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Community Policing Era Paper
Policing in the United States has evolved throughout history. The best way to understand it is by
becoming familiar with its history. There have been three policing eras in the United States and they
were the Political Era, the Reform Era, and the Community Policing Era. The Community Policing
Era is the form that is presently used in the United States. Approximately 350 years ago, the first law
enforcement system was started in Boston. These were the early days of American law enforcement.
When the colonist settled there in 1630 they appointed constables. Constables were like a sheriff and
in 1631 they appointed watchman an a few volunteers. They made sure that the streets were safe,
reported fires and apprehended and arrested anyone violating the law. The early policing era was
based off the English structure. The early police system was reactionary and they only responded
when a request was made by a victim or witness. In the last half of the nineteenth century, the
Sheriff used the concept of Posse ... Show more content on ...
The Community Policing Era promotes the partnership of the community, government and fellow
police departments. It engages the community in addressing the cause of crime and the fear of crime
within the community. In the Community Policing Era, the police officers are assigned to a specific
area and they get to know the people within that area. They went back to the use of foot patrol and
also established bicycle patrols. The use of the vehicle was still in place as well but they are not just
driving around in their vehicles like in the Reform Era. This brought back one of Peele's principles
which involves creating a more involved relationship with the community and this in turn resulted in
the community assisting the police in deterring crime. This era is focusing on building relationships
and showing that the police care about the
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Preventing Delayss In The Aftermath Of Hurricane Katrina
Preventing Delays as seen in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina through the Education of State and
Federal Officials on Laws and Regulations Regarding the Use of Military Forces
Clinton D. Bayoneta
Master Leader Course
Preventing Delays as seen in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina through the Education of State and
Federal Officials on Laws and ... Show more content on ...
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 Following the defeat of the Confederacy during the U.S. Civil
War, the Union Army occupied the South, known as the Reconstruction period. Tensions were high
as the North attempted to restore order and bring the southern states back into the fold. During the
presidential election of 1876, federal troops actively patrolled and monitored polling sites
throughout the South and many thought that their presence intimated Southern voters and swayed
the election (Spak et al., 2004). In response, the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 was enacted,
prohibiting U.S. military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement activities
(Matthews, 2014). While the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 prevents the U.S. military from
conducting law enforcement activities, it does not mention any constraints on the National Guard.
The Utilization of the National Guard for Domestic Response
The National Guard is subject to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which places them under
state control and authorizes them to enforce laws upon the request of the governor (Spak et al.,
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Counterdrug Operations Case Study
There are several significant planning considerations the DOD must identify and incorporate when
providing support to domestic law enforcement agencies during counterdrug operations. Firstly,
DOD support to counterdrug operations is part of a whole of government effort to eliminate the
transport and transfer of illegal drugs into the US. DOD is the lead federal agency for the detection
and monitoring (D&M) of aerial and maritime transit of illegal drugs into the US as outlined in the
National Defense Authorization Acts of 1990 and 1991. The desired end result of D&M is the
interdiction and apprehension by Law Enforcement Agency (LEA). DOD assists partner nations
(PN) in counter drug (CD) operations, only when specifically requested by LEA and
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The Director Of National Intelligence By James Clapper
The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, describes the global jihadist movement as one
of "Lone wolves, domestic extremists and jihadist inspired groups" that are determined to attack
western interests. A 2014–RAND study describes terrorist organizations relying on affiliates, allies
and the ability to inspire homegrown violent extremists. Another report stated that 42 of the 50
known terrorist plots since 9/11 were homegrown. Moreover, diasporas spread across the U.S. are
subject to persuasion from web–based propaganda that seeks to exploit, recruit and fundraise among
immigrant populations. Last, terrorist organizations will likely exploit the criminal activities of
Mexico's cartels as well as America's lose border ... Show more content on ...
DoD provides deterrence efforts while shaping the environment through theater security
cooperation. Domestically, the Navy facilitates the interdiction of vessels in support of the Coast
Guard. Along our southern borders, JTF–N provides tunnel detection, logistical and sensor support
to law enforcement agencies to interdict illegal trafficking and defend the border. Other examples of
assistance while adhering to the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) include the use of UAVs, signal and
cyber capabilities as well as CBRN response forces. Likewise, NORTHCOM contributes daily to
the overall effort while serving as a conduit of information gained from the other GCCs. The
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aims to focus collection efforts by establishing a national
set of information requirements in coordination with law enforcement agencies and the intelligence
community. NORTHCOM supports these efforts with a robust intelligence cell that provides link
analysis, facilitating law enforcement operations as well as operations with Canada & Mexico. JTF–
N also supports border control through sensor capabilities, aviation, transportation, engineering and
training. The mission of JTF–N is to "provide military support to law enforcement agencies, conduct
theater security cooperation...facilitate interagency order to anticipate, detect,
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Military Emergencies
There are many circumstances that calling the military into support domestic emergencies could
arise. In the last 15 years we have seen terrorism become the number one domestic related issue
where the use of military forces may be needed. From my understanding of the readings in this
section and from recent history only; it would have to be terrorism, or a major natural disaster as the
only situations I can see where the use of the military would be needed. I'm sure I could come up
with others, but for the purpose of this paper I am going to focus on terrorism being the culprit.
According to (Hunter, 2009), "Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution specifies that the President
shall be commander in chief of the armed forces" (pg. 89). ... Show more content on
Obviously in more recent times we have seen the States Governors effectively deploy their own
National Guard units. The main reasons these units would be deployed would be "to keep and
restore order and protect lives and property" (Hunter 2009, pg. 90). A perfect example of these
deployments would be natural disasters effecting large metropolitan areas. I think it is important to
also note what (Hunter, 2009) notes about Guard units "when under state command, they are not
subject to the PCA and therefore can be used in law enforcement activities" (pg. 105). This makes
sense to me know, because I always wondered how Guard troops were performing law enforcement
activities if the PCA prevented this unless authorized by Congress or the
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The Devastation Of Hurricane Katrina
The devastation of Hurricane Katrina on the city of New Orleans sparked a national conversation
about who, or what, to blame for the disaster. There were inherent problems in how the chain of
command was structured for the response to the disaster, and issues with how the plan was
implemented. Furthermore, since the hurricane disproportionately devastated low income and
predominately African American neighborhoods, many questioned the equity of the implementation
plans. Additionally, historical causes for the disaster could not be overlooked. The history of racial
housing segregation and the embrace of levee policies that endangered the city were also reasons
why many blamed the federal and state governments for not anticipating the disaster ... Show more
content on ...
Since the city has already bought into this concept extensively, increasing the height and durability
of the levees might be easier than creating a new system. In addition, this plan might be viewed
favorably by the Trump administration, which is eager to invest in infrastructure projects. Actors
that might object to this plan include the EPA and the people of New Orleans. This is because even
if the levee system were expanded, the system would continue to negatively impact the wetlands and
could potentially lead to larger problems in the future. Additionally, those living in New Orleans
who experienced the failure of the levees during Hurricane Katrina might be wary to see a
reinvestment in the system. Stone's theories of security notes that security can be defined loosely as
a "freedom from fear". For those who lived through the hurricane, the levee failure constitutes a
significant fear. They might advocate for an approach that incorporates numerous ways to prevent
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ssd4 mod 1
4. Which of the following is defined as military power that can contribute to the resolution of this
form of warfare, but is not decisive? irregular warfare
5. How many levels down must the commanders intent be easy to remember and clearly
understood? two 6. counterdrug activities are part of which operational theme? peace time
7. the minimize injection–site discomfort, not mare than how many vaccine injections will be given
on the same day? five 11. prior to deployment, one of the responsibilities of the unit leaders to assist
the fst is to reinforce command emphasis regarding which of the following requirements?
immunizations, prophylaxis, pretreatments
12. the president of the united states and what other cabinet member ... Show more content on ...
(not range control)rc–env
1. a cmetl normally focuses unit training in what arforgen phase? train phase
2. show of force and elimination of weapons of mass destruction are in which operational theme?
limited intervention (not major combat operations)
3. successful major combat operations defeats or destory's the enemys armed forces, and which of
the following? restore peace
6. which of the following tasks dervies from a detailed analysis of the higher headquarters order, the
enemy situation and coa's, and the terrain? specified tasks
7. for which of the following army functional proponets is preventive medicine considered one of
the functional areas of army health care delivery? surgean general
8. who designates the administering of the anthrax immunization based upon personnel serving in
particular geographical areas or in specific operational roles ? services, chairman of the joint chiefs,
or the office of the secretary of defense
9. all soldiers in the unit will receive annual dental examinations. the unit (or its supporting
personnel activity) will–establish procedures to deal with soldiers who are classified as which of the
following ? class 3 patients 11. what is the minimum personnel requirements for the fst? 3–one nco;
one medic; one enlisted soldier mos irrelevant
20. which government agency sponsors electronic questionnaires for investigation? centeral
clearance and security services (not defense security service)
24. what official database
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Marijuana Use among High School Seniors in the United States
Marijuana Use Marijuana use among high school seniors in the United States has been on the rise
causing greater concerns for addiction and health concerns among teenagers. According to the CDC,
in 2010, marijuana use among high school seniors rose to 21.4%, with 25.2% being male users and
16.9% being female (Health, United States, 2011, 2011). This shows a steady increase every year
starting in 2007 where 18.8% of high school seniors were using marijuana, with 22.3% were male
and 15.0% were female. Ages as young as 12 years old also showed the same statistical trends, even
in Middle Schools. Up to 1920, there were isolated accounts of marijuana and those that did show
up in the press showed marijuana being smoked for recreational purposes (Harrison, 2010). After
prohibition, marijuana markets started to emerge in cities. Harry Anslinger, Federal Narcotics
Commissioner, alleged marijuana as being responsible for violent cases and waged war against
marijuana in 1933. As a result, 46 states enacted anti–marijuana legislation. The Marijuana Tax Act
of 1937 placed marijuana with Schedule I drugs that included opium and cocaine. The Boggs Bill of
1951 and the Narcotic Drug Act of 1956 served to establish severe penalties for violation of drug
laws. The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs in 1961 was enacted to modernize and coordinate
international narcotic control. Provisions were made for cannabis. The Controlled Substances Act of
1970 consolidated over 50 drug laws and
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Military Officer
In your opinion, should the Director of National Intelligence be a civilian or a military officer?
This is a interesting question, after thinking about the pros and cons of whether the Director of
National Intelligence (DNI) should be military or civilian I have come to the conclusion that it is
best that the directorship should be civilian. I come to this conclusion based on this weeks
discussion question being that it is based on the hypothetical scenario in its nature meaning that the
DNI currently is housed by a civilian Mr. James R. Clapper. The position of DNI has a history of
predominantly being occupied by civilians, even though like the current director most of the
directors come from military careers upon retirement or separation ... Show more content on ...
An example of separation of powers in the matter of national security for instance one might assume
because of its nature that the United States nuclear weapons stockpile is both maintained and
purchased by its respective or individual branches of the military or at the very least the Department
of Defense, however this is not true in fact the nations nuclear deterrent is handled by the
Department of Energy (the Department of Energy is under the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence) as it was seen that the control of nuclear weapons should always be in the hands of the
civilian branch of the United States government (Atomic Energy Act in 1946 signed by president
Harry S. Truman). It does go without saying that there could be advantages that a military officer in
assuming the role of the directorship of national intelligence, however even though he or she may be
a far superior candidate for the position I believe that they would have one hand tied behind their
back with both congressional oversight and being subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) particularly with world events being fluid and readily unpredictable and sometimes
dissensions that must be made would have to be in a gray area that military personal are prevented
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Military Involvement Of The United States And Mexican Border
Military Guarding The United States and Mexican Border
Should our military guard The United States and Mexico border? The opposing views think that
military involvement is not the solution to the problem. The following writing will discuss reasons
for that our military needs to be involved in protecting the borders of The United State and Mexico
and the arguments regarding our military being used to guard our borders. Many people dispute the
military involvement and many are in its favor. This paper will discuss reasons why military
involvement is vital in the protection of the United States–Mexican border. The border between The
United States and Mexico has been the routes used for trafficking drugs, illegal immigrants and the
entry ... Show more content on ...
In our past history, The United States Customs and border officials have been focused on relatively
common matters of enforcing laws regarding trade and immigration, watching over agriculture and
economic interests from pest and disease, and processing people, vehicles and goods. After the
terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, the primary concern was the homeland security. The
threat of terrorists and terrorist tools coming through our borders all add to an increased set of
dangers to The United States. Is it the responsibility of our United States Military to defend our
country from these threats? The following myths are often understood as true, when in fact they are
"Myth #1 The US Constitution prohibits posting US troops on the border;"
"The US Constitution says no such thing. In fact, Article VI, Section 4 states: The United States
shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each
of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the
legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence." (Illegal Immigration Solutions Pros and
Cons (2012))
"Myth #2 The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits US troops from guarding US borders."
