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             SUM M ER 2010

welcome bienvenidos
      With the red-hot growth of online media in the multicultural market, the number
      of digital tools companies can use to initiate and maintain conversations with the
      multicultural consumer have multiplied exponentially.

      It’s an exciting new world out there, with millions of these consumers searching
      online for culturally-relevant content, interacting with friends and family on social
      networking sites, and using mobile devices to stay connected. The opportunities
      to interact with these tech-savvy, culturally unique markets are nearly limitless.

      The key to it all is culture.

      To reach out and tap into the pulse of the multicultural community, we need
      to demonstrate a deep understanding of their values, traditions and speak
      their language. Only then can we truly build a lasting relationship of mutual
      understanding with our consumer.

      Now, more than ever before, we have the opportunity to create relevant,
      innovative, brand communications to which multicultural consumer can relate.
      All we need to do is listen, understand and adapt.

      By understanding the multicultural market and the innovative communications
      technologies available, brands can engage in meaningful and persistent,
      culturally-appropriate dialogue with their customers and their communities.

      Armando Azarloza, President
      The Axis Agency

what’s inside

  6                                9                               10
the power of                      how to best measure            a year of social media
the multicultural                 social media effors            marketing
consumer online

  12                               18                              22
for hispanics, the web            african americans               social fans more likely
has always been social            online                          to buy

24                   30                       34                       35
case study           case study               blogger profile          speaker spotlight
American Airlines    Degree Men               Midtown Chic-a           TagMe 2010 Conference

35                   36                       38                       39
can’t miss           axis biotweets           top celebrity tweeters   full circle

+ los angeles + new york + miami + chicago + dallas + austin

23 million
 hispanics are holding
  Start talking with them today by digitizing culture.

the power of the multicultural
    consumer online
    At the time of the 2000 Census, Hispanics were considerably less likely to
    be Internet users than the general population, but times have changed.

    Hispanics have reached a critical mass online — more than     have distinctive online needs and represent an emerging
    half (54%) use the Internet, according to consumer and        and growing marketing opportunity. Brands utilizing
    media research firm Scarborough Research. The Hispanic        interactive marketing to target Hispanics could have an
    adult is as dynamic a consumer online as he or she is in      advantage. The online advertising marketplace appears
    the traditional media world. Local influencers and unique     to be under-represented when it comes to Hispanic
    demographics drive distinctive online shopping behaviors,     promotions, so first-movers with Hispanic-targeting online
    types of Internet connectivity, and overall Internet usage.   marketing activity could lay the groundwork for creating
    Hispanics are an important online consumer group: they        greater opportunities for lifetime brand loyalty.

“This is an on-the-go and connected
                                     consumer group, and mobile marketing
                                     could be a key way to reach them.”

INTERNET USE                                                                 BROADBAND
Hispanic Internet access has grown 13% (on a relative                        Household broadband* access has grown exponentially
basis) since 2004 — from 48% in 2004 to its current                          since the start of the decade. According to Scarborough
penetration of 54% (as noted above). By contrast, Internet                   Research, 71% of U.S. Internet Users have broadband
access by all consumers nationally grew 8% during the                        at home, growing from just 15% in 2002. Hispanics have
same time period. In 2004, 64% of all consumers accessed                     been taking advantage of the expansion of broadband,
the Internet, and this increased to 69% in 2008.                             and their rate of adoption has mirrored that of the total U.S.
                                                                             population. Currently, 68% of Hispanic Internet Users** have
18-34 year-old Hispanics are more likely to access the                       a broadband connection in their household. This grew from
Internet than Hispanics overall, and their rate of Internet                  13% in 2002 — an increase of more than fivefold.
access is growing at a faster pace than that of the total
Hispanic population. 52% of 18-34 year-old Hispanics were                    DOWNLOADING
online in 2004. This grew to 60% in 2008, an increase of                     Forty-two percent of Hispanic Internet Users downloaded*
15%. Given that both Internet users and Hispanics tend to                    some form of digital content, such as music, podcasts or
be younger than the general population, this is no surprise.                 video games during the past month, in comparison to 35%
                                                                             of all Internet Users. In fact, Hispanic Internet Users are 21%
14% of the U.S. adult population is Hispanic. Scarborough                    more likely to download digital content than the average
identified 13 local markets with an above-average                            adult online.Music is the top category for downloading.
concentration of Hispanic adults and examined their                          32% of Hispanic Internet Users report downloading music
distinctive Internet patterns. These markets, along with their               during the past month. 11% downloaded audio clips. In the
Hispanic incidence among adults, are:                                        video category, 9% downloaded movies, 8% downloaded
                                                                             television programs, and 17% downloaded “other video.”
                                                                             3% of Hispanic Internet Users downloaded podcasts, and
Chicago, IL              17%         Miami, FL                46%
                                                                             six percent downloaded video games.
Dallas, TX               22%         New York, NY             19%
El Paso, TX              75%         Phoenix, AZ              23%
                                                                             Younger consumers are more likely to download content
Fresno, CA               46%         Sacramento, CA           21%
                                                                             online. Forty-nine percent of 18-34 year-old adult Internet
Harlingen, TX            86%         San Antonio, TX          50%
                                                                             Users downloaded digital content in the past month,
Houston, TX              29%         San Francisco, CA        19%
                                                                             compared to 35% of the total online population. Similarly,
Los Angeles, CA          39%
                                                                             it is no surprise that whem you examine this younger
                                                                             demographic of Hispanics, the percentage is even higher.
                                                                             51% of 18-34 year-old Hispanics downloaded digital
                                                                             content during the past 30 days.

* Broadband connection is defined as having a cable modem or DSL connection in the household
** Hispanic Internet Users are those Hispanics that access the Internet
INTERNET SPENDING                                              THE MOBILE CONNECTION
    Scarborough finds that almost two-thirds (62%) of Hispanic     Hispanics are avid cellular phone users. They are more likely
    Internet Users are online purchasers, meaning that they        than the typical adult to have a cell phone, and they are in
    bought merchandise online during the past year. This is        the top spending brackets for cellular usage. Hispanics have
    not far behind the total Internet population, as 70% of        been at the forefront of using the expanded functionality and
    Internet users nationally made an online purchase in the       technology in cellular devices, such as picture taking, text
    past 12 months. The mean amount spent online annually by       messaging and downloading ring tones or games. They are
    Hispanic Internet Purchasers*** is $762, versus $861 for all   also more likely to use cell phones for tasks such as email or
    Internet Purchasers. Moreover, average Internet spending       utilizing other Internet features.
    among Hispanic Internet Purchasers increased by about
    6% since 2006, a rate of increase comparable to Internet       DEMOGRAPHICS
    Purchasers overall.                                            Youth, education, and higher than average household
                                                                   incomes are three demographic calling cards of Hispanic
                                                                   Internet Users.

                                                                   Hispanic Internet Users have higher household incomes
                                                                   than the total Hispanic population. Half (50%) of Hispanic
                                                                   Internet Users have an annual household income of $50,000
                                                                   or more. The average household income of a Hispanic
                                                                   Internet User is $67,000, versus $54,000 for all Hispanics.
                                                                   They are also more likely (than the average Hispanic) to have
                                                                   a four-year college degree or greater, and to be employed
                                                                   full- or part-time. Well over half (57%) of adult Hispanic
                                                                   Internet Users are under the age of 35, versus 35% of
                                                                   total Internet Users. As Hispanics overall are more youthful
                                                                   than the general population, and Internet users are
                                                                   younger, the online “youth factor” is accentuated even more
                                                                   among Hispanics.        360

                                                                   *** Hispanic Internet Purchaser refers to Hispanics who made “any” Internet
                                                                       purchase during the past year

                                                                                        This article is reprinted with premission
                                                                                        from Scarborough Research.

how to best measure
social media efforts
Depending on your point of view, social         With desired outcomes in hand, you can then identify and prioritize
media is either a powerful force that has       the activity, reach, and relevance metrics to support those outcomes.
redefined communications forever or             We tend to organize these as three Cs and three Ss:
simply a new set of channels for people
and organizations to communicate                C1. CONTENT MEASURES: Analyzing how content is consumed,
with each other. Either way, for most               shared, adapted, and amplified, including:
companies and brands, social media has
moved from being an object of curiosity             S1. SITE MEASURES: Analyzing Web site metrics including
in 2007 to modest experimentation in                    visitors, time, downloads, feedback, etc.;
2008 to mainstream adoption in 2009.
Now it’s time to justify that investment            S2. SEARCH MEASURES: Assessing paid and organic search
in 2010.                                                for company content and keywords;

Where to begin?                                     S3. SYNDICATION MEASURES: Assessing engagement with
                                                        brand-related content beyond your Web site, including video
First and foremost, start by clearly defining           views, links, etc.
your organization’s desired outcomes.
For social media, this might include            C2. CONVERSATION MEASURES: Analyzing volume, content,
driving $X million in sales, engaging a             and sentiment of relevant conversations, including share of voice,
new audience or community, improving                message penetration, favorability, or intensity of opinion.
customer satisfaction, or changing
customer behaviors. Define the goals            C3. CAMPAIGN MEASURES: Assessing ROI against defined
as precisely as possible in measurable              campaign objectives.
business terms.
                                                The good news is that social media is rich with data and much of it
                                                is freely available. Just make sure you focus on both the metrics and
                                                the outcomes, not the tools. Insight doesn’t live in silos, so you’ll need
                                                multiple sources.

a year of social media
     marketing                                             by Lee Vann and Felipe Korzenny

     Astronaut José Hernández, a/k/a @Astro_Jose, tweets in both English
     and Spanish to 100,000 people who have been following his remarkable
     life from field-worker as a child in northern California to outer space.

     It’s not hard for him to find followers these days.             MOST ONLINE AMERICANS VISIT SOCIAL NETWORKING
                                                                     SITES AT LEAST TWICE A MONTH
     The majority of online Americans now visit social networking    In the past year, we found that usage of social networks
     sites, and Hispanics and other minorities continue to visit     across ethnic segments has grown exponentially. Marketers
     them more than non-Hispanic whites, according to the 2009       take note: most Americans now visit social networking
     Multicultural Marketing Study by the Center for Hispanic        sites and use them as increasingly important means for
     Marketing Communication at Florida State University, DMS        communication and information.
     Research, and Captura Group.
                                                                     Percent of a given segment who visit a social networking
     The study also reveals that social media usage among            site at least 2 -3 times per month:
     Hispanics and other minorities continues to grow by double
     digits, with Facebook and MySpace leading the way. What’s       +   62% of English-Preferring Hispanics, up from 46% in 2008
     more, smaller social networking sites such as hi5, Black        +   63% of Asian Americans, up from 42% in 2008
     Planet, Twitter and LinkedIn have strong appeal with certain    +   60% of African Americans, up from 33% in 2008
     ethnic groups.                                                  +   59% of Spanish-Preferring Hispanics, up from 35% in 2008
                                                                     +   55% of Non-Hispanic Whites, up from 24% in 2008

In the past year, usage of social networking
                                               websites has exploded among all ethnic groups
                                                         and we expect this trend to continue.

Although ethnic minorities are still more likely to visit social
networking sites when compared to Non-Hispanic Whites,
the gap has closed considerably as social networking has
                                                                     Percent of a given segment who visit Facebook
become more popular.                                                 (2009/2008) and MySpace (2009/2008) regularly

In 2008, we found that MySpace held a firm lead over                 English-Preferring Hispanics   44% / 18%   41% / 44%
Facebook. Today, the tables have turned, and Facebook                Asian Americans                55% / 18%   29% / 31%
has become more popular among all of the ethnic groups
                                                                     African Americans              42% / 12%   40% / 29%
that we analyzed with the exception of Spanish-Preferring
Hispanics. (See Fig. 1)                                              Spanish-Preferring Hispanics   36% / 13%   41% / 35%
                                                                     Non-Hispanic Whites            43% / 7%    31% / 22%
FRAGMENT AMONG MINORITIES                                                                                                Fig. 1
When considering a social media strategy, marketers should
take note that ethnic groups have preferences between
social networking sites. Consider the case of Hi5, a social
media site with a strong presence in Latin America. Its              Percent of a given segment who visit Hi5 and
success in the southern hemisphere has made it extremely
                                                                     Black Planet regularly (2009)
popular with Spanish-Preferring Hispanics in the U.S. who
want to connect with family members back home.

