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By Swanand Pagnis
Higher-Order Functions for
By Graham Hutton
• Abstract & Introduction
• Build a parser, one fn at a time
• Moving beyond toy parsers
In combinator parsing, the text of parsers resembles BNF
notation. We present the basic method, and a number of
extensions. We address the special problems presented by
whitespace, and parsers with separate lexical and syntactic
phases. In particular, a combining form for handling the
“offside rule” is given. Other extensions to the basic
method include an “into” combining form with many useful
applications, and a simple means by which combinator
parsers can produce more informative error messages.
• Combinators that resemble BNF notation
• Whitespace handling through "Offside
• "Into" combining form for advanced parsing
• Strategy for better error messages
Primitive Parsers
• Take input
• Process one character
• Return results and unused input
• Combine primitives
• Define building blocks
• Return results and unused input
Lexical analysis and syntax
• Combine the combinators
• Define lexical elements
• Return results and unused input
input: "from:swiggy to:me"
output: [("f", "rom:swiggy to:me")]
input: "42 !=> ans"
output: [("4", "2 !=> ans")]
rule: 'a' followed by 'b'
input: "abcdef"
output: [(('a','b'),"cdef")]
rule: 'a' followed by 'b'
input: "abcdef"
output: [(('a','b'),"cdef")]
Language choice
Lazy Functional Languages
Author's choice
An obvious choice. 🤓
Another obvious choice. 🤓
🍎 to 🍊 so $ for learning
Functional, but not lazy.
Haskell %
Simple when stick to fundamental FP
• Higher order functions
• Immutability
• Recursive problem solving
• Algebraic types
Let's build a parser,
one fn at a time
type Parser a b = [a] !-> [(b, [a])]
Types help with abstraction
• We'll be dealing with parsers and combinators
• Parsers are functions, they accept input and
return results
• Combinators accept parsers and return
A parser is a function that
accepts an input and returns
parsed results and the
unused input for each result
Parser is a function type that
accepts a list of type a
and returns all possible results
as a list of tuples of type (b, [a])
(Parser Char Number)
input: "42 it is!" !-- a is a [Char]
output: [(42, " it is!")] !-- b is a Number
type Parser a b = [a] !-> [(b, [a])]
Primitive Parsers
succeed !:: b !-> Parser a b
succeed v inp = [(v, inp)]
Always succeeds
Returns "v" for all inputs
failure !:: Parser a b
failure inp = []
Always fails
Returns "[]" for all inputs
satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser a a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p x = succeed x xs !-- if p(x) is true
| otherwise = failure []
satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser a a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p x = succeed x xs !-- if p(x) is true
| otherwise = failure []
Guard Clauses, if you want to Google
literal !:: Eq a !=> a !-> Parser a a
literal x = satisfy (!== x)
match_3 = (literal '3')
match_3 "345" !-- !=> [('3',"45")]
match_3 "456" !-- !=> []
match_3_or_4 = match_3 `alt` match_4
match_3_or_4 "345" !-- !=> [('3',"45")]
match_3_or_4 "456" !-- !=> [('4',"56")]
alt !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a b !-> Parser a b
(p1 `alt` p2) inp = p1 inp !++ p2 inp
(p1 `alt` p2) inp = p1 inp !++ p2 inp
List concatenation
(match_3 `and_then` match_4) "345"
# !=> [(('3','4'),"5")]
and_then !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a c !-> Parser a (b, c)
(p1 `and_then` p2) inp =
[ ((v1, v2), out2) | (v1, out1) !<- p1 inp,
(v2, out2) !<- p2 out1 ]
and_then !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a c !-> Parser a (b, c)
(p1 `and_then` p2) inp =
