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There is a very great anomaly in the church today. Many a Christian live their lives as though they have
no master to whom they are accountable. Neither do our lifestyles and ambitions bear any semblance of
hevenly mandate that characterised the earthly life of our saviour Jesus,whom we profess to follow. The
dearth of spiritual depth and quality of life, which is prevalent in our midst, is not native to the gospel
message,which the saints of old proclaimed and lived by. As the rain of the final harvest is beginning to
fall, large numbers of souls are beginning to troop into churches, with great admiration for Jesus. The
result is that there is now so much excitement amongst us that we have all lost grip of the central theme
of the commission, which is, Making Disciples. Yet, that is supposed to be the great essential of the
churches today Church’s evangelistic endeavour in every nation and in every generation. Many in our
Churches today are anything else but disciples. [i.e. conformed followers of the Lord Jesus]. They are
more of his admirers.

Yet the most disturbing of this subtle spiritual desilation is the extent to which the strategic leadership
of the Church has been infiltrated and infested. Many a shepherd of God’s flock today are consciously
and progressively down-playing those ‘hard sayings’ of Jesus,and in their stead boldly promoting human
philosophical easy-believism and spectacular religious fanfares that are alien to the traditions of our
faith. Success in ministry is now presumed to be dependent on the degree of one’s force of personality,
commercial expertise, religious showmanship and proficiency in fortune-telling, with little or no regard
for integrity of life and spiritual discpline derived from the minister’s daily submission unto the authority
of Christ. The result is that the membership of the Church is not discipled to conform to the likeness of
the Saviour who has called us. Moreover, there is no conscious and concerted effort to strategically and
selectively train the membership in spiritually and service according to the biblical principle of successive
transfer. (2 Tim. 2:2; Eph. 4:11-16)

And so our congregations are composed mainly of spiritual babies that are ever crying for blessings and
miracles; easily excited at nothing, and never pressing on to apprehend the reality of our high calling,
inspite of their number of years in the Lord.

As a candidate disciple, you owe it a duty to yourself, therefore, to submit to this life-training under
God, pressing on steadily by faith until something tangible and eternal robs upon your spirit and soul.


A disciple is defined as a follower of any great teacher. The Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current
English defined disciple as a follower of any leader of religious thought, art, learning etc;

In light of the scripture,a disciple is :

    •    One who is born of the Spirit. John 3:1-7; 1Cor.2:13-15

    •    A follower (learner, student, apprentice) of Christ. Luke 6:40
•     One who willingly submits to the Lordship (Yoke) of Christ. Matt.11:28-30

•     One whose lifestyle, ideas, programmes and pursuits are being constantly inspired and
      moderated by the words of Jesus. John 8:31-32.

•     One who believes in the wisdom, love and ability of the Master. Job 13:15; 19:25-27; Rom.8:28

•     One who loves the master supremely. 1 Chron11:15-19; Acts 4:12-20, Lk.14: 26. Self love is one
      of the stubbornest hindrances to discipleship.Not until we are willing to lay down our very lives
      for Him are we in the place where He wants us.

•     One who is not only available for the Master, but expendable for Him. Acts 20:22-24;
      Matt.16:24. It was a life of zeal, of expenditure, of faithfulness and of devotion[Gal.5:22-23]. We
      must exhibit the fruit of Christ-likeness,[John15:35].


Discipleship is a training process by which a believer in Christ is being made to become like his
Master – the Lord Jesus Christ. Discipleship is learning Jesus and becoming like Him. It is a process,
as opposed to the New Birth, which is an event. That is, the New Birth is a miracle that takes place in
a moment, even though very often several things might happen in the life of the unsaved man over
a period of time to bring him to the ultimate point of conviction. Discipleship is not so. It is learning
Jesus. It is following in Jesus’ steps. It is becoming like Jesus. And this takes place over a period of
time, indeed a life-time.


Raising disciples is a difficult task. It takes time and energy. Great determination, perseverance,
labour in prayer, and love for the work are required. Some steps in raising disciples are highlighted

    i.    Conversation / Salvation

          First, Jesus Christ must be presented to the person in the form of the gospel or witnessing.
          Prayers are earnestly said to back-up the gospel presented. The word of God and the power
          of the Holy Spirit bring conviction upon the person and an encounter with Christ is made.
          Real gospel is presented and not moral instruction. In God’s time and wisdom the individual
          receives salvation and new life begins. Without genuine salvation there can be no genuine
          discipleship; no matter the cosmetic approaches or tendencies.

    ii.   Follow-up / Teaching

          The follow-up studies are systematically presented to the person with back-up prayers.
          Topical issues of our faith are taught to the person. Key verses of the scriptures are
          presented and made to stick in the heart and mind of the person. He must be encouraged to
          ‘swallow’ the word of God and also made to know and believe that his life depends on the
word of God in him. All these efforts must be backed up with prayers for indeed only God
         can produce a genuine disciple. Teaching is a major aspect of Christian ministry. To make a
         disciple, time must be given to teaching of the life of the Master, what He abhors and what
         He accepts, all the rudiments of faith. 2Tim.2:15; Matt28:19-20.

iii.     Modelling

         Perhaps, modelling is one of the most crucial factors in raising a disciple. One action or
         behaviour shown can scare the person and he would slump back to the first level or give up
         entirely. The person raising a disciple must be a model in all aspects. The convert sees him
         as a mentor and accepts him as a model of Jesus Christ. The person will imitate the mentor
         (Phil.4:9). He must be a person of impeccable character. His life style in the following areas
         is very crucial and important:

       (a) Faith and Prayer: The disciple raiser must be a person of faith and prayer. First, these will
           help to carry him to the end. Second, the convert is challenged by his faith and prayer life.
           Thus, he must establish prayer life as well as faith in the new convert. The latter will come
           to see that most of his needs and problems are solved or cared for by his new faith and
           prayer.He must be taught to use prayer as a weapon for victory and as a tool to enable the
           word of God stick in his heart as well as practised.Lk.18:1;21:36;Mk.11:23-24.

       (b) Witnessing: Opprtunities for witnessing must be created for the new convert. He must be
           taken out and be exposed to sharing his experiences with the Lord with others. Fear and
           shame must be knocked off the new convert. Prayers for boldness and courage must be
           made conscientiously on daily basis for him. Acts 4:29, Acts 9:27, Eph.6:19. He must be
           made to accept witnessing as a necessary part of the faith, hence he should do it with joy
           and enthusiasm. It should never be seen as a burden or avoidable task. How to witness,
           when, where and why should be made clear to him. Remember, modelling is beyond
           follow-up studies in a class. This time, it means picking up the convert and making or
           molding him after you. You are to reproduce yourself in him, in the area of witnessing it is
           believed and expected that you are really a witness of the Master Jesus. Acts 1:8; Acts

       (c) Character Formation

           The word of God and prayer help individuals to form holy and righteous characters. The
           new convert must be made to know that the faith requires holy and righteous character
           formation patterned after Christ. Even in secular life, good characters are recognised. For
           instance, during University Convocation the Vice Chancellor admits those graduating into
           degrees of the University having found them worthy in character and in learning. If any of
           these is lacking the person cannot graduate. Excellence is required in both.
Similarly, for the new convert to be admitted into the Universal Church of Jesus or into
   Heaven, he must be found worthy in character and in learning, 1 Pt.1:15-16; 2Tim.2:19;
   1Tim.4:12-16. Trees full of leaves should also be full of fruits. We must live in our words.
   We must grow to perfection. Matt.5:48.

   The new convert should be made to know that:

       •   Holiness energizes the soul (Prov.28:1b)

       •   Holiness is the secret of God’s power (Lev.11:44-45)

       •   Without holiness, no one shall see God (Heb.12:14

       •   Righteousness must go with our preaching (Jam.1:22)

 The new convert must be fully surrendered to God in the holiest devotion in speech and in
 deed. His aims, aspiration, and ambition must be for God and to God. The disciple raiser
 must be a model in all these. Speaking the truth always must be a character formed as a
 way of life.Ps.15:1-3; 51:6; Eph.4:15. Sin must be rejected and abhorred. 2Tim.2:19;
 1John.3:8. Righteousness and peace must be seen as virtues that he must covet and humility
 and meekness must be the life of the new disciple. Phil.2:5-11

(d) Visitation and Compassion

   One of the essential factors in discipleship is visitation and compassion. The person raising
   disciples must make it as a duty to constantly pay visits to the new convert being discipled.
   It must be noted that the devil is very close and he is not happy that the new convert has
   left him. He is ever ready to attack and give evil suggestions. Scheduled and unscheduled
   visit will help to dislodge evil plans of the devil and give deliverance to the convert. In visits
   one may be opportuned to meet the new convert in periods of despondency and
   confusion. Words of encouragement and hope are issued from the scripture that will
   sustain the new convert to move forward. You must identify with his problems as you visit.
   The convert must see you as a friend not just a preacher. Some visits may end up in just
   interactions and discussions devoid of preaching.

