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Community Food Security Coalition

        Barrett Ebright, Congressional Hunger Fellow
 In collaboration with Sarah Borron, CFSC Policy Associate

2007 Edition edited by Steph Larsen, CFSC Policy Organizer
                    Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                      Barrett Ebright, Congressional Hunger Fellow
               In collaboration with Sarah Borron, CFSC Policy Associate

              2007 Edition edited by Steph Larsen, CFSC Policy Organizer

Thank you to the following people for sharing their knowledge and contributing their time

CFSC staff members: Raquel Bournhonesque, Heather Fenney, Marion Kalb, Andy Fisher,
   Thomas Forster, Jeanette Abi-Nader, Kai Siedenburg, Mark Winne, Maya Hagege

                     Kathy Ozer, National Family Farm Coalition
                           Bonnie Hallam, The Food Trust
                            Anim Steel, The Food Project
                               Pam Roy, Farm to Table
            Margaret Krome, National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture
                 Martin Bailkey, CFSC Urban Agriculture Committee
                   Kristin Anderson, Congressional Hunger Center

                        Community Food Security Coalition
                                P.O. Box 209 Venice, CA 90294
                                      Tel: 310-822-5410
                                      Fax: 310-822-1440
Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS

Letter from Community Food Security Coalition Executive Director

SECTION 1: Basics of the Federal Policy Cycle
   • Past Federal Policy Successes of the Community Food Security Movement (side bar)
   • Types of Funding
   • The Budget
   A Case Study of the Federal Policy Process: Farm to Cafeteria Legislation
   • Authorization
   • Appropriations
   • Future Implementation and Evaluation
   How are National Public Interest Advocacy Groups Linked to Grassroots Participation in
   Federal Policymaking?
   • State and Local Policy Work (side bar)
   • Food Policy Councils (side bar)

SECTION 2: The Basics of Effective Participation in the Federal Policy Process
   • How do I Find Out who my Legislator is?
   Advocacy and Lobbying for Non-Profits (side bar)
   Action Alerts
   Tips for Lobbying with Your Elected Officials
   • Calling Your Legislator
   • Writing Your Legislator
   • Meeting With Your Legislator
   Before the Meeting
   During the Meeting
   After the Meeting
   Writing Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor
   Tracking Your Policy Advocacy Work
   One Individuals’ Impact (Side Section)
   Educate Your Congressional Member
   Attend a Local Listening Session
   Submitting Comments on Rules for Implementation
   Influence Formal Evaluation of a Federal Program

SECTION 3: Conclusion
   Putting Your Advocacy Work in Perspective
   How Can I Get Involved in Creating a More Just and Sustainable Food System?
   Community Food Security Coalition National Partner Organizations

Throughout this handbook, some abbreviations are used to ease in the flow and readability of the document.These
    abbreviations are listed below. A glossary is also provided to include definitions of federal policy language appears throughout
    the text.

                          Guide to Abbreviations:
                          CFSC = Community Food Security Coalition
                          USDA= United Sates Department of Agriculture
                          WIC FMNP= Women, Infants and Children Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
                          SR FMNP= Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
                          CFP= Community Food Projects Grants Program

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                            LETTER FROM THE
                                 Community Food Security Coalition Executive Director

Dear Reader:

     When you hear the word “policy,” what comes to mind? Shady back-room deals? Nerdy wonks speaking in tongues, spewing
acronyms and jargon? Do your eyes glaze over? Wonder what it has to do with your community? How can you, as an individual or
representative of a small non-profit group, make a difference in such a vast political sea? Public policy is nothing but decision-
making by governments, and in this country, governments respond to mobilized and organized citizens. Citizen pressure can and
has been the driving force behind virtually every piece of progressive legislation or social program in recent memory: civil rights
legislation, equal rights for women, environmental laws, and nutrition programs. Even within our community food security
movement, public pressure on legislators was key to passing the law that led to the creation of the Community Food Projects
Program. The result? Over $30 million will be distributed to community groups between 1996 by the time the legislation expires
in 2007. That’s a pretty darn good return on investment for the time it takes us to collectively make some phone calls, visit some
Senators, and send in some faxes. Not that working on policy is easy or success is always guaranteed. In fact, it can be downright
frustrating. But, policy advocacy is simply too important to not spend at least some of your time on it. Here are four good reasons
for doing so:

    It’s your money. You pay taxes and you get to have a voice in how those taxes are spent. It’s really that simple.
    The potential impact of policy is too important not to. Policy is perhaps the best tool we have at our disposal for increasing
    the scope and reach of our efforts to transform the food system. Government resources and regulations can have a far greater
    impact in a shorter time frame than almost anything else we can do.
    It’s an investment in your future. Corporations dedicate resources to research and development. Farmers plant trees in the hopes
    of harvesting a fruit crop in the future. Both of these groups do so because they know that a little money and effort now will
    reap potentially large rewards in the future. Policy advocacy may take a while to bear fruit, but when it does, it can be a mighty
    If you don’t, someone else will. Often that someone else is your political enemy, trying to roll back the gains you have already
    won. Without a vigilant advocacy community, such basics we have come to rely on like school lunches, clean water and air laws,
    and civil rights laws would have been eradicated or severely curtailed. Policy is not just about passing laws or working in
    Washington, DC. Policy happens at all levels of government, from your neighborhood council to the World Trade Organization.
    It can take multiple forms, such as working with schools to purchase food from local farmers, or convincing your city govern-
    ment to support farmers’ markets by closing off streets. At its best, policy advocacy is about empowering individuals to act col-
    lectively to have a greater voice in their government. In our movement, it’s about government programs and regulations that sup-
    port family farmers, end hunger, and foster healthy individuals, communities and landscapes. It’s about taking back the food
    system from those who have made it unfair, unsustainable and unhealthy.

     This handbook is a vital tool in that effort. It will provide you with the knowledge of the policy process so that you can become
a more effective advocate for your interests. CFSC wants to hear your voice in its policy discussions! We hope that this handbook
will provide you with the necessary tools to become an active player in both the advocacy process and in shaping the community
food security movement’s policy agenda. The 2007 Farm Bill is here, and other policy decisions demand our attention as well. Your
participation at all levels of the federal policy process is key to the movement’s success.

Andy Fisher
Executive Director
Community Food Security Coalition

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                      SECTION 1: Basics of the Federal Policy Cycle

    As groups and individuals working at the local level, many of          AUTHORIZATION                                   APPROPRIATIONS
    you may have experience with locally implemented federal
    programs or have used federal funding for community level
    projects. This section will outline the basics of how federal                                      4 Stages of
    programs are started, funded, and implemented. As the diagrams                                     the Federal
    show, there are four major steps in the federal policy process                                     Policy Cycle
    with which it is important to be familiar: authorization,              EVALUATION                                      IMPLEMENTATION
    appropriation, implementation, and evaluation. There is, of
    course, much more that goes on behind the scenes—the federal
    policy process is never quite as neat, orderly, or timely as the
    diagrams suggest. For example, it may take many years to get a
    piece of legislation authorized, and more still before a new
    program is funded and implemented. Lastly, it is important to       Authorization
    keep in mind that federal policy is not created without input       Authorization is a formal way of saying that a policy idea is
    from many different sources, including you! A policy idea that      turned into law by putting it into a bill at the request of a
    becomes legislation can be generated from grassroots activists,     Congressional legislator. Sometimes the authorization is for a
    local or national advocacy groups, the Administration, or a         new policy program, but in other cases the legislation makes
    Congressional legislator and their staff who identified a problem   changes to an already existing federal program. The legislation
    and a federal policy idea as a possible solution.                   may create a permanent program or one that expires after a certain
                                                                        length of time and needs to be renewed. If the bill expires, it
                                                                        must be reauthorized on either an annual or multi-year basis,
            Past Federal Policy Successes For the                       thereby providing a time for changes to the program to be made.
            Community Food Security Movement                                  The process of authorization starts when a member of
                                                                        Congress introduces a bill. Bills are often co-sponsored by other
           Congress created the WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition           members of Congress. It is then sent for consideration to the
           Program (WIC FMNP) in 1992.                                  Congressional committee that has jurisdiction over the issue in
                                                                        the legislation. The committee goes through a process called
           The Community Food Projects (CFP) grant                      “mark-up,” where changes can be made to the bill and the
           program was authorized by Congress in the 1996               committee votes on whether or not to send the bill before the
           Farm Bill, and funding was increased from $2.5               whole Senate or House of Representatives for a vote. Sometimes
           million to $5 million in the 2002 Farm Bill.                 bills are introduced as a part of a group of bills to be considered
           In 1999, United States Department of Agriculture’s           together for inclusion in a larger bill, such as the Farm Bill or the
           (USDA) Community Food Security Initiative spurred            Energy Bill, rather than one bill at a time. These groups of bills
           inter-agency action to integrate community food              are called “omnibus bills.” If the bill gets voted
           security into many of its programs.
           In 2000, Congress created the Senior Farmers’ Market
           Nutrition Program (SR FMNP), providing vouchers                   AUTHORIZATION
           to seniors to use at local farmers’ markets. SR FNMP
           increase market opportunities for farmers and access
           to healthy foods for seniors.                                   • Provides framework
                                                                             for the policy and
           The Farm to Cafeteria program, authorized in the                  the maximum funding
           2004 Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act,                 level
           is the latest federal program that CFSC, its members,           • Can be for a new policy
           and partner organizations are working hard for.                   or may make changes
                                                                             to an existing policy

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

out of committee, it goes to the floor for a vote. Both the House       programs, but instead they automatically receive a set
of Representatives and Senate must pass the bill, and then it           amount of money every year. The Community Food
goes through a process called “conference,” where members of            Projects Competitive Grant Program is currently a mandatory
the House of Representatives and Senate negotiate portions of           program, and from 2002 to 2007 received $5 million
the two different bills until they are identical. Then both the         annually. Congress does on occasion not fully fund a
House and Senate vote on the identical bills again. The                 mandatory program, as has been the case with the
President must sign the bill for it to become law, but in some          Conservation Security Program, a program passed in the
cases, the president vetoes a bill. The House and Senate can            last Farm Bill to reward farmers for sustainable practices.
override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote, and the bill         Mandatory programs can be cut during tight fiscal times, or
still becomes a law. If Congress passes the bill, a new law is          because the members of Congress currently in power don’t
created, but it must go through a separate process to be funded         want to fund them. Remember that advocacy organizations
and implemented.                                                        are a good resource for questions about the funding status
                                                                        of specific programs.
Once a bill becomes a law, the next step is for Congress to             Discretionary Funding: Programs that are funded
decide which programs will be funded and how much money                 through discretionary spending rely on the House of
each will receive. There are a tremendous number of authorized          Representatives and Senate Appropriations Committees to
programs that need to be funded each year. A new program                renew funding for them each year. Congress could never
must compete with other existing programs for available                 fund every discretionary program that is authorized, and
funding from the budget, often leaving many new programs                therefore must decide which programs to fund and how
unfunded or under-funded.                                               much money each will receive. It is common for a program
                                                                        to be authorized for a certain level of funding but receive
                                                                        much less. Within an appropriations bill, members of
                                                                        Congress often make requests to set aside discretionary
                                                                        money to fund special projects in the states or districts they
                                                                        represent. In other words, money is “earmarked” for a specific
                                                                        local or state project. You may also hear this type of
                                                                        funding referred to as “pork.” In recent years, earmarks have
                                         • Provides funding that        been the cause of much controversy and have been seen as a
                                           may be mandatory or
                                           discretionary                sign of the corruption plaguing Congress. Attempts have
                                                                        been made to reduce the number of earmarks attached to
                                         • Programs must
                                           compete for funding          bills, and some members of Congress refuse to use them
                                           from the budget each         altogether.