Today, hi5 competes with both Facebook and MySpace
among Spanish-Preferring Hispanics (29.1% usage versus               English-Preferring Hispanics     6.1%        2.4%
36% and 41%, respectively).                                          Asian Americans                  5.0%        1.0%
                                                                     African Americans                4.8%       17.2%
These findings are important because as social networking
                                                                     Spanish-Preferring Hispanics    29.3%        0.6%
has become ubiquitous, specialized sites have become
viable options for advertisers looking to target ethnic              Non-Hispanic Whites              0.4%        0.0%
audiences. (See Fig. 2)
                                                                                                                         Fig. 2
The 2009 study also included the usage of LinkedIn and
Twitter. We found that both sites are still emerging and most
                                                                     Percent of a given segment who visit
popular among Asian Americans. We attribute the popularity
of LinkedIn and Twitter among Asian Americans to higher              LinkedIn and Twitter regularly (2009)
income levels and technology adoption. (See Fig. 3)

In the past year, usage of social networking websites has            English-Preferring Hispanics     7.2%        6.7%
exploded among all ethnic groups and we expect this trend            Asian Americans                 14.5%       10.8%
to continue. While preferences of certain social networking
                                                                     African Americans                4.2%        6.6%
sites might change over time, social media promises to
remain relevant for all ethnic groups.                               Spanish-Preferring Hispanics     0.9%        2.6%
                                                                     Non-Hispanic Whites              7.1%        5.6%
People such as José Hernández can expect many more
followers. For marketers, the sky should also be the limit.    360
                                                                                                                         Fig. 3

This article is reprinted with premission from MediaPost.
for hispanics, the web
     has always been social
     U.S. Hispanics are a young demographic segment with a
     strong affinity for social media and technology in general, and
     Hispanic culture plays an important role in promoting online
     social connectivity. Hispanics in the U.S. tend to be drawn to
     collectivistic values and often look to one another to help guide
     decisions and opinions; social media facilitates such collective
     sharing of information and communication.

Hispanics tend to be proactive and create and
                                             share their own content and social networks
                                         are ideal platforms for publishing and distributing
                                                                      such original content.

                                                               Even 17% of online Hispanic Boomers
                                                               & Seniors read blogs
                                                                          Use social                                          26%
                                                                     networking sites                            16%

Hispanics have been avid users of social media since                                                                          26%
its inception, and continue to lead the way in terms of                   Read blogs                                   20%
adoption, usage and engagement.
                                                                        Participate in
As of 2009, the top social networking sites for the HCM            discussion boards,                      11%
segment are MySpace and Facebook; however, there
are several Tier-2 social sites (i.e. Hi5,,                  Publish your                          15%
MyBatanga, Cyloop, etc.) that rank high in terms of usage            own Web pages                         12%
                                                                                                                                    Gen Y (18-26)
and engagement.                                                                                                                     Gen X (27-40)
                                                                           Publish or                   11%
                                                                                                                                    Boomers & Seniors (41+)
                                                                      maintain a blog             6%
Market forces are driving Hispanics to use social media.
There is a dearth of culturally-relevant and in-language
content available to them online. As a result, Hispanics
tend to be proactive and create and share their own
content and social networks are ideal platforms for                                                                                                         31%
publishing and distributing such original content.                 MySpace                                                                                  31%

In reaching out to U.S. Hispanics through social media,
                                                                    YouTube                                                                 24%
brands must connect with Hispanic culture and create                                                                                  22%

online social environments/experiences that are relevant                                                                16%
from a cultural point of view (and potentially in-language).          iTunes                                                     20%
Developing this new communication model requires a
strategic, long-term approach.                                                                               12%
                                                                   Wikipedia                                        15%


                                                                       IMDB                      7%




                                                                                                                             Spanish-preferring Hispanics
                                                                                                                             English-preferring Hispanics
                                                                   Facebook       2%
                                                                                                                             All online Hispanics

Percentage of Respondents Who Visit
              Social Networking Sites at Least Two or
              Three Times a Month

                                                   27%                 26%

        20%                                                                               18%




               English-Preferring   Asians   Spanish-Preferring   African-Americans   Non-Hispanic
                   Hispanics                    Hispanics                               Whites

      Fig. 1

     Social Media is a relatively new phenomenon (as a                                           + By 2007, U.S. Hispanics lead non-Hispanics in the
     reference, Facebook and blogging in general came to the                                       use of social media. This was particularly true of young
     world’s attention in early 2004), and Hispanics in the U.S.                                   Hispanics (18-26), but older generations such as Gen-
     across the acculturation and language preference spectra                                      Xers (27-40), Baby Boomers and Seniors (41+) were also
     have been part of it since the beginning.                                                     participating.1

     Past                                                                                        + In 2007, there were Hispanic social networking sites
     As an example, a recent Forrester study1 reveals that:                                        cropping up constantly on the Web. Some, such as
                                                                                         , had been around for a while, but were
     + In 2005, 9% of Hispanics reported using social                                              enjoying renewed attention. Others, such as,
       networking sites, such as MySpace, QuePasa, and                                             were new to the market and focused on music and
       MiGente1.                                                                                   entertainment. Additionally, MySpace had just launched
                                                                                                   MySpace Latino.
     + Use of social networks among U.S. Hispanics tripled
       between 2005 and 2006, with MySpace at the top of the                                     + Spanish-preferring Hispanics, although less acculturated
       list and 31% of Hispanics visiting the site at least once a                                 and with less income, are heavily engaged in the social
       month1.                                                                                     media space. Specifically, when compared with English-
                                                                                                   preferring Hispanics, Spanish-preferring Hispanics are1:
     + As of 2007, 50% of online Hispanics reported to                                             − On par for visits to social networking sites
       participate in at least one of five social computing                                        − More avid blog readers
       activities, including1:                                                                     − Slightly ahead on content creation and community
       − Social networking                                                                           participation
       − Blogging
       − Maintaining personal Web pages
       − Commenting on discussion boards

Hispanics often look to one another to help
guide their decisions, and social media
facilitates such collective sharing of information
and communication.

Percentage of Respondents Who Visit MySpace or
                                                  Facebook “regularly”

                                                                                 45%   44%
                                                                                 30%                     29%

                                                                                 20%                                 22%         22%
                                                  English-Preferring Hispanics   15%                                       22%         22%
                                                 Spanish-Preferring Hispanics
                                                                                 10%                                                         22%
                                                           African_americans     5%
                                                         Non-Hispanic Whites
                                                                                                    MySpace                       Facebook

                                                                                                                                                   Fig. 2

     Present                                                             + Older Hispanics (36 and older) and Social Networking2
     + By 2009, 65% of Hispanics online were using social                  − English AND Spanish-preferring Hispanics are on par
       media.3                                                               with Asians in terms of social network site usage, at
                                                                             24% (23% for Spanish-preferring) vs. 13% for non-
     + As of 2009, U.S. Hispanics continued leading the way                  Hispanic Whites
       in social media usage.2
        − 36% of English-preferring Hispanics visit social               Future
          networking sites at least two or three times a month           Additional relevant trends to keep an eye on:
          (over-indexing Internet users of Asian origin, the
          group with the highest usage and engagement stats              + Online Hispanics adopt new media technology (such as
          in the U.S. (Fig. 1)                                             Web TV) quicker than non-Hispanics.5
        − Spanish-preferring Hispanics are not too far behind,
          at 27% (compared to 18% for non-Hispanic Whites)               + U.S. Hispanics are among the most avid users of mobile
                                                                           broadband (53% vs. 33% for non-Hispanic whites), and
     + Over the course of the past two years, MySpace                      rely more on their cell phones than the general U.S.
       and Facebook have become the predominant social                     population, despite of their relatively lower incomes.4
       networking sites for U.S. Hispanics.2                               Therefore, we should see continuous increase in mobile
       − 44% of English-preferring Hispanics (and 35%                      Internet access (this is particularly “organic” to younger
         of Spanish-preferring Hispanics) visit MySpace                    generations of Hispanics, to whom smartphones function
         or Facebook “regularly” (vs. 22% for non-                         as their primary point of contact with the Web).
         Hispanic Whites)
       − English-preferring Hispanics are avid Facebook                  Given the current demographic composition of the U.S.
         users, on par with Asians (see chart below) in the              and the intrinsic characteristics of Hispanics (collectivistic,
         U.S. at 18% (vs. 7% for non-Hispanic Whites)                    natural social networkers, etc.), we should expect to see
                                                                         continuous growth both in the size of the Hispanic social
     + Young Hispanics (35 and younger) and Social                       media user base, and degree of sophistication in terms of
       Networking2:                                                      social media utilization. Therefore, it will become increasingly
       − English-preferring Hispanics are on par with Asians             critical for brands to have a well thought-out social media
         and non-Hispanic Whites in terms of social network              strategy (Web and mobile) to effectively reach out to
         site usage, at 58%.                                             Hispanics in a culturally-relevant way.
       − Spanish-preferring Hispanics 35 and younger trail
         behind at 33%.

Percentage of Respondents 35 and Younger                                                                   Percentage of Respondents 36 and Older
    Who Visit Social Networking Sites at Least                                                                 Who Visit Social Networking Sites at Least
    Two or Three Times a Month                                                                                 Two or Three Times a Month

  60%        58%             58%                                                  57%
                                                                                                        25%           24%              24%

                                            33%                 33%                                     15%


   0%                                                                                                     0%
        English-Preferring   Asians   Spanish-Preferring   African-Americans   Non-Hispanic                      English-Preferring   Asians       Spanish-Preferring   African-Americans   Non-Hispanic
            Hispanics                    Hispanics                               Whites                              Hispanics                        Hispanics                               Whites

                                                                                  Fig. 3                                                                                                             Fig. 4

The following data provides a snapshot of Prospect and                                        It is imperative for brands to pay close attention to what
Influencer social media use by listing the top 10 social                                      HCM Prospects and Influencers are doing in the social
sites they visit.6 The tables provide texture on traffic volume (total                        media space, as they over-index all other ethnic segments
unique visitors) as well as engagement (time spent on the site,                               in utilization and engagement:
avg. minutes per visit) for three language preference categories:
English-preferring, Spanish-preferring, and “Indifferent.”                                    + Special attention to Tier 1 (MySpace and Facebook) and
                                                                                                Tier 2 (Hi5, Batanga, Cyloop, etc.) social
KEY TAKEAWAYS                                                                                   networks
+ Facebook and MySpace are the top social sites for HCM
  Prospects and Influencers:                                                                  + Keep an eye on important trends relevant to the HCM
  − Prospects prefer MySpace                                                                    segment (i.e. increase in the use of Twitter, blogging/con-
  − Influencers prefer Facebook                                                                 sumption of blog content, online video / Web TV, mobile
                                                                                                social networking)
+ Hi5 is still a popular social network among Spanish-
  preferring and “Indifferent” HCM Prospects and                                              + The HCM segment is poised to continue growing in
  Influencers.                                                                                  numbers and relevance. Brands should have a strategy
                                                                                                in place to address this and integrate HCM Prospects
+ Blogs are also popular, with platforms such as Blogger                                        and Influencers as an important part of any future social
  and WordPress ranking among the top 5 across all 6                                            media marketing plans / initiatives.
  segments (Note: We need to take into consideration that
  some Web sites that do not qualify as blogs are built on                                    + Within the context of this social media marketing roll-out
  these platforms).                                                                             plan, brands would benefit from creating culturally-
                                                                                                relevant (and even in-language) social environments
+ Web video is widely popular as well, particularly among                                       where they can engage HCM Prospects and Influencers
  Prospects.                                                                                    in conversations that will help fight barriers and drive
                                                                                                positive associations with these brands.                      360

+ Twitter appears in the top 10 sites for all 6 segments, but
  it seems to be slightly more popular among Influencers.                                     Sources:
                                                                                              1. “Hispanic Social Computing Takes Off,” Forrester, 2007
                                                                                              2. The multicultural World of Social Media Marketing, 2009
                                                                                              3. Why Social Media is the Fabric of Hispanics Online, Brandweek, 2009
                                                                                              4. The Hispanic Institute: Hispanic Broadband Access: Making the Most of the Mobile,
                                                                                                 Connected Future, 2009
                                                                                              5. “Half of U.S. Hispanics have an Online Social Media Profile,” Business Wire, 2009
                                                                                              6. comScore MediaMetrix, October 2009

african americans
     The African-American Internet population reflects the high percentage of
     young people in the general African-American population: 30% are under age
     18, and 71% of that group is online. How they get there is an open question.
     While 45% of African-American households had some type of Internet access
     in 2007, this group is more likely than whites to go online via mobile phone,
     according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

     Black spending power is strong, estimated at $913 billion
     in 2008 by the Selig Center for Economic Growth. And with        Time Spent with Media per Week by
     the recent election and inauguration of President Barack
                                                                      African-American Internet Users,
     Obama, spirits have never been higher in some segments of
     the black population.                                            October–November 2007 (% of total time)

     Still, marketers seem uncertain about how to reach this            TV                                                                   36%
     audience. In 2008, advertisers were pulling money out of
     traditional black media and adding it to Hispanic ad budgets,      Internet                                  26%
     at the same time as many were unhappy with their multicultural
     marketing campaigns.The fact that the US advertising industry
                                                                        AM/FM radio                   18%
     is under attack for its lack of diversity only underscores the
                                                                        Other*                            20%
     problem.The African-American market cannot be taken for
     granted — this audience takes note of advertisers and the
                                                                      Note: *ages 13 –75; *all reading, listening to music, watching DVDs, video games
     messages targeted to them, and responds accordingly.             and satellite radio
                                                                      Source: Radio One Inc., “Black America Study” conducted by Yankelovich,
                                                                      June 2008
     Television is still the top medium, but many people are
     multitasking online while watching. African-Americans watch
     more hours of television per week than any other racial
     group — some 45 hours in 2007, according to The Nielsen
     Company. They also spent 31 hours per week on the Internet,
     according to a Radio One survey conducted by Yankelovich.
     Obviously there is some multitasking going on: 48% of the
     Radio One/Yankelovich respondents said they were online or
     using a computer while also watching television.

