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The study of Leviticus
Class 6
The uncleaness of leprosy
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Leprosy was a generic term used to describe a variety of
sicknesses, mold on the walls and on clothing (13:47-49
and 14:34-53). Leprosy was also used to describe
different types of skin fungi.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 The Word of God provides us with several examples of
people who became leprous:
 Miriam the sister of Moses, became leprous because of
her rebelliousness (Numbers 12);
 Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, became leprous because of his
greedy ambition (2 Kings 5:27)
 King Uzziah became leprous because of his pride (2
Chronicles 26:16).
 We see typical expressions of sin in these cases:
rebellion, ambition and pride.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Leprosy is a figure of sin. We can clearly perceive at least
four aspects that reveal this correlation:
 First, leprosy primary exists in the blood, in the nature of
the person.
 Second, it manifests itself in different ways.
 Third, it is incurable through human means, and finally,
 It eats a person’s flesh away without him feeling it. It
causes a man to become insensitive; just as sin makes a
person insensitive to God.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Leprosy lodges itself in the human body, and can remain
latent for many years without manifesting itself.
 Leprosy is like sin, it is within us, but it may or may not be
visible, in any case however, it is still there. Sometimes
sin manifests itself as pride, or as independence, or
rebellion against God, because of jealousy and ambition,
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 The instructions in how to deal with leprosy were given to
the priests who have the responsibility to evaluate the
symptoms. Today, leaders in the church need to know
how to identify and treat leprosy which symbolizes sin.
 In order to do this we must have discernment. Some
Christians judge the sins of adultery and immorality as
the gravest of sins, but consider rebellion against
authority as a very trivial sin. The truth is that these
Christians don’t understand the nature of leprosy.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Leprosy manifest itself in seven ways and each one of
them is a symbol of a diferent way that sin attacks us.
 Leprosy in the skin - 13:1-8
 Leprosy in the flesh - 13:9-11
 Leprosy in a boil - 13:18-23
 Leprosy in a burn - 13:24-28
 Leprosy on the head and beard - 13:29-46
 Leprosy in garments - 13:47-59
 Leprosy in a house - 14:33-57
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
1. Leprosy in the skin - 13:1-8
First let’s read about the symptoms of this leprosy.
 Swelling
 Swelling represents pride and arrogance. Leprosy elevates itself
above the skin indicating a feeling of superiority to others. However
the apostle Paul exhorts us to consider our brothers as superior to
ourselves (Philippians 2:3).
 Sore
 This refers to a type of sore or wound that produces puss and
represents all types of impurity that lead to sensuality.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
Bright spot
This represents the shine of false religiosity and hypocrisy.
White hair
The three symptoms of swelling, the sore and the bright
spot should be observed in order to verify if white hair
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 White hair represents a loss of strength. Normally hair is
black, but as we grow older they become white. Here white
hairs do not symbolize maturity, but weakness.
 We must mature, but we never grow old in spiritual terms.
Those who grow old spiritually lose their strength to serve
the Lord, they can become blind and resist change for
being overly attached to their own opinions.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
A sore deeper than the skin
 This indicates wrong behavior, hidden and unconfessed
sin. The person tries to conceal his sin and in this case
should be observed for seven days. Seven is a symbolic
number that represents a complete time.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 When we see the symptoms of sin in the life of a brother
we need to warn him and give him time to repent. This
time of observation by the priest symbolizes time to wait
for repentance.
 The priest had to take care to not rush to declare
someone as a leper. The same should occur among us.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
2. Leprosy in the flesh - 13:9-11
 When leprosy appears below the skin, it causes the hair to
turn white and become a swelling raw sore, it then
becomes leprosy in the flesh.
 The swelling represents pride. The person already had
leprosy in the skin, but now the leprosy has spread to his
flesh, becoming chronic.
 When something becomes chronic there is indication that it
that has been strengthened over time. Chronic sin is sin
that has become habitual.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
3. Leprosy from a boil 13:18-23
 Boils are sores. Emotional wounds and hurts can become
places for the leprosy of sin. Some people allow
themselves to become hurt. On the outside they seem fine,
but inside a wound has become leprous.
