ....(1) If the side of the hexagon is X inches, then its area = (3√3/2 )r2 ...(2) Since equations 1 and 2 equal, 24√3 = (3√3/2 )r2 Page 7
  • 8. Questions/Articles Extracted From 16 = r2 Or r = 4 inch 9) Four friends namely Rahul, Ravi, Rajesh and Rohan contested for a dairy milk chocolate. To decide which friend will get the chocolate they decided to throw two dice. Every friend was asked to choose a number and if the sum of the numbers on two dice equals that number, the concerned person will get the chocolate. Rahul's choice was7, Ravi's choice was 9, Rajesh's choice was 10 and Rohan's choice was 11. Who has the maximum probability of winning the amount? Options: a) Rahul b) Ravi c) Rajesh d) Rohan Answer: a) Rahul Solution: Number 7 will appear more often –(1,6), (2,5), (3,4), (4,3), (6,1), (5,2) --- 6 cases Number 9 -- (3,6),(6,3), (4,5) (5,4) ---4 cases For number 10 -- (4,6) ,(6,4) (5,5) ---3 cases For number 11 -- (5,6),(6,5)...2 cases. Since number 7 has the maximum chance of appearing, it will have the maximum probability as well. Hence, Rahul will most probably be the winner. 10) A man raises sheep and chickens. One fine day, his son wants to count the number of sheep and chickens. Farmer gives hit as below: "The average number of legs for each animal is 2 38/57. There are 19 more chickens than that of sheep." Can you help the son by finding the total number of sheep? Options: a) 25 b) 19 c) 17 d) 20 Answer: b) 19 Solution: Let the number of sheep be s and the number of chickens be c. We know every sheep has 4 legs and every chicken has got 2 legs. Page 8
  • 9. Questions/Articles Extracted From Total number of legs = 4s + 2c Average number of legs = Total number of legs / Total number of all animals = 4s + 2c / (s + c) It is given that the average = 2 38/57 = 152/57 Therefore 4s + 2c / (s + c) = 152/57 Or 228s + 114c = 152s + 152c Or 76s = 38c Or 2s = c Also the question states that there are 19 more chickens than that of sheep. Therefore c - s = 19 ... (1) Substituting c = 2s in eq 1 we get 2s - s = 19 Or s = 19 (Next 4 questions are of interview type) 11) What is the prime difference between while and Do While Loop? Answer: Though while and do-while are loop statements, in Do While it is assured that the statements within the loop will be executed at least once (even if the condition fails.) 12) What is the difference between a = ++b and a = b++? Answer: The first statement a = ++b can be broken down into two statements b = b + 1 followed by a = b. Hence b will be incremented first and will be assigned to a. Hence values of a and b will be same at the end. The second statement a = b++ can be broken down into two statements a = b followed by b = b + 1. Hence b will be assigned to a. Only after this assignment b will be incremented. Hence values of a and b will be different at the end. 13) Is it necessary to use register modifier on all compilers irrespective of whether they are old or modern ones ? Page 9
  • 10. Questions/Articles Extracted From Answer: No, compilers nowadays are intelligent enough to decide which variables need to be kept in CPU registers depending upon the estimated usage. 14) Can a program be invoked from another program? If yes, how it can be done? Answer: Yes, a program can invoke another program using system calls. 15) Which of the following program structure/component/statement is not an example for the implementation of modularization? Options a) DLL b) Functions c) type casting Answer: Option c) type casting. DLL and Functions help in modularization of a program while typecasting just converts from one data type to another. Useful Tip :: Prepare For Placement Papers By Exploring Common Sections Almost all of the companies have a placement test in their recruitment process. It is a common tendency to prepare specifically for every company's paper at the announcement of a recruitment drive either on campus or off campus. But most youngsters fail to explore the common sections that exist across placement papers of different companies so that they can complete their preparation in one shot. What are the Common Sections? With few exceptions, all most all companies give due importance to quantitative aptitude. From chapters like time and speed, age, linear equations, averages etc. Page 10
  • 11. Questions/Articles Extracted From Verbal sections like synonyms and antonyms (GRE type), filling with right tenses etc. are again common across different placement papers. Software placement papers also have questions from basic programming languages like C. Preparing on these common sections can help you to save much time. Page 11
  • 12. Questions/Articles Extracted From How should you Plan your Preparation? My first advice is that you should not wait till the last minute. Keep preparing on the common sections mentioned above as much as you can.’s Placement Success Book priced at Rs. 400 will help you to a great extent. In that book, we have explored and presented common sections and repeated question types. When you get that book, you never have to prepare for every company separately but can prepare simultaneously for all companies. For details visit Page 12
  • 13. Questions/Articles Extracted From Infosys Sample Questions 1) A train starts from A towards B with some velocity. Due to an engine problem, after travelling 3/8 of its journey, it slows to 3/5 of its actual velocity. The train reaches B 1 hour later than the actual planned time. If the engine had failed after travelling 80km and if it would have slowed down to 4/5th of its initial velocity for another 80km and covered the remaining distance with 1/2 of its initial velocity, the train would have reached the destination one and half hours late. What is the distance between A and B in meters? a)10000 b)480000 c)240000 d)520000 Answer: b) 480000 Solution: Let the distance between A and B be X and the speed initially be V. The train travels 3X/8km with speed V and the remaining distance(X - 3X/8) km with speed 3/5 of V. Ultimately the train was late by 1 hour. According to the above condition with the formula " distance/speed = time", we can have [(3X/8)/V]+[(X-(3X/8))/(3V/5)] = [X/V]+1 [3X/8V] + 5(8X-3X)/24V = [X/V]+1 9X+25X-24X / 24V = 1 10X-24V = 0 ..........eqn1 According to the question, if the train travelled 80km with speed V, another 80km with 4/5 th of V and the remaining distance(X-160)km with speed 1/2 of V then [80/V]+[80/(4V/5)]+[(X-160)/(1V/2)] = [X/V]+3/2 80/V + 100/V + (2X-360)/V = X/V + 3/2 X-180 / V = 3/2 2X-3V = 360 .........eqn2 Solving eqn1 and eqn2 We have, X=480 and V=200 Thus the distance between A and B is 480km and the speed of the train is 200km/hour. Hence 480km = 480000meters is the answer. Page 13
  • 14. Questions/Articles Extracted From 2) A man rides a bike with speed V for a distance X km. After completing 1/2 of his journey he slows down to 1/2 of his initial speed and completes his ride half an hour later than the planned time. What will be the ratio of the distance to the speed? a) 1:2 b) 2:1 c) 1:1 d) 2:3 Answer: c) 1:1 Solution: Let the distance be X and the speed initially be V. Using the same logic as we used for the previous questions, we get, X/2V + [X-(X/2)]/(V/2) = X/V + 1/2 X/2V + [4X-2X]/2V = X/V + 1/2 X/2V = 1/2 X = V or X/V = 1 Thus 1:1 is the required ratio. 3) Agil is twice as fast as Mugil. Mugil is thrice as fast as Annie. The distance covered by Annie in 54 minutes will be covered by Mugil in ___ minutes. a)27 minutes b)9minutes c)38 minutes d)18 minutes Answer: d)18 minutes Solution: Let Annie's speed be X km/hr. It’s given, Mugil is thrice as fast as Annie. Therefore Mugil's speed is a 3X km / hr. Also it is said Agil is twice as fast as Mugil. Therefore, Agil's speed = Mugil's speed x 2 = 6X km/hr. Therefore ratio of their speeds = 6X : 3X : X = 6 : 3 : 1 For a given distance, the time taken will be inversely proportional to speed. Therefore, Ratio of times taken by the three friends Agil, Mugil and Annie = 1/6 : 1/3 : 1 = 1:2:6 If Annie takes 6 minutes then Mugil takes 2 minutes. If Annie takes 54 minutes then Mugil takes [2/6 x 54] = 18 minutes. Hence the answer is 18 minutes Page 14
  • 15. Questions/Articles Extracted From 4) At the time of his marriage Arunachalam was 29 years old. During marriage, his wife was younger by 3 ½ years.20 years afterwards the total ages of Arunachalam, his wife and their only son Kamalraj is 110 years. What will be the age of Kamalraj forty years from now? a) 35 1/2 years b) 45 1/2 years c) 25 years d) 30 years Answer: a) 35 1/2 years Solution: I. During Marriage Arunachalam's age = 29 years Wife's age = 29 - 3.5 = 25.5 years II. 20 years afterwards Arunachalam's age = 29 + 20 = 49 years Wife's age = 25.5 + 20 = 45.5 years Let Son's age (20 years after marriage) = S It is given that, 20 years after the wedding, Arunachalam's age + Wife's age + S = 110 Or 49 + 45.5 + S = 110 S = 15.5 years III. 40 years afterwards. Since we have found that the son was 15.5 years old 20 years after marriage, adding 20 to 15.5 will give age of Kamalraj after 40 years. Therefore answer = 15.5 + 20 = 35.5 years =35 1/2 years. 5) Akbar told his friends Amar and Antony that he is fond of possessing multiple cell phones and added as follows: OF all cell phones I have, except 6, all are Nokia cell phones OF all cell phones I have, except 5, all are Samsung cell phones OF all cell phones I have, except 7, and all are LG cell phones. How many Nokia, Samsung and LG cell phones? a) 2 Nokia cell phones, 2 Samsung cell phones and 2 LG cell phones b) 3 Nokia cell phones, 2 Samsung cell phones and 3 LG cell phones Page 15
