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Crime Scene Investigation Report
The crime scene is a delicate place that must be respected if a true picture is to be recognized in the investigative process. Approaching a crime scene
requires the forensic specialist, or anyone directly involved with the incident, a sharp mental attitude and knowledge of the law. The purpose of this
essay is to examine the processes involved with a crime scene investigation. This will include a discussion about collecting evidence and will use the
given scenario to highlight a practical example of how a crime scene should be approached and managed in order to receive the best and most honest
results that the justice system may allow.
Scenario i .A dead body(male) ii. Two tables in a living room flipped sideways iii. A bottle of Gordon's London Dry Gin iv. Two cups(Red) v. A desk
Table vii. Two chairs one flipped outside down and the other standing viii. A prescription drug ix. A small plastic bag filled with cocaine x. A living
room(small) xi. A bottle of George Killings Irish Red xii. A coffee flask Xiii. A bullet lying on the floor of the living room xiv .Blood on the carpet of
the living room xv. Bullet holes on the wall of the living room xvi .Blood on the wall xvii. plasters on the wall
Analysis This crime must be approached with caution and an open mind. The investigator must use all of his or her resources available in order to
make solid judgments that will ultimately lead to an explanation. The presence of a dead body suggests that this crime scene is a
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Essay on Classroom Observation Report
Classroom Observation
I use to believe that being a teacher was going to be eight hours of teaching and being with children. Being a teacher seemed to be the easiest career
choice out there for me. After viewing the students of all ages and levels, I have changed my opinion of teaching. There is an unknown side to the
world that can only be seen when inside a classroom. Watching the students have made me realize that being a teacher will carry some difficulties.
Observing has made me realize that there is more to teaching, the classroom, and what goes on inside.
Over the more content...
The teachers made the room feel welcoming to the students. The teacher placed pillows, plants, and posters around the room to make the room more
inviting. The students seem to love the room and teacher. In the intermediate school, the classrooms had only a minor difference from the
elementary. The teacher had her classroom set up in groups and also had the safe feeling to it.
The only difference was that both teachers I observed had different college information placed in their rooms. Both teachers had college posters and
memorabilia around the room. I felt that the teachers were sending a positive message about furthering her student's information. In the middle school
however, students sat two to a table. The room felt bland without having any posters or decorations of any kind. The room did not have the warm
inviting feeling to it as did the elementary and intermediate schools. In high school, the room had the same uninviting feeling to it. The students in the
classroom sat at a desk all to themselves. They were placed in rows making it hard for any talking to occur. The room had no posters and no
decorations of any sort. As the ages of the students grew, I noticed the rooms changed with them. While in elementary school, teachers made their
rooms inviting. Teachers wanted to get their students to feel welcome. However in high school, students did not have the same
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Kindergarten Classroom Observation Report Essay
In electing to observe a kindergarten class, I was hoping to see 'real world' examples of the social development, personality types and cognitive
variation found within the beginning stages of "Middle Childhood" as discussed within our text.
On April 1, 2010, I was welcomed into Mrs. Smith's all day kindergarten class at the O'Dea Core Knowledge Elementary School in Fort Collins
Colorado to observe and note the classroom conditions, interactions of the children among themselves, the teachers or other authority figures and the
manner in which learning takes place.
O'Dea, as it is referred to within this paper, was selected because it is located within my neighborhood, and I am familiar with it's location, general
population and more content...
The class that was observed consisted of five and six year olds, it was of interest that there were several examples of interactions that could be
classified as moral reasoning between the children during 'free play' where small groups of 3 or 4 expressed frustration that the rules weren't being
followed. There were two moments in which the teacher became involved to guide the discussion during which the children were allowed to explore
their feelings and suggest ideas to resolve the conflict.
As described within the text, during early childhood, the development of friendships between children begins to emerge, in which children of similar
personalities and interests demonstrate an interest in playing with each other ( ). During Middle Childhood, these relationships deepen, and continue
to evolve into more gender specific relationships, in which boys prefer to play with boys and girls among girls ( ). It was easily observed within the
classroom that this theory held true โ€“ the boys played in small groups with wooden blocks and Lego's creating elaborate 'Star Wars' scenarios, and the
girls played more quietly with books and writing white boards.
According to Piaget, the early childhood period is one in which the child is
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Example Of Personal Report
In the last four years my participation in Malden Catholics Track and Country Team have given me the opportunity to step up and become a leader.
During my freshman and sophomore years I worked very closely with my team captains i respected them and I to wanted to lead. They mentored me
and learned their strategies and their leadership skills.
During my freshman and sophomore years as I was being mentored to be captain there were many instances when I needed to cover for the captains I
had noticed some of the runners were not taking the workout seriously. Since they were my teammates it was difficult to address these issues, but I
spoke to these members individually and explained my role and their responsibility to the team and noticed there after my role as sub captain was taken
more seriously, and I thanked them for that.
Junior year as a result of my dedication and leadership to the team I was more content...
.doc, .pdf, .txt, .xls More
Personal Statement #3*Describe your experience facing or witnessing discrimination or unfair treatment. Tell us how you responded, what you learned
from those experiences, and how you believe they prepared you to contribute to the Coast Guard Academy community. (Limit 250 words on a single
When my father disappeared from my life to follow his needs he never looked back or worried about my dreams. When I was nine I wanted to be a
better baseball player and a pitcher. I practiced constantly with a throwing net but the coach would never let me pitch.
When I was ten I decided that my dream was worth pursuing I practiced constantly and my mother and I came up with a plan to develop my pitching
skills. She signed me up for private pitching lessons for months and I started to become a good pitcher.
When the season started I again communicated to my coach my interest in pitching and he always said next time and after several games my mother
asked him and he laughed and asked where my father
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Work Experience Report Essay
Work Experience Report I had accepted to do two weeks of work experience at the Boots Pharmacy, as a shop floor sales assistant. To be honest, I
had no idea what the firm manufactured or the type of work involved. I woke up on a Monday morning, prepared and organized, which was
incredibly unusual. I was extremely enthusiastic about the prospect of working. As I sat on the H91 bus with my mp3 music player on, questions
kept coming across my head like, 'what will it be like?' And 'what will people think of me?' I wasn't really anxious but more excited. I reached at the
pharmacy 20 minutes early. As I strolled through the automatic doors, it was deserted, so I walked past the half more content...
