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Architecture Overview
Couchbase Server is a distributed, open source NoSQL database
engine. The core architecture is designed to simplify building modern
applications with a flexible data model and simpler high availability, high
scalability, high performance, and advanced security.
Couchbase Server consists of a single package that is installed on all
nodes. Using the SDKs, you can write applications in the language of
your choice (Java, node.js, .NET, or others). The applications connect
to a Couchbase Server cluster to perform read and write operations,
and run queries with low latencies (sub millisecond) and high
throughput (millions of operations per second).
To understand the Couchbase Server’s architecture, it is important to
understand both the core components of the system and the behavior of
core run time capabilities.
Figure 1. Nodes, services, and cluster
The following are the core runtime systems within Couchbase Server:
 Connectivity architecture
 Replication architecture
 Storage architecture
 Caching layer architecture
 Security architecture
The runtimes such as replication, storage, caching, and so on can be
tuned to the needs of different services within the system. Couchbase
Server also consists of the following services:
 Cluster manager
 Data service
 Index service
 Query service
 Search service (Developer Preview in 4.5)
Couchbase services are components that run specific independent
workloads within the cluster. Databases handle three distinct workloads:
core data operations, indexing, and query processing. Couchbase
Server includes Data, Index, Search, and Query Services to enable
independent deployment of these workloads within a cluster.
Each node can run all services or a subset of the services. As an
administrator, you can create unique topologies using these
independent services and independently scale the three workloads. For
more information, see Services architecture and multidimensional
Core data access and data service
Data Service provides the key-value API that you can use to
perform CRUD operations (create, retrieve, update, and delete)
on items with keys within buckets. For more information, see Data
service and core data access.
Indexing and index service
Indexes provide faster access to data in a bucket. Couchbase
Server supports the following indexers:
Incremental Map-Reduce View indexer
Global Secondary Index (GSI) indexer
Spatial Views indexer
Full Text Search indexer
Using these indexers, you can create two types of indexes:
Primary indexes which index all the keys in a given bucket and
are used when a secondary index cannot be used to satisfy a
query and a full bucket scan is required.
Secondary indexes can index a subset of the items in a given
bucket and are used to make queries targeting a specific
subset of fields more efficient.
In Couchbase Server, both MapReduce view and spatial view
indexers provide direct access to the indexes through the View
API. Both the indexers are placed within the data service as they
are partition-aligned to the core data distribution.
The full text search indexer (Developer Preview) provides direct
access to indexers through the FTS API. FTS index is placed
within its own service (FTS service) for independent scalability.
The Global Secondary Indexes (GSI) are deployed on nodes
hosting the index service and can be independently partitioned for
better performance and throughput with N1QL queries.
For more information about indexers and index services,
see Views, indexing, and index services.
Querying data and query service
With N1QL, you can query JSON documents using SQL-like
syntax. You can also run ad-hoc queries with filters and
aggregates over JSON data and reshape the JSON output. N1QL
API is available through the query service.
Incremental Map-Reduce views provide a View API that can
query data based on the keys defined by a view. Views can
define the keys using the MapReduce functions in JavaScript.
Incremental Map-Reduce view API are available through data
Spatial views provide a Spatial View API that can query data
based on a bounding box (rectangle with coordinates). Spatial
views define the attributes that signify the coordinates a given
item represents using the MapReduce functions in JavaScript.
Spatial view API is available through the data service.
Full text search indexer provides a Search API that can perform
keyword searches directly on data in Couchbase Server. Search
API is available through the Search service.
For more information about querying and retrieving data,
see Querying data and query service.
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This section defines the key terms and concepts used in the Couchbase
Server architecture documentation.
A single Couchbase Server instance running on a physical
server, virtual machine, or a container. All nodes are identical:
they consist of the same components and services and provide
the same interfaces.
A cluster is a collection of nodes that are accessed and managed
as a single group. Each node is an equal partner in orchestrating
the cluster to provide facilities such as operational information
(monitoring) or managing cluster membership of nodes and
health of nodes.
Clusters are scalable. You can expand a cluster by adding new
nodes and shrink a cluster by removing nodes.
The Cluster Manager is the main component that orchestrates the
cluster level operations. For more information, see Cluster
A bucket is a logical container for a related set of items such as
key-value pairs or documents. Buckets are similar to databases in
relational databases. They provide a resource management
facility for the group of data that they contain. Applications can
use one or more buckets to store their data. Through
configuration, buckets provide segregation along the following
Cache and IO management
Replication and Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR)
Indexing and Views
Item is the basic unit of data in a Couchbase Server. An item is a
key-value pair where each stored value is identified by a unique
key within the bucket.
This is different from relational databases which store data in
databases grouped by tables. Tables have a strict schema (set of
columns) and data is stored in rows in tables.
Values for an item can be anything from a single bit, to a decimal
measurement, to JSON documents. Storing data as a JSON
document allows the Couchbase Server to provide extended
features such as indexing and querying. Items are also referred to
as documents, objects, or key-value pairs.
vBuckets are physical partitions of the bucket data. By default,
Couchbase Server creates a number of master vBuckets per
bucket (typically 1024) to store the bucket data. Buckets may
store redundant copies of data calledreplicas. Each replica also
creates another set of vBuckets to mirror the active vBucket. The
vBuckets that maintain replica data are called replica vBuckets.
Every bucket has its own set of active and replica vBuckets and
those vBuckets are evenly distributed across all nodes within the
data service.
Cluster map
The cluster map contains a mapping of which services belong to
which nodes at a given point in time. This map exists on all
Couchbase nodes as well as within every instantiation of the
client SDK. Through this map, the application is able to
transparently identify the cluster topology and respond when that
topology changes. Cluster map contains a vBucket map.
vBucket map
A vBucket map contains a mapping of vBuckets to nodes at a
given point in time. This map exists on all Couchbase nodes as
well as within every instantiation of the client SDK. Through this
map, the application is able to transparently identify the nodes
that contain the vBuckets for a given key and respond when the
topology changes.
Replication is the process of creating additional copies of active
data on alternate nodes. Replication is at the heart of the
Couchbase Server architecture enabling high availability, disaster
recovery, and data exchange with other big data products. It is
the core enabler for
Moving data between nodes to maintain replicas.
Geo-distribution of data with cross datacenter replication (XDCR)
Queries with incremental map-reduce and spatial views
Backups with full or incremental snapshots of data
Integration with Hadoop, Kafka and text search engines based on
Lucene like Solr
For more information about replication, see High availability and
replication architecture.
The topology of a cluster can change as nodes are added or
removed due to capacity requirements or node failures. As the
number of nodes changes, the rebalance operation is used to
redistribute the load and adapt to the new topology of nodes. At
its core, a rebalance operation for the data service is the
incremental movement of vBuckets from one node to another. By
moving vBuckets onto or off of nodes, these nodes become
responsible for more or less data and begin handling more or less
traffic from the applications. A rebalance operation also brings in
or takes out nodes from the various services. While the rebalance
operation is in progress, it also updates the cluster map on all
clients with any topology changes. The Cluster Manager
coordinates the movement and hand off of vBuckets and services
during the rebalance operation. Rebalance is performed
completely online and with minimal impact to the incoming
Failover is the process that diverts traffic away from failing nodes
to the remaining healthy nodes. Failover can be done
automatically by the Couchbase cluster based on the health
status of a node, or can be done manually by the administrator or
an external script. A node that is failed over does not accept any
new traffic.
Graceful failover
Graceful failover is the proactive ability to remove a Data service
node from the cluster in an orderly and controlled fashion. It is an
online operation with zero downtime, which is achieved by
promoting replica vBuckets on the remaining cluster nodes to
active and the active vBuckets on the node to failover to dead.
This type of failover is primarily used for planned maintenance of
the cluster.
Hard failover
Hard failover is the ability to drop a node quickly from the cluster
when it has become unavailable or unstable. This is achieved by
promoting replica vBuckets on the remaining cluster nodes to
active. Hard failover is primarily used when there is an unplanned
outage to a node in the cluster.
Automatic failover
Automatic failover is the built-in ability to have the Cluster
Manager detect and determine when a node is unavailable and
then initiate a hard failover.
Node lifecycle
As the cluster topology changes, nodes in the cluster go through
a set of state transitions. Operations such as Add Node, Remove
Node, Rebalance, and Failover cause state transitions. The
following diagram lists the states and state transitions of the
nodes in the cluster.Figure 1. Node lifecycle
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Connectivity Architecture
Couchbase Server is a fully distributed database, making connection
management and efficient communication key components of the
architecture. This section provides information about client to cluster,
node to node, cluster to cluster, and cluster to external products
communications. It also describes the phases of establishing a
Client to Cluster Communication
Client to Cluster Communication
Client applications communicate with Couchbase Server through a set of
access points tuned for the data access category such as CRUD operations,
N1QL queries, and so on. Each access point supports clear text and
encrypted communication ports.
There are four main types of access points that drive the majority of
client to server communications.
Table 1. Communication ports
Type Port API
REST 8091,
Admin operations
with the REST
Admin API
Direct Connect to a single node
in the cluster to perform admin
operations, monitoring, and
REST 8092,
Query with View
(View and Spatial
View API)
Load balanced connection
across nodes of the cluster that
run the data service for View
REST 8093,
Query with N1QL
Load balanced connection
across nodes of the cluster that
run the query service for N1QL
ONLINE 11210,
Core Data
Stateful connections from client
app to nodes of the cluster that
runs data service for CRUD
REST 8094 Search Service
Load balanced connections
across nodes of the cluster that
run the search service for full
Table 1. Communication ports
Type Port API
text search queries.
Note:This table lists a subset of the network ports. For a complete list of
network ports, see Network Configuration.
For information on how a connection is established when a request from
the client side is received, see Connectivity Phases.
Node to Node Communication
Node to Node Communication
Nodes of the cluster communicate with each other to replicate data, maintain
indexes, check health of nodes, communicate changes to the configuration of
the cluster, and much more.
Node to node communication is optimized for high efficiency operations
and may not go through all the connectivity phases (authentication,
discovery, and service connection). For more information about
connectivity phases, see Client to Cluster Communication.
Cluster to Cluster Communication
Cluster to Cluster Communication
Couchbase Server clusters can communicate with each other using the Cross
Datacenter Replication (XDCR) capability.
XDCR communication is set up from a source cluster to a destination
cluster. For more information, see Cross Datacenter Replication.
External Connector Communication
External Connector Communication
Couchbase Server also communicates with external products through
Couchbase has built and supports connectors for Spark, Kafka,
Elasticsearch, SOLR, and so on.
The community and other companies have also built more connectors
for ODBC driver, JDBC driver, Flume, Storm, Nagios connectors for
Couchbase, and so on. External connectors are typically built using the
existing client SDKs, the direct service or admin APIs listed in the client
to cluster communication section, or feed directly from the internal APIs
such as the Database Change Protocol (DCP) API. For more
information about Database Change Protocol, seeIntra-cluster
Connectivity Phases
Connectivity Phases
When a connection request comes in from the client side, the
connection is established in three phases: authentication, discovery,
and service connection.
1. Authentication: In the first phase, the connection to a bucket
is authenticated based on the credentials provided by the
client. In case of Admin REST API, admin users are
authenticated for the cluster and not just a bucket.
2. Discovery: In the second phase, the connection gets a cluster
map which represents the topology of the cluster, including the
list of nodes, how data is distributed on these nodes, and the
services that run on these nodes. Client applications using the
SDKs only need to know the URL or address to one of the
nodes in the cluster. Client applications with the cluster map
discover all other nodes and the entire topology of the cluster.
3. Service Connection: Armed with the cluster map, client SDKs
figure out the connections needed to establish and perform the
service level operations through key-value, N1QL, or View
APIs. Service connections require a secondary authentication
to the service to ensure the credentials passed on to the
service have access to the service level operations. With
authentication cleared, the connection to the service is
At times, the topology of the cluster may change and the
service connection may get exceptions on its requests to the
services. In such cases, client SDKs go back to the previous
phase to rerun discovery and retry the operation with a new
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High Availability and Replication
Couchbase Server provides high availability for reading and for writing
of data through a variety of features. For writing, the ability to get data
off of a single node as quickly as possible is paramount to avoid any
data loss due to a failure of that individual node.
Database Change Protocol (DCP)
Database Change Protocol (DCP)
Database Change Protocol (DCP) is the protocol used to stream bucket
level mutations. Given the distributed nature of Couchbase Server, DCP
sits at the heart of Couchbase Server architecture. DCP is used for high
speed replication of mutations to maintain replica vBuckets, incremental
MapReduce views and spatial views, Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs),
cross datacenter replication (XDCR), backups, and many other external
DCP is a memory based replication protocol that is ordering, resumable,
and consistent. DCP immediately streams any changes made to
documents in memory to the destination. The memory based
communication reduces latency and greatly boosts availability, prevents
data loss, improves freshness of indexes, and more.
To work with DCP, you need to be familiar with the following concepts,
which are listed in alphabetical order for convenience.
Application client
A normal client that transmits read, write, update, delete, and
query requests to the server cluster, usually for an interactive web
DCP client
A special client that streams data from one or more Couchbase
server nodes, for purposes of intra-cluster replication (to be a
backup in case the master server fails), indexing (to answer
queries in aggregate about the data in the whole cluster), XDCR
(to replicate data from one cluster to another cluster, usually
located in a separate data center), incremental backup, and any
3rd party component that wants to index, monitor, or analyze
Couchbase data in near real time, or in batch mode on a
Failover log
A list of previously known vBucket versions for a vBucket. If a
client connects to a server and was previously connected to a
different version of a vBucket than that server is currently working
with, the failure log is used to find a rollback point.
History branch
Whenever a node becomes the master node for a vBucket in the
event of a failover or uncontrolled shutdown and restart, if it was
not the farthest ahead of all processes watching events on that
partition and starts taking mutations, it might reuse sequence
numbers that other processes have already seen on this partition.
This can be a history branch, and the new master must assign
the vBucket a new vBucket version so that DCP clients in the
distributed system can recognize that they are ahead of the new
master and roll back changes at the point this happened in the
stream. During a controlled handover from an old master to a new
master, the sequence history cannot have branches, so there is
no need to assign a new version to the vBucket being handed off.
Controlled handovers occur in the case of a rebalance for
elasticity (such as adding or removing a node) or a swap
rebalance in the case of an upgrade (such as adding a new
version of Couchbase Server to a cluster or removing an old
version of Couchbase Server).
A mutation is an event that deletes a key or changes the value a
key points to. Mutations occur when transactions such as create,
update, delete or expire are executed.
Rollback point
The server uses the failover log to find the first possible history
branch between the last time a client was receiving mutations for
a vBucket and now. The sequence number of that history branch
is the rollback point that is sent to the client.
Sequence number
Each mutation that occurs on a vBucket is assigned a number,
which strictly increases as events are assigned numbers (there is
no harm in skipping numbers, but they must increase), that can
be used to order that event against other mutations within the
same vBucket. This does not give a cluster-wide ordering of
events, but it does enable processes watching events on a
vBucket to resume where they left off after a disconnect.
A master or replica node that serves as the network storage
component of a cluster. For a given partition, only one node can
be master in the cluster. If that node fails or becomes
unresponsive, the cluster selects a replica node to become the
new master.
To send a client a consistent picture of the data it has, the server
takes a snapshot of the state of its disk write queue or the state of
its storage, depending on where it needs to read from to satisfy
the client’s current requests. This snapshot represents the exact
state of the mutations it contains at the time it was taken. Using
this snapshot, the server can send the items that existed at the
point in time the snapshot was taken, and only those items, in the
state they were in when the snapshot was taken. Snapshots do
not imply that everything is locked or copied into a new structure.
In the current Couchbase storage subsystem, snapshots are
essentially “free." The only cost is when a file is copy compacted
to remove garbage and wasted space, the old file cannot be freed
until all snapshot holders have released the old file. It’s also
possible to “kick” a snapshot holder if the system determines the
holder of the snapshot is taking too long. DCP clients that are
kicked can reconnect and a new snapshot will be obtained,
allowing it to restart from where it left off.
Couchbase splits the key space into a fixed amount of vBuckets,
usually 1024. Keys are deterministically assigned to a vBucket,
and vBuckets are assigned to nodes to balance the load across
the cluster.
vBucket stream
A grouping of messages related to receiving mutations for a
specific vBucket. This includes mutation, deletion, and expiration
messages and snapshot marker messages. The transport layer
provides a way to separate and multiplex multiple streams of
information for different vBuckets. All messages between
snapshot marker messages are considered to be one snapshot.
A snapshot contains only the recent update for any given key
within the snapshot window. It might require several complete
snapshots to get the current version of the document.
vBucket version
A universally unique identifier (UUID) and sequence number pair
associated with a vBucket. A new version is assigned to a
vBucket by the new master node any time there might have been
a history branch. The UUID is a randomly generated number, and
the sequence number is the sequence number that vBucket last
processed at the time the version was created.
Intra-cluster Replication
Intra-cluster Replication
Intra-cluster replication involves replicas that are placed on another
node in the same cluster.
Replicas are copies of data that are placed on another node in a cluster.
The source of the replicated vBucket data is called the active vBucket.
Active vBuckets perform read and write operations on individual
documents. The destination vBucket is called the replica vBucket.
Replica vBuckets receive a continuous stream of mutations from the
active vBucket through the Database Change Protocol (DCP). Although
replica vBuckets are not accessed typically, they can respond to read
Within the data service, active vBuckets are spread across the cluster
for even distribution of data and best performance. Additional replicas
are optional. As an administrator, you can create between one and
three additional copies (replica vBuckets) of the active vBuckets.
Replica vBuckets are also spread across the cluster for best availability
and can use failure-domain definitions to guide distribution. For
example, to protect against the node failure-domain, Couchbase Server
places an active vBucket and its corresponding replica vBucket on
separate nodes or separate racks.Figure 1. Couchbase Server replicas
Cross Datacenter Replication
Cross Datacenter Replication
Using the cross datacenter replication (XDCR) capability you can set up
replication of data between clusters. XDCR helps protect against data
center failures and also helps maintain data locality in globally
distributed mission critical applications.
As an administrator, you can use XDCR to create replication
relationships that replicate data from a source cluster’s bucket to a
destination cluster’s bucket. You can also set up complex topologies
across many clusters such as bidirectional topologies, ring topologies,
tree structured topologies, and more.
