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The Crab Invasion of 2006
	Karl A. Aiken and Anita R. Pal
The appearance of many hundreds
of tiny crabs, first described in the
printed press in Jamaica as “mangrove-
type” crabs,1
on the eastern and north-
eastern shores of Jamaica during the
period 11–15 May 2006, was rated as
newsworthy because of their large
numbers and their unusual intrusion
inside people’s homes located near the
shoreline. Persons living in coastal
communities in Nine Miles, Bull Bay,
St Thomas and parts of Portland near
Port Antonio reported that they noticed
the little crabs in the night “when
they fell in pairs from the ceiling”
and crawled over their bodies as well.
Many residents were reported by the
press to have been “traumatised” by
the “millions” of tiny crabs.2
One tiny
coastal settlement called Beach Road
near Nine Miles, St Thomas, had a
particularly large number of crabs
invade the community from the sea
in the early hours of 13 May. Many
persons interviewed by the press
believed there might have been some
religious significance to their sudden
appearance and prolific numbers,
comparing them with biblical plagues.
Others imagined that they might have
foretold of some forthcoming disaster
that was to befall the community. In
places, the crabs were said to be so
numerous as to cause the sand and
rocks near the shore to have a pink
colour. Many persons enquired of the
University of the West Indies, Mona
campus as to their identity and source.
This article therefore identifies the tiny
crabs that were involved
in the incident in the Bull
Bay, St Thomas area in
May 2006 in Jamaica as the black or
purple land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola
(Linnaeus, 1758). This species is from
the family Gecarcinidae, all of which
are terrestrial, and from the order
Grapsoidea which are all decapod
So, what do we know about these
land crabs? Land crabs are known in
Florida and throughout the Caribbean
as seasonal sources of protein in
coastal communities. The land crabs
of genera G. ruricola and Cardiosoma
guanhumi are a part of the cultural
fabric of the island of Jamaica. Each
rainy season (April to May and
October to November annually), they
are collected islandwide in relatively
small quantities, and sold at several
locations around Jamaica. There are a
few locations, such as near Savannah-
la-mar, Westmoreland, and Jackson’s
Bay, Clarendon, where they appear to
be collected in greater numbers for sale
elsewhere. In the 1960s, some data were
published by Hartnoll3
on the grapsid
crabs of Jamaica and by Warner4
the ecology of mangrove crabs. Up to
the time of writing there has been no
recently published study on land crabs
in Jamaica.
The family Gecarcinidae, to which
they belong, is found in tropical and
sub-tropical America, West Africa,
and the Indo-Pacific area.
Gecarcinus, along with
Cardiosoma, lives in
coastal fields
as far
as Texas, in southern Florida, tropical
America and the West Indies.5
ruricola is found in coastal areas where
there is damp soil, and is thought to be,
at present, relatively widely distributed
around Jamaica, but restricted to
small zones near coastal wetlands
and mangroves (but see section on
conservation aspects below).
In a 1918 study by Rathbun, they
were reported to live in the low and
marshy ground of the savannahs of
the West Indies, not far from the coast.6
Like most other land crabs, they tend to
live in burrows7
or even beneath stones.
Rathbun noted that they hollowed out
their burrows, which were inclined
obliquely, and intersected each other
in all directions. He observed that they
were not very mobile except at night,
when they roamed in order to feed, and
that they were primarily vegetarians
and scavengers.8
In daylight hours they
were known to stand like sentinels at
the edge of the openings, and at the
slightest noise, they would run rapidly
into these for refuge.9
In times of heavy
seasonal rainfall they were said to
distribute themselves more widely.
sc ien ce and technology
Rathbun described the crabs
as being so abundant at these
periods that the countryside
appeared “all red” – reminding
one of the report in the Daily
Gleaner of beach sand and rocks
in parts of St Thomas having a
pink colour.10
As adults, G. ruricola are
terrestrial, as are other species
of Gecarcinidae, and are coastal
in distribution, since the females
need to return to the sea to
release their spawn, usually
in the rainy season in May.