I didn't watch the first video with any interest so I didn't bother watching the second one. The first thing I did after that was to walk around the
pharmacy segment of the store. As I was walking around the store, the security man asked my name, I replied "John". He then asked me "how old
are you"? I responded "15", the shocked man said "no way! You look like the new store Manager". I couldn't help myself from laughing and
replied, "I'm here on work experience". I then suddenly saw Nina so I stopped my conversation because I didn't want to create a bad impression.
She took me to the head pharmacist, Mrs Kapoor. She was quiet a tall women with black hair and hazel eyes. She appeared to be a kind lady and
seemed pleased that I hade come along because they were short of staff. Mrs Kapoor then introduced me to the members of staff I would be
working with. I had come to this work experience, expecting to do something in the medicine line. Unfortunately I was on the wrong end of that line.
Instead of actually learning how medicine is made and separated, I was stacking a whole load of drugs and men's deodorant. After about two minutes
I was seriously bored, and this was just the first hour out of the eighty I had to do. After my eventful and hard working first day, I arrived in the next
day felling utterly miserable. Nina
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Abortion Report Essay examples
Abortion Report
I have chosen for my topic Abortion. I think that it is a topic that is very important in today's society however it is often dodged or avoided.
Different Presidents say different things and have different stances about it, and often it is had to know what to think about it. Basically there are two
different ways of looking at it: Proโ€“Choice, which takes the stance of saying that it is the woman's choice if she wants to have an abortion and that it is
only her business. So basically they want it to remain legal. Then there is the other stance of Proโ€“Life which says that it should not remain legal and
that it is just about as bad as coldโ€“blooded murder. I happen to agree with this.
This more content...
Several cases have been fought for the right to choose. Many of these have been hard cases but they stuck with it, and many people believe that that is
why we have some of the rights we do today. Here are some important cases:
1. 1965 โ€“ Griswold vs. Connecticut. Upheld the right to privacy and ended the ban on birth control. Eight years later, the Supreme Court ruled the right
to privacy included abortions.
2. 1973 โ€“ Roe vs. Wade. The state of Texas had outlawed abortions. The
Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional, bur refused to order an injunction against the state. On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court voted
the right to privacy included abortions.
3. 1976 โ€“ Planned Parenthood vs. Danforth. Ruled that requiring consent by the husband and the consent from a parent if a person was under 18 was
unconstitutional. This case supported a woman's control over her own body and reproductive system.
To conclude about Proโ€“Choice I will state what Dana Pentoney has said:
Abortion deals with one's private life and should have nothing to do with the government. However, abortion should not be used as a means of birth
control, but if a fetus will be unwanted, it is better to be aborted than to be abused or neglected. Now onto Proโ€“Life. This is what
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Density Lab Report Essay
In Measuring and Understanding Density, several experiments were performed to find density of regularly shaped objects, irregularly shaped objects,
liquids and gasses. An additional experiment was done to find the specific gravity of a sampling of liquids. The purpose of the experiment was to
provide a better understanding of density and to be able to extrapolate unknowns based upon these calculations. The experiments yielded data in
keeping with Kineticโ€“molecular theory in regards to the density of water versus its temperature. Key measurements and formulae were also used to
determine densities of metal and plastic objects as well as irregularly shaped rocks. It is possible to find the density of an object (be it liquid, gas or more content...
With volume and mass determined, the density formula (d = m/V) was used to determine the densities of each rock and recorded in g/ml. In the third
stage of this experiment, the density of a liquid was determined and compared to known standards. A 100ml beaker was filled to about halfโ€“full with
roomโ€“temperature distilled water. The temperature of the water in ะฒโ€”ยฆC was recorded in order to compare to known standards later. A 50ml beaker
was then weighed on a scale in order to determine mass and recorded. A sample of the distilled water with an exact volume of 10ml was then
placed in the 50ml beaker using a volumetric pipette. The 50ml beaker with the 10ml of water was then weighed again and the initial mass of the
beaker was subtracted from this mass to obtain the mass of the 10ml of water. With the volume and the mass of the water now known, density was
calculated using d = m/V and recorded in g/ml. This process was then repeated to check for precision and compared to standard values to check for
accuracy. Standard values were obtained from CRC Handbook, 88th Ed. In the fourth stage of this experiment, the density of a gas was determined. A
250ml flask was weighed with an empty rubber balloon and the mass was recorded.
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The Report Of A Burglary
On 02/05/2017 I was dispatched to 524 E. 30th Ave. North for the report of a burglary. When I arrived, I noted the front of the house was facing
south. The house was a single level, white in color with a tin roof. The front of the house had a porch that also faced the south. When I pulled into the
driveway, two people were standing on the front porch. I walked up to the porch and the two individuals identified themselves as the home owners.
The male identified himself as Augustus Arterburn 05/07/1993, and the female identified herself as Isabella Cook 03/20/1993. Augustus said Isabella
and him left the house on 02/05/2017 at around 1300 hours, they went to Oklahoma and then to a super bowl party. They returned to the house on 02
/05/ more content...
We then walked into the living room that was the next room to the south. Augustus pointed to a TV stand that was sitting on the east wall. He said
a 42 inch Emerson flat screen TV was sitting on the stand. He described the TV as all black with metal legs used as the base. He also said a stack
of 20 miscellaneous DVD 's were taken on the TV stand. We then walked into the kitchen that was located to the south of the living room. Augustus
said when they left the house the pile of clothes that were on the ground were directly in front of the back door. When they returned home the
clothes were all pushed up against the wall because the back door had been opened. The rear door to the house faced the north and no lights were
on. The rear door only locks with the door handle lock and was undamaged. Augustus and Isabella said they had looked over the entire house and
only the items listed above were taken. Augustus said two other flat screen TV 's were not taken and he had firearms in the bedroom that were not
tampered with. I asked Augustus if he owned the home or if he was renting, he said they were renting and had just moved in. I asked him if he had
the locks changed since they had moved in, he said no. Augustus then told me he had the only two keys. I told him he had the only two keys that he
knew about, I then asked him if he knew the previous tenants name. He was able to provide me with the prior tenant and landlords name and phone
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Example Art Gallery Report Essay
Portrait 1
My first portrait I am going to going to critique is a oil on canvas piece by Scott Jones B. This first portrait I am going to critique is called going on
four. The first thing you immediately see about the piece is the scantily clad cartoonish bee looking character set in the foreground .The piece is of a
bee looking character set in the middle of the piece and taking up about one fourth the piece. He is set in the foreground and almost seems to be
coming off the piece or coming out of the painting .The character is wearing a striped shirt with the colors mixed between shades of blue
more content...
