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Celebrating 20 Years @
December 6 to 17 — Curated by
Reception: Thursday, December 7, 8–10 pm
Gallery 1313
Celebrating 20Years
December 6 to 17, 2017
Curated by Phil Anderson
My practice spans a variety
of media. The complexity of
understand life and all that comes
with it is the drive behind my work.
In my work I purposely search
for simplicity but I am not sure I
am achieving it. I have shown in
galleries and museums of Canada,
such as Gallery 1313, Galerie 815,
the Federation Gallery, and the
Museum Strathroy-Caradoc. I have
also exhibited in the Chicago’s
Women Made Gallery, and the
Foundry Art Centre in Missouri.
This eclectic group exhibition is from the diverse membership
of Gallery 1313.The gallery started in 1997 with a membership
that originated in an arts collective, the ParkdaleVillage Arts
Collective started in 1994.The Gallery now has about 50 artist
members whose art practices vary. Members exhibit in the
Cell Gallery which is dedicated to membership.This exhibit is
to celebrate the 20 years they have had Gallery 1313 as their
home.Artist members are showing current work which reflects
their art practice.We hope you will join us in celebrating this
milestone for our members and the gallery.
Phil Anderson
executive director
Imagen 51
Fumage and Indian
ink on paper
9 x 8 in
I am a member of Gallery 1313,
Bravo-Sud, and the WAP Collective.
I attended OCAD university, and
received training at the Art Students
League of New York and the Museé
d’arts decoratifs du Louvre.
Gallery 1313
1313 Queen St. W.,
Toronto, ON M6K 1L8
Gallery Hours
1–6 pm
Celebrating 20 Years @
December 6 to 17 — Curated by Phil Anderson
Reception: Thursday, December 7, 8–10 pm
Zoraida Anaya
Sally Holcomb Blackman
Dean Bradley
Paul Brandejs
Sarah Carlson
Brian Deignan
Christina Damianos
Judith Donoahue
Catharine Somerville
Marie Finkelstein
Philip Hare
Ruth Hartman
Sonia Langer
Eva Lewarne
JoAnne Maikawa
Jerome McNicholl
Gilles Morin
Voitek Pendrak
Sharon Erlichman
Shawn Postoff
Janne Reuss
Mikael Sandblom
Joanna Strong
Asma Sultana
Canadian Shield is the largest
exposure of Precambrian rock on
Earth. The continental glaciers
that covered northern North
America during the Pleistocene
period scraped the older rock
bare. Since then a thin layer of
soil has accumulated, supporting
the lush forests but being too thin
for farming. These paintings of
Canadian Shield are from Killarney
Provincial Park in northern Ontario.
As beautiful as Killarney Provincial
Park is, environmental problems
associated with acid rain from
nickel mining and smelting near
Sudbury degraded the lakes from
the 1940’s through the 1970’s.
Through environmental legislation
the Park has recovered much of its
environmental health today.
As a painter, I love the abstract and
monumental visual qualities of rock
and mountains.
They speak to the powerful and
elemental forces that have made
our earth. They are an unending
source of inspiration in my repre-
sentational and more abstract work.
In this painting the rock seems to
flow over the slope, as organic as
the grass and shrubs growing on it.
Canadian Shield 2016
Oil on canvas
40 x 30 in
As an active member of Toronto’s
vibrant art scene. His work has
been on display at galleries and
businesses throughout Toronto,
Oshawa, Burlington and a group
show in Venice, Italy. In 2015, he
received the Award of Distinction
by Queen West Art Crawl. His
piece Subway Aquarium was on
the short list for the Mayor’s choice
award at the 2015 Toronto Outdoor
Exhibition. In 2016 he curated two
group exhibitions at galleries in
Toronto. He is currently on the
board at Gallery 44 in Toronto. Dean
has recently moved into landscape
painting, Allagash Sunset is his first
work in this medium.
Allagash Sunset
27 x 40 in
After the Sunset is the mystical
feeling you get sitting out late at
night under the full moon. I blend
realism with abstraction into one
cohesive artwork.
These paintings are painted on
location while I was camping. I
would initially take photos of what
captured my imagination and then
After the Sunset
Mixed Media
47 x 51 x 5.25 in
over the course of my stay I would
stretch and prime canvases on
which I would paint the impression
of what I photographed from memory.
Later on in my studio I would
print the photos and blend them
with the painted canvases into one
cohesive piece.
My mixed media uses photo-graphy
as one of the media in combination
with acrylic and found material form
the area where I painted and imbed
into the painted canvas.