                                                                    The Budget
Types of Funding                                                    Every February, the Administration puts out its recommendations
The funding in the federal government is typically divided into     to Congress regarding the budget for the next fiscal year.
two types—discretionary and mandatory.                              Typically from March until May the Appropriations
                                                                    Committees, whose job it is to determine funding levels for
    Mandatory Funding:When a law is passed, some programs           government programs, meet and hold hearings at which federal
    are designed as mandatory, meaning they automatically get       agencies present reports and defend the requests made in the
    funded at a certain amount each year. This happens when         President’s budget. Congress meanwhile passes its own budget,
    members of Congress decide that a program so important,         which sets limits for how much funding there is to divide. While
    it should receive money every year instead of having to         the Congressional budget sets guidelines for spending, the
    compete for it. Entitlement programs, such as Food Stamps       appropriations process does not always follow these guidelines.
    and Medicare, receive as much money as it takes to provide           From June until September, the full appropriations
    benefits for eligible people who apply. The amount of           committees meet and the appropriations bills are written and
    money an entitlement program receives thus varies from          sent to the floor in both the House and Senate for a vote.
    year to year depending on need, but it is always guaranteed     Ideally, Congress passes 13 appropriations bills for the next
    what it needs. Some mandatory programs are not entitlement      fiscal year by October 1st, however it is rare that all are passed

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

    in this timeline. In 2006, for example, the appropriations           other 57% of the budget was spent on mandatory programs
    process for fiscal year 2007 (FY ’07) was not completed before       including the largest three entitlement programs: Social Security,
    the midterm elections, and Congress passed a continuing resolution   Medicaid, and Medicare.
    to keep funding levels temporarily the same as FY ’06. In 2005,
    the total federal budget was $2.4 trillion, spending 43% of the      Implementation
    budget on discretionary programs such as education, housing,         After Congress passes a law that includes an authorization for a
    international assistance, and defense. All federal discretionary     program and funding is appropriated for the program, a federal
    spending occurs through 13 annual appropriation bills. The           agency such as USDA writes the specific rules of how the
                                                                         program will be implemented, or carried out. The federal
                 Two Major Food System Bills                             agency may decide to gather public feedback on the rules, usually
                                                                         through a thirty or sixty day public comment period. Proposed
      Many of USDA’s programs must be renewed every five                 rules are published in the Federal Register, which is now
      years to keep them going. The Farm Bill covers many of the         accessible on-line (see resource list). Federal agency staff carry
      agriculture and nutrition programs, and the Child                  out the program, often in partnership with state and local
      Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act covers child nutrition       agencies. The effects of legislation are felt throughout communities,
      programs specifically. These bills are broad packages of           where individuals and local organizations often participate in
      many proposals for new programs and changes to existing            the program.
      ones. Dealing with these large “reauthorizations” allows
      Congress to concentrate on a major issue and look at it in         Evaluation
      the big picture, rather than disparate single bills on the         While federal agencies don’t always evaluate programs under
      same issue considered at different times. Both bills are           their jurisdiction, evaluation is nonetheless a vital aspect of the
      separately reauthorized about every five years.                    federal policy cycle. Formal evaluation of implemented programs
                                                                         can happen at many different levels. Sometimes there is a
      Some Programs Currently in the Farm Bill                           mandate by Congress, written in the authorizing legislation, for
         Food Stamps                                                     evaluation of the program. This mandate may or may not
         Sustainable Agriculture Research Education (SARE)               include funding to accomplish it. Sometimes the federal agency
         Conservation Security Program                                   sets aside money within the program to conduct formal evaluation,
         Federal Farm Programs                                           and other times evaluation is contracted out to a third party.
         WIC and Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition                        Regardless of how it is done, evaluation produces a formal
         Community Food Project Competitive Grant                          AUTHORIZATION                         AUTHORIZATION
                                                                                                                    • Policy rules are written
                                                                                                                      by a government agency
      Some Programs Currently in the Child Nutrition and
                                                                                                                    • Program operates at
      WIC Reauthorization Act:                                                                                        the local level
         Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
         Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
         National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
         Summer Food Service Program
         WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
         Farm to Cafeteria

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                                                    tracking the effects of federal legislation. Sometimes an agency
  AUTHORIZATION                              APPROPRIATIONS
                                                                    may make changes to the program based on the results of
                                                                    evaluation, but other times changes to a program must be made
                                                                    by going back through the authorization process. For example,
                                                                    in order to make it easier for food policy councils to receive
   EVALUATION                                                       Community Food Project Grant money, policy language had to
                                                                    be changed during the 2002 Farm Bill reauthorization process.

 • Formal government                                                This section is meant to be a brief and basic overview of the
   evaluation may occur                         IMPLEMENTATION
   and may be informed                                              federal policy cycle, but there are certainly many other resources
   by local monitoring in                                           that can provide far more in-depth detail and analysis of the
   the field
                                                                    federal policy process. See the resource list at the end of this
assessment of the program, and local groups and individuals,        document for further reading on the federal policy process and
like you, can provide valuable information from your direct         the federal budget. The section below illustrates the link
experience with it.                                                 between CFSC’s current federal policy work on Farm to
     Monitoring the effects of a federal program at the local       Cafeteria, each step of the policy cycle, and the role that you and
level can also be helpful to national advocacy groups that may be   other active citizens have played along the way.

                                              A CASE STUDY OF
                            The Federal Policy Process: Farm to Cafeteria Legislation

                  Many of the ideas that informed the creation
                  of the Farm to Cafeteria legislation came from
                  the experiences and insights of individuals who
were already starting Farm to Cafeteria programs all over the
country. People involved with varied types of Farm to Cafeteria
programs provided the Community Food Security Coalition
with valuable information on the challenges they faced and the
types of policy that could best assist further development of
Farm to Cafeteria programs. Starting in early 2003, CFSC staff
met with staff of members of Congress to pitch the main ideas
of what CFSC members wanted for Farm to Cafeteria—funds for
start-up grants to be used by Farm to Cafeteria projects, modeled
on the Community Food Projects Competitive Grant process.           kept extending the deadline for the Child Nutrition
     Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) was the first Congressional       Reauthorization. S. 1775 gained co-sponsorship from 11 of the
member to agree to support this idea, and in the spring of 2003     100 Senators, and H.R. 2626 gained co-sponsorship from over
he introduced Farm to Cafeteria as part a bill describing his       40 of the 435 Representatives.
major priorities for the Child Nutrition and WIC                         Throughout this process, local organizations and concerned
Reauthorization. Later that fall, he re-introduced the Farm to      citizens like you were instrumental in gaining support for the
Cafeteria legislation as its own bill, “The Farm to Cafeteria       Farm to Cafeteria legislation. People and groups called and met
Projects Act,” along with co-sponsor Senator Arlen Specter          with their legislators asking them to co-sponsor the original
(R-PA). Representatives Fred Upton (R-MI) and Ron Kind              Farm to Cafeteria bills and to support inclusion of the bill in
(D-WI) introduced identical legislation in the House in the         the final Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act.
summer of 2003. The Senate and House bills were known as            Grassroots organizations acted collectively as well as singly, with
S.1755 and H.R. 2626, respectively. The prefix H.R. stands for      over 270 organizations signing on to a letter that was delivered
House Resolution and prefix S. stands for Senate. The numbers       to every member of Congress, asking them to co-sponsor the
following the prefix represent the number assigned to the bill.     bills. Former CFSC Policy Associate Sarah Borron recalls the
Several months were spent gaining co-sponsors, as Congress          many activities grassroots activists took during that time. She

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

    reports, “I can honestly say that we would never have gotten          original champions in the House and Senate to try to get money
    so many co-sponsors without them.”                                    appropriated.
         As the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization drew                   Every member of Congress has the opportunity to make
    nearer, congressional committee staff made changes to the             appropriations requests, so CFSC worked with its members to
    pieces of legislation and decided what would be included in the       get funding for Farm to Cafeteria in as many legislators’ requests
    bill that went before the committees. Because of a call for “no       as possible. Another strategy was to get members of the Senate
    new programs,” getting Farm to Cafeteria included was particularly    to sign a letter asking their colleagues who serve on appropriations
    challenging. After much debate, hard pushing from                     committees to fund Farm to Cafeteria at $5 million, and in
    Congressional champions, and additional grassroots pressure,          2006 21 Senators signed such a letter. Local groups and
    the Farm to Cafeteria language was included in the final bill in      individuals have provided a lot of support through this process
    the spring of 2004. The language was changed somewhat to              through calls and meeting with their legislators. Over 350
    reflect its merger with a related program on school gardens, so       national, state, and local organizations signed a letter in support
    the final legislative language contained Section 122, named           of Farm to Cafeteria funding in 2006. Every member of
    “Access to Local Foods and School Gardens,” in the Child              Congress received a copy of that letter.
    Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act. This legislation                    In addition, advocates from various states around the country
    creates a competitive seed grant program for schools, one-time        came to Washington, D.C. to share their stories and experiences
    grants of up to $100,000 over three years to create new Farm          of starting Farm to Cafeteria programs in meetings and briefings
    to Cafeteria programs. The program must be funded annually            with Senate and House congressional staff. Their stories showed
    through discretionary funding in the appropriations process.          how important a one-time start-up grant can be in starting and
                                                                          sustaining new Farm to Cafeteria programs.
                Because of the way the bill was written, Farm to                           Future Implementation and
                Cafeteria must be funded with discretionary money.                         Evaluation
                Recall that discretionary programs must compete                            While Farm to Cafeteria has not yet been funded,
    for funding, so advocates began another phase of fighting for                          advocates will continue to fight for funding in
    money this program. The Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act                            future appropriations cycles. Should the bill be
    was passed in the middle of an appropriations cycle, too late to                       funded at some point in the future, USDA will
    bring together the full resources needed to try to get funding for    write the rules of how Farm to Cafeteria will be implemented
    the newly authorized program. The next appropriations cycle,          and administer the program. Usually, there is a public comment
    which started in January 2005 for fiscal year 2006, was when the      period after the rules are written that will provide another
    real push for funding began. This push continued in 2006 for          opportunity for participation by individuals and local groups.
    FY ’07 because no money for Farm to Cafeteria was allocated in        Once the program is up and running, the legislation mandates
    the FY ’06 appropriations. Since Congress does not have to            that USDA will be responsible for carrying out an evaluation.
    fund discretionary programs, CFSC staff worked with the

                                                          Food Policy Councils:

       A state or local food policy council is one avenue for people working at the local level to influence the effectiveness of federal
       programs in their area. A food policy council (FPC) is a group of stakeholders who advise a city, county, or state government
       on policies related to agriculture, food distribution, hunger, food access, and nutrition. Such councils provide an effective
       forum for diverse stakeholders to work together to create positive changes in their food system. They perform a variety of
       tasks, from researching food production and access issues, to designing and implementing projects and policies to address
       those issues. Through public meetings and annual reports, they also educate local officials, businesses, and the public about
       the food system. The primary goal of many FPCs is to examine the local food system and provide ideas or recommendations
       for how it can be improved. Food policy councils can take many forms, but typically are commissioned by state or local
       government, with participation from diverse stakeholders in the private and public sectors engaged in food and agriculture matters.
       Council members may be appointed by government officials, and often include farmers, grocers and food distributors,
       anti-hunger advocates, community leaders, representatives of government departments, cooperative extension agents, and
       concerned citizens.

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

How are National Public Interest Advocacy                            for working towards federal policy change. CFSC also works on
Groups Linked to Grassroots Participation                            larger issues of relevance to the movement, such as family farm,
in Federal Policymaking?                                             anti-hunger, sustainable agriculture, and nutrition issues. Like
National public interest advocacy groups work to create public       CFSC, many advocacy groups are membership-based and rely
policy change on behalf of others, such as children, welfare         on the input of their members to inform their focus on certain
recipients, or family farmers. Some national advocacy groups—        policy issues. National advocacy groups and partner organizations
such as CFSC—not only advocate for certain issues, but also          then design a policy strategy or a campaign that involves
organize groups who agree with a particular stance to be             resources, mobilization, communication, and often action by
involved in campaigns to change public policy that affects them.     you and many other individuals.
CFSC mobilizes members of the community food security                     There are a variety of different ways national advocacy
movement to develop policies that provide resources and              groups are involved in the federal policy cycle. In many cases,
removes barriers to local and regional food systems and food         groups are working to create a new law or program. However,
security for everyone. National advocacy groups that seek to         other times they are working to secure funding for a program,
organize individuals and local groups serve as a link between the    make changes to a program, get more money allocated to a
grassroots and policy makers in Washington, D.C.                     program, keep funding from getting cut, stop the creation of a
     Many advocacy groups choose to keep their ear close to          new law or block a change to an existing program that will have
folks in communities and act as a spokesperson for their concerns    negative effects on the issues that concern their members. For
to federal policy makers. In addition, advocacy groups closely       example, organizations often band together to prevent funding
track the policy action in D.C. and communicate back to you at       cuts to certain programs. Other coalitions form to focus on
the local level. Unlike national private interest groups, which      multiple parts the policy cycle, such as authorization and
usually lobby Congress on a single issue, national public interest   appropriations of policy, and they do so every time their issues
advocacy groups often work in coalitions and advocate for a          come up for those parts of the cycle. The National Campaign
broad set of issues. For example, over time CFSC has developed       for Sustainable Agriculture (NCSA), for instance, is a non-profit
relationships with anti-hunger, nutrition, and sustainable agri-     with many members at the grassroots and national levels. NCSA
culture groups, resulting in dynamic and effective partnerships      is most busy before the Farm Bill, but it is also active during
Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

     every appropriations cycle, fighting to ensure funding for              for distribution of vouchers to WIC clients and the authorization
     sustainable agriculture programs, and later during implementa-          of outlets or individual farmers to accept vouchers. The federal
     tion, to make sure those programs work as intended.                     government provides funding for 100% of the cost of food, but
          Strength of these coalitions comes from participation,             only a portion of the administrative costs. Therefore, the state
     which ebbs and flows as important programs reach certain points         agency that wishes to implement and operate the WIC FMNP
     in the policy cycle. An advocate’s role may start with the author-      must provide additional funding for the administrative costs.
     ization step in the federal policy cycle. However, there are many       The funding may come from a variety of sources, including state
     more very important roles that advocates can play throughout the        or local governments and from private funds. ITOs must also
     entire policymaking cycle. Contacting organizations that work on        match federal administrative costs, but have a lower match
     the issues you most care about will help to inform you on what          requirement.
     most needs to be done, and how your individual skills and inter-             The chart below illustrates how federal, state and local agencies,
     ests can help to further your issues in the most effective way.         as well as private entities and groups, can support the WIC
                                                                             FMNP. This example can be helpful to understand when trying
     State and Local Policy Work                                             to effect the implementation of federal programs in your state
     This handbook is primarily focused on the different ways that           or local community. Each individual at the local level possesses
     you or your local organization can affect policy at the federal         the knowledge of the local impact of federal programs and
     level. However, involvement in local and state policy is often          holds the power of a voting constituent. Not only can this
     necessary for successful implementation of a federal program.           influence be used on Election Day, but throughout the year by
     The WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) is a                   communicating with one’s state senators and district representative
     federal program that illustrates the linkages between federal,          about the issues that are most important to you. Issue campaigns,
     state and local policy. The WIC FMNP legislation was authorized         led by national advocacy groups, can provide an opportunity for
     in 1992 and has been administered and implemented through a             you to use your constituent influence on federal policy in directed
     federal and state partnership. At the federal level, the Food and       and effective ways. These campaigns help bring many individuals
     Nutrition Service of the United States Department of                    voices together at important time, for more power overall.
     Agriculture is the agency that provides cash grants to state agencies   National advocacy groups often provide updated policy information
     to implement WIC FMNP. State departments of agriculture,                from D.C. in a concise and informed manner and can communicate
     health, or Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) are responsible           to you when it is most vital to take action.