   The disciple raiser must be very compassionate in his approach. Matt 9:36; 14:14;
   Mk.6:34. He must be willing to make sacrifices and assist the new convert as much as
   possible. Missionaries in the field, in raising disciples go as far as joining the new convert
   weed in the farm, wash clothes or plates, peel cassava or yam, sweep the compound,
   press their clothes, eat with them, contribute money or food when there is none for the
   new convert. Make contributions to his lacks. Share his joys and achievements. Be part of
   his family and discuss from time to time special qualities found in the life of Jesus Christ
   and other characters in the Bible. Raising disciples is a business of God’s kingdom, which
   demands a lot from the raiser. A definite visitation plan must be made and followed. It
   should be part of one’s daily or weekly schedules.
(e) Fellowship Meetings

               The need for fellowship meetings in raising disciples cannot be overemphasized.
               Inculcating the desire for fellowship must be established in the new convert. He must be
               encouraged to see the value of fellowship and that it is statutorily biblical for Christians to
               attend fellowship meetings regularly. Heb.10:25, Discuss various ways the enemy can
               attack our fellowship attendance and how we can fight and overcome him. Share
               Scriptures on fellowship. 1Jhn.1:7; 1Cor.1:9; Acts 2:42-47; Gal.2:9 and Phil.1:5. The disciple
               raiser must make it a point of duty to look for or search for the new convert when he is
               not in the fellowship. Time must be taken to find why the absence and encouragement
               must be offered. He must be helped to continue. Time must be taken to find out his
               benefits from the fellowship meetings and possibly direct him to the right path. He must
               feel free in the fellowship. Condemnations should be avoided, rather encouragement and
               persuasion. 2Cor.5:11.


Luke 9:23-24

“And He said to them all, if any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross
daily, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall
save it”.

    1)       Denying of Self

         To “deny”, in this context, could mean to forget, forsake, reject, say ‘No’ to, disregard, refuse,
         disown, leave self behind, abandon, lose sight of, consciously neglect, to deprive self etc.

         NB: The last shade of meaning, namely, to deprive self, refers to what is often called self-denial.
         Now, ‘self-denial’ is not the same thing as ‘denying self’. It is only an aspect of it. Self denial
         means depriving one’s self of certain normal pleasures, comforts and conveniences (in order to
         achieve a higher end). This higher end (goal) in view can however, be a selfish end. Therefore
         denying one’s self is much deeper than this.

         Now ‘self’ can be understood variously as the human nature, personal ego, or that ‘I’ that is in
         Man. Its various manifestations include:

             • The fear of suffering pain or lack

             • The fear of death

             • The fear of being ridiculed
• The fear of being taken for granted

             • The undue consciousness of one’s rights

             • The undue consciousness of one’s privileges or disadvantages

             • The desire to be recognised

             • The desire to be accepted

             • The desire to be praised

             • The desire to impress

             • The desire to be acclaimed

             • The love of men’s applause

             • And many such things

              So, when the Lord Jesus said a man who wished to come after Him should deny himself, he
meant all that we have brought forth above as touching ‘deny’ and ‘self’, and even much more. Jesus
meant the man should forget, consciously neglect or lose sight of his own rights and privileges or
position in life including his own conveniences and comforts in order to follow Him.

He meant such a man should abandon the life of self, indeed leave it behind. But denial of self means
such complete submission to the lordship of Christ that self has no rights or authority at all. It means
that self abdicates the throne. It is expressed in the words of Henry Martyn, ‘’Lord,let me have no will of
my own, or consider my true happiness as depending in the smallest degree on any thing that can befall
me outwardly,but as consisting altogether in conformity to Thy will.’’ The fear of suffering pain or lack,
the fear of being ridiculed, and all fears instilled by self-protection, including the fear of being
misunderstood or misrepresented (i.e self defense) must such a follower say ‘No’ to. The Jesus’ follower
must refuse the overbearing desire for recognition or men’s acceptance and applause. He must quit
desiring for himself and his self-glory.


           “And that he died for all, that they which live should not HENCEFORTH live unto themselves,
but unto him who died for them, and rose again”

The Scriptures says you must not live for yourself any longer. Henceforth! From now on say ‘No’ self and
living for yourself. Live only for Jesus. Self loves praise,self loves comforts, self is part of the old (sinful)
nature. Self loves the world. Self fears rejection. Self loves to be pampered. It is an enemy of Godliness,
an enemy of spiritual life. And the Master says you must deny yourself (the entirety of self-life) as a first
condition for following Him. You must die to self.

The cross is the great instrument of our victory over self and also over the demands of the world
     system over us. There is a great ministry (efficacious work) which our constant identification
     with the Cross of Christ does to ensure our daily victorious living.

     The Master said the man who desires to come after Him should, in addition to denying himself
     take up his cross daily. Firstly,the cross speaks of death and suffering. It speaks also of shame,
     mockery and rejection. It was never a thing of glory to carry the cross. In the time of the Lord
     Jesus physical work on earth, any man that look up to the cross was regarded an outcast(an
     unwanted man)in the society. The world so rejected such a one to the extent they did not want
     him alive any more. He wants to be crucified, out of their sight. So, when Jesus now says ‘take
     up your cross’, He meant, ‘make up your mind to die for my sake; make up your mind to be
     rejected by the world, to be mocked and opposed for my sake’.

     Not only this, when someone took up his cross then, he was invariably making an
     announcement to the people around him, as the cross-bearer is always surrounded by a crowd.
     In this case the cross was a sort of an Obituary Announcement by the victim, the cross-bearer.
     By it, he proclaimed his death.It was clear to everyone that saw him that the man was dead, and
     that his own case (as far as this world was concerned) was certainly finished. The few who loved
     him would cry while his numerous enemies (the large crowd that condemn him)would rejoice.
     So it was with the Lord Jesus when he took up His cross. And so shall it be with you if you take
     up your own cross. The cross is a path way that is deliberately chosen. It is ‘’a path which so far
     as this world goes is one of dishonour and reproach’’. The cross symbolizes the shame,
     persecution and abuse which the world heaped upon the Son of God, and which the world will
     heap on all who choose to stand against the tide.

     Now, according to 2Cor.5:14, if one died for all, they were all dead. That is to say, Jesus’ death
     also meant your own death.This is an obvious scriptural truth. Your part now is the acceptance
     and declaration of this truth. It is to constantly identify yourself with this truth. It is your lot to
     declare this truth to the pressure of self-life within you and the world system around you. Paul
     the apostle cried out:

     “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me”. Gal.2:20

     Again, he had need to remind the Colossian believers; “For (as far as this world is concerned)
     you have died, and your (new real) life is hid with Christ in God.

     When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in (the splendor of His)
     glory”. Col.3:3-4


     Therefore, you have no business living for yourself or trying to please the world. Infact John
     the beloved apostle commands us not to love the world [1 John 2;15-17]. What is the world
That evil spiritual system [or influence], inspired by satan, which seeks to moderate every man
     that is born into this world.

                ‘’Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold.... ‘’Rom. 12;2

                 [phillips translation]

     You must stand your ground against the world. We have no business loving the world that
     rejected our Master and crucified Him. When the world rejected Him they rejected us. Hence,
     we are not part of this present world order. Our kingdom is that which will soon appear. As far
     as this world is concerned, we have died. Can you declare this truth to all that self seeks to gain
     out of this world Your confession must become, as Paul said, ‘Not I, but Christ’.

     The Master says for you to deny yourself, you must take up your cross daily. Only as you make
     such personal commitment can you truly follow Him. The Apostle said;

      ‘’For to me to live is Christ, --- ‘’ Phil. 1;21 [KJV]

      ‘’For me, to live is Christ,---‘’Phil. 1;21 [NIV]

       ‘’For living to me means simply Christ,--- ‘’Phil. 1;21 [Phillips Translation].

     But to you what is life Again, to you, what does death mean? Is it gain?


     “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and
     brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26.

     Here again we find that our master insists that for the man that wants to go all the way with
     him, whenever matters of choice arise, you will put He the Lord paramount, for above your
     father, your mother, your wife/husband, etc. And it is just like is not subject to debate.
     The supreme love for Jesus surpasses every other affection, every other affinity, and every other
     loyalty. Jesus is Lord, and Lordship is best portrayed in the life of His followers.

     This love for Jesus is best tested and proven by the disciple’s life of obedience. Abraham showed
     this literarily when he virtually offered his very precious son in sacrifice and obedience to God’s
     will. He proved he truly loved his God, and could pay any price to please Him. Also, we find in
     the spectacular calling of the priestly lineage of Israel a very similar challenge. Read Exodus
     32:25-29. This Levitician consecration entailed the gruesome killling of close relatives and
     companion. The Levites had to do it for they had signed out their lives, and all theirs, to God.
The Master himself put this final test of love this way. “If a man loves me, he will keep my
         words:---“John 14:23.


         “So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my
         disciple” Luke 14:33.

         Now this issue is as serious as the above scripture sounds. And the Lord Jesus demanded a literal
         conformity to this condition for discipleship from the rich young ruler who desired spiritual
         excellence. Read Matt.19:16-22; Luke 18:18-23.