"This 1878 act was enacted to prevent Union troops from continuing to enforce federal laws in the
defeated South after the
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Militarized Policing
Military/Police: The Rise of Militarized Policing
Military/Police: The Rise of Militarized Policing
The United States has long regarded with great suspicion efforts to use the military as a tool of
civilian law enforcement. In significant part, this attitude grew out of the colonists' experiences with
the abuses of the British Army. These abuses included the Boston Massacre of 1770, in which the
British Army opened fire on colonists protesting the use of the army to enforce civilian laws
(Doherty, 2016). These attitudes led to an effort during the early post–Revolution period to separate
military and police powers (Doherty, 2016), as well as the Third Amendment with its specific
limitations on the military's authority over ... Show more content on ...
This can provide benefits in the form of encouragement – tacitly or explicitly – towards
professionalism on the part of all police personnel, not just those associated with the PPU. Although
the term "police professionalism" has fallen into some disfavor due to its association with a concept
of the police as a cold and distant force imposed against crime, the reality is that militarization does
serve to increase consistency of behavior across police forces as well as the imposition of
expectations of professional behavior (Hall & Coyne, 2013). Additionally, PPUs may serve an
important morale–boosting purpose for police forces, setting a high standard for competence and
ability and creating a goal to which line officers may aspire (Breede, 2008). Finally, when it comes
to civilian law enforcement, it is far more desirable to layer a degree of military training, tactics, and
equipment onto a preexisting police mindset than to try to retrain a military mindset for civilian law
enforcement work (Breede,
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National Guard Research Paper
development. Specifically, the National Guard's dual role posits a divide between state governor's
perception of the National Guard as a homeland security asset, and DOD utilization of the National
Guard for operations abroad. Thus, the question of civilian support to DOD homeland defense
operations often arises, as a symbiotic relationship will require a commensurate effort from both
parties. Karen Guttieri of the Naval Postgraduate School states, "Civil–military relations are critical
to homeland support a large number and variety of civil agencies in the event of
domestic upheaval" (2003, p. 6), but a civil disturbance may be insignificant in relation to homeland
defense efforts. For example, the number of deployed troops to ... Show more content on ...
As discussed in lesson 5, the concept of DSCA is a complex provision that authorizes DOD
assistance based on DOD Directive 3025.18 in the event federal, state, and local resources are
exhausted. In order to improve DSCA and the domestic relationships between federal, state, and
local partnerships, the DOD introduced initiatives to clarify the framework for providing military
support. This includes the creation of the Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer (EPLO) to
facilitate the allocation of DOD resources in support of civil authorities upon a declared
disaster/emergency. Moreover, ambiguity found within the IRA provision undermines the ability for
commanders to provide assistance in lieu of DSCA approval methods. Thus, Hurricane Katrina
sparked the DOD's review of the IRA provision, in order to close the federal response gap for
providing immediate disaster support by identifying current legislative barriers. For instance,
military leadership did not fully comprehend the authority obtained under the IRA provision, which
delayed military aid and assistance during Hurricane Katrina (Leshinsky, 2006). For example, the
military responded under the provision of the National Response Plan (NRP), which required the
formal DSCA requests from FEMA. This delayed the response of the surrounding military units and
is one of the aforementioned barriers that spawned from the bureaucratic nature of requesting
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The Security Of The Homeland Security Enterprise Essay
The homeland security enterprise has progressed much in the past few decades, especially after the
attack on September 11th. It has been necessary for the DHS to grow and adapt as new and more
dangerous threats became known. However, as more threats are prevented successfully, newer and
sometimes tougher challenges for the DHS arise. In an effort to pinpoint the most important things
affecting the nation, strategic plans are used, sometimes in the form of multi–missions plans, in
order to separate different jobs to focus on. Since it is the duty of homeland security to keep the
American people safe, but also feel safe, it is important that the public remains confident in the
DHS. It may be questioned, but the DHS has the capability to identify and handle future challenges
that may arise. But, it cannot be at the expense of the American public's civil liberties. It may be
difficult to walk that fine line, but it is imperative that the DHS does in order to keep the country
safe. The ability to identify future challenges is paramount for the DHS. In order to do this, adequate
collection and analysis of intelligence, both foreign and domestic, is necessary. Once this
intelligence is gathered, a strategic plan can begin to be developed in order to address new
challenges and threats facing the country. The fact that the country, and world, is constantly in flux
introduces the need for the plan to be variable. Homeland security has a strategic plan for the fiscal
years 2014 –
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Difference Between Homeland Security And Homeland Security
Homeland Security and Homeland Defense are two concepts that will have intersecting missions
combined with parallel directives and even sometimes competing objectives. While the concept of
Homeland Security and Homeland Security will be explored with greater depth later, the question is
how does Homeland Security and Homeland Defense both protect critical national infrastructure.
How do these two different missions both compete and complement one another in their efforts to
protect those vulnerable infrastructure elements to ensure they remain safe and away from those
who would want to do harm in an effort to create widespread terror and even disable or disorient our
national defense.
Homeland Defense refers to the guarding of national sovereignty, of protecting actual territory and
the population contained within against external threats. The mission of this defense has been
traditionally been charged to groups like the National Guard with what is referred to as Title 32 duty
from the state National Guard troops. This allows personnel with traditional military training to
perform many necessary duties to the homeland defense mission without ever running afoul of the
Posse Comitatus Act. Posse Comitatus basically restricts the military from performing and domestic
law or policy enforcement. While the act only specifically refers to the Army, and then the Air Force
was also amended to be a party to the law in 1956, the Navy and Marines also adhere to the rules by
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Causes And Failures Of Hurricane Katrina
Katrina Failures
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, multiple failures exposed communication breakdowns, roles and
responsibilities. Civil unrest followed after local law enforcement, abandoned their legal duties.
Historically, the Posse Comitatus Act created barriers. These barriers slowed down the response of
federal support. The President and governor struggled over control of the National Guard. The city
of New Orleans suffered economically and through loss of life. With the pullout of the police, they
fell into a different category that called for implantation of martial law using an outside policing
force. The actions of Governor Blanco are ill prepared at most. Post Katrina in Louisiana was
painfully obvious as the total failure of state and federal government's anger looms towards the
revision of an outdated law.
The Posse Comitatus Act says that "Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly
authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air
Force as a Posse Comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than two years, or both." (Added Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, § 18(a), 70A Stat.
626; amended Pub. L. 86–70, § 17(d), June 25, 1959, 73 Stat. 144; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §
330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) Ordinarily this prevents the President of the United
States from acting alone to prevent the unlawful deployment of
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Military Involvement Of The Oklahoma City National Memorial
Lastly, although not an easily overcome controversial challenge that this community was forced to
face was ultimately the trial of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Due to the psychological stress
this incident rooted in a portion of the people involved, it is understandable to comprehend why the
judicial process of these two individuals caused issues to some extent. Eventually with the
conclusion of the legal process, the strenuous atmosphere surrounding the trial, and ultimately the
completion of the Oklahoma City National Memorial to honor those lives lost that day, the last
challenge this community face was overcome.
With such a disaster occurring on U.S. soil, there was without question knowledge that there would
be a necessity of ... Show more content on ...
The Stafford act is the "backbone" to any assistance provided by the federal government in the
aftermath of a disaster, specifically in this case the Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA).
Originally amended from its predecessor, the Disaster Relief act of 1974, the Stafford act was
implemented in 1988. In the case of the Oklahoma City bombing, there is an exception to the use of
military resources through solely the authority provided from the Stafford Act, and that is the
Immediate Response Authority based under the MSCA. This exception allows a local military
commander to provide assistance through resources and personnel to civil authorities before
authorization was handed down. According to the U.S. Army, "At the scene, some 100
Guardmembers immediately helped the search for survivors. They set up an emergency operations
center and reported to the state 's civil emergency management agency" (Smith, 2010). Hastily
following these actions, assistance came from two local military bases, Fort Sill and Tinker Air
Force Base, where the commanding officers authorized a variety of equipment and personnel to
assist before the federal government authorized assistance. Fort Sill, an Army installation
approximately an hour and a half away from Oklahoma City, "Fort Sill released two medical
evacuation helicopters, explosive
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Department Of Homeland Security (DHS)
The national security of the United States takes on many ideas. It is not only protecting out boarders,
but also deterring and defeating an enemy before they come to the United States. Today the U.S.
biggest threat is defending terrorism; either by a foreign group or from within our boarders.
"The struggle against international terrorism is different from any other war in our history. We will
not triumph solely or even primarily through military might." (National Strategy for Combating
Terrorism, 2003) And so to combat this in the post 9/11 time, the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) was born. And as we have seen in the past event, DHS is needed more today than ever. But
DHS was born out of not only necessity but also function.
Prior to 9/11 attacks on the U.S., inter–agency communication was not very good. There were many
territorial issues on who was in charge and how information would be passed. There are several
agencies that have overlapping missions to help protect. Homeland. Intelligence sharing was
identified as a main issue for the failures of the attacks of 9/11as cited by Eric Velez–Villar Assistant
Director, Directorate of Intelligence Federal Bureau of Investigation. "The constantly evolving
national security threat requires an adaptable information ... Show more content on
(DoD 5110.4M, 2004) Basically the DoD controls all the U.S. Military to protect the national
interest of the citizens. These interests are spelled out by the President through the Secretary of
Defense to the Chairmen of the Joint chiefs. The DoD is used in defense of the nation and is the lead
when the mission changes from homeland security to defense. The DoD is under the command and
control of the
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17th Century Sheriffs
By the 17th century, northern colonies formed a system which took inspiration from English
policing. At the time, the sheriff was the highest form of a law enforcement official. Sheriffs started
out having many jobs which include collecting taxes and supervised elections. Despite having many
jobs, sheriffs were not paid a salary (but were paid fees with each arrest) and stayed inside their
office. In cities, town marshals were the main law enforcement officers. They were given help by
constables and night watchmen. In 1631, the first night watch was created by the city of Boston.
They formed a constable position in 1634. In the south, there was little law and order, and was the
responsibility of a citizen.
The South: Slave Patrols and Codes ... Show more content on ...
If a crime spree occurred they used a practice called the "posse comitatus, which means "power of
the country". This law meant that no man above the of 15 could refuse to serve as a member of a
legally constituted posse. The posse is similar to vigilantism, which was popular in the Old West due
to lack of professional law enforcement. The Federal Judiciary Act of 1789, was created the office
of the U.S. marshal and gave the marshals power to call upon the militia for assistance, a power
which was made possible by the federal posse comitatus legislation in 1792. In 1861, Congress
passed a law empowering the president to call upon the militia or regular army to enhance law
enforcement when it was extremely needed. In 1879, Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act,
forbidding the use of the military to enforce civilian law except where specifically authorized by
law. The use of military in the Old West stopped near the end of the 19th century. In 1823, Stephen
Austin hired bodyguards to protect fellow "Texicans" from Native Americans and Bandits. They
were named the Texas Rangers in 1835. In 1845, Texas Rangers became the first U.S. state police
agency when Texas was admitted to the Union. Scotland native and former detective, Allan
Pinkerton, created a detective agency in Chicago in 1850. By, the 1880s, his national detective
agency had offices in nearly two dozen cities.
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The Effects Of Military Involvement On U.s.
Since the need has been established to justly acknowledge the requisite to take into account
preparations and responses to hazards and the correlational effects, the realization of governmental
assistance became apparent. Due to the ever demanding scenarios, and the requirement of
specialized skill and personnel, the United States Military would ultimately play a role during such
occurrences on United States soil. Although there are Federal, State, and local authorities whom
have a primary purpose of planning for such events, the need of additional assistance during certain
situations is inevitable.
Until certain pieces of legislation were formed, the authorized scope of military involvement on
U.S. soil in a post disaster area was somewhat obscure. Situations as such created issues regarding
personnel, equipment, regulation, and the ever present issue of monetary cost and reimbursement.
Once FEMA was legally formed into a federal entity, these issues could be more accurately
accounted for with such pieces of legislation and regulations as the Stafford Act, the Immediate
Response Authority, Defense Support to Civil Authorities, and although put into law decades before
the previously noted, the Posse Comitatus Act. All of these alterations were tested out in the field,
ultimately showing several complications and alterations that were necessary to respond and recover
in a more effective manner.
Although controversy exists, generally Military assistance comes
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Katrina break down Essay
Which of the three perspectives do you find most persuasive? Least persuasive? Setting aside the
philosophical and legal issues this case raises, what are the management or efficiency arguments for
and against a more centralized response to large national disasters like Hurricane Katrina? Why
would we not want to have a federal fire department? If the federal government tells the states and
cities they will receive no assistance in the event of a disaster, what do you think will happen?
personal responsibility and neighborly concern is a superior substitute for government intervention."
Clearly, Landy conceptualizes federalism as being composed of four dimensions: three levels of
government and the civic ... Show more content on ...
If indeed a major, or perhaps even the major, cause of death from Katrina was a failure to obey a
mandatory evacuation order, this puts the whole Katrina problem in a different light. It shifts the
blame from errors made by the various levels of government to the actions of the populace itself.
