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Compare And Contrast Two Friends
We all have friends that are alike or different from each other. My friend Nicole and Amy are also friends. Both of them are alike in some ways, but
at the same time unlike from each other. For example, they both dress to their comfort, but the clothes they choose to wear are different. They both
have similar taste in music and television shows. However, Nicole and Amy are more different than alike. Nicole and Amy have different
appearance and style. Nicole is five feet and two inches with medium brown wavy hair that is shoulder length. She has big eyes and also freckles on
her face. Nicole tends to dress very casually. For an instant, she would wear jean with a graphic tee or a blouse and navy blue classic vans. She
occasionally keeps up with the latest fashion trend. On the other hand, Amy is just 5 feet tall more content...
Nicole's personality is super shy and, quiet when it comes to new people or people she rarely talks to. However, when it comes to people she likes
and enjoys talking to, she is a social butterfly. Amy was never in any a team sport. However, she plays tennis with her cousins for fun. Amy is really
sociable and blunt at the same time. I remember a time during lunch there was a table across from us were talking super loud and she shout "shut up".
Amy is not afraid to speak her mind while Nicole is more shy and quiet. Nicole cannot stand watching gory, horror and supernatural movie. For
example, during summer, our friend, Julie, invited Nicole, Amy, and Iwatch Green Inferno. Nicole did not want to come along due to the fact that
when she watched the trailer of that movie she found it super gory and disgusting. However, Amy did not find that trailer gory and disgusting and
came long to watch the movie with us. Amy enjoys watching horror or supernatural movie or shows. For example, during the month of October, there
was a movie call Crimson Peak and Amy wanted to watch it while Nicole did not want
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Books vs Ebooks Essay
Now days with the rise of digital technology many physical items such as pen and paper are slowly being replaced by computers and smart phones.
But is this really a good thing? I read books and of course so do many other people in this class and around the globe. But since the creation of
'eā€“readers' more and more people have been converting to the technology based side of reading. Although technology is slowly becoming more
predominant in this era we should not rely on it to always entertain and keep us occupied.
I think 'real, physical' books are better than eā€“books because you can truly own a book. As Mortimer J. Adler, a popular author, says, 'Full ownership
comes only when you have made [the book] a part of yourself, and the more content...
Of course that's not strictly trueā€“you can loan your book by loaning your reading device, but that's like giving someone access to one of your books by
loaning them an entire library, book cases and all.
And books are a tactile experience, meaning they are supposed to be experienced through touch and smell (especially for the old books). A book is
meant to be an experience that can have depressions and elevations on the cover and text, feeling the weight of the pages as you turn them and all of
these elements when combined make a book what it is, but when you read an eā€“book you are exposed to digitized text and a screen. And it's been
proven that when people are exposed to screens of TVs or computers they are less likely to have a good night sleep. On a web poll about eā€“books vs.
books one person commented, 'I've tried reading a few eā€“books but I've always given up. I just don't like looking at digitized text when I'm reading a
novel. I like the feel, the weight and even the smell of books,' many of the following comments made by others agreed with this persons thoughts.
A book is a singleā€“task item that is written to distract the reader from everything else happening around them, they are technology designed for the best
possible reading experience. An eā€“reader, however, tends to be a multiā€“tasking item with the ability to play music and videos as well as hold books.
The iPad has a reading function but the focus is
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Writing and Compare-and-contrast Essays
Compare and Contrast
This type of writing assignment is common. On a standardized test, you may be asked to analyze literature, evaluate ideas, or make a judgment and
explain your reasons.
In responding to these types of prompts, you often will compare and contrast characters, concepts, or choices. You will be asked to identify similarities
and differences, which are the key to compareā€“andā€“contrast essays.
There are ways to organize your thoughts about compareā€“andā€“contrast topics, which will help you write thoughtful and balanced essays.
Compareā€“andā€“Contrast Essays
First, you will learn how to write a compareā€“andā€“contrast essay
When you compare, you show how two or more things are alike.
On the other hand, when you contrast, more content...
The similarities are shown in the overlapping middle section.
Gathering Details
The next step in preparing your compareā€“andā€“contrast essay is to gather details, descriptions, and examples to provide a clear understanding of the
subjects being compared. There are several ways to gather details.
One way is to use your personal experiences. If you are writing about a subject with which you have direct experience, your knowledge of that subject
can be
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Dogs Vs Cats
In my compareā€“contrast essay Dogs and Cats , Š”Ā± have written the differences and similarities between being a dog and cat owner. Now, I will
evaluate myself in terms of my weak and strong points. Firstly, Š”Ā± want to mention my strongest point of my essay. According to paperrater's feedback,
the organization of my essay is perfect score. This score is based on quality of transitional phrases used within my paper. Their comment is ''your usage
of transitional phrases is well above average! You may not need to read the info below, but you're such a meticulous writer that you probably will
anyways.'' In all my essay, Š”Ā± give importance to write signal words so that Š”Ā± can emphasize my points. Especially, whilewriting compareā€“contrast
essay or arguementative essay, Š”Ā±t's important to use linking more content...
Firstly, there is no need to more focus on linking words on my essay. Because it's the only and strongest point of the essay.Šæ
ŠƒŠ‰ Secondly, in order to
avoid my spelling mistakes, it's necessary to pay attention to spelling of the words. Maybe, Š”Ā± have to check the word before write an essay. The
other significiant point is, Š”Ā± have to check the word in terms of their part of speech. Also, Š”Ā± can load my essay in such kind of feedback pages
before the delivery. It's also important to learn usage of comma and Š”Ā± study on it. Because it's not acceptable to make a punctuation mistake in my
second year of the university. ŠæŠƒŠ‰ Finally, Š”Ā± should try to write longer sentences in my essays. Sometimes, Š”Ā± connect the sentences relative
clause or conjunction to make sentence longer. Finally, before writing an essay, Š”Ā± have to read more essay about my subject. If Š”Ā± don't have any
idea or brainstorm, Š”Ā± cannot write an successful essay and Š”Ā± can easily get lost in my paper. I should create an outline first and then Š”Ā± can begin
to write. Otherwise, disorder and boring to read essay can be created by
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How To Write A English Comparison Essay
English Comparison Essay Why do we have best friends? What part of your brain tells you to find someone you like and cling to them? You cling
to people like your best friends because they bring you comfort, reassurance, and happiness. In this essay I will be comparing two of my best friends,
to show that there are many different types of people who can bring joy into your life. Abbie and Ashton have two totally different families. Abbie has
a younger brother, an older brother, and an older sister. Whereas Ashton only has a younger sister and an older sister. Ashton, being the middle child,
often feels neglected and left out. While on the other hand Abbie has brothers that pick on her all the time and pull silly pranks on her. They
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Writing Persuasive And Comparison Essay
Have you ever needed help persuading or comparing something? Then lost tools of writing will help tremendously! This year ltw helped me with
three main skills, it helped master writing persuasive essays, comparison essays, and helped me become a better writer in general. Doing the charts
over and over again really burned in my brain the steps in how to write persuasive and comparison essays. I have practically memorized the outline
which will be very helpful in the future. The papers I'm most proud of are the comparison essays because I like how they turned out the best. Even
though the process was tedious, lost tools of writing has hopefully prepared me for completing papers in the future. Algebra one wasn't fun. But I did
learn a lot of
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Essay on Comparing Two Businesses
James M. Gordon Strayer University BUS 302ā€“ Management Concepts Professor: Justin U. Harris Ph.D.
