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Pt. 219                                                                49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition)
                                                                     evaluation summary of the factors consid-                 notifying the remote control locomotive op-
                                                                     ered and shall provide the railroad with                  erator immediately if the flashing lights and
                                                                     agreed upon parameters by which the cam-                  gates are not working as intended.
                                                                     era-assisted remote control operation may                   7. The railroad shall notify the Associate
                                                                     continue in operation if the factors required             Administrator for Safety in writing when
                                                                     for suitability change; thus, any change in               this type of protection has been installed and
                                                                     the factors considered by the diagnostic                  activated at a crossing.
                                                                     team outside of the acceptable parameters
                                                                     shall require the railroad to receive a revised                             III. CONCLUSION
                                                                     evaluation approval from a diagnostic team                  The technology used to aid point protec-
                                                                     before continuing any such operation. In ad-              tion will undoubtedly develop and improve
                                                                     dition, any of the Federal, State, or local               over time. FRA encourages the use and de-
                                                                     governmental authorities may trigger re-                  velopment of this technology as is evidenced
                                                                     view of a prior evaluation approval at any                by the option in this rule to utilize such
                                                                     time there is a question of the suitability of            technology. Meanwhile, as a regulating body,
                                                                     the operation. It is possible that, of the re-            FRA cannot determine whether a new tech-
                                                                     quirements listed below, requirements num-                nology to aid point protection provides an
                                                                     bered 2, 4, 5, and 6 would be unnecessary at              equivalent level of protection to that of a di-
                                                                     highway-rail grade crossings or yard access               rect visual determination unless we are
                                                                     crossings equipped with approved supple-                  made aware of the new technology. Con-
                                                                     mental safety devices (see 49 CFR part 222,               sequently, aside from the camera/monitor
                                                                     app. A) that prevent motorists from driving               setups described in this appendix, each rail-
                                                                     around lowered gates; under such cir-                     road that intends to implement a technology
                                                                     cumstances, the diagnostic team shall make                used to aid point protection shall notify the
                                                                     such determinations. If a Crossing Diag-
                                                                                                                               Associate Administrator for Safety in writ-
                                                                     nostic Team, as described in this paragraph,
                                                                                                                               ing of the technology to be used prior to im-
                                                                     evaluated a crossing for the factors described
                                                                     herein, prior to April 14, 2008, another diag-
                                                                     nostic team evaluation is not required to                 [73 FR 8504, Feb. 13, 2008]
                                                                     comply with this rule; however, the require-
                                                                     ments listed below shall still apply to any
                                                                     such remotely controlled movements over
                                                                                                                               PART 219—CONTROL OF ALCOHOL
                                                                     that crossing.                                                    AND DRUG USE
                                                                        2. Camera-assisted remote control loco-
                                                                     motive operations shall only be permitted at                             Subpart A—General
                                                                     crossings equipped with flashing lights,
                                                                     gates, and constant warning time train de-                Sec.
                                                                     tection systems where appropriate, based on               219.1 Purpose and scope.
                                                                     train speeds.                                             219.3 Application.
                                                                        3. A crewmember or other qualified em-                 219.4 Recognition of a foreign railroad’s
                                                                     ployee shall not view the monitor in place of                 workplace testing program.
                                                                     the remote control operator, as is permitted              219.5 Definitions.
                                                                     for other shoving or pushing movements. See               219.7 Waivers.
                                                                     § 218.99(b)(3). For purposes of remote control            219.9 Responsibility for compliance.
                                                                     locomotive operations with camera/monitor                 219.11 General conditions for chemical tests.
                                                                     setups to protect the point at highway-rail               219.13 Preemptive effect.
                                                                     grade crossings, pedestrian crossings, and                219.15 [Reserved]
                                                                     yard access crossings, the remote control op-             219.17 Construction.
                                                                     erator controlling the movement shall view                219.19 [Reserved]
                                                                                                                               219.21 Information collection.
                                                                     the monitor during such operations.
                                                                                                                               219.23 Railroad policies.
                                                                        4. The cameras shall be arranged to give
                                                                     the remote control locomotive operator con-
                                                                     trolling the movement a view of the rail ap-
                                                                                                                                             Subpart B—Prohibitions
                                                                     proaches to the crossing from each direction              219.101 Alcohol and drug use prohibited.
                                                                     so that the operator can accurately judge                 219.102 Prohibition on abuse of controlled
                                                                     the end of the movement’s proximity to the                    substances.
                                                                     crossing.                                                 219.103 Prescribed   and   over-the-counter
                                                                        5. The cameras shall be arranged to give                   drugs.
                                                                     the remote control locomotive operator a                  219.104 Responsive action.
                                                                     clear view to determine the speed and driver              219.105 Railroad’s duty to prevent viola-
                                                                     behavior (e.g., driving erratically) of any ap-               tions.
                                                                     proaching motor vehicles.                                 219.107 Consequences of unlawful refusal.
                                                                        6. Either the camera resolution shall be
                                                                     sufficient to determine whether the flashing               Subpart C—Post-Accident Toxicological
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                                                                     lights and gates are working as intended or                               Testing
                                                                     the crossing shall be equipped with a remote
                                                                     health monitoring system that is capable of               219.201     Events for which testing is required.


