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Communication Week 3
Part One: Answer question, roughly 100-150 words, citing must
be APA style
Explain the role of gender conversational rituals. Elaborate on
the topic and share several ways you, or someone you know, has
had to adapt to gender differences in communication (include
Part Two: Answer question, citing must be APA style
1. Describe successful listening skills and process that can aid
communication. How can these skills help you to become an
effective leader in your workplace?
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
2. List at least three ways leaders can work with people who are
less argumentative and people who are highly argumentative to
enhance work communication.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
3. Discuss the factors that affect responsiveness. Give an
example of several responding strategies.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
4. What are some factors that affect an individual’s willingness
to communicate? List at least three ways that leaders can work
with a low willingness to communicate individual.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
From the milestone one, the plan of the changes in the
workforce structure, tradition and culture of the organization
arrived after a systematic research and considerations of the
factors in human service delivery. The report addressed
concerns regarding the growing concerns about the culture of
the organization. Recommendations were made to pave the way
for the retention of some of the managerial workforce and
recruitments of new staffs on merit. The changes outlined in the
plan report were as a result of the systemic plan to improve the
organization working structure that would improve the human
service delivery. The new structure will only remain relevant if
all the staff and structure work towards achievements of the
objectives outlined in the mission statement.
The research was conducted in various worlds’ leading
companies and specifically on the Coca-cola company, Inc.
Coca-cola is a private corporation. Nonetheless, its workforce
structure was found as a relevant benchmark for any
organization. According to the piece of the research work on
structure and culture, it was observed that structuring an
organization does not only involve organizing internal
relationships but it also the external relationships too. This
involves creating sustainable and reliable partners. About our
agency, which offers human services, it would, therefore, be
necessary to create a workable workforce and partners and
volunteers that can steer the organization to higher scales. This
involves looking for funding groups and donors and staff that
can reach the final beneficiaries.
From a case study at Coca-cola Great Britain (which reflects the
culture of The Coca-Cola Company as a whole), the greatest
emphasis is on the teamwork and empowerment. That creates an
important aspect of culture in an organization that sees its
employees as its greatest asset. From the onset, Coca-cola
believes that motivated employees provide the engine that
drives the company’s growth. Such a workforce structure
involves grouping people into teams that encourage people to
feel valued. The workforce of the company was also found to
consist of both experienced workforce and the new entrants.
This ensured the flow of information and exchange of ideas,
experiences and views.
The aspect of a mixed experienced and new graduate entrants,
created a lead for our agency to retain most of the managerial
personnel and at the same time employ new recruits and interns.
The new recruits are encouraged to contribute ideas and
innovation. Such factors were also influenced by the trends in
the human services. One, of such trends, is the change in
technology. Technology is the heartbeat of the agency; it offers
information management system (IMS) and relevant information
flow chain as well as communication systems.
Sustainable workforce structures will be achieved by creating a
friendly, innovative culture, Coca-Cola Company can depend on
a high-quality workforce that has helped the company to
maintain the leading brand all over the world. This success is
contributed by the company’s aggressiveness to embrace new
technology and changing culture. According to Gabrielle
Brown, in his article he mentions organizational culture and
structure changes is inevitable due a constant change in
technology, customer, and markets, social and political
pressures as well as demographic characteristics (Brown, 2016).
Brown, G. (2016). Resistance to Change in organization's
Structure & Culture.
Creating an effective organisational structureA Coca-Cola Great
Britain case study. (n.d.). Retrieved March 01, 2016, from
Nonprofit budget (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2016, from
The Global Fund for Children. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22,
2016, from
Current State of the Agency
The current state of the AfriGro Agency Corporation is
deplorable to say the least. The agency is plagued with
corruption allegations and mistreatment of its workers. For the
past 10 years, the agency has been unable to provide a stable
and safe working environment for its workers. It has been
reported that several of the workers have bruises on their bodies
owing to injuries at work. Productivity levels are low because
of the unsafe working conditions.