This pretty much sums up the character. As for the rest of the piece the background behind the character is a mixture of colors. Some of the colors I
was able to see through all the shading and blending where but not limited to splotches of purple, yellow, dark pink and red, urine yellow, violet, blue,
white, and finally pink. These colors are mixed together with different unique moments and swishes of the brush. Then in the four corners of the piece
there is four different sized suns. Each sun is placed, shaped and sized differently in each corner. The colors of each sun is the same thou. Each sun
is bright yellow with mixtures of white each placed in different parts of the sun. The artist really used many lines and really used or utilized this
element. There is also many shapes especially in the character and foreground. The form of the character is looks amateur but the artist wanted it to be
this way. The figure or character almost seems to be three dimensional and seems to be coming out or off the canvas.
The artist used value well utilizing the lightness and darkness of color well. The element of space is missing thou the one character is much too small
in comparison to the rest of the piece. The rhythm and movement of the piece is very awkward and confusing to the viewer and could have been
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Essay on Investigative Report
Investigative Report
August 31, 2012
Professor Ashley Hudson
Tamara L. Thomas
Public VS Private Grant Sources
In the investigative research reports there were two sources for grants and funding. The first source was the federal wire website and the other
foundation center website. Both sites are very great sources for both public and private grant information data reservoirs. In this investigative it will
show the overall benefits for individual and organizational purposes, i.e. research, community services, public, private sector, nonโ€“profit, banks, and
government sectors. Both sites provide information on public and private grant opportunities.
Investigational Research I
The Federal Wire more content...
Federal Wire is sponsored through and or by the DMA's Committee on Ethical Business Practices at mgoldberger@theโ€“
Investigation Research II
The Founder Center Established in 1956, the Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data,
analysis, and training, it connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to succeed. The Center maintains the most
comprehensive database on U.S. and, increasingly, global grant makers and their grants โ€“ a robust, accessible knowledge bank for the sector. It also
operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance knowledge of philanthropy at every level. Thousands of people visit the
Center's web site each day and are served in its five regional library/learning centers and its network of more than 450 funding information centers
located in public libraries, community foundations, and educational institutions nationwide and around the world (foundation center). The vision of
this site is a world enriched by the effective allocation of philanthropic resources, informed public discourse about philanthropy, and broad
understanding of the contributions of nonprofit activity to increasing opportunity and transforming lives. You can find grant data information through
the Google search engine, the official website, or the foundation hardcopy book. Close to 550 provide
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Psi Report Essay example
Nadira A Quraishi
Submitted toโ€“Tracy Blackwell
PSI Report part 2
26th Jan 2011
Incident Report
Date of incident: 06/04/2009 Time: 12.30 PM
Name of the defendant: John Doe
Address: 2804 Emil ct, Woodbridge, VA 22191
Phone Number(s): 586โ€“765โ€“7896
Date of birth: 12/03/1987male: ะฒโ‚ฌ
ั™Female ___
Name of injured person: Jonathan Douglas
Details of incident: Defendant and his friend went to the same store where he was arrested previously for shoplifting. He threw a beverage to the
security's face and slapped him. Defendant got really angry when he saw the security. Defendant thinks he was responsible for his arrest in the past
because the security caught him for shoplifting. As the defendant more content...
WHERFORE, the offender's officer prays the Court revoke the offender's probation and enter a dispositional order.
Tim Peyton Probation Officer
On the day of 2nd March, 2009, the aboveโ€“named defendant was granted twelve months supervised probation for the crime of violation of Section
18.2โ€“96 as a Class 1 misdemeanor of the Virginia Penal Code.
Terms of the probation violated:
1.Defendant shell obeys all laws.
2.Defendant shell complies with the instruction of the probation officer.
3.Defendant shell totally stay out of the alcoholic beverage
4.Defendant shell not uses any nonโ€“prescribed control substance.
5.Defendant shell not traffic in control substance.
6.Defendant shell enters and successfully complete family therapy program, at his own expense as directed by the probation officer.
Violated probation as followed:
Defendant was in twelve months supervised probation and he was
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Sample Report Essay
SAMPLE REPORT: The 'Stylish' Report
i) ii) Look at the assignment instructions below Now read the sample report. Read the accompanying comments on the side as you go.
iii) Is this is a wellโ€“written report in your view? Could it be improved in any way do you think?
ASSIGNMENT 2: The Stylish Report Background Colin Coif and Pamela Perm are the owners and operators of a hairdressing business Stylish
specialising in 'high end' quality hairdressing services. Currently they operate two salons in inner Melbourne, one in Carlton and the other in South
Melbourne. As a way of expanding their business, the owners are considering opening a new salon in the Prahran area. Your task Prepare a business
report for the owners investigating: i) ii) more content...
Hint: It is best to limit your NUMBERING to three levels โ€“ beyond this, it can be difficult for the reader to grasp the structure. i.e. DON'T use
1. Introduction
Stylish is a hairdressing business that currently owns and operates two hairdressing salons in inner Melbourne: Carlton and South Melbourne. The
owners of the business (hereon the client) are interested in expanding their operations, and have identified the Prahran area as a possible location for
the establishing of a third salon. The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information to the client about: i) the overall viability of
establishing a salon in the Prahran area; and ii) key management and marketing issues that need to be considered in ensuring the success and
profitability of any proposed new outlet. Note that the study considers the viability of the business in broad management and marketing terms only; it
does not provide a comprehensive financial analysis of the proposed expansion. In the investigation of these issues, two analytical concepts were used,
namely Mega Environment and Task Environment. The Mega Environment is concerned with the external environment in which a business operates;
the Task Environment considers conditions that a business faces in its immediate environment (Bartol, Tein, Mathews, Sharma & Scottโ€“Ladd 2008).
Data for the study came from a range of sources related to both these environments including: industry research reports,
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Business Report Essay
Business Report SOCIAL CUSTOMS
Every country has it's own social customs and gestures. Ireland has its share of social customs that differ from the United States, but for the most part
the countries are relatively similar. Friendliness and hospitality have always been the hallmark of the Irish people. People in Ireland react to strangers
very politely, as you would expect in most parts of the United States. The attitude toward foreigners in Ireland is reasonably friendly, and welcoming, as
opposed to being hostile. In Ireland people greet each other much like they do in the United States. In a social setting, a handshake is appropriate when
greeting another man, when greeting a woman a hug is appropriate.
The manners in more content...
