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Enhancing Work-Life
Balance for Working
This August, Emirates NBD took a big
step towards improving work-life
balance for new mums through the
introduction of a lactation room at
our Head Office. The women-only
space is protected with controlled
access doors for privacy and enables
our female staff to continue
breastfeeding their children for
longer. Breastfeeding has long been
linked to better health outcomes for
both mother and child, promoting for
mum, post-pregnancy weight loss,
reduced risk for ovarian and breast
cancers and osteoporosis later in life.
In the UAE, 88% of new mothers
begin breastfeeding at birth but this
number drastically drops to only 45%
at 6 weeks, typically the time when
many new mothers return to work.
This initiative aims to empower
women to make the best choices for
them and their families and couldn’t
have been made possible without the
dedication of our Property and
Facilities Management team.
July - September 2016
2016 at a Glance
Issue - 7
Our Social Agenda
This issue of Connect: Our Social
Agenda highlights some of the
awesome activities and initiatives
launched across the Bank throughout
the third quarter.
With only one quarter left in the year,
we can reflect back at our
achievements so far, while looking
forward to those yet to come. Kicking
off the summer, our KSA offices
focused on sustainability through the
introduction of a paper recycling
program. Back in the UAE, we
introduced a lactation room for new
mothers’ in August, followed by
parking for expectant mothers’
in September. Closing out the quarter,
our volunteers took the spotlight
at the Exchanger Summit where they
were recognized for their ongoing
efforts and dedication.
Looking ahead, we will be focusing
on health and wellness with an
emphasis on breast cancer awareness
and men’s health. We will also be
wrapping up preparations for our first
ever sustainability report, to be
publicly released in 2017 Q1.
Read about these and our other
exciting initiatives in the pages to come.
Directly impacted
30 Exchanged
through our online
banking channel & cash
Emirates NBD
Supporting women in male dominated industries
On August 27th, Emirates NBD’s Group IT team proudly hosted the IT Women’s Empowerment
event at our Head Office, organized by the Emirates Digital Association for Women, a registered
non-profit established to guide, support, and empower women across the UAE in the fields of
computer science and information technology. The event, sponsored by Group IT and supported by
our Exchangers, focused on providing a networking opportunity for women in the field and
highlighting opportunities for collaboration. It included an open discussion on overcoming gender-
related challenges, and guests benefited from hearing inspiring stories shared by female leaders.
Reserved Parking for expectant mums
Celebrating our volunteers
– Exchanger Summit!Crafty Ceramics at Café Ceramique
This September, the Bank introduced designated parking spots
for expectant mothers at our Meydan Offices. The initiative,
was an immediate success with the 9 available spots reserved
within hours of release. Completed in partnership between
the Property and Facility Management and Corporate Social
Responsibility teams, the initiative provides expectant mothers
with safe, reliable, and covered parking spots conveniently
located near the building entrance. To ensure appropriate use,
the spots have been painted and signed to indicate use by
permit only and a privilege pass has been issued to successful
applicants for display. Due to high demand, priority has been
given to women with documented pregnancy-related
complications and those closer to delivery.
Helping vulnerable communities
On September 24th, 16 Filipino members of Emirates NBD’s
Exchanger community visited the Philippine Consulate to
bring hygiene bags and good cheer to over 50 domestic
workers, who are temporarily staying at the Consulate.
The residents, all women, are awaiting their return
home after having fled domestic violence, many leaving
everything behind. After distributing goods, our
Exchangers engaged the residents with stories, karaoke
and Zumba.
On September 30th, we held our 2nd Exchanger Summit -
a day dedicated solely to the brilliant, selfless, and
hardworking Exchangers of Emirates NBD. It was a day for
our top Exchangers to come together and to be rewarded
for their hard work. This year, the summit was held at the
Al Bustan Rotana Hotel, where Exchangers enjoyed a
delicious spread, won awards for their diligent efforts, and
participated in team building workshops, networking
sessions and other activities including human bingo and
the happiness game.