XDCR uses DCP to stream mutations with an agent running on each
node within the data service. This XDCR agent is tuned to function with
low latency and high reliability over WAN type latencies and efficiently
handle frequent connectivity issues between clusters.Figure 2. Cross
datacenter replication (XDCR)
In XDCR, each replication stream is set up between a source and
destination bucket on separate clusters. Each bucket on each cluster
can be a source or a destination for many replication definitions in
XDCR. XDCR is a "push-based" replication and so each source node
runs the XDCR agent and pushes mutations to the destination bucket.
The XDCR agent on the source node uses direct access
communication (XMem) protocol to propagate mutations from the
source vBucket to the matching vBucket on the destination cluster.
Since there are equal number of vBuckets (default is 1024) on both the
source and the destination clusters, there is a one-to-one match for
each source and destination vBucket.
It is important to note that XDCR does not require source and
destination clusters to have identical topology. XDCR agents are
topology aware and match the destination vBucket with the local
vBucket, propagating mutations directly from vBucket to vBucket.
Conflict Resolution in XDCR
In case of bi-directional XDCR where the same dataset exists on both
the clusters, conflicts can arise. XDCR automatically performs conflict
resolution for different document versions on source and destination
The algorithm is designed to consistently select the same document on
either a source or destination cluster. For each stored document, XDCR
perform checks of metadata to resolve conflicts. It checks the following:
 Revision ID, a numerical sequence that is incremented on each
 CAS value
 Document flags
 Expiration (TTL) value
XDCR conflict resolution uses revision ID as the first field to resolve
conflicts between two writes across clusters. Revision IDs are
maintained per key and are incremented with every update to the key.
Revision IDs keep track of number of mutations to a key, thus XDCR
conflict resolution can be best characterized as “the most updates
If a document does not have the highest revision number, changes to
this document will not be stored or replicated; instead the document
with the highest score will take precedence on both clusters. Conflict
resolution is automatic and does not require any manual correction or
selection of documents.
By default XDCR fetches metadata twice from every document before it
replicates the document at a destination cluster. XDCR fetches
metadata on the source cluster and looks at the number of revisions for
a document. It compares this number with the number of revisions on
the destination cluster and the document with more revisions is
considered the ‘winner.’
If XDCR determines a document from a source cluster will win conflict
resolution, it puts the document into the replication queue. If the
document will lose conflict resolution because it has a lower number of
mutations, XDCR will not put it into the replication queue. Once the
document reaches the destination, this cluster will request metadata
once again to confirm the document on the destination has not changed
since the initial check. If the document from the source cluster is still the
‘winner’ it will be persisted onto disk at the destination. The destination
cluster will discard the document version with the lowest number of
The key point is that the number of document mutations is the main
factor that determines whether XDCR keeps a document version or not.
This means that the document that has the most recent mutation may
not be necessarily the one that wins conflict resolution. If both
documents have the same number of mutations, XDCR selects a
winner based on other document metadata. Precisely determining
which document is the most recently changed is often difficult in a
distributed system. The algorithm Couchbase Server uses does ensure
that each cluster can independently reach a consistent decision on
which document wins.
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Storage Architecture
Couchbase Server consists of various services and components that
have different storage requirements. Each component uses the
optimized storage engine purpose-built and configured for the workload
of relevant components.
As an administrator, you can independently control data and index
storage paths within the file system on a per node basis. This ensures
data and index storage can utilize separate I/O subsystems to enable
independent tuning and isolation. There are multiple storage engines in
use in Couchbase Server:
 Data Service, MapReduce Views, Spatial Views, and Couchstore
For core data operations, MapReduce views, and spatial views,
Couchbase Server uses Couchstore. Each vBucket is represented as
a separate Couchstore file in the file system. Couchstore uses a
B+tree structure to quickly access items through their keys. For
efficient writes, Couchstore uses an append-only write model for each
file for efficient and safe writes.
 Index Service, Search Service, and ForestDB
For indexing with GSI in the Index service and full-text index in the
search service, Couchbase Server uses ForestDB. With ForestDB,
each index is represented as a separate ForestDB file in the file
system. Unlike Couchstore, ForestDB uses a B+trie structure to
quickly access item through its index key. B+trie provides a more
efficient tree structure compared to B+trees and ensures a shallower
tree hierarchy to better scale large item counts and very large index
keys. ForestDB offers multiple options for its writes. ForestDB can be
configured to use an append-only write model for each file for efficient
writes which also requires regular compaction for cleanup. ForestDB
can also be configured to use “circular reuse” which allows incoming
writes to reuse the existing orphaned space within the file instead of
simply just append only writes. In the “circular reuse” mode,
compaction is still needed but with much less frequency (typically
once a week). For more information on ForestDB and B+trie,
Couchstore Versus ForestDB
Couchstore Versus ForestDB
Couchbase Server uses multiple storage engines to optimize specific I/O
patterns required by the services. Couchstore is used for storage under data
service for both database engine and for view engine. ForestDB is used by the
index service for storage of global secondary indexes.
There are a few similarities between Couchstore and ForestDB.
 Both come with an append-only write approach. Additionally, ForestDB
supports the circular reuse write approach.
 Both storage engines perform compression using the SNAPPY library
when persisting.
 Both storage engines require compaction to periodically clean up
orphaned pages. However, the ForestDB circular reuse write model
requires less frequent compactions.
There are a few important differences between Couchstore and ForestDB.
 Tree Structure: Unlike Couchstore, ForestDB does not maintain a
B+tree structure. ForestDB uses an optimized tree structure called
B+trie. B+trie can handle large keys much more efficiently. This helps in
cases where a large set of attributes or a single large attribute in the
document need to be indexed. B+tree with large index keys can end up
with many levels in the tree. The depth of the tree impacts the write
amplification and access times to get to the leaf of the tree during scans.
With a B+trie, the same key size can achieve much shallower tree
structure reducing both write amplification and retrieval times.
 Caching: Unlike Couchstore, ForestDB maintain its own cache. This
cache holds the mutations before they are persisted to disk.
Append-only and Compaction
Append-only and Compaction
As mutations arrive, the writes append new pages to the end of the file and
invalidate links to previous versions of the updated pages. With these append-
only write models, a compaction process is needed to clean up the orphaned or
fragmented space in the files.
In Couchbase Server, the compaction process reads the existing file and writes
a new contiguous file that no longer contains the orphaned items. The
compaction process runs in the background and is designed to minimize the
impact on the front end performance.
The compaction process can be manual, scheduled, or automated based on
percentage of fragmentation. Compaction of an entire dataset is parallelized
across multiple nodes as well as multiple files within those nodes.
In the figure below, as updated data is received by Couchbase Server, the
previous versions are orphaned. After compaction, the orphaned
references are removed and a continuous file is created.Figure 1.
Compaction in Couchbase Server
Writes with Circular Reuse
Writes with Circular Reuse
When you enable writes with “circular reuse”, as mutations arrive, instead of
simply appending new pages to the end of the file, write operations look for
reusing the orphaned space in the file. If there is not enough orphaned space
available in the file that can accommodate the write, the operation may still do
a write with append. With writes with circular reuse, a compaction process is
still needed to create a continuous (defragmented) file.
With circular reuse, full compaction still operates the same way. The
compaction process reads the existing file and writes a new contiguous file that
no longer contains the orphaned items, and is written as a contiguous file in
order of the keys. The compaction process runs less often with writes with
circular reuse. Compaction still runs in the background and is designed to
minimize the impact on the front end performance.
The compaction process can be manual, scheduled, or automated based on
percentage of fragmentation. See Auto-compaction Settings for details.
Compaction of an entire dataset is parallelized across multiple nodes as well as
multiple files within those nodes.
Managed Caching Layer
Couchbase Server is built on a memory-first architecture and managing
memory effectively is central to achieving high performance and
Caching Layer
Caching Layer
Each service in Couchbase Server tunes its caching based on its
 Data service uses a managed cache that is tuned to enable fast key
based read and write operations with low latency under high
 Index and Search services manage the cache to ensure index
maintenance and fast scans for the most popular indexes in the
 Query service manages memory to calculate query responses by
processing streams effectively for the execution plans generated by
the optimizer.
The Couchbase SDK never access the persistence layer directly, but
communicate through the caching layer. Couchbase Server moves the
data to and from the disk internally as needed, thereby acting as both a
read-through and a write-through cache. This facilitates extremely high
read-write rates and eliminates the need for an external caching tier.
Unlike many other database systems, Couchbase Server does not
depend on external caching systems. This simplifies development as
developers do not have to deal with complex cache coherency issues or
varying performance capabilities across technologies.
Couchbase Server automatically manages the caching layer and
coordinates with persistent storage to ensure that enough cache space
exists to maintain performance. It automatically places items that come
in to the caching layer into a disk queue so that it can write these items
to disk. If the server determines that a cached item is infrequently used,
it removes the item from RAM to free up space for other incoming
operations. Similarly, when infrequently used items are requested, the
server retrieves the items from disk and stores them in the caching
layer. In order to provide the most frequently-used data while
maintaining high performance, Couchbase Server manages a working
set of your entire dataset. The working set is the data most frequently
accessed and is kept in memory for high performance.
By default, the Couchbase Server automatically keeps frequently used
data in memory and less frequently used data on disk. Couchbase
Server moves data from the managed cache to disk asynchronously, in
the background, to ensure there is enough memory that can be freed up
for incoming operations. The server constantly monitors the information
accessed by clients and decides how to keep the active data within the
caching layer. Items may be ejected from memory when additional
memory is needed to perform incoming operations. These items have
already been persisted to disk and require no additional I/O. The
managed cache ensures that reads and writes are handled at a very
fast rate, while removing the typical load and performance spikes that
would otherwise cause a traditional RDBMS to produce erratic
RAM quotas
RAM quotas
RAM quota allocation is governed through individual services. Each
service in Couchbase Server tunes its caching based on its needs.
 The Data service uses a managed cache based on memcached that
is tuned to enable fast key based read and write operations with low
latency under high concurrency.
 The Index and Search services manage cache to ensure index
maintenance and scans can be serviced fast for the most popular
indexes in the system.
 Query service manages its memory to calculate query responses by
processing streams effectively for the execution plans generated by
the optimizer and caches certain parts of those query plans.
Allocation of memory to services is governed through RAM quota
allocations. Data, Index and Search services both configure RAM
quotas per node in the cluster. Query service automatically manages its
memory without a defined quota.
Each node in the cluster running the relevant services inherits the value
and may allocate up to the specified amount.
 Index RAM Quota governs the index service RAM quota allocation
per node. Each node running the index service inherits the value of
Index RAM Quota for caching Global Secondary Indexes (GSI).
 Search RAM Quota governs the search service RAM quota
allocation per node. Each node running the search service inherits
the value of search RAM Quota for caching Full Text Indexes.
 Data RAM Quota governs the data service RAM quota allocation per
node. Each node running the data service inherits the value set for
Data RAM Quota for caching bucket data.
Bucket RAM Quotas are allocated out of the Cluster Data RAM quota.
As an administrator, you can control the total RAM quota allocated to
each bucket through Bucket RAM Quota under bucket settings. The
total RAM configured across all buckets cannot exceed the total Data
RAM Quota allocated for the data service at the cluster level.
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Cluster Manager
Cluster Manager runs on all the nodes of the cluster and orchestrates
cluster wide operations.
The Cluster Manager is responsible for the following operations:
 Cluster topology and node membership
o Managing node membership, adding and removing nodes
o Discovery of cluster topology by internal and external connections
o Service layout for data, index, and query services across nodes
o Rebalancing the load as cluster topology changes
o Node health, and failure and service monitoring
 Data placement
o Smart distribution of primary and secondary replicas with node,
rack failure domain awareness for best failure-protection
 Central statistics and logging
o Operational statistics gathering and aggregation to cluster level
o Logging services for cluster supportability
 Authentication
o Authentication of connections to the cluster
Figure 1. Cluster Manager Architecture
The Cluster Manager consists of the following modules to perform the
tasks above:
 REST API and Auth modules: Cluster Manager communication and
authentication happen through the REST API and Auth modules. All
administrative operations performed through CLI tools or Admin
Portal are executed through the admin REST API.
 Master Services module manages global cluster level operations
such as master and replica vbucket placement, auto failover and
 Bucket Services module manages bucket level operations such as
establishing or handing off replication for replica maintenance or
bucket level stats collection.
 Per-node Services module manage node health and process/service
monitoring and restart.
 Cluster manager generic local and distributed facilities also
manage local and distributed configuration management, cluster-wide
logging and more.
Node Membership: Adding and Removing Nodes Without Downtime
Node Membership: Adding and Removing
Nodes Without Downtime
The Cluster Manager is responsible for cluster membership. When the
topology of a cluster changes, the Cluster Manager walks through a set
of carefully orchestrated operations to redistribute the load while
keeping the existing workload running without a hiccup.
The following workflow describes the high-level operations to add a new
node to the data service:
1. The Cluster Manager ensures the new nodes inherit the cluster
2. In order to redistribute the data to the new nodes, the Cluster
Manager initiates rebalance and recalculates the vBucket map.
3. The nodes which are to receive data initiate DCP replication
streams from the existing nodes for each vBucket and begin
building new copies of those vBuckets. This occurs for both
active and replica vBuckets depending on the new vBucket
map layout.
4. Incrementally as each new vBucket is populated, the data
replicated and the indexes optionally updated, an atomic
switchover takes place from the old vBucket to the new
5. As the new vBuckets on the new nodes become active, the
Cluster Manager ensures that the new vBucket map and
cluster topology is communicated to all the existing nodes and
clients. This process is repeated until the rebalance operation
completes running.
Removal of one or more nodes from the data service follows a similar
process by creating new vBuckets within the remaining nodes of the
cluster and transitioning them off of the nodes to be removed. When
there are no more vBuckets assigned to a node, the node is removed
from the cluster.
When adding or removing nodes from the indexing and query services,
no data is moved and so their membership is simply added or removed
from the cluster map. The client SDKs automatically begin load
balancing across those services using the new cluster map.
Smart Data Placement with Rack and Zone Awareness
Smart Data Placement with Rack and Zone
Couchbase Server buckets physically contain 1024 master and 0 or
more replica vBuckets. The Cluster Manager master services module
governs the placement of these vBuckets to maximize availability and
rebalance performance.
The Cluster Manager master services module calculates a vBucket map
with heuristics to maximize availability and rebalance performance. The
vBucket map is recalculated whenever the cluster topology changes.
The following rules govern the vBucket map calculation:
 Master and replica vBuckets are placed on separate nodes to protect
against node failures.
 If a bucket is configured with more than 1 replica vBucket, each
additional replica vBucket is placed on a separate node to provide
better protection against node failures.
 If server groups are defined for master vBuckets (such as rack and
zone awareness capability), the replica vBuckets are placed in a
separate server group for better protection against rack or availability
zone failures.
Centralized Management, Statistics, and Logging
Centralized Management, Statistics, and
The Cluster Manager simplifies centralized management with
centralized configuration management, statistics gathering and logging
services. All configuration changes are managed by the orchestrator
and pushed out to the other nodes to avoid configuration conflicts.
In order to understand what your cluster is doing and how the cluster is
performing, Couchbase Server incorporates a complete set of statistical
and monitoring information. The statistics are accessible through all the
administration interfaces - CLI ( cbstats tool), REST API, and the
Couchbase Web Console.
The Couchbase Web Console provides a complete suite of statistics
including the built-in real-time graphing and performance data. It gives
great flexibility as you (as an Administrator) can aggregate the statistics
for each bucket and choose to view the statistics for the whole cluster or
per node.
The statistics information is grouped into categories, allowing you to
identify different states and performance information within the cluster.
Statistics on hardware resources
Node statistics show CPU, RAM and I/O numbers on each of the
servers and across your cluster as a whole. This information is
useful to identify performance and loading issues on a single
Statistics on vBuckets
The vBucket statistics shows the usage and performance
numbers for the vBuckets. This is useful to determine whether
you need to reconfigure your buckets or add servers to improve
Statistics on views and indexes
View statistics display information about individual views in your
system such as number of reads from the index or view and its
disk usage, so that you can monitor the effects and loading of a
view on the Couchbase nodes. This information can indicate that
your views need optimization, or that you need to consider
defining views across multiple design documents.
Statistics on replication (DCP, TAP, and XDCR)
The Database Change Protocol (DCP) interface is used to
monitor changes and updates to the database. DCP is widely
used internally to replicate data between the nodes, for backups
with cbbackup, to maintain views and indexes and to integrate
with external products with connectors such as Elasticsearch
connector, Kafka connector or the Sqoop connector. XDCR
replicates data between clusters and uses DCP in conjunction
with an agent that is tuned to replicate data under higher WAN
TAP is similar to DCP, but is a deprecated protocol. Legacy tools
may still use the protocol and stats are still available through the
Given the central role of replication in a distributed system like
Couchbase Server, identifying statistics on replication is critical.
Statistics in replication help visualize the health of replication and
bottlenecks in replication by displaying replication latency and
pending items in replication streams.
Data Service and Core Data
Data service in Couchbase Server provides the core data access with
the database engine and incremental MapReduce view processing with
the views engine.
Couchbase Server stores data as items. An item is made up of a key
(also known as a document key or a document ID) and a document
value, along with associated metadata. Couchbase Server organizes
data into Buckets.
Couchbase Server provides simple to use and efficient GET and SET
methods to mutate and retrieve items by keys, and a number of query
methods to filter, group, and aggregate data. Data can be accessed
concurrently from many applications and through a mix of these
methods at any moment in time. The database engine can process
these highly concurrent requests at a sub-millisecond latency at scale. It
achieves this through a managed cache, a high throughput storage
engine, and a memory based replication architecture. For more
information, see Database engine architecture.
Couchbase Server database engine stores and retrieves
information using memory first on a single node that carries the
master vBucket. This is the fastest option for storing data.
Depending on the bucket type, data gets stored on disk
eventually. Couchbase Server also provides tunable durability
options to store data in the RAM of multiple nodes (using
the replicateTo flag) or on disk on one or more nodes (using the
persistTo flag). Storing data in the RAM of multiple nodes
protects against node failures and also provides a fast and
durable way to store data. Storing data on disk can be slow as
the operational latency depends on the disk subsystem and
typically disk subsystems are much slower than memory access.
When retrieving data using a key, Couchbase Server database
engine provides full consistency (sometimes referred to as read-
your-own-write semantics) by ensuring access to the master
vBucket or optionally allowing access to eventually consistent
replica vBuckets for reads (also known as replica reads).
Items are organized into buckets, which provide grouping of items
(keys and values). Buckets govern resource allocation and
usage, high availability settings, and security for the group of
items. Buckets use vBuckets to physically organize storage and
distribution of items. Items in a bucket are indexed through Views
and indexes created on the buckets’ data. Items in a bucket can
also be replicated between clusters using cross datacenter
replication (XDCR).
