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Female networks, social learning, and
demand for an agricultural technology
   in eastern Uttar Pradesh India
          Nick Magnan (University of Georgia)
               David J. Spielman (IFPRI)
                Kajal Gulati (UC-Davis)

                  GAAP Workshop
                  January 10, 2013
                    Addis Ababa
Study site and     Female decision       Identification and   Summary and
                 experiment      making and networks      network effects       next steps

  Networks and technology adoption
  • Assumed to drive ag technology adoption
       – Extension often relies on the “progressive farmer”
       – Impossible to individually reach many isolated farmers
  • A good social network is an important asset
       – Farmers can access information about technologies,
         or the technologies themselves (McNiven and Gilligan 2012)
  • Network effects are difficult to measure
    empirically due to the “reflection problem”
       – In recent years the networks literature has grown
         rapidly with new techniques and better data
          (Bandiera and Rasul 2006, Cai 2012, Conley and Udry 2010, Duflo et al. 2006
          Maertens 2012, Munshi, 2004, Munshi and Myaux, 2006)
Study site and     Female decision       Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks      network effects       next steps

               Female social networks
       • Women deeply involved in agriculture, even if
         they are not the “head of household” or “plot
           – Have extensive knowledge about agriculture
           – Time use and drudgery affected by technology choice
       • Women talk about agriculture with each other
           – Often lack access to formal information channels (, Doss and Morris
             2000, Meinzen-Dick et al. 2012, Quisumbing and Pandolfelli 2012)
           – Distinct information networks from their husbands’?

       • Women discuss agriculture with their
         husbands and can potentially influence
         technology choice (Fisher 2000)
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

  • Laser land leveling (LLL) introduction
  • Study site, experiment design, and data
  • Women’s involvement in agriculture male and
    female social networks
  • Learning about laser land leveling through
    female networks?
  • Female network effects on household
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

  • “HHH”: Household head
       – Selected at random
       – 80% male
  • “Wife”: Female head of male headed
       – Almost always the HHH’s wife
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

               Laser land leveling (LLL)
  • Conservation ag technique, often a necessary
    precursor for zero-till
  • Shown to reduce input requirements (Jat 2006):
       – Water (major resource saved, ~ 30%)
       – Fertilizer and chemicals
       – Labor (irrigating, weeding)
  • Shown to decrease weed pressure and
    increase yields
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

                                LLL in India
  • Introduced in Indo-Gangetic Plains in 2001
  • Machinery is expensive and operation requires
       – LLL acquired through custom hire services
  • 200,000 ha under LLL in 2008
       – Mostly used in relatively productive western UP
       – Still unheard of in relatively unproductive study region
  • In Western UP price is around Rs. 600 per hour
Study site and      Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment       making and networks    network effects       next steps

                                 Study site
                                • Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the most
                                  populous state in India
                                   – Population is ~200 million
                                   – 70% poverty rate
                                   – EUP is poorest part
                                • Highly agrarian with rice-wheat
                                  systems dominant
                                • Sample includes three districts
                                  in EUP
                                   – 8 (random) villages per district
                                   – 20 (random) farmers per village
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

        Information session (March 2011)
    • Information session with HHH (80% male)
    • Presentation by study team member
    • Short video of LLL in action and interview
      with operator
    • Q&A with “progressive” adopting farmer
    • Distribution of picture brochure and
      explanation of auction
    • Photos taken of HHHs for network surveys
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

                     Auction (March 2011)
• Held 3-4 days after information session with HHH
• Farmers chose up to 3 plots to bid on for LLL
• Becker-deGroot-Marschak type auction
    – Non-competitive
    – Incremental bids from Rs. 0 – 800 per hour
    – HHH wins if WTP ≥ drawn price, pays drawn price
• The only way for farmers in the sample to get LLL
  is through the study
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

                      Lottery (March 2011)
  • Auction losers and winners are not likely
       – HHHs self-select into winning the auction
  • 50/50 lottery used to pick LLL adopters from a
    pool of would-be adopters (auction winners)
  • Lottery winners pay for and get LLL, lottery
    losers pay nothing and get nothing
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