Case Questions 1. Which of the three perspectives do you find most persuasive? Least persuasive?
Support your answer. 2. Much of the debate over the response to Hurricane Katrina centers on the
question of the division of responsibility among different levels of government–local, state, and
federal. If the federal government played a more aggressive role–say, taking command of all
response All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization 9781111632366,
Managing the Public Sector, Grover Starling – © Cengage Learning. 156 Part One POLITICAL
MANAGEMENT efforts and placing them in the hands of the regular army–would that violate
tenets of federalism, specific provisions of the Constitution, and specific statutes (such as the Posse
Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits military participation in law enforcement)? What other legal
options are there besides giving the federal government a more powerful role? 3. Setting aside the
philosophical and legal issues this case raises,
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Analysis Of ' Grendel And The Epic Of Beowulf '
Merriam Webster defines a hero as a person who is admired for great or brave acts and defines a
villain as a character who does bad things. These definitions may not be so indubitable as John
Gardner takes a hero and villain to a whole new level in his novel, Grendel. Throughout the years of
novels and short stories, heroes and villains have been constructed as strictly good versus evil, but
what if there is good in evil and evil in good? Grendel and the epic, Beowulf, revolve around this
idea of heroes and villains and good versus evil. Gardner's twist on the stereotypical hero leads to
the true definition of a hero being changed as he creates one who has a nihilistic view on his atypical
life. A hero in the eyes of the Anglo–Saxons has superman strength, undertakes a great quest which
relates to society's values, battles a great monster, and is required to pay homage to a god. Beowulf
makes it black and white on whom the hero and villain are; Beowulf being the wonderful hero who
kills the inimical villain, Grendel. Gardner's novel, Grendel, has a skewed view on who the hero and
villain Gardner uses the villain from Beowulf and creates a novel around him and his viewpoints on
his world. However Grendel fits almost perfectly into the characteristics of a hero, according to the
Anglo–Saxons. He posses super strength which is demonstrated through the altercations he has with
man. In fact, man is Grendel's evil or villain. Chapter one includes examples to prove Grendel's
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Posse Commitatus Act Essay
Another law that Cooper has an issue with is the The Posse Comitatus Act. The Posse Comitatus act
"made it a felony for the Armed Forces to perform the law enforcement duties of the civilian police"
but in 1981 "the military was permitted to give civilian police departments access to military bases,
research, and equipment to strengthen these departments' capacity to wage the War on Drugs"
(Balko, 2006; powell & Hershenov, 1990). Police officers were then trained to use military
equipment. Reagan declared drugs a national security, lifted the ban on the army's ability to train the
police force, and the police and army began to collaborate. "By 1994, the Department of Defense
authorized the large scale transfer of military equipment and technology to police departments"
(Balko, 2006; powell & Hershenov, 1990). Between the 'erosion of the 4th amendment and the
Posse Comitatus Act policing had begun to get out of control and poorer neighborhoods had become
the targets. "In a single 8–block area of a predominately Black and Latino neighborhood (home to
just 14,000 people), the police conducted 52,000 stop and frisks over a four–year period; 94% of ...
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African Americans have been associated with crime for many years, and because of that, the stigma
follows them everywhere. There are plenty of neighborhoods with a lot of African Americans that
have high crime rates, but these neighborhoods also have "pronounced levels of socioeconomic
disadvantages"(Laurence 1). It is argued that African American neighborhoods have the "highest
average levels of disadvantaged social conditions owing to the role of race in structuring opportunity
and community access"(Krivo and Peterson qtd. in Laurence). Some researchers focus on this point,
while others find that although these neighborhoods are more disadvantaged, there may be other
reasons for high crime rate in the
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Militarization Of Law Enforcement
Over the past few decades there has been a drastic shift towards an almost completely militarized
police force around the world. Local, national and even international law enforcement agencies are
militarizing to face modern day threats. Law enforcement agencies around the world have been
forced to militarize in order to properly respond to the ever growing arsenals of terrorist and
criminal enterprises. This will be examined through looking at the globalization of militarizing
police forces, the violent criminal, problems with the militarized force, use of the military
equipment, and finally the justification for using military equipment.
When the evolution and globalization of the arms race hit the civilian and black market it provided
the ... Show more content on ...
"SWAT teams were created in the late 1960s as "quasi–militaristic" squads capable of addressing
serious and violent situations that presented imminent threats such as riots, barricade and hostage
scenarios, and active shooter or sniper situations" (Dansky, p66). The multitude of situations that the
SWAT teams were created to handle are not due to theoretical situations, they were created because
these situations have happened before and the law enforcement community needed a specialized
response team to handle them. In addition to this some countries created these specialized teams in
response to events that happened, for example "New Zealand established the AOS as a result of the
killing of four officers within a month" (Kappeler, p2). The fact that the entire globe is militarizing
helps law enforcement agencies around the world assist each other in training and techniques so
everyone can stay current on all of the potential threats from transnational criminal organizations.
Like professor Wonders said in class "global security and national security are now interlinked"
(Wonders, 2016) therefor anything that benefits one country will most certainly benefit all others.
The never ending threat to our men and women's lives who serve in blue has become much more
prevalent in recent years causing the agencies to respond
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The Battle On Terror And The War On Drugs
In many ways, the war on terror and the war on drugs have merged. The type of red scare rhetoric
from the McCarthy era became nearly interchangeable with the drug war and terrorism during the
Reagan administration. "We're in the middle of a major epidemic...Parents have a right to feel
terror," said Donald Ian MacDonald, Reagan's top drug advisor. He was referring to drugs. Marlin
Fitzwater, Reagan's Press Secretary openly admitted that "everybody wants to out–drug each other
in terms of political rhetoric." This battle of hyperbole was waged on both sides of the political aisle.
Even liberals like former Rep. Stephen Solarz (D–NY) compared the danger from the cartels to
"intercontinental ballistic missiles" and wondered "why we treat (their) threat so lightly?" Likewise,
former Rep. Thomas F. Hartnett (R–SC) declared that drugs were a "national security threat...worse
than any nuclear warfare or any chemical warfare waged on any battlefield."
The two issues officially fused during the Reagan administration when the term "narcoterrorism"
was coined and an effective propaganda tool was formed. The Reagan administration asserted that
drug money from Latin America would be "a source of funds to support insurgencies and
subversion." This eased the way for the Reagan administration to amend the Posse Comitatus Act
thereby allowing military involvement in the drug war. The Posse Comitatus Act was an act of
Congress in 1878 which prohibited the government from using the
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Pros And Cons Of Police Militarization
Police brutality and police militarization are becoming hot topics of discussion in the United States
today. The dangers of police militarization are becoming more prevalent and cases of the use of
brutal force by police are becoming more common. Recently, Attorney General Jeff Sessions
announced that the Trump Administration's repeal an Obama–era rule limiting the distribution of
certain military equipment such as tracked vehicles, camouflage uniforms, high–powered rifles,
bayonets, and grenade launchers. With events like that of the killing of Michael Brown by a
Ferguson, Missouri, by a police officer, a massive show of force by cops decked out in military gear
were deployed after dangerous riots were conducted in the city. This then leads to the question at
hand. Should police be militarized?
What is Militarization:
To better analyze the situation, we must first understand what militarization is. Militarization is the
use of military equipment and tactics by police officers. This includes the use of armored vehicles
,weapons like assault rifles, submachine guns, grenades, grenade launchers, sniper rifles, and SWAT
Pros of ... Show more content on ...
Because of the overwhelming disadvantage, LAPD officers checked local gun shops for military
grade weapons to return fire and defend themselves. During the standoff, eleven officers were
injured, one of the gunmen committed suicide and the second gunman was eventually killed.
Because of this incident, there was an understandable reason that officers be better armed to face
such situations in the future. Since then, gang violence in inner cities like Chicago and terrorist
incidents, especially after the 9/11 attacks, have prompted many law enforcement agencies to ensure
police officers are able to cope with heavily armed adversaries, whether those adversaries are
domestic or
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History And Development Of Law Enforcement
Written Assignment #1 In this essay I will be writing about subjects about law enforcement. The
first is the history and development of law enforcement, the hiring of, training of, and career paths
of law enforcement officers, and last the various styles and primary operational strategies of today's
law enforcement agencies. The history of criminal justice system has come a long way from 1653 to
where we are now in present day. America was built on the idea that government will not be
centralized. That is why the Constitution developed a government divided into three branches.
Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The purpose for a government divided into three branches is to
limit the power of the government. The same idea is what created the criminal justice system in
which we have in today's time. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 limit the power of local law
enforcement, and restricts the government from using military personal to inforce laws on US soil.
Furthermore, another authority that limits the power of law enforcement, but also empowers, is
jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is what give our police officers the right to inforce laws. Each law
enforcement agency has its own jurisdiction they must follow. Political jurisdiction has three major
divisions: Federal, state, and local. Each political jurisdiction division operate within their own
borders, and only answer to the jurisdiction of their
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The National Guard Under The Framers Of Constitution
The article begins by discussing the intentional role of the National Guard under the framers of
Constitution. The National Guards role in the United States national security, and political scientist
view on the National Guards relevance. It illustrates changes in how the National Guard has been
used over the course of history and what events caused these changes. Finally, it gives insight to
some of the adjustments that have been made in the use of the National Guard and are still in
practice to date. The National Guard has changed tremendously from how the Framers intended this
branch of the military to work in it 's beginnings. the National Guard was originally made up of
citizens serving on a part–time bases and being deployed to natural disaster areas. In the past twenty
years the National Guard is frequently being deployed to combat zones like Iraqi and Afghanistan.
the American military is divided into two categories the"active duty", which serves full time in the
military and the National Guard, which consists of the Air force and Army this branch does not
serve on a continuous basis and is governed by the state. The reserves consist of the Army, Navy, Air
Force, and Marines. These military officials serve part–time and are governed solely by the
Department of Defense. the National Guard has consistently been governed by the militia clause,
which is to respond first to emergency situations quickly bring military capabilities of strike force
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Shias Beliefs About Khums
Khums: refers to the religious obligation of a Muslim to pay one–fifth of the spoils of war as tax.
This tax was paid to the Caliph or the head of state that was in charge at the time. Sunnis and Shias
have different beliefs about Khums. Shias believe that khums is applied to the business income and
is paid at the beginning of the financial year. Sunnis who are followers of Salafism acknowledge
khums, however the followers of the remaining four schools do not acknowledge it.
Tablighis: Tablighis are members of the Tablighi jamaat, an extremely orthodox Islamic movement
that follows the work of the Prophet to the letter. The jamaat was founded by Muhammad al–
Kandhlawi in 1927. The Tablighis are big believer in spreding Islam and converting ... Show more
content on ...
"Although our number is very similar to those of Jewish people in this country, we have no
comparison in strength in terms of economic, political and educational strength. We do not have any
Congressmen or Senators. We do not control university boards or faculties. We do not have a single
factory or financial institution, which is able to employ Muslims in large numbers. Therefore, we
cannot judge the future of Islam by looking at the number of Muslims praying on earth or attending
the conventions and bazaars of ISNA. There have to be deeper indicators of our strength" (Athar,
As stated by Dr. Athar, the future of Islam cannot solely depend on the spiritual actions of the
community. The quality of the Muslim people will determine the future of the religion. Muslims
need to practice peace, justice and equality that made the religion so appealing in the past. These
righteous qualities will make the public aware of the good we represent and hopefully wash away all
the negative connotations that were stuck to Muslims and Islam
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Posse Comitatus Act Analysis
As Hurricane Katrina exposed the weaknesses of the levies, it did the same with the New Orleans
Police Department (NOPD) by showing its cracks within the force; it demonstrated a lack of law
enforcement. Despite its many infrastructures in Louisiana, most failed in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina. Along with local and state law enforcement, the armed Forces can augment local
authorities. Lack of law enforcement and the enactment of the Posse Comitatus Act yielded new
laws to aid after a natural disaster
For Local, State, and Federal Governments, the hours after a natural disaster are the most vital, it
would be difficult to enforce order in the absence of a police force. Amid any natural disaster people
are inclined to flee the affected area or protect their own family and property. In the case of the New
Orleans Police Department it is reported that roughly a third of the force abandoned their post,
which created a vacuum. During post Hurricane Katrina seventy–six officers were fired for
abandoning their positions during a major crisis, eleven officers were fired for neglecting their
duties Forty–one officers resigned ... Show more content on ...
President Rutherford B. Hayes signed the Posse Comitatus Act into law on June 18, 1878. The
original intent of the Posse Comitatus Act was to end the utilization of government troops to police
states during elections in the former Confederate States. The Navy and the Marine Corps are not
included in the Act, but rather DoD Regulations subject them to it. The Posse Comitatus Act does
not apply to the Coast Guard because this service falls under the Department of Homeland Security.