Assignment #1 Comparing Two Businesses
Authors Note James M. Gordon, Strayer University Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to James M. Gordon, Eā€“mail:
Assignment #1
Comparing Two Similar Businesses, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) with a +$100 billion market capitalization is a multinational electronic commerce company headquartered in
Seattle, Washington, United States. It is the world's largest online retailer. Amazon has separate websites for the following countries: United States,
Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, more content...
These superstores, which numbered 116 in early 1996, provided customers with plentiful sitting and browsing areas, a wellā€“versed customer service
team, and even espresso bars featuring live entertainment. Borders Group, Inc. came into existence following the spinoff from its parent Kmart
Corporation in May 1995. But the Borders name dates back over two decades. Borders began as a single used bookstore in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The shop was founded by Louis and Tom Borders in 1971. Serving the bustling academic community of the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor's
smaller colleges, the store held its own and became a popular neighborhood hangout. Within the next several years, the Borders brothers opened two
more bookstores in Michigan, one in Atlanta, and another in Indianapolis. In addition, Louis and Tom started a wholesaling business they called BIS
(Book Inventory Systems), which experienced healthy growth. When looking at the different management approaches, there is an approach called
"working backwards" that is widely used at Amazon. The approach allows them to work backwards from the customer, rather than starting with an
idea for a product and trying to bolt customers onto it. While working backwards can be applied to any specific product decision, using this approach
is especially important
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Art Comparison
Art is an incredible medium when used to its fullest potential. What I mean by that is; it has the capabilities to surround the viewer with its imagery
and play with the emotions. Paintings are particulary effective in doing this through the use of color tones and 'temperature'. For example; El Greco
used a lot of blue and green throughout his body of work. The outcome is that the subject matter comes off as ghostly and perhaps a little alien. This is
in high contrast to Georgia O'Keeffe's desert paintings, which utilise reds, yellows, and browns to create a 'warm' and appealing landscape.
Of course, these are not the only artist to make master works of tonality. Here are five artists (which you may recognize) who have harnesed the power more content...
Both Velazquez's 'Old Woman' and Rembrandt's 'Prodigal Son' are bathed in (or painted in) golden yellow tones. While both are wearing clothes of
differing colors, each pigment is mixed with a little yellow, white, or light brown to give warmth to the figure. This helps them to contrast to the very
dark background. I like how Rembrandt has figures in the background that are almost indiscernable. By being part of the opposing (darker) tonal
group, we as viewers are shown that they are not the most important part of the portrait; that the son and father are. Velazquez, however, chooses to
have all elements of interest in the lighter tones in his painting, leaving the back as a dark void of mystery.
Van Gogh is probably one of the most interesting painters concerning tonality. His purposeful usage of onecolor in a body of work is a strong reference
to emotion (particularly in his portraits). His expressive brush work swirls the blues, and slight yellow and green, around his face. Even his skin has a
bluish hue. These elements describe a somber or sorrowful state of mind. Its as almost if the troubles around him are seeping into his skin (like the blue).
That being said, tonality is both the friend of the artist and the artā€“lover. It is a wonderful story
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Compare And Contrast Two Places
Compare & Contrast Essay
Imagine two places where you could choose with the outcome of receiving new life experiences. You could choose two places that have different
settings, where you could visit for vacation or simply choose to live there depending on your decision. But which of these places would you
choose? It could be so difficult to decide. Each place have their own environment that has its pro's and con's along with it. Many of you may be
asking yourself "What places could the narrator be talking about?" Pretty funny how I can relate to your thoughts, the two places we have come too,
to listen to their seminaries & differences are the lovely two states named Florida & North Carolina located in the United States of America.
Florida, more content...
North Carolina is home for a famous NFL team known as the North Carolina panthers, along with famous attractions such as the Nascar hall of fame.
It's mainly known for land, along with small towns. North Carolina has a different surrounding as of Florida. North Carolina has a very historical
event where the actual Wright Brother's officially flew a plane, outside the outer banks by popular beaches. North Carolina, has great college's too
choose from for example you have Duke University, North Carolina State University that provide excellent educational plans to study for a major
of your future careers. Here's the fact the minimum wage for North Carolina is way less then Florida currently they're providing $7.25 while in
Florida they provide $8.05. Sure Eighty five cent's sounds small but it's a big difference. Along with economic differences. The main differences
between Florida & North Carolina is considered an always hot environment while in north Carolina is different, mainly seasonal changes occur,
Experiencing all of the changes in your surroundings. If you're looking for a more satisfying place to live in, it depends on your taste but if you'd
like to experience many things I'd recommend Florida as I listed the reasons before by experiencing certain aspects such as the state provides more
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Song Comparison Essay
Matthew ChungChung 1
Ms. Spilberg
March 5, 2013
Song Comparison Essay The road of life can be a bumpy one. There will always be twists and turns that can alter a person's life, changing the course
of their destination. Even though life can be tough, you have to draw upon your inner strength in order to persevere. The songs, "Move Along" by The
Allā€“American Rejects and "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" by Greenday sing about this message. The lyrics in their songs have manyliterary
devices such as personification, repetition, symbolism and juxtaposition. The personification will help more content...
