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Crisis Management
European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450–216X Vol.27 No.3 (2009), pp.358–371 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2009 http:/
Crisis Management– A Case Study on Mumbai Terrorist Attack
Manisha Shekhar Centre for Strategic Analysis & Research Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Dr. M. C. Saxena college of Engg. & Technology,
UPTU, Lucknow, India E–mail: Tel: +91–0522–4095700; Fax: +91–0522–4095730 Abstract This paper examined
the Indian government intervention in crisis management during 2008, terrorist attack on MUMBAI. Empirical findings show that the intervention of
increasing external pressure and internal self awareness forced INDIAN Government to change its more content...
Coombs (2007a) summaries the research and shows how practice improves a crisis team's decision making and related task performance.
Models and Theories Associated with Crisis Management
Crisis Management Model Successfully diffusing a crisis requires an understanding of how to handle a crisis – before it occurs. Gonzalez–Herrero and
Pratt created a four–phase crisis management model process that includes: issues management, planning–prevention, the crisis, and post–crisis
(Gonzalez–Herrero and Pratt, 1995). Management Crisis Planning No nation looks forward to facing a situation that causes a significant disruption to
their mass especially one that stimulates extensive media coverage. Public scrutiny can result in a negative financial, political, legal and government
impact. Crisis management planning deals with providing the best response to a crisis. (12Manage, 2007)
360 Contingency Planning
Manisha Shekhar
Preparing contingency plans in advance, as part of a crisis management plan, is the first step to ensuring a nation is appropriately prepared for a
crisis. Crisis management teams can rehearse a crisis plan by developing a simulated scenario to use as a drill. The plan should clearly stipulate that
the only people to speak publicly about the crisis are the designated persons, such as the nation spokesperson or crisis team members. The first hours
after a crisis breaks are the most
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Crisis Intervention Team Paper
The crisis intervention team (CIT) program is an approach for law enforcement officers to safely respond to individuals who are experiencing a
mental health crisis. Since its inception in 1988 in Memphis Tennessee, the program has spread rapidly and has been described as "the most visible
pre–booking diversion program in the United States. CIT develops a special team of officers who are meant to serve as first responders to individuals
suspected of having a mental illness, are suicidal, or experiencing a mental health crisis. The goal of CIT is to reduce arrests of individuals who would
more appropriately be diverted to the community mental health system. It is also meant to improve the safety of officers and civilians and it
accomplishes more content...
49% of the sample completed CIT training within the previous 2 years. The average age of the officers sampled was 44 years old. 91% were
white and 26% were female. Also, 58% had at least a college degree and the average tenure of the officers was 17.5 years. The researchers found
that officers who felt that CIT enhanced skills and improved accessibility of services, reported greater confidence in their abilities. Furthermore, they
found that the preparedness of officers to handle incidents involving possible mental illness was associated with officer confidence in their abilities.
However, the study did not find a significant interactive effect between the measures of personal contact and familiarity with mental illness,
perceptions about the community mental health system, and attitudes about departmental effectiveness. A weakness of the study was that the
sample size was small and consisted mostly of white males. Having a more diverse sample group could be a potential follow up to see if the results
are true across the board for officers all races and of both genders. A strength of the study was that it set out to answer questions that had not been
previously asked about the crisis intervention team program. My biggest takeaway from this article was that attitude and perception plays a very large
role in the effectiveness of this program. As the results show the perceived effectiveness of the program and the officer can have a major impact on the
situation. More so than the officers personal experience with mental illness for
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Week #Assignments
Week 110/19/2016–10/25/2016
Unit I Assessment
Week 210/26/2016–11/01/2016
Unit II Assessment
Week 311/02/2016–11/08/2016
Unit III Assignment
Week 411/09/2016–11/15/2016
Unit IV Assignment
Week 511/16/2016–11/22/2016
Unit V Assignment
Week 611/23/2016–11/29/2016
Unit VI Assignment
Week 711/30/2016–12/06/2016
Unit VII Mini Project
Week 812/07/2016–12/27/2016
Unit VIII Assignment
MSL 5200–13D Crisis Communication Management 3
Professor – Dayna Thompson
The four stages of highly effective crisis management: How to manage the media in the digital age
Risk and crisis communications: Methods and messages
Unit #Assignments
Unit 110/19/2016–10/25/2016
Unit I Assessment
Unit 210/26/2016–11/01/2016
Unit II Assessment
Unit 311/02/2016–11/08/2016
Unit III Assessment
Unit 411/09/2016–11/15/2016
Unit IV Assessment
Unit 511/16/2016–11/22/2016
Unit V Assessment
Unit 611/23/2016–11/29/2016
Unit VI Assessment
Unit 711/30/2016–12/06/2016
Unit VII Assessment
Unit VII Research Paper
Unit 812/07/2016–12/27/2016
Unit VIII Assessment
Unit VIII Project
MSL 6040–14E Current Issues in Leadership 7
Professor – Jonathan Green
Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills
1. Define crisis.
2. Define risk.
3. Explain the stages of a crisis and the requirements for appropriate crisis communication during each stage.
4. Analyze
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Crisis Management
Crisis management Once a crisis happens in an organization, the nature of the activities undertaken to respond to a major threat to the organization
is what is referred to as the crisis management. The management of crisis such as the one in the case study on the copper mine collapse includes
identifying the nature of the crisis and coming up with an appropriate plan to deal with it as the organization minimizes the damages and ultimately
recovering from the crisis. Here there is a lot of focus that is directed towards the public relations to recover any public image damage suffered
during the crisis as you assure the stakeholders of the recovery. Considerations in this crisis management There are ten fundamental steps to consider
in such a magnitude of crisis as it involves potential life threatening conditions, as noted below (Khera Communications, Inc. 2009): 1. Have a
comprehensive plan. The mine management should have a comprehensive plan that will enable the organization to get out of the crisis. The plan
should be one that is able to address any bespoke and random vulnerabilities within the industry. 2. Crisis identification Identify the crisis as soon as
possible once it happens and move fast towards finding a corrective measure. There are three golden rules in PR crisis communication that are
fundamental in crisis control; as soon as a crisis happens, Tell it all, Tell it fast and Tell it honestly. This consideration will control the flow of the
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Crisis Management Response Plan Essay
An effective crisis management response plan outlines specific procedures for administrator, teachers, and students during evacuation emergencies.