  • 16. Questions/Articles Extracted From c) 3 Nokia cell phones, 4 Samsung cell phones and 2 LG cell phones d) 3 Nokia cell phones, 3 Samsung cell phones and 3 LG cell phones Answer: c) 3 Nokia cell phones, 4 Samsung cell phones and 2 LG cell phones Solution: Again this question has to be solved by looking at the options one by one. While we are leaving the exercise of inspecting each option for your practice, we will just see why option c is right. Option c states that there are 3 Nokia cell phones, 4 Samsung cell phones and 2 LG cell phones. The above option implies the below three things: i) Except 3 Nokia + 4 Samsung = 7 cell phones, all the remaining 2 are LG cell phones ii) Except 3 Nokia + 2 LG = 5 cell phones, all the remaining 4 are Samsung phones iii) Except 2 LG + 4 Samsung = 6 cell phones, all the remaining 3 are Nokia phones. All the above three interpretations coincide exactly with those given in the question. Hence option c has to be right. 6) Eight friends Harsha, Fakis, Balaji, Eswar, Dhinesh, Chandra, Geetha, and Ahmed are sitting in a circle facing the center. Balaji is sitting between Geetha and Dhinesh. Harsha is third to the left of Balaji and second to the right of Ahmed. Chandra is sitting between Ahmed and Geetha and Balaji and Eshwar are not sitting opposite to each other. Who is third to the left of Dhinesh? Answer: Fakis Explanation: Arranging the friends as per the question statement we can arrive at the following diagram Ahmed Fakis Chandra Harsha Geetha Page 16
  • 17. Questions/Articles Extracted From Eswar Balaji Dhinesh Hence correct answer is Fakis. 7) A fast typist can type some matter in 2 hours and a slow typist can type the same in 3 hours. If both type jointly, in how much time will they finish? Answer: 1 hr 12 min Explanation: The fast typist’s work done in 1 hr = 1/2 The slow typist’s work done in 1 hr = 1/3 If they work jointly, work done in 1 hr = 1/2+1/3 = 5/6 So, the work will be completed in 6/5 hours. i.e., 1+1/5 hours = 1hr 12 min 8) Today is 4.11.09. Keeping that figure 41109 in mind, I have arrived at the following sequence: 2, 1, 9, 5, _. Which of the following four numbers can fill the dash? Options a) 7 b) 65 c) 4563 d) 262144 Answer: d) 262144 1^4 + 1 = 2 1^1 + 0 = 1 0^1 + 9 = 9 9^0 + 4 = 5 So next is 4^9 + 1 = 262144 Page 17
  • 18. Questions/Articles Extracted From 9) Let S be a Set of some positive integral numbers; with an average of 47; and containing the number 83. The numbers may or may not be distinct .However ; when the number 83 is removed ; the Avg drops to 46 .What is the largest number that can be possibly contained in that Set ? Solution: Let S be the sum of that set of n positive integers. S/n = 47 (S - 83)/(n - 1) = 46 Solving the above 2 equations, we get S = 1739; n = 37. This set of 37 positive integers contains 83. To get to the expected answer, we have to Suppose that 35 of the remaining 36 integers has a value of 1 each (least +ve integer). Thus, the largest possible integer in the set = 1739 - 83 - 35*1 = 1621 10) Sum of squares of two numbers 'x' and 'y' is less than or equal to 100. How many sets of integer solutions of 'x', 'y' is possible? Answer: Total 317 solutions Explanation: x = 0, |y| <= 10 -> 21 solutions |x| = 1, |y| <= 9 -> 38 solutions |x| = 2, |y| <= 9 -> 38 solutions |x| = 3, |y| <= 9 -> 38 solutions |x| = 4, |y| <= 9 -> 38 solutions |x| = 5, |y| <= 8 -> 34 solutions |x| = 6, |y| <= 8 -> 34 solutions |x| = 7, |y| <= 7 -> 30 solutions |x| = 8, |y| <= 6 -> 26 solutions |x| = 9, |y| <= 4 -> 18 solutions |x| = 10, y = 0 -> 2 solutions 11) There is a unique number of which the square and the cube together use all ciphers from 0 up to 9 exactly once. Which number is this? Answer: The number is 69. Explanation: 69^2=4761 and 69^3=328509 Page 18
  • 19. Questions/Articles Extracted From 12) You are standing next to a well, and you have two jugs. One jug has a content of 3 litres and the other one has a content of 5 litres. How can you get just 4 litres of water using only these two jugs? Solution: Fill 3 litre jug pour to 5 litre jug Fill again 3 litre jug and add to 5 litre jug then 1 litre will be there in 3 litre jug Pour all water outside from 5 litre jug Fill 1 litre water from 3 litre jug to 5 litre jug Fill 3 litre jug and add to 5 litre jug making it 4 litres of water. 13) In a certain code RELATED to written as EFUBKDQ. How is RETAINS written in that code? Options: a) SDQBTOJ b) JOTBQDS C) JOTBSDQ d) TOJBSDQ Answer: d) TOJBSDQ Reason: Inspecting how RELATED was written as EFUBKDQ, we can easily find that, RELATED – is first written as DETALER DETALER becomes EFUBKDQ (+1,+1,+1, +1,-1,-1,-1 – alphabetically) Applying the same logic to RETAINS we get, RETAINS is first written as SNIATER SNIATER becomes TOJBSDQ (applying the above rule) 14) Six people – A,B,C,D, E and F are standing in a straight line facing north not necessarily in the same order. B is standing to the right of D. A is standing fourth to the left of F and F is not standing on the extreme end of the line. D is standing second to the left of B. Page 19
  • 20. Questions/Articles Extracted From In the above arrangement, which of the following pair represents the people standing at the extreme ends of the line? Options: a) DF b) AC c) BC d) AF Answer: b) AC Reason: Based on the information given seating arrangement is as follows: North ADEBFC south (Next 5 Questions are of interview type) 15) You would have heard of Data Source Names (DSNs) used while accessing databases. Can you tell any three important attributes of DSN? Answer: Yes. Some important attributes of DSN include 1) Directory 2) User Id and 3) Password. 16) How many clustered and non clustered indices a table can contain? What is the usual type of the primary key? Answer: A table can have only one clustered index but there can be many non clustered indexes. Generally, a clustered index is created on the primary key. 17) Tell any two advantages offered by a DLL (Dynamic Link Libraries) to programmers. Answer: DLLs are shared across many processes. This sharing significantly reduces the memory requirement which in turn provides better memory management. DLLs can provide great functionality enhancements without much rework on applications (like recompilation, relinking etc.). Page 20
  • 21. Questions/Articles Extracted From 18) Tell any two important features/characteristics of Telnet protocol? Answer: a. Telnet is bidirectional. That is participants can both send and receive information. b. Telnet is a text oriented protocol. 19) Tell any two features of 'Sessions' used in communications over the internet. Answer: a. Generally sessions exist only for a predefined period of time. For example, if you are accessing an eCommerce site, leaving the browser idle for an hour or so could automatically log you out. b. By default HTML communications are stateless. But sessions can make the communication 'stateful'. For example, when you are accessing a shopping site, the shopping server will know that the subsequent requests are from the same buyer i.e. you. This state is maintained till session expiration. Page 21
  • 22. Questions/Articles Extracted From Wipro Sample Questions 1) A merchant had a diamond, cost of which varies as a square of its weight. The merchant broke the diamond into 3 pieces in the ratio (based on weights) 4:5:6. When the pieces were sold he incurred a loss of Rs.444000. What could be the original price of the diamond? Options: a)Rs.750000 b)Rs.665000 c)Rs.600000 d)Rs.675000 Answer: d) Rs.675000. Solution: As given, the weights of the broken pieces are in the ratio 4:5:6. Let the actual weights of broken pieces be 4X,5X and 6X. Then weight of the original diamond = 4X + 5X + 6X = 15X Since the cost of a diamond varies as its square of the weight, the original cost will be (15X)2 = 225(X2). ...(1) The total cost of individual pieces will be (4X)2 + (5X)2 + (6X)2 = (16 + 25 + 36)x(X2) = 77(X2). ...(2) The loss value = (1) - (2) = 225(X2)-77(X2) = 148(X2). But the above loss value is given to be Rs.444000 Therefore, 148(X2)=Rs.444000 X2 =Rs.444000/148. =Rs.3000 Original cost = 225(X2) = 225 x 3000 = 675000 Hence the answer is Rs.675000. 2) X and Y can complete a work in 12 days and 10 days respectively. With the help of Z, X and Y can together complete the work in 5 days for a total wage of Rs.6000. Then what wage should be paid to Z for his part of the work? Options: a) Rs.1000 b) Rs.1500 c) Rs.500 d) Rs.2000 Page 22
  • 23. Questions/Articles Extracted From Answer : c) Rs.500 Solution: From given data, X's 1 day work = 1/12 Y's 1 day work = 1/10 If X,Y and Z would complete the work in 5 days, then Z's 1 day work = One day work of X,Y and Z combined - (One day work of X + One day work of Y) = 1/5 -[(1/12)+(1/10)]. = 1/5 - 11/60 = 1/60. Now we have to find Z's share of the salary. X's share : Y's share : Z's share = 1/12 : 1/10 : 1/60 = 5 : 6 : 1 Z's share of wage from the total wage of Rs.6000 = 1/(5 + 6 + 1) x 6000 = Rs.500 3) Gautam is good in sculpturing. He makes a sculpture of height 4 feet 8 inches and places them on a sandal pedestal. If the total height of sculpture and the pedestal put together is 7 feet 3 inches, what is the height of the pedestal? Options: a) 2 feet 4 inches b) 5 feet 2 inches c) 2 feet 7 inches d) none of these Answer : c) 2 feet 3 inches Solutions: Total Height = Height of the sculpture + Height of the pedestal 7 feet 3 inches = 4 feet 8 inches + Height of the pedestal Height of the pedestal = 7 feet 3 inches - 4 feet 8 inches Writing all the measurements in units of inches we get, Height of the pedestal = 7 x 12 + 3 inches - 4 x 12 + 8 inches = 87 inches - 56 inches = 31 inches = 2 x 12 inches and 7 inches = 2 feet 7 inches 4) John, Chief Executive Officer of Infacan , Mumbai drove by his Benz car from Mumbai to New Delhi. He started at 2 pm and drove at 60 kmph. Around 2.30 pm his personal assistant called him over his cell phone and told that John had not taken an important paper with him and sought instructions from him. John advised his personal assistant to Page 23
