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Mental health and integration 
Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries 
Ireland Country Report 
Ireland: A good policy implemented very slowly 
Mental Health Integration Index: 
Results for Ireland 
Ireland Best Average Worst 
Governance Access 
Ireland has an above-average ranking in the Economist 
Intelligence Unit’s Mental Health Integration Index. 
Its biggest strength in this area is its very advanced policy, but 
it has a record of poor implementation. 
Wider health service upheaval and funding cutbacks as a 
Mental Health Integration Index Results 
Overall: 68.0/100 (14th out of 30 countries) 
Environment: 83.3/100 (9th) 
Opportunities: 55.6/100 (17th) 
Access: 66.2/100 (16th) 
Governance: 62.0/100 (11th) 
Other Key Data 
l Expenditure: Mental health budget as a proportion of 
government health budget (2012): 5.3%1. 
l Burden: Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) resulting 
from mental and behavioural disorders as a proportion of all 
DALYs (World Health Organisation(WHO) estimate for 2012): 
l Stigma: Proportion of people who would find it difficult 
to talk to somebody with a serious mental health condition 
(Eurobarometer 2010): 20%3. 
result of the government’s austerity programme have slowed 
implementation of the most recent policy. 
However, recent developments, such as the appointment of a 
national director of mental health, indicate that progress will at 
least continue or perhaps accelerate. 
1 Data from the EIU Mental Health Integration index, 
which ranks 30 European countries based on their 
commitment to integrating people with mental 
illness into society and employment (http://www. ) 
2 Figures derived from World Health Organisation (WHO) 
national figures for individual index countries for 2012, 
available at 
xls?ua=1. The WHO estimates do not include dementia 
as a mental illness, although it is listed as one under the 
WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). 
3 Eurobarometer, Mental Health, Special Eurobarometer 
345, 2010. 
1 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
Mental health and integration 
Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries 
The journey to an advanced policy 
Ireland ranks slightly above average in the Mental Health 
Integration Index, placing 14th overall, and in joint ninth 
position in the “Environment” category with a score of 83.3 
out of 100. The country benefits from the emphasis that 
the index places on policy. John Saunders, chief executive 
for Shine, a mental health non-governmental organisation 
(NGO), and chair of Ireland’s Mental Health Commission, 
believes that “in policy terms [Ireland] would score highly. It 
promotes and has a vision of community mental healthcare 
services where people should receive a range of interventions 
from the biopsychosocial model of mental health, provided by 
professional, multi-disciplinary teams.” 
If Ireland’s strength is its roadmap to the kind of service 
provision that it wants, its weakness is the pace at which 
that plan is being executed. Mr Saunders adds, “if you look 
at implementation of [the government’s] model, you will 
find the situation very much mixed. We are in transition 
from an asylum-based, pre-Victorian model to a new one.” 
One of many demonstrations of this dichotomy became 
apparent during The Economist Intelligence Unit’s experience 
of building the Mental Health Integration Index. Three 
indicators that focused on actual service provision within 
the community rather than on underlying policy had to be 
dropped late in the process because of a lack of data from 
other countries. This shifted the emphasis of the index in 
favour of policy, and led to Ireland’s overall score rising by 
nearly 10%. 
The need to change how the country deals with mental illness 
has long been recognised in Ireland. In 1958 Ireland had the 
highest number of people in psychiatric institutions in the 
world, and in 1961 the government established a Commission 
of Enquiry on Mental Illness. Its 1966 report recommended 
more community-based facilities, the use of multi-disciplinary 
teams to provide a range of medical care, and the 
establishment of small, acute psychiatric wards in general 
hospitals rather than the continued use of physically isolated, 
large asylums. Little systemic change occurred, however, 
although the country’s institutionalised population began 
to fall steadily, mostly through the number of new patients 
admitted being lower than the number of older, long-stay 
patients who died while still in asylums. 
A further report, Planning for the Future, published in 1984 
by Ireland’s Department of Health, again complained of a 
highly hospital-centred system and called once more for a 
community-based one. The outcomes were also disappointing. 
The number of long-stay patients in psychiatric hospitals 
continued to decline, but these facilities still housed over 
4,000 people by the year 2000. Moreover, notes Shari McDaid, 
director of the NGO, Mental Health Reform, care “continued 
to have a medical orientation”, with very few patients seeing 
even psychologists. Any community facilities that did exist 
tended to segregate the mentally ill in parallel services, rather 
than helping to integrate them into the broader community. 
