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Unit 5 DQ
Part 1: Topic: Terrorism
Critically discuss with your classmates the differences and
similarities of criminal acts of domestic and international
terrorism. Include in the discussion the nature of the terrorist
actor and their motivations in committing an act of terror.
Share with the class a summary of a terror event anywhere in
the world (do not include 9/11 in this discussion).
Part 2: Student Response #1(Reply to Monica below)
Monica Mcalister
Terrorism at the XXVI Summer Olympiad
The Federal Bureau of Investigatio n (FBI) has taken the broad
spectrum of terrorism and divided the types into two areas:
domestic terrorism and international terrorism. The definitions
for both areas are rather broad in scope. According to Watson,
domestic terrorism is defined by the FBI as “the unlawful use,
or threatened use, of violence by a group or individual based
and operating entirely within the United States (or its
territories) without foreign direction” (para. 8). Additionally,
the FBI uses the definition of “violent acts or acts dangerous to
human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the
United States or any state, or that would be a criminal violation
if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or any
state. Acts are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian
population, influence the policy of a government, or affect the
conduct of a government” (para. 9) for their international
terrorism category.
Both domestic and international terrorism is rooted in extremist
and their ideals and the use of tactics that promote terror to
further their agenda. According to Martin (2019), the typical
objectives for terrorism are to change the existing order, social
disruption, psychological disruption, and creating a
revolutionary environment (pp. 10-11).
Eric Rudolph was responsible for the July 27, 1996 bombing
during the XXVI Summer Olympiad in Atlanta when he used a
nail-laden pipe bomb in Centennial Olympic Park that killed a
woman who had driven with her daughter to Atlanta to celebrate
the Olympics, and injured over 100 others (History, 2010, para.
1). According to the FBI, the motives behind Rudolph’s attack
included his anti-government, anti-gay, and other biases (para.
FBI. (n.d). Famous cases and criminals: Eric Rudolph.
Retrieved from:
History. (2010). Bombing at Centennial Olympic Park. A&E
Television Networks. Retrieved from:
Martin, G. (2019). Essentials of terrorism: Concepts and
controversies (5th edition). Sage Publications.
Watson, D. (2002, February 6). The terrorist threat confronting
the United States. The Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Part 3: Student Response (Respond to Kimberly below)
Terrorism - Why?
Kimberly Ord
According to the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs
(n.d.), there is no single definition of international or domestic
terrorism, as when violence is used, it depends on why to
determine if it is terrorism. Do you not just love that? The
government decides if the violence is terrorism or just someone
blowing off steam at an opponent of the government. That is
like is it a battle or a massacre, which depends on who won it
and who lost. Okay, back to the questions for this week.
But for the differences and similarities of domestic and
international terrorism, one thing is who or what group is
behind the act. If the top people are based internationally or a
country is sponsoring the terrorist group, then it is
international, but if they are within the country or the act, then
it is domestic (Department of Emergency and Military Affairs,
n.d.). Then, another difference is what is the motivation for the
act? Is it one country against another for whatever reason (for
example, radical Islam against infidel countries)? Is it a
grievance that a resident(s) has with the government of their
country (such as Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City
Bombing of the federal building)? As you can see, motivations
are across the board – it could be grievances, it could be
religious ideology, political ideology, racially motivated,
motivated by hate toward any protected class of people, and
much more. Terrorism can occur for the stupidest of reasons,
but I feel it is the intolerance of people toward other people or
vengeance that drives most of it.
According to Masood and Myers (2021), last week in Pakistan,
nine Chinese hydroelectric constructio n workers, and three
others were killed in an explosion when a suicide bomber drove
a vehicle into the bus carrying the workers. They stated that 41
people were injured as well. Masood and Myers noted that
Chinese workers and diplomats in the country have been
targeted for attacks before this incident. As no group has yet
claimed responsibility, the motivation behind the attack is
unknown at this time.
