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Confucianism and Taoism Essay
Confucianism and Daoism are two influential schools of thoughts that have existed in ancient China around the 6th century BCE. The former, led by
the politician and philosopher Confucius, proposed that humans live in society according to a set of predefined rules and that they transform society
through political action. Whereas the latter, led by the philosopher Lao–Tzu, promoted the idea of inaction; people should go with the flow instead of
taking action to control their lives and dominate their surroundings. Although, at first glance Daoism and Confucianism seem to be two opposing
philosophies, a more in depth analysis of two of their key ideas –filial piety and education–reveals that they do share some similarities.
Both more content...
If natural filial piety were expressed in the family from the very beginning, conflict would have no means to arise. Thus, filial piety exists naturally and
so should it be expressed.
Confucius also recognizes that filial piety should be expressed naturally. According to Confucius, being filial to our parents is the utmost expression of
respect. This is an essential element in obtaining the title of Chun–Tzu, or noble person. However, filial piety is not a one–way street. Parents are also
filial to their children and to their parents. Both parent and child have a natural position and responsibility within the family; therefore natural filial
piety is reciprocal. It is through recognizing and practicing filial piety in the family that a person will know how to act outside of the family. For in
the Confucian tradition, it is realized that filial piety also exists between all beings. This is evident in the Confucian Golden Rule: "Never do to
others what you would not like them to do to you" (Book XV). As in Taoist thought, filial piety is something that naturally exists and is reciprocal in
nature. To force filial piety into being or to intentionally practice reciprocal filial piety would be going against its true nature. Filial piety must be
freely and naturally expressed for it to be truly realized.
When we look at the deeper meaning of filial piety as viewed from
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Taoism : Religion And Religion
Taoism Religion Taoism is one of the great philosophical and religious traditions that's originated in China. It is a unique and interesting religion, due
to the fact that many Taoists do not even consider it a religion. In many ways it can be seen as not a religion but more of a philosophy. The Taoists
never claimed that the Tao ever existed. This separates them from other religions because there is no debate or battle on the Taoist doctrine. The
individuality and open–mindedness has allowed the religion to flourish almost unchanged from over two thousand years ago. One may learn the
way of Taoism through its origins and history, its beliefs, and its rituals and practices. Origins and History There are many different ideas on the
origins of Taoism. There is not one specific origin of the Taoist philosophy and practices. It grew out of various religious and philosophical traditions
in ancient China, including shamanism and nature religion (BBC 2009). China, at the time, needed a new religion and current religions in China
needed a religion to bring them all to focus. It is first said that Taoism began when the emperor of China, Huang Di, visited a hermit and asked him a
question. The hermit refused to answer Huang Di's question. Eventually, he gave in and gave him profound wisdom that changed the way the emperor
governed the country and the people. The secret the hermit gave him was Tao. It means "the way". Following Tao is to practice the way of nature. It is
the balance
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Essay about Taoism
Throughout history, Taoism has been one of the most influential religions of Eastern culture. This is certainly one of the most unique of all religions.
Many Taoists, in fact, do not even consider it a religion; and in many ways it is not. Taoists make no claim that the Tao exists. That is what
essentially separates Taoism from the rest of the world religions: there is no heated debate or battle over Taoist doctrine; there have been no crusades
to spread the religion. The very essence of Taoism is quite the opposite. Taoism's uniqueness and open–endedness have allowed the religion to flourish
almost undisturbed and unchanged for over two thousand years. The founder of Taoism was a man named Lao Tzu, who lived around the year 604 more content...
His theories spoke of a cosmic unity which encompasses all reality and guides it naturally, without force, to its proper end. The Yin and Yang theory
became part of Taoist philosophy around 300 B.C.E. when they were mentioned in the Hsi tz'u, an appendix to the I Ching. Yin and Yang are defined
as the two forces in nature. They are often called the two "breaths" or ch'i. Yin is the feminine principle, representing darkness, coolness, and dampness;
Yang is the masculine principle, representing brightness, warmth, and dryness. Neither principle is good or bad; they are not opposites, but each is
needed to maintain stability in the universe. This belief holds that everything is defined through opposition; consequently, the virtues of balance and
understanding are highly valued. Taoism became an official religion between 100 and 200 C.E. Due to competition from Buddhism, Taoists adopted
many Buddhist beliefs. During this pivotal point in the religion's history, searching for self–knowledge and wisdom were replaced by searching for
solutions to sorrows and other physical problems. Alchemy and superstition became highly popular during this period of time, as Taoists tried to
escape reality rather than to control the artificial and unnatural. Many Taoists used magic and the concept of Tao to try to extend the physical life rather
than to focus on the afterlife. Gradually the religion becomes more complicated, with a wide pantheon of gods and a ruling
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Taoism: Religious Higher Power
I disagree, do not believe that a religious higher power does not have to be a conscious power. In the case of Taoism, you consider them to be a religion
even though the Tao is not a conscious higher power. While religions do require some sort of higher power, I do not believe it needs to be a
conscious one. On the contrary, the higher power just needs to be able to keep the followers of a religion on the right track in life so that they can live
the right way. For instace, Taoists lead a life of inaction in order to life as the Tao. The higher power should also have some involvement in the
creation of the world and the afterlife. In the case of Taoism, the Tao does both, it is the creator and it is also the barrier between heaven and earth.
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Essay on Taoism in Chinese Culture
Taoism in Chinese Culture
Taoism, known as "The Way," can be categorized as both a Chinese philosophy and a religion. Taoists believe in accepting and yielding to the ways of
life, complementing nature and being by internalizing their goals rather than worshipping a god externally. Taoism, in its metaphysical and
philosophical nature, is much like Confucianism, but the ideal interests of the two religions are contrasting. Confucianism was formulated during a
time of war and relies heavily upon a moral and political system that fashioned society and the Chinese empire, while Taoism correlates to a time of
peace and honors spiritual and metaphysical preoccupation (Taoism 2).
The supposed author of the Tao Te Ching, more content...
The Tao is the natural order of things. It continually revives itself in a cycle of opposites. Lao Tzu says in the Tao Te Ching, "Reversion is the
movement of the Tao." Anything that develops extreme qualities will revert back to its opposite extreme, and in this way everything becomes a cycle
of constant flux (qtd. in Taoism 6). Raymond Smullyan remarks, "The idea of the synchronicity of two events is not that one is the cause of the other,
but that they, so to speak, have a common cause (176). Using this idea of the cyclical, Taoists believe that life and death are eternal transformations of
being and non–being and that through this cycle, you will reap what you sow.