         This forsaking includes;

             •   Giving up all possessiveness to the material things you own,

             •   Have a readiness to give up any property or position (attainment in life) as a voluntary
                 devotion to Jesus whenever such is required by Him,

             •   Consciously resisting the insatiable crave for property and money. (1 Tim.6:6-10)

             •   Refusing to build up an earthly store (Matt.6:19-21)

Our father Abraham owned so much, but he possessed nothing. He possessed only the invisible God. He
owned Canaan but had to buy the cave of Machapelah in order to bury his dead wife. He owned so
much cattle and flock but it was a spiritual legacy he bequeathed to his son Isaac when he died.
Moreover, Abraham was always willing to give up anything to God in order to keep a clear and single
eye on his pursuit for God and a city not made with hands.He gave up Isaac when it was required of Him.
He gave up his living house several times as it became necessary in his pursuit of God. But his nephew,
Lot, chose to live and die in Sodom even when his spiritual life and family life were being grievously
attacked. He was willing to part with Ishmael and Hagar when it became obvious that they were
competitors to the Heir of promise. Rather than engage in strife and lose his treasured spiritual peace
and fellowship with God, Abraham allowed himself to be cheated by his young nephew, Lot, in the
matter of choosing a viable grazing land for their flocks. What a follower of God!

Brother, are you holding tightly to this world’s goods? Remember, the issue is not whether you have
little or plenty. God can make you rich if He sees you have enough spiritual stamina to carry you
through. The material prosperity of a man that is destitute of spiritual prosperity shall no doubt destroy
him, for there is an ‘unrighteousness’ that go with mammon

A disciple, who is rich materially, is careful to note that there are certain snares (evils) that follow
earthly riches. Some of these include:
1)       They are temporary. ‘Moth and rust destroy them, thieves can steal them. Life’s troubles
         can take them.

    2)       They can become the object of one’s trust and glory.

    3)       They are never enough. “the desire of having increases by having” – Shakespeare.

    4)       They can endanger one’s very life.

    5)       The crave for them leads to unwholesome and ungodly behaviour.

And without controversy, believers who labour to build earthly store have lost their pilgrim character.
But those who constantly forsake all affirm that here they is no continuing city but seek that heavenly
city which will soon appear. Where do you belong, sister/brother? What is meant by forsaken all? It
means an abandonment of all one’s material possessions that are not absolutely essential and that
could be used in the spread of the gospel.


             “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me ....” Matt11:29.

Following in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus Christ entails learning Jesus: getting to know His manner of
life, purpose and way of doing things. Above all, the disciple commits himself to doing all things the
Jesus way. He strongly resists whatever attractions or pressures that tend to make him do any thing that
amounts to an alternative to Jesus’ way, no matter how harmless or reasonable or popular it may seem.
He insists on knowing the Master’s way in ever-increasing capacity and sensitivity for divine guidance.

Understanding Divine Guidance:- Several remedial means abound by which God seeks to help our
insensitivity (Read Job 33:14-15). These include: visions, and dreams, external prophecies, elderly
counsel, laying flees, cicumstantial leading, intuition(i.e ‘still small voice’). Each of these, when
applicable, must be carefully checked with prayer and the word.

Yet more excellent way of divine guidance or knowing God’s will still remains the issue we have been
discussing above. The disciple that has become yoked together with his Master Jesus, and who learns
(studies) Jesus is the one who can truly follow Him. And as Jesus has said, ...”he that followeth me shall
not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life”. (John 8:12). This is very true and simple; for Jesus,
the book of Proverbs tells us, is wisdom personified. He is the light of life, He is the wisdom of God.


         “ A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye
         also love one another.

         By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:34-35

The issue of loving other believers as a condition for discipleship is so serious that, according to the
Master, it is one good proof of successful discipleship. It is a commandment of the Lord whom the
disciple professes to be following. To refuse to walk in love with fellow believers – members of Christ’s
body – is to refuse the way of Jesus. And that is a quick way to walk in darkness. Let’s hear Elder John,
the beloved Apostle who knew his Master well.

“He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his
brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. But he that hateth his
brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because the
darkness hath blinded his eyes”. 1 John 2:9-11

“Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our
lives for the brethren.” 1John 3:16

The components of this life have been out for us in 1 Cor.13. And we do well to learn this love, which
the Holy Ghost teaches and which is the principal fruit of the Spirit.


A few things can be mentioned as hindrances to discipleship work. There could be more to these
discussed below:

i) Poor personal character

A tree naturally should produce its kind. If one is not a disciple, how would he raise a disciple? Personal
lifestyle is critical in raising disciple, 1 Cor.4:16-17; 2 Cor.3:2; 1 Cor.11:1-2. The manner of speech, the
control of anger or outburst at provocation, style of dressing, character display in public; manner of
prayer, manner of eating, neatness, types of friends one keeps and the rate of compassion seen in one
are considered and assessed by the new disciple. He is either repelled or attracted by these. Certainly,
Jesus is our utmost model, but He is not seen physically. But here is one who is representing Jesus, he
must be like Jesus or very close like Him. So he must be perfect or close to it. Matt.5:48. Any noticeable
mistake or error tends to discourage the new convert. No wonder, most members in the fellowship
cannot raise disciples. Poor personal character may be part of the reason. We are epistles written and
read by all people.2Cor.3:2. We must be disciplined in our character so that outside assessor can know
where to place us, and to know whether to follow us or not. Our character must be sound in order to
attract others. If the trumpet gave an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to battle? 1 Cor.14:7-
8. If your lifestyle has no destination, who shall surrender to you for discipleship?

ii) Lack of the Power of God

If the power of God is demonstrated in an issue, the new convert is usually overwhelmed and
encouraged. The speech and the preaching of the disciple raiser should not be just in enticing words of
man’s wisdom but rather in the demonstration of the Spirit and power of God. 1 Cor.2:4-5. If for
instance the new convert is attacked spiritually and the power of God is not shown to be able to deliver
him, then he will be discouraged and may go back. So, the brother or the sister making or raising a
disciple must be in tune with God and have faith and be able to demonstrate. So, if he knows the truth
of the gospel but cannot demonstrate it the result will be minimal. You shall know the truth and the
truth you know and apply shall make you free. Jn.8:32. Lack of the power of God or demonstration of it
will hinder the discipleship efforts. No one would like to follow a weak person who is unable to deliver
or save him. So, the new convert wants to be a disciple of Jesus Christ essentially because Christ has the
power to deliver and this should be made visible. He would like to see it real not just in theory.Biblical
disciples showed such pattern of behaviour and followed the Master Jesus. 1 Cor.4:20, 2:4-5; Acts 4:33;
1 Thess.1:5. Why some people leave felowship partly is because they could not see the power of God
demonstrated in their life and in their problems. Throughout the book of Acts of the Apostles, the power
of God was seen demonstrated and that brought conviction upon people and got them rooted in the
faith. We may ascert that this was part of the reasons why Jesus asked his Apostles to tarry in Jerusalem
until they were endowed with power. Acts 1:8

iii) Prayerlessness.

Discipleship cannot move far without the burden to pray for the person being discipled as well as for the
entire progress of the business. No man gets God into his affairs who does not follow hard after Him.
God’s acquaintance is not made in a hurry for He does not bestow His gifts and blessings on the casual
or hasty comers and goers. Discipleship is primarily God’s own affair. If he is not in the business nothing
works. It is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God.(Zech.4:6). The disciple raiser must solely
depend on God, and he must recognise this. Through prayers one gets the inspiration needed for the
work, one is motivated and directed, and one clears and obliterates all forms of difficulties challenging
the work. By prayers the Holy Spirit holds the convert and makes him willing to conform to all teachings
and guidance being provided.

A prayerless individual can hardly raise a disciple. Making a disciple is a tasking job and demands
physical and spiritual energy. The prayerless will get discouraged after some efforts. (Mt.11:12). He will
drop the business with apparently a number of ‘good’ reasons. Since the kingdom of darkness pushes on
to stop the work of discipleship, and allow us settle at raising uncommitted converts, only by prayers can
we sustain the work and get to the end. Lkk.18:1-7; 1 Thess.5:17; Col.4:2; Jude 20. So part of why
disciples are not raised in our fellowship is lack of strength in prayer. No one can persevere, no one can
stand in the gap. (Isa.62:1; Isa.41:28; Ezek.22:30).

iv) Home Stresses

Stresses in the home can affect the one raising a disciple as well as the person being raised. Stress can
attack the mind, the time and the finances of both persons. If the disciple maker is not determined and
careful he may stop unknowingly or withdraw from the business under the weight of stress. since he
has his own problem, what should he do in order to suceed? Discuss and proffer practical solutions on
how he will cope.

Sometimes, the stress may be the work of the devil, just to stop the work. The disciple raiser must be
fully ready for the work, knowing that it is a difficult one. 2 Cor.4:17; 1 Thess.3:3-4, 2Tim.2:3-5; Phil.4:6-
7,12-13,19. We should be reminded that it is likely that human stresses may be increasing as the day of
our Lord’s coming draws near. Therefore, we must fight on and never to wait for a better time. The time
is now.

There are consequences when people are filled in the Church but are not rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ
and can hardly be classfied as disciples. Such people may be leaders and may be in the fellowship for
one reason or the other. They may have never been discipled. Our fellowships certainly have not been
fully engaged occupied in the work of discipleship and may therefore have many undiscipled converts.
An observable consequence in the fellowship may include the following;

[i]    Lack of commitment to the work of God.

[ii]   Immorality

[iii] People dropping from the fellowship

[iv] Various kinds of sin

[v]    Disobedience to authority

[vi]   Compromises at work places, villages and in homes

[vii] Worldliness, desire to belong to a class, or achieve something by all means e.g. Passing
examinations and getting university admissions and employment.

[viii] Inability to endure hardship, tendency to blame God and drop the faith.