Creating items
Information is stored in the database using a variant of
memcached binary protocol interface that stores a value against
a specified key. As a developer, you typically use this key through
one of the Couchbase client SDKs. Bulk operations to set the
key-value pairs of a large number of documents at the same time
are available, and are more efficient than multiple smaller
The value stored can be a JSON document or any binary value,
including structured and unstructured strings, serialized objects
(from the native client language), and native binary data (for
example, images or audio). Each bucket can mix the types of
data stored with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or binary
value types. However, using the JSON format gives access to a
more powerful query functionality.
Updating items
You can update information in the database using the
memcached protocol interface through a Couchbase client SDK.
The protocol includes functions to directly update the entire
content, and also to perform simple operations, such as
appending information to an existing record, or incrementing and
decrementing integer values.
Expiration flag
Each document stored in the database has an optional expiration
flag (TTL: Time To Live) that is used to automatically delete
items. This flag can be set when creating or updating an item.
Use the expiration flag for data that has a limited life and needs to
be deleted automatically. This flag is useful when storing
temporary data such as session state next to your persisted data
or when using Couchbase as a caching store in front of another
database for high speed access.
You can specify the value of an expiration flag (TTL) in seconds
or as Unix epoch time (number of seconds that have elapsed
since January 01, 1970). However, if the TTL for an item is
greater than 30 days, specify the value in Unix epoch time, for
example 1451606399. By default, the expiration flag is set to
infinite, that is, the information is stored indefinitely.
Deleting items
You can delete information from the Couchbase Server using a
Couchbase client SDK which includes an explicit delete
command to remove a key-value pair from the server.
Retrieving items
You can retrieve items from the Couchbase Server with or without
referencing keys. You can retrieve values by key using the Data
If you know the key used to store a particular value, then you can
use the memcached protocol (or an appropriate memcached
compatible client-library) to retrieve the value stored against a
specific key. You can also perform bulk retrieve operations.
There are two main ways to retrieve data without referencing
Use N1QL to submit a SQL-like query to retrieve your data.
Note:You must enable Query Service to run N1QL queries.
Use views to define and query an alternate projection over the
data in the bucket that provides an alternative key that you can
use to query. Views are a part of the data service.
Buckets are logical groups of items (keys and values) which can be
used to organize, manage, and analyze the group of items.
Bucket types
Bucket types
There are two types of buckets:
 Couchbase buckets use vBuckets to organize disk and memory
storage on the nodes and distribution of items across the cluster.
Items in a Couchbase bucket can be indexed through Views and
Indexes created on the data in the buckets. These items can also be
replicated between nodes and clusters using Database Change
Protocol (DCP) and Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR).
 Memcached buckets exhibit special behavior.
Table 1. Bucket types in Couchbase Server
Couchbase  Provides highly-available and dynamically reconfigurable
distributed data storage, with persistence and replication
 100% protocol compatible with, and built in the spirit of,
the memcached open source distributed key-value cache.
Memcached  Provides a directly-addressed, distributed (scale-out), in-
memory, key-value cache.
Table 1. Bucket types in Couchbase Server
 Designed to be used alongside other database platforms
such as relational database technology.
 By caching frequently-used data, they reduce the number
of queries a database server must perform for web
servers delivering a web application.
Important: With memcached buckets, the server provides only in-RAM
storage and data does not persist on disk. If Couchbase Server runs out
of space in the bucket’s RAM quota, it uses the Least Recently Used
(LRU) algorithm to evict items from the RAM. This means the server
removes the key, metadata, and all other data for the item from the
RAM. Once evicted, you cannot retrieve the item.
The different bucket types support different capabilities.
Table 2. Bucket types and supported capabilities
Capability Memcached buckets Couchbase buckets
Item size limit 1 MB 20 MB
Persistence No Yes
Replication No Yes
Rebalance No Yes
Statistics Limited set for in-memory
Full suite
Client support Ketama consistent hashing Full smart client
Backup No Yes
Table 2. Bucket types and supported capabilities
Capability Memcached buckets Couchbase buckets
Encrypted data
Yes Yes
Couchbase buckets provide a highly-available and dynamically
reconfigurable distributed data store. They survive node failures and
allow cluster reconfiguration while continuing to service requests.
Table 3. Couchbase bucket capabilities
Caching Couchbase buckets operate through RAM. The data is
stored in RAM and persisted to disk. The data is cached in
RAM until the configured RAM is exhausted and data is
ejected from the RAM. If the requested data is not
currently in the cache (RAM), it will be loaded
automatically from disk.
Persistence Couchbase server persists data objects asynchronously
from memory to hard disk. This provides protection from
server restarts. You can set persistence properties at the
bucket level.
Replication You can configure the number of replica servers that
receive copies of all data objects. If the host machine fails,
a replica server is promoted to be the host server,
providing high availability cluster operations via failover.
You can configure replication at the bucket level.
Rebalancing Rebalancing enables load distribution across resources
and dynamic addition or removal of buckets and servers
in the cluster.
Bucket authentication
Bucket authentication
Both Memcached and Couchbase buckets allow anonymous access
and support SASL authentication.
 SASL buckets: You can access SASL authenticating Couchbase
buckets through port 11210. Each bucket is identified by its name and
password, and you can use vBucket aware smart clients (SDKs) to
access a SASL bucket. You cannot use legacy ASCII clients to reach
these buckets.
 Non-SASL buckets: You can place non-SASL buckets on any
available port except port 11211, which is reserved for the default
bucket. Port numbers are unique and help identify the buckets.
Hence, you can place only one non-SASL bucket on any individual
port. You can access non-SASL buckets using vBucket aware smart
client (SDKs), as ASCII client or a binary client that does not use
SASL authentication.
Smart clients discover changes in the cluster using the Couchbase
Management REST API. Using SASL buckets you can isolate individual
applications to provide multi-tenancy, or isolate data types in the cache
to enhance performance and visibility. Using the Couchbase Server,
you can configure different ports to access one of the following:
 non-SASL buckets
 isolated buckets using the binary protocol with SASL authentication,
 isolated buckets using the ASCII protocol with no authentication
You can use a mix of bucket types (Couchbase and memcached) in
your environment. Buckets of different types share the same resource
pool and cluster resources.
You can configure the quotas for RAM and disk usage per bucket,
enabling you to manage resource usage across the cluster. As an
administrator, you can modify quotas on a running cluster and re-
allocate resources when usage patterns or priorities change.
The default bucket
The default bucket
The default bucket is a special bucket in Couchbase Server. When you
first install Couchbase Server, the default bucket is optionally set up
during installation. The default bucket is a non-SASL authenticating
bucket that always resides on port 11211. You can remove the default
bucket after installation and re-add it at a later time. When re-adding the
default bucket, ensure that you place it on port 11211 and it must be a
non-SASL authenticating bucket. You can access the default bucket
using vBucket aware smart client (SDKs), an ASCII client, or a binary
client that does not use SASL authentication.
Parent topic: Services Architecture and Multidimensional Scaling
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vBuckets and vBucket Maps:
Bucket Partitions
vBuckets help distribute data effectively across a cluster and support
replicas on more than one node.
A vBucket is the owner of a subset of the key disk space of a
Couchbase cluster. Although vBuckets are not user-accessible
components, they are a critical component of the Couchbase Server
and are vital to support high availability and elasticity.
You can access the information stored in a bucket by communicating
directly with the node responsible for the corresponding vBucket. This
direct access enables clients to communicate with the node storing the
data, rather than using a proxy or redistribution architecture. The result
abstracts the physical topology from the logical partitioning of data,
giving Couchbase Server its elasticity and flexibility.
Every document ID belongs to a vBucket. A mapping function is used to
calculate the vBucket in which a given document belongs. In
Couchbase Server, that mapping function is a hashing function that
takes a document ID as input and generates a vBucket identifier as the
output. After the vBucket identifier is computed, a table is consulted to
lookup the server that “hosts” that vBucket. The table containing one
row per vBucket provides a pairing between the vBucket and its hosting
server. A server appearing in this table can be responsible for multiple
Consider a scenario where a cluster contains three servers. The
following diagram shows how the Key to Server mapping (vBucket
mapping) works when a client looks up the value of KEY using the GET
operation.Figure 1. vBucket mapping using the GET operation
1. By hashing the key, the client calculates the vBucket which
owns KEY. In this example, the hash resolves to vBucket 8
2. The client examines the vBucket map to determine that Server
C hosts vB8.
3. The client sends the GET operation directly to Server C.
Consider a second scenario where a server is added to the original
cluster of three servers. After adding a new node, Server D, to the
cluster, the vBucket map is updated during the rebalance operation.
The updated map is then sent to all the cluster participants including
other nodes, any connected smart clients, and the Moxi proxy service.
The following diagram shows the vBucket mapping for the updated
cluster containing four nodes.Figure 2. vBucket mapping using the GET
When a client looks up the value of KEY using the GET operation in the
updated cluster, the hashing algorithm still resolves to vBucket 8 (vB8).
However, the new vBucket map maps vB8 to Server D. The client then
sends the GET operation directly to Server D.
Note:This architecture enables Couchbase Server to cope with
changes without using the typical RDBMS sharding method.
Additionally, this architecture is different from the method used by
Memcached as it uses client-side key hashes to determine the server
from a defined list. The memcached method, on the other hand,
requires active management of the list of servers and specific hashing
algorithms such as Ketama to cope with changes to the topology.
Parent topic: Services Architecture and Multidimensional Scaling
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Bucket Disk Storage
When storing data in a Couchbase bucket, the server first writes data to
the caching layer and eventually stores all data to disk to provide a
higher level of reliability.
The Couchbase Server first writes data to the caching layer and puts
the data into a disk write queue to be persisted to disk. Disk persistence
enables you to perform backup and restore operations and to grow your
datasets larger than the built-in caching layer. This disk storage process
is called eventual persistence because the server does not block a
client while it writes to disk.
If a node fails and all data in the caching layer is lost, the items can be
recovered from disk. When the server identifies an item that needs to be
loaded from disk because it is not in active memory, it places it in a load
queue. A background process processes the load queue and reads the
information back from disk and into memory. The client waits until the
data is loaded back into memory before returning the information.
Multiple readers and writers
Multithreaded readers and writers provide simultaneous read and
write operations for data on disk. Simultaneous reads and writes
increase I/O throughput. The multithreaded engine includes
additional synchronization among threads that are accessing the
same data cache to avoid conflicts. To maintain performance
while avoiding conflicts over data, Couchbase Server uses a form
of locking between threads and thread allocation among vBuckets
with static partitioning.
When Couchbase Server creates multiple reader and writer
threads, the server assesses a range of vBuckets for each thread
and assigns each thread exclusively to certain vBuckets. With this
static thread coordination, the server schedules threads so that
only a single reader and single writer thread can access the same
vBucket at any given time. The following diagram shows six pre-
allocated threads and two data buckets. Each thread has the
range of vBuckets that is statically partitioned for read and write
access.Figure 1. Bucket disk storage
Item deletion
Items can be deleted explicitly by the client applications or
deleted using an expiration flag. Couchbase Server never deletes
items from disk unless one of these operations are performed.
However, after deletion or expiration, a tombstone is maintained
as the record of deletion. Tombstones help communicate the
deletion or the expiration to downstream components. Once all
downstream components have been notified, the tombstone gets
purged as well.
Tombstone purging
Tombstones are records of expired or deleted items that include
item keys and metadata.
Couchbase Server and other distributed databases maintain
tombstones in order to provide eventual consistency between
nodes and between clusters. Tombstones are records of expired
or deleted items and they include the key for the item and
metadata. Couchbase Server stores the key plus several bytes of
metadata per deleted item in two structures per node. With
millions of mutations, the space taken up by tombstones can
grow quickly. This is especially the case if there are a large
number of deletions or expired documents.
The Metadata Purge Interval sets frequency for a node to
permanently purge metadata of deleted and expired items. The
Metadata Purge Interval setting runs as part of auto-compaction.
This helps reduce the storage requirement by roughly 3x times
than before and also frees up space much faster.
Parent topic: Services Architecture and Multidimensional Scaling
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Database Engine Architecture
The memory-first architecture of the Couchbase Server enables it to
maintain sub-millisecond latencies with core data access.
The Couchbase Server depends on the following key components:
 A highly efficient listener that manages networking and
 A bucket engine that stores and retrieves information at the speed of
memory access.
With Couchbase buckets, data is stored on disk eventually through the
storage engine. The storage engine enables the server to efficiently
hold data much larger than the size of memory.Figure 1. Database
engine architecture
When client connection requests arrive at the database engine, the listener
service receives the requests and authenticates the client. Upon successful
authentication, the listener service assigns a worker thread to the connection to
service its request. A single worker thread can handle multiple client
connections using a non-blocking event loop.
The number of worker threads that can be created is automatically determined
based on the number of CPU threads present on the node. By default the
number of worker threads is 0.75 x number of CPU threads.
vBucket manager and managed cache
vBucket manager and managed cache
After executing mutation and read requests, the server uses the managed cache
to hold updated and newly created values. However, with a high flow of
incoming operations, the system can run out of memory quickly. In order to
reuse the memory, mutations are also queued for disk persistence. Once the
mutated items are persisted, the server frees up the memory consumed by these
items, making space for newer operations. This operation is called cache
eviction. With a highly concurrent set of operations consuming memory and a
high throughput disk subsystem persisting data to disk, there can be many
pages eligible for reuse. The server uses the Least Recently Used (LRU)
algorithm to identify the memory pages that can be reused.
It is important to size the RAM capacity appropriately for your working set: the
portion of data that your application is working with at any given point in time
and needs very low latency and high throughput access. In some applications,
the working set is the entire data set, while in others it is a smaller subset.
Initialization and Warmup
Initialization and Warmup
Whenever you restart the Couchbase Server or restore the data, the node goes
through a warmup process before it starts handling data requests again. During
warmup, the Couchbase Server loads data persisted on disk into RAM.
Couchbase Server provides an optimized warmup process that loads data
sequentially from disk into RAM. It divides the data to be loaded and
handles it in multiple phases. After the warmup process completes, the
data is available for clients to read and write. The time needed for a node
warmup depends on the system size, system configuration, the amount of
data persisted in the node, and the ejection policy configured for the
Note:The Couchbase Server is capable of serving data before it actually
loads all the keys and data from the vBuckets.
Couchbase Server identifies items that are frequently used, prioritizes them,
and loads them before sequentially loading the remaining data. The frequently-
used items are prioritized in an access log. The server performs a prefetch to
get a list of the most frequently accessed keys and then fetches these keys
before fetching any other items from disk.
The server runs a configurable scanner process that determines the keys that
are most frequently used. The scanner process is preset and is configurable.
You can use the command-line tool,cbepctl flush_param, to change the
initial time and interval for the scanner process. For example, you can
configure the scanner process to run during a specific time period when a given
list of keys need to be identified and made available sooner.
The server can also switch into a ready mode before it has actually retrieved all
documents for keys into RAM, thereby enabling data to be served before all the
stored items are loaded. Switching into ready mode is a configurable setting
that enables you to adjust the server warmup time.
Tunable Memory with Ejection Policy
Tunable Memory with Ejection Policy
Tunable memory enables you to configure the ejection policy for a bucket
as one of the following:
 Value-only ejection (default) removes data from the cache but keeps all
keys and metadata fields for non-resident items. When a value bucket
ejection occurs, the value of the item is reset. Value-only ejection, also
referred to as value ejection, is well suited for cases where low latency
access is critical to the application and the total item keys for the bucket
can easily fit in the allocated Data RAM quota.
 Full metadata ejection removes all data including keys, metadata, and
key-value pairs from the cache for non-resident items. Full ejection is
well suited for cases where the application has cold data that is not
accessed frequently or the total data size is too large to fit in memory
plus higher latency access to the data is accepted. The performance of
full eviction cache management is significantly improved by Bloom
filters. Bloom filters are enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
Note:Full ejection may involve additional disk I/O per operation. For
example, when the request get_miss which requests a key that does not
exist is received, Couchbase Server will check for the key on the disk
even if the bucket is 100% resident.
Working Set Management and Ejection
Working Set Management and Ejection
Couchbase Server actively manages the data stored in a caching layer; this
includes the information which is frequently accessed by clients and which
needs to be available for rapid reads and writes. When there are too many items
in RAM, Couchbase Server removes certain data to create free space and to
maintain system performance. This process is called “working set
management” and the set of data in RAM is referredto as the “working set”. In
general, the working set consists of all the keys, metadata, and associated
documents which are frequently used require fast access. The process the
server performs to remove data from RAM is known as ejection.
Couchbase Server performs ejections automatically. When ejecting
information, it works in conjunction with the disk persistence system to ensure
that data in RAM is persisted to disk and can be safely retrieved back into
RAM whenever the item is requested.
In addition to the Data RAM quota for the caching layer, the engine uses two
watermarks, mem_low_wat andmem_high_wat, to determine when it
needs to start persisting more data to disk.
As more and more data is held in the caching layer, at some point in time it
passes the mem_low_wat value. At this point, no action is taken. As data
continues to load, it eventually reaches the mem_high_wat value. At this
point, the Couchbase Server schedules a background job called item pager
which ensures that items are migrated to disk and memory is freed up for
other Couchbase Server items. This job runs until measured memory
reaches mem_low_wat. If the rate of incoming items is faster than the
migration of items to disk, the system returns errors indicating there is not
enough space until there is sufficient memory available. The process of
migrating data from the cache to make way for actively used information is
called ejection and is controlled automatically through thresholds set on
each configured bucket in the Couchbase Server cluster.Figure 2. Working
set management and ejection
Depending on the ejection policy set for the bucket, the vBucket Manager
removes just the document or both the document, key and the metadata
for the item being ejected. Keeping an active working set with keys and
metadata in RAM serves three important purposes in a system:
 Couchbase Server uses the remaining key and metadata in RAM if a
client requests for that key. Otherwise, the node tries to fetch the item
from disk and return it into RAM.
 The node can also use the keys and metadata in RAM for miss access.
This means that it can quickly determine whether an item is missing and
if so, perform some action, such as add it.
 The expiration process in Couchbase Server uses the metadata in RAM
to quickly scan for items that have expired and later removes them from
disk. This process is known as expiry pager and runs every 60 minutes
by default.
Not Recently Used (NRU) Items
Not Recently Used (NRU) Items
All items in the server contain metadata indicating whether the item has been
recently accessed or not. This metadata is known as not-recently-used (NRU).
If an item has not been recently used, then the item is a candidate for ejection.
When data in the cache exceeds the high water mark (mem_high_wat), the
server evicts items from RAM.
