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Adaptive Organisations – Interweaving the Deliberate and Emergent


Today’s business world is an increasingly complex, interconnected environment where organisations

conduct global business. It is characterised by rapid, unpredictable change resulting in turmoil that

impacts all levels of an organisation. Traditional deliberate strategies, based on cycles of stability and

predictability, are no longer relevant for today's business environments. Emergent strategies have

been advocated as the solution. However, the thesis of this research is that organisations need to

interweave the deliberate with the emergent. A review of research and industry literature suggests

large gaps exist in terms of strategies, processes, structures, and information systems that intrinsically,

fundamentally, and seamlessly interweave deliberate and emergent aspects to support adaptive

organisations. In this thesis we investigate and propose how interweaving of the deliberate and

emergent could be conceived and realised in terms of strategy, processes, organisational structures,

and information systems. The research is interdisciplinary in nature and spans management,

operations, and information systems.

1. Background and Context

The volatility of today’s business environment acts a catalyst for the constant emergence of new

problems and market opportunities. For example, product lifecycles that used to be measured in terms

of years are now taking months if not weeks. This market instability, characterised by the ever

increasing rate of change, necessitates change in the way organisations conduct their business (Dale,

2007; Heinrich & Betts, 2003). Change in terms of the way business is conducted means there is a

corresponding change in business models and the business processes that support these models.

One way organisations can respond to the challenges of rapid change is to consider its impact at three

tiers of abstraction. First, macro level changes that impact an organisation and its strategic direction.

Second, macro and micro level changes that can affect the organisation's business processes (BP) and

organisational structure, or the way business is conducted. And third, changes to the Information

Systems (IS) that are required to implement and support the business processes and changing strategy.

Most organisations manage their strategy, business processes, the organisational structure, and their

information systems in a disparate way rather than adopting a cohesive approach. This lack of

cohesion can result in serious problems for the organisation if it is unable to respond and adapt to

rapidly changing business conditions. Commonly, technology is understood as an enabler to solve

problems, for example machines and software have been used to significantly increase efficiencies of

many organisational processes. In a predictable environment the traditional approach of defining

strategy, designing processes, and implementing software solutions is an appropriate response.

However, in a rapidly changing environment, organisations are under fierce pressure to adapt to the

environmental change.

                                2. Deliberate or Emergent or Adaptive?

There are many current frameworks that express the elements of strategy, business process,

organisational structure and information systems but most of these frameworks focus on an internal

alignment of those elements (for example, Kumaran et al 2007). The alignment is the cyclical

monitoring and adjustment with a predetermined deliberate orientation. Even though there may be

some external sensing, the alignment cycle does not take this into account. The alignment is done in a

very deliberate way and therefore considered to be a deliberate approach in terms of the management


The deliberate approach, as a certain orientation of management, is also recognised by Scheer (2007).

However, he suggests that an organisation may balance the deliberate approach with an emergent

approach to offset the dynamics occurring in its internal and external environment. He proposes a

model that illustrates the intensity of control versus connectivity between groups both internally and

externally.    This model suggests that organisations with traditional, top down, hierarchical

management structures have high levels of intensity of control and low connectivity.             These

organisations are inflexible and succeed in stable environments. They follow a deliberate approach.

While there are organisations at the bleeding edge that are very reactive and flexible, their levels of

connectivity are very high while the intensity of control is very low. These organisations follow an

emergent approach.

Scheer (2007) suggests that the best place to be is on the edge of chaos where organisations balance

flexibility and stability. This equates to a balance between the deliberate and emergent approach.

The edge of chaos equates to what is meant by the adaptive approach as defined in this research, the

deliberate-emergent approach.

                                      3. The adaptive approach

There are two key dimensions to the following discussion of the literature. One is the elements of an

organisation and the other is the deliberate versus the emergent orientation of management. This

deliberate versus the emergent approach is applied to the four key elements of an organisation

proposed by Scott-Morton MIT90’s framework (1991): strategy, business processes, organisational

structures and technology (information systems). So the MIT90’s framework acts as an over arching

structure in the research. The second dimension used is the concept of deliberate and emergent

introduced by Mintzberg (1994) and echoed in slightly different terms by Scheer (2007) with his ideas

on stability and flexibility. The structure of the discussions is organised against these two dimensions

(axes) as illustrated in Figure 1. Each of the four key elements of an organisation (Scott-Morton,

1991) is discussed in terms of deliberate, emergent and adaptive in the following sections.

    [Figure 1 about here]

3.1 Strategy

The Oxford Dictionary defines strategy as a "plan designed to achieve a particular long-term aim"

(Pearsall, 2001). However, Mintzberg (1987) suggests that in a business context a strategy is more

than just a plan. He suggests that it is a 'pattern' that is found in a stream of actions, a market position,

and the organisation's perspective. Mintzberg and Walters (1985) introduced the idea of a strategy as

consisting of two elements: deliberate strategy and emergent strategy. This view is supported by

Ocasio and Joseph (2008) they defined strategy as "a framework, either implicit or explicit, that

guides the organisation's choice of action". They suggest this broad view of strategy is both "planned

and emergent, resulting from strategic design, the evolution of a pattern of decisions, or a combination

of the above".

3.2 Deliberate Strategy

A deliberate strategy is a strategy that is carefully planned and controlled by the organisation. The

traditional strategies are deliberate strategies. The reasons for this are that these strategies begin with

an idea, a plan is then developed, the plan is communicated, and some form of action(s) follows. The

purpose of what can be considered as a traditional strategy is to create and maintain a long term

definable position that results in competitive advantage within the market (Mintzberg & Waters,

1985; Eisenhardt & Brown, 1998). A seminal and definitive work on corporate strategy 'Competitive

Advantage' (Porter, 1980) discussed what is now known as Porter's Strategy Models. It could be

argued that Porter's work on competitive strategy focuses on deliberate strategies as his definition is

that a formal corporate strategy "provides a coherent model for all business units and ensures that all

those involved in strategic planning and its implementation are following common goals" (Porter,


3.3 Emergent Strategy

Emergent strategies are those strategies that have developed as part of a "pattern in a stream of

actions" and are divorced from any preconceived plan (Mintzberg, 1987; Hamel & Prahalad, 2005).