Rathbun reported that the crabs
came down from the hills in vast
multitudes, clambering over any
obstacles in their way, in their
march towards the sea.11
females entered the sea to wash
off the eggs which they carried
on abdominal appendages,
allowing the young stages
to hatch out. Then after this
was completed, they returned
to their burrows. What was
recorded next by Rathbun is of
relevance to the events in the
eastern part of Jamaica in May
2006. Afterwards, he reported,
the adults were followed by the
young, which having passed
through their larval stages in
the sea, left the water, and were
found in thousands clinging to
the rocks on the shore.12
This is
much like what we observed,
and what was reported by the public, in
parts of St Thomas.
We conclude from nearly all the
reports of the crab invasion of 2006
that the juvenile crabs came ashore
only in the pre-dawn hours (that is,
in the dark). No person observed
them emerging after dawn, which
in mid-May in Jamaica would be at
approximately 6:00 a.m. In bright
direct sunlight they were observed
to fall off of vertical surfaces. As
mentioned previously, they usually
sought shelter after sunrise, suggesting
that they were sensitive to heat and
strong light. It appears that the tiny
juvenile crabs would not have been
normally observed emerging from
the ocean, as this occurs in pre-dawn
hours. So, whereas mature
adult females were seen in 1918
washing fertilised eggs off their
abdominal appendages, the
emergence some days later of
the successfully hatched first
terrestrial stages would not have
been easily observed.
Megalops crabs (a late or
advanced larval stage) were
identified by us to be the
smallest crabs that came ashore
in St Thomas. In the megalops
stage, the abdomen is not fully
tucked under the carapace.
Immediately after arrival
on land, this stage rapidly
metamorphoses to the next
fully terrestrial stage, which in
essence is a miniature adult. In
this stage, the abdominal flap
is tucked under the carapace.
We observed and also collected
a few specimens directly from
the water’s edge on 13 May, that
on later laboratory examination
were confirmed as the megalops
stage of Gecarcinus. This was
further confirmed in 2007 by
Dr R.G. Hartnoll, a leading
authority on crabs.13
Many of the
other specimens collected from
the same location were just-
moulted first crabs.
The tiny crabs appeared to
have been killed by the heat of
direct sunlight, according to
many eyewitnesses. Many crabs
sought shelter under rocks and
in crevices. It is not known if
all of the tiny crabs were killed
by the sunlight. We speculate
that mortality would have been very
high. On the afternoon of 13 May,
relatively few specimens of the crabs
were seen despite thorough searching
by the authors at Nine Miles, Bull Bay.
By 15 May, only one site at Prospect
(the western arm of Port Morant, St
Thomas) still had a report of tiny crabs
The May migration reported in
the 1918 publication matches the
appearance of the tiny larval stages
that were observed coming from
the sea in St Thomas and Portland
parishes in May 2006. Again, a large-
scale mass return to land was reported
opposite page An adult male black land crab, Ge-
carcinus ruricola (Linnaeus, 1758), boiled and
ready for consumption. Notice the crab’s much
larger left claw, showing that it is a mature male.
Fertilised eggs from adult females produced the
young stages that ‘invaded’ the shore.
this page, top Remnants of the many tiny live and
dead megalops (larval stage) and just-moulted first-
terrestrial-stage land crabs (Gecarcinus ruricola)
from the ‘invasion’, found among the pebbles on
the shoreline of the beach at Bull Bay, St Thomas on
the evening of 13 May 2006. Size of a typical crab
in this photograph is approximately 2–3 mm maxi-
mum carapace width.
bottom Some of the tiny invading crabs along the
beach at Copacabana beach, near Bull Bay, St
Thomas, seeking shelter under small rocks just out-
side the splash zone of this pebbly beach.