Couchbase Server provides two NRU bits per item and also provides a
replication protocol that can propagate items that are frequently read, but not
mutated often.
NRUs are decremented or incremented by server processes to indicate an
item that is more frequently or less frequently used. The following table
lists the bit values with the corresponding scores and statuses:
Table 1. Scoring for NRU bit values
Score Access pattern Description
00 0 Set by write access to 00.
Decremented by read access or no
Most heavily used
01 1 Decremented by read access. Frequently
accessed item.
10 2 Initial value or decremented by Default value for
Table 1. Scoring for NRU bit values
Score Access pattern Description
read access. new items.
11 3 Incremented by item pager for
Less frequently
used item.
There are two processes that change the NRU for an item:
 When a client reads or writes an item, the server decrements NRU and
lowers the item's score.
 A daily process which creates a list of frequently-used items in RAM.
After the completion of this process, the server increments one of the
NRU bits.
Because these two processes change NRUs, they play an important role in
identifying the candidate items for ejection.
You can configure the Couchbase Server settings to change the behavior during
ejection. For example, you can specify the percentage of RAM to be consumed
before items are ejected, or specify whether ejectionshould occur more
frequently on replicated data than on original data. Couchbase recommends
that the default settings be used.
Understanding the Item Pager
Understanding the Item Pager
The item pager process runs periodically to remove documents from RAM.
When the amount of RAM used by items reaches the high water mark (upper
threshold), both active and replica data are ejected until the amount of RAM
consumed (memory usage) reaches the low water mark (lower threshold).
Evictions of active and replica data occur with the ratio probability of 60%
(active data) to 40% (replica data) until the memory usage reaches the low
watermark. Both the high water mark and low water mark are expressed as a
percentage amount of RAM, such as 80%.
You can change the high water mark and low water mark settings for a
node by specifying a percentage amount of RAM, for example, 80%.
Couchbase recommends that you use the following default settings:
Table 2. Default setting for RAM water marks
Version High water mark Low water mark
2.0 75% 60%
2.0.1 and higher 85% 75%
The item pager ejects items from RAM in two phases:
1. Eject items based on NRU: The item pager scans NRU for items,
creates a list of items with a NRU score 3, and ejects all the
identified items. It then checks the RAM usage and repeats the
process if the usage is still above the low water mark.
2. Eject items based on algorithm: The item pager increments the
NRU of all items by 1. For every item whose NRU is equal to 3, it
generates a random number. If the random number for an item is
greater than a specified probability, it ejects the item from RAM.
The probability is based on the current memory usage, low water
mark, and whether a vBucket is in an active or replica state. If a
vBucket is in an active state, the probability of ejection is lower
than if the vBucket is in a replica state.
Table 3. Probability of ejection based on active vBuckets versus
replica vBuckets
Active vBucket Replica vBucket
60% 40%
Active Memory Defragmenter
Active Memory Defragmenter
Over time, the memory used by the managed cache of a running Couchbase
Server can become fragmented. The storage engine now includes an Active
Defragmenter task to defragment cache memory.
Cache fragmentation is a side-effect of how Couchbase Server organizes cache
memory to maximize performance. Each page in the cache is typically
responsible for holding documents of a specific size range. Over time, if
memory pages assigned to a specific size range become sparsely populated
(due to documents of that size being ejectedor items changing in size), then the
unused space in those pages cannot be used for documents of other sizes until a
complete page is free and that page is re-assigned to a new size. Such effects
are highly workload dependent and can result in memory that cannot be used
efficiently by the managed cache.
The Active Memory Defragmenter attempts to address any fragmentation by
periodically scanning the cache to identify pages which are sparsely used, and
repacking the items stored on those pages to free up whole pages.
High Performance Storage
High Performance Storage
The scheduler and the shared thread pool provide high performance storage to
the Couchbase Server.
The scheduler is responsible for managing a shared thread-pool
and providing a fair allocation of resources to the jobs waiting to
execute in the vBucket engine. Shared thread pool services
requests across all buckets.
As an administrator, you can govern the allocation of resources
by configuring a bucket’s disk I/O prioritization setting to be either
high or low.
Shared thread pool
A shared thread pool is a collection of threads which are shared
across multiple buckets for long running operations such as disk
I/O. Each node in the cluster has a thread pool that is shared
across multiple vBuckets on the node. Based on the number of
CPU cores on a node, the database engine spawns and allocates
threads when a node instance starts up.
Using a shared thread pool provides the following benefits:
Better parallelism for worker threads with more efficient I/O
resource management.
Better system scalability with more buckets being serviced with
fewer worker threads.
Availability of task priority if the disk bucket I/O priority setting is
Disk I/O priority
Disk I/O priority
Disk I/O priority enables workload priorities to be set at the bucket level.
You can configure the bucket priority settings at the bucket level and set the
value to be either high or low. Bucket priority settings determine whether I/O
tasks for a bucket must be queued in the low or high priority task queues.
Threads in the global pool poll the high priority task queues more often than
the low priority task queues. When a bucket has a high priority, its I/O tasks are
picked up at a higher frequency and thus, processed faster than the I/O tasks
belonging to a low priority bucket.
You can configure the bucket I/O priority settings during initial setup and
change the settings later, if needed. However, changing a bucket I/O
priority after the initial setup results in a restart of the bucket and the
client connections are reset.Figure 3. Create bucket settings
The previous versions of Couchbase Server, version 3.0 or earlier, required
the I/O thread allocation per bucket to be configured manually. However,
when you upgrade from a 2.x version to a 3.x or higher version, Couchbase
Server converts an existing thread value to either a high or low priority
based on the following criteria:
 Buckets allocated six to eight (6-8) threads in Couchbase Server 2.x are
marked high priority in bucket setting after the upgrade to 3.x or later.
 Buckets allocated three to five (3-5) threads in Couchbase Server 2.x are
marked low priority in bucket settings after the upgrade to 3.x or later.
Monitoring Scheduler
Monitoring Scheduler
You can use the cbstats command with the raw workload option to
view the status of the threads as shown in the following example.
# cbstats -b default raw workload ep_workload:LowPrioQ
ep_workload:LowPrioQ_AuxIO:OutQsize: 0 ep_workload:LowPrioQ_NonIO:InQsize:
ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Reader:InQsize: 12 ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Reader:OutQsiz
ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Writer:OutQsize: 0 ep_workload:num_auxio:
ep_workload:num_readers: 1 ep_workload:num_shards:
ep_workload:num_writers: 1 ep_workload:ready_tasks:
ep_workload:shard0_pendingTasks: 0 ep_workload:shard1_locked:
ep_workload:shard2_locked: false ep_workload:shard2_pendingTasks:
ep_workload:shard3_pendingTasks: 0
Bloom Filters
A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure used to test whether an
element is a member of a set. False positive matches are possible, but
false negatives are not. This means a query returns either "possibly in
set" or "definitely not in set". It is a bit array with a predefined size that is
calculated based on the expected number of items and the probability of
false positives or the probability of finding a key that doesn't exist.
Bloom filter significantly improves the performance of full ejection
scenarios and XDCR.
In the full ejection mode, the key and metadata are evicted along with
the value. Therefore, if a key is non resident, there is no way of knowing
if a key exists or not, without accessing the disk. In such a scenario, if a
client issues a lot of GETs on keys that may not even exist in server,
Bloom filters help eliminate many unnecessary disk accesses. Similarly
for XDCR, when we set up remote replication to a brand new cluster,
we would be able to avoid many unnecessary GetMeta-disk-fetches
with the help of the bloom filter.
With Bloom filters, the probability of false positives decreases as the
size of the array increases and increases as the number of inserted
elements increases. Based on the algorithm that takes into account the
number of keys and the probability of false positives, you can estimate
the size of the Bloom filter and the number of bits to store each key.
For value eviction only the deleted keys will be stored, while in case of
full eviction both the deleted keys and non-resident items will be stored.
The algorithm calculates the almost exact probability of false positives,
including the number of hash functions (k), size of the bit array (m), and
the number of inserted elements (n):
k = m/n (ln 2)
You can expect an increase in memory usage or memory overhead
while using the Bloom filter:
Table 1. Memory overhead for Bloom filter use
False positive
0.01 0.05
Estimated number of keys 10,000.000 (=>
=10,000 keys per
10,000.000 (=>
=10,000 keys per
Number of bits per key in
the filter
7 bits 4 bits
Size of the Bloom filter to
fit the estimated keys
with desired false positive
95851 bits (=> =12
KB per vBucket) (=>
=12 MB for 1024
62353 bits (=> =8 KB
per vBucket) (=> =8
MB for 1024
In a case of full eviction, you will not know whether an item exists in the
memory until you perform a background fetch. Therefore, use of the
Bloom filter helps to avoid unnecessary background fetches and
improves latency.
For more information about working set management and eviction,
see Database Engine Architecture
Parent topic: Services Architecture and Multidimensional Scaling
Sub-Document API
The sub-document API enables you to access parts of JSON
documents (sub-documents) efficiently without requiring the transfer of
the entire document over the network. This improves performance and
brings better efficiency to the network IO path, especially when working
with large JSON documents.
The key-value APIs in Couchbase operate on entire documents. In use
cases where small documents or binary values are used, operations
that retrieve and update the entire document are acceptable and
desirable. However, in use cases where large documents are used,
retrieving an entire document to read or update a single field isn't
practical. Modifying a single field involves retrieving the entire document
over the network, modifying the field locally, and then passing the
modified document back over the network to save it in the database.
Key-value APIs are well suited for binary values and small JSON
Note:The key-value APIs can also operate on binary formats which are
not supported by sub-document APIs. Append operations on binary
values are always atomic and do not retrieve the document to perform
the append.
With the addition of the sub-document API, you can now access and
operate on individual JSON fields, sub-document fragments, within a
larger JSON document. Consider the following example which uses a
sub-document API to retrieve just the last name from a user profile
JSON document.
Only the requested or modified fields are sent over the network as
opposed to the entire document being sent over the network when
using key-value APIs.
Note:The above example shows the underlying Memcache protocol
operations. The sub-document APIs are exposed through convenient
builder APIs in each of the SDKs. All sub-document operations are
atomic at the document level.
Atomically modifying fields within a JSON document is typically suited to
the following scenarios:
 An application does not have the existing document available locally
and wishes to make a predetermined change to a specific field as
part of a routine operation. For example, incrementing a statistics
counter or a login counter.
 An application already has the existing document available locally,
but wishes to use an atomic operation for modifying it, to save
bandwidth and be more efficient. For example, an existing web
session where the user modifies or stores some data such as an
updated profile or an updated score.
 Cross-referencing scenarios, where an application-defined
relationship exists between two documents. In the context of social
gaming, this may be thought of as sending messages between
1. User #1 sends a message to User #2.
2. This may be implemented as: generate a key for the inbox
message, store it somewhere.
3. docAddValue(‘user:1’, ‘sent’, [‘user:2’,
4. docAddValue(‘user:2’, ‘inbox’, [‘user:1’,
Note:The following blogs explain how the sub-document API is
expressed using different SDKs:
 Java Walk-through of the Sub-document API
 GO Walk-through of the Sub-document API
Consider a simple Java example that uses the sub-document API to
connect to the travel-sample bucket, fetch the name field from the
document “ airline_13633”, and then print it.
// Fetch and print the name from an airline DocumentFragment<Lookup> resultLooku
The API for sub-document operations use the dot notation syntax to
identify the logical location of an attribute within a document. This is
also consistent with N1QL's path syntax to refer to individual fields in a
document. In the example below, the path to the last name field is
Updates to a field are atomic and do not collide with updates to a
different field on the same key. For example, the following operations do
not collide although they are updating the same document.
[Thread 1] bucket.mutateIn("user").upsert("name.last","Lennon",false).doM
This section lists the available sub-document commands. There are two
categories of commands exposed through builder APIs in the SDKs:
 lookupIn commands which are used to read data from existing
 mutateIn commands which are used to modify documents.
Sub-document commands are named similar to their full-document
counterparts, but they perform the logical key-value operation within a single
document rather than operating on the entire document. In addition to
retrieving and setting fields, the sub document API allows true "append" and
"prepend" operations on arrays, as well as increment and decrement operations
on numeric values.
Lookup Commands
There are two sub-document lookup commands - get and exists.
get returns a specific path from a single document. It can be used to
return any JSON primitive, assuming a suitable path is constructed. For
example, consider the following document from the travel-
sample dataset:
{ "id": 55136, "type": "route", "airline": "U2", "airlineid": "airline_22
"AMS", "stops": 0, "equipment”: [“320", "319”], “active": true, "schedule
"U2219" }, { "day": 1, "utc": "07:58:00", "flight": "U2839" }
Using the sub-document get command the following fields of varying
types can be returned via these paths:
"id" - 55136 (number) "active" - true (boolean) "schedule[0]" - { "day": 0, "ut
- ["320", "319"] (array)
The exists command is similar to get, except that it only checks for
the existence of a given path, and does not return the document fragment itself.
This command can be used to check if a particular path exists in a document,
without having to actually receive the fragment.
Mutation Commands
The sub-document API supports the addition of new fields, and modification or
deletion of existing fields in a JSON document. Different commands are used
depending on the type of the field being mutated.
Mutating Dictionary Fields
The sub-document API supports four commands on JSON dictionaries
(also known as objects):
 Creating of a new name/value pair using insert.
 Replacing an existing name/value pair using replace.
 Creating a new name/value pair or replacement of an existing one
using upsert.
 Deleting an existing name/value using remove.
The example below shows the use of replace to update
the callsign field in for a particular airline document (which is
composed of a top-level dictionary):
// Update CallSign for "Pan Am" to "Clipper" DocumentFragment<Mutation> resultMu
resultLookup = bucket.lookupIn("airline_13633").get("callsign").doLookup(); LOGGE
Mutating Array Fields
The sub-document API supports a similar set of commands on arrays as on
dictionaries. It also adds the ability to push items to the beginning or the
end of an array, without having to explicitly check the current length of the
 Adding a new element to an array at a specific index
using arrayInsert.
 Pushing a new element to the start or the end of an array
using pushFront or pushBack.
 Replacing an existing index with a new value using replace.
 Deleting an existing array element (reducing the array size by 1)
using remove.
 Adding a new element only if the value is not already present in the
array using addUnique.
The example below shows the use of upsert to
create a new " fleet" array in an existing document, and then appends
two new aircraft dictionaries (containing the aircraft name and engine
count) to the "fleet" array:
// Creates a "fleet" array and pushes aircraft into it bucket.mutateIn("airline_
JsonObject.create().put("name", "747-200B").put("heavy",true).put("engines",4),
200").put("engines",2) ), false).doMutate();
The sub-document API also supports enforcing that values are unique in an
array, which allows the construction ofmathematical sets.
The example below shows an example of mathematical sets -
each airline has a models array recording what models of aircraft an
airline operates. There is a constraint that the elements in models should
be unique (a model shouldn’t appear more than once), so
the addUnique command is used when adding new models:
// Creates a "models" array and adds UNIQUE values into it
The Array already contains the 747-120 try { bucket.mutateIn("airline_136
} catch (PathExistsException ex){"Whoops! Model is al
Arithmetic commands
The sub-document API allows basic arithmetic operations (addition and
subtraction) to be performed on integer fields in a document using
the counter command.
This allows simple counters to be implemented server-side, without the client
application having to explicitly fetch the field, update the numeric value and
then replace it back again. It also prevents the possibility of another client
attempting to perform the update at the same time and the increment or
decrement being lost.
Arithmetic operations can only be performed on integer numeric values which
can be represented as a signed 64 bit value (i.e. the C type int64_t) and the
delta being added or subtracted also needs to be an int64_t.
The example below demonstrates the use of counter to
increment two fields -
passengers.servedand passengers.complained:
// Increment passenger_served counter on the airline bucket.mutateIn("airline_13
Simulate some randomness that a passenger complained while being served if (new R
Maintaining Data Consistency
Maintaining Data Consistency
When using key-value APIs, updates to a single field requires CAS to maintain
consistency. In case of highly contended documents, if a CAS mismatch occurs
the operation needs to be restarted even though the modified field remains the
same. Sub-document APIs do not require the use of CAS when updating single
fields. However, you can still use the CAS protectionfor the document if your
application requires it. For more information on CAS, see Concurrent
Document Mutations.
The application logic may require a document modification to be either:
 Locally consistent with regards to the immediate parent object which
contains the value being modified. For example, ensure that a specific
object key is unique, or ensure that a specific list item is not duplicated.
 Globally consistent with regards to the entire document. For example, if
the existence of one field in the document only makes sense when
another field is in a specific state.
In Couchbase Server 4.1 or earlier versions, both these scenarios require
the application to make use of CAS to ensure consistency. With the sub-
document API model, the local consistency requirement does not require
CAS as the server can ensure that the data is consistent atomically. For
global consistency requirements, you can use CAS through the SDKs to
ensure that a document's state has not already changed.
Multi-path Operations
Multi-path Operations
As demonstrated in the examples above, the sub-document API supports
operating on multiple paths in a single key with potentially different
commands. The builder APIs allow commands to be chained together for
efficiency. Multi-path operations can retrieve multiple disjoint fields from a
single key atomically. Multi-path operations can also modify multiple disjoint
fields from a single key atomically.
Important: A multi-path operation through either
the lookupIn or mutateIn builder APIs can only perform a retrieval or
a mutation, not both.
Sub-Document API Suitability
Sub-Document API Suitability
The sub-document API is a trade-off in server resource usage, between
CPU and network bandwidth. When using a sub-document command the
client only transmits the key, path and fragment to change, as opposed to
sending the key, and complete (whole) value. Depending on the size of the
document being operated on and the size of the fragment, this can result in
a significant saving of network bandwidth. For example, operating on a
100KB document named " user::j.bloggs" where a 30 byte fragment
is added to a path of length 20 bytes would require sending the following
over the network:
Size (bytes)
Header Key Path Value Total
Full document
24 14 - 100,240 100,278
24 14 20 30 88
In this example, there is a saving of 100,190 bytes using sub-document
compared to existing full document operations, or a 99.91% saving in
network bandwidth.
However, this bandwidth saving is only possible because the cluster node
performs the additional processing to handle this request. The cluster
node needs to parse the current JSON value for " user::j.bloggs",
apply the requested modification (inserting an element into a dictionary in
the above example), and then store the result. The exact CPU required for
this will vary considerably depending on a number of factors, including:
 Size of the existing document.
 Complexity (different levels of nesting, etc) of the existing document.
 Type of sub-document operation being performed.
 Size of the fragment being applied.