                  Social network surveys
          (HHH in March 2011, Wives in Oct 2011)
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                  experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

                     Social network surveys
          (HHH in March 2011, Wives in Oct 2011)
        • Each HHH asked about links with all other sample
          HHHs in the village
               – Is _______ a progressive farmer?
               – Do you ever speak with _____ about agricultural issues?
        • Each wife asked about links with other women in
          sample households
               – Are any females in _____’s household progressive?
               – Do you ever speak with any females in ______’s household
                 about agricultural issues?
        • Only uni-directional links considered
               – A claims B, not B claims A
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

               Midline survey (Oct 2011)
    • Perceptions of LLL after 4 months
         – After rice season only
    • Contact with adopting farmers’ wives, field
      visits, etc.
    • Wives asked if their husbands value their
      input over agricultural decisions
    • Husbands asked if they value their wives
      input over agricultural decisions
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

                     Auction (March 2012)
     • HHH participated in auction without wives
     • Same auction mechanism as 2011
          – Farmers could bid on any unlevelled plot
     • No lottery after the auction
          – All farmers with winning bids received LLL
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

               Endline survey (May 2012)
  • Access, ownership, and control over assets
  • Access to credit and extension
  • Decision-making:
       – General ag and non-ag production
       – Non-ag economic decision
       – Household and children’s issues
       – LLL adoption and bid in 2012 auction
  • Adopted and adapted questions from
    WEAI (IFPRI 2012)
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                   experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

       Do HHHs value wives’ opinions?
• Wives say…






                      Crop choice Technology to Family labor         Spending
                                       use       allocation           money
Study site and     Female decision        Identification and    Summary and
                     experiment      making and networks       network effects        next steps

      Do HHHs value wives’ opinions?
• Husbands say…

                         Discuss crop and      Wife's opinion      Wife's opinion "very
                        technology choice   "important" or "very       important"
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

         HHH’s and wives’ ag networks

   Only 1.5 % of all ag network links to a HH are shared by husband and wife
Study site and     Female decision     Identification and   Summary and
                experiment      making and networks    network effects       next steps

    HHH’s and wives’ networks by wealth
Study site and    Network       Identification and   Summary and
                  experiment      descriptives    network effects       next steps

               Identifying network effects
  • Reflection problem (Manski, 1993) makes
    identification of network effects difficult
  • Difficult to tell if two HHs use same
    technology due to network effects, or because
    they are similar or face similar constraints
  • Auction/lottery experimental design helps us
    circumvent the reflection problem
Study site and              Network          Identification and   Summary and
                experiment                descriptives       network effects       next steps

                                                     Auction losers
                                                       WTP < X

 Random sample from
      village v                  Auction                 Auction winners
                                (self-selection)            WTP ≥ X
Study site and              Network          Identification and   Summary and
                experiment                descriptives       network effects       next steps

                                                     Auction losers

 Random sample from
      village v                  Auction                 Auction winners
Study site and              Network           Identification and       Summary and
                experiment                descriptives        network effects           next steps

                                                     Auction losers

 Random sample from
      village v                  Auction                 Auction winners

                                                           (random selection)

                                 Lottery winners                                  Lottery losers
Study site and              Network           Identification and      Summary and
                experiment                descriptives        network effects          next steps

                                                         Auction losers

  Random sample from
       village v                 Auction                 Auction winners

                                                            (random selection)

                                 Lottery winners                                  Lottery losers
Study site and    Network       Identification and    Summary and
                experiment      descriptives    network effects        next steps

                                   Farmer j
                                                          Farmer k
               Farmer i
Study site and    Network       Identification and   Summary and
                     experiment      descriptives    network effects       next steps

    Network effects on perceptions of LLL
 Base regression:

Controlling for
HHH’s network:

• yi can be perceptions of the technology, WTP in the auction, or other outcome
• Xi: Control variables (for precision): Total network size (wife and HHH), education
  (wife and HHH), whether identified as “progressive” (wife and HHH)
Study site and                Network              Identification and            Summary and
                         experiment                  descriptives           network effects                next steps