 The symptom in this case is a bright spot which is a type of
religious appearance. An embittered person seems to be
pious because he demonstrate the sorrow that appears to
be brokenness, but the truth is that it is the swelling of
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
4. Leprosy from a burn - 13:24-28
 The burn symbolizes someone who is been reprimanded
or corrected for sin, but did not properly react and has
become resentful on the inside. It also demonstrates non-
genuine repentance.
 Perhaps the person has prayed simply because they were
counseled to do so, and not from a sincere heart. There
was an apparent change but inside they did not completely
submit to the Lord.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
5. Leprosy on the head and beard - 13:29-46
 In the Word of God the head and the beard represent our
glory. 1 Corinthians 11 shows us that the hair is related to
the matter of submission to authority.
But I want you to know that the head of every man is
Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is
God. (1 Corinthians 11:3)
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 To have leprosy on the head means to have problems with
subjection to authority and resistance to having the same
attitude as the rest of the church.
 A spontaneous order of authority exists in the church and
those who are in the spirit easily perceive this authority and
place themselves under it. If we have a hard time
perceiving authority it is because there is rebellion in our
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Leprosy can also appear in the beard. In God’s Word the
beard symbolizes dignity. In 2 Samuel 10:4 David’s
servants were shamed because half of their beards had
been shaved.
 And what is dignity? Dignity is the honor given by God for
the exercise of the gift our ministry in the church.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Each member of the body possesses a measure of honor
to develop his or her gift. The problem is when because of
wrong motives we begin to claim honor and demand
respect and exaltation. This is leprosy of the beard.
 Leprosy of the beard means to consider oneself to be
important and to seek to be recognized and exalted by
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
6. Leprous garments - 13:47-59
 In God’s Word, garments point to our behavior. The
priestly garments were for glory and beauty (Exodus 28:2).
And our wedding garments are made up of our acts of
righteousness (Revelation 19:8).
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 We can also interpret garments in a literal manner, since
leprosy in garments was of a different type of leprosy than
that of the body. We know that leprosy is a symbol of sin,
so we see that clothing can be contaminated by sin.
 Some garments could be repaired, perhaps with some
changes, but other garments had to be completely
destroyed because they were irreparable.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Jude says that garments can be contaminated by sin.
... but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating
even the garment defiled by the flesh. (Jude 1:23)
 This contamination can have two meanings: either the garment
was used for sinful purposes (clothing used in prostitution,
transvestites, ocultic rituals); or the clothing was used during an
act of sin, even though it may be normal clothing.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
7. Leprosy in a house - 14:33-57
 As in the case of leprosy in a garment, this type of leprosy
does not deal with the same kind of sickness that attacks
people, but here it is taken with the same meaning of the
type that represents the power of sin to contaminate
innatomate objects.
 In the New Testament the church was compared to a
house (Ephesians 2:19-22). Church members are the
stones that make up the house (1 Peter 2:5). Leprosy that
invades a house can symbolize sin attempting to take over
a local church.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 When leprosy invades a house the first thing to do is to
remove the furniture. Furniture symbolizes habits, customs
and traditions that have no basis in God’s Word (14:36).
 After searching for signs of rottenness and corruption
(14:37), represented by the wrong practice of doctrine
outside God’s Word which rapidly produces contamination
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Next the contaminated stones had to be removed
(14:40). This corresponds to discipline or removing the
offending brother from fellowship for refusing to repent (1
Corinthians 5:1-5).
 If after this there is no change for lack of genuine
repentance, then the entire house had to be destroyed.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 We should not think that entire churches cannot be
removed since the Lord seriously warned the church in
Ephesus of the possibility of having its candlestick
removed. The church in Laodicea was about to be
vomited out of the Lord’s mouth (Revelation 2:5-3:16).
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 In the case of leprosy in a house the process of purification
is described beginning in Leviticus 14:48. We can apply
the case of leprosy in a house to a church invaded by sin
and this passage describes the cure.
 The blood of the bird points to the blood of the Lord Jesus.
Through the blood we are forgiven and purified. Without
this doctrine the church is reduced to a mere synagogue of
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 The cedarwood points to the cross of Christ where our
flesh is eliminated.
 In this case running water was not necessary. Running
water is the same as living water and points to the action of
the Holy Spirit. A church can only be restored if there are
rivers of the Spirit flowing in and through it.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 The hyssop is that which applies the blood and points to
our strength and faith by the action of the living waters of
the blood.