The theme is how when you have a tough, important moment in life, you have to make the best of it and move along. An image for these lyrics will
help you connect to the theme because you can see what is going on and a picture will help you understand something more. In my next paragraph, I
will be talking about how the singers used repetition to emphasize certain points. In these songs, lyrics were repeated. Repetition draws the listener's
attention to particular words or phrases. In the song, Time of Your Life, the singer repeats the line, "It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's
right. I hope you had the time of your life." This line is repeated throughout the song multiple times. The singer is emphasizing the fact that anything
can happen when you make your choice but in the end, you have to just relax and be happy. He wants the audience to really understand it. In the other
song, the line, "Move along, move along. Just to make it through" The singer is repeating the term, "Move along" because that is the main message in
this song. It is to move along when things seem bad. The singer wants the audience to really get the message and to feel good when they relate to this
song. These lines connect to the theme because they are talking about moving on in tough situations and being satisfied with the outcome. These lyrics
were emphasized well. Besides repetition, the singers also used symbols and juxtaposition to
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Comparison Essay: College Writing Vs. High School
After reading those two articles, I think college writing is totally different from high school writing; we need to put much more effort on developing
our research, thinking and writing skills. In college writing, we will use tools like academic writing situation to help us in creating papers. And we
must be responsible for all assignments and works in order to be successful. It is not difficult to write, but writing with professional vocabulary and
correct format with our own fresh thoughts is challenging. As Strong said, "Writing is thinking.", there is no perfect first draft, as long as we rewrite
with consistent thinking, we will be a qualified college writer.
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A Comparison of Two Advertisements
Advertising is a way of publicizing a product that you want to sell. There are many of different things to advertise, such as clothes, shoes, cars,
watches etc. Advertising promotes the latest goods that are out in the shops. Advertising effects me everyday because every time I see a advertisement
it attracts me to the product and I think about buying it or saving up to buy it.
In this assignment, I will be talking about two different car advertisements; one car advertisement, the Fiat Stilo advert comes from FHM magazine, a
publication aimed at young men aged sixteen and over. The other car, the Rover Streetwise advert comes from the Radio Times which more
The Rover streetwise advert has pictures of daily life things such as coffee, donuts, a football, children's Wellingtons boots and a shopping trolley
with groceries inside the trolley. This indicates that the car is a family car and is aimed at married women mainly but can also be used by a
family man to drive to and from work. The slogan for the advert "shrugs of life's little challenges" is related to the pictures for example the child's
muddy Wellington boot. The donut would represent the father who is hungry on the way home or to work, the shopping trolley would represent
that the car is useful for a family shopping spree. The advert also uses the word 'Bump' which is saying that even if a heavy load is in the car it can
still go over speed bumps. I like the way the advert creates an image of characters in the readers mind, although you cannot see a physical person
(image) but the pictures imply their existence. For example, like when I saw the picture of the Wellingtons, an image of a little boy was the first
thing I thought of. The advert tells stories of different family lives because each picture relates to many things in everyday life. I wouldn't buy this
car because it's Rover, and I don't like rovers I don't think they are good quality cars. However the way this car is designed is nice, it is an attractive car
and I wouldn't mind driving it. I appreciate this
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Jane Eyre Comparison Essay
In the novel, Jane Eyre, the title character experiences difficulty with her social class and its impact on her love life. She falls in love with Mr.
Rochester, who is a wealthier man than her, but he appears to express interest in Blanche Ingram. Miss Ingram is a woman of higher status and is
socially compatible with Mr. Rochester, causing Jane to question his love as well as her own. These struggles can be depicted through narration,
however the movie adaptations of the novel must resort to other methods. One choice made by the directors, Robert Stevenson, director of the 1944
adaptation, and Cary Fukunaga, director of the 2011 adaptation, is the costume design of specific character. Stevenson utilizes the style of costume
design more content...
Both women seek to marry the same man, Mr. Rochester, however it appears that he desires Miss Ingram due to his shared social class, while Jane
remains poorer than him. The existence of this social conflict is prevalent through the plots, however the costume designs of Jane Eyre and Blanche
Ingram emphasize the elements of status. The apparent differences in costume selections for Miss Ingram and Jane Eyre serve to further emphasize
the gap in social status between the two. From this, the audience can see Blanche's beauty and grace being highlighted by her outfit, causing her to
appear as more desirable than Jane. The extravagance of Miss Ingram causes the audience to assume that Mr. Rochester wishes to marry her over Jane
and her simplistic style, and, in turn, creates tension within the conflict. The costume design produces the implication that Jane is undesirable to Mr.
Rochester, due to her evident lower social class. This tension is best created by Stevenson, as he utilizes the stark contrasts of clothing between Jane's
simplicity and Blanche's complexity. In contrast, Fukunaga's choices in costume design draw too many parallels between the clothes of women in two
opposing social classes. As a result, the audience does not sense this tension developed by differences in costuming and the impact of the resolution,
when Mr. Rochester proposes to Jane, is
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Compare And Contrast Questions In Ielts
How to write 'Compare and Contrast' question in IELTS writing task 2
What is the question?
In this essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the points of comparing and contrasting the two things i.e. similarities and differences between the
two. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of similarities and differences of the two mentioned things after reading the question.
Let's look at an example:
Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment.
Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment?
With this type of essay, you have two points to be discussed as follows:
Benefits of living in a house/apartment
Issues of living in an house/ more content...
Some people think that learning online is more efficient. However, according to some other people, studying from books is still the preferred method.
Which is the better method of learning out of the two?
2. Distance education is gaining popularity day by day and more students are enrolling through distance mode than fullā€“time course in colleges. Make
comparison of distance education and fullā€“time course to find which is better and why.
3. A growing number of people own personal vehicle as they find it a convenient mode of transport in comparison to public transport. Compare the
public and private mode of transportation and state which is better out of the two.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment.
Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250
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Comparison Of Two Films: Essay
In that paper, I will try to compare two films which are "A Birth of a Nation" directed by D.W.Griffith and "The Bicycle Thieves" directed by De Sica.
After giving the story of the films, I will try to explain their technical features and their similarities.
A Birth of a Nation by D. W.Griffith
Griffith can be seen as the first 'modern' director, his greatest achievements being the historical epics The Birth Of A Nation. When it was released, it
was one of the longest films ever made, over three hours in length. The prologue depicts the introduction of slavery to America in theseventeenth
century and the beginnings of the abolitionist movement. The major part of the film depicts the events before, more content...
