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Ville Ahokas, Ville Eskola,
Jaakko Harju, Alina Johnson, Tommi Korhonen,
Kia Laurila, Noora Laurila, Jussi Mettovaara, Atsalea Mutanen, Aukusti Mäenpää,
Elias Ojala, Saana Ollila, Jenni Orreveteläinen,
Martti Pentikäinen, Heta Rajavaara, Roope Takkinen,
Aapo Tervo and Sanni Timisjärvi
A collocation is two or more words that often go together.
Some word combinations simply sound ”right” to native
English speakers and others sound ”wrong” or unnatural to
native speakers.
Learning collocations is demanding but there are benefits:
Your language will be more natural and people will
understand you more easily. Besides, Power English often
consists of chunks or blocks or even complete meanings rather
than single words.
You will find below a compilation of entries that the
contributing students found interesting. Their task was to
illustrate the usage of these words in meaningful contexts.
Strictly speaking not all example sentences here are
collocations but the bulk of them offer interesting inroads into
general usage of the entries and are thus valuable to advanced
students of English.
 She is desperately searching for her engagement ring which she has
 I was searching through my drawer to find a pair of socks to wear.
 The FBI launched a worldwide search for the killer.
 The girl is constantly in search of her rambunctious puppy.
 My suspicious neighbours house has been thoroughly searched for
 She searched in her purse and found the lipstick.
 My mom was forced into a body search in a security check at the airport.
 She has searched high and low, but she can't find her glasses.
 I searched my mind for the password, but I couldn't remember it.
 My aunt has searched after true love her entire life, without success.
 I was doing it for fun.
 My sister really enjoyed the party, she said it was such good fun.
 It's no fun to wake up on monday mornings after a relaxing
 My little puppy is the best fun to be with.
 He is making fun of his own mother.
 I hope you have fun during your trip in the US.
 Eating pizza with your best friend while watching Disney is truly
the funniest thing to do.
 She told us that she saw the Queen of England during her holiday in
UK. Like fun she did!
 My little sister is full of fun.
 Going to the movies tonight would be so much fun!
 He was playing dumb when the teacher asked questions.
 She played the ball back to the goalkeeper.
 My mother was playing host at my party.
 She's so talented at playing piano she could beat the
Mozart himself.
 Everyone at my school were playing a part in saving our
school from abolishment.
 He is playing with his best mate's wife.
 Her character was the villain in the play.
 They were playing jokes during their lunchbrake.
 The children spend the whole afternoon at play.
 A shy smile played on her lips when I praised her.
 I tried to call her yesterday but she didn't answer.
 I was calling his name but he couldn't hear because all of that noise.
 My friend's dog is called Dusty because he used to love rolling in the gritty
dirt when he was a puppy.
 Every time I'm about to start a test, my stomach decides to imitate whale's
mating call.
 This is the last call for passengers travelling on Finnair flight to Paris.
 I told my mom to pick up the phone and take the call.
 My friend knows a lot of people but only few that he'd call really close
 She called me over to watch movies and enjoy good food.
 My boss called a meeting to find the solution to company's problems.
 I am so happy to be able to call this place my own.
 What do you mean when you say you don't like dogs?
 I think she is a really mean person.
 What is the meaning of all this?
 I'm sorry I lied to you, I didn't mean to offend you.
 This cake wasn't meant to be eaten today, I was
saving it for tomorrow's birthday party.
 I believe she means no harm when she says that you
look tired today.
 This doesn't look much but it means a lot to me.
 These toilets are meant for custimers only.
 I have been meaning to tell you this the whole day.
 I didn't mean to let her see the letter.
 Your sister is looking really good this morning.
 Look at the moon, isn't it beautiful!
 He looks like he has seen a ghost.
 Did you get a look at my new Mercedes-Benz?
 I am going to be late, I'm still looking for my wallet.
 That shirt looks really nice on you!
 My garden is so pleasently sunny because it looks
 Look where you are walking!
 I am looking to graduate this autumn.
 My sister looks just like my mom.
 You have to dumb him, he is just using you and your money!
 I am used to do this because I do this everyday.
 This shirt has been used so can you bring me a clean one?
 I know you still use drugs.
 Didn't that woman use to play in the harry Potter movies?
 I don't know how to use this machine.
 I am not used to having a dog in the house.
 We made use for your house while you were on abroad.
 This computer is in constant use.
 This dress is now ready for use, and you better use it well.
 I'd love to meet tomorrow and share my ideas whit you.
 I think we should share this pizza in four pieces.
 I share my house with my best friend.
 We share a common opinion about this matter.
 I think we should share the preparation for the event
between us.
 My mom and dad share an interest in hiking.
 The joke was so funny that I think you should share it with
the rest of us too.
 You don't have to pay all this, we'll share the cost between
 Me an my sister own a 30% share of our fathers house.
 He wished she would share her worries with him.
 We had such a good time during our stay.
 Nothing could make me more happier than that you'd
stay with me.
 I think staying here is not that good idea.
 I enjoyed my stay in Paris so much!
 You need to stay away from him!
 Just stay behind me and you'll be safe.
 She is very shy and mostly stays at home.
 Two friend of mine divorced, but they stayed frineds.
 It's so cold outside it's better stay inside.
 We should rather stay together, it's dangerous here.
 I can't stand my own brother, he is so annoying!
 You should stood up when you are talking, so everyone
could hear you better.
 I'll stand behind you, no matter what happens.
 I had to stood on my tiptoe to reach the lamp.
 I wonder how that building is still standing after the
 Their company stands against factories that contributes
child labor.
 I was so scared I couldn't move, so I just stood still.
 At the party yesterday, he just stood silently in the corner.
 Don't you just stand there like an idiot! Do something.
 My leg was hurting so much I wasn't able to stand.
 When you describe people, you have to use the word tall, not high
or long.
 That bird is flying very high, don't you think?
 There is very high skyscrapers in Dubai.
 I think he was high on heroin when I saw him.
 This cheese seems to be rather rather high, I thinks it's best to
throw it away.
 I achieved higher level in the game.
 There are lots of highs and lows in this school.
 Are you going to high school after you finish grammar school?
 I love your high heels, they look so good on you!
 You'll have to jump rather high if your going to get over that
 I go running every morning, it makes me feel so perky.
 Have you heard about the dangerous prisoner who escaped
the prison and is on the run in Mexico?
 He get caught for running guns and drugs illegally.
 I had a run of bad luck in this matter.
 The movie begin its run next month.
 In the normal run of things he hardly do exercises at all.
 My sister made four runs in yesterdys baseball match.
 There has been a run on ice cream because summer is
 Usain Bolt is the fastest runner in the world.
 The cheetah runs faster than any other mammal.
 I gave a new toy to my dog.
 This neckless was given to me two years ago when i turned
 What name are you going to give to your baby?
 I can give you some money if you're not able to pay your
bills yourself.
 I gave my everything to make this work.
 I need you to give your best shot, it's the only way we can
make this happen.
 They'll give you five years in jail if you get caught.
 She gave me a smile, and that made me very happy.
 You can't know if you don't try, so give it a go!
 My patience gave out and I yelled at her.
 I feel you, the same happened to me two weeks ago.
 Can you feel the magic in the air?
 My feelings for you are honest.
 I'm feeling rather sad at the moment.
 I feel like going for a walk.
 I didn't feel anything when he stabbed me, I was
already in shock.
 Just feel how my hands are shaking!
 He looked so handsome, I felt like kissing him.
 I have never felt so happy as I feel now.
 How are you feeling about her?
 Let's go have some fun, shall we!
 She'll never let you do that.
 The thing between you and her will never work, you need
to let go of her!
 Let them come- there's nothing they can do.
 Please, let me show you how this works.
 Let me know what you did yesterday.
 Let me have a look at your homeworks.
 Let your dog go, can't you see his enjoying running
 She has let her flat to an old lady.
 Don't you dare let go of my hand!
 She's driving me crazy.
 You should let me drive you home, you're too drunk.
 My house is only a short drive away.
 I got my license today, do you want to come for a
 Do you want to see how my dog drives the sheep into
the corral?
 Driving a car is much easier than I thought.
 It's much harder to get a driving license in these days.
 My mother is a really bad driver.
 There was a bus parked on the drive.
 I'm taking drivin lessons once a week.
 Are you going to visit your grandmother next fall?
 She's falling in love with me.
 I fell down when I was running and I broke my leg.
 A little girl died when she fell down from the cliff.
 The temperature may fall below zero next day.
 I was so exhausted yesterday I just fell into bed
immediately when I get home.
 The beggar fell to his knees and started to pray.
 She falls asleep like a baby when I sing to her.
 My mother fell ill when her son left.
 My birthday will fall on a Monday this year.
 I thought I saw somebody moving there just now.
 You'll have to make the next move, she ain't going to
do that.
 Could you please move your car?
 One false move could lead to disaster.
 She's moving really fast.
 She learned all the chess moves so easily.
 It's so cold here I can't move my toes.
 We moved in this house last year.
 The film was so sad it moved me to tears.
 She moves with very suspicious guy.
 Your T-shirt looks very clean.
 The air in Finland is so clear I can feel how my lungs want
more and more of it.
 My mom always makes sure that our hands are clean when
we sit on the table.
 My sister broke her finger, but the doctor said it is a clean
break, so it'll heal easily.
 I'm going to clean the kitchen next morning, it is so dirty.
 My cousin works as a cleaner in a big company.
 I hope these winestains will clean off my dress.
 The bullet went clean through his knee.
 I'm tired of cleaning your mess everyday.
 Your boots desperately need cleaning.
 You need to cross this road to get to the other side.
 People use to cross their hands when they pray.
 The cross is the symbol of Christianity.
 My dog is a cross between a pug and a bulldog.
 It makes me really cross when I see people hurting their
 When I sit down, I usually cross my legs.
 She was rather cross at him when she found out he was
telling lies.
 I have put a cross on the map where I think the treasure is.
 The criminal tried to cross the border.
 We crossed from Finland to Sweden to visit Ikea.
 I am moving house.
 Don't you dare to wake the whole house.
 At the moment I work in house.
 (Lower/Upper) House votes tomorrow on the new law.
 I got a full house!
 We got to play to a full house.
 The House of Windsor is going to visit Finland today!
 I really brought the house down!
 When I become the new manager, I'll surely clean house.
 Are you going to eat me out of house and home?
 They got on like a house on fire.
 When they released their engagement, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
 You don't have to go all around the houses.
 I'll keep house when you aren't home.
 Next beer is on the house.
 People (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
 Hey, put/set your own house in order
 This is safe as houses
 So, are you going to set up house in Oulu?
 Is this a tropical/marine/freshwater fish?
 Whoa, this is a good place to fish. I see enormous shoals of fish!
 Hard, eh? It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
 Our principal is a big fish in a small pond.
 I can't believe you're such a cold fish.
 James was really a nice guy. Sheila, however, was a different kettle of fi
 No wonder why he behaved agressively. Weekends he drinks like a fish.
 I must admit I was a fish out of water.
 I'm not going to do that, I have bigger fish to try.
 He's an odd fish.
 I think it'd be a bit complicated to employ him, he's neither fish nor fow
 Hey, don't get depressed, there are plenty more fish in the sea.
 Don't spoil the ship for a ha'pennyworth of tar.
 He's tarred with the same brush as his bother.
 Do you really prefer coal tar soap to birch soap?
 Even low-tar cigarettes are very dangerous.
 Don't recently tarred roads smell good?
 Hey, don't stare at him, he's just an old Jack Tar.
 Bill 'Full
House' Jenkins was tarred and weathered more than
 I am the boss on board ship.
 It's the cheapest way to ship these computers by ship.
 There's a huge airship coming to Oulu today.
 Hey, we can manage these hard times, don't jump ship.
 Sir, three of our men just jumped ship.
 -Did you hear about those bankers quitting their jobs? -
Yeah, they're like rats deserting a sinking ship.
 The new boss sure has run a tight ship before.
 Program's ready to ship in late 2016.
 Mayday, mayday, this boat's shipping.
 This is the last warning, shape up or ship out!
 They'll just ship the children off to summercamp and leave, how
handy is that?
 Women don't usually have Adam's apple.
 These are cooking apples, not eating apples.
 Crab apples make a great jelly.
 We'll have candy apples for dessert.
 I'm going to Big Apple next weekend.
 The apple never falls far from the tree.
 He's the apple of his mother's eye.
 -Which do you like more, popcorn or chocolate? -
They're both great, but you can't compare apples and
 Using syrup with pancakes is as American as apple pie.
 That jerk really is a rotten apple.
 -I have to borrow money somewhere. -Why don't you
just earn your money yourself?
 Hey, be careful with that – it cost a lot of money!
 Have you counted the money?
 I made my money back in the sixties.
 I really am in the money.
 Uncle Scrooge is probably the richest comic character ever. He's rolling
in money.
 If you want the best money can buy, money shall be no object.
 I am not stingy, I'm just careful with money.
 Who couldn't resist easy money?
 A fool and his money are soon parted.
 For my money, he's a great author.
 Did you get your money's worth?
 I gave him a good run for their money.
 I have no money to burn, it doesn't grow on trees.
 Banking is a license to print money, but it's not good money.
 I made money hand over fist.
 I can't do that homework for money nor love.
 Marrying money is money for old rope.
 World is unfair, workers have no power, it's
the money that talks.
 If you want me to believe you, put your money where your
mouth is.
 I can't understand what's
government doing in Talvivaara, they're throwing good money
after bad.
 Domestic violence is a problem that needs deep studying and
discussion, just throwing money at the problem doesn't help the
 I have booked a table for two.
 Set the table, will you.
 I'm coming, I'll just clear the table first.
 The table of contents is at the front of the book.
 Did you remember to bring your own periodic table to the
 John drank him under the table yesterday.
 If you want us to trust you, you should lay your cards on
the table.
 Trump turned the tables as he entered the presidential
 He put new proposal on the table.
 I proposed that we'd table the idea until next meeting.
 He has a cool straw hat.
 I can't work both as a cook and a head in the camp, I can't wear that
many hats.
 MP3 is an old hat nowadays.
 Hey, you can't except me to do that exam at the drop of a hat, I haven't
had time to prepare myself for it.
 He went hat in the hand to his father.
 Ha, if he does that, I'll eat my hat.
 I tip my hat to you.
 Be sure to keep your criminal background under your hat, or you
won't land that job.
 You can't be serious! Did they really pick the headmaster out of a hat?
 Just pass the hat round there, they surely like old cats.
 The inventor of telephone really pulled a rabbit out of the hat!
 Yesterday, three new candidates threw their hats into the ring.
 Bat that wasp, it's irritating.
 She's batting her eyes like having them full of dirt.
 He sold all boats? He's really batting a thousand!
 I'm going to bat for my grandma.
 We've been batting this idea around for three months, couldn't
we now decide if it's good or not?
 He didn't bat an eye when I told him about his
brothers imprisonment.
 He's still allowed to drive a car? Come on, he's blind as a bat!
 I saw a vampire bat yesterday.
 We have do it right off the bat!
 He was driving like a bat out of hell.
 Wow, I really respect you for doing that big work off your own
 I like ball games, like football and baseball.
 When are the next Olympic Games?
 Kids are playing a game of cops and robbers.
 She's going to sack everybody? So that's her game!
 Yeah, he really beat her in her own game.
 I am game for anything.
 Now your game is up!
 -Did you hear about his new business? -Yeah. I think
it's a mug's game
 For me this project is just a game.
 I think we're out of the game.
 A goal! We might actually be back in the game!
 Hey, you can't do that! It's not playing the game!
 He's really good at talking a good game.
 You do that? Well, two can play that game.
 How come you do that? What's your game?
 Don't try to play silly games with me, just tell me
why you did it.
 He doesn't appreciate the rules of the game: always
trying to steal somebody's money.
 -Do you know any good places in here? -Well, there's just
a puny pub behind the corner but it's the only game in
 Success in competitive games require hard work and dedication.
 Communication is essential in team games.
 Would you care for a game of cards?
 We have to draw the last game, to proceed.
 The first play-off game will be played to day.
 It's a home game for Kärpät and against Tappara.
 Na'Vi have to raise their game to have any chance in the
 My cousin will take part in the next Olympic games.
 The game of politics is not for me.
 Strategizing is all part of the game.
 Turned out that he was just playing a stupid game with me.
 They were doing fine, but managed to throw the game.
 Shame, you're so cute.
 You're going to shame us all.
 He was able to shame me into giving him money.
 My face burned with shame.
 To my shame I took the money from the wallet before
returning it.
 It is a crying shame that you aren't allowed to come.
 There's no shame in wanting to be successful.
 I'm going to name and shame them!
 His productivity puts us all to shame.
 How could you do something like that, shame on you!
 The game seven is already booked up.
 I'm going to book into a hotel.
 Would you prefer a hardback or a paperback book?
 Go over the books again, there's a mistake somewhere.
 They must have cooked the books!
 They'll open a book on who'll win the race.
 I'm afraid I'm not in her good books at the moment.
 Hey, use some imagination! I doubt the best way to do that is by the book.
 The police have closed the book on the case, so it remains a closed book.
 Don't judge a book by its cover.
 In my book that isn't fair.
 He is an open book.
 She's able to read people like books.
 Anyone wise would take a leaf from his book.
 Imprison him and throw the book at him!
 He's in Microsoft's books? Well, that doesn't suit our books.
 I drive a car.
 I ride a motorcycle.
 Could you drive me to the station?
 Remember to take care not to drive yourself too hard.
 It drove me to depression.
 -Did you really get I- from English in matriculation examination?! -Yeah,
it's enough to drive anyone to drink
 Hooray, we drove the enemy back!
 I've never done woodworks, I can't even drive a nail into a piece of
 Money is the main factor driving help to that oil country.
 It would maybe be wise to drive a tunnel under this stream.
 You drive a hard bargain!
 I'll drive off tomorrow.
 Don't stop—drive on!
 The wind drove the balloon away.
 Run, Forrest, run!
 He came running to meet you.
 Hey, don’t try to run my life for me.
 They run one of the world's
most successful businesses.
 The university runs summer courses for anyone
willing to pay for them.
 I'm too poor to run a car at the moment.
 Stirling engine can run on any fuel.
 She enjoyed the freedom she had moving away from h
 He realized that marriage would be giving up his freed
 There is
a freedom of religion among every Finnish citizen.
 In the parliament, every representative has freedom of
 Surrendering would cost him his freedom.
 The women have won many freedoms for themselves.
 The bad economical situation doesn't allow freedom
of choice for the unemployed.
 I just answered your question.
 I am expecting your answer by 8 o'clock this evening.
 She received the answer to a question she had been thinking about for
 The answer to my letter came yesterday.
