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Title: Copywriting - Secrets of Writing a Great Sales Copy
Main Keyword: Copywriting
Supporting Keyword: great sales copy
Summary: The correct use of secrets of good copywriting tremendously helps in increase the
business on the internet.
The prime objective of a successful advertisement campaign is to captivate the audience.
Employing the right copywriting principles helps the advertiser to accomplish the desired results
for which the advertisement was designed. Prior to launch of an advertisement campaign, there
is always an element of doubt about its’ ability to make in-roads into the customer base and
achieve the results. Writing a great sales copy is not an easy job. Years of hard work, experience
and practice go into it, before one can master this art. But one can easily understand the basics
of good copywriting practice by learning few secrets of this art.
Writing an attractive headline that catches the attention of the audience is a golden rule of
copywriting. A stunning headline is a prominent feature of a great sales copy and stops the
readers from skimming or completely avoiding the webpage. The title points out to the content
matter. An attractive title increases the chances of the readers in completely browsing through
the webpage and spending more time studying the product or service being advertised.
Ultimately this greatly enhances the probability of readers turning into buyers.
A mesmerizing headline should lead the audience to a gripping story or content matter. This
forms the body part of the great sales copy. Writing a great story that keeps the readers hooked
to the page greatly enhances the visibility of the product. This increased visibility leads to
increase in sales and that means more business. Whether it is a product or a service, the right
copywriting principles advocate about writing customer oriented content in such a manner that
it actually converses with them directly and wins their trust.
A great sales copy is successful in building an emotional bond with the readers and is able to
remove any suspicion that might creep in the heads of the potential customers, about the
product’s reliability. The emotional bridge that copywriting helps the advertiser to build with the
audience, boosts the product image and provides some assurance of a positive reply or
feedback about the product from the readers.
Generally writing a great sales copy about any product or service requires in-depth knowledge.
Good research skills, inquisitive mind, keeping ears and eyes open to good information from any
source immensely helps the copywriting. The correct idea about product performance, good
testimonials and capability of product in fulfilling the expectations of audience should be
presented well in the advertisement. This will ignite the interest of customers and help them to
cruise smoothly through the webpage without any hassle, doubt or objection, which they may
have in their minds.
Good copywriting forms the backbone of a successful advertisement campaign. It is important
to brainstorm ad let the ideas flow freely. The next step is to dwell on the ideas and write them
down. Writing over and over helps greatly in filtering out the creamy stuff and goes a long way
in generating a great sales copy. Finally a strong finish inspires audience to conclude some
positive action, whether it is product enquiry or a click to buy.
Title: Copywriting- The Importance of Call to Action in an Online Marketing Strategy
Main Keyword: Copywriting
Supporting Keyword: call to action, online marketing strategy
Summary: In the highly competitive world of online business, copywriting plays a deciding role
in the success of the product or service advertised in the website. A successful online marketing
strategy incorporates call to action in its mission to push prospective clients to become buyers.
It is a general assumption that display of attractive marketing phrases will be good enough to
lure the prospective customers to the website and influence them to buy the product or service
offered. But this is a wrong notion as it fails to deliver the desired results, in spite of the fact that
the offered products or service may be of high quality standards. This drawback in the strategy
can be overcome by giving the customers the much needed push by presenting them with a
well-constructed call to action.
Helping Clients to Make a Decision
The right marketing action plan is to initially explain clearly to the clients the benefits of the
product or service and what they stand to gain from it. The step-by-step explanation of various
salient features and how they can fulfill the needs of the prospective clients is good enough to
make them ponder about product or service. Then a nicely laid out call to action can push them
into buying the product or service without developing the feeling of being manipulated or
forced into such a deal.
Understanding Clients
It is important to set the achievable targets for the online marketing strategy to be successful
and fruitful. This requires the writer to step into the shoes of the prospective client and think
from his or her angle before commencing the copywriting job for the site.
The ability to think beforehand about the likely reservation or objection that might creep in the
client’s head about the product or service and finding the means to address them effectively is
necessary to win the trust of the clients, when they actually visit the site. Further the
understanding well, about the criteria the customers will look into before deciding on most
suitable offer from the rest of bunch is quite helpful in preparing a presentation that is bound to
succeed in attracting the attention of clients. This will help them to bond well with the product
or service and go a long way in influencing them to conclude something positive at the end of
Enable Smooth Purchase
After successfully convincing the customer to buy the product or service, the next important
step is to make call to action very easy to execute, by providing him or her labeled links,
accepting payments through various payment channels, facilitating prompt delivery and if
possible, free of shipping cost. Linking time incentives with special discounts can impress the
client to purchase the product or service, straightaway. The site should have a helpdesk, online
reply system, email address and telephone contact number so all enquires that a prospective
customer makes are properly addressed by the website in minimal time.
Thus copywriting is about taking help of capable and experience writer who can build an
effective online marketing strategy in form of well laid out content with a captivating headline
that convinces and converts prospective customers into actual buyers.
Title: Copywriting- Adopting the Correct Writing Tactics to Enhance Professional Image
Main Keyword: Copywriting
Supporting Keyword: correct writing tactics
Summary: A professional copywriter should avoid making some common mistakes that usually
occur during the course of a writing project or job and adopt a professional approach to
enhance his or her image in the eyes of the clients.
The main objective of copywriting is to communicate effectively with the targeted audience
about the product or the service offered in the site. Large or small online business, need the
services of good professional copywriter or team of writers to boost their online sales.
Any writer who wishes to work on freelance basis or join a writing company as a full time writer
needs to adopt correct writing tactics to enhance his or her image.
Before submitting an article it should be double-checked for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Errors in the content point towards the unprofessional approach of the writer and dilute the
interest of the clients in hiring him or her for writing projects. Hence it is important to proofread
well the content and remove any mistakes so that the client can have a good reading experience
as he or she goes through the content.
Maintaining the Natural Flow
The article should contain a rich and naturally flowing content that is nicely sprinkled with right
words at right places. The content matter should be streamlined, precise and able to engage the
readers by relating well with their needs and preferences.
Region or Country Specific
Basically copywriting is about promoting the product or service online by employing written
form of communication. It is important know about writing styles because they change from one
country to the other. So if the product is to be promoted in United Kingdom then UK English
must be used in the article. If the country is USA, then US English should be used in the
promotion of the product or service. Changing the writing style so that it appeals more clients is
one of the correct writing tactics.
