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          Information And Communication Technology In Science

                              (SSI 3013)

           TITLE         : REPORT ON DATA LOGGING

                          PREPARED FOR:

                     ENCIK AZMI BIN IBRAHIM

                           PREPARED BY:

1. VIVIANA VELENTHIA MICHEAL                         D20101037453
2. DAYANG SUFINAH BINTI DATU TENG                    D20101037517
3. DARVINA LIM CHOO KHENG                            D20101037508

                   SEMESTER 1 SESSION 2012/2013

                              GROUP B


Cover                                        1

Contents                                     2

Acknowledgement                              3

   1. Introduction                           4

   2. Engage                                 5

   3. Empower                                5

   4. Enhance                                13

   5. Unique Features of This Activity       14

   6. Conclusion                             14

References                                   16

Appendix                                     17


We would like to thanks our lecturer, En. Azmi Ibrahim for his valuable advices that he gave
during the process of preparing the report that titled “Report On Data Logging” and the
presentation on Data Logging. The advices truly help us a lot in the preparation process of
this report and the presentation.

       In addition, we would like to thank Prof Rosly Jaafar and the seniors in
electromagnetic lab for letting us conduct the experiment in the lab and the advices given
when we conduct the experiment.

       Besides that, we would also like to show our appreciation to our classmates that gave
suggestions during the process of preparing this report and presentation. Next, we would also
like to thanks our friends that share their ideas, thoughts and give suggestions to us.

       In conclusion, we would like to thanks to everyone that involve directly or indirectly
in the process of preparing this report and presentation.


„How science works‟ can be a difficult topic to tackle in a meaningful and interesting way.
As Cleaves and Toplist have identified , high stakes assessment seems to have led to pupils
carrying out a limited range of investigations in which they see little benefit. „How science
works‟ runs the risk of being a long list of disjointed facts or competences that are abstract in
pupils‟ minds and are poorly understood and remembered. Data logging is a fantastic way to
collect real data, quickly, for the whole class to see. One way to use it is to set up an
experiment on the front bench with the data logger connected to the teacher‟s PC and display
a chart using the data projector. It allows you and the class to focus attention on the scientific
questions that lead to the development of more reliable data and a better understanding of
what is going on. It is quick, visible to all and the chart builds while the experiment is in
       The research of Hanley suggests a need for greater use of interactive techniques to
elicit student contributions. This approach provides an unrivalled opportunity for pupils to
discuss both physics and measurement and to develop and refine an investigation. Whereas
pupils boiling a beaker of water, recording a table of results and plotting a graph can take a
whole lesson, logging and charting the temperature of a kettle of water can be done in five
minutes. Then the chart can be discussed, a hypothesis formed and a follow-up experiment
carried out in a further ten minutes. The spotlight can move from the measurements to the
explanation or the investigation. Often, in pupil experiments, the interpretation of results is
neglected by pupils who have spent the whole lesson collecting data: they have simply run
out of time. This particularly affects the less able or less confident ones.
       Data logging is also ideal for gathering multiple sets of data concurrently in real time,
something that is not possible in traditional school experiments. For instance, you can
measure the temperature of the water and the air inside a kettle, the outside surface
temperature and the noise made by cavitation. Then you can relate the measurements to each
other. Best of all, the whole thing can be done in less than ten minutes. By distributing the
charts electronically you can quickly provide engaging homework that is thought provoking,
highly diagnostic and quick to mark. It can also provide a framework for personalized
learning around a common task. Data logging composed of 3 important items which are
computer, data logger and sensor.

Engage is the first step taken to unearth information and existing knowledge of the students
on the topic that we will experiment. For example, we want to carry out the experiment
related to the effects of angle to acceleration and velocity. The first will show photo related
angle, acceleration and velocity. In this example, we show a picture of people cycling uphill
and downhill. After they looked into the picture, question “Which cycler is faster and easy” is
asked to the students. From their answers, we can find out their prior knowledge about the
issue, after that we should explain the real condition follow by next step to prove our
explanation. In this stage also, problem statement is created:
       “Does the inclined track with a certain angle affect the acceleration and
       velocity of a moving object?”