Furthermore, job satisfaction in the agency is low, a factor that
significantly contributes to poor performance of the employees.
There have also been reports of wrangles within the company.
The wrangles are attributed to lack of clearly distinguished
duties leading to an overlap of these duties. Ten employees have
already left the organization owing to the poor working
conditions and low levels of job satisfaction. Employee turnover
is bound to increase if the current state of affairs is not
The current budgetary allocations are inefficient in meeting the
needs of the organization. Looting of the donor funds has led to
diminishing of budgetary allocations for key community
projects. In addition, the agency has been blamed for
prioritizing the wrong projects over projects that the
communities it serves truly need.
The culture of the organization has been shattered because of
the poor working conditions in the company and the fraudulent
activities of the management. The employees are not cohesive
because they do not believe they are working towards a similar
goal. There is also a lot of mistrust between the employees and
the management. The former do not believe that the
management has their best interests at heart.
Justification for Proposal
The proposal is to develop a better organizational structure
by improving working conditions and rooting out corruption in
the company. New employees will be hired to replace the ones
that left. In addition, stringent financial controls will be put in
place to block any attempts to embezzle any of the donor funds.
In fact, criminal investigations will be launched against the
former CEO and other top managers for embezzlement of funds.
The proposal is essential at this time if it is to recover public
and donor trust again. The mission for the company is to
provide support to African farmers in order to eradicate hunger
in the third world continent. The agency needs to resort back to
this mission as a guideline for its activities. The impact of the
proposal is increased efficiency in the delivery of services to
the farmers across the continent. With better delivery of
services, the farmers are able to grow more stable crops and
earn a better living. Increase in income will alleviate the
poverty of the farmers. The boost in food production will help
eradicate hunger in different areas across the continent.
Agency Mission
The mission of the Agency is to ensure that African
farmers are farming efficiently, increasing their income, and
aiding in the alleviation of hunger on the continent. In other
words, the agency has been charged with providing monetary
and technical support to African farmers with a bid of boosting
plant production and increasing the profit margin for the
If the current state of the agency continues then the
organization will fail miserably at its mandate. Unsafe working
conditions and corruption will lead to an increase in employee
turnover. The result is a direct loss of knowledge capital in the
agency. Employees provide the technical knowhow of
implementing the objectives of the agency in the continent.
Corruption and embezzlement will lead to a shortfall in cash
making it harder for the agency to successfully carry out its
During the creation of the proposal, the management
considered the implications that it would have on the fulfillment
of the mission of the agency. The proposal considered the need
to provide support for the farmers to improve their quality of
life. The whole purpose of revamping the agency and weeding
out corruption is to provide better technical and financial
support to the farmers. The support will go a long way in
improving the communities that the agency serves.
Trends in Human Service Delivery
A trend in human service delivery is the formulation of
non-traditional partnerships with the aim of creating a new
human services ecosystem. The need to maximize resources and
find fresh ideas has led many agencies to shift from entrenched
ways of human service delivery. Agencies, including Afrigo,
normally work parallel to one another without having the same
goals and practices. However, this is bound to change with
decrease in resources and increase in demand for the services
offered. Working together forces all the parties involved to
focus on core competencies and determine how collaboration
can have a system wide impact at a lesser cost (Wareing &
Hendrick, 2013).
Social financing is another trend in the industry. The type
of financing involves encouraging donors to invest in
preventative social interventions that will benefit everyone in
the society. The result is that everyone benefits and the society
saves on money that would have been used for future
remediation. The agency infuses capital for an intervention, and
if the specific social outcome is achieved, the investors will get
back their investment plus a hefty rate of return (Wareing &
Hendrick, 2013).
These trends have pushed the agency to be keener on new
partnerships with other agencies and governmental entities that
work in human services delivery. The proposal will ensure that
the agency is open to collaborating with other agencies by
making it more efficient and accountable. It will also attract
more potential investors who are willing to engage in social
financing. These investors are looking for a transparent agency
that can meet its social objectives.