Despite earlier disappointments, the release in 2006 of the 
current blueprint for a new service, A Vision for Change 
(AVFC), brought hope for substantial improvement. Written by 
an expert group appointed by the Ministry of Health, it drew 
on consultations with a wide range of relevant stakeholders. 
Like earlier policies, AVFC called for community-based 
care, but it went much further. It explicitly advocated: the 
recovery model for care; on an individual level, personal, 
2 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
Mental health and integration 
Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries 
integrated care plans that address the biological, social, and 
psychological needs of those with mental illness; at policy 
level, a whole-of-government approach to mental health 
where the specific needs of those with mental illness are 
recognised in all relevant policies; and the active participation 
of service users and their families at every level of service 
provision, from planning through peer-to-peer counselling. 
Unfortunate timing impedes implementation 
AVFC remains the core of Ireland’s mental health strategy 
and, as Mr Saunders puts it, “is a modern policy that is fit for 
purpose.” Its roll out, however, has been highly problematic. 
In a 2012 report, the Independent Monitoring Group (IMG) 
established to evaluate the implementation of the programme 
found that progress had been “slow and inconsistent.” 
Similarly, in its latest report the government’s Mental Health 
Commission found, to cite a few examples, that in 2013 only 
44% of approved mental health centres met regulations for 
sufficient staffing (including breadth of expertise) and only 
60% fulfilled the requirements relating to patients’ individual 
care plans. Worse still, efforts to close down major psychiatric 
hospitals has led Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) 
to establish a number of large, supervised hostels that have 
several of the negative attributes of the institutions that were 
being closed, such as a lack of patient access to psychologists. 
So what went wrong? 
Two major factors, both in different ways the result of 
unfortunate timing, have impeded the implementation of 
AVFC. The first is institutional. In 2004 the Irish government 
launched a major overhaul of healthcare management. A new, 
national HSE assumed responsibility for healthcare provision 
from 11 regional health authorities and a variety of other 
organisations, becoming the country’s largest employer and 
holder of the largest single public-sector budget. Such change 
inevitably takes years of effort: the information technology 
consolidation is still incomplete. “Mental health,” says Ms 
McDaid, “got lost in wider issues of reconfiguration.” 
Getting attention for mental health issues has been all the 
more difficult because the appointment of a national director 
for mental health, as proposed in AVFC, and the creation of 
a Mental Health Division within the HSE did not take place 
until 2013. Before that, the office of assistant-director for 
mental health had merely had an advisory role within the 
HSE, while other parts of the organisation controlled budgets 
and exercised operational responsibility. Overall, says Mr 
Saunders, “there wasn’t any energy or leadership that led out 
Vision for Change. The changes that did occur often did so 
only because of local or regional clinical management making 
a decision.” 
The second major problem with implementation has been 
that AVFC, like the HSE reform, was drafted during Ireland’s 
heady economic boom period in the early part of the last 
decade. Expanding budgets were an underlying assumption. 
As implementation of the new mental health policy was set to 
begin, however, recession and then the financial crisis in the 
Euro zone turned the Celtic Tiger into one of Europe’s PIIGS 
(Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain). The ensuing 
government budget austerity measures cut total funding 
of mental health services from €937m in 2006 to €733m in 
2013 (although after the budget was adopted an additional 
investment in personnel added €25m to the latter figure). 
3 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
Mental health and integration 
Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries 
Worse still, mental health suffered more than other healthcare 
sectors. In the early years of the downturn, money previously 
earmarked for AVFC implementation was seized to cover costs 
elsewhere in the health service. More generally, mental health 
spending as a percentage of the total health budget dropped 
from 7.2% to 5.3% in the same period, even though AVFC was 
predicated on an increase to over 8%. An important practical 
implication of cost reduction, notes Mr Saunders, was that 
an austerity-driven hiring moratorium introduced by the 
government had an exaggerated effect in this area because 
mental health services are highly labour dependent. Although 
the government has earmarked funds for hiring in the field 
of mental health over the last few years, the Health Service 
Executive estimates that still about one-quarter of the 12,000 
posts envisioned under AVFC remain unfilled4. 
Improvements to the present situation are still 
These barriers do much to explain the current state of mental 
health provision and the integration of those with mental 
illness into Irish society. Looking at the present, says Ms 
McDaid, “Ireland is behind in terms of moving to day services 
that support integration and of thinking how people with 
mental health services can be full citizens.” 
