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Cloud Services for Education
Up2University Project at CERN-IT and UniGE Physiscope
Margherita Boselli (University of Geneva)
Enrico Bocchi (CERN, IT-ST)
Jakub T. Mościcki (CERN, IT-ST)
IT Technical Forum
CERN, 24 Nov 2017
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Table of Contents
 The Up2U Project
 Context at CERN
Background & Introduction
 Technical Architecture & Deployment
Development of Up2U services at CERN
 Summer experiment with Up2U for Physiscope
Collaboration with University of Geneva
The Up to University Project
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U Project
 EC Call ICT-22-2016: Technologies for Learning and Skills
 5M EUR funding for 3 years
18 partners (Academia, Research, Industry, NRENs)
12 countries in Europe
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U Goals
 Bridge the gap between secondary schools, higher education, and the
research domain
 Adopt technology and methodology
 Bonus: Get kids interested and involved in science early on
 Target audience
 Kids 12-18 years old & their teachers
 Practical outcome
 Pilot service for ~400 schools
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2Universe platform
 Create, share, and collaborate on
educational content
 Formal learning
 Support for teachers: Courses,
assignments, resources
 Informal learning
 Experimentation, peer-to-peer
learning, social interactions
Integrating existing open-source tools & services
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Shift from industrial to organic education
Fixed schedule
Changing subjects
Linear development
Standard assessment
Outside and inside school involvement
Flipped classes
Close community links
New role of teachers
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U at CERN
 Let the kids use the very same tools & services
used by real researchers doing Big Science at CERN
 Sharing the same tools = removing the technology friction between
these two worlds
 Opportunity for feedback and collaboration
 Existing outreach programmes at CERN
 Neighboring institutions (e.g. local universities)
 Growing interest in education from the Physics community
 Open Data, …
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Outreach opportunities at CERN
F.Gianotti, Jan 2017
 Many Edu/Outreach
projects target high
schools and teachers
 Ongoing discussion with
Edu/Outreach teams
(IR-ECO) on future
opportunities for
collaborating on Up2U
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Technology: What makes it hard…
 Traditionally Big Science tools require “Big Expertise”
 It’s usually quite hard to
 Setup and use the tools
 Access to data
 Share the “data analysis code & data”
 Even harder to “export” the environment and tools to set them up
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Technology: What makes it plausible…
 Jupyter Notebooks
 Full data science environment in a web browser
 Evolution of analysis service for physics at CERN
 Dropbox-like Cloud Storage
 Easy sharing and access from any device
 Container and Virtualization Services
 Simple and quick deployment anywhere
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Jupyter Notebooks: Technology of wider interest
 Notebooks are playable, interactive documents
 Similar to Matlab or Mathematica
 “read a book and play with it as you go”
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Outreach Notebooks from Physics Community
 Notebooks are playable, interactive documents
 Similar to Matlab or Mathematica
 “read a book and play with it as you go”
Hiukkasfysiikan avoin data opetuksessa
Particle open data teaching
Paavo Rikkilä
CMS Open Data
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Jupyter Notebook Example
Embed images
Write rich text in
Markdown format
code and run it
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
CERN cloud services for Up2Universe platform
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Access from any device anywhere
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Backed by scalable storage technology
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U Timeline
& Content
Technology &
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Early prototyping and experimentation
CERN tools & services
Early-on experimentation
a real setting
Informal MicroExperiment
Methodology & Content Technology
The Up2U Platform
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2Universe Toolbox
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2Universe Toolbox
Recording and
Open Educational
Public and private
content repositories
Learning Management
Federated SSO and
group management
Sync & Share
Web front-end
• Content Delivery
• Wi-Fi coverage
Network access
Interactive Notebooks
with Sharing
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2Universe: Architecture
Social Networks
Up2U playground
Up2U Toolbox Proxy
Content Providers
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2Universe: Connecting schools
Social Networks
Up2U playground
Up2U Toolbox Proxy
Content Providers
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2Universe: Connecting schools
Social Networks
Up2U playground
Up2U Toolbox Proxy
Content Providers
NREN Cloud
School A
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2Universe: Connecting schools
Social Networks
Up2U playground
Up2U Toolbox Proxy
Content Providers
NREN Cloud
School A
School B
IdP Apps
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2Universe across countries
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Cloud Federation with Open Cloud Mesh
Open Cloud Mesh
 Federated content sharing beyond the
borders of individual clouds
 Ease the dissemination of
high quality content for teaching
