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Military Requirements
For Chief Petty Officer

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About this course:

This is a self-study course. By studying this course, you can improve your professional/military knowledge,
as well as prepare for the Navywide advancement-in-rate examination. It contains subject matter about day-
to-day occupational knowledge and skill requirements and includes text, tables, and illustrations to help you
understand the information. An additional important feature of this course is its reference to useful
information found in other publications. The well-prepared Sailor will take the time to look up the
additional information.

History of the course:

     Sep 1991: Original edition released. Authored by DSC Randy L. Harris.
     Nov 2003: Administrative update released. Technical content was not reviewed or revised.

                                                                 NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number

CHAPTER                                                                                                                                          PAGE

                1. Naval Tradition ......................................................................................................          1-1

                2. Military Conduct and Justice .................................................................................                  2-1

                3. Leadership ..............................................................................................................       3-1

                4. Management Information.......................................................................................                   4-1

                5. Career Information and Training............................................................................                     5-1

                6. Programs and Policies ............................................................................................              6-1

                7. Military Requirements ...........................................................................................               7-1

                8. Safety and Damage Control ...................................................................................                   8-1

                9. Security ..................................................................................................................     9-1


                                            ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS follow Index.
                        REQUIREMENTS AND THE
                          NAVAL STANDARDS
    The United States Navy has always placed              required of all enlisted personnel in the Navy.
great emphasis on the pride and professionalism           Your knowledge of NAVSTDS will be tested on
of its personnel. In keeping with this strong             the military/leadership examination. Unlike the
tradition, the Navy has taken a different approach        Navy occupational standards, which state the
in teaching military subjects by developing               tasks enlisted personnel are required to perform,
individual military requirements training manuals.        naval standards, for the most part, state the
These manuals are divided into the basic military         knowledge required.
requirements (BMR) for apprenticeships and                    NAVSTDS encompass military requirements,
advanced requirements for third class, second             essential virtues of professionalism and pride of
class, first class, chief petty officers, and senior      service in support of the oath of enlistment, and
and master chief petty officers. These manuals            maintenance of good order and discipline. They
cover the MINIMUM naval standards required                also include knowledges pertaining to the well-
for advancement in rate.                                  being of Navy personnel that directly contribute
    The purpose of the separate manuals for each          to the mission of the Navy.
rate is to define more clearly the duties and                 NAVSTDS apply to all personnel at the
responsibilities of the petty officer at each             specified paygrade except where specific limita-
rate. That simply means if you are studying for           tions are indicated. Primarily two factors make
advancement to chief petty officer, you will study        these qualifications necessary—the basic require-
material that applies to the chief petty officer.         ments of duty at sea and the requirements of
This is not to say that a chief petty officer             duty in an armed force. For example, all Navy
performs only at the chief petty officer level.           personnel must know certain elements of seaman-
Many times the needs of the service require a chief       ship and must be prepared to assume battle
petty officer to fill the billet of a more senior petty   station duties. Both men and women must learn
officer or a commissioned officer. That has               the general orders for a sentry, be able to stand
always been the case and will continue to be true.        a security watch, and possess certain skills and
    Because the manuals have been separated               knowledges needed for their own protection and
according to rate, you can now study the required         survival. Certain other qualifications, mainly
material at the appropriate e time in your career.        in clerical and administrative duties, have been
                                                          added to the military and seagoing requirements
                                                          because knowledge of them is important for all
                                                          enlisted personnel regardless of occupational
             NAVAL STANDARDS                              specialty.
                                                              This training manual covers the naval stan-
    Naval standards (NAVSTDs) are those qualifi-          dards (military requirements) for chief petty
cations which specify the minimum knowledge               officer.

                                NAVAL TRADITION
                                      LEARNING OBJECTIVES

             Learning objectives are stated at the beginning of each chapter. These learning
             objectives serve as a preview of the information you are expected to learn
             in the chapter. By successfully completing the nonresident training course
             (NRTC), you indicate you have met the objectives and have learned the
             information. The learning objectives for chapter 1 are listed below.

             Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Identify the challenges to United States sea             5. Recognize the purpose and importance of arms
   power.                                                      control in maintaining a balance of power
                                                               between the United States and the Union of
2. Describe the mission of the U.S. Navy in                    Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.).
   peacetime and wartime.
3. Describe the importance of naval presence, sea           6. Compare the naval forces of the United States
   control, and power projection in carrying out               and the U.S.S.R.
   the Navy’s mission.
4. Recognize the various theaters of operations             7. Describe the cause and effect of chemical war-
   for U.S. naval forces.                                      fare in the Middle East.

    Today the two major military superpowers in             legislation created, in effect, the Continental
the world are the United States of America and              navy. Congress authorized two battalions of
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.).         Marines on 10 November 1775. From these
Both countries have large navies. They use their            humble beginnings we have become a force of
navies to meet the national interest and political          over 500,000 personnel and 500 ships capable of
goals of their countries. This chapter will provide         global power projection on a moment’s notice.
an overview of the U.S. and Soviet navies and the
Third World countries having an impact on world             NAVAL PRESENCE
                                                                Almost every U.S. sailor has experienced some
                                                            type of major deployment. In the past several
   CHALLENGES TO U.S. SEA POWER                             years, most deployments have been to areas of
                                                            the world in which hostilities were in progress.
    The naval affairs of the United States began            Naval presence, by simple definition, is having a
with the War for Independence, the American                 naval force in a specific location. We have been
Revolution. On 13 October 1775 Congress passed              called on countless times in the past years to
legislation to purchase and arm two ships. This             “show the flag.” Deployments place naval forces

in positions to achieve three purposes. First, forces         essential to our use of the seas to support our
can engage the enemy promptly at the start of                 national policies. The concepts of sea control and
hostilities. Second, they can provide protection              power projection are closely interrelated. A naval
and support to friendly, allied, and U.S. forces              force must have some degree of sea control in the
in time of war. Third, they can stop the advance              sea areas from which it is to project power,
of the enemy as soon as possible. However, the                depending on the type of force to be used.
positioning of these naval forces for warfare in              However, a naval force must have the capability
sensitive areas of the world also provides a side             to project power before it can realize any degree
benefit known as presence. Because of the inter-              of sea control.
national character of the high seas, deployed U.S.
forces have a unique ability to make U.S. military
presence known in a time of crisis. The United                Sea Control
States can modify that presence to exert the degree
and type of influence best suited to resolve the                  Sea control is the basic function of the U.S.
situation.                                                    Navy. It involves control of designated air,
                                                              surface, and subsurface areas. Sea control is
    A show of force by U.S. naval warships can                of crucial importance to the U.S. strategy of
restore stability to a friendly nation that is unable         using both oceans as barriers for defense and
to control a hostile situation. The U.S. fleet can            as avenues to extend our influence overseas. It
remain out of sight, over the horizon, ready to               does not imply simultaneous control over all
respond in a matter of minutes to any crisis. Naval           70 percent of the earth covered by international
presence can be visible or invisible, large or small,         waters; it is a selective function, exercised
forceful or peaceful, depending on what best suits            only when and where necessary. Because of new
U.S. interests.                                               technology developed in the United States and
                                                              in other countries, total control of the seas
    Naval forces can remain in a crisis area for              for our use and the denial of the seas for the
indefinite periods to communicate their capability            enemy’s use are impossible. With continuing
for action. Ground and air forces can duplicate               technological developments, such as the strategic
that capability only by landing or entering the               defense initiative, total sea control is expected
sovereign air space of another nation.                        to become even more difficult.

    We cannot consider the effectiveness of our                  Sea control assures the buildup and resupply
naval presence separately from our warfare                    of allied forces and the free flow of needed
capability. To encourage friends, deter enemies,              supplies. Sea control also enhances security for
or influence neutrals, forces deployed to crisis              the nation’s sea-based strategic deterrent.
areas must possess a fighting capability.
                                                                  We must have sea control to conduct sustained
    Our naval presence must also reflect the degree           U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force operations abroad.
of U.S. interests in the area relative to the number          Modern land warfare requires large quantities
of naval forces in the area. To be effective in the           of supplies; most of them must be supplied
presence role, U.S. naval forces must reflect a               by sea.
ready combat capability to carry out their
mission against ANY implied threat.                               We maintain sea control by destroying or
                                                              neutralizing hostile forces in maritime areas the
                                                              United States must use. Hostile forces include
THE NAVY’S WARTIME MISSION                                    aircraft, surface ships, and submarines that
                                                              threaten U.S. or friendly forces operating in those
    Should the United States fail in its peacetime            areas.
efforts, the Navy must shift from a peacetime to
a wartime posture. In its wartime posture, the                   The Navy achieves or supports sea control
Navy has two areas of responsibility. It must be              through the following operations:
able to function in a hostile environment, and it
must be able to exercise sea control and power                   1. Locating and destroying hostile naval
projection. Sea control and power projection are                    combat units

2. Using geographic choke points to prevent                  Another major advantage of a naval force is
      enemy access to open oceans or specific               that it can begin combat operations immediately
      areas                                                 upon reaching a crisis location. Land or air
                                                            forces often require the construction of staging
   3. Clearing sea areas by using escorts to                areas before they can begin combat operations.
      surround ships in transit, such as military           That is especially true when the conflict takes
      or commercial convoys and amphibious or               place in a remote location and when facilities
      support forces                                        needed for combat are unavailable. The United
                                                            States is diminishing its military base structure
   4. Using mines in areas such as harbor                   overseas. Therefore, the ability of naval forces
      entrances and choke points                            to arrive in an area fully prepared to conduct
                                                            sustained combat operations has taken on added
    Carrier forces and Marine amphibious forces             importance.
can project military power to ensure control of
the high seas and the continued safe use of land
areas essential to sea control. That entails                THEATERS OF OPERATIONS
destruction of enemy naval forces at their home
bases or en route to those ocean areas the United                The Soviet Union confines its power projection
States desires to protect. Power projection also            (fig. 1-1 ) to areas close to the Soviet Union with
includes destroying the supply lines of the enemy           one exception. Soviet fleet ballistic missile sub-
and preventing enemy forces from advancing                  marines (nuclear propulsion) (SSBNs) patrol the
within range to use their weapons against U.S.              sea area off the east coast of the United States.
forces.                                                          The traditional U.S. Navy theaters of opera-
                                                            tions include Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the
                                                            Far East, and the Americas. The continuing
Power Projection                                            economic and political changes in those areas now
                                                            and in the future will have an impact on the
    Power projection is the ability to project              Navy’s mission and goals.
military power from the sea worldwide in a timely
and precise manner to accomplish a given
objective. Naval power projection, as an                    Europe
independent mission, is a means of supporting
land or air campaigns. An essential element of                  With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the
power projection is the Navy’s amphibious ships             reunification of Germany, Europe has changed.
that carry U.S. ground forces to enemy shores.              Many of the old boundary lines that separated east
                                                            and west have been removed, which has made
    Power projection covers a broad spectrum of             travel between countries easier. Since the outcome
offensive naval operations. These operations                of the changes in Europe is difficult to predict,
include nuclear response by fleet ballistic missile         let’s look at some trends that have taken place
submarines and use of carrier-based aircraft and            over the last few years.
amphibious assault forces. They also include naval              As the Warsaw Pact navies have been growing
bombardment of enemy targets ashore in support              smaller, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
of air or land campaigns.                                   (NATO) naval forces have been maintaining their
                                                            size. NATO naval forces have also significantly
    Naval forces have unrestricted global mobility          upgraded their antisubmarine warfare, antisurface
based on the traditional and time-honored                   warfare, and air defense capability. The German
concept of the free use of international seas. In           navy replaced its F-104s with the Tornado and
many cases, naval forces can perform assigned               upgraded NATO’s defense capability of the Baltic
missions while remaining beyond the range of the            approaches. U.S. Navy and Marine upgrades
local enemy threat. The mobility of naval forces            include the F/A-18, F-14D, and AV-8B. The
seriously complicates the enemy’s detection and             United States upgrade provides Supreme Allied
targeting capability. Mobility also permits the             Commander, Atlantic (SACLANT), with more
concentration of naval forces and the element of            offensive and defensive capability in the
surprise.                                                   Norwegian and Mediterranean Seas.

Figure 1-1.-Soviet global power projection.

Figure 1-1.-Soviet global power projection-Continued.

anticipation of future arms control talks.
                                                                 Although the Soviets may increase future with-
                                                                 drawals of troops from the European theater, they
                                                                 still have an impressive reserve and mobilization
                                                                 capacity. The Soviets are reducing their total force
                                                                 numbers and using the best of their excess equip-
                                                                 ment to modernize their remaining forces.
                                                                      The Soviets have taken on a long-range
                                                                 strategic nuclear modernization program to
                                                                comply with strategic arms reduction treaty
                                                                constraints expected in the future. The Soviets are
                                                                replacing their large, out-of-date missiles with
                                                                newer, more efficient and accurate missile
                                                                systems. The Soviets will continue to upgrade their
                                                                land- and sea-based ballistic missiles and bombers.
                                                                     As a whole, the Soviet Union is the maritime
                                                                power (refer to figure 1-3 for assignment of Soviet
                                                                forces) of the Warsaw Pact countries. The U.S.
                                                                Navy’s role in combating that threat is to limit
                                                                the Soviet Northern and Black Sea Fleets in their
                                                                ability to deploy. Surface ships and submarines
                                                                stationed at Severodvinsk must transit the Barents
                                                                Straits and one of three other choke points to
                                                                enter the Atlantic Ocean. The Greenland-Iceland
                                                                gap is the northern choke point, the Iceland-
                                                                England gap is the middle choke point, and the
                                                                Danish Strait is the southern choke point. These
                                                                three choke points are the United States’ and
                                                                NATO’s last line of containment for the Northern
                                                                     The Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol will be much
                                                                easier to contain in the event of hostilities. To
                                                                enter the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea Fleet must
                                                                transit the Turkish Straits. Turkey, a NATO
                                                                member and ally of the United States, could
                                                                contain the Black Sea Fleet by sinking a ship in
                                                               the Turkish Straits.
                                                                     Soviet ships on station in the Mediterranean
Figure 1-2.-NATO regions and Soviet theaters of opera-         must transit either the Strait of Gibraltar or the
                        tions.                                 Suez Canal to enter open water. U.S. allies
                                                               bordering both choke points makes containment
                                                               of Soviet ships in the Mediterranean Sea far less
    NATO is divided into three areas of                        difficult than restricting the Northern Fleet.
responsibilities: Allied Forces Northern Europe                      When evaluating the Soviet naval force and
(AFNORTH), Allied Forces Central Europe                        the challenge it presents, we would be wise to ask,
(AFCENT), and Allied Forces Southern Europe                    What is the primary mission of the Soviet navy?
(AFSOUTH) (fig. 1-2). The opposing Soviet                      Until 1953 we viewed support of land-based forces
forces are also divided into three areas of                    vice worldwide power projection as the primary
responsibility called theaters of operations (TVD).            mission of the Soviet Navy. Since 1953 the Soviets
They are the Northwestern TVD, Western TVD,                    have been developing their navy into a force
and Southern TVD.                                              capable of worldwide power projection. The
                                                               Soviets want the world to view their primary
The Warsaw Pact                                                mission as worldwide power projection, when it
                                                               is really the support of land-based forces. The
   Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev has been,                Soviets have two basic problems in projecting that
and plans to continue, making force cuts in                    image. First, they have a shortage of maritime air

Figure 1-3.-Assignment of Soviet naval forces.