Our Index data reflects this in several ways. Ireland’s lowest 
score (55.6 out of 100) is in the “Opportunities” category, 
which focuses on the workplace. Only 18% of those with a 
mental illness are in employment, although a further 51% had 
been employed in the past (and most of those had left their 
job because of their medical conditions). A small majority 
those with a mental illness who were unemployed would like 
to return to work under the right circumstances5, but these 
circumstances do not arise frequently. Our data show that, 
although Ireland does reasonably well in terms of policies to 
support those with mental illness in finding employment, it 
has no regulations on workplace stress, which would almost 
inevitably make it harder to maintain a job. A truly whole-of-government 
approach would include such rules, and would 
benefit all employees, not just those with a mental illness. 
This situation illustrates a problem that goes beyond 
employment. Ms McDaid notes that AVFC’s chapter on social 
inclusion as a whole “is one of the least implemented,” with 
government departments (other than the Department of 
Health) having done little so far. One notable recent exception 
has been the National Housing Strategy for People with a 
Disability, written as part of the National Disability Strategy, 
which includes a chapter dealing with the specific needs of 
those with a mental health disability. 
Another area of weakness for Ireland in the Index is the 
“Access” category, where it places 16th out of 30. The problem 
is not so much that individuals cannot get care, but rather 
that the care provided is based on an outdated approach. 
The IMG, for example, complained in 2012 of “an absence 
of the ethos of recovery, and poor development of recovery 
competencies in service delivery, resulting in a reactive rather 
than proactive approach to the needs of individuals and their 
families.” According to Mr Saunders, the system remains 
“primarily focused on the medicalised model of mental illness 
and the use of medical psychiatry and mental health nursing.” 
This is reflected in the personnel available. Ireland has the 
second-highest number of psychiatric nurses per head in the 
Index (113 per 100,000 population) and is in joint fourth 
place for the number of psychiatrists (21 per 100,000). On 
4 Health Service Executive, Mental Health Division Plan 2014, page 17, http:// 
5 Dorothy Watson and Bertrand Maître, Understanding Emotional, 
Psychological and Mental Health (EPMH) Disability in Ireland: Factors 
Facilitating Social Inclusion, 2014. 
4 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
Mental health and integration 
Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries 
the other hand, it ranks 13th for the number of specialised 
social workers (4 per 100,000) and 17th for psychologists (6 
per 100,000). In both of the latter two categories, Ireland has 
under half the overall average per head for countries listed in 
the index. 
Part of the problem is an ongoing cultural one. Ms McDaid 
believes that “we have a way to go in making it the norm that, 
for instance, mental health professionals expect to work 
in partnership with their service users rather than having 
a directive-based approach.” The College of Psychiatry, 
however, is positive about the thinking behind the AVFC, and 
cultural change is taking place. The more immediate issue, 
explains Mr Saunders, is that the moratorium on new hiring 
has slowed the acquisition of the wider range of expertise 
needed to move beyond a purely medical model. “Very few of 
the new community mental health teams are fully staffed,” 
he says, “with significant vacancies in psychology, social work 
and occupational therapy, and among other support staff. 
It is like having football teams where one or two people are 
missing on the field.” 
...but there are hopeful omens for the future 
Despite this very slow progress, both Ms McDaid and Mr 
Saunders are cautiously optimistic. Positive changes are 
taking place, such as the recent appointment of a national 
director of mental health and the National Housing Strategy. 
Looking ahead, Ms McDaid sees other good signs: a new 
employment strategy under the National Disabilities Strategy 
is expected to address the needs of those with mental illness 
and the Advancing Recovery in Ireland project, set up this 
year, has “increased the critical mass of services making 
organisational change.” The country is also witnessing 
extensive civil society discussion as the government wrestles 
with a new law to modernise the legislation on assisted 
decision making, especially for those who have a mental 
illness, to meet its goal of bringing the law into line with the 
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 
More important than any specific development, though, has 
been a shift in the belief that change will happen. Mr Saunders 
says that “most people agree that we have now reached a 
tipping point. We have closed all the significant psychiatric 
institutions and most are being served outside of residential 
options.” It may take several years, he believes, but eventually 
significant investment in public services will occur and the 
new system will take proper shape because, he concludes, “We 
can’t go back.” 