The Taoist sainthood is eternal and regards saintliness as an interpretation within oneself. This belief of individualism is preserved in the idea of
wu–wei, or non–intervention. When practicing wu–wei, one is able to feel the energies of the universe and fall away from the businesses of men's
priorities. Taoists are productive through inaction when they allow the Way to take hold of their spirits. This inner cultivation, or "nei
–yeh," brings the
world back to the Way (Taoism 9). The Tao Te Ching remarks on the Tao, "in its mode of being Unseen, we will see its mysteries; in the mode of the
Seen, we will see its boundaries" (qtd. in Taoism 9). Taoism is not definable because it is different to the
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Essay on Taoism
Taoism originated in China during the 300's BC. It has been part of the Chinese culture for 2,000 years. It was during the same time period as
Confucianism, but had opposite ideas and morals, yet it was equally as important as Confucianism in Chinese history. Taoism began as a reaction to
"historical situations"(c1), and became a philosophy of the natural way. The word Tao actually means "road" or "way." Taoism has had a large impact
on art and literature, and had been greatly influenced by Chinese folk religion. Folk religion says that most gods were actually just people who
displayed heroic qualities. The priests conducted public rituals. Many Taoists seek careers in astronomy, herbal remedies, and alchemy, among
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The "three treasures"(c4) are said to be "deep love, frugality"(c4), and not trying to be better than anyone else. Those who carry treasure(s) are good
people. Love everything around you, and treat everyone equally with kindness and goodness in your heart, even if they do not treat you that way.
"Repay hatred with virtue"(c4), and if you do not know something, realize this. You have superior virtue if you are good, enlightening, peaceful, and
your life is long.
"Taoism is the mother and ancestor of all things,"(c2) says Lao Tzu (surnamed Li). Lao Tzu is from the sixth century BC, and was born in 604 BC.
He wrote the Tao Te Ching, which is made up of 5,000 words. This book can also be called the Classic of Tao and It's Virtues. This is one of the most
influential books in China. The Analects of Confucius is the most influential, however. The Tao Te Ching was not actually written until after Lao Tzu's
life had ended, but the ideas were said to be his. The exact date that the book was written is not actually known. He said that Taoism is not something
you can hear or see, but it is "vague and elusive"(c2). Lao Tzu ignored government, ethics, and virtue. The Tao seems to bring peace to the Taoist and his
/her surroundings. Wu Wei means, "taking no unnatural action." Tao does not turn against anything, but many things are accomplished. The Taoist
simply follows nature, and succeeds in happiness this way. They say that the best
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Taoism has many profound theories which can be difficult to understand. Taoism is a balanced relationship between humans and nature. The most
basic concept is the Tao. This originally refers to the road extending in one direction. The Tao is unseen and unheeded, yet it is the Tao that is truly
and constantly useful, like the space in a vessel or a window. (Choice)Tao refers to the rules governing behaviors in human beings and objects. In
order to make this theory become more clear Taoism draws a Taiji Diagram: This is a curve dividing a circle into two parts, one half is in white
representing Yang (the bright side) while the other is in black, representing Yin (the dark side). There is a black dot in the white part, while more
Tao is sometimes identified as the Mother, or the source of all things. That source is not god or a supreme being, as Taoism is not monotheistic.
The focus is not to worship one god, but instead on coming into harmony with tao. Tao is the essence of everything that is right, and complications
exist only because people choose to complicate their own lives. Desire, ambition, fame and selfishness are seen as hindrances to a harmonious life.
It is only when a person rids himself of all desires can tao be achieved. By shunning every earthly distraction, the Taoist is able to concentrate on life
itself. The longer the person's life, the more saintly the person is presumed to have become. Eventually the hope is to become immortal, to achieve
tao, to have reached the deeper life. This is the afterlife for a Taoist, to be in harmony with the universe, to have achieved tao. The Tao has been
compared with Nirvana with its similarities. Both have beliefs in an inner light that will guide a person into the right direction. Taoism is traditionally
pointed back to Lao–tzu. There is not much known about him and some scholar's doubt he existed. (Hopfe)The Tao Te Ching is one of the most
influential books in Chinese literature and was supposedly written by Lao–tzu. The comparison that comes to my mind first with Taoism is Hermetic
philosophy and how they coincide. My infatuation with this religion and philosophy has been a long
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Research Paper On Taoism
Immortality does not mean living forever in the present physical body. In Taoism, death is just the final step in achieving complete unity with the
universe when Taoist draws closer and closer to nature throughout their life. Taoism has a goal to raise the immortal practise to a higher level which is
spiritual immortality. To attain it, people have to transform all their qi into primordial qi and proceed to refine it to subtler levels. This finer qi will
eventually turn into pure spirit, with which practitioners increasingly identify to become transcendent spirit–people. To achieve this, intensive
meditation and trance training as well as more radical forms of diet and other longevity practices are needed. Immortality implies the overcoming of the
natural tendencies of the body and its transformation into a different kind of qi–constellation. It is a bypassing of death so that the end of the body has
no impact on the continuation of the spirit–person. In addition, practitioners attain super–sensory powers and eventually gain residence in wondrous
otherworldly paradises (Kohn 2005).
Taoism is a polytheist religion. Taoists believes that the universe is divided into human being and gods. The latter is further divided into gods and
ghosts. Each kind of god more content...
Some are holy men. Others occupy rivers, streams and mountains. Each God Most has specific powers and abilities to grant wishes in particular
areas of expertise. Taoists who need something pray to the appropriate deity in special shrines called departments or halls in Taoist temples. (Hays,
2016) Most Taoist gods are associated with a spot in the external world and a corresponding spot on the inside of man and often have a role in
preventing disease. The position of Taoist deities in a large pantheon often mirrors those of secular officials in a bureaucracy. Many Chinese cities
these days have a temple dedicated to the City God, the heavenly equivalent of a mayor (Hays
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Taoism As A Philosophy Or Religion?
When the topic of religion or philosophy comes to mind, Taoism is often unheard of and is shrouded with mystery. While this is true, its rich
history and ideologies are both profound and intriguing. Taoism is one of the oldest and most ancient philosophies known to mankind. There are
many theories as to just how old the customs are. Taoism is also referred to as Daoism which is a more precise way of articulating the word in
English to match the pronunciation of the Chinese word. Taoism is often entitled as a philosophy or a religion. However, certain time frames set
it to be either a religion or a philosophy. For example, back in the 2nd century, Taoism was mainly a religion. Nowadays, it is treated more as a
philosophy due to its complex ideas. Many philosophical writings and poetry in the Tao Te Ching, many believe it to be a philosophy. On the other
hand, there are many religious aspects of Taoism such as reciting the Tao Te Ching or giving offerings. While Taoism is a more uncommon religion,
its origin, ideology, practices, and persecutions have been studied immensely. Early Taoism in the 2nd century was founded in the ideas of the Taoist
intellectuals who each added their own local religious rituals and beliefs. This helped to provide examples of the philosophy and to incorporate Taoism
into the current views of the Chinese people. Some of these early rituals focused on meditation, breathing and the recitation of verses (Robinson 1).
However, Taoism began to really
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Taoism Research Paper
History – Taosim (also spelled Daoism) was founded in China during the 6th century B.C. It is based on the teachings of Tao Te Ching, a text written
by the philosopher Laozi, the founder of Taoism.
Important people– Lao Tzu (Laozi) went to the western border of China and was told to record his teach ings. Chuang Tzu was a Chinese philosopher
took the teachings of Lao Tzu and developed them. He also made it easier to understand. Main Beliefs – People that practice Taoism believe in
something called the Tao. The Tao is not something that can be described. It is not agod, a written text, a substance, or even a thing. In this religion,
gaining immortality is the purpose of life. In Taoism, there are 8 immortals: He Xian Gu, Cao Guo Jiu, Taiguai Li, Lan Caihe, Lu Dongbin (can also
be referred to as Lu Tung Pin), Han Xiang Zi, Zhang Guo Lao, Zhongli Quan. It is believed that the secrets of nature are known by the eight immortals.
