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Discworld Legacy
    Chapter 8

           College Journal
Welcome back to the Discworld Legacy. This chapter is hosted by Beryl and her family (a little more
about her later). The sim shown above is of course Brenda Discworld the chosen heir.

Without further ado let's open up Brenda's journal and read as she documents her college years.
Dear Journal (to think mum said I'd forget all about you when I hit my teenage years)

I've arrived at university and am currently sharing a house with Beryl, Black Aliss, Bemery, Bursar and,
of course, Bon Anna (am I ever going to get away from her?).
I won't be staying here for long though, I've already been accepted into the Greek house mum set up
and as soon as I get the details sorted I'm moving in. Hopefully a certain twin won't be able to follow.

Good night journal, I have early classes tomorrow.
Bah!! So much for my hope of finally getting away from Bon Anna, she applied for the Greek house
too, and of course she got in (despite my best efforts to convince them otherwise). I even have to
move in at the same time as her - it's more convenient according to them.
Dear Journal, bet you thought I'd forgotten about you, well I haven't.

I'm now a Sophomore and a lot has happened since I wrote last.

Firstly Beryl found herself a rather cute professor (not my type though).
They kept it pretty quiet for a while (from the university, not from us unfortunately - the sounds that
bed would make!).
They came clean when she proposed to him, he's been fired but I don't think he's really that
Black Aliss had been dating around, trying to find the right guy (or couple of guys) for her.
But that all ended when she met Holden. Now she's about to settle down, with a cop even (I know, I
can barely believe it myself!).
Bursar was quite happy going to classes and learning of new ways to make money until he met the
campus streaker. It was quite funny really, this naked guy ran up to our house, did a funny dance and
ran off. Bursar certainly liked what he saw and made it his mission to get to know him.
They hit it off pretty quickly and they're planning to get a house soon.

I'm willing to bet that when Bursar introduces Vincent to mum and dad this isn't the story he'll tell.

Bursar has also renounced his quest for money, his aim in life now is to learn everything about
everything, what a waste!
Bemery has also had a major change of heart. It all started when she met this guy (I have no idea
what his name is, she never introduced us). Her original intentions were to use him then dump him
for the next one.
But she fell in love and ended up proposing, now all she wants is his children - boring.
That lot have all graduated now.

Black Aliss is going to start a family, probably with the cop, but there are a couple of other
Beryl is going to go marry her professor and become a some kind of business woman (she won't tell
me any more details than that).
Bursar'll move in with Vincent (I wonder if he'll still run around without any clothes on).
Bemery stayed at university for a bit after graduation and had a bit of a relapse. She blames the other
woman entirely, but I'm not so sure about that.
I do know they ended up in bed together.
Bemery eventually left to join her fiancé but I wonder who she really wants.

Anyway, enough about that bunch, this is my journal, it's supposed to be about me.
Well, I moved into the Greek house at the end of my Freshman year. Then I got the phone call that
would change all my plans. My family have finally come to recognise my brilliance, they've made me
heir. Mum gave a long rambling explanation about why I was chosen, but basically it's because I'm the
best of the lot.
After learning he wasn't heir Brutha muttered something about keeping a promise, and then invited
his best friend over for something more than a chat (I wasn't spying, honest).
The first thing we had to do in the house was to deal with our two slime bag room mates. I can't
believe they'd cheat on Boddony. So what if she's in love with both of them, and married, and has
twin children, they still shouldn't cheat on her.
We got rid of them pretty quickly, packed them off to some run down shack on the edge of campus
(well not really, but I can dream).
The next thing I did was start making the connections I'm going to need in the future.

When wandering around town I noticed a couple of people who seemed to be wearing some kind of
special uniform. No matter how many questions I asked (I even made a special effort to be nice to
them) they wouldn't even acknowledge the special clothes.

Oh well, I got to know a few of them quite well so I'll just keep pestering them about it.
Then I met Tracy.