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
CERNBox and SWAN in Up2Universe
 Need of a flexible, scalable, and highly-available deployment model
 Up2U architecture evolves to accommodate new requirements
 Service adoption and user population unknown
 Use of container technologies
 Self-contained, light-weight
 Deterministic and repeatable deployment
 Enable rapid prototyping and easy distribution of software
 In-house expertise from IT-CM group
• CERN Container Service
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Containerized CERN-IT Technology
 Development of Boxed
+ +
• Single-box installation via docker-compose
• No configuration required
• Download and run services in 15 minutes
One-Click demo Deployment
• Container orchestration with Kubernetes
• Ability to scale according to
storage and computing needs
• Tolerant to node failure for high-availability
Production-oriented Deployment
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Containerized CERN-IT Technology
 Development of Boxed
File Servers
Sync Client
CERNBox Web Server
EOS Access
Users Authentication
and session orchestration
N Single-user Jupyter containers
jupyter-user0 jupyter-userN
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Containerized CERN-IT Technology
 Applications of Boxed go beyond Up2U
 Concrete example of CERN core technologies running in containers
 “disposable” deployment for testing and development
within IT-ST and EP-SFT groups
 Porting improvements to upstream production
 Simplified try-out and deployment for partners
• Australia's Academic and Research Network (AARNET)
• Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
• National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
• Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC), Taipei, Taiwan
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Containerized CERN-IT Technology
 Single-box deployment running on multiple clouds
 Amazon Web Services
 Helix Nebula Cloud (T-Systems & IBM)
 Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC)
 Greek Research and Technology Network (GRnet)
 OpenStack at CERN
 Your own laptop!
 Production-oriented deployment with Kubernetes on
 OpenStack at CERN
 CERN Container Service (on-going effort)
 Pilot service for Up2U
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U Pilot at CERN
 Up2U Pilot for participant schools starting in early 2018
 CERN will be a piloting site together with PSNC
 Containerized version of EOS, CERNBox, and SWAN in production
 Several deployment scenarios foreseen
 Self-managed cluster of OpenStack VMs
 Cluster of containers via CERN Container Service
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U Pilot at CERN
 Up2U Pilot for participant schools starting in early 2018
 CERN will be a piloting site together with PSNC
 Containerized version of EOS, CERNBox, and SWAN in production
 Several deployment scenarios foreseen
 Self-managed cluster of OpenStack VMs
 Cluster of containers via CERN Container Service
 Hybrid cluster with physical and virtual machines
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U Pilot at CERN
 Up2U Pilot for participant schools starting in early 2018
 CERN will be a piloting site together with PSNC
 Containerized version of EOS, CERNBox, and SWAN in production
 Several deployment scenarios foreseen
 Integrated with CERN Single Sign-On
 User log-in via eduGAIN credentials
 No CERN account required
 Consolidated technology
approved by CERN Computer Security
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment
 Would tools for Big Science work for high schools students?
 Are they easy and intuitive enough for the context?
 Is the interface eye-catchy and friendly?
 How to learn to use them properly?
 The Idea – Up2U MicroExperiment
 Leverage short-term apprenticeships at CERN for high-school students
 Early road test of CERN services for Up2U
 Asset for Up2U development and fulfillment
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment
 Our Apprentice
 Maja – 16 years old student from the UK
• Two years from university
• General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) this year
• Interested in physics and mathematics
 The Goal
 Produce interesting content as example of Up2U platform
 Try-out Up2U platform in the setting of an educational facility
 Provide an example of interaction between Big Science and high-schools
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment
 The Preparation
 Identification of scientific topic of her interest
and part of her study plan: Superconductivity
 Swan 101 Training
• Few readings, many working examples!
• Python Coding, data analysis, plots, …
 The Execution
 Assigned task: Create a reportage of her journey
 Physiscope: Collect scientific data as a real scientist!
 CERN: Describe her voyage through experiments sites
University of Geneva
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
 Physiscope is an outreach programme established in 2007 with the education mandate defined by
the Swiss National Science Foundation
 This project has been developed in collaboration with the Physics Department of the University of
Geneva (UniGE)
 It consists of an open laboratory where are organized interactive lessons covering different topics of
physics. All the lessons are strongly linked to the contemporary scientific research
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
 The Goal
 This programme aims at motivating young people to choose a scientific career
 The first step is changing the negative perception of students towards science, physics in particular
 The Tools
 The approach used by Physiscope is based on the so-called “hands-on science”:
The audience does not attend a frontal lesson but is actively involved in the experiments!