[ ((v1, v2), out2) | (v1, out1) !<- p1 inp,
(v2, out2) !<- p2 out1 ]
List comprehensions
(v11, out11)
(v12, out12)
(v13, out13)
(v21, out21)
(v22, out22)
(v31, out31)
(v32, out32)
((v11, v21), out21)
((v11, v22), out22)
(match_3 `and_then` match_4) "345"
# !=> [(('3','4'),"5")]
Manipulating values
match_3 = (literal '3')
match_3 "345" !-- !=> [('3',"45")]
match_3 "456" !-- !=> []
(number "42") "42 !=> answer"
# !=> [(42, " answer")]
(keyword "for") "for i in 1!..42"
# !=> [(:for, " i in 1!..42")]
using !:: Parser a b !-> (b !-> c) !-> Parser a c
(p `using` f) inp =
[(f v, out) | (v, out) !<- p inp ]
((string "3") `using` float) "3"
# !=> [(3.0, "")]
Levelling up
many !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a [b]
many p =
((p `and_then` many p) `using` cons)
`alt` (succeed [])
0 or many
(many (literal 'a')) "aab"
!=> [("aa","b"),("a","ab"),("","aab")]
(many (literal 'a')) "xyz"
!=> [("","xyz")]
some !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a [b]
some p =
((p `and_then` many p)
`using` cons)
1 or many
(some (literal 'a')) "aab"
!=> [("aa","b"),("a","ab")]
(some (literal 'a')) "xyz"
!=> []
positive_integer = some (satisfy Data.Char.isDigit)
negative_integer = ((literal '-')
`and_then` positive_integer) `using` cons
positive_decimal = (positive_integer `and_then`
(((literal '.') `and_then` positive_integer)
`using` cons)) `using` join
negative_decimal = ((literal '-')
`and_then` positive_decimal) `using` cons
number !:: Parser Char [Char]
number = negative_decimal
`alt` positive_decimal
`alt` negative_integer
`alt` positive_integer
word !:: Parser Char [Char]
word = some (satisfy isLetter)
string !:: (Eq a) !=> [a] !-> Parser a [a]
string [] = succeed []
string (x:xs) =
(literal x `and_then` string xs)
`using` cons
(string "begin") "begin end"
# !=> [("begin"," end")]
xthen !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a c !-> Parser a c
p1 `xthen` p2 = (p1 `and_then` p2) `using` snd
thenx !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a c !-> Parser a b
p1 `thenx` p2 = (p1 `and_then` p2) `using` fst
ret !:: Parser a b !-> c !-> Parser a c
p `ret` v = p `using` (const v)
succeed, failure, satisfy, literal,
alt, and_then, using, string,
many, some, string, word, number,
xthen, thenx, ret
Expression Parser & Evaluator
data Expr = Const Double
| Expr `Add` Expr
| Expr `Sub` Expr
| Expr `Mul` Expr
| Expr `Div` Expr
(Const 3) `Mul`
((Const 6) `Add` (Const 1)))
# !=> "3*(6+1)"
parse "3*(6+1)"
# !=> (Const 3) `Mul`
((Const 6) `Add` (Const 1)))
(Const 3) Mul
((Const 6) `Add` (Const 1)))
# !=> 21
BNF Notation
expn !::= expn + expn
| expn − expn
| expn ∗ expn
| expn / expn
| digit+
| (expn)
Improving a little:
expn !::= term + term
| term − term | term
term !::= factor ∗ factor
| factor / factor | factor
factor !::= digit+ | (expn)
Parsers that resemble BNF
addition =
((term `and_then`
((literal '+') `xthen` term))
`using` plus)
subtraction =
((term `and_then`
((literal '-') `xthen` term))
`using` minus)
multiplication =
((factor `and_then`
((literal '*') `xthen` factor))
`using` times)
division =
((factor `and_then`
((literal '/') `xthen` factor))
`using` divide)
parenthesised_expression =
((nibble (literal '('))
`xthen` ((nibble expn)
`thenx`(nibble (literal ')'))))
value xs = Const (numval xs)
plus (x,y) = x `Add` y
minus (x,y) = x `Sub` y
times (x,y) = x `Mul` y
divide (x,y) = x `Div` y
expn = addition
`alt` subtraction
`alt` term
term = multiplication
`alt` division
`alt` factor
factor = (number `using` value)
`alt` parenthesised_expn
expn "12*(5+(7-2))"
# !=> [
(Const 12.0 `Mul`
(Const 5.0 `Add`
(Const 7.0 `Sub` Const 2.0)),""), … ]
value xs = Const (numval xs)
plus (x,y) = x `Add` y
minus (x,y) = x `Sub` y
times (x,y) = x `Mul` y
divide (x,y) = x `Div` y