This strategy is the ability of the organisation to be responsive to the environment in order to maintain

its competitive position. Bonnet and Yip (2009) refer to strategic agility, it is the ability an

organisation has to constantly, "sense, assess and react to market conditions". They suggest that in

today's turbulent markets strategic agility is necessary rather than the idea of sustainable competitive


The foregoing discussion has discussed the key concepts of deliberate strategy and emergent strategy

in their pure form. A pure deliberate strategy is when the organisation proposes and then locks itself

into a course of action toward a future destination that it ultimately reaches. In contrast, the pure form

of an emergent strategy lacks intention but despite lack of intention there is "order and consistency

over time" (Mintzberg & Walters, 1985).

3.4 Adaptive Strategy

There are not many current strategies that are purely deliberate or purely emergent (Mintzberg, 1994).

A strategy that results in competitive advantage today may not result in competitive advantage

tomorrow as so much is happening at an ever increasing speed. "Competing on the edge" (Eisenhardt

& Brown, 1998) refers to a strategic approach that requires an organisational ability to change

constantly over time in response to a relentlessly changing environment. Reacting to the environment

is important but anticipating and even setting the pace of change is more so as time pacing is relevant

to strategy. In an adaptive (deliberate-emergent) strategy, time encompasses both the notion of

"stretching out the past" together with probing into the future in order to obtain a strategy that is both

deliberate and emerging (Eisenhardt & Brown, 1998).

4. Business Processes

Given the rapidly changing demands of an            organisation’s business environment and the many

challenges that this uncertainty brings, organisations are focusing on their business processes as a

means to deliver the specific results that are required to meet the environmental or organisation needs.

Given that business processes exist to serve the customer, it can therefore be perceived as a key to

sustainable competitive advantage. Keen (1997) supports this view and purports that there are four

main reasons for viewing BP improvement as a strategic imperative. First, organisations have the

propensity to be far more adaptable than previously thought. Second, the changing nature of change

requires organisations to balance and compete on the edge that lies between flexibility and stability.

Third, BP makes a major contribution to the development of organisation specific, dynamic

capabilities (competencies) and fourth, the significant effect of IT advances on the critically important

coordination and transaction costs.

4.1 Deliberate Business Processes

A number of methodologies and frameworks have been proposed by academics and consultants to

manage the transformation process of business process. However, most of these advocate a structured

deliberate approach that consumes a lot of time, money and effort to often produce only mediocre

gains (Billington & Davidson, 2008). For example, the Process Lifecycle (Rosemann, 2001) follows a

step wise approach from the initial identification of the current as-is process through to the

development of the improved to-be process that is then implemented. The cycle is completed by

monitoring and control of the new and improved implemented process. However, the sense and

respond adaption cycle, using the process lifecycle management approach, is a static approach

because it does not accommodate mid-cycle change. Therefore, the sense, respond and adapt aspect of

the life cycle orientation is limited by the very nature of the cycle itself.

4.2 Emergent Business Processes

New processes are constantly emerging during the execution of daily business. The term used to

describe these new, evolving, knowledge-intensive business processes is emergent business processes

(EBP). Emergent business processes are organisational activity patterns described by Markus,

Majchrzak and Gasser (2002) as processes in which, "problem interpretations, deliberations with no

best structure or sequence, and actions unfold unpredictably". A defining characteristic of these

emergent business processes is that they cannot be predefined as their models are based on

accumulated experience and evolve from the execution of business events. (Marjanovic, 2005; Dale,


4.3 Adaptive Business Processes

A number of authors have used Jazz music improvisation a metaphor for the adaptive management of

business processes. Scheer (2007) explains that a good jazz group, made up of skilled musicians

(experts) who when playing together are constantly communicating in the same time and place. Each

playing is listening and responding to each other with particular emphasis on the soloist. Each player

responds to the soloist’s development of the melody. During an improvisation the soloist uses the

structure of the lead music lead sheet as a scaffold and within that scaffold creates new melodies on

the spot. Applying the jazz metaphor to the management of business processes, the jazz group's

process of improvisation is analogous to a source of constant emergent processes. While the scaffold

that the soloist uses determined by the music sheet is analogous to deliberate processes. Therefore, the

metaphor of jazz improvisation can be used to illustrate the management of adaptive processes.

                                     5. Organisational Structures

An organisational structure exists for management and control purposes. It defines the work roles and

how activities are grouped together (Lasher, 2005). The way an organisation is structured has

implications for how strategy is translated throughout the organisation and ultimately how the

organisation performs. Roberts (2004) posits that "certain strategies and organizational designs do fit

one another and the environment, and thus produce good performance, and others do not."

5.1 Deliberate Organisational Structures

Many organisations are structured as a functional organisation that supports a deliberate approach.

Bryan and Joyce (2007) argue that most organisations are designed for a past industrial age where

vertical integrated structures were designed for efficient operations. These vertically integrated

structures exhibit high levels of hierarchical authority and control and are more suited to a stable


Furthermore, Labovitz and Rosansky (1997) suggest that traditional, hierarchical organizational

structures are designed to break up managerial tasks into pieces: departments and divisions. This

segmentation makes it difficult to integrate the organisation's strategy, business processes and systems

into a cohesive working whole. The organisational structure actually becomes a barrier to change and

improved performance.