In 2005, President Bush urged congress to authorize the use of federal troops, under the Posse
Comitatus Act, to assist in a law enforcement in Louisiana to help quell looting and lawlessness. The
National Guard remains a state asset unless transferred to the federal government under Title
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War On Drug Policing Research Paper
Cooper, Hannah LF. "War On Drugs Policing and Police Brutality." Substance Use & Misuse 50. 8/9
(2015): 1188–1194. Web. 7 Oct. 2015.
Hannah article provide details about how the War on drugs controlling activity has been
unsuccessful to diminish domestic road level drug activities. In addition, the main reason drug
activity still has not decrease is because the drug price still has been low like before and the drug
product has been available everywhere in the market. In addition, this paper mainly focuses on the
connection between the war on drugs controlling policies and police related violence against black
adults and teens in the United States. This paper talks about the historical connection between the
race and ethnicity and controlling ... Show more content on ...
He also describes how the United States views as a voice and forceful supports of prohibitionist
drug controls in international policymaking. In addition, in the United States the discussion on
surrounding drug control policy is one of the most extremely disputed matters of our current eras.
The author mentions in the article how the strictly enforced US prohibitionist drug was unable to
control the Narcotic drugs which happened to create many negative and harmful consequences for
the people in the world. The negative consequences that were created when they failed to control the
narcotic drugs happened to increase the violence, government dishonesty, and public seizure;
therefore, these consequences to the economy growing are very harmful and dangerous. Narcotic
drugs have long preserved, which has impacted many people lives in the world. A main purpose of
this article is about the unaffordable drug control normally employed by the United States. The
United States has spent way too much money abroad and local just thinking that they will be able to
decrease the level of illegal drugs; however, they happened to fail at
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Homeland Security Vs Homeland Security
Much has been discussed about homeland security and homeland defense regarding their differences
and similarities, but regardless of how the two are related, the fact remains that they both serve the
purpose of protecting and defending America, making our citizens safe, and to protect the integrity
of our infrastructure, rendering our nation a safe place to live and build family traditions. The
ultimate purpose of both Homeland Defense and Homeland Security is to protect, defend, and assist
with the safety and security of the citizens of the United States. One purpose specifically caters to
the protection of our citizens in land and the other focuses on the protection of citizens from
Homeland Defense operates within the United States and outside the United States to provide
critical protection to the country against terrorism. Homeland defense is the task the military is
handed outside of the United States. For the purpose of defending and protecting our nation, the
reason why military personnel are sent all over the world to fight radical extremists who pose a
threat to our nation. They also monitor any other entity who can potentially become a threat to our
"Homeland defense represents the protection of our territory, population, and critical infrastructure
by deterring and defending against foreign and domestic threats, supporting civil authorities for
crisis and consequence management, and helping to ensure the continuance of critical national assets
(Department of the Army 1999, 1)." (Noftsinger, 2007)
The Department of Defense main objective is to provide the military forces necessary to protect the
security of our country. To protect our natural resources, installations, and facilities by discouraging
and preventing acts of terror against the American public. To support the overall mission by fighting
radical extremist who plan and carry out attacks on American soil claiming the lives of innocent
citizens. Our military servicemembers operate from overseas and within our states protecting our
borders, skies, ports, and shores from terrorist who wish to plant fear and create chaos in our nation.
"Homeland defense represents the protection of our territory, population, and critical
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Operation Jump Start Case Study
In an attempt to control the influx of illegal immigrants that enter the country, the U.S. Customs and
Border Protection (CBP) and the National Guard (NG) were partnered to support Operation Jump
Start (OJS), an initiative that spanned the period of 2006 to 2008 "to enhance border enforcement
along the southwest border" (MOA, 2006, p. 1) of the United States. A memorandum of agreement
between the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas and the Department of Defense
(DOD) solidified OJS. During that two–year period, the CBP would be responsible for hiring and
training additional members to improve border security, while the NG augmented the CBP. (Straub,
2008). Thus, this operation was a short–term resolution to accommodate a lapse ... Show more
content on ...
Similar to the PCA of 1873, DOD Directive 5525.5 prohibits the following forms of assistance: "(1)
interdiction of a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or other similar activity; (2) a search or seizure; (3) an
arrest, apprehension, stop and frisk, or similar activity; and (4) use of military personnel in the
pursuit of individuals, or as undercover agents, informants, investigators, or interrogators" (Mason,
2013, p. 3). Thus, the National Guard devoted the majority of resources to manning observation
posts, flying alert aircraft, building roads, fences, and vehicle barricades, and fulfilling
administrative functions (i.e., desk duties) (Holstege, 2008). Other forms of regulation include the
regional rules for the use of force (RUF) included in the OJS memorandum of agreement, which
details the level of force authorized, arming orders, and weapon limitations (MOA, 2006). A
specification in JP 3–28 states National Guardsmen under Title 32 or state active duty title will be
issued a RUF card and briefed on the "applicable state RUF" prior to deployment (Joint Chiefs of
Staff, 2013, p. 47).
Implications of Success through
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Tyranny Research Paper
Tyranny, and the Oppression of Black People in America
Two black parents sit with their son to have the Talk, but rather than the expected topic, they begin
to discuss how to handle a situation with the police. Teaching black children about the threat and
danger of an interaction with law enforcement has become more commonplace in black families
today. This fear of harm from an American system highlights the tyranny laden in the history and
present of the United States. When someone mentions the word tyranny, many people would begin
to think of obvious dictatorships; Russia, with Vladimir Putin, Syria with Bashar al–Assad,
Germany with Hitler, and many others. Some Americans could believe that tyranny is a far–off idea,
reserved for the past ... Show more content on ...
Black people did not have the access to the freedoms that white people have; they could not eat,
drink, learn, and be in the same vicinity as white people; Jim Crow laws were legal ways that white
politicians and leaders kept black people from their "precious" white families and citizens. These
laws enforced racist ideologies while appearing to be inclusive to "colored people". In the court case
Plessy vs Ferguson, a black man was arrested for refusing to give his seat to a white man; he argued
that the law was unconstitutional and went against the fourteenth amendment; however, the case
concluded in favor of the law, and Jim Crow laws remained in use (History). Later, in the Brown vs
Board law proceeding, after years of indecision, the judge, Chief Justice Warren proclaimed, "we
conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place.
Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. . ." (Quoted History). Previously, schools had
been segregated solely by the idea that black and white children could be taught in separate schools,
but they would be equal; Warren criticized the concept because the students never had equal and fair
experiences. After the government abolished Jim Crow laws, leaders searched for a new system to
police black people, and the War on Drugs became their new strategy.
The War on Drugs ruined the lives of many people, wasted billions of taxpayer dollars, and
especially targeted people of color. The war originally attacked poor communities of color with
heroin and cocaine laws (War). After President Nixon, Ronald Reagan re–launched the war of drugs
in 1982 by " increasing anti–drug enforcement spending, creating a federal drug task force, and
helping to foster a culture that demonized drug use and drug users" (Cooper). Cooper found
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The Threat Of Homeland Security
Homeland Security was created to protect not only the persons living and infrastructures within the
U.S. but outside as well. Though its existence, homeland security has done a spectacular job due to
the fact that the country is still standing. There are many persons and countries that would love to
see America fall flat on its face. Through corrective policy action and growth within our intelligence
functions we are now as strong as we were before. Nonetheless, Homeland security may still have
its flaws. In recent events, we have seen mass riots such as that in Ferguson, Mo and lone wolfs
attacks in the U.S. This has caused the activation of our National Guard. The military plays a large
part in overseas accomplishments and also plays a part within our borders. For military members to
be utilized on U.S soil they must first be activated by way of Title 10 orders. Before this can happen,
the in state governor must first place a request for military support. That request is then routed to
congress for approval. Military presence is used more so in augmentation on a temporary basis until
local authorities gather enough forces to disperse the situation. The military also has a larger role to
play in securing our homeland. If you look up and the sky you see a lot of space with these small
lines in it that streak across the sky. These are most likely our fighter jets patrolling our friendly
skies. This was pivotal in the response during 9/11. Our fighters were able to shoot
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Emergency Operations Plan
Historically, the United States has been one of the few Western societies to be secluded from major
international conflict within domestic borders. As terrorism, a problem that seems to be borderless,
natural disasters, and unconventional warfare continue to rise the citizens of the United States have
begun to see its effects firsthand. This devastation has prompted a change in management of
incidents that is affecting the traditional roles that agencies play in response efforts to mitigate the
situation. Agencies with major responsibilities to disaster response have begun to examine other
Democratic Western Countries to discuss, as well as collaborate on possible improvements. One
country that departments are creating collaborative ... Show more content on ...
This request would assign the military resources to a specific Emergency Support Function (ESF).
There are 15 ESFs focused in areas such as – Transportation, Communications, Public Works and
Engineering, Firefighting, Emergency Management, Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing,
and Human Services, just to name a few . Remembering that "Active Duty resources are prohibited
from enforcing civil law" , military assistance to disaster response can be used in any other ESF
area. Lastly, the National Guard, which "is the first line of the military response to most incidents"7
or domestic assistance needs, can participate in law enforcing activities. The Army and the Air Force
are the only military branches that have a National Guard component, consisting of "part–time force
where personnel have to be called and mobilized for their tasks"7. National Guard members are not
"active duty" military personnel, instead these members of the armed forces are "regulated by Title
32 of the U.S. Code"7. Describing the Guardsmen as dual purpose personnel, another words they are
both a state and federal resource. So "as long as a National Guard resource is under state control, the
limits are set by state law and by the authority of the governor"7. These limits do not include law
enforcement prohibition, however "once the National Guard asset is federalized, the requirements
that apply to all other Federal military"7. "The Guard is a cost–effective, scalable, operational force
that preserves capability and capacity," strengthening immediate disaster response
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Police Militarization Research Paper
The militarization of police is essentially the use of military equipment and tactics by law
enforcement officers. This can include the use of such things as assault rifles, submachine guns,
armored personnel carriers, flashbang grenades, grenade launchers, sniper rifles, and special
weapons and tactics teams (SWAT). The militarization of police is a point of concern for both
Democrats and Republicans in the United States and has a long history dating back to the late 19th
History of Police Militarization in the United States: Late 19th Century The history of police
militarization in the United States goes back to the Reconstruction Era after the Civil War when
federal troops were used to enforce civil rights in the South. However, because of the highly
disputed 1876 presidential election between Republican Rutherford Birchard ... Show more content
on ...
(n.d.). Police Militarization. Retrieved May 4, 2018, from–
Berlin, J., & Rumore, K. (2017, January 27). 12 times the president called in the military
domestically. Retrieved May 4, 2018, from–national–
Schultz, D., Stewart, G. C., & Samuelson, C. (2014, August 27). A long, powerful history: How we
militarized the police. Retrieved May 4, 2018, from–
Shinkman, P. D. (2014, August 14). Ferguson and the Militarization of Police. Retrieved May 4,
2018, from–and–the–shocking–nature–
Wallace–Wells, B. (2014, August 14). Police Militarization Is a Problem the Left and Right Can
Agree About – and Solve. Retrieved May 4, 2018, from
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Military Strength at Our Borders
American Military University
Miltary Strenght at our Borders
A Research Paper Submitted to
Manassas, West Virginia
Date Submitted 28 June, 2012
Military Strength at our Borders
As todays military currently winds down from actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other lands where
the current war on terror is being fought they face a downsizing that will return thousands home
looking for new employment options. Every one of these individuals whether enlisted or part of the
officer ranks have sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign
and domestic. If not taking the fight to the terrorist in their own lands, what better place to protect
the ... Show more content on ...
One of the primary benefits of this program would be the information and resource sharing. Today's
military forces currently hold a level of operational experience not seen in decades. For over ten
years our forces have been increasing their effectiveness in a multitude of security and
reconstruction efforts. As the level of violence along the border increases the US Customs and
Border Agents are face with a new kind of "enemy tactics" that can be perceived as middle ground
between current border operations in Afghanistan and the historical security issues along the border.
A melding of the military tactics used to train Afghani security force on the protection of their own
border, historical US Customs and Border tactics and techniques along with effective rules of
engagement can reduce violence and illegal cross border flows. An initial "cross training" between
military tactics subject matter experts, military mission planning subject matter experts and
operational Customs and Border Patrol agents can be much more efficient and effective than
training a group of new agents. The ground tactics force is not the only aspect of this effort; their
primary mission should be the security of the engineering and construction force and surveillance of
the borders such similar to the efforts of Operation Jump Start (Greenhill. 2006 / pg25). The overall
major focus of this
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Essay On Homeland Security
Class, Good evening, I hope all is well and thank you to all of my fellow Veterans today. I have
found this week's reading to provide great substance and overview of the role the Department of
Defense and the Army and Air National Guard plays in relation to Homeland Security. The
Department of Defense plays a vital role in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security.
The Department of Defense offers several assets that boosts the Department of Homeland Security's
abilities. The assets being intelligence gathering, CBRNE response, special operations, and
personnel augmentation. Intelligence assets within the Department of Defense include the National
Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, the National Imagery and Mapping ... Show
more content on ...
