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Community Service Paper
Danny Speed Theology Period 2 Community service paper Before I went to community service I felt very confused and excited at the same time
because when I was in the 7th and 8th grade I went to do community service but it was hard and very long. Also But this year it was even longer and I
already knew how to do it but it was very boring to do it all again. Also I was very excited because I knew that we could choose to go where ever we
won't and I knew I wanted to go to help kids out. So I was very excited about that but I also was not happy that we had to do six hours. During the
process of the moment happening I became more like I wanted to do it more. During my community service I went to Little Hearts Child Care where I
got to help
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Community Observation Report
Community service is services volunteered by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions. My favorite community service
job that I completed was located at The Junior Achievement at the Atlanta Discovery Center. The objective of this service was to teach children how to
survive and succeed in the world economically through the use of time, talent, cooperation, and education. Before they came to the center students were
trained by their teachers to budget money and to spend it wisely. So when they finally arrived, a real life model was presented to them. With the
compelling volunteer and student interaction, we helped each student understand the theory to life and also understand the differences between needs
and wants. The building was set up with different mini department stores like Chick–fil–A, Publix, philanthropy shop, SunTrust bank, home/apartment
agencies, automobile shop, Belk, Kaiser Permanente, and AT&T. These shops were to help the students understand manage the differences between
what they really need and what they really want. In addition, the goal was to also help build character and skills to make it in the fast–moving real
world. Before the volunteer work began the director of the center sat us in the room and trained us, with the use of a PowerPoint on the tasks that we
would be performing. First, she assigned us a store, and some people had to share stores because some jobs involved printing. I was assigned the
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Community Service Research Paper
Community service in our society is starting to get a diminished appeal because it doesn't sound fun. Teenagers don't understand what they are doing
for other people and our focused on the entertaining aspect of it. When it shouldn't be about that. It should be about helping people, but we are too
concerned with ourselves. Required community service would some people good because it would teach them how to do it, but in a way it might ruin
the purpose of it. This is because community service and service in general should be about the greater good, not because you are forced to do it to
graduate. The point is that society has changed loads since the Counterculture Movement, in the sixties, but attitudes for this are still not the greatest. more content...
When he or she is tutoring a kid they can see the difference and growth from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Usually when he or she
is tutoring a kid this happens because kids can retain information in incredible amounts. When he or she tutors a child they must take certain
procedures because it matters what age they are to what procedure he or she might do. Somebody with a learning disability might have a different
method of learning something then the person that is dyslexic. He or she may never know, but he or she needs to figure out what that stimulus is that
helps them learn the best and apply it to how he or she might teach them. This is the thing that gives me the satisfaction is working with a student that
has a learning disability. When he or she is working with them it is hard sometimes to come up with ways in which they will retain the information
that he or she is throwing at them. Sometimes it can take a long time until they finally get it, but when they do is when the feeling of accomplishment
comes in and he or she starts to appreciate the amount of work that they put in to help the child out. This is the part I like the best because it can be
frustrating when the person isn't getting what he or she is trying to teach them, but once they get it it is the best feeling in the
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Community Service Persuasive Speech
General Purpose: To persuade the audience that community service should be implemented into high school requirements.
Attention Gainer: According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, San Diego's homeless population is the fourth largest in the
United States (Schroeder, 2015).
Reason to Listen: As you will soon see, there are easy steps that we can all take to help this growing problem in our community.
Speaker Credibility (right to inform): I was in an organization called National Charity League which allowed me to volunteer around my community
throughout high school and I have also researched about how beneficial community service can be.
Thesis statement: To persuade the audience that there should be a required amount of hours that a student needs to volunteer before they can graduate
high school.
Preview your Main Points: Many students do not volunteer because it is not a requirement and therefore are uneducated about the benefits of
volunteering. Creating a mandatory amount of hours a student needs to complete will educate students about the benefits of volunteering as well as
benefit their communities.
Main Point # 1 (Problems/Harms) (this should be a full sentence) Many students are not motivated to volunteer and therefore in times of need like right
now, do not know how to help.
Information (sub–point): Volunteering is becoming less common and therefore our communities are not receiving as much support.
In Srebro's article, she states that "volunteer rates have been steadily declining for over a decade" (Srebro, 2016).
Information (sub–point): Because teens are not required to perform community service, many do not get into the habit of volunteering so in effect are
less likely to volunteer in the future.
"Fifty–four percent of adolescents who performed volunteer service in high school volunteered again 2 years later" (Planty & Regnier, 2003).
Information (sub–point): With all the natural disasters occurring across the county whether it be hurricanes or fires. We need volunteers and donations
now more than ever.
TRANSITION STATEMENT: Volunteering is becoming less popular because many people never volunteered when they were young so they did not get
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Essay Community Service Project Reflection
The thought of community service was a bore to me before I began my volunteer work. I dreaded starting my community service although I knew I
had to do it. Where I earned my hours did not even matter to me. I just wanted to get it over with. To my surprise it was not what I expected.
Community service was not a painful experience; it was a very enjoyable and beneficial experience.
I performed my community service with Habitat for Humanity. The non‐profit organization chooses the applicant that purchases the house and
Habitat only charges them the cost of the materials. Almost every worker is a volunteer so Habitat for Humanity does not have to pay a high amount of
wages. I felt good about myself being one of those volunteers. The more content...
We shared many laughs and stories while we worked. It was satisfying to help improve these people's lives.
I took pleasure in how much I learned at Habitat for Humanity. We were doing construction so many tools were involved. On my first day I was
unaware of the names of most tools. Learning the names and functions of each tool was exciting. Being a male, I felt more confident knowing these
things. Construction involves math and clever thinking as well. On my first day I just watched as the processes took place. Eventually, I was helping
make the decisions. I even helped a volunteer build a fence and make precise measurements. The education about construction will benefit me for the
rest of my life.