Meeting Deadlines
The ability of a writer to meet the deadlines speaks in volumes about his or her capabilities to
complete the writing projects as per schedule. The capacity to submit the articles with in the
deadline shows high professional attitude and good understanding about the value of his or her
client’s time, because time is of an essence.
Reasonable Pricing
The present day competitive atmosphere of freelance or full time writing has brought down the
rates. The writer should neither quote very low or very high rates as this will put a big question
mark on his or her capabilities to deliver the goods as desired and cast an image of greedy
writer, who wants to make a quick buck. Offering competitive rates that are comparable to
market rates is the right approach. Depending upon the level of quality needed one can adjust
his or her pricing. A high quality Copywriting job will certainly fetch more money.
Projecting a Professional image
Instead of employing cheap tactics to capture their attention, it better to adopt correct writing
tactics of displaying the writing skills in form of samples and testimonials from the satisfied
customers. Good testimonial can work wonders for the job prospects of the writer and help him
or her win confidence of the client.
Communicating well through personal website or email address with prospective clients and
finding quick solutions to their problems helps a lot in building a good reputation .Finally
sorting out the payment terms and conditions well before commencement of writing project
indicates the professional approach of the writer.
Title: Humorous Copywriting: Adding Humor in Web Content
Main Keyword: humorous copywriting
Supporting Keyword: humor in web content
Summary: A cautious approach is the best option when it comes to adding humor in the
Humor has a universal appeal. People want to be happy. Many advertisement companies that
show products on television commercials about the products add humor to it. The reason is to,
make people laugh and remember the product with fond memories. This idea works in
television commercials, but when it comes to humorous copywriting, one has to be cautious
about adding humor in web content.
Benefits of Humor in the Web Content
In this hectic modern day life, where daily stress and anxiety robs people of their happiness, the
idea of bringing the smile on the faces of the targeted online audience, seems to be a good one.
Humorous copywriting if done well can help to spread the advertisement to even those
customers who are resistant to receiving advertisements. Humor in web content, if used wisely
can help the product to penetrate the most difficult part of the customer base. Humorous
copywriting provides a sparkling touch if there is space left for it in the advertisement.
Risks of Humorous Copywriting
A copy writer who wants to add humor in web content should be careful in not generalizing
online humor because, what may be funny for one group, might not appeal the other group of
people. This is because everybody has different life experiences and taking this into
consideration before adding humor would be a wise step. Instead of generalizing humor it is
better to use humorous copywriting for a specific group, which is sure to respond to it happily.
Thus humor in copywriting has a very limited scope. Copywriting is focused on selling some
product or service and the use of humor in web content increases the risk of people completely
overlooking it, when they are in serious mood and focused on searching or buying a particular
product or service. Humorous copywriting can also fail miserably when people remember the
humor in it but forget about the product, advertised. Hence humor can cloud the sale of
product and in process defeat the very purpose for which the advertisement was created.
Safely Using Humor in Web Content
The prime objective of copy writing is to sell a product or service online. The idea of adding a
humorous touch may be fine up to a certain level. Beyond it, it is sure to backfire and hurt the
prospects of the advertisement campaign. Adopting a cautious approach is like putting the best
foot forward when it comes to adding humor in web content. It is important to get a feedback
from the familiar people, before feeding the advertisement to the online customers. If the
humor does not get appreciation, it can be re-written, for getting a better result. This approach
greatly reduces failure of the advertisement. Prior to attempting, humorous copywriting, it is
important to study funny advertisements or comedians and learn few tricks of the trade. It is
important to take care that the advertisement does not loose the sense of direction due to
humor in it. If there is some doubt that humor will play a spoilsport, it is better to dump it out of
the advertisement. This will save the online advertiser time and money. In the end it is better to
adopt a cautious outlook when it comes to adding humor in web content.
Title: Selecting the Right Article Writing Service to Enhance Online Business
Main Keyword: Article Writing Service
Supporting Keyword: online business
Summary: Online business is of a great significance when it comes to promoting a product or
service on the net. The enormous customer base that internet provides has resulted in launch of
millions of websites that provide different types of products and services. The web content plays
a crucial role in the success of the product or service, advertised on the website. Hence the help
of a professional article marketing service must be taken to achieve the desired result from the
online business.
To increase business volumes, the website should present an optimized and interesting content
that keeps the readers engaged in the site and in end is successful in converting most of them
into actual buyers. This requires expertise of a professional writer or team of writers, depending
on the quantity of the work. There are few steps that need to be taken before selecting the right
article writing service.
Legitimate Address for Communication
It is important to locate the legitimate address of the writing company through the website,
telephone number or physical address of an office. P.O. Box no. should be neither be relied
upon nor taken as address of communication.
Reviewing Properly the Writing Company’s Website
The website layout gives out a lot of useful information about the company. Hence it is
necessary to properly study the website layout and note the range of services offered, like SEO
content writing, PLR articles, Squidoo lenses, Blog postings, etc. This will help in matching the
requirements with services offered by an article writing service.
Ability to Provide Unique Content
Search Engines like unique content that is rich in information and offers something new to the
readers. Such content is ranked well by the engine spider and attracts voluminous traffic to the
site. To get the concerned site, high page ranking on search engine results it is important and
select the right article writing service. A reputed and well established writing company will
provide a rich and engaging content that is free from duplication. A duplicated or plagiarized
content can severely damage the reputation of the site and reduce traffic to the site
considerably. This will ultimately hurt the online business prospects, immensely
Reliable Service
As internet marketing is on constant move due to addition of newer marketing strategies on
regular basis it has become necessary to write attention grabbing content to attract customers
and convert them into buyers. To do this one needs help of a dependable article writing service
that is capable enough to feed the site with high quality content in any requisite quantity, over a
time period.
Reasonable Pricing
Prior to looking for a writing company it is important to evaluate the financial capacity to pay
the cost that one will incur towards the development of content for a short or long term period.
Having analyzed this, it is necessary to compare the rates of various companies and check the
current rates in the market. This will help in selecting a writing company that offers good service
at a fair price.
Title: Copywriting- Avoiding Writing Mistakes that Even an Expert Copywriter Makes
Main Keyword: Copywriting
Supporting Keyword: writing mistakes
Summary: Copywriting is an art that requires putting together ideas and writing skills to develop
an engaging and rich content to impress upon the audience. But sometimes even an expert
copywriter makes some mistakes while writing content.