In general, sub-document API is a good fit for applications where network
bandwidth is at a premium, and at least one of the following is true:
 The document being operated on is not very small.
 The fragment being requested/modified is a small fraction of the total
document size.
Incremental MapReduce Views
MapReduce views (also called views) uses a user defined map and
reduce function that can define arbitrarily complex logic for indexing.
This makes views a powerful solution for interactive reporting queries
that require powerful reshaping of data that can provide responses at
low latencies.
Views process the map and reduce functions to precalculate and store
the answer, hence reducing the need for just-in-time calculations to
Couch db
Couch db
Couch db
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Couch db
Couch db
Couch db
Couch db
Couch db
Couch db
Couch db

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Couch db

  • 1. Architecture Overview Couchbase Server is a distributed, open source NoSQL database engine. The core architecture is designed to simplify building modern applications with a flexible data model and simpler high availability, high scalability, high performance, and advanced security. Couchbase Server consists of a single package that is installed on all nodes. Using the SDKs, you can write applications in the language of your choice (Java, node.js, .NET, or others). The applications connect to a Couchbase Server cluster to perform read and write operations, and run queries with low latencies (sub millisecond) and high throughput (millions of operations per second). To understand the Couchbase Server’s architecture, it is important to understand both the core components of the system and the behavior of core run time capabilities. Figure 1. Nodes, services, and cluster The following are the core runtime systems within Couchbase Server:
  • 2.  Connectivity architecture  Replication architecture  Storage architecture  Caching layer architecture  Security architecture The runtimes such as replication, storage, caching, and so on can be tuned to the needs of different services within the system. Couchbase Server also consists of the following services:  Cluster manager  Data service  Index service  Query service  Search service (Developer Preview in 4.5) Services Couchbase services are components that run specific independent workloads within the cluster. Databases handle three distinct workloads: core data operations, indexing, and query processing. Couchbase Server includes Data, Index, Search, and Query Services to enable independent deployment of these workloads within a cluster. Each node can run all services or a subset of the services. As an administrator, you can create unique topologies using these independent services and independently scale the three workloads. For more information, see Services architecture and multidimensional scaling. Core data access and data service Data Service provides the key-value API that you can use to perform CRUD operations (create, retrieve, update, and delete) on items with keys within buckets. For more information, see Data service and core data access. Indexing and index service Indexes provide faster access to data in a bucket. Couchbase Server supports the following indexers: Incremental Map-Reduce View indexer
  • 3. Global Secondary Index (GSI) indexer Spatial Views indexer Full Text Search indexer Using these indexers, you can create two types of indexes: Primary indexes which index all the keys in a given bucket and are used when a secondary index cannot be used to satisfy a query and a full bucket scan is required. Secondary indexes can index a subset of the items in a given bucket and are used to make queries targeting a specific subset of fields more efficient. In Couchbase Server, both MapReduce view and spatial view indexers provide direct access to the indexes through the View API. Both the indexers are placed within the data service as they are partition-aligned to the core data distribution. The full text search indexer (Developer Preview) provides direct access to indexers through the FTS API. FTS index is placed within its own service (FTS service) for independent scalability. The Global Secondary Indexes (GSI) are deployed on nodes hosting the index service and can be independently partitioned for better performance and throughput with N1QL queries. For more information about indexers and index services, see Views, indexing, and index services. Querying data and query service With N1QL, you can query JSON documents using SQL-like syntax. You can also run ad-hoc queries with filters and aggregates over JSON data and reshape the JSON output. N1QL API is available through the query service. Incremental Map-Reduce views provide a View API that can query data based on the keys defined by a view. Views can define the keys using the MapReduce functions in JavaScript. Incremental Map-Reduce view API are available through data service.
  • 4. Spatial views provide a Spatial View API that can query data based on a bounding box (rectangle with coordinates). Spatial views define the attributes that signify the coordinates a given item represents using the MapReduce functions in JavaScript. Spatial view API is available through the data service. Full text search indexer provides a Search API that can perform keyword searches directly on data in Couchbase Server. Search API is available through the Search service. For more information about querying and retrieving data, see Querying data and query service. CONTACT  LinkedIn Terminology This section defines the key terms and concepts used in the Couchbase Server architecture documentation. Node A single Couchbase Server instance running on a physical server, virtual machine, or a container. All nodes are identical: they consist of the same components and services and provide the same interfaces. Cluster A cluster is a collection of nodes that are accessed and managed as a single group. Each node is an equal partner in orchestrating the cluster to provide facilities such as operational information (monitoring) or managing cluster membership of nodes and health of nodes. Clusters are scalable. You can expand a cluster by adding new nodes and shrink a cluster by removing nodes. The Cluster Manager is the main component that orchestrates the cluster level operations. For more information, see Cluster Manager. Bucket
  • 5. A bucket is a logical container for a related set of items such as key-value pairs or documents. Buckets are similar to databases in relational databases. They provide a resource management facility for the group of data that they contain. Applications can use one or more buckets to store their data. Through configuration, buckets provide segregation along the following boundaries: Cache and IO management Authentication Replication and Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR) Indexing and Views Item Item is the basic unit of data in a Couchbase Server. An item is a key-value pair where each stored value is identified by a unique key within the bucket. This is different from relational databases which store data in databases grouped by tables. Tables have a strict schema (set of columns) and data is stored in rows in tables. Values for an item can be anything from a single bit, to a decimal measurement, to JSON documents. Storing data as a JSON document allows the Couchbase Server to provide extended features such as indexing and querying. Items are also referred to as documents, objects, or key-value pairs. vBucket vBuckets are physical partitions of the bucket data. By default, Couchbase Server creates a number of master vBuckets per bucket (typically 1024) to store the bucket data. Buckets may store redundant copies of data calledreplicas. Each replica also creates another set of vBuckets to mirror the active vBucket. The vBuckets that maintain replica data are called replica vBuckets. Every bucket has its own set of active and replica vBuckets and those vBuckets are evenly distributed across all nodes within the data service. Cluster map The cluster map contains a mapping of which services belong to which nodes at a given point in time. This map exists on all
  • 6. Couchbase nodes as well as within every instantiation of the client SDK. Through this map, the application is able to transparently identify the cluster topology and respond when that topology changes. Cluster map contains a vBucket map. vBucket map A vBucket map contains a mapping of vBuckets to nodes at a given point in time. This map exists on all Couchbase nodes as well as within every instantiation of the client SDK. Through this map, the application is able to transparently identify the nodes that contain the vBuckets for a given key and respond when the topology changes. Replication Replication is the process of creating additional copies of active data on alternate nodes. Replication is at the heart of the Couchbase Server architecture enabling high availability, disaster recovery, and data exchange with other big data products. It is the core enabler for Moving data between nodes to maintain replicas. Geo-distribution of data with cross datacenter replication (XDCR) Queries with incremental map-reduce and spatial views Backups with full or incremental snapshots of data Integration with Hadoop, Kafka and text search engines based on Lucene like Solr For more information about replication, see High availability and replication architecture. Rebalance The topology of a cluster can change as nodes are added or removed due to capacity requirements or node failures. As the number of nodes changes, the rebalance operation is used to redistribute the load and adapt to the new topology of nodes. At its core, a rebalance operation for the data service is the incremental movement of vBuckets from one node to another. By moving vBuckets onto or off of nodes, these nodes become responsible for more or less data and begin handling more or less traffic from the applications. A rebalance operation also brings in
  • 7. or takes out nodes from the various services. While the rebalance operation is in progress, it also updates the cluster map on all clients with any topology changes. The Cluster Manager coordinates the movement and hand off of vBuckets and services during the rebalance operation. Rebalance is performed completely online and with minimal impact to the incoming workload. Failover Failover is the process that diverts traffic away from failing nodes to the remaining healthy nodes. Failover can be done automatically by the Couchbase cluster based on the health status of a node, or can be done manually by the administrator or an external script. A node that is failed over does not accept any new traffic. Graceful failover Graceful failover is the proactive ability to remove a Data service node from the cluster in an orderly and controlled fashion. It is an online operation with zero downtime, which is achieved by promoting replica vBuckets on the remaining cluster nodes to active and the active vBuckets on the node to failover to dead. This type of failover is primarily used for planned maintenance of the cluster. Hard failover Hard failover is the ability to drop a node quickly from the cluster when it has become unavailable or unstable. This is achieved by promoting replica vBuckets on the remaining cluster nodes to active. Hard failover is primarily used when there is an unplanned outage to a node in the cluster. Automatic failover Automatic failover is the built-in ability to have the Cluster Manager detect and determine when a node is unavailable and then initiate a hard failover. Node lifecycle As the cluster topology changes, nodes in the cluster go through a set of state transitions. Operations such as Add Node, Remove Node, Rebalance, and Failover cause state transitions. The
  • 8. following diagram lists the states and state transitions of the nodes in the cluster.Figure 1. Node lifecycle CONTACT  LinkedIn  Twitter  Facebook Connectivity Architecture Couchbase Server is a fully distributed database, making connection management and efficient communication key components of the architecture. This section provides information about client to cluster, node to node, cluster to cluster, and cluster to external products
  • 9. communications. It also describes the phases of establishing a connection. Client to Cluster Communication Client to Cluster Communication Client applications communicate with Couchbase Server through a set of access points tuned for the data access category such as CRUD operations, N1QL queries, and so on. Each access point supports clear text and encrypted communication ports. There are four main types of access points that drive the majority of client to server communications. Table 1. Communication ports Type Port API REST 8091, 18091 (SSL) Admin operations with the REST Admin API Direct Connect to a single node in the cluster to perform admin operations, monitoring, and alerting. REST 8092, 18092 (SSL) Query with View (View and Spatial View API) Load balanced connection across nodes of the cluster that run the data service for View queries. REST 8093, 18093 (SSL) Query with N1QL (N1QL API) Load balanced connection across nodes of the cluster that run the query service for N1QL queries. ONLINE 11210, 11207 (SSL) Core Data operations Stateful connections from client app to nodes of the cluster that runs data service for CRUD operations. REST 8094 Search Service (Developer Preview) Load balanced connections across nodes of the cluster that run the search service for full
  • 10. Table 1. Communication ports Type Port API text search queries. Note:This table lists a subset of the network ports. For a complete list of network ports, see Network Configuration. For information on how a connection is established when a request from the client side is received, see Connectivity Phases. Node to Node Communication Node to Node Communication Nodes of the cluster communicate with each other to replicate data, maintain indexes, check health of nodes, communicate changes to the configuration of the cluster, and much more. Node to node communication is optimized for high efficiency operations and may not go through all the connectivity phases (authentication, discovery, and service connection). For more information about connectivity phases, see Client to Cluster Communication. Cluster to Cluster Communication Cluster to Cluster Communication Couchbase Server clusters can communicate with each other using the Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR) capability. XDCR communication is set up from a source cluster to a destination cluster. For more information, see Cross Datacenter Replication. External Connector Communication External Connector Communication Couchbase Server also communicates with external products through connectors. Couchbase has built and supports connectors for Spark, Kafka, Elasticsearch, SOLR, and so on. The community and other companies have also built more connectors for ODBC driver, JDBC driver, Flume, Storm, Nagios connectors for Couchbase, and so on. External connectors are typically built using the existing client SDKs, the direct service or admin APIs listed in the client
  • 11. to cluster communication section, or feed directly from the internal APIs such as the Database Change Protocol (DCP) API. For more information about Database Change Protocol, seeIntra-cluster Replication. Connectivity Phases Connectivity Phases When a connection request comes in from the client side, the connection is established in three phases: authentication, discovery, and service connection. 1. Authentication: In the first phase, the connection to a bucket is authenticated based on the credentials provided by the client. In case of Admin REST API, admin users are authenticated for the cluster and not just a bucket. 2. Discovery: In the second phase, the connection gets a cluster map which represents the topology of the cluster, including the list of nodes, how data is distributed on these nodes, and the services that run on these nodes. Client applications using the SDKs only need to know the URL or address to one of the nodes in the cluster. Client applications with the cluster map discover all other nodes and the entire topology of the cluster. 3. Service Connection: Armed with the cluster map, client SDKs figure out the connections needed to establish and perform the service level operations through key-value, N1QL, or View APIs. Service connections require a secondary authentication to the service to ensure the credentials passed on to the service have access to the service level operations. With authentication cleared, the connection to the service is established. At times, the topology of the cluster may change and the service connection may get exceptions on its requests to the services. In such cases, client SDKs go back to the previous phase to rerun discovery and retry the operation with a new connection. CONTACT  LinkedIn
  • 12.  Twitter  Facebook  Google+ PRODUCTS High Availability and Replication Architecture Couchbase Server provides high availability for reading and for writing of data through a variety of features. For writing, the ability to get data off of a single node as quickly as possible is paramount to avoid any data loss due to a failure of that individual node. Database Change Protocol (DCP) Database Change Protocol (DCP) Database Change Protocol (DCP) is the protocol used to stream bucket level mutations. Given the distributed nature of Couchbase Server, DCP sits at the heart of Couchbase Server architecture. DCP is used for high speed replication of mutations to maintain replica vBuckets, incremental MapReduce views and spatial views, Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs), cross datacenter replication (XDCR), backups, and many other external connectors. DCP is a memory based replication protocol that is ordering, resumable, and consistent. DCP immediately streams any changes made to documents in memory to the destination. The memory based communication reduces latency and greatly boosts availability, prevents data loss, improves freshness of indexes, and more. To work with DCP, you need to be familiar with the following concepts, which are listed in alphabetical order for convenience. Application client A normal client that transmits read, write, update, delete, and query requests to the server cluster, usually for an interactive web application. DCP client
  • 13. A special client that streams data from one or more Couchbase server nodes, for purposes of intra-cluster replication (to be a backup in case the master server fails), indexing (to answer queries in aggregate about the data in the whole cluster), XDCR (to replicate data from one cluster to another cluster, usually located in a separate data center), incremental backup, and any 3rd party component that wants to index, monitor, or analyze Couchbase data in near real time, or in batch mode on a schedule. Failover log A list of previously known vBucket versions for a vBucket. If a client connects to a server and was previously connected to a different version of a vBucket than that server is currently working with, the failure log is used to find a rollback point. History branch Whenever a node becomes the master node for a vBucket in the event of a failover or uncontrolled shutdown and restart, if it was not the farthest ahead of all processes watching events on that partition and starts taking mutations, it might reuse sequence numbers that other processes have already seen on this partition. This can be a history branch, and the new master must assign the vBucket a new vBucket version so that DCP clients in the distributed system can recognize that they are ahead of the new master and roll back changes at the point this happened in the stream. During a controlled handover from an old master to a new master, the sequence history cannot have branches, so there is no need to assign a new version to the vBucket being handed off. Controlled handovers occur in the case of a rebalance for elasticity (such as adding or removing a node) or a swap rebalance in the case of an upgrade (such as adding a new version of Couchbase Server to a cluster or removing an old version of Couchbase Server). Mutation A mutation is an event that deletes a key or changes the value a key points to. Mutations occur when transactions such as create, update, delete or expire are executed. Rollback point
  • 14. The server uses the failover log to find the first possible history branch between the last time a client was receiving mutations for a vBucket and now. The sequence number of that history branch is the rollback point that is sent to the client. Sequence number Each mutation that occurs on a vBucket is assigned a number, which strictly increases as events are assigned numbers (there is no harm in skipping numbers, but they must increase), that can be used to order that event against other mutations within the same vBucket. This does not give a cluster-wide ordering of events, but it does enable processes watching events on a vBucket to resume where they left off after a disconnect. Server A master or replica node that serves as the network storage component of a cluster. For a given partition, only one node can be master in the cluster. If that node fails or becomes unresponsive, the cluster selects a replica node to become the new master. Snapshot To send a client a consistent picture of the data it has, the server takes a snapshot of the state of its disk write queue or the state of its storage, depending on where it needs to read from to satisfy the client’s current requests. This snapshot represents the exact state of the mutations it contains at the time it was taken. Using this snapshot, the server can send the items that existed at the point in time the snapshot was taken, and only those items, in the state they were in when the snapshot was taken. Snapshots do not imply that everything is locked or copied into a new structure. In the current Couchbase storage subsystem, snapshots are essentially “free." The only cost is when a file is copy compacted to remove garbage and wasted space, the old file cannot be freed until all snapshot holders have released the old file. It’s also possible to “kick” a snapshot holder if the system determines the holder of the snapshot is taking too long. DCP clients that are kicked can reconnect and a new snapshot will be obtained, allowing it to restart from where it left off. vBucket
  • 15. Couchbase splits the key space into a fixed amount of vBuckets, usually 1024. Keys are deterministically assigned to a vBucket, and vBuckets are assigned to nodes to balance the load across the cluster. vBucket stream A grouping of messages related to receiving mutations for a specific vBucket. This includes mutation, deletion, and expiration messages and snapshot marker messages. The transport layer provides a way to separate and multiplex multiple streams of information for different vBuckets. All messages between snapshot marker messages are considered to be one snapshot. A snapshot contains only the recent update for any given key within the snapshot window. It might require several complete snapshots to get the current version of the document. vBucket version A universally unique identifier (UUID) and sequence number pair associated with a vBucket. A new version is assigned to a vBucket by the new master node any time there might have been a history branch. The UUID is a randomly generated number, and the sequence number is the sequence number that vBucket last processed at the time the version was created. Intra-cluster Replication Intra-cluster Replication Intra-cluster replication involves replicas that are placed on another node in the same cluster. Replicas Replicas are copies of data that are placed on another node in a cluster. The source of the replicated vBucket data is called the active vBucket. Active vBuckets perform read and write operations on individual documents. The destination vBucket is called the replica vBucket. Replica vBuckets receive a continuous stream of mutations from the active vBucket through the Database Change Protocol (DCP). Although replica vBuckets are not accessed typically, they can respond to read requests.