The amount of respect I earned was an incomparable benefit that I received from community service. Oil companies volunteered their employees on
Saturdays and I spoke with all of them. They recognized my enrollment and scholarship achievements. Some of them see me and recognize me
around town and they ask about how my goals are going. I met people who made a huge positive impact on my life. Employees without a college
education worked full time at Habitat for Humanity, and I realized what I do not want to do with my life. During lunch breaks I spoke with the
supervisor, Alynda Best, and she explained to me the significance of hard work in college. Most importantly, I met the lady who made this opportunity
possible for me and she
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Community Service Scholarship
As a 17–year–old senior at Bessemer City High, I am truly honored to have a chance to apply for the Ora H. Foster community Service Scholarship.
Growing up I have always had a passion for community service. I love the feeling of helping others, without expecting anything in return. For about 2
years now, I have been involved in a number of clubs and community activities. I am involved SGA (Student Government Association), Beta Club,
and National Technical Honors at my school, and have done volunteer work for councilmen Cynthia S. Donald. Whenever I am available, I try to be
a part of any community service project activities in or outside of school. I also hold down a part–time job at Zaxbys as a cook, where I have an
opportunity to learn
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Narrative Essay On Community Service
Ana Portillo
Professor Russel Whitaker
English Composition I
November 13th, 2017
Narrative Essay Many teens consider community service a chore to complete in order to graduate or something to include on a college application.
Yes, I was one of those teens in my high school years, but because I didn't really know what community service was really about, and I hadn't
experienced it until my history class. With this opportunity I was able to experience this wonderful community service taught me more than what I
could ever give.
When I was in high school I had this history subject in which community service was a requirement to pass the class, because of this we had to
complete 18 hours of community service during the semester. To be honest, more content...
I walked there with three girls named Alicia, Veronica and Karla. They showed me where their beds where and gave me a whole tour around the
institution. I was impressed with all the beds they had, it was a huge wide room with many vertically arranged beds for each and every one of
them. I started on cleaning and washing all the bed quilts, and all the girls were willing to help within everything, I didn't feel it was a job. They all
seemed so cheerful and happy because somebody came to help them. Though, I was the one who got out learning things I hardly knew about. They all
looked so mature to me, but I only could see a little girl from the outside.
Then, I saw from across the room a very shy and quite little girl, she barely talked and interacted with the others. So, I went up to her, and asked
her name. "My name is Sofia," she said with tears in her eyes, "What's wrong?", I asked. The other girls told me she had just arrived to the
orphanage a few days ago. So, I grabbed her hand and went to the kitchen to give her a sandwich. She was amazed the whole sandwich was just for
her, and she couldn't stop thanking me. This shocked me a lot because there are many children out there that don't have a place to stay or anything to
eat, while we who have the privilege to have a place to call home, food always on the table, and most importantly a family, we take all that and
everybody for granted. We should place more value on all those
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"Volunteers are not paid; not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless."– Sherry Anderson (Volunteering Quotes: Finest Quotes). On
average, when people think about community service, they assume that volunteering is just 'hours we need to be able to graduate' and that is it.
Community service is more than just hours; community service is based on the acts performed by someone with the purpose of helping or bringing
benefits to his or her community. People frequently compare community service as a punishment since it is often offered to small–time offenders as an
alternative to fines or jail time. However, community service is the vital force to many communities since they depend on the service made by the more content...
Volunteering in your community helps solve many dilemmas in your community that descend through the eyes of government and social agencies
(Everything you ever wanted to know about volunteering). Discussing about volunteering to teenagers should be the first step for a better life, since
teenagers are the future of tomorrow and they will leave a mark from yesterday. Volunteering has been such an important matter, that schools in many
countries around the world established that 12th grade students will need certain hours of community service in order to graduate. But the frequent
answers all the schools are getting are "Why do I need to volunteer? I have better things to do!" What people are forgetting is that each one of them is
part of a community, a community that is not perfect and that the government sometimes forgets about their problems or needs, because obviously the
government needs to take care of other things that require more attention. People are not only helping others, they are also helping themselves
(Volunteering). Volunteering is not a new subject now, but people did not perceive it before because as time goes by, volunteering is becoming more
and more popular since each year more people volunteer. Volunteering began around the early 19th century since America was experimenting with the
Great Awakening. The Great Awakening was a period in which the importance of the church was slowly dying and instead the
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Community Service Papers
One of the best service projects I did this year was Alter serving. Alter serving is when a boy or girl usually around elementary through high school
age serves a mass helping the priest with basic things such as holding the book when he reads. There are also some very tough parts of alter serving,
such as getting the incense ready. I chose Alter serving because not only am I serving the community, but I am servingGod and the church. This is
especially important to me because I am a member of the Catholic Church in Saint Mary's. I would like to serve God not only in Alter serving but in
life. The ultimate goal is to get to heaven and service hours can help for sure, especially when serving God. This particular act of service is easy to
me because it is for God and if you can not round up a couple hours of service for your community and God then shame on you. I also realize and
am appreciative of the people around me in the church guiding me along the way in Alter serving. Father Eric especially has helped me in Alter
serving and leads by reminding me specific duties I need to perform while Alter more content...
Believe it or not without Alter servers certain cleansing and certain preparations can not occur. This helps someone else because it allows the
mass to be performed at its most sacred level. Ultimately this helps more people participate in mass and become more united with God. In my
personal opinion, I think assisting in people uniting with God certainly improves another person life. Also I am now one of the older servers and
now I lead by example to the younger servers. I know I have given the younger servers tips on what do and when to do it. This guidance will help
them later in their serving career to guide the younger servers on their own and will lead to them helping people unite with God. I also believe helping
people unite with Christ has brought me closer to
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Volunteer Community Service Paper
Volunteer Community Service
Even though this is not my platform or the national platform I want to take this time to explain an event I helped co–organize back in October.
"Community Conversation–Surviving & Thriving" was a free, three day event raising awareness for domestic violence at Dickinson State University.