Tipping taxi drivers, porters, hairdressers, etc., is customary, but not obligatory.2
To refuse an invitation is viewed much like it would be in the United States. If it were necessary to decline an invitation, it would not be viewed
offensively. When refusing an invitation, you would use a polite manner, as would be expected in any country, usually explaining the reasons for your
absence. Eye contact is important when communicating in Ireland, as would be in any country. When conversing with someone it is appropriate to
maintain eye contact, not allowing your eyes to wonder, and give the impression of disinterest. When nonโ€“verbally communicating, nodding your head
is acceptable, where as when disagreeing shaking your head is acceptable.1
When in a social or business setting, there is no information alluding to inappropriate subjects. However, you should most likely exercise your best
judgment, and refrain from talking about personal matters or opinions. There is no social hierarchy in the social structure of Ireland. The former
colonial power shows no apparent power in present Ireland.
Time is expressed in Ireland in the same way it is expressed in the United States. There is no deviation. Banks are generally open 10AMโ€“3PM,
Mondayโ€“Friday (closed for an hour midday). Shops are open from
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Lab Report Essay example
All living things contain organic molecules such as lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and acids. In order to detect the presence of carbohydrates, proteins
and lipids we have to do experiments.
The Iodine test is used to detect the presence of carbohydrates. This test is used to distinguish starch (polysaccharide) from carbohydrates. Reaction
between starch and Iodine produce a dark grey, black color and it means that the test is positive. A yellow color means that test is negative. But other
polysaccharides may give other colors including blue or red.
In order to detect the presence of glucose (monosaccharide) we have to use a Clinitest tablet. Clinitest tablets are usually used for urine sugar testing. If more content...
We mix them and let stand for a minute. Then we add a few grains of Sudan IV into the same tube. We cover out tube with parafilm then mix and let it
Solution| Iodine| Clinitest| Biuret's reagent| Sudan IV| Starch| Turned black| Turned blue| Light blue| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Glucose| Turned
yellow| Turned green| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Distilled water| Turned yellow| Turned blue|โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“|
Stayed clear| Albumin| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Turned purple| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Salad oil| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“|
โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Turned to red| 9
In Experiment 1 after we added Iodine to tube A1 (3 ml of starch) we could see a change of color. Due to reaction Iodine +Starch color changed to
black. After we added 5 drops of Iodine into tube B1 (3ml glucose) color turned yellow. Then we added Iodine into tube C1 (distilled water) and
color in this tube also turned yellow. So now we can say that the test is positive for starch. According to this experiment water and glucose got the
same color what means that the test for the tubes B1 and C1 is negative because water doesn't have anything inside. Iodine reacted with the starch and
this reaction is positive for the polysaccharides (starch).
After we added
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Annual Report 20: 20-Related Ethics Cases
Title defines report purpose and includes period covered in subtitle.
REPORTED ETHICS CASES Annual Report 20โ€“โ€“
Report author includes name and title.
Prepared by Susan Litzinger Director of Ethics and Business Conduct
Report Distributed March 1, 20โ€“โ€“
Includes name of company to which report is submitted. Title page is unnumbered.
Prepared for The Ethics and Business Conduct Committee CGF Aircraft Corporation
Source: The Technical Writer's Companion (3rd edition) by Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2002)
Opening states report's purpose.
Subheads signal shifts in topic.
This report examines the nature and disposition of the 3,458 ethics cases more content...
Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2002)
Major/Minor Category Definition and Examples Major ethics cases were defined as those situations potentially involving serious violations of
company policies or illegal conduct. Procedure CGFEPโ€“02 requires notification of the Internal Audit and the Law Departments in serious ethics cases.
The staffs of the Internal Audit and the Law Departments assume primary responsibility for managing major ethics cases and for working with the
employees, ethics officers, and managers involved in each case. Examples of situations categorized as major ethics cases: Coverโ€“up of defective
workmanship or use of defective parts in products Discrimination in hiring and promotion
Criteria used to differentiate major from minor infractions are included.
Involvement in monetary or other kickbacks from customers for preferred orders Sexual harassment Disclosure of proprietary customer or company
information Theft Use of corporate Internet resources for inappropriate purposes, such as conducting private business, gambling, or access to
pornography Minor ethics cases were defined as including all reported concerns not classified as major ethics cases. Minor ethics cases were classified
as follows: Informational queries from employees Situations involving coworkers Situations involving management
Source: The Technical Writer's Companion (3rd
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A Visit to the Museum Report
The exhibit I visited was at the Museum of Fine Art in Boston, the exhibit was called The Art of the Americas Wing. The exhibit itself had various
painting of famous figures and art pieces about the time period dated back from the American Colonies to modern day art pieces. I felt that all of the
pieces in this exhibit were meaningful and there was a sense of history and pride in the way the exhibit was set up. Each piece of art were unique on
its own and just standing near the piece for a short time and watching the different people walk by and look at it, the reactions were unanimous.
In Watson and the Shark, when I first set eyes on the featured painting I thought it was something to do with Herman Melville's characters, Moby
Dick and Captain Ahab. Of course that is not the case. In the text next to the painting it explained the true meaning of the piece. Drawn by John
Singleton Copley, the painting depicts the story of a London Merchant Brook Watson's trauma at age fourteen of being a victim of a shark attack off
Havana, Cuba, an experience that cost the former cabin boy his leg. Copley portrays the third rescue attempt by nearby sailors, glorifying it as a story
of salvation and spiritual rebirth. It is unclear whether if Copley referencing both Christ's Resurrection as well as the renewal of the British Empire in
the aftermath of the American Revolution, in the visual image of Watson emerging from the watery depths. With the underlying message of the spiritual
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Example Of News Report Essay
Per Reporter:
Per Reporter:
Caseworker Jessica, spoke with Ja'Kevion on 10/19/17, and he said that he was on punishment for 3 months because his sister did not have on
panties and he was falsely accused of pulling her panties down. Reporter visited the family on 11/16/17 and mom (Marion) informed stated that
Ja'Kevion was messing with his sister and brother. Mom told the reporter she went into the living room and Ja'Kevion was at the table. She had left
her daughter in the room and when she went back to the room she notice the cover looked messed up and it was high. She pulled the cover back and
her daughter panties and pants were pulled down. Mom asked the child why her clothes were down and she did not want to admit what happen to her.
It took her a while to answer and she said Ja'Kevion pulled her clothes down and he was messing with her. more content...
