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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Theory Critique on:
Cognitive Behavioral and Reality Therapy
Liberty College
Debra Borzym
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Aaron Beck is known as the pioneer of cognitive therapy, which has been a
utilized approach to psychotherapy. Beck attempted to further Freud's theory of
depression; however, the research moved more towards errors in logic, coined "cognitive distortions" which were deemed the basis of underlying
dysfunction and depression. The fundamental aspect of cognitive therapy, which later integrated components of behaviorism, was the carry–over of
negative beliefs that reflected the individual's pathological behavior. In addition to Beck, Albert Ellis contributed to the development of a cognitive...
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Challenge and action towards unfair and unjust treatment of others has been the foundation for socialized modifications in society. If people did not
question social unfairness then there would have never been righteousness or change. Jesus Christ went against the values of the people of his time.
He went out into the world and offered others a different way to live. He accepted others, such as Mary Magdalene for whom they were and did not
judge nor persecute them. Cognitive behavioral theory focuses more thought and actions, which eliminates a judgmental stance that can be defeatist
to client esteem. The client in essence can perceive this as accepting, just like Jesus, which can be fertile towards the client having esteem in him or
herself. That esteem can motivate action and change. The client in essence will "move a muscle to change a thought". Lastly I have mixed views on
the use of confrontation in this therapy. If done correctly this practice can promote change but I question what right a counselor has on saying what
is healthy or unhealthy for a client. This is why I see the therapy as limited There are times when a client is facing immediate crisis and does not have
time to explore and connect piece of the past to promote the needed change that's why I feel this therapy can be appropriate. At the same time a present
issue may go unresolved if the client is unable to "connect the dots" which show a history of dysfunctional
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The Principles Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Perspective on Treatment Beck et al (1985) states that there are 10 principles of cognitive behavioral therapy. These principles are the foundation of
the therapy. The principles discuss how the cognitive model is used as a basis for interventions. The principles go on to demonstrate that cognitive
therapy is a brief intervention. Since the therapy is so brief it is important to stay on task in the therapeutic work being done. Since cognitive behavioral
therapy is also time limited it needs to be structured. Another factor is that it is a problem–oriented intervention. A warm therapeutic relationship is the
basis for this intervention technique. Not only is a sound relationship required, the work should be collaborative between the two individuals. This
incorporates the expertise of the therapist on the theory and the expertise of the client on themselves. The therapy uses questions and answers between
the therapist and client to process the client's distorted thinking. One principle stresses the educational factor of this model. Another principle follows
this educational piece and requires homework for clients. The final idea of the principles is that therapist use inductive thinking to process the client's
thoughts and ideas.
Status of Current Empirical Support for the Model Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the common treatment theories in today's theoretical models.
Butler, Chapman, Forman, and Beck (2006) conducted a meta–analysis on treatment outcomes done
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Existential Therapy And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
My theoretical orientation would be existential therapy because it is more of a way of thinking than a particular style. It relates to the currents
struggles in a person's life such as anxieties, love, alones, and responsibilities. The focus is on self–awareness and the freedom of choice that a person
has in order to decide their own fate, as well as the search for meaning in their lives. Existential therapy believes that there are not victims because of
the things that happen in our lives, it believes that life is what you make it and we are what we choose. Existential also allows the client to begin to
take charge of their own lives and begin to shape it into the way that they want it go, and make the necessary ... Show more content on
Helping people to see that they have to take responsibility for the things that are happening in their lives, by examining and restructuring their belief
system. It is important to remember when using Cognitive Behavioral therapy that many of the problems that the person may have can possibly stem
from childhood, but can be reinforced by the way that they are thinking as adults. The therapist can assist in these faulty beliefs and replacing them
with more effective beliefs. The relationship with a client using Cognitive Behavioral therapy, is to work as a teacher. It requires both the client and the
therapis and the therapist is very directive. The therapist also promotes reexposing experiences that lead to change and learning new skills. Cognitive
Behavioral therapy is solution focused geared towards solving problems and learning life skills. The goal is to help the client get better in whatever
areas of their lives that is needed, and to stay better. Cognitive Behavioral therapy has helped in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression,
personality disorders, and substance abuse to name a few. It has also helped in mental disorder such as bipolar and schizophrenia. This approach has
been used in children, families, and couples (National Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapist,
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Counseling, Cognitive And Behavioral Therapies
Counseling is a therapy that involves communication using a variety of methods. Verbal, nonverbal, and written are some of the ways to communicate
during counseling. Counseling allows a person to share their feelings, thoughts and problems to another (a counselor) in a dependable and confidential
environment. Normally the counselor empathizes with the clients. Many types of counseling are evident depending on the type of problem one has.
Counseling usually involves the psychology, therefore, can be termed as psychological therapy. One of the psychological therapies is behavioral
therapy. Behavioral therapy involves behaviors and cognitions. Apparently, cognitive and behavioral therapies are based on the thinking of the
individual and on the way the individuals behave. Cognitive and behavioral therapies are of importance and that is the area of my specialization.
Type 1
Cognitive and behavioral therapies are subdivided severally. They include acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), behavioral therapy, cognitive
analytic therapy (CAT),cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and cognitive therapy. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a behavioral analysis
that uses strategies like mindfulness and acceptance to aid in increasing flexibility of psychology. Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) is a form that tries
to assemble ideas together from both analytic and cognitive into integrative models. CAT helps the client understand the reasons as to why they behave
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Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Djiedjorm Doe (Dede)
Middlesex Community College
Cognitive behavioral therapy, commonly known as CBT, is a systematic process by which we learn to change our negative thought into more positive
ones. CBT is a combination of two types of therapy, cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. cognition is our thought, socognitive behavioral therapy
combines working with our thought process and changing our behavior at the same time. Cognitive behavioral therapists believe that our behavior and
feelings are influenced by the way we think, also our mood is affected by our behavior and thought process. CBT tries to tackle our thoughts, feelings,
and behavior. Research has shown that cognitive behavioral ... Show more content on ...
Behavior therapy consequently gained distinction but in the 1960s, these therapies were initially controversial and primarily relegated to the treatment
of behavior dysfunction in severely disordered children. It was until the mid to late 1970's that the expansion of behavioral therapies reached higher
functioning clients, mix the role of cognitive processing, and incorporate a focus on emotions. The transition did not happen at once. In the end. Social
cognitive processing of self–control, and emotion regulation were blended into behavioral intervention and emerged as CBT of the present day.
Before there was CBT, there was behavioral therapy which initially was controversial and underestimated however ultimately paved the way for
empirically–supported treatments for mental health disorders of youth. For example, of an early behavioral intervention. "Though clinical applications
of behavioral strategies did not begin in seriousness until the 1960 's, initial work set the stage by targeting and addressing observable behavior and by
measuring outcomes for later child cognitive–behavioral interventions". Many behavioral processes continue to be used within CBT. Over time,
behavioral therapy began to address the thought processes and cognitive skills that were seen as involved in the implementation and receipt of
contingency management and came to be implemented among less
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Cognitive Theory : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Educational Settings
Rebecca Yoder
John Carroll University Abstract
Cognitive theories are believed to centralize around the idea that a thought is the cause for emotions. Cognitive theory has directly influenced the
development of other cognitively based therapies that provide a more in–depth and concentrated approach to the presenting problems of a client.
Specifically, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one division of the cognitive theory that focuses on the link between cognitions (thoughts) and the
behaviors presented due to the cognitions. Therapies using cognitive theory implement several techniques that are proven effective in treating mental
disorders throughout various settings. This paper describes the author's experience and approach to counseling in relation to specific cognitive theories,
as well as the ways in which specific theories will be implemented in to the educational setting. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic
approach that links an individuals' beliefs to the behaviors that they display. Concepts of CBT focus on changing target behaviors into new desired
behaviors and disputing irrational thoughts an individual may have and helping the person to work through those thoughts in order to make positive
changes. CBT drew my attention immediately because of personal experiences and my experiences with students I have taught in the school system.
These experiences and the research I completed
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy For Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating as well as by self–induced vomiting and/or laxative abuse (Mitchell, 1986).
Episodes of overeating typically alternate with attempts to diet, although the eating habits of bulimics and their methods of weight control vary
(Fairburn et al., 1986). The majority of bulimics have a body weight within the normal range for their height, build, and age, and yet possess intense
and prominent concerns about their shape and weight (Fairburn et al., 1986). Individuals with bulimia nervosa are aware that they have an eating
problem, and therefore are often eager to receive help. The most common approach to ... Show more content on ...
Behavioral techniques utilized by CBT are designed not only to change certain behaviors, but also to elicit the individual's cognitions associated with
specific behaviors.
CBT treatment typically lasts about 20 weeks and can be divided into three stages (Fairburn et al., 1993). In the first stage, the cognitive view on the
maintenance of bulimia is presented, and behavioral techniques are implemented to replace binge eating with more stable eating patterns. In the second
stage, additional attempts are made to establish healthy eating habits, and an emphasis is placed upon the elimination of dieting. Cognitive processes
(previously outlined) are focused upon extensively in this stage; the therapist and the individual examine his/her thoughts, beliefs, and values which
maintain the eating problem. The final stage is concerned with maintaining the gains made in therapy once the treatment has been terminated (Fairburn
et al., 1993).
The cognitive view of the maintenance of bulimia nervosa stresses that there is more to an individual's eating problem then just binge eating (and
purging). Low self–esteem, extreme concerns about shape and weight, and strict dieting are all implicated in perpetuating the vicious cycle of bulimia
(Fairburn et al., 1993). Within the first stage of treatment (weekly sessions 1–8), the following steps characterize the cognitive–behavioral approach: 1)
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Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy
Anxiety is the most common mental health problem in the United States today. According to the article about (Bourne, 2005). Fifteen percent of the
American population is widely affected by anxiety. This is the number one health problem amongst American women. Only half of the individuals
affected will seek and receive treatment (Danton, Altrocchi, Antonuccio, Basta, 1994). My topic I am studying is group therapy and the effects it has
on anxiety as compared to individual therapy. One of the most common disorders attached to anxiety is social anxiety. It impacts a large amount on an
individual's life. Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy (CBGT) is the most researched program for Anxiety/social anxiety. It's centered around group
therapy based on interventions where the cognitive behavior is restructured within the simulated exposure towards the usage of exercise. Researchers
have evaluated the effectiveness of CBT in group treatments for anxiety disorders. This study is valuable because I think as a researcher it's necessary
to determine if the patient does better in a group setting or individual therapy.... Show more content on ...
It teaches the individual how to behave and learn how to handle anxiety towards stress and fearful situations. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is
conducted by individual or group therapy. Treatments for anxiety disorder are generally treated with psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medications. It
is necessary to make this study to see how people best benefit from this therapy, whether it is in group or individual therapy. Although there is a lot of
literature on group therapy, there is not as much that compares the benefits of group therapy vs individual therapy. The purpose of this study is to look
at group therapy and the effects it has on anxiety as compared to individual
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the scientific fact that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not the external things themselves, such
as people, situations or events. This means that we can change the way we think in order to feel and act better, although the situation has not changed.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the fastest therapy by achieving the desired therapeutic results, because of its highly instructional nature and the
use of homework assignments.
The structure of cognitive behavioral treatment includes:
пЂPsychoeducation – therapist gives information about the intrusive thoughts, and that every person has the occasional experience with them. Cognition
of this facilitates the normalization of their
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Examples Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is often used to help patients with PTSD to regain a sense of control of their life in order to improve the quality of
life. The basic of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one that refers to any kind of treatment based on the idea that psychological issues appear due to
the way in which we interpret situation, or evaluate feelings and thoughts (Caddell, 2015). It has been found to be successful in counseling in order to
improve and reduce their symptoms, and learn healthier ways to cope if any stressful thoughts appear again (Tull, 2013).
There are several forms of treatment that are used to treat the people with PTSD would be considered as cognitive behavioral therapy (Tull, 2014):
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Exposure Processing Therapy (EPT)
Cognitive Processing Therapy: This treatment is developed based on the conflict that is called as 'stuck point' (Tull, ... Show more content on ...