The DSU wellness program and I formed a partnership with Karen Van Fossan, communications director for the Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota.
The event consisted of the clothesline project, a display of t–shirt decorated by survivors of domestic violence along with counseling services available
for those in need. The short film "Authentic Voices," featuring North Dakota survivors of childhood abuse which sparked conversation about how
people survive their own challenges– whether it's caused by nature, life or an injustice. The more content...
Whether or not we are personal survivors of abuse, we are all survivors of something. With that in mind we can inspire one another to keep pushing
through whatever hurdles come our way. "Sharing a conversation gives us the chance to empathize with others in a deep way, but also to explore
the way we have struggled or may still be struggling to survive and thrive in our own lives," says Brian Palecek, United Tribes Technical College
instructor and presenter during the week. I completely agree with his statement, when I started this project I had in mind to help those who had
experienced rape on our campus. Even though DSU has a low number of reported rape cases, it was still an issue that I wanted to address. By the
time this project was completed we not only changed the live of other students but it also change mine. "Community Conversation" allowed me to let
go of my struggles of verbal abuse as a child and an abusive relationship I experienced the summer before starting this project, and grow into an even
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Benefits Of Volunteering And Community Service
Nowaday, many junior high and high school in the United States require their students to do volunteer, and community service to be graduated.
Volunteering and community service also help students to learn more about social life; it also helps students learn to be responsible for their action.
Most people believe the idea that it would promote a good citizenship and cultivates compassion by that it will help young generations build an
excellent ethnic, and make this world become better.
The world is developing day by day; technology has penetrated to everyone, especially to the young generation nowadays. Young generation paying
their attention to technology, and they do not care about others. Some parents were taking this problem seriously; they gave their kids many ways to
stay away from technology by making them do some activities. Most of the parents send their kids to do volunteer and community services. They
believe that their kids would be a good person, to understand others, and build a better community in this world. Understanding sounds easy, but it is
hard to do. Nobody could see the homeless man in a street, but never understand what happened made him homeless. As the volunteer, and doing
community service, students will start to learn about social life, instead of staying home and playing video games or doing bad habits. Students could
gain more knowledge about life skills, and social life. They could learn how not to be selfish, and sympathy for others. In my
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Community Service is a Way of Giving Back Essay
Many think that community service is just something you are forced to do for school. To me, community service is a way of giving back. I like
making people feel as though they matter, and it gives me a warm feeling at the end of the day because I feel I have made a difference. I grow as a
person each time I do community service. Some people do community service because they have to, but I do it because I want to. I have volunteered
about 52 hours of community service in the READ program at a local elementary school on east 3rd street and ave S.
Two days a week, after school I would take the B82 and take it down to east 3rd street and walk to the school. I would wait about 10 min before the
children would come into the classroom. more content...
I would have this little book where in the beginning I would ask the child to read a few words and sounds and correct him if I have to. After that,
we would start to read the story. After we finished the story I would record it on a record sheet and the kid would put a number on a cookie chart,
when we would get up to number one hundred, everyone would have a cookie party.
Each session of the books was in different colors. There were about 24 books in each session. When the kid finished reading the whole session, the
teacher would come by and the child takes a test by reading all the sentences that the teacher gave him and if he does it in 2 or fewer mistakes then
he can go on to the next color set, which is a little harder then the last one. It was very fun working with the kids and I enjoyed every moment I spent
with them. At first I was a little bit shy but it was a matter of time before I become a good tutor and a good friend to every one around me including
the kids, other tutors and the teacher.
My work definitely impacted the society and it benefited. I was one of the many that gave our free time to teach first graders that were reading
behind the other kids in their grade. I did a very good job to teach the kid everything I know and I'm sure I made them a better reader. After every
day, each kid was able to go home to their families and tell them how much better they became at reading. Their families where proud of their
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Persuasive Essay About Community Service
As an 18–year–old tennager, I was forced by my parents to participate a summer volunteer program in my freshman year. Even though I felt that I
was a victim of "tyranny" in the beginning, I realized that I actually enjoyed the process of helping people in the middle of the program. Now, I
participate that program every year as an active member, and I have gained the personal enrichment that I am unable to learn from other sources such
as math club or SAT preparatory class. There is no doubt that community service can bring essential benefits in helping students develop theirmoral
value and future interest, and it should be mandatory because some students attempt to utilize community service as a tool for their own profit without
the school supervision. Volunteerismenables students to gain the moral lesson that is vital to their life and develop their future interest. According to
source 2, "community service teaches us through experience – about the relationship between empathy and responsibility, about what it takes to be part
of a community, in essence, about human being". While students are helping their community, they learn the crucial moral lessons in the most direct
and impressive way. Through an actual experience of volunteering, students are reminded that it is their responsibility to serve for their community
because they are a part of it. Helping without any feedback allows them to realize the power of empathy, the essential value that makes the society a
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Argumentative Essay On Community Service
Community service is beneficial for personal and academic purposes, it helps to develop sense of social responsibility and increases "social
connections" also community service help to improve the individual communication skills "Community service learning offers a unique and rewarding
way for business students to reinforce communication capabilities while developing lifelong career and social skill (Mary L. Tucker et al. 1998) (Anne
M. McCarthy et al. 1998) (John A. Hoxmeier et al. 1998) (Margarita M. Lenk et al 1998)." As this author states community service help to develop
skill that in some point are going to be useful, also research found that community service help individuals to see the world with a different perspective. more content...