 In answer to your ponderings, I will tell you everything tomorrow
 I can't give you an instant answer yet.
 Even the scientists haven't figured out the answer to this dilemma.
 Your parents probably will provide the answers to all of your problems.
 This exam requires only written answers.
 You can guess the answer if needed.
 I tried to answer honestly, but something kept me from letting the cat
out of the bag.
 What a wonderful view!
 My view on this situation is that we should keep our noses out of
 Her rosy view of her future is so unrealistic.
 The teachers at our school have clear views on the studies.
 His world view revolves around himself.
 In the doctor's point of view, he should be recovering from the
illness in no time.
 We had a poor view of the stage at the opera.
 The large pillar was blocking my view of the beautiful scene.
 The picture showed only the front view of the house.
 I just want to enjoy the view, but you are making it impossible
with your presence.
 The view from his apartment is outstanding.
 I demand you to stop what you're doing.
 She demanded for a larger wage.
 Their demands don't meet.
 In my opinion, loans should be available on demand.
 Demand for iPhones has increased.
 Android cell phones are still in demand.
 Demands are common among consumers.
 The demands of the job were impossible to reach.
 She demanded a large sum of money from her
 He shot a bull's eye on the target.
 We are shopping at Target.
 He was so unfortunate to be the target of the crime.
 She is so ambitious. She has always set very high
targets for herself.
 Our main target is to work well as a team.
 I need a target to aim for, otherwise I am not
 The sales were 10% above target last year.
 This shirt model is targeted mainly at seniors.
 She didn't fall off the roof by accident. It was a suici
de attempt.
 She succeeded in her attempt to win the dance c
 I have made no attempt to get back together with
 What he said was a weak attempt to win her
 The puppy made a faint attempt at a bark.
 She fed them porridge every morning.
 Have they been feeding you well?
 You should help us feed the homeless.
 You shouldn't think of her as just another mouth
to feed.
 The media feeds everyone's imagination with good
and bad information.
 This data is fed directly into the computer.
 The birds feed mainly on worms and ants.
 The famous
photographer captured the beautiful proposal
of marriage.
 He proposed to her under the stars.
 They made a proposal on lowering the taxes.
 We discussed about proposals concerning the
economical situation in the EU.
 His speech was a proposal for lowering the use of
 Did the latest issue of Vogue arrive yet?
 My parents are having issues with their jobs.
 Do you have an issue with my way of pronouncing?
 The newly issued book was terrible.
 Banks issue credit cards for their customers.
 This is an issue concerning your school.
 She spoke on the issue of drunk-driving.
 Can you even consider on solving this issue?
 We need to focus on this issue and not procrastinate.
 She's never seen in public anymore.
 I'm a nervous wreck every time I perform in public!
 The government told the public about the new system.
 Books written by J.K Rowling are very popular in the
midst of the reading public.
 He is an active member of the public.
 The new cafeteria is open to the public on Thursday.
 You shouldn't do that in public. It is
very embarrassing.
 Jack and Mary have now informed their engagement to
a wider public.
 I can't come to the party tonight, I have to study for tomorrow's
 He lectures in business studies.
 She continued her studies when she came back from Australia.
 The present studies reveal a shocking amount of water we use
 I'm currently working on a study of air pollution.
 The study took place in the University of Oulu.
 In a recent study, 90% of the population use electronic devices at
least 2 hours per day.
 The study identified three types of meat-eating animals.
 The research was made by a very successful study group from the
 Sharing is caring.
 My twin and I share everything we own.
 I want my fair share of the deal. Otherwise I'll rat on
 You should receive a large share from the company's
profits. You've done most of the work.
 I inherited a 40% share of our childhood home.
 We shared the money equally between the four of
 I'm willing to share the rest of my life with you.
 Sharing happens most commonly among siblings.
 I'm going to do my share of work and then go home.
 My parents were having an aggressive
argument when I came home.
 Arguments happen usually between couples.
 I had a big argument with my sister last night.
 He is someone you don't want to have an
argument with.
 The politician's argument was very convincing and
brought a whole new side to the subject.
 I supported their arguments.
 I would like to bring out some arguments
concerning the recycling in Finland.
 He has a skill to see both sides of an argument.
 Congratulations on the latest addition to your family!
 In mathematics we learn addition, subtraction, dividing
and multiplication.
 In addition, I would like to inform you that we are
getting a new student to our class.
 I have purchased several additions to my art
collection, feel free to check them out.
 You are a very welcome addition to our group! We are
a little short-handed at the moment.
 This china cup is a valuable addition to the rest of my
china family, so be very careful with it.
 I've been very patient with you, but now I'm getting
a little impatient.
 She was extremely patient about it all. My
nerves wouldn't have kept calm.
 Doctors probably get dozens of patients a day,
which must be exhausting.
 I would like you to meet Sara. She is a cancer
patient at our hospital.
 I'm not ready with my homework yet. Be patient!
 It's raining! I need something to cover my hair from the
 The school covered all the expenses of the class trip.
 The roads were all covered in snow.
 Have you heard my cover to Eminem's song?
 I tried to cover my embarrassment, but I knew I was
 The parents tucked their child under the warm covers.
 The cover girl of this week's Vogue is Gigi Hadid, the very
famous model.
 Don't judge a book by its cover.
 I always read the back cover of a book first.
 Oops! I just spilled my coffee on the sofa cover.
 Remind me to contact the principal tomorrow concerning my
 My contact lenses irritate my eyes. Maybe I should stick to
 Oil shouldn't be in contact with water.
 His contact list was full of famous actors and actresses.
 She made a bunch of useful contacts at the meetings in
 I hate talking to people online. I need a good old face-to-face
contact with them.
 They're still in close contact with each other even though they just
went through a divorce.
 He hoped to maintain contact with her during the summer.
 I can be contacted via telephone or e-mail.
 Don't hesitate to contact me day or night!
 The idea of moving and leaving everything behind was
 I'm open to all ideas, so bring them on!
 She keeps on stealing my ideas and taking all the
 I've been toying the idea of moving to California and
becoming an actress.
 Do you have any ideas for a present to George?
 I haven't got the faintest idea of what is going on with
 He was obsessed with the idea of a new Porsche.
 Lucy played a big part in the show.
 The pizza was sliced into eight parts.
 The best part of a school day is lunch time.
 He was very unsuccessful in the early part of his
 I need to find new parts for my computer to make it
work again.
 Several parts of his body were injured in the accident.
 Part of me wants to forget him but a part of
me doesn't.
 They took little part in the activities.
 He is my best friend.
 I thought that he is a friend of yours.
 You can't win any friends if you don't change your
 Can you describe your circle of friends?
 In my opinion, it's easy to make friends.
 She turned out to be only fair-weather friend.
 I found a lifelong friend.
 I saw my childhood friend yesterday.
 For all that we stayed friends.
 I have many friends in high places introducing their
 He threatens to do something very bad to me, but a barking
dog never bites.
 Can you loan your umbrella? It's raining cats and dogs!
 I'm going to take my dog for a walk.
 A dog is sniffing me.
 The dog pricked up its ears when it noticed me.
 I work as a dog breeder.
 Don't worry. Everything's going to be okay. Every dog has
its day.
 You looks as sick as a dog. You have to stay in your bed
 I don't want to live a dog's life anymore.
 It's been a dog's age since I saw you!
 I love to soak up the sun.
 I was so tired that I went to bed with the sun.
 He told me about everything under the sun.
 You have to use sunscreen that you don't catch the
sun anymore.
 The sun warmed her feet.
 When the sun goes down, its going to be cold.
 The rays of the sun warm me.
 It is so warm in the sun.
 The sun climbed higher in the sky.
 Sometimes I want to travel to the sun belt.
 You have a heart of gold.
 Lately I have been sick at heart.
 I wish with all my heart that you'll be better.
 I want to hear something different. You have to put
more heart into it!
 You broke my heart.
 In my heart, I knew you was right.
 At heart I am a little girl.
 I have mathematic exam tomorrow so I have
to learn math by heart.
 I tried to tell my aching heart that I didn't love him.
 She told him with a heavy heart that she had lied.
 The King often sits at the head of the table.
 My dog always sleeps under the table.
 He put his cards on the table and said that he don't want
to se her anymore.
 I got a job at a restaurant waiting at table.
 I have booked a table in restaurant for 6 p.m.
 It's your turn clear the table.
 A coffee table book of his life will be published tomorrow.
 Tonight I will drink you under the table.
 We have to get our family around the table and make this
 They were sitting round the kitchen table.
 It feels that it's coming up a cloud.
 When I heard it I was on cloud nine.
 For me, the only cloud on the horizon is the mathematics exam
in May.
 He is always in the clouds because his thoughts is so unrealistic.
 You forgot to register for camp, but don't worry because every
dark cloud has a silver lining - you'll have more time to your
 Dark clouds tell that it's getting ready to rain.
 The clouds broke, and the sun came out.
 Look at that sky! It's coming up a cloud.
 Get your head out of the clouds! It's your turn to answer.
 If you really think that Justin Bieber loves you, you are living in
cloud-cuckoo land.
 My little brother and sister always fight like cat and
 My friend loves play cat and mouse with the teacher.
 A cat nap after lunch makes you feel better.
 My cat is very playful.
 I have a pet cat called Karvinen.
 The cat miaowed beautifully.
 My cat caught a mouse yesterday.
 When my mum left to the store, we did everything
illegal. When the cat's away, the mice will play.
 Why you are you not speaking? Cat got your tongue?
 I fixed my car and now it purr like a cat.
 Have you seen my brand new car?
 There is nothing new in town.
 After this I really feel like a new woman.
 Fashionable people knows that red is the new black.
 In my opinion, this group really need some new blood.
 Don't cry my dear, father can make your teddy bear as
good as new.
 After divorce, I can see him in a new light.
 So you have not done your homework. What else is
 Your jeans looks quite new.
 Life with the baby is a new ballgame for me.
 I really miss good old days!
 You are old enough to make your own mind.
 The grey color of my hair makes me seem old.
 I'm eighteen years old.
 I walked through my old school and everything was the
same old same old.
 Please, don't tell me the same old story. I want to hear
something new.
 Are you kidding me? You still have this same old jewel!
 Be careful! It's the world's oldest surviving pencil.
 I'm an old hand at playing the piano.
 We're all getting older. You have to admit it.
 Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
 I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
 Hold me. I feel a bit light-headed.
 Our journey starts at first light.
 The candle was the only source of light in the room.
 Finally, in the cold light of day, he realized that he
had been so stupid.
 I am a leading light in this community.
 Nothing for me, thanks. I'm flying light today.
 It was almost light outside.
 You have a lot of things to do, but you have all of us to
help you, and many hands make light work.
 He smiled from ear to ear.
 I'll surprise him totally, and I know that I'll put a smile
on his face.
 She shouted at me yesterday and today she's all smiles.
 I love the way you smile at me.
 You are always so happy. Please, keep smiling!
 I broke into a smile when I saw her.
 She had the warm smile in her eyes.
 He smiled with pleasure.
 The kids weren’t wearing anything but a smile.
 He smiled over her face.
 I saw a shooting star yesterday.
 A bright star is shining in the sky.
 We slept under the stars.
 The big Hollywood stars visited in Oulu.
 The nearest star from Earth is the Sun.
 The brightness of a star was amazing.
 The stars appeared in the sky.
 He was the true star.
 She has the star quality.
 In the morning the stars were faint.
 I have a deep love for him.
 They fell in love soon after they met.
 The love between them is true.
 It was love at first sight.
 She were madly in love with him.
 I have a pure love of Finland.
 He is the love of my life.
 My first love was football but now I prefer hockey.
 He didn't return her love so they broke up.
 It was a true love story.
 I left my native home last year.
 I ate home-made cake.
 My grandmother lives in retirement home.
 This film is for home use only.
 The doctor made a home visit in the morning.
 We try to find a home for our puppies.
 He arrived home at night.
 My best friend is from a broken home.
 We have home-grown vegetables for lunch today.
 She made her way home.
 He was very good-looking.
 This food smell good.
 You are very good at playing piano.
 A little healthier lifestyle would be good for you.
 I saw a really good film yesterday.
 She was good to me when I needed help.
 You are good with people.
 You have done a pretty good job today.
 They are getting good at swimming now.
 Running felt so good.
 I have a king-size bed.
 I'm sorry about my unmade bed.
 She made her bed before breakfast.
 He climbed into bed exhausted.
 I get out of bed usually at eight o'clock.
 My bed clothes are blue.
 I am usually in bed before 12 o'clock.
 Her dog slept in the foot of the bed.
 Do you want to see my mother's flower beds?
 I want to go into my warm bed now.
 Children can spend hours at play.
 Children need a creative playing.
 He said it only in play.
 Finland played host the Olympic Games in 1952.
 I played my role well.
 He kicked the ball out of play.
 This was a dirty play from you.
 This is a play about bullying.
 The rain stopped play just in time.
 It was excellent play from you.
 I felt happy when I heard it.
 Money won't make you happy.
 He was extremely happy.
 I was far from happy because I didn't pass the exam.
 I'm very happy about holiday.
 I'm really happy for you.
 I tried to keep him happy but I failed.
 He was not entirely happy about my cooking.
 He seems happy about his situation.
 I'm just happy to be here.
 I love exciting adventures.
 We had a little adventure at last night.
 I'm looking for adventure in my life.
 Travelling offers adventures for everyone.
 Our trip was quite of adventure for us.
 There is a sense of adventure in the air.
 I love adventure films.
 We watched a hair-raising adventure film
 I met him last night.
 It was a really stormy night.
 We spend the night in a hotel.
 Can I stay here the night.
 I was surprised how quickly the night fell.
 I was lying awake through the night.
 How are you awake at this time of night?
 I loved the city by night.
 The night air was bitter cold.
 It happened on Friday night.
 I burned my hand in boiling water.
 The surface of water was still.
 Don't forget to drink water during day.
 Water sports are my favorite.
 I saw many children playing in the water.
 I travelled by water to here.
 I accidentally spilled water on my trousers.
 Drink only bottled water in Africa.
 They escaped the rising water.
 The birds landed on the water.
 He whispered it in the corner of his mouth.
 I asked you to keep your mouth shut.
 Smile spread across her thin mouth.
 He wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
 She opened her mouth but shut it after a while.
 If you are very interested in animal rights you should put
your money where your mouth is.
 I was so amazed that my mouth hanged open.
 My mouth is very dry.
 His mouth stretched wide when I gave him a present.
 The latest book I read was very good.
 There are so many interesting books here in the library.
 I bought a guide book before my holiday in Paris.
 How many copies of the book you own?
 He looked up from his book.
 I borrowed this book from library but I'm going
to return it.
 This is the best book by Jane Austen.
 She was so deep in book that she didn't notice what
happened in front of her.
 His latest book appeared a month ago.
 Do you read children's books.
 You told me a false story about it.
 I enjoy reading short stories.
 I didn't believe her story about ghosts.
 I'm out of work with no money. That's the story of my
 His version of the story was ridiculous.
 Can you tell me about your journey? -It's a long story.
 Romeo and Julia is a true love story.
 This is a collection of stories by my favorite author.
 The end of the story wasn't happy.
 This is very well known story about three piglets.
 Do you have a new kitchen table?
 Everyone were sitting around the table when she
entered the room.
 We booked a table in our favorite restaurant.
 She leaned over the table to hear better.
 She left the table crying.
 Could you clear the table?
 They tried to hide under the table.
 They had a round table discussion about politics.
 I love these table decorations.
 Do you have a billiard table?
 She has blond hair and blue eyes.
 I didn't like his sleek hair.
 You have too long hair.
 I'm losing my hair. I can find them everywhere!
 She had tied her hair back.
 Have you cut your hair?
 I'm trying to grow my hair.
 My hair curls after shower.
 His hair fell over his face covering eyes.
 There's cat hair all over the place.
 I have excellent news for you!
 The accident was front-page news today.
 Have you heard the latest news?
 Do you have any news to report?
 I'm waiting for news about my brother.
 The news spread very fast in social media.
 There wasn't anything special in the news.
 Shut up, I'm trying to listen to the news!
 I'm checking the domestic and international news ev
ery day.
 There was an interesting news report in TV.
 I always wash my teeth to first thing in the morning.
 Today I have sat in the car from morning till night.
 I had an terrible headache in the rest of the morning.
 I have to wake up early in tomorrow morning.
 I always enjoy drinking my morning coffee.
 The morning dawned bright after the stormy night.
 I spent the
morning doing homework and eating cake.
 My dad always read a morning newspaper during
 I always wake up in the early morning.
 She speaks only about it, morning, noon and night.
 I bought a second-hand car yesterday.
 They got in the car and set off.
 I parked my car over there.
 My car runs on diesel.
 My friend hurt himself in car accident.
 I go to school by car every day.
 I asked you to wait in the car. What are you doing
 There were a large number of cars on the roads in this
 I have lost my car key.
 The car came to a halt in front of me.
 Every time I see her she smiles and laughs freely.
 It was so awful we didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
 He left the place with a psycho weird laugh.
 When I heard that joke I laughed my ass off.
 Tomorrow you realize how stupid it was and just laugh for
 We always do stupid things just for a laugh.
 His laugh was so loud that we all woke up.
 She will have the last laugh when she understands what re
ally happened.
 That akward moment when you find yourself laughing alo
ne for no reason.
 Suddenly she came out with a loud horse laugh.
 My friend and I fought like cat and dog.
 Yesterday my brother saw a big fat cat hunting a m
 When I first met him he was as weak as a kitten.
 I always hated the cat and mouse game.
 It seems that cat got your tongue.
 He has a cat called snowball.
 When she grimaced she looked just like a Chesire c
 My sister's pet was beautiful, long-haired cat.
 I was extremely happy about it.
 I had to keep him happy because I promised.
 We left that place before happy hour.
 She couldn't be happier when she heard that she pass
ed the test.
 Yesterday I felt so much happier than I had been for a
long time.
 When he told that he sounded truly happy.
 I'm trying to be happy about their friendship.
 He seemed quite happy when he met me.
 My mom won't be exactly happy when she finds out.
 I'm just so happy right now.
 You have to work hard for your dreams.
 And then I thought: ''that works for me!''
 They always got the shit works.
 That was absolutely work of art.
 Last week's work out was so great.
 When she got pregnant she had to give up work.
 Thank god we can work together when we get there.
 My grandmother always says that little work never h
urt anyone.
 In the future I want to do purposeful work.
 He finally finished his work.
 I could stay home and sleep all day long.
 She was here the other day but I didn't see her.
 This day feels like a very good day.
 He can't walk because he had a leg day at gym.
 I have a beanie because I have a bad hair day again.
 She was so beautiful in her younger days.
 Those two are like a night and day.
 Most kids are so dumb these days.
 I'm glad I saw him because he absolutely made
my day.