  • 16. Within the data service, active vBuckets are spread across the cluster for even distribution of data and best performance. Additional replicas are optional. As an administrator, you can create between one and three additional copies (replica vBuckets) of the active vBuckets. Replica vBuckets are also spread across the cluster for best availability and can use failure-domain definitions to guide distribution. For example, to protect against the node failure-domain, Couchbase Server places an active vBucket and its corresponding replica vBucket on separate nodes or separate racks.Figure 1. Couchbase Server replicas
  • 17. Cross Datacenter Replication Cross Datacenter Replication Using the cross datacenter replication (XDCR) capability you can set up replication of data between clusters. XDCR helps protect against data center failures and also helps maintain data locality in globally distributed mission critical applications. As an administrator, you can use XDCR to create replication relationships that replicate data from a source cluster’s bucket to a destination cluster’s bucket. You can also set up complex topologies across many clusters such as bidirectional topologies, ring topologies, tree structured topologies, and more. XDCR uses DCP to stream mutations with an agent running on each node within the data service. This XDCR agent is tuned to function with low latency and high reliability over WAN type latencies and efficiently handle frequent connectivity issues between clusters.Figure 2. Cross datacenter replication (XDCR)
  • 18. In XDCR, each replication stream is set up between a source and destination bucket on separate clusters. Each bucket on each cluster can be a source or a destination for many replication definitions in XDCR. XDCR is a "push-based" replication and so each source node runs the XDCR agent and pushes mutations to the destination bucket. The XDCR agent on the source node uses direct access communication (XMem) protocol to propagate mutations from the source vBucket to the matching vBucket on the destination cluster. Since there are equal number of vBuckets (default is 1024) on both the source and the destination clusters, there is a one-to-one match for each source and destination vBucket. It is important to note that XDCR does not require source and destination clusters to have identical topology. XDCR agents are topology aware and match the destination vBucket with the local vBucket, propagating mutations directly from vBucket to vBucket. Conflict Resolution in XDCR In case of bi-directional XDCR where the same dataset exists on both the clusters, conflicts can arise. XDCR automatically performs conflict resolution for different document versions on source and destination clusters. The algorithm is designed to consistently select the same document on either a source or destination cluster. For each stored document, XDCR perform checks of metadata to resolve conflicts. It checks the following:  Revision ID, a numerical sequence that is incremented on each mutation  CAS value  Document flags  Expiration (TTL) value XDCR conflict resolution uses revision ID as the first field to resolve conflicts between two writes across clusters. Revision IDs are maintained per key and are incremented with every update to the key. Revision IDs keep track of number of mutations to a key, thus XDCR
  • 19. conflict resolution can be best characterized as “the most updates wins”. If a document does not have the highest revision number, changes to this document will not be stored or replicated; instead the document with the highest score will take precedence on both clusters. Conflict resolution is automatic and does not require any manual correction or selection of documents. By default XDCR fetches metadata twice from every document before it replicates the document at a destination cluster. XDCR fetches metadata on the source cluster and looks at the number of revisions for a document. It compares this number with the number of revisions on the destination cluster and the document with more revisions is considered the ‘winner.’ If XDCR determines a document from a source cluster will win conflict resolution, it puts the document into the replication queue. If the document will lose conflict resolution because it has a lower number of mutations, XDCR will not put it into the replication queue. Once the document reaches the destination, this cluster will request metadata once again to confirm the document on the destination has not changed since the initial check. If the document from the source cluster is still the ‘winner’ it will be persisted onto disk at the destination. The destination cluster will discard the document version with the lowest number of mutations. The key point is that the number of document mutations is the main factor that determines whether XDCR keeps a document version or not. This means that the document that has the most recent mutation may not be necessarily the one that wins conflict resolution. If both documents have the same number of mutations, XDCR selects a winner based on other document metadata. Precisely determining which document is the most recently changed is often difficult in a distributed system. The algorithm Couchbase Server uses does ensure that each cluster can independently reach a consistent decision on which document wins. CONTACT  LinkedIn
  • 20.  Twitter  Facebook  Google+ Storage Architecture Couchbase Server consists of various services and components that have different storage requirements. Each component uses the optimized storage engine purpose-built and configured for the workload of relevant components. As an administrator, you can independently control data and index storage paths within the file system on a per node basis. This ensures data and index storage can utilize separate I/O subsystems to enable independent tuning and isolation. There are multiple storage engines in use in Couchbase Server:  Data Service, MapReduce Views, Spatial Views, and Couchstore For core data operations, MapReduce views, and spatial views, Couchbase Server uses Couchstore. Each vBucket is represented as a separate Couchstore file in the file system. Couchstore uses a B+tree structure to quickly access items through their keys. For efficient writes, Couchstore uses an append-only write model for each file for efficient and safe writes.  Index Service, Search Service, and ForestDB For indexing with GSI in the Index service and full-text index in the search service, Couchbase Server uses ForestDB. With ForestDB, each index is represented as a separate ForestDB file in the file system. Unlike Couchstore, ForestDB uses a B+trie structure to quickly access item through its index key. B+trie provides a more efficient tree structure compared to B+trees and ensures a shallower tree hierarchy to better scale large item counts and very large index keys. ForestDB offers multiple options for its writes. ForestDB can be configured to use an append-only write model for each file for efficient writes which also requires regular compaction for cleanup. ForestDB can also be configured to use “circular reuse” which allows incoming writes to reuse the existing orphaned space within the file instead of simply just append only writes. In the “circular reuse” mode,
  • 21. compaction is still needed but with much less frequency (typically once a week). For more information on ForestDB and B+trie, see Couchstore Versus ForestDB Couchstore Versus ForestDB Couchbase Server uses multiple storage engines to optimize specific I/O patterns required by the services. Couchstore is used for storage under data service for both database engine and for view engine. ForestDB is used by the index service for storage of global secondary indexes. There are a few similarities between Couchstore and ForestDB.  Both come with an append-only write approach. Additionally, ForestDB supports the circular reuse write approach.  Both storage engines perform compression using the SNAPPY library when persisting.  Both storage engines require compaction to periodically clean up orphaned pages. However, the ForestDB circular reuse write model requires less frequent compactions. There are a few important differences between Couchstore and ForestDB.  Tree Structure: Unlike Couchstore, ForestDB does not maintain a B+tree structure. ForestDB uses an optimized tree structure called B+trie. B+trie can handle large keys much more efficiently. This helps in cases where a large set of attributes or a single large attribute in the document need to be indexed. B+tree with large index keys can end up with many levels in the tree. The depth of the tree impacts the write amplification and access times to get to the leaf of the tree during scans. With a B+trie, the same key size can achieve much shallower tree structure reducing both write amplification and retrieval times.  Caching: Unlike Couchstore, ForestDB maintain its own cache. This cache holds the mutations before they are persisted to disk. Append-only and Compaction Append-only and Compaction As mutations arrive, the writes append new pages to the end of the file and invalidate links to previous versions of the updated pages. With these append- only write models, a compaction process is needed to clean up the orphaned or fragmented space in the files.
  • 22. In Couchbase Server, the compaction process reads the existing file and writes a new contiguous file that no longer contains the orphaned items. The compaction process runs in the background and is designed to minimize the impact on the front end performance. The compaction process can be manual, scheduled, or automated based on percentage of fragmentation. Compaction of an entire dataset is parallelized across multiple nodes as well as multiple files within those nodes. In the figure below, as updated data is received by Couchbase Server, the previous versions are orphaned. After compaction, the orphaned references are removed and a continuous file is created.Figure 1. Compaction in Couchbase Server Writes with Circular Reuse Writes with Circular Reuse When you enable writes with “circular reuse”, as mutations arrive, instead of simply appending new pages to the end of the file, write operations look for reusing the orphaned space in the file. If there is not enough orphaned space available in the file that can accommodate the write, the operation may still do a write with append. With writes with circular reuse, a compaction process is still needed to create a continuous (defragmented) file. With circular reuse, full compaction still operates the same way. The compaction process reads the existing file and writes a new contiguous file that
  • 23. no longer contains the orphaned items, and is written as a contiguous file in order of the keys. The compaction process runs less often with writes with circular reuse. Compaction still runs in the background and is designed to minimize the impact on the front end performance. The compaction process can be manual, scheduled, or automated based on percentage of fragmentation. See Auto-compaction Settings for details. Compaction of an entire dataset is parallelized across multiple nodes as well as multiple files within those nodes. Managed Caching Layer Architecture Couchbase Server is built on a memory-first architecture and managing memory effectively is central to achieving high performance and scalability. Caching Layer Caching Layer Each service in Couchbase Server tunes its caching based on its needs.  Data service uses a managed cache that is tuned to enable fast key based read and write operations with low latency under high concurrency.  Index and Search services manage the cache to ensure index maintenance and fast scans for the most popular indexes in the system.  Query service manages memory to calculate query responses by processing streams effectively for the execution plans generated by the optimizer. The Couchbase SDK never access the persistence layer directly, but communicate through the caching layer. Couchbase Server moves the data to and from the disk internally as needed, thereby acting as both a read-through and a write-through cache. This facilitates extremely high read-write rates and eliminates the need for an external caching tier. Unlike many other database systems, Couchbase Server does not
  • 24. depend on external caching systems. This simplifies development as developers do not have to deal with complex cache coherency issues or varying performance capabilities across technologies. Couchbase Server automatically manages the caching layer and coordinates with persistent storage to ensure that enough cache space exists to maintain performance. It automatically places items that come in to the caching layer into a disk queue so that it can write these items to disk. If the server determines that a cached item is infrequently used, it removes the item from RAM to free up space for other incoming operations. Similarly, when infrequently used items are requested, the server retrieves the items from disk and stores them in the caching layer. In order to provide the most frequently-used data while maintaining high performance, Couchbase Server manages a working set of your entire dataset. The working set is the data most frequently accessed and is kept in memory for high performance. By default, the Couchbase Server automatically keeps frequently used data in memory and less frequently used data on disk. Couchbase Server moves data from the managed cache to disk asynchronously, in the background, to ensure there is enough memory that can be freed up for incoming operations. The server constantly monitors the information accessed by clients and decides how to keep the active data within the caching layer. Items may be ejected from memory when additional memory is needed to perform incoming operations. These items have already been persisted to disk and require no additional I/O. The managed cache ensures that reads and writes are handled at a very fast rate, while removing the typical load and performance spikes that would otherwise cause a traditional RDBMS to produce erratic performance. RAM quotas RAM quotas RAM quota allocation is governed through individual services. Each service in Couchbase Server tunes its caching based on its needs.  The Data service uses a managed cache based on memcached that is tuned to enable fast key based read and write operations with low latency under high concurrency.
  • 25.  The Index and Search services manage cache to ensure index maintenance and scans can be serviced fast for the most popular indexes in the system.  Query service manages its memory to calculate query responses by processing streams effectively for the execution plans generated by the optimizer and caches certain parts of those query plans. Allocation of memory to services is governed through RAM quota allocations. Data, Index and Search services both configure RAM quotas per node in the cluster. Query service automatically manages its memory without a defined quota. Each node in the cluster running the relevant services inherits the value and may allocate up to the specified amount.  Index RAM Quota governs the index service RAM quota allocation per node. Each node running the index service inherits the value of Index RAM Quota for caching Global Secondary Indexes (GSI).  Search RAM Quota governs the search service RAM quota allocation per node. Each node running the search service inherits the value of search RAM Quota for caching Full Text Indexes.  Data RAM Quota governs the data service RAM quota allocation per node. Each node running the data service inherits the value set for Data RAM Quota for caching bucket data. Bucket RAM Quotas are allocated out of the Cluster Data RAM quota. As an administrator, you can control the total RAM quota allocated to each bucket through Bucket RAM Quota under bucket settings. The total RAM configured across all buckets cannot exceed the total Data RAM Quota allocated for the data service at the cluster level. CONTACT  LinkedIn  Twitter  Facebook  Cluster Manager Cluster Manager runs on all the nodes of the cluster and orchestrates cluster wide operations.
  • 26. The Cluster Manager is responsible for the following operations:  Cluster topology and node membership o Managing node membership, adding and removing nodes o Discovery of cluster topology by internal and external connections o Service layout for data, index, and query services across nodes o Rebalancing the load as cluster topology changes o Node health, and failure and service monitoring  Data placement o Smart distribution of primary and secondary replicas with node, rack failure domain awareness for best failure-protection  Central statistics and logging o Operational statistics gathering and aggregation to cluster level statistics o Logging services for cluster supportability  Authentication o Authentication of connections to the cluster
  • 27. Figure 1. Cluster Manager Architecture The Cluster Manager consists of the following modules to perform the tasks above:  REST API and Auth modules: Cluster Manager communication and authentication happen through the REST API and Auth modules. All administrative operations performed through CLI tools or Admin Portal are executed through the admin REST API.  Master Services module manages global cluster level operations such as master and replica vbucket placement, auto failover and rebalance.  Bucket Services module manages bucket level operations such as establishing or handing off replication for replica maintenance or bucket level stats collection.  Per-node Services module manage node health and process/service monitoring and restart.
  • 28.  Cluster manager generic local and distributed facilities also manage local and distributed configuration management, cluster-wide logging and more. Node Membership: Adding and Removing Nodes Without Downtime Node Membership: Adding and Removing Nodes Without Downtime The Cluster Manager is responsible for cluster membership. When the topology of a cluster changes, the Cluster Manager walks through a set of carefully orchestrated operations to redistribute the load while keeping the existing workload running without a hiccup. The following workflow describes the high-level operations to add a new node to the data service: 1. The Cluster Manager ensures the new nodes inherit the cluster configuration. 2. In order to redistribute the data to the new nodes, the Cluster Manager initiates rebalance and recalculates the vBucket map. 3. The nodes which are to receive data initiate DCP replication streams from the existing nodes for each vBucket and begin building new copies of those vBuckets. This occurs for both active and replica vBuckets depending on the new vBucket map layout. 4. Incrementally as each new vBucket is populated, the data replicated and the indexes optionally updated, an atomic switchover takes place from the old vBucket to the new vBucket. 5. As the new vBuckets on the new nodes become active, the Cluster Manager ensures that the new vBucket map and cluster topology is communicated to all the existing nodes and clients. This process is repeated until the rebalance operation completes running. Removal of one or more nodes from the data service follows a similar process by creating new vBuckets within the remaining nodes of the cluster and transitioning them off of the nodes to be removed. When there are no more vBuckets assigned to a node, the node is removed from the cluster.
  • 29. When adding or removing nodes from the indexing and query services, no data is moved and so their membership is simply added or removed from the cluster map. The client SDKs automatically begin load balancing across those services using the new cluster map. Smart Data Placement with Rack and Zone Awareness Smart Data Placement with Rack and Zone Awareness Couchbase Server buckets physically contain 1024 master and 0 or more replica vBuckets. The Cluster Manager master services module governs the placement of these vBuckets to maximize availability and rebalance performance. The Cluster Manager master services module calculates a vBucket map with heuristics to maximize availability and rebalance performance. The vBucket map is recalculated whenever the cluster topology changes. The following rules govern the vBucket map calculation:  Master and replica vBuckets are placed on separate nodes to protect against node failures.  If a bucket is configured with more than 1 replica vBucket, each additional replica vBucket is placed on a separate node to provide better protection against node failures.  If server groups are defined for master vBuckets (such as rack and zone awareness capability), the replica vBuckets are placed in a separate server group for better protection against rack or availability zone failures. Centralized Management, Statistics, and Logging Centralized Management, Statistics, and Logging The Cluster Manager simplifies centralized management with centralized configuration management, statistics gathering and logging services. All configuration changes are managed by the orchestrator and pushed out to the other nodes to avoid configuration conflicts. In order to understand what your cluster is doing and how the cluster is performing, Couchbase Server incorporates a complete set of statistical
  • 30. and monitoring information. The statistics are accessible through all the administration interfaces - CLI ( cbstats tool), REST API, and the Couchbase Web Console. The Couchbase Web Console provides a complete suite of statistics including the built-in real-time graphing and performance data. It gives great flexibility as you (as an Administrator) can aggregate the statistics for each bucket and choose to view the statistics for the whole cluster or per node. The statistics information is grouped into categories, allowing you to identify different states and performance information within the cluster. Statistics on hardware resources Node statistics show CPU, RAM and I/O numbers on each of the servers and across your cluster as a whole. This information is useful to identify performance and loading issues on a single server. Statistics on vBuckets The vBucket statistics shows the usage and performance numbers for the vBuckets. This is useful to determine whether you need to reconfigure your buckets or add servers to improve performance. Statistics on views and indexes View statistics display information about individual views in your system such as number of reads from the index or view and its disk usage, so that you can monitor the effects and loading of a view on the Couchbase nodes. This information can indicate that your views need optimization, or that you need to consider defining views across multiple design documents. Statistics on replication (DCP, TAP, and XDCR) The Database Change Protocol (DCP) interface is used to monitor changes and updates to the database. DCP is widely used internally to replicate data between the nodes, for backups with cbbackup, to maintain views and indexes and to integrate with external products with connectors such as Elasticsearch connector, Kafka connector or the Sqoop connector. XDCR replicates data between clusters and uses DCP in conjunction
  • 31. with an agent that is tuned to replicate data under higher WAN latencies. TAP is similar to DCP, but is a deprecated protocol. Legacy tools may still use the protocol and stats are still available through the console. Given the central role of replication in a distributed system like Couchbase Server, identifying statistics on replication is critical. Statistics in replication help visualize the health of replication and bottlenecks in replication by displaying replication latency and pending items in replication streams. CONTACT Data Service and Core Data Access Data service in Couchbase Server provides the core data access with the database engine and incremental MapReduce view processing with the views engine. Couchbase Server stores data as items. An item is made up of a key (also known as a document key or a document ID) and a document value, along with associated metadata. Couchbase Server organizes data into Buckets. Couchbase Server provides simple to use and efficient GET and SET methods to mutate and retrieve items by keys, and a number of query methods to filter, group, and aggregate data. Data can be accessed concurrently from many applications and through a mix of these methods at any moment in time. The database engine can process these highly concurrent requests at a sub-millisecond latency at scale. It achieves this through a managed cache, a high throughput storage engine, and a memory based replication architecture. For more information, see Database engine architecture. Durability Couchbase Server database engine stores and retrieves information using memory first on a single node that carries the
  • 32. master vBucket. This is the fastest option for storing data. Depending on the bucket type, data gets stored on disk eventually. Couchbase Server also provides tunable durability options to store data in the RAM of multiple nodes (using the replicateTo flag) or on disk on one or more nodes (using the persistTo flag). Storing data in the RAM of multiple nodes protects against node failures and also provides a fast and durable way to store data. Storing data on disk can be slow as the operational latency depends on the disk subsystem and typically disk subsystems are much slower than memory access. Consistency When retrieving data using a key, Couchbase Server database engine provides full consistency (sometimes referred to as read- your-own-write semantics) by ensuring access to the master vBucket or optionally allowing access to eventually consistent replica vBuckets for reads (also known as replica reads). Items are organized into buckets, which provide grouping of items (keys and values). Buckets govern resource allocation and usage, high availability settings, and security for the group of items. Buckets use vBuckets to physically organize storage and distribution of items. Items in a bucket are indexed through Views and indexes created on the buckets’ data. Items in a bucket can also be replicated between clusters using cross datacenter replication (XDCR). Creating items Information is stored in the database using a variant of memcached binary protocol interface that stores a value against a specified key. As a developer, you typically use this key through one of the Couchbase client SDKs. Bulk operations to set the key-value pairs of a large number of documents at the same time are available, and are more efficient than multiple smaller requests. The value stored can be a JSON document or any binary value, including structured and unstructured strings, serialized objects (from the native client language), and native binary data (for example, images or audio). Each bucket can mix the types of data stored with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or binary
  • 33. value types. However, using the JSON format gives access to a more powerful query functionality. Updating items You can update information in the database using the memcached protocol interface through a Couchbase client SDK. The protocol includes functions to directly update the entire content, and also to perform simple operations, such as appending information to an existing record, or incrementing and decrementing integer values. Expiration flag Each document stored in the database has an optional expiration flag (TTL: Time To Live) that is used to automatically delete items. This flag can be set when creating or updating an item. Use the expiration flag for data that has a limited life and needs to be deleted automatically. This flag is useful when storing temporary data such as session state next to your persisted data or when using Couchbase as a caching store in front of another database for high speed access. You can specify the value of an expiration flag (TTL) in seconds or as Unix epoch time (number of seconds that have elapsed since January 01, 1970). However, if the TTL for an item is greater than 30 days, specify the value in Unix epoch time, for example 1451606399. By default, the expiration flag is set to infinite, that is, the information is stored indefinitely. Deleting items You can delete information from the Couchbase Server using a Couchbase client SDK which includes an explicit delete command to remove a key-value pair from the server. Retrieving items You can retrieve items from the Couchbase Server with or without referencing keys. You can retrieve values by key using the Data Service. If you know the key used to store a particular value, then you can use the memcached protocol (or an appropriate memcached compatible client-library) to retrieve the value stored against a specific key. You can also perform bulk retrieve operations.