People with PTSD get angry easily. In addition to that, family members will be affected indirectly through this anger. For example, children and
your partner may feel the anger from you. They will feel scared, angry or other negative thoughts as a result of PTSD. The relationship within the
family will be destroyed and gapped. Family therapy is a therapy which involves the whole family members with a therapist. In this therapy, the
therapist will assist and counsel the whole family members in order to repair and maintain their relationship. Each family member can share their
personal feeling about how they feel about this disorder based on their perspective. The key here is to be honest. This is a good way to understand
and communicate with each other. Besides, they will learn about how to assist the person with PTSD to overcome this disorder. The important parts of
treatment will be explained here to all of the members (,
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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
History The roots of the Cognitive–Behavioral Theory lie in the broadening of behavior therapy and has undoubtedly produced more empirical research
than any other model of psychotherapy (Datillio, 2000a). Cognitive–Behavior theory is a theory based on the idea that a person's perspective is what
guides the development and the preservation of their emotional and behavioral responses to situations within their lives as well as a plethora of studies
that tested learning theories. The Cognitive–Behavior therapy also called CBT, relies on the belief that the person's perspective also stunts or expedites
the emotional and behavioral adaptation to situations as well. This "belief" means that what you or I think governs how we respond to what goes...
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However, Cognitive–behavioral therapy is one of the most well–known theories that has been used to help the victims of maltreatment. Between 2005
and 2006, over one million reports of child maltreatment; to include neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse was reported (U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, 2010). In children the effects of maltreatment result in several psychological disorders to include depression, anxiety, PTSD and
other behavioral issues whether it happened once or repeatedly. The effects of maltreatment in children can last through adolescence and on through
adulthood for many. Trauma–Focused Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy (TF–CBT) is a very popular type of therapy that join the caregiver and the child's
sessions. The basic process of this therapy is educate and improve parenting skills, teach relaxation techniques and skills, introduce cognitive coping
skills, allow the child to talk about the narrative and make the child feel comfortable about talking about the trauma and allow the child cognitively
process the traumatic events, ensure that the child feels safe. Trauma–Focused Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy (TF–CBT). For children who suffer
post–traumatic stress syndrome, this treatment can require maintenance for up to 2 years after the child has completed treatment (Deblinger, Steer, &
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay
In order to overcome behavioral problems such as anxiety, depression or fear, individuals usually communicate their problems or anxieties with their
trusted friends or family members. In case of a somewhat complicated problem, a counselor is consulted. These are a relatively simple form of
psychotherapies that individuals have been practicing from centuries. However, with the development of modern science and advancements in the field
of psychology, theorists have identified some more effective approaches for psychoanalysis. The most noticeable work in this regard was done by
Sigmund Freud who was the first to develop modern techniques for psychoanalysis. Despite of the fact that Freud's approaches towards psychoanalysis
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Buddhism as a religion demands its followers to bring considerable psychological changes in terms of their lifestyle, thinking patterns etc. The Noble
Eightfold Path discussed above, demands a major psychological change in an individual. It should be noted that this change is achievable through an
individual's own effort. Some of the main psychological aspects are clearly discussed in Buddhism including the concept of motivation, perception
and cognition. Discussing the concept of motivation, Buddhism clearly defines the basic motivations behind human actions. It declares that the
behavior of an unenlightened person is derived by driven by craving or desire. As discussed earlier, this craving or desire is supposed to be
responsible for suffering in life. Buddhism classifies desires, craving or "tanha" in three different forms named as kama tanha (desire for sensory
satisfaction), bhava tanha (desire for survival) and vibhava tanha (desire for extermination). (Davidson & Harrington)
In Buddhism, perception is believed to be based on twelve gateways, including the five senses, the mind or "inner sense" and the object of these six
senses. The inner sense possesses the capability to mirror on the objects of the five senses. The amalgamation of each of the five senses and its objects
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Young People Diagnosed with Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder Studies estimate that over one in four
children will experience trauma before the age of sixteen, and many of these youth will go on to develop Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of
their trauma (Silverman, Oritz, Viswesvaran, Burns, Kulko, Putnam, & Amaya–Jackson, 2008). Children and adolescents with PTSD can benefit from
a mixture of the Cognitive and Behavioral models, presented in the form of Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Specifically, Trauma Focused
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF–CBT) is the most effective method to treat PTSD, utilizing techniques from two different perspectives (cognitive
and behavioral) that can ... Show more content on ...
The emergence of research dedicated to TF–CBT and its focus removes a significant amount of ambiguity from the prescription of treatment. Due to the
overwhelming positive response in research, clinicians now can confidently recommend TF–CBT and prevent further suffering within patients. Also,
completing additional research in this area could lead to even more efficient and helpful methods of treatment. For young people who experienced
trauma, this interactive treatment method can bring about progressive changes in their behavior and their thoughts, which can help to eradicate PTSD
over the course of treatment as well as the time that follows it. References
Brown, E. J. (2005). Clinical characteristics and efficacious treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in children and adolescents. Pediatric Annals,
34, 2, 138–46.
Silverman, W. K., Ortiz, C. D., Viswesvaran, C., Burns, B. J., Kolko, D. J., Putnam, F. W., & Amaya
–Jackson, L. (2008). Evidence–Based psychosocial
treatments for children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 37, 1, 156–183.
Smith, P., Yule, W., Perrin, S., Tranah, T., Dalgleish, T., & Clark, D. M. (2007). Cognitive
–Behavioral Therapy for PTSD in children and adolescents: a
preliminary randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 46, 8,
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Background Developed in the mid 1960s by Aaron Beck, the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model theorizes that the interpretation of both
external and internal events is biased, and can tap unhealthy underlying beliefs that potentially lead to emotional distress (Beck, 2005). Over the years
CBT has accumulated an impressive track record in the treatment of a variety of mood disorders. In 1985, a review of 220 studies using CBT in the
treatment of depression concluded that 91% supported the model (Beck, 2005). Large–scale literature meta–analyses on CBT in the treatment of
anxiety disorders have also shown CBT to be highly effective in this population, particularly with posttraumatic stress disorder (Beck, 2005).
Additionally, since the late 1990s evidence has accumulated showing CBT to be an effective treatment approach in substance use disorders, including
alcohol dependence, marijuana dependence, and cocaine dependence (Carroll, 2004). No wonder CBT has been characterized as "the fastest growing
and most heavily researched orientation on the contemporary scene" (Prochaska & Norcross, 2003, p. 369). The combination of mental and substance
use disorders, i.e., co–occurring disorders, is routinely missed in the psychiatric population (Mueser, 2003), and poorly treated (Carroll, 2004). Since
CBT has firmly established itself as an effective treatment for both emotional and substance abuse disorders, it is a logical next step to examine its
ability to treat individuals with
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Behavioral Therapy And Cognitive Therapy
In this paper, I will compare and contrast Group Therapy and Cognitive therapy, more specifically, dialectical behavioral therapy, and the differences
between assessment types that clinicians use to determine a diagnosis and therapy that would best benefit their client. In the second part of my
paper, I will discuss and address different considerations in which a therapist should make in order to provide a safe and effectively therapeutic
environment. Though therapy is a largely utilized form of mental health treatment, the different theories, types, and approaches are not commonly
known. Therapy itself holds a stigma, rendering its components widely unknown and avoided by a vast population. Throughout history and many
different cultures, there have been many forms of psychological treatment, some more humane than others. The ancient view was generally found
to be that abnormality usually had something to do with evil spirits and cursed individuals; "they viewed the human body as a battleground
between external forces of good and evil . . . abnormal behavior was typically interpreted as a victory by evil spirits, and the cure was to force the
demon from a victim's body." (pg. 8 of book) Later, in Greek and Roman times, it was widely believed that abnormal behavior was formed and caused
by dysfunction of the human body itself. It is clear that therapy, and knowledge of psychology in general, has come a long way; from asylums to
reformation and moral treatment, today's
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )
Many people in the world today suffer from mental illnesses, including anxiety and depression. These two mental illnesses are considered to be the
most common throughout the United States. In fact, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association (2015), approximately 40 million people
suffer from anxiety, and 15 million people suffer from depression. These statistics are significant and overwhelming. Unfortunately, some people who
suffer from these mental illnesses are not able to get the support they need because they do not have the appropriate resources. Furthermore, both
therapy and medication do cost a price and not everyone is able to afford it. Treatment, such as therapy, is extremely important for people who suffer
from... Show more content on ...
Many of her patients have explained that these recordings have been very beneficial and have allowed them to get through difficult times. Kramer
monitors her patient's symptoms in order to make sure that the interventions she uses are producing results. Some of the results she monitors for
include a decrease in stress and maladaptive behaviors, and an increase in desirable behavior, family interaction and positive interactions with peers
and teachers. It brings Kramer much joy when she notices a positive change in her patient's behavior. Along with Rachel Kramer, there are many other
practitioners who are also using Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy in their practice. Some of the key components of CBT include: psycho–education,
self–monitoring, cognitive restructuring, behavioral activism, communication skills, problem solving, and relaxation (Bru, Solholm, & Idsoe, 2013).
Psycho–education provides a client with information regarding their mental health condition so they are able to move forward and deal with their
mental disorder in the best way. Self–monitoring is also another key component in this type of therapy because it causes the client to keep track of their
daily activities, cognitions and mood (Bru, Solholm, & Idsoe, 2013). Cognitive restructuring, on the other hand, focuses on teaching clients to identify
their own irrational and maladaptive thoughts
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Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, in its most modern form, was developed in 1960 by Aaron T. Beck. However, CBT has an interesting history dating
back to the 1920s in the United States and even earlier in other parts of the world. "Precursors of certain fundamental aspects of CBT have been
identified in various ancient philosophical traditions, particularly Stoicism. Stoic philosophers, particularly Epictetus, believed logic could be used to
identify and discard false beliefs that lead to destructive emotions, which has influenced the way modern cognitive–behavioral therapists identify
cognitive distortions that contribute to depression and anxiety"(Beck, 2016). CBT was originally only used for depression but has since evolved into
an almost... Show more content on ...
Cognitive theory provides the foundation for CBT, which suggests that our emotions and behaviors are influenced by how we perceive events
(Hepworth, 2016 pg. 197). CBT encourages individuals to formulate alternative ways of thinking about situations and problems, which in turn prompts
emotional and behavioral changes. Clients are instructed to practice what they learn after sessions as a way to reinforce change (Beck, 2016).
The Social Learning Theory states that "thoughts and emotions are best understood in the context of behaviors associated with cognition or cognitive
processes, and the extent to which individuals adapt and respond to different stimuli and make self–judgments (Hepworth, 2016, p. 392)."In Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy, behavioral experiments are designed to test thoughts.
To explain how the Social Learning and Cognitive Theories relate to treating the problem, here is an example. You might perform a behavioral
experiment to test the thought "If I criticize myself after overeating, I 'll overeat less" vs. "If I talk to myself kindly after overeating, I 'll overeat less."
CBT is used to get to a person's core beliefs. We develop these core beliefs through experiences in our life, mainly in our childhood. Social Learning
and Cognitive Theories both begin in our childhood and are used as ways to explain how and why we develop the core beliefs that we develop as
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Therapy Plan Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
THERAPY PLAN COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY Baron Jones Southern New Hampshire University, Online This paper will focus on
the theoretical part of this case study that is how we can help the 23yrear old girl overcome the disorder that she is suffering from. Additionally the
paper will incorporate the counseling knowledge gained in this course for example ways of dealing with patients in terms of being patient with the
victim since the recovery process does not happen over a day it is a step by step process as the patient gains the ability to overcome the feeling and
thought that make her regurgitating food and deal with the fear she has of being overweight and her friends calling her fat as the mother and friends
explained. We will apply... Show more content on ...
Later what comes up is the treatment phase that involves a 30 to 60 minutes discussion where the specialist helps subdivide the problems into portion
and in each session the specialist will help the individual to change her negative thoughts and feelings and in our case thinking her friends are calling
her fat or her fear of being overweight into more positive schemas using prescribed procedure by the specialist and over the week the patient will
apply them and in their next meeting they will being by discussing if the individual was successful in handling the problem or not ( Nemade, Staats
Reiss, Dombeck and 2007). Personality Theory Personality theories are theories that explain how various characteristics of a person such as
intelligence, temperament, habits, skills, attitudes and traits define our uniqueness as human beings. Each person has his or her personality as
characterized by the mentioned traits, and this explain the diversity in character in human beings. When treating mental illness, for example Anorexia
Nervosa as a specialized counselor, it is important to consider a
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Depression
comparable results for depression as antidepressant medications, making it a successful treatment alternative to medication. (Thoma, Pilecki, et al.,
2015, p. 433) Since this is predicted to become such a major issue, the treatment for depression has become extremely important. According to
Rachman, Cognitive behavioral therapy is also successful for the uses of treating obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety. For example, Salkovski
's analysis of OCD became an important part of the cognitive behavioral therapy model, which helped therapists focus on the client 's thoughts and
feelings regarding their compulsive behaviors and urges. (Rachman, 2014, p.5) In the field of anxiety, studies also found that cognitive behavioral
therapy showed favorable results in lowering symptoms for those diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. One of the majority methods of therapy
for anxiety disorders is exposure therapy, which is the process when a client is directly confronted with the object that they fear throughout sessions.