Matt 4:18-22
Jesus took the initiative.
Vs.19 Jesus call is a command and promise “follow me” (4:17). The command for them to become
disciples. They were not told why they should follow Jesus, what following him will mean, or where the
path will lead them. We meet Jesus’ first miracle, the miracle of his powerful word that creates
following, that makes disciples.
How do people become the disciples of Jesus?
Jesus calls actual people to be his disciples.
Scholars have tempted to refashion the biblical pictures of discipleship into categories more comfortable
with our own idealogies
To become a disciple means to accept Jesus’ principles for living. Matthew’s interpretation cannot be
reduced to our modern view. In this text, Jesus appears disruptively in our midst and calls us not to
admire him or accept his principles not even to accept him as our personal saviour , but to follow him.
The reasonable response would be “where are you going?” Even though Matthew did not use “believe”
and “faith” in this story, he here pictures the nature of faith that is at the heart of discipleship (Heb
11:8). Where does such faith come from?
Matthew may be saying “people become believers by the power of Jesus’ word; they follow him
because he has spoken to them, and his word generates faith. The early persons called are already at
work , doing something useful and important, thus they are not looking for a new life. Jesus’ calls does
not fill an obvious vaccum or meet an obvious need in their lives but like the call of prophets in the
Hebrew Bible , it is an intrusive and disruptive, calling them away from work and family.
Discipleship is not an offer man makes to Christ, It is only the call which creates the situation

MATT 5:13
The life of discipleship is conceived throughout as life within the community of faith, a community
charged with a mission to the world. The saying is a metaphor with a brief rhetorical question, speaking
of the disciples as salt. Salt has various connotations in Matthew’s account:
     1.       Sacrifice (Lev.2:13; Ezek 43:24)
     2.       Loyalty and covenant fidelity (Ezra 4:14; Num 18:19; eating together was called sharing salt
         and expressed a binding relationship)
     3.       Purification 2kings 2:19-22
     4.       Seasoning Job 6:6; Col.4:5
     5.       Preservative
The saying serves as a warning that if the disciples deny their mission, they will be thrown out as useless.
Salt loses its saltness by becoming so impure, so mixed with other elements that it loses its function. The
emphasis on the earth is equivalent of the world. The world does not belong to Satan. It is the creation
of God. (Matt 13:35; 24:21), the scene of the disciples mission (Matt.5:14; 13:38; 26:13), where God’s
will shall finally be done.
Salt does not exist for itself nor do the disciples; their life is turned outward to the world.
Matt 5:14 -16
The light metaphor present the disciples as illumination for the world. The primary function of light is
not to be seen, but to let things be seen as they are. The city on a hill presents the disciple as inevitably
and unavoidably being seen.
The salt and light sayings picture mission as inherent to discipleship. The community that lives by the
power of unostentatious prayer in the inner room (Matt 6:6) is not an introverted secret society
shielding itself from the world but is a city set on a hill whose authentic life cannot be concealed.
The disciples are called to the active mission of “letting their light shine to all”. They have been lit not for
their own sakes, but for the sake of the world. The community of disciples is light for the dark world , as
is Jesus in Matt 4:12-17.
Our mission is authorized and presupposed by Jesus’ own mission and is the continuation of it (Matt
We are what we are, not because of inherent potential that we are called upon to recognize and
develop, but by Jesus own word. (Matt 4:18-22). The disciples in Matthew’s days were not challenged to
try harder to be salt and light, but are told that as followers of Jesus they are Salt and Light for the
world. We are called not to, more self-exertion, but to believe Jesus’s word and to accept to live out the
new reality it has already created in the call to discipeship.

Luke 6: 20 – 49
What follows is the standard for which every disciple should strive.
Discipleship demands loving your enemies.
There is no place in the christian ethic for vengeance or retaliation.
Verses 27 – 28 contain a fourfold repetition: the principle of love for one’s enemies. Matt.5:44
    •       To pray for those who abuse you, is similar to the command to pray for those who persecute
    •       6:29-31 show four applications of the principle of love for enemies
    •       Turn the other cheek
    •       Do not withhold your shirt
    •       Give to the one who asks you
    •       If your goods are taken do not ask for them back.
    Verses 32-36
    •       If you love/do good/lend
    •       To those who love/do good/lend to you
    •       What credit is that to you?
The disciple’s relationship to God is based on the axiom that the child is like the parent, so the character
of God dictates that we practice a love that is not limited by others’ responses to us, for God “is kind to
the ungrateful and the wicked” (vs.35)
The imperative to love one’s enemies can have a range of meanings – win over your opponent by
kindness, take the moral high road, shame your enemy by your superior goodness; deflect hostility or
prevent further abuse by offering no resistance, rise above pettiness, or demonstrate a Christ- like
character as a Christian witness.

The first danger is the inclination to judge others. Disciples do not grow better by comparing themselves
with someone else. Judging is the sin of those who are blind to their own faults. It is the obsession of
those who seek to make themselves better not by lifting themselves up, but by, bringing others down. It
is the mock justice of those who presume to know what others should do.
The second danger to discipleship is that of living lives without a firm foundation, Lk.6:48. Dig deep and
lay the foundation of your life on the word of God. Keep digging until you get in touch with the
revelation of God in the person of Jesus and then build your life upon that rock. The mystery of
discipleship is that it is as much receiving as it is striving.
LK 6:39-49
In other to be a guide, the disciple needs to learn from the teacher (v 40). Before one can help another
one must attend to his or her own fault.(41-42)
Our efforts to be good disciples, guides to the blind, or speck-removers for our neighbour require a good
heart- integrity of character. Only a good tree bears a good fruit (43-45). Being a good disciple requires
far more than confession or lip service to the Lord. It requires acting on the Lord’s teaching, making it
the foundation of one’s life (vs46-49)
Disciples must be better qualified than those they seek to lead. The appropriate goal is to strive to be
like the teacher. The next parable contrasts the disciple’s faults with those he or she may find in others.
Discipleship involves following, going on. Faithfulness is not achieved by freezing a moment but by
following on in confidence that God is leading and that what lies ahead is even greater than what we
have already experience.
Discipleship requires not just good deeds. It requires integrity and a purity of heart such as one sees in
Jesus himself. (Matt 6: 43-45). Matt 6:46-49 started with a question that contrast true discipleship. It is a
contrast between those who hear and act, and those who do not. James 1:22,25
Verse 47 contains three participles in series. The one who comes, hears and act, and those who do not.
Lk. 11:28 refers to a man who builds his house well. A good heart is required by those who would bear
good fruit and obedience to Jesus’ words is required of those who would make Jesus their Lord.

Lk 14:25-35
Their intent is to urge persons who are seeking to be disciples to consider first the demands of
discipleship. The way of discipleship is not easy.
Whoever comes to me and does not .... cannot be my disciple (vs.26)
              Whoever does not ... cannot be my disciple (vs.27)
              So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if vou do not (vs.33)
The three conditions laid down in this sequence of pronouncements concern renouncing disciple,
bearing one’s cross , and forsaking professions. Discipleship requires the renunciation of all that we
have. While verses 34-35 warn of the consequences of unworthy discipleship.
The issue “hate” does not mean anger or hostility. It indicates that if there is a conflict, one’s response
to the demand of discipleship must take precedence over even the most sacred of human relationships.
There is no duty higher than commitment to Jesus to being his disciple.
Again, discipleship requires a willingness to leave home and travel with minimal provisions from village
to village in order to proclaim the gospel. (18:29, 10:1-12)
Verse 27 is on cross bearing . this evokes the rejection of Jesus and the suffering that awaits Him in
Jerusalem. Cross bearing requires a deliberate sacrifice and exposure to risk and ridicule inorder to
follow Jesus. This commitment is not just a way of life. It is a commitment to a person. A disciple follows
another person and learns a new way of life.
Again, he warns that no one can follow him unless he /she is ready to suffer the same fate Jesus had
suffered. Chapter 14:28 – 32. No one should step forward as a disciple without being prepared to
forsake everything for the sake of following Jesus. Verse 33: demand that one be ready to give up
everything to be a disciple. Discipleship requires all you have. According to Luke, “None of you can
become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions”. In a sense no one can know whether he
or she will be able to fulfill a commitment to discipleship. Jesus was not asking for a guarantee of
complete fidelity in advance. If he does, no one would be qualified. There,s a complete change of
priorities, values and pursuits in being a disciple.
The cost of discipleship is paid in many differnt kinds of currency. For some persons a redirection of time
and energy is required, for others a change in personal relationship, a change in vocation or a
commitment of financial resources. But for each person, the call to discipleship is all consuming. No
part-time disciples are needed . No partial commitments are accepted.

The call to discipleship is based on faith in Christ and confidence in the future victory of God. It is not a
matter of merely high human ideals or noble principles. The life called for here is not based on a
reasoned conclusion about how things are, but on faith that something has happened that makes
everything different. To believe in Christ and to live accordingly means to reorient one’s life toward the
good news that God acted decisively and ultimately in Jesus.
This call to discipleship is a matter of confession, which means declaring one’s faith in Jesus as the
Christ, as God’s definitive act of revelation and salvation.
The call to discipleship is a matter of community. This is not an individualistic ethic of the solitary “I”, but
is the ethic of the community of disciples that confesses Jesus to be the Christ and lives toward the full
coming of the kingdom of God for which it prays accompanied by the presence of Christ during its time
of mission
The meaning of discipleship is learned along the way. The disciples in this story have been disciples for
some time, called personally by Jesus. (4:18-22; 9:9; 10:2-4), sent by him to preach and heal. (10:5-8).
They now learn the meaning and cost of discipleship which cannot be explained in advanced but must
be learned en route.