The mainstream picture was probably the best advertisement that the KU KLUX KLAN could have had. The vilifying of blacks also led to the Jim
Crow system. When it was portrayed in this movie as acceptable, people in the South felt much better about doing horrible deeds to black citizens,
denying blacks their civil rights
Though the portrayal of both blacks and the KU KLUX KLAN were extremely off track, the movie itself was an amazing work of cinema for its
time. This was probably the first movie to use hundreds of extra in a battle scene. These scenes were well crafted by the filmmaker, and while not
to the perfection of more modern films such as Braveheart, the technology and genius that the filmmaker used rival such films. To think that the
movie was released only fifty years after the end of the Civil War makes the feat seem even more incredible. In seeing the huge battles, I did not
need sound to hear the sounds of battle in my imagination. It would have been incredible if the movie had been made in the era where sound came
into movies. Griffith deployed all the technical experiments of his previous movies for maximum visceral effect, along with a prepared score mixing
classical music and folk tunes. With expressive closeā€“ups, including crossā€“cutting, multiple camera positions, interā€“titles long shots, irises and
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Compare and Contrast Essay of Two Neighborhood
Patricia Brown
Ellen Beckford
English 1101
13 February 2013
Two Neighborhoods
The convenience of living in an urban or suburban neighborhood can be appealing to many people. Choosing between areas can sometimes be
overwhelming for some individual. People are not only concerned about the safety of a community, but they are also concerned about the environment.
Although some neighborhoods might look attractive, people should consider the expense that comes with it, and how commuting will affect them in
the long run. Nevertheless, both neighborhoods have their specific advantages and disadvantages. When choosing between an urban or suburban
neighborhood, it is important for people to research the community, the expense, and more content...
Another key point is commuting. People who live in the urban community have better access to public transportation. Citizens can easily get around by
walking, taking a bus, and riding the train at a lower cost. In contrast, owning a home in suburb can be costly for many people. Not only do people
have to keep up with their mortgages, but they sometimes have to pay a yard maintenance fee and their Home Owners Association (HOA) dues for the
upā€“keeping of the neighborhood which can be very costly. Besides the home cost, people who live in suburban neighborhoods do have the
convenience of traveling in the comfort of their own vehicle, and they do not deal with the concerns of public transportation. However, they still have
to deal with the cost for long commuting and the wear and tear of the vehicle.
Living in the innerā€“city and suburban neighborhood can be challenging and beneficial for some individuals, especially for career opportunity. Many
people who live in the urban communities have a better advantage in finding a job of their choice. Most corporations are located in the innerā€“city
which makes it easier for people to find a job. Despite the job opportunities in the innerā€“city, many of these corporations do not provide parking for
their employee which makes it difficult for many individuals. On the other hand, employment in the suburb is very limited and many of the
professional jobs are
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Short Story And Song Comparison Essay
The story and the song used in this comparison are "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway and "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson. Both of
them deal with hope and strong urge of motivation. However, they deal with it in a distinctive yet a very similar way. This essay will convey the main
settings, plots, and themes differences between the two pieces.
One of the major differences in the two pieces is the setting and the effect of this difference. In the story, and according to Santiago's relationship with
nature, "the old man and the sea" the events are happening in the rural area beside a sea "The old man lives in a shack made of budā€“shields of royal
palm..." (Pg. 15) this describes the fisherman's house and limiting the theme. Meanwhile, the song "Stronger" is in a more general and open setting in
which it sends a theme that could be applied to all lifeā€“sortā€“obstacles. This difference in settings is essential since it affects the theme either making it
too general, or too specific, even though the sea is used as a symbol representing "life".
The plots of the story and the song are completely distinctive. The story is about an old, lonely, and humble fisherman who is having hard times fishing
in the sea. Purposely, more content...
If you overcome them, then basically, you become stronger. For instance, in "Stronger" Kelly demonstrates a few examples of obstacles from life,
that are relatable "Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone" (line 16) and tells us that they are experiences in which we learn and get wiser from.
This is similar to the story "the old man and the sea" in which the fisherman is motivating him every day to try harder and continue hoping. Basically,
if the obstacles put you down, you've basically made no growth or progress. But if it doesn't kill you, you've grown
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Comparing Email Vs. Traditional Letters
When compared on format, time and cost it is proven that emailing is more efficient than traditional letters. In today's generation it is very rare for
people to write traditional letters to each other. This generation is becoming known for its quick and a technology based world. Emailing is quick and
simple and always at the tip of the fingers. Unlike emailing, traditional letters take time.
Emails are more commonly used than letters. This is because emails can be sent and received within minutes. It is a much faster form of communication
than a letter. In addition to the speed, an email can be sent/received, emails can also be saved onto flash drives or directly on the computer. Furthermore,
with the new technology out today, more content...
If someone is to write a more formal email you would start off by addressing the person by their name and then get into the body of the email by
replying to the purpose of the message. Most emails are sent just for a quick reply.
Often times businesses use emails to communicate to other businesses, especially when dealing with transactions. Having a record of when you
talked to a person (email timestamps) is a definitive way to make sure people hold up to their end of the deal. Businesses may also use emails to share
important documents with one another, you are able to attach a file and then you can share any document you need to.
Communication through email is also able to cut down people's eco footprint. Using the internet to share thoughts, documents, or have conversations
cuts down the need for trees to be cut down. When using an email, the only thing you need is the person's email address. Emails are not as trustworthy
as traditional letters however.
Traditional letters have a stronger trust behind them as most are hand delivered from door to door. Often times with the capability to have a tracking
number. Also like email, Traditional letters have more of a formal format. Traditional letters usually start out with addressing the person in formal way
such as "Dear ... ", "Greetings ... ", "Good Morning/Evening/Afternoon", and etc.
A handwritten letter is seen as a more personal form of communication mainly because the
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Compare And Contrast Traditional Teaching Styles
No teachers are similar as well as no students learn in the same way. Every teacher has their own unique teaching style which is based on their
educational philosophy, their classroom's demographic, what subject area they teach, and the school's mission statement. Up until now, teachers are
looking for a system that will engage students in the educational process and will develop the students' critical thinking skills. Moreover, teachers want
the classroom to be in order and in control, but they also want their students to appreciate the learning procedure. These teaching styles can be divided
into two approaches ā€“ the teacherā€“centered and learnerā€“centered.