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Federal Railroad Administration, DOT                                                                § 219.3
                                                                     219.203 Responsibilities of railroads and em-             APPENDIX B TO PART 219—DESIGNATION OF
                                                                         ployees.                                                 LABORATORY FOR POST-ACCIDENT TOXI-
                                                                     219.205 Specimen collection and handling.                    COLOGICAL TESTING
                                                                     219.206 FRA access to breath test results.                APPENDIX C TO PART 219—POST-ACCIDENT
                                                                     219.207 Fatality.                                            TESTING SPECIMEN COLLECTION
                                                                     219.209 Reports of tests and refusals.
                                                                     219.211 Analysis and follow-up.                             AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 20103, 20107, 20140,
                                                                     219.213 Unlawful refusals; consequences.                  21301, 21304, 21311; 28 U.S.C. 2461, note; and 49
                                                                                                                               CFR 1.49(m).
                                                                                Subpart D—Testing for Cause                      SOURCE: 66 FR 41973, Aug. 9, 2001, unless
                                                                     219.300 Mandatory     reasonable   suspicion              otherwise noted.
                                                                     219.301 Testing for reasonable cause.                                 Subpart A—General
                                                                     219.302 Prompt specimen collection; time
                                                                                                                               § 219.1     Purpose and scope.
                                                                         Subpart E—Identification of Troubled                    (a) The purpose of this part is to pre-
                                                                                     Employees                                 vent accidents and casualties in rail-
                                                                     219.401    Requirement for policies.
                                                                                                                               road operations that result from im-
                                                                     219.403    Voluntary referral policy.                     pairment of employees by alcohol or
                                                                     219.405    Co-worker report policy.                       drugs.
                                                                     219.407    Alternate policies.                              (b) This part prescribes minimum
                                                                                                                               Federal safety standards for control of
                                                                           Subpart F—Pre-Employment Tests                      alcohol and drug use. This part does
                                                                     219.501    Pre-employment drug testing.                   not restrict a railroad from adopting
                                                                     219.502    Pre-employment alcohol testing.                and enforcing additional or more strin-
                                                                     219.503    Notification; records.                         gent requirements not inconsistent
                                                                     219.505    Refusals.                                      with this part.
                                                                       Subpart G—Random Alcohol and Drug                       § 219.3     Application.
                                                                                Testing Programs
                                                                                                                                  (a) General. Except as provided in
                                                                     219.601 Railroad random drug testing pro-                 paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section,
                                                                         grams.                                                this part applies to—
                                                                     219.602 FRA Administrator’s determination
                                                                         of random drug testing rate.
                                                                                                                                  (1) Railroads that operate rolling
                                                                     219.603 Participation in drug testing.                    equipment on standard gage track
                                                                     219.605 Positive drug test results; proce-                which is part of the general railroad
                                                                         dures.                                                system of transportation; and
                                                                     219.607 Railroad random alcohol testing pro-                 (2) Railroads that provide commuter
                                                                         grams.                                                or other short-haul rail passenger serv-
                                                                     219.608 FRA Administrator’s determination
                                                                         of random alcohol testing rate.
                                                                                                                               ice in a metropolitan or suburban area
                                                                     219.609 Participation in alcohol testing.                 (as described by 49 U.S.C. 20102) in the
                                                                     219.611 Test result indicating prohibited al-             United States.
                                                                         cohol concentration; procedures.                         (b) Exceptions available to both domes-
                                                                                                                               tic and foreign railroads. (1) This part
                                                                        Subpart H—Drug and Alcohol Testing                     does not apply to a railroad that oper-
                                                                                   Procedures                                  ates only on track inside an installa-
                                                                     219.701 Standards for drug and alcohol test-              tion which is not part of the general
                                                                         ing.                                                  railroad system of transportation.
                                                                                                                                  (2) Subparts D, E, F and G of this
                                                                                 Subpart I—Annual Report                       part do not apply to a railroad that—
                                                                     219.800 Annual reports.                                      (i) Has a total of 15 or fewer employ-
                                                                     219.801–219.803 [Reserved]                                ees who are covered by the hours of
                                                                                                                               service laws at 49 U.S.C. 21103, 21104, or
                                                                      Subpart J—Recordkeeping Requirements                     21105, or who would be subject to the
                                                                     219.901 Retention of alcohol testing records.             hours of service laws at 49 U.S.C. 21103,
                                                                     219.903 Retention of drug testing records.                21104, or 21105 if their services were per-
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                                                                     219.905 Access to facilities and records.                 formed in the United States; and
                                                                     APPENDIX A TO PART 219—SCHEDULE OF CIVIL                     (ii) Does not operate on the tracks in
                                                                         PENALTIES                                             the United States of another railroad


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§ 219.4                                                               49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition)