 The sessions take place in a dedicated laboratory located next to real research labs
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
 The Target
 The Physiscope activities are opened to the general public but the main
targets are 12–19 years old students from middle- and high-schools
 Some Numbers
 This programme is very well known and appreciated in the Geneva area
 The number of visitors is still growing: In the past few years
the average number of session is 330/year for more than 5000 students
 The Physics department is now studying the
correlation between the observed increase of
the physics 1st year students and the
Physiscope programme
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment
 A prototype implementation of the Up2U project
1 week in August 2017
 A 16 years old high school student from UK
 Physiscope educational content
 CERN-IT tools & services
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment at Physiscope
 The scientific framework of this project is the Superconductivity
 Phase 1
 Qualitative and Quantitative study of the phenomenon
 Experiments on electrostatics and the electronic properties of materials
 Cryogenics
 The zero-resistance state
 The Meissner effect
 Measurement of the R vs T characteristic
of a commercial superconducting tape (YBCO)
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment at CERN
 The scientific framework of this project is Superconductivity
 Phase 2
 She visited the main CERN facilities focusing on
the application of superconductivity
 Magnetic dipoles, RF-cavities, detector components, …
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment
 During her stay, she used the infrastructure provided by CERN-IT services to
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment
Descriptive notebook
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment
Analysis notebook
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U MicroExperiment
 The Main Outcomes
 Production of good quality educational material
potentially useful for future developments
at Physiscope
 Power of ready-to-go services
for data treatment and sharing
 Physics and computer science in education:
The outreach activities often focus on the physics
phenomena and do not consider the technological
tools that scientists use to understand them.
This is crucial for “Up to University students”!
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Physiscope + Up2U
 How Physiscope could benefit from Up2U services
After an ordinary visit,
interested classes could
have access to the Up2U
Access to data, informatics tools,
and analysis templates
Sharing of scientific materials with
other schools and outreach institutions
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Scienscope + Up2U
 In 2018 different “scopes” will be officially grouped in a unique institution
 The Up2U platform would be an interesting opportunity to improve their activities
and the scientific dialog among them and with other research centers
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
 Integration of existing CERN tools & services into Up2U platform
 Contribution to the development of services
for physics users at CERN
 Positive collaborations across CERN groups and departments
 EP-SFT, IT-CM, IR-ECO, Open Data initiatives, …
 Up2U MicroExperiment produced very encouraging results
 Valuable educational materials as interactive notebooks
 Good basis for future collaborations with University of Geneva
and Outreach programmes at CERN
 Thanks to the colleagues who helped in preparing the MicroExperiment!
Up To University
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Future Directions
 Piloting Up2Universe to candidate schools
 User feedback will drive the evolution of the platform
 Collaborations within CERN on Outreach and Education
 Concrete use cases driven by existing outreach activities
 Intersection between Up2U and, e.g., S’CoolLab and teacher programmes
 Collaboration with UniGE Physiscope
 Potential users of Up2U services
 Allow visitors to access additional resources after their session
Cloud Services for Education
Up2University Project at CERN-IT and UniGE Physiscope
Margherita Boselli (University of Geneva)
Enrico Bocchi (CERN, IT-ST)
Jakub T. Mościcki (CERN, IT-ST)
Backup Slides
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U Working Packages
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Up2U Working Packages
• Interaction with science lab
• Educational materials with
scientific content
• Up2U MicroExperiment:
Student summer apprenticeship
• CERNBox – File Sync&Share
• Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) – Federation
of cloud storage spaces
• SWAN – Jupyter Notebooks
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Open Data for Education
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Open Data for Education
Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions
Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing – CS3
2014 - CERN 2016 – ETH Zurich 2017 - SURFsara 2018 - Cyfronet

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Cloud Services for Education - HNSciCloud applied to the UP2U project

  • 1. Cloud Services for Education Up2University Project at CERN-IT and UniGE Physiscope Margherita Boselli (University of Geneva) Enrico Bocchi (CERN, IT-ST) Jakub T. Mościcki (CERN, IT-ST) IT Technical Forum CERN, 24 Nov 2017
  • 2. 2 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Table of Contents 1.  The Up2U Project  Context at CERN Background & Introduction 2.  Technical Architecture & Deployment Development of Up2U services at CERN 3.  Summer experiment with Up2U for Physiscope Collaboration with University of Geneva
  • 3. The Up to University Project Up2U