The process starts out slowly, until the last session where the client comes into direct contact with the object they fear. (Thoma, Pilecki, et al., 2015, p.
Cognitive behavior therapy expands into the treatment of many other issues such as phobias, psychosomatic disorders, post–traumatic stress disorder,
panic disorders, couple and family therapy, divorce therapy, and skills training. A cognitive behavior therapist focuses on the client 's beliefs,
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The Therapy : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
As identified above the approach I used in my placement was Cognitive behavioural therapy. In this section of the learning journal I will discuss the
appropriateness of CBT in working with this client group. I will begin by discussing my learning from attending the Men's support group. I will then
use examples from these men's narratives to identifying where I see the benefits of a CBT approach. Common Therapeutic factors such as The
importance of Unconditional positive regard will be discussed as element that is essential to the development of the therapeutic relationship. It will also
be identified in the FAMILIES' service provides interventions to individuals who are experiencing a range of difficult emotions following their
separation these include disbelief shock, fear, anger, a sense of powerlessness and often a profound sense of loss. In my experience of attending the
Men's support Group and listening to the men's stories highlighted ongoing issues associated with their separation these included financial strain
associated with division of assets, finding accommodation, court attendance, ongoing communication difficulties with x–partners and contact with their
children. The men described the experience of separation and the impact of this loss in every domain of their lives including loss of family unit,
identity as a father and partner, loss of future self, plans hopes, dreams. The change in their involvement in their children's lives seem to be the most
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Integration : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Integration. Cognitive–behavioral therapy can be a launching pad for families to begin employing practical steps to reach their relational goals. As the
family is guided to recognize current dysfunctional core beliefs that exist within their system, they can be guided to see how these beliefs have
cyclically shaped their interactions and intrapersonal dialogue. Once the origin of schemas is uncovered, the family can move to instituting new beliefs
and patterns of interacting to redefine how the family functions and relates. Experiential theory could be a helpful tool to begin the schema–uncovering
process while the cognitive restructuring applied through cognitive–behavioral therapy can be used to transition the clients from knowing the current
schemas to developing and maintaining new ones. The goal of this transition is best articulated in systems theory as differentiation of self and
relational balance. These theories work together to balance give and take in family relationships as well as allow members to articulate what they need
that give and take to look like. Relationships vs. functioning. Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy is built on the premise that when problem behaviors are
reduced and thought patterns change, the relationships in the family naturally improve. While this may seem contradictory to the other two theories, in
practice, it aligns well with the idea that the achievement of individual mental and emotional health supports the functioning of the family
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This paper will discuss and identify cognitive–behavioral treatment options that is available for individual or group's needs in jail, prison, or
community corrections. Also, discuss cognitive behavioral treatment as the individual or population moves from the correctional environment to the
community. Yet, discuss the efficacy of the cognitive behavioral treatment options available.
Keywords: [community, recidivism, cognitive–behavioral treatment (CBT) offender
To clarify, the meaning of cognitive–behavioral treatment (CBT) is teaching the offender a new way of thinking along with changing behaviors. Such
as, replacing negative behaviors with positive behaviors. ... Show more content on ...
While the mental health professional match levels of intensity treatment with the right offenders. The mental health professional needs to know that
elevated risk offenders need to receive intensive treatment to reduce the number of recidivism among the offenders. Also, that minimal risk offender
receives low intensive treatment.
The literature talks about interventions, and how to preform them when dealing with elevated risk offenders. Discuss the efficacy of the cognitive
behavioral treatment. Since, the empirical findings of the CBT can handle the complexity of problems as well as, the simplest of problems. The use
of CBT has been used in a lot of different disorders.
However, CBT in juvenile correction has many phases in dealing with juvenile like CBT can be used to help strengthen female protective knowledge,
and behaviors about the origins and modes of transmitting sexual transmitted diseases. Also, CBT can help promote academic competence in juvenile.
With juvenile CBT can be applied in many various levels at the individual level as
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And Narrative Therapy
This paper is going to look into two models of intervention that Ben and I think might help him cope with things going on in his every day life. The
two that we have chosen are Cognitive–behavioral therapy and Narrative therapy. We will look into both of these and also as we do that we will find
out what the role of the social worker is in both cases. Cognitive–behavioral therapy can help you notice the discouraging thoughts that make you feel
bad. These thoughts are sometimes called irrational or automatic thoughts. Using Cognitive–behavioral therapy you can learn to stop these thoughts
and replace them with helpful thoughts. Positive thinking, or healthy thinking, is a way to help you stay well or cope with a health problem by
changing how you think. Its based on research that shows that you can change how you think. And how you think affects how you feel. If you think
in a positive way, you may be more able to care for yourself and handle lifes challenges. You will feel better. And you may be more able to avoid or
cope with stress, and depression. In the 1960s, Aaron T. Beck, a psychiatrist, observed that during his analytical sessions, his patients tended to have an
internal dialogue going on in their minds, almost as if they were talking to themselves. But they would only report a fraction of this kind of thinking to
him. For example, in a therapy session the client might be thinking to him– or herself: "He (the therapist) hasn't said much today. I wonder if he's
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CCBT)
This cognitive behavioral therapy is mainly developed with some contents of cognition within the mind that are specifically directed towards the
disorder a human body suffer.
For those people who are consistently suffering from severe depression or even mild to moderate depression, considering of one or more of these
interventions or stopping techniques is required as guided by the preference of a person [5]. They are:
Depending upon the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, a person uses to guide him/her own self.
Use of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (CCBT)
A program of well–organized group of physical activity
Treatment of various beneficial drugs
However, regular use of antidepressants in order to treat symptoms of consistent subthreshold depression or even mild to moderate depression should
not be followed. The reason for this is that the ratio between the risk and benefit is quite poor. However, considering these patients with... Show more
content on ...
It also demonstrates an equal amount of efficiency as compared to pharmacotherapy which is also used for depression. Similarly, there are a large
number of clinic trials that admits and supports the efficiency and effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy used to eliminate depression as stated
by researchers. On the other hand, within the phase of acute treatment, a combined therapy which consists of medication and cognitive behavioral
therapy has been considered as superior either to a single medication or even to CBT that is used as a separate treatment tool for patients having
severe depression or even depression's chronic forms. One of the most important benefits of CBT is that it greatly reduces relapse or recurrence to a
great extent as compared to any of those antidepressant
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And Narrative Therapy
This paper is going to look into two models of intervention that Ben and I think might help him cope with things going on in his every day life. The
two that we have chosen are Cognitive–behavioral therapy and Narrative therapy. We will look into both of these and also as we do that we will find
out what the role of the social worker is in both cases. Cognitive–behavioral therapy can help you notice the discouraging thoughts that make you feel
bad. These thoughts are sometimes called irrational or automatic thoughts. Using Cognitive–behavioral therapy you can learn to stop these thoughts
and replace them with helpful thoughts. Positive thinking, or healthy thinking, is a way to help you stay well or cope with a health problem by
changing how you think. Its based on research that shows that you can change how you think. And how you think affects how you feel. If you think
in a positive way, you may be more able to care for yourself and handle lifes challenges. You will feel better. And you may be more able to avoid or
cope with stress, and depression. In the 1960s, Aaron T. Beck, a psychiatrist, observed that during his analytical sessions, his patients tended to have an
internal dialogue going on in their minds, almost as if they were talking to themselves. But they would only report a fraction of this kind of thinking to
him. For example, in a therapy session the client might be thinking to him– or herself: "He (the therapist) hasn't said much today. I wonder if he's
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Cognitive And Behavioral Therapy In Psychology
Cognitive and behavioral therapy is an integral component of psychology and sociology. The knowledge of psychology is applicable to managing
several behavioral, mental, and mental anomalies. Psychological theories differ in the manner in which they explain various phenomena in the society.
In managing these behavioral and mental anomalies, these psychological theories provide a very insightful approach in terms of assessment of the
condition, the actual therapy, and the evaluation of the outcome of the process. It is in the interest of this work, through a case study, to give an insight
into these theoretical dispositions in evaluating the behavioral, social, and cognitive construct of individuals
Dependent on the condition of an individual, ... Show more content on ...
In the case of Jane, the focus will be on understanding her behavior in the context of the environmental variables but completely ignoring the inner
psychological issues that control her mental processes. Jane's case will be very difficult to pursue – in regards to cognitive therapy; this is because of
the "dissociation" of the important aspects of mental issues in defining character (O'connor, 2009). The theoretical assumption of the behaviorist is in
stark contrast with the assumptions of the cognitivists. The cognitivists study the mental processes in totality (Mowrer,
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Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive therapy, now called cognitive behavioral therapy was developed by Aaron Beck. Beck believed that dysfunctional thought processes and
beliefs are responsible for an individual's behaviors and feelings. He also believed that individuals' have the ability identify these distorted thoughts
and change them to more realistic thinking in order to relieve their psychological discomfort. This type of therapy is designed to be a short–term,
straight–forward and structured approach to counseling in which counselors and clients work together. I strongly identify with cognitive behavioral
therapy because I believe all behaviors are a result of incorrect thoughts and beliefs. Irrational and negative thinking can influence an individual's
ability to cope and deal with any difficulties they may be experiencing. I also like cognitive behavioral therapy because it briefly includes a client's
historical background in its approach to counseling. I feel that counselors should include a client's past experiences when trying to understand at what
point the client's incorrect assumptions developed. I believe that everybody in this world always has a choice on how they handle and behave in their
given situation and circumstances. In cognitive behavioral therapy, once the counselor and client have identified the irrational thoughts and evaluated
whether there is any evidence to its validity, the client has the ability to choose whether or not they desire to change their distorted ways of
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And Reality Therapy
My personal model is growing and changing as I am learning more and developing as a social worker. At this point, my personal model pulls ideas
from cognitive behavioral therapy and reality therapy. Though my model is still evolving, I feel as though the basis of my thoughts and beliefs are
sound. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to have a "structured, short–term, present–oriented psychotherapy for depression, directed toward
solving current problems and modifying dysfunctional thinking and behavior (Beck, 1995, p. 1)." It has been shown successful in not only treating
depression, but also a wide range of psychiatric disorders in various client populations. Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the cognitive model,
which assumes that dysfunctional thinking is common to psychological disturbances. Realistic modifications of thinking can result in an overall
improvement of mood and behaviors. These improvements ultimately come from the modification of the patient's fundamental dysfunctional beliefs
(Beck, 1995). Beck (1995) writes how cognitive therapy is based on the cognitive model. This is how an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
play into their interpretation of events. The way people emotionally react and respond to a situation is based on how they interpret a situation rather
than the situation itself. The initial reaction thoughts are called automatic thoughts. These thoughts stem from beliefs. They are situation specific and
are considered
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Behavioral Therapy ( Bt ) And Cognitive Therapy
Behavioral Therapy (BT) and Cognitive Therapy (CT) are two of the most common therapies used my psychologists/therapists today. In this paper I
will be discussing how BT and CT approach the many aspects of the therapeutic process, including, but not limited to, the focus of the therapy and how
the therapist approaches a client's problems. As a conclusion, I will be comparing the overall beliefs and practices of cognitive and behavioral therapies.
What is Behavioral Therapy? Before I dive into what scholars say about BT, I will look into what Behavioral Therapy is at a basic level. "Behavioral
therapy practitioners focus on directly observable behavior, current determinants of behavior, learning experiences that promote change, tailoring
treatment strategies to individual clients, and rigorous assessment and evaluation" (Corey, 2013, p. 227). There is strong evidence for the
effectiveness of behavioral therapy as it has been able to treat a wide range of psychological disorders since its origin in the 1950s and early 1960s.