Key eMarketer Numbers—
African Americans Online

23.7 million            African-American* Internet users
                        in 2013, up from 17.8 million in 2008

56.4%                   African-American* Internet users
                        % of total African-American population
                        in2013, up from 46.4% in 2008

11.2%                   African-American* Internet users
                        % of total U.S .Internet users in 2013,
                        up from 9.9% in 2008

Note: *alone or in combination with other races
Source: eMarketer, March 2009

Some 56% of African-Americans, or 23.3 million people,
 are under age 35, and most of that group is online daily.
 Because of their intense interest in all things digital,
 Radio One/Yankelovich categorized them as follows:

 “Digital networkers”                               Connected black teens                              “Black onliners”
 (median age, 23)                                                                                      (median age, 27)

 More than 92% are under age 35; 69% are male;      Almost two-thirds are under age 18. Like other,    They are heavy Web users; 45% are ages 18 to 34;
 57% are students; and 44% live in suburbs. They    nonblack teens, they are tech-savvy, heavily       70% are male; and nearly eight in 10 shop online
 are heavy users of social networking and instant   social, music-oriented and brand-conscious.        once per month and spend an average of $115 per
 messaging (IM) and have high ownership levels of   Unlike other, nonblack teens, nearly one-half of   month on the Web.They use e-mail and IM and visit
 laptops and mobile phones.                         the time they watch TV is spent watching black-    YouTube, black websites and music websites.
                                                    focused shows.One-half of those who are online
                                                    visit black websites at least weekly.

Nearly one-third of “black onliners” admitted
                                                      that if they see something they like, they
                                                     have to have it, even if it costs more than
                                                                       they would like to spend.

US Adult Mobile Device* Users Who Use
Mobile Content and Applications Daily, by Race/
Ethnicity, October– December 2007
                                                                                           Top 10 Websites Among US African-
(% ofrespondents in each group)
                                                                                           American Internet Users, Ranked by Unique
                                                   White     American Hispanic
                                                                                           Audience Composition, September 2008
Send or receive text messages                       28%         34%        42%             (thousands and % composition)
Take a picture                                      14%         21%        20%                                                   Unqiue audience          %
                                                                                                                                   (thousands)         composition
Play a game                                           6%        11%        15%
Send or receive e-mail                                7%         7%         9%             1.                           793               77.6%
Access the Internet for news, weather,                7%          9%       10%             2. zShare                                    409               35.8%
sports or other information                                                                3. imeem                                     551               29.6%
Record a video                                        3%          4%        3%             4.                           633               27.7%
Play music                                            5%         10%       12%             5. USAJOBS                                   701               27.0%
Send or recieve instant messages                      4%          9%       12%             6.                                   625               24.9%
Get a map or directions to another location           3%          2%       4%              7. JobsOnline                                384               24.3%
Watch video                                           2%          4%       2%              8. Zango                                     708               23.0%
Total                                               38%         50%        56%             9. BlackVoices                               841               21.9%
                                                                                           10. WorldWinner                              509               21.9%
Note: *ages 18+; *mobile phone or PDA
Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, “Mobile Access to Data and
Information” as citied in press released, March 5, 2008                                    Source: the Nielsen Company, “Multi-cultural Advertising,” January 29, 2009

                 These young people are more brand-conscious than their elders,              11 million people.The number must be considered in light
                 and more impetuous in their buying habits. Nearly one-third of              of two facts. First, Yankelovich’s survey base was 3,400
                 “black onliners” admitted that if they see something they like, they        African-Americans, interviewed by phone and online.The
                 have to have it, even if it costs more than they would like to spend.       chart’s extrapolation to activities that millions of participants
                                                                                             engaged in is based on a Pew Internet Project report
                 African-Americans’ online activities mirror those of every other online     from March 2007; later reports gave lower values to
                 culture and population. Communicating by e-mail, researching and            African-American Internet penetration, as mentioned earlier
                 shopping were the top three activities in the Radio One/Yankelovich         in this report.  360

                 survey, just as they were in many other general-population surveys.

                 However, the fourth-ranked online activity in this African-                                              This article is reprinted with premission
                                                                                                                          from eMarketer.
                 American-only survey is “visit black sites,” estimated at

social fans                            U.S. Internet Users Who Are More Likely
                                            to Buy/Recommend a Brand Since

     more likely                            Becoming a Fan/Follower on Facebook

     to buy
                                            February 2010 (% of respondents)
                                            Yes, for many brands

     Social media marketers looking         Yes, for a few brands
     for an indication that their efforts
     are helping the bottom line will       No
     be encouraged by findings from                                                             34%
     Chadwick Martin Bailey and
                                            Do not know
     iModerate that social friends and                          15%
     followers feel more inclined to                      12%

     purchase from the brands they          Note: n=1,504 ages 18+; numbers may not add up to 100%
                                            due to rounding
     are fans of.                           Source: Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologies as
                                            cited in press release, March 10, 2010

The top reason to friend a brand on Facebook was to
receive discounts, followed by simply being a customer
of the company and a desire to show others that they
support the brand.

                                                                          More than one-half of Facebook fans said they are more
                                                                          likely to make a purchase for at least a few brands, and 67%
 Primary Reason that U.S. Internet Users
                                                                          of Twitter followers reported the same.
 Are Fans of a Brand on Facebook
 February 2010 (% of respondents)                                         The power of earned media gives a further boost to brands:
                                                                          60% of respondents claimed their Facebook fandom
 To receive discounts and promotions
                                                                          increased the chance they would recommend a brand to a
                                                             25%          friend. Among Twitter followers, that proportion rose to nearly
                                                                          eight in 10.
 I am a customer of the company
                                                      21%                 The researchers also explored why social media users
                                                                          become brand fans. The top reason to friend a brand on
 To show others that I like/support this brand
                                                                          Facebook was to receive discounts, followed by simply
                                              18%                         being a customer of the company and a desire to show
                                                                          others that they support the brand. On Twitter, discounts,
 It’s fun and entertaining
                                                                          up-to-the-minute information and exclusive content were
                                                                          the main draws; only 2% of respondents followed brands on
                                                                          Twitter to show their support.
 To be the first to know information about the brand
                                                                          The findings are largely in line with previous research about
 Gain access to exclusive content
                                                                          what social followers want, but the results changed when
                                                                          Chadwick Martin Bailey asked respondents about why they
                                                                          had first decided to follow brands, and allowed them to
 Someone recommended it to me                                             choose as many reasons as they liked.
                                                                          Among Facebook fans, the top reasons were being a
 To be part of a community of like-minded people                          customer (49%) and to show support (42%), with discounts
                                                                          and promotions coming in third (40%). Another 34% simply
                                                                          said it was fun and entertaining to become a fan. On Twitter,
 I work for/with the company                                              being a customer won out (51%), with discounts (44%) and
          2%                                                              fun (42%) rounding out the top three.    360

 I own stock in the company
          0%                                                                                           This article is reprinted with
                                                                                                       premission from eMarketer
 None of these

 Note: n=1,504 ages 18+; numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding
 Source: Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologies as
 cited in press release, March 10, 2010

case study: american airlines

     american airlines
     The Axis Agency goes far beyond merely translating materials. We
     create public relations campaigns that truly connect with our target
     audience and incorporate our multicultural outreach. The following
     American Airlines case study goes to the heart of this strategy.

     American Airlines engaged The Axis Agency to support             Hispanic population continues to grow, so does their amount
     an AAdvantage advertising campaign aimed exclusively at          of travel. While historically, they may have traveled closer
     the U.S. Hispanic Market — to increase its AAdvantage            to home and taken more low-key vacations, today they are
     enrollment among this audience. The advertising campaign         spending more money and traveling more frequently and to
     included major media buys in Chicago, Dallas, New York           greater distances.
     and Miami in print, online, broadcast and cable, as well as
     an education campaign scheduled for Telemundo.                   Additionally, the growth of the U.S. Hispanic Internet
                                                                      audience in the last year has outpaced that of the total U.S.
     Over the years American Airlines has made significant inroads    online population in the number of visitors, time spent and
     into the U.S. Hispanic demographic, whose buying power           pages viewed, as the number of Hispanics going online and
     is estimated at nearly $1 trillion, and the potential to bring   engaging continues to increase. So American Airlines wanted
     thousands more into the American Airlines AAdvantage family      to capitalize on this trend by reaching out to Hispanics on
     is huge. Some 41 percent of U.S. Hispanics live in American      platforms with which they were most comfortable.
     Airlines hub cities and are an inviting consumer base. As the

OBJECTIVES                                                MEDIA STRATEGY
+ Position American as the airline that offers the best   Our media strategy was a two-pronged, integrated
   value in mile redemption with 40 flights to Latin      campaign, reaching out to both traditional and
   America; 35 to the Caribbean and 14 to Mexico.         social media:
+ Highlight that miles accrued can be used by targets     + First, we targeted Spanish-language media — print,
   both to maintain an important connection with their        broadcast, digital and social — emphasizing American’s
   home countries and to establish new connections in         commitment to this segment, pointing out the benefits
   the United States.                                         that Spanish-speaking customers can reap by
+ Showcase the ease of enrollment and use of the              becoming members of American’s – the world’s first —
   website, — in several languages.                    frequent-flier program.
+ Underscore the various ways in which members can        + Second, we targeted English-language media —
   earn miles.                                                specifically advertising trade publications (eg Ad Age,
                                                              Ad Week) and business publications (Forbes, Fortune,
                                                              BusinessWeek, Hispanic Business, Hispanic Market
                                                              Weekly and Multicultural News, among others) —
                                                              emphasizing American’s long history — and trendsetting
                                                              status in outreach to U.S. Hispanics, and their
                                                              importance to American’s overall business success.

case study: american airlines

                                      PROGRAM ELEMENTS
                                      + Developed an ad and executed a buy on Facebook — using Facebook Targeted
                                         Campaign — targeting some 268,000 Spanish-speaking Facebook individuals who:
                                         - Live within 50 miles of Dallas, TX, Chicago, IL, Miami, FL or New York, NY
                                         - Are over the age of 18

                                      +   Created tweets in Spanish and English publishing each tweet on American’s Twitter
                                          channel and tracking re-tweets

                                      +   Uploaded the commercial to the American Airlines YouTube Channel, with a targeted
                                          message in English and Spanish

                                      +   Conducted an aggressive national media outreach campaign the week of commercial
                                          launch with follow up at both local and national level

     Title (25 Characters):           Our goal was to increase the enrollment of Hispanic consumers in American Airlines’
     Programa AAdvantage              AAdvantage program, which has more than 62 million members worldwide. Since the
                                      campaign kicked off, 300 plus individuals have registered for the AAdvantage program,
     Body (135 Characters):           the majority of them choosing Spanish, by going through the page
     Conozca AAdvantage®, vuele con   referenced on our materials — and those numbers are still coming in.
     nosotros y empiece a acumular
     millas en nuestras compañías     The media campaign has generated more than 48 media placements with more than
     participantes.                   21 million impressions, reaching an audience of 5,823,361. This includes placements in
                                      Hispanic Business, PR Week, Hispanic Market Weekly, and the Dallas Business Journal —
     Link:                            a story that was picked up by business journals nationwide — as well as a local hit on the             33 TV news broadcast and a number of local Spanish-language publications.

the media campaign has generated more than
48 media placements with more than 21 million
impressions, reaching an audience of 5,823,361

 Tweets published through American’s marketing brand channel
 called “AAirwaves” over the course of two days had a potential
 reach of 42,181 individual Twitter users, including followers of
 American Airlines, over the course of this effort.