When it comes to presenting a good content to impress the audience, employing the right
copywriting tactics helps immensely in paying rich dividends to the website owners. But
sometimes even the best writer in this field make a few writing mistakes that are mentioned
Not Understanding Audience
Usually website hires a copywriter to develop the content matter. From business view point the
copywriter might please his or her client with the content, but that might not be enough or
necessary to please the audience, also. The content may not relate to the needs or preferences
of the audience and thus fail to win their appreciation. This will considerably reduce the traffic as
the readers might not find anything useful in it. Ultimately the online business will suffer. To
overcome this writer has to write for the audience so that they can bond and relate with the site
very well and thus increase the popularity of the site.
Shallow Knowledge about Product
A copywriter basically spreads the appropriate knowledge that he or she has about a particular
product or service to the online audience through the web content. But to do this effectively and
engage the audience in site for longer period of time the writer should have deep and thorough
knowledge of the concerned product or service. However poor or little knowledge about the
product or service can erode the content value and drive away the readers from the site. To
avoid this it is necessary for the writer take do some reading and research on the topic, on
which, he or she wants to write web content.
Not Able to Catch the Audience Attention
The present day hectic lifestyle makes it difficult for people to spare more time for reading. If
one cannot captivate the attention with the message or the title of the content, the site is bound
to loose majority of the traffic to its’ competitors. This is one of the major writing mistakes that
even a best writer makes. Copywriting advocates use of a stunning title and a lively introduction
to fire the imagination of the audience and compel them to stay in the site and go through the
Failure to Strike a Balance
The failure to maintain the right amount of content is one of the writing mistakes. Some of the
writers overstuff the page with too many content details that look intimidating to the readers as
they do not have enough time or patience or mental capacity to read it completely. While on
other hand too little content will leave the audience thirsty for more information and this
frustration can drive them away from the site, forever. So a writer should write a content that is
in requisite quantity and good enough to satisfy most of the readers.
Not Making Easy for the Audience
Sometimes, copywriters fail to provide the pricing details, product information and details that
enable the buyer to purchase the product easily. This frustrates the potential customers and
drives them to some other website that provides easy access to the product of same quality and
So when it comes to copywriting all these mistakes should be avoided so that the readers can
have a good reading experience and bring smiles of the face audience and the website owner.
Title: SEO Copywriting- Utilizing Optimized Services Effectively
Main Keyword: SEO copywriting
Supporting Keyword: optimized services
Summary: Sometimes in spite of spending a good amount on search engine optimization of
articles for the website, the site owners are not able to get the result that is worth their money.
Article: SEO Copywriting is about optimizing the content of the site to such an extent that it is
easily visible to the search engines as they roam the hyperlinks of the net. The engine spider can
easily navigate in an out of the site due the SEO features of the site and the article. This is
enough to earn the site a good rank with the engine. But sometimes in spite of spending a good
sum of money on SEO articles the site is not able to get good results. There are few reasons that
need to be looked into, to overcome this problem.
Linking Up Effectively
Hiring a good Copywriter to write optimized content for the website may not be enough to
guarantee the success of the site in attracting voluminous traffic. It should be made a practice to
place the links to the website amongst the text of articles, either in the paragraph or in the
footnote. Basically SEO Copywriting aims to provide on-page and off-page optimized services to
the site. Establishing good links with other sites through articles provides a good access route to
the search engine and they also take this into consideration while giving the site a higher page
rank. Ultimately the traffic to the site will increase and so will be the business revenues.
Posting SEO Articles
Having purchased the articles, the ownership now belongs to the site owners and this can be
used effectively and conveniently to maximize the flow of the traffic to the site. Trying an article
directory is good option because posting articles here will attract the attention of major search
engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. As there are many popular article directories like Ezine,
Buzzle, Go Article, etc. submitting even a single article to all these directories will tremendously
increase the flow traffic. There is no need to submit different articles because better results can
be achieved by following the principle of, submitting single article to multiple directories.
Selecting the Right Directories
When it comes to SEO Copywriting in providing optimized services to the website, proper care
should be taken to develop the content in such a manner that it is easily acceptable to all the
major article directories, because this is where the largest customer base for articles, lies. Hence
it is important to select the right article directory and understand its basic requirements and
restrictions, very well. Then working accordingly, the content of the articles should be
developed. This is necessary to allow easy submission of the articles to the concerned directory
without any rejection. Following the directory norms and successfully submitting the article
draws the attention of the search engine because they are always on lookout for new content or
articles. This results in more traffic to the site through inbuilt links and hence increases in
revenues for the site. Having done this one can rest assured of having successfully utilized
optimized services that SEO Copywriting aims to provide.
Title: Latest Semantic Index- A Guide to Using LSI in Getting Better Search Engine Results
Main Keyword: Latest Semantic Index
Supporting Keywords: LSI, Search Engine
Summary: Latest Semantic Index is a Technique that converts natural human language in
mathematical computer language to enable quick posting of the web pages on the net, which
visitors are looking for.
The search engine roams the hyperlinks of the internet in search of web pages or websites that
they are commanded to search for. The command is in form of keywords that are typed in by
the visitors. Basically the use of algorithms is employed by the search engine to get the desired
result. The page/site is indexed and ranked on the basis of frequency of queries posted by the
surfers. Higher the frequency of queries for a particular site, higher the page ranking it gets.
What is Latest Semantic Indexing?
It popularly known as LSI is short form. It uses algorithms to convert the natural language into
mathematical language that computer can easily understand. Semantics means study of
meaning of words. Latest Semantic Index is about applying the supporting keywords that relate
well with the main keyword. Suppose video game design is the main keyword, then game
design, video design, video game become LSI keywords.
Using LSI Properly in the Content
To effectively optimize the web content to get higher ranking from the search engine, it is
important to select the right keywords. The selected keyword should relate well with content.
Taking help of the Google Keyword tool greatly helps in selecting the right keyword or the most
probable keyword, for a particular site or content that one is looking for. In addition the tool
provides the list of related keywords. These related keywords are called the LSI keywords and
help in boosting the page rankings.
Importance of LSI in Article
The Latest Semantic Index system advocates use of several supporting keywords along with the
main keyword in a content. This strategy provides the search engine more option or pathways to
reach a particular site, rather following a restricted and narrow path that main keyword provides.