  • 24. Questions/Articles Extracted From send those papers through Don Lee. Don Lee started from Mumbai at 2.45 pm and he was driving his Hyundai car at 75 kmph. At what time Don Lee will overtake John assuming they travel at speeds indicated and they do not stop in between? Options: a) 5.15 pm b) 5.45 pm c) 5.30pm d) 6.00 pm Answer: b) 5.45 pm Solution: Distance travelled by John before Don Lee starting from Mumbai is 45 km. Relative speed of Don Lee with respect to John = 75 - 60 = 15 kmph. Time taken by Don Lee to overtake John = Distance travelled by John before Don Lee starting / Relative speed = 45/15 = 3 hours So Don Lee will overtake at 2.45 + 3 = 5.45 hours 5) Raghavan and Krishnan started from Chennai to Mumbai in two different cars at 10 am one day. Raghavan was driving his car at 50 kmph and Krishnan was driving his car at 40 km per hour. Around 11 am their friend Gopalan started in his car from Chennai and drove his car at 70 kmph. At what time Gopalan will overtake Raghavan and Krishnan? Options: a) 1.00pm and 12.20 pm b) 1.30 pm and 12.10 pm c) 1.30 pm and 12.20 pm d) none of these. Answer: c) 1.30 pm and 12.20 pm Solution: Raghavan and Krishnan would have travelled 50 km and 40 km by the time Gopalan starts at 11 am. Gopalan is driving at 70 kmph. Relative speed – Gopalan with respect to Raghavan = 70 - 50 = 20 kmph Distance travelled by Raghavan when Gopalan started = 50 km. To catch up with Raghavan, time taken by Gopalan = Distance covered by Raghavan when Gopalan starts / Relative speed of Gopalan with respect to Raghavan = 50/20 = 2 ½ hours. Page 24
  • 25. Questions/Articles Extracted From Therefore, he will overtake Raghavan at 11.00 + 2.30 = 1.30 pm. Relative speed of Gopalan with respect to Krishnan = 30 kmph Distance travelled by Krishnan when Gopalan started = 40 Km. Time taken by Gopalan to cross Krishnan = Distance covered by Krishnan when Gopalan started / Relative speed of Gopalan with respect to Krishnan = 40/30 = 1.33 hours = approximately 1 hour 20 minutes Gopalan is starting at 11 am. So he will overtake Krishnan at 11 + 1hr 20 min = 12.20 pm 6) A 2 mb PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) has Options a) 32 voice channels b) 30 voice channels & 1 signalling channel c) 31 voice channels & 1 signalling channel d) 32 channels out of which 30 voice channels, 1 signalling channel and 1 synchronization channel. Answer: 31 voice channels & 1 signalling channel 7) Word alignment is Options a) aligning the address to the next word boundary of the machine b) aligning to even boundary c) aligning to word boundary d) none of the above Answer : aligning the address to the next word boundary of the machine 8) To send a packet data using datagram, when a connection will be established Options a) before data transmission b) connection is not established before data transmission c) no connection required Page 25
  • 26. Questions/Articles Extracted From d) none of the above Answer: no connection required 9) The status of the kernel is? Options a) task b) process c) not defined d) none of the above Answer : Process (Next 8 questions are of interview type) 10) Briefly can you explain a 'database trigger'? Answer: A database trigger is a predefined code that gets executed based on certain events on tables. For example, a trigger can be written that executes automatically whenever a particular column gets updated in a table. Though they are memory intensive, they can be used for critical background tasks to maintain data integrity. 11) Tell a common error encountered by programmers when using stack data structures without proper precautions? Answer: Stack Overflow is a common error when dealing with stack data structures. This occurs when data is pushed onto stack till a point when there is no further memory is available. Good programming and understanding of the resource limitations of the underlying machine can prevent these errors. 12) When a program is under execution, what does a Program Counter (PC) hold? Answer: When a program is in execution, the program counter holds the address of the next instruction to be executed. Page 26
  • 27. Questions/Articles Extracted From 13) (Generally) In an application development life cycle, give the proper order of the following stages: Testing, Test Plan Preparation, Development, and Requirement Gathering. Answer: Correct order would be: Requirements Gathering, Test Plan Preparation, Development and Testing. 14) Can you guess why IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) addresses came into existence while still IPv4 is being used by many machines? Answer: The only reason could be the enormous growth in the number of machines using v4 addresses. This forces concerned agencies to raise the address pool by some means. One of such ways was the introduction of IPv6 so that more machines can be accommodated. 15) Consider two network layer devices, one operating at network layer and the other operating at data link layer. In very generic terms, which one is more intelligent? Explain with example. Answer: Generally a device that operates at a higher layer in OSI model is intelligent. For example, there are switches that operate at data link layer and some others that operate at network layer. Simply due to the additional capabilities of the switches that operate in network layer they can be considered more intelligent. 16) What is the main drawback when using Hubs in networks? Answer: Hubs are least intelligent devices transmitting whatever data they receive into all the output ports. Though this behaviour can be favourable in some cases, most of the times this behaviour results in unnecessary traffic in the network. More network consumption leads to problems like collision and congestion. Page 27
  • 28. Questions/Articles Extracted From 17) In socket communication happening between a client and a server, how can you tell which one is a client and which is a server? Answer: Consider two network devices communicating through network sockets. In many cases a client initiates a transaction. For example, your computer could request a web page from a server. This implies that your computer is initiating the connection and is a client. The responding machine will be the server. Page 28
  • 29. Questions/Articles Extracted From CTS Sample Questions 1) A few students of Ramiah Engineering College went to a party in the nearby hotel to celebrate the success of their College Cricket Team in a recent match. The total bill amount was Rs.3200. The leader of the group found that two students had not brought any amount with them. The two people requested others to share the bill and assured them that they will pay afterwards. This resulted in each of the members paying Rs.80 more. How many students went to the party? Options: a) 10 b) 12 c) 16 d) none of these. Answer: a) 10 Solution: Let 'x' be the number of persons in the group and let 'y' be an amount per head which they have to pay. Then xy = 3200. or y = 3200/x Since two friends have forgotten the purse, x-2 persons should share the total amount (3200). If they share, they have to make an extra contribution of Rs.80 to pay up the bill That is x-2 persons should pay y+80 each or (x-2)(y+80) = 3200 or y+80 = 3200/(x-2) or y = 3200/(x-2) - 80 Therefore we have got two equations namely, y= 3200/x and y = 3200/(x-2) - 80 Comparing these two, we get 3200/x = 3200/(x-2) - 80 Solving this we get x2 - 2x -80 = 0 or (x-10) (x+8) = 0 or x = 10 or x = -8 Page 29
  • 30. Questions/Articles Extracted From Since 'x' denotes the number of persons, it should be positive. So, x =10 2) A group of teachers from Venkat Engineering College went to a hotel for celebrating a happy event with an understanding all of them will share the expenses. The bill amount was Rs.2560. Since four teachers did not bring their purse other teachers had to contribute Rs.32 more. How many teachers contributed towards the bill settlement? Options: a) 24 b) 16 c) 20 d) none of these. Answer: b) 16 Solution: Let the number of teachers be x. Total bill amount = Rs. 2560. Share of each teacher = 2560/x But, 4 teachers failed to bring their purse. Number of teachers who actually paid = x - 4 Each one had paid Rs. 32 more than the planned share of 2560/x so as to settle the bill amount of Rs. 2560 Therefore, (x- 4)(2560/x + 32) = 2560 2560 + 32x - 10240/x - 128 = 2560 Multiply both sides by x. 2560x + 32x2 - 10240 - 128x=2560x 32x2 - 128x - 10240=0 x2 - 4x - 320=0 Factorizing the above equation, we get (x - 20)(x + 16) = 0 x = +20 or -16 Since x cannot be negative, x = 20 = total number of teachers. Since, 4 teachers did not carry their purses, number present at the party = 20 - 4 = 16 Therefore, our answer = 16. Page 30