                                                                     (or otherwise engage in joint oper-                       conducted in accordance with this part
                                                                     ations in the United States with an-                      prior to the applicant or employee’s
                                                                     other railroad) except as necessary for                   performance of train or dispatching
                                                                     purposes of interchange.                                  service in the United States.
                                                                       (3) Subpart I of this part does not                     [69 FR 19286, Apr. 12, 2004]
                                                                     apply to a railroad that has fewer than
                                                                     400,000 total employee hours, including                   § 219.4 Recognition of a foreign rail-
                                                                     hours worked by all employees of the                            road’s workplace testing program.
                                                                     railroad, regardless of occupation, not                      (a) General. A foreign railroad may
                                                                     only while in the United States but                       petition the FRA Associate Adminis-
                                                                     also while outside the United States.                     trator for Safety for recognition of a
                                                                     For purposes of this paragraph, the                       workplace testing program promul-
                                                                     term ‘‘employees of the railroad’’ in-                    gated under the laws of its home coun-
                                                                     cludes individuals who perform service                    try as a compatible alternative to the
                                                                     for the railroad, including not only in-                  return-to-service requirements in sub-
                                                                     dividuals who receive direct monetary                     part B of this part and the require-
                                                                     compensation from the railroad for                        ments of subparts E, F, and G of this
                                                                     performing a service for the railroad,                    part with respect to its employees
                                                                     but also such individuals as employees                    whose primary reporting point is out-
                                                                     of a contractor to the railroad who per-                  side the United States but who enter
                                                                     form a service for the railroad.                          the United States to perform train or
                                                                       (c) Exceptions available to foreign rail-               dispatching service and with respect to
                                                                     roads only. (1) Subparts E, F and G of                    its final applicants for, or its employ-
                                                                     this part do not apply to train or dis-                   ees seeking to transfer for the first
                                                                     patching service in the United States                     time to, duties involving such service.
                                                                     performed by an employee of a foreign                        (1) To be so considered, the petition
                                                                     railroad whose primary reporting point                    must document that the foreign rail-
                                                                     is outside the United States, on that                     road’s workplace testing program con-
                                                                     portion of a rail line in the United                      tains equivalents to subparts B, E, F,
                                                                     States extending up to10 route miles                      and G of this part:
                                                                     from the point that the line crosses                         (i) Pre-employment drug testing;
                                                                     into the United States from Canada or                        (ii) A policy dealing with co-worker
                                                                     Mexico.                                                   and self-reporting of alcohol and drug
                                                                       (2) Unless otherwise provided by                        abuse problems;
                                                                     paragraph (b) of this section, subparts                      (iii) Random drug and alcohol test-
                                                                     A, B, C, D, H, I, and J of this part apply                ing;
                                                                     to signal service in the United States                       (iv) Return-to-duty testing; and
                                                                     of a foreign railroad performed by an                        (v) Testing procedures and safeguards
                                                                     employee of the foreign railroad if the                   reasonably comparable in effectiveness
                                                                     employee’s primary place of reporting                     to all applicable provisions of the
                                                                     is located outside the United States.                     United States Department of Transpor-
                                                                     Subparts E, F, and G of this part do not                  tation Procedures for Workplace Drug
                                                                     apply to signal service in the United                     and Alcohol Testing Programs (part 40
                                                                     States of a foreign railroad performed                    of this title).
                                                                     by an employee of the foreign railroad                       (2) In approving a program under this
                                                                     if the employee’s primary place of re-                    section, the FRA Associate Adminis-
                                                                     porting is located outside the United                     trator for Safety may impose condi-
                                                                     States.                                                   tions deemed necessary.
                                                                       (3) Unless otherwise excepted under                        (b) Alternative programs. (1) Upon
                                                                     paragraph (c)(1) of this section, on and                  FRA’s recognition of a foreign rail-
                                                                     after June 11, 2004, a foreign railroad                   road’s workplace testing program as
                                                                     shall conduct a pre-employment drug                       compatible with the return-to-service
                                                                     test on each of its final applicants for,                 requirements in subpart B and the re-
                                                                     and each of its employees seeking to                      quirements of subparts E, F, and G of
                                                                     transfer for the first time to, duties in-                this part, the foreign railroad must
                                                                     volving train or dispatching service in                   comply with either the enumerated
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                                                                     the United States while having his or                     provisions of part 219 or with the stand-
                                                                     her primary reporting point outside of                    ards of the recognized program, and
                                                                     the United States. The test shall be                      any imposed conditions, with respect


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Federal Railroad Administration, DOT                                                                § 219.4

                                                                     to its employees whose primary report-                      (2) Any comment on a petition should
                                                                     ing point is outside the United States                    reference the FRA docket and notice
                                                                     and who perform train or dispatching                      numbers. A commenter may submit a
                                                                     service in the United States. The for-                    comment and related material by only
                                                                     eign railroad must also, with respect to                  one of the following methods:
                                                                     its final applicants for, or its employ-                    (i) Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                                     ees seeking to transfer for the first            Follow the in-
                                                                     time to, duties involving such train or                   structions for submitting comments on
                                                                     dispatching service in the United                         the Federal Docket Management Sys-
                                                                     States, comply with either subpart E of                   tem electronic docket site.
                                                                     this part or the standards of the recog-                    (ii) Fax. 1–202–493–2251.
                                                                     nized program.                                              (iii) Mail. U.S. Department of Trans-
                                                                        (2) The foreign railroad must comply                   portation, Docket Operations (M–30),
                                                                     with subparts A, B (other than the re-                    West Building Ground Floor, Room
                                                                     turn-to-service          provisions        in             W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
                                                                     § 219.104(d)), C, reasonable suspicion                    Washington, DC 20590–0001.
                                                                     testing in subpart D, and subparts I                        (iv) Hand delivery. Room W12–140 on
                                                                     and J. Drug or alcohol testing required                   the ground floor of the West Building,
                                                                     by these subparts must be conducted in                    1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Wash-
                                                                     compliance with all applicable provi-                     ington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
                                                                     sions of the United States Department                     Monday through Friday, except Fed-
                                                                     of     Transportation      Procedures     for             eral Holidays.
                                                                     Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing                          (3) The commenter shall certify that
                                                                     Programs (part 40 of this title).                         a copy of the comment was served on
                                                                        (c) Petitions for recognition of a foreign             the petitioner. Note that all petitions
                                                                     railroad’s workplace testing programs.                    received will be posted without change
                                                                     Each petition for recognition of a for-                   to including
                                                                     eign workplace testing program shall                      any personal information provided.
                                                                     contain:                                                    (f) Disposition of petitions. (1) If FRA
                                                                        (1) The name, title, address, and tele-                finds that the petition complies with
                                                                     phone number of the primary person to                     the requirements of this section and
                                                                     be contacted with regard to review of                     that the foreign railroad’s workplace
                                                                     the petition;                                             testing program is compatible with the
                                                                        (2) The requirements of the foreign                    minimum standards of this part, the
                                                                     railroad workplace testing program to                     petition will be granted, normally
                                                                     be considered for recognition;                            within 90 days of its receipt. If the peti-
                                                                        (3) Appropriate data or records, or                    tion is neither granted nor denied with-
                                                                     both, for FRA to consider in deter-                       in 90 days, the petition remains pend-
                                                                     mining whether the foreign railroad                       ing for decision. FRA may attach spe-
                                                                     workplace testing program is equiva-                      cial conditions to the approval of any
                                                                     lent to the minimum standards con-                        petition. Following the approval of a
                                                                     tained in this part and provides at                       petition, FRA may reopen consider-
                                                                     least an equivalent level of safety.                      ation of the petition for cause.
                                                                        (d) FEDERAL REGISTER notice. FRA                         (2) If FRA finds that the petition
                                                                     will publish a notice in the FEDERAL                      does not comply with the requirements
                                                                     REGISTER concerning each petition                         of this section or that the foreign rail-
                                                                     under paragraph (c) of this section that                  road’s workplace testing program is
                                                                     it receives.                                              not compatible with the minimum
                                                                        (e) Comment. Not later than 30 days                    standards of this part, the petition will
                                                                     from the date of publication of the no-                   be denied, normally within 90 days of
                                                                     tice in the FEDERAL REGISTER con-                         its receipt.
                                                                     cerning a petition under paragraph (c)                      (3) When FRA grants or denies a peti-
                                                                     of this section, any person may com-                      tion, or reopens consideration of the
                                                                     ment on the petition.                                     petition, written notice is sent to the
                                                                        (1) A comment shall set forth specifi-                 petitioner and other interested parties.
                                                                     cally the basis upon which it is made,                      (g) Program recognition. If its program
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                                                                     and contain a concise statement of the                    has been recognized, the foreign rail-
                                                                     interest of the commenter in the pro-                     road shall maintain a letter on file in-
                                                                     ceeding.                                                  dicating that it has elected to extend