5.2 Emergent Organisational Structures

A virtual organisation structure is an emerging organisational form where employees interact with

each other almost completely using telecommunication systems. A virtual organisation structure

allows for high levels of connectivity both among the individuals members of the organisation and

with the environment. It is an extremely flexible structure that allows an organisation to be reactive

and innovative.

5.3 Adaptive Organisational Structures

Organisations with traditional top down hierarchical management structures have high levels of

intensity of control and low connectivity and thus are restricted to being very deliberate.

Organisations at the bleeding edge are very reactive, connectivity between parties and the external

environment is very high. Neither of these extreme positions is good (Eisenhardt & Brown, 1998;

Scheer, 2007). One extreme position is characterised by deliberate, deliberation and stability while the

other is characterised by chaos, flexibility and possibly innovation and even anarchy. A Matrix

organisational structure however supports both the emergent and deliberate management orientation.

The matrix structure consists of the horizontal management and control lines of a product orientated

structure combined with the vertical lines of a functional structure. Furthermore, the management

reporting lines are extremely flexible. Therefore, it can be argued that it is not a choice between being

stable or flexible it is about being stable and flexible. This research suggests that an organisation

develop the ability to be deliberate and emergent, stable and flexible and at the same time be an

adaptive organisation.

                                        6. Information Systems

To effectively support an organisation's business processes, and in turn business strategy, an

integrated information systems (IS) infrastructure is absolutely essential. There are various

Information Systems that go towards supporting processes in an organisation. Scheer (1998) suggests

an integrated organisation IS infrastructure with five organisational levels. All the information

systems at each level are traditional application systems that monitor processes (not activities) at the

lowest level. Furthermore, Scheer's (1998) 'Integrated Information Systems' is a classic example of a

very deliberate, top down strategy approach. The organisation's strategy drives the analysis, control

and monitoring cycle, in which information from the monitoring processes at the bottom level is fed

back up and so on and so forth.

6.1 Deliberate Information Systems

Over the past twenty years organisations have implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP)

systems. These information systems are integrated organisation-wide systems and are a technological

response to the integrated information systems environment proposed by Scheer (1998). These ERP

systems have replaced the stand alone business information systems applications in many

organisations. These systems are predominantly based on a very deliberate approach to the

management of the organisation's transaction and business processes requirements. They follow a

very rigid structure, for example the SAP R/3 ERP system, which has been implemented by many

organisations, is an example of a typical traditional ERP system. In one sense tradition ERP systems

are extremely flexible because they can be configured to suit many different enterprises across many

different industries. On the other hand once configured and implemented they are quite difficult to

change. This inflexibility means that once implemented the system cannot altered with ease in

response to a subsequent change in the enterprises strategy and/or business processes (Portougal &

Sundaram, 2006). Therefore, traditional SAP systems and the ways you implement the system is an

example of a very deliberate approach. The systems and the processes do not allow for emergent

phenomena to be easily supported.

While we have used traditional SAP architecture as an example, generally most traditional application

software have a very deliberate orientation and mainly support deliberate processes and deliberate

strategies. Most software platforms and solutions are quite deliberate, for example PeopleSoft

Enterprise Applications, JD Edwards OneWorld, and Baan IV Solution to name a few (Nah, 2002).

These systems do not support the emergent nor adaptive approach. It is only the more recent

architectures that are trying to support emergent and adaptive approaches in terms of procedural

responses (the way in which you implement the system) and technological responses. Moreover,

custom made applications for particular organisations and contexts are even more deliberate in their


6.2 Emergent Information Systems

More and more one is seeing information systems that support a purely emergent approach. These

information systems possess what is termed in literature and industry as an Event Driven Architecture

(EDA). From a conceptual perspective the EDA components and sub-systems are totally decoupled

(not dependant on other software applications) and mostly asynchronous. They support event

processing in real time and thus support an emergent approach.

EDA are supported by a number of different vendor platforms such as IBM's (2006). This platform

supports a purely emergent approach because it does not come with any pre-defined services but

provides complete application functionality to create any services as and when required. The platform

supports the creation of primitive as well as composite services. If something changes the primitive

and/or composite services can either be changed or a new service (primitive or composite) can be

created from scratch. Unlike the SAP and Oracle platforms, the IBM platform does not come with a

core repository of predefined services to support processes. However, primitive and composite

services can be bought from a service provider such as SAP, Oracle or other external sources on an

as-needed basis. This makes the platform extremely flexible and reactive because services can either

be created from scratch or acquired and plugged in. Therefore, the IBM platform can be viewed

primarily as one that supports the modelling, design, management, and deployment of services and as

such designed well to react to emergent behaviour.

6.3 Adaptive Information Systems

The pathway to competitive differentiation according to SAP (2009) is through 'Business Network

Transformation' termed as BPM 2.0 and beyond. BPM 2.0 and beyond in SAP's opinion will be

achieved through flexibly enabling the business process lifecycle by leveraging components and sub-

systems such as Business Rules, Business Activity Monitoring and System to System (S2S) BPM.

These are all technologies whose express purpose is to support emergent behaviour.

However, SAP recognises that the EDA as a standalone architecture that supports the pure emergent

approach is not able to achieve the key business drivers for business transformation on its own. It also

recognises that an adaptive organisation also needs modelling, simulation, and analysis and a balance

between human tasks and S2S BPM total automation. In terms of adaptive systems, S2S BPM

automation is important because the more S2S there is potentially meaningful events emerge quicker

together with adaptation. At the same time, extreme levels of S2S may lead to lack of visibility about

when human intervention is required to prevent catastrophic events unfolding. Therefore, there ought

to be a balance among H2H (human2human), S2H, or H2S automation.