Taoism has gods for war, town, mountains, rivers, and land. The highest goddess in Taoism is the Queen Mother of the West. Deities and immortals are
put into groups; for example, there are The Three Purities, The Three Divine Officials, The Father of Thunder and The Mother of Lightning.
Distributing of The Religion – Branches and Sects –Taoist has a number of sects and branches. more content...
Some of the most recognized symbols are Ying–Yang (Taijitu), Wuji, and The Eight Trigrams.Ying
–Yang represents forces that are dependent on each
other. Black and white are complementary instead of opposing, like night and day, light and darkness, or life and death. The Wuji is a hollow circle
that represents a void that existed in the beginning of the universe. The Eight Trigrams are symbols made out of a series of strokes that represent
something different such as Earth, water, fire, wind,
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Taoism : The Philosophy Of Taoism
The yin–yang is a popular symbol known even in the western world. Countless items are plastered with the flowing circle of black and white, from
jewelry and clothes, to furniture and home dГ©cor. Although it is seen everywhere, very few understand the long history contained within the two
spiraling hemispheres. Monochrome, yet it represents the colorful and ambiguous philosophy of Taoism. The ideology of Taoism, much like the
yin–yang, is very simple although very profound and intricate. The three most distinctive elements which define the worldview of Taoism are the Tao,
the nature of mankind, and the Wu Wei. The Tao or "the Way" originated in China around 500
–600 B.C. during the Warring States period. As the fires
of war spread more content...
Though they bear different names, they serve the same mystical cause" (Lao Tzu 8). Lao Tzu conveys ideas in this style throughout the text and lays
the groundwork for which the worldview of Taoism will be constructed upon. Another main work, the Chuang Tzu, expands upon the Dao de Jing by
putting Lao Tzu's principals into action using simple examples and stories. The Chuang Tzu shares the same name as its author meaning "Master
Chuang." The stories inside attempt to explain the ideas in Lao Tzu's original work by applying them to everyday life and using patterns in nature to
illustrate how the Tao functions. Chuang Tzu's text is much less ambiguous than that of Lao Tzu but is still very open ended. Rather than simply
suggesting ideas using poetry, Chuang Tzu directly states principles, although those principles may not have a definite answer. He writes, "The Great
TГўo does not admit of being praised. The Great Argument does not require words." (Legge 8). These declared statements give more definition to
the illusive mystery of the Tao and lead to further development to Taoism as a religion. Through this work, the worldview of Taoism begins to
become more tangible as the Tao is presented in a more perceivable way. Along with the numerous key works of Taoism, there are a wide variety of
influences that have been incorporated into Taoism over its long history. The indigenous folklore of China became intertwined with Taoism as
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Lao-Tzu's Philosophy Of Taoism
In "Selections from The Tao te Ching", Lao–tzu explains in depth his philosophy of Taoism. "He who knows (the Tao) does not (care to) speak (about
it)" (Tzu, 250). A follower of Taoism will not tell others they follow Taoism, but will allow Taoism to come to them. The Tao is the path all
followers take and is the essence of all things. All things in existence are apart of the Tao. Followers of the Tao believe, "(The Tao) produces (all
things) and nourishes them" (Tzu, 247). All things are created by the Tao and remain alive because of the Tao. The Tao is what someone wants to
believe it is and anybody in any religion can follow Taoism. Each person will define the Tao as something different because each person creates their
own Taoism. Taoism
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Taoism Essay
Running head: Taoism
A Brief Overview When first deciding to write my term paper on Taoism I thought it would be just another religion. In my research I found so many
different translations that my head started spinning. There are really no known facts about the founder of Taoism, Lao Tsu, except that he was
possibly a contemporary of Confucius. He was searching for a way that would avoid the constant feudal warfare and other conflicts that disrupted
society during his lifetime. (Religious Tolerance, 2007) Since there are many aspects to Taoism in this paper I will do my best to explain what
Taoism is and also explain some of its main concepts. Taoism is described as a Chinese religious and philosophical system more content...
I am not sure if there are any documented cases of immortality but being a believer of holistic medicine and acupuncture I can see the benefits herbs in
my life today. Yin and Yangis the most universally recognizable symbol for Taoism. The symbol is a circle with one half black and the other half
white. Both halves have a spot with the opposite color which represents being part of the other. Yin and Yang are two complementary,
interdependent principles or phases alternating in space and time; they are emblems envoking the harmonious interplay of all pairs of opposites in
the universe. (Taoism, 2007) Taoist believe yin and yang exist in all aspects of life. Some believe the white represents good and the black represents
evil. If there is good there is bad, if there is wealth there is poverty and if there is woman there is man. In other words there is an opposite to
everything. The universe flows in harmony without ever stopping. In chapter 42 of the Tao–Te–Ching there is a reference about yin and yang. The Tao
is one, from the one come yin and yang, from these two creative energy (chi), from energy, ten thousand things, the forms of all creations, all life
embodies yin and embraces yang, through their union achieving harmony. (Tao–Te–Ching, Ch. 51) This brings us to our next concept, the five
elements. The five elements are earth, metal, fire, wood and water. This theory is as important as the yin and
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Taoism in the Modern World Essay
Taoism in the Modern World The Tao Te Ching is the second most revised book in the world; the bible is the only one that has been revised more.
It was written sometime between the sixth and the third century BC when china descended into chaos of rival kingdoms. It was supposedly written
by Lao Tan, a possible mythical figure, who has said to have lived till he was 160 to 200 years old, but some believe that he is still alive and is wonder
out in the woods.
Ever since I began reading about Taoism I have change my point of view about life. "Not seeing desirable things prevents confusion of the
heart"(Tao). This line in itself has taught me to not look at life as objects but to look at it as a gift. People today more content...
People breathe without thinking about what gave them that breathe. "The beginning of the universe is the mother of all things"(Tao52). "The
source of life is as a mother"(The way of life52). These two readings show us that the reason we are here is because of the mother universe. People do
not realize how great it is to be alive, and the wonderful things that we get to experience everyday. I had felt this same way before I read the Tao Te
Ching. But now I wake up with a smile, because I know that I get to go out into a beautiful world, and experience it like it is the first time that I
have seen it. People today are trying to change the world when the world can not be changed. "If you try to change it, you will ruin it"(Tao29). The
universe is what gives us life. If we try to change it who know what could happen. If we keep building buildings and tearing down the trees that give
us oxygen than what will happen to us? Christmas time is a time of giving and sharing. I always thought this meant it was a time to give and receive
gifts. I was wrong. The Tao says, "Not seeing desirable things prevents confusion of the heart"(Tao3). If you do not think about things and be happy
with what you have and be grateful for what you have than you will not overlook the true meaning of Christmas. After reading about the Tao I have
learned that the most important thing about the holiday season is spending time with the ones you love
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Taoism By Lao Tzu
Anette Dopico
PHI 2010
Professor Jacob
March 18, 2018
Taoism is a philosophy which also means a way of life. Lao Tzu started this, he lived a little before Confucius, about 600 BC. Tao means the "path"
or "way". Lao Tzu worked as a a record keeper. He believed that happiness was for people to just "go with the flow", meaning to let things go about on
their own rather than forcing the situations. According to Confucius, each person should act with virtue in all social matters; family, community, state,
and kingdom, to ensure unity. Lao Tzu thought it was extremely wrong for people to fight in wars. He was also extremely against a government
making up rules and regulations on how people should do things in their life. Taoism is against anything with certain regulations, even a food diet.