 She's so stupid she's just playing with fire.
 Nice play, buddy!
 Relax, she only said that in play.
 They were playing football all day even though it was so ho
 Why you're just playing around with her?
 I have noticed that sometimes he plays hard to get.
 I want to play that song over again!
 We decided to play safe and just go home after that movie.
 I don't like to
play any games with her because she always plays dirty.
 The first time he talked to me
I immediately fell in love with him.
 When the curtain falls, we have to clap and cheer.
 He broke his leg in a fall from a horse.
 Her interest in school fell totally off when she got Netfl
 I can see how you fall to pieces.
 I just want to go home and fall into bed.
 She always says that there's nothing better than a fresh
fall of snow.
 I wish I could bring her back to life.
 They hope that they could get seats at the back.
 He just walked all day back and forth.
 Sometimes I hope that we could go back the way we used t
o be.
 He's angry because he always has to sit on the backseat.
 She had to stay home because his back hurt.
 They were the girls who talked shit about you behind your b
 I tried to talk to him but he just turned his back on
me and walked away.
 He promised that he'd be right back.
 She just wanted to high five!
 I saw an owl which flew so high in the sky.
 I could ever imagined that he was that high.
 My teacher's opinion is that the exam's total score
was too high.
 He said that I should have jumped much more h
igher to win that competition.
 She was as high as a kite yesterday.
 It's normal that there's the emotional highs and l
ows of an actor's life.
 Finally he realized he has to face the facts.
 My dad always says that fact is stranger than fiction.
 We don't believe it because those facts have not yet been prove
 Unfortunately it is a fact of life that there will always be bullies.
 In fact there's still some ice cream if you want!
 He knew the facts but he still went there and betrayed all of us.
 When I thought our situation I had to think at all the relevant fa
 It is a well-
known fact that students get much more lazier on spring.
 Please check your facts before you claim something like that!
 There's many different ways of interpreting the facts.
 Giving a new home for homeless cats is just my cup
of tea.
 I have to drink a strong cup
of coffee in the morning to wake up.
 He's so ambitious,
he lifted the cup for the fourth time this year.
 I had to ask my friends who won the cup because I don
't watch sports.
 There's nothing more relaxing than a nice hot cup
of tea
 Then the waiter came and poured a cup of coffee for
 When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show
life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
 Sometimes when I overthink my friends remind me that life
is too short to worry about things.
 Fortunately life goes on.
 It's better that you sit down because I will tell you the story of my
life now.
 I'm gonna live my life, no matter what, we party tonight!
 Sometimes I think he should get a life.
 I'm glad there's drugs that will save lives!
 She said me these talks are a matter of life and death.
 Love your life!
 Life is like a box
of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
 I love that feeling I get when I see your smile
 A true love story never ends.
 My sister bought me a new shirt and I love it!
 Love is like a
puzzle, first it's confusing and frustrating but when you
figure it out it is a beautiful thing.
 He said he did it for love but she doesn't believe him.
 I know that people can be in love at first sigh.
 He was madly in love with me.
 Remember that God loves us all no matter what.
 When you love someone, you never give up on them.
 I'm sure this summer will be the best summer ever.
 Yesterday he met a nice girl, her name was Summer.
 Summer always ends with great memories.
 I think that the most of the people loves summer more
than winter.
 My friend told me that there's festivals called Summe
r up next week.
 In the Bible it rained for 40 days and
40 nights, they called it disaster, in Finland we call it
 The best things in life aren't things.
 That thing you told me other day, I'm not sure
I can keep it myself.
 People buy too much unnecessary things.
 I think you did the right thing!
 There's some things she has to do before we can go.
 You can't buy happiness but you can buy ice cream and t
hat's kind of the same thing.
 There is some things we just can't say aloud.
 It's a really funny thing how we met a few years ago.
 The main thing is that eventually all ended well.
 The thing is you can't do whatever you want.
 It's just a question of time what will happen next.
 We live hard times, my friend.
 He said it's a bad time to come visit.
 It's cool how time flies when you have good time.
 I had a pleasant time with you yesterday!
 She promised me she would make time for me someday.
 We couldn't be there for a
long time because we lost time by finding that place.
 You're wasting my time.
 And then he yelled ''time's up!'' and everyone had to
stop cooking.
 He did those same mistakes time after time.
 Accidentally I ran out of money when I was shopping.
 We have to run or we will be late!
 And then he made
a great home run and they won the game!
 Just run away, and don't ever come back.
 My friend unquestionably ran the show.
 I think he will realize that in the long run.
 We all laughed because he ran into a stone wall.
 My cat have now been on the run for a week.
 I like to go running before I go to sleep.
 My friend appeared happy when she heard that her dog was
 My dad sounded really happy on the phone.
 My sister was quite happy with her work.
 All that money won't make you happy.
 I feel happier than I have been for a long time.
 He tries to keep his mother happy by doing housework.
 She is happy about her grades.
 His teacher was not happy at all with his behavior.
 I heard that you are getting married. I'm really happy
for you.
 His mom was far from happy when she heard where he had
 Let's go for a run after lunch.
 I'm going on a long run tomorrow.
 There is a sponsored run next week.
 He took the stairs at a run.
 They have had a winning run of five games.
 In the normal run of things the only thing he do
is complaining.
 We got another run. Our team is on 85 runs.
 I got a run of good luck.
 The food was very different from the general run of Italian
 She broke into run when she saw a scary man behind her.
 Two horses got scared when a riderless horse ran
across the track.
 She is good at handling horses.
 Get my horse ready and wait for me.
 There are eight horses running in the next race.
 The car in front of us was pulling a horse box.
 There is a horse show next week.
 She is a horse owner.
 I saw the finest horse ever.
 The horse stumbled and threw its rider.
 We saw an old horse pulling a cart.
 He had a warm smile in his eyes.
 He gave a gentle smile.
 I suppressed a mirthless smile.
 She hide her sad smile.
 His dad forced a smile when he heard the news.
 His words to me brought a smile to my face.
 She responded with a smile.
 He smiled from ear to ear.
 She smiled at him.
 She looked at me smiling happily.
 They share a love of music.
 He felt no love for her.
 He likes most sports but football is his first love.
 He is the love of her life.
 She believes in love at first sight.
 The love between him and her is great.
 They are in love.
 This is a love song.
 She fell in love with him.
 He did it for love.
 He is always on his phone.
 There is a mobile phone.
 Can I use your phone?
 Don't hang up the phone when I'm speaking to you.
 His phone went dead when we were speaking.
 They spoke on the phone.
 Can you pick up the phone?
 She slammed down the phone because she was
 Dad, you are wanted on the phone.
 We keep contact by phone because she lives so far
 Her best friend lives in another city.
 She have just a couple true friend.
 People he thought was his true friends turned out to be
only fair-weather friends.
 We became friends immediately.
 We stayed friends after we went through some hard times.
 He finds it difficult to make friends because he is so shy.
 She won't win any friends if she keeps behaving like that.
 He have a lot of good friends.
 I want you to meet a good friend of mine.
 He introduced me to his circle of friends.
 She looked fit.
 He works out to stay fit.
 Eating that won't make you fit.
 He isn't fully fit yet after his operation.
 As fit as a fiddle fit and healthy. (= very healthy)
 She told that the doctor had said that she is now fit for work.
 She felt physically fit.
 I did not see fit that the newspaper published that article.
 He took so long to become fit.
 She said that the food wasn't fit for human consumption.
 This treatment seems to offer the best hope for me.
 There was still a faint hope that I would get that job.
 I don't hold out much hope of finding my dog.
 His hopes of getting that house is now been dashed.
 I am telling you this in the hope that you can help.
 She felt sad and without hope.
 She was full of hope.
 They have high hopes for the competition.
 He looked at her and felt a glimmer of hope.
 I am full of hope for the future.
 Listening to music makes you feel relaxed.
 He could hear music coming from the neighbors.
 Could you turn up that music?
 He's really into rock music.
 She loves to make music.
 My friend produce music.
 She made up the words and I made up the
music for the song.
 She have a good taste in music.
 This movie always makes me sad.
 The boy seemed sad when he left to the school.
 You're looking extremely sad.
 The view is really sad in autumn.
 She's feeling very sad about her cat's death.
 I think this is the saddest thing in my life.
 I'm in love with fast cars.
 The number of cars on the roads is increasing all
the time.
There was a line of parked cars in front of the
beautiful landscape.
 It's very expensive to own a car these days.
 Car is the best way of moving in countryside.
 His car crashed into the wall of my house .
 The computer is able to handle the huge amount of
 Today, we can say that the computer has changed the
world enormously and rapidly.
 For example, the invention of the Internet is due to the
 The first computer was developed in the 1940s.
 Almost all kinds of computer software can
be programmed.
 Nowadays, many companies are manufacturing
computers for various purposes
 In the early days computers were the size of the room,
while now the computer can be a size of a matchbox.
 I was jealous of him because of his success.
 He was clearly jealous when I bought a new
 He is jealous of your success.
 Do you want to go for a run?
 The prisoner have been on the run for two days.
 He hit the home run!
 Bayern Munchen extended their winning run toda
y. They have won ten games in a row.
 She really have a run of good luck.
 My dad runs a business.
 Football players earn big money.
 Some people steal as a way of making easy money.
 Did your parents give you pocket money when you was little?
 This company has large amount of money.
 I haven't got any money left.
 How much money do you earn?
 I'm saving money for a new car.
 Did you run out of money in the bar last night?
 I won lottery last week and I'm going to donate half of the mone
y for charity.
 That car is worth lots of money.
 Why you throw your money for the things you don't need.
 You owe me money!
 Hard work pays off.
 Doing this was an interesting piece of work.
 I've got lots of work to do.
 Can you increase your work rate?
 Here you can see work in progress.
 I'm going to finish this work.
 I've been off work because of my broken leg.
 The gallery is showing works by local artist.
 This book is a work of genius.
 I hate the night shift at the works.
 That's a true story!
 I heard amazing story today. Do you want to hear?
 Sometimes I read a story for my little sister at
 I told them my life story.
 Here is collection of stories.
 The police didn't believe her story.
 I think that every modern novel have the same
basic storyline.
 It's a long story.
 Have you seen this magazine cover story?
 Sorry I can’t go, I have to study.
 This grammar book is great for independent study.
 My sister is going to take up full-time study again.
 In this course we develop students study skills.
 When I complete my studies, I will go to army.
 The present study reveals an unacceptable level of air
pollution in the city centre.
 In a recent study, 40% of schools were found to be
 He is studying hard.
 My parents built a really beautiful house.
 It is a four-bedroom house.
 He shares a house with three other students.
 The children were playing house, giving tea to their
 I really don’t like to move out of house.
 The house faces south, so the sun shines straight to it.
 Are you first-time house buyer?
 She loves being housewife.
 Shh, you'll wake up the whole house.
 It was an extremely hot summer day.
 The weather is too hot for me.
 Don’t you feel hot so close to fire?
 Damn, you look hot!
 The ground was hot enough to burn your feet.
 The food will not stay hot if you don’t eat it now.
 I really don’t like hot food.
 Some people believe that there is intelligent life on
other planets.
 My friend lost his life in a car accident.
 Some scientists have found drug that will save lives.
 No lives were lost in the air crash.
 The driver showed no signs of life.
 In later life she started to study.
 He thought marriage should be for life.
 We've been friends all my life.
 Sam built his whole life around his job.
 Las Vegas only comes to life at night.
 I will have to have a little talk with that young lady.
 She always watches this talk-show.
 I had a little heart-to-heart talk with her.
 He was so bad at making small talk.
 There is ridiculous talk about Mario Götze going
to Liverpool.
 My mom likes to follow political talks.
 He is currently in talks with two football clubs.
 You think it's just talk? No, I think it's true.
 My friend’s dad has a really expensive rally car.
 I think we should buy a used car.
 My wife wants an electric car.
 It's really expensive to run a car nowadays.
 I lost control of my car and then I crashed it.
 This is the police, get out of the car now!
 My uncle was in prison because he stole cars.
 Have you ever been in a car accident?
 Do you go to work by car?
 I'm trying to lose weight, that’s why I always take
a low-calorie drink.
 Would you like to go for a drink tonight?
 Do you want to ice in your drink?
 I hate people who drink and drive.
 He's been drinking heavily since he divorced his
 Patrick was drinking like fish that night.
 I think my cousin have a drinking problem.
 Can I buy you a drink?
 Lets go for a drive!
 I want to test drive before buying this car.
 You parked the car on the drive.
 The city is only a short drive away.
 I have to buy a new hard drive.
 You are driving too fast!
 This road is in very bad condition, so drive slowly.
 I'm driving from Oulu to Helsinki.
 I think this place serves the finest food.
 Everyone should have the right to food and clean
 I eat more healthy food these days.
 Before I ate too much fast food.
 Some people have to be days without food.
 Stop playing with your food!
 What do you think about killing animals for food?
 Does the food taste good?
 I would like to have a mug of strong black coffee,
 He don’t like milky coffee.
 Go and make some fresh coffee.
 Do you like Turkish coffee?
 I have sugar but no milk in my coffee.
 I'm so glad we have a coffee machine in our
 How do you take your coffee? Milk, no sugar,
 I wrote down some key words to help me
remember what to say.
 The same word can carry many different meaning
 In other words, I've been sacked.
 Any last words?
 My granny always tells me some wise words.
 She left without a word.
 Can I have a quick word with you?
 Can you keep your word even once?
 You look tired, get some sleep.
 Sleep finally overtook me.
 When I was younger, I walked and talked in my
 She needs her beauty sleep.
 Morning sunshine. Did you have a good sleep?
 I haven't slept well for weeks.
 Try to sleep a little.
 He was beginning to get a bit sleepy.
 Do you have any golf balls?
 He is incredible to watch ball on his feet.
 Oh no, the defender lose the ball and opposite
team score.
 The ball hit the wall.
 That was a superb through ball from Mesut Özil.
 He was penalized for a hand ball.
 I saw a real cannonball in the museum.
 How he miss the ball?
 I have the original premier league match ball.
 Do you have any idea for the present?
 You always have the most crazy ideas.
 She accused the company of stealing her idea.
 Tony suggested the idea of advertising on the
 I'm open to ideas.
 The books introduces the key ideas of hunting.7
 I don’t relish the idea of sharing an office with
 How could we translate the idea into reality?
 I found the door open.
 The door was wide open.
 I've been completely open with you.
 She's very open about her mistakes.
 How long does this shop stay open?
 The bridge is officially open now.
 He played many outdoor sports.
 The man who lost his life played dangerous
 Motor sport has always been popular
among men.
 For example, skiing and snowboarding are
winter sports.
 You and I played sports together back in the day.
 I go to a sport club where I do some boxing.
 We bought a new long table because the old one
was so little.
 My glass table broke into thousands of pieces.
 All of us were walking around the table.
 Will you please lay the table for five.
 The forest was full of light snow on last winter.
 There was first snow today.
 Snow flakes are floating.
 We were skiing across the snow.
 I found my phone in the deep snow.
 My jokes get the biggest laughs.
 You enjoy laughing at me.
 She left my room with a humourless laugh.
 He is sometimes good for a laugh.
 If you eat right, you feel right.
 I tried to eat sausage once.
 You eat like a horse.
 My brother is business man
and making easy money.
 I asked my parents for pocket money .
 I have got so much money.
 He brought money into the system although it was
 One scrooge hoarded his money without any
 Your car is worth a lot of money.
 One of my cousins lives in the parental home.
 Some children have broken homes which is so
 He came from a horrific home background.
 This machine has been for home use only.
 My teacher always gives home work.
 The quick way isn´t always the best.
 He would try every possible way but that makes
no sense.
 There is number of ways to try.
 They have different in more ways than one.
 All have their own distinctive way of life
 Her only hope was clutching straws.
 My new cancer treatment gave me renewed
 Both of us are full of hope.
 Recent events boosted hope to get extra points.
 We have a long ride to our home.
 My friend took a free ride on the bus.
 The ride from Lapland to Ii takes about an hour.
 I made such a long phone call.
 You will take the call from school.
 I had several calls to make two years later.
 An upturned box was in the middle of the crime
 Two sneaky men robbed the security box of the
 The lid of a box.
 The box full of nails.
 After a school session me and my teacher did a
summary trial.
 Judge ordered a new trial for the bank robber.
 He escaped murder trial.
 I survived without trial because I was first
 Let´s go run after our hockey training.
 I took a run at the stairs.
 Do you want to go for a run?
 The prisoner have been on the run for two days.
 He hit the home run!
 Bayern Munchen extended their winning run toda
y. They have won ten games in a row.
 She really have a run of good luck.
 My dad runs a business.
 Football players earn big money.
 Some people steal as a way of making easy money.
 Did your parents give you pocket money when you was little?
 This company has large amount of money.
 I haven't got any money left.
 How much money do you earn?
 I'm saving money for a new car.
 Did you run out of money in the bar last night?
 I won lottery last week and I'm going to donate half of the mone
y for charity.
 That car is worth lots of money.
 Why you throw your money for the things you don't need.
 You owe me money!
 Hard work pays off.
 Doing this was an interesting piece of work.
 I've got lots of work to do.
 Can you increase your work rate?
 Here you can see work in progress.
 I'm going to finish this work.
 I've been off work because of my broken leg.
 The gallery is showing works by local artist.
 This book is a work of genius.
 I hate the night shift at the works.
 That's a true story!
 I heard an amazing story today. Do you want to hear?
 Sometimes I read a story for my little sister at
 I told them my life story.
 Here is a collection of stories.
 The police didn't believe her story.
 I think that every modern novel have the same
basic storyline.
 It's a long story.
 Have you seen this magazine’s cover story?
 Sorry I cant go, I have to study.
 This grammar book is great for independent study.
 My sister is going to take up full-time study again.
 In this course we develop students study skills.
 When I complete my studies, I will go to army.
 The present study reveals an unacceptable level of air
pollution in the city centre.
 In a recent study, 40% of schools were found to be
 He is studying hard.
 My parents built a really beautiful house.
 It is four-bedroom house.
 He shares a house with three other students.
 The children were playing house, giving tea to their
 I really don’t like to move out house.
 The house faces south, so the sun shines straight to it.
 Are you a first-time house buyer?
 She loves being housewife.
 Shh, you'll wake up the whole house.
 Let's go home, shall we?
Canada is the native home of ice hockey.
In the autumn, most of the birds of Finland fly to their winter
You can come visit me tomorrow. Do you have
my home address?
The patient was so sick that the doctor had to make a home visit.
It is a common assumption that in war, only the soldiers do the hard
work. But it isn't easy on the home front either.
It is truly saddening that there really are people that
are homeless.
Patrick Kane’s hometown is Buffalo although he plays for the
Chicago Blackhawks.