Community Housing of Wyandotte County (CHWC) is a non–profit organization that build, rent and sell houses for lower prices, to families in need,
their goal is to help people to achieve their dream of having a house or rent a house with affordable payments. CHWC not only provide houses but
they also provide financial counseling and homebuyer assistance, that help individuals to get better understanding of the process that need to do
in order to buy a house. The time I was there I felt so welcome by the staff and also it helped me to improve my communication skills since I was at
the front desk receiving calls, interacting with the clients, making appointments to meet with the counselors and receiving the donations from
different associations. I had a lot of good experiences at CHWC, one of the best experiences I had at CHWC was when a family finally get their
house,I was the one who inform them that we had some goods news for them, as soon the family arrived the counselor speak to them and it was
great seeing the face of those people, they were so happy about it. Another good experience was when a man came into the office with flowers and a
cake for one of the counselors, he was so thankful because he was a first time homebuyer, and the counselor form CHWC helped him and oriented
him, it was a great experience, I feel like CHWC gives a lot to the community. It was the
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What Does Community Service Mean To Me
What does community service mean? Community service, to me, means bettering the community with volunteering at local places, business, or
helping the people themselves. Community services is very important due to most of the things in a community such as parks, food banks, etc. being
ran/used by the community.
I did my community service at Dr. Porter and Clark in Flat Rock during November 2016. They were doing their annual food drive for families that
couldn't afford thanksgiving in neighboring cities. The food drive needed help dividing up food for the families and organizing/making the drive
route. I chosed this service because as someone who actively uses food banks on month to month basis, even week to week sometimes it's nice to give
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Community Service Research Paper
If I had to choose I would say that the community service experience that was the most important to me and changed my life the most I would have
to say that it was my service at the local soup kitchen in Hoboken. I was connected to this organization through the community service club at my
high school and after meeting the overseers and other volunteers there it felt like a good fit. I know that this is probably starting to seem like the
clichГ© essay about how I have ignored poor people all my life and I never really thought of them as anything more than homeless and how I went
into the soup kitchen feeling very uncomfortable but that is not my truth. I was raised by 2 parents that came to this country from living in poverty in
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It did not take a trip to the soup kitchen to teach me that people are not defined by their circumstances. What I did learn during my time
volunteering is the extent to which people are ignored and their identities and accomplishment erased. One day after everyone finished eating I
would help sweep and wipe the tables and I say a man who seemed to be writing program on his computer. I was very impressed by this and I have
always wanted to learn to do web coding but it has always seemed like a foreign language to me. I asked him what he was designing and how he
got in to coding and he started telling me all about how he taught himself to code and that he is in the middle of trying to design a new program
that could make his laptop move faster without damaging the hardware. I was impressed that he was doing a project that could probably make any
computer company lots of money if he successfully designed it. I asked him if he ever worked with computers and he began telling me about how he
has been homeless since he was a teen and he was never even able to get an interview because he was
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Community Service Scholarship Essay
As a student, I have demonstrated many works of service to my community and school. Service opportunities have shaped me into the person I am
today and these projects have made me realize how fortunate I am for all that I have. While I've been doing these service projects through the years,
it has been a pleasure seeing the joy on the faces of people that aren't as fortunate as I am. Service projects that I have completed include managing
the fish booth at the St. Leo's Parish Festival, being an altar server at St. Leo's Parish, helping cook dinner for the Ridgway Fire Department during
carnival day setup, participating in the St. Marys Light Up Night by dancing, and Christmas caroling to local residents. I also participated in a zombie
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Essay on Community Service
Community Service
I have always been involved in groups that perform community service projects. In fact, I was recently elected to as VP of Public Relations of the
Student MOVE group. We are a group of 12 individuals that are the advisory committee for all of the community service organizations on campus, but
we organize many alternative activities and events. I even did a service learning project for my Spanish class last semester with Cynthia Wells. I
attended the Spanish mass every Sunday, and I was a greeter. I learned their culture and rituals while still attending the usual Catholic Mass.
Upon learning that I had to do a service learning project for Ethics class, I immediately began brainstorming ideas. I decided more content...
Our group was able to come up with many great ideas on how to help out the organizations. The Denver group also met with one of the creators of
AWOL Libby Rau. Libby was an amazing BV student who graduated last spring. She came up with the idea of the AWOL program on the ride home
from working in Sioux Falls on a weekend retreat with Maggie Baker. Libby is currently working for Ameri–Corp at a non–profit organization called
Brent's Place. This was the place for children with cancer to stay while going through their treatments. Libby was a great role model for our group
and really inspired a few individuals such as Sara Upah. I can recall Sara saying that she really wants to work for a non–profit organization.
Girls Inc. is located in downtown Denver. It is a place where girls can go after school to spend time with dedicated workers, which will help the girls
with homework and keep them busy after school. It is designed for girls of low–income families which cannot afford daycare service or do not want
their children being home alone after school. Girls Inc. got a 2 million dollar donation to build a facility next to the existing one. We helped pack up
hundreds of boxes of material to be moved. We cleaned out old libraries, played with the children, and even got a tour of the new facility. Urban farms
of Denver is a non–profit group that allows low–income children actually spend a day on the farm! Most
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Community Service Synthesis Essay
It is apparent that the individual is out of touch with his/her environment, as we live in a time of isolation. This view of a frightful outside world is a
common mindset in people, prompting them to stay home with the excuse that some things are not worth experiencing. Beyond this misconception, is a
world that although may need some work, has opportunities for every kind of person. In fact, a "frightful outside world" can change with the
contribution of a helping hand; this is what makes community service imperative. There is no better way to encourage students in assisting their
communities than implementing service requirements in High School, and various sources explain the benefits behind these standards. A few of these
excerpts include "Community more content...