In addition, SAP understands that the traditional enterprise architectures (ERP) that only support the

deliberate approach are obsolete. Therefore, SAP proposes an Enterprise Service Orientated

Architecture (ESOA) that comprises of EDA components/systems and Enterprise Modelling,

Simulation and Analysis, and Process collaboration capabilities components/sub-systems that support

the adaptive approach.

There are also hybrid systems architectures such as Oracle's that support EDA and consequently the

emergent approach. These information systems posses a whole host of components/sub-systems that

explicitly supports the EDA paradigm such as Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), Complex Event

Processing (CEP) and Business Rules Management (BRM). These architectures support Mintzberg's

vision of emergent strategies through the constant monitoring and analysis of meaningful events

(patterns of behaviour) within the organisation’s event cloud. In addition, many of these hybrid

information      systems   have   support    for    the   deliberate   approach     through    explicit

modules/components/sub-systems to support Business Process Management (BPM). For example,

support for the deliberate (BPM) and the emergent (BAM) is well illustrated by Oracle's architecture.

6.4 Design Principles of Adaptive Information Systems

Generic frameworks proposed by industry heavy-weights such as Sun reiterate similar principles for

architectures to support adaptive information systems. They emphasise the need to have architectures

that are process driven, user centric, service oriented, and loosely coupled. And it is especially this

loosely coupled aspect that helps organisations in being emergent and reactive to what is happening.

This loose coupling enables one to rapidly decompose and recompose service chains to support

rapidly changing process requirements. User centricity emphasises the need for flexible user

interfaces that can be personalised, role-based, adaptable and adaptive, evolving as the users and user

needs change. Highly adaptable process flows enable the rapid composition of new flows as well as

the modification of existing flows. Such flows can be in the realm of transactions, decisions, and/or

collaborations. These four principles can be considered to be the cornerstones of adaptive


These principles are further reiterated by Van Praag (2007). However, Van Praag (2007) adds another

pillar to the adaptive organisation. He suggests that modern, distributed, real time enterprise

architectures will be powered by SOA as well as EDA patterns in combination as appropriate. He

goes onto suggest that the real time enterprise architecture will be a fusion of these different


                            7. Organisation Adaption Model and Framework

This research suggests that organisations can be thought of in terms of Scott-Morton's MIT90's

Framework (1991) but they should also have the ability to formulate strategies that can be translated

into adaptive processes and adaptive structures. These adaptive processes and structures should be

inhabited by adaptive individuals in composite flexible roles and the four elements together supported

by systems and technologies that have inherent capabilities of adapting (Figure 2).

    [Figure 2 about here]

Many models for organisational adaptation have been suggested but most of these models are either

management oriented or technology oriented. Bhattacharya et al.'s framework (2007) and Kumaran et

al. 's (2007) transformational approach are some of the few models for organisational adaptation that

interweave managerial concerns with technological responses in an integrated and holistic fashion.

Bhattacharya et al.'s (2007) framework differentiates four different models on different levels of

abstraction. The strategy level model is at the highest level of abstraction, where business objectives

are specified. These objectives drive the operational models. These models describe the structure of

organisational routines. In order to support organisational routines with information technology (IT),

solution composition models are designed that combine necessary information technology

functionality and the operational models. Solution composition models can be seen as an intermediate

layer between business and information technology; rather than having to deal with implementation

specifics, "solution architects" can operate on a more abstract level that simplifies the matching of

business requirements to IT. IT implementation models are closer to the implementation of the

software and are platform specific.

A synthesis of the above concepts and frameworks with respect to adaptation and strategy-driven

processes, organisational structures, and systems leads us to propose a model for organisational

adaptation (Figure 3). This model explicitly considers the transformation of strategy into business

processes and appropriate organisational structures. It considers the translation of these processes and

structures into potential solutions that compose and integrate components and services to deliver

effective and flexible implementations. Execution and monitoring of the implementation and

contextual events enables us to pro-actively manage the performance of the organisation through three

distinct mechanisms; corrective (single-loop learning), optimising (double-loop learning), and

aligning (double and triple-loop learning).  

    [Figure 3 about here]

                                                8. Conclusion

The subject of organisational adaptation as a means to survive has been a research topic for academic

researchers over the past two decades. There is a good amount of published literature that supports

the theme of organisations being adaptive and responding to the changing environment.              This

literature can be found in a number of different research domains within a number of topic areas and

culminates in a mature body of knowledge that supports the theme that organisations need to adapt to

survive. An adaptive organisation, in essence, has the ability to sense and respond to changes in the

environment ensuring its survival.

Recent interest in adaptive organisations is particularly apparent in the IS industry. Industry

practitioners are actively engaged in promoting and writing about information systems and

technologies that support adaptive organisation. However, it appears this interest is not supported to

the same degree in the academic arena. Furthermore, there is little understanding of how these

adaptive systems can be leveraged to support the development of an adaptive organisation by

supporting adaptive processes and organisational structures and adaptive strategies.

    The literature review highlighted the fact that while there is reasonable amount of literature in the

area of adaptive strategy there is very sparse literature in the area of adaptive processes and adaptive

organisational structures. The literature review also highlighted the fact that there is significant

amount of momentum from system vendors in the area of adaptive systems. However, there is very

little research on how adaptive strategy can be supported by adaptive business processes and

organisation structures and how all these can be supported by adaptive systems.

Furthermore, there is even less research on how to translate adaptive strategy to adaptive process and

organisational structure to adaptive systems. And back from system to structure to process to strategy

in an interwoven, seamless fashion.          By interweaving these components in a seamless way,

organisations can behave in very deliberate manner as well as in an emergent fashion and still be

partially directed by a deliberate approach towards strategy.

While we have some ideas about what is an adaptive organisation and we have proposed an incipient

model and framework to support our investigations, these need to be augmented in much greater

detail, validated, extended and refined.