 Next, a living bird was released to symbolize the freed
sinner who can freely fly away after being set free.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
Uncleanliness of body discharges - Leviticus 15
 God’s will is that his people live in holiness. In order for us
to have a holy life, we must keep ourselves far from the
impure things and draw near to things that are clean.
 The first way of keeping ourselves pure is by restricting our
contact with the wrong people represented by eating with
them. Whatever we eat and with whom we eat influences
us and determines what we are. Therefore Leviticus
exhorts us to walk with those who are pure.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Next the Lord shows us that we must recognize that
uncleanliness is within us from birth and therefore we are
sinners. We need a new beginning and a new nature.
 Next we saw the need to deal with all types of leprosy.
Leprosy symbolizes the known sins that surround us.
 Now we see the need to deal with all kinds of discharges.
Bodily discharges represent everything that flows from our
flesh. Rivers of living water flow from our spirit, but unclean
discharges proceed from our flesh.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Bodily discharges are natural, however they are impure in
the eyes of God because they proceed from the fallen
flesh. Therefore, bodily discharges represent natural things
that flow from our lives. Even though they may seem good
in our own eyes, the Lord consideres them impure.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 The first example of a bodily discharge was Cain’s offering.
He made an offering based on his own strength,
understanding and self-righteousness.
 Bodily discharges also represent Abraham’s attempt to
beget a son through his own devices.
 The bodily discharge can also be seen in Nadab and Abihu
who offered strange fire. God rejects the fire that proceeds
from man’s natural strength. Everything that proceeds from
our natural strength without depending on faith
corresponds to a bodily discharge.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 Chapter 15 is highly repetitive and can be summed up with
the warning: “be careful with bodily discharges, so that you
don’t contaminate yourself and others.”
 After we become converted we concern ourselves
excessively with the leprosy of the flesh, but we forget the
natural life of the flesh which is bodily discharges. Those
who walk according to their natural life end up
contaminating everything that they touch in God’s house.
Leviticus - Chapters 13-15
 The medicine for bodily discharges is the living water of
the Word of God.
that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing
of water by the Word. (Ephesians 5:26)

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Class 06 The Law concerning leprosy

  • 1. The study of Leviticus Class 6 The uncleaness of leprosy
  • 2. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Leprosy was a generic term used to describe a variety of sicknesses, mold on the walls and on clothing (13:47-49 and 14:34-53). Leprosy was also used to describe different types of skin fungi.
  • 3. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  The Word of God provides us with several examples of people who became leprous:  Miriam the sister of Moses, became leprous because of her rebelliousness (Numbers 12);  Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, became leprous because of his greedy ambition (2 Kings 5:27)  King Uzziah became leprous because of his pride (2 Chronicles 26:16).  We see typical expressions of sin in these cases: rebellion, ambition and pride.
  • 4. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Leprosy is a figure of sin. We can clearly perceive at least four aspects that reveal this correlation:  First, leprosy primary exists in the blood, in the nature of the person.  Second, it manifests itself in different ways.  Third, it is incurable through human means, and finally,  It eats a person’s flesh away without him feeling it. It causes a man to become insensitive; just as sin makes a person insensitive to God.
  • 5. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Leprosy lodges itself in the human body, and can remain latent for many years without manifesting itself.  Leprosy is like sin, it is within us, but it may or may not be visible, in any case however, it is still there. Sometimes sin manifests itself as pride, or as independence, or rebellion against God, because of jealousy and ambition, etc.
  • 6. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  The instructions in how to deal with leprosy were given to the priests who have the responsibility to evaluate the symptoms. Today, leaders in the church need to know how to identify and treat leprosy which symbolizes sin.  In order to do this we must have discernment. Some Christians judge the sins of adultery and immorality as the gravest of sins, but consider rebellion against authority as a very trivial sin. The truth is that these Christians don’t understand the nature of leprosy.