5 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
Mental health and integration 
Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries 
About the research 
This study, one of a dozen country-specific articles on the 
degree of integration of those with mental illness into society 
and mainstream medical care, draws on The Economist 
Intelligence Unit’s Mental Health Integration Index, which 
compares policies and conditions in 30 European states 
for integrating people with mental illness into society and 
employment. Further insights are provided by two interviews— 
with John Saunders, chairman of Ireland’s Mental Health 
Commission and chief executive of Shine, and Shari McDaid, 
director of the NGO Mental Health Reform—as well as extensive 
desk research. The work was sponsored by Janssen. The 
research and conclusions are entirely the responsibility of The 
Economist Intelligence Unit. 
6 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014

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Ireland: A good policy implemented very slowly

  • 1. Mental health and integration Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries Ireland Country Report Ireland: A good policy implemented very slowly Mental Health Integration Index: Results for Ireland Ireland Best Average Worst 100 80 60 40 20 Governance Access Highlights Environment 20 40 60 80 0 Opportunities 100 Ireland has an above-average ranking in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Mental Health Integration Index. Its biggest strength in this area is its very advanced policy, but it has a record of poor implementation. Wider health service upheaval and funding cutbacks as a Mental Health Integration Index Results Overall: 68.0/100 (14th out of 30 countries) Environment: 83.3/100 (9th) Opportunities: 55.6/100 (17th) Access: 66.2/100 (16th) Governance: 62.0/100 (11th) Other Key Data l Expenditure: Mental health budget as a proportion of government health budget (2012): 5.3%1. l Burden: Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) resulting from mental and behavioural disorders as a proportion of all DALYs (World Health Organisation(WHO) estimate for 2012): 14.4%2. l Stigma: Proportion of people who would find it difficult to talk to somebody with a serious mental health condition (Eurobarometer 2010): 20%3. result of the government’s austerity programme have slowed implementation of the most recent policy. However, recent developments, such as the appointment of a national director of mental health, indicate that progress will at least continue or perhaps accelerate. SPONSORED BY 1 Data from the EIU Mental Health Integration index, which ranks 30 European countries based on their commitment to integrating people with mental illness into society and employment (http://www. ) 2 Figures derived from World Health Organisation (WHO) national figures for individual index countries for 2012, available at global_burden_disease/GHE_DALY_2012_country. xls?ua=1. The WHO estimates do not include dementia as a mental illness, although it is listed as one under the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). 3 Eurobarometer, Mental Health, Special Eurobarometer 345, 2010. 1 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
  • 2. Mental health and integration Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries The journey to an advanced policy Ireland ranks slightly above average in the Mental Health Integration Index, placing 14th overall, and in joint ninth position in the “Environment” category with a score of 83.3 out of 100. The country benefits from the emphasis that the index places on policy. John Saunders, chief executive for Shine, a mental health non-governmental organisation (NGO), and chair of Ireland’s Mental Health Commission, believes that “in policy terms [Ireland] would score highly. It promotes and has a vision of community mental healthcare services where people should receive a range of interventions from the biopsychosocial model of mental health, provided by professional, multi-disciplinary teams.” If Ireland’s strength is its roadmap to the kind of service provision that it wants, its weakness is the pace at which that plan is being executed. Mr Saunders adds, “if you look at implementation of [the government’s] model, you will find the situation very much mixed. We are in transition from an asylum-based, pre-Victorian model to a new one.” One of many demonstrations of this dichotomy became apparent during The Economist Intelligence Unit’s experience of building the Mental Health Integration Index. Three indicators that focused on actual service provision within the community rather than on underlying policy had to be dropped late in the process because of a lack of data from other countries. This shifted the emphasis of the index in favour of policy, and led to Ireland’s overall score rising by nearly 10%. The need to change how the country deals with mental illness has long been recognised in Ireland. In 1958 Ireland had the highest number of people in psychiatric institutions in the world, and in 1961 the government established a Commission of Enquiry on Mental Illness. Its 1966 report recommended more community-based facilities, the use of multi-disciplinary teams to provide a range of medical care, and the establishment of small, acute psychiatric wards in general hospitals rather than the continued use of physically isolated, large asylums. Little systemic change occurred, however, although the country’s institutionalised population began to fall steadily, mostly through the number of new patients admitted being lower than the number of older, long-stay patients who died while still in asylums. A further report, Planning for the Future, published in 1984 by Ireland’s Department of Health, again complained of a highly hospital-centred system and called once more for a community-based one. The outcomes were also disappointing. The number of long-stay patients in psychiatric hospitals continued to decline, but these facilities still housed over 4,000 people by the year 2000. Moreover, notes Shari McDaid, director of the NGO, Mental Health Reform, care “continued to have a medical orientation”, with very few patients seeing even psychologists. Any community facilities that did exist tended to segregate the mentally ill in parallel services, rather than helping to integrate them into the broader community. Despite earlier disappointments, the release in 2006 of the current blueprint for a new service, A Vision for Change (AVFC), brought hope for substantial improvement. Written by an expert group appointed by the Ministry of Health, it drew on consultations with a wide range of relevant stakeholders. Like earlier policies, AVFC called for community-based care, but it went much further. It explicitly advocated: the recovery model for care; on an individual level, personal, 2 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