Ocean or between the oil-rich gulf states and the
                                                              rest of the world.
                                                                  About 10 percent of the world’s sea trade
                                                              passes through the Suez Canal at the choke point
                                                              of Babel Mandeb. Most of the Persian Gulf oil
                                                              passes through the choke point at the Strait of
                                                              Hormuz. Persian Gulf states are expanding
                                                              overland oil pipe routes to lessen the importance
                                                              of commerce through the Straits of Hormuz. The
                                                              overland oil pipes will connect to terminals out-
                                                              side the Persian Gulf.

                                                                  POSSIBLE ADVERSARIES. —The United
                                                              States’ major goals in this region are to provide
                                                              stability and unrestricted seaborne commerce and
                                                              to ensure Western access to regional oil supplies.
                                                              The United States also has strong ties to Israel
                                                              and is committed to ensuring it remains strong
Figure 1-4.-Middle East and Southwest Asia area of            and independent.
                     operation.                                   Recent examples of the willingness of the
                                                              United States to commit assets to the region
                                                              include ship escorts from 1987 to 1988 during the
support when operating outside the range of land-             Iran-Iraq war. In August 1990 the United States
base aircraft. Second, logistics support is generally         committed a substantial naval force to the area
supplied by their merchant fleet vice their navy.             in support of Operation Desert Shield and Desert
                                                              Storm. The goal of these operations was to deter
Middle East and Southwest Asia                                Iraq from attacking Saudi Arabia and to convince
                                                              Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. Total force
    The Middle East and Southwest Asia (fig. 1-4)             commitment to Operation Desert Shield and
area of operation includes northeast Africa, the              Desert Storm included 6 carrier battle groups and
Arabian Peninsula, and the area of Asia bordering             450,000 combat personnel.
the Persian Gulf.
    The large geographic area of the region                       CONTROL OF SHIPPING. —U.S. naval
provides for extremes of topography and climate.              presence in the Middle East and Southwest Asia
It has mountains higher than 24,000 feet and                  includes the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea,
deserts below sea level. Temperatures range from              naval units of the Sixth and Seventh Fleets in the
130°F or more to below freezing.                              Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf, and U.S. Central
    This region has many different cultural,                  Command (USCENTCOM) forces. During peace-
ethnic, and religious groups. At present six major            time our forces in the Mediterranean consist of
languages and hundreds of dialects are spoken in              1 or 2 aircraft carriers, with roughly 100 embarked
that region. The region and people have a history             aircraft, or a battleship; supporting cruisers,
of conflict dating back to the Sumarians and the              destroyers, and frigates; amphibious ships;
ancient city of Ur in southern Babylonia (southern            supply, fuel, and service ships; and nuclear sub-
Iraq).                                                        marines. The Sixth Fleet also includes a
                                                              2,000-member Marine Expeditionary Unit (special
    CHOKE POINTS. —The Middle East and                        operations capable). USCENTCOM naval forces
Southwest Asia are the principal sources of oil for           in the region, under Commander Middle East
the industrial countries. Located in the Persian              Forces, routinely include a command ship and
Gulf region is 55 percent of the world’s known                four combatants. Additional forces available
oil reserves. Oil from this area becomes more                 for USCENTCOM include 5 Army divisions and
important as the use of oil grows and the world’s             2 brigades; 1 Marine Expeditionary Force
reserves decrease. Hostile countries could use the            (1 division and air wing); 21 Air Force tactical
Strait of Gibraltar or the Suez Canal as choke                fighter squadrons; B-52 bombers; 3 carrier
points. That would disrupt international shipping             battle groups; 1 battleship surface action group;
between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian                  and 5 maritime patrol aircraft squadrons.

The routine standing force ensures inter-                   The main mission of the Navy in the North
national waterways remain open to shipping in               African region is to keep the sea-lanes open. The
the region and provides forward deployed U.S.               secondary mission is to support interest and
forces during hostilities. The optional forces              political goals in the region. The major challenger
available to USCENTCOM are used in crisis                   to U.S. sea power in the African theater of
situations. They were deployed in support of                operations is the Soviet Union. Minor challengers
Operation Desert Shield when Iraq invaded                   include Libya (31-42 ships) and Guinea (2-3 ships).
Kuwait in August 1990.
                                                               SOUTHERN AFRICA. —The Soviets wish to
Africa                                                      increase their influence in southern Africa.
                                                            Countries currently friendly to the Soviets include
    Looking at the strategic importance of Africa,          Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
we need to divide Africa into northern Africa and           Botswana, Angola, and Namibia.
southern Africa. From a naval viewpoint,
northern Africa is important because it borders                 STRATEGIC RESOURCES. —Africa is
the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. From an              among the world’s richest continents in known
economic or strategic resources viewpoint,                  mineral wealth. It has a large share of the world’s
southern Africa is important because of the vast            mineral resources in coal, petroleum, natural gas,
wealth in minerals it exports to developed                  uranium, radium, low-cost thorium, and other
countries.                                                  valuable ores.
                                                                The abundant natural resources available in
    NORTHERN AFRICA. —Countries receiving                   Africa make it strategically important to Western
Soviet military aid in northern Africa include              nations. The Navy may now appear to have no
Guinea, Mali, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, and                    role in this area except in the Mediterranean Sea
Ethiopia. Of those countries, only Libya has been           and Red Sea. However, we may be called upon
openly hostile to the United States.                        to support U.S. interest in the many regional
    For many years Libya openly sponsored                   conflicts happening in Africa. An example of one
terrorist groups and carried out acts of aggression         of the regional conflicts is the civil war in Liberia,
in the Gulf of Sidra. However, Libya has                    on Africa’s western coast. President Bush ordered
decreased its level of aggression since the U.S.            a Marine amphibious group to that area in May
Navy lead Operation El Dorado on 15 April 1986.             1990 to evacuate personnel. Through September
    Operation El Dorado was a joint Air Force               1990, the Marines evacuated more than 2,100
and Navy mission composed of strike aircraft                people, including over 200 U.S. citizens.
based aboard the USS America (CV66) and USS
Coral Sea (CV43) and F-111 Air Force bombers                The Far East
based in England. Using a high-speed, low-
altitude approach, 12 Navy A-6Es struck the                     Subic Bay Naval Base and Clark Air Base are
Benin airfield and Benghazi military barracks. At           strategically important to U.S. interests in the
the same time, 12 F-111s struck the Aziziyah                Far East. We could lose both bases because their
barracks, the Sidi Bilal terrorist training camp,           leases must be periodically renegotiated with the
and the Tripoli military airport. Navy and Marine           Philippine government. These bases are on the
F/A-18s destroyed surface-to-air missile sites,             sea-lanes and air routes to the Indian Ocean and
while Navy E-2Ds, Navy and Marine EA-6Bs, and               the Persian Gulf. Both bases played a vital role
Air Force F-11 1s provided electronic counter-              in Operation Desert Shield. The bases also play
measures and command and control support.                   a vital role in extending the range of U.S. forces.
Navy F-14s and F/A-18s were on station to                   Much of the world’s oil that travels by ship
provide fighter support.                                    through the various straits in the Indonesian area
    The successful attack caught the Libyans by             are within range of U.S. bases in the Philippines.
surprise. Except for sporadic surface-to-air                    The U.S. strategic objective in the East Asia
missiles, the Libyans did not engage the U.S.               and Pacific area is to deter war. Strategic strike
strike force. The United States’ display of force           capability, Pacific Command (PACOM) forces,
and stated willingness to strike again has played           bilateral defense treaties, forward deployment and
a major role in deterring Libyan President                  basing, and weapons technology all contribute to
Muammar Muhammad al-Qaddafi from sponsoring                 deterrence in the region. If deterrence fails, the
further terrorist attacks against Americans.                United States and the Soviet Union could become

Figure 1-5.-Soviet operations in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Northwest Pacific.

engaged in conflict, If that happens our mission            have engaged in an alarming trend of acquiring
will be to contain the Soviet Pacific Fleet in the          nuclear-capable ballistic missile systems. Saudi
Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan (fig. 1-5).             Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, and other
                                                            Middle Eastern countries are working hard to
THE NUCLEAR THREAT                                          acquire nuclear capability. In contrast to the Third
                                                            World countries, the United States, the NATO
   During the past the major nuclear powers have            countries, and the Soviet Union are working to
done a good job in managing the nucIear threat.             reduce the number of nuclear weapons in their
However, newly emerging Third World countries               arsenals.

Arms Control                                                  Present Posture

    The American quest for stability and the                      The Soviet navy could pose the greatest
willingness of the Soviets to bargain have led to             potential threat to the U.S. Navy. Realistically,
arms control negotiations. That is not a new                  however, small Third World navies now pose
effort. A history of arms control agreements                  more of an actual threat to U.S. naval forces.
exists between the two superpowers stretching                 Since the U.S. Navy is primarily prepared to
back to 1959.                                                 engage the Soviet navy, we will compare U.S. and
    The first round of Strategic Arms Limitation              Soviet maritime missions.
Talks (SALT), concluded in 1972, produced the                     The Soviet navy’s primary mission is to be
Antiballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty that severely              prepared to conduct strategic nuclear strikes from
restricts the deployment of ABM systems by either             SSBNs operating in protected waters close to the
country. The SALT I also produced the Interim                 Soviet Union. The key to carrying out that
Agreement on Strategic Offensive Arms that                    mission is strategic defense of seaward approaches
placed limits on the number of strategic nuclear              to the Soviet Union. The Soviet navy, air
weapons. That agreement was to remain in effect               force, and army will try to control the Soviet
for 5 years, but both countries pledged to abide              Union’s peripheral seas and key land masses.
by its provisions until further negotiations were             The Soviets’ aim in controlling these areas
concluded.                                                    is to deny Western access to areas needed to
    In 1974 both countries agreed to maintain an              threaten Soviet SSBNs. The Soviets usually
equal number of strategic delivery vehicles.                  create sea denial zones up to 2,000 kilometers
Additionally, they agreed to sublimit the number              from the Soviet mainland. The primary targets
of delivery vehicles they could equip with                    in the sea denial zones are sea-launched cruise-
multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle             missile-equipped submarines, surface ships, and
(MIRV) warheads. Those agreements formed the                  aircraft carriers.
basis for the SALT II agreement in 1979. SALT II
continued the agreement of equal limits but                       Disruption of U.S. supply lines to Europe and
lowered the level of limitation on strategic                  Asia is another Soviet objective. The Soviets will
weapons delivery systems. That new agreement                  attempt to interdict sea lines of communications
forced the Soviet Union to dismantle several                  (SLOC) and establish sea denial zones. During
hundred missile launchers. In addition, the                   conflict the Soviets are expected to attack critical
SALT II agreement placed sublimits on MIR V                   SLOCs that link the United States and its allies.
ballistic missiles in general and on MIR V                    The Soviet submarine force plays a primary role
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in                in the disruption of SLOCs.
particular. A provision, which accompanies                        The U.S. national security strategy is based
the basic treaty, imposes restraints on the                   on deterrence, forward defense, and collective
development of new and more sophisticated                     security. Forward-deployed U.S. and allied
weapons.                                                      combat ready naval forces can provide a visible
    The United States sees arms control as an                 deterrent to any country bordered by an ocean
important complement to the strategy of                       or a sea. These forces operate globally in support
deterrence. We are seeking to reach an agreement              of bilateral and multilateral commitments and
with the Soviet Union on a Strategic Arms                     project military power in support of national
Reduction Treaty (START). Our objective is to                 policy and interest. U.S. naval forces have four
enhance strategic stability through equal and                 primary peacetime objectives:
verifiable limitations on both sides. Despite some
key differences on issues, we are confident an                   1. Defending the continental United States
agreement can be reached.                                           (CONUS) from attack
    In negotiations the United States will continue              2. Assuring freedom of the seas and pro-
to try to limit American-Soviet competition in                      tecting important SLOCs from adversaries
strategic nuclear forces. The United States will                 3. Providing regional stability by supporting
continue to pursue the basic objectives of strategic                friends and deterring aggression
deterrence, adequate stability, and equivalence.                 4. Functioning as a visible power projection
That process began with the SALT I agreement                        force capable of responding to crises and
and has progressed through the SALT II and                          low-intensity conflicts on short notice
START.                                                              anywhere in the world

Should deterrence fail, the U.S. Navy’s                       SURFACE SHIPS. —The Soviet Union and
mission is the forward defense of the United States           the U.S. naval surface forces have different
and its allies. The key objective is protection of            missions (fig. 1-7). The Soviets are primarily a
SLOCs from the United States to Europe and                    coastal navy emerging into a blue water fleet.
Asia. To accomplish that objective, the U.S. Navy             The Soviets can provide only limited long-range
will engage Soviet naval forces in the Soviet “sea            power projection of surface forces or naval air
control” and “sea denial” zones. The overall                  superiority. These limitations result from their
objective of the engagement will be to remove the             primary mission of providing protection to the
enemy’s offensive and defensive capabilities and              mainland and defending the ballistic missile
ensure freedom of the seas for the United States              submarine force close to the mainland.
and its allies while deterring Soviet use of nuclear              The principle weakness of the Soviet navy is
weapons at sea.                                               its relative lack of priority in providing underway
                                                              replenishment. The Soviets rely on their extensive
                                                              merchant fleet to provide supplies to ships
    SUBMARINES. —The last U.S. diesel sub-
                                                              engaged in sustained long-range operations.
marine, the USS Blueback (SS 581), was
                                                                  Another weakness of the Soviet surface navy
decommissioned on 1 October 1990. The remaining
                                                              is the lack of long-range air power like that
U.S. attack submarine force is composed of
                                                              provided by a U.S. carrier battle group. That
Sturgeon-, Skipjack-, Skate-, Permit-, and
                                                              situation will change somewhat as aircraft carriers
Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered submarines                  now under construction are brought into service
(SSNs). The United States SSBNs form the sea
                                                              during the 1990s.
leg of the U.S. Trident nuclear deterrent. The
SSBN force includes the Lafayette-, James
                                                                  AIRCRAFT. —Soviet shipborne capable air-
Madison-, Benjamin Franklin-, and Ohio-class
                                                              craft are primarily limited to helicopters and
submarines (fig. 1-6).                                        vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL)
    The United States has a smaller, but more                 aircraft. The Soviets are increasing their air
effective, submarine force than the Soviets                   capability with the introduction of the new Tbilisi-
because of a superior knowledge of submarine                  class aircraft carrier that will include the new
technology. That technology has resulted in                   Yak-41 V/STOL fighter and the Su-27 Flanker.
superior submarine quieting systems, combat                   Despite the introduction of that class of aircraft
systems, and antisubmarine warfare (ASW) open                 carrier, Soviet naval aviation (refer to table 1-1)
ocean acoustic surveillance and detection systems.            will remain primarily a land-based force.
These systems enable the United States and its                    U.S. naval aviation (refer to table 1-2) is a
allies to maintain a superior technological and               versatile multimission force capable of providing
numerical advantage over the Soviet submarine                 fleet defense, ASW, and long-range strike and
force.                                                        attack capability. The United States should
    The principle Soviet platform for both                    continue to retain a significant advantage in
offensive and defensive naval warfare is the                  seaborne air power for the foreseeable future.
submarine. The Soviets use the SSBN as their
principle strategic platform. They use attack (SS             CHEMICAL AND
and SSN) and cruise missile (SSGN) submarines                 BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS
to counter submarine and surface ship threats.
The SS, SSN, and SSGN submarines are the                          The increase of chemical and biological
primary threat to U.S. and allied sea lines of                weapons has become a global problem. To date,
communications (SLOCs). The Soviet navy has                   more countries than ever have chemical and
the world’s largest general-purpose submarine                 biological weapons. It is alarming that many of
force, totaling about 300 active units. We expect             these countries are in areas of strategic importance
the Soviets to decrease their submarine force in              to the United States. In the Middle East the
number during the 1990s and beyond. That                      problem is particularly acute.
decrease will occur as they replace older sub-                    Third World countries view the use of
marines with newer diesel and nuclear-powered                 chemical and biological weapons differently than
submarines. The decrease in the total number of               the United States. The United States’ stance on
submarines will not lessen the threat of their                chemical and biological weapons is “that it is
submarine force because of improvements in                    abhorrent, reprehensible, and unacceptable that
design, stealth, and combat capability.                       chemical weapons ever be used against the men

Figure 1-6.-U.S. and Soviet submarine forces comparison.