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

  List of
  Jurisdictions              • Federal Program: WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program

  Federal                    •   Congress authorizes WIC FNMP legislation in 1992
                             •   Food and Nutrition Service of USDA partners with states
                             •   Federal funds provided to states for 100% cost of food
                             •   Federal funds provided to states for a portion of administrative costs

  State                      •   Agencies – state health or agriculture departments, or ITOs implement WIC FMNP
                             •   States must present administration plan to USDA
                             •   States must provide a match
                             •   State agencies approve participating outlets and farmers
                             •   State agencies distribute coupons to WIC participants

  County                     • May provide outreach to increase WIC coupon use and increase the number of sites for
                               redemption of WIC coupons

  City                       • City or county Food Policy Council may advocate for land use policies that encourage
                               farmers’ markets

  Non-profit                 • State farmers’ market associations may advocate for state matching funds to bring WIC
  Organizations                FMNP to their state
                             • Food Banks may become a site for a farmers’ market and accept WIC FMNP coupons
                             • Economic Development Organizations may support WIC FMNP
                             • Faith-based organizations, like churches, host farmers’ markets

  Private Businesses         • Hospitals and other institutions host farmers’ markets
                             • Chambers of Commerce may promote farmers’ markets
                             • Farmers, as businesses people, sell their products at farmers’ markets

  Other Local Partners       • Cooperative Extension Programs, local chefs, and farmers or farmers’ markets associations
                               may provide nutrition education to WIC FMNP recipients

            SECTION 2: The Basics of Effective Participation in the Federal Policy Process

Whether it’s educating your member of Congress about issues         you care about for information about how and when to take
of concern to you or attending a local listening session to make    action. When you take action, remember that reporting back to
your voice heard on a new policy initiative, there are multiple     national organizations about what you’ve done can assist groups
opportunities for every individual to participate in the federal    to better know how individuals and local groups around the
policy process. In any action you take, remember that you have      country are contributing to the federal policy process.
a valuable local perspective to share. Policymakers need to hear
from individuals and community groups to better understand          How Can I Find Out Who My Legislators Are?
the way federal polices affect real people and their communities.       Check out the government section of your local
Please be confident that your concerns and knowledge of local           phone book.
problems helps your members of Congress stay more connected             Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
to the needs of their constituents. What are the issues that            Search by state or zip code at and
concern you most? It may be helpful to seek out a local or    
national public interest advocacy group that works on the issues

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

          Gathering general information about your members of
     Congress may also be of aid to you in your participation in
     federal policymaking. Every member of Congress serves on
     legislative committees and subcommittees that have jurisdiction
     over certain issues. Finding out about the committees on which
     your elected officials serve may help you get a sense of the key
     issues that are important to your Representative or Senator.
     Both and have a webpage for your
     legislators where you can find out which committees they serve
     on and issues that are covered by those committees. Their
     personal web pages will also often list legislation that has been
     sponsored by a legislator and their voting record.
          If you have interest in learning more about your Senators
     and Representative, many national organizations have scorecards
     for every Congressional member that rate them on a variety of
     issues. In this section are some different ways that you and local
     organizations can make a difference by participating in the
     federal policy process. There are many opportunities for
     involvement and this is by no means an exhaustive list. If there
     are other actions that you have taken that you would like CFSC
     to know about, please feel free to share your experience with us
     so that we might share it with others.

                                                                Action Alerts
                                                                  By Sarah Borron

        When taking direct action, it can be helpful to rely on the direction of national advocacy groups through action alerts. While
        you can participate in the federal policy process at any time, action alerts help concentrate individual efforts to be more
        collectively effective. An action alert usually comes from policy staff of a national advocacy group and sometimes is sent
        directly to grassroots members, but other times is communicated through a regional working group of the organization.
        Action alerts keep local activists, like you, updated on federal policies and let you know when its time to act on a key issue.
        Sometimes alerts will ask that action be targeted to Congressional members of specific states or districts. For example, if the
        chair of the Senate appropriations committee is from West Virginia, activists in West Virginia might get a specific appeal for
        help in getting funding for a program. Each action you take in response to an alert is a part of a larger national advocacy
        group’s work to communicate the interests of constituents to the policymakers, and grassroots advocates can be effective in
        many ways. Because of the policy cycle, there will be times of the year when you will receive many action alerts and other
        times not many at all. For example, in the first part of the year Congress works on determining the budget for the next year,
        and Congress people make specific funding requests, so many groups send out action alerts about funding during this time.
        Action alerts are also often on a short timeline and will ask you to take action immediately because the schedule for Congress
        frequently changes. In addition, it is sometimes most effective to put pressure on elected officials all at one time or just before
        an important vote or decision. Visit the Community Food Security Coalition website ( to view a sample
        action alert.

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                        Tips for Lobbying with Your Elected Officials
                                                              Compiled by Sarah Borron

Calling Your Legislator                                                          Writing Your Legislator
• It is always helpful to take a few minutes to prepare. Calls                   • After the anthrax scare post-9-11, security has tightened
  to Hill offices are usually brief, so you will want to have                      for mail coming into Congressional offices in D.C. Mail
  crucial facts, such as bill numbers, in front of you.                            takes longer to get there and also goes through a sanitation
                                                                                   process that can damage letters. Faxes and e-mail
• If you are calling to do something straightforward, such                         messages are more likely to reach your legislators
  as asking them to vote yes or no on an amendment or                              promptly and in a readable state! You can, however, still
  co-sponsor a bill, talk with the receptionist. State your                        send letters successfully to offices in your home district
  name and where you live so they know you’re a                                    or state.
  constituent, and make your request succinctly.                                 • If you fax or e-mail, address the letter to the staff
  Example: “My name is Tim Jones, and I live in Atlantic, Iowa.                    person that covers the issue that is the focus of your
  I’m calling to ask that Senator Harkin support $5 million in funding             letter. Include the issue and if appropriate the name
  for “Access to Local Foods and School Gardens” (Section 122 of the               and number of the bill in the subject line. Be sure
  Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act). This bill would help schools               to provide your mailing address so they will know you
  use locally-grown food in their lunches, and I think this would benefit          are a constituent. For letters addressed to your
  my kids by exposing them to fresh fruits and vegetables as well as               Congressperson, follow the format below:
  supporting local farmers.”

• If you are calling about something more complex, or if                                 The Honorable [full name of your Senator]
  you are calling representing a larger organization, you                                United States Senate
  should ask for the staff person in charge of the issue                                 Washington, DC 20510
  about which you’re calling. Again, state your name, where
  you’re from, and whom you represent. Ask about your                                    Dear Senator [last name of your Senator],
  legislator’s position on the issue. If it aligns with yours,
  thank the staff member for their support. If the position
  does not, take a moment to explain your position, offer                                The Honorable[full name of your Representative]
  to send more information, and ask that the                                             House of Representatives
  Congressperson consider the issue further.                                             Washington, DC 20515

• You might find that the person you talk to isn’t familiar                              Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [last name of your Representative]
  with the issue you’re calling about. In that case, take a
  moment to educate them about the issue and to explain
  why you are asking their boss to take a certain position.                      • For written communication, stay focused and brief.
  Offer to send more information, and remember to                                  Focusing on one issue or “ask” per message is most
  follow-up promptly. This can be a great opportunity to                           effective, and be sure to put your “ask” in the first
  become someone on whom staff relies for information                              paragraph.
  about your issue.                                                                Example:“Every day I see for sale signs on farms near my home-
                                                                                   town of Bargersville, Indiana. At the same time, I struggle to get my
• If you’re leaving a message, state your name, where you’re                       kids to eat healthy, and I see more and more of my neighbors fac-
  from, phone number, and a short message about the issue                          ing weight-related problems. To help address these issues, I urge you to
  you’re calling about and the action you’d like your                              support $5 million for ‘Access to Local Foods and School Gardens.’
  Congressperson to take.                                                          (Section 122 of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization
                                                                                   Act). This program will help schools buy locally-grown foods for
                                                                                   school lunch- exposing children to healthy food at a young age and
                                                                                   helping our farmers stay in business.”

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

         • Be sure to relate the issue to your personal experience,                         c. Be prepared to thank the legislator if he/she has sup-
           and communicate your knowledge of the issue at the                                  ported your issue in the past or supported other
           local level. Remember to emphasize the benefits of the                              issues that you or your organization cares about.
           proposal for their district or constituents. Legislators                         5. Prepare materials to bring: a brief summary or your
           want to know what an issue means to their constituents,                             main points, photos of your program, media regarding
           and you, as a constituent, are thus an expert!                                      your issue, background information you may not be
           Example: “My daughter has become so excited about vegetables since                  able to cover in the meeting, and always bring your
           her school started a garden project. I would love to see locally-grown              contact information.
           food served in her school lunch, but the school cafeteria isn’t equipped         6. Dress professionally. You want to make a good first
           to handle a lot of fresh produce that isn’t already chopped. ‘Access to             impression.
           Local Foods and School Gardens’ will help our school be able to offer            7. Allow plenty of time to get there, and allow more
           local food-and get my daughter and her friends to eat healthier every day!”         time for the meeting than it should actually last.
         • Thank the legislator for any positive actions he or she                             Schedules often change, requiring you to wait for a
           has taken related to your issue                                                     brief time when you arrive.
           Example:“I appreciate the work you have done to support full funding
           of the WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program. Farm to Cafeteria               • During the Meeting
           builds on those successes by bringing fresh healthy food to young               1. Introduce yourself and your organization. Remind
           children once they reach school and continuing to support small                    whomever you meet with that you are a constituent.
           farmers in our state.”                                                          2. Be succinct, and be clear about your ask.
                                                                                           3. Remember that you are an expert on how an issue or
     Follow-up with the office to be sure they received your letter and                       program affects your community! Be confident.
     ask if they have any questions.                                                       4. The person you meet with could know a lot or a
                                                                                              little, so be prepared to educate. Answer the staff
         Meeting with Your Legislator                                                         person or legislator’s questions as thoroughly as you
         • Before the Meeting                                                                 can, but don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know” and
           1. Call ahead to schedule your meeting. Be sure to                                 offer to follow-up with the answer after the meeting.
               mention that you are a constituent and why you want                         5. Take notes of follow-up items and reactions the staff
               the meeting. You will need to speak with a scheduler                           person or legislator has. If you’re meeting with a staff
               if you want to meet directly with your member of                               person who can’t commit to your ask, set a deadline
               Congress. If you want to meet with a federal official                          as to when you will receive an answer (i.e., “Can I call
               but cannot travel far, find out when the official will                         you next week to find out if Sen. Jones will co-sponsor
               be back in your area, or schedule a meeting with a                             the bill?”).
               staff person in the local office.                                           6. Obtain a card from whomever you meet with so that
           2. Don’t be disappointed if you get a meeting with a                               you may contact that person again directly.
               staff person instead of the legislator—staff people
               often write legislation!                                                  • After the Meeting
           3. Plan who will come to the meeting. Keep the group                            1. Debrief. Talk over your impressions, and decide who
               small but representative, no more than three to four                            will make follow-up contact.
               people.                                                                     2. Write a thank-you note. Include in your thank-you
           4. Plan what points each of you will cover in order to                              note an overview of main points of the meeting, and
               utilize your meeting time most effectively. As you                              answer any questions you were unable to answer in
               plan your points, consider the following:                                       the meeting.
               a. Have statistics, but make them personal. Your                                Note: Though hand-written notes are appropriate
                   legislator will want to know how your issue                                 for most situations, snail mail that comes to legislators
                   affects his/her constituents.                                               in D.C. is often delayed and sometimes damaged due
               b. Have a very specific “ask” that you want to the                              to security measures. Send an e-mail or fax instead. If
                    legislator to do (i.e., co-sponsor a piece of legis-                       you meet in an office outside of D.C., writing a
                    lation).                                                                   hand-written note to the local office is fine, however.