On September 7th, our Exchangers accompanied
20 students from Manzil School for an art-filled day at Café
Ceramique. Session volunteers were paired with students
to help channel their inner Picassos. Each student was given
pencils, crayons and paint to design on paper and then
activate their creations on a plain ceramic mug. The painted
mugs were then baked in the oven and, once cooled, returned
to the students to use or gift. The Crafty Ceramics programme
is an ongoing activity where students from different schools
and centers can hone their creative skills at Café Ceramique.
Employee Wellness Fair
Building capacity through leadership
Each year, the Dubai Chamber Sustainability Network
develops a series of working groups to address trending
themes in sustainability. The working groups serve as
multi-stakeholder platforms for discussion and
development of best practices, targets and methods for
measurement and reporting. In 2016, social inclusion
and employment for people with disabilities (PwD)
became a focus for the UAE and as regional leaders in
this space, Emirates NBD was nominated to co-lead the
working group with Cummins, a company that designs
and manufactures power generation products. The
working group has two core focuses: developing a
mentorship model and developing internal policies,
frameworks and processes that will enable companies
to actively look at employing PwD.
Pens for Thought
This September, we partnered with Emirates Red
Crescent and Education 4 All to collect school supplies
for underprivileged children. Until October 14th, our
Exchanger Champions from each department will be
working together to collect supplies.
This August, Emirates NBD’s HR team launched their largest
ever Employee Wellness Fair inviting over 30 industry partners
to visit Emirates NBD locations. Over a span of 2 weeks, the
Wellness Fair provided free health check-ups, lectures on
common ailments, awesome physical activities including yoga,
meditation and Zumba, as well as live cooking sessions for
heathy eats, and tantalizing but nutritious desserts. The
Wellness Fair was initiated as part of HR’s employee wellness
strategy and included existing and new providers. Sessions and
stands were well attended with over 1,000 employees
registering for activities and screenings over the span of the fair.
Recycling in KSA
Scaling the heights at Mattel Play! Town
On August 18th, a select number of Exchangers had the opportunity to pilot an
awesomely fun new activity with students from Emirates Autism Center at Mattel
Play! Town. It was a fun-filled playful day with stimulating and engaging
experiences with some of the kids’ favorite characters like Barney, Bob the Builder,
Angelina Ballerina, Thomas & Friends and Fireman Sam. Of course the students had
a great time, but our Exchangers had an equally exciting time, singing along to
Barney’s top hits, scaling the heights of the floating planks at Fireman Sam’s, and
getting creative with the interactive drawing boards! The experience was such a hit
that it will now join the roster as a monthly Exchanger event.
This June, Emirates NBD – KSA
in partnership with InfoFort,
became the first bank in the
Kingdom to implement paper
recycling in their offices. The
initiative aims to create
awareness about waste, to
educate people about recycling,
and to change behavior to
reduce consumption. While still
new, 310 kg of paper have been
recycled to-date saving 5 trees,
8214 L of water, 447 L of oil
and offsetting 5 tons of CO2
This August, the classrooms at
Al Noor Training Centre for Children
with Disabilities received an amazing
makeover! Our Exchangers rolled up
their sleeves and got down to business,
painting 9 classrooms in the center’s primary wing.
With no prior experience in painting, but armed with a
lot of heart and determination, the Exchangers spent 2
hours a day laying coat over coat, and 3 days later, the
classrooms were transformed! A big thank you to paint
supplier, Jotun, who supplied us with the paint required to
make this project a reality.
A new look for Al Noor!
Did you know that there are over 46 million people living with dementia?