Figure 1-7.-Soviet Union and United States surface ship comparison.

Table 1-1.-Soviet Naval Seaborne and Land-Based Aircraft          Table 1-2.-U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Seaborne and
                                                                                    Land-Based Aircraft -

and women of the armed forces of the United
States or its allies and that the United States will
do all it can to prevent such use.” A statement
made by the foreign minister of Syria is an
example of the attitude of Third World countries.
He said, “It is unacceptable, given continued
Israeli occupation and the disequilibrium existing
in our region, to adopt selective concepts and
methods aimed at disarmament concerning only

one kind of mass destruction weapon without                   of the leaders of Iran, Iraq, and Libya in their
taking into account the need of disarmament                   use of chemical weapons.
concerning other forms.” Clearly, these countries
consider chemical and biological weapons as an                Iran
economical alternative to nuclear weapons. They
are unwilling to talk of disarmament without                       Iran has been hostile toward the United States
linking chemical and biological weapons to                    since radical, religious forces overthrew the
nuclear weapons.                                              government in 1979. Iran is an Islamic Republic
     The rise of chemical and biological weapons              with ties to the Soviet Union, from whom it buys
in the Middle East has been linked to Israel and              many of its military weapons.
France. Israel and France were joint partners in                  During the 8-year Iraq-Iran war, the United
a nuclear warhead development program from                    States supported Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
 1957 to 1959. France successfully tested a nuclear           in an attempt to topple the Iranian government.
device in 1960. Israel used its connection with               In a strange turn of events, the United States
France to obtain a research reactor from France.              asked Iran for support of Operation Desert
Israel will neither confirm nor deny that it has              Shield.
nuclear weapons, but for many years Israel was                    Also during 1987 to 1988, U.S. warships
thought to possess between 20 to 25 devices of                ensured freedom of passage to tankers carrying
20-kiloton size. New evidence suggests that Israel            oil through the Persian Gulf. U.S. forces engaged
has between 100 and 200 nuclear warheads and                  elements of the Iranian navy and attacked Iranian
can produce thermonuclear devices. Israel also has            oil platforms in the Persian Gulf.
weapons delivery systems in the form of aircraft,                 The Iranians have an arsenal of Soviet SS-1
the Lance missile (mobile, 100-kilometer range),              (Scud-B) missiles and would like to develop
and the Jerico 2 missile (mobile, 1500-kilometer              their surface-to-surface missile capability. Iran
range).                                                       wants to purchase the Chinese M-9 missile
    In an attempt to decrease the number of                   (600-kilometer range). The Iranians claim they can
nuclear weapons in the Middle East, countries in              produce their own version of the SS-1. They have
that region have conducted preemptive strikes on              produced a version of the Chinese Type 53
nuclear reactors. In September 1980 the Iranians              artillery rocket, called the Oghab, that has a
led a strike against an Iraqi reactor at Osarik. The          40-kilometer range. Iran is also perfecting an
attack damaged the reactor but did not destroy                unguided rocket called the Iran 130, which has
it. The Israelis destroyed the Osarik reactor with            a range of 130 kilometers. These missiles and
an air strike in June 1981.                                   rockets can be fitted with chemical warheads
    The chemical agent most likely to be used by              as well as conventional warheads. The United
countries desiring to produce chemical weapons                States believes Iran has a stockpile of mustard
is the nerve agent Tabun. (Refer to tables 1-3 and            gas and phosgene and may be trying to obtain
1-4 for a description of chemical agents and                  nerve gas.
    Any country that has the capability of                    Iraq
producing organophosphorus pesticides can easily
produce Tabun. Other types of nerve agents are                    Iraq is a Soviet client state in the Middle East.
more difficult to produce, but could be done with             From 1980 to 1990 Iraq built up its military until
help from industrialized countries. Countries in              it became the sixth largest military power in the
the Middle East with known or suspected chemical              world. In August 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait. The
weapons capability include Israel, Egypt, Libya,              stated Iraqi reason for the invasion was a policy
Syria, Iran, and Iraq.                                        difference with Kuwait concerning the price and
                                                              production quota of Kuwaiti oil. The United
                                                              States intervened on behalf of Saudi Arabia to
EMERGENCE OF THIRD                                            stop the Iraqi advance short of the Saudi oil
WORLD COUNTRIES                                               fields.
                                                                  Iraq is working to purchase the technology to
   Of the emerging Third World countries, Iran,               build nuclear weapons. The customs agents of the
Iraq, Libya, and Syria deserve a special look                 United States and England have worked together
because of their past hostility toward the United             to slow the Iraqi effort. They recently intercepted
States. More alarming than the past hostility                 a shipment of electronic components, suitable for
towards the United States is the cavalier attitude            use in nuclear weapons, bound for Iraq.

Table 1-3.-Properties of Chemical Agents

Table 1-4.—Defense against Chemical Agents

        TYPE OF     U.S. AGENT      PHYSICAL         NORMAL MEANS       MEANS OF       PROTECTION        PERSONNEL                                    SELF AID/

                  GA/Tabun       Colorless.        Aerosal or vapor.   M256A1 and    Protective mask   None needed.             Difficult breathing   Nerve agent anti-
                  GB/Sarin                                             M4256 Kits    and clothing.                              convulsions, drool-   dote injection, i.e.,
                  GD/Soman                                             CWDD.                                                    ing, vomiting,        2-PAM C1 &
       NERVE                                                           CAM.                                                     dimmed vision.        atropine. Artifi-
                                                                                                                                                      cial respiration
                                                                                                                                                      may be necessary.

                  VX                               Liquid droplets.    All of the                      Flush eyes. with water
                  Thickened                                            above plus                      Decontaminate skin
                  G-Agents                                             M8 and M9                       with M258A1 Kit.

                  HD/Mustard     Pale yellow.      Liquid droplets.    M256A1 and    Protective        Flush eyes with          HD & HN-No            None.

                  HN/Nitrogen    Dark yellow.                          M256 Kits.    mask and          water. Decon-            early symptoms.
                  L/Lewisite     Dark, oily.                           M8 and M9     clothing.         taminate skin            L & HL-searing
       BLISTER    HL/Mustard-    Dark, oily.                           Paper.                          with M256A1 Kit.         of eyes & stinging
                      Lewisite                                                                                                  of skin.
                  CX/Phosgene    Colorless.                                                                                     CX-irritation of
                      Oxime                                                                                                     eyes & nose.

                  AC/Hydrogen    Colorless.        Vapor (Gas).        M256A1 and    Protective        None.                    Incapacitates;        None.
       BLOOD          Cyanide                                          M256 Kits.    mask.                                      kills if high         Artificial respiration
                  CK/Cyanogen                                                                                                   concentration         may be necessary.
                      Chloride                                                                                                  is inhaled.

                  CG/Phosgene    Colorless.        Vapor (Gas).        M256A1 and    Protective        None.                    Damages and           None.
       CHOKING                                                         M256 Kits.    mask.                                      floods lungs.         For severe symptoms,
                                                                                                                                                      avoid movement and
                                                                                                                                                      keep warm.
The Iraqis have chemical weapons and have                 East, and the Americas. These areas are changing,
used them both inside their country and against               and the outcome of the changes could have an
Iran. Iran claimed to be victim to 253 chemical               impact on the Navy’s mission and goals.
attacks during its war with Iraq. The United                      The United States, NATO, and the Soviet
Nations investigated the Iranian claims and found             Union have been negotiating treaties to reduce the
evidence to confirm Iraq’s widespread use of                  amount of nuclear weapons they own. In contrast,
mustard gas and nerve agent GA (Tabun).                       many newly emerging Third World countries are
    The Iraqis possess a stockpile of SS-1 (Scud-B)           trying to obtain the technology to produce
and Frog 7 missiles. They may also have the SS-12             chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.
missile, capable of carrying both nuclear and
chemical warheads. The addition of the SS-12
missile has allowed Iraq to carry out long-range                              REFERENCES
missile attacks against its enemies, including
Israel. Iraq has developed two surface-to-surface             Cheney, Dick, “The Heart of the Soviet Threat,”
missiles: the al-Husayn (650-kilometer range) and                Defense, Volume 90, January/February 1990,
the al-Abos (900-kilometer range).                               pp. 2-7.

Libya                                                         Harristy, Admiral Huntington, “Pacific Watch-
                                                                word is Change,” Defense, Volume 90,
    Libya openly sponsored terrorist attacks                    May/June 1990, pp. 16-23.
against U.S. military personnel in Europe. After              Miller, A. J., “Towards Armageddon: The
the United States attacked Libya in response to                  Proliferation of Unconventional Weapons and
a terrorist attack, terrorist attacks worldwide have             Ballistic Missiles in the Middle East, ” The
decreased. Libya has not recently challenged the                 Journal of Strategic Studies, December 1989,
United States; however, it remains a threat                      pp. 387-401.
because of its large chemical weapon capability.
    Libya may have used chemical weapons                      Powell, General Colin L., “Changes and Chal-
against Chad in 1986. Libya has also drawn inter-                lenges: An Overview,” Defense, Volume 90,
national attention over its efforts to secure nerve              May/June 1990, pp. 8-15.
gas technology. German companies supplying
                                                              —, “Is the Future What It Used to Be?”, Defense,
Libya with technology unknowingly helped Libya
                                                                 Volume 90, January/February 1990, pp. 3-7.
develop its present chemical warfare capability.
                                                              —, “U.S. Military Doctrine: The Way We
Syria                                                           Were—and Are,” Defense, Volume 90,
                                                                March/April 1990, pp. 16-20.
    Syria may be the United States’ most formida-
ble opponent in the Middle East because of its                —, “The Middle East and Southwest Asia,”
offensive chemical weapons capabilities. Syria is               Defense, Volume 90, January/February 1990,
thought to own a wide range of chemical weapons                  pp. 17-22.
including the nerve agent GB (Sarin).                         Schwarzkopf, General H. Norman, ‘‘Turmoil-
    The Syrian arsenal includes the Soviet SS-1,                 Middle East Business as Usual,” Defense,
SS-12 (with warheads for chemical agents                         Volume 90, May/June 1990, pp. 24-30.
including nerve agent VX), and possibly the
Chinese M-9 missiles.                                         Soviet Military Power: Prospects for Changes
                                                                 1989, Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
                                                                 Government Printing Office, Washington,
                   SUMMARY                                       D.C., 1989.
                                                              Welch, Thomas J., “The Growing Global Menace
    Over the last 200 years, the Navy has                        of Chemical and Biological Warfare,”
progressed from a small force of two ships to one                Defense, Volume 90, July/August 1989, pp.
of the largest navies in the world. The mission of               19-27.
the Navy includes naval presence, sea control, and
power projection.                                             Wolfowitz, Paul D., “Strategic Thinking in
    The Navy’s traditional theaters of operations               Today’s Dynamic Times,” Defense, Volume
include Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Far                90, January/February 1990, pp. 9-11.


                                      LEARNING OBJECTIVES

             Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Describe how to conduct a preliminary investi-           3. Describe the content of the Standard Organiza-
   gation of offenses.                                         tion and Regulations of the U. S. Navy.

2. Recognize the purpose and content of U.S.                4. Explain the Status of Forces Agreement
   Navy Regulations.                                           concerning members of the armed forces in
                                                               foreign countries.

   The topics in this chapter deal primarily with            against someone goes through a series of steps
regulations that senior enlisted personnel should            from the time it leaves the initiator to the time
be aware of to perform their job with consistency.           of the preliminary inquiry.
We will first examine the procedures for con-                    The legal officer receives the complaint and
ducting a preliminary investigation of offenses.             drafts charges and specifications against the
Then we will introduce you to the purpose and                accused on a locally prepared report chit form.
content of both U.S. Navy Regulations and                    Following the guidelines of part IV of the Manual
Standard Organization and Regulations of the                for Courts-Martial, 1984 (MCM), the legal officer
U.S. Navy. We will close the chapter with a                  writes the charges and specifications using court-
discussion of the Status of Forces Agreement                 martial language. The charges and specifications
(SOFA).                                                      are then typed on the NAVPERS 1626/7, Report
                                                             and Disposition of Offense(s) form (figs. 2-1
                                                             and 2-2). The accused’s service record supplies
             THE PRELIMINARY                                 the information required on the front of the
              INVESTIGATION                                  report chit. The legal officer or the person who
                                                             submitted the complaint then signs the report.
    At some point in your career, the legal officer              The legal officer conducts a personal interview
may assign you to serve as a preliminary inquiry             with the accused to inform, the person of his
officer (PIO). As the PIO you will conduct an                or her rights under article 31(b) of the Uniform
investigation of offenses before a captain’s mast            Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). When the
takes place. You will only investigate relatively            accused acknowledges he or she understands
minor offenses that are not under investigation              his or her rights, he or she then signs the
by the Naval Investigative Service (NIS) or a fact-          ACKNOWLEDGED block and the disciplinary
finding body.                                                or legal officer signs the WITNESSED block.