She is the most beautiful person I have ever met, there's an incredible spark between the two of us,
something I'd never felt until I met her.
Of course you may be wondering how I intend to carry on the legacy if I marry another woman. Well,
I've been talking to Bethan and Auntie Agnes and they've told me all about a procedure that can allow
two women to produce a child that is the biological offspring of both of them. Bethan has two
children using this and Auntie Agnes has ten! (How she copes I don't know). So I can marry whoever I
like and still carry on the legacy.
Things aren't actually quite that simple though, after saying goodbye to Tracy I met Claire. I felt the
same spark with her as I did with Tracy and I find her just as beautiful. I honestly don't know how I'm
going to chose between them.

I have decided to invite them both to join the Greek house and move in with us. Hopefully I'll find one
of them supremely irritating and will never want to live with her again, making my choice easier.

They're actually due to move in tomorrow so I've got to go and make the final preparations for them.
How dare they do that to me!!!

Pair of lying, conniving, hateful cows!!!!
Not only have Tracy and Claire been sneaking around while they've been living here they were
actually going out when we met. They wanted in on the Greek house so decided to target one of us to
get membership.

We kicked them out of the house pretty quickly, I don't know where they've gone and I don't care.

They can go and rot with that other pair of slime-bag ex-room mates of ours.
I'm feeling a bit happier now, it still hurts, but less. Brutha and Bon Anna have been really supportive
since it happened, I don't know what I would have done without them.

Bon Anna's kinda ok, I mean she's still my annoying twin sister that my life would have been so much
better without, but she's fun to hang out with sometimes.
Bon Anna has a boyfriend!
His name is Animus Time-Lord and he's a student like us. He actually lives in the rival Greek house
that's just across the road (not that it's actually a rival given they only accept Time-Lords as members
unlike here).

Not only does he live across the road now, he used to live next door when we were children. He's
even a member of a legacy like we are (he's not heir, but then he couldn't be with Bon Anna if he

Oh and we all did really well in our exams, Bon and I are now Juniors and Brutha is a Senior.
I've finally decided that enough is enough and it's time to put that pair of idiots behind me. I've been
going out and socializing again, and I'm happy about that. Most of the people I've met are just friends
but there is one.
Her name is Marion, I don't feel the same intense spark I felt for the betrayers but something oddly
deeper. We've been spending a lot of time together recently, I don't want to move as fast as I did
before, and I feel much more comfortable with her than I have with anyone outside my family, she
makes me feel happy.

Good night journal
I feel on top of world right now. In the last few months Marion and I have been growing closer and
closer and then last month we finally both just told each other exactly how we feel.
And, well, she moved in yesterday.
[Marion is a family sim with the life time want of becoming Captain Hero. She is a Cancer - 6,3,6,4,6.]
Bon Anna and Animus are also doing well.
Actually they're doing better than well. At the latest of our regular toga parties she went down on one
knee and proposed.
I'd been wondering what she was doing with her scholarship money and as soon as I saw that ring I
knew the answer, it was gorgeous, a beautiful diamond solitaire ring. I must ask her where she got it
Anyway, of course he said yes (if he hadn't there would have been trouble).

Unfortunately it now means that the pair of them are boring me to death with all their wedding and
post wedding plans. But I guess that's the price you pay for living with your siblings.
I had the weirdest experience last night.

I was woken in the middle of the night by footsteps on the stairs. When I went into the hall to have a
look (thinking it was just Brutha back from a late date) I was met by a strange man in the same
uniform I'd seen on other students.
I demanded to know who he was but he said nothing, instead he did a strange chicken dance and
clucked at me!
When I didn't respond to this strange display he started poking me, and then said I was under arrest.
It was so humiliating, I'm just glad the others were in bed so didn't see me in handcuffs.
It got even weirder when instead of the police car I'd expected I was put in the back of a limo.
When we pulled up outside the most gorgeous building I have ever seen I knew that I was certainly
not at a police station.
I was greeted by yet more people in the strange uniform who finally told me what was going on.