  • 4. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U Project  EC Call ICT-22-2016: Technologies for Learning and Skills  5M EUR funding for 3 years 4 18 partners (Academia, Research, Industry, NRENs) 12 countries in Europe
  • 5. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U Goals Objective  Bridge the gap between secondary schools, higher education, and the research domain  Adopt technology and methodology  Bonus: Get kids interested and involved in science early on  Target audience  Kids 12-18 years old & their teachers  Practical outcome  Pilot service for ~400 schools 5
  • 6. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Technology Up2Universe platform  Create, share, and collaborate on educational content  Formal learning  Support for teachers: Courses, assignments, resources  Informal learning  Experimentation, peer-to-peer learning, social interactions 6 Integrating existing open-source tools & services
  • 7. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Methodology Shift from industrial to organic education 7 Fixed schedule Changing subjects Linear development Standard assessment Personalized Outside and inside school involvement Flipped classes Close community links New role of teachers
  • 8. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U at CERN  Let the kids use the very same tools & services used by real researchers doing Big Science at CERN  Sharing the same tools = removing the technology friction between these two worlds  Opportunity for feedback and collaboration  Existing outreach programmes at CERN  Neighboring institutions (e.g. local universities)  Growing interest in education from the Physics community  Open Data, … 8
  • 9. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Outreach opportunities at CERN 9 F.Gianotti, Jan 2017  Many Edu/Outreach projects target high schools and teachers  Ongoing discussion with Edu/Outreach teams (IR-ECO) on future opportunities for collaborating on Up2U
  • 10. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Technology: What makes it hard…  Traditionally Big Science tools require “Big Expertise”  It’s usually quite hard to  Setup and use the tools  Access to data  Share the “data analysis code & data”  Even harder to “export” the environment and tools to set them up elsewhere 10
  • 11. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Technology: What makes it plausible…  Jupyter Notebooks  Full data science environment in a web browser  Evolution of analysis service for physics at CERN  Dropbox-like Cloud Storage  Easy sharing and access from any device  Container and Virtualization Services  Simple and quick deployment anywhere 11 EP-SFT IT-CM IT-ST
  • 12. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Jupyter Notebooks: Technology of wider interest  Notebooks are playable, interactive documents  Similar to Matlab or Mathematica  “read a book and play with it as you go” 12
  • 13. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Outreach Notebooks from Physics Community  Notebooks are playable, interactive documents  Similar to Matlab or Mathematica  “read a book and play with it as you go” 13 Hiukkasfysiikan avoin data opetuksessa Particle open data teaching Paavo Rikkilä CMS Open Data
  • 14. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Jupyter Notebook Example 14 Embed images Write rich text in Markdown format Write code and run it
  • 15. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions CERN cloud services for Up2Universe platform 15 Students Teachers Notebooks
  • 16. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Access from any device anywhere 16
  • 17. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Backed by scalable storage technology 17
  • 18. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U Timeline 18 Methodology & Content Technology & Infrastructure
  • 19. Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Early prototyping and experimentation 19 CERN tools & services Integration Deployment Early-on experimentation a real setting Informal MicroExperiment Methodology & Content Technology
  • 21. 21 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2Universe Toolbox
  • 22. 22 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2Universe Toolbox Recording and Publishing Open Educational Content Public and private content repositories Learning Management System Federated SSO and group management Federated Sync & Share Web front-end • Content Delivery • Wi-Fi coverage Network access Interactive Notebooks with Sharing
  • 23. 23 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2Universe: Architecture eduGAIN OpenID Orcid Social Networks LDAP AAI Group management LMS Up2U playground Up2U Toolbox Proxy Apps eduOER aggregator Content Providers
  • 24. 24 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2Universe: Connecting schools eduGAIN OpenID Orcid Social Networks LDAP AAI Group management LMS Up2U playground Up2U Toolbox Proxy Apps eduOER aggregator Content Providers
  • 25. 25 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2Universe: Connecting schools eduGAIN OpenID Orcid Social Networks LDAP AAI Group management LMS Up2U playground Up2U Toolbox Proxy Apps eduOER aggregator Content Providers NREN Cloud NREN IdP School A
  • 26. 26 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2Universe: Connecting schools eduGAIN OpenID Orcid Social Networks LDAP AAI Group management LMS Up2U playground Up2U Toolbox Proxy Apps eduOER aggregator Content Providers NREN Cloud School A NREN IdP School B School IdP Apps
  • 27. 27 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2Universe across countries CERN PSNC GWDG
  • 28. 28 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Cloud Federation with Open Cloud Mesh GWDG CERN Open Cloud Mesh  Federated content sharing beyond the borders of individual clouds  Ease the dissemination of high quality content for teaching PSNC