in the Colombian archipelago of the
San Andres Islands 250 km east of
Nicaragua in June 2004, from the island
of Providencia.15
The invasive stage was
confirmed to be the megalops larval
stage of the crab.16
This is virtually
identical to what was observed in
Jamaica in May 2006 where vast
numbers of tiny crabs (with 2.9–3.4 mm
maximum carapace width) emerged
from the sea over a three- to four-day
period. As in the San Andres Islands,
the crabs in St Thomas rapidly headed
inland. Rathbun had reported in 1918
that the young left the sea having
passed through their larval stages,
and emerged on rocks by the seashore
in their thousands.17
This is almost
certainly what was observed as the
‘invasion’ by the general public and
by the authors in May 2006. A very
few reports from Portland parish
(northeastern coast) indicated that the
scale of the event there was smaller
than that in St Thomas. What was
similar to both eastern areas, however,
was the rarity of the event and the
relatively high numbers of tiny crabs
involved. Another similar feature was
that the tiny crabs appeared near to
mangrove areas.
There was no rainfall before or
during the event in Jamaica, unlike San
Andres. What appeared to kill them
in large numbers locally was bright
direct sunlight, whereas in San Andres
mortality was partly due to standing
freshwater accumulations and flowing
water in drainage ditches.
Of considerable interest is the fact that
in Jamaica no seaward migration of
ovigerous (egg-bearing) adult females
was observed. First returning tiny
late-larval-stage crabs (megalops)
were reported on Providencia island
about eighteen days after the seaward
migration of ovigerous females.18
duration is similar to the nineteen days
noted from hatching to the megalops
stage in a related species, Gecarcinus
and the twenty-two days
recorded for Cardisoma guanhumi.20
We speculate that in Jamaica a large
migration of spawning females
must have taken place unnoticed in
the largely uninhabited, mangrove-
dominated St Thomas wetlands, some
time previous to the emergence of the
megalops. In the San Andres Islands,
higher densities of this species were
found in areas adjacent to coastlines
where egg-bearing females enter
the sea and where returning larvae
There is no close-lying island
immediately upcurrent (eastward) of
Jamaica, thus these crabs are most likely
to be from a local source. We suggest
that genetic studies be undertaken in
order to resolve this issue.
One striking aspect of the May 2006
event was the relationship to the full
moon phase: a full moon occurred on
the night of 13 May, suggesting a link to
the emergence of the tiny juvenile crabs
from the sea. Many invertebrates have
a link to the lunar phases, with some
preferring full moon and other new
moon phases to mate. By seventy-two
hours after full moon in May 2006, we
found that the event was over.
Another feature was that this event
was apparently extremely rare. Reports
by older coastal residents indicated that
even persons seventy years old had no
similar recollection. When interviewed,
one resident of Prospect, St Thomas,
reported that in his thirty years in that
area, no previous occurrence could be
recalled. This matches, to some degree,
the fact of the megalops returning in
large enough numbers to be noticed
in the San Andres Islands. This was
not an annual event, occurring instead
at roughly six-year intervals between
1992 and 2004.22
In Gecarcinus natalis
on Christmas Island, there was a mass
recruitment event roughly every five
The coconut crab Birgus latro
this page Two specimens of the megalops or last
larval crab stage of Gecarcinus ruricola, collected
from the shoreline near Bull Bay, St Thomas, May
2006 (photographed in a laboratory at the Life
Sciences Department, University of the West Indies,
Mona). The large eyes are typical of the larval stage,
as is the small narrow posterior abdomen. These
specimens (L–R) are of 3.1 and 2.3 mm maximum
carapace width, respectively. (The dark area is an
artefact of the photographic image.)
opposite page An example of the newly moulted
first crab stage of G. ruricola, collected from the
splash zone, photographed at the Bull Bay beach, St
Thomas, 13 May 2006. This photograph shows the
relatively small size of the stage (2–3 mm).
has a recruitment that has been
spasmodic and unpredictable,
taking place every five to ten
Traditionally, G. ruricola has
been known to be a source
of food for coastal villages
around the Caribbean and
south Florida.25
Early writers
mentioned it was of superlative
quality and delicacy when
“fat and in a perfect state”.26
Customarily, in many locations,
these crabs are boiled and
served whole. In the early part
of the twentieth century they
were said to be also frequently
stewed before serving. In
the city of Kingston at the time of
writing, two of the more well-known
crab-selling locations are in Kingston
Gardens and in Liguanea. One female
vendor interviewed at the latter site
reported that in the rainy seasons
each year, these crabs are brought by
road from Westmoreland in western
Jamaica. The public purchased about
six dozen large crabs from this vendor
every two days in the primary rainy
season, and in the secondary rainy
season (May), approximately two
hundred adult crabs weekly. With a
retail value of approximately US$2 per
adult, the market value in the primary
rainy season is equal to approximately
US$500 per week or US$2,000 per
month at this one location.