Workforce Structure
Structure and Culture
The agency was intended to provide a hospitable climate
for workers to engage each other and exchange critical skills
and information for the benefit of African farmers. A culture of
this sort would provide comprehensive service delivery. The
proposal aims at enforcing the culture of cohesiveness and
working together in the workplace for the common good of the
people it serves.
Personnel and retention
The proposal aims at improving the retention of personnel
in the agency. The high employee turnover rate is draining the
agency’s skills, labor, and knowledge. The result is that the
quality of service delivery is severely hampered. The proposal
seeks to establish a reputable working environment where job
satisfaction is guaranteed. Increased job satisfaction leads to a
decrease in employee turnover and an increase in the quality of
service delivery.
Personnel and recruitment
The proposal also aims to establish a new recruitment
process that will attract the top talent from across the continent
and beyond. Previously, recruitment was based on the network
capital of the applicant and there were many nepotism
incidences in the recruitment process. However, with the new
proposal, the recruitment process will be fair and applicants
will be accorded equal treatment. Hiring the right people for the
job will greatly influence the quality of the services delivered
by AfriGro.
Current Trends
A current trend in the workforce structure for human
services is paying more attention to the needs of the workers.
Most of the workers join agencies such as AfriGro because they
want to help the communities they live in. Their pay is minimal
compared to those working in for profit companies. Neglect of
these workers will lead to a significant increase in employee
turnover (Donahue Institute, 2006). More has to be done to
cater to the financial, health, physical, emotional, and mental
needs of Afrigro’s employees. The agency needs to create a
creative atmosphere for these employees where they can nurture
their talents and passions.
Budget and Funding
Delivery of Services
The agency’s budgeting will need to be aligned with the
current ethical standards set by the Ethical Standards for Human
Service Professionals. The money allocated in the budget should
be equitably distributed among the priority projects of the
agency. Allocation for salaries of top management should also
be ethical unlike in the past. Reports indicate that some
frivolous projects were listed in previous budgets. The proposal
aims at eradicating such incidences by ensuring that an
independent accountant audits the budget and other financial
reports for the agency. The selection of projects to fund using
the money received from donors will also be made on ethical
grounds and not for commercial purposes or the benefit of the
management or unscrupulous business and government officials.
Quality of Services
The National Organization for Human Services advocates
that all human services’ agencies need to ensure decent quality
of services to the clients. The quality of service and delivery
needs to be the top priority for the agency. A high quality of
services will guarantee that the agency respects the dignity and
worth of the clients, integrity, and social justice.
Grant Funding
The agency will adhere to ethical standards regarding grant
funding. The channels for attracting grant money shall be
ethical. The agency will not offer bribes to receive more grant
funding or offer promises to grantors. In addition, the agency
will provide full accountability of how the grant money is being
utilized and the societal benefits of each project initiated by the
agency using the grant funds.
Future Funding Sources
The agency is also looking into new sources of funding in
a bid to stop over-reliance on specific donor funds. Partnerships
with other agencies will see the agency opening new funding
sources. Social financing is also an additional form of financing
that the agency will begin to apply in the near future (Stevens,
1998). The agency will also look into ways of entering into
profitable partnerships with the farmers. The aim is to re-invest
part of the profit earned in developing new projects that can
help alleviate poverty and hunger in the surrounding
Future Program Service Delivery
The proposal will greatly improve the process of service
delivery for the agency. Following ethical guidelines, the
proposal seeks to ensure that all budgetary allocations are fair
and will have the greatest impact in the targeted communities.
Corruption and high employee turnover will be a thing of the
past with the implementation of the new proposal. The result
will be a dramatic increase in the quality of services provided
by the agency. Ethics will play a major role in the agency’s
accountability to its employees, its donors and grantors, and to
the client it serves.
Trends and Benefits to the Community
The proposal is aligned to current trends in human service
delivery. Major current trends are more focus on ethical
standards of operation and providing reputable work
environments to employees. The proposal is aimed at improving
the culture of the organization for the sake of the workforce.