Lao Tzu thinks people should make their own decisions in situations that they experience in life. To follow Taoism is to understand who you are
yourself and everything else will come naturally. By 'doing nothing' one could 'accomplish everything.' Don't go against what you have been faced,
instead go through it and learn from it, and never force anything because by doing that, you are not doing anything good for yourself. Another key
point of Tzu's writing is: we need to be in touch with our real selves. We spend a great deal of time more content...
Lao Tzu liked to compare people to certain parts of nature or virtues. There are almost half a billion of Daoist's in the world. Lao Tzu's philosophy
is all about learning how to live with harmony. We have to make more time for ourselves, we have to worry less about the world and experience the
world more to be able to take it all in. Certain things happen on their own and cannot be forced, like grieving gaining knowledge, developing
relationships. Lao Tzu says we cannot be too preoccupied with anxiety and worries because we will miss many opportunities and experiences that life
has to
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Research Paper On Daoism
Although sometimes called Daoism, Taoism was first brought to china in the "Eastern Han Dynasty" (25– 220), with some where around 300 Taoist
temples, where almost 30 thousand Taoists lived in. Taoism is the oldest in religion in the country. Dao means way so Daoism is often called ВЁThe
Way or Path of LifeВЁ. In its 1,800 years, Taoism also "influenced the local culture deeply", especially to create common medicine and literature.
There are also alot different kinds of Taoism. Some Taoism focuses on the study of ancient scriptures like the Dao De Jing.
At Taoist temples, people worship Taoist heros, historical figures, and gods. This type of Taoism is really common inChina and even more in places
like Hong Kong or Taiwan, that are outside
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Daoism: A Journey Essay
By traditional accounts, Daoism, or Taoism as it is also known, was founded during the sixth century BCE in China under the influence of the
legendary philosopher Lao Tzu and the Tao Teh Ching (Coogan 222), but, as with every religion, this origin has been questioned (Jurji 24). The
validity of Lao Tzu has been brought into question, and many believe the Tao Teh Ching is actually the work of several authors in one compilation of
ideas thought well before the sixth century or even fourth century, BCE (Coogan 222). Notoriously hard to define, Daoism has taken many shapes
over the years and is as much as a way of life as a religion. Although there is a enormous amount of literature involved with Daoism, the Daoist canon
itself more content...
It is, but it isn't. It is everything and nothing all at once, and those who know it do not speak of it. It is the origin of all we know and all returns to
the Dao, but it is unknowable. It is part of us, but it is beyond us. The Tao Teh Ching seeks to teach of something that is unteachable, and it is upfront
in that contradiction. Simply or not simply put, "The Tao is like an empty bowl,/ Which in being used can never be filled up./ Fathomless, it seems to
be the origin of all things./ It blunts all sharp edges,/ It unties all tangles,/ It harmonizes all lights,/ It unites the world into one whole./..." (Laozi 9) and
"Man follows the ways of the Earth./ The Earth follows the ways of Heaven,/ Heaven follows the ways of the Tao, / Tao follows its own ways,"
(Laozi 55). It is what it is, it is hard to define, and if an individual truly believes in the Dao then they don't attempt to explain it away. Over and over
throughout the Tao Teh Ching, there is advice and insight beyond trying to explain the inexplicable and a pecking order so to speak. From the truth of
warfare (Laozi 69–71) to the emphasis on wu–wei, or action through non–action (Laozi 143), and living serenely and harmoniously with nature (Laozi
65) and the world (Laozi 105), Daoism as a lifestyle and a religion has drawn many of its defining characteristics from the Tao Teh Ching. Its proverbs
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taoism Essay
History tells a story about a man named Laozi, who lived in the sixth century B.C. and his teachings are the basis for Taoism. This religion believes
that we should put away our desires of ambition to seek harmony with the forces of nature. Interestingly enough, Taoism is a very passive religion
that strives for peace. One of the main symbols that are associated with this religion is the Ying Yang symbol. The yin represents the male, and the
yang represents the female. If you look closely at this symbol, you will see that each side of the symbol has a little bit of the counterpart. Taoism is a
religion that was founded over 2000 years ago. It is both a religion and a philosophy, based on the belief that they live a more content...
Eating the sticky Tangyuan symbolizes family unity ("sticking together") and happiness. A Taoist's diet consists of food that are PH balanced, and
this includes foods that are in harmony with the basic diet. There are really no rules on their habits of diet, just to make sure that LEGENDS AND
STORIES Taoists Ghosts, spirits, and superstitions are very prominent in the ancient and modern Chinese stories. Foxes were often imagined to be
challenging shape shifters and tricksters. They often showed themselves in the guise of beautiful young women, trying to lure men into their power.
Taoist priests often served as mediators between the ordinary human world and the world of the supernatural. They could be called to aid in the
help of getting rid of the spirits, or to exorcise it. So, here is the story: A long time ago, there was a scholar named Li Yi, and he was reading under
the light one evening, when a beautiful woman appeared before him. She teased him ruthlessly and soon grew quite shameless, and eventually Li
found himself subjected to all sorts of disgusting and rude advances. With firm resolve Li remained impassive throughout the ordeal. Later on in that
evening, after Li Yi had finished his meal, he heard a voice
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Taoism is a religion as well as a philosophy that can be dated all the way back to around 500 B.C. It is one of the two dominant religions in China.
Taoism is also termed "Daoism" in the more common language system, called Hanyu Pinyin, representing Chinese letters using Roman letters and is
more commonly used amongst China and around the world.
Like the Christian faith, they too use a sacred book, Tao Te Chingwritten by the great Sage, Lao Tzu as a guidance. This text has been translated
almost as much as the Christian Holy Bible it. It consists of 81 poems or chapters that are quite broad and vague and because of this, it can be
interpreted and applied universally. It speaks of possible inner greatness but also more content...