This greatly increases the probability of more surfers hitting the site successfully. The supporting
keywords here increase the visibility of the site or page on the net, manifolds. The Latest
Semantic Index advocates use of more related keywords, instead of maintaining the keyword
density of the main keyword. The keyword density does not hold value in this concept; rather it
lays stress on maintaining high quality and relevant content that relates well with the keywords.
This helps in providing better search engine results to the surfers, compared to what a single
keyword based search, provides. This technique is being slowly integrated by the Google in its
search engine system to boost further the speed of web access.
Title: Website Graphics- Adopting Legal Website Design in Using Graphics
Keywords: Legal website design, Lawyer Marketing
Summary: Graphics are important part of the visual presentation of the site. It is a quick way to
convey the message to visitors and also attract their attention to the important information that
the site wants to give to the customers first.
Graphics are an important part of the Internet marketing campaign of a website. Graphics
provide the visual form of communication to the site visitors. The main purpose of the legal
website design, graphics is to inform and educate visually the customers about the basic
features that a product or service can offer them. The graphics can be either be created, copied
or purchased from the website.
The Purpose of using Graphics in the Website
Graphics are not useful for all the websites. The purpose of using a graphic representation in the
website depends upon the type of the website. The graphic display as per legal website design
should be included in the website only when it is become a requisite, for successful operation of
the site. If a site is about content writing, then there is no need to include the graphics in the
site. A product or service related or marketing related website needs the graphics display to
enhance its marketability on the net.
Selecting the Right Graphics for the Site
There are three types of graphics display. They are called the header, stamped background and
the order button type graphics. The most important of all these graphics is the header type. To
capture the attention of the visitor and stop them from switching off the browser, it is important
to incorporate a well-designed headers graphics display, done by a professional. Then comes
the Stamped background graphics are better suited to web pages. They impart the web pages
the visual of a colored letter pad, in light or dark shades. On the page background is the
message stamped and it reflects the theme of the website. So as one scrolls down the website,
he or she remains focused on the central theme of the site. The third type of graphics, which is
called as order button. These graphics are used in the marketing sites that directly sell products
or services online customers and form an important part of the Lawyer marketing strategy
Getting Graphics
The graphics are usually available from the internet. It can be copied from the websites but
before that it is important to check whether they from public domain and available free of cost
or belong as a copy right material and needs permission of the actual owner, before copying it.
The other source of the graphics in the images from digital camera, stored a JPEG file. Web
graphics can be saved in two different formats, a .gif image for illustrated graphics with smaller
color range and a .jpg image as a file for larger color range graphics. Hence graphics play their
part in enhancing the web content and promote the website on the internet.
The CONRAD RANGALI ISLAND resort is located in Alif atoll, 96 kilometers away from Male
international airport. A spectacular flight of the seaplane over the blue lagoon and the idyllic
white sandy beach provides a captivating view of pristine natural surroundings. The resort
boasts of a spa retreat and beach villas on the Rangalifinolhu Island and water villas on Rangali
Well designed and lavish interiors of the beach villas, with glass walled living rooms give a
feeling of modern grandeur in midst of pristine nature. The villas open out to private gardens
and fountain filled courtyards. The CONRAD RANGALI ISLAND resort gives the combined
pleasure of three resorts, on two islands interconnected by a bridge and surrounded by a
beautiful coral reef and a crystalline blue lagoon.
There are 50 luxurious water villas, 21 exotic spa villas and 79 elegant beach villas, dotting the
palm fringed white sandy beach. The ultimate in accommodation luxury are two stunning sunset
water villas, set upon a private area of the lagoon that can be accessed by jet boat or a private
walkway. The glass floored living rooms provide a mesmerizing view of crystal clear blue water
teeming with exotic aquatic life. The circular rotating bed with 180 degrees of rotation provides
breathtaking view of sunset. The other accommodation in form of king-sized bedrooms with
large marble bathrooms, satellite television, a floodlit ocean swimming pool and a terrace
Jacuzzi provide the ultimate experience of Maldivian luxury.
The most stunning attraction of the CONRAD RANGALI ISLAND resort is its undersea restaurant,
located 16 feet below the sea level. The dome shaped glass ceiling gives 180 degrees of clear
view of reef and exotic marine creatures gliding smoothly in water above, as you delight your
taste buds with lip smacking Maldivian and western flavors. The other places of recreational and
nutritional importance are the Atoll market, Rangali bar, Mandoo spa restaurant, Sunset bar and
grill, Koko grill restaurant and Vilu restaurant and bar.
This amazing island resort caters to outdoor recreational needs of its visitors by providing
canoeing, boating, fishing, beach volleyball, catamaran sailing and scuba diving services. These
outdoor adventure sports stimulate your senses and at same time bring you closer to nature.
Hence a vacation at this island resort will give you a wonderful feeling that you will cherish for
long time to come.
Kuramathi village is located 56 kilometers from Male international airport, Maldives. The island is
1.8 kilometer long with an extra kilometer, in form of white sandy bank. With 290 guest villas in
nine distinct styles, the KURAMATHI VILLAGE offers grand and luxurious accommodation as per
taste of the guest. The square shaped wooden beach villas with Jacuzzi and a large wooden
deck provide ample sun, water and sand to relax the stressed bodies. The deluxe beach villas,
with outdoor showers and wooden decks that lead straight into turquoise ocean water, provide
unique living experience on fringes of Mother Nature.
The water villas provide a great opportunity to sit directly over the blue lagoon, as they are built
on stilts. The private sundeck leads straight into crystalline ocean water and gives the feeling of
being so close to pristine nature. Beach villas for honeymoon couples provide the right kind of
intimacy for them to share the moments of bliss between themselves, in midst of tranquil
surrounding. The villas are well furnished and have modern amenities like Jacuzzi, television, I
pod docking station, etc.
The KURAMATHI VILLAGE resort offers breakfast, lunch and dinner with flavors from round the
world. The food delights consists of barbeque side dishes, seafood, fish, chicken dishes, lip
smacking Indian tandoor and biryani dishes, crispy Italian pizza and Mediterranean food,
Mongolian buffet and exotic cuisines from around the world. The outdoor night entertainment
like karaoke, moonlight disco, watching movie under open sky or listening to live band are also
arranged at resort.
The spa treatment in the KURAMATHI VILLAGE consists of a variety of body wraps, henna
tattoos, Thai and Ayurvedic massages, beauty treatment, waxing and hair dressings. The
treatment rejuvenates the mind and body, by removing mental and physical stress. Adventure
sports like parasailing, canoeing, catamaran sailing and wind surfing add thrill and bring closer
to nature. The children’s park in the village resort provides the kids aged from 3 to 12 years the
opportunity to explore nature, beach, go on a treasure hunt and other nature related outdoor
activities under the watchful eyes of the able instructors.