One of their main claims in support of these educational requirements is for personal enrichment, and their passage reveals that "Doing Community
Service is empowering. When an individual goes out in the world and interacts with other people in the spirit of bettering, that individual makes a
contribution and will feel a sense of accomplishment (Source A)." That is to say, when we engage in serving our community we catalyze the
development of our own human nature. Providing assistance to those in need speeds up the process of broadening one's moral conscience, just like
how scholar John Prueter did with the elderly. The Detroit News published a story on how this seventh–grader was inspired into nursing after spending
time with various senior citizens. The major newspaper claims that "Even after High School, Prueter hopes to continue working with the elderly by
studying nursing. He says he became interested in the field because of his volunteer work (Source B)." Service to one's community begins with the
benefits of others, but in the end it satisfies the
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Community Service Paper

  • 1. Community Service Paper Danny Speed Theology Period 2 Community service paper Before I went to community service I felt very confused and excited at the same time because when I was in the 7th and 8th grade I went to do community service but it was hard and very long. Also But this year it was even longer and I already knew how to do it but it was very boring to do it all again. Also I was very excited because I knew that we could choose to go where ever we won't and I knew I wanted to go to help kids out. So I was very excited about that but I also was not happy that we had to do six hours. During the process of the moment happening I became more like I wanted to do it more. During my community service I went to Little Hearts Child Care where I got to help Get more content on
  • 2. Community Observation Report Community service is services volunteered by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions. My favorite community service job that I completed was located at The Junior Achievement at the Atlanta Discovery Center. The objective of this service was to teach children how to survive and succeed in the world economically through the use of time, talent, cooperation, and education. Before they came to the center students were trained by their teachers to budget money and to spend it wisely. So when they finally arrived, a real life model was presented to them. With the compelling volunteer and student interaction, we helped each student understand the theory to life and also understand the differences between needs and wants. The building was set up with different mini department stores like Chick–fil–A, Publix, philanthropy shop, SunTrust bank, home/apartment agencies, automobile shop, Belk, Kaiser Permanente, and AT&T. These shops were to help the students understand manage the differences between what they really need and what they really want. In addition, the goal was to also help build character and skills to make it in the fast–moving real world. Before the volunteer work began the director of the center sat us in the room and trained us, with the use of a PowerPoint on the tasks that we would be performing. First, she assigned us a store, and some people had to share stores because some jobs involved printing. I was assigned the Get more content on
  • 3. Community Service Research Paper Community service in our society is starting to get a diminished appeal because it doesn't sound fun. Teenagers don't understand what they are doing for other people and our focused on the entertaining aspect of it. When it shouldn't be about that. It should be about helping people, but we are too concerned with ourselves. Required community service would some people good because it would teach them how to do it, but in a way it might ruin the purpose of it. This is because community service and service in general should be about the greater good, not because you are forced to do it to graduate. The point is that society has changed loads since the Counterculture Movement, in the sixties, but attitudes for this are still not the greatest. more content... When he or she is tutoring a kid they can see the difference and growth from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Usually when he or she is tutoring a kid this happens because kids can retain information in incredible amounts. When he or she tutors a child they must take certain procedures because it matters what age they are to what procedure he or she might do. Somebody with a learning disability might have a different method of learning something then the person that is dyslexic. He or she may never know, but he or she needs to figure out what that stimulus is that helps them learn the best and apply it to how he or she might teach them. This is the thing that gives me the satisfaction is working with a student that has a learning disability. When he or she is working with them it is hard sometimes to come up with ways in which they will retain the information that he or she is throwing at them. Sometimes it can take a long time until they finally get it, but when they do is when the feeling of accomplishment comes in and he or she starts to appreciate the amount of work that they put in to help the child out. This is the part I like the best because it can be frustrating when the person isn't getting what he or she is trying to teach them, but once they get it it is the best feeling in the Get more content on
  • 4. Community Service Persuasive Speech General Purpose: To persuade the audience that community service should be implemented into high school requirements. INTRODUCTION Attention Gainer: According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, San Diego's homeless population is the fourth largest in the United States (Schroeder, 2015). Reason to Listen: As you will soon see, there are easy steps that we can all take to help this growing problem in our community. Speaker Credibility (right to inform): I was in an organization called National Charity League which allowed me to volunteer around my community throughout high school and I have also researched about how beneficial community service can be. Thesis statement: To persuade the audience that there should be a required amount of hours that a student needs to volunteer before they can graduate high school. Preview your Main Points: Many students do not volunteer because it is not a requirement and therefore are uneducated about the benefits of volunteering. Creating a mandatory amount of hours a student needs to complete will educate students about the benefits of volunteering as well as benefit their communities. II. BODY Main Point # 1 (Problems/Harms) (this should be a full sentence) Many students are not motivated to volunteer and therefore in times of need like right now, do not know how to help. Information (sub–point): Volunteering is becoming less common and therefore our communities are not receiving as much support. In Srebro's article, she states that "volunteer rates have been steadily declining for over a decade" (Srebro, 2016). Information (sub–point): Because teens are not required to perform community service, many do not get into the habit of volunteering so in effect are less likely to volunteer in the future. "Fifty–four percent of adolescents who performed volunteer service in high school volunteered again 2 years later" (Planty & Regnier, 2003). Information (sub–point): With all the natural disasters occurring across the county whether it be hurricanes or fires. We need volunteers and donations now more than ever. TRANSITION STATEMENT: Volunteering is becoming less popular because many people never volunteered when they were young so they did not get