Alzheimer's is a progressive disease that over time
destroys memory and other important mental
functions. Often heart-breaking, Alzheimer’s is the
most common cause of dementia and accounts for
60%-80% of cases worldwide. September 30th is
World Alzheimer’s Day and to help improve the lives
of people living with Alzheimer’s, Emirates NBD has
partnered with 4get-me-not, a local non-profit,
committed to raising Alzheimer’s awareness,
to organize visits by our Exchangers to the elderly
homes specifically for patients with the disease in
Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and Ajman. While there
is no cure for Alzheimer’s, there are some things that you can do to reduce your risk, including: adopting an active
lifestyle and healthy diet, being social, and committing to lifelong learning.
This past April, Tanfeeth
launched the Emirates NBD
‘Go Green’ initiative, with
the support of Group COO, Abdulla Qassem, to inspire
grassroots initiatives for paper waste reduction.
Champions were assigned within each business unit to
receive and review proposals, and to-date over 400 ideas
have been shared and over 50 piloted. The best initiatives
were shortlisted for presentation to the Group Executive
Committee on August 29th and 3 winners emerged:
Sanchit Kapoor (Compliance) for making the Suspicious
Transaction Reporting process paperless, Richard Dias and
Mohamed Rifthy (EI) for driving transparency through
centralized tracking and reporting of paper consumption,
and Lionel Siziba (Risk) for reducing erroneous printing by
prompting users to confirm print jobs.
Smiles in Motion at Latifa Hospital
Taking place every Wednesday from September 7th
onwards, Emirates NBD’s Exchangers will be taking to the
corridors of Latifa Hospital’s children’s ward to bring smiles
to the faces of the hospital’s youngest short- and long-term
residents. During these sessions, the Emirates NBD
Exchangers will engage children through arts and crafts,
storytelling and puzzle-making, while also helping with
some of the niceties that often get overlooked during
long-term stays. The first session also included distribution
of back-to-school supplies to help families that, given the
circumstances, may have been too busy to prepare.
Sharing with Family Village
On July 21st, Emirates NBD’s Exchangers visited the
Family Village in Dubai to learn about the orphanage,
and share shopping vouchers for the children. The Family
Village is the region’s first-of-its-kind community orphan-
age managed by Awqaf and Minors Affairs Foundation
(AMAF). It includes 16 villas in one central compound
and is home to 27 orphans and their caregivers. The
facility provides children with a balanced, healthy and
homelike living environment, with caregivers standing in
as mothers or aunts to provide them with love and care.
Go Green,
Go Paperless
Introducing Sustainable Finance
On September 7th, Emirates NBD’s
CSR team joined representatives
from all of the UAE’s major
banks to take part in a
Sustainable Finance Steering
Committee hosted by the
United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP), in support of the Central Bank of the
United Arab Emirates. The committee discussed the sector’s
collective vision, current practices and intent for sustainable
finance in the UAE. The discussion took place in preparation
for the UNEP Finance Initiative’s Global Roundtable on
Sustainable Finance being held in Dubai at the end of
October, hosted by the Ministry of Climate Change and
Minimizing our carbon
This October, Emirates NBD’s Procurement
team will be releasing a Request for
Information (RFI) for inclusion into a
Request for Proposal (RFP) for energy and
water audits of Emirates NBD owned
locations. The RFP, to be released later this
year, will solicit an auditing company to
assess the Bank’s current energy and water
use, and identify key opportunities for the
Bank to reduce consumption
through operational and
policy changes, as well
as larger infrastructure
investment. The audit
will include the use of
sophisticated tools to
assess the
cost-effectiveness of
different measures and
provide recommendations
to maximize energy and
water reductions while
minimizing cost.
Painting with Emirates Autism
Centre and Stepping Stones
Looking to adopt
a furry friend?
Throughout the month of
July, Emirates NBD’s
Exchangers spent their
weekends giving some much
needed TLC to the residents
of the Ras Al Khaimah Animal
Welfare Centre (RAKAWC),
a nonprofit animal welfare
organization that socializes,
trains and rehomes healthy
cats and dogs. To help
rehome these loving animals,
we have now added an
adoption page to our internal
site, where employees can see
cats and dogs looking for their
forever home. This popular
activity, first introduced in
May, has now been added to
the Exchanger’s weekly roster.