Completing artist residencies in
both Algonquin Provincial Park
and the remote Yukon wilderness
in 2016. Carlson responds to her
surroundings by embodying the
idea of the nomad or visitor. Along
with recurring motifs around
migration and movement, the
primary theme is an examination
of the complex and mediated
relationships between humans
and nature.
Imagen 51 • Fumage and Indian ink on paper. • Size: 9x8 in.
There Are No Words
Oil and Acrylic
on Canvas
48 x 60 in
Like many Canadians, hockey has
been part of my consciousness for
as long as I can remember. It was
pervasive all year long, played or
watched in driveways, laneways,
outdoor rinks and arenas. As a
boy growing up in the 50’s the
only things that could rival it for
excitement and obsession were
Christmas and my birthday.
I remain entranced by the speed
and colour and light and enthralled
by the drama and the drudgery, the
flashes of brilliance and spontaneity
and the slog of dogged persistence
and failure. Another handy metaphor
Goalmouth Scramble
Behind the Net #10
Digital Prints on
Exhibition Fiber Paper
for the vicissitudes of life. As
with all my work I am not drawn
to the dramatic or the epic, but
rather to the mundane; those
weekly games we pay to engage
in. It is settings like these where I
believe our shared humanity is
best observed and appreciated.
In my poppy painting, I offer a vivid
memory of the empty Palestinian
houses in the state of Israel where
bushes, thistles and wildflowers
like the poppies still grow in the
cracks of houses where people
once lived. In these, my most recent
imaginations, poppies emerge
Oil on Canvas
30 x 36 in
Oil on Canvas
30 x 30 in
in a dramatic, whimsical fashion
and represent, to me, a feminine
seduction and true power. The
red-blood poppy also signifies the
sleep of death and the promise of
new life, so it is told. The poppy is
always the first wildflower to add
colour to a reemerging landscape in
spring. This, I like.
For me, art means being faithful to
myself and my view of the world.
It is about expressing feelings and
impressions that go beyond words
to capture the fleeting moments
and glimmerings of honest feeling.
My art reflects the precarious-
ness of life…mine, yours, ours.
Sea Ice No. 4
Sea Ice No. 5
Sea Ice No. 6
Encaustic monotype
on rice paper
18 x 18 in
Golden Bird 2012
Mixed media on linen
36 x 36 in
The sea is the source of all life
on our planet and the icecaps
are melting at an alarming
rate, destroying coastlines and
fertile lands, submerging island
nations, creating new deserts,
food insecurity, and population
migration. Is it too late?
The Golden Bird” is an abstract
work that airs the constant drive
of humans to attain impossible
perfection and to be in the spotlight
while forgetting to trust in their own
heart and intuitions and follow a
pure light.
Born in Canada, Catharine began
painting at a young age. She moved
to England, studied art and raised
a family in 1983. After which she
and set up Herringbroom Studio,
in 1992. Catharine completed her
post-graduate work at West Dean
College and University of Sussex,
and gained recognition of her
work through being awarded the
prestigious Chairman’s Prize. She
continues to work and exhibit in
both Canada and England.
BJC in Winter 1
BJC in Winter 3
Oil on canvas
9 x 12 in
The Putinator
Prophylactic Purge, 2017
10 x 13 x 4 in
While I was painting in a studio
at Bathurst and Sheppard, an
unusually harsh winter unleashed
one last storm. Within a short time,
the world turned nearly invisible
in the snow swirling outside. The
landscape began to disappear into
the grey-white atmosphere. The
scene outside the picture windows
grew more and more abstract. I
was transported to my Quebec
childhood and moved to paint an
impression of these images and
feelings they rekindled.
There is a genocide happening in
Chechnya. In what has been dubbed
a “Prophylactic Purge”, gay men are
being rounded up, held in secret
prisons and tortured, sometimes to
death. With the tacit support of the
Russian government, queers are
being stalked and assaulted. They
are being tortured to “confess”
their orientation and to divulge
the names of others. Families are
encouraged to beat or even kill
their own gay sons rather than face
public shaming.
Vladimir Putin fancies himself a
manly man. He likes to ride horses
shirtless (him, not the horses).
He likes to hunt and fish – airing
his manly nipples all the while.
Fortunately, he’s able to enjoy his
macho amusements without being
harassed by handsy homosexuals.
According to Putin, were the need
to arise, “…his mastery of judo
would come in handy if a gay
man made a move on him in the
shower…” (Newsweek, 6/7/17).
I would like to present “The
Putinator” to the Russian President.
Personally. How better to honour
this abhorrent little man than with
his very own weapon of ass des-
truction? It might just be the perfect
prophylactic he needs to purge his
own deadly homophobic fears.
Acrylic on canvas
36 x 48 in
“My drawings/photographs search
the present moment; my paintings
search for moments past.”