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Figure 1
Overarc ching Research Framework
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Figure 2
Organissation Adaption Model


Figure 3
      sation Adapti Framework: from con
                  ion     o           nception to realisation, interweaving the deliberate and
                                                                          g            a


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  • 1. Adaptive Organisations – Interweaving the Deliberate and Emergent Abstract Today’s business world is an increasingly complex, interconnected environment where organisations conduct global business. It is characterised by rapid, unpredictable change resulting in turmoil that impacts all levels of an organisation. Traditional deliberate strategies, based on cycles of stability and predictability, are no longer relevant for today's business environments. Emergent strategies have been advocated as the solution. However, the thesis of this research is that organisations need to interweave the deliberate with the emergent. A review of research and industry literature suggests large gaps exist in terms of strategies, processes, structures, and information systems that intrinsically, fundamentally, and seamlessly interweave deliberate and emergent aspects to support adaptive organisations. In this thesis we investigate and propose how interweaving of the deliberate and emergent could be conceived and realised in terms of strategy, processes, organisational structures, and information systems. The research is interdisciplinary in nature and spans management, operations, and information systems.    
  • 2. 1. Background and Context The volatility of today’s business environment acts a catalyst for the constant emergence of new problems and market opportunities. For example, product lifecycles that used to be measured in terms of years are now taking months if not weeks. This market instability, characterised by the ever increasing rate of change, necessitates change in the way organisations conduct their business (Dale, 2007; Heinrich & Betts, 2003). Change in terms of the way business is conducted means there is a corresponding change in business models and the business processes that support these models. One way organisations can respond to the challenges of rapid change is to consider its impact at three tiers of abstraction. First, macro level changes that impact an organisation and its strategic direction. Second, macro and micro level changes that can affect the organisation's business processes (BP) and organisational structure, or the way business is conducted. And third, changes to the Information Systems (IS) that are required to implement and support the business processes and changing strategy. Most organisations manage their strategy, business processes, the organisational structure, and their information systems in a disparate way rather than adopting a cohesive approach. This lack of cohesion can result in serious problems for the organisation if it is unable to respond and adapt to rapidly changing business conditions. Commonly, technology is understood as an enabler to solve problems, for example machines and software have been used to significantly increase efficiencies of many organisational processes. In a predictable environment the traditional approach of defining strategy, designing processes, and implementing software solutions is an appropriate response. However, in a rapidly changing environment, organisations are under fierce pressure to adapt to the environmental change. 2. Deliberate or Emergent or Adaptive? There are many current frameworks that express the elements of strategy, business process, organisational structure and information systems but most of these frameworks focus on an internal alignment of those elements (for example, Kumaran et al 2007). The alignment is the cyclical 1   
  • 3. monitoring and adjustment with a predetermined deliberate orientation. Even though there may be some external sensing, the alignment cycle does not take this into account. The alignment is done in a very deliberate way and therefore considered to be a deliberate approach in terms of the management orientation. The deliberate approach, as a certain orientation of management, is also recognised by Scheer (2007). However, he suggests that an organisation may balance the deliberate approach with an emergent approach to offset the dynamics occurring in its internal and external environment. He proposes a model that illustrates the intensity of control versus connectivity between groups both internally and externally. This model suggests that organisations with traditional, top down, hierarchical management structures have high levels of intensity of control and low connectivity. These organisations are inflexible and succeed in stable environments. They follow a deliberate approach. While there are organisations at the bleeding edge that are very reactive and flexible, their levels of connectivity are very high while the intensity of control is very low. These organisations follow an emergent approach. Scheer (2007) suggests that the best place to be is on the edge of chaos where organisations balance flexibility and stability. This equates to a balance between the deliberate and emergent approach. The edge of chaos equates to what is meant by the adaptive approach as defined in this research, the deliberate-emergent approach. 3. The adaptive approach There are two key dimensions to the following discussion of the literature. One is the elements of an organisation and the other is the deliberate versus the emergent orientation of management. This deliberate versus the emergent approach is applied to the four key elements of an organisation proposed by Scott-Morton MIT90’s framework (1991): strategy, business processes, organisational structures and technology (information systems). So the MIT90’s framework acts as an over arching structure in the research. The second dimension used is the concept of deliberate and emergent 2   
  • 4. introduced by Mintzberg (1994) and echoed in slightly different terms by Scheer (2007) with his ideas on stability and flexibility. The structure of the discussions is organised against these two dimensions (axes) as illustrated in Figure 1. Each of the four key elements of an organisation (Scott-Morton, 1991) is discussed in terms of deliberate, emergent and adaptive in the following sections. [Figure 1 about here] 3.1 Strategy The Oxford Dictionary defines strategy as a "plan designed to achieve a particular long-term aim" (Pearsall, 2001). However, Mintzberg (1987) suggests that in a business context a strategy is more than just a plan. He suggests that it is a 'pattern' that is found in a stream of actions, a market position, and the organisation's perspective. Mintzberg and Walters (1985) introduced the idea of a strategy as consisting of two elements: deliberate strategy and emergent strategy. This view is supported by Ocasio and Joseph (2008) they defined strategy as "a framework, either implicit or explicit, that guides the organisation's choice of action". They suggest this broad view of strategy is both "planned and emergent, resulting from strategic design, the evolution of a pattern of decisions, or a combination of the above". 3.2 Deliberate Strategy A deliberate strategy is a strategy that is carefully planned and controlled by the organisation. The traditional strategies are deliberate strategies. The reasons for this are that these strategies begin with an idea, a plan is then developed, the plan is communicated, and some form of action(s) follows. The purpose of what can be considered as a traditional strategy is to create and maintain a long term definable position that results in competitive advantage within the market (Mintzberg & Waters, 1985; Eisenhardt & Brown, 1998). A seminal and definitive work on corporate strategy 'Competitive Advantage' (Porter, 1980) discussed what is now known as Porter's Strategy Models. It could be argued that Porter's work on competitive strategy focuses on deliberate strategies as his definition is that a formal corporate strategy "provides a coherent model for all business units and ensures that all 3   