 The ad on Facebook generated:
 + 794,692 impressions
 + 193 click-throughs
 + Total amount spent: $84.91

case study: american airlines

                                   The following article was published in PRWeek on December 1, 2009.

                                   American Airlines shoots to
                                   score with Hispanic travelers
                                   by Kimberly Paul

 COMPANY: American Airlines        DURATION:
 PR AGENCY: The Axis Agency        September 24-December 31
 CAMPAIGN: The Penalty Challenge
                                   American Airlines is working to interact with Hispanic consumers through various online
                                   strategies in 2009. One such tactic is “The Penalty Challenge,” which allows consumers to play
                                   an online soccer game and earn AAdvantage miles and the chance for ticket discounts.

                                   AA wanted to get Hispanic consumers more comfortable interacting with the company
                                   online, says Billy Sanez, corporate communications director.

                                   “Hispanic customers are used to going to travel agencies and having a longer dialogue
                                   before they buy a plane ticket,” he explains. “So we want to make sure we’re in that longer
                                   dialogue online.”

                                   The message is promoting AA’s “involvement with the Hispanic community and continued
                                   commitment to it,” says Ana Barrera Waggoner, group manager for Axis Agency, AA’s
                                   Hispanic PR AOR. Additionally, she notes, it promoted the company’s relationship with
                                   Major League Soccer.

                                   PROGRAM ELEMENTS
                                   The PR team conducted media outreach to both English- and Spanish-language outlets, as
                                   well as travel publications. Twitter and Facebook were among the sites used to build buzz
                                   about the game.

                                   The Penalty Challenge itself is also viral, allowing players to send to friends and share their
                                   scores, a big part of spreading the word, Sanez says.

“The results have
                                                                                                allowed us to see the
                                                                                                consumption pattern
                                                                                                  by fans of American
                                                                                              and fans of soccer, and
                                                                                                 how they want us to
                                                                                                   interact with them”

Media hits have included the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Hispanic Market Weekly, and As of October 21, more than 9,000 consumers registered and played the

“The results have allowed us to see the consumption pattern by fans of American and fans of
soccer, and how they want us to interact with them,” Sanez adds.

American plans to leverage the continued popularity of soccer, particularly around the 2010
World Cup in South Africa.

“We’ll look at how we can expand [The Penalty Challenge] to other areas or how we can add
an additional version to it for the future,” says Sanez.

case study: degree men

     degree men
     siempre enfrenta
     el reto
     Degree Men, a Unilever brand, commissioned The Axis Agency to
     launch an online campaign targeting the U.S. Hispanic market that
     leveraged the brand’s sponsorship of the Mexican National Soccer
     Team as it made its way to the 2010 World Cup.

                                       Axis focused its digital strategy less on bulky platform
                                       development and more on community building through
                                       unique branded experiences within popular social
                                       networking sites. The concept of “brand as a friend” lead
                                       the campaign POV; providing personal access to exclusive
                                       Mexican National Team content and experiences consumers
                                       could share, personalize and grow their own social currency.

                                       Through Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter, Axis
                                       deployed a wide range of original multimedia content,
                                       conversation starters and promotions that focused on our
                                       target audiences’ passion for soccer. Across all these social
                                       media channels, Degree Men allowed consumers to show

The Axis Agency captured and
                                                                         produced exclusive interviews,
                                                                       event highlight reels and behind-
                                                                            the-scenes video packages
                                                                        with current players and several
                                                                               Mexican soccer legends.

off their cultural pride and engage with a brand that truly   distributed across all brand channels and were pitched to
understands their wants and needs.                            online media outlets, bloggers and online influencers for
                                                              additional syndication and maximum reach.
As part of the ongoing engagement and conversations
across Facebook and Twitter, Axis produced a series of        COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT
timely polls, quizzes and trivia questions that prompted      To manage the brand’s social media communication stream,
consumers to participate and share.                           Axis assigned a core community management team charged
                                                              with the ongoing posting of news-related commentary,
To fully leverage the brand’s partnership with the Mexican    quizzes, polls, trivia and video content; monitoring wall posts,
National Soccer Team, Axis captured and produced              tracking comments and conversations; and measuring total
exclusive interviews, event highlight reels and behind-the-   interactions and community growth.
scenes video packages with current players and several
Mexican soccer legends. These videos were seeded and

case study: degree men



Degree Men
                                                                                                currently owns
                                                                                                the position of the
                                                                                                #1 Mexican National
                                                                                                Team fan page on


Although Degree’s partnership deal with the Mexican            Axis continues to help Degree Men lead the conversation with
National Team is not exclusive, it is the only brand sponsor   U.S. Hispanic consumers; increasing not only the brand’s
who has established a meaningful presence in the digital       visibility, but also building a long-lasting relationship with
and social media space. As a result, Degree Men currently      them, built around interaction, engagement and friendship.
owns the position of the #1 Mexican National Team fan
page on Facebook — with over 40,000 Facebook fans
and counting.

blogger profile

             Midtown Chic-a
              by Stephanie Camargo

 Everyone has that “go-to” friend. You know                                                        Miami. Midtown Chic-a ended up being
 the one…It’s the person you call when                                                             the ideal name for my blog. The ironies
 you’re looking for a good spot to take your                                                       and rewards of life! Fast-forward exactly
 date out to dinner, or the one you e-mail                                                         one year later and there I was, receiving
 when you’re booking a vacation for some                                                           an award from the Sun-Sentinel for Best
 cool travel tidbits, and at the very least, the                                                   Neighborhood Blog as part of a series of
 one you text to find the best local groomer                                                       awards presented to local bloggers which
 for your dog.                                                                                     included categories such as Best Food
                                                                                                   Blog, Best Music Blog and Best Tech Blog,
 Hi, that’s me. I am your “go-to” chica for                                                        all part of the first annual Best of Blogs
 all your South Florida needs. I’m the one                                                         (BOB) Awards ceremony. Who would have
 e-mailing you because a new fashion                                                               thought? Definitely, not I! But I’ve learned
 boutique opened up on Lincoln Rd., and                                                            if you mix a little bit of passion, with some
 we have to go check it out. Or better yet,                                                        skills and dedication and a whole lot of
 there’s a new Broadway show coming to                                                             love…people will notice!
 town that you absolutely must buy tickets
 for! And let’s please not forget to make                                                          Although I focus on South Florida and my
 reservations for the new restaurant opening                                                       local neighborhood, I enjoy writing about
 up on South Beach.                                                                                a lot of different things that inspire me;
                                                                                                   everything from local events, family and
 This desire and my ability to share information                                                   friends, my dog, Lola (who accompanied
 with other people is what motivated me to                                                         me to the awards ceremony), traveling,
 start my own lifestyle blog, a place where                                                        food and fashion among other things. The
 I could centralize all my thoughts and                                                            majority of my posts are from my own
 personal experiences for the entire world            I am your “go-to”                            personal experiences and although I write
 to read and see (I know, scary). The way              chica for all your                          them in English, I sometimes tend to use
 I look at it is, if it’s something I enjoy or                                                     Spanglish to express myself best. It is very
 find entertaining, then it might possibly be        South Florida needs.                          evident that I am a proud Latina who also
 something someone else might enjoy and                                                            likes to promote Hispanic-related topics
 find entertaining as well, and that gives me      Midtown Chic-a, my blog which I started         (See my post on a recent off-Broadway
 personal satisfaction.                            in March of 2009, was a dream project I’d       show I saw, Platanos & Collard Greens).
                                                   been formulating since I moved back from
 Call it a combination of being curious and        New York City in 2008. I knew I was going       Regardless, blogging is something I do out
 in-the-know, or just in tune with my local        to miss the energy and activities that only a   of love and in my spare time (talk about
 community, but my passion for writing my          city like NYC could offer, but I also knew I    work-life balance!) To those of you interested
 blog posts comes from wanting to share my         was moving back to Miami for great reasons      in starting your own blog, I say, make sure
 knowledge and insights with family, friends,      (insert family, beach and warm weather          it’s something you are very passionate about
 neighbors, peers and just about anyone else       here) and that “the 305” has so much to         and be prepared to sleep a little less.
 who’s interested in what I might have to say.     offer that many people that live here don’t
 Obviously, being in the PR industry plays a       even realize!                                   So the next time you find yourself in the
 major role because it is my job to be on top                                                      305, don’t hesitate to drop me a line at
 of the latest trends; it’s also taught me a lot   After working in Midtown NYC for a couple          360

 about how the blogging community works            of years, I found myself right smack in
 and finally, clients see me as a local expert,    the middle of a hip, new, up-and-coming         Stephanie Camargo is an award-winning blogger and
 so all of these things go hand-in-hand.           neighborhood in Miami called Midtown            Senior Account Executive at The Axis Agency.

speaker spotlight

TagMe 2010
Conference                                                               Wally Sabria, SVP/Creative Director, The Axis Agency

“Any entrepreneur or businessman who’s               Community and Culture are the key pillars                 Based on his experience at The Axis
not aware of the potential that social media         to a successful digital communciations                    Agency, Wally points out that to guarantee
offers, has fallen asleep in a train bound           strategy; allowing brands to maximize                     success for clients in the digital space,
to nowhere,” said Wally Sabria, SVP and              consumer engagement and overall                           brands should not focus only on the “tools”,
Creative Director at The Axis Agency, during         campaign effectiveness.                                   but rather on the cultural connection and
his keynote speech at the TagMe 2010                                                                           passion points that the brand and the
Conference that took place in Medellín,              “It’s also essential to look for ways to                  consumer have in common. “Impressions
Colombia at the end of April, 2010.                  integrate digital with other tactical platforms           are great, but a deep, long-lasting
                                                     as part of a larger strategy. This 360                    relationship with consumers is what social
Joined by a panel of industry leaders                approach can make digital and social media                media can potentially offer your brand.”
including Brian Wong (, and                 a natural partner to other ongoing PR,
Andrés Barreto (, Wally              live events, traditional print, broadcast                 Finally, at TagMe, Sabria talked about
shared that, “Conversation, Content,                 and retail promotions.”                                   the value of content development and
                                                                                                               community management. “It’s vital to
                                                                                                               keep the communication flowing with
Impressions are great, but a deep, long-                                                                       consumers on an ongoing basis. The more
lasting relationship with consumers is what                                                                    conversations and involvement a brand has
                                                                                                               with its consumers, the more both parties will
social media can potentially offer your brand.                                                                 learn about each other,” he concluded.             360

                can’t-miss digital conferences
                BlogHer                              Blogalicious™ Weekend                  Blog World Expo                        ad:tech New York
                Aug 6-7, 2010                        October 8-10, 2010                     October 14-16, 2010                    November 2-4, 2010
                The Hilton New York                  The Ritz Carlton                       Mandalay Bay                           Javits Convention Center
                New York, NY                         Miami, FL                              Las Vegas, NV                          New York, NY
                BlogHer brings bloggers from         The Blogalicious™ Weekend              BlogWorld & New Media Expo is an       For more than ten years, ad:tech
                every corner of the blogosphere      conferences are aimed at               exciting forum for members of both     has provided media, marketing and
                together for hands-on learning,      celebrating the diversity of women     the new and traditional media. Learn   technology professionals with the
                rich discussions, opportunities to   of all ethnicities in social media.    about Content Creation, Distribution   tools and techniques they need
                meet with the brands that support    Everyone is invited and welcome        and Monetization strategies, step-     to succeed in a changing digital
                them and plentiful networking        to attend. The conference is a         by-step techniques and bleeding-       world. With 10 shows in 7 countries,
                opportunities. BlogHer is open       celebration of diversity and we want   edge tools from the most successful    ad:tech’s globally respected roster of
                to anyone and everyone who           women bloggers of all backgrounds      bloggers, podcasters, social media     speakers, workshops and exhibitors
                considers themselves part of the     participate.                           pros, and internet TV and radio        continues to make it the preferred
                blogosphere and is particularly            content generators.                    resource and destination for digital
                focused on highlighting the skills                                          marketers everywhere.
                and talents of women who blog.                                              media/media                  
                    @midtownchica                                                  Husband and father of twins on
                    Ur local source 4 all-things #Miami &                          Chicago’s mighty South Side. An
                    more! A fun-lovin chic-a who enjoys                            independent thinker, believer in quality
                    a good laugh w/ her friends, fam and                           and patience, lover of risqué humor.
                    blogging it up #thatisall