Formerly widely distributed, G. ruricola
is threatened in Jamaica by rapidly
growing human population
numbers and concomitant
draining and development
of coastal wetland areas for
housing and related uses.
The number of adults of this
species in Jamaica at the time
of writing is unknown, but
generally, is likely to be in the
hundreds of thousands. Their
future is unknown, however,
and a proper comprehensive
study is needed of the land
crabs of Jamaica.
We thank Lt Cdr Michael
Rodriguez for the very first
report from Nine Miles, Bull
Bay, St Thomas; Mr Marlon Hibbert,
former Scientific Officer of the Port Royal
Lab, for information on the event from
Portland; Mr E. Lewis of East Prospect, for
similar information from St Thomas; and
also Professor Ivan Goodbody, Professor
Emeritus of Zoology, University of the West
Indies, Mona, for his assistance with this
	 1.	Daily Gleaner, 12 May 2006, 1.
	 2.	Ibid.
	 3.	R.G. Hartnoll, “The Freshwater Grapsid
Crabs of Jamaica”, Proceedings Linnaean
Society of London 175 (1964): 145–69.
	 4.	G.F. Warner, “The Life History of the
Mangrove Tree Crab, Aratus pisoni”,
Journal of Zoology 153 (1967): 321–35;
G.F. Warner, “The Occurrence and
Distribution of Crabs in a Jamaican
Mangrove Swamp”, Journal of Animal
Ecology 38, no. 2 (June 1969): 379–89.
	 5.	M.J. Rathbun, The Grapsoid Crabs of
America, Smithsonian Institution, United
States National Museum, bulletin
no. 97 (Washington DC: Smithsonian
Institution, 1918).
	 6.	Ibid.
	 7.	R.D. Barnes, Invertebrate Zoology (New
York: Saunders Publishing, 1980).
	 8.	Rathbun, Grapsoid Crabs.
	 9.	Ibid.
	10.	Daily Gleaner, 12 May 2006, 1.
	11.	Rathbun, Grapsoid Crabs.
	12.	Ibid.
	13.	R.G. Hartnoll, personal communication,
	14.	E. Lewis, personal communication, May
	15.	R.G. Hartnoll and P.F. Clark, “A Mass
Recruitment Event in the Land Crab
Gecarcinus ruricola (Linnaeus, 1758)
(Brachyura: Grapsoidea: Gecarcinidae),
and a Description of the Megalop”,
Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society
146, no. 2 (2006): 149–64.
	16.	Ibid.
17.	Rathbun, Grapsoid Crabs.
18.	Ibid.
	19.	K.A. Willems, “Larval Development
of the Land Crab Gecarcinus lateralis
lateralis (Freminville, 1835) (Brachyura:
Gecarcinidae) Reared in the Laboratory”,
Journal of Crustacean Biology 2 (1982):
	20.	J.D. Costlow and C.G. Bookhout, “The
Complete Larval Development of
the Land Crab, Cardiosoma guanhumi
Latrielle in the Laboratory (Brachyura,
Gecarcinidae)”, Crustaceana, supp. 2
(1968): 259–70.
	21.	R.G. Hartnoll, M.S.P. Baine, Y. Grandas, J.
James and H. Atkin, “Population Biology
of the Black Land Crab, Gecarcinus
ruricola, in the San Andres Archipelago,
Western Caribbean”, Journal of Crustacean
Biology 26, no. 3 (2006): 316–25.
	22.	Hartnoll and Clark, “Mass Recruitment
	23.	J.W. Hicks, H. Rumpff and H. Yorkston,
“Christmas Crabs, Christmas Island,
Indian Ocean” (Christmas Island Natural
History Association, 1984).