On August 25th, Emirates NBD’s Exchangers returned to
thejamjar to assist students from the Stepping Stones Center
for Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Emirates Autism Center in
learning and activating a new painting technique. Students
were first taught how to create geometric designs on the canvas
using tape, and then provided with supplies to create their own
masterpieces with the help of their Exchanger partners.
GRI Data Collection
almost complete!
This June, we kicked-off data collection for our 1st ever
sustainability report to be certified by the Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI) - an international independent
standards organization that helps businesses,
governments and other organizations understand and
communicate their impacts on issues such as climate
change, human rights and corruption. To help us with
this process, we have partnered with Sustainable Square,
an independent sustainability consultancy who are
conducting departmental interviews, to gather data and
help us generate our official report. Once data collection
is complete, we will publish the results, alongside our
Annual Report, in February.
CMP Trainees
This August, batches 3 and 4 of the Certified Manager’s Program (CMP) for future leaders began planning Community
Leadership Projects (CMP) based on 1 of 4 objectives: helping to advance women into senior management positions, reducing
our carbon footprint, improving financial literacy, and promoting anti-obesity. Teams have been given a hypothetical budget
of AED 50,000 to pilot their projects and, over the next few months, must develop proposals with defined timelines, KPIs, and
beneficiaries, as well as a realistic budget, and embedded volunteer opportunities. Teams will present their opportunities in
early November, competing to win best project.
What’s Coming Next
Calling all Mo’ Bros
Movember, also known as No-shave November, is a
month dedicated to raising awareness about men’s
mental and physical health, and prostate and testicular
cancer. Gender is one of the strongest predictors
of health and life expectancy around the world but
preventative care and early detection can help to
balance the tides. This November, we will be
challenging our employees to grow the mightiest
of moustaches to help raise awareness and money
to support Friends of Cancer Patients, a UAE non-profit
that supports cancer patients and their families.
Did You Know that Arab Women Develop
Breast Cancer 10 Years Earlier and in a More
Aggressive Form?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and throughout the month,
we will be hosting a number information sessions, screenings, and
activities to help our employees take action for early detection and
increase their knowledge. Employees will also have the chance to
raise money to support Friends of Cancer Patients, a UAE
non-profit that supports cancer patients and their families
while undergoing treatment. Breast cancer affects 1 in 5
people in the UAE and early detection can save your life.
Sales for Good Upcoming Exchanger Events
This October, Emirates NBD will be organizing bake and bazaar
sales to raise money for the UAE branch of Friends of Cancer,
a global non-profit that supports cancer patients and their
families throughout treatment and recovery. We will be artnering
with bakeries like SMALL CAKES, Mev Bakes and the Al Noor
Training Centre for Children with Disabilities to bring our
employees delicious cupcakes, cake pops and cookies every
Monday at our Meydan and Barsha offices.
For those watching their sugar intake we will also be hosting
bazaars, on alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays at Meydan,
Head Office and Barsha locations to buy and sell new and
gently-used clothing, toys, accessories and more.