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

   3. If your meeting is part of a national advocacy               4. After Publication: Clip the article and send it to your
      group’s campaign, contact the organizer to let                  legislators’ home offices with a note. This may
      him/her know how your meeting went.                             provide a good opportunity to ask for a meeting with
                                                                      a legislator or invite them to visit your local program.
Writing Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor
Op-eds and letters to the editor can be effective tools for     • Letters to the Editor
communicating a message about a specific issue to your            1. Writing tips: Usually letters to the editor are expected
district or states Representatives or Senators. Congressional         to be 250 words or less and therefore require that
members pay attention to what local and state papers are              you stick to one argument. It is common that letters
publishing to stay informed of the issues their constituents          state the argument in the first paragraph, supporting
care about.                                                           evidence in the second, and a restatement of the main
                                                                      message in the last paragraph. Again, making a
• Op-Eds                                                              connection to a personal story, local issue, or other
  1. Preparation: Find out the op-ed submission                       news stories can strengthen a letter.
     requirements for your local or state paper.                  2. Get your legislator’s attention: If your opinion is
  2. Writing the op-ed - Keep the letter to about 700                 supported by a local coalition or organization that
     words and tie your issue to a personal story or make             has many members, state this information to show
     a local connection. Connecting your message to a                 there are numbers behind your message. Also, if the
     current event can also be effective.                             letter asks that a Congressional member take a
  3. Publication: Always follow-up after a submission and             certain action, state their name. Be sure to clip and
     if your op-ed doesn’t get published, don’t give up. It           send when published.
     may also be helpful if you can get a respected public        3. Publication: It is often easier to get letters to the
     figure or local organization to co-sign or co-write to           editor published in a local paper, rather than a city or
     your piece.                                                      state publication.

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                               Advocacy and Lobbying for Non-Profits
                                                                  By Sarah Borron

        While any individual can lobby on their own behalf, non-profit 501(C)(3) organizations have special rules about when they
        can and cannot lobby. Lobbying covers very specific activities. Asking a Congressperson or Administrative official to take
        action regarding a piece of legislation is considered lobbying. Non-profit status does not prevent a member of the
        organization from lobbying, but the IRS mandates that lobbying cannot be a “substantial” part of a non-profit’s activities.
        If a non-profit elects to seek 501(h) status, the regulations more clearly state 20% of the first $500,000 of the
        organization’s budget may be used for lobbying. Most non-profits do not come close to this number, but you should
        track how much time you spend lobbying. Federal funding can never be used for lobbying. Remember, not all advocacy is
        lobbying! Activities such as commenting on federal rules and educating policymakers about important issues do not
        count as lobbying! For more information, check out the Alliance for Justice at

     Tracking Your Policy Advocacy Work                                    understand the issues better. It may also create a springboard for
     No matter what you do, it is important to keep track of it!           replicating your successful model program in other places
     Create a file with any correspondence you receive from legislative    through federal legislation.
     offices and op-eds that are published. If you visit with                   Lastly, the relationships you establish with your congressperson
     Congressional staff, keep the staff person’s name and contact         and staff can be very helpful in gaining support for your local
     information along with a few brief notes about the meeting.           work. You can also show yourself to be a useful resource, so that
     Tracking only takes a few minutes, and it helps make your             staff may end up calling you for information or input in the
     advocacy work build on itself, rather than be an isolated series      future. Contact information for the home office of your
     of events. You can look back to find what your Congressperson’s       Representative or Senator can often be found on their websites
     position has been on an issue or to find a staff person’s name        or the government pages of your local phone book
     when you need to call the office again. You can then remind him
     or her that he or she spoke with you before about related issues.     Attend a Local Listening Session
     All of these activities help you build relationships with your        Sometimes a federal government agency, such as the USDA, will
     Congressperson and be a more effective advocate. If you               sponsor local listening sessions to gather feedback on an issue.
     contacted your member of Congress because of an action alert          These issues can include a new rule written on how a program
     or request from an organization, it is always a good idea to          is implemented to a proposal for legislation of the new program.
     let the organization know who you called and what the                 Listening sessions concerning food system issues are often
     response was.                                                         sponsored by USDA. In the summer of 2005, Agriculture
          Tracking also keeps record of your accomplishments, which        Secretary Michael Johanns held a series of Farm Bill forums
     can be important information to share with funders if you are         throughout the country to engage people with an interest in the
     an organization. For further information visit CFSC’s                 2007 Farm Bill.
     Evaluation Program page at It        Attending a local listening session or forum allows you to
     offers more in-depth resources on how to carry out tracking and       both learn more about federal legislative process and to voice
     evaluation of an organization’s program or project.                   your opinion and concerns about the way federal policies affect
                                                                           your communities and the issues you care about. You may find
     Educate Your Congressional Member                                     that rule changes very directly impact you if it regards a program
     One of the most effective ways for you and community organ-           you or your organization works with. National advocacy
     izations to educate your members of Congress is through your          organizations are a valuable resource for finding out where and
     ability to connect national policies and issues to your local area    when these types of events will be held. If you are not already
     and state. When he/she is home on Congressional break, invite         on an e-mail list, many organizations websites contain information
     your legislator or his or her staff to visit your local program to    about how to receive updates on federal legislation and how to
     educate them about the issues the program addresses and to            be involved.
     show its success. Involving legislators in local programs helps
     them to realize how issues impact their district or state and thus

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

Submit Comments on Rules for Implementation                          Influence Formal Evaluation of a Federal Program
After legislation is authorized and funding is appropriated, a       After federal programs are implemented at the local level, a
federal agency, such as the USDA, is responsible for writing the     government agency sometimes conducts a formal evaluation of
rules that will determine the way a program will be implemented.     the program. The outcome of the agency evaluation process can
While agencies are not required to solicit public comment, some      affect the way the program is administered throughout the
decide to gather public comment before finalizing the rules.         country. Sometimes government agencies allow participation in
Public comment periods usually last thirty or sixty days.            the evaluation process. This provides an opportunity for you or
Depending on the program, there may be anywhere from a               your local organization to contribute your insight on the way
handful to thousands of public comments submitted. Because           federal programs are implemented and experienced in your
some legislation is written more loosely than others, the rules of   community. National advocacy organizations are a good
implementation can make a big difference how the law is inter-       resource to find out if formal government evaluation is being
preted and actually implemented at the local level.                  conducted on a program that you have interest in. Weighing in
     One of the biggest responses to a USDA comment period           on the formal evaluation process may be done through writing a
came in the mid-1990s, when USDA released its first set of           letter or by attending a local listening session as was mentioned
national organic standards. Thousands of citizen organizations       above. If your local organization has prepared reports on the
opposed three provisions of the rule. The USDA, overwhelmed          affects of a federal program in your area, sharing it would be
by the response, significantly changed the rule. National advocacy   appropriate to share with the government agency conducting
organizations often track the rules process for key pieces of        formal evaluation. Lastly, as an individual or local organization,
legislation for which implementation may be of interest to           it may be possible for you to participate in informal evaluation
them. National advocacy groups will often announce a public          of a federal program by a national advocacy organization.
comment period to their members and may provide draft comments       Results from this type of evaluation are often written in reports
with arguments that you can use as a guide to writing your own       by national advocacy organization, which are published, given to
comments. Form letters or postcards are sometimes used, but it       government agencies, or used to work towards change of a
is more effective to adapt the arguments into your own letter.       federal program.
Influencing the implementation of a program can help to assure
that a good policy is carried out in the way it was intended.
Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                                                   One Individuals’ Impact:
      In early 2005, representatives from Vermont FEED [Food                             has made a huge impact on my knowledge of school food systems as well as
      Education Every Day] and The Food Trust from Philadelphia                          my ability to envision the future of farm to school in the Philadelphia area
      were invited to Washington, D.C. to share their respective                         . . . Without the opportunity to connect with folks like these and hear their
      work on Farm to Cafeteria initiatives at a Congressional briefing.                 inspiring story, I could dream about making farm to school a reality, but I
      Bonnie Hallam, of The Food Trust, presented about the                              did not know how to make that dream come true. Now, I feel like there is
      Kindergarten Initiative, which provides three healthy snacks                       a path and I know people who can help us along that path. Finally, the
      per week from locally grown products to kindergarten classes.                      experience itself, making a presentation in front of all the House and Senate
      After the briefing, she spoke with staff of one of                                 staffers, was scary and exhilarating. I felt like I was part of a real
      Pennsylvania's Senators. She educated them about the issue,                        democracy where the people take their concerns to the lawmakers. I was
      the local connections it had, and asked them to support funding                    speaking about something that to me is crucial for the health of children and
      for Farm to Cafeteria through signing a “Dear Colleague”                           local farms and people in power (albeit their representatives!) were listening!
      letter, which asked other Senators to support funding as well.                     That is quite an empowering experience! Staffers actually came up to me
      Her Senator signed the Dear Colleague letter shortly there-                        after the meeting and told me how wonderful they thought our program was
      after. Below, Bonnie Hallam shares her reflection of her                           and that they would like to learn more about how they could help . . . The
      experience presenting at the Congressional briefing.                               key here, I believe, is the relationship building...people to people talking about
                                                                                         things on a regular basis that are important to them. It was very gratifying
      Presenting in Washington was an amazing experience for me in a number              to have Senator Santorum sign the letter because it was a symbol of the
      of ways. When you are out in the field doing what you think is really              power of advocacy by ordinary people, working together, to make a
      important, but very encapsulated work, you sometimes forget that you are           difference.
      part of a larger spider web. If you shake the web a little, the movement affects
      the whole system. When I came to Washington, I was profoundly reminded             Bonnie Hallam, Senior Associate
      of that. I was also humbled and inspired. Meeting the folks from VT FEED           The Food Trust, Philadelphia, PA

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                     SECTION 3: Putting Your Advocacy Work in Perspective

At the end of the day, policy campaigns don’t always produce
the desired results. A law gets passed...or doesn’t. A program gets
funded...or has to wait another year. A program starts off on the
right foot...or continues with rules that hamper participation.
But remember, not matter what: YOUR PARTICIPATION IN
POLICY IS ALWAYS IMPORTANT! Because federal policy-
making is a long process, in which there’s always a next step, any
progress you make is in and of itself a success!

    Your voice is part of a collective action towards policy
    change. Every call, letter, or meeting with your elected
    officials; an op-ed or letter to the editor written; sign-on
    letters you’ve joined; listening session you’ve attended; or
    comments submitted on a proposed rule, are all evidence of
    your successful participation as an active citizen.

    You are building valuable relationships. Throughout the
    course of the policy cycle there are many opportunities for
    national advocates and grassroots organizations to develop
    relationships with important Congressional staff members
    and other organizations These relationships are vital to the
    success of any federal policy campaign.

    You are educating your elected officials. Even when a policy          New programs provide much needed resources and
    campaign does not reach its goal, you are educating               opportunities. Increased funding expands successful programs.
    members of Congress about issues that matter to you. Your         Changed rules make a program work better. Every small
    elected official will become more aware of the issues             accomplishment is a step towards something better.
    he/she’s constituents care about and will know much more
    when theses policy issues comes up again.                         How Can I Get Involved in Creating a More Just
                                                                      and Sustainable Food System?
    Your work influences federal policy that affects you, the         The Community Food Security Coalition is gearing up for the
    issues, and people you work and advocate for.                     next Farm Bill in 2007. In doing so, CFSC will be developing
                                                                      policy priorities and there are many ways for you to be involved!
     In reflecting on your impact, be sure to consider the context    There will be increasing opportunities for you to be engaged in
within which you’re working. Are you asking for new funding for       the work to get more community food security ideas into the
a program at a time of budget cuts, or do members of Congress         next Farm Bill policy discussion. Contact the CFSC to find out
disagree with your position? Be aware of the other factors            how you can contribute to building a more just and sustainable
involved in the overall success or failure of an initiative. Always   food system. In addition, there are several CFSC partner
be sure to note steps you take towards your larger goal. Share        organizations listed below that you can contact to get involved
with others, whether it be fellow grassroots advocates or national    with anti-hunger, nutrition, sustainable agriculture and
advocacy groups, what you have done. Talking about your policy        conservation, and family farm and rural policy issues.
activities helps keep up inspiration and hope that when things
aren’t going well and allows for celebration when things are.
And, when the larger goal is won, the impacts are enormous!