	24.	I.W. Brown and D.R Fielder (eds.), “The
Coconut Crab: Aspects of the Biology
And Ecology of Birgus latro in the
Republic of Vanuatu”, ACIAR Monograph
8 (1991): 1–136.
	25.	Barnes, Invertebrate Zoology.
	26.	Rathbun, Grapsoid Crabs.
All photos ©Karl Aiken.
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Crab invasion 47507813

  • 1. 76 The Crab Invasion of 2006 Karl A. Aiken and Anita R. Pal WHAT ‘INVASION’? The appearance of many hundreds of tiny crabs, first described in the printed press in Jamaica as “mangrove- type” crabs,1 on the eastern and north- eastern shores of Jamaica during the period 11–15 May 2006, was rated as newsworthy because of their large numbers and their unusual intrusion inside people’s homes located near the shoreline. Persons living in coastal communities in Nine Miles, Bull Bay, St Thomas and parts of Portland near Port Antonio reported that they noticed the little crabs in the night “when they fell in pairs from the ceiling” and crawled over their bodies as well. Many residents were reported by the press to have been “traumatised” by the “millions” of tiny crabs.2 One tiny coastal settlement called Beach Road near Nine Miles, St Thomas, had a particularly large number of crabs invade the community from the sea in the early hours of 13 May. Many persons interviewed by the press believed there might have been some religious significance to their sudden appearance and prolific numbers, comparing them with biblical plagues. Others imagined that they might have foretold of some forthcoming disaster that was to befall the community. In places, the crabs were said to be so numerous as to cause the sand and rocks near the shore to have a pink colour. Many persons enquired of the University of the West Indies, Mona campus as to their identity and source. This article therefore identifies the tiny crabs that were involved in the incident in the Bull Bay, St Thomas area in May 2006 in Jamaica as the black or purple land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola (Linnaeus, 1758). This species is from the family Gecarcinidae, all of which are terrestrial, and from the order Grapsoidea which are all decapod crustaceans. ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS So, what do we know about these land crabs? Land crabs are known in Florida and throughout the Caribbean as seasonal sources of protein in coastal communities. The land crabs of genera G. ruricola and Cardiosoma guanhumi are a part of the cultural fabric of the island of Jamaica. Each rainy season (April to May and October to November annually), they are collected islandwide in relatively small quantities, and sold at several locations around Jamaica. There are a few locations, such as near Savannah- la-mar, Westmoreland, and Jackson’s Bay, Clarendon, where they appear to be collected in greater numbers for sale elsewhere. In the 1960s, some data were published by Hartnoll3 on the grapsid crabs of Jamaica and by Warner4 on the ecology of mangrove crabs. Up to the time of writing there has been no recently published study on land crabs in Jamaica. The family Gecarcinidae, to which they belong, is found in tropical and sub-tropical America, West Africa, and the Indo-Pacific area. Gecarcinus, along with Cardiosoma, lives in coastal fields as far north as Texas, in southern Florida, tropical America and the West Indies.5 G. ruricola is found in coastal areas where there is damp soil, and is thought to be, at present, relatively widely distributed around Jamaica, but restricted to small zones near coastal wetlands and mangroves (but see section on conservation aspects below). In a 1918 study by Rathbun, they were reported to live in the low and marshy ground of the savannahs of the West Indies, not far from the coast.6 Like most other land crabs, they tend to live in burrows7 or even beneath stones. Rathbun noted that they hollowed out their burrows, which were inclined obliquely, and intersected each other in all directions. He observed that they were not very mobile except at night, when they roamed in order to feed, and that they were primarily vegetarians and scavengers.8 In daylight hours they were known to stand like sentinels at the edge of the openings, and at the slightest noise, they would run rapidly into these for refuge.9 In times of heavy seasonal rainfall they were said to distribute themselves more widely. sc ien ce and technology