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  • 1. Name: Navneet Vats Blogger @ Email : Phone : +919586647903, +919913142438 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title: Copywriting - Secrets of Writing a Great Sales Copy Main Keyword: Copywriting Supporting Keyword: great sales copy Summary: The correct use of secrets of good copywriting tremendously helps in increase the business on the internet. Article: The prime objective of a successful advertisement campaign is to captivate the audience. Employing the right copywriting principles helps the advertiser to accomplish the desired results for which the advertisement was designed. Prior to launch of an advertisement campaign, there is always an element of doubt about its’ ability to make in-roads into the customer base and achieve the results. Writing a great sales copy is not an easy job. Years of hard work, experience
  • 2. and practice go into it, before one can master this art. But one can easily understand the basics of good copywriting practice by learning few secrets of this art. Writing an attractive headline that catches the attention of the audience is a golden rule of copywriting. A stunning headline is a prominent feature of a great sales copy and stops the readers from skimming or completely avoiding the webpage. The title points out to the content matter. An attractive title increases the chances of the readers in completely browsing through the webpage and spending more time studying the product or service being advertised. Ultimately this greatly enhances the probability of readers turning into buyers. A mesmerizing headline should lead the audience to a gripping story or content matter. This forms the body part of the great sales copy. Writing a great story that keeps the readers hooked to the page greatly enhances the visibility of the product. This increased visibility leads to increase in sales and that means more business. Whether it is a product or a service, the right copywriting principles advocate about writing customer oriented content in such a manner that it actually converses with them directly and wins their trust. A great sales copy is successful in building an emotional bond with the readers and is able to remove any suspicion that might creep in the heads of the potential customers, about the product’s reliability. The emotional bridge that copywriting helps the advertiser to build with the audience, boosts the product image and provides some assurance of a positive reply or feedback about the product from the readers. Generally writing a great sales copy about any product or service requires in-depth knowledge. Good research skills, inquisitive mind, keeping ears and eyes open to good information from any source immensely helps the copywriting. The correct idea about product performance, good testimonials and capability of product in fulfilling the expectations of audience should be presented well in the advertisement. This will ignite the interest of customers and help them to cruise smoothly through the webpage without any hassle, doubt or objection, which they may have in their minds. Good copywriting forms the backbone of a successful advertisement campaign. It is important to brainstorm ad let the ideas flow freely. The next step is to dwell on the ideas and write them down. Writing over and over helps greatly in filtering out the creamy stuff and goes a long way in generating a great sales copy. Finally a strong finish inspires audience to conclude some positive action, whether it is product enquiry or a click to buy.
  • 3. Title: Copywriting- The Importance of Call to Action in an Online Marketing Strategy Main Keyword: Copywriting Supporting Keyword: call to action, online marketing strategy Summary: In the highly competitive world of online business, copywriting plays a deciding role in the success of the product or service advertised in the website. A successful online marketing strategy incorporates call to action in its mission to push prospective clients to become buyers. Article: It is a general assumption that display of attractive marketing phrases will be good enough to lure the prospective customers to the website and influence them to buy the product or service offered. But this is a wrong notion as it fails to deliver the desired results, in spite of the fact that the offered products or service may be of high quality standards. This drawback in the strategy can be overcome by giving the customers the much needed push by presenting them with a well-constructed call to action. Helping Clients to Make a Decision The right marketing action plan is to initially explain clearly to the clients the benefits of the product or service and what they stand to gain from it. The step-by-step explanation of various salient features and how they can fulfill the needs of the prospective clients is good enough to make them ponder about product or service. Then a nicely laid out call to action can push them into buying the product or service without developing the feeling of being manipulated or forced into such a deal. Understanding Clients It is important to set the achievable targets for the online marketing strategy to be successful and fruitful. This requires the writer to step into the shoes of the prospective client and think from his or her angle before commencing the copywriting job for the site. The ability to think beforehand about the likely reservation or objection that might creep in the client’s head about the product or service and finding the means to address them effectively is necessary to win the trust of the clients, when they actually visit the site. Further the understanding well, about the criteria the customers will look into before deciding on most suitable offer from the rest of bunch is quite helpful in preparing a presentation that is bound to succeed in attracting the attention of clients. This will help them to bond well with the product or service and go a long way in influencing them to conclude something positive at the end of reading.