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  • 6. Essay Community Service Project Reflection The thought of community service was a bore to me before I began my volunteer work. I dreaded starting my community service although I knew I had to do it. Where I earned my hours did not even matter to me. I just wanted to get it over with. To my surprise it was not what I expected. Community service was not a painful experience; it was a very enjoyable and beneficial experience. I performed my community service with Habitat for Humanity. The non‐profit organization chooses the applicant that purchases the house and Habitat only charges them the cost of the materials. Almost every worker is a volunteer so Habitat for Humanity does not have to pay a high amount of wages. I felt good about myself being one of those volunteers. The more content... We shared many laughs and stories while we worked. It was satisfying to help improve these people's lives. I took pleasure in how much I learned at Habitat for Humanity. We were doing construction so many tools were involved. On my first day I was unaware of the names of most tools. Learning the names and functions of each tool was exciting. Being a male, I felt more confident knowing these things. Construction involves math and clever thinking as well. On my first day I just watched as the processes took place. Eventually, I was helping make the decisions. I even helped a volunteer build a fence and make precise measurements. The education about construction will benefit me for the rest of my life. The amount of respect I earned was an incomparable benefit that I received from community service. Oil companies volunteered their employees on Saturdays and I spoke with all of them. They recognized my enrollment and scholarship achievements. Some of them see me and recognize me around town and they ask about how my goals are going. I met people who made a huge positive impact on my life. Employees without a college education worked full time at Habitat for Humanity, and I realized what I do not want to do with my life. During lunch breaks I spoke with the supervisor, Alynda Best, and she explained to me the significance of hard work in college. Most importantly, I met the lady who made this opportunity possible for me and she Get more content on
  • 7. Community Service Scholarship As a 17–year–old senior at Bessemer City High, I am truly honored to have a chance to apply for the Ora H. Foster community Service Scholarship. Growing up I have always had a passion for community service. I love the feeling of helping others, without expecting anything in return. For about 2 years now, I have been involved in a number of clubs and community activities. I am involved SGA (Student Government Association), Beta Club, and National Technical Honors at my school, and have done volunteer work for councilmen Cynthia S. Donald. Whenever I am available, I try to be a part of any community service project activities in or outside of school. I also hold down a part–time job at Zaxbys as a cook, where I have an opportunity to learn Get more content on
  • 8. Narrative Essay On Community Service Ana Portillo Professor Russel Whitaker English Composition I November 13th, 2017 Narrative Essay Many teens consider community service a chore to complete in order to graduate or something to include on a college application. Yes, I was one of those teens in my high school years, but because I didn't really know what community service was really about, and I hadn't experienced it until my history class. With this opportunity I was able to experience this wonderful community service taught me more than what I could ever give. When I was in high school I had this history subject in which community service was a requirement to pass the class, because of this we had to complete 18 hours of community service during the semester. To be honest, more content... I walked there with three girls named Alicia, Veronica and Karla. They showed me where their beds where and gave me a whole tour around the institution. I was impressed with all the beds they had, it was a huge wide room with many vertically arranged beds for each and every one of them. I started on cleaning and washing all the bed quilts, and all the girls were willing to help within everything, I didn't feel it was a job. They all seemed so cheerful and happy because somebody came to help them. Though, I was the one who got out learning things I hardly knew about. They all looked so mature to me, but I only could see a little girl from the outside. Then, I saw from across the room a very shy and quite little girl, she barely talked and interacted with the others. So, I went up to her, and asked her name. "My name is Sofia," she said with tears in her eyes, "What's wrong?", I asked. The other girls told me she had just arrived to the orphanage a few days ago. So, I grabbed her hand and went to the kitchen to give her a sandwich. She was amazed the whole sandwich was just for her, and she couldn't stop thanking me. This shocked me a lot because there are many children out there that don't have a place to stay or anything to eat, while we who have the privilege to have a place to call home, food always on the table, and most importantly a family, we take all that and everybody for granted. We should place more value on all those Get more content on
  • 9. "Volunteers are not paid; not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless."– Sherry Anderson (Volunteering Quotes: Finest Quotes). On average, when people think about community service, they assume that volunteering is just 'hours we need to be able to graduate' and that is it. Community service is more than just hours; community service is based on the acts performed by someone with the purpose of helping or bringing benefits to his or her community. People frequently compare community service as a punishment since it is often offered to small–time offenders as an alternative to fines or jail time. However, community service is the vital force to many communities since they depend on the service made by the more content... Volunteering in your community helps solve many dilemmas in your community that descend through the eyes of government and social agencies (Everything you ever wanted to know about volunteering). Discussing about volunteering to teenagers should be the first step for a better life, since teenagers are the future of tomorrow and they will leave a mark from yesterday. Volunteering has been such an important matter, that schools in many countries around the world established that 12th grade students will need certain hours of community service in order to graduate. But the frequent answers all the schools are getting are "Why do I need to volunteer? I have better things to do!" What people are forgetting is that each one of them is part of a community, a community that is not perfect and that the government sometimes forgets about their problems or needs, because obviously the government needs to take care of other things that require more attention. People are not only helping others, they are also helping themselves (Volunteering). Volunteering is not a new subject now, but people did not perceive it before because as time goes by, volunteering is becoming more and more popular since each year more people volunteer. Volunteering began around the early 19th century since America was experimenting with the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening was a period in which the importance of the church was slowly dying and instead the Get more content on
  • 10. Community Service Papers One of the best service projects I did this year was Alter serving. Alter serving is when a boy or girl usually around elementary through high school age serves a mass helping the priest with basic things such as holding the book when he reads. There are also some very tough parts of alter serving, such as getting the incense ready. I chose Alter serving because not only am I serving the community, but I am servingGod and the church. This is especially important to me because I am a member of the Catholic Church in Saint Mary's. I would like to serve God not only in Alter serving but in life. The ultimate goal is to get to heaven and service hours can help for sure, especially when serving God. This particular act of service is easy to me because it is for God and if you can not round up a couple hours of service for your community and God then shame on you. I also realize and am appreciative of the people around me in the church guiding me along the way in Alter serving. Father Eric especially has helped me in Alter serving and leads by reminding me specific duties I need to perform while Alter more content... Believe it or not without Alter servers certain cleansing and certain preparations can not occur. This helps someone else because it allows the mass to be performed at its most sacred level. Ultimately this helps more people participate in mass and become more united with God. In my personal opinion, I think assisting in people uniting with God certainly improves another person life. Also I am now one of the older servers and now I lead by example to the younger servers. I know I have given the younger servers tips on what do and when to do it. This guidance will help them later in their serving career to guide the younger servers on their own and will lead to them helping people unite with God. I also believe helping people unite with Christ has brought me closer to Get more content on