  • 31. Questions/Articles Extracted From 3) What number should come at the place of the question mark? 16, 136, 1096, ? Options: a) 4998 b) 6884 c) 8776 d) none of these Answer : c) 8776 Solution : (16 x 8) + 8 = 136 ( 136 x 8) + 8 = 1096 (1096 x 8) + 8 = 8776 4) Find the number that should replace the question mark. 4200, 1680, 672, ? Options: a) 268.8 b) 324.8 c) 242.8 d) 122.8 Answer : a) 268.8 Solution : 4200/2.5 = 1680 1680/2.5 = 672 672/2.5 = 268.8 5) Which number should replace the question mark? 25, 168, ? , 8176 Options: a) 6176 b) 9176 c) 7776 d) 8176 Answer : d) 8176 Solution : (25 x 7) - 7 = 168 (168 x 7) - 7 = 1169 (1179 X 7) - 7 = 8176 Page 31
  • 32. Questions/Articles Extracted From 6) Kashinath, can row 5 kmph in still water.When the rate of flow of the river is 2.0 kmph , it takes Kashinath 1 hour to row to a ghat and return. How far is Kashinath’s starting place from the ghat ? Options: (a) 2 km (b) 2.1 km (c)2.5km (d) 2.8 km Answer : b) 2.1 km Solution: Let d be the distance of ghat from the point where Kashinath starts to swim. Let Sk be the speed of Kashinath in still water Let Sr be the speed of the stream (river) Then, Sdown = Sk + Sr ...(1) And Sup = Sk - Sr ...(2) Time taken to travel downstream to ghat = d / Sdown Time taken to travel upstream from ghat = d / Sup Total time taken, T = d / Sdown + d / Sup Substituting values from eq1 and eq2 in the above equation we get, Or, T = d/(Sk + Sr) + d/(Sk - Sr) T = d(Sk - Sr) + d(Sk + Sr) / (Sk + Sr)(Sk - Sr) T = 2dSk / (Sk2-Sr2) Or d = T (Sk2-Sr2) / 2Sk ...(3) Note : Remember the above formula as this can prove to be a shortcut. Substitute T = 1 hour, Sk = 5 Kmph and Sr = 2 Kmph in equation 3 we get d = 1(52 - 22) / 2x5 = 21 / 10=2.1 km 7) Janaki gets onto the elevator at the 8th floor of a building and rides up at the rate of 60 floors per minute. At the same time, Ajay gets on another elevator at the 71st floor of the same building and rides down at the rate of 66 floors per minute. If they continue travelling at these rates, then in which floor will their paths cross? Options: a.31st floor b. will never cross c.38th floor d.12thfloor Page 32
  • 33. Questions/Articles Extracted From Answer : c. 38th floor Solution: Speed of Janaki upwards = 60 floors/min Speed of Ajay downwards = 66 floors/min No of floors in between 8th and 71st floors = 71 - 8 = 63 floors Let t be the time after which they cross each other. In other words, after t minutes the number of floors covered by Ajay downwards added to the number of floors Janaki covers upwards should be equal to 63 floors. Putting this in the form of an equation we get : 60t + 66t = 63 Or 126t = 63 Or t = 63/126 = 1/2 minutes Therefore, in half a minute both will cross each other. Floors travelled by Janaki upwards in 1/2 min can be found as below: Time Floors 1 60 1/2 ? Floors travelled by Janaki upwards in 1/2 min = 60/2 = 30 floors Since Janaki is already starting from 8th floor, the floor of crossing counted from ground floor will be 8 + 30 = 38th floor. ( Next 3 questions are of interview type ) 8) Tell at least two uses of NORMALIZATION in designing tables and other structures in a database? Answer: Normalization ensures that a) there is no redundant data storage and b) data dependencies across tables (foreign keys) are suitable for the level of concurrency. Page 33
  • 34. Questions/Articles Extracted From 9) How Databases handle concurrent SQL operations on the same row of a table? Answer: Concurrent operations are handled by the use of "Locks". To be more clear, if one sql query is updating (INSERT/UPDATE) a particular row of a table, no other sql query would be able to update the same row at the same point in time. However other sql queries can read (SELECT) columns from the row under updation. 10) In SDLC, what is black box testing (which comes under testing phase)? Answer: Black box testing is nothing but testing the actual functionality of a module/program at a high level. Here one may test different outputs for different sets of inputs. Also the one may not worry about the module/program internals under testing. Page 34
  • 35. Questions/Articles Extracted From HCL Sample Technical Questions (DBMS) 1) Atomicity is _____ Options a) Either all actions are carried out or none are. Users should not have to worry about the effect of incomplete transactions. DBMS ensures this by undoing the actions of incomplete transactions. b) A concept which is used to model a relationship between a collection of entities and relationships. It is used when we need to express a relationship among relationships. Answer: a) Either all actions are carried out or none are. Users should not have to worry about the effect of incomplete transactions. DBMS ensures this by undoing the actions of incomplete transactions. 2) The phase that identifies an efficient execution plan for evaluating a query that has the least estimated cost is referred to as___. Options a) Query optimization b) Query String Answer: a) Query optimization 3) Expansion of DDL is _____. Options a) Data Description Language b) Data Definition Language c) Data Degree Language Answer: Data Definition Language 4) A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships data semantics and Constraints is called as_____. Options Page 35
  • 36. Questions/Articles Extracted From a) Data base b) Table c) Data model Answer: Data model 5) ______ is copying the three sets of files (database files, redo logs, and control file) when the instance is shut down. This is a straight file copy, usually from the disk directly to tape. You must shut down the instance to guarantee a consistent copy. Options a) cold backup b) hot backup c) Armstrong Rules Answer: cold backup 6) _______ is a program module, which ensures that database remains in a consistent state despite system failures and concurrent transaction execution proceeds without conflicting. Options a) Transaction manager b) File manager c) None of these Answer: Transaction manager 7) _______ is a program module that provides the interface between the low-level data stored in database, application programs and queries submitted to the system. Options a) Buffer manager b) Storage manager C) None of these Answer: Storage manager Page 36
  • 37. Questions/Articles Extracted From 8) A _____ with respect to DBMS relates to user commands that are used to interact with a database. Options a) Connection string b) Query String c) Query Answer: Query (Next 4 questions are of interview type) 9) In Very Simple Terms, Can you describe what is actually a Database Server instance? Answer: Every Database Server Instance is a complete server by itself with own set of databases, login credentials etc. A single machine that has many server instances can be logically compared to multiple machines with their own Database Server installations. 10) Will executing/operating more than one Database Server instances on a single machine affect performance of applications adversely? Answer: More than one instance would require more memory and processor related resources than single instance on the same machine. But, more than one instance can speed up applications by allowing multiple applications to operate on multiple instances of Database Server simultaneously. 11) What could be the role of a server administrator to keep up the performance of machine with multiple instances? Answer: The server administrator is responsible for striking a balance between number of allowed SQL instances and system's hardware resources. Page 37
  • 38. Questions/Articles Extracted From 12) Can databases on multiple instances have same names? Answer: Yes. Any database on an instance is completely local to that database. Page 38
  • 39. Questions/Articles Extracted From Accenture Solved Questions Note: some questions are directly given with answers and solutions without having options. (Next 12 questions are of interview type) 1) (State True or False). The Java interpreter is used for the execution of the source code. Options True False Answer: True 2) What declarations are required for every Java application? Answer: A class and the main ( ) method declarations. 3) What are the two primary components involved in executing a Java program and their purposes? Answer: Two parts in executing a Java program are: Java Compiler and Java Interpreter. 4) What are the three basic OOPs principles and define them? Answer: Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism are the three OOPs Principles. Encapsulation: Is the Mechanism that binds together code and the data? It manipulates, and keeps both safe from outside interference and misuse. Inheritance: Is the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object? Polymorphism: Is a feature that allows one interface to be used for a general class of actions? 5) What are identifiers and what are their naming conventions in C? Page 39