Traditional teaching styles use teacherā€“centered approach. It includes a teacher that stands at the front and tells students step by step instructions. The
teacher decides what is learned, when it is learned, how it is learned, and how learning is evaluated. In a nutshell, the teacher is an information giver
and evaluator. The students are just there to learn through lessons and direct instructions. Their attention is mainly focused on passing tests,
assessments, and evaluations.
Through the years, many successful people have came from the traditional setting. The earliest recorded occurrence of education proved that people
learned in more content...
Students are placed in the responsibility of their own learning and understanding while the teachers encourage students to be more independent and
more exploratory. The teachers will foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process as they act as a source of experiences. In addition, as the
students watch their teacher makes mistakes, they will learn those failures are part of the learning process. The students will soon realize that mistakes
are natural in life and it will serve as stepping stones to
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Compare And Contrast Two Friends

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  • 2. Books vs Ebooks Essay Now days with the rise of digital technology many physical items such as pen and paper are slowly being replaced by computers and smart phones. But is this really a good thing? I read books and of course so do many other people in this class and around the globe. But since the creation of 'eā€“readers' more and more people have been converting to the technology based side of reading. Although technology is slowly becoming more predominant in this era we should not rely on it to always entertain and keep us occupied. I think 'real, physical' books are better than eā€“books because you can truly own a book. As Mortimer J. Adler, a popular author, says, 'Full ownership comes only when you have made [the book] a part of yourself, and the more content... Of course that's not strictly trueā€“you can loan your book by loaning your reading device, but that's like giving someone access to one of your books by loaning them an entire library, book cases and all. And books are a tactile experience, meaning they are supposed to be experienced through touch and smell (especially for the old books). A book is meant to be an experience that can have depressions and elevations on the cover and text, feeling the weight of the pages as you turn them and all of these elements when combined make a book what it is, but when you read an eā€“book you are exposed to digitized text and a screen. And it's been proven that when people are exposed to screens of TVs or computers they are less likely to have a good night sleep. On a web poll about eā€“books vs. books one person commented, 'I've tried reading a few eā€“books but I've always given up. I just don't like looking at digitized text when I'm reading a novel. I like the feel, the weight and even the smell of books,' many of the following comments made by others agreed with this persons thoughts. A book is a singleā€“task item that is written to distract the reader from everything else happening around them, they are technology designed for the best possible reading experience. An eā€“reader, however, tends to be a multiā€“tasking item with the ability to play music and videos as well as hold books. The iPad has a reading function but the focus is Get more content on
  • 3. Writing and Compare-and-contrast Essays Compare and Contrast This type of writing assignment is common. On a standardized test, you may be asked to analyze literature, evaluate ideas, or make a judgment and explain your reasons. In responding to these types of prompts, you often will compare and contrast characters, concepts, or choices. You will be asked to identify similarities and differences, which are the key to compareā€“andā€“contrast essays. There are ways to organize your thoughts about compareā€“andā€“contrast topics, which will help you write thoughtful and balanced essays. Compareā€“andā€“Contrast Essays First, you will learn how to write a compareā€“andā€“contrast essay When you compare, you show how two or more things are alike. On the other hand, when you contrast, more content... The similarities are shown in the overlapping middle section. Gathering Details The next step in preparing your compareā€“andā€“contrast essay is to gather details, descriptions, and examples to provide a clear understanding of the subjects being compared. There are several ways to gather details. One way is to use your personal experiences. If you are writing about a subject with which you have direct experience, your knowledge of that subject can be Get more content on
  • 4. Dogs Vs Cats In my compareā€“contrast essay Dogs and Cats , Š”Ā± have written the differences and similarities between being a dog and cat owner. Now, I will evaluate myself in terms of my weak and strong points. Firstly, Š”Ā± want to mention my strongest point of my essay. According to paperrater's feedback, the organization of my essay is perfect score. This score is based on quality of transitional phrases used within my paper. Their comment is ''your usage of transitional phrases is well above average! You may not need to read the info below, but you're such a meticulous writer that you probably will anyways.'' In all my essay, Š”Ā± give importance to write signal words so that Š”Ā± can emphasize my points. Especially, whilewriting compareā€“contrast essay or arguementative essay, Š”Ā±t's important to use linking more content... Firstly, there is no need to more focus on linking words on my essay. Because it's the only and strongest point of the essay.Šæ ŠƒŠ‰ Secondly, in order to avoid my spelling mistakes, it's necessary to pay attention to spelling of the words. Maybe, Š”Ā± have to check the word before write an essay. The other significiant point is, Š”Ā± have to check the word in terms of their part of speech. Also, Š”Ā± can load my essay in such kind of feedback pages before the delivery. It's also important to learn usage of comma and Š”Ā± study on it. Because it's not acceptable to make a punctuation mistake in my second year of the university. ŠæŠƒŠ‰ Finally, Š”Ā± should try to write longer sentences in my essays. Sometimes, Š”Ā± connect the sentences relative clause or conjunction to make sentence longer. Finally, before writing an essay, Š”Ā± have to read more essay about my subject. If Š”Ā± don't have any idea or brainstorm, Š”Ā± cannot write an successful essay and Š”Ā± can easily get lost in my paper. I should create an outline first and then Š”Ā± can begin to write. Otherwise, disorder and boring to read essay can be created by Get more content on
  • 5. How To Write A English Comparison Essay English Comparison Essay Why do we have best friends? What part of your brain tells you to find someone you like and cling to them? You cling to people like your best friends because they bring you comfort, reassurance, and happiness. In this essay I will be comparing two of my best friends, to show that there are many different types of people who can bring joy into your life. Abbie and Ashton have two totally different families. Abbie has a younger brother, an older brother, and an older sister. Whereas Ashton only has a younger sister and an older sister. Ashton, being the middle child, often feels neglected and left out. While on the other hand Abbie has brothers that pick on her all the time and pull silly pranks on her. They Get more content on