 The Cuban Crisis took America and the Soviet union to the brink
of war.
At the outbreak of World War II Germany commenced their
operation to conquer Poland.
The shortage of food in the war years led to many people dying
from hunger.
My great grandfather fought in the The Winter War.
People need to show more respect to the brave Veterans of
War who fought for our country.
The US declared war on Japan in the year of 1941.
The people of New Zealand don't know much about the Horrors of
Can the war against poverty be won?
The city of Berlin was divided in half after The World War II
Russia is currently at war against the Islamic State
 Donald J. Trump has been on the news lately.
Our school, Kiimingin Lukio was mentioned in the
Patrik Laine finished his last driving lesson yesterday
and somehow it made the news.
The good news is that weekend is only a few days
Have you heard the latest news about the situation
in the middle east?
Great news!
 I don't want to go into any more detail.
 The receipt shows details of the item purchased.
 Enter your details in the form below.
 The computer records the details of everyone entering
the country.
 I haven't looked at the proposal in detail yet.
 I'll give you a call later and fill you in on the details.
 I only know the essential details of his plans.
 Let's examine this idea in greater detail.
 I don't need to know the precise details of your night
 … "Oh, spare me the details."
 His decision can only be understood in context.
 Her reply was taken out of context.
 This needs to be set in the context of …
 Present examples of language in use in an appropriate context.
 It is natural to find conflict in the work environment, or any
other human context.
 These actions only have meaning within certain specific context
 A work which transcends its immediate historical context and
speaks to later generations.
 Institutions provide a context in which individuals can take on
different roles.
 Similar problems have arisen in other contexts.
 … "You've got to see it in a wider context."
 I've put in a request for a room with a view of the sea.
 The play was written by Agatha Christie at the request
of Queen Mary.
 The writer's name was withheld by request.
 We will arrange accommodation on request.
 A detailed list of our publications is available on request.
 The film is being shown again by popular request.
 We have received a large number of requests.
 We have requested some information from the company.
 We have had repeated requests for a pedestrian crossing
near the school.
 She had an unreasonable request for me.
 The firm's expected annual revenue.
 Tax fraud costs the country millions in lost revenue.
 The main sources of public revenue.
 These television companies rely on advertising revenue for
their funds.
 The central government collects the tax revenue on behalf
of local authorities.
 A drop in revenue.
 Revenues from the sale of oil.
 Tourism is the island's main source of revenue.
 The project will not generate any revenue.
 Their government's revenues come mainly from direct
 The matter is still under review.
 The book received mixed reviews.
 I'm doing a review for the local paper.
 His review appeared in yesterday's paper.
 Did you see the review in 'The Times'?
 The first chapter presents a critical review of...
 The rent is due for review.
 We are currently reviewing the situation.
 This case should be reviewed in the light of new
 The film has been favourably reviewed in a number of
 Who is in command?
 He was put in command of the navy.
 Under the direct command of...
 He had command of 3,000 soldiers.
 I am at your command.
 He was in total command of the situation.
 An army officer is giving commands at his men.
 NATO's integrated military command.
 She has lost command of her senses.
 He has an excellent command of French.
 She crawled into bed exhausted.
 I like to be in bed before 11 o'clock.
 I really need to make my bed before any guests arrive.
 Are you out of bed yet?
 I need to be awake early tomorrow, I'm going to bed.
 I fell out the side of my bed in my sleep last night.
 I have a king-size bed.
 She had a hard time tumbling into bed after a night
 He lay in bed all day.
 This bed is really comfortable.
 Can I have your attention, please?
 I felt my attention wandering during the lecture.
 A matter requiring urgent attention.
 Her primary aim was to avoid the attentions of the
 He is a designer known for his attention to detail.
 He was convicted of driving without due care and
 The child needs constant attention.
 He devoted all his attention to his mother.
 A patient in the need of attention.
 They listened with full attention.
 Alcohol can slow your reflexes.
 Almost by reflex, he helped himself to a drink.
 The doctor tested her reflexes.
 The training is designed to sharpen
the fighter's reflexes.
 The rapid movement of an object towards the
eye triggers the blink reflex.
 His reflexes are fast as lightning.
 There was water dripping from a hole in the ceiling.
 These fish will quickly die in salt water.
 The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers.
 Avoid drinking the tap water when you first arrive in the
 The flood water had caused tremendous damage.
 Many goods were transported by water in the last century.
 The swan landed gracefully on the water.
 The boat cut effortlessly through the water.
 They climbed a tree to escape the rising water.
 Brown water gushed out of the rusty old tap.
 We are constantly upgrading our software to m
eet customers' needs.
 All machines can be upgraded with new
 I am currently upgrading to the new 2.1 version of
the software.
 We have significantly upgraded our tools over
 The software upgrade only had minor bug fixes.
 Windows 10 is a huge upgrade from Windows 8.
 The company needs to create a new image for itself.
 He's the spitting image of his father.
 Heat images show where most of the activity in the brain is.
 The industry is trying to shed its negative image.
 The visual image is steadily replacing the written word.
 In real life she looks nothing like her media image.
 The pixel information used to show a digital image.
 I like to build up images of the characters and setting before
I start to write.
 Powerful and disturbing images of the war.
 She was aiming for a wholesome, girl-next-door image.
 We took the wrong road and had to turn back.
 The road twists and turns up the hillside.
 Road humps have been laid down to limit the speed of cars
along the road.
 We'll be able to go faster once we're out on the open road.
 A bumpy road through the forest.
 I pulled off the road for a rest.
 The road crosses the river further up the valley.
 The track joins the main road just south of the village.
 Take the next road on the right.
 Let's leave when the roads are clear.
 We went on a day trip to the seaside.
 My last trip abroad was two years ago.
 The trip home took us five hours!
 Enjoy your trip!
 He's just back from a trip to New York.
 A school trip to the Science Museum.
 He makes frequent trips to Australia.
 She's away on a business trip.
 It's only a five-minute trip by taxi.
 They saved for years for their trip of a lifetime to
 The debate brings together experts with conflicting views.
 At the meeting, we hope people will exchange views freely.
 The meeting gave everyone the chance to air their views.
 In my view it was a waste of time.
 We had a poor view of the stage from where we were
 The pillar prevented me getting a clear view of the action.
 This room has a spectacular view across the bay.
 This is a great place to unwind and enjoy the view.
 Tensions within the band remained hidden from public
 My mother takes a pretty dim view of my cooking skills.
 His first instinct was to run away from danger.
 He plays well but lacks that killer instinct that wins matches.
 Why don't you just follow your natural instincts?
 Her instinct told her that she was being followed.
 Her instincts took over and she dived on the escaping thief.
 He's got an instinct for survival in a tough job.
 I acted purely on instinct.
 In negotiating you have to develop an instinct for when to be
tough and when to make a deal.
 I've trusted my instincts in the past and they've usually
been right.
 Babies know by instinct who their mother is.
 Can we talk about a more cheerful subject?
 Don't change the subject.
 We discussed a wide range of subjects.
 What subjects are you taking at A level?
 She was disappointed to fail in two of her four subjects.
 Let's drop the subject since we don't seem to be able to
 The subject of gambling has come up several times
 I wish he'd stick to the subject rather than telling us his
boring stories.
 His illness left him subject to asthmatic attacks.
 Work is a taboo subject when we go out for dinner.
 He's off work with a bad back.
 He yawned and stretched his back as he got out of
 A seat with good back support.
 The cat arched its back and hissed at the dog.
 They tied his hands behind his back.
 We could only get seats at the back.
 Two passengers sat in the back of the car.
 I've got pain in my lower back.
 They sat back to back so they couldn't see each others'
 She thinks that people talk about her behind her back.
 Taxes look set to rise again.
 You have to fill in your tax return by tomorrow.
 The tax year begins in April.
 Her salary puts her highest in the tax band.
 His tax affairs are under investigation by the
 Her accountant was good at exploiting tax loopholes.
 He is living as a tax exile in Monaco.
 Profits after tax were £262,000.
 An increase in the basic rate of tax.
 Introducing a 60% tax on alcohol.
 The basic idea is that we all meet up in London.
 Most employees welcome the idea of a ban on
 An idea began to form in his mind.
 She had the idea of advertising on the Internet.
 I don't know what to do, but I'm open to ideas.
 He gave me a rough idea of what was wanted.
 He's obsessed with the idea of getting a motorbike.
 Swimming in a icy river is not my idea of fun.
 Do you have any ideas for a present for her?
 Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas.
 The phone suddenly shut down in the middle of our
 Can I use your phone?
 If the phone rings, don't answer it.
 She is using her phone right now.
 There is a public payphoneat the reception.
 He slammed the phone down in ground.
 I think my phone is broken.
 We spoke over the phone almost three hours.
 She waits by the phone almost all day but it doesn't
 Did you forget your bag?
 She took her bag and ran out of the door.
 Eggs got broken in my bag!
 We dropped our bags of off at the hotel and went
straight to eat food.
 He was walking with his friends swinging his school bag.
 His bag was full of vague stuff.
 There was no lift so I had to go up the stairs with my
heavy bags.
 The camera got broken in my bag.
 His latest book will appear in October.
 Do you want to go in library and borrow a book
 There's nothing like drinking hot cocoa and reading
 How many books do you have?
 Books by J.K. Rowling are the best.
 She looked up from her book and smiled brightly.
 She smiled her thanks as the car drove off.
 He didn't even say thank you.
 I give her a small gift in thanks for her doings.
 I would like to thank you.
 He got a special thank you from my father.
 You haven't thanked your mother yet, don't forget
 Thank you is a small but very significant word.
 He gave thanks to God for winning in lottery.
 She finally got her own TV show.
 I will show you how it should go.
 They are holding a big riding show at the evening.
 They made a great welcoming show for us.
 She cried a lot but it is all show.
 The works are on show until May.
 The dog was the real star of the show.
 The kids love to kick a ball against my wall.
 Basket ball is very cool sport.
 The goalkeeper missed the ball in the game.
 Her ball control was incredible.
 The sun was a fiery ball, low on the hills.
 He screwed the letter up into a tight ball.
 The ball hit the window and broke it.
 The ball flew over the fence and went in the
 She returned his kiss with passion.
 He greeted her with a kiss.
 You have to kiss me at goodbye.
 He give his daughter a huge goodnight kiss .
 We were greeted with hugs and kisses.
 His kiss deepened and became hungrier.
 Let's go run before dinner.
 He took the stairs at a run.
 My sister escaped by running.
 Our team is on 90 runs.
 They play began its run last September.
 Their team have finally ended their run of defeats.
 When she saw me she broke into run.
 It is the key to success.
 He turned the key in the lock.
 They heard a key turned in the back door lock.
 Language is the key to understanding people
around you.
 You need a key to open the warehouse.
 Somebody must have used a key to get in here.
 You have to close the window with a key.
 I just can't stop loving you.
 He fell in love with one of his students.
 I did it for love.
 The love between parent and a child is the most
beautiful thing in the world.
 She had a great love of painting.
 I was madly in love with him.
 They publicly share their love to each other.
 Did you put the bread on a shopping list?
 Names of last members are not in the guest list.
 Go shopping is top of my list of priorities today.
 The play have an impressive cast list.
 Safety is high on our list of priorities.
 We are waiting the list for memberships of the
football club.
 She took a bad fall out while cycling.
 The fall is the most beautiful season in year.
 Luckily the good luck broke his falling.
 She broke her arm in a fall from a horse.
 The doctor says that she has had a very nasty
 The chances to survive a fall under the train are
almost nil.
 Listening to the music is the best way to calm
 Could you turn that music down?
 Can you put volume of music up?
 She is really into pop music.
 Can you read music?
 The soft background music made him fell sleepy.
 She could hear music on downstairs flat.
 His view on the world revolves a battle between a rich
and poor.
 I took the view that an exception should be made in this
 In my view it was the waste of time.
 Experts hold greatly differing views on this subjects.
 It is a good to notice different views on the way of
 A large truck suddenly came into view.
 There was nobody in view.
 It is the story of my life.
 No one would believe such a tall story.
 The epic story of family's escape from war is quite
 He tell me his life story.
 My parents read me a story in the bedtime when I
was a little.
 The house have three different stories.
 His life was a sorry story about betrayal and
 The fireworks lit up the sky.
 Only the sky is limit.
 He told me about everything between the sky and
the sea.
 The rain stopped and the skies cleared.
 The eagle was totally dark against the early
morning sky.
 Black clouds spread across the sky.
 A strange object dropped out the sky.
 What lovely flowers!
 The flowers are the most beautiful thing in
 It was June and the roses were in flower.
 He gave me flowers.
 The flowers were still tightly closed.
 The forest floor was a carpet of wild flowers.
 He left his keys on the table.
 We booked a table in our favourite restaurant.
 She put the vase on the table.
 The pencil rolled under the table.
 She leaned across the table towards him.
 They were all five of them sitting round the
kitchen table.
 Home sweet home
 I left my home to meet my friends
 I like staying at home
 Home is the best place to relax
 I have a holiday home in ruka
 Can we go home I am tired
 Home has never looked nicer than this
 Clean your home its filthy
 I arrived at home late
 They had to abandon their home
 I have a pet cat
 My cat is lazy
 The cat had to be put down
 Can we play cat and mouse
 My cat was alone all day
 The cat curled up
 I am afraid of big cats
 The cat meowed for hours
 Cats love to play
 The neighbour’s cat and dog fought
 I love singing.
You are a terrible singer.
Birds sang awfully in trees.
Singing is not just a hobby, it's a lifestyle.
Do you like singing about love?
Why do you sing just bad songs?
She can't sing very well.
Yesterday me and my sister sang together.
 Can you hear me?
I've heard this story before.
She's getting old so she can't hear well anymore.
I'm sorry, I heard about you're grandfather.
I told him what he wanted to heard.
I was surprised to hear that!
 I'm happy for you.
Money won't make you happy.
You are my happiness.
Seeing you happy, makes me happy too.
You can't buy happiness.
You make me happy.
Seeing my mom happy is the best thing ever.
 I love you.
It was love at the first sight.
I'm in love with him.
Do you love me?
Loving someone is not that simple.
Love hurts.
He fell in love with her.
You can't love someone you hate.
 Always kiss me goodnight.
He gently kissed her in the forhead.
She returned his kiss with passion.
That was a quick kiss.
I hate kissing.
His kisses were more sisterly than loving.
I love it when you kiss me long.
That was a warm and loving kiss.
 There's too hot, I can't do anything.
You look really hot.
This is extremely hot summer.
This winter was hotter than last winter.
Don't burn you're tongue, that food is way too hot.
This room is uncomfortably hot.
The sun will become so hot that it explodes.
 Don't be such a cold hearted bitch.
It's freezing cold in Siberia.
You must use ice so you can keep your drink cold.
Serve this hot or cold.
I hate cold weather.
Finland is very cold country.
In Finland there's colder in summer than in winter.
 He thinks that she's very beautiful.
Iceland is a beautiful country.
I like beautiful flowers.
That butterfly is breathtakingly beautiful.
She sings beautifully.
My wedding ring is more beautiful than yours.
I did all I could to make this home beautiful.
You're beautiful just the way you are.
 I hope that she will be okay.
Parents usually put high hopes for their children.
Your hopes are not realistic.
I'm full of hope.
My hope faded away.
She felt weak and hopeless.
Youngerster are full of hope.
There's a little hope that she's allright.
He told me all his dreams and hopes.
 He was my highschool crush.
I have a big crush on you.
Her leg crushed badly in the accident.
Crush the candies finely before putting them to the
He was crushed against the tree.
Once I was crushed under the car.
She was crushed between two rocks.
 I found out that she's an amazing writer.
That dress looks amazing on you.
That music you play sounds amazingly relaxing.
This still fits on me! -That's amazing!
Mother giving a birth is truly amazing.
I saw the most amazing girl yesterday.
 In Donald Duck Magica De
Spell practises black magic.
I don't believe in magic.
The magic slowly starts to work and the frog will
turn to a prince.
Your magic doesn't work here.
Do your magic and make it work again!
 We slept under the open sky.
The sky is really sunny today.
The fireworks lit up the sky.
The rain stopped and the skies cleared.
We all live under the same sky.
Only sky is the limit.
 I believe I can fly.
The next flight leaves in 30 minutes.
Those butterflies fly beautifully.
Have you ever flown?
Are you afraid of flying?
Flying is amazing.
Time flies.
 The world exists in time and space.
This time I will succes.
When I'm with you time flies.
Time heals all the scars.
I wish I could travel trough the time.
Look at the time!
Do you have time to talk with me?
 I like you!
 Do you like the fact that men die at younger age than women?
 There´s no one like you in the whole planet.
 He is a very likeable person.
 Are you crazy?! It´s like –100 degrees outside!
 I like the way you´re spoiling me.
 I´m moving to Antarctica, whether you like it or not!
 James Bond is a man who is universally liked and admired.
 I really hope that you´ll get to like my home town.
 Life´s like a box of chocolates – you never know what you´re
going to get
 I don´t like your accent to be honest. Sorry!
 Visiting at a dentist is like being tortured but your dentist is
actually "drilling gold" like one of my teachers would describe it.
 This must be the biggest house I´ve ever seen!
 They just got on like a house on fire despite being neighbours.
 The doctor is able to make house calls if needed.
 Have you heard about this new TV drama House? (okay sorry this was a
bad one...)
 The house stands a short distance from the stadium, what else can you
ask for?
 I´m really happy to be a house husband while my wife goes out to
 Hey, you seem like a potential house buyer... I mean... welcome sir!
 Thank you for helping us with our house move, how could we ever thank
you enough?
 Do you have to go from house to house just to get to see where people
are living?
 For sure Jack can be temporarily housed in a smaller apartment but I´m
sure he won´t be happy when you tell that to him.
 He threw his head back and laughed out so loud that our lovely
grandmother woke up.
 I could feel my head spinning after only two drinks.
 "I don´t understand", she said scratching her head.
 Her head tilted to one side as she considered the question.
 We headed to London for two weeks and I got to say it was the
best time of my life so far.
 It´s a voice inside my head that keeps telling me that it´s wrong
to lie.
 I always feel like I´m covered from head to foot with my
 Have you ever thought about using your head?
 Heads or tails?
 What would you say about head-to-head match?
 Don´t look me like that, I don´t need my head examined!