  • 40. Questions/Articles Extracted From Answer: Identifiers are used for class names, method names and variable names. An identifier may be any descriptive sequence of upper case & lower case letters, numbers or underscore or dollar sign and must not begin with numbers. 6) What is the return type of program’s main ( ) method? Answer: void 7) What is the use of bin and lib in the JDK? Answer: Bin contains all tools such as javac, applet viewer, awt tool etc., whereas Lib contains all packages and variables. 8) The Java source code can be created in a Notepad editor. Options a) True b) False Answer: True 9) In C, arrays can be passed by reference. State True or False. Answer: Yes, it is true; arrays are passed by reference (Though individual or group of elements of the array can be passed by value/values as well.) 10) Name the function which takes two strings as arguments and copies the second string into the character array of the first string. After this the function returns the value of the first string. Answer: strcpy is the answer. 11) Blocks are chosen randomly on a chessboard. What is the probability that they are on the same diagonal? Answer: There are a total of 64 blocks on a chessboard. So 3 blocks can be chosen Page 40
  • 41. Questions/Articles Extracted From out of 64 in 64C3 ways. So the sample space is = 41664 There are 2 diagonal on chessboard each one having 8 blocks. Consider one of them. 3 blocks out of 8 blocks in diagonal can be chosen in 8C3 ways. But there are 2 such diagonals, hence favourables = 2 * 8C3 = 2 * 56 = 112 the required probability is = 112 / 1664 = 1 / 372 = 0.002688 12) What is the area of the triangle ABC with A (e, p) B (2e, 3p) and C (3e, 5p)? Where p = PI (3.141592654) Answer: A tricky ONE. Given 3 points are collinear. Hence, it is a straight line. Hence the area of a triangle is 0. 13) Silu and Meenu were walking on the road. Silu said, "I weigh 51 Kgs. How much do you weigh?" Meenu replied that she wouldn't reveal her weight directly as she is overweight. But she said, "I weigh 29 Kgs plus half of my weight”. How much does Meenu weigh? Answer Meenu weighs 58 Kgs. It is given that Meenu weighs 29 Kgs plus half of her own weight. It means that 29 Kgs is the other half. So she weighs 58 Kgs. Solving mathematically, let's assume that her weight is X Kgs. X = 29 + X/2 2*X = 58 + X X = 58 Kgs 14) Consider the sum: ABC + DEF + GHI = JJJ .If different letters represent different Page 41
  • 42. Questions/Articles Extracted From digits, and there are no leading zeros, what does J represent? Answer The value of J must be 9.Since there are no leading zeros, J must be 7, 8, or 9. (JJJ = ABC + DEF + GHI= 14? + 25? + 36? = 7??)Now, the remainder left after dividing any number by 9 is the same as the remainder left after dividing the sum of the digits of that number by 9. Also, note that 0 + 1 + ... + 9 have a remainder of 0 after dividing by 9 and JJJ has a remainder of 0, 3, or 6. The number 9 is the only number from 7, 8 and 9 that leaves a remainder of 0, 3, or 6 if you remove it from the sum 0 + 1 + ... + 9. Hence, it follows that J must be 9. 15) Using two 2's and two 3's and using a maxim of three mathematical signs, symbols, can you have a result in between 14 and 15? Concatenation (clubbing of digits) allowed. Solution: (23 + 3! ) / 2 = 14.5 16) a*b*c*d*e + b*c*d*e*f + a*c*d*e*f + a*b*d*e*f + a*b*c*e*f + a*b*c*d*f = a*b*c*d*e*f and a,b,c,d,e and f are all positive nonrepeating integers then solve a,b,c,d,e, and f. Solution: Start with 1/2 + 1/2, then progressively split the last part x into 2x/3 + x/3. This gives the following progression: 2, 2 2, 3, 6 2, 3,9,18 2,3,9,27,54 2,3,9,27,81,162 17) 729 ml of a mixture contains milk and water in ratio 7:2. How much of the water is to be added to get a new mixture containing half milk and half water? (i) 79 ml (ii) 81 ml Page 42
  • 43. Questions/Articles Extracted From (iii) 72 ml (iv) 91 ml Solution: Milk Quantity = (729 * (7/9)) =567ml Water Quantity = (729-567) = 162ml Let water to be added be x ml 567/(162+x) = 7/3 1701 = 1134 + 7x x = 81ml 18) If one-seventh of a number exceeds its eleventh part by 100 then the number is… (i) 770 (ii) 1100 (iii) 1825 (iv) 1925 Solution: Let the number be x. Then X/7 - x/11 =100 11x-7x = 7700 x=1925. 19) If 1.5x=0.04y then the value of (y-x)/(y+x) is (i) 730/77 (ii) 73/77 (iii) 7.3/77 (iv) None Solution: x/y = 0.04/1.5 = 2/75 So (y-x)/(y+x) = (1 - x/y)/(1 + x/y) = (1 - 2/75)/ (1 + 2/75) = 73/77. 20) The smallest number which when diminished by 3 is divisible by 21, 28, 36 and 45 is... (i) 869 (ii) 859 (iii) 4320 (iv) 1263 Solution: Page 43
  • 44. Questions/Articles Extracted From The required number = l.c.m. of (21, 28, 36 ,45)+3=1263 21) If x and y are the two digits f the number 653xy such that this number is divisible by 80, then x+y is equal to: (i) 2 (ii) 3 (iii) 4 (iv) 6 Solution: 80 = 2 x 5 x 10 Therefore, for 653xy to be divisible by 80, it has to be divisible by 2,5 and 10 as well. Since 653xy is divisible by 2 as well as by 5, so y = 0 Now 653x0 is divisible by 8 so 3x0 should also be divisible by 8. Only option which satisfies the above condition is x = 6. Page 44
  • 45. Questions/Articles Extracted From IBM Solved Technical Questions 1) From a particular spot, Tom started to chase Jerry which had left the spot before 30 minutes. Tom ran across a highway and three streets. After travelling 1 hour Tom met Jerry at a distance if 120 meters. Find the ratio of the speed of Tom to that of Jerry. Options: a)X=2,Y=1 b)X=3,Y=2 c)X=5,Y=2 d)X=4,Y=3 Answer: b)X=3,Y=2 Solution : Part :1 To find the speed of Tom As given in the question, the total time taken by Tom = 1 hour and The total distance = 120 meters = 0.12 km Now, the speed of Tom = distance / time = 0.12 / 1 = 0.12km/hr Part :2 To find the speed of Jerry The total time taken by Jerry = 30 minutes + 1 hour = 3/2 hour Distance = 0.12km Then, the speed of Jerry = 0.12/(3/2) = 0.08km/hr. Part :3 To find the ratio of the speed of Tom to that of Jerry Based on part 1 and 2, ratio of the speed of Tom and Jerry = 0.12:0.08 = 3:2 2. Evaluate [(1.386 x 0.643 + (2.921-1.535)x 0.357)/(0.6 x 0.015 + 0.6 x 0.985)]x(3 x 2.7 + 3 x 0.3) Options: a)20.00 b)18.19 c)20.79 d)19.19 Answer: c)20.79 Solution: The given expression can be simplified as follows; [(1.386 x 0.643 + (1.386) x 0.357)/(0.6 x 0.015 + 0.6 x 0.985)]x(3 x 2.7 + 3 x 0.3) = {[1.386 x (0.643 + 0.357)]/[0.6(0.015 + 0.985)]} x [3(2.7 + 0.3)] = {[1.386 x 1.000]/[0.6 x 1.000]} x [3x3] = [1.386 / 0.6] x [3 x 3] = 1.386 x 3/0.2 = 6.93 x 3 = 20.79 Page 45
  • 46. Questions/Articles Extracted From 3. Find the greatest number that exactly divides 7667, 4603, 12263 when each of these is reduced by 7. Options: a) 2298 b) 1572 c) 1532 d) 2546 Answer : c) 1532 Solution: (Actually this is a simple problem dealing with finding just HCF of the numbers after subtracting 7 from each of these numbers. Since it immediately follows the I problem, some readers could think it as complex as the first.) the required number = h.c.f of [(4603-7),(7667-7),(12263-7)] (given that the numbers leaves 7) = h.c.f of (4596, 7660, 12256) = 1532. Page 46
  • 47. Questions/Articles Extracted From Syntel Solved Aptitude Questions 1. Find the missing number in the sequence 2,5,4,7,_ Options a) 6 b) 4 c) 5 d) 7 Answer is : 6. Just consider the sequence 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and start subtracting and adding 1 to consecutive numbers which will get you the sequence in question. 2. In an alien planet, the word "lion" is coded as "mhpm". Then how the word "tiger" would be coded as? Options a) uhids b) uhhds c) uhhfs d) uhhfq Answer is : uhhds. Reason : First letter in a word would be replaced by the next adjacent letter. Second letter would be replaced by the immediately preceding letter... and so on. 3. Find the odd man out a) 123 b) 235 c) 135 d) 358 Answer is: 135. Adding first two digits will give the third digit in all the other three options except option C 4. Read the following statements. "Weather is good in all northern cities of India. Unlike northern cities, sunny weather exists in most of eastern cities of India. Warm weather exists in all northern cities and some eastern cities of India." Considering above statements, which of the following statements is false a) Warm weather is considered good. b) All eastern cities experience bad weather c) Some eastern cities experience good weather Page 47
  • 48. Questions/Articles Extracted From Answer: b) All eastern cities experience bad weather is false. This is because, the second statement clearly states that warm (good) weather prevails in some eastern cities. 5. A bookseller sells a particular novel at 10% discount on the labelled price. Also he is so generous that he gives a free book for every 15 books for wholesale buyers. In this transaction his gain is 35%. Then find the ratio of Ratio of Labelled Price to the actual CP. Answer: Lets assume the CP of each book be 100. Hence CP of 16 books would be 1600. SP of 15 books = 1600 + (1600 * 35/100) = 2160. SP of each book would be 2160/15 = 144. If SP of each book is 90, labelled price would be 100 (since he gives at a 10% discount). Hence if SP is 144 marked price would be 144*(100/90) = 160. Ratio of Labelled Price to the actual CP = 160/100 = 8/5. 6. If a pen is being sold at 4% profit instead of 4% loss the actual profit is Rs 16. What is the actual cost price of the pen? Answer: Let x be the CP. (104/100)x - (96/100 )x = 16.Solving we get x = Rs.200. 7. A cake seller sells one cake at a profit of 10% and sells another at a loss of 5%. Let the ratio of the CPs of the cakes is 2:3 respectively. Find his net profit or loss percentage. Answer: Let the CPs of the cakes be 2x and 3x (so that they are in the ration 2:3 as per the question.) Hence net CP = 5x. SP of first cake = (110/100)*2x = 220x/100 SP of second cake = (95/100)*3x = 285x/100 Net SP = (220x/100) + (285x/100) = 505x/100 = 5.05x. SP is greater than CP and his profit is 5.05x - 5x = .05x. His profit percentage = (.05x/5x)% = .01%. Page 48