      I luv #Chi City, & channeling my
      inner bohemian. I heart JAH,
                                                                                                  Free spirit who’s enjoying every
      people, family, simplicity and
                                                                                                  second of her life. AKA the loud,
      longevity. Sick with Bieber Fever.             @angiedi
                                                                                                  sarcastic YET nice one in the
                                                      The most outspoken employee                 Miami office, holla!
                                                      in the Miami office!!!!!!!!!! Her
                                                      colleagues would agree she is
                                                      a telenovela guru =)

        axis biotweets
         We thought it would be a cool idea to show you who
         we are in a different and non-traditional way. That’s                                   @gabrielabucita
                                                                                                 Searching for meaning-
         why we asked all the team members @ The Axis
                                                                                                 enjoying the ride! LOVE: life,
         Agency to come up with a Biotweet. In 140 characters                                    hubby cuddling, our dog
         or less, this is what they have to say about themselves                                 Juanita & hangin’ with my
         and the things they dig.                                                                9 nieces n nephews!

                                                                              Big-D citizen by way of DF; news,
                                                                              film & politics junkie. Pro gabber 4
                                                                              #Mexico City, #microfinance fan,
     Cinema-luvin Latina thinks                                               hugely outwitted by 10-yr-old son
     success is getting what you
     want & happiness is wanting
     what you get. Watches                                  @danielnla
     novelas for entertainment                              FUN!! DIVERSIÓN!!
     to appease the soul.
                                @melissaygalarza                                          Fascinated with the nuance of MEANING.
                                Easygoing girl who enjoys the simple                      A Hispanic marketing professional
                                things in life, great food, music and                     infatuated with WORDCRAFT, a TRAVELER
                                friends…you will find me by the beach                     thrilled by a multi-hued worldview.
                                in Miami almost every weekend!

                @karlaenriquez                                                   @Ale003
                Bi-cultural, soul-searching, twenty-
                                                                                 traveling the world is my thing and talking
                something year old full of passion and
                intellectual curiosity figuring out this                         to people pays for my things. Always live
                crazy beautiful life                                             in peace, love and dance till you please.
Culture Summer 2010
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Culture Summer 2010