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                          COMMUNITY FOOD SECURITY COALITION
                                              National Partner Organizations:

         Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation Organizations:
             Environmental Defense:
             American Community Gardening Association:
             National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture:
             Northeast Midwest Institute:
             The Food Project’s BLASTInitiative:

         Anti-Hunger Organizations:
             America’s Second Harvest:
             Congressional Hunger Center:
             Food Research and Action Center:
             World Hunger Year:

         Nutrition Organizations:
             National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity:
             School Nutrition Association:
             Society for Nutrition Education:

         Family Farm/Rural Organizations:
             American Farmland Trust:
             National Catholic Rural Life Conference:
             National Family Farm Coalition:
             Rural Coalition:

Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook

                                            GLOSSARY of Bolded Words:
                                            Sources: C-Span Congressional Glossary and The Capital.Net

Bill: A bill is a legislative proposal, which would make law               Law: A law is a legislative proposal passed by both the
     if it passes both the House and Senate and if it receives                 House and the Senate and approved by the President.
     Presidential approval.                                                Legislation: Legislation is the making of laws or the laws
Budget: The document sent to Congress by the president early                   themselves.
     each year estimating government revenue and expenditures              Mandatory: Mandatory spending refers to funds not controlled
     for the ensuing fiscal year.                                              by annual decision of Congress. These funds are automati-
Conference: Conference refers to a formal meeting, or series of                cally obligated by virtue of previously-enacted laws.
      meetings, between House and Senate Members. The                      Mark-up: A mark-up refers to the meeting of a Committee
      purpose of a conference is to reconcile the differences                  held to review the text of a bill before reporting it out.
      between the House and Senate versions of a bill.                         Committee members offer and vote on proposed changes
Members: Members are the individuals serving as senators or                    to the bill’s language, known as amend- ments. Most
     representative in Congress.                                               mark-ups end with a vote to send the new version of the
Co-sponsor: A co-sponsor is a member who formally adds                         bill to the floor for final approval.
     his/her name as a supporter to another member’s bill. An              Override: An override is the vote taken to pass a bill again,
     initial cosponsor is one who was listed at the time of the                after it has been vetoed by the President. An override takes
     bill’s introduction, not added on later.                                  a 2/3 vote in each chamber, or 290 in the House and 67
Dear colleague letter: A dear colleague refers to a mass-                      in the Senate, if all are present and voting. If the veto is
     produced letter sent by one member to all fellow members.                 overriden, the bill becomes law despite the objection of
     “Dear Colleagues” usually describe a new bill and ask for                 the President.
     cosponsors or ask for a member’s vote on an issue.                    Sponsor: A sponsor is the member who introduces a bill and
Discretionary: Discretionary spending refers to spending set                   is its chief advocate.
     by annual appropriation levels made by decision of                    Staffer: Staffer is the informal term used for anyone employed
     Congress. This spending is optional, and in contrast to                   by an officer, member, or Committee of Congress.
     entitlement programs for which funding is mandatory.                  Veto: Disapproval by the president of a bill or joint
Earmark/Pork: Earmark funds are those dedicated for a                          resolution.
     specific program or purpose. Revenues are earmarked by law.
Entitlement Spending: Entitlement spending refers to funds                 Sources:
     for programs like Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, &               Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
     veterans’ benefits. Funding levels are automatically set by           Alliance for Justice:
     the number of eligible recipients, not at the discretion of           Friends Committee on National Legislation:
     Congress. Each person eligible for benefits by law receives           The Advocacy Institute:
     them unless Congress changes the eligibility criteria.                Charity Lobbying in the Public Interest:
     Entitlement payments represent the largest portion of the             Federal Register:
     federal budget                                              
House of Representatives: The House of Representatives, as       
     distinct from the Senate, although each body is a “house”   
     of Congress. There are 435 Representatives in the House.    
Fiscal Year: The fiscal year for the federal government
     begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. For
     example, fiscal year 2004, or “fy ‘04” began on Oct. 1,
     2003 and ended on Sept. 30, 2004.
Floor: The floor refers to the chamber in the Capitol where
     members assemble to conduct debate and vote. Members
     are said to be “on the Floor” when they assemble, and
     “to have the Floor” when they speak.

Cfsc federal advocacy handbook 2007

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Cfsc federal advocacy handbook 2007