  • 4. Enable Smooth Purchase After successfully convincing the customer to buy the product or service, the next important step is to make call to action very easy to execute, by providing him or her labeled links, accepting payments through various payment channels, facilitating prompt delivery and if possible, free of shipping cost. Linking time incentives with special discounts can impress the client to purchase the product or service, straightaway. The site should have a helpdesk, online reply system, email address and telephone contact number so all enquires that a prospective customer makes are properly addressed by the website in minimal time. Thus copywriting is about taking help of capable and experience writer who can build an effective online marketing strategy in form of well laid out content with a captivating headline that convinces and converts prospective customers into actual buyers. Title: Copywriting- Adopting the Correct Writing Tactics to Enhance Professional Image Main Keyword: Copywriting Supporting Keyword: correct writing tactics Summary: A professional copywriter should avoid making some common mistakes that usually occur during the course of a writing project or job and adopt a professional approach to enhance his or her image in the eyes of the clients. Article: The main objective of copywriting is to communicate effectively with the targeted audience about the product or the service offered in the site. Large or small online business, need the services of good professional copywriter or team of writers to boost their online sales. Any writer who wishes to work on freelance basis or join a writing company as a full time writer needs to adopt correct writing tactics to enhance his or her image. Proofreading Before submitting an article it should be double-checked for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Errors in the content point towards the unprofessional approach of the writer and dilute the interest of the clients in hiring him or her for writing projects. Hence it is important to proofread
  • 5. well the content and remove any mistakes so that the client can have a good reading experience as he or she goes through the content. Maintaining the Natural Flow The article should contain a rich and naturally flowing content that is nicely sprinkled with right words at right places. The content matter should be streamlined, precise and able to engage the readers by relating well with their needs and preferences. Region or Country Specific Basically copywriting is about promoting the product or service online by employing written form of communication. It is important know about writing styles because they change from one country to the other. So if the product is to be promoted in United Kingdom then UK English must be used in the article. If the country is USA, then US English should be used in the promotion of the product or service. Changing the writing style so that it appeals more clients is one of the correct writing tactics. Meeting Deadlines The ability of a writer to meet the deadlines speaks in volumes about his or her capabilities to complete the writing projects as per schedule. The capacity to submit the articles with in the deadline shows high professional attitude and good understanding about the value of his or her client’s time, because time is of an essence. Reasonable Pricing The present day competitive atmosphere of freelance or full time writing has brought down the rates. The writer should neither quote very low or very high rates as this will put a big question mark on his or her capabilities to deliver the goods as desired and cast an image of greedy writer, who wants to make a quick buck. Offering competitive rates that are comparable to market rates is the right approach. Depending upon the level of quality needed one can adjust his or her pricing. A high quality Copywriting job will certainly fetch more money. Projecting a Professional image Instead of employing cheap tactics to capture their attention, it better to adopt correct writing tactics of displaying the writing skills in form of samples and testimonials from the satisfied customers. Good testimonial can work wonders for the job prospects of the writer and help him or her win confidence of the client. Communicating well through personal website or email address with prospective clients and finding quick solutions to their problems helps a lot in building a good reputation .Finally
  • 6. sorting out the payment terms and conditions well before commencement of writing project indicates the professional approach of the writer. Title: Humorous Copywriting: Adding Humor in Web Content Main Keyword: humorous copywriting Supporting Keyword: humor in web content Summary: A cautious approach is the best option when it comes to adding humor in the copywriting. Humor has a universal appeal. People want to be happy. Many advertisement companies that show products on television commercials about the products add humor to it. The reason is to, make people laugh and remember the product with fond memories. This idea works in television commercials, but when it comes to humorous copywriting, one has to be cautious about adding humor in web content. Benefits of Humor in the Web Content In this hectic modern day life, where daily stress and anxiety robs people of their happiness, the idea of bringing the smile on the faces of the targeted online audience, seems to be a good one. Humorous copywriting if done well can help to spread the advertisement to even those customers who are resistant to receiving advertisements. Humor in web content, if used wisely can help the product to penetrate the most difficult part of the customer base. Humorous copywriting provides a sparkling touch if there is space left for it in the advertisement. Risks of Humorous Copywriting A copy writer who wants to add humor in web content should be careful in not generalizing online humor because, what may be funny for one group, might not appeal the other group of people. This is because everybody has different life experiences and taking this into consideration before adding humor would be a wise step. Instead of generalizing humor it is better to use humorous copywriting for a specific group, which is sure to respond to it happily. Thus humor in copywriting has a very limited scope. Copywriting is focused on selling some product or service and the use of humor in web content increases the risk of people completely overlooking it, when they are in serious mood and focused on searching or buying a particular product or service. Humorous copywriting can also fail miserably when people remember the
  • 7. humor in it but forget about the product, advertised. Hence humor can cloud the sale of product and in process defeat the very purpose for which the advertisement was created. Safely Using Humor in Web Content The prime objective of copy writing is to sell a product or service online. The idea of adding a humorous touch may be fine up to a certain level. Beyond it, it is sure to backfire and hurt the prospects of the advertisement campaign. Adopting a cautious approach is like putting the best foot forward when it comes to adding humor in web content. It is important to get a feedback from the familiar people, before feeding the advertisement to the online customers. If the humor does not get appreciation, it can be re-written, for getting a better result. This approach greatly reduces failure of the advertisement. Prior to attempting, humorous copywriting, it is important to study funny advertisements or comedians and learn few tricks of the trade. It is important to take care that the advertisement does not loose the sense of direction due to humor in it. If there is some doubt that humor will play a spoilsport, it is better to dump it out of the advertisement. This will save the online advertiser time and money. In the end it is better to adopt a cautious outlook when it comes to adding humor in web content. Title: Selecting the Right Article Writing Service to Enhance Online Business Main Keyword: Article Writing Service Supporting Keyword: online business Summary: Online business is of a great significance when it comes to promoting a product or service on the net. The enormous customer base that internet provides has resulted in launch of millions of websites that provide different types of products and services. The web content plays a crucial role in the success of the product or service, advertised on the website. Hence the help of a professional article marketing service must be taken to achieve the desired result from the online business. Article: To increase business volumes, the website should present an optimized and interesting content that keeps the readers engaged in the site and in end is successful in converting most of them into actual buyers. This requires expertise of a professional writer or team of writers, depending on the quantity of the work. There are few steps that need to be taken before selecting the right article writing service.
  • 8. Legitimate Address for Communication It is important to locate the legitimate address of the writing company through the website, telephone number or physical address of an office. P.O. Box no. should be neither be relied upon nor taken as address of communication. Reviewing Properly the Writing Company’s Website The website layout gives out a lot of useful information about the company. Hence it is necessary to properly study the website layout and note the range of services offered, like SEO content writing, PLR articles, Squidoo lenses, Blog postings, etc. This will help in matching the requirements with services offered by an article writing service. Ability to Provide Unique Content Search Engines like unique content that is rich in information and offers something new to the readers. Such content is ranked well by the engine spider and attracts voluminous traffic to the site. To get the concerned site, high page ranking on search engine results it is important and select the right article writing service. A reputed and well established writing company will provide a rich and engaging content that is free from duplication. A duplicated or plagiarized content can severely damage the reputation of the site and reduce traffic to the site considerably. This will ultimately hurt the online business prospects, immensely Reliable Service As internet marketing is on constant move due to addition of newer marketing strategies on regular basis it has become necessary to write attention grabbing content to attract customers and convert them into buyers. To do this one needs help of a dependable article writing service that is capable enough to feed the site with high quality content in any requisite quantity, over a time period. Reasonable Pricing Prior to looking for a writing company it is important to evaluate the financial capacity to pay the cost that one will incur towards the development of content for a short or long term period. Having analyzed this, it is necessary to compare the rates of various companies and check the current rates in the market. This will help in selecting a writing company that offers good service at a fair price.