A sage is one who is simple, tranquil, very open to life, intelligent, and reserved. He is not arrogant and careless to such political affairs, does not seek
fame, and does not discriminate opposites but embraces them. The sage is indifferent to success or failure. He understands that life driven by
self–centered ambition will never make sense, no matter how successful you are or with how many positive externals you care to adorn it. When
one does not let nature take its course, one may fail. He understands that one may very much succeed but also has the ability to very much fail. To
be a sage is to be a man of peace. One avoids conflict, and steers away from violence. One is not intimidated of death nor does one fear death. Life
itself acquires meaning only when one satisfies ones spiritual needs by living in total harmony with the Tao. He must seek Supreme Ultimate which
is the sum of all specific principles. The Supreme Ultimate really is nothing within itself, but "concentration of responsiveness to principle as it is
immanent and real in the affairs of daily life." So to become a sage may seem difficult but achievable if clarity is what is being
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Confucianism And Taoism Essay

  • 1. Confucianism and Taoism Essay Confucianism and Daoism are two influential schools of thoughts that have existed in ancient China around the 6th century BCE. The former, led by the politician and philosopher Confucius, proposed that humans live in society according to a set of predefined rules and that they transform society through political action. Whereas the latter, led by the philosopher Lao–Tzu, promoted the idea of inaction; people should go with the flow instead of taking action to control their lives and dominate their surroundings. Although, at first glance Daoism and Confucianism seem to be two opposing philosophies, a more in depth analysis of two of their key ideas –filial piety and education–reveals that they do share some similarities. Both more content... If natural filial piety were expressed in the family from the very beginning, conflict would have no means to arise. Thus, filial piety exists naturally and so should it be expressed. Confucius also recognizes that filial piety should be expressed naturally. According to Confucius, being filial to our parents is the utmost expression of respect. This is an essential element in obtaining the title of Chun–Tzu, or noble person. However, filial piety is not a one–way street. Parents are also filial to their children and to their parents. Both parent and child have a natural position and responsibility within the family; therefore natural filial piety is reciprocal. It is through recognizing and practicing filial piety in the family that a person will know how to act outside of the family. For in the Confucian tradition, it is realized that filial piety also exists between all beings. This is evident in the Confucian Golden Rule: "Never do to others what you would not like them to do to you" (Book XV). As in Taoist thought, filial piety is something that naturally exists and is reciprocal in nature. To force filial piety into being or to intentionally practice reciprocal filial piety would be going against its true nature. Filial piety must be freely and naturally expressed for it to be truly realized. When we look at the deeper meaning of filial piety as viewed from Get more content on
  • 2. Taoism : Religion And Religion Taoism Religion Taoism is one of the great philosophical and religious traditions that's originated in China. It is a unique and interesting religion, due to the fact that many Taoists do not even consider it a religion. In many ways it can be seen as not a religion but more of a philosophy. The Taoists never claimed that the Tao ever existed. This separates them from other religions because there is no debate or battle on the Taoist doctrine. The individuality and open–mindedness has allowed the religion to flourish almost unchanged from over two thousand years ago. One may learn the way of Taoism through its origins and history, its beliefs, and its rituals and practices. Origins and History There are many different ideas on the origins of Taoism. There is not one specific origin of the Taoist philosophy and practices. It grew out of various religious and philosophical traditions in ancient China, including shamanism and nature religion (BBC 2009). China, at the time, needed a new religion and current religions in China needed a religion to bring them all to focus. It is first said that Taoism began when the emperor of China, Huang Di, visited a hermit and asked him a question. The hermit refused to answer Huang Di's question. Eventually, he gave in and gave him profound wisdom that changed the way the emperor governed the country and the people. The secret the hermit gave him was Tao. It means "the way". Following Tao is to practice the way of nature. It is the balance Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Taoism Throughout history, Taoism has been one of the most influential religions of Eastern culture. This is certainly one of the most unique of all religions. Many Taoists, in fact, do not even consider it a religion; and in many ways it is not. Taoists make no claim that the Tao exists. That is what essentially separates Taoism from the rest of the world religions: there is no heated debate or battle over Taoist doctrine; there have been no crusades to spread the religion. The very essence of Taoism is quite the opposite. Taoism's uniqueness and open–endedness have allowed the religion to flourish almost undisturbed and unchanged for over two thousand years. The founder of Taoism was a man named Lao Tzu, who lived around the year 604 more content... His theories spoke of a cosmic unity which encompasses all reality and guides it naturally, without force, to its proper end. The Yin and Yang theory became part of Taoist philosophy around 300 B.C.E. when they were mentioned in the Hsi tz'u, an appendix to the I Ching. Yin and Yang are defined as the two forces in nature. They are often called the two "breaths" or ch'i. Yin is the feminine principle, representing darkness, coolness, and dampness; Yang is the masculine principle, representing brightness, warmth, and dryness. Neither principle is good or bad; they are not opposites, but each is needed to maintain stability in the universe. This belief holds that everything is defined through opposition; consequently, the virtues of balance and understanding are highly valued. Taoism became an official religion between 100 and 200 C.E. Due to competition from Buddhism, Taoists adopted many Buddhist beliefs. During this pivotal point in the religion's history, searching for self–knowledge and wisdom were replaced by searching for solutions to sorrows and other physical problems. Alchemy and superstition became highly popular during this period of time, as Taoists tried to escape reality rather than to control the artificial and unnatural. Many Taoists used magic and the concept of Tao to try to extend the physical life rather than to focus on the afterlife. Gradually the religion becomes more complicated, with a wide pantheon of gods and a ruling Get more content on
  • 4. Taoism: Religious Higher Power I disagree, do not believe that a religious higher power does not have to be a conscious power. In the case of Taoism, you consider them to be a religion even though the Tao is not a conscious higher power. While religions do require some sort of higher power, I do not believe it needs to be a conscious one. On the contrary, the higher power just needs to be able to keep the followers of a religion on the right track in life so that they can live the right way. For instace, Taoists lead a life of inaction in order to life as the Tao. The higher power should also have some involvement in the creation of the world and the afterlife. In the case of Taoism, the Tao does both, it is the creator and it is also the barrier between heaven and earth. Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Taoism in Chinese Culture Taoism in Chinese Culture Taoism, known as "The Way," can be categorized as both a Chinese philosophy and a religion. Taoists believe in accepting and yielding to the ways of life, complementing nature and being by internalizing their goals rather than worshipping a god externally. Taoism, in its metaphysical and philosophical nature, is much like Confucianism, but the ideal interests of the two religions are contrasting. Confucianism was formulated during a time of war and relies heavily upon a moral and political system that fashioned society and the Chinese empire, while Taoism correlates to a time of peace and honors spiritual and metaphysical preoccupation (Taoism 2). The supposed author of the Tao Te Ching, more content... The Tao is the natural order of things. It continually revives itself in a cycle of opposites. Lao Tzu says in the Tao Te Ching, "Reversion is the movement of the Tao." Anything that develops extreme qualities will revert back to its opposite extreme, and in this way everything becomes a cycle of constant flux (qtd. in Taoism 6). Raymond Smullyan remarks, "The idea of the synchronicity of two events is not that one is the cause of the other, but that they, so to speak, have a common cause (176). Using this idea of the cyclical, Taoists believe that life and death are eternal transformations of being and non–being and that through this cycle, you will reap what you sow. The Taoist sainthood is eternal and regards saintliness as an interpretation within oneself. This belief of individualism is preserved in the idea of wu–wei, or non–intervention. When practicing wu–wei, one is able to feel the energies of the universe and fall away from the businesses of men's priorities. Taoists are productive through inaction when they allow the Way to take hold of their spirits. This inner cultivation, or "nei –yeh," brings the world back to the Way (Taoism 9). The Tao Te Ching remarks on the Tao, "in its mode of being Unseen, we will see its mysteries; in the mode of the Seen, we will see its boundaries" (qtd. in Taoism 9). Taoism is not definable because it is different to the Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Taoism Taoism Taoism originated in China during the 300's BC. It has been part of the Chinese culture for 2,000 years. It was during the same time period as Confucianism, but had opposite ideas and morals, yet it was equally as important as Confucianism in Chinese history. Taoism began as a reaction to "historical situations"(c1), and became a philosophy of the natural way. The word Tao actually means "road" or "way." Taoism has had a large impact on art and literature, and had been greatly influenced by Chinese folk religion. Folk religion says that most gods were actually just people who displayed heroic qualities. The priests conducted public rituals. Many Taoists seek careers in astronomy, herbal remedies, and alchemy, among more content... The "three treasures"(c4) are said to be "deep love, frugality"(c4), and not trying to be better than anyone else. Those who carry treasure(s) are good people. Love everything around you, and treat everyone equally with kindness and goodness in your heart, even if they do not treat you that way. "Repay hatred with virtue"(c4), and if you do not know something, realize this. You have superior virtue if you are good, enlightening, peaceful, and your life is long. "Taoism is the mother and ancestor of all things,"(c2) says Lao Tzu (surnamed Li). Lao Tzu is from the sixth century BC, and was born in 604 BC. He wrote the Tao Te Ching, which is made up of 5,000 words. This book can also be called the Classic of Tao and It's Virtues. This is one of the most influential books in China. The Analects of Confucius is the most influential, however. The Tao Te Ching was not actually written until after Lao Tzu's life had ended, but the ideas were said to be his. The exact date that the book was written is not actually known. He said that Taoism is not something you can hear or see, but it is "vague and elusive"(c2). Lao Tzu ignored government, ethics, and virtue. The Tao seems to bring peace to the Taoist and his /her surroundings. Wu Wei means, "taking no unnatural action." Tao does not turn against anything, but many things are accomplished. The Taoist simply follows nature, and succeeds in happiness this way. They say that the best Get more content on
  • 7. Taoism has many profound theories which can be difficult to understand. Taoism is a balanced relationship between humans and nature. The most basic concept is the Tao. This originally refers to the road extending in one direction. The Tao is unseen and unheeded, yet it is the Tao that is truly and constantly useful, like the space in a vessel or a window. (Choice)Tao refers to the rules governing behaviors in human beings and objects. In order to make this theory become more clear Taoism draws a Taiji Diagram: This is a curve dividing a circle into two parts, one half is in white representing Yang (the bright side) while the other is in black, representing Yin (the dark side). There is a black dot in the white part, while more content... Tao is sometimes identified as the Mother, or the source of all things. That source is not god or a supreme being, as Taoism is not monotheistic. The focus is not to worship one god, but instead on coming into harmony with tao. Tao is the essence of everything that is right, and complications exist only because people choose to complicate their own lives. Desire, ambition, fame and selfishness are seen as hindrances to a harmonious life. It is only when a person rids himself of all desires can tao be achieved. By shunning every earthly distraction, the Taoist is able to concentrate on life itself. The longer the person's life, the more saintly the person is presumed to have become. Eventually the hope is to become immortal, to achieve tao, to have reached the deeper life. This is the afterlife for a Taoist, to be in harmony with the universe, to have achieved tao. The Tao has been compared with Nirvana with its similarities. Both have beliefs in an inner light that will guide a person into the right direction. Taoism is traditionally pointed back to Lao–tzu. There is not much known about him and some scholar's doubt he existed. (Hopfe)The Tao Te Ching is one of the most influential books in Chinese literature and was supposedly written by Lao–tzu. The comparison that comes to my mind first with Taoism is Hermetic philosophy and how they coincide. My infatuation with this religion and philosophy has been a long Get more content on
  • 8. Research Paper On Taoism Immortality does not mean living forever in the present physical body. In Taoism, death is just the final step in achieving complete unity with the universe when Taoist draws closer and closer to nature throughout their life. Taoism has a goal to raise the immortal practise to a higher level which is spiritual immortality. To attain it, people have to transform all their qi into primordial qi and proceed to refine it to subtler levels. This finer qi will eventually turn into pure spirit, with which practitioners increasingly identify to become transcendent spirit–people. To achieve this, intensive meditation and trance training as well as more radical forms of diet and other longevity practices are needed. Immortality implies the overcoming of the natural tendencies of the body and its transformation into a different kind of qi–constellation. It is a bypassing of death so that the end of the body has no impact on the continuation of the spirit–person. In addition, practitioners attain super–sensory powers and eventually gain residence in wondrous otherworldly paradises (Kohn 2005). Taoism is a polytheist religion. Taoists believes that the universe is divided into human being and gods. The latter is further divided into gods and ghosts. Each kind of god more content... Some are holy men. Others occupy rivers, streams and mountains. Each God Most has specific powers and abilities to grant wishes in particular areas of expertise. Taoists who need something pray to the appropriate deity in special shrines called departments or halls in Taoist temples. (Hays, 2016) Most Taoist gods are associated with a spot in the external world and a corresponding spot on the inside of man and often have a role in preventing disease. The position of Taoist deities in a large pantheon often mirrors those of secular officials in a bureaucracy. Many Chinese cities these days have a temple dedicated to the City God, the heavenly equivalent of a mayor (Hays Get more content on
  • 9. Taoism As A Philosophy Or Religion? When the topic of religion or philosophy comes to mind, Taoism is often unheard of and is shrouded with mystery. While this is true, its rich history and ideologies are both profound and intriguing. Taoism is one of the oldest and most ancient philosophies known to mankind. There are many theories as to just how old the customs are. Taoism is also referred to as Daoism which is a more precise way of articulating the word in English to match the pronunciation of the Chinese word. Taoism is often entitled as a philosophy or a religion. However, certain time frames set it to be either a religion or a philosophy. For example, back in the 2nd century, Taoism was mainly a religion. Nowadays, it is treated more as a philosophy due to its complex ideas. Many philosophical writings and poetry in the Tao Te Ching, many believe it to be a philosophy. On the other hand, there are many religious aspects of Taoism such as reciting the Tao Te Ching or giving offerings. While Taoism is a more uncommon religion, its origin, ideology, practices, and persecutions have been studied immensely. Early Taoism in the 2nd century was founded in the ideas of the Taoist intellectuals who each added their own local religious rituals and beliefs. This helped to provide examples of the philosophy and to incorporate Taoism into the current views of the Chinese people. Some of these early rituals focused on meditation, breathing and the recitation of verses (Robinson 1). However, Taoism began to really Get more content on