It turns out that they are all members of a secret society called the Elucidated Brethren that has been
going for hundreds of years (although how secret it is really when it's members wear the uniform
around campus I don't know). Membership of the society confers all sorts of privileges including use
of their supper secret head quarters.
And guess who the newest member of the society is - me of course.

Turns out I've been being watched ever since I moved into the Greek House and found out I was heir.
I got back from the society early in the morning.
Just in time to hear some extremely loud creaking from Bon Anna's room.
What with the creaking keeping me up all night I really wasn't in the mood to be woken by a member
of the university's cheering team. I mean who does she think she is bursting into my room early in the
morning (it wasn't even 11 o'clock yet) and yelling out that obnoxious cheer, ugh.
It's been quite an eventful few days here journal.

First of all we all sat our end of year exams, and of course we all did brilliantly. But it got me thinking
that I only had one more year left in the Greek house and I needed to ensure that there would be
someone to look after the place for my children.
So I invited the first member of the Elucidated Brethren I met and invited her into the Greek house, of
course she said yes, after all who wouldn't want to be involved in my legacy, even if it is as a hanger
Marion and I have been living together for a year now and I love her very very, very much. The other
day I decided it was time to make sure I had found the right woman for me, the one who will stand
with me through my reign as legacy head (and the one who will carry my children - I'm not missing
work for kids).
I'd visited a very select jewellery shop and used all my scholarship money to buy a very expensive and
beautiful diamond ring (much better than Bon Anna's).
When I went down on one knee and presented it to Marion she looked so shocked I was a little
worried about what she was going to say.
But I really shouldn't have been, of course she said yes.
I am so happy.

I must ring mum and dad to tell them the good news, and get them to start planning the wedding.
In celebration of our engagement Marion and I decided it was our turn to make the bed creak, at least
we waited until everyone was out, unlike some of my siblings.
I have to say, I'm going to enjoy this part of making babies.
The next day we held a huge graduation party for Brutha. He decided to take the opportunity to
introduce mum and dad to Dor.
After the success of the meeting he stood on the steps of the house and announced that he had never
met anyone like Dor and he couldn't imagine his life without her (thank heaven he's graduating I
couldn't stand anymore of the mushiness).
With that he went down on one knee
and presented Dor with a ring (not as good as mine though).
Naturally she said yes (we're an irresistible lot we Discworlds).
He spent the rest of the party being mushy with Dor.

Now he's graduated he's moved in with her and they're planning on filling they're house with
screaming children almost immediately.
Hehehee. I saw the funniest thing last night.

The Elucidated Brethren have decided to invite Bon Anna into the society, which is fine I guess, after
all I got in a good two years before her. Anyway because I was told about it I was able to watch it all.
The look on her face when the handcuffs went on was priceless.
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while journal, I've just been so busy with revision and exams and
everything. Anyway me and Bon Anna and Marion have graduated now and we held a really massive
join party to celebrate.
We had a great time, there was a big group smustle
Dad got to meet Animus
and Bon Anna got to be really cuddly with him (looks like this might be becoming a tradition).
It was quite late when the party ended.
Obviously I'm now on my way back to the family home (I'm actually writing this in the taxi).
Bon Anna will be moving in with Animus (who's also just graduated).
And of course Marion is moving in with me..

I guess this is the end of my college life, it's been really fun (mostly), but I'm really looking forward to
being able to make some proper money. And don't worry journal I'm not going to abandon you, no
matter what mum thinks.