  • 34. There are two main ways to retrieve data without referencing keys: Use N1QL to submit a SQL-like query to retrieve your data. Note:You must enable Query Service to run N1QL queries. Use views to define and query an alternate projection over the data in the bucket that provides an alternative key that you can use to query. Views are a part of the data service. Buckets Buckets are logical groups of items (keys and values) which can be used to organize, manage, and analyze the group of items. Bucket types Bucket types There are two types of buckets:  Couchbase buckets use vBuckets to organize disk and memory storage on the nodes and distribution of items across the cluster. Items in a Couchbase bucket can be indexed through Views and Indexes created on the data in the buckets. These items can also be replicated between nodes and clusters using Database Change Protocol (DCP) and Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR).  Memcached buckets exhibit special behavior. Table 1. Bucket types in Couchbase Server Bucket type Description Couchbase  Provides highly-available and dynamically reconfigurable distributed data storage, with persistence and replication services.  100% protocol compatible with, and built in the spirit of, the memcached open source distributed key-value cache. Memcached  Provides a directly-addressed, distributed (scale-out), in- memory, key-value cache.
  • 35. Table 1. Bucket types in Couchbase Server Bucket type Description  Designed to be used alongside other database platforms such as relational database technology.  By caching frequently-used data, they reduce the number of queries a database server must perform for web servers delivering a web application. Important: With memcached buckets, the server provides only in-RAM storage and data does not persist on disk. If Couchbase Server runs out of space in the bucket’s RAM quota, it uses the Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm to evict items from the RAM. This means the server removes the key, metadata, and all other data for the item from the RAM. Once evicted, you cannot retrieve the item. The different bucket types support different capabilities. Table 2. Bucket types and supported capabilities Capability Memcached buckets Couchbase buckets Item size limit 1 MB 20 MB Persistence No Yes Replication No Yes Rebalance No Yes Statistics Limited set for in-memory statistics Full suite Client support Ketama consistent hashing Full smart client support XDCR No Yes Backup No Yes TAP/DCP No Yes
  • 36. Table 2. Bucket types and supported capabilities Capability Memcached buckets Couchbase buckets Encrypted data access Yes Yes Couchbase buckets provide a highly-available and dynamically reconfigurable distributed data store. They survive node failures and allow cluster reconfiguration while continuing to service requests. Table 3. Couchbase bucket capabilities Couchbase bucket capability Description Caching Couchbase buckets operate through RAM. The data is stored in RAM and persisted to disk. The data is cached in RAM until the configured RAM is exhausted and data is ejected from the RAM. If the requested data is not currently in the cache (RAM), it will be loaded automatically from disk. Persistence Couchbase server persists data objects asynchronously from memory to hard disk. This provides protection from server restarts. You can set persistence properties at the bucket level. Replication You can configure the number of replica servers that receive copies of all data objects. If the host machine fails, a replica server is promoted to be the host server, providing high availability cluster operations via failover. You can configure replication at the bucket level. Rebalancing Rebalancing enables load distribution across resources and dynamic addition or removal of buckets and servers in the cluster. Bucket authentication
  • 37. Bucket authentication Both Memcached and Couchbase buckets allow anonymous access and support SASL authentication.  SASL buckets: You can access SASL authenticating Couchbase buckets through port 11210. Each bucket is identified by its name and password, and you can use vBucket aware smart clients (SDKs) to access a SASL bucket. You cannot use legacy ASCII clients to reach these buckets.  Non-SASL buckets: You can place non-SASL buckets on any available port except port 11211, which is reserved for the default bucket. Port numbers are unique and help identify the buckets. Hence, you can place only one non-SASL bucket on any individual port. You can access non-SASL buckets using vBucket aware smart client (SDKs), as ASCII client or a binary client that does not use SASL authentication. Smart clients discover changes in the cluster using the Couchbase Management REST API. Using SASL buckets you can isolate individual applications to provide multi-tenancy, or isolate data types in the cache to enhance performance and visibility. Using the Couchbase Server, you can configure different ports to access one of the following:  non-SASL buckets  isolated buckets using the binary protocol with SASL authentication, or  isolated buckets using the ASCII protocol with no authentication You can use a mix of bucket types (Couchbase and memcached) in your environment. Buckets of different types share the same resource pool and cluster resources. You can configure the quotas for RAM and disk usage per bucket, enabling you to manage resource usage across the cluster. As an administrator, you can modify quotas on a running cluster and re- allocate resources when usage patterns or priorities change. The default bucket The default bucket
  • 38. The default bucket is a special bucket in Couchbase Server. When you first install Couchbase Server, the default bucket is optionally set up during installation. The default bucket is a non-SASL authenticating bucket that always resides on port 11211. You can remove the default bucket after installation and re-add it at a later time. When re-adding the default bucket, ensure that you place it on port 11211 and it must be a non-SASL authenticating bucket. You can access the default bucket using vBucket aware smart client (SDKs), an ASCII client, or a binary client that does not use SASL authentication. Parent topic: Services Architecture and Multidimensional Scaling CONTACT  LinkedIn  Twitter  Facebook vBuckets and vBucket Maps: Bucket Partitions vBuckets help distribute data effectively across a cluster and support replicas on more than one node. A vBucket is the owner of a subset of the key disk space of a Couchbase cluster. Although vBuckets are not user-accessible components, they are a critical component of the Couchbase Server and are vital to support high availability and elasticity. You can access the information stored in a bucket by communicating directly with the node responsible for the corresponding vBucket. This direct access enables clients to communicate with the node storing the data, rather than using a proxy or redistribution architecture. The result abstracts the physical topology from the logical partitioning of data, giving Couchbase Server its elasticity and flexibility. Every document ID belongs to a vBucket. A mapping function is used to calculate the vBucket in which a given document belongs. In Couchbase Server, that mapping function is a hashing function that takes a document ID as input and generates a vBucket identifier as the output. After the vBucket identifier is computed, a table is consulted to
  • 39. lookup the server that “hosts” that vBucket. The table containing one row per vBucket provides a pairing between the vBucket and its hosting server. A server appearing in this table can be responsible for multiple vBuckets. Consider a scenario where a cluster contains three servers. The following diagram shows how the Key to Server mapping (vBucket mapping) works when a client looks up the value of KEY using the GET operation.Figure 1. vBucket mapping using the GET operation 1. By hashing the key, the client calculates the vBucket which owns KEY. In this example, the hash resolves to vBucket 8 (vB8). 2. The client examines the vBucket map to determine that Server C hosts vB8. 3. The client sends the GET operation directly to Server C. Consider a second scenario where a server is added to the original cluster of three servers. After adding a new node, Server D, to the cluster, the vBucket map is updated during the rebalance operation. The updated map is then sent to all the cluster participants including other nodes, any connected smart clients, and the Moxi proxy service. The following diagram shows the vBucket mapping for the updated cluster containing four nodes.Figure 2. vBucket mapping using the GET operation
  • 40. When a client looks up the value of KEY using the GET operation in the updated cluster, the hashing algorithm still resolves to vBucket 8 (vB8). However, the new vBucket map maps vB8 to Server D. The client then sends the GET operation directly to Server D. Note:This architecture enables Couchbase Server to cope with changes without using the typical RDBMS sharding method. Additionally, this architecture is different from the method used by Memcached as it uses client-side key hashes to determine the server from a defined list. The memcached method, on the other hand, requires active management of the list of servers and specific hashing algorithms such as Ketama to cope with changes to the topology. Parent topic: Services Architecture and Multidimensional Scaling CONTACT  LinkedIn  Twitter Bucket Disk Storage When storing data in a Couchbase bucket, the server first writes data to the caching layer and eventually stores all data to disk to provide a higher level of reliability. The Couchbase Server first writes data to the caching layer and puts the data into a disk write queue to be persisted to disk. Disk persistence enables you to perform backup and restore operations and to grow your datasets larger than the built-in caching layer. This disk storage process
  • 41. is called eventual persistence because the server does not block a client while it writes to disk. If a node fails and all data in the caching layer is lost, the items can be recovered from disk. When the server identifies an item that needs to be loaded from disk because it is not in active memory, it places it in a load queue. A background process processes the load queue and reads the information back from disk and into memory. The client waits until the data is loaded back into memory before returning the information. Multiple readers and writers Multithreaded readers and writers provide simultaneous read and write operations for data on disk. Simultaneous reads and writes increase I/O throughput. The multithreaded engine includes additional synchronization among threads that are accessing the same data cache to avoid conflicts. To maintain performance while avoiding conflicts over data, Couchbase Server uses a form of locking between threads and thread allocation among vBuckets with static partitioning. When Couchbase Server creates multiple reader and writer threads, the server assesses a range of vBuckets for each thread and assigns each thread exclusively to certain vBuckets. With this static thread coordination, the server schedules threads so that only a single reader and single writer thread can access the same vBucket at any given time. The following diagram shows six pre- allocated threads and two data buckets. Each thread has the range of vBuckets that is statically partitioned for read and write access.Figure 1. Bucket disk storage
  • 42. Item deletion Items can be deleted explicitly by the client applications or deleted using an expiration flag. Couchbase Server never deletes items from disk unless one of these operations are performed. However, after deletion or expiration, a tombstone is maintained as the record of deletion. Tombstones help communicate the deletion or the expiration to downstream components. Once all downstream components have been notified, the tombstone gets purged as well. Tombstone purging Tombstones are records of expired or deleted items that include item keys and metadata.
  • 43. Couchbase Server and other distributed databases maintain tombstones in order to provide eventual consistency between nodes and between clusters. Tombstones are records of expired or deleted items and they include the key for the item and metadata. Couchbase Server stores the key plus several bytes of metadata per deleted item in two structures per node. With millions of mutations, the space taken up by tombstones can grow quickly. This is especially the case if there are a large number of deletions or expired documents. The Metadata Purge Interval sets frequency for a node to permanently purge metadata of deleted and expired items. The Metadata Purge Interval setting runs as part of auto-compaction. This helps reduce the storage requirement by roughly 3x times than before and also frees up space much faster. Parent topic: Services Architecture and Multidimensional Scaling CONTACT  LinkedIn  Twitter  Facebook Database Engine Architecture The memory-first architecture of the Couchbase Server enables it to maintain sub-millisecond latencies with core data access. The Couchbase Server depends on the following key components:  A highly efficient listener that manages networking and authentication.  A bucket engine that stores and retrieves information at the speed of memory access. With Couchbase buckets, data is stored on disk eventually through the storage engine. The storage engine enables the server to efficiently hold data much larger than the size of memory.Figure 1. Database engine architecture
  • 44. Listeners Listeners When client connection requests arrive at the database engine, the listener service receives the requests and authenticates the client. Upon successful authentication, the listener service assigns a worker thread to the connection to service its request. A single worker thread can handle multiple client connections using a non-blocking event loop. The number of worker threads that can be created is automatically determined based on the number of CPU threads present on the node. By default the number of worker threads is 0.75 x number of CPU threads. vBucket manager and managed cache vBucket manager and managed cache After executing mutation and read requests, the server uses the managed cache to hold updated and newly created values. However, with a high flow of incoming operations, the system can run out of memory quickly. In order to reuse the memory, mutations are also queued for disk persistence. Once the mutated items are persisted, the server frees up the memory consumed by these items, making space for newer operations. This operation is called cache eviction. With a highly concurrent set of operations consuming memory and a
  • 45. high throughput disk subsystem persisting data to disk, there can be many pages eligible for reuse. The server uses the Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm to identify the memory pages that can be reused. It is important to size the RAM capacity appropriately for your working set: the portion of data that your application is working with at any given point in time and needs very low latency and high throughput access. In some applications, the working set is the entire data set, while in others it is a smaller subset. Initialization and Warmup Initialization and Warmup Whenever you restart the Couchbase Server or restore the data, the node goes through a warmup process before it starts handling data requests again. During warmup, the Couchbase Server loads data persisted on disk into RAM. Couchbase Server provides an optimized warmup process that loads data sequentially from disk into RAM. It divides the data to be loaded and handles it in multiple phases. After the warmup process completes, the data is available for clients to read and write. The time needed for a node warmup depends on the system size, system configuration, the amount of data persisted in the node, and the ejection policy configured for the buckets. Note:The Couchbase Server is capable of serving data before it actually loads all the keys and data from the vBuckets. Couchbase Server identifies items that are frequently used, prioritizes them, and loads them before sequentially loading the remaining data. The frequently- used items are prioritized in an access log. The server performs a prefetch to get a list of the most frequently accessed keys and then fetches these keys before fetching any other items from disk. The server runs a configurable scanner process that determines the keys that are most frequently used. The scanner process is preset and is configurable. You can use the command-line tool,cbepctl flush_param, to change the initial time and interval for the scanner process. For example, you can configure the scanner process to run during a specific time period when a given list of keys need to be identified and made available sooner. The server can also switch into a ready mode before it has actually retrieved all documents for keys into RAM, thereby enabling data to be served before all the
  • 46. stored items are loaded. Switching into ready mode is a configurable setting that enables you to adjust the server warmup time. Tunable Memory with Ejection Policy Tunable Memory with Ejection Policy Tunable memory enables you to configure the ejection policy for a bucket as one of the following:  Value-only ejection (default) removes data from the cache but keeps all keys and metadata fields for non-resident items. When a value bucket ejection occurs, the value of the item is reset. Value-only ejection, also referred to as value ejection, is well suited for cases where low latency access is critical to the application and the total item keys for the bucket can easily fit in the allocated Data RAM quota.  Full metadata ejection removes all data including keys, metadata, and key-value pairs from the cache for non-resident items. Full ejection is well suited for cases where the application has cold data that is not accessed frequently or the total data size is too large to fit in memory plus higher latency access to the data is accepted. The performance of full eviction cache management is significantly improved by Bloom filters. Bloom filters are enabled by default and cannot be disabled. Important Note:Full ejection may involve additional disk I/O per operation. For example, when the request get_miss which requests a key that does not exist is received, Couchbase Server will check for the key on the disk even if the bucket is 100% resident. Working Set Management and Ejection Working Set Management and Ejection Couchbase Server actively manages the data stored in a caching layer; this includes the information which is frequently accessed by clients and which needs to be available for rapid reads and writes. When there are too many items in RAM, Couchbase Server removes certain data to create free space and to maintain system performance. This process is called “working set management” and the set of data in RAM is referredto as the “working set”. In general, the working set consists of all the keys, metadata, and associated documents which are frequently used require fast access. The process the server performs to remove data from RAM is known as ejection.