                      Perceptions (after 4 months)
  LLL is…                                         beneficial              water saving            fertilizer saving
  Adopting HH in F network {0,1}              0.20+       0.20+          0.16+    0.17*          0.16+        0.17*
                                              (0.11)      (0.11)         (0.08) (0.08)           (0.08)       (0.08)
  Adopting HH in M network {0,1}                           0.01                    0.11                        0.11
                                                          (0.10)                  (0.08)                      (0.08)
  Observations                                 369         369            369      369            369          369
  R-squared                                    0.07        0.10           0.08     0.10           0.04         0.07

  LLL is…                                    chemical saving               labor saving            Yield improving
  Leveled plot in F network {0,1}          0.16**     0.16**            0.23** 0.23**             0.09        0.09
                                           (0.05)      (0.05)           (0.07)     (0.07)        (0.11)      (0.11)
  Leveled plot in M network {0,1}                       0.08                        0.09                      0.07
                                                          (0.05)                     (0.07)                     (0.10)
  Observations                              369            369           369          369         369            369
  R-squared                                 0.02           0.03          0.04         0.05        0.09           0.09

 Dependent vars are agreement {0,1} with statements about LLL. IV linear probabiliy model with having a contact win the
 lottery instrumenting for having a contact getting LLL. Control variables (coefficients not shown): Would be adopters in wife
 (and HHH’s) network, total number of wife’s (and HHH’s) ag contacts, HHH and wife’s education and status as “progressive”.
 Standard errors in parentheses: **p<0.01, * p<0.05, + p<0.1.
Study site and                Network              Identification and            Summary and
                         experiment                  descriptives           network effects                next steps

                    Perceptions (after 12 months)
  LLL is…                                         beneficial               water saving              fertilizer saving
  Leveled plot in F network {0,1}              0.00       0.00           0.01       0.01            -0.15        -0.15
                                              (0.09)     (0.09)         (0.08)     (0.08)           (0.12)       (0.12)
  Leveled plot in M network {0,1}                         0.07                     -0.03                         -0.02
                                                         (0.09)                    (0.08)                        (0.12)
  Observations                                 327         327           327        327               327         327
  R-squared                                    0.02       0.02           0.02       0.03             0.01         0.03

  LLL is…                                     chemical saving              labor saving              Yield improving
  Leveled plot in F network {0,1}               -0.16     -0.16            -0.03         -0.03         -0.01      -0.00
                                               (0.12)    (0.12)           (0.12)        (0.12)        (0.11)     (0.11)
  Leveled plot in M network {0,1}                         -0.04                           0.08                     0.12
                                                         (0.12)                         (0.11)                   (0.11)
  Observations                                    327       327              327           327           327        327
  R-squared                                      0.02      0.04             0.01          0.02          0.03       0.05
 Dependent vars are agreement {0,1} with statements about LLL. IV linear probability model with having a contact win the
 lottery instrumenting for having a contact getting LLL. Control variables (coefficients not shown): Would be adopters in wife
 (and HHH’s) network, total number of wife’s (and HHH’s) ag contacts, HHH and wife’s education and status as “progressive”.
 Standard errors in parentheses: **p<0.01, * p<0.05, + p<0.1.
Study site and               Network              Identification and            Summary and
                     experiment                 descriptives           network effects                next steps

                   Demand for LLL (Auction bid)
          WTP                                               All HHs            Wife influences bid
          Leveled plot in F network {0,1}                 49.67     54.72         -7.08       -10.90
                                                        (47.18) (47.28)         (55.52)      (55.56)
                                                                               103.69+      119.18*
                                                                                (59.94)      (60.15)
          Leveled plot in M network {0,1}                           88.30*                   91.81*
                                                                    (44.31)                  (44.22)
          Observations                                      328         328         328          328
          R-squared                                        0.01        0.03        0.01         0.04
           Dependent var is WTP of HHH from 2012 auction. IV linear model with having a contact win the
           lottery instrumenting for having a contact getting LLL. Control variables are same as before.
           **p<0.01, * p<0.05, + p<0.1.