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§ 219.5                                                               49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition)

                                                                     specified elements of the recognized                      meaning of this part exclusively by
                                                                     program to its operations in the United                   reason of being an employee for pur-
                                                                     States. Once granted, program recogni-                    poses of 49 U.S.C. 21106.) For the pur-
                                                                     tion remains valid so long as the pro-                    poses of pre-employment testing only,
                                                                     gram retains these elements and the                       the term ‘‘covered employee’’ includes
                                                                     foreign railroad complies with the pro-                   a person applying to perform covered
                                                                     gram requirements.                                        service in the United States.
                                                                     [69 FR 19286, Apr. 12, 2004, as amended at 74                Covered service means service in the
                                                                     FR 25172, 25173, May 27, 2009]                            United States that is subject to the
                                                                                                                               hours of service laws at 49 U.S.C. 21103,
                                                                     § 219.5 Definitions.                                      21104, or 21105, but does not include any
                                                                        As used in this part—                                  period the employee is relieved of all
                                                                        Accident or incident reportable under                  responsibilities and is free to come and
                                                                     part 225 does not include a case that is                  go without restriction.
                                                                     classified as ‘‘covered data’’ under                         Co-worker means another employee of
                                                                     § 225.5 of this chapter (i.e., employee in-               the railroad, including a working su-
                                                                     jury/illness cases reportable exclu-                      pervisor directly associated with a
                                                                     sively because a physician or other li-                   yard or train crew, such as a conductor
                                                                     censed health care professional either                    or yard foreman, but not including any
                                                                     made a one-time topical application of                    other railroad supervisor, special
                                                                     a prescription-strength medication to                     agent, or officer.
                                                                     the employee’s injury or made a writ-                        Cross-border operation means a rail
                                                                     ten recommendation that the em-                           operation that crosses into the United
                                                                     ployee: Take one or more days away                        States from Canada or Mexico.
                                                                     from work when the employee instead                          Domestic railroad means a railroad
                                                                     reports to work (or would have re-                        that is incorporated in the United
                                                                     ported had he or she been scheduled)                      States.
                                                                     and takes no days away from work in                          DOT Agency means an agency (or
                                                                     connection with the injury or illness;                    ‘‘operating administration’’) of the
                                                                     work restricted duty for one or more                      United States Department of Transpor-
                                                                     days when the employee instead works                      tation administering regulations re-
                                                                     unrestricted (or would have worked un-                    quiring alcohol or controlled substance
                                                                     restricted had he or she been sched-                      testing (14 CFR parts 61, 63, 65, 121 and
                                                                     uled) and takes no other days of re-                      135; 49 CFR parts 199, 219, 382 and 655) in
                                                                     stricted work activity in connection                      accordance with part 40 of this title.
                                                                     with the injury or illness; or take over-                    Drug means any substance (other
                                                                     the-counter medication at a dosage                        than alcohol) that has known mind- or
                                                                     equal to or greater than the minimum                      function-altering effects on a human
                                                                     prescription strength, whether or not                     subject, specifically including any
                                                                     the employee actually takes the medi-                     psychoactive substance and including,
                                                                     cation).                                                  but not limited to, controlled sub-
                                                                        Class I, Class II, and Class III have the              stances.
                                                                     meaning assigned by regulations of the                       Foreign railroad means a railroad that
                                                                     Surface Transportation Board (49 CFR                      is incorporated outside the United
                                                                     part 1201; General Instructions 1–1).                     States.
                                                                        Controlled substance has the meaning                      FRA means the Federal Railroad Ad-
                                                                     assigned by 21 U.S.C. 802, and includes                   ministration, United States Depart-
                                                                     all substances listed on Schedules I                      ment of Transportation.
                                                                     through V as they may be revised from                        FRA representative means the Asso-
                                                                     time to time (21 CFR parts 1301–1316).                    ciate Administrator for Safety of FRA,
                                                                        Covered employee means a person who                    the Associate Administrator’s delegate
                                                                     has been assigned to perform service in                   (including a qualified State inspector
                                                                     the United States subject to the hours                    acting under part 212 of this chapter),
                                                                     of service laws (49 U.S.C. ch. 211) during                the Chief Counsel of FRA, or the Chief
                                                                     a duty tour, whether or not the person                    Counsel’s delegate.
                                                                     has performed or is currently per-                           General railroad system of transpor-
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                                                                     forming such service, and any person                      tation means the general railroad sys-
                                                                     who performs such service. (An em-                        tem of transportation in the United
                                                                     ployee is not ‘‘covered’’ within the                      States.