Creating a cohesive and ethics-oriented organizational culture
will ensure that employee turnover rates decrease in the agency.
Qualified employees will also be brought on board as per the
proposal. The skills and knowledge inherent in the organization
will be a driving force for change in the communities that the
agency serves.
Donahue Institute (2006). The Future of the Human Services
Workforce in Massachusetts. Commissioned by The
Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers, Inc.
Stevens, S.K. (1998). Becoming tomorrow’s Non-Profit: Seven
Strategies for Managing Your Nonprofit’s Future.
Wareing T., & Hendrick, H.H. (2013, Apr 1). Five trends
driving the future of human services. Retrieved
on 2/3/2016 from
CB Week 3
Part One: Answer question, roughly 100-150 words, all citing
must be APA style
Review Profile 4.2 on page 137. After reviewing, please discuss
union avoidance strategies by management. What suggestions
would you make to avoid union organization in the workplace?
Part Two: Answer Questions, all citing must be APA style
1. Identify and discuss in detail the steps in a secret ballot
representation election. Who initiates this process? Explain.
Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
2. Realizing every workforce is different, identify and discuss
the four basic steps involved in launching a union organizing
campaign. Does this differ in the public and private sector?
Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
Part Three: Unit III Case Study
Read Case Study 4-1, “Salting,” on pages 155-156 of your
textbook. Then, address the following:
1. Explain how the company’s treatment of both the “covert”
and “overt” salts applications for jobs compares to the
recommended counter-salting steps for employers.
2. Would either the “covert” or the “overt” salts in this case
satisfy the NLRB ruling that applicants for employment must be
genuinely interested in seeking employment before claiming
protection under the NLRA?
3. Does the company’s opposition to becoming a union shop
indicate that there was anti-union animus in refusing to consider
the “overt” salts for employment?
Your response should be a minimum of 150 words per question.
All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced;
paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying
citations in APA format.
Carrell, M. R. & Heavrin, C. (2013). Labor relations and
collective bargaining: Private and public sectors (10th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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  • 1. Communication Week 3 Part One: Answer question, roughly 100-150 words, citing must be APA style Explain the role of gender conversational rituals. Elaborate on the topic and share several ways you, or someone you know, has had to adapt to gender differences in communication (include examples). Part Two: Answer question, citing must be APA style 1. Describe successful listening skills and process that can aid communication. How can these skills help you to become an effective leader in your workplace? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 2. List at least three ways leaders can work with people who are less argumentative and people who are highly argumentative to enhance work communication. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 3. Discuss the factors that affect responsiveness. Give an example of several responding strategies. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 4. What are some factors that affect an individual’s willingness to communicate? List at least three ways that leaders can work with a low willingness to communicate individual. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. From the milestone one, the plan of the changes in the workforce structure, tradition and culture of the organization arrived after a systematic research and considerations of the factors in human service delivery. The report addressed concerns regarding the growing concerns about the culture of the organization. Recommendations were made to pave the way for the retention of some of the managerial workforce and recruitments of new staffs on merit. The changes outlined in the plan report were as a result of the systemic plan to improve the
  • 2. organization working structure that would improve the human service delivery. The new structure will only remain relevant if all the staff and structure work towards achievements of the objectives outlined in the mission statement. The research was conducted in various worlds’ leading companies and specifically on the Coca-cola company, Inc. Coca-cola is a private corporation. Nonetheless, its workforce structure was found as a relevant benchmark for any organization. According to the piece of the research work on structure and culture, it was observed that structuring an organization does not only involve organizing internal relationships but it also the external relationships too. This involves creating sustainable and reliable partners. About our agency, which offers human services, it would, therefore, be necessary to create a workable workforce and partners and volunteers that can steer the organization to higher scales. This involves looking for funding groups and donors and staff that can reach the final beneficiaries. From a case study at Coca-cola Great Britain (which reflects the culture of The Coca-Cola Company as a whole), the greatest emphasis is on the teamwork and empowerment. That creates an important aspect of culture in an organization that sees its employees as its greatest asset. From the onset, Coca-cola believes that motivated employees provide the engine that drives the company’s growth. Such a workforce structure involves grouping people into teams that encourage people to feel valued. The workforce of the company was also found to consist of both experienced workforce and the new entrants. This ensured the flow of information and exchange of ideas, experiences and views. The aspect of a mixed experienced and new graduate entrants, created a lead for our agency to retain most of the managerial personnel and at the same time employ new recruits and interns. The new recruits are encouraged to contribute ideas and innovation. Such factors were also influenced by the trends in the human services. One, of such trends, is the change in