Administrators work with teachers, students, parents, law enforcement officers, business and community members, to develop an effective emergency
and crises plan. The administrator provides leadership in developing and monitoring the school safety plan and also establishes procedures for
emergency evacuation and crisis management at different stages of the plan. However, an effective leader develops a comprehensive prevention
education plan, and regularly reviews the code of conduct manual for revisions and current laws.
The emergency and crisis plan identifies the designated people to more content...
The mission of the Substance Abuse Unit (SAU) School and Safety Committee is to ensure the plan is simple and can be coordinated in response to
appropriate circumstances and conditions during a crisis. In review of the Substance Abuse Unit (SAU) Campus Emergency and Crisis Management
Plan the School Administrator established a School Safety Committees to provide teachers and staff training on the components of the Campus Crisis
Management Plan. The School and Safety Committee primary duties were to review the effectiveness of the plans; safety,security practices and
procedures for a possible emergency and crisis evacuation process, review safety and security best practices and provide a comprehensive safety school
plan for the campus, submit findings, recommendations, implementation strategies, timeline, and fiscal budget, and corrective plan of action to the
superintendent , instructional manager, Dallas County facility manager, and school administrator.
The effectiveness of any response to a crisis is strongly linked to the extent and appropriateness of the planning and preparation process. The Substance
Abuse Unit (SAU) School Safety and School Committee compiled a Needs Assessment Survey that is structured to address a variety of threats that
might affect the school community. The purpose of
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BSCrim, MSBA, MSCrim, PhDCrim
The physiological adaptations that made humans more flexible than other primates allowed for the development of a wide range of abilities and an
unparalleled versatility in behavior. The brain's great size, complexity, and slow maturation, with neural connections being added through at least the
first twelve years of life, meant that learned behavior could largely modify stereotyped, instinctive responses.
Definition of Human Behavior
It is a voluntary or involuntary attitude of a person in order to fit the society's idea of right or wrong, partly determined by more
Neuroticism or emotional instability acts like an amplifier of an already existing habit, good or bad. Neuroticism is most important in understanding
some adult criminals, less important in understanding adolescents and even less young children.
It is characterized by cold cruelty, social insensitivity, disregard for danger, troublesome behavior, dislike of others, and an attraction toward the
unusual. Psychoticism dimension is hypothesized to be link with crimes of violence, and appears to be equally important across all stages of
development, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.
Psychological Explanations of Human Behavior
1.The Mind and Its Relationship to Crime
Frequent comments are heard about the criminal mind, and the literature devoted to explaining it is extensive. Before the development of more
scientific theories on human behavior and mental illness, one of the most popular explanations was demonology. Individuals were thought to be
possessed by good or evil spirit, which caused good or evil behavior.
2.Psychiatric Approach
The field of medicine that specializes in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental problems is psychiatry. Psychoanalysis is a
branch of psychiatry, which employs a particular personality theory and a specific treatment method, usually individual case study.
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Crisis Management in Tourism Destination
In modern world tourism has become a huge industry with the increased number of tourists each year. There are some tourism attractions in every
country and with proper maintenance and planning these tourism attractions can earn a healthy amount of revenue each year. People are becoming
more adventurous and started exploring the globe more than before. This is a huge opportunity for the tourism industry to flourish. Destination
management is now a major concern for many countries having tourism attractions and for this the number of tourists is increasing every year. As the
destinations are becoming popular, the management of these destinations are also becoming crucial as newer opportunities and threats are emerging.
Long term planning more content...
Sometimes natural hazards can be predicted. Natural disasters can be managed properly if it can be forecasted before. It needs to have proper
planning, monitoring, and execution to manage a natural disaster which can be predicted before. The amount of loss can be minimized. Compared to
natural disaster man made disasters are fully unpredictable and can be more dangerous than natural disasters. For instances the terrorist attack on
World Trade Centre in the year of 2001 in USA , and nuclear plant accident in Chernobyl in Ukraine (1986) had more destructive and long lasting affect
than any other natural disaster.
It may take long time to recover the losses by the areas where disasters take place. It is very difficult to regain the faith of the tourists that the same
situation would not happen again and the situation is under control now when a tourism destination takes long time to restore the pre crisis situation. A
tourism destination contributes a lot to a country's economy. So if the destination faces any disaster that must be recovered as early as possible to secure
the economical benefit. The tourism industry must develop some strategies and planning
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Literature Review On Crisis Management
A literature survey was taken to initiate the research investigation, as it is the most efficient mean of initial information gathering (Fellows, & Liu,
2008). This part briefly reviews for two main topics: Firstly, crisis, crises management, with focusing on crises management teams, Secondly, the
McKinsey 7–S Model. Several materials were reviewed for their relevant topics in the following:
2.1. Crisis and Crisis Management
2.1.1. Definition of the Crisis
According to Webster's New World College Dictionary (2010), "Crisis: (krД«
–ЦЅsД“z,) (plural Crises) comes from the Greek word krisis, which
means decision. They go on to define crisis as: (1) a: the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever, b: a paroxysmal attack of pain,
distress, or disordered function c: an emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person's life (–– removed HTML ––) (2): the
decisive moment (as in a literary plot) [3] a: an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending; especially : one
with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable out–come (–– removed HTML ––) b: a situation that has reached a critical phase (–– removed
HTML ––) ". From The Macquarie Dictionary, "Crisis is a decisive or vitally important stage in the course of anything; a turning point; a critical time
or occasion; a political crisis, a business crisis" (Macquarie Dictionary, 2013).
As an unexpected and critical event the crisis is "A
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Example Of Nestle Crisis Management
4. Describe ONE(1) example of the company's crisis management of work in term of management.
Nowadays, crises have become integral features of many organizations. The crisis is an incident that threatens organizations. Not only this, a crisis is
an element of surprise because it can happen quickly and unexpectedly. The crisis has the potential to destroy the organizations if the managers do not
respond well. There are many types of crisis, which included natural disaster, challenges, mega damage, organizational misdeeds, workplace violence
and rumors. However, crisis management is designed to prevent or deals with a wide range of crises that can apply to an organization. Crisis
management allows managers to manage emerging crises, which could pose a threat.
Nestle is considered one of the most popular foods producing industry in Malaysia. Nestle produces bottled water, breakfast cereals, coffee and tea,
confectionery, dairy products, baby foods, medical foods, dairy products, frozen foods, and chocolate.