  • 5. those involved in strategic planning and its implementation are following common goals" (Porter, 1980). 3.3 Emergent Strategy Emergent strategies are those strategies that have developed as part of a "pattern in a stream of actions" and are divorced from any preconceived plan (Mintzberg, 1987; Hamel & Prahalad, 2005). This strategy is the ability of the organisation to be responsive to the environment in order to maintain its competitive position. Bonnet and Yip (2009) refer to strategic agility, it is the ability an organisation has to constantly, "sense, assess and react to market conditions". They suggest that in today's turbulent markets strategic agility is necessary rather than the idea of sustainable competitive advantage. The foregoing discussion has discussed the key concepts of deliberate strategy and emergent strategy in their pure form. A pure deliberate strategy is when the organisation proposes and then locks itself into a course of action toward a future destination that it ultimately reaches. In contrast, the pure form of an emergent strategy lacks intention but despite lack of intention there is "order and consistency over time" (Mintzberg & Walters, 1985). 3.4 Adaptive Strategy There are not many current strategies that are purely deliberate or purely emergent (Mintzberg, 1994). A strategy that results in competitive advantage today may not result in competitive advantage tomorrow as so much is happening at an ever increasing speed. "Competing on the edge" (Eisenhardt & Brown, 1998) refers to a strategic approach that requires an organisational ability to change constantly over time in response to a relentlessly changing environment. Reacting to the environment is important but anticipating and even setting the pace of change is more so as time pacing is relevant to strategy. In an adaptive (deliberate-emergent) strategy, time encompasses both the notion of "stretching out the past" together with probing into the future in order to obtain a strategy that is both deliberate and emerging (Eisenhardt & Brown, 1998). 4   
  • 6. 4. Business Processes Given the rapidly changing demands of an organisation’s business environment and the many challenges that this uncertainty brings, organisations are focusing on their business processes as a means to deliver the specific results that are required to meet the environmental or organisation needs. Given that business processes exist to serve the customer, it can therefore be perceived as a key to sustainable competitive advantage. Keen (1997) supports this view and purports that there are four main reasons for viewing BP improvement as a strategic imperative. First, organisations have the propensity to be far more adaptable than previously thought. Second, the changing nature of change requires organisations to balance and compete on the edge that lies between flexibility and stability. Third, BP makes a major contribution to the development of organisation specific, dynamic capabilities (competencies) and fourth, the significant effect of IT advances on the critically important coordination and transaction costs. 4.1 Deliberate Business Processes A number of methodologies and frameworks have been proposed by academics and consultants to manage the transformation process of business process. However, most of these advocate a structured deliberate approach that consumes a lot of time, money and effort to often produce only mediocre gains (Billington & Davidson, 2008). For example, the Process Lifecycle (Rosemann, 2001) follows a step wise approach from the initial identification of the current as-is process through to the development of the improved to-be process that is then implemented. The cycle is completed by monitoring and control of the new and improved implemented process. However, the sense and respond adaption cycle, using the process lifecycle management approach, is a static approach because it does not accommodate mid-cycle change. Therefore, the sense, respond and adapt aspect of the life cycle orientation is limited by the very nature of the cycle itself. 5   
  • 7. 4.2 Emergent Business Processes New processes are constantly emerging during the execution of daily business. The term used to describe these new, evolving, knowledge-intensive business processes is emergent business processes (EBP). Emergent business processes are organisational activity patterns described by Markus, Majchrzak and Gasser (2002) as processes in which, "problem interpretations, deliberations with no best structure or sequence, and actions unfold unpredictably". A defining characteristic of these emergent business processes is that they cannot be predefined as their models are based on accumulated experience and evolve from the execution of business events. (Marjanovic, 2005; Dale, 2007). 4.3 Adaptive Business Processes A number of authors have used Jazz music improvisation a metaphor for the adaptive management of business processes. Scheer (2007) explains that a good jazz group, made up of skilled musicians (experts) who when playing together are constantly communicating in the same time and place. Each playing is listening and responding to each other with particular emphasis on the soloist. Each player responds to the soloist’s development of the melody. During an improvisation the soloist uses the structure of the lead music lead sheet as a scaffold and within that scaffold creates new melodies on the spot. Applying the jazz metaphor to the management of business processes, the jazz group's process of improvisation is analogous to a source of constant emergent processes. While the scaffold that the soloist uses determined by the music sheet is analogous to deliberate processes. Therefore, the metaphor of jazz improvisation can be used to illustrate the management of adaptive processes. 5. Organisational Structures An organisational structure exists for management and control purposes. It defines the work roles and how activities are grouped together (Lasher, 2005). The way an organisation is structured has implications for how strategy is translated throughout the organisation and ultimately how the 6   
  • 8. organisation performs. Roberts (2004) posits that "certain strategies and organizational designs do fit one another and the environment, and thus produce good performance, and others do not." 5.1 Deliberate Organisational Structures Many organisations are structured as a functional organisation that supports a deliberate approach. Bryan and Joyce (2007) argue that most organisations are designed for a past industrial age where vertical integrated structures were designed for efficient operations. These vertically integrated structures exhibit high levels of hierarchical authority and control and are more suited to a stable environment. Furthermore, Labovitz and Rosansky (1997) suggest that traditional, hierarchical organizational structures are designed to break up managerial tasks into pieces: departments and divisions. This segmentation makes it difficult to integrate the organisation's strategy, business processes and systems into a cohesive working whole. The organisational structure actually becomes a barrier to change and improved performance. 5.2 Emergent Organisational Structures A virtual organisation structure is an emerging organisational form where employees interact with each other almost completely using telecommunication systems. A virtual organisation structure allows for high levels of connectivity both among the individuals members of the organisation and with the environment. It is an extremely flexible structure that allows an organisation to be reactive and innovative. 5.3 Adaptive Organisational Structures Organisations with traditional top down hierarchical management structures have high levels of intensity of control and low connectivity and thus are restricted to being very deliberate. Organisations at the bleeding edge are very reactive, connectivity between parties and the external environment is very high. Neither of these extreme positions is good (Eisenhardt & Brown, 1998; 7   