  • 6. Writing Persuasive And Comparison Essay Have you ever needed help persuading or comparing something? Then lost tools of writing will help tremendously! This year ltw helped me with three main skills, it helped master writing persuasive essays, comparison essays, and helped me become a better writer in general. Doing the charts over and over again really burned in my brain the steps in how to write persuasive and comparison essays. I have practically memorized the outline which will be very helpful in the future. The papers I'm most proud of are the comparison essays because I like how they turned out the best. Even though the process was tedious, lost tools of writing has hopefully prepared me for completing papers in the future. Algebra one wasn't fun. But I did learn a lot of Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Comparing Two Businesses James M. Gordon Strayer University BUS 302ā€“ Management Concepts Professor: Justin U. Harris Ph.D. Assignment #1 Comparing Two Businesses Authors Note James M. Gordon, Strayer University Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to James M. Gordon, Eā€“mail: Assignment #1 Comparing Two Similar Businesses, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) with a +$100 billion market capitalization is a multinational electronic commerce company headquartered in Seattle, Washington, United States. It is the world's largest online retailer. Amazon has separate websites for the following countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, more content... These superstores, which numbered 116 in early 1996, provided customers with plentiful sitting and browsing areas, a wellā€“versed customer service team, and even espresso bars featuring live entertainment. Borders Group, Inc. came into existence following the spinoff from its parent Kmart Corporation in May 1995. But the Borders name dates back over two decades. Borders began as a single used bookstore in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The shop was founded by Louis and Tom Borders in 1971. Serving the bustling academic community of the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor's smaller colleges, the store held its own and became a popular neighborhood hangout. Within the next several years, the Borders brothers opened two more bookstores in Michigan, one in Atlanta, and another in Indianapolis. In addition, Louis and Tom started a wholesaling business they called BIS (Book Inventory Systems), which experienced healthy growth. When looking at the different management approaches, there is an approach called "working backwards" that is widely used at Amazon. The approach allows them to work backwards from the customer, rather than starting with an idea for a product and trying to bolt customers onto it. While working backwards can be applied to any specific product decision, using this approach is especially important
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  • 9. Art Comparison Art is an incredible medium when used to its fullest potential. What I mean by that is; it has the capabilities to surround the viewer with its imagery and play with the emotions. Paintings are particulary effective in doing this through the use of color tones and 'temperature'. For example; El Greco used a lot of blue and green throughout his body of work. The outcome is that the subject matter comes off as ghostly and perhaps a little alien. This is in high contrast to Georgia O'Keeffe's desert paintings, which utilise reds, yellows, and browns to create a 'warm' and appealing landscape. Of course, these are not the only artist to make master works of tonality. Here are five artists (which you may recognize) who have harnesed the power more content... Both Velazquez's 'Old Woman' and Rembrandt's 'Prodigal Son' are bathed in (or painted in) golden yellow tones. While both are wearing clothes of differing colors, each pigment is mixed with a little yellow, white, or light brown to give warmth to the figure. This helps them to contrast to the very dark background. I like how Rembrandt has figures in the background that are almost indiscernable. By being part of the opposing (darker) tonal group, we as viewers are shown that they are not the most important part of the portrait; that the son and father are. Velazquez, however, chooses to have all elements of interest in the lighter tones in his painting, leaving the back as a dark void of mystery. Van Gogh is probably one of the most interesting painters concerning tonality. His purposeful usage of onecolor in a body of work is a strong reference to emotion (particularly in his portraits). His expressive brush work swirls the blues, and slight yellow and green, around his face. Even his skin has a bluish hue. These elements describe a somber or sorrowful state of mind. Its as almost if the troubles around him are seeping into his skin (like the blue). That being said, tonality is both the friend of the artist and the artā€“lover. It is a wonderful story Get more content on
  • 10. Compare And Contrast Two Places Compare & Contrast Essay Imagine two places where you could choose with the outcome of receiving new life experiences. You could choose two places that have different settings, where you could visit for vacation or simply choose to live there depending on your decision. But which of these places would you choose? It could be so difficult to decide. Each place have their own environment that has its pro's and con's along with it. Many of you may be asking yourself "What places could the narrator be talking about?" Pretty funny how I can relate to your thoughts, the two places we have come too, to listen to their seminaries & differences are the lovely two states named Florida & North Carolina located in the United States of America. Florida, more content... North Carolina is home for a famous NFL team known as the North Carolina panthers, along with famous attractions such as the Nascar hall of fame. It's mainly known for land, along with small towns. North Carolina has a different surrounding as of Florida. North Carolina has a very historical event where the actual Wright Brother's officially flew a plane, outside the outer banks by popular beaches. North Carolina, has great college's too choose from for example you have Duke University, North Carolina State University that provide excellent educational plans to study for a major of your future careers. Here's the fact the minimum wage for North Carolina is way less then Florida currently they're providing $7.25 while in Florida they provide $8.05. Sure Eighty five cent's sounds small but it's a big difference. Along with economic differences. The main differences between Florida & North Carolina is considered an always hot environment while in north Carolina is different, mainly seasonal changes occur, Experiencing all of the changes in your surroundings. If you're looking for a more satisfying place to live in, it depends on your taste but if you'd like to experience many things I'd recommend Florida as I listed the reasons before by experiencing certain aspects such as the state provides more Get more content on
  • 11. Song Comparison Essay Matthew ChungChung 1 Ms. Spilberg ENG2D1 March 5, 2013 Song Comparison Essay The road of life can be a bumpy one. There will always be twists and turns that can alter a person's life, changing the course of their destination. Even though life can be tough, you have to draw upon your inner strength in order to persevere. The songs, "Move Along" by The Allā€“American Rejects and "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" by Greenday sing about this message. The lyrics in their songs have manyliterary devices such as personification, repetition, symbolism and juxtaposition. The personification will help more content... The theme is how when you have a tough, important moment in life, you have to make the best of it and move along. An image for these lyrics will help you connect to the theme because you can see what is going on and a picture will help you understand something more. In my next paragraph, I will be talking about how the singers used repetition to emphasize certain points. In these songs, lyrics were repeated. Repetition draws the listener's attention to particular words or phrases. In the song, Time of Your Life, the singer repeats the line, "It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life." This line is repeated throughout the song multiple times. The singer is emphasizing the fact that anything can happen when you make your choice but in the end, you have to just relax and be happy. He wants the audience to really understand it. In the other song, the line, "Move along, move along. Just to make it through" The singer is repeating the term, "Move along" because that is the main message in this song. It is to move along when things seem bad. The singer wants the audience to really get the message and to feel good when they relate to this song. These lines connect to the theme because they are talking about moving on in tough situations and being satisfied with the outcome. These lyrics were emphasized well. Besides repetition, the singers also used symbols and juxtaposition to Get more content on