Images in Hartman’s paintings
and photography generally explore
colour, place, and memory. The
intuitive, expressionistic paintings
capture a feeling, an imperfect
memory or observation. When an
image is inspired by a photograph,
the aim is to convey what it cannot.
Images invite the viewer to
complete the thought or emotion
using their own experiences. An
early focus on portraiture has
evolved into images of often
animized figures, with the “no face”
or “back view” motif to reflect the
universal within our individuality.
Deep Reflections I, II, III
18 x 24 in
The magic that can be found in the
most casual, unpretentious mo-
ments is often ignored.
This is an homage to the uncele-
brated snowy, foggy and rainy days
and their faceless figures. Unblinded
by the sun, allowing one to take
comfort in seeing the light through
the darkness.
Acrylic on canvas
48 x 36 in
Friendly Pixels a new series, that
I am developing came about from
my need to create some order out
of the world’s present chaos; the
tendency towards totalitarianism;
a dismaying lack of respect for the
feminine in every aspect of life,
including the arts, where a majority
of graduates from art college are
women and not even a tenth of
them are being shown in galleries
or museums.
Surrender is a painting learning
to decide what is worth fighting
for and what isn’t. The saying
that having balls is being tough is
wrong, balls are in fact very fragile,
as man’s violent strength will easily
crumble under fire. The vagina,
the feminine however, can take a
pounding as they say. Surrender
isn’t about being passive, it is about
being open, to life to intuition to
the Muse. It is not an ego vomit on
canvas. It takes practice and skill to
be open to that. It takes some order.
I suppose my art is civic in some
respects as it is motivated by
my reaction to life and art in our
present society, world.
Broken bowl fragments
12 x 36 in
My art making has reflected my
memories of growing up in
Japantown, the pre WW II
community of Japanese Canadians
in Vancouver, as well as of its
sudden and, to a six-year-old,
bewildering break-up. It has
focused on the internment of
Japanese-Canadians (in 1942) from
a personal perspective. I was not
quite 7, a third generation
Japanese-Canadian, when the
lives and dreams of my parents
and grand-parents were shattered,
their homes and businesses
confiscated, their freedom lost,
their community destroyed.
My work is two dimensional and
water based. Texture is especially
important to me. I use both art
based material as well as ready-
made or found material to create a
variety of textured surfaces. It has
involved collages of different
materials at times and, at other
times, scraping, layering, and
charring surfaces to produce
semi-abstract images and
landscapes. Though much of my
work in the past has been focused
on the Japanese-Canadian
experience, it has often been
semi-abstract, a mix of abstract
and representational imagery
culled from various sources,
including family photos,
newspaper clippings, and
government documents.
Three moments of light at Otter
Lake (Otter Lake 6 kilometers
south of Parry Sound) I worked
from three photos, which I take
as three points of memory. As the
camera glimpses the moment:
I worked in an open gestural
manner attempting a simulation of
momentary experience, hopelessly
flawed, snatching fragments from
those elusive moments of light.
YellowTree Standing part of a
series done at Otter Lake a glimpse
of November with the spectrum
of late autumn colors fading, the
brightest –still standing…is there
a more beautiful transfiguring
season in Canada!
Three moments of light onOttar Lake 2017
Watercolour/gouache/pastel/ink on BFK paper
20 x 30 in
Yellow tree still standing 2016
Pencil/gouache on paper
8 x 12 in
Encaustic, oil pastels and oils on wood panel
18 x 48 in
When I approach landscape
painting I am always confronted
with the Canadian cultural
dilemma. Not wanting to follow
the traditional landscape in the
footsteps of the Group of Seven.
In so doing I breakdown the
principal elements involved
in a traditional landscape and
reinterpret them on an ethereal
and metaphysical level, might it
be physical, emotional or spiritual.
This is not your typical landscape.
This is a Canadian landscape
though. This image was born
from a collaboration (intentional
or not) of many people and
institutions that otherwise
would have never met if not its
common point....Canada. Italy,
Portugal, Poland, Ghana, Egypt.
People from or whose origins
come from these countries
contributed to what this image is.
Photograph printed on canvas
40 x 40 in
Sunset Into Night #1
40 x 60 in
Acrylic on Canvas
Map of the Enchanted Forest (2107)
Mixed media on wood
16 x 23 in
Sir Robin never misses
Any mark or major mile,
Nor shies away from blisses
With a knowing little smile.
He lives for noble pleasures
By a tome of magic spells,
And shares their secret treasures
In a storm of kiss-and-tells.