  • Mean WTP = Rs. 328
  • Adopter in HHH’s network increases WTP by Rs. 90
  • Adopter in wife’s network has no significant effect on average
Study site and       Female decision          Identification and     Summary and
                 experiment        making and networks         network effects         next steps

   Wives’ involvement in LLL decision





         Husband informed      Husband discussed    Wife tried to infleunce    Wife felt she did
         wife of LLL auction    auction with wife        LLL decision       influence LLL decision
Study site and        Network         Identification and     Summary and
                    experiment          descriptives      network effects         next steps

      Interaction term for wife’s influence
Base regression:

Controlling for
HHH’s network:

  Xi: Control variables (for precision): Total network size (wife and HHH), education
  (wife and HHH), whether identified as “progressive” (wife and HHH)
Study site and               Network              Identification and            Summary and
                     experiment                 descriptives           network effects                next steps

                   Demand for LLL (Auction bid)
          WTP                                               All HHs            Wife influences bid
          Leveled plot in F network {0,1}                 49.67     54.72         -7.08       -10.90
                                                        (47.18) (47.28)         (55.52)      (55.56)
          Leveled plot in F network {0,1}                                      103.69+      119.18*
          x wife tries to influence decision                                    (59.94)      (60.15)
          Leveled plot in M network {0,1}                           88.30*                   91.81*
                                                                    (44.31)                  (44.22)
          Observations                                      328         328         328          328
          R-squared                                        0.01        0.03        0.01         0.04
           Dependent var is WTP of HHH from 2012 auction. IV linear model with having a contact win the
           lottery instrumenting for having a contact getting LLL. Control variables are same as before.
           **p<0.01, * p<0.05, + p<0.1.

  •   Mean WTP = Rs. 328
  •   Adopter in HHH’s network increases WTP by Rs. 90
  •   Adopter in wife’s network has no significant effect on average
  •   Adopter in network of wife who tried to influence LLL decision
      increases WTP by over Rs. 100.
Study site and     Network       Identification and   Summary and
                experiment       descriptives    network effects       next steps

  • Around 60% of HHH’s consider their wives’
    opinions about agricultural technology adoption
       – Men and women report consistently
  • HHHs and wives’ networks are about the same size
    on average, but composed differently
       – Women are not just friends of husbands’ friends’ wives
       – Higher caste/wealthier women have smaller ag
         networks than husbands, less likely to know adopter
       – Lower caste/poorer women have larger ag networks
         than husbands, equally likely to know adopter
Study site and     Network       Identification and   Summary and
                experiment       descriptives    network effects       next steps

  • Strong evidence farmers’ wives early perception
    of LLL is influenced by their network contacts’
    households using LLL
       – Most wives’ have favorable opinion off LLL after one
       – Effect wears off (as everyone’s perception converges?)
  • Some evidence women with adopting HHs in
    their social networks who try to influence
    adoption decision increase HHH’s WTP for LLL
Study site and      Network       Identification and   Summary and
                  experiment        descriptives    network effects       next steps

                                  Next steps
• Closer examination of empowerment variables
    – Are empowered women more likely to try to influence husband’s
      technology decision?
    – How to define empowerment?
• Input savings analysis (companion paper)
    –   Leverages randomized design
    –   Gender disaggregated labor data
    –   May help us disentangle mimicry from learning
    –   Early results show high and statistical water savings (30%)
• Network formation (Maertens and Barett 2012)
    – How does female network formation compare to male network
    – How might female networks be targeted differently?