  • 3. Mental health and integration Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries integrated care plans that address the biological, social, and psychological needs of those with mental illness; at policy level, a whole-of-government approach to mental health where the specific needs of those with mental illness are recognised in all relevant policies; and the active participation of service users and their families at every level of service provision, from planning through peer-to-peer counselling. Unfortunate timing impedes implementation AVFC remains the core of Ireland’s mental health strategy and, as Mr Saunders puts it, “is a modern policy that is fit for purpose.” Its roll out, however, has been highly problematic. In a 2012 report, the Independent Monitoring Group (IMG) established to evaluate the implementation of the programme found that progress had been “slow and inconsistent.” Similarly, in its latest report the government’s Mental Health Commission found, to cite a few examples, that in 2013 only 44% of approved mental health centres met regulations for sufficient staffing (including breadth of expertise) and only 60% fulfilled the requirements relating to patients’ individual care plans. Worse still, efforts to close down major psychiatric hospitals has led Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) to establish a number of large, supervised hostels that have several of the negative attributes of the institutions that were being closed, such as a lack of patient access to psychologists. So what went wrong? Two major factors, both in different ways the result of unfortunate timing, have impeded the implementation of AVFC. The first is institutional. In 2004 the Irish government launched a major overhaul of healthcare management. A new, national HSE assumed responsibility for healthcare provision from 11 regional health authorities and a variety of other organisations, becoming the country’s largest employer and holder of the largest single public-sector budget. Such change inevitably takes years of effort: the information technology consolidation is still incomplete. “Mental health,” says Ms McDaid, “got lost in wider issues of reconfiguration.” Getting attention for mental health issues has been all the more difficult because the appointment of a national director for mental health, as proposed in AVFC, and the creation of a Mental Health Division within the HSE did not take place until 2013. Before that, the office of assistant-director for mental health had merely had an advisory role within the HSE, while other parts of the organisation controlled budgets and exercised operational responsibility. Overall, says Mr Saunders, “there wasn’t any energy or leadership that led out Vision for Change. The changes that did occur often did so only because of local or regional clinical management making a decision.” The second major problem with implementation has been that AVFC, like the HSE reform, was drafted during Ireland’s heady economic boom period in the early part of the last decade. Expanding budgets were an underlying assumption. As implementation of the new mental health policy was set to begin, however, recession and then the financial crisis in the Euro zone turned the Celtic Tiger into one of Europe’s PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain). The ensuing government budget austerity measures cut total funding of mental health services from €937m in 2006 to €733m in 2013 (although after the budget was adopted an additional investment in personnel added €25m to the latter figure). 3 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
  • 4. Mental health and integration Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries Worse still, mental health suffered more than other healthcare sectors. In the early years of the downturn, money previously earmarked for AVFC implementation was seized to cover costs elsewhere in the health service. More generally, mental health spending as a percentage of the total health budget dropped from 7.2% to 5.3% in the same period, even though AVFC was predicated on an increase to over 8%. An important practical implication of cost reduction, notes Mr Saunders, was that an austerity-driven hiring moratorium introduced by the government had an exaggerated effect in this area because mental health services are highly labour dependent. Although the government has earmarked funds for hiring in the field of mental health over the last few years, the Health Service Executive estimates that still about one-quarter of the 12,000 posts envisioned under AVFC remain unfilled4. Improvements to the present situation are still needed... These barriers do much to explain the current state of mental health provision and the integration of those with mental illness into Irish society. Looking at the present, says Ms McDaid, “Ireland is behind in terms of moving to day services that support integration and of thinking how people with mental health services can be full citizens.” Our Index data reflects this in several ways. Ireland’s lowest score (55.6 out of 100) is in the “Opportunities” category, which focuses on the workplace. Only 