  • 1. CULTURE SUM M ER 2010 digitizing culture
  • 2. welcome bienvenidos With the red-hot growth of online media in the multicultural market, the number of digital tools companies can use to initiate and maintain conversations with the multicultural consumer have multiplied exponentially. It’s an exciting new world out there, with millions of these consumers searching online for culturally-relevant content, interacting with friends and family on social networking sites, and using mobile devices to stay connected. The opportunities to interact with these tech-savvy, culturally unique markets are nearly limitless. The key to it all is culture. To reach out and tap into the pulse of the multicultural community, we need to demonstrate a deep understanding of their values, traditions and speak their language. Only then can we truly build a lasting relationship of mutual understanding with our consumer. Now, more than ever before, we have the opportunity to create relevant, innovative, brand communications to which multicultural consumer can relate. All we need to do is listen, understand and adapt. By understanding the multicultural market and the innovative communications technologies available, brands can engage in meaningful and persistent, culturally-appropriate dialogue with their customers and their communities. Armando Azarloza, President The Axis Agency 2
  • 3. what’s inside 6 9 10 the power of how to best measure a year of social media the multicultural social media effors marketing consumer online 12 18 22 for hispanics, the web african americans social fans more likely has always been social online to buy 24 30 34 35 case study case study blogger profile speaker spotlight American Airlines Degree Men Midtown Chic-a TagMe 2010 Conference 35 36 38 39 can’t miss axis biotweets top celebrity tweeters full circle conferences 3
  • 4. + los angeles + new york + miami + chicago + dallas + austin 4
  • 5. 23 million hispanics are holding conversations online. Start talking with them today by digitizing culture. 5
  • 6. the power of the multicultural consumer online At the time of the 2000 Census, Hispanics were considerably less likely to be Internet users than the general population, but times have changed. Hispanics have reached a critical mass online — more than have distinctive online needs and represent an emerging half (54%) use the Internet, according to consumer and and growing marketing opportunity. Brands utilizing media research firm Scarborough Research. The Hispanic interactive marketing to target Hispanics could have an adult is as dynamic a consumer online as he or she is in advantage. The online advertising marketplace appears the traditional media world. Local influencers and unique to be under-represented when it comes to Hispanic demographics drive distinctive online shopping behaviors, promotions, so first-movers with Hispanic-targeting online types of Internet connectivity, and overall Internet usage. marketing activity could lay the groundwork for creating Hispanics are an important online consumer group: they greater opportunities for lifetime brand loyalty. 6
  • 7. “This is an on-the-go and connected consumer group, and mobile marketing could be a key way to reach them.” INTERNET USE BROADBAND Hispanic Internet access has grown 13% (on a relative Household broadband* access has grown exponentially basis) since 2004 — from 48% in 2004 to its current since the start of the decade. According to Scarborough penetration of 54% (as noted above). By contrast, Internet Research, 71% of U.S. Internet Users have broadband access by all consumers nationally grew 8% during the at home, growing from just 15% in 2002. Hispanics have same time period. In 2004, 64% of all consumers accessed been taking advantage of the expansion of broadband, the Internet, and this increased to 69% in 2008. and their rate of adoption has mirrored that of the total U.S. population. Currently, 68% of Hispanic Internet Users** have 18-34 year-old Hispanics are more likely to access the a broadband connection in their household. This grew from Internet than Hispanics overall, and their rate of Internet 13% in 2002 — an increase of more than fivefold. access is growing at a faster pace than that of the total Hispanic population. 52% of 18-34 year-old Hispanics were DOWNLOADING online in 2004. This grew to 60% in 2008, an increase of Forty-two percent of Hispanic Internet Users downloaded* 15%. Given that both Internet users and Hispanics tend to some form of digital content, such as music, podcasts or be younger than the general population, this is no surprise. video games during the past month, in comparison to 35% of all Internet Users. In fact, Hispanic Internet Users are 21% 14% of the U.S. adult population is Hispanic. Scarborough more likely to download digital content than the average identified 13 local markets with an above-average adult online.Music is the top category for downloading. concentration of Hispanic adults and examined their 32% of Hispanic Internet Users report downloading music distinctive Internet patterns. These markets, along with their during the past month. 11% downloaded audio clips. In the Hispanic incidence among adults, are: video category, 9% downloaded movies, 8% downloaded television programs, and 17% downloaded “other video.” 3% of Hispanic Internet Users downloaded podcasts, and Chicago, IL 17% Miami, FL 46% six percent downloaded video games. Dallas, TX 22% New York, NY 19% El Paso, TX 75% Phoenix, AZ 23% Younger consumers are more likely to download content Fresno, CA 46% Sacramento, CA 21% online. Forty-nine percent of 18-34 year-old adult Internet Harlingen, TX 86% San Antonio, TX 50% Users downloaded digital content in the past month, Houston, TX 29% San Francisco, CA 19% compared to 35% of the total online population. Similarly, Los Angeles, CA 39% it is no surprise that whem you examine this younger demographic of Hispanics, the percentage is even higher. 51% of 18-34 year-old Hispanics downloaded digital content during the past 30 days. * Broadband connection is defined as having a cable modem or DSL connection in the household ** Hispanic Internet Users are those Hispanics that access the Internet 7
  • 8. INTERNET SPENDING THE MOBILE CONNECTION Scarborough finds that almost two-thirds (62%) of Hispanic Hispanics are avid cellular phone users. They are more likely Internet Users are online purchasers, meaning that they than the typical adult to have a cell phone, and they are in bought merchandise online during the past year. This is the top spending brackets for cellular usage. Hispanics have not far behind the total Internet population, as 70% of been at the forefront of using the expanded functionality and Internet users nationally made an online purchase in the technology in cellular devices, such as picture taking, text past 12 months. The mean amount spent online annually by messaging and downloading ring tones or games. They are Hispanic Internet Purchasers*** is $762, versus $861 for all also more likely to use cell phones for tasks such as email or Internet Purchasers. Moreover, average Internet spending utilizing other Internet features. among Hispanic Internet Purchasers increased by about 6% since 2006, a rate of increase comparable to Internet DEMOGRAPHICS Purchasers overall. Youth, education, and higher than average household incomes are three demographic calling cards of Hispanic Internet Users. Hispanic Internet Users have higher household incomes than the total Hispanic population. Half (50%) of Hispanic Internet Users have an annual household income of $50,000 or more. The average household income of a Hispanic Internet User is $67,000, versus $54,000 for all Hispanics. They are also more likely (than the average Hispanic) to have a four-year college degree or greater, and to be employed full- or part-time. Well over half (57%) of adult Hispanic Internet Users are under the age of 35, versus 35% of total Internet Users. As Hispanics overall are more youthful than the general population, and Internet users are younger, the online “youth factor” is accentuated even more among Hispanics. 360 *** Hispanic Internet Purchaser refers to Hispanics who made “any” Internet purchase during the past year This article is reprinted with premission from Scarborough Research. 8
  • 9. how to best measure social media efforts Depending on your point of view, social With desired outcomes in hand, you can then identify and prioritize media is either a powerful force that has the activity, reach, and relevance metrics to support those outcomes. redefined communications forever or We tend to organize these as three Cs and three Ss: simply a new set of channels for people and organizations to communicate C1. CONTENT MEASURES: Analyzing how content is consumed, with each other. Either way, for most shared, adapted, and amplified, including: companies and brands, social media has moved from being an object of curiosity S1. SITE MEASURES: Analyzing Web site metrics including in 2007 to modest experimentation in visitors, time, downloads, feedback, etc.; 2008 to mainstream adoption in 2009. Now it’s time to justify that investment S2. SEARCH MEASURES: Assessing paid and organic search in 2010. for company content and keywords; Where to begin? S3. SYNDICATION MEASURES: Assessing engagement with brand-related content beyond your Web site, including video First and foremost, start by clearly defining views, links, etc. your organization’s desired outcomes. For social media, this might include C2. CONVERSATION MEASURES: Analyzing volume, content, driving $X million in sales, engaging a and sentiment of relevant conversations, including share of voice, new audience or community, improving message penetration, favorability, or intensity of opinion. customer satisfaction, or changing customer behaviors. Define the goals C3. CAMPAIGN MEASURES: Assessing ROI against defined as precisely as possible in measurable campaign objectives. business terms. The good news is that social media is rich with data and much of it is freely available. Just make sure you focus on both the metrics and the outcomes, not the tools. Insight doesn’t live in silos, so you’ll need multiple sources. 9
  • 10. a year of social media marketing by Lee Vann and Felipe Korzenny Astronaut José Hernández, a/k/a @Astro_Jose, tweets in both English and Spanish to 100,000 people who have been following his remarkable life from field-worker as a child in northern California to outer space. It’s not hard for him to find followers these days. MOST ONLINE AMERICANS VISIT SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES AT LEAST TWICE A MONTH The majority of online Americans now visit social networking In the past year, we found that usage of social networks sites, and Hispanics and other minorities continue to visit across ethnic segments has grown exponentially. Marketers them more than non-Hispanic whites, according to the 2009 take note: most Americans now visit social networking Multicultural Marketing Study by the Center for Hispanic sites and use them as increasingly important means for Marketing Communication at Florida State University, DMS communication and information. Research, and Captura Group. Percent of a given segment who visit a social networking The study also reveals that social media usage among site at least 2 -3 times per month: Hispanics and other minorities continues to grow by double digits, with Facebook and MySpace leading the way. What’s + 62% of English-Preferring Hispanics, up from 46% in 2008 more, smaller social networking sites such as hi5, Black + 63% of Asian Americans, up from 42% in 2008 Planet, Twitter and LinkedIn have strong appeal with certain + 60% of African Americans, up from 33% in 2008 ethnic groups. + 59% of Spanish-Preferring Hispanics, up from 35% in 2008 + 55% of Non-Hispanic Whites, up from 24% in 2008 10
  • 11. In the past year, usage of social networking websites has exploded among all ethnic groups and we expect this trend to continue. Although ethnic minorities are still more likely to visit social networking sites when compared to Non-Hispanic Whites, the gap has closed considerably as social networking has Percent of a given segment who visit Facebook become more popular. (2009/2008) and MySpace (2009/2008) regularly MOST ETHNIC SEGMENTS NOW PREFER FACEBOOK OVER MYSPACE In 2008, we found that MySpace held a firm lead over English-Preferring Hispanics 44% / 18% 41% / 44% Facebook. Today, the tables have turned, and Facebook Asian Americans 55% / 18% 29% / 31% has become more popular among all of the ethnic groups African Americans 42% / 12% 40% / 29% that we analyzed with the exception of Spanish-Preferring Hispanics. (See Fig. 1) Spanish-Preferring Hispanics 36% / 13% 41% / 35% Non-Hispanic Whites 43% / 7% 31% / 22% SOCIAL MEDIA PREFERENCES ARE BEGINNING TO FRAGMENT AMONG MINORITIES Fig. 1 When considering a social media strategy, marketers should take note that ethnic groups have preferences between social networking sites. Consider the case of Hi5, a social media site with a strong presence in Latin America. Its Percent of a given segment who visit Hi5 and success in the southern hemisphere has made it extremely Black Planet regularly (2009) popular with Spanish-Preferring Hispanics in the U.S. who want to connect with family members back home. Today, hi5 competes with both Facebook and MySpace among Spanish-Preferring Hispanics (29.1% usage versus English-Preferring Hispanics 6.1% 2.4% 36% and 41%, respectively). Asian Americans 5.0% 1.0% African Americans 4.8% 17.2% These findings are important because as social networking Spanish-Preferring Hispanics 29.3% 0.6% has become ubiquitous, specialized sites have become viable options for advertisers looking to target ethnic Non-Hispanic Whites 0.4% 0.0% audiences. (See Fig. 2) Fig. 2 ASIAN AMERICANS ARE TWICE AS LIKELY TO USE LINKEDIN AND TWITTER The 2009 study also included the usage of LinkedIn and Twitter. We found that both sites are still emerging and most Percent of a given segment who visit popular among Asian Americans. We attribute the popularity of LinkedIn and Twitter among Asian Americans to higher LinkedIn and Twitter regularly (2009) income levels and technology adoption. (See Fig. 3) MORE GROWTH EXPECTED FOR 2010 In the past year, usage of social networking websites has English-Preferring Hispanics 7.2% 6.7% exploded among all ethnic groups and we expect this trend Asian Americans 14.5% 10.8% to continue. While preferences of certain social networking African Americans 4.2% 6.6% sites might change over time, social media promises to remain relevant for all ethnic groups. Spanish-Preferring Hispanics 0.9% 2.6% Non-Hispanic Whites 7.1% 5.6% People such as José Hernández can expect many more followers. For marketers, the sky should also be the limit. 360 Fig. 3 This article is reprinted with premission from MediaPost. 11
  • 12. for hispanics, the web has always been social U.S. Hispanics are a young demographic segment with a strong affinity for social media and technology in general, and Hispanic culture plays an important role in promoting online social connectivity. Hispanics in the U.S. tend to be drawn to collectivistic values and often look to one another to help guide decisions and opinions; social media facilitates such collective sharing of information and communication. 12
  • 13. Hispanics tend to be proactive and create and share their own content and social networks are ideal platforms for publishing and distributing such original content. Even 17% of online Hispanic Boomers & Seniors read blogs 47% Use social 26% networking sites 16% Hispanics have been avid users of social media since 26% its inception, and continue to lead the way in terms of Read blogs 20% 17% adoption, usage and engagement. 26% Participate in 20% As of 2009, the top social networking sites for the HCM discussion boards, 11% segment are MySpace and Facebook; however, there 16% are several Tier-2 social sites (i.e. Hi5,, Publish your 15% MyBatanga, Cyloop, etc.) that rank high in terms of usage own Web pages 12% Gen Y (18-26) and engagement. Gen X (27-40) Publish or 11% Boomers & Seniors (41+) 9% maintain a blog 6% Market forces are driving Hispanics to use social media. There is a dearth of culturally-relevant and in-language content available to them online. As a result, Hispanics tend to be proactive and create and share their own content and social networks are ideal platforms for 31% publishing and distributing such original content. MySpace 31% 31% 21% In reaching out to U.S. Hispanics through social media, YouTube 24% brands must connect with Hispanic culture and create 22% online social environments/experiences that are relevant 16% from a cultural point of view (and potentially in-language). iTunes 20% 18% Developing this new communication model requires a strategic, long-term approach. 12% Wikipedia 15% 13% 20% 5% 13% 10% IMDB 7% 8% 13% 2% 8% 9% 2% 5% 8% 2% 5% Spanish-preferring Hispanics 7% English-preferring Hispanics Facebook 2% All online Hispanics 4% 13
  • 14. Percentage of Respondents Who Visit Social Networking Sites at Least Two or Three Times a Month 40% 36% 34 35% 30% 27% 26% 25% 20% 18% 15% 10% 5% 0% English-Preferring Asians Spanish-Preferring African-Americans Non-Hispanic Hispanics Hispanics Whites Fig. 1 BACKGROUND / TIMELINE Social Media is a relatively new phenomenon (as a + By 2007, U.S. Hispanics lead non-Hispanics in the reference, Facebook and blogging in general came to the use of social media. This was particularly true of young world’s attention in early 2004), and Hispanics in the U.S. Hispanics (18-26), but older generations such as Gen- across the acculturation and language preference spectra Xers (27-40), Baby Boomers and Seniors (41+) were also have been part of it since the beginning. participating.1 Past + In 2007, there were Hispanic social networking sites As an example, a recent Forrester study1 reveals that: cropping up constantly on the Web. Some, such as, had been around for a while, but were + In 2005, 9% of Hispanics reported using social enjoying renewed attention. Others, such as, networking sites, such as MySpace, QuePasa, and were new to the market and focused on music and MiGente1. entertainment. Additionally, MySpace had just launched MySpace Latino. + Use of social networks among U.S. Hispanics tripled between 2005 and 2006, with MySpace at the top of the + Spanish-preferring Hispanics, although less acculturated list and 31% of Hispanics visiting the site at least once a and with less income, are heavily engaged in the social month1. media space. Specifically, when compared with English- preferring Hispanics, Spanish-preferring Hispanics are1: + As of 2007, 50% of online Hispanics reported to − On par for visits to social networking sites participate in at least one of five social computing − More avid blog readers activities, including1: − Slightly ahead on content creation and community − Social networking participation − Blogging − Maintaining personal Web pages − Commenting on discussion boards 14