Department of Emergency and Military Affairs. (n.d.). Various
definitions of
Masood, S. & Myers, S. L. (2021). Blast that killed Chinese
workers in Pakistan was a terrorist attack, officials say. The
New York
CJ509 Week 5 Assignment
Team Assignment
After being placed in your groups by your instructor, share your
background and field of study with your team members.
Develop the team rules that you will use in this project. (i.e.,
how many days a week should each member check into the team
room; what are the deadlines for individual assignments, email
contacts, etc.).
This week your group will prepare a PowerPoint Presentation on
Cyber Terrorism.
Develop a 12–15-slide PowerPoint presentation include the
· An introduction to the nature and purpose of this type of
· The actors and the event (ASSIGNED TO ANOTHER TEAM
· The response to the event (YOU ARE ASSIGNED TO THIS
PART) include references used on a separate piece of paper,
speaker notes and 6 lines max.
· Recommended improvements to the response (ASSIGNED TO
Team Assignment Directions
100 of the total points available for the team assignment are
associated with the team submission and 25 of the total points
are associated with the quality with quality of each individual’s
You will assess your team members and they will assess you
using the feedback evaluation form. The professor will not
share your peer evaluation feedback with others, though you
may choose to ask teammates to share their perceptions with
you, so you can improve upon your team contribution.
Have a designated group member go to the Dropbox and submit
your assignment by selecting the Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox
by the end of Unit 5. Each team member should also submit a
peer evaluation to their Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox. Your
grade will be a result of your group work and your peer
Below are some resources to facilitate working with a group:
· Learn the Dos, Don’ts of Online Group Work
· Tips for participating in group work and projects online
· Being an effective group member
· How to create a team charter for success
· Your slide requirement is excluding your title, introduction,
and reference slides.
· Use one basic slide design and layout.
· Limit slides to between 6 and 8 lines of content.
· You may use pictures, charts and graphs to supplement your
material as long as they do not take up the entire slide
· Use bullets for your main points.
· Use speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in
the bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience,
being sure to follow the Standard English (correct grammar,
punctuation, etc.)
· Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and
· Presentation should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as
well as original and insightful
· Your work should display superior content, organization,
style, and mechanics
· Appropriate citation style should be followed
You should also make sure to:
· Use examples to support your discussion
· Cite all sources on a separate reference slide at the end of
your PowerPoint and reference and cite within the body of the
presentation using APA format and citation style. For more
information on APA guidelines, visit Academic Tools.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Compose your assignment and save it in the following format:
Course#_LastnameFirstname Unit # Assignment (example:
CJ509_SmithJohn Unit 1 Assignment). Submit your assignment
to the appropriate Dropbox by the end of the unit.
Unit 5 Assignment
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Policies
Develop an 18-22 slide analytical PowerPoint presentation that
evaluates the effectiveness of policies
designed to respond to disasters.
Your presentation should address the following:
1. Use the following identified measures in assessing the
effectiveness of disaster response effort
● Have disasters been accurately predicted?
● Have citizens and stakeholders been properly notified/warned
about disasters?
● Have there been effective response and recovery efforts to
● Has there been effective future mitigation efforts in response
to disasters?
● Are disaster response policies and systems cost efficient?
2. Apply those measures to specific policies. Provide examples
and details.
3. Analyze and then evaluate the effectiveness of those policies.
Are they working, based on the
measures you used? If not, why not?
4. Answer the following questions based on your analysis and
● Are DHS and FEMA properly organized to effectively deal
with natural and technological
● Should FEMA be removed from DHS and made an
independent agency reporting to POTUS?
● How effective are federal government disaster response
In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, you
should format your presentation in
accordance with the following guidelines:
● Include at least two sources in your presentation.
● Use one basic slide design and layout.
● Use charts and graphs as needed.
● Limit slides to between 6 and 8 lines of content.
● Use bullets for your main points.
● Use speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in
the bullet points as though you are
presenting to an audience.
● Use APA citations on appropriate slides.
Visit the writing resources site for excellent resources when
creating PowerPoint presentations.