  • 9. Scheer, 2007). One extreme position is characterised by deliberate, deliberation and stability while the other is characterised by chaos, flexibility and possibly innovation and even anarchy. A Matrix organisational structure however supports both the emergent and deliberate management orientation. The matrix structure consists of the horizontal management and control lines of a product orientated structure combined with the vertical lines of a functional structure. Furthermore, the management reporting lines are extremely flexible. Therefore, it can be argued that it is not a choice between being stable or flexible it is about being stable and flexible. This research suggests that an organisation develop the ability to be deliberate and emergent, stable and flexible and at the same time be an adaptive organisation. 6. Information Systems To effectively support an organisation's business processes, and in turn business strategy, an integrated information systems (IS) infrastructure is absolutely essential. There are various Information Systems that go towards supporting processes in an organisation. Scheer (1998) suggests an integrated organisation IS infrastructure with five organisational levels. All the information systems at each level are traditional application systems that monitor processes (not activities) at the lowest level. Furthermore, Scheer's (1998) 'Integrated Information Systems' is a classic example of a very deliberate, top down strategy approach. The organisation's strategy drives the analysis, control and monitoring cycle, in which information from the monitoring processes at the bottom level is fed back up and so on and so forth. 6.1 Deliberate Information Systems Over the past twenty years organisations have implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. These information systems are integrated organisation-wide systems and are a technological response to the integrated information systems environment proposed by Scheer (1998). These ERP systems have replaced the stand alone business information systems applications in many organisations. These systems are predominantly based on a very deliberate approach to the 8   
  • 10. management of the organisation's transaction and business processes requirements. They follow a very rigid structure, for example the SAP R/3 ERP system, which has been implemented by many organisations, is an example of a typical traditional ERP system. In one sense tradition ERP systems are extremely flexible because they can be configured to suit many different enterprises across many different industries. On the other hand once configured and implemented they are quite difficult to change. This inflexibility means that once implemented the system cannot altered with ease in response to a subsequent change in the enterprises strategy and/or business processes (Portougal & Sundaram, 2006). Therefore, traditional SAP systems and the ways you implement the system is an example of a very deliberate approach. The systems and the processes do not allow for emergent phenomena to be easily supported. While we have used traditional SAP architecture as an example, generally most traditional application software have a very deliberate orientation and mainly support deliberate processes and deliberate strategies. Most software platforms and solutions are quite deliberate, for example PeopleSoft Enterprise Applications, JD Edwards OneWorld, and Baan IV Solution to name a few (Nah, 2002). These systems do not support the emergent nor adaptive approach. It is only the more recent architectures that are trying to support emergent and adaptive approaches in terms of procedural responses (the way in which you implement the system) and technological responses. Moreover, custom made applications for particular organisations and contexts are even more deliberate in their orientation. 6.2 Emergent Information Systems More and more one is seeing information systems that support a purely emergent approach. These information systems possess what is termed in literature and industry as an Event Driven Architecture (EDA). From a conceptual perspective the EDA components and sub-systems are totally decoupled (not dependant on other software applications) and mostly asynchronous. They support event processing in real time and thus support an emergent approach. 9   
  • 11. EDA are supported by a number of different vendor platforms such as IBM's (2006). This platform supports a purely emergent approach because it does not come with any pre-defined services but provides complete application functionality to create any services as and when required. The platform supports the creation of primitive as well as composite services. If something changes the primitive and/or composite services can either be changed or a new service (primitive or composite) can be created from scratch. Unlike the SAP and Oracle platforms, the IBM platform does not come with a core repository of predefined services to support processes. However, primitive and composite services can be bought from a service provider such as SAP, Oracle or other external sources on an as-needed basis. This makes the platform extremely flexible and reactive because services can either be created from scratch or acquired and plugged in. Therefore, the IBM platform can be viewed primarily as one that supports the modelling, design, management, and deployment of services and as such designed well to react to emergent behaviour. 6.3 Adaptive Information Systems The pathway to competitive differentiation according to SAP (2009) is through 'Business Network Transformation' termed as BPM 2.0 and beyond. BPM 2.0 and beyond in SAP's opinion will be achieved through flexibly enabling the business process lifecycle by leveraging components and sub- systems such as Business Rules, Business Activity Monitoring and System to System (S2S) BPM. These are all technologies whose express purpose is to support emergent behaviour. However, SAP recognises that the EDA as a standalone architecture that supports the pure emergent approach is not able to achieve the key business drivers for business transformation on its own. It also recognises that an adaptive organisation also needs modelling, simulation, and analysis and a balance between human tasks and S2S BPM total automation. In terms of adaptive systems, S2S BPM automation is important because the more S2S there is potentially meaningful events emerge quicker together with adaptation. At the same time, extreme levels of S2S may lead to lack of visibility about when human intervention is required to prevent catastrophic events unfolding. Therefore, there ought to be a balance among H2H (human2human), S2H, or H2S automation. 10   