18% of those with a mental illness are in employment, although a further 51% had been employed in the past (and most of those had left their job because of their medical conditions). A small majority those with a mental illness who were unemployed would like to return to work under the right circumstances5, but these circumstances do not arise frequently. Our data show that, although Ireland does reasonably well in terms of policies to support those with mental illness in finding employment, it has no regulations on workplace stress, which would almost inevitably make it harder to maintain a job. A truly whole-of-government approach would include such rules, and would benefit all employees, not just those with a mental illness. This situation illustrates a problem that goes beyond employment. Ms McDaid notes that AVFC’s chapter on social inclusion as a whole “is one of the least implemented,” with government departments (other than the Department of Health) having done little so far. One notable recent exception has been the National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability, written as part of the National Disability Strategy, which includes a chapter dealing with the specific needs of those with a mental health disability. Another area of weakness for Ireland in the Index is the “Access” category, where it places 16th out of 30. The problem is not so much that individuals cannot get care, but rather that the care provided is based on an outdated approach. The IMG, for example, complained in 2012 of “an absence of the ethos of recovery, and poor development of recovery competencies in service delivery, resulting in a reactive rather than proactive approach to the needs of individuals and their families.” According to Mr Saunders, the system remains “primarily focused on the medicalised model of mental illness and the use of medical psychiatry and mental health nursing.” This is reflected in the personnel available. Ireland has the second-highest number of psychiatric nurses per head in the Index (113 per 100,000 population) and is in joint fourth place for the number of psychiatrists (21 per 100,000). On 4 Health Service Executive, Mental Health Division Plan 2014, page 17, http:// 5 Dorothy Watson and Bertrand Maître, Understanding Emotional, Psychological and Mental Health (EPMH) Disability in Ireland: Factors Facilitating Social Inclusion, 2014. 4 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
  • 5. Mental health and integration Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries the other hand, it ranks 13th for the number of specialised social workers (4 per 100,000) and 17th for psychologists (6 per 100,000). In both of the latter two categories, Ireland has under half the overall average per head for countries listed in the index. Part of the problem is an ongoing cultural one. Ms McDaid believes that “we have a way to go in making it the norm that, for instance, mental health professionals expect to work in partnership with their service users rather than having a directive-based approach.” The College of Psychiatry, however, is positive about the thinking behind the AVFC, and cultural change is taking place. The more immediate issue, explains Mr Saunders, is that the moratorium on new hiring has slowed the acquisition of the wider range of expertise needed to move beyond a purely medical model. “Very few of the new community mental health teams are fully staffed,” he says, “with significant vacancies in psychology, social work and occupational therapy, and among other support staff. It is like having football teams where one or two people are missing on the field.” ...but there are hopeful omens for the future Despite this very slow progress, both Ms McDaid and Mr Saunders are cautiously optimistic. Positive changes are taking place, such as the recent appointment of a national director of mental health and the National Housing Strategy. Looking ahead, Ms McDaid sees other good signs: a new employment strategy under the National Disabilities Strategy is expected to address the needs of those with mental illness and the Advancing Recovery in Ireland project, set up this year, has “increased the critical mass of services making organisational change.” The country is also witnessing extensive civil society discussion as the government wrestles with a new law to modernise the legislation on assisted decision making, especially for those who have a mental illness, to meet its goal of bringing the law into line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. More important than any specific development, though, has been a shift in the belief that change will happen. Mr Saunders says that “most people agree that we have now reached a tipping point. We have closed all the significant psychiatric institutions and most are being served outside of residential options.” It may take several years, he believes, but eventually significant investment in public services will occur and the new system will take proper shape because, he concludes, “We can’t go back.” 5 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014
  • 6. Mental health and integration Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 European countries About the research This study, one of a dozen country-specific articles on the degree of integration of those with mental illness into society and mainstream medical care, draws on The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Mental Health Integration Index, which compares policies and conditions in 30 European states for integrating people with mental illness into society and employment. Further insights are provided by two interviews— with John Saunders, chairman of Ireland’s Mental Health Commission and chief executive of Shine, and Shari McDaid, director of the NGO Mental Health Reform—as well as extensive desk research. The work was sponsored by Janssen. The research and conclusions are entirely the responsibility of The Economist Intelligence Unit. 6 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2014