  • 3. technology. Technology is the heartbeat of the agency; it offers information management system (IMS) and relevant information flow chain as well as communication systems. Sustainable workforce structures will be achieved by creating a friendly, innovative culture, Coca-Cola Company can depend on a high-quality workforce that has helped the company to maintain the leading brand all over the world. This success is contributed by the company’s aggressiveness to embrace new technology and changing culture. According to Gabrielle Brown, in his article he mentions organizational culture and structure changes is inevitable due a constant change in technology, customer, and markets, social and political pressures as well as demographic characteristics (Brown, 2016). References Brown, G. (2016). Resistance to Change in organization's Structure & Culture. Creating an effective organisational structureA Coca-Cola Great Britain case study. (n.d.). Retrieved March 01, 2016, from britain/creating-an-effective-organisational-structure/structure- and-culture.html#axzz41Yok70zv Nonprofit budget (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2016, from Management/Establishment/budget-examples The Global Fund for Children. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2016, from RDu1OGw3- KXokwSJAB_Yy2QlNKcHaYv9RGWjnNh1wgJsKyRd- ZdKpH3Ix-LzROHNBoCNn3w_
  • 4. Introduction Current State of the Agency The current state of the AfriGro Agency Corporation is deplorable to say the least. The agency is plagued with corruption allegations and mistreatment of its workers. For the past 10 years, the agency has been unable to provide a stable and safe working environment for its workers. It has been reported that several of the workers have bruises on their bodies owing to injuries at work. Productivity levels are low because of the unsafe working conditions. Furthermore, job satisfaction in the agency is low, a factor that significantly contributes to poor performance of the employees. There have also been reports of wrangles within the company. The wrangles are attributed to lack of clearly distinguished duties leading to an overlap of these duties. Ten employees have already left the organization owing to the poor working conditions and low levels of job satisfaction. Employee turnover is bound to increase if the current state of affairs is not reversed. The current budgetary allocations are inefficient in meeting the needs of the organization. Looting of the donor funds has led to diminishing of budgetary allocations for key community projects. In addition, the agency has been blamed for prioritizing the wrong projects over projects that the communities it serves truly need. The culture of the organization has been shattered because of the poor working conditions in the company and the fraudulent activities of the management. The employees are not cohesive because they do not believe they are working towards a similar goal. There is also a lot of mistrust between the employees and the management. The former do not believe that the management has their best interests at heart. Justification for Proposal The proposal is to develop a better organizational structure
  • 5. by improving working conditions and rooting out corruption in the company. New employees will be hired to replace the ones that left. In addition, stringent financial controls will be put in place to block any attempts to embezzle any of the donor funds. In fact, criminal investigations will be launched against the former CEO and other top managers for embezzlement of funds. The proposal is essential at this time if it is to recover public and donor trust again. The mission for the company is to provide support to African farmers in order to eradicate hunger in the third world continent. The agency needs to resort back to this mission as a guideline for its activities. The impact of the proposal is increased efficiency in the delivery of services to the farmers across the continent. With better delivery of services, the farmers are able to grow more stable crops and earn a better living. Increase in income will alleviate the poverty of the farmers. The boost in food production will help eradicate hunger in different areas across the continent. Agency Mission The mission of the Agency is to ensure that African farmers are farming efficiently, increasing their income, and aiding in the alleviation of hunger on the continent. In other words, the agency has been charged with providing monetary and technical support to African farmers with a bid of boosting plant production and increasing the profit margin for the farmers. If the current state of the agency continues then the organization will fail miserably at its mandate. Unsafe working conditions and corruption will lead to an increase in employee turnover. The result is a direct loss of knowledge capital in the agency. Employees provide the technical knowhow of implementing the objectives of the agency in the continent. Corruption and embezzlement will lead to a shortfall in cash making it harder for the agency to successfully carry out its mandate. During the creation of the proposal, the management considered the implications that it would have on the fulfillment