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Evangelization in the footsteps of Saint Vincent de Paul

Christian discipleship

  • 1. CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP PREAMBLE There is a very great anomaly in the church today. Many a Christian live their lives as though they have no master to whom they are accountable. Neither do our lifestyles and ambitions bear any semblance of hevenly mandate that characterised the earthly life of our saviour Jesus,whom we profess to follow. The dearth of spiritual depth and quality of life, which is prevalent in our midst, is not native to the gospel message,which the saints of old proclaimed and lived by. As the rain of the final harvest is beginning to fall, large numbers of souls are beginning to troop into churches, with great admiration for Jesus. The result is that there is now so much excitement amongst us that we have all lost grip of the central theme of the commission, which is, Making Disciples. Yet, that is supposed to be the great essential of the churches today Church’s evangelistic endeavour in every nation and in every generation. Many in our Churches today are anything else but disciples. [i.e. conformed followers of the Lord Jesus]. They are more of his admirers. Yet the most disturbing of this subtle spiritual desilation is the extent to which the strategic leadership of the Church has been infiltrated and infested. Many a shepherd of God’s flock today are consciously and progressively down-playing those ‘hard sayings’ of Jesus,and in their stead boldly promoting human philosophical easy-believism and spectacular religious fanfares that are alien to the traditions of our faith. Success in ministry is now presumed to be dependent on the degree of one’s force of personality, commercial expertise, religious showmanship and proficiency in fortune-telling, with little or no regard for integrity of life and spiritual discpline derived from the minister’s daily submission unto the authority of Christ. The result is that the membership of the Church is not discipled to conform to the likeness of the Saviour who has called us. Moreover, there is no conscious and concerted effort to strategically and selectively train the membership in spiritually and service according to the biblical principle of successive transfer. (2 Tim. 2:2; Eph. 4:11-16) And so our congregations are composed mainly of spiritual babies that are ever crying for blessings and miracles; easily excited at nothing, and never pressing on to apprehend the reality of our high calling, inspite of their number of years in the Lord. As a candidate disciple, you owe it a duty to yourself, therefore, to submit to this life-training under God, pressing on steadily by faith until something tangible and eternal robs upon your spirit and soul. WHO IS A DISCIPLE A disciple is defined as a follower of any great teacher. The Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English defined disciple as a follower of any leader of religious thought, art, learning etc; In light of the scripture,a disciple is : • One who is born of the Spirit. John 3:1-7; 1Cor.2:13-15 • A follower (learner, student, apprentice) of Christ. Luke 6:40
  • 2. One who willingly submits to the Lordship (Yoke) of Christ. Matt.11:28-30 • One whose lifestyle, ideas, programmes and pursuits are being constantly inspired and moderated by the words of Jesus. John 8:31-32. • One who believes in the wisdom, love and ability of the Master. Job 13:15; 19:25-27; Rom.8:28 • One who loves the master supremely. 1 Chron11:15-19; Acts 4:12-20, Lk.14: 26. Self love is one of the stubbornest hindrances to discipleship.Not until we are willing to lay down our very lives for Him are we in the place where He wants us. • One who is not only available for the Master, but expendable for Him. Acts 20:22-24; Matt.16:24. It was a life of zeal, of expenditure, of faithfulness and of devotion[Gal.5:22-23]. We must exhibit the fruit of Christ-likeness,[John15:35]. DISCIPLESHIP Discipleship is a training process by which a believer in Christ is being made to become like his Master – the Lord Jesus Christ. Discipleship is learning Jesus and becoming like Him. It is a process, as opposed to the New Birth, which is an event. That is, the New Birth is a miracle that takes place in a moment, even though very often several things might happen in the life of the unsaved man over a period of time to bring him to the ultimate point of conviction. Discipleship is not so. It is learning Jesus. It is following in Jesus’ steps. It is becoming like Jesus. And this takes place over a period of time, indeed a life-time. HOW TO RAISE DISCIPLES. Raising disciples is a difficult task. It takes time and energy. Great determination, perseverance, labour in prayer, and love for the work are required. Some steps in raising disciples are highlighted below. i. Conversation / Salvation First, Jesus Christ must be presented to the person in the form of the gospel or witnessing. Prayers are earnestly said to back-up the gospel presented. The word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit bring conviction upon the person and an encounter with Christ is made. Real gospel is presented and not moral instruction. In God’s time and wisdom the individual receives salvation and new life begins. Without genuine salvation there can be no genuine discipleship; no matter the cosmetic approaches or tendencies. ii. Follow-up / Teaching The follow-up studies are systematically presented to the person with back-up prayers. Topical issues of our faith are taught to the person. Key verses of the scriptures are presented and made to stick in the heart and mind of the person. He must be encouraged to ‘swallow’ the word of God and also made to know and believe that his life depends on the
  • 3. word of God in him. All these efforts must be backed up with prayers for indeed only God can produce a genuine disciple. Teaching is a major aspect of Christian ministry. To make a disciple, time must be given to teaching of the life of the Master, what He abhors and what He accepts, all the rudiments of faith. 2Tim.2:15; Matt28:19-20. iii. Modelling Perhaps, modelling is one of the most crucial factors in raising a disciple. One action or behaviour shown can scare the person and he would slump back to the first level or give up entirely. The person raising a disciple must be a model in all aspects. The convert sees him as a mentor and accepts him as a model of Jesus Christ. The person will imitate the mentor (Phil.4:9). He must be a person of impeccable character. His life style in the following areas is very crucial and important: (a) Faith and Prayer: The disciple raiser must be a person of faith and prayer. First, these will help to carry him to the end. Second, the convert is challenged by his faith and prayer life. Thus, he must establish prayer life as well as faith in the new convert. The latter will come to see that most of his needs and problems are solved or cared for by his new faith and prayer.He must be taught to use prayer as a weapon for victory and as a tool to enable the word of God stick in his heart as well as practised.Lk.18:1;21:36;Mk.11:23-24. (b) Witnessing: Opprtunities for witnessing must be created for the new convert. He must be taken out and be exposed to sharing his experiences with the Lord with others. Fear and shame must be knocked off the new convert. Prayers for boldness and courage must be made conscientiously on daily basis for him. Acts 4:29, Acts 9:27, Eph.6:19. He must be made to accept witnessing as a necessary part of the faith, hence he should do it with joy and enthusiasm. It should never be seen as a burden or avoidable task. How to witness, when, where and why should be made clear to him. Remember, modelling is beyond follow-up studies in a class. This time, it means picking up the convert and making or molding him after you. You are to reproduce yourself in him, in the area of witnessing it is believed and expected that you are really a witness of the Master Jesus. Acts 1:8; Acts 2:32. (c) Character Formation The word of God and prayer help individuals to form holy and righteous characters. The new convert must be made to know that the faith requires holy and righteous character formation patterned after Christ. Even in secular life, good characters are recognised. For instance, during University Convocation the Vice Chancellor admits those graduating into degrees of the University having found them worthy in character and in learning. If any of these is lacking the person cannot graduate. Excellence is required in both.
  • 4. Similarly, for the new convert to be admitted into the Universal Church of Jesus or into Heaven, he must be found worthy in character and in learning, 1 Pt.1:15-16; 2Tim.2:19; 1Tim.4:12-16. Trees full of leaves should also be full of fruits. We must live in our words. We must grow to perfection. Matt.5:48. The new convert should be made to know that: • Holiness energizes the soul (Prov.28:1b) • Holiness is the secret of God’s power (Lev.11:44-45) • Without holiness, no one shall see God (Heb.12:14 • Righteousness must go with our preaching (Jam.1:22) The new convert must be fully surrendered to God in the holiest devotion in speech and in deed. His aims, aspiration, and ambition must be for God and to God. The disciple raiser must be a model in all these. Speaking the truth always must be a character formed as a way of life.Ps.15:1-3; 51:6; Eph.4:15. Sin must be rejected and abhorred. 2Tim.2:19; 1John.3:8. Righteousness and peace must be seen as virtues that he must covet and humility and meekness must be the life of the new disciple. Phil.2:5-11 (d) Visitation and Compassion One of the essential factors in discipleship is visitation and compassion. The person raising disciples must make it as a duty to constantly pay visits to the new convert being discipled. It must be noted that the devil is very close and he is not happy that the new convert has left him. He is ever ready to attack and give evil suggestions. Scheduled and unscheduled visit will help to dislodge evil plans of the devil and give deliverance to the convert. In visits one may be opportuned to meet the new convert in periods of despondency and confusion. Words of encouragement and hope are issued from the scripture that will sustain the new convert to move forward. You must identify with his problems as you visit. The convert must see you as a friend not just a preacher. Some visits may end up in just interactions and discussions devoid of preaching. The disciple raiser must be very compassionate in his approach. Matt 9:36; 14:14; Mk.6:34. He must be willing to make sacrifices and assist the new convert as much as possible. Missionaries in the field, in raising disciples go as far as joining the new convert weed in the farm, wash clothes or plates, peel cassava or yam, sweep the compound, press their clothes, eat with them, contribute money or food when there is none for the new convert. Make contributions to his lacks. Share his joys and achievements. Be part of his family and discuss from time to time special qualities found in the life of Jesus Christ and other characters in the Bible. Raising disciples is a business of God’s kingdom, which demands a lot from the raiser. A definite visitation plan must be made and followed. It should be part of one’s daily or weekly schedules.