2nd - Breast Cancer Awareness
5th - Smile in Motion
6th - Crafty Ceramics
6th - Pink Day
9th - Breast Cancer Awareness
10th - Bake Sale
12th - Smile in Motion
12th - Grow Smile & Discover
12th - Breast Cancer Awareness
12th - Pink Day
13th - Laughter Is
The Best Medicine
13th - Pink Day
14th - Book Sale
24th - Bake Sale
18th - Crazy Canvases
19th - Smile in Motion
21st - Philippine Consulate Visit
24th - Bake Sale
25th - Crazy Canvases
26th - Smile in Motion
29th - Crazy Canvases
31st - Bake Sale
1st - Crazy Canvases
2nd - Crafty Ceramics
2nd - Smile in Motion
4th - SNF Fun Fair
8th - Crazy Canvases
9th - Smile in Motion
12th - Crafty Ceramics
15th - Crazy Canvases
16th - Smile in Motion
23rd - Smile in Motion
25th - Unity Run
30th - Smile in Motion
20th - Crazy Canvases

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Emirates NBD's 2016 Q3 CSR Newsletter

  • 1. Enhancing Work-Life Balance for Working Mums This August, Emirates NBD took a big step towards improving work-life balance for new mums through the introduction of a lactation room at our Head Office. The women-only space is protected with controlled access doors for privacy and enables our female staff to continue breastfeeding their children for longer. Breastfeeding has long been linked to better health outcomes for both mother and child, promoting for mum, post-pregnancy weight loss, reduced risk for ovarian and breast cancers and osteoporosis later in life. In the UAE, 88% of new mothers begin breastfeeding at birth but this number drastically drops to only 45% at 6 weeks, typically the time when many new mothers return to work. This initiative aims to empower women to make the best choices for them and their families and couldn’t have been made possible without the dedication of our Property and Facilities Management team. Connect July - September 2016 WELCOME 2016 at a Glance Issue - 7 Our Social Agenda This issue of Connect: Our Social Agenda highlights some of the awesome activities and initiatives launched across the Bank throughout the third quarter. With only one quarter left in the year, we can reflect back at our achievements so far, while looking forward to those yet to come. Kicking off the summer, our KSA offices focused on sustainability through the introduction of a paper recycling program. Back in the UAE, we introduced a lactation room for new mothers’ in August, followed by parking for expectant mothers’ in September. Closing out the quarter, our volunteers took the spotlight at the Exchanger Summit where they were recognized for their ongoing efforts and dedication. Looking ahead, we will be focusing on health and wellness with an emphasis on breast cancer awareness and men’s health. We will also be wrapping up preparations for our first ever sustainability report, to be publicly released in 2017 Q1. Read about these and our other exciting initiatives in the pages to come. 72,559 Directly impacted people Exchanger activities Initiated 173 branches Involved 30 Exchanged Hours 6,669AED 1,722,991 Raised through our online banking channel & cash donations Emirates NBD Exchangers Engaged 705 Disability friendly branches 2 Supporting women in male dominated industries On August 27th, Emirates NBD’s Group IT team proudly hosted the IT Women’s Empowerment event at our Head Office, organized by the Emirates Digital Association for Women, a registered non-profit established to guide, support, and empower women across the UAE in the fields of computer science and information technology. The event, sponsored by Group IT and supported by our Exchangers, focused on providing a networking opportunity for women in the field and highlighting opportunities for collaboration. It included an open discussion on overcoming gender- related challenges, and guests benefited from hearing inspiring stories shared by female leaders.
  • 2. CSR CONNECT | 2 Reserved Parking for expectant mums Celebrating our volunteers – Exchanger Summit!Crafty Ceramics at Café Ceramique This September, the Bank introduced designated parking spots for expectant mothers at our Meydan Offices. The initiative, was an immediate success with the 9 available spots reserved within hours of release. Completed in partnership between the Property and Facility Management and Corporate Social Responsibility teams, the initiative provides expectant mothers with safe, reliable, and covered parking spots conveniently located near the building entrance. To ensure appropriate use, the spots have been painted and signed to indicate use by permit only and a privilege pass has been issued to successful applicants for display. Due to high demand, priority has been given to women with documented pregnancy-related complications and those closer to delivery. Helping vulnerable communities On September 24th, 16 Filipino members of Emirates NBD’s Exchanger community visited the Philippine Consulate to bring hygiene bags and good cheer to over 50 domestic workers, who are temporarily staying at the Consulate. The residents, all women, are awaiting their return home after having fled domestic violence, many leaving everything behind. After distributing goods, our Exchangers engaged the residents with stories, karaoke and Zumba. On September 30th, we held our 2nd Exchanger Summit - a day dedicated solely to the brilliant, selfless, and hardworking Exchangers of Emirates NBD. It was a day for our top Exchangers to come together and to be rewarded for their hard work. This year, the summit was held at the Al Bustan Rotana Hotel, where Exchangers enjoyed a delicious spread, won awards for their diligent efforts, and participated in team building workshops, networking sessions and other activities including human bingo and the happiness game. On September 7th, our Exchangers accompanied 20 students from Manzil School for an art-filled day at Café Ceramique. Session volunteers were paired with students to help channel their inner Picassos. Each student was given pencils, crayons and paint to design on paper and then activate their creations on a plain ceramic mug. The painted mugs were then baked in the oven and, once cooled, returned to the students to use or gift. The Crafty Ceramics programme is an ongoing activity where students from different schools and centers can hone their creative skills at Café Ceramique.