There is one crisis faced by Nestle that tarnished their company reputation to this day. Due to the palm oil used by Nestle imported from another
country in the production of the Kit Kat bar, resulting in threats to the Orangutans and deforestation. Therefore, Nestle was reported by one
environmental group which is Greenpeace NGO who aiming more content...
The reason Nestle carry out this action was to drive the attention of the community away from its society network site and update continuously on
society network site. On the other hand, one of the countermeasures for crisis management is based on strengthening the protection of information that
has been disclosed or communicate with the public such as Facebook and Twitter, hence strives for understanding from a public and required support
from the
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Crisis Management Plan Essay
Crisis Management Communication Plan There are unquestionably infinite configurations of crisis situations to be prepared for, real or imagined.
Unsurprisingly, the surge of zombies in mainstream society has granted credibility to an idea that a zombie apocalypse might manifest. The
proliferation associated with this unique theory has encouraged scores of citizens to contemplate, "How do I ready for a zombie apocalypse?" Even
though zombies are hype, they effortlessly link within our imagination of disaster and emergency preparedness as seen in the Centers of Disease
Control and Prevention advertising maneuver in 2011. The agency trusted it to be an excellent stimulus to get the public to pull together for an
emergency. One must more content...
Code Triage is initiated, activating a series of processes in the emergency operations plan. Inevitably, crisis will surface bringing with it turmoil and
adverse experiences. Crisis communication is an endeavor by health care professionals to provide information that enable clients and stakeholders
to make the best achievable decisions during an emergency about their welfare inside a narrow time margin. Authors Flannery and Everly (2000)
state, "A crisis occurs when a stressful life event overwhelms an individual's ability to cope effectively in the face of a perceived challenge or threat"
(p.119). Often, in times of disaster, the effectiveness of being a sender of communication or its receiver is affected due to elevated levels of stress
related to a stressor that threatens a person's personal security or self–integrity (Arnold & Boggs, 2011) therefore defeating the individual's ability
to perform and function normally. An individual may have feelings of powerlessness, of being unable to escape the devastation and horror that
surround them. With the impact of crisis on people's psyche and well–being, many will experience difficulties envisioning chances, weighing decisions,
making choices and taking action. They exhibit anger, anxiety, confusion and depressive symptoms (Arnold & Boggs, 2011). "Communication
during a crisis cannot be managed solely by mobilizing more people and material–the
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Crisis Management And Prevention Process Essay
Crisis Management and Prevention Process
This paper will extensively cover the crisis prevention process. By citing various examples of crises that have occurred in the past, the crisis
prevention process will be made more vivid. Additionally, this article will outline a variety of methodologies to be followed in the event of a crisis. It
will also give personal opinions on the case of crisis prevention and farther explain the role of various societal authorities in crisis escalation. Finally, it
will give substantial recommendation on the issue of crisis prevention.
Crisis management, by definition, is the management of a situational occurrence that involves specific roles, processes and responsibilities that will
efficiently handle the situation. Crisis management responses involve a variety of areas notably; crisis assessment, crisis prevention, crisis handling
and termination. Proper understanding of the processes will result to efficient mitigation of crises. It is important to note that any organization or
society has to be prepared for crises and respond rapidly in the event of one (Booth 56).
The Exxon Crisis
Back in 1989, Exxon was faced with a mega crisis when its oil tanker spilled 11 million gallons of oil in Alaska. This tragedy involved the accident
involving the Exxon Valdez oil tanker. Due to accumulated fatigue, one of the crew members failed to properly maneuver the ship. Additionally, the
crew master was
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Leading During Crisis Summary
This summary is based on group consensus on the three most important concepts learned in chapters five through seven. They are leading during crisis,
empowering subordinates and simplicity. The level of importance placed on the application of these concepts is dependent on the organization
involved. In the military, it is crucially important that leadership lead in an environment embroiled in a crisis. Equally important is the ability to
empower subordinates who are demoralized by the crisis in the organization. Leading in a crisis and being able to effectively communicate with
subordianates to improve morale is paramount.
Group Consensus
Leading During Crisis
Universally it is assumed that all organizations at some point, whether it be small or large will face a crisis. Followers will take their cues on how to
respond to the situation from their leaders. Therefore it is pertinent leaders are well prepared. By communicating openly and frankly with followers,
leadership can ensure all subordinates in the organization know and understand their roles in managing the crisis. Crisis management is the methodical
way in which members of an organization, in combination with external stakeholders, work to prevent potential disasters and to minimize and solve
those that do occur (Brumfeld, 2012). Maintaining a positive outlook is essential for leaders during traumatic events (Nel, Stander, & Latif, 2015).
These skills for managing crisis do not always come
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Crisis Management Paper
Social media can be beneficial to organizations as in advertising, or harmful as when there is a crisis situation facing the organization. Social media
forced crisis management to modify it approaches due to the speed with which information can spread. So, how should organizations tackle crisis
situations? The crisis management team can follow the following steps. 1.Lead Decisively: According to Deloitte editor (deloitteeditor, 2015) in an
article in The Wall Street Journal in 2015, a crisis management team should be gathered and led by a C–level manager, other than the CEO (who has
many other responsibilities). Social media managers are added to the crisis management team (Coombs, 2014). The team should be able to take bold
decisions more content...
Communicate Effectively: The crisis management team should communicate with the employees, stakeholders, and the press about the crisis.
Employees must get all the information about the crisis and how the organization is planning to face it. This relieves stress and makes employees
ambassadors during a crisis (Coombs, 2014). Also, the crisis management team should choose a spokesperson to be the source of honest and
consistent information (deloitteeditor, 2015). 4.Stealing Thunder (Coombs, 2014): A crisis does less reputational damage when it is first reported
by the organization instead of the news media and social media. Brands have a fear that putting out communications in the online world will lead to
more negativity (Roberts, 2010), but doing so leaves the impression that the organization cares about the safety of its stakeholders. The crisis
management team should use and post on all social media as well as blogs and Wikipedia where the crisis breaks, and be honest and accurate with
the facts (Coombs, 2014). 5.Getting your message across fast is essential (Roberts, 2010). An initial response to the crisis must be given as soon as
possible to let people know that the organization recognized the crisis early and is working on
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Crisis Response Essay
I believe all of the strategies mentioned in the text can help someone during a crisis, but i believe the best coping strategies for a crisis are: friends
& relatives, religion, and laughter. I believe that having a support system during any type of crisis helps make the situation that much better.