  • 9. Title: Copywriting- Avoiding Writing Mistakes that Even an Expert Copywriter Makes Main Keyword: Copywriting Supporting Keyword: writing mistakes Summary: Copywriting is an art that requires putting together ideas and writing skills to develop an engaging and rich content to impress upon the audience. But sometimes even an expert copywriter makes some mistakes while writing content. Article: When it comes to presenting a good content to impress the audience, employing the right copywriting tactics helps immensely in paying rich dividends to the website owners. But sometimes even the best writer in this field make a few writing mistakes that are mentioned below. Not Understanding Audience Usually website hires a copywriter to develop the content matter. From business view point the copywriter might please his or her client with the content, but that might not be enough or necessary to please the audience, also. The content may not relate to the needs or preferences of the audience and thus fail to win their appreciation. This will considerably reduce the traffic as the readers might not find anything useful in it. Ultimately the online business will suffer. To overcome this writer has to write for the audience so that they can bond and relate with the site very well and thus increase the popularity of the site. Shallow Knowledge about Product A copywriter basically spreads the appropriate knowledge that he or she has about a particular product or service to the online audience through the web content. But to do this effectively and engage the audience in site for longer period of time the writer should have deep and thorough knowledge of the concerned product or service. However poor or little knowledge about the product or service can erode the content value and drive away the readers from the site. To avoid this it is necessary for the writer take do some reading and research on the topic, on which, he or she wants to write web content. Not Able to Catch the Audience Attention The present day hectic lifestyle makes it difficult for people to spare more time for reading. If one cannot captivate the attention with the message or the title of the content, the site is bound to loose majority of the traffic to its’ competitors. This is one of the major writing mistakes that even a best writer makes. Copywriting advocates use of a stunning title and a lively introduction
  • 10. to fire the imagination of the audience and compel them to stay in the site and go through the content. Failure to Strike a Balance The failure to maintain the right amount of content is one of the writing mistakes. Some of the writers overstuff the page with too many content details that look intimidating to the readers as they do not have enough time or patience or mental capacity to read it completely. While on other hand too little content will leave the audience thirsty for more information and this frustration can drive them away from the site, forever. So a writer should write a content that is in requisite quantity and good enough to satisfy most of the readers. Not Making Easy for the Audience Sometimes, copywriters fail to provide the pricing details, product information and details that enable the buyer to purchase the product easily. This frustrates the potential customers and drives them to some other website that provides easy access to the product of same quality and rate. So when it comes to copywriting all these mistakes should be avoided so that the readers can have a good reading experience and bring smiles of the face audience and the website owner. Title: SEO Copywriting- Utilizing Optimized Services Effectively Main Keyword: SEO copywriting Supporting Keyword: optimized services Summary: Sometimes in spite of spending a good amount on search engine optimization of articles for the website, the site owners are not able to get the result that is worth their money. Article: SEO Copywriting is about optimizing the content of the site to such an extent that it is easily visible to the search engines as they roam the hyperlinks of the net. The engine spider can easily navigate in an out of the site due the SEO features of the site and the article. This is enough to earn the site a good rank with the engine. But sometimes in spite of spending a good sum of money on SEO articles the site is not able to get good results. There are few reasons that need to be looked into, to overcome this problem. Linking Up Effectively
  • 11. Hiring a good Copywriter to write optimized content for the website may not be enough to guarantee the success of the site in attracting voluminous traffic. It should be made a practice to place the links to the website amongst the text of articles, either in the paragraph or in the footnote. Basically SEO Copywriting aims to provide on-page and off-page optimized services to the site. Establishing good links with other sites through articles provides a good access route to the search engine and they also take this into consideration while giving the site a higher page rank. Ultimately the traffic to the site will increase and so will be the business revenues. Posting SEO Articles Having purchased the articles, the ownership now belongs to the site owners and this can be used effectively and conveniently to maximize the flow of the traffic to the site. Trying an article directory is good option because posting articles here will attract the attention of major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. As there are many popular article directories like Ezine, Buzzle, Go Article, etc. submitting even a single article to all these directories will tremendously increase the flow traffic. There is no need to submit different articles because better results can be achieved by following the principle of, submitting single article to multiple directories. Selecting the Right Directories When it comes to SEO Copywriting in providing optimized services to the website, proper care should be taken to develop the content in such a manner that it is easily acceptable to all the major article directories, because this is where the largest customer base for articles, lies. Hence it is important to select the right article directory and understand its basic requirements and restrictions, very well. Then working accordingly, the content of the articles should be developed. This is necessary to allow easy submission of the articles to the concerned directory without any rejection. Following the directory norms and successfully submitting the article draws the attention of the search engine because they are always on lookout for new content or articles. This results in more traffic to the site through inbuilt links and hence increases in revenues for the site. Having done this one can rest assured of having successfully utilized optimized services that SEO Copywriting aims to provide. Title: Latest Semantic Index- A Guide to Using LSI in Getting Better Search Engine Results Main Keyword: Latest Semantic Index Supporting Keywords: LSI, Search Engine
  • 12. Summary: Latest Semantic Index is a Technique that converts natural human language in mathematical computer language to enable quick posting of the web pages on the net, which visitors are looking for. Article: The search engine roams the hyperlinks of the internet in search of web pages or websites that they are commanded to search for. The command is in form of keywords that are typed in by the visitors. Basically the use of algorithms is employed by the search engine to get the desired result. The page/site is indexed and ranked on the basis of frequency of queries posted by the surfers. Higher the frequency of queries for a particular site, higher the page ranking it gets. What is Latest Semantic Indexing? It popularly known as LSI is short form. It uses algorithms to convert the natural language into mathematical language that computer can easily understand. Semantics means study of meaning of words. Latest Semantic Index is about applying the supporting keywords that relate well with the main keyword. Suppose video game design is the main keyword, then game design, video design, video game become LSI keywords. Using LSI Properly in the Content To effectively optimize the web content to get higher ranking from the search engine, it is important to select the right keywords. The selected keyword should relate well with content. Taking help of the Google Keyword tool greatly helps in selecting the right keyword or the most probable keyword, for a particular site or content that one is looking for. In addition the tool provides the list of related keywords. These related keywords are called the LSI keywords and help in boosting the page rankings. Importance of LSI in Article The Latest Semantic Index system advocates use of several supporting keywords along with the main keyword in a content. This strategy provides the search engine more option or pathways to reach a particular site, rather following a restricted and narrow path that main keyword provides. This greatly increases the probability of more surfers hitting the site successfully. The supporting keywords here increase the visibility of the site or page on the net, manifolds. The Latest Semantic Index advocates use of more related keywords, instead of maintaining the keyword density of the main keyword. The keyword density does not hold value in this concept; rather it lays stress on maintaining high quality and relevant content that relates well with the keywords. This helps in providing better search engine results to the surfers, compared to what a single