Submitting Your Assignment
Save your document in the following format: Last name First
name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn
Unit 5 Assignment). Submit your Assignment by selecting the
Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox by the end of
Unit 5. ticle/creating-effective-
Checklist for the Unit 5 Assignment
Criteria: Ask yourself the following questions. Not Yet Yes
Did you identify 5 measures used to evaluate the effectiveness
of disaster
response effort policies?
Did you apply those measures to specific policies and provide
examples and
Did you analyze and then evaluate the effectiveness of those
Did you answer the specific questions from the assignment?
Is your research current?
Did you discuss all the required areas in a substantive manner?
Did you use appropriate reference material to support major
Is your content complete enough to address the topic and
Is there a logical flow to your ideas?
Did you present the material in a clear and concise manner to
provide easy
Did you prepare your project as a Microsoft PowerPoint
Did you label your file correctly?
Did you use APA format to cite your sources?
Did you check your document for grammar and spelling?
Did your paper meet the length requirements?
Unit 5 Assignment
Part 1: Topic 1: Improving Emergency Response (Respond)
If you were advising the President of the United States
(POTUS), what recommendations would you make to POTUS to
improve emergency response?
Part 2: Topic 1 Respond to Student #1 (Respond to Erik below)
Erik Petersen
The vast majority of emergencies that occur in the United States
will not involve a response from the federal government at all
(Haddow et al., 2021). Therefore training municipal emergency
response agencies is key to improving emergency response.
Unfortunately, many smaller emergency manageme nt programs
lack a consistent budget for training, particularly in areas that
have not responded to large-scale disasters (Bullock et al.,
2018). The federal government can assist with funding for
training in two ways; providing grants for emergency response
training, and providing free training for municipal agencies.
Grant programs do exist through the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) (DHS, 2020). Ensuring that local agencies are
aware of these funding opportunities needs to be a high priority.
Having the funding be dependant on agencies using DHS-
approved training programs allows municipalities to choose
trainings they feel will best fit their needs while ensuring that
they are being trained to the needed standards.
The DHS also partners with state and local governments to
provide emergency responders training, including in-person
classes and online courses (DHS, n.d.). Increasing incentives
for local governments to participate in these trainings will
benefit all responders. As noted above, the federal government
will not be involved with most emergency responses, and when
a federal response is required, it is during the worst of the
worst. Therefore federal agencies need to be involved with local
training so that the two groups are not working together for the
first time when lives are on the line.
Bullock, J. A., Haddow, G. D., & Coppola, D. P. (2018).
Homeland Security: The Essentials. (2nd ed). Butterworth-
Haddow, G. D., Bullock, J. A., & Coppola, D. P. (2021).
Introduction to emergency management (7th ed.). Butterworth-
Heinemann publications.
Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). Training resources.
Retrieved on 07/22/2021.
Department of Homeland Security. (2020, April 2). DHS
Part 2: Topic 1 Respond to Student #2 (Respond to Keith below)
Keith Hamilton
Good morning class,
If I was advising the President of the United States on ways to
improve emergency response, I would start with recommending
removing the tactical mindset and becoming more practical, also
to focus more on mitigation. When I say to remove the tactical
mindset, when it comes to emergency management it’s not
practical to put everything in a tactical mindset. It may be easy
to do and to rely upon because so many of the emergency
responders have a public safety background. As an emergency
manager however you should focus more on relationships and
strategy instead of implementing a tactical plan.
“Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by
lessening the impact of disasters and emergencies” (Bexar
County, 2021). As we discussed in the seminar the mitigation
process is the most overlooked and neglected. This process is in
my opinion the most important and could be more beneficial in
the long run. It may cost a lot of money up front but over time it
is proven to save money, and be very effective.
Bexar County (2021) The five phases of emergency
Part 1:Topic 2: Integration of Agencies (Respond)
If you were advising the President of the United States
(POTUS), what recommendations would you make to POTUS to
better integrate the different intelligence, homeland security,
and emergency response agencies to improve effectiveness?