  • 1. Community Food Security Coalition FEDERAL POLICY ADVOCACY HANDBOOK Barrett Ebright, Congressional Hunger Fellow In collaboration with Sarah Borron, CFSC Policy Associate 2007 Edition edited by Steph Larsen, CFSC Policy Organizer
  • 2. COMMUNITY FOOD SECURITY COALITION Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook Barrett Ebright, Congressional Hunger Fellow In collaboration with Sarah Borron, CFSC Policy Associate 2007 Edition edited by Steph Larsen, CFSC Policy Organizer Acknowledgements: Thank you to the following people for sharing their knowledge and contributing their time CFSC staff members: Raquel Bournhonesque, Heather Fenney, Marion Kalb, Andy Fisher, Thomas Forster, Jeanette Abi-Nader, Kai Siedenburg, Mark Winne, Maya Hagege Kathy Ozer, National Family Farm Coalition Bonnie Hallam, The Food Trust Anim Steel, The Food Project Pam Roy, Farm to Table Margaret Krome, National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture Martin Bailkey, CFSC Urban Agriculture Committee Kristin Anderson, Congressional Hunger Center Community Food Security Coalition P.O. Box 209 Venice, CA 90294 Tel: 310-822-5410 Fax: 310-822-1440
  • 3. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Community Food Security Coalition Executive Director SECTION 1: Basics of the Federal Policy Cycle Introduction • Past Federal Policy Successes of the Community Food Security Movement (side bar) Authorization Appropriations • Types of Funding • The Budget Implementation Evaluation A Case Study of the Federal Policy Process: Farm to Cafeteria Legislation • Authorization • Appropriations • Future Implementation and Evaluation How are National Public Interest Advocacy Groups Linked to Grassroots Participation in Federal Policymaking? • State and Local Policy Work (side bar) • Food Policy Councils (side bar) SECTION 2: The Basics of Effective Participation in the Federal Policy Process Introduction • How do I Find Out who my Legislator is? Advocacy and Lobbying for Non-Profits (side bar) Action Alerts Tips for Lobbying with Your Elected Officials • Calling Your Legislator • Writing Your Legislator • Meeting With Your Legislator Before the Meeting During the Meeting After the Meeting Writing Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor Tracking Your Policy Advocacy Work One Individuals’ Impact (Side Section) Educate Your Congressional Member Attend a Local Listening Session Submitting Comments on Rules for Implementation Influence Formal Evaluation of a Federal Program SECTION 3: Conclusion Putting Your Advocacy Work in Perspective How Can I Get Involved in Creating a More Just and Sustainable Food System? Community Food Security Coalition National Partner Organizations Glossary Sources 1
  • 4. Throughout this handbook, some abbreviations are used to ease in the flow and readability of the document.These abbreviations are listed below. A glossary is also provided to include definitions of federal policy language appears throughout the text. Guide to Abbreviations: CFSC = Community Food Security Coalition USDA= United Sates Department of Agriculture WIC FMNP= Women, Infants and Children Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program SR FMNP= Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program CFP= Community Food Projects Grants Program 2
  • 5. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook LETTER FROM THE Community Food Security Coalition Executive Director Dear Reader: When you hear the word “policy,” what comes to mind? Shady back-room deals? Nerdy wonks speaking in tongues, spewing acronyms and jargon? Do your eyes glaze over? Wonder what it has to do with your community? How can you, as an individual or representative of a small non-profit group, make a difference in such a vast political sea? Public policy is nothing but decision- making by governments, and in this country, governments respond to mobilized and organized citizens. Citizen pressure can and has been the driving force behind virtually every piece of progressive legislation or social program in recent memory: civil rights legislation, equal rights for women, environmental laws, and nutrition programs. Even within our community food security movement, public pressure on legislators was key to passing the law that led to the creation of the Community Food Projects Program. The result? Over $30 million will be distributed to community groups between 1996 by the time the legislation expires in 2007. That’s a pretty darn good return on investment for the time it takes us to collectively make some phone calls, visit some Senators, and send in some faxes. Not that working on policy is easy or success is always guaranteed. In fact, it can be downright frustrating. But, policy advocacy is simply too important to not spend at least some of your time on it. Here are four good reasons for doing so: It’s your money. You pay taxes and you get to have a voice in how those taxes are spent. It’s really that simple. The potential impact of policy is too important not to. Policy is perhaps the best tool we have at our disposal for increasing the scope and reach of our efforts to transform the food system. Government resources and regulations can have a far greater impact in a shorter time frame than almost anything else we can do. It’s an investment in your future. Corporations dedicate resources to research and development. Farmers plant trees in the hopes of harvesting a fruit crop in the future. Both of these groups do so because they know that a little money and effort now will reap potentially large rewards in the future. Policy advocacy may take a while to bear fruit, but when it does, it can be a mighty crop. If you don’t, someone else will. Often that someone else is your political enemy, trying to roll back the gains you have already won. Without a vigilant advocacy community, such basics we have come to rely on like school lunches, clean water and air laws, and civil rights laws would have been eradicated or severely curtailed. Policy is not just about passing laws or working in Washington, DC. Policy happens at all levels of government, from your neighborhood council to the World Trade Organization. It can take multiple forms, such as working with schools to purchase food from local farmers, or convincing your city govern- ment to support farmers’ markets by closing off streets. At its best, policy advocacy is about empowering individuals to act col- lectively to have a greater voice in their government. In our movement, it’s about government programs and regulations that sup- port family farmers, end hunger, and foster healthy individuals, communities and landscapes. It’s about taking back the food system from those who have made it unfair, unsustainable and unhealthy. This handbook is a vital tool in that effort. It will provide you with the knowledge of the policy process so that you can become a more effective advocate for your interests. CFSC wants to hear your voice in its policy discussions! We hope that this handbook will provide you with the necessary tools to become an active player in both the advocacy process and in shaping the community food security movement’s policy agenda. The 2007 Farm Bill is here, and other policy decisions demand our attention as well. Your participation at all levels of the federal policy process is key to the movement’s success. Andy Fisher Executive Director Community Food Security Coalition 3
  • 6. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook SECTION 1: Basics of the Federal Policy Cycle Introduction As groups and individuals working at the local level, many of AUTHORIZATION APPROPRIATIONS you may have experience with locally implemented federal programs or have used federal funding for community level projects. This section will outline the basics of how federal 4 Stages of programs are started, funded, and implemented. As the diagrams the Federal show, there are four major steps in the federal policy process Policy Cycle with which it is important to be familiar: authorization, EVALUATION IMPLEMENTATION appropriation, implementation, and evaluation. There is, of course, much more that goes on behind the scenes—the federal policy process is never quite as neat, orderly, or timely as the diagrams suggest. For example, it may take many years to get a piece of legislation authorized, and more still before a new program is funded and implemented. Lastly, it is important to Authorization keep in mind that federal policy is not created without input Authorization is a formal way of saying that a policy idea is from many different sources, including you! A policy idea that turned into law by putting it into a bill at the request of a becomes legislation can be generated from grassroots activists, Congressional legislator. Sometimes the authorization is for a local or national advocacy groups, the Administration, or a new policy program, but in other cases the legislation makes Congressional legislator and their staff who identified a problem changes to an already existing federal program. The legislation and a federal policy idea as a possible solution. may create a permanent program or one that expires after a certain length of time and needs to be renewed. If the bill expires, it must be reauthorized on either an annual or multi-year basis, Past Federal Policy Successes For the thereby providing a time for changes to the program to be made. Community Food Security Movement The process of authorization starts when a member of Congress introduces a bill. Bills are often co-sponsored by other Congress created the WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition members of Congress. It is then sent for consideration to the Program (WIC FMNP) in 1992. Congressional committee that has jurisdiction over the issue in the legislation. The committee goes through a process called The Community Food Projects (CFP) grant “mark-up,” where changes can be made to the bill and the program was authorized by Congress in the 1996 committee votes on whether or not to send the bill before the Farm Bill, and funding was increased from $2.5 whole Senate or House of Representatives for a vote. Sometimes million to $5 million in the 2002 Farm Bill. bills are introduced as a part of a group of bills to be considered In 1999, United States Department of Agriculture’s together for inclusion in a larger bill, such as the Farm Bill or the (USDA) Community Food Security Initiative spurred Energy Bill, rather than one bill at a time. These groups of bills inter-agency action to integrate community food are called “omnibus bills.” If the bill gets voted security into many of its programs. In 2000, Congress created the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SR FMNP), providing vouchers AUTHORIZATION to seniors to use at local farmers’ markets. SR FNMP increase market opportunities for farmers and access to healthy foods for seniors. • Provides framework for the policy and The Farm to Cafeteria program, authorized in the the maximum funding 2004 Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act, level is the latest federal program that CFSC, its members, • Can be for a new policy and partner organizations are working hard for. or may make changes to an existing policy 4
  • 7. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook out of committee, it goes to the floor for a vote. Both the House programs, but instead they automatically receive a set of Representatives and Senate must pass the bill, and then it amount of money every year. The Community Food goes through a process called “conference,” where members of Projects Competitive Grant Program is currently a mandatory the House of Representatives and Senate negotiate portions of program, and from 2002 to 2007 received $5 million the two different bills until they are identical. Then both the annually. Congress does on occasion not fully fund a House and Senate vote on the identical bills again. The mandatory program, as has been the case with the President must sign the bill for it to become law, but in some Conservation Security Program, a program passed in the cases, the president vetoes a bill. The House and Senate can last Farm Bill to reward farmers for sustainable practices. override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote, and the bill Mandatory programs can be cut during tight fiscal times, or still becomes a law. If Congress passes the bill, a new law is because the members of Congress currently in power don’t created, but it must go through a separate process to be funded want to fund them. Remember that advocacy organizations and implemented. are a good resource for questions about the funding status of specific programs. Appropriations Once a bill becomes a law, the next step is for Congress to Discretionary Funding: Programs that are funded decide which programs will be funded and how much money through discretionary spending rely on the House of each will receive. There are a tremendous number of authorized Representatives and Senate Appropriations Committees to programs that need to be funded each year. A new program renew funding for them each year. Congress could never must compete with other existing programs for available fund every discretionary program that is authorized, and funding from the budget, often leaving many new programs therefore must decide which programs to fund and how unfunded or under-funded. much money each will receive. It is common for a program to be authorized for a certain level of funding but receive much less. Within an appropriations bill, members of AUTHORIZATION Congress often make requests to set aside discretionary APPROPRIATIONS money to fund special projects in the states or districts they represent. In other words, money is “earmarked” for a specific local or state project. You may also hear this type of funding referred to as “pork.” In recent years, earmarks have • Provides funding that been the cause of much controversy and have been seen as a may be mandatory or discretionary sign of the corruption plaguing Congress. Attempts have been made to reduce the number of earmarks attached to • Programs must compete for funding bills, and some members of Congress refuse to use them from the budget each altogether. year The Budget Types of Funding Every February, the Administration puts out its recommendations The funding in the federal government is typically divided into to Congress regarding the budget for the next fiscal year. two types—discretionary and mandatory. Typically from March until May the Appropriations Committees, whose job it is to determine funding levels for Mandatory Funding:When a law is passed, some programs government programs, meet and hold hearings at which federal are designed as mandatory, meaning they automatically get agencies present reports and defend the requests made in the funded at a certain amount each year. This happens when President’s budget. Congress meanwhile passes its own budget, members of Congress decide that a program so important, which sets limits for how much funding there is to divide. While it should receive money every year instead of having to the Congressional budget sets guidelines for spending, the compete for it. Entitlement programs, such as Food Stamps appropriations process does not always follow these guidelines. and Medicare, receive as much money as it takes to provide From June until September, the full appropriations benefits for eligible people who apply. The amount of committees meet and the appropriations bills are written and money an entitlement program receives thus varies from sent to the floor in both the House and Senate for a vote. year to year depending on need, but it is always guaranteed Ideally, Congress passes 13 appropriations bills for the next what it needs. Some mandatory programs are not entitlement fiscal year by October 1st, however it is rare that all are passed 5
  • 8. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook in this timeline. In 2006, for example, the appropriations other 57% of the budget was spent on mandatory programs process for fiscal year 2007 (FY ’07) was not completed before including the largest three entitlement programs: Social Security, the midterm elections, and Congress passed a continuing resolution Medicaid, and Medicare. to keep funding levels temporarily the same as FY ’06. In 2005, the total federal budget was $2.4 trillion, spending 43% of the Implementation budget on discretionary programs such as education, housing, After Congress passes a law that includes an authorization for a international assistance, and defense. All federal discretionary program and funding is appropriated for the program, a federal spending occurs through 13 annual appropriation bills. The agency such as USDA writes the specific rules of how the program will be implemented, or carried out. The federal Two Major Food System Bills agency may decide to gather public feedback on the rules, usually through a thirty or sixty day public comment period. Proposed Many of USDA’s programs must be renewed every five rules are published in the Federal Register, which is now years to keep them going. The Farm Bill covers many of the accessible on-line (see resource list). Federal agency staff carry agriculture and nutrition programs, and the Child out the program, often in partnership with state and local Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act covers child nutrition agencies. The effects of legislation are felt throughout communities, programs specifically. These bills are broad packages of where individuals and local organizations often participate in many proposals for new programs and changes to existing the program. ones. Dealing with these large “reauthorizations” allows Congress to concentrate on a major issue and look at it in Evaluation the big picture, rather than disparate single bills on the While federal agencies don’t always evaluate programs under same issue considered at different times. Both bills are their jurisdiction, evaluation is nonetheless a vital aspect of the separately reauthorized about every five years. federal policy cycle. Formal evaluation of implemented programs can happen at many different levels. Sometimes there is a Some Programs Currently in the Farm Bill mandate by Congress, written in the authorizing legislation, for Food Stamps evaluation of the program. This mandate may or may not Sustainable Agriculture Research Education (SARE) include funding to accomplish it. Sometimes the federal agency Conservation Security Program sets aside money within the program to conduct formal evaluation, Federal Farm Programs and other times evaluation is contracted out to a third party. WIC and Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Regardless of how it is done, evaluation produces a formal Programs Community Food Project Competitive Grant AUTHORIZATION AUTHORIZATION Program • Policy rules are written by a government agency Some Programs Currently in the Child Nutrition and • Program operates at WIC Reauthorization Act: the local level Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs IMPLEMENTATION Summer Food Service Program WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Farm to Cafeteria 6
  • 9. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook tracking the effects of federal legislation. Sometimes an agency AUTHORIZATION APPROPRIATIONS may make changes to the program based on the results of evaluation, but other times changes to a program must be made by going back through the authorization process. For example, in order to make it easier for food policy councils to receive EVALUATION Community Food Project Grant money, policy language had to be changed during the 2002 Farm Bill reauthorization process. • Formal government This section is meant to be a brief and basic overview of the evaluation may occur IMPLEMENTATION and may be informed federal policy cycle, but there are certainly many other resources by local monitoring in that can provide far more in-depth detail and analysis of the the field federal policy process. See the resource list at the end of this assessment of the program, and local groups and individuals, document for further reading on the federal policy process and like you, can provide valuable information from your direct the federal budget. The section below illustrates the link experience with it. between CFSC’s current federal policy work on Farm to Monitoring the effects of a federal program at the local Cafeteria, each step of the policy cycle, and the role that you and level can also be helpful to national advocacy groups that may be other active citizens have played along the way. A CASE STUDY OF The Federal Policy Process: Farm to Cafeteria Legislation Authorization Many of the ideas that informed the creation of the Farm to Cafeteria legislation came from the experiences and insights of individuals who were already starting Farm to Cafeteria programs all over the country. People involved with varied types of Farm to Cafeteria programs provided the Community Food Security Coalition with valuable information on the challenges they faced and the types of policy that could best assist further development of Farm to Cafeteria programs. Starting in early 2003, CFSC staff met with staff of members of Congress to pitch the main ideas of what CFSC members wanted for Farm to Cafeteria—funds for start-up grants to be used by Farm to Cafeteria projects, modeled on the Community Food Projects Competitive Grant process. kept extending the deadline for the Child Nutrition Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) was the first Congressional Reauthorization. S. 1775 gained co-sponsorship from 11 of the member to agree to support this idea, and in the spring of 2003 100 Senators, and H.R. 2626 gained co-sponsorship from over he introduced Farm to Cafeteria as part a bill describing his 40 of the 435 Representatives. major priorities for the Child Nutrition and WIC Throughout this process, local organizations and concerned Reauthorization. Later that fall, he re-introduced the Farm to citizens like you were instrumental in gaining support for the Cafeteria legislation as its own bill, “The Farm to Cafeteria Farm to Cafeteria legislation. People and groups called and met Projects Act,” along with co-sponsor Senator Arlen Specter with their legislators asking them to co-sponsor the original (R-PA). Representatives Fred Upton (R-MI) and Ron Kind Farm to Cafeteria bills and to support inclusion of the bill in (D-WI) introduced identical legislation in the House in the the final Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act. summer of 2003. The Senate and House bills were known as Grassroots organizations acted collectively as well as singly, with S.1755 and H.R. 2626, respectively. The prefix H.R. stands for over 270 organizations signing on to a letter that was delivered House Resolution and prefix S. stands for Senate. The numbers to every member of Congress, asking them to co-sponsor the following the prefix represent the number assigned to the bill. bills. Former CFSC Policy Associate Sarah Borron recalls the Several months were spent gaining co-sponsors, as Congress many activities grassroots activists took during that time. She 7