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Chapter 8 - Brenda's College Journal

  • 1. Discworld Legacy Chapter 8 Brenda’s College Journal
  • 2. Welcome back to the Discworld Legacy. This chapter is hosted by Beryl and her family (a little more about her later). The sim shown above is of course Brenda Discworld the chosen heir. Without further ado let's open up Brenda's journal and read as she documents her college years.
  • 3. Dear Journal (to think mum said I'd forget all about you when I hit my teenage years) I've arrived at university and am currently sharing a house with Beryl, Black Aliss, Bemery, Bursar and, of course, Bon Anna (am I ever going to get away from her?).
  • 4. I won't be staying here for long though, I've already been accepted into the Greek house mum set up and as soon as I get the details sorted I'm moving in. Hopefully a certain twin won't be able to follow. Good night journal, I have early classes tomorrow.
  • 5. Bah!! So much for my hope of finally getting away from Bon Anna, she applied for the Greek house too, and of course she got in (despite my best efforts to convince them otherwise). I even have to move in at the same time as her - it's more convenient according to them.
  • 6. Dear Journal, bet you thought I'd forgotten about you, well I haven't. I'm now a Sophomore and a lot has happened since I wrote last. Firstly Beryl found herself a rather cute professor (not my type though).
  • 7. They kept it pretty quiet for a while (from the university, not from us unfortunately - the sounds that bed would make!).
  • 8. They came clean when she proposed to him, he's been fired but I don't think he's really that bothered.
  • 9. Black Aliss had been dating around, trying to find the right guy (or couple of guys) for her.
  • 10. But that all ended when she met Holden. Now she's about to settle down, with a cop even (I know, I can barely believe it myself!).
  • 11. Bursar was quite happy going to classes and learning of new ways to make money until he met the campus streaker. It was quite funny really, this naked guy ran up to our house, did a funny dance and ran off. Bursar certainly liked what he saw and made it his mission to get to know him.
  • 12. They hit it off pretty quickly and they're planning to get a house soon. I'm willing to bet that when Bursar introduces Vincent to mum and dad this isn't the story he'll tell. Bursar has also renounced his quest for money, his aim in life now is to learn everything about everything, what a waste!
  • 13. Bemery has also had a major change of heart. It all started when she met this guy (I have no idea what his name is, she never introduced us). Her original intentions were to use him then dump him for the next one.
  • 14. But she fell in love and ended up proposing, now all she wants is his children - boring.
  • 15. That lot have all graduated now. Black Aliss is going to start a family, probably with the cop, but there are a couple of other possibilities.
  • 16. Beryl is going to go marry her professor and become a some kind of business woman (she won't tell me any more details than that).
  • 17. Bursar'll move in with Vincent (I wonder if he'll still run around without any clothes on).
  • 18. Bemery stayed at university for a bit after graduation and had a bit of a relapse. She blames the other woman entirely, but I'm not so sure about that.
  • 19. I do know they ended up in bed together.
  • 20. Bemery eventually left to join her fiancé but I wonder who she really wants. Anyway, enough about that bunch, this is my journal, it's supposed to be about me.
  • 21. Well, I moved into the Greek house at the end of my Freshman year. Then I got the phone call that would change all my plans. My family have finally come to recognise my brilliance, they've made me heir. Mum gave a long rambling explanation about why I was chosen, but basically it's because I'm the best of the lot.
  • 22. After learning he wasn't heir Brutha muttered something about keeping a promise, and then invited his best friend over for something more than a chat (I wasn't spying, honest).
  • 23. The first thing we had to do in the house was to deal with our two slime bag room mates. I can't believe they'd cheat on Boddony. So what if she's in love with both of them, and married, and has twin children, they still shouldn't cheat on her.
  • 24. We got rid of them pretty quickly, packed them off to some run down shack on the edge of campus (well not really, but I can dream).
  • 25. The next thing I did was start making the connections I'm going to need in the future. When wandering around town I noticed a couple of people who seemed to be wearing some kind of special uniform. No matter how many questions I asked (I even made a special effort to be nice to them) they wouldn't even acknowledge the special clothes. Oh well, I got to know a few of them quite well so I'll just keep pestering them about it.