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Female networks drive adoption of agricultural technology in India

  • 1. Female networks, social learning, and demand for an agricultural technology in eastern Uttar Pradesh India Nick Magnan (University of Georgia) David J. Spielman (IFPRI) Kajal Gulati (UC-Davis) GAAP Workshop January 10, 2013 Addis Ababa
  • 2. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Networks and technology adoption • Assumed to drive ag technology adoption – Extension often relies on the “progressive farmer” – Impossible to individually reach many isolated farmers • A good social network is an important asset – Farmers can access information about technologies, or the technologies themselves (McNiven and Gilligan 2012) • Network effects are difficult to measure empirically due to the “reflection problem” – In recent years the networks literature has grown rapidly with new techniques and better data (Bandiera and Rasul 2006, Cai 2012, Conley and Udry 2010, Duflo et al. 2006 Maertens 2012, Munshi, 2004, Munshi and Myaux, 2006)
  • 3. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Female social networks • Women deeply involved in agriculture, even if they are not the “head of household” or “plot manager” – Have extensive knowledge about agriculture – Time use and drudgery affected by technology choice • Women talk about agriculture with each other – Often lack access to formal information channels (, Doss and Morris 2000, Meinzen-Dick et al. 2012, Quisumbing and Pandolfelli 2012) – Distinct information networks from their husbands’? • Women discuss agriculture with their husbands and can potentially influence technology choice (Fisher 2000)
  • 4. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Overview • Laser land leveling (LLL) introduction • Study site, experiment design, and data collection • Women’s involvement in agriculture male and female social networks • Learning about laser land leveling through female networks? • Female network effects on household demand?
  • 5. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Definitions • “HHH”: Household head – Selected at random – 80% male • “Wife”: Female head of male headed household – Almost always the HHH’s wife
  • 6. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Laser land leveling (LLL) • Conservation ag technique, often a necessary precursor for zero-till • Shown to reduce input requirements (Jat 2006): – Water (major resource saved, ~ 30%) – Fertilizer and chemicals – Labor (irrigating, weeding) • Shown to decrease weed pressure and increase yields
  • 7. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps LLL in India • Introduced in Indo-Gangetic Plains in 2001 • Machinery is expensive and operation requires skill – LLL acquired through custom hire services • 200,000 ha under LLL in 2008 – Mostly used in relatively productive western UP – Still unheard of in relatively unproductive study region • In Western UP price is around Rs. 600 per hour
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  • 19. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Study site • Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the most populous state in India – Population is ~200 million – 70% poverty rate – EUP is poorest part • Highly agrarian with rice-wheat systems dominant • Sample includes three districts in EUP – 8 (random) villages per district – 20 (random) farmers per village
  • 20. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Information session (March 2011) • Information session with HHH (80% male) • Presentation by study team member • Short video of LLL in action and interview with operator • Q&A with “progressive” adopting farmer • Distribution of picture brochure and explanation of auction • Photos taken of HHHs for network surveys
  • 21. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Auction (March 2011) • Held 3-4 days after information session with HHH • Farmers chose up to 3 plots to bid on for LLL • Becker-deGroot-Marschak type auction – Non-competitive – Incremental bids from Rs. 0 – 800 per hour – HHH wins if WTP ≥ drawn price, pays drawn price • The only way for farmers in the sample to get LLL is through the study
  • 22. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Lottery (March 2011) • Auction losers and winners are not likely comparable – HHHs self-select into winning the auction • 50/50 lottery used to pick LLL adopters from a pool of would-be adopters (auction winners) • Lottery winners pay for and get LLL, lottery losers pay nothing and get nothing
  • 23. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Social network surveys (HHH in March 2011, Wives in Oct 2011)
  • 24. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Social network surveys (HHH in March 2011, Wives in Oct 2011) • Each HHH asked about links with all other sample HHHs in the village – Is _______ a progressive farmer? – Do you ever speak with _____ about agricultural issues? • Each wife asked about links with other women in sample households – Are any females in _____’s household progressive? – Do you ever speak with any females in ______’s household about agricultural issues? • Only uni-directional links considered – A claims B, not B claims A