Part 2: Topic 2 Student Response #1 (Respond to Donald below)
Donald Derryberry
Doctor Kapperman and classmates –
Integrating the multiple agencies of intelligence, homeland
security, and emergency response agencies is a large and
difficult undertaking due to the sheer size of those
organizations. They key to any integration is developing a well
laid out plan and ensure constant communication and
coordination is being conducted with all interested agencies at
all levels throughout the process. Due to the Cabinet level of
agencies involved, I would recommend that there needs to be a
White House liaison as to where the executive level directives
and guidance have the weight of the White House behind it.
Integrating their data programs where all three systems are
communicating the same language would allow all interested
agencies involved to be able to track the same information.
Programs communicating with other programs and transferring
data was always a problem when I was in the Army. Personnel
programs did not communicate with training management
programs that did not communicate with logistical programs,
and so forth. Utilizing a program that allows those agencies to
view the same common operating picture would assist in the
integration process.
Bullock, J., Haddow, G., & Coppola, D. (2018). Homeland
Security: The Essentials (2nd
Part 2: Topic 2 Student Response #2 (Respond to Calvin below)
Calvin Parker
In my opinion, I do not think that the intelligence agencies
should be integrated unless they have the same mission, values
and goals. They definitely should not be under the Department
of Homeland Security. I feel as if it is too much "red tape"
within the department. The intelligence agencies may do
something that isn't approved by the DHS. This can cause
problems on how they extract their information to protect the
homeland. I believe the intelligence agencies should be over
DHS. Depending on some of the intelligence agencies, they may
need to integrate together, because we have 16 different
intelligence agencies (Bullock et al., 2018). Now, while
advising POTUS, how should we integrate different agencies
within DHS and emergency response agencies to improve
effectiveness. If agencies perform the same task, then they
should be one. This will improve communication because it
would be one big agency.
Bullock, J., Haddow, G., & Coppola, D. P. (2018). Homeland
security: The essentials
CJ509 Unit 5 DQPart 1 Topic TerrorismCritically discuss

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CJ509 Unit 5 DQPart 1 Topic TerrorismCritically discuss

  • 1. CJ509 Unit 5 DQ Part 1: Topic: Terrorism Critically discuss with your classmates the differences and similarities of criminal acts of domestic and international terrorism. Include in the discussion the nature of the terrorist actor and their motivations in committing an act of terror. Share with the class a summary of a terror event anywhere in the world (do not include 9/11 in this discussion). Part 2: Student Response #1(Reply to Monica below) Monica Mcalister Terrorism at the XXVI Summer Olympiad Terrorism The Federal Bureau of Investigatio n (FBI) has taken the broad spectrum of terrorism and divided the types into two areas: domestic terrorism and international terrorism. The definitions for both areas are rather broad in scope. According to Watson, domestic terrorism is defined by the FBI as “the unlawful use, or threatened use, of violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States (or its territories) without foreign direction” (para. 8). Additionally, the FBI uses the definition of “violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any state, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or any state. Acts are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a government, or affect the conduct of a government” (para. 9) for their international terrorism category. Both domestic and international terrorism is rooted in extremist and their ideals and the use of tactics that promote terror to
  • 2. further their agenda. According to Martin (2019), the typical objectives for terrorism are to change the existing order, social disruption, psychological disruption, and creating a revolutionary environment (pp. 10-11). Eric Rudolph was responsible for the July 27, 1996 bombing during the XXVI Summer Olympiad in Atlanta when he used a nail-laden pipe bomb in Centennial Olympic Park that killed a woman who had driven with her daughter to Atlanta to celebrate the Olympics, and injured over 100 others (History, 2010, para. 1). According to the FBI, the motives behind Rudolph’s attack included his anti-government, anti-gay, and other biases (para. 12). References FBI. (n.d). Famous cases and criminals: Eric Rudolph. Retrieved from: rudolph History. (2010). Bombing at Centennial Olympic Park. A&E Television Networks. Retrieved from: centennial-olympic-park Martin, G. (2019). Essentials of terrorism: Concepts and controversies (5th edition). Sage Publications. Watson, D. (2002, February 6). The terrorist threat confronting the United States. The Federal Bureau of Investigation. threat-confronting-the-united-states Part 3: Student Response (Respond to Kimberly below) Terrorism - Why? Kimberly Ord According to the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (n.d.), there is no single definition of international or domestic terrorism, as when violence is used, it depends on why to determine if it is terrorism. Do you not just love that? The government decides if the violence is terrorism or just someone