According to David Knox and Caroline Schacht (2013) people are "less affected by the loss of material possessions" during a natural disaster when
they know that their family is together (p. 409). I have noticed that when i have gone through some sort of crisis in my life that I was able to get
through it with a smile on my face with the more support i had. Also, because of my faith, i believe that religion is another huge positive
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Crises Management in Public Schools
Review of Crisis in Public Schools throughout the United States Throughout the United States students in public schools have experienced many crises.
Students have witnessed or experienced many different types of crisis which can include: violence, death, accidents, family issues, natural disasters and
terrorism. Statistics from the National Center for Educational Statistics (2008) show that in the 2003–04 school year there were 19 homicides and 3
suicides that occurred at school. Outside of school in the 2003–04 school year there were 1,437 homicides and 1,285 suicides of youth ages 5 to 18.
According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System Encyclopedia (2008) in the year 2007, there more content...
Resent research on crisis management plans The Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA (2008) created a 161 page crisis prevention and
response plan for schools to use as a resource. In it they define the major facets of crisis response as being: 1. communication, 2. direction and
coordination, and 3. health and safety. These major facets should be implemented during the emergency, immediate aftermath, days/weeks following,
and in prevention. The Psychological First Aid approach which was developed by the National Center for PTSD to help children, adolescents, adults,
and families in the immediate aftermath of disaster and terrorism should also be included in the crisis management plan. It is "designed to reduce the
initial distress caused by traumatic events and to foster short–and long–term adaptive functioning and coping" (NCTSN, 2006). The Psychological First
Aid for school aged children should be implemented immediately after the trauma and includes three basic objectives: managing the situation,
mobilizing support, and following up.
Definition and signs of posttraumatic stress disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder "is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a
traumatic event... during this type of event, you think that your life or
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Crisis Management Plan Essay
Crisis Management Plan For Etihad Airways
Crisis management is an integral part of any company's strategic planning not only to prepare but also to mitigate the effects of a crisis on business
continuity. In this discussion, I will design a crisis communication plan for Etihad Airways, which is the company that I work for, eight years now. It is
the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, and it is based in Abu Dhabi; it is just 12 years old, and it only operates international routes. Etihad is a
government–owned company; however, organizational wise, it is a semi–governmental entity (Etihad Airways, 2015).
Etihad's crisis management team consists of the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. James Hogan; he will serve as the crisis management team president and
the spokesperson of Etihad to the media. Under the president operates a public relation manager, Mr. Kevin Knight, he is a member of our executive
team and serves as Chief Strategy and Planning Officer; he is also the more content...
It is a continuous process of decision making and weighting and thinking of the consequences of each and every move not only in the immediate future
but also for the development strategy and business continuity. Etihad needs to communicate to their internal publics with a shared sense of
responsibility and unity and their external audiences with confirmation on the public safety. Pre–assigned tasks, a reference source, and well–delegated
duties can minimize confusion in times of crisis.
Having crisis communication plan makes addressing the publics (internally and externally) a consistent, accurate, and quick process that allows the PR
team to communicate, investigate, organize, and anticipate rather than just
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Aspects of Crisis Management: An Examination
Aspects of Crisis Management: An Examination As we've seen throughout the history of humankind, crisis situations and other such disasters have long
been a part of the human story and the human experience. One of the most defining incidences which helped to fine–tune some of the more pervasive
strategies of the field and the techniques of professionals in crisis management was the terrorist attack during the Munich Olympics in 1972. During this
time certain trends were in use and seen as priorities when attempting to mitigate the situation. These were things like containing and negotiating with
the hostage taker in such an incident, understanding the hostage takers motivation, and the necessity of slowing down a given incidence so that the
negotiator and tactical team have more time to work (McMains& Mullins, 2010). However, so much of the success of managing a given incidence
revolves around the fact that the tactical team and the negotiating team need to work in utter harmony, providing one another with strong levels of
consistent support. In addition to this amount of mutual support, there also needs to be a serious focus within each team, as each has their own needs
and methods. The tactical team provides a tremendous amount of fundamental groundwork so that the negotiating team can do their job. "They block
and prevent escape or location movement by the hostage taker. They implement appropriate tactics and provide equipment needed in this highrisk
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A Summary On The Crisis Management Essay
This summary is based on group consensus of the three most important concepts learned in chapters 5 through 7, they are, leading during crisis,
empowering subordinates and simplicity. The level of importance placed on the application of these concepts is dependent on the organization
involved. In the military, it is crucially important that leadership can lead in an environment embroiled in crisis. Equally important is the ability to
empower subordinates who are demoralized by the crisis in the organization. As far as simplicity is concerned, leading in a crisis and being able to
effectively communicate to subordianates to improve morale is paramount.