He walks around with a hard on. Ja'Kevion alleged that Tray who is 4 or 5 years older, messed with him when he was 4 years old. The incident
happened one time. Tray stays in Wilkinson County and has MDDD. His mom name is Stacey and the reporter stated Marion would have more
information for that family. Mom said Ja'Kevion told her about the incident and she told him not to go around Tray. She did not report the
allegation. Reporter stated mom does not leave the children home alone with each other. She makes Ja'Kevion sit by himself and she keeps the
younger children with her. She is afraid to leave the children around Ja'Kevion. Reporter feels there is something wrong with Ja'Kevion. He
appears depressed. He look like he has a lot on his mind. At school last year the reporter noticed he did not socialize with the other child and he was
to himself. He do not have a behavior problem. Mom wanted to tell the reporter is information because she wants to get Ja'Kevion some help. Reporter
stated mom is a private person. The family have working utilities and food in the home. Reporter is not aware
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Example of report Essay
AHAA 1043 CREATIVE AND CRITICAL THINKING Assignment Report "Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and put one's thoughts into action is
the most difficult thing in the world." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist. 1749โ€“1832) Looking back at
the lecturer career, the important of critical thinking to success in the career thinking skills is real, students may not know how to actually apply the
information that receive to real world application culture, or lives a life that demands them to talk, read or write to prove proficiency? Critical thinking
is the ability to think clearly and rationally. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with more
For the first time, the very 1st sketch was using numbers to determine the dots, line, shape and volume. First time and the second time have been
rejected and required to improve the artworks. The third time has accepted and it was four different types of flowers. In week three, the second
exercise were introduced and the title is Encounter of Form. On the third week, before starting the second exercise, students required to study the
samples which were given on the assignment briefing. Students have to draw the same boxes on the layout pad or butter pad or regal bond.
Encounter of Form is about the positive and the negative under seven rules which is detachment, union, intersect, overlap, touching, interpenetration
and subtraction. The first artwork was failure and required to improve. For the second artwork was complete success. In week four, the third exercise
of the assignment one has given by the lecturer and the title is Space and Depth. Before starting the exercise, students have to understand what to
draw and how to draw, how to start. For the first part of the exercise, student has to do boxes with four instruction which is increase, playful,
congested and tension. And as for second part, students have to do A3 size artwork with four themes which is peace, war, hope and struggle. With
these four themes was hard to choose but ended up with hope. The first artwork was failure and required to improve.
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  • 4. Example Of Personal Report In the last four years my participation in Malden Catholics Track and Country Team have given me the opportunity to step up and become a leader. During my freshman and sophomore years I worked very closely with my team captains i respected them and I to wanted to lead. They mentored me and learned their strategies and their leadership skills. During my freshman and sophomore years as I was being mentored to be captain there were many instances when I needed to cover for the captains I had noticed some of the runners were not taking the workout seriously. Since they were my teammates it was difficult to address these issues, but I spoke to these members individually and explained my role and their responsibility to the team and noticed there after my role as sub captain was taken more seriously, and I thanked them for that. Junior year as a result of my dedication and leadership to the team I was more content... .doc, .pdf, .txt, .xls More Personal Statement #3*Describe your experience facing or witnessing discrimination or unfair treatment. Tell us how you responded, what you learned from those experiences, and how you believe they prepared you to contribute to the Coast Guard Academy community. (Limit 250 words on a single page) When my father disappeared from my life to follow his needs he never looked back or worried about my dreams. When I was nine I wanted to be a better baseball player and a pitcher. I practiced constantly with a throwing net but the coach would never let me pitch. When I was ten I decided that my dream was worth pursuing I practiced constantly and my mother and I came up with a plan to develop my pitching skills. She signed me up for private pitching lessons for months and I started to become a good pitcher. When the season started I again communicated to my coach my interest in pitching and he always said next time and after several games my mother asked him and he laughed and asked where my father
  • 5. Get more content on
  • 6. Work Experience Report Essay Work Experience Report I had accepted to do two weeks of work experience at the Boots Pharmacy, as a shop floor sales assistant. To be honest, I had no idea what the firm manufactured or the type of work involved. I woke up on a Monday morning, prepared and organized, which was incredibly unusual. I was extremely enthusiastic about the prospect of working. As I sat on the H91 bus with my mp3 music player on, questions kept coming across my head like, 'what will it be like?' And 'what will people think of me?' I wasn't really anxious but more excited. I reached at the pharmacy 20 minutes early. As I strolled through the automatic doors, it was deserted, so I walked past the half more content... I didn't watch the first video with any interest so I didn't bother watching the second one. The first thing I did after that was to walk around the pharmacy segment of the store. As I was walking around the store, the security man asked my name, I replied "John". He then asked me "how old are you"? I responded "15", the shocked man said "no way! You look like the new store Manager". I couldn't help myself from laughing and replied, "I'm here on work experience". I then suddenly saw Nina so I stopped my conversation because I didn't want to create a bad impression. She took me to the head pharmacist, Mrs Kapoor. She was quiet a tall women with black hair and hazel eyes. She appeared to be a kind lady and seemed pleased that I hade come along because they were short of staff. Mrs Kapoor then introduced me to the members of staff I would be working with. I had come to this work experience, expecting to do something in the medicine line. Unfortunately I was on the wrong end of that line. Instead of actually learning how medicine is made and separated, I was stacking a whole load of drugs and men's deodorant. After about two minutes I was seriously bored, and this was just the first hour out of the eighty I had to do. After my eventful and hard working first day, I arrived in the next day felling utterly miserable. Nina Get more content on
  • 7. Abortion Report Essay examples Abortion Report I have chosen for my topic Abortion. I think that it is a topic that is very important in today's society however it is often dodged or avoided. Different Presidents say different things and have different stances about it, and often it is had to know what to think about it. Basically there are two different ways of looking at it: Proโ€“Choice, which takes the stance of saying that it is the woman's choice if she wants to have an abortion and that it is only her business. So basically they want it to remain legal. Then there is the other stance of Proโ€“Life which says that it should not remain legal and that it is just about as bad as coldโ€“blooded murder. I happen to agree with this. This more content... Several cases have been fought for the right to choose. Many of these have been hard cases but they stuck with it, and many people believe that that is why we have some of the rights we do today. Here are some important cases: 1. 1965 โ€“ Griswold vs. Connecticut. Upheld the right to privacy and ended the ban on birth control. Eight years later, the Supreme Court ruled the right to privacy included abortions. 2. 1973 โ€“ Roe vs. Wade. The state of Texas had outlawed abortions. The Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional, bur refused to order an injunction against the state. On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court voted the right to privacy included abortions. 3. 1976 โ€“ Planned Parenthood vs. Danforth. Ruled that requiring consent by the husband and the consent from a parent if a person was under 18 was unconstitutional. This case supported a woman's control over her own body and reproductive system. To conclude about Proโ€“Choice I will state what Dana Pentoney has said: Abortion deals with one's private life and should have nothing to do with the government. However, abortion should not be used as a means of birth control, but if a fetus will be unwanted, it is better to be aborted than to be abused or neglected. Now onto Proโ€“Life. This is what