REPORT AND DISPOSITION OF                                       THE ACCUSED SHOULD NOT BE INTER-
OFFENSE(S) (REPORT CHIT)                                    ROGATED AT THIS TIME. The legal officer
                                                            should determine and recommend to the com-
    Naval personnel may be reported for offenses            manding officer or executive officer what
involving military conduct or justice. A complaint          restraint, if any, should be imposed at this time.

Figure 2-1 .-Report and Disposition of Offense(s) Form (NAVPERS 1626/7) (Front).

Figure 2-2.-Report and Disposition of Offense(s) Form (NAVPERS 1626/7) (Back).

PRELIMINARY INQUIRY                                           4. Originals or copies of documentary
   The legal officer forwards the report chit to              5. If the accused waives all his or her rights,
you. Once you receive it, you can begin conducting                a signed sworn statement by the accused;
the preliminary inquiry of the reported offense.                  or a summary of the interrogation of
You shouId usually conduct the inquiry informally.                the accused, signed and sworn to by the
Your final report on the preliminary inquiry                      accused; or both
should consist of the following items:                        6. Any additional comments you feel are
   1. Report and Disposition of Offense(s)
      (NAVPERS 1626/7)                                     Objective
   2. Investigator’s Report (fig. 2-3)
   3. Statements or summaries of interviews with               Your primary objective in conducting the
      all witnesses; sworn statements, if possible         preliminary inquiry is to collect all available
      (fig. 2-4)                                           evidence pertaining to the alleged offense(s). Your

                                    Figure 2-3.-lnvestigator’s Report.

first step is to become familiar with those                 of the case. The information will also help the
paragraphs of the Manual for Courts-Martial,                commanding officer decide what nonjudicial
1984 (MCM) describing the alleged offense(s).               punishment (NJP), if any, is appropriate. Items
Part IV of the MCM describes those actions the              of interest to the commanding officer include:
military considers offenses. Within each
paragraph is a section entitled “Elements” that                   The accused’s currently assigned duties
lists the requirements for proof of the offense.                  Evaluation of his or her performance
Be careful to focus your attention on the correct
element of proof. Copy down the elements of                       The accused’s attitudes and ability to get
proof to help you in your search for relevant                     along with others
evidence. Your job is to search for anything that                 Personal difficulties or hardships the
might prove or disprove an element of proof. You                  accused is willing to discuss
must remain impartial.
    Your second objective is to collect information             Statements given by supervisors, peers, and
about the accused. That information will aid the            the accused provide the best source of informa-
commanding officer in making proper disposition             tion about the accused.

                                       Figure 2-4.-Witness’ Statement.

Interrogate Witnesses                                          Request that witnesses who have relevant
                                                           information make a sworn statement. If you
   You can obtain a significant amount of infor-           interview a witness by telephone, write a summary
mation from the witnesses. Start by interrogating          of the interview and certify it to be true.
the person who initiated the report and the                    Elicit all relevant information during your
people listed as witnesses. You may discover               interview of a witness. One method is to start with
other persons having relevant information when             a general survey question. Ask the witness to relate
questioning these people.                                  everything he or she knows about the case. Then
                                                           follow-up with more specific questions. After
    Don’t begin the inquiry by interrogating the           speaking with the witness, help the witness write
accused. The accused has the greatest motive for           a statement that is thorough, relevant, orderly,
lying or distorting the truth—if the accused is            and clear. The substance of the statement must
guilty. Leave the interrogation of the accused             consist of the witness’s thoughts, knowledge, or
until last. Even when the accused has admitted             beliefs about the accused. Limit your assistance
guilt, you should first collect all other evidence         to helping the witness express himself or herself
collaborating the confession of the accused.               accurately and effectively in writing.

                        Figure 2-5.-Suspect’s Rights Acknowledgment/Statement (Front).

Collecting Documentary Evidence                               familiar with the Military Rules of Evidence
                                                              concerning searches and seizures. The Manual for
    Collect documentary evidence such as Shore                Courts-Martial, 1984 contains the Military Rules
Patrol reports, log entries, watch bills, service             of Evidence. Take photographs of an object if it
record entries, local instructions, or organizational         is too large to bring to NJP proceedings. Leave
manuals. Attach the original or a certified copy              real evidence in the custody of a law enforcement
of relevant documents to the investigator’s report.           agency unless otherwise directed; however,
Check to see if you, as investigator, have the                personally examine the evidence.
authority to certify relevant documents. If you do,
                                                              Advise the Accused
write on the documents the words certified to be
a true copy, and sign your name.                                  Before questioning the accused, have the
                                                              accused sign the acknowledgement line on the
Collecting Real Evidence
                                                              front of the report chit and initial any attached
    Real evidence is a physical object, such as a             pages.
knife used in an assault or a stolen camera in a                  Use the Suspect’s Rights Acknowledgment/
theft case. Before seeking real evidence, become              Statement form (figs. 2-5 and 2-6) as a checklist

                         Figure 2-6.-Suspect’s Rights Acknowledgment/Statement (Back).

to ensure you correctly advise the accused of his             the accused draft the statement, but you must be
or her rights before asking any questions. When               careful not to put words in the accused’s mouth
you first meet the accused, fill in this page as your         or trick the accused into saying something he or
first order of business. You may serve as your own            she does not intend to say. If you type the state-
witness that you advised the accused of his or her            ment, permit the accused to read it over carefully
rights by signing this form; no one else is required.         and make any necessary changes. The accused
                                                              should initial any changes, and you should witness
Interrogate the Accused                                       them in writing.
                                                                  Oral statements are admissible into evidence
    You may question the accused ONLY IF HE                   against the accused. If the accused does not wish
OR SHE HAS KNOWINGLY AND INTELLI-                             to put his or her statements in writing, attach a
GENTLY WAIVED HIS OR HER STATUTORY                            certified summary of the interrogation to your
RIGHTS. If the accused makes the waiver, record               report. If the accused makes a written statement
it on the accused’s statement. If the accused asked           but omits some of the statements made orally, add
you if he or she should waive his or her rights,              a certified summary of items omitted from the
decline to answer or give advice. You are only                accused’s statement.
authorized to advise the accused of his or her
rights. Never advise the accused on legal matters.
Let the accused obtain a lawyer if he or she so                        U.S. NAVY REGULATIONS
    After the accused waives his or her rights,                    The 12 chapters of Navy Regulations (Navy
begin the questioning in a low-keyed manner.                  Regs) describe the authority and responsibilities
Permit the accused to give his or her own version             of the offices within the Department of the Navy.
of the incident. When the accused has finished                They also describe the regulations concerning the
presenting the facts, begin to probe with pointed             procedures, authority, and command of those
questions. Confront the accused with incon-                   offices. Navy Regs also covers honors and
sistencies in the story or contradictions with                ceremonies, the rights and responsibilities of
other evidence. Remember, a confession that is                persons in the Department of the Navy, and the
not voluntary cannot be used as evidence.                     purpose and force of these regulations.
Any confession that is obtained by coercion,                       Each ship and station has complete copies of
unlawful influence, or unlawful inducement is not             Navy Regs available to all personnel. Also
voluntary.                                                    available is an excellent nonresident training
    The following are some examples of coercion,              course entitled Navy Regulations, NAVEDTRA
unlawful influence, or an unlawful inducement:                13082, which you are encouraged to complete.
                                                              Your educational services officer (ESO) can help
  • questioning ofaccompanied by deprivation
    Infliction      bodily harm, including                    you order this course.
                                                                   The following sections list articles (with a
       of the necessities of life, such as food,              condensation of their text, if appropriate) from
       sleep, or adequate clothing                            United States Navy Regulations, 1990 that senior
                                                              enlisted personnel in the Navy should know. This
  • Threat of bodily harm                                     listing serves only as a starting place for you to
                                                              learn about Navy regulations. You are responsible
  • deprivation or threats of or necessities or
                of privileges
                              confinement,                    for learning and obeying all regulations. These
                                                              regulations are not punitive articles, but laws
                                                              under which the Navy operates. Many exist
  • Promises of committed or clemency as to
    any offense
                            by the accused
                                                              for your own protection. Failure to obey any
                                                              regulation subjects the offender to charges under
                                                              article 92, UCMJ (Failure to obey order or
  • Promises of reward ortobenefit,the threats
    of disadvantage likely  induce
                                                                   When the article itself is self-explanatory, the
       to make the confession or statement                    article is presented in block quotation exactly as
                                                              stated in Navy Regs; no further explanation is
   If the accused desires to make a written state-            given. Articles that are lengthy and, in some cases,
ment, make sure the accused has acknowledged                  difficult to interpret are paraphrased to give you
and waived all of his or her rights. You may help             a brief overview of the contents of the article.

STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR                                      Secretary of the Navy. Section 2B outlines the
UNITED STATES NAVY                                           responsibilities of staff assistants within the
REGULATIONS                                                  Department of the Navy.

    Chapter 1 contains the 0100 article series. This         THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS
chapter discusses the origin of Navy Regs, the
statutory authority, issuance of other directives,              Chapter 4 contains the 0400 article series. This
and maintenance of Navy regulations.                         chapter describes the responsibilities of the Chief
                                                             of Naval Operations.
0103. Purpose and Effect of United States Navy               THE COMMANDANT OF THE
       Regulations                                           MARINE CORPS
       United States Navy Regulations is the                    Chapter 5 covers the 0500 article series. This
   principle regulatory document of the                      chapter outlines the responsibilities of the
   Department of the Navy, endowed with                      Commandant of the Marine Corps.
   the sanction of law, as to duty, authority,
   distinctions and relationships of various                 THE UNITED STATES COAST
   commands, officials and individuals.                      GUARD (WHEN OPERATING AS A
   Other directives issued within the Depart-                SERVICE IN THE NAVY)
   ment of the Navy shall not conflict with,
   alter or amend any provision of Navy                          Chapter 6 covers the 0600 article series.
   Regulations.                                              The United States Coast Guard is normally a
                                                             component of the Department of Transportation;
                                                             however, upon declaration of war or when
0107. Maintenance of Navy Regulations                        directed by the President, the Coast Guard
                                                             operates as a component within the Department
    The Chief of Naval Operations is responsible
                                                             of the Navy. This chapter assigns the duties of
for maintaining Navy Regulations. Whenever                   the Commandant of the Coast Guard and outlines
any person in the Navy believes a change to Navy             the duties and responsibilities of the office of the
Regulations is needed, that person should forward
a draft of the change through the chain of
command along with a statement of the reasons                COMMANDERS IN CHIEF
for the change. The Secretary of the Navy must               AND OTHER COMMANDERS
approve all additions, changes or deletions to
Navy Regulations.                                                 Chapter 7 covers the 0700 article series. This
                                                             chapter is divided into three sections. Section 1
                                                             describes the titles and duties of commanders.
THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY                                   Section 2 explains the organization of a staff and
                                                             the authority and responsibility of the staff
   Chapter 2 covers the 0200 article series. This            officers. Section 3 outlines the administration and
chapter discusses the origin and authority of the            discipline of the staff of a commander or a
Department of the Navy and briefly covers its                separate and detached command.
mission and composition.
                                                             THE COMMANDING OFFICER
THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY                                        Chapter 8 contains the 0800 article series. This
                                                             chapter is divided into three sections. Section 1
    Chapter 3 covers the 0300 article series. This           describes the general authority and responsibilities
chapter is divided into two sections and two                 of the commanding officer. Section 2 outlines the
subsections. Section 1 outlines the responsibilities         additional responsibilities of commanding officers
of the Secretary of the Navy. Section 2 describes            afloat. Section 3, divided into two subsections,
the composition, responsibility, and authority of            covers special circumstances. Subsection A
the Office of the Secretary of the Navy. Section             concerns ships in naval stations and shipyards,
2A outlines the responsibilities of civilian                 and subsection B contains regulations governing
executive assistants within the Office of the                prospective commanding officers.

0801. Applicability                                                  f. Naval Military Personnel Manual
                                                              (for Navy personnel) or Marine Corps Per-
    The provisions of this chapter apply to                   sonnel Manual (for Marine Corps person-
officers in charge (including petty officers when             nel).
so detailed) and those persons standing the
command duty.
                                                           THE SENIOR OFFICER PRESENT

0818. Publishing and Posting Orders and Regu-                  Chapter 9 covers the 0900 article series.
       lations                                             The chapter deals with the duties of both
                                                           the senior officer present afloat and ashore.
       1. In accordance with Article 137 of                It defines eligibility for command at sea,
   the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the               authority and responsibility, and authority
   articles specifically enumerated therein                within separate commands within the command.
   shall be carefully explained to each enlisted           It discusses relations with diplomatic and
   person:                                                 consular representatives and international treaties
           a. At the time of entrance on                   and laws. It outlines the actions of U.S. naval
   active duty or within six days thereafter,              forces within a vicinity of other armed forces.
           b. Again, after completion of six               The remainder of the chapter deals with the
   months active duty; and                                 relationships of the senior officer present with
           c. Again, upon the occasion of                  foreigners; readiness and safety of forces;
   each reenlistment.                                      and general policies such as shore patrol,
       2. A text of the articles specifically              leave and liberty, assistance to ships, aircraft
   enumerated in Article 137 of the Uniform                and persons in distress, and admiralty claims.
   Code of Military Justice shall be posted in
   a conspicuous place or places, readily ac-
   cessible to all personnel of the command.               PRECEDENCE, AUTHORITY
       3. Instructions concerning the                      AND COMMAND
   Uniform Code of Military Justice and
   appropriate articles of Navy Regulations                    Chapter 10 contains the 1000 article series.
   shall be included in the training and educa-            This chapter is divided into four sections. Section
   tional program of the command.                          1 describes the precedence of officers and defines
       4. Such general orders, orders from                 officers as line officers, staff officers, and
   higher authority, and other matters which               warrant officers. Section 2 explains the authority
   the commanding officer considers of in-                 of officers in the Navy. Section 3 describes the
   terest to the personnel or profitable for               detailing of officers and enlisted persons. Section
   them to know shall be published to the                  4 contains the regulations pertaining to succession
   command as soon as practicable. Such                    of command.
   matters shall also be posted, in whole or
   in part, in a conspicuous place or places
   readily accessible to personnel of the                  1020. Exercise of Authority
       5. Upon the request of any person on                    All persons in the naval service on active
   active duty in the armed services, the                  duty, those on the retired list with pay,
   following publications shall be made                    and transferred members of the Fleet Reserve
   available for that person’s personal                    and the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve are at
   examination:                                            all times subject to naval authority. While
           a. A complete text of the Uniform               on active duty they may exercise authority
   Code of Military Justice,                               over all persons who are subordinate to
           b. Manual for Courts-Martial,                   them. However, they may not exercise that
           c. Navy Regulations,                            authority if on leave of absence, except as
          d. Manual of the Judge Advocate                  noted in this article; on the sick list; taken
   General,                                                into custody; under arrest; suspended from
          e. Marine Corps Manual (for                      duty; in confinement; or otherwise incapable
   Marine Corps personnel),                                of discharging their duties.