  • 12. In addition, SAP understands that the traditional enterprise architectures (ERP) that only support the deliberate approach are obsolete. Therefore, SAP proposes an Enterprise Service Orientated Architecture (ESOA) that comprises of EDA components/systems and Enterprise Modelling, Simulation and Analysis, and Process collaboration capabilities components/sub-systems that support the adaptive approach. There are also hybrid systems architectures such as Oracle's that support EDA and consequently the emergent approach. These information systems posses a whole host of components/sub-systems that explicitly supports the EDA paradigm such as Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), Complex Event Processing (CEP) and Business Rules Management (BRM). These architectures support Mintzberg's vision of emergent strategies through the constant monitoring and analysis of meaningful events (patterns of behaviour) within the organisation’s event cloud. In addition, many of these hybrid information systems have support for the deliberate approach through explicit modules/components/sub-systems to support Business Process Management (BPM). For example, support for the deliberate (BPM) and the emergent (BAM) is well illustrated by Oracle's architecture. 6.4 Design Principles of Adaptive Information Systems Generic frameworks proposed by industry heavy-weights such as Sun reiterate similar principles for architectures to support adaptive information systems. They emphasise the need to have architectures that are process driven, user centric, service oriented, and loosely coupled. And it is especially this loosely coupled aspect that helps organisations in being emergent and reactive to what is happening. This loose coupling enables one to rapidly decompose and recompose service chains to support rapidly changing process requirements. User centricity emphasises the need for flexible user interfaces that can be personalised, role-based, adaptable and adaptive, evolving as the users and user needs change. Highly adaptable process flows enable the rapid composition of new flows as well as the modification of existing flows. Such flows can be in the realm of transactions, decisions, and/or collaborations. These four principles can be considered to be the cornerstones of adaptive architectures. 11   
  • 13. These principles are further reiterated by Van Praag (2007). However, Van Praag (2007) adds another pillar to the adaptive organisation. He suggests that modern, distributed, real time enterprise architectures will be powered by SOA as well as EDA patterns in combination as appropriate. He goes onto suggest that the real time enterprise architecture will be a fusion of these different approaches. 7. Organisation Adaption Model and Framework This research suggests that organisations can be thought of in terms of Scott-Morton's MIT90's Framework (1991) but they should also have the ability to formulate strategies that can be translated into adaptive processes and adaptive structures. These adaptive processes and structures should be inhabited by adaptive individuals in composite flexible roles and the four elements together supported by systems and technologies that have inherent capabilities of adapting (Figure 2). [Figure 2 about here] Many models for organisational adaptation have been suggested but most of these models are either management oriented or technology oriented. Bhattacharya et al.'s framework (2007) and Kumaran et al. 's (2007) transformational approach are some of the few models for organisational adaptation that interweave managerial concerns with technological responses in an integrated and holistic fashion. Bhattacharya et al.'s (2007) framework differentiates four different models on different levels of abstraction. The strategy level model is at the highest level of abstraction, where business objectives are specified. These objectives drive the operational models. These models describe the structure of organisational routines. In order to support organisational routines with information technology (IT), solution composition models are designed that combine necessary information technology functionality and the operational models. Solution composition models can be seen as an intermediate layer between business and information technology; rather than having to deal with implementation specifics, "solution architects" can operate on a more abstract level that simplifies the matching of 12   
  • 14. business requirements to IT. IT implementation models are closer to the implementation of the software and are platform specific. A synthesis of the above concepts and frameworks with respect to adaptation and strategy-driven processes, organisational structures, and systems leads us to propose a model for organisational adaptation (Figure 3). This model explicitly considers the transformation of strategy into business processes and appropriate organisational structures. It considers the translation of these processes and structures into potential solutions that compose and integrate components and services to deliver effective and flexible implementations. Execution and monitoring of the implementation and contextual events enables us to pro-actively manage the performance of the organisation through three distinct mechanisms; corrective (single-loop learning), optimising (double-loop learning), and aligning (double and triple-loop learning).   [Figure 3 about here] 8. Conclusion The subject of organisational adaptation as a means to survive has been a research topic for academic researchers over the past two decades. There is a good amount of published literature that supports the theme of organisations being adaptive and responding to the changing environment. This literature can be found in a number of different research domains within a number of topic areas and culminates in a mature body of knowledge that supports the theme that organisations need to adapt to survive. An adaptive organisation, in essence, has the ability to sense and respond to changes in the environment ensuring its survival. Recent interest in adaptive organisations is particularly apparent in the IS industry. Industry practitioners are actively engaged in promoting and writing about information systems and technologies that support adaptive organisation. However, it appears this interest is not supported to the same degree in the academic arena. Furthermore, there is little understanding of how these 13   
  • 15. adaptive systems can be leveraged to support the development of an adaptive organisation by supporting adaptive processes and organisational structures and adaptive strategies. The literature review highlighted the fact that while there is reasonable amount of literature in the area of adaptive strategy there is very sparse literature in the area of adaptive processes and adaptive organisational structures. The literature review also highlighted the fact that there is significant amount of momentum from system vendors in the area of adaptive systems. However, there is very little research on how adaptive strategy can be supported by adaptive business processes and organisation structures and how all these can be supported by adaptive systems. Furthermore, there is even less research on how to translate adaptive strategy to adaptive process and organisational structure to adaptive systems. And back from system to structure to process to strategy in an interwoven, seamless fashion. By interweaving these components in a seamless way, organisations can behave in very deliberate manner as well as in an emergent fashion and still be partially directed by a deliberate approach towards strategy. While we have some ideas about what is an adaptive organisation and we have proposed an incipient model and framework to support our investigations, these need to be augmented in much greater detail, validated, extended and refined.   14   
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  • 19. Figure 1 Overarc ching Research Framework r o 18   
  • 20. Figure 2 Organissation Adaption Model i       19   
  • 21. Figure 3 Organis sation Adapti Framework: from con ion o nception to realisation, interweaving the deliberate and g a emergen nt 20