  • 3. blowing off steam at an opponent of the government. That is like is it a battle or a massacre, which depends on who won it and who lost. Okay, back to the questions for this week. But for the differences and similarities of domestic and international terrorism, one thing is who or what group is behind the act. If the top people are based internationally or a country is sponsoring the terrorist group, then it is international, but if they are within the country or the act, then it is domestic (Department of Emergency and Military Affairs, n.d.). Then, another difference is what is the motivation for the act? Is it one country against another for whatever reason (for example, radical Islam against infidel countries)? Is it a grievance that a resident(s) has with the government of their country (such as Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City Bombing of the federal building)? As you can see, motivations are across the board – it could be grievances, it could be religious ideology, political ideology, racially motivated, motivated by hate toward any protected class of people, and much more. Terrorism can occur for the stupidest of reasons, but I feel it is the intolerance of people toward other people or vengeance that drives most of it. According to Masood and Myers (2021), last week in Pakistan, nine Chinese hydroelectric constructio n workers, and three others were killed in an explosion when a suicide bomber drove a vehicle into the bus carrying the workers. They stated that 41 people were injured as well. Masood and Myers noted that Chinese workers and diplomats in the country have been targeted for attacks before this incident. As no group has yet claimed responsibility, the motivation behind the attack is unknown at this time. References Department of Emergency and Military Affairs. (n.d.). Various definitions of terrorism. R-Terrorism%20Definitions-BORUNDA.pdf Masood, S. & Myers, S. L. (2021). Blast that killed Chinese
  • 4. workers in Pakistan was a terrorist attack, officials say. The New York Times. pakistan-bus-crash-blast.html CJ509 Week 5 Assignment Team Assignment After being placed in your groups by your instructor, share your background and field of study with your team members. Develop the team rules that you will use in this project. (i.e., how many days a week should each member check into the team room; what are the deadlines for individual assignments, email contacts, etc.). This week your group will prepare a PowerPoint Presentation on Cyber Terrorism. Develop a 12–15-slide PowerPoint presentation include the following: · An introduction to the nature and purpose of this type of terrorism (ASSIGNED TO ANOTHER TEAM MEMBER) · The actors and the event (ASSIGNED TO ANOTHER TEAM MEMBER) · The response to the event (YOU ARE ASSIGNED TO THIS PART) include references used on a separate piece of paper, speaker notes and 6 lines max. · Recommended improvements to the response (ASSIGNED TO ANOTHER TEAM MEMBER) Team Assignment Directions 100 of the total points available for the team assignment are associated with the team submission and 25 of the total points are associated with the quality with quality of each individual’s contribution. You will assess your team members and they will assess you using the feedback evaluation form. The professor will not share your peer evaluation feedback with others, though you may choose to ask teammates to share their perceptions with
  • 5. you, so you can improve upon your team contribution. Have a designated group member go to the Dropbox and submit your assignment by selecting the Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 5. Each team member should also submit a peer evaluation to their Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox. Your grade will be a result of your group work and your peer evaluation. Below are some resources to facilitate working with a group: · Learn the Dos, Don’ts of Online Group Work · Tips for participating in group work and projects online · Being an effective group member · How to create a team charter for success Directions · Your slide requirement is excluding your title, introduction, and reference slides. · Use one basic slide design and layout. · Limit slides to between 6 and 8 lines of content. · You may use pictures, charts and graphs to supplement your material as long as they do not take up the entire slide · Use bullets for your main points. · Use speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience, being sure to follow the Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.) · Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained · Presentation should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful · Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics · Appropriate citation style should be followed You should also make sure to: · Use examples to support your discussion · Cite all sources on a separate reference slide at the end of your PowerPoint and reference and cite within the body of the presentation using APA format and citation style. For more