  • 47. Couchbase Server performs ejections automatically. When ejecting information, it works in conjunction with the disk persistence system to ensure that data in RAM is persisted to disk and can be safely retrieved back into RAM whenever the item is requested. In addition to the Data RAM quota for the caching layer, the engine uses two watermarks, mem_low_wat andmem_high_wat, to determine when it needs to start persisting more data to disk. As more and more data is held in the caching layer, at some point in time it passes the mem_low_wat value. At this point, no action is taken. As data continues to load, it eventually reaches the mem_high_wat value. At this point, the Couchbase Server schedules a background job called item pager which ensures that items are migrated to disk and memory is freed up for other Couchbase Server items. This job runs until measured memory reaches mem_low_wat. If the rate of incoming items is faster than the migration of items to disk, the system returns errors indicating there is not enough space until there is sufficient memory available. The process of migrating data from the cache to make way for actively used information is called ejection and is controlled automatically through thresholds set on each configured bucket in the Couchbase Server cluster.Figure 2. Working set management and ejection Depending on the ejection policy set for the bucket, the vBucket Manager removes just the document or both the document, key and the metadata for the item being ejected. Keeping an active working set with keys and metadata in RAM serves three important purposes in a system:
  • 48.  Couchbase Server uses the remaining key and metadata in RAM if a client requests for that key. Otherwise, the node tries to fetch the item from disk and return it into RAM.  The node can also use the keys and metadata in RAM for miss access. This means that it can quickly determine whether an item is missing and if so, perform some action, such as add it.  The expiration process in Couchbase Server uses the metadata in RAM to quickly scan for items that have expired and later removes them from disk. This process is known as expiry pager and runs every 60 minutes by default. Not Recently Used (NRU) Items Not Recently Used (NRU) Items All items in the server contain metadata indicating whether the item has been recently accessed or not. This metadata is known as not-recently-used (NRU). If an item has not been recently used, then the item is a candidate for ejection. When data in the cache exceeds the high water mark (mem_high_wat), the server evicts items from RAM. Couchbase Server provides two NRU bits per item and also provides a replication protocol that can propagate items that are frequently read, but not mutated often. NRUs are decremented or incremented by server processes to indicate an item that is more frequently or less frequently used. The following table lists the bit values with the corresponding scores and statuses: Table 1. Scoring for NRU bit values Binary NRU Score Access pattern Description 00 0 Set by write access to 00. Decremented by read access or no access. Most heavily used item. 01 1 Decremented by read access. Frequently accessed item. 10 2 Initial value or decremented by Default value for
  • 49. Table 1. Scoring for NRU bit values Binary NRU Score Access pattern Description read access. new items. 11 3 Incremented by item pager for eviction. Less frequently used item. There are two processes that change the NRU for an item:  When a client reads or writes an item, the server decrements NRU and lowers the item's score.  A daily process which creates a list of frequently-used items in RAM. After the completion of this process, the server increments one of the NRU bits. Because these two processes change NRUs, they play an important role in identifying the candidate items for ejection. You can configure the Couchbase Server settings to change the behavior during ejection. For example, you can specify the percentage of RAM to be consumed before items are ejected, or specify whether ejectionshould occur more frequently on replicated data than on original data. Couchbase recommends that the default settings be used. Understanding the Item Pager Understanding the Item Pager The item pager process runs periodically to remove documents from RAM. When the amount of RAM used by items reaches the high water mark (upper threshold), both active and replica data are ejected until the amount of RAM consumed (memory usage) reaches the low water mark (lower threshold). Evictions of active and replica data occur with the ratio probability of 60% (active data) to 40% (replica data) until the memory usage reaches the low watermark. Both the high water mark and low water mark are expressed as a percentage amount of RAM, such as 80%. You can change the high water mark and low water mark settings for a node by specifying a percentage amount of RAM, for example, 80%. Couchbase recommends that you use the following default settings: Table 2. Default setting for RAM water marks
  • 50. Version High water mark Low water mark 2.0 75% 60% 2.0.1 and higher 85% 75% The item pager ejects items from RAM in two phases: 1. Eject items based on NRU: The item pager scans NRU for items, creates a list of items with a NRU score 3, and ejects all the identified items. It then checks the RAM usage and repeats the process if the usage is still above the low water mark. 2. Eject items based on algorithm: The item pager increments the NRU of all items by 1. For every item whose NRU is equal to 3, it generates a random number. If the random number for an item is greater than a specified probability, it ejects the item from RAM. The probability is based on the current memory usage, low water mark, and whether a vBucket is in an active or replica state. If a vBucket is in an active state, the probability of ejection is lower than if the vBucket is in a replica state. Table 3. Probability of ejection based on active vBuckets versus replica vBuckets Active vBucket Replica vBucket 60% 40% Active Memory Defragmenter Active Memory Defragmenter Over time, the memory used by the managed cache of a running Couchbase Server can become fragmented. The storage engine now includes an Active Defragmenter task to defragment cache memory. Cache fragmentation is a side-effect of how Couchbase Server organizes cache memory to maximize performance. Each page in the cache is typically responsible for holding documents of a specific size range. Over time, if memory pages assigned to a specific size range become sparsely populated (due to documents of that size being ejectedor items changing in size), then the unused space in those pages cannot be used for documents of other sizes until a complete page is free and that page is re-assigned to a new size. Such effects
  • 51. are highly workload dependent and can result in memory that cannot be used efficiently by the managed cache. The Active Memory Defragmenter attempts to address any fragmentation by periodically scanning the cache to identify pages which are sparsely used, and repacking the items stored on those pages to free up whole pages. High Performance Storage High Performance Storage The scheduler and the shared thread pool provide high performance storage to the Couchbase Server. Scheduler The scheduler is responsible for managing a shared thread-pool and providing a fair allocation of resources to the jobs waiting to execute in the vBucket engine. Shared thread pool services requests across all buckets. As an administrator, you can govern the allocation of resources by configuring a bucket’s disk I/O prioritization setting to be either high or low. Shared thread pool A shared thread pool is a collection of threads which are shared across multiple buckets for long running operations such as disk I/O. Each node in the cluster has a thread pool that is shared across multiple vBuckets on the node. Based on the number of CPU cores on a node, the database engine spawns and allocates threads when a node instance starts up. Using a shared thread pool provides the following benefits: Better parallelism for worker threads with more efficient I/O resource management. Better system scalability with more buckets being serviced with fewer worker threads. Availability of task priority if the disk bucket I/O priority setting is used. Disk I/O priority Disk I/O priority Disk I/O priority enables workload priorities to be set at the bucket level.
  • 52. You can configure the bucket priority settings at the bucket level and set the value to be either high or low. Bucket priority settings determine whether I/O tasks for a bucket must be queued in the low or high priority task queues. Threads in the global pool poll the high priority task queues more often than the low priority task queues. When a bucket has a high priority, its I/O tasks are picked up at a higher frequency and thus, processed faster than the I/O tasks belonging to a low priority bucket. You can configure the bucket I/O priority settings during initial setup and change the settings later, if needed. However, changing a bucket I/O priority after the initial setup results in a restart of the bucket and the client connections are reset.Figure 3. Create bucket settings
  • 53.
  • 54. The previous versions of Couchbase Server, version 3.0 or earlier, required the I/O thread allocation per bucket to be configured manually. However, when you upgrade from a 2.x version to a 3.x or higher version, Couchbase Server converts an existing thread value to either a high or low priority based on the following criteria:  Buckets allocated six to eight (6-8) threads in Couchbase Server 2.x are marked high priority in bucket setting after the upgrade to 3.x or later.  Buckets allocated three to five (3-5) threads in Couchbase Server 2.x are marked low priority in bucket settings after the upgrade to 3.x or later. Monitoring Scheduler Monitoring Scheduler You can use the cbstats command with the raw workload option to view the status of the threads as shown in the following example. # cbstats -b default raw workload ep_workload:LowPrioQ ep_workload:LowPrioQ_AuxIO:OutQsize: 0 ep_workload:LowPrioQ_NonIO:InQsize: ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Reader:InQsize: 12 ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Reader:OutQsiz ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Writer:OutQsize: 0 ep_workload:num_auxio: ep_workload:num_readers: 1 ep_workload:num_shards: ep_workload:num_writers: 1 ep_workload:ready_tasks: ep_workload:shard0_pendingTasks: 0 ep_workload:shard1_locked: ep_workload:shard2_locked: false ep_workload:shard2_pendingTasks: ep_workload:shard3_pendingTasks: 0 Bloom Filters A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure used to test whether an element is a member of a set. False positive matches are possible, but false negatives are not. This means a query returns either "possibly in set" or "definitely not in set". It is a bit array with a predefined size that is calculated based on the expected number of items and the probability of false positives or the probability of finding a key that doesn't exist. Bloom filter significantly improves the performance of full ejection scenarios and XDCR. In the full ejection mode, the key and metadata are evicted along with the value. Therefore, if a key is non resident, there is no way of knowing if a key exists or not, without accessing the disk. In such a scenario, if a client issues a lot of GETs on keys that may not even exist in server, Bloom filters help eliminate many unnecessary disk accesses. Similarly
  • 55. for XDCR, when we set up remote replication to a brand new cluster, we would be able to avoid many unnecessary GetMeta-disk-fetches with the help of the bloom filter. With Bloom filters, the probability of false positives decreases as the size of the array increases and increases as the number of inserted elements increases. Based on the algorithm that takes into account the number of keys and the probability of false positives, you can estimate the size of the Bloom filter and the number of bits to store each key. For value eviction only the deleted keys will be stored, while in case of full eviction both the deleted keys and non-resident items will be stored. The algorithm calculates the almost exact probability of false positives, including the number of hash functions (k), size of the bit array (m), and the number of inserted elements (n): k = m/n (ln 2) You can expect an increase in memory usage or memory overhead while using the Bloom filter: Table 1. Memory overhead for Bloom filter use False positive probability 0.01 0.05 Estimated number of keys 10,000.000 (=> =10,000 keys per vBucket) 10,000.000 (=> =10,000 keys per vBucket) Number of bits per key in the filter 7 bits 4 bits Size of the Bloom filter to fit the estimated keys with desired false positive probability 95851 bits (=> =12 KB per vBucket) (=> =12 MB for 1024 vBuckets) 62353 bits (=> =8 KB per vBucket) (=> =8 MB for 1024 vBuckets) In a case of full eviction, you will not know whether an item exists in the memory until you perform a background fetch. Therefore, use of the
  • 56. Bloom filter helps to avoid unnecessary background fetches and improves latency. For more information about working set management and eviction, see Database Engine Architecture Parent topic: Services Architecture and Multidimensional Scaling CONTACT Sub-Document API The sub-document API enables you to access parts of JSON documents (sub-documents) efficiently without requiring the transfer of the entire document over the network. This improves performance and brings better efficiency to the network IO path, especially when working with large JSON documents. The key-value APIs in Couchbase operate on entire documents. In use cases where small documents or binary values are used, operations that retrieve and update the entire document are acceptable and desirable. However, in use cases where large documents are used, retrieving an entire document to read or update a single field isn't practical. Modifying a single field involves retrieving the entire document over the network, modifying the field locally, and then passing the modified document back over the network to save it in the database. Key-value APIs are well suited for binary values and small JSON documents. Note:The key-value APIs can also operate on binary formats which are not supported by sub-document APIs. Append operations on binary values are always atomic and do not retrieve the document to perform the append. With the addition of the sub-document API, you can now access and operate on individual JSON fields, sub-document fragments, within a larger JSON document. Consider the following example which uses a sub-document API to retrieve just the last name from a user profile JSON document.
  • 57. Only the requested or modified fields are sent over the network as opposed to the entire document being sent over the network when using key-value APIs. Note:The above example shows the underlying Memcache protocol operations. The sub-document APIs are exposed through convenient builder APIs in each of the SDKs. All sub-document operations are atomic at the document level. Atomically modifying fields within a JSON document is typically suited to the following scenarios:  An application does not have the existing document available locally and wishes to make a predetermined change to a specific field as part of a routine operation. For example, incrementing a statistics counter or a login counter.  An application already has the existing document available locally, but wishes to use an atomic operation for modifying it, to save bandwidth and be more efficient. For example, an existing web session where the user modifies or stores some data such as an updated profile or an updated score.  Cross-referencing scenarios, where an application-defined relationship exists between two documents. In the context of social gaming, this may be thought of as sending messages between inboxes. 1. User #1 sends a message to User #2. 2. This may be implemented as: generate a key for the inbox message, store it somewhere. 3. docAddValue(‘user:1’, ‘sent’, [‘user:2’, ‘keyToMessage’]
  • 58. 4. docAddValue(‘user:2’, ‘inbox’, [‘user:1’, ‘keyToMessage’] Note:The following blogs explain how the sub-document API is expressed using different SDKs:  Java Walk-through of the Sub-document API  GO Walk-through of the Sub-document API Consider a simple Java example that uses the sub-document API to connect to the travel-sample bucket, fetch the name field from the document “ airline_13633”, and then print it. // Fetch and print the name from an airline DocumentFragment<Lookup> resultLooku bucket.lookupIn("airline_13633").get("name").doLookup(); The API for sub-document operations use the dot notation syntax to identify the logical location of an attribute within a document. This is also consistent with N1QL's path syntax to refer to individual fields in a document. In the example below, the path to the last name field is "name.last". Updates to a field are atomic and do not collide with updates to a different field on the same key. For example, the following operations do not collide although they are updating the same document. [Thread 1] bucket.mutateIn("user").upsert("name.last","Lennon",false).doM bucket.mutateIn("user").upsert("email","",false).doMutate(); Commands Commands This section lists the available sub-document commands. There are two categories of commands exposed through builder APIs in the SDKs:  lookupIn commands which are used to read data from existing documents.  mutateIn commands which are used to modify documents. Sub-document commands are named similar to their full-document counterparts, but they perform the logical key-value operation within a single document rather than operating on the entire document. In addition to retrieving and setting fields, the sub document API allows true "append" and
  • 59. "prepend" operations on arrays, as well as increment and decrement operations on numeric values. Lookup Commands There are two sub-document lookup commands - get and exists. get returns a specific path from a single document. It can be used to return any JSON primitive, assuming a suitable path is constructed. For example, consider the following document from the travel- sample dataset: { "id": 55136, "type": "route", "airline": "U2", "airlineid": "airline_22 "AMS", "stops": 0, "equipment”: [“320", "319”], “active": true, "schedule "U2219" }, { "day": 1, "utc": "07:58:00", "flight": "U2839" } Using the sub-document get command the following fields of varying types can be returned via these paths: "id" - 55136 (number) "active" - true (boolean) "schedule[0]" - { "day": 0, "ut - ["320", "319"] (array) The exists command is similar to get, except that it only checks for the existence of a given path, and does not return the document fragment itself. This command can be used to check if a particular path exists in a document, without having to actually receive the fragment. Mutation Commands The sub-document API supports the addition of new fields, and modification or deletion of existing fields in a JSON document. Different commands are used depending on the type of the field being mutated. Mutating Dictionary Fields The sub-document API supports four commands on JSON dictionaries (also known as objects):  Creating of a new name/value pair using insert.  Replacing an existing name/value pair using replace.  Creating a new name/value pair or replacement of an existing one using upsert.  Deleting an existing name/value using remove.
  • 60. The example below shows the use of replace to update the callsign field in for a particular airline document (which is composed of a top-level dictionary): // Update CallSign for "Pan Am" to "Clipper" DocumentFragment<Mutation> resultMu bucket.mutateIn("airline_13633").upsert("callsign","CLIPPER",false).doMutate(); resultLookup = bucket.lookupIn("airline_13633").get("callsign").doLookup(); LOGGE Mutating Array Fields The sub-document API supports a similar set of commands on arrays as on dictionaries. It also adds the ability to push items to the beginning or the end of an array, without having to explicitly check the current length of the array.  Adding a new element to an array at a specific index using arrayInsert.  Pushing a new element to the start or the end of an array using pushFront or pushBack.  Replacing an existing index with a new value using replace.  Deleting an existing array element (reducing the array size by 1) using remove.  Adding a new element only if the value is not already present in the array using addUnique. The example below shows the use of upsert to create a new " fleet" array in an existing document, and then appends two new aircraft dictionaries (containing the aircraft name and engine count) to the "fleet" array: // Creates a "fleet" array and pushes aircraft into it bucket.mutateIn("airline_ JsonObject.create().put("name", "747-200B").put("heavy",true).put("engines",4), 200").put("engines",2) ), false).doMutate(); The sub-document API also supports enforcing that values are unique in an array, which allows the construction ofmathematical sets. The example below shows an example of mathematical sets - each airline has a models array recording what models of aircraft an airline operates. There is a constraint that the elements in models should be unique (a model shouldn’t appear more than once), so the addUnique command is used when adding new models:
  • 61. // Creates a "models" array and adds UNIQUE values into it bucket.mutateIn("airline_13633").upsert("models",JsonArray.empty(),false).doMutat bucket.mutateIn("airline_13633").addUnique("models","747-200B",false).addUnique(" The Array already contains the 747-120 try { bucket.mutateIn("airline_136 } catch (PathExistsException ex){"Whoops! Model is al Arithmetic commands The sub-document API allows basic arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction) to be performed on integer fields in a document using the counter command. This allows simple counters to be implemented server-side, without the client application having to explicitly fetch the field, update the numeric value and then replace it back again. It also prevents the possibility of another client attempting to perform the update at the same time and the increment or decrement being lost. Arithmetic operations can only be performed on integer numeric values which can be represented as a signed 64 bit value (i.e. the C type int64_t) and the delta being added or subtracted also needs to be an int64_t. The example below demonstrates the use of counter to increment two fields - passengers.servedand passengers.complained: // Increment passenger_served counter on the airline bucket.mutateIn("airline_13 Simulate some randomness that a passenger complained while being served if (new R bucket.mutateIn("airline_13633").counter("passengers.complained",1L,true).doMutat Maintaining Data Consistency Maintaining Data Consistency When using key-value APIs, updates to a single field requires CAS to maintain consistency. In case of highly contended documents, if a CAS mismatch occurs the operation needs to be restarted even though the modified field remains the same. Sub-document APIs do not require the use of CAS when updating single fields. However, you can still use the CAS protectionfor the document if your application requires it. For more information on CAS, see Concurrent Document Mutations.
  • 62. The application logic may require a document modification to be either:  Locally consistent with regards to the immediate parent object which contains the value being modified. For example, ensure that a specific object key is unique, or ensure that a specific list item is not duplicated.  Globally consistent with regards to the entire document. For example, if the existence of one field in the document only makes sense when another field is in a specific state. In Couchbase Server 4.1 or earlier versions, both these scenarios require the application to make use of CAS to ensure consistency. With the sub- document API model, the local consistency requirement does not require CAS as the server can ensure that the data is consistent atomically. For global consistency requirements, you can use CAS through the SDKs to ensure that a document's state has not already changed. Multi-path Operations Multi-path Operations As demonstrated in the examples above, the sub-document API supports operating on multiple paths in a single key with potentially different commands. The builder APIs allow commands to be chained together for efficiency. Multi-path operations can retrieve multiple disjoint fields from a single key atomically. Multi-path operations can also modify multiple disjoint fields from a single key atomically. Important: A multi-path operation through either the lookupIn or mutateIn builder APIs can only perform a retrieval or a mutation, not both. Sub-Document API Suitability Sub-Document API Suitability The sub-document API is a trade-off in server resource usage, between CPU and network bandwidth. When using a sub-document command the client only transmits the key, path and fragment to change, as opposed to sending the key, and complete (whole) value. Depending on the size of the document being operated on and the size of the fragment, this can result in a significant saving of network bandwidth. For example, operating on a 100KB document named " user::j.bloggs" where a 30 byte fragment is added to a path of length 20 bytes would require sending the following over the network: Size (bytes)
  • 63. Header Key Path Value Total Full document (SET) 24 14 - 100,240 100,278 Sub-document (SUBDOC_DICT_ADD) 24 14 20 30 88 In this example, there is a saving of 100,190 bytes using sub-document compared to existing full document operations, or a 99.91% saving in network bandwidth. However, this bandwidth saving is only possible because the cluster node performs the additional processing to handle this request. The cluster node needs to parse the current JSON value for " user::j.bloggs", apply the requested modification (inserting an element into a dictionary in the above example), and then store the result. The exact CPU required for this will vary considerably depending on a number of factors, including:  Size of the existing document.  Complexity (different levels of nesting, etc) of the existing document.  Type of sub-document operation being performed.  Size of the fragment being applied. In general, sub-document API is a good fit for applications where network bandwidth is at a premium, and at least one of the following is true:  The document being operated on is not very small.  The fragment being requested/modified is a small fraction of the total document size. Incremental MapReduce Views MapReduce views (also called views) uses a user defined map and reduce function that can define arbitrarily complex logic for indexing. This makes views a powerful solution for interactive reporting queries that require powerful reshaping of data that can provide responses at low latencies. Views process the map and reduce functions to precalculate and store the answer, hence reducing the need for just-in-time calculations to