Group Consensus
Leading During Crisis Universally it is assumed that all organizations at some point, whether it be small or large will face a crisis. Followers will take
their cues on how to respond to the situation from their leaders. Therefore it is pertinent leaders are well prepared. By communicating openly and
frankly with followers, leadership can ensure all subordinates in the organization know and understand their roles in managing the crisis. Crisis
management is the methodical way in which members of an organization, in combination with external stakeholders, work to prevent potential
disasters and to minimize and solve those that do occur (Brumfeld, 2012). Maintaining a positive outlook is essential for leaders during traumatic
events (Nel, Stander, & Latif, 2015). These skills for
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Crisis Management in Hospitals
Nowhere are corporate strategy differences more prominent than during a phase of crisis management. How a corporation communicates with people,
how it responds to media, how it shoulders responsibility all reflect the type of culture that exists in that organization and is more visible when faced
with a major crisis. Crisis management is one of the most important parts of corporation strategy and plans. Heath (1997) found that the objective of
crisis management is "to exert control over activities in ways that assure stakeholders and stake seekers that their interests are cared for and fostered
by the organization" (p. 292). Any large corporation cannot think of operating without an elaborate crisis management plan in place. (Albrecht, 1996;
Barton, 1993; Fink, 1986). The same can be said of any hospital around the globe. A large hospital is an organization that needs a good crisis
management and communication plan in order to work better under extraordinary circumstances. Some possible crisis situations and their handling are
discussed below:
OVERMEDICATION: Overmedication can be described as an HYPERLINK "" o "Overutilization"
inappropriate medical treatment that occurs when a HYPERLINK "" o "Patient" patient takes unnecessary or
excessive HYPERLINK "" o "Medication" medications. This may happen because the
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Crisis Management

  • 1. Crisis Management European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450–216X Vol.27 No.3 (2009), pp.358–371 Š EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2009 http:/ / Crisis Management– A Case Study on Mumbai Terrorist Attack Manisha Shekhar Centre for Strategic Analysis & Research Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Dr. M. C. Saxena college of Engg. & Technology, UPTU, Lucknow, India E–mail: Tel: +91–0522–4095700; Fax: +91–0522–4095730 Abstract This paper examined the Indian government intervention in crisis management during 2008, terrorist attack on MUMBAI. Empirical findings show that the intervention of increasing external pressure and internal self awareness forced INDIAN Government to change its more content... Coombs (2007a) summaries the research and shows how practice improves a crisis team's decision making and related task performance. Models and Theories Associated with Crisis Management Crisis Management Model Successfully diffusing a crisis requires an understanding of how to handle a crisis – before it occurs. Gonzalez–Herrero and Pratt created a four–phase crisis management model process that includes: issues management, planning–prevention, the crisis, and post–crisis (Gonzalez–Herrero and Pratt, 1995). Management Crisis Planning No nation looks forward to facing a situation that causes a significant disruption to their mass especially one that stimulates extensive media coverage. Public scrutiny can result in a negative financial, political, legal and government impact. Crisis management planning deals with providing the best response to a crisis. (12Manage, 2007) 360 Contingency Planning Manisha Shekhar Preparing contingency plans in advance, as part of a crisis management plan, is the first step to ensuring a nation is appropriately prepared for a crisis. Crisis management teams can rehearse a crisis plan by developing a simulated scenario to use as a drill. The plan should clearly stipulate that the only people to speak publicly about the crisis are the designated persons, such as the nation spokesperson or crisis team members. The first hours after a crisis breaks are the most
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  • 3. Crisis Intervention Team Paper The crisis intervention team (CIT) program is an approach for law enforcement officers to safely respond to individuals who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Since its inception in 1988 in Memphis Tennessee, the program has spread rapidly and has been described as "the most visible pre–booking diversion program in the United States. CIT develops a special team of officers who are meant to serve as first responders to individuals suspected of having a mental illness, are suicidal, or experiencing a mental health crisis. The goal of CIT is to reduce arrests of individuals who would more appropriately be diverted to the community mental health system. It is also meant to improve the safety of officers and civilians and it accomplishes more content... 49% of the sample completed CIT training within the previous 2 years. The average age of the officers sampled was 44 years old. 91% were white and 26% were female. Also, 58% had at least a college degree and the average tenure of the officers was 17.5 years. The researchers found that officers who felt that CIT enhanced skills and improved accessibility of services, reported greater confidence in their abilities. Furthermore, they found that the preparedness of officers to handle incidents involving possible mental illness was associated with officer confidence in their abilities. However, the study did not find a significant interactive effect between the measures of personal contact and familiarity with mental illness, perceptions about the community mental health system, and attitudes about departmental effectiveness. A weakness of the study was that the sample size was small and consisted mostly of white males. Having a more diverse sample group could be a potential follow up to see if the results are true across the board for officers all races and of both genders. A strength of the study was that it set out to answer questions that had not been previously asked about the crisis intervention team program. My biggest takeaway from this article was that attitude and perception plays a very large role in the effectiveness of this program. As the results show the perceived effectiveness of the program and the officer can have a major impact on the situation. More so than the officers personal experience with mental illness for Get more content on
  • 4. Week #Assignments Week 110/19/2016–10/25/2016 Unit I Assessment Week 210/26/2016–11/01/2016 Unit II Assessment Week 311/02/2016–11/08/2016 Unit III Assignment Week 411/09/2016–11/15/2016 Unit IV Assignment Week 511/16/2016–11/22/2016 Unit V Assignment Week 611/23/2016–11/29/2016 Unit VI Assignment Week 711/30/2016–12/06/2016 Unit VII Mini Project Week 812/07/2016–12/27/2016 Unit VIII Assignment MSL 5200–13D Crisis Communication Management 3 Professor – Dayna Thompson TextBook(s) The four stages of highly effective crisis management: How to manage the media in the digital age Risk and crisis communications: Methods and messages Unit #Assignments Unit 110/19/2016–10/25/2016 Unit I Assessment
  • 5. Unit 210/26/2016–11/01/2016 Unit II Assessment Unit 311/02/2016–11/08/2016 Unit III Assessment Unit 411/09/2016–11/15/2016 Unit IV Assessment Unit 511/16/2016–11/22/2016 Unit V Assessment Unit 611/23/2016–11/29/2016 Unit VI Assessment Unit 711/30/2016–12/06/2016 Unit VII Assessment Unit VII Research Paper Unit 812/07/2016–12/27/2016 Unit VIII Assessment Unit VIII Project MSL 6040–14E Current Issues in Leadership 7 Professor – Jonathan Green TextBook(s) Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills UNIT 1 CRISIS COMM MNGMNT 1. Define crisis. 2. Define risk. 3. Explain the stages of a crisis and the requirements for appropriate crisis communication during each stage. 4. Analyze Get more content on