  • 26. Then I met Tracy. She is the most beautiful person I have ever met, there's an incredible spark between the two of us, something I'd never felt until I met her.
  • 27. Of course you may be wondering how I intend to carry on the legacy if I marry another woman. Well, I've been talking to Bethan and Auntie Agnes and they've told me all about a procedure that can allow two women to produce a child that is the biological offspring of both of them. Bethan has two children using this and Auntie Agnes has ten! (How she copes I don't know). So I can marry whoever I like and still carry on the legacy.
  • 28. Things aren't actually quite that simple though, after saying goodbye to Tracy I met Claire. I felt the same spark with her as I did with Tracy and I find her just as beautiful. I honestly don't know how I'm going to chose between them. I have decided to invite them both to join the Greek house and move in with us. Hopefully I'll find one of them supremely irritating and will never want to live with her again, making my choice easier. They're actually due to move in tomorrow so I've got to go and make the final preparations for them.
  • 29. How dare they do that to me!!! Pair of lying, conniving, hateful cows!!!!
  • 30. Not only have Tracy and Claire been sneaking around while they've been living here they were actually going out when we met. They wanted in on the Greek house so decided to target one of us to get membership. We kicked them out of the house pretty quickly, I don't know where they've gone and I don't care. They can go and rot with that other pair of slime-bag ex-room mates of ours.
  • 31. I'm feeling a bit happier now, it still hurts, but less. Brutha and Bon Anna have been really supportive since it happened, I don't know what I would have done without them. Bon Anna's kinda ok, I mean she's still my annoying twin sister that my life would have been so much better without, but she's fun to hang out with sometimes.
  • 32. Bon Anna has a boyfriend!
  • 33. His name is Animus Time-Lord and he's a student like us. He actually lives in the rival Greek house that's just across the road (not that it's actually a rival given they only accept Time-Lords as members unlike here). Not only does he live across the road now, he used to live next door when we were children. He's even a member of a legacy like we are (he's not heir, but then he couldn't be with Bon Anna if he was). Oh and we all did really well in our exams, Bon and I are now Juniors and Brutha is a Senior.
  • 34. I've finally decided that enough is enough and it's time to put that pair of idiots behind me. I've been going out and socializing again, and I'm happy about that. Most of the people I've met are just friends but there is one.
  • 35. Her name is Marion, I don't feel the same intense spark I felt for the betrayers but something oddly deeper. We've been spending a lot of time together recently, I don't want to move as fast as I did before, and I feel much more comfortable with her than I have with anyone outside my family, she makes me feel happy. Good night journal
  • 36. I feel on top of world right now. In the last few months Marion and I have been growing closer and closer and then last month we finally both just told each other exactly how we feel.
  • 37. And, well, she moved in yesterday.
  • 38. [Marion is a family sim with the life time want of becoming Captain Hero. She is a Cancer - 6,3,6,4,6.]
  • 39. Bon Anna and Animus are also doing well.
  • 40. Actually they're doing better than well. At the latest of our regular toga parties she went down on one knee and proposed.
  • 41. I'd been wondering what she was doing with her scholarship money and as soon as I saw that ring I knew the answer, it was gorgeous, a beautiful diamond solitaire ring. I must ask her where she got it from.
  • 42. Anyway, of course he said yes (if he hadn't there would have been trouble). Unfortunately it now means that the pair of them are boring me to death with all their wedding and post wedding plans. But I guess that's the price you pay for living with your siblings.
  • 43. I had the weirdest experience last night. I was woken in the middle of the night by footsteps on the stairs. When I went into the hall to have a look (thinking it was just Brutha back from a late date) I was met by a strange man in the same uniform I'd seen on other students.
  • 44. I demanded to know who he was but he said nothing, instead he did a strange chicken dance and clucked at me!
  • 45. When I didn't respond to this strange display he started poking me, and then said I was under arrest.
  • 46. It was so humiliating, I'm just glad the others were in bed so didn't see me in handcuffs.