  • 11. Volunteer Community Service Paper Volunteer Community Service Even though this is not my platform or the national platform I want to take this time to explain an event I helped co–organize back in October. "Community Conversation–Surviving & Thriving" was a free, three day event raising awareness for domestic violence at Dickinson State University. The DSU wellness program and I formed a partnership with Karen Van Fossan, communications director for the Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota. The event consisted of the clothesline project, a display of t–shirt decorated by survivors of domestic violence along with counseling services available for those in need. The short film "Authentic Voices," featuring North Dakota survivors of childhood abuse which sparked conversation about how people survive their own challenges– whether it's caused by nature, life or an injustice. The more content... Whether or not we are personal survivors of abuse, we are all survivors of something. With that in mind we can inspire one another to keep pushing through whatever hurdles come our way. "Sharing a conversation gives us the chance to empathize with others in a deep way, but also to explore the way we have struggled or may still be struggling to survive and thrive in our own lives," says Brian Palecek, United Tribes Technical College instructor and presenter during the week. I completely agree with his statement, when I started this project I had in mind to help those who had experienced rape on our campus. Even though DSU has a low number of reported rape cases, it was still an issue that I wanted to address. By the time this project was completed we not only changed the live of other students but it also change mine. "Community Conversation" allowed me to let go of my struggles of verbal abuse as a child and an abusive relationship I experienced the summer before starting this project, and grow into an even stronger Get more content on
  • 12. Benefits Of Volunteering And Community Service Nowaday, many junior high and high school in the United States require their students to do volunteer, and community service to be graduated. Volunteering and community service also help students to learn more about social life; it also helps students learn to be responsible for their action. Most people believe the idea that it would promote a good citizenship and cultivates compassion by that it will help young generations build an excellent ethnic, and make this world become better. The world is developing day by day; technology has penetrated to everyone, especially to the young generation nowadays. Young generation paying their attention to technology, and they do not care about others. Some parents were taking this problem seriously; they gave their kids many ways to stay away from technology by making them do some activities. Most of the parents send their kids to do volunteer and community services. They believe that their kids would be a good person, to understand others, and build a better community in this world. Understanding sounds easy, but it is hard to do. Nobody could see the homeless man in a street, but never understand what happened made him homeless. As the volunteer, and doing community service, students will start to learn about social life, instead of staying home and playing video games or doing bad habits. Students could gain more knowledge about life skills, and social life. They could learn how not to be selfish, and sympathy for others. In my Get more content on
  • 13. Community Service is a Way of Giving Back Essay Many think that community service is just something you are forced to do for school. To me, community service is a way of giving back. I like making people feel as though they matter, and it gives me a warm feeling at the end of the day because I feel I have made a difference. I grow as a person each time I do community service. Some people do community service because they have to, but I do it because I want to. I have volunteered about 52 hours of community service in the READ program at a local elementary school on east 3rd street and ave S. Two days a week, after school I would take the B82 and take it down to east 3rd street and walk to the school. I would wait about 10 min before the children would come into the classroom. more content... I would have this little book where in the beginning I would ask the child to read a few words and sounds and correct him if I have to. After that, we would start to read the story. After we finished the story I would record it on a record sheet and the kid would put a number on a cookie chart, when we would get up to number one hundred, everyone would have a cookie party. Each session of the books was in different colors. There were about 24 books in each session. When the kid finished reading the whole session, the teacher would come by and the child takes a test by reading all the sentences that the teacher gave him and if he does it in 2 or fewer mistakes then he can go on to the next color set, which is a little harder then the last one. It was very fun working with the kids and I enjoyed every moment I spent with them. At first I was a little bit shy but it was a matter of time before I become a good tutor and a good friend to every one around me including the kids, other tutors and the teacher. My work definitely impacted the society and it benefited. I was one of the many that gave our free time to teach first graders that were reading behind the other kids in their grade. I did a very good job to teach the kid everything I know and I'm sure I made them a better reader. After every day, each kid was able to go home to their families and tell them how much better they became at reading. Their families where proud of their Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Essay About Community Service As an 18–year–old tennager, I was forced by my parents to participate a summer volunteer program in my freshman year. Even though I felt that I was a victim of "tyranny" in the beginning, I realized that I actually enjoyed the process of helping people in the middle of the program. Now, I participate that program every year as an active member, and I have gained the personal enrichment that I am unable to learn from other sources such as math club or SAT preparatory class. There is no doubt that community service can bring essential benefits in helping students develop theirmoral value and future interest, and it should be mandatory because some students attempt to utilize community service as a tool for their own profit without the school supervision. Volunteerismenables students to gain the moral lesson that is vital to their life and develop their future interest. According to source 2, "community service teaches us through experience – about the relationship between empathy and responsibility, about what it takes to be part of a community, in essence, about human being". While students are helping their community, they learn the crucial moral lessons in the most direct and impressive way. Through an actual experience of volunteering, students are reminded that it is their responsibility to serve for their community because they are a part of it. Helping without any feedback allows them to realize the power of empathy, the essential value that makes the society a Get more content on
  • 15. Argumentative Essay On Community Service Community service is beneficial for personal and academic purposes, it helps to develop sense of social responsibility and increases "social connections" also community service help to improve the individual communication skills "Community service learning offers a unique and rewarding way for business students to reinforce communication capabilities while developing lifelong career and social skill (Mary L. Tucker et al. 1998) (Anne M. McCarthy et al. 1998) (John A. Hoxmeier et al. 1998) (Margarita M. Lenk et al 1998)." As this author states community service help to develop skill that in some point are going to be useful, also research found that community service help individuals to see the world with a different perspective. more content... Community Housing of Wyandotte County (CHWC) is a non–profit organization that build, rent and sell houses for lower prices, to families in need, their goal is to help people to achieve their dream of having a house or rent a house with affordable payments. CHWC not only provide houses but they also provide financial counseling and homebuyer assistance, that help individuals to get better understanding of the process that need to do in order to buy a house. The time I was there I felt so welcome by the staff and also it helped me to improve my communication skills since I was at the front desk receiving calls, interacting with the clients, making appointments to meet with the counselors and receiving the donations from different associations. I had a lot of good experiences at CHWC, one of the best experiences I had at CHWC was when a family finally get their house,I was the one who inform them that we had some goods news for them, as soon the family arrived the counselor speak to them and it was great seeing the face of those people, they were so happy about it. Another good experience was when a man came into the office with flowers and a cake for one of the counselors, he was so thankful because he was a first time homebuyer, and the counselor form CHWC helped him and oriented him, it was a great experience, I feel like CHWC gives a lot to the community. It was the Get more content on