  • 3. CSR CONNECT | 3 Employee Wellness Fair Building capacity through leadership Each year, the Dubai Chamber Sustainability Network develops a series of working groups to address trending themes in sustainability. The working groups serve as multi-stakeholder platforms for discussion and development of best practices, targets and methods for measurement and reporting. In 2016, social inclusion and employment for people with disabilities (PwD) became a focus for the UAE and as regional leaders in this space, Emirates NBD was nominated to co-lead the working group with Cummins, a company that designs and manufactures power generation products. The working group has two core focuses: developing a mentorship model and developing internal policies, frameworks and processes that will enable companies to actively look at employing PwD. Pens for Thought This September, we partnered with Emirates Red Crescent and Education 4 All to collect school supplies for underprivileged children. Until October 14th, our Exchanger Champions from each department will be working together to collect supplies. This August, Emirates NBD’s HR team launched their largest ever Employee Wellness Fair inviting over 30 industry partners to visit Emirates NBD locations. Over a span of 2 weeks, the Wellness Fair provided free health check-ups, lectures on common ailments, awesome physical activities including yoga, meditation and Zumba, as well as live cooking sessions for heathy eats, and tantalizing but nutritious desserts. The Wellness Fair was initiated as part of HR’s employee wellness strategy and included existing and new providers. Sessions and stands were well attended with over 1,000 employees registering for activities and screenings over the span of the fair. Recycling in KSA Scaling the heights at Mattel Play! Town On August 18th, a select number of Exchangers had the opportunity to pilot an awesomely fun new activity with students from Emirates Autism Center at Mattel Play! Town. It was a fun-filled playful day with stimulating and engaging experiences with some of the kids’ favorite characters like Barney, Bob the Builder, Angelina Ballerina, Thomas & Friends and Fireman Sam. Of course the students had a great time, but our Exchangers had an equally exciting time, singing along to Barney’s top hits, scaling the heights of the floating planks at Fireman Sam’s, and getting creative with the interactive drawing boards! The experience was such a hit that it will now join the roster as a monthly Exchanger event. This June, Emirates NBD – KSA in partnership with InfoFort, became the first bank in the Kingdom to implement paper recycling in their offices. The initiative aims to create awareness about waste, to educate people about recycling, and to change behavior to reduce consumption. While still new, 310 kg of paper have been recycled to-date saving 5 trees, 8214 L of water, 447 L of oil and offsetting 5 tons of CO2 ! This August, the classrooms at Al Noor Training Centre for Children with Disabilities received an amazing makeover! Our Exchangers rolled up their sleeves and got down to business, painting 9 classrooms in the center’s primary wing. With no prior experience in painting, but armed with a lot of heart and determination, the Exchangers spent 2 hours a day laying coat over coat, and 3 days later, the classrooms were transformed! A big thank you to paint supplier, Jotun, who supplied us with the paint required to make this project a reality. A new look for Al Noor!