1021. Authority Over Subordinates                           1038. Authority of a Sentry

   This article gives officers the authority                      A sentry, within the limits stated in his
necessary to perform their duties.                             or her orders, has authority over all per-
                                                               sons on his or her post.
1022. Delegation of Authority
                                                            1039. Authority of Juniors To Issue Orders
       The delegation of authority and issu-                       to Seniors
   ance of orders and instructions by a per-
   son in the naval service shall not relieve                      No member of the armed forces is
   such person from any responsibility imposed                 authorized by virtue of his or her rank
   upon him or her. He or she shall ensure                     alone to give any order or grant any
   that the delegated authority is properly                    privilege, permission, or liberty to any of-
   exercised and that his or her orders and                    ficer senior to him or her. A member is not
   instructions are properly executed.                         required to receive such order, privilege,
                                                               permission, or liberty from a junior, unless
1023. Abuse of Authority                                       such junior is at the time:
                                                                   a. in command of the ship or other
       Persons in authority are forbidden to                   command to which the senior is attached
   injure their subordinates by tyrannical or                      b. in command or direction of the
   capricious conduct, or by abusive                           military expedition or duty on which such
   language.                                                   senior is serving
                                                                   c. an executive officer executing an
1024. Contradictory and Conflicting Orders                     order of the commanding officer

    An enlisted person who receives an order                GENERAL REGULATIONS
that annuls, suspends, or modifies one received
from another superior will immediately relate                   Chapter 11 contains the 1100 article series.
that fact to the superior from whom the last                This chapter is divided into five sections. Section
order was received. If, after receiving that                1 covers the topic of administration of discipline.
information, the superior from whom the last                Section 2 outlines the standards of conduct.
order was received should insist upon the                   Section 3 contains regulations governing official
execution of that order, the person must obey               records. Section 4 explains the general duties of
it. The person receiving and executing such                 individuals within the Navy. Section 5 defines the
order will report the circumstances as soon                 rights and restrictions of persons in the naval
as practicable to the superior from whom the                service.
original order was received.
                                                            1111. Pecuniary Dealings With Enlisted Persons
1033. Authority in a Boat
                                                               No officer should have any dealings involving
    This article provides the senior line officer           money with enlisted persons except as may be
eligible for command at sea the authority over all          required in the performance of the officer’s
persons embarked in a boat. It also delegates the           duties or as involved in the sale of personal
officer responsibility for the safety and manage-           property. An officer may be designated by
ment of the boat.                                           superior authority to accept deposits from
                                                            enlisted personnel for the purpose of safe-
1037. Authority of Warrant Officers, Noncom-                guarding these funds under emergency or
       missioned Officers, and Petty Officers               operational situations.

       Chief warrant officers, warrant of-                  1112. Lending Money and Engaging in a Trade
   ficers, noncommissioned officers and petty                       or Business
   officers shall have, under their superiors,
   all necessary authority for the proper per-                 Naval personnel are not permitted to lend
   formance of their duties, and they shall be              money to another member of the armed services
   obeyed accordingly.                                      at an interest rate, for the period of the loan,