The general practice of behavior therapy is one of the most common therapies used among therapists today, but, "it is difficult to find a consensus on
the definition of behavior therapy because the field has grown, become more complex, and is marked by a diversity of views" (Corey, 2013). The
general ideas and practices of behavior therapy have stood the test of time and many therapists have expanded on the original individual behavioral
approach to
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Cognitive Behavioral And Behavioral Therapy
The Cognitive Behavioural and Person–Centred approaches to therapy have many theoretical and practical differences, however they are also similar
in their view of the individuals they seek to help. This essay will look at a hypothetical case study, involving a client named Stan who has been
ordered to attend therapy sessions by a judge in relation to a driving under the influence of alcohol charge. Stan presents a number of issues affecting
his self–image, confidence, identity and motivation. For the purpose of this essay, Stan's depression and anxiety will be examined in the context of
both Cognitive Behavioural and Person–Centred approaches to therapy. Additionally, the integration of these two approaches and the limitations and
ethical considerations of such an amalgam will also be addressed. The Cognitive Behavioural approach to therapy sees the client–therapist relationship
as a collaborative effort to identify disturbances in the client's cognitive processes and to then transform these processes to create beneficial changes in
thought and behaviour (Corey, 2013). Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a structured therapy whereby the therapist may take a direct approach
in collaborating with the client to set goals and create a therapeutic agenda (Josefowitz & Myran, 2005). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy makes use of an
array of interventions which promote skills within the client to facilitate self–directed change (Josefowitz & Myran, 2005). Rational Emotive Behaviour
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Cognitive Behavioral Theory And Behavioral Therapy
A Cognitive Behavioral Approach to The Case of Stan
Overview – Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavior therapy, or CBT, combines both cognitive and behavioral principles and methods in a
short–term treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapies are based on a psychoeducational model that emphasizes the role of homework and places
responsibility on the client, assuming an active role both during and outside of the therapy sessions (Correy 2009). CBT can be thought of as a
combination of both psychotherapy and behavioral therapy; psychotherapy emphasizes the importance of the personal meaning we place on things and
how thinking patterns begin in childhood, behavioral therapy looks at the relationship between our problems, our behavior and our thoughts (Martin
2016). It focuses on strategies to change distorted cognitions to bring about change to the clients way of thinking. CBT is based on the assumption
that the recognizing of a distorted way of thinking and negative self image will result in a corresponding change of one's behavior. Operant
conditioning, modeling, and behavioral rehearsal are some of the behavioral techniques that can also be applied to the subjective processes of thinking
and internal dialogue (Beck 1991). The way cognitive behavioral therapy works is complex and there are several possible theories about how it works.
The methods of CBT are useful because the client solves problems that may be long–standing and stuck (Martin 2016).
Analysis – The
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay
From what I have read, there are a few researchers that have found cognitive–behavioral therapy to be effective in treating these offenders and reducing
their likelihood of reoffending (Moster, Wnuk, & Jeglic, 2008), (Lipsey, Landenberger, & Wilson, 2007), & (Schaffer, Jeglic, Moster, & Wnuk, 2010).
All of these researchers agree that the primary and most common method used to treat these offenders is cognitive–behavioral therapy. Moster, Wnuk,
and Jeglic (2008) disclose that their findings suggest that cognitive–behavioral therapy is used to treat all offenders including sex offenders, and
produces very modest effects. In the study they analyzed they not that there are differences in the recidivism rates for those who complete treatment
and those who do not, with those who do not complete treatment having higher rates of recidivism, overall. Therefore, implying that though the effects
are modest they exist, and are likely the reason that... Show more content on ...
pedophilia, exhibitionism, sadism, etc.) (Kaplan & Krueger, 2012). Dolan (2009) introduces a notion that involves combining cognitive–behavioral
therapy with other methods to yield better results. Essentially, it is discussed in Dolan's (2009) article that sufficient evidence exists to suggest
combining cognitive–behavioral treatments with relapse prevention, intensive residential treatment, and community–based sex offender treatment
programs can reduce the risk of recidivism. Dolan (2009) describes a combined method that needs further research but could be a successful pairing in
cognitive–behavioral therapy and psychopharmacologicals/pharmacological treatments. Essentially, Dolan (2009) is introducing new advancements in
sex offender treatments to be paired with cognitive–behavioral therapy because the research is leading Dolan to believe that this approach does not
work on its
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Behavioral Therapies : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
From the lens of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, an integrated mix of both cognitive and behavioral approaches is best suited the treatment of
clients. All the approaches under Cognitive Behavioral Therapy require several different attributes. Some of them being; the need for a positive
working relationship between client and therapist, the belief that distress is a cognitive process, treatment is a focus in changing cognitions to create
positive change in mood or behavior. Changing irrational cognitions create a domino effect to other aspects of people's lives. Clinicians take on an
active and direct role with the client that desire to obtain educational learning and restructuring of old cognitions by clients. All Cognitive Behavioral
therapies are to challenge the cognitive process to bring on positive change. One of the most popular and widely used Cognitive Behavioral Therapies
is known as Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, abbreviated as REBT. This psychotherapy helps an array of issues a client may come in with, like
depression, anxiety, anger, stress, guilt and even difficulties with procrastination. A therapist using REBT guides a client in how one's own thoughts
affect feelings (ABC's of REBT). This holistic approach was developed by Albert Ellis in the 1950s and has an emphasis on the cause and effect
relationship that cognition, emotions and behaviors have on one another. Ellis developed the theory when reflecting on his adolescence; during this
time, he
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Cognitive Behavioral And Behavioral Family Therapy
Week 11 Assignment: Signature Assignment: Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Rayon L. Walton Nortcentral University One of the most effective
components of MFT is Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT). CBFT incorporates cognitive processes that affect behavior and applies it to the
therapeutic process of clients. The foundational principles of CBFT stem from behavioral concepts that were impacted by issues that affected clients
such as phobias, anxiety and parenting deficiencies; studying how clients fortify or maintain certain behavioral symptoms and patterns (Gehart, 2014).
CBFT was founded in 2005 when Frank Dattilio (adopting concepts from traditional cognitive therapy) introduced a cognitive–based approach to assist
in the therapeutic process when dealing with couples and families (Dattilio, 2005; Epstein & Baucom, 2005). Dattilio (2005) adopted concepts from
key contributors like Gerald Patterson and Marion Forgatch (1987) – significant developers of one of the most prominent behavioral parent training
programs. Other key contributors include Neil Jacobson and Andrew Christensen who developed behavioral couple therapy in the early 1970's with the
outlook for improving couple functioning and emphasis on partner acceptance (a model that was later coined integrative behavioral couples therapy
(Gehart, 2014, p. 277). Norman Epstein and John Gottman were also key influencers of Dattilio's (2005) perspectives; their concepts of cognitive
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Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy is a school of psychotherapy that intends to assist individuals with conquering their
emotional issues. A focal idea in CBT is that you feel the way you think. Therefore, CBT focuses on the fact that you can live all the more
cheerfully and effectively in you begin thinking with a better mindset. CBT urges you to comprehend that you 're thought process or beliefs lie
between the occasion and your definitive sentiments and activities. The way that one thinks, what they believe, and their personal perspective on an
event, create the emotional and/or behavioral responses that they will exhibit. Subsequently, CBT is an objective coordinated, deliberate, critical
thinking way to deal with emotional issues. History of CBT Modern day CBT has been impacted by two noteworthy restorative methodologies:
firstly, 'Behavior Therapy ' as created by Wolpe and others in 1950s and 1960s; and furthermore, 'Cognitive Therapy ' which was produced by A.T.
Beck in the 1960s. Behavior therapy developed in the 1950s, as Freudian therapy was becoming under fire due to the absence of evidence to bolster
either its hypothesis or its adequacy. Behavior therapy was emphatically affected by the behaviorist development in scholastic research, which took the
perspective that what went on inside an individual 's psyche was not specifically observable. Rather behaviorists searched for reproducible relationships
between recognizable events and
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Behavioral Therapy Vs Cognitive Therapy
Behavioral therapy coexists with cognitive therapy, or does it? After researching the two psychological therapies I was able to pinpoint the similarities
and dissimilarities of the two.It is easy for both therapies to be confused and not presume the other (Knot). Both therapies are often used
interchangeably to differentiate them from conventional forms of therapy. After years of being labeled as the same the two have finally been
distinguished as separate (Knot).
Behavioral therapy is a treatment that helps to change self–destructing behaviors. Behavioral modification or cognitive behavioral therapies are other
names for behavioral therapy (Gotter). This type of therapy focuses on how to change current problems. The idea is that all behaviors ... Show more
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Treatment isn't as simple as one may assume. When I first began reading about the treatment plan for cognitive therapy I was baffled because I
thought it seemed very simple. My perception of it was that all a therapist or anyone for that matter, just needed to make someone think of a
happy time and all would slowly be good. Needless, to say I was totally wrong! Although, patients are pushed to think of happy times it is a time
consuming process. People vary, which is why for some this process comes easy to where as others it is difficult. I learned that people who find it
difficult are those who would like immediate relief. Also, it is tough for some people to learn new skills as it is, so the thought of having to learn new
skills to change negative thoughts may initially be extremely hard
(WiseGeek). If one applies himself while using this therapy it can be well worth the tasks.
Overall, what makes behavioral therapy different from cognitive therapy?
Originally, cognitive therapy was used solely for the treatment of depression. It wasn't until later that Dr. Aaron Beck and other researchers went on to
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Cognitive Therapies And Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy, on the contrary, utilizes directive consulting tools to control and guide its patients. These include such things as asking
questions, interpreting, and providing direction to a client's attention and emotions. "Aaron Beck developed cognitive therapy, an approach that focuses
on recognizing and changing negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs into more realistic and constructive thoughts and beliefs" (Erford, 2014). It is
believed that cognitive behavioral therapy is manipulative in nature. Cognitive behavioral therapy has two main components, these are cognitive
therapies and behavioral therapies. Cognitive therapies are concerned with how a client interprets the world around them, such as their environment
and the situations with which they are faced with, as well as how these interpretations shape their emotional states and how they respond to them.
Basically cognitive therapy focuses on the clients thought processes. It analyzes how the client thinks, why the client thinks a certain way, and strives
to changes these patterns in a positive and nurturing way to produce proper emotional states to replace the current maladaptive process that cause
disharmony within and for the client. Behavioral therapy is the next step in the counseling process. Its focus is on action instead of thought, and gives
the therapist effective tools to assist the client in the production of positive behavioral patterns. This is done by rewarding positive changes in
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy As The Talking Therapy
The Royal College of Psychiatrists describes cognitive behavioral therapy as the talking therapy, its aim to help people understand how a problem
began, why it's still a problem and what's keeping the problem going (RCP, 2016). Cognitive behavioral therapy also links between thoughts, feeling
and behavior, in simpler words, it links between the process of our thoughts and what we feel and what we do (Becks,1995 ). Cognitive behavioral
therapy has been found to be very effective in treating wide range of problems like (RCP,2016 );
Low self–esteem
Obsessive – compulsive disorder Post–traumatic distress disorder
There are numerous methods and approaches to assessment. Most cognitive behavior therapists have their ... Show more content on ...