  • 29. 29 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions CERNBox and SWAN in Up2Universe  Need of a flexible, scalable, and highly-available deployment model  Up2U architecture evolves to accommodate new requirements  Service adoption and user population unknown  Use of container technologies  Self-contained, light-weight  Deterministic and repeatable deployment  Enable rapid prototyping and easy distribution of software  In-house expertise from IT-CM group • CERN Container Service
  • 30. 30 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Containerized CERN-IT Technology  Development of Boxed + + • Single-box installation via docker-compose • No configuration required • Download and run services in 15 minutes One-Click demo Deployment • Container orchestration with Kubernetes • Ability to scale according to storage and computing needs • Tolerant to node failure for high-availability Production-oriented Deployment
  • 31. 31 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Containerized CERN-IT Technology  Development of Boxed File Servers eos-fst{1..N} Sync Client Namespace eos-mgm Messaging eos-mq EOS CERNBox SWAN CERNBox Web Server cernbox EOS Access eos-fuse Software cvmfs Users Authentication and session orchestration JupyterHub N Single-user Jupyter containers jupyter-user0 jupyter-userN … … CERNBox cernboxgateway
  • 32. 32 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Containerized CERN-IT Technology  Applications of Boxed go beyond Up2U  Concrete example of CERN core technologies running in containers  “disposable” deployment for testing and development within IT-ST and EP-SFT groups  Porting improvements to upstream production  Simplified try-out and deployment for partners • Australia's Academic and Research Network (AARNET) • Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia • National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia • Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC), Taipei, Taiwan
  • 33. 33 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Containerized CERN-IT Technology  Single-box deployment running on multiple clouds  Amazon Web Services  Helix Nebula Cloud (T-Systems & IBM)  Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC)  Greek Research and Technology Network (GRnet)  OpenStack at CERN  Your own laptop!  Production-oriented deployment with Kubernetes on  OpenStack at CERN  CERN Container Service (on-going effort)  Pilot service for Up2U
  • 34. 34 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U Pilot at CERN  Up2U Pilot for participant schools starting in early 2018  CERN will be a piloting site together with PSNC  Containerized version of EOS, CERNBox, and SWAN in production  Several deployment scenarios foreseen  Self-managed cluster of OpenStack VMs  Cluster of containers via CERN Container Service
  • 35. 35 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U Pilot at CERN  Up2U Pilot for participant schools starting in early 2018  CERN will be a piloting site together with PSNC  Containerized version of EOS, CERNBox, and SWAN in production  Several deployment scenarios foreseen  Self-managed cluster of OpenStack VMs  Cluster of containers via CERN Container Service  Hybrid cluster with physical and virtual machines
  • 36. 36 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U Pilot at CERN  Up2U Pilot for participant schools starting in early 2018  CERN will be a piloting site together with PSNC  Containerized version of EOS, CERNBox, and SWAN in production  Several deployment scenarios foreseen  Integrated with CERN Single Sign-On  User log-in via eduGAIN credentials  No CERN account required  Consolidated technology approved by CERN Computer Security
  • 37. 37 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment  Would tools for Big Science work for high schools students?  Are they easy and intuitive enough for the context?  Is the interface eye-catchy and friendly?  How to learn to use them properly?  The Idea – Up2U MicroExperiment  Leverage short-term apprenticeships at CERN for high-school students  Early road test of CERN services for Up2U  Asset for Up2U development and fulfillment
  • 38. 38 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment  Our Apprentice  Maja – 16 years old student from the UK • Two years from university • General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) this year • Interested in physics and mathematics  The Goal  Produce interesting content as example of Up2U platform  Try-out Up2U platform in the setting of an educational facility  Provide an example of interaction between Big Science and high-schools
  • 39. 39 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment  The Preparation  Identification of scientific topic of her interest and part of her study plan: Superconductivity  Swan 101 Training • Few readings, many working examples! • Python Coding, data analysis, plots, …  The Execution  Assigned task: Create a reportage of her journey  Physiscope: Collect scientific data as a real scientist!  CERN: Describe her voyage through experiments sites
  • 41. 41 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Physiscope  Physiscope is an outreach programme established in 2007 with the education mandate defined by the Swiss National Science Foundation  This project has been developed in collaboration with the Physics Department of the University of Geneva (UniGE)  It consists of an open laboratory where are organized interactive lessons covering different topics of physics. All the lessons are strongly linked to the contemporary scientific research