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Federal Railroad Administration, DOT                                                                § 219.5

                                                                       Hazardous material means a com-                           Positive rate for random drug testing
                                                                     modity designated as a hazardous ma-                      means the number of verified positive
                                                                     terial by part 172 of this title.                         results for random drug tests con-
                                                                       Impact accident means a train acci-                     ducted under this part plus the number
                                                                     dent (i.e., a rail equipment accident in-                 of refusals of random drug tests re-
                                                                     volving damage in excess of the current                   quired by this part, divided by the
                                                                     reporting threshold (see § 225.19(e) of                   total number of random drug tests re-
                                                                     this chapter)) consisting of a head-on                    sults (i.e., positives, negatives, and re-
                                                                     collision, a rear-end collision, a side                   fusals) under this part.
                                                                     collision (including a collision at a                       Possess means to have on one’s person
                                                                     railroad crossing at grade), a switching                  or in one’s personal effects or under
                                                                     collision, or impact with a delib-                        one’s control. However, the concept of
                                                                     erately-placed obstruction such as a                      possession as used in this part does not
                                                                     bumping post. The following are not                       include control by virtue of presence in
                                                                     impact accidents:                                         the employee’s personal residence or
                                                                       (1) An accident in which the derail-                    other similar location off of railroad
                                                                     ment of equipment causes an impact                        property.
                                                                     with other rail equipment;                                  Railroad means any form of non-
                                                                       (2) Impact of rail equipment with ob-                   highway ground transportation that
                                                                                                                               runs on rails or electromagnetic guide-
                                                                     structions such as fallen trees, rock or
                                                                                                                               ways, and any person providing such
                                                                     snow slides, livestock, etc.; and
                                                                                                                               transportation, including—
                                                                       (3) Raking collisions caused by de-
                                                                                                                                 (1) Commuter or other short-haul
                                                                     railment of rolling stock or operation                    railroad passenger service in a metro-
                                                                     of equipment in violation of clearance                    politan or suburban area and com-
                                                                     limitations.                                              muter railroad service that was oper-
                                                                       Independent with respect to a medical                   ated by the Consolidated Rail Corpora-
                                                                     facility, means not under the owner-                      tion on January 1, 1979; and
                                                                     ship or control of the railroad and not                     (2) High speed ground transportation
                                                                     operated or staffed by a salaried officer                 systems that connect metropolitan
                                                                     or employee of the railroad. The fact                     areas, without regard to whether those
                                                                     that the railroad pays for services ren-                  systems use new technologies not asso-
                                                                     dered by a medical facility or labora-                    ciated with traditional railroads; but
                                                                     tory, selects that entity for performing                  does not include rapid transit oper-
                                                                     tests under this part, or has a standing                  ations in an urban area that are not
                                                                     contractual relationship with that en-                    connected to the general railroad sys-
                                                                     tity to perform tests under this part or                  tem of transportation.
                                                                     perform other medical examinations or                       Railroad property damage or damage to
                                                                     tests of railroad employees does not, by                  railroad property refers to damage to
                                                                     itself, remove the facility from this                     railroad property, including railroad
                                                                     definition.                                               on-track equipment, signals, track,
                                                                       Medical facility means a hospital,                      track structures (including bridges and
                                                                     clinic, physician’s office, or laboratory                 tunnels), or roadbed, including labor
                                                                     where toxicological specimens can be                      costs and all other costs for repair or
                                                                     collected according to recognized pro-                    replacement in kind. Estimated cost
                                                                     fessional standards.                                      for replacement of railroad property
                                                                       Medical practitioner means a physi-                     must be calculated as described in the
                                                                     cian or dentist licensed or otherwise                     FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/In-
                                                                     authorized to practice by the state.                      cident Reports. (See § 225.21 of this
                                                                       NTSB means the National Transpor-                       chapter.) However, replacement of pas-
                                                                     tation Safety Board.                                      senger equipment is calculated based
                                                                       Passenger train means a train trans-                    on the cost of acquiring a new unit for
                                                                     porting persons (other than employees,                    comparable service.
                                                                     contractors, or persons riding equip-                       Reportable injury means an injury re-
                                                                     ment to observe or monitor railroad                       portable under part 225 of this chapter
                                                                     operations) in intercity passenger serv-                  except for an injury that is classified
jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR

                                                                     ice, commuter or other short-haul serv-                   as ‘‘covered data’’ under § 225.5 of this
                                                                     ice, or for excursion or recreational                     chapter (i.e., employee injury/illness
                                                                     purposes.                                                 cases reportable exclusively because a


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§ 219.7                                                               49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition)