  • 10. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook reports, “I can honestly say that we would never have gotten original champions in the House and Senate to try to get money so many co-sponsors without them.” appropriated. As the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization drew Every member of Congress has the opportunity to make nearer, congressional committee staff made changes to the appropriations requests, so CFSC worked with its members to pieces of legislation and decided what would be included in the get funding for Farm to Cafeteria in as many legislators’ requests bill that went before the committees. Because of a call for “no as possible. Another strategy was to get members of the Senate new programs,” getting Farm to Cafeteria included was particularly to sign a letter asking their colleagues who serve on appropriations challenging. After much debate, hard pushing from committees to fund Farm to Cafeteria at $5 million, and in Congressional champions, and additional grassroots pressure, 2006 21 Senators signed such a letter. Local groups and the Farm to Cafeteria language was included in the final bill in individuals have provided a lot of support through this process the spring of 2004. The language was changed somewhat to through calls and meeting with their legislators. Over 350 reflect its merger with a related program on school gardens, so national, state, and local organizations signed a letter in support the final legislative language contained Section 122, named of Farm to Cafeteria funding in 2006. Every member of “Access to Local Foods and School Gardens,” in the Child Congress received a copy of that letter. Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act. This legislation In addition, advocates from various states around the country creates a competitive seed grant program for schools, one-time came to Washington, D.C. to share their stories and experiences grants of up to $100,000 over three years to create new Farm of starting Farm to Cafeteria programs in meetings and briefings to Cafeteria programs. The program must be funded annually with Senate and House congressional staff. Their stories showed through discretionary funding in the appropriations process. how important a one-time start-up grant can be in starting and sustaining new Farm to Cafeteria programs. Appropriations Because of the way the bill was written, Farm to Future Implementation and Cafeteria must be funded with discretionary money. Evaluation Recall that discretionary programs must compete While Farm to Cafeteria has not yet been funded, for funding, so advocates began another phase of fighting for advocates will continue to fight for funding in money this program. The Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act future appropriations cycles. Should the bill be was passed in the middle of an appropriations cycle, too late to funded at some point in the future, USDA will bring together the full resources needed to try to get funding for write the rules of how Farm to Cafeteria will be implemented the newly authorized program. The next appropriations cycle, and administer the program. Usually, there is a public comment which started in January 2005 for fiscal year 2006, was when the period after the rules are written that will provide another real push for funding began. This push continued in 2006 for opportunity for participation by individuals and local groups. FY ’07 because no money for Farm to Cafeteria was allocated in Once the program is up and running, the legislation mandates the FY ’06 appropriations. Since Congress does not have to that USDA will be responsible for carrying out an evaluation. fund discretionary programs, CFSC staff worked with the Food Policy Councils: A state or local food policy council is one avenue for people working at the local level to influence the effectiveness of federal programs in their area. A food policy council (FPC) is a group of stakeholders who advise a city, county, or state government on policies related to agriculture, food distribution, hunger, food access, and nutrition. Such councils provide an effective forum for diverse stakeholders to work together to create positive changes in their food system. They perform a variety of tasks, from researching food production and access issues, to designing and implementing projects and policies to address those issues. Through public meetings and annual reports, they also educate local officials, businesses, and the public about the food system. The primary goal of many FPCs is to examine the local food system and provide ideas or recommendations for how it can be improved. Food policy councils can take many forms, but typically are commissioned by state or local government, with participation from diverse stakeholders in the private and public sectors engaged in food and agriculture matters. Council members may be appointed by government officials, and often include farmers, grocers and food distributors, anti-hunger advocates, community leaders, representatives of government departments, cooperative extension agents, and concerned citizens. 8
  • 11. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook How are National Public Interest Advocacy for working towards federal policy change. CFSC also works on Groups Linked to Grassroots Participation larger issues of relevance to the movement, such as family farm, in Federal Policymaking? anti-hunger, sustainable agriculture, and nutrition issues. Like National public interest advocacy groups work to create public CFSC, many advocacy groups are membership-based and rely policy change on behalf of others, such as children, welfare on the input of their members to inform their focus on certain recipients, or family farmers. Some national advocacy groups— policy issues. National advocacy groups and partner organizations such as CFSC—not only advocate for certain issues, but also then design a policy strategy or a campaign that involves organize groups who agree with a particular stance to be resources, mobilization, communication, and often action by involved in campaigns to change public policy that affects them. you and many other individuals. CFSC mobilizes members of the community food security There are a variety of different ways national advocacy movement to develop policies that provide resources and groups are involved in the federal policy cycle. In many cases, removes barriers to local and regional food systems and food groups are working to create a new law or program. However, security for everyone. National advocacy groups that seek to other times they are working to secure funding for a program, organize individuals and local groups serve as a link between the make changes to a program, get more money allocated to a grassroots and policy makers in Washington, D.C. program, keep funding from getting cut, stop the creation of a Many advocacy groups choose to keep their ear close to new law or block a change to an existing program that will have folks in communities and act as a spokesperson for their concerns negative effects on the issues that concern their members. For to federal policy makers. In addition, advocacy groups closely example, organizations often band together to prevent funding track the policy action in D.C. and communicate back to you at cuts to certain programs. Other coalitions form to focus on the local level. Unlike national private interest groups, which multiple parts the policy cycle, such as authorization and usually lobby Congress on a single issue, national public interest appropriations of policy, and they do so every time their issues advocacy groups often work in coalitions and advocate for a come up for those parts of the cycle. The National Campaign broad set of issues. For example, over time CFSC has developed for Sustainable Agriculture (NCSA), for instance, is a non-profit relationships with anti-hunger, nutrition, and sustainable agri- with many members at the grassroots and national levels. NCSA culture groups, resulting in dynamic and effective partnerships is most busy before the Farm Bill, but it is also active during 9
  • 12. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook every appropriations cycle, fighting to ensure funding for for distribution of vouchers to WIC clients and the authorization sustainable agriculture programs, and later during implementa- of outlets or individual farmers to accept vouchers. The federal tion, to make sure those programs work as intended. government provides funding for 100% of the cost of food, but Strength of these coalitions comes from participation, only a portion of the administrative costs. Therefore, the state which ebbs and flows as important programs reach certain points agency that wishes to implement and operate the WIC FMNP in the policy cycle. An advocate’s role may start with the author- must provide additional funding for the administrative costs. ization step in the federal policy cycle. However, there are many The funding may come from a variety of sources, including state more very important roles that advocates can play throughout the or local governments and from private funds. ITOs must also entire policymaking cycle. Contacting organizations that work on match federal administrative costs, but have a lower match the issues you most care about will help to inform you on what requirement. most needs to be done, and how your individual skills and inter- The chart below illustrates how federal, state and local agencies, ests can help to further your issues in the most effective way. as well as private entities and groups, can support the WIC FMNP. This example can be helpful to understand when trying State and Local Policy Work to effect the implementation of federal programs in your state This handbook is primarily focused on the different ways that or local community. Each individual at the local level possesses you or your local organization can affect policy at the federal the knowledge of the local impact of federal programs and level. However, involvement in local and state policy is often holds the power of a voting constituent. Not only can this necessary for successful implementation of a federal program. influence be used on Election Day, but throughout the year by The WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) is a communicating with one’s state senators and district representative federal program that illustrates the linkages between federal, about the issues that are most important to you. Issue campaigns, state and local policy. The WIC FMNP legislation was authorized led by national advocacy groups, can provide an opportunity for in 1992 and has been administered and implemented through a you to use your constituent influence on federal policy in directed federal and state partnership. At the federal level, the Food and and effective ways. These campaigns help bring many individuals Nutrition Service of the United States Department of voices together at important time, for more power overall. Agriculture is the agency that provides cash grants to state agencies National advocacy groups often provide updated policy information to implement WIC FMNP. State departments of agriculture, from D.C. in a concise and informed manner and can communicate health, or Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) are responsible to you when it is most vital to take action. 10
  • 13. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook List of Jurisdictions • Federal Program: WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Federal • Congress authorizes WIC FNMP legislation in 1992 • Food and Nutrition Service of USDA partners with states • Federal funds provided to states for 100% cost of food • Federal funds provided to states for a portion of administrative costs State • Agencies – state health or agriculture departments, or ITOs implement WIC FMNP • States must present administration plan to USDA • States must provide a match • State agencies approve participating outlets and farmers • State agencies distribute coupons to WIC participants County • May provide outreach to increase WIC coupon use and increase the number of sites for redemption of WIC coupons City • City or county Food Policy Council may advocate for land use policies that encourage farmers’ markets Non-profit • State farmers’ market associations may advocate for state matching funds to bring WIC Organizations FMNP to their state • Food Banks may become a site for a farmers’ market and accept WIC FMNP coupons • Economic Development Organizations may support WIC FMNP • Faith-based organizations, like churches, host farmers’ markets Private Businesses • Hospitals and other institutions host farmers’ markets • Chambers of Commerce may promote farmers’ markets • Farmers, as businesses people, sell their products at farmers’ markets Other Local Partners • Cooperative Extension Programs, local chefs, and farmers or farmers’ markets associations may provide nutrition education to WIC FMNP recipients SECTION 2: The Basics of Effective Participation in the Federal Policy Process Whether it’s educating your member of Congress about issues you care about for information about how and when to take of concern to you or attending a local listening session to make action. When you take action, remember that reporting back to your voice heard on a new policy initiative, there are multiple national organizations about what you’ve done can assist groups opportunities for every individual to participate in the federal to better know how individuals and local groups around the policy process. In any action you take, remember that you have country are contributing to the federal policy process. a valuable local perspective to share. Policymakers need to hear from individuals and community groups to better understand How Can I Find Out Who My Legislators Are? the way federal polices affect real people and their communities. Check out the government section of your local Please be confident that your concerns and knowledge of local phone book. problems helps your members of Congress stay more connected Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. to the needs of their constituents. What are the issues that Search by state or zip code at and concern you most? It may be helpful to seek out a local or national public interest advocacy group that works on the issues 11
  • 14. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook Gathering general information about your members of Congress may also be of aid to you in your participation in federal policymaking. Every member of Congress serves on legislative committees and subcommittees that have jurisdiction over certain issues. Finding out about the committees on which your elected officials serve may help you get a sense of the key issues that are important to your Representative or Senator. Both and have a webpage for your legislators where you can find out which committees they serve on and issues that are covered by those committees. Their personal web pages will also often list legislation that has been sponsored by a legislator and their voting record. If you have interest in learning more about your Senators and Representative, many national organizations have scorecards for every Congressional member that rate them on a variety of issues. In this section are some different ways that you and local organizations can make a difference by participating in the federal policy process. There are many opportunities for involvement and this is by no means an exhaustive list. If there are other actions that you have taken that you would like CFSC to know about, please feel free to share your experience with us so that we might share it with others. Action Alerts By Sarah Borron When taking direct action, it can be helpful to rely on the direction of national advocacy groups through action alerts. While you can participate in the federal policy process at any time, action alerts help concentrate individual efforts to be more collectively effective. An action alert usually comes from policy staff of a national advocacy group and sometimes is sent directly to grassroots members, but other times is communicated through a regional working group of the organization. Action alerts keep local activists, like you, updated on federal policies and let you know when its time to act on a key issue. Sometimes alerts will ask that action be targeted to Congressional members of specific states or districts. For example, if the chair of the Senate appropriations committee is from West Virginia, activists in West Virginia might get a specific appeal for help in getting funding for a program. Each action you take in response to an alert is a part of a larger national advocacy group’s work to communicate the interests of constituents to the policymakers, and grassroots advocates can be effective in many ways. Because of the policy cycle, there will be times of the year when you will receive many action alerts and other times not many at all. For example, in the first part of the year Congress works on determining the budget for the next year, and Congress people make specific funding requests, so many groups send out action alerts about funding during this time. Action alerts are also often on a short timeline and will ask you to take action immediately because the schedule for Congress frequently changes. In addition, it is sometimes most effective to put pressure on elected officials all at one time or just before an important vote or decision. Visit the Community Food Security Coalition website ( to view a sample action alert. 12
  • 15. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook Tips for Lobbying with Your Elected Officials Compiled by Sarah Borron Calling Your Legislator Writing Your Legislator • It is always helpful to take a few minutes to prepare. Calls • After the anthrax scare post-9-11, security has tightened to Hill offices are usually brief, so you will want to have for mail coming into Congressional offices in D.C. Mail crucial facts, such as bill numbers, in front of you. takes longer to get there and also goes through a sanitation process that can damage letters. Faxes and e-mail • If you are calling to do something straightforward, such messages are more likely to reach your legislators as asking them to vote yes or no on an amendment or promptly and in a readable state! You can, however, still co-sponsor a bill, talk with the receptionist. State your send letters successfully to offices in your home district name and where you live so they know you’re a or state. constituent, and make your request succinctly. • If you fax or e-mail, address the letter to the staff Example: “My name is Tim Jones, and I live in Atlantic, Iowa. person that covers the issue that is the focus of your I’m calling to ask that Senator Harkin support $5 million in funding letter. Include the issue and if appropriate the name for “Access to Local Foods and School Gardens” (Section 122 of the and number of the bill in the subject line. Be sure Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act). This bill would help schools to provide your mailing address so they will know you use locally-grown food in their lunches, and I think this would benefit are a constituent. For letters addressed to your my kids by exposing them to fresh fruits and vegetables as well as Congressperson, follow the format below: supporting local farmers.” • If you are calling about something more complex, or if The Honorable [full name of your Senator] you are calling representing a larger organization, you United States Senate should ask for the staff person in charge of the issue Washington, DC 20510 about which you’re calling. Again, state your name, where you’re from, and whom you represent. Ask about your Dear Senator [last name of your Senator], legislator’s position on the issue. If it aligns with yours, thank the staff member for their support. If the position does not, take a moment to explain your position, offer The Honorable[full name of your Representative] to send more information, and ask that the House of Representatives Congressperson consider the issue further. Washington, DC 20515 • You might find that the person you talk to isn’t familiar Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [last name of your Representative] with the issue you’re calling about. In that case, take a moment to educate them about the issue and to explain why you are asking their boss to take a certain position. • For written communication, stay focused and brief. Offer to send more information, and remember to Focusing on one issue or “ask” per message is most follow-up promptly. This can be a great opportunity to effective, and be sure to put your “ask” in the first become someone on whom staff relies for information paragraph. about your issue. Example:“Every day I see for sale signs on farms near my home- town of Bargersville, Indiana. At the same time, I struggle to get my • If you’re leaving a message, state your name, where you’re kids to eat healthy, and I see more and more of my neighbors fac- from, phone number, and a short message about the issue ing weight-related problems. To help address these issues, I urge you to you’re calling about and the action you’d like your support $5 million for ‘Access to Local Foods and School Gardens.’ Congressperson to take. (Section 122 of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act). This program will help schools buy locally-grown foods for school lunch- exposing children to healthy food at a young age and helping our farmers stay in business.” 13