  • 16. What Does Community Service Mean To Me What does community service mean? Community service, to me, means bettering the community with volunteering at local places, business, or helping the people themselves. Community services is very important due to most of the things in a community such as parks, food banks, etc. being ran/used by the community. I did my community service at Dr. Porter and Clark in Flat Rock during November 2016. They were doing their annual food drive for families that couldn't afford thanksgiving in neighboring cities. The food drive needed help dividing up food for the families and organizing/making the drive route. I chosed this service because as someone who actively uses food banks on month to month basis, even week to week sometimes it's nice to give Get more content on
  • 17. Community Service Research Paper If I had to choose I would say that the community service experience that was the most important to me and changed my life the most I would have to say that it was my service at the local soup kitchen in Hoboken. I was connected to this organization through the community service club at my high school and after meeting the overseers and other volunteers there it felt like a good fit. I know that this is probably starting to seem like the clichГ© essay about how I have ignored poor people all my life and I never really thought of them as anything more than homeless and how I went into the soup kitchen feeling very uncomfortable but that is not my truth. I was raised by 2 parents that came to this country from living in poverty in the more content... It did not take a trip to the soup kitchen to teach me that people are not defined by their circumstances. What I did learn during my time volunteering is the extent to which people are ignored and their identities and accomplishment erased. One day after everyone finished eating I would help sweep and wipe the tables and I say a man who seemed to be writing program on his computer. I was very impressed by this and I have always wanted to learn to do web coding but it has always seemed like a foreign language to me. I asked him what he was designing and how he got in to coding and he started telling me all about how he taught himself to code and that he is in the middle of trying to design a new program that could make his laptop move faster without damaging the hardware. I was impressed that he was doing a project that could probably make any computer company lots of money if he successfully designed it. I asked him if he ever worked with computers and he began telling me about how he has been homeless since he was a teen and he was never even able to get an interview because he was Get more content on
  • 18. Community Service Scholarship Essay As a student, I have demonstrated many works of service to my community and school. Service opportunities have shaped me into the person I am today and these projects have made me realize how fortunate I am for all that I have. While I've been doing these service projects through the years, it has been a pleasure seeing the joy on the faces of people that aren't as fortunate as I am. Service projects that I have completed include managing the fish booth at the St. Leo's Parish Festival, being an altar server at St. Leo's Parish, helping cook dinner for the Ridgway Fire Department during carnival day setup, participating in the St. Marys Light Up Night by dancing, and Christmas caroling to local residents. I also participated in a zombie /princess Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Community Service Community Service I have always been involved in groups that perform community service projects. In fact, I was recently elected to as VP of Public Relations of the Student MOVE group. We are a group of 12 individuals that are the advisory committee for all of the community service organizations on campus, but we organize many alternative activities and events. I even did a service learning project for my Spanish class last semester with Cynthia Wells. I attended the Spanish mass every Sunday, and I was a greeter. I learned their culture and rituals while still attending the usual Catholic Mass. Upon learning that I had to do a service learning project for Ethics class, I immediately began brainstorming ideas. I decided more content... Our group was able to come up with many great ideas on how to help out the organizations. The Denver group also met with one of the creators of AWOL Libby Rau. Libby was an amazing BV student who graduated last spring. She came up with the idea of the AWOL program on the ride home from working in Sioux Falls on a weekend retreat with Maggie Baker. Libby is currently working for Ameri–Corp at a non–profit organization called Brent's Place. This was the place for children with cancer to stay while going through their treatments. Libby was a great role model for our group and really inspired a few individuals such as Sara Upah. I can recall Sara saying that she really wants to work for a non–profit organization. Girls Inc. is located in downtown Denver. It is a place where girls can go after school to spend time with dedicated workers, which will help the girls with homework and keep them busy after school. It is designed for girls of low–income families which cannot afford daycare service or do not want their children being home alone after school. Girls Inc. got a 2 million dollar donation to build a facility next to the existing one. We helped pack up hundreds of boxes of material to be moved. We cleaned out old libraries, played with the children, and even got a tour of the new facility. Urban farms of Denver is a non–profit group that allows low–income children actually spend a day on the farm! Most Get more content on
  • 20. Community Service Synthesis Essay It is apparent that the individual is out of touch with his/her environment, as we live in a time of isolation. This view of a frightful outside world is a common mindset in people, prompting them to stay home with the excuse that some things are not worth experiencing. Beyond this misconception, is a world that although may need some work, has opportunities for every kind of person. In fact, a "frightful outside world" can change with the contribution of a helping hand; this is what makes community service imperative. There is no better way to encourage students in assisting their communities than implementing service requirements in High School, and various sources explain the benefits behind these standards. A few of these excerpts include "Community more content... One of their main claims in support of these educational requirements is for personal enrichment, and their passage reveals that "Doing Community Service is empowering. When an individual goes out in the world and interacts with other people in the spirit of bettering, that individual makes a contribution and will feel a sense of accomplishment (Source A)." That is to say, when we engage in serving our community we catalyze the development of our own human nature. Providing assistance to those in need speeds up the process of broadening one's moral conscience, just like how scholar John Prueter did with the elderly. The Detroit News published a story on how this seventh–grader was inspired into nursing after spending time with various senior citizens. The major newspaper claims that "Even after High School, Prueter hopes to continue working with the elderly by studying nursing. He says he became interested in the field because of his volunteer work (Source B)." Service to one's community begins with the benefits of others, but in the end it satisfies the Get more content on