  • 5. (e) Fellowship Meetings The need for fellowship meetings in raising disciples cannot be overemphasized. Inculcating the desire for fellowship must be established in the new convert. He must be encouraged to see the value of fellowship and that it is statutorily biblical for Christians to attend fellowship meetings regularly. Heb.10:25, Discuss various ways the enemy can attack our fellowship attendance and how we can fight and overcome him. Share Scriptures on fellowship. 1Jhn.1:7; 1Cor.1:9; Acts 2:42-47; Gal.2:9 and Phil.1:5. The disciple raiser must make it a point of duty to look for or search for the new convert when he is not in the fellowship. Time must be taken to find why the absence and encouragement must be offered. He must be helped to continue. Time must be taken to find out his benefits from the fellowship meetings and possibly direct him to the right path. He must feel free in the fellowship. Condemnations should be avoided, rather encouragement and persuasion. 2Cor.5:11. THINGS THAT ARE EXPECTED OF A DISCIPLE Luke 9:23-24 “And He said to them all, if any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it”. 1) Denying of Self To “deny”, in this context, could mean to forget, forsake, reject, say ‘No’ to, disregard, refuse, disown, leave self behind, abandon, lose sight of, consciously neglect, to deprive self etc. NB: The last shade of meaning, namely, to deprive self, refers to what is often called self-denial. Now, ‘self-denial’ is not the same thing as ‘denying self’. It is only an aspect of it. Self denial means depriving one’s self of certain normal pleasures, comforts and conveniences (in order to achieve a higher end). This higher end (goal) in view can however, be a selfish end. Therefore denying one’s self is much deeper than this. Now ‘self’ can be understood variously as the human nature, personal ego, or that ‘I’ that is in Man. Its various manifestations include: • The fear of suffering pain or lack • The fear of death • The fear of being ridiculed
  • 6. • The fear of being taken for granted • The undue consciousness of one’s rights • The undue consciousness of one’s privileges or disadvantages • The desire to be recognised • The desire to be accepted • The desire to be praised • The desire to impress • The desire to be acclaimed • The love of men’s applause • And many such things So, when the Lord Jesus said a man who wished to come after Him should deny himself, he meant all that we have brought forth above as touching ‘deny’ and ‘self’, and even much more. Jesus meant the man should forget, consciously neglect or lose sight of his own rights and privileges or position in life including his own conveniences and comforts in order to follow Him. He meant such a man should abandon the life of self, indeed leave it behind. But denial of self means such complete submission to the lordship of Christ that self has no rights or authority at all. It means that self abdicates the throne. It is expressed in the words of Henry Martyn, ‘’Lord,let me have no will of my own, or consider my true happiness as depending in the smallest degree on any thing that can befall me outwardly,but as consisting altogether in conformity to Thy will.’’ The fear of suffering pain or lack, the fear of being ridiculed, and all fears instilled by self-protection, including the fear of being misunderstood or misrepresented (i.e self defense) must such a follower say ‘No’ to. The Jesus’ follower must refuse the overbearing desire for recognition or men’s acceptance and applause. He must quit desiring for himself and his self-glory. 2Cor.5:5 “And that he died for all, that they which live should not HENCEFORTH live unto themselves, but unto him who died for them, and rose again” The Scriptures says you must not live for yourself any longer. Henceforth! From now on say ‘No’ self and living for yourself. Live only for Jesus. Self loves praise,self loves comforts, self is part of the old (sinful) nature. Self loves the world. Self fears rejection. Self loves to be pampered. It is an enemy of Godliness, an enemy of spiritual life. And the Master says you must deny yourself (the entirety of self-life) as a first condition for following Him. You must die to self. 2) A TAKING UP OF THE CROSS
  • 7. The cross is the great instrument of our victory over self and also over the demands of the world system over us. There is a great ministry (efficacious work) which our constant identification with the Cross of Christ does to ensure our daily victorious living. The Master said the man who desires to come after Him should, in addition to denying himself take up his cross daily. Firstly,the cross speaks of death and suffering. It speaks also of shame, mockery and rejection. It was never a thing of glory to carry the cross. In the time of the Lord Jesus physical work on earth, any man that look up to the cross was regarded an outcast(an unwanted man)in the society. The world so rejected such a one to the extent they did not want him alive any more. He wants to be crucified, out of their sight. So, when Jesus now says ‘take up your cross’, He meant, ‘make up your mind to die for my sake; make up your mind to be rejected by the world, to be mocked and opposed for my sake’. Not only this, when someone took up his cross then, he was invariably making an announcement to the people around him, as the cross-bearer is always surrounded by a crowd. In this case the cross was a sort of an Obituary Announcement by the victim, the cross-bearer. By it, he proclaimed his death.It was clear to everyone that saw him that the man was dead, and that his own case (as far as this world was concerned) was certainly finished. The few who loved him would cry while his numerous enemies (the large crowd that condemn him)would rejoice. So it was with the Lord Jesus when he took up His cross. And so shall it be with you if you take up your own cross. The cross is a path way that is deliberately chosen. It is ‘’a path which so far as this world goes is one of dishonour and reproach’’. The cross symbolizes the shame, persecution and abuse which the world heaped upon the Son of God, and which the world will heap on all who choose to stand against the tide. Now, according to 2Cor.5:14, if one died for all, they were all dead. That is to say, Jesus’ death also meant your own death.This is an obvious scriptural truth. Your part now is the acceptance and declaration of this truth. It is to constantly identify yourself with this truth. It is your lot to declare this truth to the pressure of self-life within you and the world system around you. Paul the apostle cried out: “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me”. Gal.2:20 Again, he had need to remind the Colossian believers; “For (as far as this world is concerned) you have died, and your (new real) life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in (the splendor of His) glory”. Col.3:3-4 3) BEWARE OF THE WORLD Therefore, you have no business living for yourself or trying to please the world. Infact John the beloved apostle commands us not to love the world [1 John 2;15-17]. What is the world
  • 8. That evil spiritual system [or influence], inspired by satan, which seeks to moderate every man that is born into this world. ‘’Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold.... ‘’Rom. 12;2 [phillips translation] You must stand your ground against the world. We have no business loving the world that rejected our Master and crucified Him. When the world rejected Him they rejected us. Hence, we are not part of this present world order. Our kingdom is that which will soon appear. As far as this world is concerned, we have died. Can you declare this truth to all that self seeks to gain out of this world Your confession must become, as Paul said, ‘Not I, but Christ’. The Master says for you to deny yourself, you must take up your cross daily. Only as you make such personal commitment can you truly follow Him. The Apostle said; ‘’For to me to live is Christ, --- ‘’ Phil. 1;21 [KJV] ‘’For me, to live is Christ,---‘’Phil. 1;21 [NIV] ‘’For living to me means simply Christ,--- ‘’Phil. 1;21 [Phillips Translation]. But to you what is life Again, to you, what does death mean? Is it gain? 4) SUPREME LOVE FOR JESUS “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26. Here again we find that our master insists that for the man that wants to go all the way with him, whenever matters of choice arise, you will put He the Lord paramount, for above your father, your mother, your wife/husband, etc. And it is just like is not subject to debate. The supreme love for Jesus surpasses every other affection, every other affinity, and every other loyalty. Jesus is Lord, and Lordship is best portrayed in the life of His followers. This love for Jesus is best tested and proven by the disciple’s life of obedience. Abraham showed this literarily when he virtually offered his very precious son in sacrifice and obedience to God’s will. He proved he truly loved his God, and could pay any price to please Him. Also, we find in the spectacular calling of the priestly lineage of Israel a very similar challenge. Read Exodus 32:25-29. This Levitician consecration entailed the gruesome killling of close relatives and companion. The Levites had to do it for they had signed out their lives, and all theirs, to God.
  • 9. The Master himself put this final test of love this way. “If a man loves me, he will keep my words:---“John 14:23. 5) A FORSAKING OF ALL YOU HAVE. “So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple” Luke 14:33. Now this issue is as serious as the above scripture sounds. And the Lord Jesus demanded a literal conformity to this condition for discipleship from the rich young ruler who desired spiritual excellence. Read Matt.19:16-22; Luke 18:18-23. This forsaking includes; • Giving up all possessiveness to the material things you own, • Have a readiness to give up any property or position (attainment in life) as a voluntary devotion to Jesus whenever such is required by Him, • Consciously resisting the insatiable crave for property and money. (1 Tim.6:6-10) • Refusing to build up an earthly store (Matt.6:19-21) Our father Abraham owned so much, but he possessed nothing. He possessed only the invisible God. He owned Canaan but had to buy the cave of Machapelah in order to bury his dead wife. He owned so much cattle and flock but it was a spiritual legacy he bequeathed to his son Isaac when he died. Moreover, Abraham was always willing to give up anything to God in order to keep a clear and single eye on his pursuit for God and a city not made with hands.He gave up Isaac when it was required of Him. He gave up his living house several times as it became necessary in his pursuit of God. But his nephew, Lot, chose to live and die in Sodom even when his spiritual life and family life were being grievously attacked. He was willing to part with Ishmael and Hagar when it became obvious that they were competitors to the Heir of promise. Rather than engage in strife and lose his treasured spiritual peace and fellowship with God, Abraham allowed himself to be cheated by his young nephew, Lot, in the matter of choosing a viable grazing land for their flocks. What a follower of God! Brother, are you holding tightly to this world’s goods? Remember, the issue is not whether you have little or plenty. God can make you rich if He sees you have enough spiritual stamina to carry you through. The material prosperity of a man that is destitute of spiritual prosperity shall no doubt destroy him, for there is an ‘unrighteousness’ that go with mammon A disciple, who is rich materially, is careful to note that there are certain snares (evils) that follow earthly riches. Some of these include:
  • 10. 1) They are temporary. ‘Moth and rust destroy them, thieves can steal them. Life’s troubles can take them. 2) They can become the object of one’s trust and glory. 3) They are never enough. “the desire of having increases by having” – Shakespeare. 4) They can endanger one’s very life. 5) The crave for them leads to unwholesome and ungodly behaviour. And without controversy, believers who labour to build earthly store have lost their pilgrim character. But those who constantly forsake all affirm that here they is no continuing city but seek that heavenly city which will soon appear. Where do you belong, sister/brother? What is meant by forsaken all? It means an abandonment of all one’s material possessions that are not absolutely essential and that could be used in the spread of the gospel. 6) A METICULOUS FOLLOWING IN JESUS’ STEPS “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me ....” Matt11:29. Following in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus Christ entails learning Jesus: getting to know His manner of life, purpose and way of doing things. Above all, the disciple commits himself to doing all things the Jesus way. He strongly resists whatever attractions or pressures that tend to make him do any thing that amounts to an alternative to Jesus’ way, no matter how harmless or reasonable or popular it may seem. He insists on knowing the Master’s way in ever-increasing capacity and sensitivity for divine guidance. Understanding Divine Guidance:- Several remedial means abound by which God seeks to help our insensitivity (Read Job 33:14-15). These include: visions, and dreams, external prophecies, elderly counsel, laying flees, cicumstantial leading, intuition(i.e ‘still small voice’). Each of these, when applicable, must be carefully checked with prayer and the word. Yet more excellent way of divine guidance or knowing God’s will still remains the issue we have been discussing above. The disciple that has become yoked together with his Master Jesus, and who learns (studies) Jesus is the one who can truly follow Him. And as Jesus has said, ...”he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life”. (John 8:12). This is very true and simple; for Jesus, the book of Proverbs tells us, is wisdom personified. He is the light of life, He is the wisdom of God. 7) A SACRIFICIAL LOVE FOR THE BRETHREN “ A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:34-35 The issue of loving other believers as a condition for discipleship is so serious that, according to the Master, it is one good proof of successful discipleship. It is a commandment of the Lord whom the
  • 11. disciple professes to be following. To refuse to walk in love with fellow believers – members of Christ’s body – is to refuse the way of Jesus. And that is a quick way to walk in darkness. Let’s hear Elder John, the beloved Apostle who knew his Master well. “He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. But he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because the darkness hath blinded his eyes”. 1 John 2:9-11 “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” 1John 3:16 The components of this life have been out for us in 1 Cor.13. And we do well to learn this love, which the Holy Ghost teaches and which is the principal fruit of the Spirit. HINDRANCES TO DISCIPLESHIP A few things can be mentioned as hindrances to discipleship work. There could be more to these discussed below: i) Poor personal character A tree naturally should produce its kind. If one is not a disciple, how would he raise a disciple? Personal lifestyle is critical in raising disciple, 1 Cor.4:16-17; 2 Cor.3:2; 1 Cor.11:1-2. The manner of speech, the control of anger or outburst at provocation, style of dressing, character display in public; manner of prayer, manner of eating, neatness, types of friends one keeps and the rate of compassion seen in one are considered and assessed by the new disciple. He is either repelled or attracted by these. Certainly, Jesus is our utmost model, but He is not seen physically. But here is one who is representing Jesus, he must be like Jesus or very close like Him. So he must be perfect or close to it. Matt.5:48. Any noticeable mistake or error tends to discourage the new convert. No wonder, most members in the fellowship cannot raise disciples. Poor personal character may be part of the reason. We are epistles written and read by all people.2Cor.3:2. We must be disciplined in our character so that outside assessor can know where to place us, and to know whether to follow us or not. Our character must be sound in order to attract others. If the trumpet gave an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to battle? 1 Cor.14:7- 8. If your lifestyle has no destination, who shall surrender to you for discipleship? ii) Lack of the Power of God If the power of God is demonstrated in an issue, the new convert is usually overwhelmed and encouraged. The speech and the preaching of the disciple raiser should not be just in enticing words of man’s wisdom but rather in the demonstration of the Spirit and power of God. 1 Cor.2:4-5. If for instance the new convert is attacked spiritually and the power of God is not shown to be able to deliver him, then he will be discouraged and may go back. So, the brother or the sister making or raising a disciple must be in tune with God and have faith and be able to demonstrate. So, if he knows the truth of the gospel but cannot demonstrate it the result will be minimal. You shall know the truth and the
  • 12. truth you know and apply shall make you free. Jn.8:32. Lack of the power of God or demonstration of it will hinder the discipleship efforts. No one would like to follow a weak person who is unable to deliver or save him. So, the new convert wants to be a disciple of Jesus Christ essentially because Christ has the power to deliver and this should be made visible. He would like to see it real not just in theory.Biblical disciples showed such pattern of behaviour and followed the Master Jesus. 1 Cor.4:20, 2:4-5; Acts 4:33; 1 Thess.1:5. Why some people leave felowship partly is because they could not see the power of God demonstrated in their life and in their problems. Throughout the book of Acts of the Apostles, the power of God was seen demonstrated and that brought conviction upon people and got them rooted in the faith. We may ascert that this was part of the reasons why Jesus asked his Apostles to tarry in Jerusalem until they were endowed with power. Acts 1:8 iii) Prayerlessness. Discipleship cannot move far without the burden to pray for the person being discipled as well as for the entire progress of the business. No man gets God into his affairs who does not follow hard after Him. God’s acquaintance is not made in a hurry for He does not bestow His gifts and blessings on the casual or hasty comers and goers. Discipleship is primarily God’s own affair. If he is not in the business nothing works. It is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God.(Zech.4:6). The disciple raiser must solely depend on God, and he must recognise this. Through prayers one gets the inspiration needed for the work, one is motivated and directed, and one clears and obliterates all forms of difficulties challenging the work. By prayers the Holy Spirit holds the convert and makes him willing to conform to all teachings and guidance being provided. A prayerless individual can hardly raise a disciple. Making a disciple is a tasking job and demands physical and spiritual energy. The prayerless will get discouraged after some efforts. (Mt.11:12). He will drop the business with apparently a number of ‘good’ reasons. Since the kingdom of darkness pushes on to stop the work of discipleship, and allow us settle at raising uncommitted converts, only by prayers can we sustain the work and get to the end. Lkk.18:1-7; 1 Thess.5:17; Col.4:2; Jude 20. So part of why disciples are not raised in our fellowship is lack of strength in prayer. No one can persevere, no one can stand in the gap. (Isa.62:1; Isa.41:28; Ezek.22:30). iv) Home Stresses Stresses in the home can affect the one raising a disciple as well as the person being raised. Stress can attack the mind, the time and the finances of both persons. If the disciple maker is not determined and careful he may stop unknowingly or withdraw from the business under the weight of stress. since he has his own problem, what should he do in order to suceed? Discuss and proffer practical solutions on how he will cope. Sometimes, the stress may be the work of the devil, just to stop the work. The disciple raiser must be fully ready for the work, knowing that it is a difficult one. 2 Cor.4:17; 1 Thess.3:3-4, 2Tim.2:3-5; Phil.4:6- 7,12-13,19. We should be reminded that it is likely that human stresses may be increasing as the day of our Lord’s coming draws near. Therefore, we must fight on and never to wait for a better time. The time is now.
  • 13. v) CONSEQUENCES OF LACK OF DISCIPLES IN FELLOWSHIP/CHURCH There are consequences when people are filled in the Church but are not rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ and can hardly be classfied as disciples. Such people may be leaders and may be in the fellowship for one reason or the other. They may have never been discipled. Our fellowships certainly have not been fully engaged occupied in the work of discipleship and may therefore have many undiscipled converts. An observable consequence in the fellowship may include the following; [i] Lack of commitment to the work of God. [ii] Immorality [iii] People dropping from the fellowship [iv] Various kinds of sin [v] Disobedience to authority [vi] Compromises at work places, villages and in homes [vii] Worldliness, desire to belong to a class, or achieve something by all means e.g. Passing examinations and getting university admissions and employment. [viii] Inability to endure hardship, tendency to blame God and drop the faith.