  • 25. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Midline survey (Oct 2011) • Perceptions of LLL after 4 months – After rice season only • Contact with adopting farmers’ wives, field visits, etc. • Wives asked if their husbands value their input over agricultural decisions • Husbands asked if they value their wives input over agricultural decisions
  • 26. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Auction (March 2012) • HHH participated in auction without wives • Same auction mechanism as 2011 – Farmers could bid on any unlevelled plot • No lottery after the auction – All farmers with winning bids received LLL
  • 27. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Endline survey (May 2012) • Access, ownership, and control over assets • Access to credit and extension • Decision-making: – General ag and non-ag production – Non-ag economic decision – Household and children’s issues – LLL adoption and bid in 2012 auction • Adopted and adapted questions from WEAI (IFPRI 2012)
  • 28. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Do HHHs value wives’ opinions? • Wives say… 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Crop choice Technology to Family labor Spending use allocation money
  • 29. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Do HHHs value wives’ opinions? • Husbands say… 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Discuss crop and Wife's opinion Wife's opinion "very technology choice "important" or "very important" important"
  • 30. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps HHH’s and wives’ ag networks Only 1.5 % of all ag network links to a HH are shared by husband and wife
  • 31. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps HHH’s and wives’ networks by wealth
  • 32. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Identifying network effects • Reflection problem (Manski, 1993) makes identification of network effects difficult • Difficult to tell if two HHs use same technology due to network effects, or because they are similar or face similar constraints • Auction/lottery experimental design helps us circumvent the reflection problem
  • 33. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Auction losers WTP < X Random sample from village v Auction Auction winners (self-selection) WTP ≥ X
  • 34. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Auction losers Random sample from village v Auction Auction winners (self-selection)
  • 35. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Auction losers Random sample from village v Auction Auction winners (self-selection) Lottery (random selection) Lottery winners Lottery losers
  • 36. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Auction losers Random sample from village v Auction Auction winners (self-selection) Lottery (random selection) Lottery winners Lottery losers
  • 37. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Farmer j Farmer k Farmer i
  • 38. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Network effects on perceptions of LLL Base regression: Controlling for HHH’s network: • yi can be perceptions of the technology, WTP in the auction, or other outcome • Xi: Control variables (for precision): Total network size (wife and HHH), education (wife and HHH), whether identified as “progressive” (wife and HHH)
  • 39. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Perceptions (after 4 months) LLL is… beneficial water saving fertilizer saving Adopting HH in F network {0,1} 0.20+ 0.20+ 0.16+ 0.17* 0.16+ 0.17* (0.11) (0.11) (0.08) (0.08) (0.08) (0.08) Adopting HH in M network {0,1} 0.01 0.11 0.11 (0.10) (0.08) (0.08) Observations 369 369 369 369 369 369 R-squared 0.07 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.04 0.07 LLL is… chemical saving labor saving Yield improving Leveled plot in F network {0,1} 0.16** 0.16** 0.23** 0.23** 0.09 0.09 (0.05) (0.05) (0.07) (0.07) (0.11) (0.11) Leveled plot in M network {0,1} 0.08 0.09 0.07 (0.05) (0.07) (0.10) Observations 369 369 369 369 369 369 R-squared 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.09 0.09 Dependent vars are agreement {0,1} with statements about LLL. IV linear probabiliy model with having a contact win the lottery instrumenting for having a contact getting LLL. Control variables (coefficients not shown): Would be adopters in wife (and HHH’s) network, total number of wife’s (and HHH’s) ag contacts, HHH and wife’s education and status as “progressive”. Standard errors in parentheses: **p<0.01, * p<0.05, + p<0.1.