The search for the meaning
of home has been an
ongoing narrative in my
work. The juxtaposing of
light and dark memories
of a first generation child of
Holocaust survivors grow-
ing up on the Saskatchewan
prairies has provided me
with a unique view of the
world and is one that I
explore in my titled “Home
Series: Neither Here Nor
There.” In this series I
reflect upon the ideas of
memory, home, loss and
self identity. The two
submitted paintings focus
on visual memories of the
land and highlight how
geography can hold a place
not only in one’s memory
but also in one’s heart
through ephemeral
moments that only nature
can provide.
Imprints ofTime 1 & 2 are part
of a series of 15 prints that address
the idea of “time and memory”.
In life and nature, all processes
and actions leave their particular
traces, which are visible as lines,
shapes or layers of color. With time
all these elements come together
to compose and tell a story.
Janne Reuss’s creative process is
explorative and intuitive
Imprints of time 1 & 2
(Mono) lino-print
50 x 70 cm
Before the Flood
Mixed media on
aluminum, 2017
30 x 20 in
Water Cycle
Mixed media on
Aluminum, 2017
12 x 12 in
‘Water Cycle’ combines images
of water and photos of the Rocky
Mountains on an aluminum panel.
The feeling of solidity of these
mountains is an illusion created by
our short human scale of time. the
Rockies are slowly, but constantly,
being built up and worn down.
‘Before the Flood’ combines
images of water and photos of the
Rocky Mountains on an aluminum
panel. During the Paleozoic era, this
area was a shallow sea. Over millions
of years, layers of sediment were
deposited, and slowly turned to
stone several kilometers deep.
Around 80 million years ago,
tectonic plates began to collide
pushing the stone up. Water, in the
form of ice and glaciers as well as
in the form of streams and rivers,
carved through the stone to create
the peaks and valleys we see today.
Imperceptible to our eyes, the moun-
tains are still moving and changing.
Autumn Monologue
Artist’s hair, used hair brush, ink and colour pencil
2.5 x 9 x 2 in
Only Pain Can Heal
Hair brush and needles
4 x 10 x 2.5 in
Snow at Last refers to freshly
fallen, long-awaited snow, and how
it enfolds and illuminates the
sometimes dirty and sparsely
coloured winter world.
A Peaceful Waterfall is a
memory of a waterfall in my home
city of St. John’s, Newfoundland,
created using a unique rock
(looking like solidified fog) that I
collected from a beach there.
These oil on canvas paintings
are from an ongoing series called
‘Entanglement’ in which I use
rubber bands to express intangible
thoughts and emotions. The
rubber bands are either alone,
interacting with other objects, or
made into balls, like small worlds.
40 Epitaphs
Hair brush and 40 nails
4 x 10 x 2.5 in
I HaveTried to LeaveYou
Hair brush and artist’s hair
4 x 10 x 2.5 in
Snow at Last
Oil on Canvas
12 x 12 in
These artworks are the
distillation of pain and, also
time machines to recreate a
time lost and sacrifices.
Using materials that are
part of my daily existence and
of my physical self like my
own hair, I search my identity
and create an unbreakable
bridge with an inseparable
part of me. Things like hair,
needles, and nails symbolizing
displacement and replacement
and pain.
My art as well the process
is autobiographical and
a soliloquy, a stream of
consciousness that conveys
my dialogues I want to share.
A Peaceful Waterfall
Oil on Canvas
22 x 28 in
All Pleasures Have Returned
Mixed media on canvas
48 x 48 in
Jane Theodore paints without
preconception. For her, creating
is an exercise in no mind; she
responds spontaneously to what is
happening in the work. The physical
act of creating is an integral part of
Theodore’s process – the gestures,
the addition/subtraction of colour,
form and line. She rotates the
Red Series
Gentle Waterfalls No. 8
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 x 1.75 in
Each of the paintings in this
series are an interpretation
of gentle waterfalls on red
backgrounds. Nature is full of
joy. A happy red plays the
balance with the calmness of
gently dropping water. These
were inspired by a particular
gentle waterfall at the Alton
Mill near Orangeville, Ontario.
canvas repeatedly, looking for the
painting to reveal itself. Shapes
appear and recede as she applies
and removes layers. And while
Theodore is influenced by her
environment – cloud formations,
the shifting palette of an evening
sky, unexpected combinations
of colour and light, texture and
patterns – her greatest effort is to
get out of the painting’s way, and
allow it into being.