  • 2. 77 Rathbun described the crabs as being so abundant at these periods that the countryside appeared “all red” – reminding one of the report in the Daily Gleaner of beach sand and rocks in parts of St Thomas having a pink colour.10 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND THE INVASION As adults, G. ruricola are terrestrial, as are other species of Gecarcinidae, and are coastal in distribution, since the females need to return to the sea to release their spawn, usually in the rainy season in May. Rathbun reported that the crabs came down from the hills in vast multitudes, clambering over any obstacles in their way, in their march towards the sea.11 The females entered the sea to wash off the eggs which they carried on abdominal appendages, allowing the young stages to hatch out. Then after this was completed, they returned to their burrows. What was recorded next by Rathbun is of relevance to the events in the eastern part of Jamaica in May 2006. Afterwards, he reported, the adults were followed by the young, which having passed through their larval stages in the sea, left the water, and were found in thousands clinging to the rocks on the shore.12 This is much like what we observed, and what was reported by the public, in parts of St Thomas. We conclude from nearly all the reports of the crab invasion of 2006 that the juvenile crabs came ashore only in the pre-dawn hours (that is, in the dark). No person observed them emerging after dawn, which in mid-May in Jamaica would be at approximately 6:00 a.m. In bright direct sunlight they were observed to fall off of vertical surfaces. As mentioned previously, they usually sought shelter after sunrise, suggesting that they were sensitive to heat and strong light. It appears that the tiny juvenile crabs would not have been normally observed emerging from the ocean, as this occurs in pre-dawn hours. So, whereas mature adult females were seen in 1918 washing fertilised eggs off their abdominal appendages, the emergence some days later of the successfully hatched first terrestrial stages would not have been easily observed. Megalops crabs (a late or advanced larval stage) were identified by us to be the smallest crabs that came ashore in St Thomas. In the megalops stage, the abdomen is not fully tucked under the carapace. Immediately after arrival on land, this stage rapidly metamorphoses to the next fully terrestrial stage, which in essence is a miniature adult. In this stage, the abdominal flap is tucked under the carapace. We observed and also collected a few specimens directly from the water’s edge on 13 May, that on later laboratory examination were confirmed as the megalops stage of Gecarcinus. This was further confirmed in 2007 by Dr R.G. Hartnoll, a leading authority on crabs.13 Many of the other specimens collected from the same location were just- moulted first crabs. The tiny crabs appeared to have been killed by the heat of direct sunlight, according to many eyewitnesses. Many crabs sought shelter under rocks and in crevices. It is not known if all of the tiny crabs were killed by the sunlight. We speculate that mortality would have been very high. On the afternoon of 13 May, relatively few specimens of the crabs were seen despite thorough searching by the authors at Nine Miles, Bull Bay. By 15 May, only one site at Prospect (the western arm of Port Morant, St Thomas) still had a report of tiny crabs present.14 The May migration reported in the 1918 publication matches the appearance of the tiny larval stages that were observed coming from the sea in St Thomas and Portland parishes in May 2006. Again, a large- scale mass return to land was reported opposite page An adult male black land crab, Ge- carcinus ruricola (Linnaeus, 1758), boiled and ready for consumption. Notice the crab’s much larger left claw, showing that it is a mature male. Fertilised eggs from adult females produced the young stages that ‘invaded’ the shore. this page, top Remnants of the many tiny live and dead megalops (larval stage) and just-moulted first- terrestrial-stage land crabs (Gecarcinus ruricola) from the ‘invasion’, found among the pebbles on the shoreline of the beach at Bull Bay, St Thomas on the evening of 13 May 2006. Size of a typical crab in this photograph is approximately 2–3 mm maxi- mum carapace width. bottom Some of the tiny invading crabs along the beach at Copacabana beach, near Bull Bay, St Thomas, seeking shelter under small rocks just out- side the splash zone of this pebbly beach.