These assets are the following. U.S. Army Technical Escort Unit U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical
and Biological Center U.S. Army Medical Command Special Medical Augmentation Response
Teams and Regional Medical Commands U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious
Diseases U.S. Navy Environmental Health Center U.S. Marine Corps Chemical–Biological Incident
Response Force National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction–Civil Support Teams U.S. Army
52nd Ordnance Group (explosive ordnance disposal) I actually personally served on a Weapons of
Mass Destruction–Civil Support Team for six years and I can personally say that these teams are by
far better prepared for a WMD attack than any other civilian or law enforcement agency. The
WMD–CST are actually responsible for providing subject matter expertise to the civil authorities in
the event of a CBRNE attack. Another great asset that the Department of Defense provides to The
Department of Homeland Security is their ability to augment personnel to assist the civil authorities.
An example would be like following the attacks of 9/11 and the National Guard provided site
security in New York City and the Washington DC. The National Guard also provided assistance at
the border and in
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Community Policing Era Paper

  • 1. Community Policing Era Paper Policing in the United States has evolved throughout history. The best way to understand it is by becoming familiar with its history. There have been three policing eras in the United States and they were the Political Era, the Reform Era, and the Community Policing Era. The Community Policing Era is the form that is presently used in the United States. Approximately 350 years ago, the first law enforcement system was started in Boston. These were the early days of American law enforcement. When the colonist settled there in 1630 they appointed constables. Constables were like a sheriff and in 1631 they appointed watchman an a few volunteers. They made sure that the streets were safe, reported fires and apprehended and arrested anyone violating the law. The early policing era was based off the English structure. The early police system was reactionary and they only responded when a request was made by a victim or witness. In the last half of the nineteenth century, the Sheriff used the concept of Posse ... Show more content on ... The Community Policing Era promotes the partnership of the community, government and fellow police departments. It engages the community in addressing the cause of crime and the fear of crime within the community. In the Community Policing Era, the police officers are assigned to a specific area and they get to know the people within that area. They went back to the use of foot patrol and also established bicycle patrols. The use of the vehicle was still in place as well but they are not just driving around in their vehicles like in the Reform Era. This brought back one of Peele's principles which involves creating a more involved relationship with the community and this in turn resulted in the community assisting the police in deterring crime. This era is focusing on building relationships and showing that the police care about the ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Preventing Delayss In The Aftermath Of Hurricane Katrina Running head: PREVENTING DELAYS IN THE AFTERMATH OF KATRINA 1 Preventing Delays as seen in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina through the Education of State and Federal Officials on Laws and Regulations Regarding the Use of Military Forces Clinton D. Bayoneta Master Leader Course PREVENTING DELAYS IN THE AFTERMATH OF KATRINA 2 Preventing Delays as seen in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina through the Education of State and Federal Officials on Laws and ... Show more content on ... PREVENTING DELAYS IN THE AFTERMATH OF KATRINA 3 The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 Following the defeat of the Confederacy during the U.S. Civil War, the Union Army occupied the South, known as the Reconstruction period. Tensions were high as the North attempted to restore order and bring the southern states back into the fold. During the presidential election of 1876, federal troops actively patrolled and monitored polling sites throughout the South and many thought that their presence intimated Southern voters and swayed the election (Spak et al., 2004). In response, the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 was enacted, prohibiting U.S. military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement activities (Matthews, 2014). While the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 prevents the U.S. military from conducting law enforcement activities, it does not mention any constraints on the National Guard. The Utilization of the National Guard for Domestic Response The National Guard is subject to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which places them under state control and authorizes them to enforce laws upon the request of the governor (Spak et al., 2004). ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Counterdrug Operations Case Study There are several significant planning considerations the DOD must identify and incorporate when providing support to domestic law enforcement agencies during counterdrug operations. Firstly, DOD support to counterdrug operations is part of a whole of government effort to eliminate the transport and transfer of illegal drugs into the US. DOD is the lead federal agency for the detection and monitoring (D&M) of aerial and maritime transit of illegal drugs into the US as outlined in the National Defense Authorization Acts of 1990 and 1991. The desired end result of D&M is the interdiction and apprehension by Law Enforcement Agency (LEA). DOD assists partner nations (PN) in counter drug (CD) operations, only when specifically requested by LEA and ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Director Of National Intelligence By James Clapper The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, describes the global jihadist movement as one of "Lone wolves, domestic extremists and jihadist inspired groups" that are determined to attack western interests. A 2014–RAND study describes terrorist organizations relying on affiliates, allies and the ability to inspire homegrown violent extremists. Another report stated that 42 of the 50 known terrorist plots since 9/11 were homegrown. Moreover, diasporas spread across the U.S. are subject to persuasion from web–based propaganda that seeks to exploit, recruit and fundraise among immigrant populations. Last, terrorist organizations will likely exploit the criminal activities of Mexico's cartels as well as America's lose border ... Show more content on ... DoD provides deterrence efforts while shaping the environment through theater security cooperation. Domestically, the Navy facilitates the interdiction of vessels in support of the Coast Guard. Along our southern borders, JTF–N provides tunnel detection, logistical and sensor support to law enforcement agencies to interdict illegal trafficking and defend the border. Other examples of assistance while adhering to the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) include the use of UAVs, signal and cyber capabilities as well as CBRN response forces. Likewise, NORTHCOM contributes daily to the overall effort while serving as a conduit of information gained from the other GCCs. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aims to focus collection efforts by establishing a national set of information requirements in coordination with law enforcement agencies and the intelligence community. NORTHCOM supports these efforts with a robust intelligence cell that provides link analysis, facilitating law enforcement operations as well as operations with Canada & Mexico. JTF– N also supports border control through sensor capabilities, aviation, transportation, engineering and training. The mission of JTF–N is to "provide military support to law enforcement agencies, conduct theater security cooperation...facilitate interagency order to anticipate, detect, ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Military Emergencies There are many circumstances that calling the military into support domestic emergencies could arise. In the last 15 years we have seen terrorism become the number one domestic related issue where the use of military forces may be needed. From my understanding of the readings in this section and from recent history only; it would have to be terrorism, or a major natural disaster as the only situations I can see where the use of the military would be needed. I'm sure I could come up with others, but for the purpose of this paper I am going to focus on terrorism being the culprit. According to (Hunter, 2009), "Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution specifies that the President shall be commander in chief of the armed forces" (pg. 89). ... Show more content on ... Obviously in more recent times we have seen the States Governors effectively deploy their own National Guard units. The main reasons these units would be deployed would be "to keep and restore order and protect lives and property" (Hunter 2009, pg. 90). A perfect example of these deployments would be natural disasters effecting large metropolitan areas. I think it is important to also note what (Hunter, 2009) notes about Guard units "when under state command, they are not subject to the PCA and therefore can be used in law enforcement activities" (pg. 105). This makes sense to me know, because I always wondered how Guard troops were performing law enforcement activities if the PCA prevented this unless authorized by Congress or the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Devastation Of Hurricane Katrina The devastation of Hurricane Katrina on the city of New Orleans sparked a national conversation about who, or what, to blame for the disaster. There were inherent problems in how the chain of command was structured for the response to the disaster, and issues with how the plan was implemented. Furthermore, since the hurricane disproportionately devastated low income and predominately African American neighborhoods, many questioned the equity of the implementation plans. Additionally, historical causes for the disaster could not be overlooked. The history of racial housing segregation and the embrace of levee policies that endangered the city were also reasons why many blamed the federal and state governments for not anticipating the disaster ... Show more content on ... Since the city has already bought into this concept extensively, increasing the height and durability of the levees might be easier than creating a new system. In addition, this plan might be viewed favorably by the Trump administration, which is eager to invest in infrastructure projects. Actors that might object to this plan include the EPA and the people of New Orleans. This is because even if the levee system were expanded, the system would continue to negatively impact the wetlands and could potentially lead to larger problems in the future. Additionally, those living in New Orleans who experienced the failure of the levees during Hurricane Katrina might be wary to see a reinvestment in the system. Stone's theories of security notes that security can be defined loosely as a "freedom from fear". For those who lived through the hurricane, the levee failure constitutes a significant fear. They might advocate for an approach that incorporates numerous ways to prevent ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. ssd4 mod 1 4. Which of the following is defined as military power that can contribute to the resolution of this form of warfare, but is not decisive? irregular warfare 5. How many levels down must the commanders intent be easy to remember and clearly understood? two 6. counterdrug activities are part of which operational theme? peace time intervention 7. the minimize injection–site discomfort, not mare than how many vaccine injections will be given on the same day? five 11. prior to deployment, one of the responsibilities of the unit leaders to assist the fst is to reinforce command emphasis regarding which of the following requirements? immunizations, prophylaxis, pretreatments 12. the president of the united states and what other cabinet member ... Show more content on ... (not range control)rc–env 1. a cmetl normally focuses unit training in what arforgen phase? train phase 2. show of force and elimination of weapons of mass destruction are in which operational theme? limited intervention (not major combat operations) 3. successful major combat operations defeats or destory's the enemys armed forces, and which of the following? restore peace 6. which of the following tasks dervies from a detailed analysis of the higher headquarters order, the enemy situation and coa's, and the terrain? specified tasks 7. for which of the following army functional proponets is preventive medicine considered one of the functional areas of army health care delivery? surgean general 8. who designates the administering of the anthrax immunization based upon personnel serving in particular geographical areas or in specific operational roles ? services, chairman of the joint chiefs, or the office of the secretary of defense 9. all soldiers in the unit will receive annual dental examinations. the unit (or its supporting personnel activity) will–establish procedures to deal with soldiers who are classified as which of the following ? class 3 patients 11. what is the minimum personnel requirements for the fst? 3–one nco; one medic; one enlisted soldier mos irrelevant 20. which government agency sponsors electronic questionnaires for investigation? centeral clearance and security services (not defense security service) 24. what official database
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  • 30. Marijuana Use among High School Seniors in the United States Marijuana Use Marijuana use among high school seniors in the United States has been on the rise causing greater concerns for addiction and health concerns among teenagers. According to the CDC, in 2010, marijuana use among high school seniors rose to 21.4%, with 25.2% being male users and 16.9% being female (Health, United States, 2011, 2011). This shows a steady increase every year starting in 2007 where 18.8% of high school seniors were using marijuana, with 22.3% were male and 15.0% were female. Ages as young as 12 years old also showed the same statistical trends, even in Middle Schools. Up to 1920, there were isolated accounts of marijuana and those that did show up in the press showed marijuana being smoked for recreational purposes (Harrison, 2010). After prohibition, marijuana markets started to emerge in cities. Harry Anslinger, Federal Narcotics Commissioner, alleged marijuana as being responsible for violent cases and waged war against marijuana in 1933. As a result, 46 states enacted anti–marijuana legislation. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 placed marijuana with Schedule I drugs that included opium and cocaine. The Boggs Bill of 1951 and the Narcotic Drug Act of 1956 served to establish severe penalties for violation of drug laws. The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs in 1961 was enacted to modernize and coordinate international narcotic control. Provisions were made for cannabis. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 consolidated over 50 drug laws and ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Military Officer In your opinion, should the Director of National Intelligence be a civilian or a military officer? Why? This is a interesting question, after thinking about the pros and cons of whether the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) should be military or civilian I have come to the conclusion that it is best that the directorship should be civilian. I come to this conclusion based on this weeks discussion question being that it is based on the hypothetical scenario in its nature meaning that the DNI currently is housed by a civilian Mr. James R. Clapper. The position of DNI has a history of predominantly being occupied by civilians, even though like the current director most of the directors come from military careers upon retirement or separation ... Show more content on ... An example of separation of powers in the matter of national security for instance one might assume because of its nature that the United States nuclear weapons stockpile is both maintained and purchased by its respective or individual branches of the military or at the very least the Department of Defense, however this is not true in fact the nations nuclear deterrent is handled by the Department of Energy (the Department of Energy is under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence) as it was seen that the control of nuclear weapons should always be in the hands of the civilian branch of the United States government (Atomic Energy Act in 1946 signed by president Harry S. Truman). It does go without saying that there could be advantages that a military officer in assuming the role of the directorship of national intelligence, however even though he or she may be a far superior candidate for the position I believe that they would have one hand tied behind their back with both congressional oversight and being subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) particularly with world events being fluid and readily unpredictable and sometimes dissensions that must be made would have to be in a gray area that military personal are prevented from ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Military Involvement Of The United States And Mexican Border Military Guarding The United States and Mexican Border Should our military guard The United States and Mexico border? The opposing views think that military involvement is not the solution to the problem. The following writing will discuss reasons for that our military needs to be involved in protecting the borders of The United State and Mexico and the arguments regarding our military being used to guard our borders. Many people dispute the military involvement and many are in its favor. This paper will discuss reasons why military involvement is vital in the protection of the United