Gallery 1313
1313 Queen
Toronto ON
M6K 1L8
Celebrating 20Years
of Exhibiting
Contemporary Art
and Supporting
Emerging Artists

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Mikael Sandblom
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Mikael Sandblom
Gallery1313 futures campaign
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Mikael Sandblom
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Mikael Sandblom
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Mikael Sandblom
Customer Satisfaction Survey Results 2011
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Mikael Sandblom
Customer Satisfaction Survey 2010 Results
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Space Database Planner
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Mikael Sandblom
Space Database Sacking Plans
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BOMA Measurement Standards
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Space Database Self-Serve Drawing Changes
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Space Database Self-Serve Drawing Changes
Mikael Sandblom
Space Database Drawing Updates and Space Plans
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Space Database Drawing Updates and Space Plans
Mikael Sandblom
Space Database Customer Satisfaction Survey 2009
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Space Database Satisfaction Survey 2008
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Collective 20 Show Catalogue

  • 1. COLLECTIVE20 Celebrating 20 Years @ December 6 to 17 — Curated by Reception: Thursday, December 7, 8–10 pm Gallery 1313 Celebrating 20Years 1997–2017 December 6 to 17, 2017 Curated by Phil Anderson
  • 2. My practice spans a variety of media. The complexity of understand life and all that comes with it is the drive behind my work. In my work I purposely search for simplicity but I am not sure I am achieving it. I have shown in galleries and museums of Canada, such as Gallery 1313, Galerie 815, the Federation Gallery, and the Museum Strathroy-Caradoc. I have also exhibited in the Chicago’s Women Made Gallery, and the Foundry Art Centre in Missouri. This eclectic group exhibition is from the diverse membership of Gallery 1313.The gallery started in 1997 with a membership that originated in an arts collective, the ParkdaleVillage Arts Collective started in 1994.The Gallery now has about 50 artist members whose art practices vary. Members exhibit in the Cell Gallery which is dedicated to membership.This exhibit is to celebrate the 20 years they have had Gallery 1313 as their home.Artist members are showing current work which reflects their art practice.We hope you will join us in celebrating this milestone for our members and the gallery. Phil Anderson executive director Imagen 51 Fumage and Indian ink on paper 9 x 8 in ZoraidaAnaya I am a member of Gallery 1313, Bravo-Sud, and the WAP Collective. I attended OCAD university, and received training at the Art Students League of New York and the Museé d’arts decoratifs du Louvre. COLLECTIVE20 Gallery 1313 1313 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON M6K 1L8 416.536.6778 Gallery Hours Wednesday–Sunday, 1–6 pm Celebrating 20 Years @ December 6 to 17 — Curated by Phil Anderson Reception: Thursday, December 7, 8–10 pm Zoraida Anaya Sally Holcomb Blackman Dean Bradley Paul Brandejs Sarah Carlson Brian Deignan Christina Damianos Judith Donoahue Catharine Somerville Marie Finkelstein Philip Hare Ruth Hartman Sonia Langer Eva Lewarne JoAnne Maikawa Jerome McNicholl Gilles Morin Voitek Pendrak Sharon Erlichman Shawn Postoff Janne Reuss Mikael Sandblom Joanna Strong Asma Sultana JaneTheodore GwenTooth CO N T R I B U T I N G A R T I ST S
  • 3. Canadian Shield is the largest exposure of Precambrian rock on Earth. The continental glaciers that covered northern North America during the Pleistocene period scraped the older rock bare. Since then a thin layer of soil has accumulated, supporting SallyHolcombBlackman the lush forests but being too thin for farming. These paintings of Canadian Shield are from Killarney Provincial Park in northern Ontario. As beautiful as Killarney Provincial Park is, environmental problems associated with acid rain from nickel mining and smelting near Sudbury degraded the lakes from the 1940’s through the 1970’s. Through environmental legislation the Park has recovered much of its environmental health today. As a painter, I love the abstract and monumental visual qualities of rock and mountains. They speak to the powerful and elemental forces that have made our earth. They are an unending source of inspiration in my repre- sentational and more abstract work. In this painting the rock seems to flow over the slope, as organic as the grass and shrubs growing on it. Canadian Shield 2016 Oil on canvas 40 x 30 in As an active member of Toronto’s vibrant art scene. His work has been on display at galleries and businesses throughout Toronto, Oshawa, Burlington and a group show in Venice, Italy. In 2015, he received the Award of Distinction by Queen West Art Crawl. His piece Subway Aquarium was on the short list for the Mayor’s choice award at the 2015 Toronto Outdoor DeanBradley Exhibition. In 2016 he curated two group exhibitions at galleries in Toronto. He is currently on the board at Gallery 44 in Toronto. Dean has recently moved into landscape painting, Allagash Sunset is his first work in this medium. Allagash Sunset Acrylic 27 x 40 in FPO