  • 3. 78 in the Colombian archipelago of the San Andres Islands 250 km east of Nicaragua in June 2004, from the island of Providencia.15 The invasive stage was confirmed to be the megalops larval stage of the crab.16 This is virtually identical to what was observed in Jamaica in May 2006 where vast numbers of tiny crabs (with 2.9–3.4 mm maximum carapace width) emerged from the sea over a three- to four-day period. As in the San Andres Islands, the crabs in St Thomas rapidly headed inland. Rathbun had reported in 1918 that the young left the sea having passed through their larval stages, and emerged on rocks by the seashore in their thousands.17 This is almost certainly what was observed as the ‘invasion’ by the general public and by the authors in May 2006. A very few reports from Portland parish (northeastern coast) indicated that the scale of the event there was smaller than that in St Thomas. What was similar to both eastern areas, however, was the rarity of the event and the relatively high numbers of tiny crabs involved. Another similar feature was that the tiny crabs appeared near to mangrove areas. There was no rainfall before or during the event in Jamaica, unlike San Andres. What appeared to kill them in large numbers locally was bright direct sunlight, whereas in San Andres mortality was partly due to standing freshwater accumulations and flowing water in drainage ditches. SOURCES OF THE LARVAL INVASION Of considerable interest is the fact that in Jamaica no seaward migration of ovigerous (egg-bearing) adult females was observed. First returning tiny late-larval-stage crabs (megalops) were reported on Providencia island about eighteen days after the seaward migration of ovigerous females.18 This duration is similar to the nineteen days noted from hatching to the megalops stage in a related species, Gecarcinus lateralis,19 and the twenty-two days recorded for Cardisoma guanhumi.20 We speculate that in Jamaica a large migration of spawning females must have taken place unnoticed in the largely uninhabited, mangrove- dominated St Thomas wetlands, some time previous to the emergence of the megalops. In the San Andres Islands, higher densities of this species were found in areas adjacent to coastlines where egg-bearing females enter the sea and where returning larvae recruit.21 There is no close-lying island immediately upcurrent (eastward) of Jamaica, thus these crabs are most likely to be from a local source. We suggest that genetic studies be undertaken in order to resolve this issue. RARITY OF THE EVENT AND LUNAR LINKAGE One striking aspect of the May 2006 event was the relationship to the full moon phase: a full moon occurred on the night of 13 May, suggesting a link to the emergence of the tiny juvenile crabs from the sea. Many invertebrates have a link to the lunar phases, with some preferring full moon and other new moon phases to mate. By seventy-two hours after full moon in May 2006, we found that the event was over. Another feature was that this event was apparently extremely rare. Reports by older coastal residents indicated that even persons seventy years old had no similar recollection. When interviewed, one resident of Prospect, St Thomas, reported that in his thirty years in that area, no previous occurrence could be recalled. This matches, to some degree, the fact of the megalops returning in large enough numbers to be noticed in the San Andres Islands. This was not an annual event, occurring instead at roughly six-year intervals between 1992 and 2004.22 In Gecarcinus natalis on Christmas Island, there was a mass recruitment event roughly every five years.23 The coconut crab Birgus latro this page Two specimens of the megalops or last larval crab stage of Gecarcinus ruricola, collected from the shoreline near Bull Bay, St Thomas, May 2006 (photographed in a laboratory at the Life Sciences Department, University of the West Indies, Mona). The large eyes are typical of the larval stage, as is the small narrow posterior abdomen. These specimens (L–R) are of 3.1 and 2.3 mm maximum carapace width, respectively. (The dark area is an artefact of the photographic image.) opposite page An example of the newly moulted first crab stage of G. ruricola, collected from the splash zone, photographed at the Bull Bay beach, St Thomas, 13 May 2006. This photograph shows the relatively small size of the stage (2–3 mm).