  • 4. CSR CONNECT | 4 Did you know that there are over 46 million people living with dementia? Alzheimer's is a progressive disease that over time destroys memory and other important mental functions. Often heart-breaking, Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia and accounts for 60%-80% of cases worldwide. September 30th is World Alzheimer’s Day and to help improve the lives of people living with Alzheimer’s, Emirates NBD has partnered with 4get-me-not, a local non-profit, committed to raising Alzheimer’s awareness, to organize visits by our Exchangers to the elderly homes specifically for patients with the disease in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and Ajman. While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, there are some things that you can do to reduce your risk, including: adopting an active lifestyle and healthy diet, being social, and committing to lifelong learning. This past April, Tanfeeth launched the Emirates NBD ‘Go Green’ initiative, with the support of Group COO, Abdulla Qassem, to inspire grassroots initiatives for paper waste reduction. Champions were assigned within each business unit to receive and review proposals, and to-date over 400 ideas have been shared and over 50 piloted. The best initiatives were shortlisted for presentation to the Group Executive Committee on August 29th and 3 winners emerged: Sanchit Kapoor (Compliance) for making the Suspicious Transaction Reporting process paperless, Richard Dias and Mohamed Rifthy (EI) for driving transparency through centralized tracking and reporting of paper consumption, and Lionel Siziba (Risk) for reducing erroneous printing by prompting users to confirm print jobs. Smiles in Motion at Latifa Hospital Taking place every Wednesday from September 7th onwards, Emirates NBD’s Exchangers will be taking to the corridors of Latifa Hospital’s children’s ward to bring smiles to the faces of the hospital’s youngest short- and long-term residents. During these sessions, the Emirates NBD Exchangers will engage children through arts and crafts, storytelling and puzzle-making, while also helping with some of the niceties that often get overlooked during long-term stays. The first session also included distribution of back-to-school supplies to help families that, given the circumstances, may have been too busy to prepare. Sharing with Family Village On July 21st, Emirates NBD’s Exchangers visited the Family Village in Dubai to learn about the orphanage, and share shopping vouchers for the children. The Family Village is the region’s first-of-its-kind community orphan- age managed by Awqaf and Minors Affairs Foundation (AMAF). It includes 16 villas in one central compound and is home to 27 orphans and their caregivers. The facility provides children with a balanced, healthy and homelike living environment, with caregivers standing in as mothers or aunts to provide them with love and care. Go Green, Go Paperless Introducing Sustainable Finance On September 7th, Emirates NBD’s CSR team joined representatives from all of the UAE’s major banks to take part in a Sustainable Finance Steering Committee hosted by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), in support of the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates. The committee discussed the sector’s collective vision, current practices and intent for sustainable finance in the UAE. The discussion took place in preparation for the UNEP Finance Initiative’s Global Roundtable on Sustainable Finance being held in Dubai at the end of October, hosted by the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
  • 5. Minimizing our carbon footprint This October, Emirates NBD’s Procurement team will be releasing a Request for Information (RFI) for inclusion into a Request for Proposal (RFP) for energy and water audits of Emirates NBD owned locations. The RFP, to be released later this year, will solicit an auditing company to assess the Bank’s current energy and water use, and identify key opportunities for the Bank to reduce consumption through operational and policy changes, as well as larger infrastructure investment. The audit will include the use of sophisticated tools to assess the cost-effectiveness of different measures and provide recommendations to maximize energy and water reductions while minimizing cost. Painting with Emirates Autism Centre and Stepping Stones Looking to adopt a furry friend? Throughout the month of July, Emirates NBD’s Exchangers spent their weekends giving some much needed TLC to the residents of the Ras Al Khaimah Animal Welfare Centre (RAKAWC), a nonprofit animal welfare organization that socializes, trains and rehomes healthy cats and dogs. To help rehome these loving animals, we have now added an adoption page to our internal site, where