It's believed that lack of structure and focus are great predictors of poor therapy outcome, however, a competent therapist would structure the sessions
from the first assessment session. (Pretorius,2006 )
The therapist demonstrated it's important to orient the client to cognitive behavioral therapy during the first session ( Cully J, Teten A , 2008). In
Clip 1, 2.10 the therapist showed that he was able to discuss the theory underlying cognitive behavioral therapy, he was able to explain the structure,
the format, and expectation of therapy (Cully J, Teten A , 2008 ). He was also able to explore the client knowledge of cognitive behavioral therapy
(Kinsella, P. & Garland, A., 2008 ) by asking her if she had any prior experience with cognitive behavioral therapy or any form ofPsychotherapy. This
can give the therapist an idea of prior exposure (Strong, S.R. & Matross, R.P. (1973) ). There are many clients who had not experienced or had very
little exposure to psychotherapy ( Westra et al, 2010). It's imperative to provide clients with an understanding of the therapeutic process which allows
clients to be more active and more involved of their progress of their therapy (Westra et al, 2010 ). By orienting clients, their knowledge of cognitive
behavioral therapy would enhance their collaborative nature to therapy (Beck, 2013). I found this approach very clear
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Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Medications are easy way out–it's a form of escape that suppresses the illness rather than cure it. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, on the other hand, is a
guided education technique that teaches one how to live a healthy lifestyle by understanding and overcoming their fear, thus curing the illness from it's
root. Cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of short–term psychotherapy was originally designed to treat depression, but over the years have been used
for a number of mental illnesses including anxiety, mood swings, substance abuse, personality disorder and some others, showing promising results. As
the name suggests, it's a combination of both cognitive and behavioral principles that acknowledges that some behaviors emerge based on prior
conditioning from the environment and external or internal stimuli, and cannot be controlled through rational thought and/or medication. The efficacy
of programs that utilize cognitive behavioral therapy have been researched and questioned over time. However, more often than not, it's believed that
as stated by DeRubeis, Siegle, & Hollon (2008), "cognitive therapy is as efficacious as antidepressant medications at treating depression, and it seems
to reduce the risk of relapse even after its discontinuation." (p. 1) This is because cognitive behavioral therapy and anti–depressants utilize similar
neural mechanisms to treat distinctive individuals and target specific disorders instead of an overall cure. This paper discusses how this
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • 1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Theory Critique on: Cognitive Behavioral and Reality Therapy Liberty College Debra Borzym Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Aaron Beck is known as the pioneer of cognitive therapy, which has been a utilized approach to psychotherapy. Beck attempted to further Freud's theory of depression; however, the research moved more towards errors in logic, coined "cognitive distortions" which were deemed the basis of underlying dysfunction and depression. The fundamental aspect of cognitive therapy, which later integrated components of behaviorism, was the carry–over of negative beliefs that reflected the individual's pathological behavior. In addition to Beck, Albert Ellis contributed to the development of a cognitive... Show more content on ... Challenge and action towards unfair and unjust treatment of others has been the foundation for socialized modifications in society. If people did not question social unfairness then there would have never been righteousness or change. Jesus Christ went against the values of the people of his time. He went out into the world and offered others a different way to live. He accepted others, such as Mary Magdalene for whom they were and did not judge nor persecute them. Cognitive behavioral theory focuses more thought and actions, which eliminates a judgmental stance that can be defeatist to client esteem. The client in essence can perceive this as accepting, just like Jesus, which can be fertile towards the client having esteem in him or herself. That esteem can motivate action and change. The client in essence will "move a muscle to change a thought". Lastly I have mixed views on the use of confrontation in this therapy. If done correctly this practice can promote change but I question what right a counselor has on saying what is healthy or unhealthy for a client. This is why I see the therapy as limited There are times when a client is facing immediate crisis and does not have time to explore and connect piece of the past to promote the needed change that's why I feel this therapy can be appropriate. At the same time a present issue may go unresolved if the client is unable to "connect the dots" which show a history of dysfunctional
  • 2. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Principles Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Perspective on Treatment Beck et al (1985) states that there are 10 principles of cognitive behavioral therapy. These principles are the foundation of the therapy. The principles discuss how the cognitive model is used as a basis for interventions. The principles go on to demonstrate that cognitive therapy is a brief intervention. Since the therapy is so brief it is important to stay on task in the therapeutic work being done. Since cognitive behavioral therapy is also time limited it needs to be structured. Another factor is that it is a problem–oriented intervention. A warm therapeutic relationship is the basis for this intervention technique. Not only is a sound relationship required, the work should be collaborative between the two individuals. This incorporates the expertise of the therapist on the theory and the expertise of the client on themselves. The therapy uses questions and answers between the therapist and client to process the client's distorted thinking. One principle stresses the educational factor of this model. Another principle follows this educational piece and requires homework for clients. The final idea of the principles is that therapist use inductive thinking to process the client's thoughts and ideas. Status of Current Empirical Support for the Model Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the common treatment theories in today's theoretical models. Butler, Chapman, Forman, and Beck (2006) conducted a meta–analysis on treatment outcomes done ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Existential Therapy And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy My theoretical orientation would be existential therapy because it is more of a way of thinking than a particular style. It relates to the currents struggles in a person's life such as anxieties, love, alones, and responsibilities. The focus is on self–awareness and the freedom of choice that a person has in order to decide their own fate, as well as the search for meaning in their lives. Existential therapy believes that there are not victims because of the things that happen in our lives, it believes that life is what you make it and we are what we choose. Existential also allows the client to begin to take charge of their own lives and begin to shape it into the way that they want it go, and make the necessary ... Show more content on ... Helping people to see that they have to take responsibility for the things that are happening in their lives, by examining and restructuring their belief system. It is important to remember when using Cognitive Behavioral therapy that many of the problems that the person may have can possibly stem from childhood, but can be reinforced by the way that they are thinking as adults. The therapist can assist in these faulty beliefs and replacing them with more effective beliefs. The relationship with a client using Cognitive Behavioral therapy, is to work as a teacher. It requires both the client and the therapis and the therapist is very directive. The therapist also promotes reexposing experiences that lead to change and learning new skills. Cognitive Behavioral therapy is solution focused geared towards solving problems and learning life skills. The goal is to help the client get better in whatever areas of their lives that is needed, and to stay better. Cognitive Behavioral therapy has helped in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, personality disorders, and substance abuse to name a few. It has also helped in mental disorder such as bipolar and schizophrenia. This approach has been used in children, families, and couples (National Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Counseling, Cognitive And Behavioral Therapies Introduction Counseling is a therapy that involves communication using a variety of methods. Verbal, nonverbal, and written are some of the ways to communicate during counseling. Counseling allows a person to share their feelings, thoughts and problems to another (a counselor) in a dependable and confidential environment. Normally the counselor empathizes with the clients. Many types of counseling are evident depending on the type of problem one has. Counseling usually involves the psychology, therefore, can be termed as psychological therapy. One of the psychological therapies is behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy involves behaviors and cognitions. Apparently, cognitive and behavioral therapies are based on the thinking of the individual and on the way the individuals behave. Cognitive and behavioral therapies are of importance and that is the area of my specialization. Type 1 Cognitive and behavioral therapies are subdivided severally. They include acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), behavioral therapy, cognitive analytic therapy (CAT),cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and cognitive therapy. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a behavioral analysis that uses strategies like mindfulness and acceptance to aid in increasing flexibility of psychology. Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) is a form that tries to assemble ideas together from both analytic and cognitive into integrative models. CAT helps the client understand the reasons as to why they behave ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Djiedjorm Doe (Dede) Middlesex Community College Cognitive behavioral therapy, commonly known as CBT, is a systematic process by which we learn to change our negative thought into more positive ones. CBT is a combination of two types of therapy, cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. cognition is our thought, socognitive behavioral therapy combines working with our thought process and changing our behavior at the same time. Cognitive behavioral therapists believe that our behavior and feelings are influenced by the way we think, also our mood is affected by our behavior and thought process. CBT tries to tackle our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Research has shown that cognitive behavioral ... Show more content on ... Behavior therapy consequently gained distinction but in the 1960s, these therapies were initially controversial and primarily relegated to the treatment of behavior dysfunction in severely disordered children. It was until the mid to late 1970's that the expansion of behavioral therapies reached higher functioning clients, mix the role of cognitive processing, and incorporate a focus on emotions. The transition did not happen at once. In the end. Social cognitive processing of self–control, and emotion regulation were blended into behavioral intervention and emerged as CBT of the present day. Before there was CBT, there was behavioral therapy which initially was controversial and underestimated however ultimately paved the way for empirically–supported treatments for mental health disorders of youth. For example, of an early behavioral intervention. "Though clinical applications of behavioral strategies did not begin in seriousness until the 1960 's, initial work set the stage by targeting and addressing observable behavior and by measuring outcomes for later child cognitive–behavioral interventions". Many behavioral processes continue to be used within CBT. Over time, behavioral therapy began to address the thought processes and cognitive skills that were seen as involved in the implementation and receipt of contingency management and came to be implemented among less ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Cognitive Theory : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Educational Settings Rebecca Yoder John Carroll University Abstract Cognitive theories are believed to centralize around the idea that a thought is the cause for emotions. Cognitive theory has directly influenced the development of other cognitively based therapies that provide a more in–depth and concentrated approach to the presenting problems of a client. Specifically, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one division of the cognitive theory that focuses on the link between cognitions (thoughts) and the behaviors presented due to the cognitions. Therapies using cognitive theory implement several techniques that are proven effective in treating mental disorders throughout various settings. This paper describes the author's experience and approach to counseling in relation to specific cognitive theories, as well as the ways in which specific theories will be implemented in to the educational setting. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that links an individuals' beliefs to the behaviors that they display. Concepts of CBT focus on changing target behaviors into new desired behaviors and disputing irrational thoughts an individual may have and helping the person to work through those thoughts in order to make positive changes. CBT drew my attention immediately because of personal experiences and my experiences with students I have taught in the school system. These experiences and the research I completed ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy For Bulimia Nervosa INTRODUCTION Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating as well as by self–induced vomiting and/or laxative abuse (Mitchell, 1986). Episodes of overeating typically alternate with attempts to diet, although the eating habits of bulimics and their methods of weight control vary (Fairburn et al., 1986). The majority of bulimics have a body weight within the normal range for their height, build, and age, and yet possess intense and prominent concerns about their shape and weight (Fairburn et al., 1986). Individuals with bulimia nervosa are aware that they have an eating problem, and therefore are often eager to receive help. The most common approach to ... Show more content on ... Behavioral techniques utilized by CBT are designed not only to change certain behaviors, but also to elicit the individual's cognitions associated with specific behaviors. COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL TREATMENT OF BULIMIA CBT treatment typically lasts about 20 weeks and can be divided into three stages (Fairburn et al., 1993). In the first stage, the cognitive view on the maintenance of bulimia is presented, and behavioral techniques are implemented to replace binge eating with more stable eating patterns. In the second stage, additional attempts are made to establish healthy eating habits, and an emphasis is placed upon the elimination of dieting. Cognitive processes (previously outlined) are focused upon extensively in this stage; the therapist and the individual examine his/her thoughts, beliefs, and values which maintain the eating problem. The final stage is concerned with maintaining the gains made in therapy once the treatment has been terminated (Fairburn et al., 1993). The cognitive view of the maintenance of bulimia nervosa stresses that there is more to an individual's eating problem then just binge eating (and purging). Low self–esteem, extreme concerns about shape and weight, and strict dieting are all implicated in perpetuating the vicious cycle of bulimia (Fairburn et al., 1993). Within the first stage of treatment (weekly sessions 1–8), the following steps characterize the cognitive–behavioral approach: 1) orient