  • 42. 42 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Physiscope  The Goal  This programme aims at motivating young people to choose a scientific career  The first step is changing the negative perception of students towards science, physics in particular  The Tools  The approach used by Physiscope is based on the so-called “hands-on science”: The audience does not attend a frontal lesson but is actively involved in the experiments!  The sessions take place in a dedicated laboratory located next to real research labs
  • 43. 43 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Physiscope  The Target  The Physiscope activities are opened to the general public but the main targets are 12–19 years old students from middle- and high-schools  Some Numbers  This programme is very well known and appreciated in the Geneva area  The number of visitors is still growing: In the past few years the average number of session is 330/year for more than 5000 students  The Physics department is now studying the correlation between the observed increase of the physics 1st year students and the Physiscope programme
  • 44. 44 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment  A prototype implementation of the Up2U project 1 week in August 2017  A 16 years old high school student from UK  Physiscope educational content  CERN-IT tools & services
  • 45. 45 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment at Physiscope  The scientific framework of this project is the Superconductivity  Phase 1  Qualitative and Quantitative study of the phenomenon  Experiments on electrostatics and the electronic properties of materials  Cryogenics  The zero-resistance state  The Meissner effect  Measurement of the R vs T characteristic of a commercial superconducting tape (YBCO)
  • 46. 46 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment at CERN  The scientific framework of this project is Superconductivity  Phase 2  She visited the main CERN facilities focusing on the application of superconductivity  Magnetic dipoles, RF-cavities, detector components, …
  • 47. 47 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment  During her stay, she used the infrastructure provided by CERN-IT services to Share Sync/Store
  • 48. 48 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment Report/Present Analyse
  • 49. 49 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment Descriptive notebook
  • 50. 50 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment Analysis notebook
  • 51. 51 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U MicroExperiment  The Main Outcomes  Production of good quality educational material potentially useful for future developments at Physiscope  Power of ready-to-go services for data treatment and sharing  Physics and computer science in education: The outreach activities often focus on the physics phenomena and do not consider the technological tools that scientists use to understand them. This is crucial for “Up to University students”!
  • 52. 52 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Physiscope + Up2U  How Physiscope could benefit from Up2U services After an ordinary visit, interested classes could have access to the Up2U platform Access to data, informatics tools, and analysis templates Sharing of scientific materials with other schools and outreach institutions
  • 53. 53 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Scienscope + Up2U  In 2018 different “scopes” will be officially grouped in a unique institution  The Up2U platform would be an interesting opportunity to improve their activities and the scientific dialog among them and with other research centers
  • 55. 55 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Conclusions  Integration of existing CERN tools & services into Up2U platform  Contribution to the development of services for physics users at CERN  Positive collaborations across CERN groups and departments  EP-SFT, IT-CM, IR-ECO, Open Data initiatives, …  Up2U MicroExperiment produced very encouraging results  Valuable educational materials as interactive notebooks  Good basis for future collaborations with University of Geneva and Outreach programmes at CERN  Thanks to the colleagues who helped in preparing the MicroExperiment! Up To University
  • 56. 56 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Future Directions  Piloting Up2Universe to candidate schools  User feedback will drive the evolution of the platform  Collaborations within CERN on Outreach and Education  Concrete use cases driven by existing outreach activities  Intersection between Up2U and, e.g., S’CoolLab and teacher programmes  Collaboration with UniGE Physiscope  Potential users of Up2U services  Allow visitors to access additional resources after their session
  • 57. Cloud Services for Education Up2University Project at CERN-IT and UniGE Physiscope Margherita Boselli (University of Geneva) Enrico Bocchi (CERN, IT-ST) Jakub T. Mościcki (CERN, IT-ST)
  • 58.
  • 60. 60 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U Working Packages 60
  • 61. 61 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Up2U Working Packages 61 • Interaction with science lab • Educational materials with scientific content • Up2U MicroExperiment: Student summer apprenticeship WP5 • CERNBox – File Sync&Share • Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) – Federation of cloud storage spaces • SWAN – Jupyter Notebooks WP3
  • 62. 62 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Open Data for Education
  • 63. 63 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Open Data for Education
  • 64. 64 Outline Up2U Introduction Technology Physiscope Conclusions Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing – CS3 2014 - CERN 2016 – ETH Zurich 2017 - SURFsara 2018 - Cyfronet