                                                                     physician or other licensed health care                   random alcohol confirmation test re-
                                                                     professional either made a one-time                       sults conducted under this part plus
                                                                     topical application of a prescription-                    the number of refusals of random alco-
                                                                     strength medication to the employee’s                     hol tests required by this part, divided
                                                                     injury or made a written recommenda-                      by the total number of random alcohol
                                                                     tion that the employee: Take one or                       screening tests (including refusals)
                                                                     more days away from work when the                         conducted under this part.
                                                                     employee instead reports to work (or                      [66 FR 41973, Aug. 9, 2001, as amended at 68
                                                                     would have reported had he or she been                    FR 10135, Mar. 3, 2003; 68 FR 75463, Dec. 31,
                                                                     scheduled) and takes no days away                         2003; 69 FR 19287, Apr. 12, 2004]
                                                                     from work in connection with the in-
                                                                     jury or illness; work restricted duty for                 § 219.7 Waivers.
                                                                     one or more days when the employee                           (a) A person subject to a requirement
                                                                     instead works unrestricted (or would                      of this part may petition the FRA for a
                                                                     have worked unrestricted had he or she                    waiver of compliance with such re-
                                                                     been scheduled) and takes no other                        quirement.
                                                                     days of restricted work activity in con-                     (b) Each petition for waiver under
                                                                     nection with the injury or illness; or                    this section must be filed in a manner
                                                                     take over-the-counter medication at a                     and contain the information required
                                                                     dosage equal to or greater than the                       by part 211 of this chapter. A petition
                                                                     minimum         prescription       strength,              for waiver of the part 40 prohibition
                                                                     whether or not the employee actually                      against stand down of an employee be-
                                                                     takes the medication.                                     fore the Medical Review Officer has
                                                                        Reporting threshold means the amount                   completed the verification must also
                                                                     specified in § 225.19(e) of this chapter, as              comply with § 40.21 of this title.
                                                                     adjusted from time to time in accord-                        (c) If the FRA Administrator finds
                                                                     ance with appendix B to part 225 of this                  that waiver of compliance is in the
                                                                     chapter.                                                  public interest and is consistent with
                                                                        State means a State of the United                      railroad safety, the Administrator may
                                                                     States of America or the District of Co-                  grant the waiver subject to any nec-
                                                                     lumbia.                                                   essary conditions.
                                                                        Supervisory employee means an officer,                    (d) Special dispensation for employees
                                                                     special agent, or other employee of the                   performing train or dispatching service on
                                                                     railroad who is not a co-worker and                       existing cross-border operations. If a for-
                                                                     who is responsible for supervising or                     eign railroad requests a waiver not
                                                                     monitoring the conduct or performance                     later than August 10, 2004, for an exist-
                                                                     of one or more employees.                                 ing cross-border operation, subparts E,
                                                                        Train, except as context requires,                     F, and G of this part shall not apply to
                                                                     means a locomotive, or more than one                      train or dispatching service on that op-
                                                                     locomotive coupled, with or without                       eration in the United States performed
                                                                     cars. (A locomotive is a self-propelled                   by an employee of a foreign railroad
                                                                     unit of equipment which can be used in                    whose primary reporting point is out-
                                                                     train service.)                                           side the United States, until the rail-
                                                                        Train accident means a passenger,                      road’s waiver request is acted upon by
                                                                     freight, or work train accident de-                       FRA.
                                                                     scribed in § 225.19(c) of this chapter (a                    (e) Waiver requests for employees per-
                                                                     ‘‘rail equipment accident’’ involving                     forming train or dispatching service on
                                                                     damage in excess of the current report-                   new or expanded cross-border operations.
                                                                     ing threshold), including an accident                     A foreign railroad seeking a waiver
                                                                     involving a switching movement.                           from subparts E, F, and G of this part
                                                                        Train incident means an event involv-                  for its employees performing train or
                                                                     ing the movement of railroad on-track                     dispatching service on a new cross-bor-
                                                                     equipment that results in a casualty                      der operation that proceeds more than
                                                                     but in which railroad property damage                     10 route miles into the United States,
                                                                     does not exceed the reporting thresh-                     or a formerly excepted cross-border op-
                                                                     old.                                                      eration that expands beyond the 10
jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR

                                                                        United States means all of the States.                 mile limited haul exception in para-
                                                                        Violation rate for random alcohol test-                graph (d) of this section, must file a pe-
                                                                     ing means the number of 0.04 and above                    tition not later than 90 days before


                                     VerDate Mar<15>2010   09:47 Dec 14, 2010   Jkt 220215   PO 00000   Frm 00248   Fmt 8010   Sfmt 8010   Y:SGML220215.XXX   220215
Federal Railroad Administration, DOT                                                                § 219.11