  • 9. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy Anxiety is the most common mental health problem in the United States today. According to the article about (Bourne, 2005). Fifteen percent of the American population is widely affected by anxiety. This is the number one health problem amongst American women. Only half of the individuals affected will seek and receive treatment (Danton, Altrocchi, Antonuccio, Basta, 1994). My topic I am studying is group therapy and the effects it has on anxiety as compared to individual therapy. One of the most common disorders attached to anxiety is social anxiety. It impacts a large amount on an individual's life. Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy (CBGT) is the most researched program for Anxiety/social anxiety. It's centered around group therapy based on interventions where the cognitive behavior is restructured within the simulated exposure towards the usage of exercise. Researchers have evaluated the effectiveness of CBT in group treatments for anxiety disorders. This study is valuable because I think as a researcher it's necessary to determine if the patient does better in a group setting or individual therapy.... Show more content on ... It teaches the individual how to behave and learn how to handle anxiety towards stress and fearful situations. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is conducted by individual or group therapy. Treatments for anxiety disorder are generally treated with psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medications. It is necessary to make this study to see how people best benefit from this therapy, whether it is in group or individual therapy. Although there is a lot of literature on group therapy, there is not as much that compares the benefits of group therapy vs individual therapy. The purpose of this study is to look at group therapy and the effects it has on anxiety as compared to individual ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the scientific fact that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not the external things themselves, such as people, situations or events. This means that we can change the way we think in order to feel and act better, although the situation has not changed. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the fastest therapy by achieving the desired therapeutic results, because of its highly instructional nature and the use of homework assignments. The structure of cognitive behavioral treatment includes: пЂPsychoeducation – therapist gives information about the intrusive thoughts, and that every person has the occasional experience with them. Cognition of this facilitates the normalization of their ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Examples Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is often used to help patients with PTSD to regain a sense of control of their life in order to improve the quality of life. The basic of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one that refers to any kind of treatment based on the idea that psychological issues appear due to the way in which we interpret situation, or evaluate feelings and thoughts (Caddell, 2015). It has been found to be successful in counseling in order to improve and reduce their symptoms, and learn healthier ways to cope if any stressful thoughts appear again (Tull, 2013). There are several forms of treatment that are used to treat the people with PTSD would be considered as cognitive behavioral therapy (Tull, 2014): Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) Exposure Processing Therapy (EPT) Cognitive Processing Therapy: This treatment is developed based on the conflict that is called as 'stuck point' (Tull, ... Show more content on ... People with PTSD get angry easily. In addition to that, family members will be affected indirectly through this anger. For example, children and your partner may feel the anger from you. They will feel scared, angry or other negative thoughts as a result of PTSD. The relationship within the family will be destroyed and gapped. Family therapy is a therapy which involves the whole family members with a therapist. In this therapy, the therapist will assist and counsel the whole family members in order to repair and maintain their relationship. Each family member can share their personal feeling about how they feel about this disorder based on their perspective. The key here is to be honest. This is a good way to understand and communicate with each other. Besides, they will learn about how to assist the person with PTSD to overcome this disorder. The important parts of treatment will be explained here to all of the members (, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy History The roots of the Cognitive–Behavioral Theory lie in the broadening of behavior therapy and has undoubtedly produced more empirical research than any other model of psychotherapy (Datillio, 2000a). Cognitive–Behavior theory is a theory based on the idea that a person's perspective is what guides the development and the preservation of their emotional and behavioral responses to situations within their lives as well as a plethora of studies that tested learning theories. The Cognitive–Behavior therapy also called CBT, relies on the belief that the person's perspective also stunts or expedites the emotional and behavioral adaptation to situations as well. This "belief" means that what you or I think governs how we respond to what goes... Show more content on ... However, Cognitive–behavioral therapy is one of the most well–known theories that has been used to help the victims of maltreatment. Between 2005 and 2006, over one million reports of child maltreatment; to include neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse was reported (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). In children the effects of maltreatment result in several psychological disorders to include depression, anxiety, PTSD and other behavioral issues whether it happened once or repeatedly. The effects of maltreatment in children can last through adolescence and on through adulthood for many. Trauma–Focused Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy (TF–CBT) is a very popular type of therapy that join the caregiver and the child's sessions. The basic process of this therapy is educate and improve parenting skills, teach relaxation techniques and skills, introduce cognitive coping skills, allow the child to talk about the narrative and make the child feel comfortable about talking about the trauma and allow the child cognitively process the traumatic events, ensure that the child feels safe. Trauma–Focused Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy (TF–CBT). For children who suffer post–traumatic stress syndrome, this treatment can require maintenance for up to 2 years after the child has completed treatment (Deblinger, Steer, & Lippmann, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay Introduction: In order to overcome behavioral problems such as anxiety, depression or fear, individuals usually communicate their problems or anxieties with their trusted friends or family members. In case of a somewhat complicated problem, a counselor is consulted. These are a relatively simple form of psychotherapies that individuals have been practicing from centuries. However, with the development of modern science and advancements in the field of psychology, theorists have identified some more effective approaches for psychoanalysis. The most noticeable work in this regard was done by Sigmund Freud who was the first to develop modern techniques for psychoanalysis. Despite of the fact that Freud's approaches towards psychoanalysis ... Show more content on ... Buddhism as a religion demands its followers to bring considerable psychological changes in terms of their lifestyle, thinking patterns etc. The Noble Eightfold Path discussed above, demands a major psychological change in an individual. It should be noted that this change is achievable through an individual's own effort. Some of the main psychological aspects are clearly discussed in Buddhism including the concept of motivation, perception and cognition. Discussing the concept of motivation, Buddhism clearly defines the basic motivations behind human actions. It declares that the behavior of an unenlightened person is derived by driven by craving or desire. As discussed earlier, this craving or desire is supposed to be responsible for suffering in life. Buddhism classifies desires, craving or "tanha" in three different forms named as kama tanha (desire for sensory satisfaction), bhava tanha (desire for survival) and vibhava tanha (desire for extermination). (Davidson & Harrington) In Buddhism, perception is believed to be based on twelve gateways, including the five senses, the mind or "inner sense" and the object of these six senses. The inner sense possesses the capability to mirror on the objects of the five senses. The amalgamation of each of the five senses and its objects result ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy The Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Young People Diagnosed with Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder Studies estimate that over one in four children will experience trauma before the age of sixteen, and many of these youth will go on to develop Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of their trauma (Silverman, Oritz, Viswesvaran, Burns, Kulko, Putnam, & Amaya–Jackson, 2008). Children and adolescents with PTSD can benefit from a mixture of the Cognitive and Behavioral models, presented in the form of Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Specifically, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF–CBT) is the most effective method to treat PTSD, utilizing techniques from two different perspectives (cognitive and behavioral) that can ... Show more content on ... The emergence of research dedicated to TF–CBT and its focus removes a significant amount of ambiguity from the prescription of treatment. Due to the overwhelming positive response in research, clinicians now can confidently recommend TF–CBT and prevent further suffering within patients. Also, completing additional research in this area could lead to even more efficient and helpful methods of treatment. For young people who experienced trauma, this interactive treatment method can bring about progressive changes in their behavior and their thoughts, which can help to eradicate PTSD over the course of treatment as well as the time that follows it. References Brown, E. J. (2005). Clinical characteristics and efficacious treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in children and adolescents. Pediatric Annals, 34, 2, 138–46. Silverman, W. K., Ortiz, C. D., Viswesvaran, C., Burns, B. J., Kolko, D. J., Putnam, F. W., & Amaya –Jackson, L. (2008). Evidence–Based psychosocial treatments for children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 37, 1, 156–183. Smith, P., Yule, W., Perrin, S., Tranah, T., Dalgleish, T., & Clark, D. M. (2007). Cognitive –Behavioral Therapy for PTSD in children and adolescents: a preliminary randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 46, 8, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Background Developed in the mid 1960s by Aaron Beck, the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model theorizes that the interpretation of both external and internal events is biased, and can tap unhealthy underlying beliefs that potentially lead to emotional distress (Beck, 2005). Over the years CBT has accumulated an impressive track record in the treatment of a variety of mood disorders. In 1985, a review of 220 studies using CBT in the treatment of depression concluded that 91% supported the model (Beck, 2005). Large–scale literature meta–analyses on CBT in the treatment of anxiety disorders have also shown CBT to be highly effective in this population, particularly with posttraumatic stress disorder (Beck, 2005). Additionally, since the late 1990s evidence has accumulated showing CBT to be an effective treatment approach in substance use disorders, including alcohol dependence, marijuana dependence, and cocaine dependence (Carroll, 2004). No wonder CBT has been characterized as "the fastest growing and most heavily researched orientation on the contemporary scene" (Prochaska & Norcross, 2003, p. 369). The combination of mental and substance use disorders, i.e., co–occurring disorders, is routinely missed in the psychiatric population (Mueser, 2003), and poorly treated (Carroll, 2004). Since CBT has firmly established itself as an effective treatment for both emotional and substance abuse disorders, it is a logical next step to examine its ability to treat individuals with ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Behavioral Therapy And Cognitive Therapy In this paper, I will compare and contrast Group Therapy and Cognitive therapy, more specifically, dialectical behavioral therapy, and the differences between assessment types that clinicians use to determine a diagnosis and therapy that would best benefit their client. In the second part of my paper, I will discuss and address different considerations in which a therapist should make in order to provide a safe and effectively therapeutic environment. Though therapy is a largely utilized form of mental health treatment, the different theories, types, and approaches are not commonly known. Therapy itself holds a stigma, rendering its components widely unknown and avoided by a vast population. Throughout history and many different cultures, there have been many forms of psychological treatment, some more humane than others. The ancient view was generally found to be that abnormality usually had something to do with evil spirits and cursed individuals; "they viewed the human body as a battleground between external forces of good and evil . . . abnormal behavior was typically interpreted as a victory by evil spirits, and the cure was to force the demon from a victim's body." (pg. 8 of book) Later, in Greek and Roman times, it was widely believed that abnormal behavior was formed and caused by dysfunction of the human body itself. It is clear that therapy, and knowledge of psychology in general, has come a long way; from asylums to reformation and moral treatment, today's ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Many people in the world today suffer from mental illnesses, including anxiety and depression. These two mental illnesses are considered to be the most common throughout the United States. In fact, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association (2015), approximately 40 million people suffer from anxiety, and 15 million people suffer from depression. These statistics are significant and overwhelming. Unfortunately, some people who suffer from these mental illnesses are not able to get the support they need because they do not have the appropriate resources. Furthermore, both therapy and medication do cost a price and not everyone is able to afford it. Treatment, such as therapy, is extremely important for people who suffer from... Show more content on ... Many of her patients have explained that these recordings have been very beneficial and have allowed them to get through difficult times. Kramer monitors her patient's symptoms in order to make sure that the interventions she uses are producing results. Some of the results she monitors for include a decrease in stress and maladaptive behaviors, and an increase in desirable behavior, family interaction and positive interactions with peers and teachers. It brings Kramer much joy when she notices a positive change in her patient's behavior. Along with Rachel Kramer, there are many other practitioners who are also using Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy in their practice. Some of the key components of CBT include: psycho–education, self–monitoring, cognitive restructuring, behavioral activism, communication skills, problem solving, and relaxation (Bru, Solholm, & Idsoe, 2013). Psycho–education provides a client with information regarding their mental health condition so they are able to move forward and deal with their mental disorder in the best way. Self–monitoring is also another key component in this type of therapy because it causes the client to keep track of their daily activities, cognitions and mood (Bru, Solholm, & Idsoe, 2013). Cognitive restructuring, on the other hand, focuses on teaching clients to identify their own irrational and maladaptive thoughts ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, in its most modern form, was developed in 1960 by Aaron T. Beck. However, CBT has an interesting history dating back to the 1920s in the United States and even earlier in other parts of the world. "Precursors of certain fundamental aspects of CBT have been identified in various ancient philosophical traditions, particularly Stoicism. Stoic philosophers, particularly Epictetus, believed logic could be used to identify and discard false beliefs that lead to destructive emotions, which has influenced the way modern cognitive–behavioral therapists identify cognitive distortions that contribute to depression and anxiety"(Beck, 2016). CBT was originally only used for depression but has since evolved into an almost... Show more content on ... Cognitive theory provides the foundation for CBT, which suggests that our emotions and behaviors are influenced by how we perceive events (Hepworth, 2016 pg. 197). CBT encourages individuals to formulate alternative ways of thinking about situations and problems, which in turn prompts emotional and behavioral changes. Clients are instructed to practice what they learn after sessions as a way to reinforce change (Beck, 2016). The Social Learning Theory states that "thoughts and emotions are best understood in the context of behaviors associated with cognition or cognitive processes, and the extent to which individuals adapt and respond to different stimuli and make self–judgments (Hepworth, 2016, p. 392)."In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, behavioral experiments are designed to test thoughts. To explain how the Social Learning and Cognitive Theories relate to treating the problem, here is an example. You might perform a behavioral experiment to test the thought "If I criticize myself after overeating, I 'll overeat less" vs. "If I talk to myself kindly after overeating, I 'll overeat less." CBT is used to get to a person's core beliefs. We develop these core beliefs through experiences in our life, mainly in our childhood. Social Learning and Cognitive Theories both begin in our childhood and are used as ways to explain how and why we develop the core beliefs that we develop as ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Therapy Plan Cognitive Behavioral Therapy THERAPY PLAN COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY Baron Jones Southern New Hampshire University, Online This paper will focus on the theoretical part of this case study that is how we can help the 23yrear old girl overcome the disorder that she is suffering from. Additionally the paper will incorporate the counseling knowledge gained in this course for example ways of dealing with patients in terms of being patient with the victim since the recovery process does not happen over a day it is a step by step process as the patient gains the ability to overcome the feeling and thought that make her regurgitating food and deal with the fear