value = numval
plus (x,y) = x + y
minus (x,y) = x - y
times (x,y) = x * y
divide (x,y) = x / y
expn "12*(5+(7-2))"
# !=> [(120.0,""),
expn "(12+1)*(5+(7-2))"
# !=> [(130.0,""),
Moving beyond toy parsers
Whitespace? 🤔 (
white = (literal " ")
`alt` (literal "t")
`alt` (literal "n")
white = many (any literal " tn")
any p = foldr (alt.p) fail
any p [x1,x2,!!...,xn] =
(p x1) `alt` (p x2) `alt` !!...
`alt` (p xn)
white = many (any literal " tn")
nibble p =
white `xthen` (p `thenx` white)
The parser (nibble p) has the
same behaviour as parser p,
except that it eats up any white-
space in the input string before
or afterwards
(nibble (literal 'a')) " a "
# !=> [('a',""),('a'," "),('a'," ")]
symbol = nibble.string
symbol "$fold" " $fold "
# !=> [("$fold", ""), ("$fold", " ")]
The Offside Rule
w = x + y
x = 10
y = 15 - 5
z = w * 2
w = x + y
x = 10
y = 15 - 5
z = w * 2
When obeying the offside rule,
every token must lie
either directly below,
or to the right of its first token
i.e. A weak indentation policy
The Offside Combinator
type Pos a = (a, (Integer, Integer))
prelex "3 + n 2 * (4 + 5)"
# !=> [('3',(0,0)),
('*',(1,4)), … ]
satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser a a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p x = succeed x xs !-- if p(x) is true
| otherwise = failure []
satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser (Pos a) a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p a = succeed a xs !-- if p(a) is true
| otherwise = failure []
where (a, (r, c)) = x
satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser (Pos a) a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p a = succeed a xs !-- if p(a) is true
| otherwise = failure []
where (a, (r, c)) = x
offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]
where inpON = takeWhile (onside (head inp)) inp
inpOFF = drop (length inpON) inp
(a, (r, c)) (b, (r', c')) =
r' !>= r !&& c' !>= c
offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]
(nibble (literal 'a')) " a "
# !=> [('a',""),('a'," "),('a'," ")]
offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]
offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]
where inpON = takeWhile (onside (head inp)) inp
offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]
where inpON = takeWhile (onside (head inp)) inp
inpOFF = drop (length inpON) inp
offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]
where inpON = takeWhile (onside (head inp)) inp
inpOFF = drop (length inpON) inp
(a, (r, c)) (b, (r', c')) =
r' !>= r !&& c' !>= c
(3 +
2 * (4 + 5))
+ (8 * 10)
(3 +
2 * (4 + 5))
+ (8 * 10)
(offside expn) (prelex inp_1)
# !=> [(21.0,[('+',(2,0)),('(',(2,2)),('8',(2,3)),('*',
(offside expn) (prelex inp_2)
# !=> [(101.0,[])]
Quick recap before we 🛫
!|> succeed, fail
!|> satisfy, literal
!|> alt, and_then, using
!|> many, some
!|> string, thenx, xthen, return
!|> expression parser & evaluator
!|> any, nibble, symbol
!|> prelex, offside
Practical parsers
🎯 Syntactical analysis
🎯 Lexical analysis
🎯 Parse trees
type Parser a b = [a] !-> [(b, [a])]
type Pos a = (a, (Integer, Integer))
data Tag = Ident | Number
| Symbol | Junk
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Token = (Tag, [Char])
(Symbol, "if")
(Number, "123")
Parse the string with parser p,
& apply token t to the result
(p `tok` t) inp =
[ (((t, xs), (r, c)), out)
| (xs, out) !<- p inp]
where (x, (r,c)) = head inp
(p `tok` t) inp =
[ ((<token>,<pos>),<unused input>)
| (xs, out) !<- p inp]
where (x, (r,c)) = head inp
(p `tok` t) inp =
[ (((t, xs), (r, c)), out)
| (xs, out) !<- p inp]
where (x, (r,c)) = head inp
((string "where") `tok` Symbol) inp
# !=> ((Symbol,"where"), (r, c))
many ((p1 `tok` t1)
`alt` (p2 `tok` t2)
`alt` !!...