This stage is the planning and doing stage in our experiment. We carry out an experiment
using data logger (motion sensor) to test the problem statement.

Title :

Acceleration And Velocity - Cart on an inclined track with different angles


       To investigate how the acceleration and velocity of an object down an inclined tract
       depends on the angle of the inclined tract by using the motion sensor.
       Determine the angle of the inclined track for each different height, h
       Use the software to plot the graph of position, velocity, and acceleration versus time
       for each trial.


Acceleration is the rate of change in an object‟s velocity. Since velocity is the speed and
direction of an object‟s motion, acceleration can mean speeding up, slowing down, or
changing direction. Constant acceleration occurs when an object experiences a constant net
force. Constant acceleration means that an object‟s velocity is constantly changing, but at a
uniform rate. For inclined track with higher angle, the acceleration of the moving object will
certainly higher but constant value; thus the velocity that depends on the acceleration will
also increase.

A cart on an inclined tract will roll down the tract as it is pulled by gravity. The direction of
the acceleration due to gravity is straight down as shown in the diagram. The component of
the acceleration due to gravity which is parallel to the inclined surface is g sin θ where θ is
the angle of the inclined tract. Neglecting friction, g sin θ is the acceleration of the cart.

Equipments and materials

  Computer with USB port                PASPORT motion sensor                PASPORT USB interface

    Data Studio software                                             Track

Cart                       Retort stand and clamp                 Ruler


Computer setup

   1. The PASPORT USB interface is plugged into the computer‟s USB port.
   2. The motion sensor is plugged in into the USB interface. The PASPortal window is
      automatically launched.

   3. Appropriate DataStudio configuration is chosen.

Equipment setup

1. The equipment is set up as shown in figure.

2. The height of the point of release of the cart from table surface is measured. Different
   heights (8cm, 12cm and 16cm) are used in this experiment. The length of the track is also
   measured to obtain the inclined angle.

      Length of
      track, l
                           Height, h

3. The motion sensor is placed at the raised end of the track so it can measure the motion of
   the cart as it moves down the inclined track. At the top of the motion sensor, the icon
   „Cart‟ is selected.

4. Cart is hold at the mark “15cm” of the track. When it is released, the data is recorded.
   The experiment is repeated by changing the height to 12cm and 16 cm to obtain 3 sets of

Record Data

1. The button Start                   is clicked and the cart is released so that it moves down
   the track.
2. The button Stop                    is clicked before the cart hits the end stop of the track.

Analyze data

Velocity graph

The smooth part of the velocity is highlighted. Then, linear fit                     is selected

from the fit           menu. The slope (the value of m) for the cart is then recorded.

Acceleration graph

The flat part of the acceleration is highlighted. Then, linear fit                   is selected

from the fit           menu. The slope (the value of m) for the cart is then recorded.

The value for the slope of the velocity to the mean of acceleration is compared.


Length of track, h
                                                85cm            85cm              85cm
Height, y
                                                 8cm            12cm              16cm
Angle of inclined track, θ
                                                 5.4°           8.1°              10.8°
Acceleration (slope = 0)
                                                0.6m/s2        1.0m/s2           1.2m/s2
                                             0.43m/s2         0.80m/s2          1.17m/s2
  Slope of graph,
       (m)            Acceleration
                                                0.0m/s3        0.0m/s3           0.0m/s3

Calculation for angle, θ

sin θ   = height/length of tract

8cm height                     12cm height                  16cm height

sin θ   = 8cm/85cm                 sin θ = 12cm/85cm        sin θ   = 16cm/85cm

   θ    = sin-1(8cm/85cm)            θ = sin-1(12cm/85cm)      θ    = sin-1(16cm/85cm)

        = 5.4°                         = 8.1°                       = 10.8°


Position versus Time graph, Velocity versus Time graph, Acceleration versus Time graph in
each diagram for each inclined angle.

Angle = 5.4°

Angle = 8.1°

Angle = 10.8°


a. Describe the situation where an object slide down at different inclined angle and the
    forces that involved in it.