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  • 9. Density Lab Report Essay Abstract In Measuring and Understanding Density, several experiments were performed to find density of regularly shaped objects, irregularly shaped objects, liquids and gasses. An additional experiment was done to find the specific gravity of a sampling of liquids. The purpose of the experiment was to provide a better understanding of density and to be able to extrapolate unknowns based upon these calculations. The experiments yielded data in keeping with Kineticโ€“molecular theory in regards to the density of water versus its temperature. Key measurements and formulae were also used to determine densities of metal and plastic objects as well as irregularly shaped rocks. It is possible to find the density of an object (be it liquid, gas or more content... With volume and mass determined, the density formula (d = m/V) was used to determine the densities of each rock and recorded in g/ml. In the third stage of this experiment, the density of a liquid was determined and compared to known standards. A 100ml beaker was filled to about halfโ€“full with roomโ€“temperature distilled water. The temperature of the water in ะฒโ€”ยฆC was recorded in order to compare to known standards later. A 50ml beaker was then weighed on a scale in order to determine mass and recorded. A sample of the distilled water with an exact volume of 10ml was then placed in the 50ml beaker using a volumetric pipette. The 50ml beaker with the 10ml of water was then weighed again and the initial mass of the beaker was subtracted from this mass to obtain the mass of the 10ml of water. With the volume and the mass of the water now known, density was calculated using d = m/V and recorded in g/ml. This process was then repeated to check for precision and compared to standard values to check for accuracy. Standard values were obtained from CRC Handbook, 88th Ed. In the fourth stage of this experiment, the density of a gas was determined. A 250ml flask was weighed with an empty rubber balloon and the mass was recorded. Get more content on
  • 10. The Report Of A Burglary On 02/05/2017 I was dispatched to 524 E. 30th Ave. North for the report of a burglary. When I arrived, I noted the front of the house was facing south. The house was a single level, white in color with a tin roof. The front of the house had a porch that also faced the south. When I pulled into the driveway, two people were standing on the front porch. I walked up to the porch and the two individuals identified themselves as the home owners. The male identified himself as Augustus Arterburn 05/07/1993, and the female identified herself as Isabella Cook 03/20/1993. Augustus said Isabella and him left the house on 02/05/2017 at around 1300 hours, they went to Oklahoma and then to a super bowl party. They returned to the house on 02 /05/ more content... We then walked into the living room that was the next room to the south. Augustus pointed to a TV stand that was sitting on the east wall. He said a 42 inch Emerson flat screen TV was sitting on the stand. He described the TV as all black with metal legs used as the base. He also said a stack of 20 miscellaneous DVD 's were taken on the TV stand. We then walked into the kitchen that was located to the south of the living room. Augustus said when they left the house the pile of clothes that were on the ground were directly in front of the back door. When they returned home the clothes were all pushed up against the wall because the back door had been opened. The rear door to the house faced the north and no lights were on. The rear door only locks with the door handle lock and was undamaged. Augustus and Isabella said they had looked over the entire house and only the items listed above were taken. Augustus said two other flat screen TV 's were not taken and he had firearms in the bedroom that were not tampered with. I asked Augustus if he owned the home or if he was renting, he said they were renting and had just moved in. I asked him if he had the locks changed since they had moved in, he said no. Augustus then told me he had the only two keys. I told him he had the only two keys that he knew about, I then asked him if he knew the previous tenants name. He was able to provide me with the prior tenant and landlords name and phone Get more content on
  • 11. Example Art Gallery Report Essay EXAMPLE ART GALLERY REPORT! Portrait 1 My first portrait I am going to going to critique is a oil on canvas piece by Scott Jones B. This first portrait I am going to critique is called going on four. The first thing you immediately see about the piece is the scantily clad cartoonish bee looking character set in the foreground .The piece is of a bee looking character set in the middle of the piece and taking up about one fourth the piece. He is set in the foreground and almost seems to be coming off the piece or coming out of the painting .The character is wearing a striped shirt with the colors mixed between shades of blue more content... This pretty much sums up the character. As for the rest of the piece the background behind the character is a mixture of colors. Some of the colors I was able to see through all the shading and blending where but not limited to splotches of purple, yellow, dark pink and red, urine yellow, violet, blue, white, and finally pink. These colors are mixed together with different unique moments and swishes of the brush. Then in the four corners of the piece there is four different sized suns. Each sun is placed, shaped and sized differently in each corner. The colors of each sun is the same thou. Each sun is bright yellow with mixtures of white each placed in different parts of the sun. The artist really used many lines and really used or utilized this element. There is also many shapes especially in the character and foreground. The form of the character is looks amateur but the artist wanted it to be this way. The figure or character almost seems to be three dimensional and seems to be coming out or off the canvas. The artist used value well utilizing the lightness and darkness of color well. The element of space is missing thou the one character is much too small in comparison to the rest of the piece. The rhythm and movement of the piece is very awkward and confusing to the viewer and could have been Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Investigative Report Investigative Report Date: August 31, 2012 To: Professor Ashley Hudson From: Tamara L. Thomas Re: Public VS Private Grant Sources In the investigative research reports there were two sources for grants and funding. The first source was the federal wire website and the other foundation center website. Both sites are very great sources for both public and private grant information data reservoirs. In this investigative it will show the overall benefits for individual and organizational purposes, i.e. research, community services, public, private sector, nonโ€“profit, banks, and government sectors. Both sites provide information on public and private grant opportunities. Investigational Research I The Federal Wire more content... Federal Wire is sponsored through and or by the DMA's Committee on Ethical Business Practices at mgoldberger@theโ€“ Investigation Research II The Founder Center Established in 1956, the Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data, analysis, and training, it connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to succeed. The Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. and, increasingly, global grant makers and their grants โ€“ a robust, accessible knowledge bank for the sector. It also operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance knowledge of philanthropy at every level. Thousands of people visit the Center's web site each day and are served in its five regional library/learning centers and its network of more than 450 funding information centers located in public libraries, community foundations, and educational institutions nationwide and around the world (foundation center). The vision of