employees can see cats and dogs looking for their forever home. This popular activity, first introduced in May, has now been added to the Exchanger’s weekly roster. CSR CONNECT | 5 On August 25th, Emirates NBD’s Exchangers returned to thejamjar to assist students from the Stepping Stones Center for Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Emirates Autism Center in learning and activating a new painting technique. Students were first taught how to create geometric designs on the canvas using tape, and then provided with supplies to create their own masterpieces with the help of their Exchanger partners. GRI Data Collection almost complete! This June, we kicked-off data collection for our 1st ever sustainability report to be certified by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) - an international independent standards organization that helps businesses, governments and other organizations understand and communicate their impacts on issues such as climate change, human rights and corruption. To help us with this process, we have partnered with Sustainable Square, an independent sustainability consultancy who are conducting departmental interviews, to gather data and help us generate our official report. Once data collection is complete, we will publish the results, alongside our Annual Report, in February. CMP Trainees This August, batches 3 and 4 of the Certified Manager’s Program (CMP) for future leaders began planning Community Leadership Projects (CMP) based on 1 of 4 objectives: helping to advance women into senior management positions, reducing our carbon footprint, improving financial literacy, and promoting anti-obesity. Teams have been given a hypothetical budget of AED 50,000 to pilot their projects and, over the next few months, must develop proposals with defined timelines, KPIs, and beneficiaries, as well as a realistic budget, and embedded volunteer opportunities. Teams will present their opportunities in early November, competing to win best project.
  • 6. What’s Coming Next CSR CONNECT | 6 Calling all Mo’ Bros Movember, also known as No-shave November, is a month dedicated to raising awareness about men’s mental and physical health, and prostate and testicular cancer. Gender is one of the strongest predictors of health and life expectancy around the world but preventative care and early detection can help to balance the tides. This November, we will be challenging our employees to grow the mightiest of moustaches to help raise awareness and money to support Friends of Cancer Patients, a UAE non-profit that supports cancer patients and their families. Did You Know that Arab Women Develop Breast Cancer 10 Years Earlier and in a More Aggressive Form? October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and throughout the month, we will be hosting a number information sessions, screenings, and activities to help our employees take action for early detection and increase their knowledge. Employees will also have the chance to raise money to support Friends of Cancer Patients, a UAE non-profit that supports cancer patients and their families while undergoing treatment. Breast cancer affects 1 in 5 people in the UAE and early detection can save your life. Sales for Good Upcoming Exchanger Events This October, Emirates NBD will be organizing bake and bazaar sales to raise money for the UAE branch of Friends of Cancer, a global non-profit that supports cancer patients and their families throughout treatment and recovery. We will be artnering with bakeries like SMALL CAKES, Mev Bakes and the Al Noor Training Centre for Children with Disabilities to bring our employees delicious cupcakes, cake pops and cookies every Monday at our Meydan and Barsha offices. For those watching their sugar intake we will also be hosting bazaars, on alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays at Meydan, Head Office and Barsha locations to buy and sell new and gently-used clothing, toys, accessories and more. October 2nd - Breast Cancer Awareness 5th - Smile in Motion 6th - Crafty Ceramics 6th - Pink Day 9th - Breast Cancer Awareness 10th - Bake Sale 12th - Smile in Motion 12th - Grow Smile & Discover 12th - Breast Cancer Awareness 12th - Pink Day 13th - Laughter Is The Best Medicine 13th - Pink Day 14th - Book Sale 24th - Bake Sale 18th - Crazy Canvases 19th - Smile in Motion 21st - Philippine Consulate Visit 24th - Bake Sale 25th - Crazy Canvases 26th - Smile in Motion 29th - Crazy Canvases 31st - Bake Sale November 1st - Crazy Canvases 2nd - Crafty Ceramics 2nd - Smile in Motion 4th - SNF Fun Fair 8th - Crazy Canvases 9th - Smile in Motion 12th - Crafty Ceramics 15th - Crazy Canvases 16th - Smile in Motion 23rd - Smile in Motion 25th - Unity Run 30th - Smile in Motion December 20th - Crazy Canvases