  • 49. Questions/Articles Extracted From HP Sample Questions 1) If one-seventh of a number exceeds its eleventh part by 100 then the number is… Options: (i) 770 (ii) 1100 (iii) 1825 (iv) 1925 Answer: (iv) 1925 Solution: Let the number be x. Then X/7 - x/11 =100 11x-7x = 7700 x=1925. 2) The ratio of Rita's age to her mother's age is 3:8. The difference of their ages is 35 years. The ratio of their ages after 4 years will be: Options: (i) 7:12 (ii) 5:12 (iii) 38:43 (iv) 42:47 Answer: (ii) 5:12 Solution: Let their ages be 3x and 8x 8x - 3x =35 x =7 Their present ages are 21 and 56 years. Ratio of their ages after 4 years are 25:60 = 5:12 3) A tap can fill the tank in 15 minutes and another can empty it in 8 minutes. If the tank is already half full and both the taps are opened together, the tank will be: Options: (i) filled in 12 min (iii) emptied in 12 min (iv) filled in 8 min Page 49
  • 50. Questions/Articles Extracted From (v) emptied in 8 min Answer: 8 minutes Solution: Rate of waste pipe being more the tank will be emptied when both taps are opened. Net emptying work done in 1min = (1/8 -1/16) = 1/16 So full tank will be emptied in 16 min Half tank will be emptied in 8 minutes. 4) A man can row 5 kmph in still water. If the river is running at 1kmph, it takes him 75 minutes to row to a place and back. How far is the place? Options: (i) 3km (ii) 2.5 km (iii) 4 km (iv) 5 km Answer: 3 Km Solution: Speed downstream = (5+1)km/hr = 6 km/hr Speed upstream = (5-1)km/hr = 4 km/hr Let the required distance be x km x/6 + x/4 = 75/60 2x+3x = 15 x = 3km 5) If log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364 then find log 0.319? Options: (i)0.3396 (ii)0.3369 (iii)0.3368 (iv)0.3338 Answer: 0.3396 Solution: log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364, then log 0.319=log0.318+(log(0.318-0.317)) = 0.3396 Page 50
  • 51. Questions/Articles Extracted From 6) In a hotel, rooms are numbered from 101 to 550. A room is chosen at random. What is the probability that room number starts with 1, 2 or 3 and ends with 4, 5 or 6? Answer There are total 450 rooms. Out of which 299 room number starts with either 1, 2 or 3. (as room number 100 is not there) Now out of those 299 rooms only 90 room numbers end with 4, 5 or 6.So the probability is 90/450 i.e. 1/5 or 0.20. 7) Difference between Bholu's and Molu's age is 2 years and the difference between Molu's and Kolu's age is 5 years. What is the maximum possible value of the sum of the difference in their ages, taken two at a time? Answer The maximum possible value of the sum of the difference in their ages - taken two at a time - is 14 years. 8) A 31" x 31" square metal plate needs to be fixed by a carpenter on to a wooden board. The carpenter uses nails all along the edges of the square such that there are 32 nails on each side of the square. Each nail is at the same distance from the neighbouring nails. How many nails does the carpenter use? Solution: 32*2 + 30*2=124 9) It was vacation time, and so I decided to visit my cousin's home. What a grand time we had! In the mornings, we both would go for a jog. The evenings were spent on the tennis court. Tiring as these activities were, we could manage only one per day, i.e., either we went for a jog or played tennis each day. There were days when we felt lazy and stayed home all day long. Now, there were 12 mornings when we did nothing, 18 evenings when we stayed at home, and a total of 14 days when we jogged or played tennis. For how many days did I stay at my cousin's place? Solution: Use sets and Venn diagram to solve such questions. a, b ,aυb, anb etc. 12=tennis+leave Page 51
  • 52. Questions/Articles Extracted From 18=jog+leave so jog-tennis=6 again jog+tennis=14. So solve and get jog=10,leave=8,tennis=4. so tot=22 10) How many even integers n, where, are divisible neither by seven nor by nine? Solution: There are 101 integers in all, of which 51 are even. From 100 to 200, there are 14 multiples of 7, of which 7 are even. There are 11 multiples of 9, of which 6 are even. But there is one integer (i.e. 126) that is a multiple of both 7 and 9 and also even. Hence the answer is (51 – 7 – 6 + 1) = 39 11) Four persons A, B, C and D are playing cards. Each person has one card, laid down on the table below him, which has two different colours on either side. No card has the same color on both sides. The colours visible on the table are Red, Green, Red and Blue respectively. They see the color on the reverse side and give the following comment. A: Yellow or Green B: Neither Blue nor Green C: Blue or Yellow D: Blue or Yellow Given that out of the 4 people 2 always lie find out the colours on the cards each person. ANSWER: Try all possible combinations. Keep in mind two things. THE combination obtained Should satisfy the conditions 1. Two are lying and two are telling the truth 2. Neither two cards are similar nor are two sides of a card are of same color A YELLOW B YELLOW C GREEN Page 52
  • 53. Questions/Articles Extracted From D RED 12) Four tourists A,B,C,D and four languages English, German, French and Italian. They are not able to converse among themselves in one language. Though A does not know English he can act as an interpreter between B and C. No one spoke both French and German. A knows German and was able to converse with D who doesn’t know a word in German. Only one language was spoken by more than two persons. Each spoke two languages. Find who spoke what. ANSWER: A B C D GERMAN FRENCH GERMAN ITALIAN ITALIAN ITALIAN ENGLISH ENGLISH 13) Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 40 days for 40 cows and 60 days for 30 cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many days does it take for 20 cows to do the same? ANSWER: g - grass at the beginning r - rate at which grass grows, per day y - rate at which one cow eats grass, per day n - no of cows to eat the grass in 96 days g + 40*r = 40 * 40 * y------- 1 g + 60*r = 30 * 60 * y------- 2 g + n*r = 20 * n * y-------- 3 from 1 and 2 r=10y g=120r from 3 Page 53
  • 54. Questions/Articles Extracted From nr=120r Solving, n = 120 14) Lucia is a wonderful grandmother. Her age is between 50 and 70.Each of her sons has as many sons as they have brothers. Their combined number gives Lucia’s age. What is the age? ANSWER Let the no. of Lucia’s sons = n No. of brothers for each son = n-1 No. of sons for each of Lucia’s son = n-1 Lucia’s age = n-1 * n-1 = a perfect square between 50 and 70 = 64 15) Gold is 19 times as heavy as water and copper is 9 times as heavy as water. In what ratio should these be mixed to get an alloy 15 times as heavy as water? Options: (i) 1:1 (ii) 2:3 (iii) 1:2 (iv) 3:2 Solution: Let 1gm of gold be mixed with x gm of copper to give (1+x)gm of the alloy. 1G=19W, 1C = 9W and alloy = 15W 1gm gold + x 16) What is not a part of OS? Options: a) swapper b) compiler c) device driver d) file system Page 54
  • 55. Questions/Articles Extracted From Answer is compiler 17) Which is the protocol used by PING? Options: a)ICMP b)HTTP c)SMTP d)RTSP Answer is ICMP Page 55
  • 56. Questions/Articles Extracted From General Aptitude & Verbal Questions Can be used for all IT Companies like L&T, Amazon, 3i Infotech, Alcatel etc., 1) A starts a project of duration of 15 months with capital Rs.60000. 3 months after the start, B joins with A and invests one fourth of that of A. After another 6 months, C joins with capital Rs. 90000. At the end of the year, A withdrew the partnership leaving the firm to be run by B and C. What will be the shares of B and C if total profit is Rs.50000? Options: a)Rs.25000, Rs.6250 b)Rs.6250,Rs.18750 c)Rs.18750, Rs.6250 d)Rs.25000,Rs.18750 Answer: b)Rs.6250,Rs.18750. Solution: A works since start of the project but withdrew 3 months before completion. Therefore, he works for 15 - 3 = 12 months B works 3 months after start of the project and continues till end. Therefore, his duration of partnership = 15 - 3 = 12 months C joins 9 months after A started business (6 months after B who was already late by 3 months) and works till completion. Therefore, his duration = 15 - 9 = 6 The ratio of their profits =(60000 x 12):(1/4 x 60000 x 12):(90000 x 6) =720000:180000:540000 =4:1:3 Now let us find the respective share of profits out of total profit Rs.50,000 A's share= 4/8 x 50000 = 25000 B's share = 1/8 x 50000 = 6250 C's share = 3/8 x 50000 = 18750. Based on above results, our answer is option b. Page 56
  • 57. Questions/Articles Extracted From 2) Arun says that his weight is in the range of 58 kg to 64 kg. His brother weight is 62 kg and Arun's weight is not more than that of his brother's. Also, as a matter of fact, Arun's weight is in between 60 kg and 65 kg. If all the above statements are true, then find the average weight of Arun. Answer: 60.5 kg Solution: Let the weight of Arun be x. In Arun's view, 58 < x < 64 ...(1) Based on his brother's estimation we have x < = 62 ...(2) also given that 60 < x < 65 ...(3) Combining, (1),(2) and (3) we have 58 < 60 < x < = 62 < 64 < 65 Simplifying the above inequality, we get, 58 < x < = 62 Probable values for x are 59,60,61 and 62 Average of the probables are(59+60+61+62)/4 = 242/4 = 60.5 3) Before 5 years, the sum of the ages of Ragu and Suresh was 80 years. The sum will be 104 years after 7 years. What could be possible combinations of ages from among the options. a) 50, 40 b) 25,65 c) none of these d)both a & b Answer: d) both a & b Solution: Let the age of Ragu be x and that of Suresh be y Before 5 years, the sum of ages was 80, i.e x - 5 + y - 5 = 80 Or x + y = 90 ...(1) After 7 years, the sum will be 104, i.e x + 7 + y + 7 = 104 or i.e. x + y = 90 ...(2) Equations 1 and 2 indicate that the sum of the ages has to be 90. Page 57