  • 6. information on APA guidelines, visit Academic Tools. Directions for Submitting Your Assignment Compose your assignment and save it in the following format: Course#_LastnameFirstname Unit # Assignment (example: CJ509_SmithJohn Unit 1 Assignment). Submit your assignment to the appropriate Dropbox by the end of the unit. Unit 5 Assignment Evaluating the Effectiveness of Policies Develop an 18-22 slide analytical PowerPoint presentation that evaluates the effectiveness of policies designed to respond to disasters. Your presentation should address the following: 1. Use the following identified measures in assessing the effectiveness of disaster response effort policies: ● Have disasters been accurately predicted? ● Have citizens and stakeholders been properly notified/warned about disasters? ● Have there been effective response and recovery efforts to disasters? ● Has there been effective future mitigation efforts in response to disasters? ● Are disaster response policies and systems cost efficient? 2. Apply those measures to specific policies. Provide examples and details.
  • 7. 3. Analyze and then evaluate the effectiveness of those policies. Are they working, based on the measures you used? If not, why not? 4. Answer the following questions based on your analysis and evaluation: ● Are DHS and FEMA properly organized to effectively deal with natural and technological disasters? ● Should FEMA be removed from DHS and made an independent agency reporting to POTUS? ● How effective are federal government disaster response policies? In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, you should format your presentation in accordance with the following guidelines: ● Include at least two sources in your presentation. ● Use one basic slide design and layout. ● Use charts and graphs as needed. ● Limit slides to between 6 and 8 lines of content. ● Use bullets for your main points. ● Use speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience. ● Use APA citations on appropriate slides.
  • 8. Visit the writing resources site for excellent resources when creating PowerPoint presentations. Submitting Your Assignment Save your document in the following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn Unit 5 Assignment). Submit your Assignment by selecting the Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 5. ticle/creating-effective- powerpoint-presentations Checklist for the Unit 5 Assignment Criteria: Ask yourself the following questions. Not Yet Yes Content Did you identify 5 measures used to evaluate the effectiveness of disaster response effort policies? Did you apply those measures to specific policies and provide examples and details? Did you analyze and then evaluate the effectiveness of those policies?
  • 9. Did you answer the specific questions from the assignment? Research Is your research current? Did you discuss all the required areas in a substantive manner? Did you use appropriate reference material to support major statements? Quality Is your content complete enough to address the topic and questions? Is there a logical flow to your ideas? Did you present the material in a clear and concise manner to provide easy readability? Format Did you prepare your project as a Microsoft PowerPoint document? Did you label your file correctly? Did you use APA format to cite your sources?
  • 10. Did you check your document for grammar and spelling? Did your paper meet the length requirements? HM501 Unit 5 Assignment Part 1: Topic 1: Improving Emergency Response (Respond) If you were advising the President of the United States (POTUS), what recommendations would you make to POTUS to improve emergency response? Part 2: Topic 1 Respond to Student #1 (Respond to Erik below) Erik Petersen The vast majority of emergencies that occur in the United States will not involve a response from the federal government at all (Haddow et al., 2021). Therefore training municipal emergency response agencies is key to improving emergency response. Unfortunately, many smaller emergency manageme nt programs lack a consistent budget for training, particularly in areas that have not responded to large-scale disasters (Bullock et al., 2018). The federal government can assist with funding for training in two ways; providing grants for emergency response training, and providing free training for municipal agencies. Grant programs do exist through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (DHS, 2020). Ensuring that local agencies are aware of these funding opportunities needs to be a high priority. Having the funding be dependant on agencies using DHS- approved training programs allows municipalities to choose trainings they feel will best fit their needs while ensuring that they are being trained to the needed standards.