  • 6. Crisis Management Crisis management Once a crisis happens in an organization, the nature of the activities undertaken to respond to a major threat to the organization is what is referred to as the crisis management. The management of crisis such as the one in the case study on the copper mine collapse includes identifying the nature of the crisis and coming up with an appropriate plan to deal with it as the organization minimizes the damages and ultimately recovering from the crisis. Here there is a lot of focus that is directed towards the public relations to recover any public image damage suffered during the crisis as you assure the stakeholders of the recovery. Considerations in this crisis management There are ten fundamental steps to consider in such a magnitude of crisis as it involves potential life threatening conditions, as noted below (Khera Communications, Inc. 2009): 1. Have a comprehensive plan. The mine management should have a comprehensive plan that will enable the organization to get out of the crisis. The plan should be one that is able to address any bespoke and random vulnerabilities within the industry. 2. Crisis identification Identify the crisis as soon as possible once it happens and move fast towards finding a corrective measure. There are three golden rules in PR crisis communication that are fundamental in crisis control; as soon as a crisis happens, Tell it all, Tell it fast and Tell it honestly. This consideration will control the flow of the Get more content on
  • 7. Crisis Management Response Plan Essay An effective crisis management response plan outlines specific procedures for administrator, teachers, and students during evacuation emergencies. Administrators work with teachers, students, parents, law enforcement officers, business and community members, to develop an effective emergency and crises plan. The administrator provides leadership in developing and monitoring the school safety plan and also establishes procedures for emergency evacuation and crisis management at different stages of the plan. However, an effective leader develops a comprehensive prevention education plan, and regularly reviews the code of conduct manual for revisions and current laws. The emergency and crisis plan identifies the designated people to more content... The mission of the Substance Abuse Unit (SAU) School and Safety Committee is to ensure the plan is simple and can be coordinated in response to appropriate circumstances and conditions during a crisis. In review of the Substance Abuse Unit (SAU) Campus Emergency and Crisis Management Plan the School Administrator established a School Safety Committees to provide teachers and staff training on the components of the Campus Crisis Management Plan. The School and Safety Committee primary duties were to review the effectiveness of the plans; safety,security practices and procedures for a possible emergency and crisis evacuation process, review safety and security best practices and provide a comprehensive safety school plan for the campus, submit findings, recommendations, implementation strategies, timeline, and fiscal budget, and corrective plan of action to the superintendent , instructional manager, Dallas County facility manager, and school administrator. The effectiveness of any response to a crisis is strongly linked to the extent and appropriateness of the planning and preparation process. The Substance Abuse Unit (SAU) School Safety and School Committee compiled a Needs Assessment Survey that is structured to address a variety of threats that might affect the school community. The purpose of Get more content on
  • 8. HUMAN BEHAVIOR & CRISIS MANAGEMENT HUMAN BEHAVIOR & CRISIS MANAGEMENT By: PROF. OSCAR GATCHALIAN SORIANO, LC BSCrim, MSBA, MSCrim, PhDCrim ============================================ Introduction The physiological adaptations that made humans more flexible than other primates allowed for the development of a wide range of abilities and an unparalleled versatility in behavior. The brain's great size, complexity, and slow maturation, with neural connections being added through at least the first twelve years of life, meant that learned behavior could largely modify stereotyped, instinctive responses. Definition of Human Behavior It is a voluntary or involuntary attitude of a person in order to fit the society's idea of right or wrong, partly determined by more content... Neuroticism or emotional instability acts like an amplifier of an already existing habit, good or bad. Neuroticism is most important in understanding some adult criminals, less important in understanding adolescents and even less young children. 3.Psychoticism It is characterized by cold cruelty, social insensitivity, disregard for danger, troublesome behavior, dislike of others, and an attraction toward the unusual. Psychoticism dimension is hypothesized to be link with crimes of violence, and appears to be equally important across all stages of
  • 9. development, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Psychological Explanations of Human Behavior 1.The Mind and Its Relationship to Crime Frequent comments are heard about the criminal mind, and the literature devoted to explaining it is extensive. Before the development of more scientific theories on human behavior and mental illness, one of the most popular explanations was demonology. Individuals were thought to be possessed by good or evil spirit, which caused good or evil behavior. 2.Psychiatric Approach The field of medicine that specializes in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental problems is psychiatry. Psychoanalysis is a branch of psychiatry, which employs a particular personality theory and a specific treatment method, usually individual case study. Get more content on
  • 10. Crisis Management in Tourism Destination In modern world tourism has become a huge industry with the increased number of tourists each year. There are some tourism attractions in every country and with proper maintenance and planning these tourism attractions can earn a healthy amount of revenue each year. People are becoming more adventurous and started exploring the globe more than before. This is a huge opportunity for the tourism industry to flourish. Destination management is now a major concern for many countries having tourism attractions and for this the number of tourists is increasing every year. As the destinations are becoming popular, the management of these destinations are also becoming crucial as newer opportunities and threats are emerging. Long term planning more content... Sometimes natural hazards can be predicted. Natural disasters can be managed properly if it can be forecasted before. It needs to have proper planning, monitoring, and execution to manage a natural disaster which can be predicted before. The amount of loss can be minimized. Compared to natural disaster man made disasters are fully unpredictable and can be more dangerous than natural disasters. For instances the terrorist attack on World Trade Centre in the year of 2001 in USA , and nuclear plant accident in Chernobyl in Ukraine (1986) had more destructive and long lasting affect than any other natural disaster. It may take long time to recover the losses by the areas where disasters take place. It is very difficult to regain the faith of the tourists that the same situation would not happen again and the situation is under control now when a tourism destination takes long time to restore the pre crisis situation. A tourism destination contributes a lot to a country's economy. So if the destination faces any disaster that must be recovered as early as possible to secure the economical benefit. The tourism industry must develop some strategies and planning Get more content on
  • 11. Literature Review On Crisis Management A literature survey was taken to initiate the research investigation, as it is the most efficient mean of initial information gathering (Fellows, & Liu, 2008). This part briefly reviews for two main topics: Firstly, crisis, crises management, with focusing on crises management teams, Secondly, the McKinsey 7–S Model. Several materials were reviewed for their relevant topics in the following: 2.1. Crisis and Crisis Management 2.1.1. Definition of the Crisis According to Webster's New World College Dictionary (2010), "Crisis: (krД« –ЦЅsД“z,) (plural Crises) comes from the Greek word krisis, which means decision. They go on to define crisis as: (1) a: the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever, b: a paroxysmal attack of pain, distress, or disordered function c: an emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person's life (–– removed HTML ––) (2): the decisive moment (as in a literary plot) [3] a: an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending; especially : one with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable out–come (–– removed HTML ––) b: a situation that has reached a critical phase (–– removed HTML ––) ". From The Macquarie Dictionary, "Crisis is a decisive or vitally important stage in the course of anything; a turning point; a critical time or occasion; a political crisis, a business crisis" (Macquarie Dictionary, 2013). As an unexpected and critical event the crisis is "A Get more content on