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  • 1. NONRESIDENT TRAINING COURSE Military Requirements For Chief Petty Officer NAVEDTRA 14144 Notice: NETPDTC is no longer responsible for the content accuracy of the NRTCs. For content issues, contact the servicing Center of Excellence: Center for Naval Leadership (CNL); (757) 462-1537 or DSN: 253-1537. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
  • 2. PREFACE About this course: This is a self-study course. By studying this course, you can improve your professional/military knowledge, as well as prepare for the Navywide advancement-in-rate examination. It contains subject matter about day- to-day occupational knowledge and skill requirements and includes text, tables, and illustrations to help you understand the information. An additional important feature of this course is its reference to useful information found in other publications. The well-prepared Sailor will take the time to look up the additional information. History of the course: Sep 1991: Original edition released. Authored by DSC Randy L. Harris. Nov 2003: Administrative update released. Technical content was not reviewed or revised. NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number 0504-LP-026-7980
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 1. Naval Tradition ...................................................................................................... 1-1 2. Military Conduct and Justice ................................................................................. 2-1 3. Leadership .............................................................................................................. 3-1 4. Management Information....................................................................................... 4-1 5. Career Information and Training............................................................................ 5-1 6. Programs and Policies ............................................................................................ 6-1 7. Military Requirements ........................................................................................... 7-1 8. Safety and Damage Control ................................................................................... 8-1 9. Security .................................................................................................................. 9-1 INDEX.........................................................................................................................................INDEX-1 ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS follow Index.
  • 4. INTRODUCTION TO MILITARY REQUIREMENTS AND THE NAVAL STANDARDS The United States Navy has always placed required of all enlisted personnel in the Navy. great emphasis on the pride and professionalism Your knowledge of NAVSTDS will be tested on of its personnel. In keeping with this strong the military/leadership examination. Unlike the tradition, the Navy has taken a different approach Navy occupational standards, which state the in teaching military subjects by developing tasks enlisted personnel are required to perform, individual military requirements training manuals. naval standards, for the most part, state the These manuals are divided into the basic military knowledge required. requirements (BMR) for apprenticeships and NAVSTDS encompass military requirements, advanced requirements for third class, second essential virtues of professionalism and pride of class, first class, chief petty officers, and senior service in support of the oath of enlistment, and and master chief petty officers. These manuals maintenance of good order and discipline. They cover the MINIMUM naval standards required also include knowledges pertaining to the well- for advancement in rate. being of Navy personnel that directly contribute The purpose of the separate manuals for each to the mission of the Navy. rate is to define more clearly the duties and NAVSTDS apply to all personnel at the responsibilities of the petty officer at each specified paygrade except where specific limita- rate. That simply means if you are studying for tions are indicated. Primarily two factors make advancement to chief petty officer, you will study these qualifications necessary—the basic require- material that applies to the chief petty officer. ments of duty at sea and the requirements of This is not to say that a chief petty officer duty in an armed force. For example, all Navy performs only at the chief petty officer level. personnel must know certain elements of seaman- Many times the needs of the service require a chief ship and must be prepared to assume battle petty officer to fill the billet of a more senior petty station duties. Both men and women must learn officer or a commissioned officer. That has the general orders for a sentry, be able to stand always been the case and will continue to be true. a security watch, and possess certain skills and Because the manuals have been separated knowledges needed for their own protection and according to rate, you can now study the required survival. Certain other qualifications, mainly material at the appropriate e time in your career. in clerical and administrative duties, have been added to the military and seagoing requirements because knowledge of them is important for all enlisted personnel regardless of occupational NAVAL STANDARDS specialty. This training manual covers the naval stan- Naval standards (NAVSTDs) are those qualifi- dards (military requirements) for chief petty cations which specify the minimum knowledge officer.
  • 5. CHAPTER 1 NAVAL TRADITION LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learning objectives are stated at the beginning of each chapter. These learning objectives serve as a preview of the information you are expected to learn in the chapter. By successfully completing the nonresident training course (NRTC), you indicate you have met the objectives and have learned the information. The learning objectives for chapter 1 are listed below. Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1. Identify the challenges to United States sea 5. Recognize the purpose and importance of arms power. control in maintaining a balance of power between the United States and the Union of 2. Describe the mission of the U.S. Navy in Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.). peacetime and wartime. 3. Describe the importance of naval presence, sea 6. Compare the naval forces of the United States control, and power projection in carrying out and the U.S.S.R. the Navy’s mission. 4. Recognize the various theaters of operations 7. Describe the cause and effect of chemical war- for U.S. naval forces. fare in the Middle East. Today the two major military superpowers in legislation created, in effect, the Continental the world are the United States of America and navy. Congress authorized two battalions of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.). Marines on 10 November 1775. From these Both countries have large navies. They use their humble beginnings we have become a force of navies to meet the national interest and political over 500,000 personnel and 500 ships capable of goals of their countries. This chapter will provide global power projection on a moment’s notice. an overview of the U.S. and Soviet navies and the Third World countries having an impact on world NAVAL PRESENCE stability. Almost every U.S. sailor has experienced some type of major deployment. In the past several CHALLENGES TO U.S. SEA POWER years, most deployments have been to areas of the world in which hostilities were in progress. The naval affairs of the United States began Naval presence, by simple definition, is having a with the War for Independence, the American naval force in a specific location. We have been Revolution. On 13 October 1775 Congress passed called on countless times in the past years to legislation to purchase and arm two ships. This “show the flag.” Deployments place naval forces 1-1
  • 6. in positions to achieve three purposes. First, forces essential to our use of the seas to support our can engage the enemy promptly at the start of national policies. The concepts of sea control and hostilities. Second, they can provide protection power projection are closely interrelated. A naval and support to friendly, allied, and U.S. forces force must have some degree of sea control in the in time of war. Third, they can stop the advance sea areas from which it is to project power, of the enemy as soon as possible. However, the depending on the type of force to be used. positioning of these naval forces for warfare in However, a naval force must have the capability sensitive areas of the world also provides a side to project power before it can realize any degree benefit known as presence. Because of the inter- of sea control. national character of the high seas, deployed U.S. forces have a unique ability to make U.S. military presence known in a time of crisis. The United Sea Control States can modify that presence to exert the degree and type of influence best suited to resolve the Sea control is the basic function of the U.S. situation. Navy. It involves control of designated air, surface, and subsurface areas. Sea control is A show of force by U.S. naval warships can of crucial importance to the U.S. strategy of restore stability to a friendly nation that is unable using both oceans as barriers for defense and to control a hostile situation. The U.S. fleet can as avenues to extend our influence overseas. It remain out of sight, over the horizon, ready to does not imply simultaneous control over all respond in a matter of minutes to any crisis. Naval 70 percent of the earth covered by international presence can be visible or invisible, large or small, waters; it is a selective function, exercised forceful or peaceful, depending on what best suits only when and where necessary. Because of new U.S. interests. technology developed in the United States and in other countries, total control of the seas Naval forces can remain in a crisis area for for our use and the denial of the seas for the indefinite periods to communicate their capability enemy’s use are impossible. With continuing for action. Ground and air forces can duplicate technological developments, such as the strategic that capability only by landing or entering the defense initiative, total sea control is expected sovereign air space of another nation. to become even more difficult. We cannot consider the effectiveness of our Sea control assures the buildup and resupply naval presence separately from our warfare of allied forces and the free flow of needed capability. To encourage friends, deter enemies, supplies. Sea control also enhances security for or influence neutrals, forces deployed to crisis the nation’s sea-based strategic deterrent. areas must possess a fighting capability. We must have sea control to conduct sustained Our naval presence must also reflect the degree U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force operations abroad. of U.S. interests in the area relative to the number Modern land warfare requires large quantities of naval forces in the area. To be effective in the of supplies; most of them must be supplied presence role, U.S. naval forces must reflect a by sea. ready combat capability to carry out their mission against ANY implied threat. We maintain sea control by destroying or neutralizing hostile forces in maritime areas the United States must use. Hostile forces include THE NAVY’S WARTIME MISSION aircraft, surface ships, and submarines that threaten U.S. or friendly forces operating in those Should the United States fail in its peacetime areas. efforts, the Navy must shift from a peacetime to a wartime posture. In its wartime posture, the The Navy achieves or supports sea control Navy has two areas of responsibility. It must be through the following operations: able to function in a hostile environment, and it must be able to exercise sea control and power 1. Locating and destroying hostile naval projection. Sea control and power projection are combat units 1-2
  • 7. 2. Using geographic choke points to prevent Another major advantage of a naval force is enemy access to open oceans or specific that it can begin combat operations immediately areas upon reaching a crisis location. Land or air forces often require the construction of staging 3. Clearing sea areas by using escorts to areas before they can begin combat operations. surround ships in transit, such as military That is especially true when the conflict takes or commercial convoys and amphibious or place in a remote location and when facilities support forces needed for combat are unavailable. The United States is diminishing its military base structure 4. Using mines in areas such as harbor overseas. Therefore, the ability of naval forces entrances and choke points to arrive in an area fully prepared to conduct sustained combat operations has taken on added Carrier forces and Marine amphibious forces importance. can project military power to ensure control of the high seas and the continued safe use of land areas essential to sea control. That entails THEATERS OF OPERATIONS destruction of enemy naval forces at their home bases or en route to those ocean areas the United The Soviet Union confines its power projection States desires to protect. Power projection also (fig. 1-1 ) to areas close to the Soviet Union with includes destroying the supply lines of the enemy one exception. Soviet fleet ballistic missile sub- and preventing enemy forces from advancing marines (nuclear propulsion) (SSBNs) patrol the within range to use their weapons against U.S. sea area off the east coast of the United States. forces. The traditional U.S. Navy theaters of opera- tions include Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Far East, and the Americas. The continuing Power Projection economic and political changes in those areas now and in the future will have an impact on the Power projection is the ability to project Navy’s mission and goals. military power from the sea worldwide in a timely and precise manner to accomplish a given objective. Naval power projection, as an Europe independent mission, is a means of supporting land or air campaigns. An essential element of With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the power projection is the Navy’s amphibious ships reunification of Germany, Europe has changed. that carry U.S. ground forces to enemy shores. Many of the old boundary lines that separated east and west have been removed, which has made Power projection covers a broad spectrum of travel between countries easier. Since the outcome offensive naval operations. These operations of the changes in Europe is difficult to predict, include nuclear response by fleet ballistic missile let’s look at some trends that have taken place submarines and use of carrier-based aircraft and over the last few years. amphibious assault forces. They also include naval As the Warsaw Pact navies have been growing bombardment of enemy targets ashore in support smaller, North Atlantic Treaty Organization of air or land campaigns. (NATO) naval forces have been maintaining their size. NATO naval forces have also significantly Naval forces have unrestricted global mobility upgraded their antisubmarine warfare, antisurface based on the traditional and time-honored warfare, and air defense capability. The German concept of the free use of international seas. In navy replaced its F-104s with the Tornado and many cases, naval forces can perform assigned upgraded NATO’s defense capability of the Baltic missions while remaining beyond the range of the approaches. U.S. Navy and Marine upgrades local enemy threat. The mobility of naval forces include the F/A-18, F-14D, and AV-8B. The seriously complicates the enemy’s detection and United States upgrade provides Supreme Allied targeting capability. Mobility also permits the Commander, Atlantic (SACLANT), with more concentration of naval forces and the element of offensive and defensive capability in the surprise. Norwegian and Mediterranean Seas. 1-3
  • 8. Figure 1-1.-Soviet global power projection. 1-4
  • 9. Figure 1-1.-Soviet global power projection-Continued. 1-5
  • 10. anticipation of future arms control talks. Although the Soviets may increase future with- drawals of troops from the European theater, they still have an impressive reserve and mobilization capacity. The Soviets are reducing their total force numbers and using the best of their excess equip- ment to modernize their remaining forces. The Soviets have taken on a long-range strategic nuclear modernization program to comply with strategic arms reduction treaty constraints expected in the future. The Soviets are replacing their large, out-of-date missiles with newer, more efficient and accurate missile systems. The Soviets will continue to upgrade their land- and sea-based ballistic missiles and bombers. As a whole, the Soviet Union is the maritime power (refer to figure 1-3 for assignment of Soviet forces) of the Warsaw Pact countries. The U.S. Navy’s role in combating that threat is to limit the Soviet Northern and Black Sea Fleets in their ability to deploy. Surface ships and submarines stationed at Severodvinsk must transit the Barents Straits and one of three other choke points to enter the Atlantic Ocean. The Greenland-Iceland gap is the northern choke point, the Iceland- England gap is the middle choke point, and the Danish Strait is the southern choke point. These three choke points are the United States’ and NATO’s last line of containment for the Northern Fleet. The Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol will be much easier to contain in the event of hostilities. To enter the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea Fleet must transit the Turkish Straits. Turkey, a NATO member and ally of the United States, could contain the Black Sea Fleet by sinking a ship in the Turkish Straits. Soviet ships on station in the Mediterranean Figure 1-2.-NATO regions and Soviet theaters of opera- must transit either the Strait of Gibraltar or the tions. Suez Canal to enter open water. U.S. allies bordering both choke points makes containment of Soviet ships in the Mediterranean Sea far less NATO is divided into three areas of difficult than restricting the Northern Fleet. responsibilities: Allied Forces Northern Europe When evaluating the Soviet naval force and (AFNORTH), Allied Forces Central Europe the challenge it presents, we would be wise to ask, (AFCENT), and Allied Forces Southern Europe What is the primary mission of the Soviet navy? (AFSOUTH) (fig. 1-2). The opposing Soviet Until 1953 we viewed support of land-based forces forces are also divided into three areas of vice worldwide power projection as the primary responsibility called theaters of operations (TVD). mission of the Soviet Navy. Since 1953 the Soviets They are the Northwestern TVD, Western TVD, have been developing their navy into a force and Southern TVD. capable of worldwide power projection. The Soviets want the world to view their primary The Warsaw Pact mission as worldwide power projection, when it is really the support of land-based forces. The Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev has been, Soviets have two basic problems in projecting that and plans to continue, making force cuts in image. First, they have a shortage of maritime air 1-6
  • 11. Figure 1-3.-Assignment of Soviet naval forces. 1-7
  • 12. Ocean or between the oil-rich gulf states and the rest of the world. About 10 percent of the world’s sea trade passes through the Suez Canal at the choke point of Babel Mandeb. Most of the Persian Gulf oil passes through the choke point at the Strait of Hormuz. Persian Gulf states are expanding overland oil pipe routes to lessen the importance of commerce through the Straits of Hormuz. The overland oil pipes will connect to terminals out- side the Persian Gulf. POSSIBLE ADVERSARIES. —The United States’ major goals in this region are to provide stability and unrestricted seaborne commerce and to ensure Western access to regional oil supplies. The United States also has strong ties to Israel and is committed to ensuring it remains strong Figure 1-4.-Middle East and Southwest Asia area of and independent. operation. Recent examples of the willingness of the United States to commit assets to the region include ship escorts from 1987 to 1988 during the support when operating outside the range of land- Iran-Iraq war. In August 1990 the United States base aircraft. Second, logistics support is generally committed a substantial naval force to the area supplied by their merchant fleet vice their navy. in support of Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. The goal of these operations was to deter Middle East and Southwest Asia Iraq from attacking Saudi Arabia and to convince Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. Total force The Middle East and Southwest Asia (fig. 1-4) commitment to Operation Desert Shield and area of operation includes northeast Africa, the Desert Storm included 6 carrier battle groups and Arabian Peninsula, and the area of Asia bordering 450,000 combat personnel. the Persian Gulf. The large geographic area of the region CONTROL OF SHIPPING. —U.S. naval provides for extremes of topography and climate. presence in the Middle East and Southwest Asia It has mountains higher than 24,000 feet and includes the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, deserts below sea level. Temperatures range from naval units of the Sixth and Seventh Fleets in the 130°F or more to below freezing. Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf, and U.S. Central This region has many different cultural, Command (USCENTCOM) forces. During peace- ethnic, and religious groups. At present six major time our forces in the Mediterranean consist of languages and hundreds of dialects are spoken in 1 or 2 aircraft carriers, with roughly 100 embarked that region. The region and people have a history aircraft, or a battleship; supporting cruisers, of conflict dating back to the Sumarians and the destroyers, and frigates; amphibious ships; ancient city of Ur in southern Babylonia (southern supply, fuel, and service ships; and nuclear sub- Iraq). marines. The Sixth Fleet also includes a 2,000-member Marine Expeditionary Unit (special CHOKE POINTS. —The Middle East and operations capable). USCENTCOM naval forces Southwest Asia are the principal sources of oil for in the region, under Commander Middle East the industrial countries. Located in the Persian Forces, routinely include a command ship and Gulf region is 55 percent of the world’s known four combatants. Additional forces available oil reserves. Oil from this area becomes more for USCENTCOM include 5 Army divisions and important as the use of oil grows and the world’s 2 brigades; 1 Marine Expeditionary Force reserves decrease. Hostile countries could use the (1 division and air wing); 21 Air Force tactical Strait of Gibraltar or the Suez Canal as choke fighter squadrons; B-52 bombers; 3 carrier points. That would disrupt international shipping battle groups; 1 battleship surface action group; between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian and 5 maritime patrol aircraft squadrons. 1-8