  • 4. After the Sunset is the mystical feeling you get sitting out late at night under the full moon. I blend realism with abstraction into one cohesive artwork. These paintings are painted on location while I was camping. I would initially take photos of what captured my imagination and then PaulBrandejs After the Sunset Mixed Media 47 x 51 x 5.25 in over the course of my stay I would stretch and prime canvases on which I would paint the impression of what I photographed from memory. Later on in my studio I would print the photos and blend them with the painted canvases into one cohesive piece. My mixed media uses photo-graphy as one of the media in combination with acrylic and found material form the area where I painted and imbed into the painted canvas. Completing artist residencies in both Algonquin Provincial Park and the remote Yukon wilderness in 2016. Carlson responds to her surroundings by embodying the idea of the nomad or visitor. Along with recurring motifs around SarahCarlson migration and movement, the primary theme is an examination of the complex and mediated relationships between humans and nature. Imagen 51 • Fumage and Indian ink on paper. • Size: 9x8 in. There Are No Words Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 48 x 60 in
  • 5. HOCKEY, EH? Like many Canadians, hockey has been part of my consciousness for as long as I can remember. It was pervasive all year long, played or watched in driveways, laneways, outdoor rinks and arenas. As a boy growing up in the 50’s the only things that could rival it for excitement and obsession were Christmas and my birthday. I remain entranced by the speed and colour and light and enthralled by the drama and the drudgery, the flashes of brilliance and spontaneity and the slog of dogged persistence and failure. Another handy metaphor BrianDeignan (Top) Goalmouth Scramble (Bottom) Behind the Net #10 Digital Prints on Exhibition Fiber Paper for the vicissitudes of life. As with all my work I am not drawn to the dramatic or the epic, but rather to the mundane; those weekly games we pay to engage in. It is settings like these where I believe our shared humanity is best observed and appreciated. In my poppy painting, I offer a vivid memory of the empty Palestinian houses in the state of Israel where bushes, thistles and wildflowers like the poppies still grow in the cracks of houses where people once lived. In these, my most recent imaginations, poppies emerge ChristinaDamianos Beginning Oil on Canvas 30 x 36 in Humber Oil on Canvas 30 x 30 in in a dramatic, whimsical fashion and represent, to me, a feminine seduction and true power. The red-blood poppy also signifies the sleep of death and the promise of new life, so it is told. The poppy is always the first wildflower to add colour to a reemerging landscape in spring. This, I like. For me, art means being faithful to myself and my view of the world. It is about expressing feelings and impressions that go beyond words to capture the fleeting moments and glimmerings of honest feeling. My art reflects the precarious- ness of life…mine, yours, ours.
  • 6. JudithDonoahue CatharineSomerville Sea Ice No. 4 Sea Ice No. 5 Sea Ice No. 6 Encaustic monotype on rice paper 18 x 18 in Golden Bird 2012 Mixed media on linen 36 x 36 in The sea is the source of all life on our planet and the icecaps are melting at an alarming rate, destroying coastlines and fertile lands, submerging island nations, creating new deserts, food insecurity, and population migration. Is it too late? The Golden Bird” is an abstract work that airs the constant drive of humans to attain impossible perfection and to be in the spotlight while forgetting to trust in their own heart and intuitions and follow a pure light. Born in Canada, Catharine began painting at a young age. She moved to England, studied art and raised a family in 1983. After which she and set up Herringbroom Studio, in 1992. Catharine completed her post-graduate work at West Dean College and University of Sussex, and gained recognition of her work through being awarded the prestigious Chairman’s Prize. She continues to work and exhibit in both Canada and England.
  • 7. MarieFinkelstein PhilipHare BJC in Winter 1 BJC in Winter 3 Oil on canvas 9 x 12 in The Putinator Prophylactic Purge, 2017 10 x 13 x 4 in While I was painting in a studio at Bathurst and Sheppard, an unusually harsh winter unleashed one last storm. Within a short time, the world turned nearly invisible in the snow swirling outside. The landscape began to disappear into the grey-white atmosphere. The scene outside the picture windows grew more and more abstract. I was transported to my Quebec childhood and moved to paint an impression of these images and feelings they rekindled. There is a genocide happening in Chechnya. In what has been dubbed a “Prophylactic Purge”, gay men are being rounded up, held in secret prisons and tortured, sometimes to death. With the tacit support of the Russian government, queers are being stalked and assaulted. They are being tortured to “confess” their orientation and to divulge the names of others. Families are encouraged to beat or even kill their own gay sons rather than face public shaming. Vladimir Putin fancies himself a manly man. He likes to ride horses shirtless (him, not the horses). He likes to hunt and fish – airing his manly nipples all the while. Fortunately, he’s able to enjoy his macho amusements without being harassed by handsy homosexuals. According to Putin, were the need to arise, “…his mastery of judo would come in handy if a gay man made a move on him in the shower…” (Newsweek, 6/7/17). I would like to present “The Putinator” to the Russian President. Personally. How better to honour this abhorrent little man than with his very own weapon of ass des- truction? It might just be the perfect prophylactic he needs to purge his own deadly homophobic fears.