       Object placed on an inclined plane will always slide down. The rate of the object
       sliding down the surface is depends on how tilted the surface is; or how big the
       inclined angle is. The greater the inclined angle, the greater the acceleration. Objects
       are known to accelerate down inclined planes because of an unbalanced force. For
       object on inclined plane, there always at least two forces acting that are the force of
       gravity and the normal force. The normal force is always directed perpendicular to the

                                    Two forces acting:

                                    The force of gravity and
                                    the normal force

b. What are the forces that acting upon an accelerating object on inclined track and draw a
   diagram to show the forces, plus state how the acceleration is formed?

      The normal force and the gravitational force

  Component parallel to
  the plane, mg sin θ
                                                             perpendicular to the
                                                             plane, mg cos θ

      The gravitational force‟s component perpendicular to the plane is directed opposite
      the normal force and as such balances the normal force. While the parallel component;
      is not balanced by any other force. Therefore, object on the plane will subsequently
      accelerate down due to the presence of an unbalanced force. It is the parallel
      component of the force of gravity that causes this acceleration.

c. From the result, describe how the acceleration is affected by different inclined angles?

      The acceleration due to gravity, g, has a constant value of 9.8m/s2. Gravity accelerates
      objects down the inclined plane. But not the full force of gravity; only the component
      of gravity, mg sin θ, act along the plane accelerates the object. The size of incline
      angle can affect the object‟s acceleration down the inclined plane. As the angle
      increase, the component of force parallel to the incline plane increase, and the
      component perpendicular to the incline decrease and vice versa.

                                                                         As the θ increase,

                                                                         -mg sin θ increase

Component parallel to                          Component                 -mg cos θ decrease.
the plane, mg sin θ                            perpendicular to the
                                               plane, mg cos θ

d. What are the constant variables in this experiment?

        The gravitational force g and the mass of cart used, m, is the constant variables.

e. What precaution/ precautions you took when doing this experiment?

        In this experiment, we use the motion sensor to detect the motion of the cart down the
        inclined plane. The sensor is sensitive to any motion. Before releasing the cart, it must
        not hold where the motion sensor can sense the movement of your finger. The cart
        should be just released and not by applying any force. The motion sensor also must be
        directed parallel with the plane. To obtain the best result, several trials and take the
        best smoothest graph plotted by the computer.

Experiment’s conclusion

        The acceleration of the cart is affected by the angle of the inclined plane. The bigger
        the angle; the greater the cart‟s acceleration. This is because of the “parallel to plane”
        gravity component; mg sin θ which is the acceleration of cart increase as the angle
        The angle of the inclined plane is determined by using Pythagoras theorem
        Using the data logger from the Data Studio software, the graph of position, velocity,
        and acceleration versus time is plotted automatically.


This stage is about how the concept has been applied in life. The acceleration that increase
with the angle of inclined plane concept has been apply in our daily life without many people
notice the principle that work behind it. For example: Cycling downhill or driving downhill
without extra energy or power. Most of the times, we can even stop using energy or power to
cycle and drive downhill but control the speed that resulted from the increase of acceleration
due to gravity in inclined area. Another example is the flow of river water is faster at the
upstream compared to the downstream.
        The application of inclined plane, which is one of the six classical simple machines,
has been used when we move up or down the goods from a lorry or a higher place. Moving
an object up an inclined plane requires less force than lifting it straight up, at a cost of an

increase in the distance for the object to move. Wheelchair ramp and cable railway are two
of the inventions from the inclined plane concept.
         The concept of increasing acceleration with increasing in angle of inclined plane has
been practices; when the goods are moving upwards using the inclined plane, the distance to
travelled is increasing using a longer inclined plane so that inclined angle become smaller and
the force to push it upward become smaller, while when goods are moving downwards, a
shorter distance inclined plane is used to increase inclined angle, thus increase the force due
to gravity and smaller force needed to push it downward or just to control the acceleration of
         The concept of increase in angle of inclined plane also used in playground sliding,
winter sliding, and a lots more applications.