  • 10. Taoism Research Paper Taoism History – Taosim (also spelled Daoism) was founded in China during the 6th century B.C. It is based on the teachings of Tao Te Ching, a text written by the philosopher Laozi, the founder of Taoism. Important people– Lao Tzu (Laozi) went to the western border of China and was told to record his teach ings. Chuang Tzu was a Chinese philosopher took the teachings of Lao Tzu and developed them. He also made it easier to understand. Main Beliefs – People that practice Taoism believe in something called the Tao. The Tao is not something that can be described. It is not agod, a written text, a substance, or even a thing. In this religion, gaining immortality is the purpose of life. In Taoism, there are 8 immortals: He Xian Gu, Cao Guo Jiu, Taiguai Li, Lan Caihe, Lu Dongbin (can also be referred to as Lu Tung Pin), Han Xiang Zi, Zhang Guo Lao, Zhongli Quan. It is believed that the secrets of nature are known by the eight immortals. Taoism has gods for war, town, mountains, rivers, and land. The highest goddess in Taoism is the Queen Mother of the West. Deities and immortals are put into groups; for example, there are The Three Purities, The Three Divine Officials, The Father of Thunder and The Mother of Lightning. Distributing of The Religion – Branches and Sects –Taoist has a number of sects and branches. more content... Some of the most recognized symbols are Ying–Yang (Taijitu), Wuji, and The Eight Trigrams.Ying –Yang represents forces that are dependent on each other. Black and white are complementary instead of opposing, like night and day, light and darkness, or life and death. The Wuji is a hollow circle that represents a void that existed in the beginning of the universe. The Eight Trigrams are symbols made out of a series of strokes that represent something different such as Earth, water, fire, wind, Get more content on
  • 11. Taoism : The Philosophy Of Taoism The yin–yang is a popular symbol known even in the western world. Countless items are plastered with the flowing circle of black and white, from jewelry and clothes, to furniture and home dГ©cor. Although it is seen everywhere, very few understand the long history contained within the two spiraling hemispheres. Monochrome, yet it represents the colorful and ambiguous philosophy of Taoism. The ideology of Taoism, much like the yin–yang, is very simple although very profound and intricate. The three most distinctive elements which define the worldview of Taoism are the Tao, the nature of mankind, and the Wu Wei. The Tao or "the Way" originated in China around 500 –600 B.C. during the Warring States period. As the fires of war spread more content... Though they bear different names, they serve the same mystical cause" (Lao Tzu 8). Lao Tzu conveys ideas in this style throughout the text and lays the groundwork for which the worldview of Taoism will be constructed upon. Another main work, the Chuang Tzu, expands upon the Dao de Jing by putting Lao Tzu's principals into action using simple examples and stories. The Chuang Tzu shares the same name as its author meaning "Master Chuang." The stories inside attempt to explain the ideas in Lao Tzu's original work by applying them to everyday life and using patterns in nature to illustrate how the Tao functions. Chuang Tzu's text is much less ambiguous than that of Lao Tzu but is still very open ended. Rather than simply suggesting ideas using poetry, Chuang Tzu directly states principles, although those principles may not have a definite answer. He writes, "The Great TГўo does not admit of being praised. The Great Argument does not require words." (Legge 8). These declared statements give more definition to the illusive mystery of the Tao and lead to further development to Taoism as a religion. Through this work, the worldview of Taoism begins to become more tangible as the Tao is presented in a more perceivable way. Along with the numerous key works of Taoism, there are a wide variety of influences that have been incorporated into Taoism over its long history. The indigenous folklore of China became intertwined with Taoism as Get more content on
  • 12. Lao-Tzu's Philosophy Of Taoism In "Selections from The Tao te Ching", Lao–tzu explains in depth his philosophy of Taoism. "He who knows (the Tao) does not (care to) speak (about it)" (Tzu, 250). A follower of Taoism will not tell others they follow Taoism, but will allow Taoism to come to them. The Tao is the path all followers take and is the essence of all things. All things in existence are apart of the Tao. Followers of the Tao believe, "(The Tao) produces (all things) and nourishes them" (Tzu, 247). All things are created by the Tao and remain alive because of the Tao. The Tao is what someone wants to believe it is and anybody in any religion can follow Taoism. Each person will define the Tao as something different because each person creates their own Taoism. Taoism Get more content on
  • 13. Taoism Essay Running head: Taoism Taoism A Brief Overview When first deciding to write my term paper on Taoism I thought it would be just another religion. In my research I found so many different translations that my head started spinning. There are really no known facts about the founder of Taoism, Lao Tsu, except that he was possibly a contemporary of Confucius. He was searching for a way that would avoid the constant feudal warfare and other conflicts that disrupted society during his lifetime. (Religious Tolerance, 2007) Since there are many aspects to Taoism in this paper I will do my best to explain what Taoism is and also explain some of its main concepts. Taoism is described as a Chinese religious and philosophical system more content... I am not sure if there are any documented cases of immortality but being a believer of holistic medicine and acupuncture I can see the benefits herbs in my life today. Yin and Yangis the most universally recognizable symbol for Taoism. The symbol is a circle with one half black and the other half white. Both halves have a spot with the opposite color which represents being part of the other. Yin and Yang are two complementary, interdependent principles or phases alternating in space and time; they are emblems envoking the harmonious interplay of all pairs of opposites in the universe. (Taoism, 2007) Taoist believe yin and yang exist in all aspects of life. Some believe the white represents good and the black represents evil. If there is good there is bad, if there is wealth there is poverty and if there is woman there is man. In other words there is an opposite to everything. The universe flows in harmony without ever stopping. In chapter 42 of the Tao–Te–Ching there is a reference about yin and yang. The Tao is one, from the one come yin and yang, from these two creative energy (chi), from energy, ten thousand things, the forms of all creations, all life embodies yin and embraces yang, through their union achieving harmony. (Tao–Te–Ching, Ch. 51) This brings us to our next concept, the five elements. The five elements are earth, metal, fire, wood and water. This theory is as important as the yin and Get more content on
  • 14. Taoism in the Modern World Essay Taoism in the Modern World The Tao Te Ching is the second most revised book in the world; the bible is the only one that has been revised more. It was written sometime between the sixth and the third century BC when china descended into chaos of rival kingdoms. It was supposedly written by Lao Tan, a possible mythical figure, who has said to have lived till he was 160 to 200 years old, but some believe that he is still alive and is wonder out in the woods. Ever since I began reading about Taoism I have change my point of view about life. "Not seeing desirable things prevents confusion of the heart"(Tao). This line in itself has taught me to not look at life as objects but to look at it as a gift. People today more content... People breathe without thinking about what gave them that breathe. "The beginning of the universe is the mother of all things"(Tao52). "The source of life is as a mother"(The way of life52). These two readings show us that the reason we are here is because of the mother universe. People do not realize how great it is to be alive, and the wonderful things that we get to experience everyday. I had felt this same way before I read the Tao Te Ching. But now I wake up with a smile, because I know that I get to go out into a beautiful world, and experience it like it is the first time that I have seen it. People today are trying to change the world when the world can not be changed. "If you try to change it, you will ruin it"(Tao29). The universe is what gives us life. If we try to change it who know what could happen. If we keep building buildings and tearing down the trees that give us oxygen than what will happen to us? Christmas time is a time of giving and sharing. I always thought this meant it was a time to give and receive gifts. I was wrong. The Tao says, "Not seeing desirable things prevents confusion of the heart"(Tao3). If you do not think about things and be happy with what you have and be grateful for what you have than you will not overlook the true meaning of Christmas. After reading about the Tao I have learned that the most important thing about the holiday season is spending time with the ones you love Get more content on