  • 12. Example Of Nestle Crisis Management 4. Describe ONE(1) example of the company's crisis management of work in term of management. Nowadays, crises have become integral features of many organizations. The crisis is an incident that threatens organizations. Not only this, a crisis is an element of surprise because it can happen quickly and unexpectedly. The crisis has the potential to destroy the organizations if the managers do not respond well. There are many types of crisis, which included natural disaster, challenges, mega damage, organizational misdeeds, workplace violence and rumors. However, crisis management is designed to prevent or deals with a wide range of crises that can apply to an organization. Crisis management allows managers to manage emerging crises, which could pose a threat. Nestle is considered one of the most popular foods producing industry in Malaysia. Nestle produces bottled water, breakfast cereals, coffee and tea, confectionery, dairy products, baby foods, medical foods, dairy products, frozen foods, and chocolate. There is one crisis faced by Nestle that tarnished their company reputation to this day. Due to the palm oil used by Nestle imported from another country in the production of the Kit Kat bar, resulting in threats to the Orangutans and deforestation. Therefore, Nestle was reported by one environmental group which is Greenpeace NGO who aiming more content... The reason Nestle carry out this action was to drive the attention of the community away from its society network site and update continuously on society network site. On the other hand, one of the countermeasures for crisis management is based on strengthening the protection of information that has been disclosed or communicate with the public such as Facebook and Twitter, hence strives for understanding from a public and required support from the Get more content on
  • 13. Crisis Management Plan Essay Crisis Management Communication Plan There are unquestionably infinite configurations of crisis situations to be prepared for, real or imagined. Unsurprisingly, the surge of zombies in mainstream society has granted credibility to an idea that a zombie apocalypse might manifest. The proliferation associated with this unique theory has encouraged scores of citizens to contemplate, "How do I ready for a zombie apocalypse?" Even though zombies are hype, they effortlessly link within our imagination of disaster and emergency preparedness as seen in the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention advertising maneuver in 2011. The agency trusted it to be an excellent stimulus to get the public to pull together for an emergency. One must more content... Code Triage is initiated, activating a series of processes in the emergency operations plan. Inevitably, crisis will surface bringing with it turmoil and adverse experiences. Crisis communication is an endeavor by health care professionals to provide information that enable clients and stakeholders to make the best achievable decisions during an emergency about their welfare inside a narrow time margin. Authors Flannery and Everly (2000) state, "A crisis occurs when a stressful life event overwhelms an individual's ability to cope effectively in the face of a perceived challenge or threat" (p.119). Often, in times of disaster, the effectiveness of being a sender of communication or its receiver is affected due to elevated levels of stress related to a stressor that threatens a person's personal security or self–integrity (Arnold & Boggs, 2011) therefore defeating the individual's ability to perform and function normally. An individual may have feelings of powerlessness, of being unable to escape the devastation and horror that surround them. With the impact of crisis on people's psyche and well–being, many will experience difficulties envisioning chances, weighing decisions, making choices and taking action. They exhibit anger, anxiety, confusion and depressive symptoms (Arnold & Boggs, 2011). "Communication during a crisis cannot be managed solely by mobilizing more people and material–the Get more content on
  • 14. Crisis Management And Prevention Process Essay Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Crisis Management and Prevention Process Introduction This paper will extensively cover the crisis prevention process. By citing various examples of crises that have occurred in the past, the crisis prevention process will be made more vivid. Additionally, this article will outline a variety of methodologies to be followed in the event of a crisis. It will also give personal opinions on the case of crisis prevention and farther explain the role of various societal authorities in crisis escalation. Finally, it will give substantial recommendation on the issue of crisis prevention. Crisis management, by definition, is the management of a situational occurrence that involves specific roles, processes and responsibilities that will efficiently handle the situation. Crisis management responses involve a variety of areas notably; crisis assessment, crisis prevention, crisis handling and termination. Proper understanding of the processes will result to efficient mitigation of crises. It is important to note that any organization or society has to be prepared for crises and respond rapidly in the event of one (Booth 56). The Exxon Crisis Back in 1989, Exxon was faced with a mega crisis when its oil tanker spilled 11 million gallons of oil in Alaska. This tragedy involved the accident involving the Exxon Valdez oil tanker. Due to accumulated fatigue, one of the crew members failed to properly maneuver the ship. Additionally, the crew master was Get more content on
  • 15. Leading During Crisis Summary Introduction This summary is based on group consensus on the three most important concepts learned in chapters five through seven. They are leading during crisis, empowering subordinates and simplicity. The level of importance placed on the application of these concepts is dependent on the organization involved. In the military, it is crucially important that leadership lead in an environment embroiled in a crisis. Equally important is the ability to empower subordinates who are demoralized by the crisis in the organization. Leading in a crisis and being able to effectively communicate with subordianates to improve morale is paramount. Group Consensus Leading During Crisis Universally it is assumed that all organizations at some point, whether it be small or large will face a crisis. Followers will take their cues on how to respond to the situation from their leaders. Therefore it is pertinent leaders are well prepared. By communicating openly and frankly with followers, leadership can ensure all subordinates in the organization know and understand their roles in managing the crisis. Crisis management is the methodical way in which members of an organization, in combination with external stakeholders, work to prevent potential disasters and to minimize and solve those that do occur (Brumfeld, 2012). Maintaining a positive outlook is essential for leaders during traumatic events (Nel, Stander, & Latif, 2015). These skills for managing crisis do not always come Get more content on
  • 16. Crisis Management Paper Social media can be beneficial to organizations as in advertising, or harmful as when there is a crisis situation facing the organization. Social media forced crisis management to modify it approaches due to the speed with which information can spread. So, how should organizations tackle crisis situations? The crisis management team can follow the following steps. 1.Lead Decisively: According to Deloitte editor (deloitteeditor, 2015) in an article in The Wall Street Journal in 2015, a crisis management team should be gathered and led by a C–level manager, other than the CEO (who has many other responsibilities). Social media managers are added to the crisis management team (Coombs, 2014). The team should be able to take bold decisions more content... Communicate Effectively: The crisis management team should communicate with the employees, stakeholders, and the press about the crisis. Employees must get all the information about the crisis and how the organization is planning to face it. This relieves stress and makes employees ambassadors during a crisis (Coombs, 2014). Also, the crisis management team should choose a spokesperson to be the source of honest and consistent information (deloitteeditor, 2015). 4.Stealing Thunder (Coombs, 2014): A crisis does less reputational damage when it is first reported by the organization instead of the news media and social media. Brands have a fear that putting out communications in the online world will lead to more negativity (Roberts, 2010), but doing so leaves the impression that the organization cares about the safety of its stakeholders. The crisis management team should use and post on all social media as well as blogs and Wikipedia where the crisis breaks, and be honest and accurate with the facts (Coombs, 2014). 5.Getting your message across fast is essential (Roberts, 2010). An initial response to the crisis must be given as soon as possible to let people know that the organization recognized the crisis early and is working on Get more content on