  • 16. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook • Be sure to relate the issue to your personal experience, c. Be prepared to thank the legislator if he/she has sup- and communicate your knowledge of the issue at the ported your issue in the past or supported other local level. Remember to emphasize the benefits of the issues that you or your organization cares about. proposal for their district or constituents. Legislators 5. Prepare materials to bring: a brief summary or your want to know what an issue means to their constituents, main points, photos of your program, media regarding and you, as a constituent, are thus an expert! your issue, background information you may not be Example: “My daughter has become so excited about vegetables since able to cover in the meeting, and always bring your her school started a garden project. I would love to see locally-grown contact information. food served in her school lunch, but the school cafeteria isn’t equipped 6. Dress professionally. You want to make a good first to handle a lot of fresh produce that isn’t already chopped. ‘Access to impression. Local Foods and School Gardens’ will help our school be able to offer 7. Allow plenty of time to get there, and allow more local food-and get my daughter and her friends to eat healthier every day!” time for the meeting than it should actually last. • Thank the legislator for any positive actions he or she Schedules often change, requiring you to wait for a has taken related to your issue brief time when you arrive. Example:“I appreciate the work you have done to support full funding of the WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program. Farm to Cafeteria • During the Meeting builds on those successes by bringing fresh healthy food to young 1. Introduce yourself and your organization. Remind children once they reach school and continuing to support small whomever you meet with that you are a constituent. farmers in our state.” 2. Be succinct, and be clear about your ask. 3. Remember that you are an expert on how an issue or Follow-up with the office to be sure they received your letter and program affects your community! Be confident. ask if they have any questions. 4. The person you meet with could know a lot or a little, so be prepared to educate. Answer the staff Meeting with Your Legislator person or legislator’s questions as thoroughly as you • Before the Meeting can, but don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know” and 1. Call ahead to schedule your meeting. Be sure to offer to follow-up with the answer after the meeting. mention that you are a constituent and why you want 5. Take notes of follow-up items and reactions the staff the meeting. You will need to speak with a scheduler person or legislator has. If you’re meeting with a staff if you want to meet directly with your member of person who can’t commit to your ask, set a deadline Congress. If you want to meet with a federal official as to when you will receive an answer (i.e., “Can I call but cannot travel far, find out when the official will you next week to find out if Sen. Jones will co-sponsor be back in your area, or schedule a meeting with a the bill?”). staff person in the local office. 6. Obtain a card from whomever you meet with so that 2. Don’t be disappointed if you get a meeting with a you may contact that person again directly. staff person instead of the legislator—staff people often write legislation! • After the Meeting 3. Plan who will come to the meeting. Keep the group 1. Debrief. Talk over your impressions, and decide who small but representative, no more than three to four will make follow-up contact. people. 2. Write a thank-you note. Include in your thank-you 4. Plan what points each of you will cover in order to note an overview of main points of the meeting, and utilize your meeting time most effectively. As you answer any questions you were unable to answer in plan your points, consider the following: the meeting. a. Have statistics, but make them personal. Your Note: Though hand-written notes are appropriate legislator will want to know how your issue for most situations, snail mail that comes to legislators affects his/her constituents. in D.C. is often delayed and sometimes damaged due b. Have a very specific “ask” that you want to the to security measures. Send an e-mail or fax instead. If legislator to do (i.e., co-sponsor a piece of legis- you meet in an office outside of D.C., writing a lation). hand-written note to the local office is fine, however. 14
  • 17. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook 3. If your meeting is part of a national advocacy 4. After Publication: Clip the article and send it to your group’s campaign, contact the organizer to let legislators’ home offices with a note. This may him/her know how your meeting went. provide a good opportunity to ask for a meeting with a legislator or invite them to visit your local program. Writing Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor Op-eds and letters to the editor can be effective tools for • Letters to the Editor communicating a message about a specific issue to your 1. Writing tips: Usually letters to the editor are expected district or states Representatives or Senators. Congressional to be 250 words or less and therefore require that members pay attention to what local and state papers are you stick to one argument. It is common that letters publishing to stay informed of the issues their constituents state the argument in the first paragraph, supporting care about. evidence in the second, and a restatement of the main message in the last paragraph. Again, making a • Op-Eds connection to a personal story, local issue, or other 1. Preparation: Find out the op-ed submission news stories can strengthen a letter. requirements for your local or state paper. 2. Get your legislator’s attention: If your opinion is 2. Writing the op-ed - Keep the letter to about 700 supported by a local coalition or organization that words and tie your issue to a personal story or make has many members, state this information to show a local connection. Connecting your message to a there are numbers behind your message. Also, if the current event can also be effective. letter asks that a Congressional member take a 3. Publication: Always follow-up after a submission and certain action, state their name. Be sure to clip and if your op-ed doesn’t get published, don’t give up. It send when published. may also be helpful if you can get a respected public 3. Publication: It is often easier to get letters to the figure or local organization to co-sign or co-write to editor published in a local paper, rather than a city or your piece. state publication. 15
  • 18. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook Advocacy and Lobbying for Non-Profits By Sarah Borron While any individual can lobby on their own behalf, non-profit 501(C)(3) organizations have special rules about when they can and cannot lobby. Lobbying covers very specific activities. Asking a Congressperson or Administrative official to take action regarding a piece of legislation is considered lobbying. Non-profit status does not prevent a member of the organization from lobbying, but the IRS mandates that lobbying cannot be a “substantial” part of a non-profit’s activities. If a non-profit elects to seek 501(h) status, the regulations more clearly state 20% of the first $500,000 of the organization’s budget may be used for lobbying. Most non-profits do not come close to this number, but you should track how much time you spend lobbying. Federal funding can never be used for lobbying. Remember, not all advocacy is lobbying! Activities such as commenting on federal rules and educating policymakers about important issues do not count as lobbying! For more information, check out the Alliance for Justice at Tracking Your Policy Advocacy Work understand the issues better. It may also create a springboard for No matter what you do, it is important to keep track of it! replicating your successful model program in other places Create a file with any correspondence you receive from legislative through federal legislation. offices and op-eds that are published. If you visit with Lastly, the relationships you establish with your congressperson Congressional staff, keep the staff person’s name and contact and staff can be very helpful in gaining support for your local information along with a few brief notes about the meeting. work. You can also show yourself to be a useful resource, so that Tracking only takes a few minutes, and it helps make your staff may end up calling you for information or input in the advocacy work build on itself, rather than be an isolated series future. Contact information for the home office of your of events. You can look back to find what your Congressperson’s Representative or Senator can often be found on their websites position has been on an issue or to find a staff person’s name or the government pages of your local phone book when you need to call the office again. You can then remind him or her that he or she spoke with you before about related issues. Attend a Local Listening Session All of these activities help you build relationships with your Sometimes a federal government agency, such as the USDA, will Congressperson and be a more effective advocate. If you sponsor local listening sessions to gather feedback on an issue. contacted your member of Congress because of an action alert These issues can include a new rule written on how a program or request from an organization, it is always a good idea to is implemented to a proposal for legislation of the new program. let the organization know who you called and what the Listening sessions concerning food system issues are often response was. sponsored by USDA. In the summer of 2005, Agriculture Tracking also keeps record of your accomplishments, which Secretary Michael Johanns held a series of Farm Bill forums can be important information to share with funders if you are throughout the country to engage people with an interest in the an organization. For further information visit CFSC’s 2007 Farm Bill. Evaluation Program page at It Attending a local listening session or forum allows you to offers more in-depth resources on how to carry out tracking and both learn more about federal legislative process and to voice evaluation of an organization’s program or project. your opinion and concerns about the way federal policies affect your communities and the issues you care about. You may find Educate Your Congressional Member that rule changes very directly impact you if it regards a program One of the most effective ways for you and community organ- you or your organization works with. National advocacy izations to educate your members of Congress is through your organizations are a valuable resource for finding out where and ability to connect national policies and issues to your local area when these types of events will be held. If you are not already and state. When he/she is home on Congressional break, invite on an e-mail list, many organizations websites contain information your legislator or his or her staff to visit your local program to about how to receive updates on federal legislation and how to educate them about the issues the program addresses and to be involved. show its success. Involving legislators in local programs helps them to realize how issues impact their district or state and thus 16
  • 19. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook Submit Comments on Rules for Implementation Influence Formal Evaluation of a Federal Program After legislation is authorized and funding is appropriated, a After federal programs are implemented at the local level, a federal agency, such as the USDA, is responsible for writing the government agency sometimes conducts a formal evaluation of rules that will determine the way a program will be implemented. the program. The outcome of the agency evaluation process can While agencies are not required to solicit public comment, some affect the way the program is administered throughout the decide to gather public comment before finalizing the rules. country. Sometimes government agencies allow participation in Public comment periods usually last thirty or sixty days. the evaluation process. This provides an opportunity for you or Depending on the program, there may be anywhere from a your local organization to contribute your insight on the way handful to thousands of public comments submitted. Because federal programs are implemented and experienced in your some legislation is written more loosely than others, the rules of community. National advocacy organizations are a good implementation can make a big difference how the law is inter- resource to find out if formal government evaluation is being preted and actually implemented at the local level. conducted on a program that you have interest in. Weighing in One of the biggest responses to a USDA comment period on the formal evaluation process may be done through writing a came in the mid-1990s, when USDA released its first set of letter or by attending a local listening session as was mentioned national organic standards. Thousands of citizen organizations above. If your local organization has prepared reports on the opposed three provisions of the rule. The USDA, overwhelmed affects of a federal program in your area, sharing it would be by the response, significantly changed the rule. National advocacy appropriate to share with the government agency conducting organizations often track the rules process for key pieces of formal evaluation. Lastly, as an individual or local organization, legislation for which implementation may be of interest to it may be possible for you to participate in informal evaluation them. National advocacy groups will often announce a public of a federal program by a national advocacy organization. comment period to their members and may provide draft comments Results from this type of evaluation are often written in reports with arguments that you can use as a guide to writing your own by national advocacy organization, which are published, given to comments. Form letters or postcards are sometimes used, but it government agencies, or used to work towards change of a is more effective to adapt the arguments into your own letter. federal program. Influencing the implementation of a program can help to assure that a good policy is carried out in the way it was intended. 17
  • 20. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook One Individuals’ Impact: In early 2005, representatives from Vermont FEED [Food has made a huge impact on my knowledge of school food systems as well as Education Every Day] and The Food Trust from Philadelphia my ability to envision the future of farm to school in the Philadelphia area were invited to Washington, D.C. to share their respective . . . Without the opportunity to connect with folks like these and hear their work on Farm to Cafeteria initiatives at a Congressional briefing. inspiring story, I could dream about making farm to school a reality, but I Bonnie Hallam, of The Food Trust, presented about the did not know how to make that dream come true. Now, I feel like there is Kindergarten Initiative, which provides three healthy snacks a path and I know people who can help us along that path. Finally, the per week from locally grown products to kindergarten classes. experience itself, making a presentation in front of all the House and Senate After the briefing, she spoke with staff of one of staffers, was scary and exhilarating. I felt like I was part of a real Pennsylvania's Senators. She educated them about the issue, democracy where the people take their concerns to the lawmakers. I was the local connections it had, and asked them to support funding speaking about something that to me is crucial for the health of children and for Farm to Cafeteria through signing a “Dear Colleague” local farms and people in power (albeit their representatives!) were listening! letter, which asked other Senators to support funding as well. That is quite an empowering experience! Staffers actually came up to me Her Senator signed the Dear Colleague letter shortly there- after the meeting and told me how wonderful they thought our program was after. Below, Bonnie Hallam shares her reflection of her and that they would like to learn more about how they could help . . . The experience presenting at the Congressional briefing. key here, I believe, is the relationship building...people to people talking about things on a regular basis that are important to them. It was very gratifying Presenting in Washington was an amazing experience for me in a number to have Senator Santorum sign the letter because it was a symbol of the of ways. When you are out in the field doing what you think is really power of advocacy by ordinary people, working together, to make a important, but very encapsulated work, you sometimes forget that you are difference. part of a larger spider web. If you shake the web a little, the movement affects the whole system. When I came to Washington, I was profoundly reminded Bonnie Hallam, Senior Associate of that. I was also humbled and inspired. Meeting the folks from VT FEED The Food Trust, Philadelphia, PA 18
  • 21. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook SECTION 3: Putting Your Advocacy Work in Perspective At the end of the day, policy campaigns don’t always produce the desired results. A law gets passed...or doesn’t. A program gets funded...or has to wait another year. A program starts off on the right foot...or continues with rules that hamper participation. But remember, not matter what: YOUR PARTICIPATION IN POLICY IS ALWAYS IMPORTANT! Because federal policy- making is a long process, in which there’s always a next step, any progress you make is in and of itself a success! Your voice is part of a collective action towards policy change. Every call, letter, or meeting with your elected officials; an op-ed or letter to the editor written; sign-on letters you’ve joined; listening session you’ve attended; or comments submitted on a proposed rule, are all evidence of your successful participation as an active citizen. You are building valuable relationships. Throughout the course of the policy cycle there are many opportunities for national advocates and grassroots organizations to develop relationships with important Congressional staff members and other organizations These relationships are vital to the success of any federal policy campaign. You are educating your elected officials. Even when a policy New programs provide much needed resources and campaign does not reach its goal, you are educating opportunities. Increased funding expands successful programs. members of Congress about issues that matter to you. Your Changed rules make a program work better. Every small elected official will become more aware of the issues accomplishment is a step towards something better. he/she’s constituents care about and will know much more when theses policy issues comes up again. How Can I Get Involved in Creating a More Just and Sustainable Food System? Your work influences federal policy that affects you, the The Community Food Security Coalition is gearing up for the issues, and people you work and advocate for. next Farm Bill in 2007. In doing so, CFSC will be developing policy priorities and there are many ways for you to be involved! In reflecting on your impact, be sure to consider the context There will be increasing opportunities for you to be engaged in within which you’re working. Are you asking for new funding for the work to get more community food security ideas into the a program at a time of budget cuts, or do members of Congress next Farm Bill policy discussion. Contact the CFSC to find out disagree with your position? Be aware of the other factors how you can contribute to building a more just and sustainable involved in the overall success or failure of an initiative. Always food system. In addition, there are several CFSC partner be sure to note steps you take towards your larger goal. Share organizations listed below that you can contact to get involved with others, whether it be fellow grassroots advocates or national with anti-hunger, nutrition, sustainable agriculture and advocacy groups, what you have done. Talking about your policy conservation, and family farm and rural policy issues. activities helps keep up inspiration and hope that when things aren’t going well and allows for celebration when things are. And, when the larger goal is won, the impacts are enormous! 19
  • 22. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook COMMUNITY FOOD SECURITY COALITION National Partner Organizations: Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation Organizations: Environmental Defense: American Community Gardening Association: National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture: Northeast Midwest Institute: The Food Project’s BLASTInitiative: Anti-Hunger Organizations: America’s Second Harvest: Congressional Hunger Center: Food Research and Action Center: World Hunger Year: Nutrition Organizations: National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity: School Nutrition Association: Society for Nutrition Education: Family Farm/Rural Organizations: American Farmland Trust: National Catholic Rural Life Conference: National Family Farm Coalition: Rural Coalition: 20
  • 23. Federal Policy Advocacy Handbook GLOSSARY of Bolded Words: Sources: C-Span Congressional Glossary and The Capital.Net Bill: A bill is a legislative proposal, which would make law Law: A law is a legislative proposal passed by both the if it passes both the House and Senate and if it receives House and the Senate and approved by the President. Presidential approval. Legislation: Legislation is the making of laws or the laws Budget: The document sent to Congress by the president early themselves. each year estimating government revenue and expenditures Mandatory: Mandatory spending refers to funds not controlled for the ensuing fiscal year. by annual decision of Congress. These funds are automati- Conference: Conference refers to a formal meeting, or series of cally obligated by virtue of previously-enacted laws. meetings, between House and Senate Members. The Mark-up: A mark-up refers to the meeting of a Committee purpose of a conference is to reconcile the differences held to review the text of a bill before reporting it out. between the House and Senate versions of a bill. Committee members offer and vote on proposed changes Members: Members are the individuals serving as senators or to the bill’s language, known as amend- ments. Most representative in Congress. mark-ups end with a vote to send the new version of the Co-sponsor: A co-sponsor is a member who formally adds bill to the floor for final approval. his/her name as a supporter to another member’s bill. An Override: An override is the vote taken to pass a bill again, initial cosponsor is one who was listed at the time of the after it has been vetoed by the President. An override takes bill’s introduction, not added on later. a 2/3 vote in each chamber, or 290 in the House and 67 Dear colleague letter: A dear colleague refers to a mass- in the Senate, if all are present and voting. If the veto is produced letter sent by one member to all fellow members. overriden, the bill becomes law despite the objection of “Dear Colleagues” usually describe a new bill and ask for the President. cosponsors or ask for a member’s vote on an issue. Sponsor: A sponsor is the member who introduces a bill and Discretionary: Discretionary spending refers to spending set is its chief advocate. by annual appropriation levels made by decision of Staffer: Staffer is the informal term used for anyone employed Congress. This spending is optional, and in contrast to by an officer, member, or Committee of Congress. entitlement programs for which funding is mandatory. Veto: Disapproval by the president of a bill or joint Earmark/Pork: Earmark funds are those dedicated for a resolution. specific program or purpose. Revenues are earmarked by law. Entitlement Spending: Entitlement spending refers to funds Sources: for programs like Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, & Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: veterans’ benefits. Funding levels are automatically set by Alliance for Justice: the number of eligible recipients, not at the discretion of Friends Committee on National Legislation: Congress. Each person eligible for benefits by law receives The Advocacy Institute: them unless Congress changes the eligibility criteria. Charity Lobbying in the Public Interest: Entitlement payments represent the largest portion of the Federal Register: federal budget House of Representatives: The House of Representatives, as distinct from the Senate, although each body is a “house” of Congress. There are 435 Representatives in the House. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year for the federal government begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. For example, fiscal year 2004, or “fy ‘04” began on Oct. 1, 2003 and ended on Sept. 30, 2004. Floor: The floor refers to the chamber in the Capitol where members assemble to conduct debate and vote. Members are said to be “on the Floor” when they assemble, and “to have the Floor” when they speak. 21