  • 47. It got even weirder when instead of the police car I'd expected I was put in the back of a limo.
  • 48. When we pulled up outside the most gorgeous building I have ever seen I knew that I was certainly not at a police station.
  • 49. I was greeted by yet more people in the strange uniform who finally told me what was going on. It turns out that they are all members of a secret society called the Elucidated Brethren that has been going for hundreds of years (although how secret it is really when it's members wear the uniform around campus I don't know). Membership of the society confers all sorts of privileges including use of their supper secret head quarters.
  • 50. And guess who the newest member of the society is - me of course. Turns out I've been being watched ever since I moved into the Greek House and found out I was heir.
  • 51. I got back from the society early in the morning.
  • 52. Just in time to hear some extremely loud creaking from Bon Anna's room.
  • 53. What with the creaking keeping me up all night I really wasn't in the mood to be woken by a member of the university's cheering team. I mean who does she think she is bursting into my room early in the morning (it wasn't even 11 o'clock yet) and yelling out that obnoxious cheer, ugh.
  • 54. It's been quite an eventful few days here journal. First of all we all sat our end of year exams, and of course we all did brilliantly. But it got me thinking that I only had one more year left in the Greek house and I needed to ensure that there would be someone to look after the place for my children.
  • 55. So I invited the first member of the Elucidated Brethren I met and invited her into the Greek house, of course she said yes, after all who wouldn't want to be involved in my legacy, even if it is as a hanger on.
  • 56. Marion and I have been living together for a year now and I love her very very, very much. The other day I decided it was time to make sure I had found the right woman for me, the one who will stand with me through my reign as legacy head (and the one who will carry my children - I'm not missing work for kids).
  • 57. I'd visited a very select jewellery shop and used all my scholarship money to buy a very expensive and beautiful diamond ring (much better than Bon Anna's).
  • 58. When I went down on one knee and presented it to Marion she looked so shocked I was a little worried about what she was going to say.
  • 59. But I really shouldn't have been, of course she said yes.
  • 60. I am so happy. I must ring mum and dad to tell them the good news, and get them to start planning the wedding.
  • 61. In celebration of our engagement Marion and I decided it was our turn to make the bed creak, at least we waited until everyone was out, unlike some of my siblings.
  • 62. I have to say, I'm going to enjoy this part of making babies.
  • 63. The next day we held a huge graduation party for Brutha. He decided to take the opportunity to introduce mum and dad to Dor.
  • 64. After the success of the meeting he stood on the steps of the house and announced that he had never met anyone like Dor and he couldn't imagine his life without her (thank heaven he's graduating I couldn't stand anymore of the mushiness).
  • 65. With that he went down on one knee
  • 66. and presented Dor with a ring (not as good as mine though).
  • 67. Naturally she said yes (we're an irresistible lot we Discworlds).
  • 68. He spent the rest of the party being mushy with Dor. Now he's graduated he's moved in with her and they're planning on filling they're house with screaming children almost immediately.
  • 69. Hehehee. I saw the funniest thing last night. The Elucidated Brethren have decided to invite Bon Anna into the society, which is fine I guess, after all I got in a good two years before her. Anyway because I was told about it I was able to watch it all.
  • 70. The look on her face when the handcuffs went on was priceless.
  • 71. I'm sorry I haven't written in a while journal, I've just been so busy with revision and exams and everything. Anyway me and Bon Anna and Marion have graduated now and we held a really massive join party to celebrate.
  • 72. We had a great time, there was a big group smustle
  • 73. Dad got to meet Animus
  • 74. and Bon Anna got to be really cuddly with him (looks like this might be becoming a tradition).
  • 75. It was quite late when the party ended.
  • 76. Obviously I'm now on my way back to the family home (I'm actually writing this in the taxi).
  • 77. Bon Anna will be moving in with Animus (who's also just graduated).
  • 78. And of course Marion is moving in with me.. I guess this is the end of my college life, it's been really fun (mostly), but I'm really looking forward to being able to make some proper money. And don't worry journal I'm not going to abandon you, no matter what mum thinks.