  • 6. of the mission of the agency. The proposal considered the need to provide support for the farmers to improve their quality of life. The whole purpose of revamping the agency and weeding out corruption is to provide better technical and financial support to the farmers. The support will go a long way in improving the communities that the agency serves. Trends in Human Service Delivery A trend in human service delivery is the formulation of non-traditional partnerships with the aim of creating a new human services ecosystem. The need to maximize resources and find fresh ideas has led many agencies to shift from entrenched ways of human service delivery. Agencies, including Afrigo, normally work parallel to one another without having the same goals and practices. However, this is bound to change with decrease in resources and increase in demand for the services offered. Working together forces all the parties involved to focus on core competencies and determine how collaboration can have a system wide impact at a lesser cost (Wareing & Hendrick, 2013). Social financing is another trend in the industry. The type of financing involves encouraging donors to invest in preventative social interventions that will benefit everyone in the society. The result is that everyone benefits and the society saves on money that would have been used for future remediation. The agency infuses capital for an intervention, and if the specific social outcome is achieved, the investors will get back their investment plus a hefty rate of return (Wareing & Hendrick, 2013). These trends have pushed the agency to be keener on new partnerships with other agencies and governmental entities that work in human services delivery. The proposal will ensure that the agency is open to collaborating with other agencies by making it more efficient and accountable. It will also attract more potential investors who are willing to engage in social financing. These investors are looking for a transparent agency that can meet its social objectives.
  • 7. Workforce Structure Structure and Culture The agency was intended to provide a hospitable climate for workers to engage each other and exchange critical skills and information for the benefit of African farmers. A culture of this sort would provide comprehensive service delivery. The proposal aims at enforcing the culture of cohesiveness and working together in the workplace for the common good of the people it serves. Personnel and retention The proposal aims at improving the retention of personnel in the agency. The high employee turnover rate is draining the agency’s skills, labor, and knowledge. The result is that the quality of service delivery is severely hampered. The proposal seeks to establish a reputable working environment where job satisfaction is guaranteed. Increased job satisfaction leads to a decrease in employee turnover and an increase in the quality of service delivery. Personnel and recruitment The proposal also aims to establish a new recruitment process that will attract the top talent from across the continent and beyond. Previously, recruitment was based on the network capital of the applicant and there were many nepotism incidences in the recruitment process. However, with the new proposal, the recruitment process will be fair and applicants will be accorded equal treatment. Hiring the right people for the job will greatly influence the quality of the services delivered by AfriGro. Current Trends A current trend in the workforce structure for human services is paying more attention to the needs of the workers. Most of the workers join agencies such as AfriGro because they want to help the communities they live in. Their pay is minimal compared to those working in for profit companies. Neglect of these workers will lead to a significant increase in employee turnover (Donahue Institute, 2006). More has to be done to
  • 8. cater to the financial, health, physical, emotional, and mental needs of Afrigro’s employees. The agency needs to create a creative atmosphere for these employees where they can nurture their talents and passions. Budget and Funding Delivery of Services The agency’s budgeting will need to be aligned with the current ethical standards set by the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals. The money allocated in the budget should be equitably distributed among the priority projects of the agency. Allocation for salaries of top management should also be ethical unlike in the past. Reports indicate that some frivolous projects were listed in previous budgets. The proposal aims at eradicating such incidences by ensuring that an independent accountant audits the budget and other financial reports for the agency. The selection of projects to fund using the money received from donors will also be made on ethical grounds and not for commercial purposes or the benefit of the management or unscrupulous business and government officials. Quality of Services The National Organization for Human Services advocates that all human services’ agencies need to ensure decent quality of services to the clients. The quality of service and delivery needs to be the top priority for the agency. A high quality of services will guarantee that the agency respects the dignity and worth of the clients, integrity, and social justice. Grant Funding The agency will adhere to ethical standards regarding grant funding. The channels for attracting grant money shall be ethical. The agency will not offer bribes to receive more grant funding or offer promises to grantors. In addition, the agency will provide full accountability of how the grant money is being utilized and the societal benefits of each project initiated by the agency using the grant funds.