  • 17. Crisis Response Essay I believe all of the strategies mentioned in the text can help someone during a crisis, but i believe the best coping strategies for a crisis are: friends & relatives, religion, and laughter. I believe that having a support system during any type of crisis helps make the situation that much better. According to David Knox and Caroline Schacht (2013) people are "less affected by the loss of material possessions" during a natural disaster when they know that their family is together (p. 409). I have noticed that when i have gone through some sort of crisis in my life that I was able to get through it with a smile on my face with the more support i had. Also, because of my faith, i believe that religion is another huge positive stress–management Get more content on
  • 18. Crises Management in Public Schools Review of Crisis in Public Schools throughout the United States Throughout the United States students in public schools have experienced many crises. Students have witnessed or experienced many different types of crisis which can include: violence, death, accidents, family issues, natural disasters and terrorism. Statistics from the National Center for Educational Statistics (2008) show that in the 2003–04 school year there were 19 homicides and 3 suicides that occurred at school. Outside of school in the 2003–04 school year there were 1,437 homicides and 1,285 suicides of youth ages 5 to 18. According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System Encyclopedia (2008) in the year 2007, there more content... Resent research on crisis management plans The Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA (2008) created a 161 page crisis prevention and response plan for schools to use as a resource. In it they define the major facets of crisis response as being: 1. communication, 2. direction and coordination, and 3. health and safety. These major facets should be implemented during the emergency, immediate aftermath, days/weeks following, and in prevention. The Psychological First Aid approach which was developed by the National Center for PTSD to help children, adolescents, adults, and families in the immediate aftermath of disaster and terrorism should also be included in the crisis management plan. It is "designed to reduce the initial distress caused by traumatic events and to foster short–and long–term adaptive functioning and coping" (NCTSN, 2006). The Psychological First Aid for school aged children should be implemented immediately after the trauma and includes three basic objectives: managing the situation, mobilizing support, and following up. Definition and signs of posttraumatic stress disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder "is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event... during this type of event, you think that your life or Get more content on
  • 19. Crisis Management Plan Essay Crisis Management Plan For Etihad Airways Crisis management is an integral part of any company's strategic planning not only to prepare but also to mitigate the effects of a crisis on business continuity. In this discussion, I will design a crisis communication plan for Etihad Airways, which is the company that I work for, eight years now. It is the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, and it is based in Abu Dhabi; it is just 12 years old, and it only operates international routes. Etihad is a government–owned company; however, organizational wise, it is a semi–governmental entity (Etihad Airways, 2015). Etihad's crisis management team consists of the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. James Hogan; he will serve as the crisis management team president and the spokesperson of Etihad to the media. Under the president operates a public relation manager, Mr. Kevin Knight, he is a member of our executive team and serves as Chief Strategy and Planning Officer; he is also the more content... It is a continuous process of decision making and weighting and thinking of the consequences of each and every move not only in the immediate future but also for the development strategy and business continuity. Etihad needs to communicate to their internal publics with a shared sense of responsibility and unity and their external audiences with confirmation on the public safety. Pre–assigned tasks, a reference source, and well–delegated duties can minimize confusion in times of crisis. Having crisis communication plan makes addressing the publics (internally and externally) a consistent, accurate, and quick process that allows the PR team to communicate, investigate, organize, and anticipate rather than just Get more content on
  • 20. Aspects of Crisis Management: An Examination Aspects of Crisis Management: An Examination As we've seen throughout the history of humankind, crisis situations and other such disasters have long been a part of the human story and the human experience. One of the most defining incidences which helped to fine–tune some of the more pervasive strategies of the field and the techniques of professionals in crisis management was the terrorist attack during the Munich Olympics in 1972. During this time certain trends were in use and seen as priorities when attempting to mitigate the situation. These were things like containing and negotiating with the hostage taker in such an incident, understanding the hostage takers motivation, and the necessity of slowing down a given incidence so that the negotiator and tactical team have more time to work (McMains& Mullins, 2010). However, so much of the success of managing a given incidence revolves around the fact that the tactical team and the negotiating team need to work in utter harmony, providing one another with strong levels of consistent support. In addition to this amount of mutual support, there also needs to be a serious focus within each team, as each has their own needs and methods. The tactical team provides a tremendous amount of fundamental groundwork so that the negotiating team can do their job. "They block and prevent escape or location movement by the hostage taker. They implement appropriate tactics and provide equipment needed in this highrisk situation. Get more content on
  • 21. A Summary On The Crisis Management Essay roduction This summary is based on group consensus of the three most important concepts learned in chapters 5 through 7, they are, leading during crisis, empowering subordinates and simplicity. The level of importance placed on the application of these concepts is dependent on the organization involved. In the military, it is crucially important that leadership can lead in an environment embroiled in crisis. Equally important is the ability to empower subordinates who are demoralized by the crisis in the organization. As far as simplicity is concerned, leading in a crisis and being able to effectively communicate to subordianates to improve morale is paramount. Group Consensus Leading During Crisis Universally it is assumed that all organizations at some point, whether it be small or large will face a crisis. Followers will take their cues on how to respond to the situation from their leaders. Therefore it is pertinent leaders are well prepared. By communicating openly and frankly with followers, leadership can ensure all subordinates in the organization know and understand their roles in managing the crisis. Crisis management is the methodical way in which members of an organization, in combination with external stakeholders, work to prevent potential disasters and to minimize and solve those that do occur (Brumfeld, 2012). Maintaining a positive outlook is essential for leaders during traumatic events (Nel, Stander, & Latif, 2015). These skills for Get more content on
  • 22. Crisis Management in Hospitals CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN HOSPITALS Nowhere are corporate strategy differences more prominent than during a phase of crisis management. How a corporation communicates with people, how it responds to media, how it shoulders responsibility all reflect the type of culture that exists in that organization and is more visible when faced with a major crisis. Crisis management is one of the most important parts of corporation strategy and plans. Heath (1997) found that the objective of crisis management is "to exert control over activities in ways that assure stakeholders and stake seekers that their interests are cared for and fostered by the organization" (p. 292). Any large corporation cannot think of operating without an elaborate crisis management plan in place. (Albrecht, 1996; Barton, 1993; Fink, 1986). The same can be said of any hospital around the globe. A large hospital is an organization that needs a good crisis management and communication plan in order to work better under extraordinary circumstances. Some possible crisis situations and their handling are discussed below: OVERMEDICATION: Overmedication can be described as an HYPERLINK "" o "Overutilization" inappropriate medical treatment that occurs when a HYPERLINK "" o "Patient" patient takes unnecessary or excessive HYPERLINK "" o "Medication" medications. This may happen because the Get more content on