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  • 2. CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE FOLLOWING EXPERTS: Ville Ahokas, Ville Eskola, Jaakko Harju, Alina Johnson, Tommi Korhonen, Kia Laurila, Noora Laurila, Jussi Mettovaara, Atsalea Mutanen, Aukusti Mäenpää, Elias Ojala, Saana Ollila, Jenni Orreveteläinen, Martti Pentikäinen, Heta Rajavaara, Roope Takkinen, Aapo Tervo and Sanni Timisjärvi EDITED BY MAXX PERÄLÄ
  • 3. Preface A collocation is two or more words that often go together. Some word combinations simply sound ”right” to native English speakers and others sound ”wrong” or unnatural to native speakers. Learning collocations is demanding but there are benefits: Your language will be more natural and people will understand you more easily. Besides, Power English often consists of chunks or blocks or even complete meanings rather than single words. You will find below a compilation of entries that the contributing students found interesting. Their task was to illustrate the usage of these words in meaningful contexts. Strictly speaking not all example sentences here are collocations but the bulk of them offer interesting inroads into general usage of the entries and are thus valuable to advanced students of English. Enjoy!
  • 4. SEARCH  She is desperately searching for her engagement ring which she has lost.  I was searching through my drawer to find a pair of socks to wear.  The FBI launched a worldwide search for the killer.  The girl is constantly in search of her rambunctious puppy.  My suspicious neighbours house has been thoroughly searched for drugs.  She searched in her purse and found the lipstick.  My mom was forced into a body search in a security check at the airport.  She has searched high and low, but she can't find her glasses.  I searched my mind for the password, but I couldn't remember it.  My aunt has searched after true love her entire life, without success.
  • 5. FUN  I was doing it for fun.  My sister really enjoyed the party, she said it was such good fun.  It's no fun to wake up on monday mornings after a relaxing weekend.  My little puppy is the best fun to be with.  He is making fun of his own mother.  I hope you have fun during your trip in the US.  Eating pizza with your best friend while watching Disney is truly the funniest thing to do.  She told us that she saw the Queen of England during her holiday in UK. Like fun she did!  My little sister is full of fun.  Going to the movies tonight would be so much fun!
  • 6. PLAY  He was playing dumb when the teacher asked questions.  She played the ball back to the goalkeeper.  My mother was playing host at my party.  She's so talented at playing piano she could beat the Mozart himself.  Everyone at my school were playing a part in saving our school from abolishment.  He is playing with his best mate's wife.  Her character was the villain in the play.  They were playing jokes during their lunchbrake.  The children spend the whole afternoon at play.  A shy smile played on her lips when I praised her.
  • 7. CALL  I tried to call her yesterday but she didn't answer.  I was calling his name but he couldn't hear because all of that noise.  My friend's dog is called Dusty because he used to love rolling in the gritty dirt when he was a puppy.  Every time I'm about to start a test, my stomach decides to imitate whale's mating call.  This is the last call for passengers travelling on Finnair flight to Paris.  I told my mom to pick up the phone and take the call.  My friend knows a lot of people but only few that he'd call really close friends.  She called me over to watch movies and enjoy good food.  My boss called a meeting to find the solution to company's problems.  I am so happy to be able to call this place my own.
  • 8. MEAN  What do you mean when you say you don't like dogs?  I think she is a really mean person.  What is the meaning of all this?  I'm sorry I lied to you, I didn't mean to offend you.  This cake wasn't meant to be eaten today, I was saving it for tomorrow's birthday party.  I believe she means no harm when she says that you look tired today.  This doesn't look much but it means a lot to me.  These toilets are meant for custimers only.  I have been meaning to tell you this the whole day.  I didn't mean to let her see the letter.
  • 9. LOOK  Your sister is looking really good this morning.  Look at the moon, isn't it beautiful!  He looks like he has seen a ghost.  Did you get a look at my new Mercedes-Benz?  I am going to be late, I'm still looking for my wallet.  That shirt looks really nice on you!  My garden is so pleasently sunny because it looks south.  Look where you are walking!  I am looking to graduate this autumn.  My sister looks just like my mom.
  • 10. USE  You have to dumb him, he is just using you and your money!  I am used to do this because I do this everyday.  This shirt has been used so can you bring me a clean one?  I know you still use drugs.  Didn't that woman use to play in the harry Potter movies?  I don't know how to use this machine.  I am not used to having a dog in the house.  We made use for your house while you were on abroad.  This computer is in constant use.  This dress is now ready for use, and you better use it well.
  • 11. SHARE  I'd love to meet tomorrow and share my ideas whit you.  I think we should share this pizza in four pieces.  I share my house with my best friend.  We share a common opinion about this matter.  I think we should share the preparation for the event between us.  My mom and dad share an interest in hiking.  The joke was so funny that I think you should share it with the rest of us too.  You don't have to pay all this, we'll share the cost between us.  Me an my sister own a 30% share of our fathers house.  He wished she would share her worries with him.
  • 12. STAY  We had such a good time during our stay.  Nothing could make me more happier than that you'd stay with me.  I think staying here is not that good idea.  I enjoyed my stay in Paris so much!  You need to stay away from him!  Just stay behind me and you'll be safe.  She is very shy and mostly stays at home.  Two friend of mine divorced, but they stayed frineds.  It's so cold outside it's better stay inside.  We should rather stay together, it's dangerous here.
  • 13. STAND  I can't stand my own brother, he is so annoying!  You should stood up when you are talking, so everyone could hear you better.  I'll stand behind you, no matter what happens.  I had to stood on my tiptoe to reach the lamp.  I wonder how that building is still standing after the earthquake.  Their company stands against factories that contributes child labor.  I was so scared I couldn't move, so I just stood still.  At the party yesterday, he just stood silently in the corner.  Don't you just stand there like an idiot! Do something.  My leg was hurting so much I wasn't able to stand.
  • 14. HIGH  When you describe people, you have to use the word tall, not high or long.  That bird is flying very high, don't you think?  There is very high skyscrapers in Dubai.  I think he was high on heroin when I saw him.  This cheese seems to be rather rather high, I thinks it's best to throw it away.  I achieved higher level in the game.  There are lots of highs and lows in this school.  Are you going to high school after you finish grammar school?  I love your high heels, they look so good on you!  You'll have to jump rather high if your going to get over that fence.
  • 15. RUN  I go running every morning, it makes me feel so perky.  Have you heard about the dangerous prisoner who escaped the prison and is on the run in Mexico?  He get caught for running guns and drugs illegally.  I had a run of bad luck in this matter.  The movie begin its run next month.  In the normal run of things he hardly do exercises at all.  My sister made four runs in yesterdys baseball match.  There has been a run on ice cream because summer is coming.  Usain Bolt is the fastest runner in the world.  The cheetah runs faster than any other mammal.
  • 16. GIVE  I gave a new toy to my dog.  This neckless was given to me two years ago when i turned eighteen.  What name are you going to give to your baby?  I can give you some money if you're not able to pay your bills yourself.  I gave my everything to make this work.  I need you to give your best shot, it's the only way we can make this happen.  They'll give you five years in jail if you get caught.  She gave me a smile, and that made me very happy.  You can't know if you don't try, so give it a go!  My patience gave out and I yelled at her.
  • 17. FEEL  I feel you, the same happened to me two weeks ago.  Can you feel the magic in the air?  My feelings for you are honest.  I'm feeling rather sad at the moment.  I feel like going for a walk.  I didn't feel anything when he stabbed me, I was already in shock.  Just feel how my hands are shaking!  He looked so handsome, I felt like kissing him.  I have never felt so happy as I feel now.  How are you feeling about her?
  • 18. LET  Let's go have some fun, shall we!  She'll never let you do that.  The thing between you and her will never work, you need to let go of her!  Let them come- there's nothing they can do.  Please, let me show you how this works.  Let me know what you did yesterday.  Let me have a look at your homeworks.  Let your dog go, can't you see his enjoying running free.  She has let her flat to an old lady.  Don't you dare let go of my hand!
  • 19. DRIVE  She's driving me crazy.  You should let me drive you home, you're too drunk.  My house is only a short drive away.  I got my license today, do you want to come for a drive?  Do you want to see how my dog drives the sheep into the corral?  Driving a car is much easier than I thought.  It's much harder to get a driving license in these days.  My mother is a really bad driver.  There was a bus parked on the drive.  I'm taking drivin lessons once a week.
  • 20. FALL  Are you going to visit your grandmother next fall?  She's falling in love with me.  I fell down when I was running and I broke my leg.  A little girl died when she fell down from the cliff.  The temperature may fall below zero next day.  I was so exhausted yesterday I just fell into bed immediately when I get home.  The beggar fell to his knees and started to pray.  She falls asleep like a baby when I sing to her.  My mother fell ill when her son left.  My birthday will fall on a Monday this year.
  • 21. MOVE  I thought I saw somebody moving there just now.  You'll have to make the next move, she ain't going to do that.  Could you please move your car?  One false move could lead to disaster.  She's moving really fast.  She learned all the chess moves so easily.  It's so cold here I can't move my toes.  We moved in this house last year.  The film was so sad it moved me to tears.  She moves with very suspicious guy.
  • 22. CLEAN  Your T-shirt looks very clean.  The air in Finland is so clear I can feel how my lungs want more and more of it.  My mom always makes sure that our hands are clean when we sit on the table.  My sister broke her finger, but the doctor said it is a clean break, so it'll heal easily.  I'm going to clean the kitchen next morning, it is so dirty.  My cousin works as a cleaner in a big company.  I hope these winestains will clean off my dress.  The bullet went clean through his knee.  I'm tired of cleaning your mess everyday.  Your boots desperately need cleaning.
  • 23. CROSS  You need to cross this road to get to the other side.  People use to cross their hands when they pray.  The cross is the symbol of Christianity.  My dog is a cross between a pug and a bulldog.  It makes me really cross when I see people hurting their dogs.  When I sit down, I usually cross my legs.  She was rather cross at him when she found out he was telling lies.  I have put a cross on the map where I think the treasure is.  The criminal tried to cross the border.  We crossed from Finland to Sweden to visit Ikea.
  • 24. House  I am moving house.  Don't you dare to wake the whole house.  At the moment I work in house.  (Lower/Upper) House votes tomorrow on the new law.  I got a full house!  We got to play to a full house.  The House of Windsor is going to visit Finland today!  I really brought the house down!  When I become the new manager, I'll surely clean house.  Are you going to eat me out of house and home?  They got on like a house on fire.  When they released their engagement, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.  You don't have to go all around the houses.  I'll keep house when you aren't home.  Next beer is on the house.  People (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.  Hey, put/set your own house in order  This is safe as houses  So, are you going to set up house in Oulu?
  • 25. Fish  Is this a tropical/marine/freshwater fish?  Whoa, this is a good place to fish. I see enormous shoals of fish!  Hard, eh? It's like shooting fish in a barrel.  Our principal is a big fish in a small pond.  I can't believe you're such a cold fish.  James was really a nice guy. Sheila, however, was a different kettle of fi sh.  No wonder why he behaved agressively. Weekends he drinks like a fish.  I must admit I was a fish out of water.  I'm not going to do that, I have bigger fish to try.  He's an odd fish.  I think it'd be a bit complicated to employ him, he's neither fish nor fow l.  Hey, don't get depressed, there are plenty more fish in the sea.
  • 26. Tar  Don't spoil the ship for a ha'pennyworth of tar.  He's tarred with the same brush as his bother.  Do you really prefer coal tar soap to birch soap?  Even low-tar cigarettes are very dangerous.  Don't recently tarred roads smell good?  Hey, don't stare at him, he's just an old Jack Tar.  Bill 'Full House' Jenkins was tarred and weathered more than once. 
  • 27. Ship  I am the boss on board ship.  It's the cheapest way to ship these computers by ship.  There's a huge airship coming to Oulu today.  Hey, we can manage these hard times, don't jump ship.  Sir, three of our men just jumped ship.  -Did you hear about those bankers quitting their jobs? - Yeah, they're like rats deserting a sinking ship.  The new boss sure has run a tight ship before.  Program's ready to ship in late 2016.  Mayday, mayday, this boat's shipping.  This is the last warning, shape up or ship out!  They'll just ship the children off to summercamp and leave, how handy is that?
  • 28. Apple  Women don't usually have Adam's apple.  These are cooking apples, not eating apples.  Crab apples make a great jelly.  We'll have candy apples for dessert.  I'm going to Big Apple next weekend.  The apple never falls far from the tree.  He's the apple of his mother's eye.  -Which do you like more, popcorn or chocolate? - They're both great, but you can't compare apples and oranges.  Using syrup with pancakes is as American as apple pie.  That jerk really is a rotten apple.
  • 29. Money  -I have to borrow money somewhere. -Why don't you just earn your money yourself?  Hey, be careful with that – it cost a lot of money!  Have you counted the money?  I made my money back in the sixties.  I really am in the money.  Uncle Scrooge is probably the richest comic character ever. He's rolling in money.  If you want the best money can buy, money shall be no object.  I am not stingy, I'm just careful with money.  Who couldn't resist easy money?  A fool and his money are soon parted.  For my money, he's a great author.  Did you get your money's worth?  I gave him a good run for their money.  I have no money to burn, it doesn't grow on trees.
  • 30. Money  Banking is a license to print money, but it's not good money.  I made money hand over fist.  I can't do that homework for money nor love.  Marrying money is money for old rope.  World is unfair, workers have no power, it's the money that talks.  If you want me to believe you, put your money where your mouth is.  I can't understand what's government doing in Talvivaara, they're throwing good money after bad.  Domestic violence is a problem that needs deep studying and discussion, just throwing money at the problem doesn't help the victims.
  • 31. Table  I have booked a table for two.  Set the table, will you.  I'm coming, I'll just clear the table first.  The table of contents is at the front of the book.  Did you remember to bring your own periodic table to the test  John drank him under the table yesterday.  If you want us to trust you, you should lay your cards on the table.  Trump turned the tables as he entered the presidential run.  He put new proposal on the table.  I proposed that we'd table the idea until next meeting.
  • 32. Hat  He has a cool straw hat.  I can't work both as a cook and a head in the camp, I can't wear that many hats.  MP3 is an old hat nowadays.  Hey, you can't except me to do that exam at the drop of a hat, I haven't had time to prepare myself for it.  He went hat in the hand to his father.  Ha, if he does that, I'll eat my hat.  I tip my hat to you.  Be sure to keep your criminal background under your hat, or you won't land that job.  You can't be serious! Did they really pick the headmaster out of a hat?  Just pass the hat round there, they surely like old cats.  The inventor of telephone really pulled a rabbit out of the hat!  Yesterday, three new candidates threw their hats into the ring.
  • 33. Bat  Bat that wasp, it's irritating.  She's batting her eyes like having them full of dirt.  He sold all boats? He's really batting a thousand!  I'm going to bat for my grandma.  We've been batting this idea around for three months, couldn't we now decide if it's good or not?  He didn't bat an eye when I told him about his brothers imprisonment.  He's still allowed to drive a car? Come on, he's blind as a bat!  I saw a vampire bat yesterday.  We have do it right off the bat!  He was driving like a bat out of hell.  Wow, I really respect you for doing that big work off your own bat.
  • 34. Game  I like ball games, like football and baseball.  When are the next Olympic Games?  Kids are playing a game of cops and robbers.  She's going to sack everybody? So that's her game!  Yeah, he really beat her in her own game.  I am game for anything.  Now your game is up!  -Did you hear about his new business? -Yeah. I think it's a mug's game  For me this project is just a game.  I think we're out of the game.  A goal! We might actually be back in the game!
  • 35. Game  Hey, you can't do that! It's not playing the game!  He's really good at talking a good game.  You do that? Well, two can play that game.  How come you do that? What's your game?  Don't try to play silly games with me, just tell me why you did it.  He doesn't appreciate the rules of the game: always trying to steal somebody's money.  -Do you know any good places in here? -Well, there's just a puny pub behind the corner but it's the only game in town.
  • 36. Game  Success in competitive games require hard work and dedication.  Communication is essential in team games.  Would you care for a game of cards?  We have to draw the last game, to proceed.  The first play-off game will be played to day.  It's a home game for Kärpät and against Tappara.  Na'Vi have to raise their game to have any chance in the tournament.  My cousin will take part in the next Olympic games.  The game of politics is not for me.  Strategizing is all part of the game.  Turned out that he was just playing a stupid game with me.  They were doing fine, but managed to throw the game.
  • 37. Shame  Shame, you're so cute.  You're going to shame us all.  He was able to shame me into giving him money.  My face burned with shame.  To my shame I took the money from the wallet before returning it.  It is a crying shame that you aren't allowed to come.  There's no shame in wanting to be successful.  I'm going to name and shame them!  His productivity puts us all to shame.  How could you do something like that, shame on you!
  • 38. Book  The game seven is already booked up.  I'm going to book into a hotel.  Would you prefer a hardback or a paperback book?  Go over the books again, there's a mistake somewhere.  They must have cooked the books!  They'll open a book on who'll win the race.  I'm afraid I'm not in her good books at the moment.  Hey, use some imagination! I doubt the best way to do that is by the book.  The police have closed the book on the case, so it remains a closed book.  Don't judge a book by its cover.  In my book that isn't fair.  He is an open book.  She's able to read people like books.  Anyone wise would take a leaf from his book.  Imprison him and throw the book at him!  He's in Microsoft's books? Well, that doesn't suit our books.
  • 39. Drive  I drive a car.  I ride a motorcycle.  Could you drive me to the station?  Remember to take care not to drive yourself too hard.  It drove me to depression.  -Did you really get I- from English in matriculation examination?! -Yeah, it's enough to drive anyone to drink  Hooray, we drove the enemy back!  I've never done woodworks, I can't even drive a nail into a piece of wood.  Money is the main factor driving help to that oil country.  It would maybe be wise to drive a tunnel under this stream.  You drive a hard bargain!  I'll drive off tomorrow.  Don't stop—drive on!  The wind drove the balloon away.
  • 40. Run  Run, Forrest, run!  He came running to meet you.  Hey, don’t try to run my life for me.  They run one of the world's most successful businesses.  The university runs summer courses for anyone willing to pay for them.  I'm too poor to run a car at the moment.  Stirling engine can run on any fuel.
  • 41. FREEDOM  She enjoyed the freedom she had moving away from h ome.  He realized that marriage would be giving up his freed om.  There is a freedom of religion among every Finnish citizen.  In the parliament, every representative has freedom of speech.  Surrendering would cost him his freedom.  The women have won many freedoms for themselves.  The bad economical situation doesn't allow freedom of choice for the unemployed.
  • 42. ANSWER  I just answered your question.  I am expecting your answer by 8 o'clock this evening.  She received the answer to a question she had been thinking about for long.  The answer to my letter came yesterday.  In answer to your ponderings, I will tell you everything tomorrow morning.  I can't give you an instant answer yet.  Even the scientists haven't figured out the answer to this dilemma.  Your parents probably will provide the answers to all of your problems.  This exam requires only written answers.  You can guess the answer if needed.  I tried to answer honestly, but something kept me from letting the cat out of the bag. 