a. The position, velocity and acceleration of the cart can be determined and measured
    accurately using the motion sensor. This is different from the traditional ways where the
    ticker timer and ticker tape are use to measure the position, velocity and acceleration of
    the cart manually when lots of calculation and graphs are needed to calculate and plot
    before we can directly determine slope from the graphs and discuss the result obtained.
b. Three different graphs can be plotted at the same time.
c. Less work needs to be done by the students. The students do not need to do a long list of
    calculations and pieces of graph papers.
d. Discussion can be take part after the experiment without wasting more time to do the
    analyze process as the slope of graph can be determine directly using the tools in data
e. The changes of the data and graph can be observed immediately, allowing students to
    make any changes or detect and overcome any errors in the experiment.
f. The experiment can be repeated many times to obtained the accurate readings.

Each of these experiments was very quick and easy to set up plane, retort stand, a data logger
and some sensors. Using the simplest mode of operation of the software means that almost no
knowledge or experience of data logging is required. Press green for go and red for stop. This
can be a straightforward way to introduce data logging to our lessons and build familiarity
and confidence with the hardware and software. The wealth of data helps children to focus on
the patterns in the graphs and what they mean in terms of physics, and to develop chart
reading skills. Above all the data prompts questions from the pupils, arousing their curiosity
and providing opportunities for them to develop investigative strategies to answer those
questions. The speed of data collection with data loggers allows many of these questions to
be quickly answered by rerunning the experiment with simple variations, adjusting sensor
positions, physical conditions or adding sensors. It also focuses pupil attention on details of
experimental setup such as the exact location of the sensors.
       The value of electronic data also shows itself in the ease with which it can be shared.
It can be e-mailed to absent pupils or to the whole class and pupils can easily augment it by
labeling a chart in Word or reprocessing the data in Excel (or the original software). It can be
transferred to PowerPoint and worked on collaboratively in small groups. Data logging
enables the more able to handle data in more sophisticated ways. The less able can focus on
the meaning of the data rather than simply plotting it (a high-level task) as well as completing
well-presented work that they can be proud of and that will be worthy of display.