  • 15. Taoism By Lao Tzu Anette Dopico PHI 2010 Professor Jacob March 18, 2018 Taoism is a philosophy which also means a way of life. Lao Tzu started this, he lived a little before Confucius, about 600 BC. Tao means the "path" or "way". Lao Tzu worked as a a record keeper. He believed that happiness was for people to just "go with the flow", meaning to let things go about on their own rather than forcing the situations. According to Confucius, each person should act with virtue in all social matters; family, community, state, and kingdom, to ensure unity. Lao Tzu thought it was extremely wrong for people to fight in wars. He was also extremely against a government making up rules and regulations on how people should do things in their life. Taoism is against anything with certain regulations, even a food diet. Lao Tzu thinks people should make their own decisions in situations that they experience in life. To follow Taoism is to understand who you are yourself and everything else will come naturally. By 'doing nothing' one could 'accomplish everything.' Don't go against what you have been faced, instead go through it and learn from it, and never force anything because by doing that, you are not doing anything good for yourself. Another key point of Tzu's writing is: we need to be in touch with our real selves. We spend a great deal of time more content... Lao Tzu liked to compare people to certain parts of nature or virtues. There are almost half a billion of Daoist's in the world. Lao Tzu's philosophy is all about learning how to live with harmony. We have to make more time for ourselves, we have to worry less about the world and experience the world more to be able to take it all in. Certain things happen on their own and cannot be forced, like grieving gaining knowledge, developing relationships. Lao Tzu says we cannot be too preoccupied with anxiety and worries because we will miss many opportunities and experiences that life has to Get more content on
  • 16. Research Paper On Daoism Although sometimes called Daoism, Taoism was first brought to china in the "Eastern Han Dynasty" (25– 220), with some where around 300 Taoist temples, where almost 30 thousand Taoists lived in. Taoism is the oldest in religion in the country. Dao means way so Daoism is often called ВЁThe Way or Path of LifeВЁ. In its 1,800 years, Taoism also "influenced the local culture deeply", especially to create common medicine and literature. There are also alot different kinds of Taoism. Some Taoism focuses on the study of ancient scriptures like the Dao De Jing. At Taoist temples, people worship Taoist heros, historical figures, and gods. This type of Taoism is really common inChina and even more in places like Hong Kong or Taiwan, that are outside Get more content on
  • 17. Daoism: A Journey Essay By traditional accounts, Daoism, or Taoism as it is also known, was founded during the sixth century BCE in China under the influence of the legendary philosopher Lao Tzu and the Tao Teh Ching (Coogan 222), but, as with every religion, this origin has been questioned (Jurji 24). The validity of Lao Tzu has been brought into question, and many believe the Tao Teh Ching is actually the work of several authors in one compilation of ideas thought well before the sixth century or even fourth century, BCE (Coogan 222). Notoriously hard to define, Daoism has taken many shapes over the years and is as much as a way of life as a religion. Although there is a enormous amount of literature involved with Daoism, the Daoist canon itself more content... It is, but it isn't. It is everything and nothing all at once, and those who know it do not speak of it. It is the origin of all we know and all returns to the Dao, but it is unknowable. It is part of us, but it is beyond us. The Tao Teh Ching seeks to teach of something that is unteachable, and it is upfront in that contradiction. Simply or not simply put, "The Tao is like an empty bowl,/ Which in being used can never be filled up./ Fathomless, it seems to be the origin of all things./ It blunts all sharp edges,/ It unties all tangles,/ It harmonizes all lights,/ It unites the world into one whole./..." (Laozi 9) and "Man follows the ways of the Earth./ The Earth follows the ways of Heaven,/ Heaven follows the ways of the Tao, / Tao follows its own ways," (Laozi 55). It is what it is, it is hard to define, and if an individual truly believes in the Dao then they don't attempt to explain it away. Over and over throughout the Tao Teh Ching, there is advice and insight beyond trying to explain the inexplicable and a pecking order so to speak. From the truth of warfare (Laozi 69–71) to the emphasis on wu–wei, or action through non–action (Laozi 143), and living serenely and harmoniously with nature (Laozi 65) and the world (Laozi 105), Daoism as a lifestyle and a religion has drawn many of its defining characteristics from the Tao Teh Ching. Its proverbs and Get more content on
  • 18. taoism Essay History tells a story about a man named Laozi, who lived in the sixth century B.C. and his teachings are the basis for Taoism. This religion believes that we should put away our desires of ambition to seek harmony with the forces of nature. Interestingly enough, Taoism is a very passive religion that strives for peace. One of the main symbols that are associated with this religion is the Ying Yang symbol. The yin represents the male, and the yang represents the female. If you look closely at this symbol, you will see that each side of the symbol has a little bit of the counterpart. Taoism is a religion that was founded over 2000 years ago. It is both a religion and a philosophy, based on the belief that they live a more content... Eating the sticky Tangyuan symbolizes family unity ("sticking together") and happiness. A Taoist's diet consists of food that are PH balanced, and this includes foods that are in harmony with the basic diet. There are really no rules on their habits of diet, just to make sure that LEGENDS AND STORIES Taoists Ghosts, spirits, and superstitions are very prominent in the ancient and modern Chinese stories. Foxes were often imagined to be challenging shape shifters and tricksters. They often showed themselves in the guise of beautiful young women, trying to lure men into their power. Taoist priests often served as mediators between the ordinary human world and the world of the supernatural. They could be called to aid in the help of getting rid of the spirits, or to exorcise it. So, here is the story: A long time ago, there was a scholar named Li Yi, and he was reading under the light one evening, when a beautiful woman appeared before him. She teased him ruthlessly and soon grew quite shameless, and eventually Li found himself subjected to all sorts of disgusting and rude advances. With firm resolve Li remained impassive throughout the ordeal. Later on in that evening, after Li Yi had finished his meal, he heard a voice Get more content on
  • 19. Taoism Taoism Taoism is a religion as well as a philosophy that can be dated all the way back to around 500 B.C. It is one of the two dominant religions in China. Taoism is also termed "Daoism" in the more common language system, called Hanyu Pinyin, representing Chinese letters using Roman letters and is more commonly used amongst China and around the world. Like the Christian faith, they too use a sacred book, Tao Te Chingwritten by the great Sage, Lao Tzu as a guidance. This text has been translated almost as much as the Christian Holy Bible it. It consists of 81 poems or chapters that are quite broad and vague and because of this, it can be interpreted and applied universally. It speaks of possible inner greatness but also more content... A sage is one who is simple, tranquil, very open to life, intelligent, and reserved. He is not arrogant and careless to such political affairs, does not seek fame, and does not discriminate opposites but embraces them. The sage is indifferent to success or failure. He understands that life driven by self–centered ambition will never make sense, no matter how successful you are or with how many positive externals you care to adorn it. When one does not let nature take its course, one may fail. He understands that one may very much succeed but also has the ability to very much fail. To be a sage is to be a man of peace. One avoids conflict, and steers away from violence. One is not intimidated of death nor does one fear death. Life itself acquires meaning only when one satisfies ones spiritual needs by living in total harmony with the Tao. He must seek Supreme Ultimate which is the sum of all specific principles. The Supreme Ultimate really is nothing within itself, but "concentration of responsiveness to principle as it is immanent and real in the affairs of daily life." So to become a sage may seem difficult but achievable if clarity is what is being Get more content on