  • 12. Comparison Essay: College Writing Vs. High School After reading those two articles, I think college writing is totally different from high school writing; we need to put much more effort on developing our research, thinking and writing skills. In college writing, we will use tools like academic writing situation to help us in creating papers. And we must be responsible for all assignments and works in order to be successful. It is not difficult to write, but writing with professional vocabulary and correct format with our own fresh thoughts is challenging. As Strong said, "Writing is thinking.", there is no perfect first draft, as long as we rewrite with consistent thinking, we will be a qualified college writer. Get more content on
  • 13. A Comparison of Two Advertisements Advertising is a way of publicizing a product that you want to sell. There are many of different things to advertise, such as clothes, shoes, cars, watches etc. Advertising promotes the latest goods that are out in the shops. Advertising effects me everyday because every time I see a advertisement it attracts me to the product and I think about buying it or saving up to buy it. In this assignment, I will be talking about two different car advertisements; one car advertisement, the Fiat Stilo advert comes from FHM magazine, a publication aimed at young men aged sixteen and over. The other car, the Rover Streetwise advert comes from the Radio Times which more content... The Rover streetwise advert has pictures of daily life things such as coffee, donuts, a football, children's Wellingtons boots and a shopping trolley with groceries inside the trolley. This indicates that the car is a family car and is aimed at married women mainly but can also be used by a family man to drive to and from work. The slogan for the advert "shrugs of life's little challenges" is related to the pictures for example the child's muddy Wellington boot. The donut would represent the father who is hungry on the way home or to work, the shopping trolley would represent that the car is useful for a family shopping spree. The advert also uses the word 'Bump' which is saying that even if a heavy load is in the car it can still go over speed bumps. I like the way the advert creates an image of characters in the readers mind, although you cannot see a physical person (image) but the pictures imply their existence. For example, like when I saw the picture of the Wellingtons, an image of a little boy was the first thing I thought of. The advert tells stories of different family lives because each picture relates to many things in everyday life. I wouldn't buy this car because it's Rover, and I don't like rovers I don't think they are good quality cars. However the way this car is designed is nice, it is an attractive car and I wouldn't mind driving it. I appreciate this Get more content on
  • 14. Jane Eyre Comparison Essay In the novel, Jane Eyre, the title character experiences difficulty with her social class and its impact on her love life. She falls in love with Mr. Rochester, who is a wealthier man than her, but he appears to express interest in Blanche Ingram. Miss Ingram is a woman of higher status and is socially compatible with Mr. Rochester, causing Jane to question his love as well as her own. These struggles can be depicted through narration, however the movie adaptations of the novel must resort to other methods. One choice made by the directors, Robert Stevenson, director of the 1944 adaptation, and Cary Fukunaga, director of the 2011 adaptation, is the costume design of specific character. Stevenson utilizes the style of costume design more content... Both women seek to marry the same man, Mr. Rochester, however it appears that he desires Miss Ingram due to his shared social class, while Jane remains poorer than him. The existence of this social conflict is prevalent through the plots, however the costume designs of Jane Eyre and Blanche Ingram emphasize the elements of status. The apparent differences in costume selections for Miss Ingram and Jane Eyre serve to further emphasize the gap in social status between the two. From this, the audience can see Blanche's beauty and grace being highlighted by her outfit, causing her to appear as more desirable than Jane. The extravagance of Miss Ingram causes the audience to assume that Mr. Rochester wishes to marry her over Jane and her simplistic style, and, in turn, creates tension within the conflict. The costume design produces the implication that Jane is undesirable to Mr. Rochester, due to her evident lower social class. This tension is best created by Stevenson, as he utilizes the stark contrasts of clothing between Jane's simplicity and Blanche's complexity. In contrast, Fukunaga's choices in costume design draw too many parallels between the clothes of women in two opposing social classes. As a result, the audience does not sense this tension developed by differences in costuming and the impact of the resolution, when Mr. Rochester proposes to Jane, is Get more content on
  • 15. Compare And Contrast Questions In Ielts How to write 'Compare and Contrast' question in IELTS writing task 2 What is the question? In this essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the points of comparing and contrasting the two things i.e. similarities and differences between the two. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of similarities and differences of the two mentioned things after reading the question. Let's look at an example: Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment. Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment? With this type of essay, you have two points to be discussed as follows: Benefits of living in a house/apartment Issues of living in an house/ more content... Some people think that learning online is more efficient. However, according to some other people, studying from books is still the preferred method. Which is the better method of learning out of the two? 2. Distance education is gaining popularity day by day and more students are enrolling through distance mode than fullā€“time course in colleges. Make comparison of distance education and fullā€“time course to find which is better and why. 3. A growing number of people own personal vehicle as they find it a convenient mode of transport in comparison to public transport. Compare the public and private mode of transportation and state which is better out of the two. Question: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
  • 16. Write about the following topic: Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment. Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 Get more content on
  • 17. Comparison Of Two Films: Essay In that paper, I will try to compare two films which are "A Birth of a Nation" directed by D.W.Griffith and "The Bicycle Thieves" directed by De Sica. After giving the story of the films, I will try to explain their technical features and their similarities. A Birth of a Nation by D. W.Griffith Griffith can be seen as the first 'modern' director, his greatest achievements being the historical epics The Birth Of A Nation. When it was released, it was one of the longest films ever made, over three hours in length. The prologue depicts the introduction of slavery to America in theseventeenth century and the beginnings of the abolitionist movement. The major part of the film depicts the events before, more content... The mainstream picture was probably the best advertisement that the KU KLUX KLAN could have had. The vilifying of blacks also led to the Jim Crow system. When it was portrayed in this movie as acceptable, people in the South felt much better about doing horrible deeds to black citizens, denying blacks their civil rights Though the portrayal of both blacks and the KU KLUX KLAN were extremely off track, the movie itself was an amazing work of cinema for its time. This was probably the first movie to use hundreds of extra in a battle scene. These scenes were well crafted by the filmmaker, and while not to the perfection of more modern films such as Braveheart, the technology and genius that the filmmaker used rival such films. To think that the movie was released only fifty years after the end of the Civil War makes the feat seem even more incredible. In seeing the huge battles, I did not need sound to hear the sounds of battle in my imagination. It would have been incredible if the movie had been made in the era where sound came into movies. Griffith deployed all the technical experiments of his previous movies for maximum visceral effect, along with a prepared score mixing classical music and folk tunes. With expressive closeā€“ups, including crossā€“cutting, multiple camera positions, interā€“titles long shots, irises and superimposition, Get more content on