  • 15. Hispanics often look to one another to help guide their decisions, and social media facilitates such collective sharing of information and communication. 15
  • 16. Percentage of Respondents Who Visit MySpace or Facebook “regularly” 45% 44% 40% 35% 35% 31% 30% 29% 25% 22% 20% 22% 22% English-Preferring Hispanics 15% 22% 22% Spanish-Preferring Hispanics 10% 22% Asians African_americans 5% Non-Hispanic Whites 0% MySpace Facebook Fig. 2 Present + Older Hispanics (36 and older) and Social Networking2 + By 2009, 65% of Hispanics online were using social − English AND Spanish-preferring Hispanics are on par media.3 with Asians in terms of social network site usage, at 24% (23% for Spanish-preferring) vs. 13% for non- + As of 2009, U.S. Hispanics continued leading the way Hispanic Whites in social media usage.2 − 36% of English-preferring Hispanics visit social Future networking sites at least two or three times a month Additional relevant trends to keep an eye on: (over-indexing Internet users of Asian origin, the group with the highest usage and engagement stats + Online Hispanics adopt new media technology (such as in the U.S. (Fig. 1) Web TV) quicker than non-Hispanics.5 − Spanish-preferring Hispanics are not too far behind, at 27% (compared to 18% for non-Hispanic Whites) + U.S. Hispanics are among the most avid users of mobile broadband (53% vs. 33% for non-Hispanic whites), and + Over the course of the past two years, MySpace rely more on their cell phones than the general U.S. and Facebook have become the predominant social population, despite of their relatively lower incomes.4 networking sites for U.S. Hispanics.2 Therefore, we should see continuous increase in mobile − 44% of English-preferring Hispanics (and 35% Internet access (this is particularly “organic” to younger of Spanish-preferring Hispanics) visit MySpace generations of Hispanics, to whom smartphones function or Facebook “regularly” (vs. 22% for non- as their primary point of contact with the Web). Hispanic Whites) − English-preferring Hispanics are avid Facebook Given the current demographic composition of the U.S. users, on par with Asians (see chart below) in the and the intrinsic characteristics of Hispanics (collectivistic, U.S. at 18% (vs. 7% for non-Hispanic Whites) natural social networkers, etc.), we should expect to see continuous growth both in the size of the Hispanic social + Young Hispanics (35 and younger) and Social media user base, and degree of sophistication in terms of Networking2: social media utilization. Therefore, it will become increasingly − English-preferring Hispanics are on par with Asians critical for brands to have a well thought-out social media and non-Hispanic Whites in terms of social network strategy (Web and mobile) to effectively reach out to site usage, at 58%. Hispanics in a culturally-relevant way. − Spanish-preferring Hispanics 35 and younger trail behind at 33%. 16
  • 17. Percentage of Respondents 35 and Younger Percentage of Respondents 36 and Older Who Visit Social Networking Sites at Least Who Visit Social Networking Sites at Least Two or Three Times a Month Two or Three Times a Month 60% 58% 58% 57% 25% 24% 24% 23% 50% 20% 17% 40% 33% 33% 15% 13% 30% 10% 20% 5% 10% 0% 0% English-Preferring Asians Spanish-Preferring African-Americans Non-Hispanic English-Preferring Asians Spanish-Preferring African-Americans Non-Hispanic Hispanics Hispanics Whites Hispanics Hispanics Whites Fig. 3 Fig. 4 PROSPECTS, INFLUENCERS AND SOCIAL MEDIA SITES COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS The following data provides a snapshot of Prospect and It is imperative for brands to pay close attention to what Influencer social media use by listing the top 10 social HCM Prospects and Influencers are doing in the social sites they visit.6 The tables provide texture on traffic volume (total media space, as they over-index all other ethnic segments unique visitors) as well as engagement (time spent on the site, in utilization and engagement: avg. minutes per visit) for three language preference categories: English-preferring, Spanish-preferring, and “Indifferent.” + Special attention to Tier 1 (MySpace and Facebook) and Tier 2 (Hi5, Batanga, Cyloop, etc.) social KEY TAKEAWAYS networks + Facebook and MySpace are the top social sites for HCM Prospects and Influencers: + Keep an eye on important trends relevant to the HCM − Prospects prefer MySpace segment (i.e. increase in the use of Twitter, blogging/con- − Influencers prefer Facebook sumption of blog content, online video / Web TV, mobile social networking) + Hi5 is still a popular social network among Spanish- preferring and “Indifferent” HCM Prospects and + The HCM segment is poised to continue growing in Influencers. numbers and relevance. Brands should have a strategy in place to address this and integrate HCM Prospects + Blogs are also popular, with platforms such as Blogger and Influencers as an important part of any future social and WordPress ranking among the top 5 across all 6 media marketing plans / initiatives. segments (Note: We need to take into consideration that some Web sites that do not qualify as blogs are built on + Within the context of this social media marketing roll-out these platforms). plan, brands would benefit from creating culturally- relevant (and even in-language) social environments + Web video is widely popular as well, particularly among where they can engage HCM Prospects and Influencers Prospects. in conversations that will help fight barriers and drive positive associations with these brands. 360 + Twitter appears in the top 10 sites for all 6 segments, but it seems to be slightly more popular among Influencers. Sources: 1. “Hispanic Social Computing Takes Off,” Forrester, 2007 2. The multicultural World of Social Media Marketing, 2009 3. Why Social Media is the Fabric of Hispanics Online, Brandweek, 2009 4. The Hispanic Institute: Hispanic Broadband Access: Making the Most of the Mobile, Connected Future, 2009 5. “Half of U.S. Hispanics have an Online Social Media Profile,” Business Wire, 2009 6. comScore MediaMetrix, October 2009 17
  • 18. african americans online The African-American Internet population reflects the high percentage of young people in the general African-American population: 30% are under age 18, and 71% of that group is online. How they get there is an open question. While 45% of African-American households had some type of Internet access in 2007, this group is more likely than whites to go online via mobile phone, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Black spending power is strong, estimated at $913 billion in 2008 by the Selig Center for Economic Growth. And with Time Spent with Media per Week by the recent election and inauguration of President Barack African-American Internet Users, Obama, spirits have never been higher in some segments of the black population. October–November 2007 (% of total time) Still, marketers seem uncertain about how to reach this TV 36% audience. In 2008, advertisers were pulling money out of traditional black media and adding it to Hispanic ad budgets, Internet 26% at the same time as many were unhappy with their multicultural marketing campaigns.The fact that the US advertising industry AM/FM radio 18% is under attack for its lack of diversity only underscores the Other* 20% problem.The African-American market cannot be taken for granted — this audience takes note of advertisers and the Note: *ages 13 –75; *all reading, listening to music, watching DVDs, video games messages targeted to them, and responds accordingly. and satellite radio Source: Radio One Inc., “Black America Study” conducted by Yankelovich, June 2008 Television is still the top medium, but many people are multitasking online while watching. African-Americans watch more hours of television per week than any other racial group — some 45 hours in 2007, according to The Nielsen Company. They also spent 31 hours per week on the Internet, according to a Radio One survey conducted by Yankelovich. Obviously there is some multitasking going on: 48% of the Radio One/Yankelovich respondents said they were online or using a computer while also watching television. 18
  • 19. Key eMarketer Numbers— African Americans Online 23.7 million African-American* Internet users in 2013, up from 17.8 million in 2008 56.4% African-American* Internet users % of total African-American population in2013, up from 46.4% in 2008 11.2% African-American* Internet users % of total U.S .Internet users in 2013, up from 9.9% in 2008 Note: *alone or in combination with other races Source: eMarketer, March 2009 19
  • 20. Some 56% of African-Americans, or 23.3 million people, are under age 35, and most of that group is online daily. Because of their intense interest in all things digital, Radio One/Yankelovich categorized them as follows: “Digital networkers” Connected black teens “Black onliners” (median age, 23) (median age, 27) More than 92% are under age 35; 69% are male; Almost two-thirds are under age 18. Like other, They are heavy Web users; 45% are ages 18 to 34; 57% are students; and 44% live in suburbs. They nonblack teens, they are tech-savvy, heavily 70% are male; and nearly eight in 10 shop online are heavy users of social networking and instant social, music-oriented and brand-conscious. once per month and spend an average of $115 per messaging (IM) and have high ownership levels of Unlike other, nonblack teens, nearly one-half of month on the Web.They use e-mail and IM and visit laptops and mobile phones. the time they watch TV is spent watching black- YouTube, black websites and music websites. focused shows.One-half of those who are online visit black websites at least weekly. 20
  • 21. Nearly one-third of “black onliners” admitted that if they see something they like, they have to have it, even if it costs more than they would like to spend. US Adult Mobile Device* Users Who Use Mobile Content and Applications Daily, by Race/ Ethnicity, October– December 2007 Top 10 Websites Among US African- (% ofrespondents in each group) American Internet Users, Ranked by Unique African- White American Hispanic Audience Composition, September 2008 Send or receive text messages 28% 34% 42% (thousands and % composition) Take a picture 14% 21% 20% Unqiue audience % (thousands) composition Play a game 6% 11% 15% Send or receive e-mail 7% 7% 9% 1. 793 77.6% Access the Internet for news, weather, 7% 9% 10% 2. zShare 409 35.8% sports or other information 3. imeem 551 29.6% Record a video 3% 4% 3% 4. 633 27.7% Play music 5% 10% 12% 5. USAJOBS 701 27.0% Send or recieve instant messages 4% 9% 12% 6. 625 24.9% Get a map or directions to another location 3% 2% 4% 7. JobsOnline 384 24.3% Watch video 2% 4% 2% 8. Zango 708 23.0% Total 38% 50% 56% 9. BlackVoices 841 21.9% 10. WorldWinner 509 21.9% Note: *ages 18+; *mobile phone or PDA Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, “Mobile Access to Data and Information” as citied in press released, March 5, 2008 Source: the Nielsen Company, “Multi-cultural Advertising,” January 29, 2009 These young people are more brand-conscious than their elders, 11 million people.The number must be considered in light and more impetuous in their buying habits. Nearly one-third of of two facts. First, Yankelovich’s survey base was 3,400 “black onliners” admitted that if they see something they like, they African-Americans, interviewed by phone and online.The have to have it, even if it costs more than they would like to spend. chart’s extrapolation to activities that millions of participants engaged in is based on a Pew Internet Project report African-Americans’ online activities mirror those of every other online from March 2007; later reports gave lower values to culture and population. Communicating by e-mail, researching and African-American Internet penetration, as mentioned earlier shopping were the top three activities in the Radio One/Yankelovich in this report. 360 survey, just as they were in many other general-population surveys. However, the fourth-ranked online activity in this African- This article is reprinted with premission from eMarketer. American-only survey is “visit black sites,” estimated at 21
  • 22. social fans U.S. Internet Users Who Are More Likely to Buy/Recommend a Brand Since more likely Becoming a Fan/Follower on Facebook to buy February 2010 (% of respondents) Yes, for many brands 19% 19% Social media marketers looking Yes, for a few brands 32% for an indication that their efforts 41% are helping the bottom line will No be encouraged by findings from 34% 29% Chadwick Martin Bailey and Do not know iModerate that social friends and 15% followers feel more inclined to 12% purchase from the brands they Note: n=1,504 ages 18+; numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding are fans of. Source: Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologies as cited in press release, March 10, 2010 22
  • 23. The top reason to friend a brand on Facebook was to receive discounts, followed by simply being a customer of the company and a desire to show others that they support the brand. More than one-half of Facebook fans said they are more likely to make a purchase for at least a few brands, and 67% Primary Reason that U.S. Internet Users of Twitter followers reported the same. Are Fans of a Brand on Facebook February 2010 (% of respondents) The power of earned media gives a further boost to brands: 60% of respondents claimed their Facebook fandom To receive discounts and promotions increased the chance they would recommend a brand to a 25% friend. Among Twitter followers, that proportion rose to nearly eight in 10. I am a customer of the company 21% The researchers also explored why social media users become brand fans. The top reason to friend a brand on To show others that I like/support this brand Facebook was to receive discounts, followed by simply 18% being a customer of the company and a desire to show others that they support the brand. On Twitter, discounts, It’s fun and entertaining up-to-the-minute information and exclusive content were 10% the main draws; only 2% of respondents followed brands on Twitter to show their support. To be the first to know information about the brand 8% The findings are largely in line with previous research about Gain access to exclusive content what social followers want, but the results changed when Chadwick Martin Bailey asked respondents about why they 6% had first decided to follow brands, and allowed them to Someone recommended it to me choose as many reasons as they liked. 5% Among Facebook fans, the top reasons were being a To be part of a community of like-minded people customer (49%) and to show support (42%), with discounts 4% and promotions coming in third (40%). Another 34% simply said it was fun and entertaining to become a fan. On Twitter, I work for/with the company being a customer won out (51%), with discounts (44%) and 2% fun (42%) rounding out the top three. 360 I own stock in the company 0% This article is reprinted with premission from eMarketer None of these 0% Note: n=1,504 ages 18+; numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding Source: Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologies as cited in press release, March 10, 2010 23
  • 24. case study: american airlines american airlines AAdvantage The Axis Agency goes far beyond merely translating materials. We create public relations campaigns that truly connect with our target audience and incorporate our multicultural outreach. The following American Airlines case study goes to the heart of this strategy. American Airlines engaged The Axis Agency to support Hispanic population continues to grow, so does their amount an AAdvantage advertising campaign aimed exclusively at of travel. While historically, they may have traveled closer the U.S. Hispanic Market — to increase its AAdvantage to home and taken more low-key vacations, today they are enrollment among this audience. The advertising campaign spending more money and traveling more frequently and to included major media buys in Chicago, Dallas, New York greater distances. and Miami in print, online, broadcast and cable, as well as an education campaign scheduled for Telemundo. Additionally, the growth of the U.S. Hispanic Internet audience in the last year has outpaced that of the total U.S. Over the years American Airlines has made significant inroads online population in the number of visitors, time spent and into the U.S. Hispanic demographic, whose buying power pages viewed, as the number of Hispanics going online and is estimated at nearly $1 trillion, and the potential to bring engaging continues to increase. So American Airlines wanted thousands more into the American Airlines AAdvantage family to capitalize on this trend by reaching out to Hispanics on is huge. Some 41 percent of U.S. Hispanics live in American platforms with which they were most comfortable. Airlines hub cities and are an inviting consumer base. As the 24