                                                                     commencing the subject operation.                         ployees must be responsive to direction
                                                                     FRA will attempt to decide on such pe-                    from the host railroad consistent with
                                                                     titions within 90 days. If no action is                   this part. However, nothing in this
                                                                     taken on the petition within 90 days,                     paragraph (b)(1) restricts the ability of
                                                                     the petition remains pending for deci-                    the railroads to provide for an appro-
                                                                     sion and the cross-border crew assign-                    priate assignment of responsibility for
                                                                     ments on the operation covered by the                     compliance with this part as among
                                                                     petition will be subject to subparts E,                   those railroads through a joint oper-
                                                                     F, and G until FRA grants the petition                    ating agreement or other binding con-
                                                                     should the petitioner commence the                        tract. FRA reserves the right to bring
                                                                     proposed operation.                                       an enforcement action for noncompli-
                                                                     [66 FR 41973, Aug. 9, 2001, as amended at 69
                                                                                                                               ance with applicable portions of this
                                                                     FR 19287, Apr. 12, 2004]                                  part against the host railroad, the em-
                                                                                                                               ploying railroad, or both.
                                                                     § 219.9 Responsibility for compliance.                      (2) Where an employee of one railroad
                                                                        (a) Any person (an entity of any type                  is required to participate in breath or
                                                                     covered under 1 U.S.C. 1, including but                   body fluid testing under subpart C or D
                                                                     not limited to the following: A rail-                     of this part and is subsequently subject
                                                                     road; a manager, supervisor, official, or                 to adverse action alleged to have arisen
                                                                     other employee or agent of a railroad;                    out of the required test (or alleged re-
                                                                     any owner, manufacturer, lessor, or                       fusal thereof), necessary witnesses and
                                                                     lessee of railroad equipment, track, or                   documents available to the other rail-
                                                                     facilities; any independent contractor                    road must be made available to the em-
                                                                     providing goods or services to a rail-                    ployee on a reasonable basis.
                                                                     road; and any employee of such owner,                       (c) Any independent contractor or
                                                                     manufacturer, lessor, lessee, or inde-                    other entity that performs covered
                                                                     pendent contractor) who violates any                      service for a railroad has the same re-
                                                                     requirement of this part or causes the                    sponsibilities as a railroad under this
                                                                     violation of any such requirement is                      part, with respect to its employees who
                                                                     subject to a civil penalty of at least                    perform covered service. The entity’s
                                                                     $650 and not more than $25,000 per vio-                   responsibility for compliance with this
                                                                     lation, except that: Penalties may be                     part may be fulfilled either directly by
                                                                     assessed against individuals only for                     that entity or by the railroad’s treat-
                                                                     willful violations; where a grossly neg-                  ing the entity’s employees who perform
                                                                     ligent violation or a pattern of re-                      covered service as if they were its own
                                                                     peated violations has created an immi-                    employees for purposes of this part.
                                                                     nent hazard of death or injury, or has                    The responsibility for compliance must
                                                                     caused death or injury, a penalty not                     be clearly spelled out in the contract
                                                                     to exceed $100,000 per violation may be                   between the railroad and the other en-
                                                                     assessed; and the standard of liability                   tity or in another document. In the ab-
                                                                     for a railroad will vary depending upon                   sence of such a clear delineation of re-
                                                                     the requirement involved. See, e.g.,                      sponsibility, FRA will hold the railroad
                                                                     § 219.105, which must be construed to                     and the other entity jointly and sever-
                                                                     qualify the responsibility of a railroad                  ally liable for compliance.
                                                                     for the unauthorized conduct of an em-                    [66 FR 41973, Aug. 9, 2001, as amended at 69
                                                                     ployee that violates § 219.101 or § 219.102               FR 30593, May 28, 2004; 72 FR 51196, Sept. 6,
                                                                     (while imposing a duty of due diligence                   2007; 73 FR 79701, Dec. 30, 2008]
                                                                     to prevent such conduct). Each day a
                                                                     violation continues constitutes a sepa-                   § 219.11 General conditions for chem-
                                                                     rate offense. See appendix A to this                           ical tests.
                                                                     part for a statement of agency civil                         (a) Any employee who performs cov-
                                                                     penalty policy.                                           ered service for a railroad is deemed to
                                                                        (b)(1) In the case of joint operations,                have consented to testing as required
                                                                     primary responsibility for compliance                     in subparts B, C, D, and G of this part;
                                                                     with this part with respect to deter-                     and consent is implied by performance
                                                                     mination of events qualifying for                         of such service.
jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR

                                                                     breath or body fluid testing under sub-                      (b)(1) Each such employee must par-
                                                                     parts C and D of this part rests with                     ticipate in such testing, as required
                                                                     the host railroad, and all affected em-                   under the conditions set forth in this


                                     VerDate Mar<15>2010   09:47 Dec 14, 2010   Jkt 220215   PO 00000   Frm 00249   Fmt 8010   Sfmt 8010   Y:SGML220215.XXX   220215
§ 219.11                                                              49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition)