  • 7. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Leprosy manifest itself in seven ways and each one of them is a symbol of a diferent way that sin attacks us.  Leprosy in the skin - 13:1-8  Leprosy in the flesh - 13:9-11  Leprosy in a boil - 13:18-23  Leprosy in a burn - 13:24-28  Leprosy on the head and beard - 13:29-46  Leprosy in garments - 13:47-59  Leprosy in a house - 14:33-57
  • 8. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy 1. Leprosy in the skin - 13:1-8 First let’s read about the symptoms of this leprosy.  Swelling  Swelling represents pride and arrogance. Leprosy elevates itself above the skin indicating a feeling of superiority to others. However the apostle Paul exhorts us to consider our brothers as superior to ourselves (Philippians 2:3).  Sore  This refers to a type of sore or wound that produces puss and represents all types of impurity that lead to sensuality.
  • 9. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy Bright spot This represents the shine of false religiosity and hypocrisy. White hair The three symptoms of swelling, the sore and the bright spot should be observed in order to verify if white hair appears.
  • 10. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  White hair represents a loss of strength. Normally hair is black, but as we grow older they become white. Here white hairs do not symbolize maturity, but weakness.  We must mature, but we never grow old in spiritual terms. Those who grow old spiritually lose their strength to serve the Lord, they can become blind and resist change for being overly attached to their own opinions.
  • 11. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy A sore deeper than the skin  This indicates wrong behavior, hidden and unconfessed sin. The person tries to conceal his sin and in this case should be observed for seven days. Seven is a symbolic number that represents a complete time.
  • 12. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  When we see the symptoms of sin in the life of a brother we need to warn him and give him time to repent. This time of observation by the priest symbolizes time to wait for repentance.  The priest had to take care to not rush to declare someone as a leper. The same should occur among us.
  • 13. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy 2. Leprosy in the flesh - 13:9-11  When leprosy appears below the skin, it causes the hair to turn white and become a swelling raw sore, it then becomes leprosy in the flesh.  The swelling represents pride. The person already had leprosy in the skin, but now the leprosy has spread to his flesh, becoming chronic.  When something becomes chronic there is indication that it that has been strengthened over time. Chronic sin is sin that has become habitual.
  • 14. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy 3. Leprosy from a boil 13:18-23  Boils are sores. Emotional wounds and hurts can become places for the leprosy of sin. Some people allow themselves to become hurt. On the outside they seem fine, but inside a wound has become leprous.  The symptom in this case is a bright spot which is a type of religious appearance. An embittered person seems to be pious because he demonstrate the sorrow that appears to be brokenness, but the truth is that it is the swelling of pride.
  • 15. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy 4. Leprosy from a burn - 13:24-28  The burn symbolizes someone who is been reprimanded or corrected for sin, but did not properly react and has become resentful on the inside. It also demonstrates non- genuine repentance.  Perhaps the person has prayed simply because they were counseled to do so, and not from a sincere heart. There was an apparent change but inside they did not completely submit to the Lord.
  • 16. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy 5. Leprosy on the head and beard - 13:29-46  In the Word of God the head and the beard represent our glory. 1 Corinthians 11 shows us that the hair is related to the matter of submission to authority. But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3)
  • 17. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  To have leprosy on the head means to have problems with subjection to authority and resistance to having the same attitude as the rest of the church.  A spontaneous order of authority exists in the church and those who are in the spirit easily perceive this authority and place themselves under it. If we have a hard time perceiving authority it is because there is rebellion in our lives.
  • 18. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Leprosy can also appear in the beard. In God’s Word the beard symbolizes dignity. In 2 Samuel 10:4 David’s servants were shamed because half of their beards had been shaved.  And what is dignity? Dignity is the honor given by God for the exercise of the gift our ministry in the church.
  • 19. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Each member of the body possesses a measure of honor to develop his or her gift. The problem is when because of wrong motives we begin to claim honor and demand respect and exaltation. This is leprosy of the beard.  Leprosy of the beard means to consider oneself to be important and to seek to be recognized and exalted by others.
  • 20. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy 6. Leprous garments - 13:47-59  In God’s Word, garments point to our behavior. The priestly garments were for glory and beauty (Exodus 28:2). And our wedding garments are made up of our acts of righteousness (Revelation 19:8).
  • 21. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  We can also interpret garments in a literal manner, since leprosy in garments was of a different type of leprosy than that of the body. We know that leprosy is a symbol of sin, so we see that clothing can be contaminated by sin.  Some garments could be repaired, perhaps with some changes, but other garments had to be completely destroyed because they were irreparable.