  • 13. The routine standing force ensures inter- The main mission of the Navy in the North national waterways remain open to shipping in African region is to keep the sea-lanes open. The the region and provides forward deployed U.S. secondary mission is to support interest and forces during hostilities. The optional forces political goals in the region. The major challenger available to USCENTCOM are used in crisis to U.S. sea power in the African theater of situations. They were deployed in support of operations is the Soviet Union. Minor challengers Operation Desert Shield when Iraq invaded include Libya (31-42 ships) and Guinea (2-3 ships). Kuwait in August 1990. SOUTHERN AFRICA. —The Soviets wish to Africa increase their influence in southern Africa. Countries currently friendly to the Soviets include Looking at the strategic importance of Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, we need to divide Africa into northern Africa and Botswana, Angola, and Namibia. southern Africa. From a naval viewpoint, northern Africa is important because it borders STRATEGIC RESOURCES. —Africa is the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. From an among the world’s richest continents in known economic or strategic resources viewpoint, mineral wealth. It has a large share of the world’s southern Africa is important because of the vast mineral resources in coal, petroleum, natural gas, wealth in minerals it exports to developed uranium, radium, low-cost thorium, and other countries. valuable ores. The abundant natural resources available in NORTHERN AFRICA. —Countries receiving Africa make it strategically important to Western Soviet military aid in northern Africa include nations. The Navy may now appear to have no Guinea, Mali, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, and role in this area except in the Mediterranean Sea Ethiopia. Of those countries, only Libya has been and Red Sea. However, we may be called upon openly hostile to the United States. to support U.S. interest in the many regional For many years Libya openly sponsored conflicts happening in Africa. An example of one terrorist groups and carried out acts of aggression of the regional conflicts is the civil war in Liberia, in the Gulf of Sidra. However, Libya has on Africa’s western coast. President Bush ordered decreased its level of aggression since the U.S. a Marine amphibious group to that area in May Navy lead Operation El Dorado on 15 April 1986. 1990 to evacuate personnel. Through September Operation El Dorado was a joint Air Force 1990, the Marines evacuated more than 2,100 and Navy mission composed of strike aircraft people, including over 200 U.S. citizens. based aboard the USS America (CV66) and USS Coral Sea (CV43) and F-111 Air Force bombers The Far East based in England. Using a high-speed, low- altitude approach, 12 Navy A-6Es struck the Subic Bay Naval Base and Clark Air Base are Benin airfield and Benghazi military barracks. At strategically important to U.S. interests in the the same time, 12 F-111s struck the Aziziyah Far East. We could lose both bases because their barracks, the Sidi Bilal terrorist training camp, leases must be periodically renegotiated with the and the Tripoli military airport. Navy and Marine Philippine government. These bases are on the F/A-18s destroyed surface-to-air missile sites, sea-lanes and air routes to the Indian Ocean and while Navy E-2Ds, Navy and Marine EA-6Bs, and the Persian Gulf. Both bases played a vital role Air Force F-11 1s provided electronic counter- in Operation Desert Shield. The bases also play measures and command and control support. a vital role in extending the range of U.S. forces. Navy F-14s and F/A-18s were on station to Much of the world’s oil that travels by ship provide fighter support. through the various straits in the Indonesian area The successful attack caught the Libyans by are within range of U.S. bases in the Philippines. surprise. Except for sporadic surface-to-air The U.S. strategic objective in the East Asia missiles, the Libyans did not engage the U.S. and Pacific area is to deter war. Strategic strike strike force. The United States’ display of force capability, Pacific Command (PACOM) forces, and stated willingness to strike again has played bilateral defense treaties, forward deployment and a major role in deterring Libyan President basing, and weapons technology all contribute to Muammar Muhammad al-Qaddafi from sponsoring deterrence in the region. If deterrence fails, the further terrorist attacks against Americans. United States and the Soviet Union could become 1-9
  • 14. Figure 1-5.-Soviet operations in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Northwest Pacific. engaged in conflict, If that happens our mission have engaged in an alarming trend of acquiring will be to contain the Soviet Pacific Fleet in the nuclear-capable ballistic missile systems. Saudi Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan (fig. 1-5). Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, and other Middle Eastern countries are working hard to THE NUCLEAR THREAT acquire nuclear capability. In contrast to the Third World countries, the United States, the NATO During the past the major nuclear powers have countries, and the Soviet Union are working to done a good job in managing the nucIear threat. reduce the number of nuclear weapons in their However, newly emerging Third World countries arsenals. 1-10
  • 15. Arms Control Present Posture The American quest for stability and the The Soviet navy could pose the greatest willingness of the Soviets to bargain have led to potential threat to the U.S. Navy. Realistically, arms control negotiations. That is not a new however, small Third World navies now pose effort. A history of arms control agreements more of an actual threat to U.S. naval forces. exists between the two superpowers stretching Since the U.S. Navy is primarily prepared to back to 1959. engage the Soviet navy, we will compare U.S. and The first round of Strategic Arms Limitation Soviet maritime missions. Talks (SALT), concluded in 1972, produced the The Soviet navy’s primary mission is to be Antiballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty that severely prepared to conduct strategic nuclear strikes from restricts the deployment of ABM systems by either SSBNs operating in protected waters close to the country. The SALT I also produced the Interim Soviet Union. The key to carrying out that Agreement on Strategic Offensive Arms that mission is strategic defense of seaward approaches placed limits on the number of strategic nuclear to the Soviet Union. The Soviet navy, air weapons. That agreement was to remain in effect force, and army will try to control the Soviet for 5 years, but both countries pledged to abide Union’s peripheral seas and key land masses. by its provisions until further negotiations were The Soviets’ aim in controlling these areas concluded. is to deny Western access to areas needed to In 1974 both countries agreed to maintain an threaten Soviet SSBNs. The Soviets usually equal number of strategic delivery vehicles. create sea denial zones up to 2,000 kilometers Additionally, they agreed to sublimit the number from the Soviet mainland. The primary targets of delivery vehicles they could equip with in the sea denial zones are sea-launched cruise- multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle missile-equipped submarines, surface ships, and (MIRV) warheads. Those agreements formed the aircraft carriers. basis for the SALT II agreement in 1979. SALT II continued the agreement of equal limits but Disruption of U.S. supply lines to Europe and lowered the level of limitation on strategic Asia is another Soviet objective. The Soviets will weapons delivery systems. That new agreement attempt to interdict sea lines of communications forced the Soviet Union to dismantle several (SLOC) and establish sea denial zones. During hundred missile launchers. In addition, the conflict the Soviets are expected to attack critical SALT II agreement placed sublimits on MIR V SLOCs that link the United States and its allies. ballistic missiles in general and on MIR V The Soviet submarine force plays a primary role intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in in the disruption of SLOCs. particular. A provision, which accompanies The U.S. national security strategy is based the basic treaty, imposes restraints on the on deterrence, forward defense, and collective development of new and more sophisticated security. Forward-deployed U.S. and allied weapons. combat ready naval forces can provide a visible The United States sees arms control as an deterrent to any country bordered by an ocean important complement to the strategy of or a sea. These forces operate globally in support deterrence. We are seeking to reach an agreement of bilateral and multilateral commitments and with the Soviet Union on a Strategic Arms project military power in support of national Reduction Treaty (START). Our objective is to policy and interest. U.S. naval forces have four enhance strategic stability through equal and primary peacetime objectives: verifiable limitations on both sides. Despite some key differences on issues, we are confident an 1. Defending the continental United States agreement can be reached. (CONUS) from attack In negotiations the United States will continue 2. Assuring freedom of the seas and pro- to try to limit American-Soviet competition in tecting important SLOCs from adversaries strategic nuclear forces. The United States will 3. Providing regional stability by supporting continue to pursue the basic objectives of strategic friends and deterring aggression deterrence, adequate stability, and equivalence. 4. Functioning as a visible power projection That process began with the SALT I agreement force capable of responding to crises and and has progressed through the SALT II and low-intensity conflicts on short notice START. anywhere in the world 1-11
  • 16. Should deterrence fail, the U.S. Navy’s SURFACE SHIPS. —The Soviet Union and mission is the forward defense of the United States the U.S. naval surface forces have different and its allies. The key objective is protection of missions (fig. 1-7). The Soviets are primarily a SLOCs from the United States to Europe and coastal navy emerging into a blue water fleet. Asia. To accomplish that objective, the U.S. Navy The Soviets can provide only limited long-range will engage Soviet naval forces in the Soviet “sea power projection of surface forces or naval air control” and “sea denial” zones. The overall superiority. These limitations result from their objective of the engagement will be to remove the primary mission of providing protection to the enemy’s offensive and defensive capabilities and mainland and defending the ballistic missile ensure freedom of the seas for the United States submarine force close to the mainland. and its allies while deterring Soviet use of nuclear The principle weakness of the Soviet navy is weapons at sea. its relative lack of priority in providing underway replenishment. The Soviets rely on their extensive merchant fleet to provide supplies to ships SUBMARINES. —The last U.S. diesel sub- engaged in sustained long-range operations. marine, the USS Blueback (SS 581), was Another weakness of the Soviet surface navy decommissioned on 1 October 1990. The remaining is the lack of long-range air power like that U.S. attack submarine force is composed of provided by a U.S. carrier battle group. That Sturgeon-, Skipjack-, Skate-, Permit-, and situation will change somewhat as aircraft carriers Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered submarines now under construction are brought into service (SSNs). The United States SSBNs form the sea during the 1990s. leg of the U.S. Trident nuclear deterrent. The SSBN force includes the Lafayette-, James AIRCRAFT. —Soviet shipborne capable air- Madison-, Benjamin Franklin-, and Ohio-class craft are primarily limited to helicopters and submarines (fig. 1-6). vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) The United States has a smaller, but more aircraft. The Soviets are increasing their air effective, submarine force than the Soviets capability with the introduction of the new Tbilisi- because of a superior knowledge of submarine class aircraft carrier that will include the new technology. That technology has resulted in Yak-41 V/STOL fighter and the Su-27 Flanker. superior submarine quieting systems, combat Despite the introduction of that class of aircraft systems, and antisubmarine warfare (ASW) open carrier, Soviet naval aviation (refer to table 1-1) ocean acoustic surveillance and detection systems. will remain primarily a land-based force. These systems enable the United States and its U.S. naval aviation (refer to table 1-2) is a allies to maintain a superior technological and versatile multimission force capable of providing numerical advantage over the Soviet submarine fleet defense, ASW, and long-range strike and force. attack capability. The United States should The principle Soviet platform for both continue to retain a significant advantage in offensive and defensive naval warfare is the seaborne air power for the foreseeable future. submarine. The Soviets use the SSBN as their principle strategic platform. They use attack (SS CHEMICAL AND and SSN) and cruise missile (SSGN) submarines BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS to counter submarine and surface ship threats. The SS, SSN, and SSGN submarines are the The increase of chemical and biological primary threat to U.S. and allied sea lines of weapons has become a global problem. To date, communications (SLOCs). The Soviet navy has more countries than ever have chemical and the world’s largest general-purpose submarine biological weapons. It is alarming that many of force, totaling about 300 active units. We expect these countries are in areas of strategic importance the Soviets to decrease their submarine force in to the United States. In the Middle East the number during the 1990s and beyond. That problem is particularly acute. decrease will occur as they replace older sub- Third World countries view the use of marines with newer diesel and nuclear-powered chemical and biological weapons differently than submarines. The decrease in the total number of the United States. The United States’ stance on submarines will not lessen the threat of their chemical and biological weapons is “that it is submarine force because of improvements in abhorrent, reprehensible, and unacceptable that design, stealth, and combat capability. chemical weapons ever be used against the men 1-12
  • 17. Figure 1-6.-U.S. and Soviet submarine forces comparison. 1-13
  • 18. Figure 1-7.-Soviet Union and United States surface ship comparison. 1-14
  • 19. Table 1-1.-Soviet Naval Seaborne and Land-Based Aircraft Table 1-2.-U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Seaborne and Land-Based Aircraft - and women of the armed forces of the United States or its allies and that the United States will do all it can to prevent such use.” A statement made by the foreign minister of Syria is an example of the attitude of Third World countries. He said, “It is unacceptable, given continued Israeli occupation and the disequilibrium existing in our region, to adopt selective concepts and methods aimed at disarmament concerning only 1-15
  • 20. one kind of mass destruction weapon without of the leaders of Iran, Iraq, and Libya in their taking into account the need of disarmament use of chemical weapons. concerning other forms.” Clearly, these countries consider chemical and biological weapons as an Iran economical alternative to nuclear weapons. They are unwilling to talk of disarmament without Iran has been hostile toward the United States linking chemical and biological weapons to since radical, religious forces overthrew the nuclear weapons. government in 1979. Iran is an Islamic Republic The rise of chemical and biological weapons with ties to the Soviet Union, from whom it buys in the Middle East has been linked to Israel and many of its military weapons. France. Israel and France were joint partners in During the 8-year Iraq-Iran war, the United a nuclear warhead development program from States supported Iraqi President Saddam Hussein 1957 to 1959. France successfully tested a nuclear in an attempt to topple the Iranian government. device in 1960. Israel used its connection with In a strange turn of events, the United States France to obtain a research reactor from France. asked Iran for support of Operation Desert Israel will neither confirm nor deny that it has Shield. nuclear weapons, but for many years Israel was Also during 1987 to 1988, U.S. warships thought to possess between 20 to 25 devices of ensured freedom of passage to tankers carrying 20-kiloton size. New evidence suggests that Israel oil through the Persian Gulf. U.S. forces engaged has between 100 and 200 nuclear warheads and elements of the Iranian navy and attacked Iranian can produce thermonuclear devices. Israel also has oil platforms in the Persian Gulf. weapons delivery systems in the form of aircraft, The Iranians have an arsenal of Soviet SS-1 the Lance missile (mobile, 100-kilometer range), (Scud-B) missiles and would like to develop and the Jerico 2 missile (mobile, 1500-kilometer their surface-to-surface missile capability. Iran range). wants to purchase the Chinese M-9 missile In an attempt to decrease the number of (600-kilometer range). The Iranians claim they can nuclear weapons in the Middle East, countries in produce their own version of the SS-1. They have that region have conducted preemptive strikes on produced a version of the Chinese Type 53 nuclear reactors. In September 1980 the Iranians artillery rocket, called the Oghab, that has a led a strike against an Iraqi reactor at Osarik. The 40-kilometer range. Iran is also perfecting an attack damaged the reactor but did not destroy unguided rocket called the Iran 130, which has it. The Israelis destroyed the Osarik reactor with a range of 130 kilometers. These missiles and an air strike in June 1981. rockets can be fitted with chemical warheads The chemical agent most likely to be used by as well as conventional warheads. The United countries desiring to produce chemical weapons States believes Iran has a stockpile of mustard is the nerve agent Tabun. (Refer to tables 1-3 and gas and phosgene and may be trying to obtain 1-4 for a description of chemical agents and nerve gas. defenses.) Any country that has the capability of Iraq producing organophosphorus pesticides can easily produce Tabun. Other types of nerve agents are Iraq is a Soviet client state in the Middle East. more difficult to produce, but could be done with From 1980 to 1990 Iraq built up its military until help from industrialized countries. Countries in it became the sixth largest military power in the the Middle East with known or suspected chemical world. In August 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait. The weapons capability include Israel, Egypt, Libya, stated Iraqi reason for the invasion was a policy Syria, Iran, and Iraq. difference with Kuwait concerning the price and production quota of Kuwaiti oil. The United States intervened on behalf of Saudi Arabia to EMERGENCE OF THIRD stop the Iraqi advance short of the Saudi oil WORLD COUNTRIES fields. Iraq is working to purchase the technology to Of the emerging Third World countries, Iran, build nuclear weapons. The customs agents of the Iraq, Libya, and Syria deserve a special look United States and England have worked together because of their past hostility toward the United to slow the Iraqi effort. They recently intercepted States. More alarming than the past hostility a shipment of electronic components, suitable for towards the United States is the cavalier attitude use in nuclear weapons, bound for Iraq. 1-16
  • 21. Table 1-3.-Properties of Chemical Agents 1-17
  • 22. Table 1-4.—Defense against Chemical Agents TYPE OF U.S. AGENT PHYSICAL NORMAL MEANS MEANS OF PROTECTION PERSONNEL SELF AID/ AGENT EQUIVALENT CHARACTERISTICS OF DISSEMINATION DETECTION REQUIRED DECONTAMINATION SYMPTOMS BUDDY-AID GA/Tabun Colorless. Aerosal or vapor. M256A1 and Protective mask None needed. Difficult breathing Nerve agent anti- GB/Sarin M4256 Kits and clothing. convulsions, drool- dote injection, i.e., GD/Soman CWDD. ing, vomiting, 2-PAM C1 & NERVE CAM. dimmed vision. atropine. Artifi- cial respiration may be necessary. VX Liquid droplets. All of the Flush eyes. with water Thickened above plus Decontaminate skin G-Agents M8 and M9 with M258A1 Kit. Paper. HD/Mustard Pale yellow. Liquid droplets. M256A1 and Protective Flush eyes with HD & HN-No None. 1-18 HN/Nitrogen Dark yellow. M256 Kits. mask and water. Decon- early symptoms. L/Lewisite Dark, oily. M8 and M9 clothing. taminate skin L & HL-searing BLISTER HL/Mustard- Dark, oily. Paper. with M256A1 Kit. of eyes & stinging Lewisite of skin. CX/Phosgene Colorless. CX-irritation of Oxime eyes & nose. AC/Hydrogen Colorless. Vapor (Gas). M256A1 and Protective None. Incapacitates; None. BLOOD Cyanide M256 Kits. mask. kills if high Artificial respiration CK/Cyanogen concentration may be necessary. Chloride is inhaled. CG/Phosgene Colorless. Vapor (Gas). M256A1 and Protective None. Damages and None. CHOKING M256 Kits. mask. floods lungs. For severe symptoms, avoid movement and keep warm.
  • 23. The Iraqis have chemical weapons and have East, and the Americas. These areas are changing, used them both inside their country and against and the outcome of the changes could have an Iran. Iran claimed to be victim to 253 chemical impact on the Navy’s mission and goals. attacks during its war with Iraq. The United The United States, NATO, and the Soviet Nations investigated the Iranian claims and found Union have been negotiating treaties to reduce the evidence to confirm Iraq’s widespread use of amount of nuclear weapons they own. In contrast, mustard gas and nerve agent GA (Tabun). many newly emerging Third World countries are The Iraqis possess a stockpile of SS-1 (Scud-B) trying to obtain the technology to produce and Frog 7 missiles. They may also have the SS-12 chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. missile, capable of carrying both nuclear and chemical warheads. The addition of the SS-12 missile has allowed Iraq to carry out long-range REFERENCES missile attacks against its enemies, including Israel. Iraq has developed two surface-to-surface Cheney, Dick, “The Heart of the Soviet Threat,” missiles: the al-Husayn (650-kilometer range) and Defense, Volume 90, January/February 1990, the al-Abos (900-kilometer range). pp. 2-7. Libya Harristy, Admiral Huntington, “Pacific Watch- word is Change,” Defense, Volume 90, Libya openly sponsored terrorist attacks May/June 1990, pp. 16-23. against U.S. military personnel in Europe. After Miller, A. J., “Towards Armageddon: The the United States attacked Libya in response to Proliferation of Unconventional Weapons and a terrorist attack, terrorist attacks worldwide have Ballistic Missiles in the Middle East, ” The decreased. Libya has not recently challenged the Journal of Strategic Studies, December 1989, United States; however, it remains a threat pp. 387-401. because of its large chemical weapon capability. Libya may have used chemical weapons Powell, General Colin L., “Changes and Chal- against Chad in 1986. Libya has also drawn inter- lenges: An Overview,” Defense, Volume 90, national attention over its efforts to secure nerve May/June 1990, pp. 8-15. gas technology. German companies supplying —, “Is the Future What It Used to Be?”, Defense, Libya with technology unknowingly helped Libya Volume 90, January/February 1990, pp. 3-7. develop its present chemical warfare capability. —, “U.S. Military Doctrine: The Way We Syria Were—and Are,” Defense, Volume 90, March/April 1990, pp. 16-20. Syria may be the United States’ most formida- ble opponent in the Middle East because of its —, “The Middle East and Southwest Asia,” offensive chemical weapons capabilities. Syria is Defense, Volume 90, January/February 1990, thought to own a wide range of chemical weapons pp. 17-22. including the nerve agent GB (Sarin). Schwarzkopf, General H. Norman, ‘‘Turmoil- The Syrian arsenal includes the Soviet SS-1, Middle East Business as Usual,” Defense, SS-12 (with warheads for chemical agents Volume 90, May/June 1990, pp. 24-30. including nerve agent VX), and possibly the Chinese M-9 missiles. Soviet Military Power: Prospects for Changes 1989, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, SUMMARY D.C., 1989. Welch, Thomas J., “The Growing Global Menace Over the last 200 years, the Navy has of Chemical and Biological Warfare,” progressed from a small force of two ships to one Defense, Volume 90, July/August 1989, pp. of the largest navies in the world. The mission of 19-27. the Navy includes naval presence, sea control, and power projection. Wolfowitz, Paul D., “Strategic Thinking in The Navy’s traditional theaters of operations Today’s Dynamic Times,” Defense, Volume include Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Far 90, January/February 1990, pp. 9-11. 1-19