States–Mexican border. The border between The United States and Mexico has been the routes used for trafficking drugs, illegal immigrants and the entry ... Show more content on ... In our past history, The United States Customs and border officials have been focused on relatively common matters of enforcing laws regarding trade and immigration, watching over agriculture and economic interests from pest and disease, and processing people, vehicles and goods. After the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, the primary concern was the homeland security. The threat of terrorists and terrorist tools coming through our borders all add to an increased set of dangers to The United States. Is it the responsibility of our United States Military to defend our country from these threats? The following myths are often understood as true, when in fact they are not. "Myth #1 The US Constitution prohibits posting US troops on the border;" "The US Constitution says no such thing. In fact, Article VI, Section 4 states: The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence." (Illegal Immigration Solutions Pros and Cons (2012)) "Myth #2 The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits US troops from guarding US borders." "This 1878 act was enacted to prevent Union troops from continuing to enforce federal laws in the defeated South after the ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Militarized Policing Military/Police: The Rise of Militarized Policing Military/Police: The Rise of Militarized Policing Introduction The United States has long regarded with great suspicion efforts to use the military as a tool of civilian law enforcement. In significant part, this attitude grew out of the colonists' experiences with the abuses of the British Army. These abuses included the Boston Massacre of 1770, in which the British Army opened fire on colonists protesting the use of the army to enforce civilian laws (Doherty, 2016). These attitudes led to an effort during the early post–Revolution period to separate military and police powers (Doherty, 2016), as well as the Third Amendment with its specific limitations on the military's authority over ... Show more content on ... This can provide benefits in the form of encouragement – tacitly or explicitly – towards professionalism on the part of all police personnel, not just those associated with the PPU. Although the term "police professionalism" has fallen into some disfavor due to its association with a concept of the police as a cold and distant force imposed against crime, the reality is that militarization does serve to increase consistency of behavior across police forces as well as the imposition of expectations of professional behavior (Hall & Coyne, 2013). Additionally, PPUs may serve an important morale–boosting purpose for police forces, setting a high standard for competence and ability and creating a goal to which line officers may aspire (Breede, 2008). Finally, when it comes to civilian law enforcement, it is far more desirable to layer a degree of military training, tactics, and equipment onto a preexisting police mindset than to try to retrain a military mindset for civilian law enforcement work (Breede, ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. National Guard Research Paper development. Specifically, the National Guard's dual role posits a divide between state governor's perception of the National Guard as a homeland security asset, and DOD utilization of the National Guard for operations abroad. Thus, the question of civilian support to DOD homeland defense operations often arises, as a symbiotic relationship will require a commensurate effort from both parties. Karen Guttieri of the Naval Postgraduate School states, "Civil–military relations are critical to homeland support a large number and variety of civil agencies in the event of domestic upheaval" (2003, p. 6), but a civil disturbance may be insignificant in relation to homeland defense efforts. For example, the number of deployed troops to ... Show more content on ... As discussed in lesson 5, the concept of DSCA is a complex provision that authorizes DOD assistance based on DOD Directive 3025.18 in the event federal, state, and local resources are exhausted. In order to improve DSCA and the domestic relationships between federal, state, and local partnerships, the DOD introduced initiatives to clarify the framework for providing military support. This includes the creation of the Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer (EPLO) to facilitate the allocation of DOD resources in support of civil authorities upon a declared disaster/emergency. Moreover, ambiguity found within the IRA provision undermines the ability for commanders to provide assistance in lieu of DSCA approval methods. Thus, Hurricane Katrina sparked the DOD's review of the IRA provision, in order to close the federal response gap for providing immediate disaster support by identifying current legislative barriers. For instance, military leadership did not fully comprehend the authority obtained under the IRA provision, which delayed military aid and assistance during Hurricane Katrina (Leshinsky, 2006). For example, the military responded under the provision of the National Response Plan (NRP), which required the formal DSCA requests from FEMA. This delayed the response of the surrounding military units and is one of the aforementioned barriers that spawned from the bureaucratic nature of requesting military ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Security Of The Homeland Security Enterprise Essay The homeland security enterprise has progressed much in the past few decades, especially after the attack on September 11th. It has been necessary for the DHS to grow and adapt as new and more dangerous threats became known. However, as more threats are prevented successfully, newer and sometimes tougher challenges for the DHS arise. In an effort to pinpoint the most important things affecting the nation, strategic plans are used, sometimes in the form of multi–missions plans, in order to separate different jobs to focus on. Since it is the duty of homeland security to keep the American people safe, but also feel safe, it is important that the public remains confident in the DHS. It may be questioned, but the DHS has the capability to identify and handle future challenges that may arise. But, it cannot be at the expense of the American public's civil liberties. It may be difficult to walk that fine line, but it is imperative that the DHS does in order to keep the country safe. The ability to identify future challenges is paramount for the DHS. In order to do this, adequate collection and analysis of intelligence, both foreign and domestic, is necessary. Once this intelligence is gathered, a strategic plan can begin to be developed in order to address new challenges and threats facing the country. The fact that the country, and world, is constantly in flux introduces the need for the plan to be variable. Homeland security has a strategic plan for the fiscal years 2014 – ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Difference Between Homeland Security And Homeland Security Homeland Security and Homeland Defense are two concepts that will have intersecting missions combined with parallel directives and even sometimes competing objectives. While the concept of Homeland Security and Homeland Security will be explored with greater depth later, the question is how does Homeland Security and Homeland Defense both protect critical national infrastructure. How do these two different missions both compete and complement one another in their efforts to protect those vulnerable infrastructure elements to ensure they remain safe and away from those who would want to do harm in an effort to create widespread terror and even disable or disorient our national defense. Homeland Defense refers to the guarding of national sovereignty, of protecting actual territory and the population contained within against external threats. The mission of this defense has been traditionally been charged to groups like the National Guard with what is referred to as Title 32 duty from the state National Guard troops. This allows personnel with traditional military training to perform many necessary duties to the homeland defense mission without ever running afoul of the Posse Comitatus Act. Posse Comitatus basically restricts the military from performing and domestic law or policy enforcement. While the act only specifically refers to the Army, and then the Air Force was also amended to be a party to the law in 1956, the Navy and Marines also adhere to the rules by ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Causes And Failures Of Hurricane Katrina Katrina Failures In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, multiple failures exposed communication breakdowns, roles and responsibilities. Civil unrest followed after local law enforcement, abandoned their legal duties. Historically, the Posse Comitatus Act created barriers. These barriers slowed down the response of federal support. The President and governor struggled over control of the National Guard. The city of New Orleans suffered economically and through loss of life. With the pullout of the police, they fell into a different category that called for implantation of martial law using an outside policing force. The actions of Governor Blanco are ill prepared at most. Post Katrina in Louisiana was painfully obvious as the total failure of state and federal government's anger looms towards the revision of an outdated law. Actions The Posse Comitatus Act says that "Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a Posse Comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both." (Added Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, § 18(a), 70A Stat. 626; amended Pub. L. 86–70, § 17(d), June 25, 1959, 73 Stat. 144; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) Ordinarily this prevents the President of the United States from acting alone to prevent the unlawful deployment of ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Military Involvement Of The Oklahoma City National Memorial Lastly, although not an easily overcome controversial challenge that this community was forced to face was ultimately the trial of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Due to the psychological stress this incident rooted in a portion of the people involved, it is understandable to comprehend why the judicial process of these two individuals caused issues to some extent. Eventually with the conclusion of the legal process, the strenuous atmosphere surrounding the trial, and ultimately the completion of the Oklahoma City National Memorial to honor those lives lost that day, the last challenge this community face was overcome. With such a disaster occurring on U.S. soil, there was without question knowledge that there would be a necessity of ... Show more content on ... The Stafford act is the "backbone" to any assistance provided by the federal government in the aftermath of a disaster, specifically in this case the Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA). Originally amended from its predecessor, the Disaster Relief act of 1974, the Stafford act was implemented in 1988. In the case of the Oklahoma City bombing, there is an exception to the use of military resources through solely the authority provided from the Stafford Act, and that is the Immediate Response Authority based under the MSCA. This exception allows a local military commander to provide assistance through resources and personnel to civil authorities before authorization was handed down. According to the U.S. Army, "At the scene, some 100 Guardmembers immediately helped the search for survivors. They set up an emergency operations center and reported to the state 's civil emergency management agency" (Smith, 2010). Hastily following these actions, assistance came from two local military bases, Fort Sill and Tinker Air Force Base, where the commanding officers authorized a variety of equipment and personnel to assist before the federal government authorized assistance. Fort Sill, an Army installation approximately an hour and a half away from Oklahoma City, "Fort Sill released two medical evacuation helicopters, explosive ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) The national security of the United States takes on many ideas. It is not only protecting out boarders, but also deterring and defeating an enemy before they come to the United States. Today the U.S. biggest threat is defending terrorism; either by a foreign group or from within our boarders. "The struggle against international terrorism is different from any other war in our history. We will not triumph solely or even primarily through military might." (National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, 2003) And so to combat this in the post 9/11 time, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was born. And as we have seen in the past event, DHS is needed more today than ever. But DHS was born out of not only necessity but also function. Prior to 9/11 attacks on the U.S., inter–agency communication was not very good. There were many territorial issues on who was in charge and how information would be passed. There are several agencies that have overlapping missions to help protect. Homeland. Intelligence sharing was identified as a main issue for the failures of the attacks of 9/11as cited by Eric Velez–Villar Assistant Director, Directorate of Intelligence Federal Bureau of Investigation. "The constantly evolving national security threat requires an adaptable information ... Show more content on ... (DoD 5110.4M, 2004) Basically the DoD controls all the U.S. Military to protect the national interest of the citizens. These interests are spelled out by the President through the Secretary of Defense to the Chairmen of the Joint chiefs. The DoD is used in defense of the nation and is the lead when the mission changes from homeland security to defense. The DoD is under the command and control of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. 17th Century Sheriffs By the 17th century, northern colonies formed a system which took inspiration from English policing. At the time, the sheriff was the highest form of a law enforcement official. Sheriffs started out having many jobs which include collecting taxes and supervised elections. Despite having many jobs, sheriffs were not paid a salary (but were paid fees with each arrest) and stayed inside their office. In cities, town marshals were the main law enforcement officers. They were given help by constables and night watchmen. In 1631, the first night watch was created by the city of Boston. They formed a constable position in 1634. In the south, there was little law and order, and was the responsibility of a citizen. The South: Slave Patrols and Codes ... Show more content on ... If a crime spree occurred they used a practice called the "posse comitatus, which means "power of the country". This law meant that no man above the of 15 could refuse to serve as a member of a legally constituted posse. The posse is similar to vigilantism, which was popular in the Old West due to lack of professional law enforcement. The Federal Judiciary Act of 1789, was created the office of the U.S. marshal and gave the marshals power to call upon the militia for assistance, a power which was made possible by the federal posse comitatus legislation in 1792. In 1861, Congress passed a law empowering the president to call upon the militia or regular army to enhance law enforcement when it was extremely needed. In 1879, Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act, forbidding the use of the military to enforce civilian law except where specifically authorized by law. The use of military in the Old West stopped near the end of the 19th century. In 1823, Stephen Austin hired bodyguards to protect fellow "Texicans" from Native Americans and Bandits. They were named the Texas Rangers in 1835. In 1845, Texas Rangers became the first U.S. state police agency when Texas was admitted to the Union. Scotland native and former detective, Allan Pinkerton, created a detective agency in Chicago in 1850. By, the 1880s, his national detective agency had offices in nearly two dozen cities. ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Effects Of Military Involvement On U.s. Introduction Since the need has been established to justly acknowledge the requisite to take into account preparations and responses to hazards and the correlational effects, the realization of governmental assistance became apparent. Due to the ever demanding scenarios, and the requirement of specialized skill and personnel, the United States Military would ultimately play a role during such occurrences on United States soil. Although there are Federal, State, and local authorities whom have a primary purpose of planning for such events, the need of additional assistance during certain situations is inevitable. Until certain pieces of legislation were formed, the authorized scope of military involvement on U.S. soil in a post disaster area was somewhat obscure. Situations as such created issues regarding personnel, equipment, regulation, and the ever present issue of monetary cost and reimbursement. Once FEMA was legally formed into a federal entity, these issues could be more accurately accounted for with such pieces of legislation and regulations as the Stafford Act, the Immediate Response Authority, Defense Support to Civil Authorities, and although put into law decades before the previously noted, the Posse Comitatus Act. All of these alterations were tested out in the field, ultimately showing several complications and alterations that were necessary to respond and recover in a more effective manner. Although controversy exists, generally Military assistance comes ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Katrina break down Essay Which of the three perspectives do you find most persuasive? Least persuasive? Setting aside the philosophical and legal issues this case raises, what are the management or efficiency arguments for and against a more centralized response to large national disasters like Hurricane Katrina? Why would we not want to have a federal fire department? If the federal government tells the states and cities they will receive no assistance in the event of a disaster, what do you think will happen? personal responsibility and neighborly concern is a superior substitute for government intervention." Clearly, Landy conceptualizes federalism as being composed of four dimensions: three levels of government and the civic ... Show more content on ... If indeed a major, or perhaps even the major, cause of death from Katrina was a failure to obey a mandatory evacuation order, this puts the whole Katrina problem in a different light. It shifts the blame from errors made by the various levels of government to the actions of the populace itself. Case Questions 1. Which of the three perspectives do you find most persuasive? Least persuasive? Support your answer. 