  • 8. RuthHartman Unity Acrylic on canvas 36 x 48 in “My drawings/photographs search the present moment; my paintings search for moments past.” Images in Hartman’s paintings and photography generally explore colour, place, and memory. The intuitive, expressionistic paintings capture a feeling, an imperfect memory or observation. When an image is inspired by a photograph, the aim is to convey what it cannot. Images invite the viewer to complete the thought or emotion using their own experiences. An early focus on portraiture has evolved into images of often animized figures, with the “no face” or “back view” motif to reflect the universal within our individuality. SoniaLanger Deep Reflections I, II, III 18 x 24 in The magic that can be found in the most casual, unpretentious mo- ments is often ignored. This is an homage to the uncele- brated snowy, foggy and rainy days and their faceless figures. Unblinded by the sun, allowing one to take comfort in seeing the light through the darkness.
  • 9. EvaLewarne Surrender Acrylic on canvas 48 x 36 in Friendly Pixels a new series, that I am developing came about from my need to create some order out of the world’s present chaos; the tendency towards totalitarianism; a dismaying lack of respect for the feminine in every aspect of life, including the arts, where a majority of graduates from art college are women and not even a tenth of them are being shown in galleries or museums. Surrender is a painting learning to decide what is worth fighting for and what isn’t. The saying that having balls is being tough is wrong, balls are in fact very fragile, as man’s violent strength will easily crumble under fire. The vagina, the feminine however, can take a pounding as they say. Surrender isn’t about being passive, it is about being open, to life to intuition to the Muse. It is not an ego vomit on canvas. It takes practice and skill to be open to that. It takes some order. I suppose my art is civic in some respects as it is motivated by my reaction to life and art in our present society, world. JoAnneMaikawa Dispersal Broken bowl fragments 12 x 36 in My art making has reflected my memories of growing up in Japantown, the pre WW II community of Japanese Canadians in Vancouver, as well as of its sudden and, to a six-year-old, bewildering break-up. It has focused on the internment of Japanese-Canadians (in 1942) from a personal perspective. I was not quite 7, a third generation Japanese-Canadian, when the lives and dreams of my parents and grand-parents were shattered, their homes and businesses confiscated, their freedom lost, their community destroyed. My work is two dimensional and water based. Texture is especially important to me. I use both art based material as well as ready- made or found material to create a variety of textured surfaces. It has involved collages of different materials at times and, at other times, scraping, layering, and charring surfaces to produce semi-abstract images and landscapes. Though much of my work in the past has been focused on the Japanese-Canadian experience, it has often been semi-abstract, a mix of abstract and representational imagery culled from various sources, including family photos, newspaper clippings, and government documents.
  • 10. Three moments of light at Otter Lake (Otter Lake 6 kilometers south of Parry Sound) I worked from three photos, which I take as three points of memory. As the camera glimpses the moment: I worked in an open gestural manner attempting a simulation of momentary experience, hopelessly flawed, snatching fragments from those elusive moments of light. YellowTree Standing part of a series done at Otter Lake a glimpse of November with the spectrum of late autumn colors fading, the brightest –still standing…is there a more beautiful transfiguring season in Canada! JeromeMcNicholl Three moments of light onOttar Lake 2017 Watercolour/gouache/pastel/ink on BFK paper 20 x 30 in Yellow tree still standing 2016 Pencil/gouache on paper 8 x 12 in Landscape_Revalation Encaustic, oil pastels and oils on wood panel 18 x 48 in When I approach landscape painting I am always confronted with the Canadian cultural dilemma. Not wanting to follow the traditional landscape in the footsteps of the Group of Seven. In so doing I breakdown the principal elements involved in a traditional landscape and reinterpret them on an ethereal and metaphysical level, might it be physical, emotional or spiritual. GillesMorin
  • 11. This is not your typical landscape. This is a Canadian landscape though. This image was born from a collaboration (intentional or not) of many people and institutions that otherwise would have never met if not its common point....Canada. Italy, Portugal, Poland, Ghana, Egypt. People from or whose origins come from these countries contributed to what this image is. VoitekPendrakSharonErlichman Precious Photograph printed on canvas 40 x 40 in Sunset Into Night #1 40 x 60 in Acrylic on Canvas Map of the Enchanted Forest (2107) Mixed media on wood 16 x 23 in Sir Robin never misses Any mark or major mile, Nor shies away from blisses With a knowing little smile. He lives for noble pleasures By a tome of magic spells, And shares their secret treasures In a storm of kiss-and-tells. ShawnPostoff The search for the meaning of home has been an ongoing narrative in my work. The juxtaposing of light and dark memories of a first generation child of Holocaust survivors grow- ing up on the Saskatchewan prairies has provided me with a unique view of the world and is one that I explore in my titled “Home Series: Neither Here Nor There.” In this series I reflect upon the ideas of memory, home, loss and self identity. The two submitted paintings focus on visual memories of the land and highlight how geography can hold a place not only in one’s memory but also in one’s heart through ephemeral moments that only nature can provide.