  • 58. Questions/Articles Extracted From Both option a and option b have listed ages whose sum is 90. Hence there are two possible solutions from among options. Hence option d) is correct answer. 4) During Summer holidays, Deepa and Ramya visited their uncle who was residing in a village. It was a different experience in the village for these two girls. Aunty engaged them teaching how to play games with marbles.In one particular game both Ramya and Deepa had the same number of marbles when they started playing.After sometime Deepa gained 50 marbles. After some time Deepa lost 3/5 th of what she had. At the same instance Ramya had 3 times as many marbles as Deepa had. Can you find out the number of marbles the girls had at the start ? Options: (a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 175 (d)140 Answer : b) 200 Solution: It is stated that both Deepa and Ramya had the same number of marbles to start with. Let us assume both of them had x number of marbles when the game began. After sometime Deepa gained 50 marbles, which means she had x+50 marbles and Ramya had x-50 marbles. Later, Deepa lost 3/5th marbles. Therefore, Deepa had (x + 50) - (3/5)( x + 50) = 2/5 (x+50) These lost 3/5th of marbles by Deepa would had been gained by Ramya These 2/5 (x+50) marbles would have been gained by Ramya. Therefore, she would have had x - 50 + 3/5(x + 50). At that particular instance, Ramya's marble count was thrice that of Deepa. i.e 3 * 2 / 5(x + 50)= x - 50 + 3 / 5(x + 50) 6 / 5 (x + 50)=8/5 x - 20 or 6x+300=8x-100 (By multiplying both sides by 5) Page 58
  • 59. Questions/Articles Extracted From 2x= 400 or x=200 The number of marbles Deepa and Ramya had initially = 200. 5) Roushan was a B.E student pursuing studies in the city of Vizag. During summer holidays he visited his village.In the courtyard of his house, there are many hens and goats. Roushan asked his sister as to how many hens are there in the courtyard. His sister who is a village girl gave her reply like this : If you count all the heads you will get 300. But if you count the legs you will get 700. Can you help Roushan in calculating the number of hens. Options: (a) 200 (b) 250 (c) 600 (d) 400 Answer : b) 250 Solution: Let us assume that x number of hens and y number of goats are there in the courtyard. x+y = 300, -------(1) since the total head count is given as 300. Its given, there are totally 700 legs when counted. We know the hens have two legs and the goats have 4 legs. Therefore 2x+4y= 700 -------(2) (1)x2 will give, 2x+2y=600 -------(3) (2)-(3) will give you, 2y=100 and y=50. Substituting in equation (1) you get x value as 250 6) Green and blue coloured toys are 149 in number in a box. Two green toys are removed from the lot and now there are twice as many green ones as blue ones. How many green coloured toys are there now? Options: a) 76 b) 86 c) 90 d) 98 Page 59
  • 60. Questions/Articles Extracted From Answer: d) 98 Solution: Let x and y be the original number of green and blue toys respectively. Originally there were 149 toys. Hence, x + y = 149 ----------(1) After two green toys were removed, the number of green toys becomes twice that of the blue toys. X-2 = 2 y -----------(2) Solving eq 1 and eq 2 we get 3 y = 149-2=147 y= 49 The current number of green toys (after removal of two) is twice as that of blue ones.So the green toys are 98 in number. 7) Ganesh Ram starts in his luxurious Honda City for a week end holiday trip to a near by hill station. The road was in a poor condition and the car tire got punctured in the mid way. Before he could reach out for help he wanted to measure how long he can sustain the repair. The first puncture by itself would make the tire flat in 9 minutes. The second puncture by itself would make the tire flat in 18 minutes. How long will it take for both the punctures together to make the tire flat, if Ganesh Ram assumes that the air leaks at a constant rate? Options: (a) 3 3/5 minutes (b)13 1/2 minutes (c) 6 minutes (d)27 minutes Answer : c) 6 minutes Solution: Page 60
  • 61. Questions/Articles Extracted From This is a time and work problem. In each minute, the first puncture will leak 1/9th of the air and the second puncture in one minute will leak 1/18th of the air. When both are punctured together effective leak per minute will be 1/9 +1/18=3/18 or 1/6th of the air. So, in 6 minutes time the entire tire will be flat. Hence, correct answer is option (c) 8) The district collectorate at Thanjavoor had a flag post with the tri colour flag flying. The 18 m high flags post casts a shadow of length 42m. Collectors residential quarters cast a shadow of 28m under similar conditions. Calculate the height of the building? Options: (a)14m (b)15m (c)12m (d) 16.5m Answer: c)12m Solution: Height of the flag post = 18m Length of the shadow of flag post = 42m Let the height of Collector's residential quarters be x m Length of the shadow of Collector's residential quarters = 28m Under similar conditions, we can safely assume that the shadows are proportional to the heights. Therefore we can write, Length of the shadow of the flag post / Height of the flag post = Length of the shadow of Collector's residential quarters / Height of Collector's residential quarters Substituting length and height values in the above equation we get 42/18 = 28/x Page 61
  • 62. Questions/Articles Extracted From x = 28 x 18/42 = 4 x 18/6 = 4 x 3 = 12m Therefore our answer is 12 m. 9) Ranjit Kumar purchased a new watch in Burma Bazaar. Sooner he found that the uniformly gaining watch starts with a lag of 2 minutes at noon on a particular Monday and it is 4 minutes 48 seconds fast at 2PM on the following Monday. Please guide Ranjit Kumar when the clock would show the true time ? Options: (a)2PM on Tuesday (b)2PM on Wednesday (c)3PM on Thursday (d)1PM on Friday Answer: b)2PM on Wednesday Solution: 12 noon Monday to 2PM next Monday is 7 days and 2 hours. i.e. 7 x 24 +2 = 170 hours. The new watch purchased by Ranjit Kumar was 2 minutes slow and by 170 hours it was fast by 4 minutes 48 seconds. (4 minutes 48 seconds can be written as 4 48/60 or 4 4/5 minutes.) Therefore the total gain in 170 hours = 2 minutes + 4 4/5 minutes = 34/5 minutes = 408 seconds Gain per hour = 408/170 = 2.4 seconds. It is given that the watch was slow by 2 minutes (120 seconds) initially. Therefore the time at which the watch will make up for the lost 2 minutes by gaining 2 minutes or 120 seconds will be our answer. 2.4 seconds are gained in 1 hour. 120 seconds will be gained in 1/2.4 x 120 =50 hours. So the watch will show right time in 50 hours from Monday 12.00 noon ie at Wednesday 2.00 PM. Page 62
  • 63. Questions/Articles Extracted From 10) Dilip is a book worm and his wife Rama Dilip is also a voracious reader. Dilip reads at an average rate of 40 pages per hour, while Rama Dilip reads at an average rate of 50 pages per hour. Dilip starts reading a novel at 4.30 PM and Rama Dilip begins reading an identical copy of the same book at 5.20 PM. At 6.00 PM suddenly a family friend arrived and both husband and wife had to spend 30 minutes with the guest. Thereafter, they started reading again. At what time will both husband and wife will be reading the same page? Options: (a)10.00PM (b) 9.30 pm (c) 9.10 PM (d) 8.20Pm (e) 7.30 PM Answer: c) 9.10 PM Solution: We have to find out when Rama Dilip will catch up with Dilip. Dilip reads at the rate of 40 pages per hour and Rama Dilip reads at the rate of 50 pages per hour. Dilip starts 50 minutes ahead of his wife. Since 50 minutes is 5/6 of an hour, by the time Rama Dilip starts reading at 5.20 PM, Dilip has already read 5/6 x40=200/6 pages. Please note that Rama Dilip is faster by 10 pages per hour as compared to her husband. Since Dilip started with 200/6 pages ahead at 5.20 PM to catch up with Dilip it should take Rama Dilip 200/6 pages / 10 pages per hour. ie 200/60 hours or 3 hours 20 minutes. And of course the common time spent by both husband and wife chatting with guest is 30 minutes. So to catch up with Dilip, Rama Dilip requires 3 hours 20 minutes + 30 minutes or 3 hours 50 minutes. Rama Dilip and Dilip will be reading the same page at 5.20 PM + 3 hours 50 minutes ie by 9.10 PM. Page 63
  • 64. Questions/Articles Extracted From 11) All Win Recreation Club is a famous club in the city of Vijayawada. A general body meeting of the club was convened to discuss the expenses that was incurred during an inter club tournament.The total expenses were for Rs.5000/-. All the club members agreed in the first instance to share the expenses among themselves. However, five members of the Club chose to resign, leaving the remaining members to pay an extra Rs 50 each. What is the original membership of the club? Options: (a) 33 (b)35 (c)28 (d) 25 Answer: d) 25 Solution: Let us assume there are originally T members in the club. Total expense as per plan = Rs. 5000 This means everyone has to pay Rs. 5000/T However 5 members resigned. This means the budget was short by 5 x 5000/T ...(1) Number of remaining members = T - 5 This shortcoming was balanced by the remaining members as they paid an extra of Rs. 50 each. Total extra amount paid = 50 x (T - 5) ...(2) Since total shortcoming is balanced by extra amount paid, values of 1 and 2 should be equal Therefore, 5 x 5000/T = 50 x (T - 5) 25000/T = 50 (T-5) Multiplying both sides by T, we get 25000= 50T2-250T or 50T2 - 250T-25000=0 Page 64