Acceleration (2012). Retrieved November 30, 2012 from


Cable Railway (2012). Retrieved November 30, 2012 from


Data logger (2012). Retrieved November 29, 2012 from


Data logger. Retrieved November 29, 2012 from


Inclined plane (2008). Retrieved November 30, 2012 from http://www.newworldencyc

Inclined plane (2012). Retrieved Disember 1, 2012 from



                Experiment set-up

           Computer that has DataStudio

DataStudio is opened

Graphs plotted by Data Studio


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  • 2. CONTENTS Cover 1 Contents 2 Acknowledgement 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Engage 5 3. Empower 5 4. Enhance 13 5. Unique Features of This Activity 14 6. Conclusion 14 References 16 Appendix 17 2
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thanks our lecturer, En. Azmi Ibrahim for his valuable advices that he gave during the process of preparing the report that titled “Report On Data Logging” and the presentation on Data Logging. The advices truly help us a lot in the preparation process of this report and the presentation. In addition, we would like to thank Prof Rosly Jaafar and the seniors in electromagnetic lab for letting us conduct the experiment in the lab and the advices given when we conduct the experiment. Besides that, we would also like to show our appreciation to our classmates that gave suggestions during the process of preparing this report and presentation. Next, we would also like to thanks our friends that share their ideas, thoughts and give suggestions to us. In conclusion, we would like to thanks to everyone that involve directly or indirectly in the process of preparing this report and presentation. 3
  • 4. 1 INTRODUCTION „How science works‟ can be a difficult topic to tackle in a meaningful and interesting way. As Cleaves and Toplist have identified , high stakes assessment seems to have led to pupils carrying out a limited range of investigations in which they see little benefit. „How science works‟ runs the risk of being a long list of disjointed facts or competences that are abstract in pupils‟ minds and are poorly understood and remembered. Data logging is a fantastic way to collect real data, quickly, for the whole class to see. One way to use it is to set up an experiment on the front bench with the data logger connected to the teacher‟s PC and display a chart using the data projector. It allows you and the class to focus attention on the scientific questions that lead to the development of more reliable data and a better understanding of what is going on. It is quick, visible to all and the chart builds while the experiment is in progress. The research of Hanley suggests a need for greater use of interactive techniques to elicit student contributions. This approach provides an unrivalled opportunity for pupils to discuss both physics and measurement and to develop and refine an investigation. Whereas pupils boiling a beaker of water, recording a table of results and plotting a graph can take a whole lesson, logging and charting the temperature of a kettle of water can be done in five minutes. Then the chart can be discussed, a hypothesis formed and a follow-up experiment carried out in a further ten minutes. The spotlight can move from the measurements to the explanation or the investigation. Often, in pupil experiments, the interpretation of results is neglected by pupils who have spent the whole lesson collecting data: they have simply run out of time. This particularly affects the less able or less confident ones. Data logging is also ideal for gathering multiple sets of data concurrently in real time, something that is not possible in traditional school experiments. For instance, you can measure the temperature of the water and the air inside a kettle, the outside surface temperature and the noise made by cavitation. Then you can relate the measurements to each other. Best of all, the whole thing can be done in less than ten minutes. By distributing the charts electronically you can quickly provide engaging homework that is thought provoking, highly diagnostic and quick to mark. It can also provide a framework for personalized learning around a common task. Data logging composed of 3 important items which are computer, data logger and sensor. 4
  • 5. 2 ENGAGE Engage is the first step taken to unearth information and existing knowledge of the students on the topic that we will experiment. For example, we want to carry out the experiment related to the effects of angle to acceleration and velocity. The first will show photo related angle, acceleration and velocity. In this example, we show a picture of people cycling uphill and downhill. After they looked into the picture, question “Which cycler is faster and easy” is asked to the students. From their answers, we can find out their prior knowledge about the issue, after that we should explain the real condition follow by next step to prove our explanation. In this stage also, problem statement is created: “Does the inclined track with a certain angle affect the acceleration and velocity of a moving object?” 3 EMPOWER This stage is the planning and doing stage in our experiment. We carry out an experiment using data logger (motion sensor) to test the problem statement. Title : Acceleration And Velocity - Cart on an inclined track with different angles Objective To investigate how the acceleration and velocity of an object down an inclined tract depends on the angle of the inclined tract by using the motion sensor. Determine the angle of the inclined track for each different height, h Use the software to plot the graph of position, velocity, and acceleration versus time for each trial. Introduction Acceleration is the rate of change in an object‟s velocity. Since velocity is the speed and direction of an object‟s motion, acceleration can mean speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction. Constant acceleration occurs when an object experiences a constant net force. Constant acceleration means that an object‟s velocity is constantly changing, but at a uniform rate. For inclined track with higher angle, the acceleration of the moving object will certainly higher but constant value; thus the velocity that depends on the acceleration will also increase. 5