  • 43. VIEW  What a wonderful view!  My view on this situation is that we should keep our noses out of it.  Her rosy view of her future is so unrealistic.  The teachers at our school have clear views on the studies.  His world view revolves around himself.  In the doctor's point of view, he should be recovering from the illness in no time.  We had a poor view of the stage at the opera.  The large pillar was blocking my view of the beautiful scene.  The picture showed only the front view of the house.  I just want to enjoy the view, but you are making it impossible with your presence.  The view from his apartment is outstanding.
  • 44. DEMAND  I demand you to stop what you're doing.  She demanded for a larger wage.  Their demands don't meet.  In my opinion, loans should be available on demand.  Demand for iPhones has increased.  Android cell phones are still in demand.  Demands are common among consumers.  The demands of the job were impossible to reach.  She demanded a large sum of money from her father.
  • 45. TARGET  He shot a bull's eye on the target.  We are shopping at Target.  He was so unfortunate to be the target of the crime.  She is so ambitious. She has always set very high targets for herself.  Our main target is to work well as a team.  I need a target to aim for, otherwise I am not motivated.  The sales were 10% above target last year.  This shirt model is targeted mainly at seniors.
  • 46. ATTEMPT  She didn't fall off the roof by accident. It was a suici de attempt.  She succeeded in her attempt to win the dance c ompetition.  I have made no attempt to get back together with him.  What he said was a weak attempt to win her heart.  The puppy made a faint attempt at a bark.
  • 47. FEED  She fed them porridge every morning.  Have they been feeding you well?  You should help us feed the homeless.  You shouldn't think of her as just another mouth to feed.  The media feeds everyone's imagination with good and bad information.  This data is fed directly into the computer.  The birds feed mainly on worms and ants.
  • 48. PROPOSAL  The famous photographer captured the beautiful proposal of marriage.  He proposed to her under the stars.  They made a proposal on lowering the taxes.  We discussed about proposals concerning the economical situation in the EU.  His speech was a proposal for lowering the use of water.
  • 49. ISSUE  Did the latest issue of Vogue arrive yet?  My parents are having issues with their jobs.  Do you have an issue with my way of pronouncing?  The newly issued book was terrible.  Banks issue credit cards for their customers.  This is an issue concerning your school.  She spoke on the issue of drunk-driving.  Can you even consider on solving this issue?  We need to focus on this issue and not procrastinate.
  • 50. PUBLIC  She's never seen in public anymore.  I'm a nervous wreck every time I perform in public!  The government told the public about the new system.  Books written by J.K Rowling are very popular in the midst of the reading public.  He is an active member of the public.  The new cafeteria is open to the public on Thursday.  You shouldn't do that in public. It is very embarrassing.  Jack and Mary have now informed their engagement to a wider public.
  • 51. STUDY  I can't come to the party tonight, I have to study for tomorrow's exam.  He lectures in business studies.  She continued her studies when she came back from Australia.  The present studies reveal a shocking amount of water we use daily.  I'm currently working on a study of air pollution.  The study took place in the University of Oulu.  In a recent study, 90% of the population use electronic devices at least 2 hours per day.  The study identified three types of meat-eating animals.  The research was made by a very successful study group from the U.S.
  • 52. SHARE  Sharing is caring.  My twin and I share everything we own.  I want my fair share of the deal. Otherwise I'll rat on you.  You should receive a large share from the company's profits. You've done most of the work.  I inherited a 40% share of our childhood home.  We shared the money equally between the four of us.  I'm willing to share the rest of my life with you.  Sharing happens most commonly among siblings.  I'm going to do my share of work and then go home.
  • 53. ARGUMENT  My parents were having an aggressive argument when I came home.  Arguments happen usually between couples.  I had a big argument with my sister last night.  He is someone you don't want to have an argument with.  The politician's argument was very convincing and brought a whole new side to the subject.  I supported their arguments.  I would like to bring out some arguments concerning the recycling in Finland.  He has a skill to see both sides of an argument.
  • 54. ADDITION  Congratulations on the latest addition to your family!  In mathematics we learn addition, subtraction, dividing and multiplication.  In addition, I would like to inform you that we are getting a new student to our class.  I have purchased several additions to my art collection, feel free to check them out.  You are a very welcome addition to our group! We are a little short-handed at the moment.  This china cup is a valuable addition to the rest of my china family, so be very careful with it.
  • 55. PATIENT  I've been very patient with you, but now I'm getting a little impatient.  She was extremely patient about it all. My nerves wouldn't have kept calm.  Doctors probably get dozens of patients a day, which must be exhausting.  I would like you to meet Sara. She is a cancer patient at our hospital.  I'm not ready with my homework yet. Be patient!
  • 56. COVER  It's raining! I need something to cover my hair from the rain.  The school covered all the expenses of the class trip.  The roads were all covered in snow.  Have you heard my cover to Eminem's song?  I tried to cover my embarrassment, but I knew I was blushing.  The parents tucked their child under the warm covers.  The cover girl of this week's Vogue is Gigi Hadid, the very famous model.  Don't judge a book by its cover.  I always read the back cover of a book first.  Oops! I just spilled my coffee on the sofa cover.
  • 57. CONTACT  Remind me to contact the principal tomorrow concerning my absences.  My contact lenses irritate my eyes. Maybe I should stick to glasses.  Oil shouldn't be in contact with water.  His contact list was full of famous actors and actresses.  She made a bunch of useful contacts at the meetings in California.  I hate talking to people online. I need a good old face-to-face contact with them.  They're still in close contact with each other even though they just went through a divorce.  He hoped to maintain contact with her during the summer.  I can be contacted via telephone or e-mail.  Don't hesitate to contact me day or night!
  • 58. IDEA  The idea of moving and leaving everything behind was threatening.  I'm open to all ideas, so bring them on!  She keeps on stealing my ideas and taking all the credit.  I've been toying the idea of moving to California and becoming an actress.  Do you have any ideas for a present to George?  I haven't got the faintest idea of what is going on with her.  He was obsessed with the idea of a new Porsche.
  • 59. PART  Lucy played a big part in the show.  The pizza was sliced into eight parts.  The best part of a school day is lunch time.  He was very unsuccessful in the early part of his career.  I need to find new parts for my computer to make it work again.  Several parts of his body were injured in the accident.  Part of me wants to forget him but a part of me doesn't.  They took little part in the activities.
  • 60. FRIEND  He is my best friend.  I thought that he is a friend of yours.  You can't win any friends if you don't change your attitude.  Can you describe your circle of friends?  In my opinion, it's easy to make friends.  She turned out to be only fair-weather friend.  I found a lifelong friend.  I saw my childhood friend yesterday.  For all that we stayed friends.  I have many friends in high places introducing their opinions.
  • 61. DOG  He threatens to do something very bad to me, but a barking dog never bites.  Can you loan your umbrella? It's raining cats and dogs!  I'm going to take my dog for a walk.  A dog is sniffing me.  The dog pricked up its ears when it noticed me.  I work as a dog breeder.  Don't worry. Everything's going to be okay. Every dog has its day.  You looks as sick as a dog. You have to stay in your bed today.  I don't want to live a dog's life anymore.  It's been a dog's age since I saw you!
  • 62. SUN  I love to soak up the sun.  I was so tired that I went to bed with the sun.  He told me about everything under the sun.  You have to use sunscreen that you don't catch the sun anymore.  The sun warmed her feet.  When the sun goes down, its going to be cold.  The rays of the sun warm me.  It is so warm in the sun.  The sun climbed higher in the sky.  Sometimes I want to travel to the sun belt.
  • 63. HEART  You have a heart of gold.  Lately I have been sick at heart.  I wish with all my heart that you'll be better.  I want to hear something different. You have to put more heart into it!  You broke my heart.  In my heart, I knew you was right.  At heart I am a little girl.  I have mathematic exam tomorrow so I have to learn math by heart.  I tried to tell my aching heart that I didn't love him.  She told him with a heavy heart that she had lied.
  • 64. TABLE  The King often sits at the head of the table.  My dog always sleeps under the table.  He put his cards on the table and said that he don't want to se her anymore.  I got a job at a restaurant waiting at table.  I have booked a table in restaurant for 6 p.m.  It's your turn clear the table.  A coffee table book of his life will be published tomorrow.  Tonight I will drink you under the table.  We have to get our family around the table and make this end.  They were sitting round the kitchen table.
  • 65. CLOUD  It feels that it's coming up a cloud.  When I heard it I was on cloud nine.  For me, the only cloud on the horizon is the mathematics exam in May.  He is always in the clouds because his thoughts is so unrealistic.  You forgot to register for camp, but don't worry because every dark cloud has a silver lining - you'll have more time to your friends.  Dark clouds tell that it's getting ready to rain.  The clouds broke, and the sun came out.  Look at that sky! It's coming up a cloud.  Get your head out of the clouds! It's your turn to answer.  If you really think that Justin Bieber loves you, you are living in cloud-cuckoo land.
  • 66. CAT  My little brother and sister always fight like cat and dog.  My friend loves play cat and mouse with the teacher.  A cat nap after lunch makes you feel better.  My cat is very playful.  I have a pet cat called Karvinen.  The cat miaowed beautifully.  My cat caught a mouse yesterday.  When my mum left to the store, we did everything illegal. When the cat's away, the mice will play.  Why you are you not speaking? Cat got your tongue?  I fixed my car and now it purr like a cat.
  • 67. NEW  Have you seen my brand new car?  There is nothing new in town.  After this I really feel like a new woman.  Fashionable people knows that red is the new black.  In my opinion, this group really need some new blood.  Don't cry my dear, father can make your teddy bear as good as new.  After divorce, I can see him in a new light.  So you have not done your homework. What else is new?  Your jeans looks quite new.  Life with the baby is a new ballgame for me.
  • 68. OLD  I really miss good old days!  You are old enough to make your own mind.  The grey color of my hair makes me seem old.  I'm eighteen years old.  I walked through my old school and everything was the same old same old.  Please, don't tell me the same old story. I want to hear something new.  Are you kidding me? You still have this same old jewel!  Be careful! It's the world's oldest surviving pencil.  I'm an old hand at playing the piano.  We're all getting older. You have to admit it.
  • 69. LIGHT  Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.  I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Hold me. I feel a bit light-headed.  Our journey starts at first light.  The candle was the only source of light in the room.  Finally, in the cold light of day, he realized that he had been so stupid.  I am a leading light in this community.  Nothing for me, thanks. I'm flying light today.  It was almost light outside.  You have a lot of things to do, but you have all of us to help you, and many hands make light work.
  • 70. SMILE  He smiled from ear to ear.  I'll surprise him totally, and I know that I'll put a smile on his face.  She shouted at me yesterday and today she's all smiles.  I love the way you smile at me.  You are always so happy. Please, keep smiling!  I broke into a smile when I saw her.  She had the warm smile in her eyes.  He smiled with pleasure.  The kids weren’t wearing anything but a smile.  He smiled over her face.
  • 71. STAR  I saw a shooting star yesterday.  A bright star is shining in the sky.  We slept under the stars.  The big Hollywood stars visited in Oulu.  The nearest star from Earth is the Sun.  The brightness of a star was amazing.  The stars appeared in the sky.  He was the true star.  She has the star quality.  In the morning the stars were faint.
  • 72. LOVE  I have a deep love for him.  They fell in love soon after they met.  The love between them is true.  It was love at first sight.  She were madly in love with him.  I have a pure love of Finland.  He is the love of my life.  My first love was football but now I prefer hockey.  He didn't return her love so they broke up.  It was a true love story.
  • 73. HOME  I left my native home last year.  I ate home-made cake.  My grandmother lives in retirement home.  This film is for home use only.  The doctor made a home visit in the morning.  We try to find a home for our puppies.  He arrived home at night.  My best friend is from a broken home.  We have home-grown vegetables for lunch today.  She made her way home.
  • 74. GOOD  He was very good-looking.  This food smell good.  You are very good at playing piano.  A little healthier lifestyle would be good for you.  I saw a really good film yesterday.  She was good to me when I needed help.  You are good with people.  You have done a pretty good job today.  They are getting good at swimming now.  Running felt so good.
  • 75. BED  I have a king-size bed.  I'm sorry about my unmade bed.  She made her bed before breakfast.  He climbed into bed exhausted.  I get out of bed usually at eight o'clock.  My bed clothes are blue.  I am usually in bed before 12 o'clock.  Her dog slept in the foot of the bed.  Do you want to see my mother's flower beds?  I want to go into my warm bed now.
  • 76. PLAY  Children can spend hours at play.  Children need a creative playing.  He said it only in play.  Finland played host the Olympic Games in 1952.  I played my role well.  He kicked the ball out of play.  This was a dirty play from you.  This is a play about bullying.  The rain stopped play just in time.  It was excellent play from you.
  • 77. HAPPY  I felt happy when I heard it.  Money won't make you happy.  He was extremely happy.  I was far from happy because I didn't pass the exam.  I'm very happy about holiday.  I'm really happy for you.  I tried to keep him happy but I failed.  He was not entirely happy about my cooking.  He seems happy about his situation.  I'm just happy to be here.
  • 78. ADVENTURE  I love exciting adventures.  We had a little adventure at last night.  I'm looking for adventure in my life.  Travelling offers adventures for everyone.  Our trip was quite of adventure for us.  There is a sense of adventure in the air.  I love adventure films.  We watched a hair-raising adventure film yesterday.
  • 79. NIGHT  I met him last night.  It was a really stormy night.  We spend the night in a hotel.  Can I stay here the night.  I was surprised how quickly the night fell.  I was lying awake through the night.  How are you awake at this time of night?  I loved the city by night.  The night air was bitter cold.  It happened on Friday night.
  • 80. WATER  I burned my hand in boiling water.  The surface of water was still.  Don't forget to drink water during day.  Water sports are my favorite.  I saw many children playing in the water.  I travelled by water to here.  I accidentally spilled water on my trousers.  Drink only bottled water in Africa.  They escaped the rising water.  The birds landed on the water.
  • 81. MOUTH  He whispered it in the corner of his mouth.  I asked you to keep your mouth shut.  Smile spread across her thin mouth.  He wiped his mouth on his sleeve.  She opened her mouth but shut it after a while.  If you are very interested in animal rights you should put your money where your mouth is.  I was so amazed that my mouth hanged open.  My mouth is very dry.  His mouth stretched wide when I gave him a present.
  • 82. BOOK  The latest book I read was very good.  There are so many interesting books here in the library.  I bought a guide book before my holiday in Paris.  How many copies of the book you own?  He looked up from his book.  I borrowed this book from library but I'm going to return it.  This is the best book by Jane Austen.  She was so deep in book that she didn't notice what happened in front of her.  His latest book appeared a month ago.  Do you read children's books.
  • 83. STORY  You told me a false story about it.  I enjoy reading short stories.  I didn't believe her story about ghosts.  I'm out of work with no money. That's the story of my life.  His version of the story was ridiculous.  Can you tell me about your journey? -It's a long story.  Romeo and Julia is a true love story.  This is a collection of stories by my favorite author.  The end of the story wasn't happy.  This is very well known story about three piglets.
  • 84. TABLE  Do you have a new kitchen table?  Everyone were sitting around the table when she entered the room.  We booked a table in our favorite restaurant.  She leaned over the table to hear better.  She left the table crying.  Could you clear the table?  They tried to hide under the table.  They had a round table discussion about politics.  I love these table decorations.  Do you have a billiard table?
  • 85. HAIR  She has blond hair and blue eyes.  I didn't like his sleek hair.  You have too long hair.  I'm losing my hair. I can find them everywhere!  She had tied her hair back.  Have you cut your hair?  I'm trying to grow my hair.  My hair curls after shower.  His hair fell over his face covering eyes.  There's cat hair all over the place.
  • 86. NEWS  I have excellent news for you!  The accident was front-page news today.  Have you heard the latest news?  Do you have any news to report?  I'm waiting for news about my brother.  The news spread very fast in social media.  There wasn't anything special in the news.  Shut up, I'm trying to listen to the news!  I'm checking the domestic and international news ev ery day.  There was an interesting news report in TV.
  • 87. MORNING  I always wash my teeth to first thing in the morning.  Today I have sat in the car from morning till night.  I had an terrible headache in the rest of the morning.  I have to wake up early in tomorrow morning.  I always enjoy drinking my morning coffee.  The morning dawned bright after the stormy night.  I spent the morning doing homework and eating cake.  My dad always read a morning newspaper during breakfast.  I always wake up in the early morning.  She speaks only about it, morning, noon and night.
  • 88. CAR  I bought a second-hand car yesterday.  They got in the car and set off.  I parked my car over there.  My car runs on diesel.  My friend hurt himself in car accident.  I go to school by car every day.  I asked you to wait in the car. What are you doing here?  There were a large number of cars on the roads in this morning.  I have lost my car key.  The car came to a halt in front of me.
  • 89. Laugh  Every time I see her she smiles and laughs freely.  It was so awful we didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  He left the place with a psycho weird laugh.  When I heard that joke I laughed my ass off.  Tomorrow you realize how stupid it was and just laugh for it.  We always do stupid things just for a laugh.  His laugh was so loud that we all woke up.  She will have the last laugh when she understands what re ally happened.  That akward moment when you find yourself laughing alo ne for no reason.  Suddenly she came out with a loud horse laugh.
  • 90. Cat  My friend and I fought like cat and dog.  Yesterday my brother saw a big fat cat hunting a m ouse.  When I first met him he was as weak as a kitten.  I always hated the cat and mouse game.  It seems that cat got your tongue.  He has a cat called snowball.  When she grimaced she looked just like a Chesire c at.  My sister's pet was beautiful, long-haired cat.
  • 91. Happy  I was extremely happy about it.  I had to keep him happy because I promised.  We left that place before happy hour.  She couldn't be happier when she heard that she pass ed the test.  Yesterday I felt so much happier than I had been for a long time.  When he told that he sounded truly happy.  I'm trying to be happy about their friendship.  He seemed quite happy when he met me.  My mom won't be exactly happy when she finds out.  I'm just so happy right now.
  • 92. Work  You have to work hard for your dreams.  And then I thought: ''that works for me!''  They always got the shit works.  That was absolutely work of art.  Last week's work out was so great.  When she got pregnant she had to give up work.  Thank god we can work together when we get there.  My grandmother always says that little work never h urt anyone.  In the future I want to do purposeful work.  He finally finished his work.
  • 93. Day  I could stay home and sleep all day long.  She was here the other day but I didn't see her.  This day feels like a very good day.  He can't walk because he had a leg day at gym.  I have a beanie because I have a bad hair day again.  She was so beautiful in her younger days.  Those two are like a night and day.  Most kids are so dumb these days.  I'm glad I saw him because he absolutely made my day.