  • 24.
  • 25. CHAPTER 2 MILITARY CONDUCT AND JUSTICE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1. Describe how to conduct a preliminary investi- 3. Describe the content of the Standard Organiza- gation of offenses. tion and Regulations of the U. S. Navy. 2. Recognize the purpose and content of U.S. 4. Explain the Status of Forces Agreement Navy Regulations. concerning members of the armed forces in foreign countries. The topics in this chapter deal primarily with against someone goes through a series of steps regulations that senior enlisted personnel should from the time it leaves the initiator to the time be aware of to perform their job with consistency. of the preliminary inquiry. We will first examine the procedures for con- The legal officer receives the complaint and ducting a preliminary investigation of offenses. drafts charges and specifications against the Then we will introduce you to the purpose and accused on a locally prepared report chit form. content of both U.S. Navy Regulations and Following the guidelines of part IV of the Manual Standard Organization and Regulations of the for Courts-Martial, 1984 (MCM), the legal officer U.S. Navy. We will close the chapter with a writes the charges and specifications using court- discussion of the Status of Forces Agreement martial language. The charges and specifications (SOFA). are then typed on the NAVPERS 1626/7, Report and Disposition of Offense(s) form (figs. 2-1 and 2-2). The accused’s service record supplies THE PRELIMINARY the information required on the front of the INVESTIGATION report chit. The legal officer or the person who submitted the complaint then signs the report. At some point in your career, the legal officer The legal officer conducts a personal interview may assign you to serve as a preliminary inquiry with the accused to inform, the person of his officer (PIO). As the PIO you will conduct an or her rights under article 31(b) of the Uniform investigation of offenses before a captain’s mast Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). When the takes place. You will only investigate relatively accused acknowledges he or she understands minor offenses that are not under investigation his or her rights, he or she then signs the by the Naval Investigative Service (NIS) or a fact- ACKNOWLEDGED block and the disciplinary finding body. or legal officer signs the WITNESSED block. REPORT AND DISPOSITION OF THE ACCUSED SHOULD NOT BE INTER- OFFENSE(S) (REPORT CHIT) ROGATED AT THIS TIME. The legal officer should determine and recommend to the com- Naval personnel may be reported for offenses manding officer or executive officer what involving military conduct or justice. A complaint restraint, if any, should be imposed at this time. 2-1
  • 26. Figure 2-1 .-Report and Disposition of Offense(s) Form (NAVPERS 1626/7) (Front). 2-2
  • 27. Figure 2-2.-Report and Disposition of Offense(s) Form (NAVPERS 1626/7) (Back). 2-3
  • 28. PRELIMINARY INQUIRY 4. Originals or copies of documentary evidence The legal officer forwards the report chit to 5. If the accused waives all his or her rights, you. Once you receive it, you can begin conducting a signed sworn statement by the accused; the preliminary inquiry of the reported offense. or a summary of the interrogation of You shouId usually conduct the inquiry informally. the accused, signed and sworn to by the Your final report on the preliminary inquiry accused; or both should consist of the following items: 6. Any additional comments you feel are necessary 1. Report and Disposition of Offense(s) (NAVPERS 1626/7) Objective 2. Investigator’s Report (fig. 2-3) 3. Statements or summaries of interviews with Your primary objective in conducting the all witnesses; sworn statements, if possible preliminary inquiry is to collect all available (fig. 2-4) evidence pertaining to the alleged offense(s). Your Figure 2-3.-lnvestigator’s Report. 2-4
  • 29. first step is to become familiar with those of the case. The information will also help the paragraphs of the Manual for Courts-Martial, commanding officer decide what nonjudicial 1984 (MCM) describing the alleged offense(s). punishment (NJP), if any, is appropriate. Items Part IV of the MCM describes those actions the of interest to the commanding officer include: military considers offenses. Within each paragraph is a section entitled “Elements” that The accused’s currently assigned duties lists the requirements for proof of the offense. Evaluation of his or her performance Be careful to focus your attention on the correct element of proof. Copy down the elements of The accused’s attitudes and ability to get proof to help you in your search for relevant along with others evidence. Your job is to search for anything that Personal difficulties or hardships the might prove or disprove an element of proof. You accused is willing to discuss must remain impartial. Your second objective is to collect information Statements given by supervisors, peers, and about the accused. That information will aid the the accused provide the best source of informa- commanding officer in making proper disposition tion about the accused. Figure 2-4.-Witness’ Statement. 2-5
  • 30. Interrogate Witnesses Request that witnesses who have relevant information make a sworn statement. If you You can obtain a significant amount of infor- interview a witness by telephone, write a summary mation from the witnesses. Start by interrogating of the interview and certify it to be true. the person who initiated the report and the Elicit all relevant information during your people listed as witnesses. You may discover interview of a witness. One method is to start with other persons having relevant information when a general survey question. Ask the witness to relate questioning these people. everything he or she knows about the case. Then follow-up with more specific questions. After Don’t begin the inquiry by interrogating the speaking with the witness, help the witness write accused. The accused has the greatest motive for a statement that is thorough, relevant, orderly, lying or distorting the truth—if the accused is and clear. The substance of the statement must guilty. Leave the interrogation of the accused consist of the witness’s thoughts, knowledge, or until last. Even when the accused has admitted beliefs about the accused. Limit your assistance guilt, you should first collect all other evidence to helping the witness express himself or herself collaborating the confession of the accused. accurately and effectively in writing. Figure 2-5.-Suspect’s Rights Acknowledgment/Statement (Front). 2-6
  • 31. Collecting Documentary Evidence familiar with the Military Rules of Evidence concerning searches and seizures. The Manual for Collect documentary evidence such as Shore Courts-Martial, 1984 contains the Military Rules Patrol reports, log entries, watch bills, service of Evidence. Take photographs of an object if it record entries, local instructions, or organizational is too large to bring to NJP proceedings. Leave manuals. Attach the original or a certified copy real evidence in the custody of a law enforcement of relevant documents to the investigator’s report. agency unless otherwise directed; however, Check to see if you, as investigator, have the personally examine the evidence. authority to certify relevant documents. If you do, Advise the Accused write on the documents the words certified to be a true copy, and sign your name. Before questioning the accused, have the accused sign the acknowledgement line on the Collecting Real Evidence front of the report chit and initial any attached Real evidence is a physical object, such as a pages. knife used in an assault or a stolen camera in a Use the Suspect’s Rights Acknowledgment/ theft case. Before seeking real evidence, become Statement form (figs. 2-5 and 2-6) as a checklist Figure 2-6.-Suspect’s Rights Acknowledgment/Statement (Back). 2-7
  • 32. to ensure you correctly advise the accused of his the accused draft the statement, but you must be or her rights before asking any questions. When careful not to put words in the accused’s mouth you first meet the accused, fill in this page as your or trick the accused into saying something he or first order of business. You may serve as your own she does not intend to say. If you type the state- witness that you advised the accused of his or her ment, permit the accused to read it over carefully rights by signing this form; no one else is required. and make any necessary changes. The accused should initial any changes, and you should witness Interrogate the Accused them in writing. Oral statements are admissible into evidence You may question the accused ONLY IF HE against the accused. If the accused does not wish OR SHE HAS KNOWINGLY AND INTELLI- to put his or her statements in writing, attach a GENTLY WAIVED HIS OR HER STATUTORY certified summary of the interrogation to your RIGHTS. If the accused makes the waiver, record report. If the accused makes a written statement it on the accused’s statement. If the accused asked but omits some of the statements made orally, add you if he or she should waive his or her rights, a certified summary of items omitted from the decline to answer or give advice. You are only accused’s statement. authorized to advise the accused of his or her rights. Never advise the accused on legal matters. Let the accused obtain a lawyer if he or she so U.S. NAVY REGULATIONS desires. After the accused waives his or her rights, The 12 chapters of Navy Regulations (Navy begin the questioning in a low-keyed manner. Regs) describe the authority and responsibilities Permit the accused to give his or her own version of the offices within the Department of the Navy. of the incident. When the accused has finished They also describe the regulations concerning the presenting the facts, begin to probe with pointed procedures, authority, and command of those questions. Confront the accused with incon- offices. Navy Regs also covers honors and sistencies in the story or contradictions with ceremonies, the rights and responsibilities of other evidence. Remember, a confession that is persons in the Department of the Navy, and the not voluntary cannot be used as evidence. purpose and force of these regulations. Any confession that is obtained by coercion, Each ship and station has complete copies of unlawful influence, or unlawful inducement is not Navy Regs available to all personnel. Also voluntary. available is an excellent nonresident training The following are some examples of coercion, course entitled Navy Regulations, NAVEDTRA unlawful influence, or an unlawful inducement: 13082, which you are encouraged to complete. Your educational services officer (ESO) can help • questioning ofaccompanied by deprivation Infliction bodily harm, including you order this course. The following sections list articles (with a of the necessities of life, such as food, condensation of their text, if appropriate) from sleep, or adequate clothing United States Navy Regulations, 1990 that senior enlisted personnel in the Navy should know. This • Threat of bodily harm listing serves only as a starting place for you to learn about Navy regulations. You are responsible • deprivation or threats of or necessities or Imposition of privileges confinement, for learning and obeying all regulations. These regulations are not punitive articles, but laws under which the Navy operates. Many exist • Promises of committed or clemency as to any offense immunity by the accused for your own protection. Failure to obey any regulation subjects the offender to charges under article 92, UCMJ (Failure to obey order or • Promises of reward ortobenefit,the threats of disadvantage likely induce or accused regulation). When the article itself is self-explanatory, the to make the confession or statement article is presented in block quotation exactly as stated in Navy Regs; no further explanation is If the accused desires to make a written state- given. Articles that are lengthy and, in some cases, ment, make sure the accused has acknowledged difficult to interpret are paraphrased to give you and waived all of his or her rights. You may help a brief overview of the contents of the article. 2-8
  • 33. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR Secretary of the Navy. Section 2B outlines the UNITED STATES NAVY responsibilities of staff assistants within the REGULATIONS Department of the Navy. Chapter 1 contains the 0100 article series. This THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS chapter discusses the origin of Navy Regs, the statutory authority, issuance of other directives, Chapter 4 contains the 0400 article series. This and maintenance of Navy regulations. chapter describes the responsibilities of the Chief of Naval Operations. 0103. Purpose and Effect of United States Navy THE COMMANDANT OF THE Regulations MARINE CORPS United States Navy Regulations is the Chapter 5 covers the 0500 article series. This principle regulatory document of the chapter outlines the responsibilities of the Department of the Navy, endowed with Commandant of the Marine Corps. the sanction of law, as to duty, authority, distinctions and relationships of various THE UNITED STATES COAST commands, officials and individuals. GUARD (WHEN OPERATING AS A Other directives issued within the Depart- SERVICE IN THE NAVY) ment of the Navy shall not conflict with, alter or amend any provision of Navy Chapter 6 covers the 0600 article series. Regulations. The United States Coast Guard is normally a component of the Department of Transportation; however, upon declaration of war or when 0107. Maintenance of Navy Regulations directed by the President, the Coast Guard operates as a component within the Department The Chief of Naval Operations is responsible of the Navy. This chapter assigns the duties of for maintaining Navy Regulations. Whenever the Commandant of the Coast Guard and outlines any person in the Navy believes a change to Navy the duties and responsibilities of the office of the Regulations is needed, that person should forward Commandant. a draft of the change through the chain of command along with a statement of the reasons COMMANDERS IN CHIEF for the change. The Secretary of the Navy must AND OTHER COMMANDERS approve all additions, changes or deletions to Navy Regulations. Chapter 7 covers the 0700 article series. This chapter is divided into three sections. Section 1 describes the titles and duties of commanders. THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Section 2 explains the organization of a staff and the authority and responsibility of the staff Chapter 2 covers the 0200 article series. This officers. Section 3 outlines the administration and chapter discusses the origin and authority of the discipline of the staff of a commander or a Department of the Navy and briefly covers its separate and detached command. mission and composition. THE COMMANDING OFFICER THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY Chapter 8 contains the 0800 article series. This chapter is divided into three sections. Section 1 Chapter 3 covers the 0300 article series. This describes the general authority and responsibilities chapter is divided into two sections and two of the commanding officer. Section 2 outlines the subsections. Section 1 outlines the responsibilities additional responsibilities of commanding officers of the Secretary of the Navy. Section 2 describes afloat. Section 3, divided into two subsections, the composition, responsibility, and authority of covers special circumstances. Subsection A the Office of the Secretary of the Navy. Section concerns ships in naval stations and shipyards, 2A outlines the responsibilities of civilian and subsection B contains regulations governing executive assistants within the Office of the prospective commanding officers. 2-9
  • 34. 0801. Applicability f. Naval Military Personnel Manual (for Navy personnel) or Marine Corps Per- The provisions of this chapter apply to sonnel Manual (for Marine Corps person- officers in charge (including petty officers when nel). so detailed) and those persons standing the command duty. THE SENIOR OFFICER PRESENT 0818. Publishing and Posting Orders and Regu- Chapter 9 covers the 0900 article series. lations The chapter deals with the duties of both the senior officer present afloat and ashore. 1. In accordance with Article 137 of It defines eligibility for command at sea, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the authority and responsibility, and authority articles specifically enumerated therein within separate commands within the command. shall be carefully explained to each enlisted It discusses relations with diplomatic and person: consular representatives and international treaties a. At the time of entrance on and laws. It outlines the actions of U.S. naval active duty or within six days thereafter, forces within a vicinity of other armed forces. b. Again, after completion of six The remainder of the chapter deals with the months active duty; and relationships of the senior officer present with c. Again, upon the occasion of foreigners; readiness and safety of forces; each reenlistment. and general policies such as shore patrol, 2. A text of the articles specifically leave and liberty, assistance to ships, aircraft enumerated in Article 137 of the Uniform and persons in distress, and admiralty claims. Code of Military Justice shall be posted in a conspicuous place or places, readily ac- cessible to all personnel of the command. PRECEDENCE, AUTHORITY 3. Instructions concerning the AND COMMAND Uniform Code of Military Justice and appropriate articles of Navy Regulations Chapter 10 contains the 1000 article series. shall be included in the training and educa- This chapter is divided into four sections. Section tional program of the command. 1 describes the precedence of officers and defines 4. Such general orders, orders from officers as line officers, staff officers, and higher authority, and other matters which warrant officers. Section 2 explains the authority the commanding officer considers of in- of officers in the Navy. Section 3 describes the terest to the personnel or profitable for detailing of officers and enlisted persons. Section them to know shall be published to the 4 contains the regulations pertaining to succession command as soon as practicable. Such of command. matters shall also be posted, in whole or in part, in a conspicuous place or places readily accessible to personnel of the 1020. Exercise of Authority command. 5. Upon the request of any person on All persons in the naval service on active active duty in the armed services, the duty, those on the retired list with pay, following publications shall be made and transferred members of the Fleet Reserve available for that person’s personal and the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve are at examination: all times subject to naval authority. While a. A complete text of the Uniform on active duty they may exercise authority Code of Military Justice, over all persons who are subordinate to b. Manual for Courts-Martial, them. However, they may not exercise that c. Navy Regulations, authority if on leave of absence, except as d. Manual of the Judge Advocate noted in this article; on the sick list; taken General, into custody; under arrest; suspended from e. Marine Corps Manual (for duty; in confinement; or otherwise incapable Marine Corps personnel), of discharging their duties. 2-10
  • 35. 1021. Authority Over Subordinates 1038. Authority of a Sentry This article gives officers the authority A sentry, within the limits stated in his necessary to perform their duties. or her orders, has authority over all per- sons on his or her post. 1022. Delegation of Authority 1039. Authority of Juniors To Issue Orders The delegation of authority and issu- to Seniors ance of orders and instructions by a per- son in the naval service shall not relieve No member of the armed forces is such person from any responsibility imposed authorized by virtue of his or her rank upon him or her. He or she shall ensure alone to give any order or grant any that the delegated authority is properly privilege, permission, or liberty to any of- exercised and that his or her orders and ficer senior to him or her. A member is not instructions are properly executed. required to receive such order, privilege, permission, or liberty from a junior, unless 1023. Abuse of Authority such junior is at the time: a. in command of the ship or other Persons in authority are forbidden to command to which the senior is attached injure their subordinates by tyrannical or b. in command or direction of the capricious conduct, or by abusive military expedition or duty on which such language. senior is serving c. an executive officer executing an 1024. Contradictory and Conflicting Orders order of the commanding officer An enlisted person who receives an order GENERAL REGULATIONS that annuls, suspends, or modifies one received from another superior will immediately relate Chapter 11 contains the 1100 article series. that fact to the superior from whom the last This chapter is divided into five sections. Section order was received. If, after receiving that 1 covers the topic of administration of discipline. information, the superior from whom the last Section 2 outlines the standards of conduct. order was received should insist upon the Section 3 contains regulations governing official execution of that order, the person must obey records. Section 4 explains the general duties of it. The person receiving and executing such individuals within the Navy. Section 5 defines the order will report the circumstances as soon rights and restrictions of persons in the naval as practicable to the superior from whom the service. original order was received. 1111. Pecuniary Dealings With Enlisted Persons 1033. Authority in a Boat No officer should have any dealings involving This article provides the senior line officer money with enlisted persons except as may be eligible for command at sea the authority over all required in the performance of the officer’s persons embarked in a boat. It also delegates the duties or as involved in the sale of personal officer responsibility for the safety and manage- property. An officer may be designated by ment of the boat. superior authority to accept deposits from enlisted personnel for the purpose of safe- 1037. Authority of Warrant Officers, Noncom- guarding these funds under emergency or missioned Officers, and Petty Officers operational situations. Chief warrant officers, warrant of- 1112. Lending Money and Engaging in a Trade ficers, noncommissioned officers and petty or Business officers shall have, under their superiors, all necessary authority for the proper per- Naval personnel are not permitted to lend formance of their duties, and they shall be money to another member of the armed services obeyed accordingly. at an interest rate, for the period of the loan, 2-11