  • 14. JESUS PATTERN OF DISCIPLESHIP Matt 4:18-22 Jesus took the initiative. Vs.19 Jesus call is a command and promise “follow me” (4:17). The command for them to become disciples. They were not told why they should follow Jesus, what following him will mean, or where the path will lead them. We meet Jesus’ first miracle, the miracle of his powerful word that creates following, that makes disciples. How do people become the disciples of Jesus? Jesus calls actual people to be his disciples. Scholars have tempted to refashion the biblical pictures of discipleship into categories more comfortable with our own idealogies To become a disciple means to accept Jesus’ principles for living. Matthew’s interpretation cannot be reduced to our modern view. In this text, Jesus appears disruptively in our midst and calls us not to admire him or accept his principles not even to accept him as our personal saviour , but to follow him. The reasonable response would be “where are you going?” Even though Matthew did not use “believe” and “faith” in this story, he here pictures the nature of faith that is at the heart of discipleship (Heb 11:8). Where does such faith come from? Matthew may be saying “people become believers by the power of Jesus’ word; they follow him because he has spoken to them, and his word generates faith. The early persons called are already at work , doing something useful and important, thus they are not looking for a new life. Jesus’ calls does not fill an obvious vaccum or meet an obvious need in their lives but like the call of prophets in the Hebrew Bible , it is an intrusive and disruptive, calling them away from work and family. Discipleship is not an offer man makes to Christ, It is only the call which creates the situation DISCIPLES AS SALT MATT 5:13 The life of discipleship is conceived throughout as life within the community of faith, a community charged with a mission to the world. The saying is a metaphor with a brief rhetorical question, speaking of the disciples as salt. Salt has various connotations in Matthew’s account: 1. Sacrifice (Lev.2:13; Ezek 43:24) 2. Loyalty and covenant fidelity (Ezra 4:14; Num 18:19; eating together was called sharing salt and expressed a binding relationship) 3. Purification 2kings 2:19-22 4. Seasoning Job 6:6; Col.4:5 5. Preservative The saying serves as a warning that if the disciples deny their mission, they will be thrown out as useless. Salt loses its saltness by becoming so impure, so mixed with other elements that it loses its function. The emphasis on the earth is equivalent of the world. The world does not belong to Satan. It is the creation
  • 15. of God. (Matt 13:35; 24:21), the scene of the disciples mission (Matt.5:14; 13:38; 26:13), where God’s will shall finally be done. Salt does not exist for itself nor do the disciples; their life is turned outward to the world. DISCIPLES AS LIGHT & A CITY ON A HILL Matt 5:14 -16 The light metaphor present the disciples as illumination for the world. The primary function of light is not to be seen, but to let things be seen as they are. The city on a hill presents the disciple as inevitably and unavoidably being seen. The salt and light sayings picture mission as inherent to discipleship. The community that lives by the power of unostentatious prayer in the inner room (Matt 6:6) is not an introverted secret society shielding itself from the world but is a city set on a hill whose authentic life cannot be concealed. The disciples are called to the active mission of “letting their light shine to all”. They have been lit not for their own sakes, but for the sake of the world. The community of disciples is light for the dark world , as is Jesus in Matt 4:12-17. Our mission is authorized and presupposed by Jesus’ own mission and is the continuation of it (Matt 10:1) We are what we are, not because of inherent potential that we are called upon to recognize and develop, but by Jesus own word. (Matt 4:18-22). The disciples in Matthew’s days were not challenged to try harder to be salt and light, but are told that as followers of Jesus they are Salt and Light for the world. We are called not to, more self-exertion, but to believe Jesus’s word and to accept to live out the new reality it has already created in the call to discipeship. THE NATURE AND DEMANDS OF DISCIPLESHIP Luke 6: 20 – 49 What follows is the standard for which every disciple should strive. Discipleship demands loving your enemies. There is no place in the christian ethic for vengeance or retaliation. Verses 27 – 28 contain a fourfold repetition: the principle of love for one’s enemies. Matt.5:44 • To pray for those who abuse you, is similar to the command to pray for those who persecute you • 6:29-31 show four applications of the principle of love for enemies • Turn the other cheek • Do not withhold your shirt • Give to the one who asks you • If your goods are taken do not ask for them back. Verses 32-36 • If you love/do good/lend • To those who love/do good/lend to you • What credit is that to you?
  • 16. The disciple’s relationship to God is based on the axiom that the child is like the parent, so the character of God dictates that we practice a love that is not limited by others’ responses to us, for God “is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked” (vs.35) The imperative to love one’s enemies can have a range of meanings – win over your opponent by kindness, take the moral high road, shame your enemy by your superior goodness; deflect hostility or prevent further abuse by offering no resistance, rise above pettiness, or demonstrate a Christ- like character as a Christian witness. DANGERS THREATENING DIISCIPLESHIP Lk.6:37-38 The first danger is the inclination to judge others. Disciples do not grow better by comparing themselves with someone else. Judging is the sin of those who are blind to their own faults. It is the obsession of those who seek to make themselves better not by lifting themselves up, but by, bringing others down. It is the mock justice of those who presume to know what others should do. The second danger to discipleship is that of living lives without a firm foundation, Lk.6:48. Dig deep and lay the foundation of your life on the word of God. Keep digging until you get in touch with the revelation of God in the person of Jesus and then build your life upon that rock. The mystery of discipleship is that it is as much receiving as it is striving. MEANING OF DISCIPLESHIP LK 6:39-49 In other to be a guide, the disciple needs to learn from the teacher (v 40). Before one can help another one must attend to his or her own fault.(41-42) Our efforts to be good disciples, guides to the blind, or speck-removers for our neighbour require a good heart- integrity of character. Only a good tree bears a good fruit (43-45). Being a good disciple requires far more than confession or lip service to the Lord. It requires acting on the Lord’s teaching, making it the foundation of one’s life (vs46-49) Disciples must be better qualified than those they seek to lead. The appropriate goal is to strive to be like the teacher. The next parable contrasts the disciple’s faults with those he or she may find in others. Discipleship involves following, going on. Faithfulness is not achieved by freezing a moment but by following on in confidence that God is leading and that what lies ahead is even greater than what we have already experience. Discipleship requires not just good deeds. It requires integrity and a purity of heart such as one sees in Jesus himself. (Matt 6: 43-45). Matt 6:46-49 started with a question that contrast true discipleship. It is a contrast between those who hear and act, and those who do not. James 1:22,25 Verse 47 contains three participles in series. The one who comes, hears and act, and those who do not. Lk. 11:28 refers to a man who builds his house well. A good heart is required by those who would bear good fruit and obedience to Jesus’ words is required of those who would make Jesus their Lord. CONDITIONS FOR DISCIPLESHIP Lk 14:25-35 Their intent is to urge persons who are seeking to be disciples to consider first the demands of discipleship. The way of discipleship is not easy.
  • 17. Whoever comes to me and does not .... cannot be my disciple (vs.26) Whoever does not ... cannot be my disciple (vs.27) So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if vou do not (vs.33) The three conditions laid down in this sequence of pronouncements concern renouncing disciple, bearing one’s cross , and forsaking professions. Discipleship requires the renunciation of all that we have. While verses 34-35 warn of the consequences of unworthy discipleship. The issue “hate” does not mean anger or hostility. It indicates that if there is a conflict, one’s response to the demand of discipleship must take precedence over even the most sacred of human relationships. There is no duty higher than commitment to Jesus to being his disciple. Again, discipleship requires a willingness to leave home and travel with minimal provisions from village to village in order to proclaim the gospel. (18:29, 10:1-12) Verse 27 is on cross bearing . this evokes the rejection of Jesus and the suffering that awaits Him in Jerusalem. Cross bearing requires a deliberate sacrifice and exposure to risk and ridicule inorder to follow Jesus. This commitment is not just a way of life. It is a commitment to a person. A disciple follows another person and learns a new way of life. Again, he warns that no one can follow him unless he /she is ready to suffer the same fate Jesus had suffered. Chapter 14:28 – 32. No one should step forward as a disciple without being prepared to forsake everything for the sake of following Jesus. Verse 33: demand that one be ready to give up everything to be a disciple. Discipleship requires all you have. According to Luke, “None of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions”. In a sense no one can know whether he or she will be able to fulfill a commitment to discipleship. Jesus was not asking for a guarantee of complete fidelity in advance. If he does, no one would be qualified. There,s a complete change of priorities, values and pursuits in being a disciple. The cost of discipleship is paid in many differnt kinds of currency. For some persons a redirection of time and energy is required, for others a change in personal relationship, a change in vocation or a commitment of financial resources. But for each person, the call to discipleship is all consuming. No part-time disciples are needed . No partial commitments are accepted. PROMISE OF DISCIPLESHIP Matt.16:24-28 The call to discipleship is based on faith in Christ and confidence in the future victory of God. It is not a matter of merely high human ideals or noble principles. The life called for here is not based on a reasoned conclusion about how things are, but on faith that something has happened that makes everything different. To believe in Christ and to live accordingly means to reorient one’s life toward the good news that God acted decisively and ultimately in Jesus. This call to discipleship is a matter of confession, which means declaring one’s faith in Jesus as the Christ, as God’s definitive act of revelation and salvation. The call to discipleship is a matter of community. This is not an individualistic ethic of the solitary “I”, but is the ethic of the community of disciples that confesses Jesus to be the Christ and lives toward the full coming of the kingdom of God for which it prays accompanied by the presence of Christ during its time of mission
  • 18. The meaning of discipleship is learned along the way. The disciples in this story have been disciples for some time, called personally by Jesus. (4:18-22; 9:9; 10:2-4), sent by him to preach and heal. (10:5-8). They now learn the meaning and cost of discipleship which cannot be explained in advanced but must be learned en route.