  • 94. Play  She's so stupid she's just playing with fire.  Nice play, buddy!  Relax, she only said that in play.  They were playing football all day even though it was so ho t.  Why you're just playing around with her?  I have noticed that sometimes he plays hard to get.  I want to play that song over again!  We decided to play safe and just go home after that movie.  I don't like to play any games with her because she always plays dirty.
  • 95. Fall  The first time he talked to me I immediately fell in love with him.  When the curtain falls, we have to clap and cheer.  He broke his leg in a fall from a horse.  Her interest in school fell totally off when she got Netfl ix.  I can see how you fall to pieces.  I just want to go home and fall into bed.  She always says that there's nothing better than a fresh fall of snow.
  • 96. Back  I wish I could bring her back to life.  They hope that they could get seats at the back.  He just walked all day back and forth.  Sometimes I hope that we could go back the way we used t o be.  He's angry because he always has to sit on the backseat.  She had to stay home because his back hurt.  They were the girls who talked shit about you behind your b ack.  I tried to talk to him but he just turned his back on me and walked away.  He promised that he'd be right back.
  • 97. High  She just wanted to high five!  I saw an owl which flew so high in the sky.  I could ever imagined that he was that high.  My teacher's opinion is that the exam's total score was too high.  He said that I should have jumped much more h igher to win that competition.  She was as high as a kite yesterday.  It's normal that there's the emotional highs and l ows of an actor's life.
  • 98. Fact  Finally he realized he has to face the facts.  My dad always says that fact is stranger than fiction.  We don't believe it because those facts have not yet been prove d.  Unfortunately it is a fact of life that there will always be bullies.  In fact there's still some ice cream if you want!  He knew the facts but he still went there and betrayed all of us.  When I thought our situation I had to think at all the relevant fa cts.  It is a well- known fact that students get much more lazier on spring.  Please check your facts before you claim something like that!  There's many different ways of interpreting the facts.
  • 99. Cup  Giving a new home for homeless cats is just my cup of tea.  I have to drink a strong cup of coffee in the morning to wake up.  He's so ambitious, he lifted the cup for the fourth time this year.  I had to ask my friends who won the cup because I don 't watch sports.  There's nothing more relaxing than a nice hot cup of tea  Then the waiter came and poured a cup of coffee for us.
  • 100. Life  When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.  Sometimes when I overthink my friends remind me that life is too short to worry about things.  Fortunately life goes on.  It's better that you sit down because I will tell you the story of my life now.  I'm gonna live my life, no matter what, we party tonight!  Sometimes I think he should get a life.  I'm glad there's drugs that will save lives!  She said me these talks are a matter of life and death.  Love your life!  Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 
  • 101. Love  I love that feeling I get when I see your smile  A true love story never ends.  My sister bought me a new shirt and I love it!  Love is like a puzzle, first it's confusing and frustrating but when you figure it out it is a beautiful thing.  He said he did it for love but she doesn't believe him.  I know that people can be in love at first sigh.  He was madly in love with me.  Remember that God loves us all no matter what.  When you love someone, you never give up on them.
  • 102. Summer  I'm sure this summer will be the best summer ever.  Yesterday he met a nice girl, her name was Summer.  Summer always ends with great memories.  I think that the most of the people loves summer more than winter.  My friend told me that there's festivals called Summe r up next week.  In the Bible it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, they called it disaster, in Finland we call it summer.
  • 103. Thing  The best things in life aren't things.  That thing you told me other day, I'm not sure I can keep it myself.  People buy too much unnecessary things.  I think you did the right thing!  There's some things she has to do before we can go.  You can't buy happiness but you can buy ice cream and t hat's kind of the same thing.  There is some things we just can't say aloud.  It's a really funny thing how we met a few years ago.  The main thing is that eventually all ended well.  The thing is you can't do whatever you want.
  • 104. Time  It's just a question of time what will happen next.  We live hard times, my friend.  He said it's a bad time to come visit.  It's cool how time flies when you have good time.  I had a pleasant time with you yesterday!  She promised me she would make time for me someday.  We couldn't be there for a long time because we lost time by finding that place.  You're wasting my time.  And then he yelled ''time's up!'' and everyone had to stop cooking.  He did those same mistakes time after time.
  • 105. Run  Accidentally I ran out of money when I was shopping.  We have to run or we will be late!  And then he made a great home run and they won the game!  Just run away, and don't ever come back.  My friend unquestionably ran the show.  I think he will realize that in the long run.  We all laughed because he ran into a stone wall.  My cat have now been on the run for a week.  I like to go running before I go to sleep.
  • 106. Happy  My friend appeared happy when she heard that her dog was fine.  My dad sounded really happy on the phone.  My sister was quite happy with her work.  All that money won't make you happy.  I feel happier than I have been for a long time.  He tries to keep his mother happy by doing housework.  She is happy about her grades.  His teacher was not happy at all with his behavior.  I heard that you are getting married. I'm really happy for you.  His mom was far from happy when she heard where he had been.
  • 107. Run  Let's go for a run after lunch.  I'm going on a long run tomorrow.  There is a sponsored run next week.  He took the stairs at a run.  They have had a winning run of five games.  In the normal run of things the only thing he do is complaining.  We got another run. Our team is on 85 runs.  I got a run of good luck.  The food was very different from the general run of Italian food.  She broke into run when she saw a scary man behind her.
  • 108. Horse  Two horses got scared when a riderless horse ran across the track.  She is good at handling horses.  Get my horse ready and wait for me.  There are eight horses running in the next race.  The car in front of us was pulling a horse box.  There is a horse show next week.  She is a horse owner.  I saw the finest horse ever.  The horse stumbled and threw its rider.  We saw an old horse pulling a cart.
  • 109. Smile  He had a warm smile in his eyes.  He gave a gentle smile.  I suppressed a mirthless smile.  She hide her sad smile.  His dad forced a smile when he heard the news.  His words to me brought a smile to my face.  She responded with a smile.  He smiled from ear to ear.  She smiled at him.  She looked at me smiling happily.
  • 110. Love  They share a love of music.  He felt no love for her.  He likes most sports but football is his first love.  He is the love of her life.  She believes in love at first sight.  The love between him and her is great.  They are in love.  This is a love song.  She fell in love with him.  He did it for love.
  • 111. Phone  He is always on his phone.  There is a mobile phone.  Can I use your phone?  Don't hang up the phone when I'm speaking to you.  His phone went dead when we were speaking.  They spoke on the phone.  Can you pick up the phone?  She slammed down the phone because she was angry.  Dad, you are wanted on the phone.  We keep contact by phone because she lives so far away.
  • 112. Friend  Her best friend lives in another city.  She have just a couple true friend.  People he thought was his true friends turned out to be only fair-weather friends.  We became friends immediately.  We stayed friends after we went through some hard times.  He finds it difficult to make friends because he is so shy.  She won't win any friends if she keeps behaving like that.  He have a lot of good friends.  I want you to meet a good friend of mine.  He introduced me to his circle of friends.
  • 113. Fit  She looked fit.  He works out to stay fit.  Eating that won't make you fit.  He isn't fully fit yet after his operation.  As fit as a fiddle fit and healthy. (= very healthy)  She told that the doctor had said that she is now fit for work.  She felt physically fit.  I did not see fit that the newspaper published that article.  He took so long to become fit.  She said that the food wasn't fit for human consumption.
  • 114. Hope  This treatment seems to offer the best hope for me.  There was still a faint hope that I would get that job.  I don't hold out much hope of finding my dog.  His hopes of getting that house is now been dashed.  I am telling you this in the hope that you can help.  She felt sad and without hope.  She was full of hope.  They have high hopes for the competition.  He looked at her and felt a glimmer of hope.  I am full of hope for the future.
  • 115. Music  Listening to music makes you feel relaxed.  He could hear music coming from the neighbors.  Could you turn up that music?  He's really into rock music.  She loves to make music.  My friend produce music.  She made up the words and I made up the music for the song.  She have a good taste in music.
  • 116. Sad  This movie always makes me sad.  The boy seemed sad when he left to the school.  You're looking extremely sad.  The view is really sad in autumn.  She's feeling very sad about her cat's death.  I think this is the saddest thing in my life.
  • 117. Car  I'm in love with fast cars.  The number of cars on the roads is increasing all the time. There was a line of parked cars in front of the beautiful landscape.  It's very expensive to own a car these days.  Car is the best way of moving in countryside.  His car crashed into the wall of my house .
  • 118. Computer  The computer is able to handle the huge amount of data.  Today, we can say that the computer has changed the world enormously and rapidly.  For example, the invention of the Internet is due to the computer.  The first computer was developed in the 1940s.  Almost all kinds of computer software can be programmed.  Nowadays, many companies are manufacturing computers for various purposes  In the early days computers were the size of the room, while now the computer can be a size of a matchbox.
  • 119. Jealous  I was jealous of him because of his success.  He was clearly jealous when I bought a new house.  He is jealous of your success.
  • 120. Run  Do you want to go for a run?  The prisoner have been on the run for two days.  He hit the home run!  Bayern Munchen extended their winning run toda y. They have won ten games in a row.  She really have a run of good luck.  My dad runs a business.
  • 121. Money  Football players earn big money.  Some people steal as a way of making easy money.  Did your parents give you pocket money when you was little?  This company has large amount of money.  I haven't got any money left.  How much money do you earn?  I'm saving money for a new car.  Did you run out of money in the bar last night?  I won lottery last week and I'm going to donate half of the mone y for charity.  That car is worth lots of money.  Why you throw your money for the things you don't need.  You owe me money!
  • 122. Work  Hard work pays off.  Doing this was an interesting piece of work.  I've got lots of work to do.  Can you increase your work rate?  Here you can see work in progress.  I'm going to finish this work.  I've been off work because of my broken leg.  The gallery is showing works by local artist.  This book is a work of genius.  I hate the night shift at the works.
  • 123. Story  That's a true story!  I heard amazing story today. Do you want to hear?  Sometimes I read a story for my little sister at bedtime.  I told them my life story.  Here is collection of stories.  The police didn't believe her story.  I think that every modern novel have the same basic storyline.  It's a long story.  Have you seen this magazine cover story?
  • 124. Study  Sorry I can’t go, I have to study.  This grammar book is great for independent study.  My sister is going to take up full-time study again.  In this course we develop students study skills.  When I complete my studies, I will go to army.  The present study reveals an unacceptable level of air pollution in the city centre.  In a recent study, 40% of schools were found to be understaffed.  He is studying hard.
  • 125. House  My parents built a really beautiful house.  It is a four-bedroom house.  He shares a house with three other students.  The children were playing house, giving tea to their teddies.  I really don’t like to move out of house.  The house faces south, so the sun shines straight to it.  Are you first-time house buyer?  She loves being housewife.  Shh, you'll wake up the whole house.
  • 126. Hot  It was an extremely hot summer day.  The weather is too hot for me.  Don’t you feel hot so close to fire?  Damn, you look hot!  The ground was hot enough to burn your feet.  The food will not stay hot if you don’t eat it now.  I really don’t like hot food.
  • 127. Life  Some people believe that there is intelligent life on other planets.  My friend lost his life in a car accident.  Some scientists have found drug that will save lives.  No lives were lost in the air crash.  The driver showed no signs of life.  In later life she started to study.  He thought marriage should be for life.  We've been friends all my life.  Sam built his whole life around his job.  Las Vegas only comes to life at night.
  • 128. Talk  I will have to have a little talk with that young lady.  She always watches this talk-show.  I had a little heart-to-heart talk with her.  He was so bad at making small talk.  There is ridiculous talk about Mario Götze going to Liverpool.  My mom likes to follow political talks.  He is currently in talks with two football clubs.  You think it's just talk? No, I think it's true.
  • 129. Car  My friend’s dad has a really expensive rally car.  I think we should buy a used car.  My wife wants an electric car.  It's really expensive to run a car nowadays.  I lost control of my car and then I crashed it.  This is the police, get out of the car now!  My uncle was in prison because he stole cars.  Have you ever been in a car accident?  Do you go to work by car?
  • 130. Drink  I'm trying to lose weight, that’s why I always take a low-calorie drink.  Would you like to go for a drink tonight?  Do you want to ice in your drink?  I hate people who drink and drive.  He's been drinking heavily since he divorced his wife.  Patrick was drinking like fish that night.  I think my cousin have a drinking problem.  Can I buy you a drink?
  • 131. Drive  Lets go for a drive!  I want to test drive before buying this car.  You parked the car on the drive.  The city is only a short drive away.  I have to buy a new hard drive.  You are driving too fast!  This road is in very bad condition, so drive slowly.  I'm driving from Oulu to Helsinki.
  • 132. Food  I think this place serves the finest food.  Everyone should have the right to food and clean water.  I eat more healthy food these days.  Before I ate too much fast food.  Some people have to be days without food.  Stop playing with your food!  What do you think about killing animals for food?  Does the food taste good?
  • 133. Coffee  I would like to have a mug of strong black coffee, please.  He don’t like milky coffee.  Go and make some fresh coffee.  Do you like Turkish coffee?  I have sugar but no milk in my coffee.  I'm so glad we have a coffee machine in our school.  How do you take your coffee? Milk, no sugar, thanks.
  • 134. Word  I wrote down some key words to help me remember what to say.  The same word can carry many different meaning s.  In other words, I've been sacked.  Any last words?  My granny always tells me some wise words.  She left without a word.  Can I have a quick word with you?  Can you keep your word even once?
  • 135. Sleep  You look tired, get some sleep.  Sleep finally overtook me.  When I was younger, I walked and talked in my sleep.  She needs her beauty sleep.  Morning sunshine. Did you have a good sleep?  I haven't slept well for weeks.  Try to sleep a little.  He was beginning to get a bit sleepy.
  • 136. Ball  Do you have any golf balls?  He is incredible to watch ball on his feet.  Oh no, the defender lose the ball and opposite team score.  The ball hit the wall.  That was a superb through ball from Mesut Özil.  He was penalized for a hand ball.  I saw a real cannonball in the museum.  How he miss the ball?  I have the original premier league match ball.
  • 137. Idea  Do you have any idea for the present?  You always have the most crazy ideas.  She accused the company of stealing her idea.  Tony suggested the idea of advertising on the internet.  I'm open to ideas.  The books introduces the key ideas of hunting.7  I don’t relish the idea of sharing an office with Tony.  How could we translate the idea into reality?
  • 138. Open  I found the door open.  The door was wide open.  I've been completely open with you.  She's very open about her mistakes.  How long does this shop stay open?  The bridge is officially open now.
  • 139. Sport  He played many outdoor sports.  The man who lost his life played dangerous sports.  Motor sport has always been popular among men.  For example, skiing and snowboarding are winter sports.  You and I played sports together back in the day.  I go to a sport club where I do some boxing.
  • 140. Table  We bought a new long table because the old one was so little.  My glass table broke into thousands of pieces.  All of us were walking around the table.  Will you please lay the table for five.
  • 141. Snow  The forest was full of light snow on last winter.  There was first snow today.  Snow flakes are floating.  We were skiing across the snow.  I found my phone in the deep snow.
  • 142. Laugh  My jokes get the biggest laughs.  You enjoy laughing at me.  She left my room with a humourless laugh.  He is sometimes good for a laugh.
  • 143. Eat  If you eat right, you feel right.  I tried to eat sausage once.  You eat like a horse.
  • 144. Money  My brother is business man and making easy money.  I asked my parents for pocket money .  I have got so much money.  He brought money into the system although it was illegal.  One scrooge hoarded his money without any reason.  Your car is worth a lot of money.
  • 145. Home  One of my cousins lives in the parental home.  Some children have broken homes which is so sad.  He came from a horrific home background.  This machine has been for home use only.  My teacher always gives home work.
  • 146. Way  The quick way isn´t always the best.  He would try every possible way but that makes no sense.  There is number of ways to try.  They have different in more ways than one.  All have their own distinctive way of life
  • 147. Hope  Her only hope was clutching straws.  My new cancer treatment gave me renewed hope.  Both of us are full of hope.  Recent events boosted hope to get extra points.
  • 148. Ride  We have a long ride to our home.  My friend took a free ride on the bus.  The ride from Lapland to Ii takes about an hour.
  • 149. Call  I made such a long phone call.  You will take the call from school.  I had several calls to make two years later.
  • 150. Box  An upturned box was in the middle of the crime scene.  Two sneaky men robbed the security box of the bank.  The lid of a box.  The box full of nails.
  • 151. Trial  After a school session me and my teacher did a summary trial.  Judge ordered a new trial for the bank robber.  He escaped murder trial.  I survived without trial because I was first offender.
  • 152. Run  Let´s go run after our hockey training.  I took a run at the stairs.  Do you want to go for a run?  The prisoner have been on the run for two days.  He hit the home run!  Bayern Munchen extended their winning run toda y. They have won ten games in a row.  She really have a run of good luck.  My dad runs a business.
  • 153. Money  Football players earn big money.  Some people steal as a way of making easy money.  Did your parents give you pocket money when you was little?  This company has large amount of money.  I haven't got any money left.  How much money do you earn?  I'm saving money for a new car.  Did you run out of money in the bar last night?  I won lottery last week and I'm going to donate half of the mone y for charity.  That car is worth lots of money.  Why you throw your money for the things you don't need.  You owe me money!
  • 154. Work  Hard work pays off.  Doing this was an interesting piece of work.  I've got lots of work to do.  Can you increase your work rate?  Here you can see work in progress.  I'm going to finish this work.  I've been off work because of my broken leg.  The gallery is showing works by local artist.  This book is a work of genius.  I hate the night shift at the works.
  • 155. Story  That's a true story!  I heard an amazing story today. Do you want to hear?  Sometimes I read a story for my little sister at bedtime.  I told them my life story.  Here is a collection of stories.  The police didn't believe her story.  I think that every modern novel have the same basic storyline.  It's a long story.  Have you seen this magazine’s cover story?
  • 156. Study  Sorry I cant go, I have to study.  This grammar book is great for independent study.  My sister is going to take up full-time study again.  In this course we develop students study skills.  When I complete my studies, I will go to army.  The present study reveals an unacceptable level of air pollution in the city centre.  In a recent study, 40% of schools were found to be understaffed.  He is studying hard.
  • 157. House  My parents built a really beautiful house.  It is four-bedroom house.  He shares a house with three other students.  The children were playing house, giving tea to their teddies.  I really don’t like to move out house.  The house faces south, so the sun shines straight to it.  Are you a first-time house buyer?  She loves being housewife.  Shh, you'll wake up the whole house.
  • 158. Home  Let's go home, shall we? Canada is the native home of ice hockey. In the autumn, most of the birds of Finland fly to their winter homes. You can come visit me tomorrow. Do you have my home address? The patient was so sick that the doctor had to make a home visit. It is a common assumption that in war, only the soldiers do the hard work. But it isn't easy on the home front either. It is truly saddening that there really are people that are homeless. Patrick Kane’s hometown is Buffalo although he plays for the Chicago Blackhawks.