  • 6. Theory A cart on an inclined tract will roll down the tract as it is pulled by gravity. The direction of the acceleration due to gravity is straight down as shown in the diagram. The component of the acceleration due to gravity which is parallel to the inclined surface is g sin θ where θ is the angle of the inclined tract. Neglecting friction, g sin θ is the acceleration of the cart. Equipments and materials Computer with USB port PASPORT motion sensor PASPORT USB interface Data Studio software Track 6
  • 7. Cart Retort stand and clamp Ruler Procedure Computer setup 1. The PASPORT USB interface is plugged into the computer‟s USB port. 2. The motion sensor is plugged in into the USB interface. The PASPortal window is automatically launched. 3. Appropriate DataStudio configuration is chosen. Equipment setup 1. The equipment is set up as shown in figure. 2. The height of the point of release of the cart from table surface is measured. Different heights (8cm, 12cm and 16cm) are used in this experiment. The length of the track is also measured to obtain the inclined angle. Length of track, l Height, h 7
  • 8. 3. The motion sensor is placed at the raised end of the track so it can measure the motion of the cart as it moves down the inclined track. At the top of the motion sensor, the icon „Cart‟ is selected. 4. Cart is hold at the mark “15cm” of the track. When it is released, the data is recorded. The experiment is repeated by changing the height to 12cm and 16 cm to obtain 3 sets of data. Record Data 1. The button Start is clicked and the cart is released so that it moves down the track. 2. The button Stop is clicked before the cart hits the end stop of the track. Analyze data Velocity graph The smooth part of the velocity is highlighted. Then, linear fit is selected from the fit menu. The slope (the value of m) for the cart is then recorded. Acceleration graph The flat part of the acceleration is highlighted. Then, linear fit is selected from the fit menu. The slope (the value of m) for the cart is then recorded. The value for the slope of the velocity to the mean of acceleration is compared. 8
  • 9. Result/data Length of track, h 85cm 85cm 85cm Height, y 8cm 12cm 16cm Angle of inclined track, θ 5.4° 8.1° 10.8° Acceleration (slope = 0) 0.6m/s2 1.0m/s2 1.2m/s2 Velocity 0.43m/s2 0.80m/s2 1.17m/s2 Slope of graph, (m) Acceleration 0.0m/s3 0.0m/s3 0.0m/s3 Calculation for angle, θ sin θ = height/length of tract 8cm height 12cm height 16cm height sin θ = 8cm/85cm sin θ = 12cm/85cm sin θ = 16cm/85cm θ = sin-1(8cm/85cm) θ = sin-1(12cm/85cm) θ = sin-1(16cm/85cm) = 5.4° = 8.1° = 10.8° 9
  • 10. Graphs: Position versus Time graph, Velocity versus Time graph, Acceleration versus Time graph in each diagram for each inclined angle. Angle = 5.4° Angle = 8.1° 10
  • 11. Angle = 10.8° Discussion a. Describe the situation where an object slide down at different inclined angle and the forces that involved in it. Object placed on an inclined plane will always slide down. The rate of the object sliding down the surface is depends on how tilted the surface is; or how big the inclined angle is. The greater the inclined angle, the greater the acceleration. Objects are known to accelerate down inclined planes because of an unbalanced force. For object on inclined plane, there always at least two forces acting that are the force of gravity and the normal force. The normal force is always directed perpendicular to the surface. Two forces acting: The force of gravity and the normal force 11
  • 12. b. What are the forces that acting upon an accelerating object on inclined track and draw a diagram to show the forces, plus state how the acceleration is formed? The normal force and the gravitational force Component parallel to the plane, mg sin θ Component perpendicular to the plane, mg cos θ The gravitational force‟s component perpendicular to the plane is directed opposite the normal force and as such balances the normal force. While the parallel component; is not balanced by any other force. Therefore, object on the plane will subsequently accelerate down due to the presence of an unbalanced force. It is the parallel component of the force of gravity that causes this acceleration. c. From the result, describe how the acceleration is affected by different inclined angles? The acceleration due to gravity, g, has a constant value of 9.8m/s2. Gravity accelerates objects down the inclined plane. But not the full force of gravity; only the component of gravity, mg sin θ, act along the plane accelerates the object. The size of incline angle can affect the object‟s acceleration down the inclined plane. As the angle increase, the component of force parallel to the incline plane increase, and the component perpendicular to the incline decrease and vice versa. As the θ increase, -mg sin θ increase Component parallel to Component -mg cos θ decrease. the plane, mg sin θ perpendicular to the plane, mg cos θ 12