  • 11. The DHS also partners with state and local governments to provide emergency responders training, including in-person classes and online courses (DHS, n.d.). Increasing incentives for local governments to participate in these trainings will benefit all responders. As noted above, the federal government will not be involved with most emergency responses, and when a federal response is required, it is during the worst of the worst. Therefore federal agencies need to be involved with local training so that the two groups are not working together for the first time when lives are on the line. References: Bullock, J. A., Haddow, G. D., & Coppola, D. P. (2018). Homeland Security: The Essentials. (2nd ed). Butterworth- Heinemann. Haddow, G. D., Bullock, J. A., & Coppola, D. P. (2021). Introduction to emergency management (7th ed.). Butterworth- Heinemann publications. Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). Training resources. Retrieved on 07/22/2021. technology/frg-training Department of Homeland Security. (2020, April 2). DHS grants. Part 2: Topic 1 Respond to Student #2 (Respond to Keith below) Keith Hamilton Good morning class, If I was advising the President of the United States on ways to improve emergency response, I would start with recommending removing the tactical mindset and becoming more practical, also to focus more on mitigation. When I say to remove the tactical mindset, when it comes to emergency management it’s not practical to put everything in a tactical mindset. It may be easy to do and to rely upon because so many of the emergency responders have a public safety background. As an emergency
  • 12. manager however you should focus more on relationships and strategy instead of implementing a tactical plan. “Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters and emergencies” (Bexar County, 2021). As we discussed in the seminar the mitigation process is the most overlooked and neglected. This process is in my opinion the most important and could be more beneficial in the long run. It may cost a lot of money up front but over time it is proven to save money, and be very effective. References Bexar County (2021) The five phases of emergency management. Part 1:Topic 2: Integration of Agencies (Respond) If you were advising the President of the United States (POTUS), what recommendations would you make to POTUS to better integrate the different intelligence, homeland security, and emergency response agencies to improve effectiveness? Part 2: Topic 2 Student Response #1 (Respond to Donald below) Donald Derryberry Doctor Kapperman and classmates – Integrating the multiple agencies of intelligence, homeland security, and emergency response agencies is a large and difficult undertaking due to the sheer size of those organizations. They key to any integration is developing a well laid out plan and ensure constant communication and coordination is being conducted with all interested agencies at all levels throughout the process. Due to the Cabinet level of agencies involved, I would recommend that there needs to be a White House liaison as to where the executive level directives and guidance have the weight of the White House behind it. Integrating their data programs where all three systems are communicating the same language would allow all interested agencies involved to be able to track the same information.
  • 13. Programs communicating with other programs and transferring data was always a problem when I was in the Army. Personnel programs did not communicate with training management programs that did not communicate with logistical programs, and so forth. Utilizing a program that allows those agencies to view the same common operating picture would assist in the integration process. Don Reference Bullock, J., Haddow, G., & Coppola, D. (2018). Homeland Security: The Essentials (2nd ed.). Part 2: Topic 2 Student Response #2 (Respond to Calvin below) Calvin Parker In my opinion, I do not think that the intelligence agencies should be integrated unless they have the same mission, values and goals. They definitely should not be under the Department of Homeland Security. I feel as if it is too much "red tape" within the department. The intelligence agencies may do something that isn't approved by the DHS. This can cause problems on how they extract their information to protect the homeland. I believe the intelligence agencies should be over DHS. Depending on some of the intelligence agencies, they may need to integrate together, because we have 16 different intelligence agencies (Bullock et al., 2018). Now, while advising POTUS, how should we integrate different agencies within DHS and emergency response agencies to improve effectiveness. If agencies perform the same task, then they should be one. This will improve communication because it would be one big agency. Reference Bullock, J., Haddow, G., & Coppola, D. P. (2018). Homeland security: The essentials