  • 13. keyword based search, provides. This technique is being slowly integrated by the Google in its search engine system to boost further the speed of web access. Title: Website Graphics- Adopting Legal Website Design in Using Graphics Keywords: Legal website design, Lawyer Marketing Summary: Graphics are important part of the visual presentation of the site. It is a quick way to convey the message to visitors and also attract their attention to the important information that the site wants to give to the customers first. Article: Graphics are an important part of the Internet marketing campaign of a website. Graphics provide the visual form of communication to the site visitors. The main purpose of the legal website design, graphics is to inform and educate visually the customers about the basic features that a product or service can offer them. The graphics can be either be created, copied or purchased from the website. The Purpose of using Graphics in the Website Graphics are not useful for all the websites. The purpose of using a graphic representation in the website depends upon the type of the website. The graphic display as per legal website design should be included in the website only when it is become a requisite, for successful operation of the site. If a site is about content writing, then there is no need to include the graphics in the site. A product or service related or marketing related website needs the graphics display to enhance its marketability on the net. Selecting the Right Graphics for the Site There are three types of graphics display. They are called the header, stamped background and the order button type graphics. The most important of all these graphics is the header type. To capture the attention of the visitor and stop them from switching off the browser, it is important to incorporate a well-designed headers graphics display, done by a professional. Then comes the Stamped background graphics are better suited to web pages. They impart the web pages the visual of a colored letter pad, in light or dark shades. On the page background is the message stamped and it reflects the theme of the website. So as one scrolls down the website, he or she remains focused on the central theme of the site. The third type of graphics, which is
  • 14. called as order button. These graphics are used in the marketing sites that directly sell products or services online customers and form an important part of the Lawyer marketing strategy Getting Graphics The graphics are usually available from the internet. It can be copied from the websites but before that it is important to check whether they from public domain and available free of cost or belong as a copy right material and needs permission of the actual owner, before copying it. The other source of the graphics in the images from digital camera, stored a JPEG file. Web graphics can be saved in two different formats, a .gif image for illustrated graphics with smaller color range and a .jpg image as a file for larger color range graphics. Hence graphics play their part in enhancing the web content and promote the website on the internet. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONRAD RANGALI ISLAND The CONRAD RANGALI ISLAND resort is located in Alif atoll, 96 kilometers away from Male international airport. A spectacular flight of the seaplane over the blue lagoon and the idyllic white sandy beach provides a captivating view of pristine natural surroundings. The resort boasts of a spa retreat and beach villas on the Rangalifinolhu Island and water villas on Rangali Island. Well designed and lavish interiors of the beach villas, with glass walled living rooms give a feeling of modern grandeur in midst of pristine nature. The villas open out to private gardens and fountain filled courtyards. The CONRAD RANGALI ISLAND resort gives the combined pleasure of three resorts, on two islands interconnected by a bridge and surrounded by a beautiful coral reef and a crystalline blue lagoon. There are 50 luxurious water villas, 21 exotic spa villas and 79 elegant beach villas, dotting the palm fringed white sandy beach. The ultimate in accommodation luxury are two stunning sunset water villas, set upon a private area of the lagoon that can be accessed by jet boat or a private walkway. The glass floored living rooms provide a mesmerizing view of crystal clear blue water teeming with exotic aquatic life. The circular rotating bed with 180 degrees of rotation provides breathtaking view of sunset. The other accommodation in form of king-sized bedrooms with large marble bathrooms, satellite television, a floodlit ocean swimming pool and a terrace Jacuzzi provide the ultimate experience of Maldivian luxury. The most stunning attraction of the CONRAD RANGALI ISLAND resort is its undersea restaurant, located 16 feet below the sea level. The dome shaped glass ceiling gives 180 degrees of clear view of reef and exotic marine creatures gliding smoothly in water above, as you delight your
  • 15. taste buds with lip smacking Maldivian and western flavors. The other places of recreational and nutritional importance are the Atoll market, Rangali bar, Mandoo spa restaurant, Sunset bar and grill, Koko grill restaurant and Vilu restaurant and bar. This amazing island resort caters to outdoor recreational needs of its visitors by providing canoeing, boating, fishing, beach volleyball, catamaran sailing and scuba diving services. These outdoor adventure sports stimulate your senses and at same time bring you closer to nature. Hence a vacation at this island resort will give you a wonderful feeling that you will cherish for long time to come. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ KURAMATHI VILLAGE Kuramathi village is located 56 kilometers from Male international airport, Maldives. The island is 1.8 kilometer long with an extra kilometer, in form of white sandy bank. With 290 guest villas in nine distinct styles, the KURAMATHI VILLAGE offers grand and luxurious accommodation as per taste of the guest. The square shaped wooden beach villas with Jacuzzi and a large wooden deck provide ample sun, water and sand to relax the stressed bodies. The deluxe beach villas, with outdoor showers and wooden decks that lead straight into turquoise ocean water, provide unique living experience on fringes of Mother Nature. The water villas provide a great opportunity to sit directly over the blue lagoon, as they are built on stilts. The private sundeck leads straight into crystalline ocean water and gives the feeling of being so close to pristine nature. Beach villas for honeymoon couples provide the right kind of intimacy for them to share the moments of bliss between themselves, in midst of tranquil surrounding. The villas are well furnished and have modern amenities like Jacuzzi, television, I pod docking station, etc. The KURAMATHI VILLAGE resort offers breakfast, lunch and dinner with flavors from round the world. The food delights consists of barbeque side dishes, seafood, fish, chicken dishes, lip smacking Indian tandoor and biryani dishes, crispy Italian pizza and Mediterranean food, Mongolian buffet and exotic cuisines from around the world. The outdoor night entertainment like karaoke, moonlight disco, watching movie under open sky or listening to live band are also arranged at resort. The spa treatment in the KURAMATHI VILLAGE consists of a variety of body wraps, henna tattoos, Thai and Ayurvedic massages, beauty treatment, waxing and hair dressings. The treatment rejuvenates the mind and body, by removing mental and physical stress. Adventure sports like parasailing, canoeing, catamaran sailing and wind surfing add thrill and bring closer to nature. The children’s park in the village resort provides the kids aged from 3 to 12 years the
  • 16. opportunity to explore nature, beach, go on a treasure hunt and other nature related outdoor activities under the watchful eyes of the able instructors.