  • 65. Questions/Articles Extracted From Factorising you get, (T-25) (T+20) = 0 T = 25 or T = -20 Since total members cannot be negative, T = 25 12) Find the odd option among : astronomy,science, telescope, astrology Answer: astrology 'Astronomy' refers to a 'Science' where celestial space and bodies are studies using devices such as 'Telescope'. 'Astrology' is an entirely different concept 13) Find the odd option among: Options: a) Gaur b) blackbuck c) Sambar d) Swallow Answer: d) Swallow Reason: First three options namely Gaur, Blackbuck and Sambar refer to animals while Swallow is a bird. Hence d is the answer. 14) ___ of Indian painters and musicians who lived during medieval period is to be wondered about and appreciated. Options: a. Artistry b. Works c. Sculptures d. Innovation Answer: a. Artistry Page 65
  • 66. Questions/Articles Extracted From Artistry refers to work in the field of art. Though option b Works fits the blank, it may not as good choice as Artistry. Sculptures and Innovation do not fit the blank either. Hence option a is the right answer. 15) Which of the following is an appropriate synonym for the word Debauch? Options: a) Demoralize b) Encourage c) Cultivate Answer : a) Demoralize 16) Find the synonym of Decreed? Options a) made up one's mind b) disagree c) decrease in quantity Answer: a) made up one's mind 17) What is an appropriate synonym for Bifid? Options a) Divided b) Divided in two c) Timid Answer: a) Divided 18) Find the antonym for gaurish. Options a) Cheap b) Flashy c) Costly Answer: a) Cheap Page 66
  • 67. Questions/Articles Extracted From 19) Choose an appropriate antonym for the word deliberate. Options a) unintended b) targeted c) focussed Answer: a) Unintended 20) Choose the antonym for Sorrow. Options a) Joy b) empathy c) sympathy Answer: a) Joy Page 67
  • 68. Questions/Articles Extracted From Section II – Jobs Help 1) How To Write A Great Resume? Do you know that 90% of the resumes carry 'Computer Networks' and 'Database Concepts' as areas of interest? You would agree that there is no good reason to have these subjects as areas of interest other than being relatively easier topics to answer. This is ideally how your resume SHOULD NOT LOOK LIKE! Why Resumes Are So Important? Resumes are always great way to leave a first impression to your interviewer before even answering his questions. But most youngsters fail to make a resume that can stand apart from the others. Why Resumes Should Stand Apart? Simple answer to this question is the increasing competition and emerging talents. Year after year the competition is growing steadily due to the increasing number of fresh graduates with not a proportional increase in vacancies. Hence it is extremely important that you give your best while writing resumes. How Should You Write Your Resume? Actually, the technique is simple. Keep the resume short and straightforward. Don't use the same areas of interest as 99 others will use. Instead think of subjects which you genuinely liked and include those. Don't include the common 'Class Leader' achievement in your resumes. I used to conduct interviews and used to wonder how many class leaders are posting resumes to my company :). More importantly you need to copy the declaration like (first two lines of declaration Page 68
  • 69. Questions/Articles Extracted From which many resume formats contain) from your friend's resume. It is better not to include one. How Should You Order The Sections? It is always good to start with high school and college marks. Following that you should be having your areas of interest followed by skills and achievements. This is all about writing great resumes. Don't forget to leave your comments in the 'share your thoughts' section at the end of this page. Page 69
  • 70. Questions/Articles Extracted From 2) Usefulness Of SAP Training? If you are not already aware, SAP is among the world's leading business management software used by many large and medium sized companies worldwide. SAP is a huge business suite which requires trained professionals to manage and operate. With more and more businesses automating their business with SAP, there is a growing need for graduates trained in SAP. What is the best time to undergo training? There is no specific best time to learn SAP. In fact, SAP training is being provided by many leading institutes like NIIT in India. To add to the benefits, the courses are not only offline, but online courses are available as well. If you are a graduate or postgraduate or an experienced person looking to switch jobs, SAP can help you a lot to go to the next level in your career. Is there any specific qualification to undergo training? Actually, any graduate degree is considered for enrolment (registration) for SAP courses. Training programs are designated in a way that the course covers everything from basics. How to get started? Wherever you may be, whatever may be your qualification, you can get started immediately by enrolling to any of reputed SAP training centres’ offering certification in SAP. What about future demand? Page 70
  • 71. Questions/Articles Extracted From Whatever may be the market condition, recession or whatsoever, business are not going to stop installing SAP related software to automate their businesses. This fact is an assurance that SAP trained graduates will be required in more numbers in future. Also the demand would steadily raise. Page 71
  • 72. Questions/Articles Extracted From 3) Usefulness Of J2EE Training? Are you a fresher aspiring for job with any leading software company? Else are you an experienced person looking to switch company? You might be missing something if you have not considered undergoing J2EE training either offline or online. Why J2EE is important? Two most commonly used web based technologies across companies are DotNet and J2EE.Among these, Dot Net is a proprietary technology requiring investment from company on softwares and rights. However J2EE is an open source framework which is equally good as Dot Net and don't cost much to the company. This fact is being exploited for creating of new programs in J2EE by companies. Several large companies have started migrating their existing applications to J2EE as well. These factors make J2EE a very important one. Why Web Technologies are significant? This is an era where companies have realized the efficiency and cost effectiveness of implementing client server architecture to their existing traditional applications. Hence companies would prefer candidates with certification in at least any one web technology. Where You Can Get Trained? There are several good institutes like NIIT, CSC etc which offer certification training in J2EE. A certificate with top institutes like the ones mentioned will be considered seriously by the software companies. This reduces their burden to train you in web technologies. This keeps you always on priority when compared to candidates without certification. Page 72
  • 73. Questions/Articles Extracted From 4) Use Search Engines And Bookmarks To Search Jobs Quickly Recently I got a mail from one of CareersValley users stating that she is unable to find information on TCS recruitment drives.. Staying informed of the latest job openings could be a major concern for many youngsters like You. Which Are The Best Resources To Stay Informed? Reading through newspapers is a cumbersome process and chances are that you are going to miss several openings. Hence undoubtedly best resources to stay informed are a) Google b) Trusted Newsletters (Just like the one you get from CareersValley) c) Company Websites (Not applicable to medium and small companies) How To Use Google Smartly For Job Search? Most of you would be using Google for job search. But many fail to learn some smart and simple techniques to do a more efficient search. Let me give you examples to search for TCS openings. However this applies to any other company as well. If you would like to search for TCS jobs, be specific on the year and category. For example let me consider you are searching for 2012 openings under freshers category. Now your search query should be specific and enclosed within double quotes. (Double quote returns exact matches) "tcs jobs for freshers 2012" could be a very good query. You could just copy this query Page 73
  • 74. Questions/Articles Extracted From and replace the company name, category and year to find jobs in the company you are looking for. If you are experienced use "tcs jobs for experienced 2012" If you trust a particular site and would like to search for job postings on that particular site (In the following example I am using your query would look like site: "tcs placement papers". In the above query I am searching for exact matches for infosys placement papers from Learn Bookmaking To Search For More Job Openings In Quick Time Nobody has enough time to go through each and every individual job posting. There is a simple solution to this problem. Whenever you find a job posting or job site interesting at a glance, don't forget to bookmark the site by pressing 'Ctrl + D'. You could continue this process for as many websites and postings as you can. Then you could choose between the bookmarks which you think worthy of reading. Thank You For Reading, Kamalkk Kannan. Visit for plenty of useful resources. Page 74