  • 18. Compare and Contrast Essay of Two Neighborhood Patricia Brown Ellen Beckford English 1101 13 February 2013 Two Neighborhoods The convenience of living in an urban or suburban neighborhood can be appealing to many people. Choosing between areas can sometimes be overwhelming for some individual. People are not only concerned about the safety of a community, but they are also concerned about the environment. Although some neighborhoods might look attractive, people should consider the expense that comes with it, and how commuting will affect them in the long run. Nevertheless, both neighborhoods have their specific advantages and disadvantages. When choosing between an urban or suburban neighborhood, it is important for people to research the community, the expense, and more content... Another key point is commuting. People who live in the urban community have better access to public transportation. Citizens can easily get around by walking, taking a bus, and riding the train at a lower cost. In contrast, owning a home in suburb can be costly for many people. Not only do people have to keep up with their mortgages, but they sometimes have to pay a yard maintenance fee and their Home Owners Association (HOA) dues for the upā€“keeping of the neighborhood which can be very costly. Besides the home cost, people who live in suburban neighborhoods do have the convenience of traveling in the comfort of their own vehicle, and they do not deal with the concerns of public transportation. However, they still have to deal with the cost for long commuting and the wear and tear of the vehicle. Living in the innerā€“city and suburban neighborhood can be challenging and beneficial for some individuals, especially for career opportunity. Many people who live in the urban communities have a better advantage in finding a job of their choice. Most corporations are located in the innerā€“city which makes it easier for people to find a job. Despite the job opportunities in the innerā€“city, many of these corporations do not provide parking for their employee which makes it difficult for many individuals. On the other hand, employment in the suburb is very limited and many of the professional jobs are Get more content on
  • 19. Short Story And Song Comparison Essay The story and the song used in this comparison are "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway and "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson. Both of them deal with hope and strong urge of motivation. However, they deal with it in a distinctive yet a very similar way. This essay will convey the main settings, plots, and themes differences between the two pieces. One of the major differences in the two pieces is the setting and the effect of this difference. In the story, and according to Santiago's relationship with nature, "the old man and the sea" the events are happening in the rural area beside a sea "The old man lives in a shack made of budā€“shields of royal palm..." (Pg. 15) this describes the fisherman's house and limiting the theme. Meanwhile, the song "Stronger" is in a more general and open setting in which it sends a theme that could be applied to all lifeā€“sortā€“obstacles. This difference in settings is essential since it affects the theme either making it too general, or too specific, even though the sea is used as a symbol representing "life". The plots of the story and the song are completely distinctive. The story is about an old, lonely, and humble fisherman who is having hard times fishing in the sea. Purposely, more content... If you overcome them, then basically, you become stronger. For instance, in "Stronger" Kelly demonstrates a few examples of obstacles from life, that are relatable "Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone" (line 16) and tells us that they are experiences in which we learn and get wiser from. This is similar to the story "the old man and the sea" in which the fisherman is motivating him every day to try harder and continue hoping. Basically, if the obstacles put you down, you've basically made no growth or progress. But if it doesn't kill you, you've grown Get more content on
  • 20. Comparing Email Vs. Traditional Letters When compared on format, time and cost it is proven that emailing is more efficient than traditional letters. In today's generation it is very rare for people to write traditional letters to each other. This generation is becoming known for its quick and a technology based world. Emailing is quick and simple and always at the tip of the fingers. Unlike emailing, traditional letters take time. Emails are more commonly used than letters. This is because emails can be sent and received within minutes. It is a much faster form of communication than a letter. In addition to the speed, an email can be sent/received, emails can also be saved onto flash drives or directly on the computer. Furthermore, with the new technology out today, more content... If someone is to write a more formal email you would start off by addressing the person by their name and then get into the body of the email by replying to the purpose of the message. Most emails are sent just for a quick reply. Often times businesses use emails to communicate to other businesses, especially when dealing with transactions. Having a record of when you talked to a person (email timestamps) is a definitive way to make sure people hold up to their end of the deal. Businesses may also use emails to share important documents with one another, you are able to attach a file and then you can share any document you need to. Communication through email is also able to cut down people's eco footprint. Using the internet to share thoughts, documents, or have conversations cuts down the need for trees to be cut down. When using an email, the only thing you need is the person's email address. Emails are not as trustworthy as traditional letters however. Traditional letters have a stronger trust behind them as most are hand delivered from door to door. Often times with the capability to have a tracking number. Also like email, Traditional letters have more of a formal format. Traditional letters usually start out with addressing the person in formal way such as "Dear ... ", "Greetings ... ", "Good Morning/Evening/Afternoon", and etc. A handwritten letter is seen as a more personal form of communication mainly because the Get more content on
  • 21. Compare And Contrast Traditional Teaching Styles No teachers are similar as well as no students learn in the same way. Every teacher has their own unique teaching style which is based on their educational philosophy, their classroom's demographic, what subject area they teach, and the school's mission statement. Up until now, teachers are looking for a system that will engage students in the educational process and will develop the students' critical thinking skills. Moreover, teachers want the classroom to be in order and in control, but they also want their students to appreciate the learning procedure. These teaching styles can be divided into two approaches ā€“ the teacherā€“centered and learnerā€“centered. Traditional teaching styles use teacherā€“centered approach. It includes a teacher that stands at the front and tells students step by step instructions. The teacher decides what is learned, when it is learned, how it is learned, and how learning is evaluated. In a nutshell, the teacher is an information giver and evaluator. The students are just there to learn through lessons and direct instructions. Their attention is mainly focused on passing tests, assessments, and evaluations. Through the years, many successful people have came from the traditional setting. The earliest recorded occurrence of education proved that people learned in more content... Students are placed in the responsibility of their own learning and understanding while the teachers encourage students to be more independent and more exploratory. The teachers will foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process as they act as a source of experiences. In addition, as the students watch their teacher makes mistakes, they will learn those failures are part of the learning process. The students will soon realize that mistakes are natural in life and it will serve as stepping stones to Get more content on