2. Much of the debate over the response to Hurricane Katrina centers on the question of the division of responsibility among different levels of government–local, state, and federal. If the federal government played a more aggressive role–say, taking command of all response All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization 9781111632366, Managing the Public Sector, Grover Starling – © Cengage Learning. 156 Part One POLITICAL MANAGEMENT efforts and placing them in the hands of the regular army–would that violate tenets of federalism, specific provisions of the Constitution, and specific statutes (such as the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits military participation in law enforcement)? What other legal options are there besides giving the federal government a more powerful role? 3. Setting aside the philosophical and legal issues this case raises, ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Analysis Of ' Grendel And The Epic Of Beowulf ' Merriam Webster defines a hero as a person who is admired for great or brave acts and defines a villain as a character who does bad things. These definitions may not be so indubitable as John Gardner takes a hero and villain to a whole new level in his novel, Grendel. Throughout the years of novels and short stories, heroes and villains have been constructed as strictly good versus evil, but what if there is good in evil and evil in good? Grendel and the epic, Beowulf, revolve around this idea of heroes and villains and good versus evil. Gardner's twist on the stereotypical hero leads to the true definition of a hero being changed as he creates one who has a nihilistic view on his atypical life. A hero in the eyes of the Anglo–Saxons has superman strength, undertakes a great quest which relates to society's values, battles a great monster, and is required to pay homage to a god. Beowulf makes it black and white on whom the hero and villain are; Beowulf being the wonderful hero who kills the inimical villain, Grendel. Gardner's novel, Grendel, has a skewed view on who the hero and villain Gardner uses the villain from Beowulf and creates a novel around him and his viewpoints on his world. However Grendel fits almost perfectly into the characteristics of a hero, according to the Anglo–Saxons. He posses super strength which is demonstrated through the altercations he has with man. In fact, man is Grendel's evil or villain. Chapter one includes examples to prove Grendel's ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Posse Commitatus Act Essay Another law that Cooper has an issue with is the The Posse Comitatus Act. The Posse Comitatus act "made it a felony for the Armed Forces to perform the law enforcement duties of the civilian police" but in 1981 "the military was permitted to give civilian police departments access to military bases, research, and equipment to strengthen these departments' capacity to wage the War on Drugs" (Balko, 2006; powell & Hershenov, 1990). Police officers were then trained to use military equipment. Reagan declared drugs a national security, lifted the ban on the army's ability to train the police force, and the police and army began to collaborate. "By 1994, the Department of Defense authorized the large scale transfer of military equipment and technology to police departments" (Balko, 2006; powell & Hershenov, 1990). Between the 'erosion of the 4th amendment and the Posse Comitatus Act policing had begun to get out of control and poorer neighborhoods had become the targets. "In a single 8–block area of a predominately Black and Latino neighborhood (home to just 14,000 people), the police conducted 52,000 stop and frisks over a four–year period; 94% of ... Show more content on ... African Americans have been associated with crime for many years, and because of that, the stigma follows them everywhere. There are plenty of neighborhoods with a lot of African Americans that have high crime rates, but these neighborhoods also have "pronounced levels of socioeconomic disadvantages"(Laurence 1). It is argued that African American neighborhoods have the "highest average levels of disadvantaged social conditions owing to the role of race in structuring opportunity and community access"(Krivo and Peterson qtd. in Laurence). Some researchers focus on this point, while others find that although these neighborhoods are more disadvantaged, there may be other reasons for high crime rate in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Militarization Of Law Enforcement Over the past few decades there has been a drastic shift towards an almost completely militarized police force around the world. Local, national and even international law enforcement agencies are militarizing to face modern day threats. Law enforcement agencies around the world have been forced to militarize in order to properly respond to the ever growing arsenals of terrorist and criminal enterprises. This will be examined through looking at the globalization of militarizing police forces, the violent criminal, problems with the militarized force, use of the military equipment, and finally the justification for using military equipment. When the evolution and globalization of the arms race hit the civilian and black market it provided the ... Show more content on ... "SWAT teams were created in the late 1960s as "quasi–militaristic" squads capable of addressing serious and violent situations that presented imminent threats such as riots, barricade and hostage scenarios, and active shooter or sniper situations" (Dansky, p66). The multitude of situations that the SWAT teams were created to handle are not due to theoretical situations, they were created because these situations have happened before and the law enforcement community needed a specialized response team to handle them. In addition to this some countries created these specialized teams in response to events that happened, for example "New Zealand established the AOS as a result of the killing of four officers within a month" (Kappeler, p2). The fact that the entire globe is militarizing helps law enforcement agencies around the world assist each other in training and techniques so everyone can stay current on all of the potential threats from transnational criminal organizations. Like professor Wonders said in class "global security and national security are now interlinked" (Wonders, 2016) therefor anything that benefits one country will most certainly benefit all others. The never ending threat to our men and women's lives who serve in blue has become much more prevalent in recent years causing the agencies to respond ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. The Battle On Terror And The War On Drugs In many ways, the war on terror and the war on drugs have merged. The type of red scare rhetoric from the McCarthy era became nearly interchangeable with the drug war and terrorism during the Reagan administration. "We're in the middle of a major epidemic...Parents have a right to feel terror," said Donald Ian MacDonald, Reagan's top drug advisor. He was referring to drugs. Marlin Fitzwater, Reagan's Press Secretary openly admitted that "everybody wants to out–drug each other in terms of political rhetoric." This battle of hyperbole was waged on both sides of the political aisle. Even liberals like former Rep. Stephen Solarz (D–NY) compared the danger from the cartels to "intercontinental ballistic missiles" and wondered "why we treat (their) threat so lightly?" Likewise, former Rep. Thomas F. Hartnett (R–SC) declared that drugs were a "national security threat...worse than any nuclear warfare or any chemical warfare waged on any battlefield." The two issues officially fused during the Reagan administration when the term "narcoterrorism" was coined and an effective propaganda tool was formed. The Reagan administration asserted that drug money from Latin America would be "a source of funds to support insurgencies and subversion." This eased the way for the Reagan administration to amend the Posse Comitatus Act thereby allowing military involvement in the drug war. The Posse Comitatus Act was an act of Congress in 1878 which prohibited the government from using the ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Pros And Cons Of Police Militarization Introduction: Police brutality and police militarization are becoming hot topics of discussion in the United States today. The dangers of police militarization are becoming more prevalent and cases of the use of brutal force by police are becoming more common. Recently, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Trump Administration's repeal an Obama–era rule limiting the distribution of certain military equipment such as tracked vehicles, camouflage uniforms, high–powered rifles, bayonets, and grenade launchers. With events like that of the killing of Michael Brown by a Ferguson, Missouri, by a police officer, a massive show of force by cops decked out in military gear were deployed after dangerous riots were conducted in the city. This then leads to the question at hand. Should police be militarized? What is Militarization: To better analyze the situation, we must first understand what militarization is. Militarization is the use of military equipment and tactics by police officers. This includes the use of armored vehicles ,weapons like assault rifles, submachine guns, grenades, grenade launchers, sniper rifles, and SWAT teams. Pros of ... Show more content on ... Because of the overwhelming disadvantage, LAPD officers checked local gun shops for military grade weapons to return fire and defend themselves. During the standoff, eleven officers were injured, one of the gunmen committed suicide and the second gunman was eventually killed. Because of this incident, there was an understandable reason that officers be better armed to face such situations in the future. Since then, gang violence in inner cities like Chicago and terrorist incidents, especially after the 9/11 attacks, have prompted many law enforcement agencies to ensure police officers are able to cope with heavily armed adversaries, whether those adversaries are domestic or ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. History And Development Of Law Enforcement Written Assignment #1 In this essay I will be writing about subjects about law enforcement. The first is the history and development of law enforcement, the hiring of, training of, and career paths of law enforcement officers, and last the various styles and primary operational strategies of today's law enforcement agencies. The history of criminal justice system has come a long way from 1653 to where we are now in present day. America was built on the idea that government will not be centralized. That is why the Constitution developed a government divided into three branches. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The purpose for a government divided into three branches is to limit the power of the government. The same idea is what created the criminal justice system in which we have in today's time. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 limit the power of local law enforcement, and restricts the government from using military personal to inforce laws on US soil. Furthermore, another authority that limits the power of law enforcement, but also empowers, is jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is what give our police officers the right to inforce laws. Each law enforcement agency has its own jurisdiction they must follow. Political jurisdiction has three major divisions: Federal, state, and local. Each political jurisdiction division operate within their own borders, and only answer to the jurisdiction of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. The National Guard Under The Framers Of Constitution The article begins by discussing the intentional role of the National Guard under the framers of Constitution. The National Guards role in the United States national security, and political scientist view on the National Guards relevance. It illustrates changes in how the National Guard has been used over the course of history and what events caused these changes. Finally, it gives insight to some of the adjustments that have been made in the use of the National Guard and are still in practice to date. The National Guard has changed tremendously from how the Framers intended this branch of the military to work in it 's beginnings. the National Guard was originally made up of citizens serving on a part–time bases and being deployed to natural disaster areas. In the past twenty years the National Guard is frequently being deployed to combat zones like Iraqi and Afghanistan. the American military is divided into two categories the"active duty", which serves full time in the military and the National Guard, which consists of the Air force and Army this branch does not serve on a continuous basis and is governed by the state. The reserves consist of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. These military officials serve part–time and are governed solely by the Department of Defense. the National Guard has consistently been governed by the militia clause, which is to respond first to emergency situations quickly bring military capabilities of strike force and ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Shias Beliefs About Khums Khums: refers to the religious obligation of a Muslim to pay one–fifth of the spoils of war as tax. This tax was paid to the Caliph or the head of state that was in charge at the time. Sunnis and Shias have different beliefs about Khums. Shias believe that khums is applied to the business income and is paid at the beginning of the financial year. Sunnis who are followers of Salafism acknowledge khums, however the followers of the remaining four schools do not acknowledge it. Tablighis: Tablighis are members of the Tablighi jamaat, an extremely orthodox Islamic movement that follows the work of the Prophet to the letter. The jamaat was founded by Muhammad al– Kandhlawi in 1927. The Tablighis are big believer in spreding Islam and converting ... Show more content on ... "Although our number is very similar to those of Jewish people in this country, we have no comparison in strength in terms of economic, political and educational strength. We do not have any Congressmen or Senators. We do not control university boards or faculties. We do not have a single factory or financial institution, which is able to employ Muslims in large numbers. Therefore, we cannot judge the future of Islam by looking at the number of Muslims praying on earth or attending the conventions and bazaars of ISNA. There have to be deeper indicators of our strength" (Athar, 2008). As stated by Dr. Athar, the future of Islam cannot solely depend on the spiritual actions of the community. The quality of the Muslim people will determine the future of the religion. Muslims need to practice peace, justice and equality that made the religion so appealing in the past. These righteous qualities will make the public aware of the good we represent and hopefully wash away all the negative connotations that were stuck to Muslims and Islam ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Posse Comitatus Act Analysis As Hurricane Katrina exposed the weaknesses of the levies, it did the same with the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) by showing its cracks within the force; it demonstrated a lack of law enforcement. Despite its many infrastructures in Louisiana, most failed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Along with local and state law enforcement, the armed Forces can augment local authorities. Lack of law enforcement and the enactment of the Posse Comitatus Act yielded new laws to aid after a natural disaster For Local, State, and Federal Governments, the hours after a natural disaster are the most vital, it would be difficult to enforce order in the absence of a police force. Amid any natural disaster people are inclined to flee the affected area or protect their own family and property. In the case of the New Orleans Police Department it is reported that roughly a third of the force abandoned their post, which created a vacuum. During post Hurricane Katrina seventy–six officers were fired for abandoning their positions during a major crisis, eleven officers were fired for neglecting their duties Forty–one officers resigned ... Show more content on ... President Rutherford B. Hayes signed the Posse Comitatus Act into law on June 18, 1878. The original intent of the Posse Comitatus Act was to end the utilization of government troops to police states during elections in the former Confederate States. The Navy and the Marine Corps are not included in the Act, but rather DoD Regulations subject them to it. The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to the Coast Guard because this service falls under the Department of Homeland Security. In 2005, President Bush urged congress to authorize the use of federal troops, under the Posse Comitatus Act, to assist in a law enforcement in Louisiana to help quell looting and lawlessness. The National Guard remains a state asset unless transferred to the federal government under Title ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. War On Drug Policing Research Paper Cooper, Hannah LF. "War On Drugs Policing and Police Brutality." Substance Use & Misuse 50. 8/9 (2015): 1188–1194. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. Hannah article provide details about how the War on drugs controlling activity has been unsuccessful to diminish domestic road level drug activities. In addition, the main reason drug activity still has not decrease is because the drug price still has been low like before and the drug product has been available everywhere in the market. In addition, this paper mainly focuses on the connection between the war on drugs controlling policies and police related violence against black adults and teens in the United States. This paper talks about the historical connection between the race and ethnicity and controlling ... Show more content on ... He also describes how the United States views as a voice and forceful supports of prohibitionist drug controls in international policymaking. In addition, in the United States the discussion on surrounding drug control policy is one of the most extremely disputed matters of our current eras. The author mentions in the article how the strictly enforced US prohibitionist drug was unable to control the Narcotic drugs which happened to create many negative and harmful consequences for the people in the world. The negative consequences that were created when they failed to control the narcotic drugs happened to increase the violence, government dishonesty, and public seizure; therefore, these consequences to the economy growing are very harmful and dangerous. Narcotic drugs have long preserved, which has impacted many people lives in the world. A main purpose of this article is about the unaffordable drug control normally employed by the United States. The United States has spent way too much money abroad and local just thinking that they will be able to decrease the level of illegal drugs; however, they happened to fail at ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Homeland Security Vs Homeland Security Much has been discussed about homeland security and homeland defense regarding their differences and similarities, but regardless of how the two are related, the fact remains that they both serve the purpose of protecting and defending America, making our citizens safe, and to protect the integrity of our infrastructure, rendering our nation a safe place to live and build family traditions. The ultimate purpose of both Homeland Defense and Homeland Security is to protect, defend, and assist with the safety and security of the citizens of the United States. One purpose specifically caters to the protection of our citizens in land and the other focuses on the protection of citizens from overseas. Homeland Defense operates within the United States and outside the United States to provide critical protection to the country against terrorism. Homeland defense is the task the military is handed outside of the United States. For the purpose of defending and protecting our nation, the reason why military personnel are sent all over the world to fight radical extremists who pose a threat to our nation. They also monitor any other entity who can potentially become a threat to our country. "Homeland defense represents the protection of our territory, population, and critical infrastructure by deterring and defending against foreign and domestic threats, supporting civil authorities for crisis and consequence management, and helping to ensure the continuance of critical national assets (Department of the Army 1999, 1)." (Noftsinger, 2007) The Department of Defense main objective is to provide the military forces necessary to protect the security of our country. To protect our natural resources, installations, and facilities by discouraging and preventing acts of terror against the American public. To support the overall mission by fighting radical extremist who plan and carry out attacks on American soil claiming the lives of innocent citizens. Our military servicemembers operate from overseas and within our states protecting our borders, skies, ports, and shores from terrorist who wish to plant fear and create chaos in our nation. "Homeland defense represents the protection of our territory, population, and critical ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Operation Jump Start Case Study In an attempt to control the influx of illegal immigrants that enter the country, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the National Guard (NG) were partnered to support Operation Jump Start (OJS), an initiative that spanned the period of 2006 to 2008 "to enhance border enforcement along the southwest border" (MOA, 2006, p. 1) of the United States. A memorandum of agreement between the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas and the Department of Defense (DOD) solidified OJS. During that two–year period, the CBP would be responsible for hiring and training additional members to improve border security, while the NG augmented the CBP. (Straub, 2008). Thus, this operation was a short–term resolution to accommodate a lapse ... Show more content on ... Similar to the PCA of 1873, DOD Directive 5525.5 prohibits the following forms of assistance: "(1) interdiction of a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or other similar activity; (2) a search or seizure; (3) an arrest, apprehension, stop and frisk, or similar activity; and (4) use of military personnel in the pursuit of individuals, or as undercover agents, informants, investigators, or interrogators" (Mason, 2013, p. 3). Thus, the National Guard devoted the majority of resources to manning observation posts, flying alert aircraft, building roads, fences, and vehicle barricades, and fulfilling administrative functions (i.e., desk duties) (Holstege, 2008). Other forms of regulation include the regional rules for the use of force (RUF) included in the OJS memorandum of agreement, which details the level of force authorized, arming orders, and weapon limitations (MOA, 2006). A specification in JP 3–28 states National Guardsmen under Title 32 or state active duty title will be issued a RUF card and briefed on the "applicable state RUF" prior to deployment (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2013, p. 47). Implications of Success through ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Tyranny Research Paper Tyranny, and the Oppression of Black People in America Two black parents sit with their son to have the Talk, but rather than the expected topic, they begin to discuss how to handle a situation with the police. Teaching black children about the threat and danger of an interaction with law enforcement has become more commonplace in black families today. This fear of harm from an American system highlights the tyranny laden in the history and present of the United States. When someone mentions the word tyranny, many people would begin to think of obvious dictatorships; Russia, with Vladimir Putin, Syria with Bashar al–Assad, Germany with Hitler, and many others. Some Americans could believe that tyranny is a far–off idea, reserved for the past ... Show more content on ... Black people did not have the access to the freedoms that white people have; they could not eat, drink, learn, and be in the same vicinity as white people; Jim Crow laws were legal ways that white politicians and leaders kept black people from their "precious" white families and citizens. These laws enforced racist ideologies while appearing to be inclusive to "colored people". In the court case Plessy vs Ferguson, a black man was arrested for refusing to give his seat to a white man; he argued that the law was unconstitutional and went against the fourteenth amendment; however, the case concluded in favor of the law, and Jim Crow laws remained in use (History). Later, in the Brown vs Board law proceeding, after years of indecision, the judge, Chief Justice Warren proclaimed, "we conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. . ." (Quoted History). Previously, schools had been segregated solely by the idea that black and white children could be taught in separate schools, but they would be equal; Warren criticized the concept because the students never had equal and fair experiences. After the government abolished Jim Crow laws, leaders searched for a new system to police black people, and the War on Drugs became their new strategy. The War on Drugs ruined the lives of many people, wasted billions of taxpayer dollars, and especially targeted people of color. The war originally attacked poor communities of color with heroin and cocaine laws (War). After President Nixon, Ronald Reagan re–launched the war of drugs in 1982 by " increasing anti–drug enforcement spending, creating a federal drug task force, and helping to foster a culture that demonized drug use and drug users" (Cooper). Cooper found ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The Threat Of Homeland Security Homeland Security was created to protect not only the persons living and infrastructures within the U.S. but outside as well. Though its existence, homeland security has done a spectacular job due to the fact that the country is still standing. There are many persons and countries that would love to see America fall flat on its face. Through corrective policy action and growth within our intelligence functions we are now as strong as we were before. Nonetheless, Homeland security may still have its flaws. In recent events, we have seen mass riots such as that in Ferguson, Mo and lone wolfs attacks in the U.S. This has caused the activation of our National Guard. The military plays a large part in overseas accomplishments and also plays a part within our borders. For military members to be utilized on U.S soil they must first be activated by way of Title 10 orders. Before this can happen, the in state governor must first place a request for military support. That request is then routed to congress for approval. Military presence is used more so in augmentation on a temporary basis until local authorities gather enough forces to disperse the situation. The military also has a larger role to play in securing our homeland. If you look up and the sky you see a lot of space with these small lines in it that streak across the sky. These are most likely our fighter jets patrolling our friendly skies. This was pivotal in the response during 9/11. Our fighters were able to shoot ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Emergency Operations Plan Introduction Historically, the United States has been one of the few Western societies to be secluded from major international conflict within domestic borders. As terrorism, a problem that seems to be borderless, natural disasters, and unconventional warfare continue to rise the citizens of the United States have begun to see its effects firsthand. This devastation has prompted a change in management of incidents that is affecting the traditional roles that agencies play in response efforts to mitigate the situation. Agencies with major responsibilities to disaster response have begun to examine other Democratic Western Countries to discuss, as well as collaborate on possible improvements. One country that departments are creating collaborative ... Show more content on ... This request would assign the military resources to a specific Emergency Support Function (ESF). There are 15 ESFs focused in areas such as – Transportation, Communications, Public Works and Engineering, Firefighting, Emergency Management, Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services, just to name a few . Remembering that "Active Duty resources are prohibited from enforcing civil law" , military assistance to disaster response can be used in any other ESF area. Lastly, the National Guard, which "is the first line of the military response to most incidents"7 or domestic assistance needs, can participate in law enforcing activities. The Army and the Air Force are the only military branches that have a National Guard component, consisting of "part–time force where personnel have to be called and mobilized for their tasks"7. National Guard members are not "active duty" military personnel, instead these members of the armed forces are "regulated by Title 32 of the U.S. Code"7. Describing the Guardsmen as dual purpose personnel, another words they are both a state and federal resource. So "as long as a National Guard resource is under state control, the limits are set by state law and by the authority of the governor"7. These limits do not include law enforcement prohibition, however "once the National Guard asset is federalized, the requirements that apply to all other Federal military"7. "The Guard is a cost–effective, scalable, operational force that preserves capability and capacity," strengthening immediate disaster response ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Police Militarization Research Paper The militarization of police is essentially the use of military equipment and tactics by law enforcement officers. This can include the use of such things as assault rifles, submachine guns, armored personnel carriers, flashbang grenades, grenade launchers, sniper rifles, and special weapons and tactics teams (SWAT). The militarization of police is a point of concern for both Democrats and Republicans in the United States and has a long history dating back to the late 19th century. History of Police Militarization in the United States: Late 19th Century The history of police militarization in the United States goes back to the Reconstruction Era after the Civil War when federal troops were used to enforce civil rights in the South. However, because of the highly disputed 1876 presidential election between Republican Rutherford Birchard ... Show more content on ... (n.d.). Police Militarization. Retrieved May 4, 2018, from– law–reform/reforming–police–practices/police–militarization Berlin, J., & Rumore, K. (2017, January 27). 12 times the president called in the military domestically. Retrieved May 4, 2018, from–national– guard–deployments–timeline–htmlstory.html Schultz, D., Stewart, G. C., & Samuelson, C. (2014, August 27). A long, powerful history: How we militarized the police. Retrieved May 4, 2018, from– voices/2014/08/long–powerful–history–how–we–militarized–police Shinkman, P. D. (2014, August 14). Ferguson and the Militarization of Police. Retrieved May 4, 2018, from–and–the–shocking–nature– of–us–police–militarization Wallace–Wells, B. (2014, August 14). Police Militarization Is a Problem the Left and Right Can Agree About – and Solve. Retrieved May 4, 2018, from ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Military Strength at Our Borders American Military University Miltary Strenght at our Borders A Research Paper Submitted to by Manassas, West Virginia Date Submitted 28 June, 2012 Military Strength at our Borders As todays military currently winds down from actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other lands where the current war on terror is being fought they face a downsizing that will return thousands home looking for new employment options. Every one of these individuals whether enlisted or part of the officer ranks have sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. If not taking the fight to the terrorist in their own lands, what better place to protect the ... Show more content on ... One of the primary benefits of this program would be the information and resource sharing. Today's military forces currently hold a level of operational experience not seen in decades. For over ten years our forces have been increasing their effectiveness in a multitude of security and reconstruction efforts. As the level of violence along the border increases the US Customs and Border Agents are face with a new kind of "enemy tactics" that can be perceived as middle ground between current border operations in Afghanistan and the historical security issues along the border. A melding of the military tactics used to train Afghani security force on the protection of their own border, historical US Customs and Border tactics and techniques along with effective rules of engagement can reduce violence and illegal cross border flows. An initial "cross training" between military tactics subject matter experts, military mission planning subject matter experts and operational Customs and Border Patrol agents can be much more efficient and effective than training a group of new agents. The ground tactics force is not the only aspect of this effort; their primary mission should be the security of the engineering and construction force and surveillance of the borders such similar to the efforts of Operation Jump Start (Greenhill. 2006 / pg25). The overall major focus of this ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Essay On Homeland Security Class, Good evening, I hope all is well and thank you to all of my fellow Veterans today. I have found this week's reading to provide great substance and overview of the role the Department of Defense and the Army and Air National Guard plays in relation to Homeland Security. The Department of Defense plays a vital role in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Defense offers several assets that boosts the Department of Homeland Security's abilities. The assets being intelligence gathering, CBRNE response, special operations, and personnel augmentation. Intelligence assets within the Department of Defense include the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, the National Imagery and Mapping ... Show more content on ... These assets are the following. U.S. Army Technical Escort Unit U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center U.S. Army Medical Command Special Medical Augmentation Response Teams and Regional Medical Commands U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases U.S. Navy Environmental Health Center U.S. Marine Corps Chemical–Biological Incident Response Force National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction–Civil Support Teams U.S. Army 52nd Ordnance Group (explosive ordnance disposal) I actually personally served on a Weapons of Mass Destruction–Civil Support Team for six years and I can personally say that these teams are by far better prepared for a WMD attack than any other civilian or law enforcement agency. The WMD–CST are actually responsible for providing subject matter expertise to the civil authorities in the event of a CBRNE attack. Another great asset that the Department of Defense provides to The Department of Homeland Security is their ability to augment personnel to assist the civil authorities. An example would be like following the attacks of 9/11 and the National Guard provided site security in New York City and the Washington DC. The National Guard also provided assistance at the border and in ... Get more on ...