  • 13. this site is a world enriched by the effective allocation of philanthropic resources, informed public discourse about philanthropy, and broad understanding of the contributions of nonprofit activity to increasing opportunity and transforming lives. You can find grant data information through the Google search engine, the official website, or the foundation hardcopy book. Close to 550 provide Get more content on
  • 14. Psi Report Essay example Nadira A Quraishi Submitted toโ€“Tracy Blackwell PSI Report part 2 26th Jan 2011 Incident Report Date of incident: 06/04/2009 Time: 12.30 PM Name of the defendant: John Doe Address: 2804 Emil ct, Woodbridge, VA 22191 Phone Number(s): 586โ€“765โ€“7896 Date of birth: 12/03/1987male: ะฒโ‚ฌ ั™Female ___ Name of injured person: Jonathan Douglas Details of incident: Defendant and his friend went to the same store where he was arrested previously for shoplifting. He threw a beverage to the security's face and slapped him. Defendant got really angry when he saw the security. Defendant thinks he was responsible for his arrest in the past because the security caught him for shoplifting. As the defendant more content... WHERFORE, the offender's officer prays the Court revoke the offender's probation and enter a dispositional order. Tim Peyton Probation Officer SUPERIOR COURT OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF PRINCE WILLIAM THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA NOTICE OF PROBATION John Doe VIOLATION AND COURT ACTION โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“ Defendant
  • 15. TO THE JURGE OF THE ABOVEโ€“ENTITLED COURT: On the day of 2nd March, 2009, the aboveโ€“named defendant was granted twelve months supervised probation for the crime of violation of Section 18.2โ€“96 as a Class 1 misdemeanor of the Virginia Penal Code. ALLEGED VIOLATIONS: Terms of the probation violated: 1.Defendant shell obeys all laws. 2.Defendant shell complies with the instruction of the probation officer. 3.Defendant shell totally stay out of the alcoholic beverage 4.Defendant shell not uses any nonโ€“prescribed control substance. 5.Defendant shell not traffic in control substance. 6.Defendant shell enters and successfully complete family therapy program, at his own expense as directed by the probation officer. Violated probation as followed: Defendant was in twelve months supervised probation and he was Get more content on
  • 16. Sample Report Essay SAMPLE REPORT: The 'Stylish' Report i) ii) Look at the assignment instructions below Now read the sample report. Read the accompanying comments on the side as you go. iii) Is this is a wellโ€“written report in your view? Could it be improved in any way do you think? ASSIGNMENT 2: The Stylish Report Background Colin Coif and Pamela Perm are the owners and operators of a hairdressing business Stylish specialising in 'high end' quality hairdressing services. Currently they operate two salons in inner Melbourne, one in Carlton and the other in South Melbourne. As a way of expanding their business, the owners are considering opening a new salon in the Prahran area. Your task Prepare a business report for the owners investigating: i) ii) more content... Hint: It is best to limit your NUMBERING to three levels โ€“ beyond this, it can be difficult for the reader to grasp the structure. i.e. DON'T use i 1. Introduction Stylish is a hairdressing business that currently owns and operates two hairdressing salons in inner Melbourne: Carlton and South Melbourne. The owners of the business (hereon the client) are interested in expanding their operations, and have identified the Prahran area as a possible location for the establishing of a third salon. The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information to the client about: i) the overall viability of establishing a salon in the Prahran area; and ii) key management and marketing issues that need to be considered in ensuring the success and profitability of any proposed new outlet. Note that the study considers the viability of the business in broad management and marketing terms only; it does not provide a comprehensive financial analysis of the proposed expansion. In the investigation of these issues, two analytical concepts were used, namely Mega Environment and Task Environment. The Mega Environment is concerned with the external environment in which a business operates; the Task Environment considers conditions that a business faces in its immediate environment (Bartol, Tein, Mathews, Sharma & Scottโ€“Ladd 2008). Data for the study came from a range of sources related to both these environments including: industry research reports,
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  • 18. Business Report Essay Business Report SOCIAL CUSTOMS Every country has it's own social customs and gestures. Ireland has its share of social customs that differ from the United States, but for the most part the countries are relatively similar. Friendliness and hospitality have always been the hallmark of the Irish people. People in Ireland react to strangers very politely, as you would expect in most parts of the United States. The attitude toward foreigners in Ireland is reasonably friendly, and welcoming, as opposed to being hostile. In Ireland people greet each other much like they do in the United States. In a social setting, a handshake is appropriate when greeting another man, when greeting a woman a hug is appropriate. The manners in more content... Tipping taxi drivers, porters, hairdressers, etc., is customary, but not obligatory.2 To refuse an invitation is viewed much like it would be in the United States. If it were necessary to decline an invitation, it would not be viewed offensively. When refusing an invitation, you would use a polite manner, as would be expected in any country, usually explaining the reasons for your absence. Eye contact is important when communicating in Ireland, as would be in any country. When conversing with someone it is appropriate to maintain eye contact, not allowing your eyes to wonder, and give the impression of disinterest. When nonโ€“verbally communicating, nodding your head is acceptable, where as when disagreeing shaking your head is acceptable.1 When in a social or business setting, there is no information alluding to inappropriate subjects. However, you should most likely exercise your best judgment, and refrain from talking about personal matters or opinions. There is no social hierarchy in the social structure of Ireland. The former colonial power shows no apparent power in present Ireland. CONCEPTS OF TIME Time is expressed in Ireland in the same way it is expressed in the United States. There is no deviation. Banks are generally open 10AMโ€“3PM, Mondayโ€“Friday (closed for an hour midday). Shops are open from
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  • 20. Lab Report Essay example LAB REPORT Introduction All living things contain organic molecules such as lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and acids. In order to detect the presence of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids we have to do experiments. The Iodine test is used to detect the presence of carbohydrates. This test is used to distinguish starch (polysaccharide) from carbohydrates. Reaction between starch and Iodine produce a dark grey, black color and it means that the test is positive. A yellow color means that test is negative. But other polysaccharides may give other colors including blue or red. In order to detect the presence of glucose (monosaccharide) we have to use a Clinitest tablet. Clinitest tablets are usually used for urine sugar testing. If more content... We mix them and let stand for a minute. Then we add a few grains of Sudan IV into the same tube. We cover out tube with parafilm then mix and let it stay. Result Solution| Iodine| Clinitest| Biuret's reagent| Sudan IV| Starch| Turned black| Turned blue| Light blue| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Glucose| Turned yellow| Turned green| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Distilled water| Turned yellow| Turned blue|โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Stayed clear| Albumin| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Turned purple| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Salad oil| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“| Turned to red| 9 Discussion: In Experiment 1 after we added Iodine to tube A1 (3 ml of starch) we could see a change of color. Due to reaction Iodine +Starch color changed to black. After we added 5 drops of Iodine into tube B1 (3ml glucose) color turned yellow. Then we added Iodine into tube C1 (distilled water) and color in this tube also turned yellow. So now we can say that the test is positive for starch. According to this experiment water and glucose got the same color what means that the test for the tubes B1 and C1 is negative because water doesn't have anything inside. Iodine reacted with the starch and this reaction is positive for the polysaccharides (starch). After we added