  • 13. d. What are the constant variables in this experiment? The gravitational force g and the mass of cart used, m, is the constant variables. e. What precaution/ precautions you took when doing this experiment? In this experiment, we use the motion sensor to detect the motion of the cart down the inclined plane. The sensor is sensitive to any motion. Before releasing the cart, it must not hold where the motion sensor can sense the movement of your finger. The cart should be just released and not by applying any force. The motion sensor also must be directed parallel with the plane. To obtain the best result, several trials and take the best smoothest graph plotted by the computer. Experiment’s conclusion The acceleration of the cart is affected by the angle of the inclined plane. The bigger the angle; the greater the cart‟s acceleration. This is because of the “parallel to plane” gravity component; mg sin θ which is the acceleration of cart increase as the angle increase. The angle of the inclined plane is determined by using Pythagoras theorem Using the data logger from the Data Studio software, the graph of position, velocity, and acceleration versus time is plotted automatically. 4 ENHANCE This stage is about how the concept has been applied in life. The acceleration that increase with the angle of inclined plane concept has been apply in our daily life without many people notice the principle that work behind it. For example: Cycling downhill or driving downhill without extra energy or power. Most of the times, we can even stop using energy or power to cycle and drive downhill but control the speed that resulted from the increase of acceleration due to gravity in inclined area. Another example is the flow of river water is faster at the upstream compared to the downstream. The application of inclined plane, which is one of the six classical simple machines, has been used when we move up or down the goods from a lorry or a higher place. Moving an object up an inclined plane requires less force than lifting it straight up, at a cost of an 13
  • 14. increase in the distance for the object to move. Wheelchair ramp and cable railway are two of the inventions from the inclined plane concept. The concept of increasing acceleration with increasing in angle of inclined plane has been practices; when the goods are moving upwards using the inclined plane, the distance to travelled is increasing using a longer inclined plane so that inclined angle become smaller and the force to push it upward become smaller, while when goods are moving downwards, a shorter distance inclined plane is used to increase inclined angle, thus increase the force due to gravity and smaller force needed to push it downward or just to control the acceleration of goods. The concept of increase in angle of inclined plane also used in playground sliding, winter sliding, and a lots more applications. 5 UNIQUE FEATURES OF THIS ACTIVITY a. The position, velocity and acceleration of the cart can be determined and measured accurately using the motion sensor. This is different from the traditional ways where the ticker timer and ticker tape are use to measure the position, velocity and acceleration of the cart manually when lots of calculation and graphs are needed to calculate and plot before we can directly determine slope from the graphs and discuss the result obtained. b. Three different graphs can be plotted at the same time. c. Less work needs to be done by the students. The students do not need to do a long list of calculations and pieces of graph papers. d. Discussion can be take part after the experiment without wasting more time to do the analyze process as the slope of graph can be determine directly using the tools in data logger. e. The changes of the data and graph can be observed immediately, allowing students to make any changes or detect and overcome any errors in the experiment. f. The experiment can be repeated many times to obtained the accurate readings. 6 CONCLUSION Each of these experiments was very quick and easy to set up plane, retort stand, a data logger and some sensors. Using the simplest mode of operation of the software means that almost no knowledge or experience of data logging is required. Press green for go and red for stop. This can be a straightforward way to introduce data logging to our lessons and build familiarity and confidence with the hardware and software. The wealth of data helps children to focus on 14
  • 15. the patterns in the graphs and what they mean in terms of physics, and to develop chart reading skills. Above all the data prompts questions from the pupils, arousing their curiosity and providing opportunities for them to develop investigative strategies to answer those questions. The speed of data collection with data loggers allows many of these questions to be quickly answered by rerunning the experiment with simple variations, adjusting sensor positions, physical conditions or adding sensors. It also focuses pupil attention on details of experimental setup such as the exact location of the sensors. The value of electronic data also shows itself in the ease with which it can be shared. It can be e-mailed to absent pupils or to the whole class and pupils can easily augment it by labeling a chart in Word or reprocessing the data in Excel (or the original software). It can be transferred to PowerPoint and worked on collaboratively in small groups. Data logging enables the more able to handle data in more sophisticated ways. The less able can focus on the meaning of the data rather than simply plotting it (a high-level task) as well as completing well-presented work that they can be proud of and that will be worthy of display. 15
  • 16. REFERENCES Acceleration (2012). Retrieved November 30, 2012 from Acceleration Cable Railway (2012). Retrieved November 30, 2012 from Inclined_plane_railroad Data logger (2012). Retrieved November 29, 2012 from Data_logger Data logger. Retrieved November 29, 2012 from dataloggers.html Inclined plane (2008). Retrieved November 30, 2012 from http://www.newworldencyc Inclined plane (2012). Retrieved Disember 1, 2012 from lined_plane 16
  • 17. APPENDIX Experiment set-up Computer that has DataStudio 17
  • 18. DataStudio is opened Graphs plotted by Data Studio 18