  • 40. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Perceptions (after 12 months) LLL is… beneficial water saving fertilizer saving Leveled plot in F network {0,1} 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 -0.15 -0.15 (0.09) (0.09) (0.08) (0.08) (0.12) (0.12) Leveled plot in M network {0,1} 0.07 -0.03 -0.02 (0.09) (0.08) (0.12) Observations 327 327 327 327 327 327 R-squared 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.03 LLL is… chemical saving labor saving Yield improving Leveled plot in F network {0,1} -0.16 -0.16 -0.03 -0.03 -0.01 -0.00 (0.12) (0.12) (0.12) (0.12) (0.11) (0.11) Leveled plot in M network {0,1} -0.04 0.08 0.12 (0.12) (0.11) (0.11) Observations 327 327 327 327 327 327 R-squared 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 Dependent vars are agreement {0,1} with statements about LLL. IV linear probability model with having a contact win the lottery instrumenting for having a contact getting LLL. Control variables (coefficients not shown): Would be adopters in wife (and HHH’s) network, total number of wife’s (and HHH’s) ag contacts, HHH and wife’s education and status as “progressive”. Standard errors in parentheses: **p<0.01, * p<0.05, + p<0.1.
  • 41. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Demand for LLL (Auction bid) WTP All HHs Wife influences bid Leveled plot in F network {0,1} 49.67 54.72 -7.08 -10.90 (47.18) (47.28) (55.52) (55.56) 103.69+ 119.18* (59.94) (60.15) Leveled plot in M network {0,1} 88.30* 91.81* (44.31) (44.22) Observations 328 328 328 328 R-squared 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.04 Dependent var is WTP of HHH from 2012 auction. IV linear model with having a contact win the lottery instrumenting for having a contact getting LLL. Control variables are same as before. **p<0.01, * p<0.05, + p<0.1. • Mean WTP = Rs. 328 • Adopter in HHH’s network increases WTP by Rs. 90 • Adopter in wife’s network has no significant effect on average
  • 42. Study site and Female decision Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment making and networks network effects next steps Wives’ involvement in LLL decision 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Husband informed Husband discussed Wife tried to infleunce Wife felt she did wife of LLL auction auction with wife LLL decision influence LLL decision
  • 43. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Interaction term for wife’s influence Base regression: Controlling for HHH’s network: Xi: Control variables (for precision): Total network size (wife and HHH), education (wife and HHH), whether identified as “progressive” (wife and HHH)
  • 44. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Demand for LLL (Auction bid) WTP All HHs Wife influences bid Leveled plot in F network {0,1} 49.67 54.72 -7.08 -10.90 (47.18) (47.28) (55.52) (55.56) Leveled plot in F network {0,1} 103.69+ 119.18* x wife tries to influence decision (59.94) (60.15) Leveled plot in M network {0,1} 88.30* 91.81* (44.31) (44.22) Observations 328 328 328 328 R-squared 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.04 Dependent var is WTP of HHH from 2012 auction. IV linear model with having a contact win the lottery instrumenting for having a contact getting LLL. Control variables are same as before. **p<0.01, * p<0.05, + p<0.1. • Mean WTP = Rs. 328 • Adopter in HHH’s network increases WTP by Rs. 90 • Adopter in wife’s network has no significant effect on average • Adopter in network of wife who tried to influence LLL decision increases WTP by over Rs. 100.
  • 45. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Summary • Around 60% of HHH’s consider their wives’ opinions about agricultural technology adoption – Men and women report consistently • HHHs and wives’ networks are about the same size on average, but composed differently – Women are not just friends of husbands’ friends’ wives – Higher caste/wealthier women have smaller ag networks than husbands, less likely to know adopter – Lower caste/poorer women have larger ag networks than husbands, equally likely to know adopter
  • 46. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Summary • Strong evidence farmers’ wives early perception of LLL is influenced by their network contacts’ households using LLL – Most wives’ have favorable opinion off LLL after one year – Effect wears off (as everyone’s perception converges?) • Some evidence women with adopting HHs in their social networks who try to influence adoption decision increase HHH’s WTP for LLL
  • 47. Study site and Network Identification and Summary and Introduction experiment descriptives network effects next steps Next steps • Closer examination of empowerment variables – Are empowered women more likely to try to influence husband’s technology decision? – How to define empowerment? • Input savings analysis (companion paper) – Leverages randomized design – Gender disaggregated labor data – May help us disentangle mimicry from learning – Early results show high and statistical water savings (30%) • Network formation (Maertens and Barett 2012) – How does female network formation compare to male network formation? – How might female networks be targeted differently?

Editor's Notes

  1. Because these two groups were exogenously bifurcated we can compare between the two, and between the network contacts of these two groups.
  2. And here we look at network effects on impressions of the technology. [Go through results]We can also compare how having adopters in ones network affects impressions compared to being a first generation adopter.