  • 9. Future Funding Sources The agency is also looking into new sources of funding in a bid to stop over-reliance on specific donor funds. Partnerships with other agencies will see the agency opening new funding sources. Social financing is also an additional form of financing that the agency will begin to apply in the near future (Stevens, 1998). The agency will also look into ways of entering into profitable partnerships with the farmers. The aim is to re-invest part of the profit earned in developing new projects that can help alleviate poverty and hunger in the surrounding communities. Conclusion Future Program Service Delivery The proposal will greatly improve the process of service delivery for the agency. Following ethical guidelines, the proposal seeks to ensure that all budgetary allocations are fair and will have the greatest impact in the targeted communities. Corruption and high employee turnover will be a thing of the past with the implementation of the new proposal. The result will be a dramatic increase in the quality of services provided by the agency. Ethics will play a major role in the agency’s accountability to its employees, its donors and grantors, and to the client it serves. Trends and Benefits to the Community The proposal is aligned to current trends in human service delivery. Major current trends are more focus on ethical standards of operation and providing reputable work environments to employees. The proposal is aimed at improving the culture of the organization for the sake of the workforce. Creating a cohesive and ethics-oriented organizational culture will ensure that employee turnover rates decrease in the agency. Qualified employees will also be brought on board as per the proposal. The skills and knowledge inherent in the organization will be a driving force for change in the communities that the agency serves.
  • 10. References Donahue Institute (2006). The Future of the Human Services Workforce in Massachusetts. Commissioned by The Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers, Inc. Stevens, S.K. (1998). Becoming tomorrow’s Non-Profit: Seven Strategies for Managing Your Nonprofit’s Future. Wareing T., & Hendrick, H.H. (2013, Apr 1). Five trends driving the future of human services. Retrieved on 2/3/2016 from Driving-the-Future-of-Human-Services.html CB Week 3 Part One: Answer question, roughly 100-150 words, all citing must be APA style Review Profile 4.2 on page 137. After reviewing, please discuss union avoidance strategies by management. What suggestions would you make to avoid union organization in the workplace? Part Two: Answer Questions, all citing must be APA style 1. Identify and discuss in detail the steps in a secret ballot
  • 11. representation election. Who initiates this process? Explain. Your response should be at least 300 words in length. 2. Realizing every workforce is different, identify and discuss the four basic steps involved in launching a union organizing campaign. Does this differ in the public and private sector? Explain. Your response should be at least 300 words in length. Part Three: Unit III Case Study Read Case Study 4-1, “Salting,” on pages 155-156 of your textbook. Then, address the following: 1. Explain how the company’s treatment of both the “covert” and “overt” salts applications for jobs compares to the recommended counter-salting steps for employers. 2. Would either the “covert” or the “overt” salts in this case satisfy the NLRB ruling that applicants for employment must be genuinely interested in seeking employment before claiming protection under the NLRA? 3. Does the company’s opposition to becoming a union shop indicate that there was anti-union animus in refusing to consider the “overt” salts for employment? Your response should be a minimum of 150 words per question. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format. Textbook: Carrell, M. R. & Heavrin, C. (2013). Labor relations and collective bargaining: Private and public sectors (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.