  • 159. War  The Cuban Crisis took America and the Soviet union to the brink of war. At the outbreak of World War II Germany commenced their operation to conquer Poland. The shortage of food in the war years led to many people dying from hunger. My great grandfather fought in the The Winter War. People need to show more respect to the brave Veterans of War who fought for our country. The US declared war on Japan in the year of 1941. The people of New Zealand don't know much about the Horrors of War. Can the war against poverty be won? The city of Berlin was divided in half after The World War II Russia is currently at war against the Islamic State
  • 160. News  Donald J. Trump has been on the news lately. Our school, Kiimingin Lukio was mentioned in the news. Patrik Laine finished his last driving lesson yesterday and somehow it made the news. The good news is that weekend is only a few days away. Have you heard the latest news about the situation in the middle east? Great news!
  • 161. Detail  I don't want to go into any more detail.  The receipt shows details of the item purchased.  Enter your details in the form below.  The computer records the details of everyone entering the country.  I haven't looked at the proposal in detail yet.  I'll give you a call later and fill you in on the details.  I only know the essential details of his plans.  Let's examine this idea in greater detail.  I don't need to know the precise details of your night out.  … "Oh, spare me the details."
  • 162. Context  His decision can only be understood in context.  Her reply was taken out of context.  This needs to be set in the context of …  Present examples of language in use in an appropriate context.  It is natural to find conflict in the work environment, or any other human context.  These actions only have meaning within certain specific context s.  A work which transcends its immediate historical context and speaks to later generations.  Institutions provide a context in which individuals can take on different roles.  Similar problems have arisen in other contexts.  … "You've got to see it in a wider context."
  • 163. Request  I've put in a request for a room with a view of the sea.  The play was written by Agatha Christie at the request of Queen Mary.  The writer's name was withheld by request.  We will arrange accommodation on request.  A detailed list of our publications is available on request.  The film is being shown again by popular request.  We have received a large number of requests.  We have requested some information from the company.  We have had repeated requests for a pedestrian crossing near the school.  She had an unreasonable request for me.
  • 164. Revenue  The firm's expected annual revenue.  Tax fraud costs the country millions in lost revenue.  The main sources of public revenue.  These television companies rely on advertising revenue for their funds.  The central government collects the tax revenue on behalf of local authorities.  A drop in revenue.  Revenues from the sale of oil.  Tourism is the island's main source of revenue.  The project will not generate any revenue.  Their government's revenues come mainly from direct taxes.
  • 165. Review  The matter is still under review.  The book received mixed reviews.  I'm doing a review for the local paper.  His review appeared in yesterday's paper.  Did you see the review in 'The Times'?  The first chapter presents a critical review of...  The rent is due for review.  We are currently reviewing the situation.  This case should be reviewed in the light of new evidence.  The film has been favourably reviewed in a number of papers.
  • 166. Command  Who is in command?  He was put in command of the navy.  Under the direct command of...  He had command of 3,000 soldiers.  I am at your command.  He was in total command of the situation.  An army officer is giving commands at his men.  NATO's integrated military command.  She has lost command of her senses.  He has an excellent command of French.
  • 167. Bed  She crawled into bed exhausted.  I like to be in bed before 11 o'clock.  I really need to make my bed before any guests arrive.  Are you out of bed yet?  I need to be awake early tomorrow, I'm going to bed.  I fell out the side of my bed in my sleep last night.  I have a king-size bed.  She had a hard time tumbling into bed after a night out.  He lay in bed all day.  This bed is really comfortable.
  • 168. Attention  Can I have your attention, please?  I felt my attention wandering during the lecture.  A matter requiring urgent attention.  Her primary aim was to avoid the attentions of the newspapers.  He is a designer known for his attention to detail.  He was convicted of driving without due care and attention.  The child needs constant attention.  He devoted all his attention to his mother.  A patient in the need of attention.  They listened with full attention.
  • 169. Reflex  Alcohol can slow your reflexes.  Almost by reflex, he helped himself to a drink.  The doctor tested her reflexes.  The training is designed to sharpen the fighter's reflexes.  The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.  His reflexes are fast as lightning.
  • 170. Water  There was water dripping from a hole in the ceiling.  These fish will quickly die in salt water.  The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers.  Avoid drinking the tap water when you first arrive in the country.  The flood water had caused tremendous damage.  Many goods were transported by water in the last century.  The swan landed gracefully on the water.  The boat cut effortlessly through the water.  They climbed a tree to escape the rising water.  Brown water gushed out of the rusty old tap.
  • 171. Upgrade  We are constantly upgrading our software to m eet customers' needs.  All machines can be upgraded with new components.  I am currently upgrading to the new 2.1 version of the software.  We have significantly upgraded our tools over time.  The software upgrade only had minor bug fixes.  Windows 10 is a huge upgrade from Windows 8.
  • 172. Image  The company needs to create a new image for itself.  He's the spitting image of his father.  Heat images show where most of the activity in the brain is.  The industry is trying to shed its negative image.  The visual image is steadily replacing the written word.  In real life she looks nothing like her media image.  The pixel information used to show a digital image.  I like to build up images of the characters and setting before I start to write.  Powerful and disturbing images of the war.  She was aiming for a wholesome, girl-next-door image.
  • 173. Road  We took the wrong road and had to turn back.  The road twists and turns up the hillside.  Road humps have been laid down to limit the speed of cars along the road.  We'll be able to go faster once we're out on the open road.  A bumpy road through the forest.  I pulled off the road for a rest.  The road crosses the river further up the valley.  The track joins the main road just south of the village.  Take the next road on the right.  Let's leave when the roads are clear.
  • 174. Trip  We went on a day trip to the seaside.  My last trip abroad was two years ago.  The trip home took us five hours!  Enjoy your trip!  He's just back from a trip to New York.  A school trip to the Science Museum.  He makes frequent trips to Australia.  She's away on a business trip.  It's only a five-minute trip by taxi.  They saved for years for their trip of a lifetime to Hawaii.
  • 175. View  The debate brings together experts with conflicting views.  At the meeting, we hope people will exchange views freely.  The meeting gave everyone the chance to air their views.  In my view it was a waste of time.  We had a poor view of the stage from where we were sitting.  The pillar prevented me getting a clear view of the action.  This room has a spectacular view across the bay.  This is a great place to unwind and enjoy the view.  Tensions within the band remained hidden from public view.  My mother takes a pretty dim view of my cooking skills.
  • 176. Instinct  His first instinct was to run away from danger.  He plays well but lacks that killer instinct that wins matches.  Why don't you just follow your natural instincts?  Her instinct told her that she was being followed.  Her instincts took over and she dived on the escaping thief.  He's got an instinct for survival in a tough job.  I acted purely on instinct.  In negotiating you have to develop an instinct for when to be tough and when to make a deal.  I've trusted my instincts in the past and they've usually been right.  Babies know by instinct who their mother is.
  • 177. Subject  Can we talk about a more cheerful subject?  Don't change the subject.  We discussed a wide range of subjects.  What subjects are you taking at A level?  She was disappointed to fail in two of her four subjects.  Let's drop the subject since we don't seem to be able to agree.  The subject of gambling has come up several times recently.  I wish he'd stick to the subject rather than telling us his boring stories.  His illness left him subject to asthmatic attacks.  Work is a taboo subject when we go out for dinner.
  • 178. Back  He's off work with a bad back.  He yawned and stretched his back as he got out of bed.  A seat with good back support.  The cat arched its back and hissed at the dog.  They tied his hands behind his back.  We could only get seats at the back.  Two passengers sat in the back of the car.  I've got pain in my lower back.  They sat back to back so they couldn't see each others' works.  She thinks that people talk about her behind her back.
  • 179. Tax  Taxes look set to rise again.  You have to fill in your tax return by tomorrow.  The tax year begins in April.  Her salary puts her highest in the tax band.  His tax affairs are under investigation by the police.  Her accountant was good at exploiting tax loopholes.  He is living as a tax exile in Monaco.  Profits after tax were £262,000.  An increase in the basic rate of tax.  Introducing a 60% tax on alcohol.
  • 180. Idea  The basic idea is that we all meet up in London.  Most employees welcome the idea of a ban on smoking.  An idea began to form in his mind.  She had the idea of advertising on the Internet.  I don't know what to do, but I'm open to ideas.  He gave me a rough idea of what was wanted.  He's obsessed with the idea of getting a motorbike.  Swimming in a icy river is not my idea of fun.  Do you have any ideas for a present for her?  Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas.
  • 181. PHONE  The phone suddenly shut down in the middle of our conversation.  Can I use your phone?  If the phone rings, don't answer it.  She is using her phone right now.  There is a public payphoneat the reception.  He slammed the phone down in ground.  I think my phone is broken.  We spoke over the phone almost three hours.  She waits by the phone almost all day but it doesn't ring.
  • 182. BAG  Did you forget your bag?  She took her bag and ran out of the door.  Eggs got broken in my bag!  We dropped our bags of off at the hotel and went straight to eat food.  He was walking with his friends swinging his school bag.  His bag was full of vague stuff.  There was no lift so I had to go up the stairs with my heavy bags.  The camera got broken in my bag.
  • 183. BOOK  His latest book will appear in October.  Do you want to go in library and borrow a book there?  There's nothing like drinking hot cocoa and reading books.  How many books do you have?  Books by J.K. Rowling are the best.  She looked up from her book and smiled brightly.
  • 184. THANK  She smiled her thanks as the car drove off.  He didn't even say thank you.  I give her a small gift in thanks for her doings.  I would like to thank you.  He got a special thank you from my father.  You haven't thanked your mother yet, don't forget it.  Thank you is a small but very significant word.  He gave thanks to God for winning in lottery.
  • 185. SHOW  She finally got her own TV show.  I will show you how it should go.  They are holding a big riding show at the evening.  They made a great welcoming show for us.  She cried a lot but it is all show.  The works are on show until May.  The dog was the real star of the show.
  • 186. BALL  The kids love to kick a ball against my wall.  Basket ball is very cool sport.  The goalkeeper missed the ball in the game.  Her ball control was incredible.  The sun was a fiery ball, low on the hills.  He screwed the letter up into a tight ball.  The ball hit the window and broke it.  The ball flew over the fence and went in the woods.
  • 187. KISS  She returned his kiss with passion.  He greeted her with a kiss.  You have to kiss me at goodbye.  He give his daughter a huge goodnight kiss .  We were greeted with hugs and kisses.  His kiss deepened and became hungrier.
  • 188. RUN  Let's go run before dinner.  He took the stairs at a run.  My sister escaped by running.  Our team is on 90 runs.  They play began its run last September.  Their team have finally ended their run of defeats.  When she saw me she broke into run.
  • 189. KEY  It is the key to success.  He turned the key in the lock.  They heard a key turned in the back door lock.  Language is the key to understanding people around you.  You need a key to open the warehouse.  Somebody must have used a key to get in here.  You have to close the window with a key.
  • 190. LOVE  I just can't stop loving you.  He fell in love with one of his students.  I did it for love.  The love between parent and a child is the most beautiful thing in the world.  She had a great love of painting.  I was madly in love with him.  They publicly share their love to each other.
  • 191. LIST  Did you put the bread on a shopping list?  Names of last members are not in the guest list.  Go shopping is top of my list of priorities today.  The play have an impressive cast list.  Safety is high on our list of priorities.  We are waiting the list for memberships of the football club.
  • 192. FALL  She took a bad fall out while cycling.  The fall is the most beautiful season in year.  Luckily the good luck broke his falling.  She broke her arm in a fall from a horse.  The doctor says that she has had a very nasty fall.  The chances to survive a fall under the train are almost nil.
  • 193. MUSIC  Listening to the music is the best way to calm down.  Could you turn that music down?  Can you put volume of music up?  She is really into pop music.  Can you read music?  The soft background music made him fell sleepy.  She could hear music on downstairs flat.
  • 194. VIEW  His view on the world revolves a battle between a rich and poor.  I took the view that an exception should be made in this case.  In my view it was the waste of time.  Experts hold greatly differing views on this subjects.  It is a good to notice different views on the way of life.  A large truck suddenly came into view.  There was nobody in view.
  • 195. STORY  It is the story of my life.  No one would believe such a tall story.  The epic story of family's escape from war is quite epic.  He tell me his life story.  My parents read me a story in the bedtime when I was a little.  The house have three different stories.  His life was a sorry story about betrayal and rejection.
  • 196. SKY  The fireworks lit up the sky.  Only the sky is limit.  He told me about everything between the sky and the sea.  The rain stopped and the skies cleared.  The eagle was totally dark against the early morning sky.  Black clouds spread across the sky.  A strange object dropped out the sky.
  • 197. FLOWER  What lovely flowers!  The flowers are the most beautiful thing in world.  It was June and the roses were in flower.  He gave me flowers.  The flowers were still tightly closed.  The forest floor was a carpet of wild flowers.
  • 198. TABLE  He left his keys on the table.  We booked a table in our favourite restaurant.  She put the vase on the table.  The pencil rolled under the table.  She leaned across the table towards him.  They were all five of them sitting round the kitchen table.
  • 199. Home  Home sweet home  I left my home to meet my friends  I like staying at home  Home is the best place to relax  I have a holiday home in ruka  Can we go home I am tired  Home has never looked nicer than this  Clean your home its filthy  I arrived at home late  They had to abandon their home
  • 200. Cat  I have a pet cat  My cat is lazy  The cat had to be put down  Can we play cat and mouse  My cat was alone all day  The cat curled up  I am afraid of big cats  The cat meowed for hours  Cats love to play  The neighbour’s cat and dog fought
  • 201. SING  I love singing. You are a terrible singer. Birds sang awfully in trees. Singing is not just a hobby, it's a lifestyle. Do you like singing about love? Why do you sing just bad songs? She can't sing very well. Yesterday me and my sister sang together.
  • 202. HEAR  Can you hear me? I've heard this story before. She's getting old so she can't hear well anymore. I'm sorry, I heard about you're grandfather. I told him what he wanted to heard. I was surprised to hear that!
  • 203. HAPPY/HAPPINESS  I'm happy for you. Money won't make you happy. You are my happiness. Seeing you happy, makes me happy too. You can't buy happiness. You make me happy. Seeing my mom happy is the best thing ever.
  • 204. LOVE  I love you. It was love at the first sight. I'm in love with him. Do you love me? Loving someone is not that simple. Love hurts. He fell in love with her. You can't love someone you hate.
  • 205. KISS  Always kiss me goodnight. He gently kissed her in the forhead. She returned his kiss with passion. That was a quick kiss. I hate kissing. His kisses were more sisterly than loving. I love it when you kiss me long. That was a warm and loving kiss.
  • 206. HOT  There's too hot, I can't do anything. You look really hot. This is extremely hot summer. This winter was hotter than last winter. Don't burn you're tongue, that food is way too hot. This room is uncomfortably hot. The sun will become so hot that it explodes.
  • 207. COLD  Don't be such a cold hearted bitch. It's freezing cold in Siberia. You must use ice so you can keep your drink cold. Serve this hot or cold. I hate cold weather. Finland is very cold country. In Finland there's colder in summer than in winter.
  • 208. BEAUTIFUL  He thinks that she's very beautiful. Iceland is a beautiful country. I like beautiful flowers. That butterfly is breathtakingly beautiful. She sings beautifully. My wedding ring is more beautiful than yours. I did all I could to make this home beautiful. You're beautiful just the way you are.
  • 209. HOPE  I hope that she will be okay. Parents usually put high hopes for their children. Your hopes are not realistic. I'm full of hope. My hope faded away. She felt weak and hopeless. Youngerster are full of hope. There's a little hope that she's allright. He told me all his dreams and hopes.
  • 210. CRUSH  He was my highschool crush. I have a big crush on you. Her leg crushed badly in the accident. Crush the candies finely before putting them to the mixture. He was crushed against the tree. Once I was crushed under the car. She was crushed between two rocks.
  • 211. AMAZING  I found out that she's an amazing writer. That dress looks amazing on you. That music you play sounds amazingly relaxing. This still fits on me! -That's amazing! Mother giving a birth is truly amazing. I saw the most amazing girl yesterday.
  • 212. MAGIC  In Donald Duck Magica De Spell practises black magic. I don't believe in magic. The magic slowly starts to work and the frog will turn to a prince. Your magic doesn't work here. Do your magic and make it work again!
  • 213. SKY  We slept under the open sky. The sky is really sunny today. The fireworks lit up the sky. The rain stopped and the skies cleared. We all live under the same sky. Only sky is the limit.
  • 214. FLY  I believe I can fly. The next flight leaves in 30 minutes. Those butterflies fly beautifully. Have you ever flown? Are you afraid of flying? Flying is amazing. Time flies.
  • 215. TIME  The world exists in time and space. This time I will succes. When I'm with you time flies. Time heals all the scars. I wish I could travel trough the time. Look at the time! Do you have time to talk with me?
  • 216. Like  I like you!  Do you like the fact that men die at younger age than women?  There´s no one like you in the whole planet.  He is a very likeable person.  Are you crazy?! It´s like –100 degrees outside!  I like the way you´re spoiling me.  I´m moving to Antarctica, whether you like it or not!  James Bond is a man who is universally liked and admired.  I really hope that you´ll get to like my home town.  Life´s like a box of chocolates – you never know what you´re going to get  I don´t like your accent to be honest. Sorry!  Visiting at a dentist is like being tortured but your dentist is actually "drilling gold" like one of my teachers would describe it.
  • 217. House  This must be the biggest house I´ve ever seen!  They just got on like a house on fire despite being neighbours.  The doctor is able to make house calls if needed.  Have you heard about this new TV drama House? (okay sorry this was a bad one...)  The house stands a short distance from the stadium, what else can you ask for?  I´m really happy to be a house husband while my wife goes out to work.  Hey, you seem like a potential house buyer... I mean... welcome sir!  Thank you for helping us with our house move, how could we ever thank you enough?  Do you have to go from house to house just to get to see where people are living?  For sure Jack can be temporarily housed in a smaller apartment but I´m sure he won´t be happy when you tell that to him.
  • 218. Head  He threw his head back and laughed out so loud that our lovely grandmother woke up.  I could feel my head spinning after only two drinks.  "I don´t understand", she said scratching her head.  Her head tilted to one side as she considered the question.  We headed to London for two weeks and I got to say it was the best time of my life so far.  It´s a voice inside my head that keeps telling me that it´s wrong to lie.  I always feel like I´m covered from head to foot with my homework.  Have you ever thought about using your head?  Heads or tails?  What would you say about head-to-head match?  Don´t look me like that, I don´t need my head examined!