  • 22. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Jude says that garments can be contaminated by sin. ... but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh. (Jude 1:23)  This contamination can have two meanings: either the garment was used for sinful purposes (clothing used in prostitution, transvestites, ocultic rituals); or the clothing was used during an act of sin, even though it may be normal clothing.
  • 23. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy 7. Leprosy in a house - 14:33-57  As in the case of leprosy in a garment, this type of leprosy does not deal with the same kind of sickness that attacks people, but here it is taken with the same meaning of the type that represents the power of sin to contaminate innatomate objects.  In the New Testament the church was compared to a house (Ephesians 2:19-22). Church members are the stones that make up the house (1 Peter 2:5). Leprosy that invades a house can symbolize sin attempting to take over a local church.
  • 24. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  When leprosy invades a house the first thing to do is to remove the furniture. Furniture symbolizes habits, customs and traditions that have no basis in God’s Word (14:36).  After searching for signs of rottenness and corruption (14:37), represented by the wrong practice of doctrine outside God’s Word which rapidly produces contamination (14:39).
  • 25. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Next the contaminated stones had to be removed (14:40). This corresponds to discipline or removing the offending brother from fellowship for refusing to repent (1 Corinthians 5:1-5).  If after this there is no change for lack of genuine repentance, then the entire house had to be destroyed.
  • 26. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  We should not think that entire churches cannot be removed since the Lord seriously warned the church in Ephesus of the possibility of having its candlestick removed. The church in Laodicea was about to be vomited out of the Lord’s mouth (Revelation 2:5-3:16).
  • 27. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  In the case of leprosy in a house the process of purification is described beginning in Leviticus 14:48. We can apply the case of leprosy in a house to a church invaded by sin and this passage describes the cure.  The blood of the bird points to the blood of the Lord Jesus. Through the blood we are forgiven and purified. Without this doctrine the church is reduced to a mere synagogue of Satan.
  • 28. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  The cedarwood points to the cross of Christ where our flesh is eliminated.  In this case running water was not necessary. Running water is the same as living water and points to the action of the Holy Spirit. A church can only be restored if there are rivers of the Spirit flowing in and through it.
  • 29. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  The hyssop is that which applies the blood and points to our strength and faith by the action of the living waters of the blood.  Next, a living bird was released to symbolize the freed sinner who can freely fly away after being set free.
  • 30. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy Uncleanliness of body discharges - Leviticus 15  God’s will is that his people live in holiness. In order for us to have a holy life, we must keep ourselves far from the impure things and draw near to things that are clean.  The first way of keeping ourselves pure is by restricting our contact with the wrong people represented by eating with them. Whatever we eat and with whom we eat influences us and determines what we are. Therefore Leviticus exhorts us to walk with those who are pure.
  • 31. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Next the Lord shows us that we must recognize that uncleanliness is within us from birth and therefore we are sinners. We need a new beginning and a new nature.  Next we saw the need to deal with all types of leprosy. Leprosy symbolizes the known sins that surround us.  Now we see the need to deal with all kinds of discharges. Bodily discharges represent everything that flows from our flesh. Rivers of living water flow from our spirit, but unclean discharges proceed from our flesh.
  • 32. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Bodily discharges are natural, however they are impure in the eyes of God because they proceed from the fallen flesh. Therefore, bodily discharges represent natural things that flow from our lives. Even though they may seem good in our own eyes, the Lord consideres them impure.
  • 33. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  The first example of a bodily discharge was Cain’s offering. He made an offering based on his own strength, understanding and self-righteousness.  Bodily discharges also represent Abraham’s attempt to beget a son through his own devices.  The bodily discharge can also be seen in Nadab and Abihu who offered strange fire. God rejects the fire that proceeds from man’s natural strength. Everything that proceeds from our natural strength without depending on faith corresponds to a bodily discharge.
  • 34. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  Chapter 15 is highly repetitive and can be summed up with the warning: “be careful with bodily discharges, so that you don’t contaminate yourself and others.”  After we become converted we concern ourselves excessively with the leprosy of the flesh, but we forget the natural life of the flesh which is bodily discharges. Those who walk according to their natural life end up contaminating everything that they touch in God’s house.
  • 35. Leviticus - Chapters 13-15 Leprosy  The medicine for bodily discharges is the living water of the Word of God. that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the Word. (Ephesians 5:26)