  • 12. JanneReuss Imprints ofTime 1 & 2 are part of a series of 15 prints that address the idea of “time and memory”. In life and nature, all processes and actions leave their particular traces, which are visible as lines, shapes or layers of color. With time all these elements come together to compose and tell a story. Janne Reuss’s creative process is explorative and intuitive Imprints of time 1 & 2 (Mono) lino-print 50 x 70 cm Before the Flood Mixed media on aluminum, 2017 30 x 20 in Water Cycle Mixed media on Aluminum, 2017 12 x 12 in ‘Water Cycle’ combines images of water and photos of the Rocky Mountains on an aluminum panel. The feeling of solidity of these mountains is an illusion created by our short human scale of time. the Rockies are slowly, but constantly, being built up and worn down. ‘Before the Flood’ combines images of water and photos of the Rocky Mountains on an aluminum panel. During the Paleozoic era, this area was a shallow sea. Over millions MikaelSandblom of years, layers of sediment were deposited, and slowly turned to stone several kilometers deep. Around 80 million years ago, tectonic plates began to collide pushing the stone up. Water, in the form of ice and glaciers as well as in the form of streams and rivers, carved through the stone to create the peaks and valleys we see today. Imperceptible to our eyes, the moun- tains are still moving and changing.
  • 13. Autumn Monologue Artist’s hair, used hair brush, ink and colour pencil 2.5 x 9 x 2 in Only Pain Can Heal Hair brush and needles 4 x 10 x 2.5 in Snow at Last refers to freshly fallen, long-awaited snow, and how it enfolds and illuminates the sometimes dirty and sparsely coloured winter world. A Peaceful Waterfall is a memory of a waterfall in my home city of St. John’s, Newfoundland, created using a unique rock (looking like solidified fog) that I collected from a beach there. These oil on canvas paintings are from an ongoing series called ‘Entanglement’ in which I use rubber bands to express intangible thoughts and emotions. The rubber bands are either alone, interacting with other objects, or made into balls, like small worlds. JoanneStrong 40 Epitaphs Hair brush and 40 nails 4 x 10 x 2.5 in I HaveTried to LeaveYou Hair brush and artist’s hair 4 x 10 x 2.5 in Snow at Last Oil on Canvas 12 x 12 in These artworks are the distillation of pain and, also time machines to recreate a time lost and sacrifices. Using materials that are part of my daily existence and of my physical self like my own hair, I search my identity and create an unbreakable bridge with an inseparable part of me. Things like hair, needles, and nails symbolizing displacement and replacement and pain. My art as well the process is autobiographical and a soliloquy, a stream of consciousness that conveys my dialogues I want to share. AsmaSultana A Peaceful Waterfall Oil on Canvas 22 x 28 in
  • 14. JaneTheodore All Pleasures Have Returned Mixed media on canvas 48 x 48 in Jane Theodore paints without preconception. For her, creating is an exercise in no mind; she responds spontaneously to what is happening in the work. The physical act of creating is an integral part of Theodore’s process – the gestures, the addition/subtraction of colour, form and line. She rotates the GwenTooth Red Series Gentle Waterfalls No. 8 Acrylic on canvas 30 x 30 x 1.75 in Each of the paintings in this series are an interpretation of gentle waterfalls on red backgrounds. Nature is full of joy. A happy red plays the balance with the calmness of gently dropping water. These were inspired by a particular gentle waterfall at the Alton Mill near Orangeville, Ontario. canvas repeatedly, looking for the painting to reveal itself. Shapes appear and recede as she applies and removes layers. And while Theodore is influenced by her environment – cloud formations, the shifting palette of an evening sky, unexpected combinations of colour and light, texture and patterns – her greatest effort is to get out of the painting’s way, and allow it into being.
  • 15. Gallery 1313 1313 Queen St.West Toronto ON M6K 1L8 416.536.6778 Celebrating 20Years of Exhibiting Contemporary Art and Supporting Emerging Artists