  • 25. OBJECTIVES MEDIA STRATEGY + Position American as the airline that offers the best Our media strategy was a two-pronged, integrated value in mile redemption with 40 flights to Latin campaign, reaching out to both traditional and America; 35 to the Caribbean and 14 to Mexico. social media: + Highlight that miles accrued can be used by targets + First, we targeted Spanish-language media — print, both to maintain an important connection with their broadcast, digital and social — emphasizing American’s home countries and to establish new connections in commitment to this segment, pointing out the benefits the United States. that Spanish-speaking customers can reap by + Showcase the ease of enrollment and use of the becoming members of American’s – the world’s first — website, — in several languages. frequent-flier program. + Underscore the various ways in which members can + Second, we targeted English-language media — earn miles. specifically advertising trade publications (eg Ad Age, Ad Week) and business publications (Forbes, Fortune, BusinessWeek, Hispanic Business, Hispanic Market Weekly and Multicultural News, among others) — emphasizing American’s long history — and trendsetting status in outreach to U.S. Hispanics, and their importance to American’s overall business success. 25
  • 26. case study: american airlines PROGRAM ELEMENTS + Developed an ad and executed a buy on Facebook — using Facebook Targeted Campaign — targeting some 268,000 Spanish-speaking Facebook individuals who: - Live within 50 miles of Dallas, TX, Chicago, IL, Miami, FL or New York, NY - Are over the age of 18 + Created tweets in Spanish and English publishing each tweet on American’s Twitter channel and tracking re-tweets + Uploaded the commercial to the American Airlines YouTube Channel, with a targeted message in English and Spanish + Conducted an aggressive national media outreach campaign the week of commercial launch with follow up at both local and national level OUTCOME Title (25 Characters): Our goal was to increase the enrollment of Hispanic consumers in American Airlines’ Programa AAdvantage AAdvantage program, which has more than 62 million members worldwide. Since the campaign kicked off, 300 plus individuals have registered for the AAdvantage program, Body (135 Characters): the majority of them choosing Spanish, by going through the page Conozca AAdvantage®, vuele con referenced on our materials — and those numbers are still coming in. nosotros y empiece a acumular millas en nuestras compañías The media campaign has generated more than 48 media placements with more than participantes. 21 million impressions, reaching an audience of 5,823,361. This includes placements in Hispanic Business, PR Week, Hispanic Market Weekly, and the Dallas Business Journal — Link: a story that was picked up by business journals nationwide — as well as a local hit on the 33 TV news broadcast and a number of local Spanish-language publications. 26
  • 27. the media campaign has generated more than 48 media placements with more than 21 million impressions, reaching an audience of 5,823,361 TWITTER NUMBERS Tweets published through American’s marketing brand channel called “AAirwaves” over the course of two days had a potential reach of 42,181 individual Twitter users, including followers of American Airlines, over the course of this effort. FACEBOOK NUMBERS The ad on Facebook generated: + 794,692 impressions + 193 click-throughs + Total amount spent: $84.91 27
  • 28. case study: american airlines The following article was published in PRWeek on December 1, 2009. American Airlines shoots to score with Hispanic travelers by Kimberly Paul COMPANY: American Airlines DURATION: PR AGENCY: The Axis Agency September 24-December 31 CAMPAIGN: The Penalty Challenge American Airlines is working to interact with Hispanic consumers through various online strategies in 2009. One such tactic is “The Penalty Challenge,” which allows consumers to play an online soccer game and earn AAdvantage miles and the chance for ticket discounts. STRATEGY AA wanted to get Hispanic consumers more comfortable interacting with the company online, says Billy Sanez, corporate communications director. “Hispanic customers are used to going to travel agencies and having a longer dialogue before they buy a plane ticket,” he explains. “So we want to make sure we’re in that longer dialogue online.” The message is promoting AA’s “involvement with the Hispanic community and continued commitment to it,” says Ana Barrera Waggoner, group manager for Axis Agency, AA’s Hispanic PR AOR. Additionally, she notes, it promoted the company’s relationship with Major League Soccer. PROGRAM ELEMENTS The PR team conducted media outreach to both English- and Spanish-language outlets, as well as travel publications. Twitter and Facebook were among the sites used to build buzz about the game. The Penalty Challenge itself is also viral, allowing players to send to friends and share their scores, a big part of spreading the word, Sanez says. 28
  • 29. “The results have allowed us to see the consumption pattern by fans of American and fans of soccer, and how they want us to interact with them” OUTCOME Media hits have included the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Hispanic Market Weekly, and As of October 21, more than 9,000 consumers registered and played the game. “The results have allowed us to see the consumption pattern by fans of American and fans of soccer, and how they want us to interact with them,” Sanez adds. FUTURE American plans to leverage the continued popularity of soccer, particularly around the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. “We’ll look at how we can expand [The Penalty Challenge] to other areas or how we can add an additional version to it for the future,” says Sanez. 29
  • 30. case study: degree men degree men siempre enfrenta el reto Degree Men, a Unilever brand, commissioned The Axis Agency to launch an online campaign targeting the U.S. Hispanic market that leveraged the brand’s sponsorship of the Mexican National Soccer Team as it made its way to the 2010 World Cup. Axis focused its digital strategy less on bulky platform development and more on community building through unique branded experiences within popular social networking sites. The concept of “brand as a friend” lead the campaign POV; providing personal access to exclusive Mexican National Team content and experiences consumers could share, personalize and grow their own social currency. Through Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter, Axis deployed a wide range of original multimedia content, conversation starters and promotions that focused on our target audiences’ passion for soccer. Across all these social media channels, Degree Men allowed consumers to show 30
  • 31. The Axis Agency captured and produced exclusive interviews, event highlight reels and behind- the-scenes video packages with current players and several Mexican soccer legends. off their cultural pride and engage with a brand that truly distributed across all brand channels and were pitched to understands their wants and needs. online media outlets, bloggers and online influencers for additional syndication and maximum reach. As part of the ongoing engagement and conversations across Facebook and Twitter, Axis produced a series of COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT timely polls, quizzes and trivia questions that prompted To manage the brand’s social media communication stream, consumers to participate and share. Axis assigned a core community management team charged with the ongoing posting of news-related commentary, To fully leverage the brand’s partnership with the Mexican quizzes, polls, trivia and video content; monitoring wall posts, National Soccer Team, Axis captured and produced tracking comments and conversations; and measuring total exclusive interviews, event highlight reels and behind-the- interactions and community growth. scenes video packages with current players and several Mexican soccer legends. These videos were seeded and 31
  • 32. case study: degree men 189,247 YouTube Channel Views 1,361 Twitter Followers 32
  • 33. Degree Men currently owns the position of the #1 Mexican National Team fan page on Facebook 40,879 Facebook Fans LEADING THE SPACE Although Degree’s partnership deal with the Mexican Axis continues to help Degree Men lead the conversation with National Team is not exclusive, it is the only brand sponsor U.S. Hispanic consumers; increasing not only the brand’s who has established a meaningful presence in the digital visibility, but also building a long-lasting relationship with and social media space. As a result, Degree Men currently them, built around interaction, engagement and friendship. owns the position of the #1 Mexican National Team fan page on Facebook — with over 40,000 Facebook fans and counting. 33
  • 34. blogger profile Midtown Chic-a by Stephanie Camargo Everyone has that “go-to” friend. You know Miami. Midtown Chic-a ended up being the one…It’s the person you call when the ideal name for my blog. The ironies you’re looking for a good spot to take your and rewards of life! Fast-forward exactly date out to dinner, or the one you e-mail one year later and there I was, receiving when you’re booking a vacation for some an award from the Sun-Sentinel for Best cool travel tidbits, and at the very least, the Neighborhood Blog as part of a series of one you text to find the best local groomer awards presented to local bloggers which for your dog. included categories such as Best Food Blog, Best Music Blog and Best Tech Blog, Hi, that’s me. I am your “go-to” chica for all part of the first annual Best of Blogs all your South Florida needs. I’m the one (BOB) Awards ceremony. Who would have e-mailing you because a new fashion thought? Definitely, not I! But I’ve learned boutique opened up on Lincoln Rd., and if you mix a little bit of passion, with some we have to go check it out. Or better yet, skills and dedication and a whole lot of there’s a new Broadway show coming to love…people will notice! town that you absolutely must buy tickets for! And let’s please not forget to make Although I focus on South Florida and my reservations for the new restaurant opening local neighborhood, I enjoy writing about up on South Beach. a lot of different things that inspire me; everything from local events, family and This desire and my ability to share information friends, my dog, Lola (who accompanied with other people is what motivated me to me to the awards ceremony), traveling, start my own lifestyle blog, a place where food and fashion among other things. The I could centralize all my thoughts and majority of my posts are from my own personal experiences for the entire world I am your “go-to” personal experiences and although I write to read and see (I know, scary). The way chica for all your them in English, I sometimes tend to use I look at it is, if it’s something I enjoy or Spanglish to express myself best. It is very find entertaining, then it might possibly be South Florida needs. evident that I am a proud Latina who also something someone else might enjoy and likes to promote Hispanic-related topics find entertaining as well, and that gives me Midtown Chic-a, my blog which I started (See my post on a recent off-Broadway personal satisfaction. in March of 2009, was a dream project I’d show I saw, Platanos & Collard Greens). been formulating since I moved back from Call it a combination of being curious and New York City in 2008. I knew I was going Regardless, blogging is something I do out in-the-know, or just in tune with my local to miss the energy and activities that only a of love and in my spare time (talk about community, but my passion for writing my city like NYC could offer, but I also knew I work-life balance!) To those of you interested blog posts comes from wanting to share my was moving back to Miami for great reasons in starting your own blog, I say, make sure knowledge and insights with family, friends, (insert family, beach and warm weather it’s something you are very passionate about neighbors, peers and just about anyone else here) and that “the 305” has so much to and be prepared to sleep a little less. who’s interested in what I might have to say. offer that many people that live here don’t Obviously, being in the PR industry plays a even realize! So the next time you find yourself in the major role because it is my job to be on top 305, don’t hesitate to drop me a line at of the latest trends; it’s also taught me a lot After working in Midtown NYC for a couple 360 about how the blogging community works of years, I found myself right smack in and finally, clients see me as a local expert, the middle of a hip, new, up-and-coming Stephanie Camargo is an award-winning blogger and so all of these things go hand-in-hand. neighborhood in Miami called Midtown Senior Account Executive at The Axis Agency. 34
  • 35. speaker spotlight TagMe 2010 Conference Wally Sabria, SVP/Creative Director, The Axis Agency “Any entrepreneur or businessman who’s Community and Culture are the key pillars Based on his experience at The Axis not aware of the potential that social media to a successful digital communciations Agency, Wally points out that to guarantee offers, has fallen asleep in a train bound strategy; allowing brands to maximize success for clients in the digital space, to nowhere,” said Wally Sabria, SVP and consumer engagement and overall brands should not focus only on the “tools”, Creative Director at The Axis Agency, during campaign effectiveness. but rather on the cultural connection and his keynote speech at the TagMe 2010 passion points that the brand and the Conference that took place in Medellín, “It’s also essential to look for ways to consumer have in common. “Impressions Colombia at the end of April, 2010. integrate digital with other tactical platforms are great, but a deep, long-lasting as part of a larger strategy. This 360 relationship with consumers is what social Joined by a panel of industry leaders approach can make digital and social media media can potentially offer your brand.” including Brian Wong (, and a natural partner to other ongoing PR, Andrés Barreto (, Wally live events, traditional print, broadcast Finally, at TagMe, Sabria talked about shared that, “Conversation, Content, and retail promotions.” the value of content development and community management. “It’s vital to keep the communication flowing with Impressions are great, but a deep, long- consumers on an ongoing basis. The more lasting relationship with consumers is what conversations and involvement a brand has with its consumers, the more both parties will social media can potentially offer your brand. learn about each other,” he concluded. 360 can’t-miss digital conferences BlogHer Blogalicious™ Weekend Blog World Expo ad:tech New York Aug 6-7, 2010 October 8-10, 2010 October 14-16, 2010 November 2-4, 2010 The Hilton New York The Ritz Carlton Mandalay Bay Javits Convention Center New York, NY Miami, FL Las Vegas, NV New York, NY BlogHer brings bloggers from The Blogalicious™ Weekend BlogWorld & New Media Expo is an For more than ten years, ad:tech every corner of the blogosphere conferences are aimed at exciting forum for members of both has provided media, marketing and together for hands-on learning, celebrating the diversity of women the new and traditional media. Learn technology professionals with the rich discussions, opportunities to of all ethnicities in social media. about Content Creation, Distribution tools and techniques they need meet with the brands that support Everyone is invited and welcome and Monetization strategies, step- to succeed in a changing digital them and plentiful networking to attend. The conference is a by-step techniques and bleeding- world. With 10 shows in 7 countries, opportunities. BlogHer is open celebration of diversity and we want edge tools from the most successful ad:tech’s globally respected roster of to anyone and everyone who women bloggers of all backgrounds bloggers, podcasters, social media speakers, workshops and exhibitors considers themselves part of the participate. pros, and internet TV and radio continues to make it the preferred blogosphere and is particularly content generators. resource and destination for digital focused on highlighting the skills marketers everywhere. and talents of women who blog. media/media new_york.aspx 35
  • 36. @imageorreality @midtownchica Husband and father of twins on Ur local source 4 all-things #Miami & Chicago’s mighty South Side. An more! A fun-lovin chic-a who enjoys independent thinker, believer in quality a good laugh w/ her friends, fam and and patience, lover of risqué humor. blogging it up #thatisall @AfAmMaven I luv #Chi City, & channeling my @vivimwiewall inner bohemian. I heart JAH, Free spirit who’s enjoying every people, family, simplicity and second of her life. AKA the loud, longevity. Sick with Bieber Fever.  @angiedi sarcastic YET nice one in the The most outspoken employee Miami office, holla! in the Miami office!!!!!!!!!! Her colleagues would agree she is a telenovela guru =) axis biotweets We thought it would be a cool idea to show you who we are in a different and non-traditional way. That’s @gabrielabucita Searching for meaning- why we asked all the team members @ The Axis enjoying the ride! LOVE: life, Agency to come up with a Biotweet. In 140 characters hubby cuddling, our dog or less, this is what they have to say about themselves Juanita & hangin’ with my and the things they dig. 9 nieces n nephews! @gbujanda Big-D citizen by way of DF; news, film & politics junkie. Pro gabber 4 #Mexico City, #microfinance fan, @mezul Cinema-luvin Latina thinks hugely outwitted by 10-yr-old son success is getting what you want & happiness is wanting what you get. Watches @danielnla novelas for entertainment FUN!! DIVERSIÓN!! to appease the soul. @LaGromero @melissaygalarza Fascinated with the nuance of MEANING. Easygoing girl who enjoys the simple A Hispanic marketing professional things in life, great food, music and infatuated with WORDCRAFT, a TRAVELER friends…you will find me by the beach thrilled by a multi-hued worldview. in Miami almost every weekend! @karlaenriquez @Ale003 Bi-cultural, soul-searching, twenty- traveling the world is my thing and talking something year old full of passion and intellectual curiosity figuring out this to people pays for my things. Always live crazy beautiful life in peace, love and dance till you please. 36