`alt` (pn `tok` tn))
[(p1, t1),
(p2, t2),
(pn, tn)]
lex = many.(foldr op failure)
where (p, t) `op` xs
= (p `tok` t) `alt` xs
lex = many.(foldr op failure)
where (p, t) `op` xs
= (p `tok` t) `alt` xs
# Rightmost computation
cn = (pn `tok` tn) `alt` failure
# Followed by
(pn-1 `tok` tn-1) `alt` cn
many ((p1 `tok` t1)
`alt` (p2 `tok` t2)
`alt` !!...
`alt` (pn `tok` tn))
lexer =
lex [
((some (any_of literal " nt")), Junk),
((string "where"), Symbol),
(word, Ident),
(number, Number),
((any_of string ["(", ")", "="]), Symbol)]
lexer =
lex [
((some (any_of literal " nt")), Junk),
((string "where"), Symbol),
(word, Ident),
(number, Number),
((any_of string ["(", ")", "="]), Symbol)]
lexer =
lex [
((some (any_of literal " nt")), Junk),
((string "where"), Symbol),
(word, Ident),
(number, Number),
((any_of string ["(", ")", "="]), Symbol)]
head (lexer (prelex "where x = 10"))
# !=> ([((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)),
(head.lexer.prelex) "where x = 10"
# !=> ([((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)),
(head.lexer.prelex) "where x = 10"
# !=> ([((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)),
Function composition
length ((lexer.prelex) "where x = 10")
# !=> 198
Conflicts? Ambiguity?
In this case, "where" is a source
of conflict.
It can be a symbol, or identifier.
lexer =
lex [
{- 1 -} ((some (any_of literal " nt")), Junk),
{- 2 -} ((string "where"), Symbol),
{- 3 -} (word, Ident),
{- 4 -} (number, Number),
{- 5 -} ((any_of string ["(",")","="]), Symbol)]
Higher priority,
higher precedence
Removing Junk
strip !:: [(Pos Token)] !-> [(Pos Token)]
strip = filter ((!!= Junk).fst.fst)
((!!= Junk).fst.fst) ((Symbol,"where"),(0,0))
# !=> True
((!!= Junk).fst.fst) ((Junk,"where"),(0,0))
# !=> False
(fst.head.lexer.prelex) "where x = 10"
# !=> [((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)),
((Junk," "),(0,5)),
((Junk," "),(0,7)),
((Junk," "),(0,9)),
(strip.fst.head.lexer.prelex) "where x = 10"
# !=> [((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)),
Syntax Analysis
characters !|> lexical analysis !|> tokens
tokens !|> syntax analysis !|> parse trees
f x y = add a b
a = 25
b = sub x y
answer = mult (f 3 7) 5
f x y = add a b
a = 25
b = sub x y
answer = mult (f 3 7) 5
f x y = add a b
a = 25
b = sub x y
answer = mult (f 3 7) 5
f x y = add a b
a = 25
b = sub x y
answer = mult (f 3 7) 5
f x y = add a b
a = 25
b = sub x y
answer = mult (f 3 7) 5
f x y = add a b
a = 25
b = sub x y
answer = mult (f 3 7) 5
f x y = add a b
a = 25
b = sub x y
answer = mult (f 3 7) 5
data Script = Script [Def]
data Def = Def Var [Var] Expn
data Expn = Var Var
| Num Double
| Expn `Apply` Expn