  • 4. 79 has a recruitment that has been spasmodic and unpredictable, taking place every five to ten years.24 COMMERCIAL VALUE Traditionally, G. ruricola has been known to be a source of food for coastal villages around the Caribbean and south Florida.25 Early writers mentioned it was of superlative quality and delicacy when “fat and in a perfect state”.26 Customarily, in many locations, these crabs are boiled and served whole. In the early part of the twentieth century they were said to be also frequently stewed before serving. In the city of Kingston at the time of writing, two of the more well-known crab-selling locations are in Kingston Gardens and in Liguanea. One female vendor interviewed at the latter site reported that in the rainy seasons each year, these crabs are brought by road from Westmoreland in western Jamaica. The public purchased about six dozen large crabs from this vendor every two days in the primary rainy season, and in the secondary rainy season (May), approximately two hundred adult crabs weekly. With a retail value of approximately US$2 per adult, the market value in the primary rainy season is equal to approximately US$500 per week or US$2,000 per month at this one location. CONSERVATION ASPECTS Formerly widely distributed, G. ruricola is threatened in Jamaica by rapidly growing human population numbers and concomitant draining and development of coastal wetland areas for housing and related uses. The number of adults of this species in Jamaica at the time of writing is unknown, but generally, is likely to be in the hundreds of thousands. Their future is unknown, however, and a proper comprehensive study is needed of the land crabs of Jamaica. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Lt Cdr Michael Rodriguez for the very first report from Nine Miles, Bull Bay, St Thomas; Mr Marlon Hibbert, former Scientific Officer of the Port Royal Lab, for information on the event from Portland; Mr E. Lewis of East Prospect, for similar information from St Thomas; and also Professor Ivan Goodbody, Professor Emeritus of Zoology, University of the West Indies, Mona, for his assistance with this paper. 1. Daily Gleaner, 12 May 2006, 1. 2. Ibid. 3. R.G. Hartnoll, “The Freshwater Grapsid Crabs of Jamaica”, Proceedings Linnaean Society of London 175 (1964): 145–69. 4. G.F. Warner, “The Life History of the Mangrove Tree Crab, Aratus pisoni”, Journal of Zoology 153 (1967): 321–35; G.F. Warner, “The Occurrence and Distribution of Crabs in a Jamaican Mangrove Swamp”, Journal of Animal Ecology 38, no. 2 (June 1969): 379–89. 5. M.J. Rathbun, The Grapsoid Crabs of America, Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, bulletin no. 97 (Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1918). 6. Ibid. 7. R.D. Barnes, Invertebrate Zoology (New York: Saunders Publishing, 1980). 8. Rathbun, Grapsoid Crabs. 9. Ibid. 10. Daily Gleaner, 12 May 2006, 1. 11. Rathbun, Grapsoid Crabs. 12. Ibid. 13. R.G. Hartnoll, personal communication, 2007. 14. E. Lewis, personal communication, May 2006. 15. R.G. Hartnoll and P.F. Clark, “A Mass Recruitment Event in the Land Crab Gecarcinus ruricola (Linnaeus, 1758) (Brachyura: Grapsoidea: Gecarcinidae), and a Description of the Megalop”, Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society 146, no. 2 (2006): 149–64. 16. Ibid. 17. Rathbun, Grapsoid Crabs. 18. Ibid. 19. K.A. Willems, “Larval Development of the Land Crab Gecarcinus lateralis lateralis (Freminville, 1835) (Brachyura: Gecarcinidae) Reared in the Laboratory”, Journal of Crustacean Biology 2 (1982): 180–201. 20. J.D. Costlow and C.G. Bookhout, “The Complete Larval Development of the Land Crab, Cardiosoma guanhumi Latrielle in the Laboratory (Brachyura, Gecarcinidae)”, Crustaceana, supp. 2 (1968): 259–70. 21. R.G. Hartnoll, M.S.P. Baine, Y. Grandas, J. James and H. Atkin, “Population Biology of the Black Land Crab, Gecarcinus ruricola, in the San Andres Archipelago, Western Caribbean”, Journal of Crustacean Biology 26, no. 3 (2006): 316–25. 22. Hartnoll and Clark, “Mass Recruitment Event”. 23. J.W. Hicks, H. Rumpff and H. Yorkston, “Christmas Crabs, Christmas Island, Indian Ocean” (Christmas Island Natural History Association, 1984). 24. I.W. Brown and D.R Fielder (eds.), “The Coconut Crab: Aspects of the Biology And Ecology of Birgus latro in the Republic of Vanuatu”, ACIAR Monograph 8 (1991): 1–136. 25. Barnes, Invertebrate Zoology. 26. Rathbun, Grapsoid Crabs. All photos ©Karl Aiken. NOTES
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