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  • 22. Annual Report 20: 20-Related Ethics Cases Title defines report purpose and includes period covered in subtitle. REPORTED ETHICS CASES Annual Report 20โ€“โ€“ Report author includes name and title. Prepared by Susan Litzinger Director of Ethics and Business Conduct Report Distributed March 1, 20โ€“โ€“ Includes name of company to which report is submitted. Title page is unnumbered. Prepared for The Ethics and Business Conduct Committee CGF Aircraft Corporation Source: The Technical Writer's Companion (3rd edition) by Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2002) INTRODUCTION Opening states report's purpose. Subheads signal shifts in topic. This report examines the nature and disposition of the 3,458 ethics cases more content... Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2002) Major/Minor Category Definition and Examples Major ethics cases were defined as those situations potentially involving serious violations of
  • 23. company policies or illegal conduct. Procedure CGFEPโ€“02 requires notification of the Internal Audit and the Law Departments in serious ethics cases. The staffs of the Internal Audit and the Law Departments assume primary responsibility for managing major ethics cases and for working with the employees, ethics officers, and managers involved in each case. Examples of situations categorized as major ethics cases: Coverโ€“up of defective workmanship or use of defective parts in products Discrimination in hiring and promotion Criteria used to differentiate major from minor infractions are included. Involvement in monetary or other kickbacks from customers for preferred orders Sexual harassment Disclosure of proprietary customer or company information Theft Use of corporate Internet resources for inappropriate purposes, such as conducting private business, gambling, or access to pornography Minor ethics cases were defined as including all reported concerns not classified as major ethics cases. Minor ethics cases were classified as follows: Informational queries from employees Situations involving coworkers Situations involving management 5 Source: The Technical Writer's Companion (3rd Get more content on
  • 24. A Visit to the Museum Report The exhibit I visited was at the Museum of Fine Art in Boston, the exhibit was called The Art of the Americas Wing. The exhibit itself had various painting of famous figures and art pieces about the time period dated back from the American Colonies to modern day art pieces. I felt that all of the pieces in this exhibit were meaningful and there was a sense of history and pride in the way the exhibit was set up. Each piece of art were unique on its own and just standing near the piece for a short time and watching the different people walk by and look at it, the reactions were unanimous. In Watson and the Shark, when I first set eyes on the featured painting I thought it was something to do with Herman Melville's characters, Moby Dick and Captain Ahab. Of course that is not the case. In the text next to the painting it explained the true meaning of the piece. Drawn by John Singleton Copley, the painting depicts the story of a London Merchant Brook Watson's trauma at age fourteen of being a victim of a shark attack off Havana, Cuba, an experience that cost the former cabin boy his leg. Copley portrays the third rescue attempt by nearby sailors, glorifying it as a story of salvation and spiritual rebirth. It is unclear whether if Copley referencing both Christ's Resurrection as well as the renewal of the British Empire in the aftermath of the American Revolution, in the visual image of Watson emerging from the watery depths. With the underlying message of the spiritual Get more content on
  • 25. Example Of News Report Essay Per Reporter: Per Reporter: Caseworker Jessica, spoke with Ja'Kevion on 10/19/17, and he said that he was on punishment for 3 months because his sister did not have on panties and he was falsely accused of pulling her panties down. Reporter visited the family on 11/16/17 and mom (Marion) informed stated that Ja'Kevion was messing with his sister and brother. Mom told the reporter she went into the living room and Ja'Kevion was at the table. She had left her daughter in the room and when she went back to the room she notice the cover looked messed up and it was high. She pulled the cover back and her daughter panties and pants were pulled down. Mom asked the child why her clothes were down and she did not want to admit what happen to her. It took her a while to answer and she said Ja'Kevion pulled her clothes down and he was messing with her. more content... He walks around with a hard on. Ja'Kevion alleged that Tray who is 4 or 5 years older, messed with him when he was 4 years old. The incident happened one time. Tray stays in Wilkinson County and has MDDD. His mom name is Stacey and the reporter stated Marion would have more information for that family. Mom said Ja'Kevion told her about the incident and she told him not to go around Tray. She did not report the allegation. Reporter stated mom does not leave the children home alone with each other. She makes Ja'Kevion sit by himself and she keeps the younger children with her. She is afraid to leave the children around Ja'Kevion. Reporter feels there is something wrong with Ja'Kevion. He appears depressed. He look like he has a lot on his mind. At school last year the reporter noticed he did not socialize with the other child and he was to himself. He do not have a behavior problem. Mom wanted to tell the reporter is information because she wants to get Ja'Kevion some help. Reporter stated mom is a private person. The family have working utilities and food in the home. Reporter is not aware Get more content on
  • 26. Example of report Essay AHAA 1043 CREATIVE AND CRITICAL THINKING Assignment Report "Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist. 1749โ€“1832) Looking back at the lecturer career, the important of critical thinking to success in the career thinking skills is real, students may not know how to actually apply the information that receive to real world application culture, or lives a life that demands them to talk, read or write to prove proficiency? Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with more content... For the first time, the very 1st sketch was using numbers to determine the dots, line, shape and volume. First time and the second time have been rejected and required to improve the artworks. The third time has accepted and it was four different types of flowers. In week three, the second exercise were introduced and the title is Encounter of Form. On the third week, before starting the second exercise, students required to study the samples which were given on the assignment briefing. Students have to draw the same boxes on the layout pad or butter pad or regal bond. Encounter of Form is about the positive and the negative under seven rules which is detachment, union, intersect, overlap, touching, interpenetration and subtraction. The first artwork was failure and required to improve. For the second artwork was complete success. In week four, the third exercise of the assignment one has given by the lecturer and the title is Space and Depth. Before starting the exercise, students have to understand what to draw and how to draw, how to start. For the first part of the exercise, student has to do boxes with four instruction which is increase, playful, congested and tension. And as for second part, students have to do A3 size artwork with four themes which is peace, war, hope and struggle. With these four themes was hard to choose but ended up with hope. The first artwork was failure and required to improve. Get more content on