| Expn `Where` [Def]
type Var = [Char]
prog = (many defn) `using` Script
defn = (
(some (kind Ident))
`and_then` ((lit "=")
(offside body)))
`using` defnFN
body = (
expr `and_then`
(((lit "where")
`xthen` (some defn)) `opt` []))
`using` bodyFN
expr = (some prim)
`using` (foldl1 Apply)
prim =
((kind Ident) `using` Var)
`alt` ((kind Number) `using` numFN)
`alt` ((lit "(")
(expr `thenx` (lit ")")))
!-- only allow a kind of tag
kind !:: Tag !-> Parser (Pos Token) [Char]
kind t = (satisfy ((!== t).fst)) `using` snd
— only allow a given symbol
lit !:: [Char] !-> Parser (Pos Token) [Char]
lit xs = (literal (Symbol, xs)) `using` snd
prog = (many defn) `using` Script
defn = (
(some (kind Ident))
`and_then` ((lit "=")
(offside body)))
`using` defnFN
body = (
expr `and_then`
(((lit "where")
`xthen` (some defn)) `opt` []))
`using` bodyFN
expr = (some prim)
`using` (foldl1 Apply)
prim =
((kind Ident) `using` Var)
`alt` ((kind Number) `using` numFN)
`alt` ((lit "(")
(expr `thenx` (lit ")")))
data Script = Script [Def]
data Def = Def Var [Var] Expn
data Expn = Var Var
| Num Double
| Expn `Apply` Expn
| Expn `Where` [Def]
type Var = [Char]
Orange functions are for
transforming values.
Use data constructors to
generate parse trees
Use evaluation functions to
evaluate and generate a value
f x y = add a b
a = 25
b = sub x y
answer = mult (f 3 7) 5
Script [
Def "f" ["x","y"] (
((Var "add" `Apply` Var "a") `Apply` Var "b")
`Where` [
Def "a" [] (Num 25.0),
Def "b" [] ((Var "sub" `Apply` Var "x") `Apply` Var "y")]),
Def "answer" [] (
(Var "mult" `Apply` (
(Var "f" `Apply` Num 3.0) `Apply` Num 7.0)) `Apply` Num 5.0)]
Strategy for writing parsers
1. Identify components
i.e. Lexical elements
lexer =
lex [
((some (any_of literal " nt")), Junk),
((string "where"), Symbol),
(word, Ident),
(number, Number),
((any_of string ["(", ")", "="]), Symbol)]
2. Structure these elements
a.k.a. syntax
defn = ((some (kind Ident)) `and_then` ((lit "=")
`xthen` (offside body))) `using` defnFN
body = (expr `and_then` (((lit "where")
`xthen` (some defn)) `opt` [])) `using` bodyFN
expr = (some prim) `using` (foldl1 Apply)
prim = ((kind Ident) `using` Var) `alt`
((kind Number) `using` numFN) `alt`
((lit "(") `xthen` (expr `thenx` (lit ")")))
3. BNF notation is very helpful
4. TDD in the absence of types
Where to, next?
Monadic Parsers
Graham Hutton, Eric Meijer
Introduction to FP
Philip Wadler
The Dragon Book
If your interest is in compilers
Haskell: Parsec, MegaParsec. ✨
OCaml: Angstrom. ✨ 🚀
Ruby: rparsec, or roll you own
Elixir: Combine, ExParsec
Python: Parsec. ✨
Thank you!
Twitter: @_swanand
GitHub: @swanandp

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