she has of being overweight and her friends calling her fat as the mother and friends explained. We will apply... Show more content on ... Later what comes up is the treatment phase that involves a 30 to 60 minutes discussion where the specialist helps subdivide the problems into portion and in each session the specialist will help the individual to change her negative thoughts and feelings and in our case thinking her friends are calling her fat or her fear of being overweight into more positive schemas using prescribed procedure by the specialist and over the week the patient will apply them and in their next meeting they will being by discussing if the individual was successful in handling the problem or not ( Nemade, Staats Reiss, Dombeck and 2007). Personality Theory Personality theories are theories that explain how various characteristics of a person such as intelligence, temperament, habits, skills, attitudes and traits define our uniqueness as human beings. Each person has his or her personality as characterized by the mentioned traits, and this explain the diversity in character in human beings. When treating mental illness, for example Anorexia Nervosa as a specialized counselor, it is important to consider a ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Depression comparable results for depression as antidepressant medications, making it a successful treatment alternative to medication. (Thoma, Pilecki, et al., 2015, p. 433) Since this is predicted to become such a major issue, the treatment for depression has become extremely important. According to Rachman, Cognitive behavioral therapy is also successful for the uses of treating obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety. For example, Salkovski 's analysis of OCD became an important part of the cognitive behavioral therapy model, which helped therapists focus on the client 's thoughts and feelings regarding their compulsive behaviors and urges. (Rachman, 2014, p.5) In the field of anxiety, studies also found that cognitive behavioral therapy showed favorable results in lowering symptoms for those diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. One of the majority methods of therapy for anxiety disorders is exposure therapy, which is the process when a client is directly confronted with the object that they fear throughout sessions. The process starts out slowly, until the last session where the client comes into direct contact with the object they fear. (Thoma, Pilecki, et al., 2015, p. 438) Cognitive behavior therapy expands into the treatment of many other issues such as phobias, psychosomatic disorders, post–traumatic stress disorder, panic disorders, couple and family therapy, divorce therapy, and skills training. A cognitive behavior therapist focuses on the client 's beliefs, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Therapy : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy As identified above the approach I used in my placement was Cognitive behavioural therapy. In this section of the learning journal I will discuss the appropriateness of CBT in working with this client group. I will begin by discussing my learning from attending the Men's support group. I will then use examples from these men's narratives to identifying where I see the benefits of a CBT approach. Common Therapeutic factors such as The importance of Unconditional positive regard will be discussed as element that is essential to the development of the therapeutic relationship. It will also be identified in the FAMILIES' service provides interventions to individuals who are experiencing a range of difficult emotions following their separation these include disbelief shock, fear, anger, a sense of powerlessness and often a profound sense of loss. In my experience of attending the Men's support Group and listening to the men's stories highlighted ongoing issues associated with their separation these included financial strain associated with division of assets, finding accommodation, court attendance, ongoing communication difficulties with x–partners and contact with their children. The men described the experience of separation and the impact of this loss in every domain of their lives including loss of family unit, identity as a father and partner, loss of future self, plans hopes, dreams. The change in their involvement in their children's lives seem to be the most ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Integration : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Integration. Cognitive–behavioral therapy can be a launching pad for families to begin employing practical steps to reach their relational goals. As the family is guided to recognize current dysfunctional core beliefs that exist within their system, they can be guided to see how these beliefs have cyclically shaped their interactions and intrapersonal dialogue. Once the origin of schemas is uncovered, the family can move to instituting new beliefs and patterns of interacting to redefine how the family functions and relates. Experiential theory could be a helpful tool to begin the schema–uncovering process while the cognitive restructuring applied through cognitive–behavioral therapy can be used to transition the clients from knowing the current schemas to developing and maintaining new ones. The goal of this transition is best articulated in systems theory as differentiation of self and relational balance. These theories work together to balance give and take in family relationships as well as allow members to articulate what they need that give and take to look like. Relationships vs. functioning. Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy is built on the premise that when problem behaviors are reduced and thought patterns change, the relationships in the family naturally improve. While this may seem contradictory to the other two theories, in practice, it aligns well with the idea that the achievement of individual mental and emotional health supports the functioning of the family ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Abstract This paper will discuss and identify cognitive–behavioral treatment options that is available for individual or group's needs in jail, prison, or community corrections. Also, discuss cognitive behavioral treatment as the individual or population moves from the correctional environment to the community. Yet, discuss the efficacy of the cognitive behavioral treatment options available. Keywords: [community, recidivism, cognitive–behavioral treatment (CBT) offender To clarify, the meaning of cognitive–behavioral treatment (CBT) is teaching the offender a new way of thinking along with changing behaviors. Such as, replacing negative behaviors with positive behaviors. ... Show more content on ... While the mental health professional match levels of intensity treatment with the right offenders. The mental health professional needs to know that elevated risk offenders need to receive intensive treatment to reduce the number of recidivism among the offenders. Also, that minimal risk offender receives low intensive treatment. The literature talks about interventions, and how to preform them when dealing with elevated risk offenders. Discuss the efficacy of the cognitive behavioral treatment. Since, the empirical findings of the CBT can handle the complexity of problems as well as, the simplest of problems. The use of CBT has been used in a lot of different disorders. However, CBT in juvenile correction has many phases in dealing with juvenile like CBT can be used to help strengthen female protective knowledge, and behaviors about the origins and modes of transmitting sexual transmitted diseases. Also, CBT can help promote academic competence in juvenile. With juvenile CBT can be applied in many various levels at the individual level as ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And Narrative Therapy This paper is going to look into two models of intervention that Ben and I think might help him cope with things going on in his every day life. The two that we have chosen are Cognitive–behavioral therapy and Narrative therapy. We will look into both of these and also as we do that we will find out what the role of the social worker is in both cases. Cognitive–behavioral therapy can help you notice the discouraging thoughts that make you feel bad. These thoughts are sometimes called irrational or automatic thoughts. Using Cognitive–behavioral therapy you can learn to stop these thoughts and replace them with helpful thoughts. Positive thinking, or healthy thinking, is a way to help you stay well or cope with a health problem by changing how you think. Its based on research that shows that you can change how you think. And how you think affects how you feel. If you think in a positive way, you may be more able to care for yourself and handle lifes challenges. You will feel better. And you may be more able to avoid or cope with stress, and depression. In the 1960s, Aaron T. Beck, a psychiatrist, observed that during his analytical sessions, his patients tended to have an internal dialogue going on in their minds, almost as if they were talking to themselves. But they would only report a fraction of this kind of thinking to him. For example, in a therapy session the client might be thinking to him– or herself: "He (the therapist) hasn't said much today. I wonder if he's ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CCBT) This cognitive behavioral therapy is mainly developed with some contents of cognition within the mind that are specifically directed towards the disorder a human body suffer. For those people who are consistently suffering from severe depression or even mild to moderate depression, considering of one or more of these interventions or stopping techniques is required as guided by the preference of a person [5]. They are: Depending upon the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, a person uses to guide him/her own self. Use of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (CCBT) A program of well–organized group of physical activity Treatment of various beneficial drugs However, regular use of antidepressants in order to treat symptoms of consistent subthreshold depression or even mild to moderate depression should not be followed. The reason for this is that the ratio between the risk and benefit is quite poor. However, considering these patients with... Show more content on ... It also demonstrates an equal amount of efficiency as compared to pharmacotherapy which is also used for depression. Similarly, there are a large number of clinic trials that admits and supports the efficiency and effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy used to eliminate depression as stated by researchers. On the other hand, within the phase of acute treatment, a combined therapy which consists of medication and cognitive behavioral therapy has been considered as superior either to a single medication or even to CBT that is used as a separate treatment tool for patients having severe depression or even depression's chronic forms. One of the most important benefits of CBT is that it greatly reduces relapse or recurrence to a great extent as compared to any of those antidepressant ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And Narrative Therapy This paper is going to look into two models of intervention that Ben and I think might help him cope with things going on in his every day life. The two that we have chosen are Cognitive–behavioral therapy and Narrative therapy. We will look into both of these and also as we do that we will find out what the role of the social worker is in both cases. Cognitive–behavioral therapy can help you notice the discouraging thoughts that make you feel bad. These thoughts are sometimes called irrational or automatic thoughts. Using Cognitive–behavioral therapy you can learn to stop these thoughts and replace them with helpful thoughts. Positive thinking, or healthy thinking, is a way to help you stay well or cope with a health problem by changing how you think. Its based on research that shows that you can change how you think. And how you think affects how you feel. If you think in a positive way, you may be more able to care for yourself and handle lifes challenges. You will feel better. And you may be more able to avoid or cope with stress, and depression. In the 1960s, Aaron T. Beck, a psychiatrist, observed that during his analytical sessions, his patients tended to have an internal dialogue going on in their minds, almost as if they were talking to themselves. But they would only report a fraction of this kind of thinking to him. For example, in a therapy session the client might be thinking to him– or herself: "He (the therapist) hasn't said much today. I wonder if he's ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Cognitive And Behavioral Therapy In Psychology Cognitive and behavioral therapy is an integral component of psychology and sociology. The knowledge of psychology is applicable to managing several behavioral, mental, and mental anomalies. Psychological theories differ in the manner in which they explain various phenomena in the society. In managing these behavioral and mental anomalies, these psychological theories provide a very insightful approach in terms of assessment of the condition, the actual therapy, and the evaluation of the outcome of the process. It is in the interest of this work, through a case study, to give an insight into these theoretical dispositions in evaluating the behavioral, social, and cognitive construct of individuals Dependent on the condition of an individual, ... Show more content on ... In the case of Jane, the focus will be on understanding her behavior in the context of the environmental variables but completely ignoring the inner psychological issues that control her mental processes. Jane's case will be very difficult to pursue – in regards to cognitive therapy; this is because of the "dissociation" of the important aspects of mental issues in defining character (O'connor, 2009). The theoretical assumption of the behaviorist is in stark contrast with the assumptions of the cognitivists. The cognitivists study the mental processes in totality (Mowrer, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive therapy, now called cognitive behavioral therapy was developed by Aaron Beck. Beck believed that dysfunctional thought processes and beliefs are responsible for an individual's behaviors and feelings. He also believed that individuals' have the ability identify these distorted thoughts and change them to more realistic thinking in order to relieve their psychological discomfort. This type of therapy is designed to be a short–term, straight–forward and structured approach to counseling in which counselors and clients work together. I strongly identify with cognitive behavioral therapy because I believe all behaviors are a result of incorrect thoughts and beliefs. Irrational and negative thinking can influence an individual's ability to cope and deal with any difficulties they may be experiencing. I also like cognitive behavioral therapy because it briefly includes a client's historical background in its approach to counseling. I feel that counselors should include a client's past experiences when trying to understand at what point the client's incorrect assumptions developed. I believe that everybody in this world always has a choice on how they handle and behave in their given situation and circumstances. In cognitive behavioral therapy, once the counselor and client have identified the irrational thoughts and evaluated whether there is any evidence to its validity, the client has the ability to choose whether or not they desire to change their distorted ways of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And Reality Therapy My personal model is growing and changing as I am learning more and developing as a social worker. At this point, my personal model pulls ideas from cognitive behavioral therapy and reality therapy. Though my model is still evolving, I feel as though the basis of my thoughts and beliefs are sound. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to have a "structured, short–term, present–oriented psychotherapy for depression, directed toward solving current problems and modifying dysfunctional thinking and behavior (Beck, 1995, p. 1)." It has been shown successful in not only treating depression, but also a wide range of psychiatric disorders in various client populations. Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the cognitive model, which assumes that dysfunctional thinking is common to psychological disturbances. Realistic modifications of thinking can result in an overall improvement of mood and behaviors. These improvements ultimately come from the modification of the patient's fundamental dysfunctional beliefs (Beck, 1995). Beck (1995) writes how cognitive therapy is based on the cognitive model. This is how an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors play into their interpretation of events. The way people emotionally react and respond to a situation is based on how they interpret a situation rather than the situation itself. The initial reaction thoughts are called automatic thoughts. These thoughts stem from beliefs. They are situation specific and are considered ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Behavioral Therapy ( Bt ) And Cognitive Therapy Behavioral Therapy (BT) and Cognitive Therapy (CT) are two of the most common therapies used my psychologists/therapists today. In this paper I will be discussing how BT and CT approach the many aspects of the therapeutic process, including, but not limited to, the focus of the therapy and how the therapist approaches a client's problems. As a conclusion, I will be comparing the overall beliefs and practices of cognitive and behavioral therapies. What is Behavioral Therapy? Before I dive into what scholars say about BT, I will look into what Behavioral Therapy is at a basic level. "Behavioral therapy practitioners focus on directly observable behavior, current determinants of behavior, learning experiences that promote change, tailoring treatment strategies to individual clients, and rigorous assessment and evaluation" (Corey, 2013, p. 227). There is strong evidence for the effectiveness of behavioral therapy as it has been able to treat a wide range of psychological disorders since its origin in the 1950s and early 1960s. The general practice of behavior therapy is one of the most common therapies used among therapists today, but, "it is difficult to find a consensus on the definition of behavior therapy because the field has grown, become more complex, and is marked by a diversity of views" (Corey, 2013). The general ideas and practices of behavior therapy have stood the test of time and many therapists have expanded on the original individual behavioral approach to ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Cognitive Behavioral And Behavioral Therapy The Cognitive Behavioural and Person–Centred approaches to therapy have many theoretical and practical differences, however they are also similar in their view of the individuals they seek to help. This essay will look at a hypothetical case study, involving a client named Stan who has been ordered to attend therapy sessions by a judge in relation to a driving under the influence of alcohol charge. Stan presents a number of issues affecting his self–image, confidence, identity and motivation. For the purpose of this essay, Stan's depression and anxiety will be examined in the context of both Cognitive Behavioural and Person–Centred approaches to therapy. Additionally, the integration of these two approaches and the limitations and ethical considerations of such an amalgam will also be addressed. The Cognitive Behavioural approach to therapy sees the client–therapist relationship as a collaborative effort to identify disturbances in the client's cognitive processes and to then transform these processes to create beneficial changes in thought and behaviour (Corey, 2013). Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a structured therapy whereby the therapist may take a direct approach in collaborating with the client to set goals and create a therapeutic agenda (Josefowitz & Myran, 2005). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy makes use of an array of interventions which promote skills within the client to facilitate self–directed change (Josefowitz & Myran, 2005). Rational Emotive Behaviour ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Cognitive Behavioral Theory And Behavioral Therapy A Cognitive Behavioral Approach to The Case of Stan Overview – Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavior therapy, or CBT, combines both cognitive and behavioral principles and methods in a short–term treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapies are based on a psychoeducational model that emphasizes the role of homework and places responsibility on the client, assuming an active role both during and outside of the therapy sessions (Correy 2009). CBT can be thought of as a combination of both psychotherapy and behavioral therapy; psychotherapy emphasizes the importance of the personal meaning we place on things and how thinking patterns begin in childhood, behavioral therapy looks at the relationship between our problems, our behavior and our thoughts (Martin 2016). It focuses on strategies to change distorted cognitions to bring about change to the clients way of thinking. CBT is based on the assumption that the recognizing of a distorted way of thinking and negative self image will result in a corresponding change of one's behavior. Operant conditioning, modeling, and behavioral rehearsal are some of the behavioral techniques that can also be applied to the subjective processes of thinking and internal dialogue (Beck 1991). The way cognitive behavioral therapy works is complex and there are several possible theories about how it works. The methods of CBT are useful because the client solves problems that may be long–standing and stuck (Martin 2016). Analysis – The ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay From what I have read, there are a few researchers that have found cognitive–behavioral therapy to be effective in treating these offenders and reducing their likelihood of reoffending (Moster, Wnuk, & Jeglic, 2008), (Lipsey, Landenberger, & Wilson, 2007), & (Schaffer, Jeglic, Moster, & Wnuk, 2010). All of these researchers agree that the primary and most common method used to treat these offenders is cognitive–behavioral therapy. Moster, Wnuk, and Jeglic (2008) disclose that their findings suggest that cognitive–behavioral therapy is used to treat all offenders including sex offenders, and produces very modest effects. In the study they analyzed they not that there are differences in the recidivism rates for those who complete treatment and those who do not, with those who do not complete treatment having higher rates of recidivism, overall. Therefore, implying that though the effects are modest they exist, and are likely the reason that... Show more content on ... pedophilia, exhibitionism, sadism, etc.) (Kaplan & Krueger, 2012). Dolan (2009) introduces a notion that involves combining cognitive–behavioral therapy with other methods to yield better results. Essentially, it is discussed in Dolan's (2009) article that sufficient evidence exists to suggest combining cognitive–behavioral treatments with relapse prevention, intensive residential treatment, and community–based sex offender treatment programs can reduce the risk of recidivism. Dolan (2009) describes a combined method that needs further research but could be a successful pairing in cognitive–behavioral therapy and psychopharmacologicals/pharmacological treatments. Essentially, Dolan (2009) is introducing new advancements in sex offender treatments to be paired with cognitive–behavioral therapy because the research is leading Dolan to believe that this approach does not work on its ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Behavioral Therapies : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy From the lens of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, an integrated mix of both cognitive and behavioral approaches is best suited the treatment of clients. All the approaches under Cognitive Behavioral Therapy require several different attributes. Some of them being; the need for a positive working relationship between client and therapist, the belief that distress is a cognitive process, treatment is a focus in changing cognitions to create positive change in mood or behavior. Changing irrational cognitions create a domino effect to other aspects of people's lives. Clinicians take on an active and direct role with the client that desire to obtain educational learning and restructuring of old cognitions by clients. All Cognitive Behavioral therapies are to challenge the cognitive process to bring on positive change. One of the most popular and widely used Cognitive Behavioral Therapies is known as Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, abbreviated as REBT. This psychotherapy helps an array of issues a client may come in with, like depression, anxiety, anger, stress, guilt and even difficulties with procrastination. A therapist using REBT guides a client in how one's own thoughts affect feelings (ABC's of REBT). This holistic approach was developed by Albert Ellis in the 1950s and has an emphasis on the cause and effect relationship that cognition, emotions and behaviors have on one another. Ellis developed the theory when reflecting on his adolescence; during this time, he ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Cognitive Behavioral And Behavioral Family Therapy Week 11 Assignment: Signature Assignment: Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Rayon L. Walton Nortcentral University One of the most effective components of MFT is Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT). CBFT incorporates cognitive processes that affect behavior and applies it to the therapeutic process of clients. The foundational principles of CBFT stem from behavioral concepts that were impacted by issues that affected clients such as phobias, anxiety and parenting deficiencies; studying how clients fortify or maintain certain behavioral symptoms and patterns (Gehart, 2014). CBFT was founded in 2005 when Frank Dattilio (adopting concepts from traditional cognitive therapy) introduced a cognitive–based approach to assist in the therapeutic process when dealing with couples and families (Dattilio, 2005; Epstein & Baucom, 2005). Dattilio (2005) adopted concepts from key contributors like Gerald Patterson and Marion Forgatch (1987) – significant developers of one of the most prominent behavioral parent training programs. Other key contributors include Neil Jacobson and Andrew Christensen who developed behavioral couple therapy in the early 1970's with the outlook for improving couple functioning and emphasis on partner acceptance (a model that was later coined integrative behavioral couples therapy (Gehart, 2014, p. 277). Norman Epstein and John Gottman were also key influencers of Dattilio's (2005) perspectives; their concepts of cognitive ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy is a school of psychotherapy that intends to assist individuals with conquering their emotional issues. A focal idea in CBT is that you feel the way you think. Therefore, CBT focuses on the fact that you can live all the more cheerfully and effectively in you begin thinking with a better mindset. CBT urges you to comprehend that you 're thought process or beliefs lie between the occasion and your definitive sentiments and activities. The way that one thinks, what they believe, and their personal perspective on an event, create the emotional and/or behavioral responses that they will exhibit. Subsequently, CBT is an objective coordinated, deliberate, critical thinking way to deal with emotional issues. History of CBT Modern day CBT has been impacted by two noteworthy restorative methodologies: firstly, 'Behavior Therapy ' as created by Wolpe and others in 1950s and 1960s; and furthermore, 'Cognitive Therapy ' which was produced by A.T. Beck in the 1960s. Behavior therapy developed in the 1950s, as Freudian therapy was becoming under fire due to the absence of evidence to bolster either its hypothesis or its adequacy. Behavior therapy was emphatically affected by the behaviorist development in scholastic research, which took the perspective that what went on inside an individual 's psyche was not specifically observable. Rather behaviorists searched for reproducible relationships between recognizable events and ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Behavioral Therapy Vs Cognitive Therapy Behavioral therapy coexists with cognitive therapy, or does it? After researching the two psychological therapies I was able to pinpoint the similarities and dissimilarities of the two.It is easy for both therapies to be confused and not presume the other (Knot). Both therapies are often used interchangeably to differentiate them from conventional forms of therapy. After years of being labeled as the same the two have finally been distinguished as separate (Knot). Behavioral therapy is a treatment that helps to change self–destructing behaviors. Behavioral modification or cognitive behavioral therapies are other names for behavioral therapy (Gotter). This type of therapy focuses on how to change current problems. The idea is that all behaviors ... Show more content on ... Treatment isn't as simple as one may assume. When I first began reading about the treatment plan for cognitive therapy I was baffled because I thought it seemed very simple. My perception of it was that all a therapist or anyone for that matter, just needed to make someone think of a happy time and all would slowly be good. Needless, to say I was totally wrong! Although, patients are pushed to think of happy times it is a time consuming process. People vary, which is why for some this process comes easy to where as others it is difficult. I learned that people who find it difficult are those who would like immediate relief. Also, it is tough for some people to learn new skills as it is, so the thought of having to learn new skills to change negative thoughts may initially be extremely hard (WiseGeek). If one applies himself while using this therapy it can be well worth the tasks. Overall, what makes behavioral therapy different from cognitive therapy? Originally, cognitive therapy was used solely for the treatment of depression. It wasn't until later that Dr. Aaron Beck and other researchers went on to ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Cognitive Therapies And Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy, on the contrary, utilizes directive consulting tools to control and guide its patients. These include such things as asking questions, interpreting, and providing direction to a client's attention and emotions. "Aaron Beck developed cognitive therapy, an approach that focuses on recognizing and changing negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs into more realistic and constructive thoughts and beliefs" (Erford, 2014). It is believed that cognitive behavioral therapy is manipulative in nature. Cognitive behavioral therapy has two main components, these are cognitive therapies and behavioral therapies. Cognitive therapies are concerned with how a client interprets the world around them, such as their environment and the situations with which they are faced with, as well as how these interpretations shape their emotional states and how they respond to them. Basically cognitive therapy focuses on the clients thought processes. It analyzes how the client thinks, why the client thinks a certain way, and strives to changes these patterns in a positive and nurturing way to produce proper emotional states to replace the current maladaptive process that cause disharmony within and for the client. Behavioral therapy is the next step in the counseling process. Its focus is on action instead of thought, and gives the therapist effective tools to assist the client in the production of positive behavioral patterns. This is done by rewarding positive changes in ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy As The Talking Therapy The Royal College of Psychiatrists describes cognitive behavioral therapy as the talking therapy, its aim to help people understand how a problem began, why it's still a problem and what's keeping the problem going (RCP, 2016). Cognitive behavioral therapy also links between thoughts, feeling and behavior, in simpler words, it links between the process of our thoughts and what we feel and what we do (Becks,1995 ). Cognitive behavioral therapy has been found to be very effective in treating wide range of problems like (RCP,2016 ); Low self–esteem Depression Anxiety Obsessive – compulsive disorder Post–traumatic distress disorder There are numerous methods and approaches to assessment. Most cognitive behavior therapists have their ... Show more content on ... It's believed that lack of structure and focus are great predictors of poor therapy outcome, however, a competent therapist would structure the sessions from the first assessment session. (Pretorius,2006 ) The therapist demonstrated it's important to orient the client to cognitive behavioral therapy during the first session ( Cully J, Teten A , 2008). In Clip 1, 2.10 the therapist showed that he was able to discuss the theory underlying cognitive behavioral therapy, he was able to explain the structure, the format, and expectation of therapy (Cully J, Teten A , 2008 ). He was also able to explore the client knowledge of cognitive behavioral therapy (Kinsella, P. & Garland, A., 2008 ) by asking her if she had any prior experience with cognitive behavioral therapy or any form ofPsychotherapy. This can give the therapist an idea of prior exposure (Strong, S.R. & Matross, R.P. (1973) ). There are many clients who had not experienced or had very little exposure to psychotherapy ( Westra et al, 2010). It's imperative to provide clients with an understanding of the therapeutic process which allows clients to be more active and more involved of their progress of their therapy (Westra et al, 2010 ). By orienting clients, their knowledge of cognitive behavioral therapy would enhance their collaborative nature to therapy (Beck, 2013). I found this approach very clear ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Cognitive Psychology : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Medications are easy way out–it's a form of escape that suppresses the illness rather than cure it. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, on the other hand, is a guided education technique that teaches one how to live a healthy lifestyle by understanding and overcoming their fear, thus curing the illness from it's root. Cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of short–term psychotherapy was originally designed to treat depression, but over the years have been used for a number of mental illnesses including anxiety, mood swings, substance abuse, personality disorder and some others, showing promising results. As the name suggests, it's a combination of both cognitive and behavioral principles that acknowledges that some behaviors emerge based on prior conditioning from the environment and external or internal stimuli, and cannot be controlled through rational thought and/or medication. The efficacy of programs that utilize cognitive behavioral therapy have been researched and questioned over time. However, more often than not, it's believed that as stated by DeRubeis, Siegle, & Hollon (2008), "cognitive therapy is as efficacious as antidepressant medications at treating depression, and it seems to reduce the risk of relapse even after its discontinuation." (p. 1) This is because cognitive behavioral therapy and anti–depressants utilize similar neural mechanisms to treat distinctive individuals and target specific disorders instead of an overall cure. This paper discusses how this ... Get more on ...