                                                                     part by a representative of the rail-                     promptly executing a consent form, if
                                                                     road.                                                     required by the medical facility. The
                                                                       (2) In any case where an employee                       employee is not required to execute
                                                                     has sustained a personal injury and is                    any document or clause waiving rights
                                                                     subject to alcohol or drug testing                        that the employee would otherwise
                                                                     under this part, necessary medical                        have against the employer, and any
                                                                     treatment must be accorded priority                       such waiver is void. The employee may
                                                                     over provision of the breath or body                      not be required to waive liability with
                                                                     fluid specimen(s).                                        respect to negligence on the part of
                                                                       (3) Failure to remain available fol-                    any person participating in the collec-
                                                                     lowing an accident or casualty as re-                     tion, handling or analysis of the speci-
                                                                     quired by company rules (i.e., being ab-                  men or to indemnify any person for the
                                                                     sent without leave) is considered a re-                   negligence of others. Any consent pro-
                                                                     fusal to participate in testing, without                  vided consistent with this section may
                                                                     regard to any subsequent provision of                     be construed to extend only to those
                                                                     specimens.                                                actions specified in this section.
                                                                       (c) A covered employee who is re-                         (e) Nothing in this part may be con-
                                                                     quired to be tested under subpart C or                    strued to authorize the use of physical
                                                                     D of this part and who is taken to a                      coercion or any other deprivation of
                                                                     medical facility for observation or                       liberty in order to compel breath or
                                                                     treatment after an accident or incident                   body fluid testing.
                                                                     is deemed to have consented to the re-                      (f) Any railroad employee who per-
                                                                     lease to FRA of the following:                            forms service for a railroad is deemed
                                                                       (1) The remaining portion of any                        to have consented to removal of body
                                                                     body fluid specimen taken by the treat-                   fluid and/or tissue specimens necessary
                                                                     ing facility within 12 hours of the acci-                 for toxicological analysis from the re-
                                                                     dent or incident that is not required                     mains of such employee, if such em-
                                                                     for medical purposes, together with                       ployee dies within 12 hours of an acci-
                                                                     any normal medical facility record(s)                     dent or incident described in subpart C
                                                                     pertaining to the taking of such speci-                   of this part as a result of such event.
                                                                     men;                                                      This consent is specifically required of
                                                                       (2) The results of any laboratory                       employees not in covered service, as
                                                                     tests for alcohol or any drug conducted                   well as employees in covered service.
                                                                     by or for the treating facility on such                     (g) Each supervisor responsible for
                                                                     specimen;                                                 covered employees (except a working
                                                                       (3) The identity, dosage, and time of                   supervisor within the definition of co-
                                                                     administration of any drugs adminis-                      worker under this part) must be
                                                                     tered by the treating facility prior to                   trained in the signs and symptoms of
                                                                     the time specimens were taken by the                      alcohol and drug influence, intoxica-
                                                                     treating facility or prior to the time                    tion and misuse consistent with a pro-
                                                                     specimens were taken in compliance                        gram of instruction to be made avail-
                                                                     with this part; and                                       able for inspection upon demand by
                                                                       (4) The results of any breath tests for                 FRA. Such a program shall, at a min-
                                                                     alcohol conducted by or for the treat-                    imum, provide information concerning
                                                                     ing facility.                                             the acute behavioral and apparent
                                                                       (d) An employee required to partici-                    physiological effects of alcohol and the
                                                                     pate in body fluid testing under sub-                     major drug groups on the controlled
                                                                     part C of this part (post-accident toxi-                  substances list. The program must also
                                                                     cological testing) or testing subject to                  provide training on the qualifying cri-
                                                                     subpart H of this part shall, if re-                      teria for post-accident testing con-
                                                                     quested by the representative of the                      tained in subpart C of this part, and
                                                                     railroad or the medical facility (includ-                 the role of the supervisor in post-acci-
                                                                     ing, under subpart H of this part, a                      dent collections described in subpart C
                                                                     non-medical contract collector), evi-                     and appendix C of this part. The dura-
                                                                     dence consent to taking of specimens,                     tion of such training may not be less
                                                                     their release for toxicological analysis                  than 3 hours.
jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR

                                                                     under pertinent provisions of this part,                    (h) Nothing in this subpart restricts
                                                                     and release of the test results to the                    any discretion available to the railroad
                                                                     railroad’s Medical Review Officer by                      to request or require that an employee


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Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
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Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
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Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
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Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219
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Cfr 2010-title49-vol4-part219

  • 1. Pt. 219 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition) evaluation summary of the factors consid- notifying the remote control locomotive op- ered and shall provide the railroad with erator immediately if the flashing lights and agreed upon parameters by which the cam- gates are not working as intended. era-assisted remote control operation may 7. The railroad shall notify the Associate continue in operation if the factors required Administrator for Safety in writing when for suitability change; thus, any change in this type of protection has been installed and the factors considered by the diagnostic activated at a crossing. team outside of the acceptable parameters shall require the railroad to receive a revised III. CONCLUSION evaluation approval from a diagnostic team The technology used to aid point protec- before continuing any such operation. In ad- tion will undoubtedly develop and improve dition, any of the Federal, State, or local over time. FRA encourages the use and de- governmental authorities may trigger re- velopment of this technology as is evidenced view of a prior evaluation approval at any by the option in this rule to utilize such time there is a question of the suitability of technology. Meanwhile, as a regulating body, the operation. It is possible that, of the re- FRA cannot determine whether a new tech- quirements listed below, requirements num- nology to aid point protection provides an bered 2, 4, 5, and 6 would be unnecessary at equivalent level of protection to that of a di- highway-rail grade crossings or yard access rect visual determination unless we are crossings equipped with approved supple- made aware of the new technology. Con- mental safety devices (see 49 CFR part 222, sequently, aside from the camera/monitor app. A) that prevent motorists from driving setups described in this appendix, each rail- around lowered gates; under such cir- road that intends to implement a technology cumstances, the diagnostic team shall make used to aid point protection shall notify the such determinations. If a Crossing Diag- Associate Administrator for Safety in writ- nostic Team, as described in this paragraph, ing of the technology to be used prior to im- evaluated a crossing for the factors described plementation. herein, prior to April 14, 2008, another diag- nostic team evaluation is not required to [73 FR 8504, Feb. 13, 2008] comply with this rule; however, the require- ments listed below shall still apply to any such remotely controlled movements over PART 219—CONTROL OF ALCOHOL that crossing. AND DRUG USE 2. Camera-assisted remote control loco- motive operations shall only be permitted at Subpart A—General crossings equipped with flashing lights, gates, and constant warning time train de- Sec. tection systems where appropriate, based on 219.1 Purpose and scope. train speeds. 219.3 Application. 3. A crewmember or other qualified em- 219.4 Recognition of a foreign railroad’s ployee shall not view the monitor in place of workplace testing program. the remote control operator, as is permitted 219.5 Definitions. for other shoving or pushing movements. See 219.7 Waivers. § 218.99(b)(3). For purposes of remote control 219.9 Responsibility for compliance. locomotive operations with camera/monitor 219.11 General conditions for chemical tests. setups to protect the point at highway-rail 219.13 Preemptive effect. grade crossings, pedestrian crossings, and 219.15 [Reserved] yard access crossings, the remote control op- 219.17 Construction. erator controlling the movement shall view 219.19 [Reserved] 219.21 Information collection. the monitor during such operations. 219.23 Railroad policies. 4. The cameras shall be arranged to give the remote control locomotive operator con- trolling the movement a view of the rail ap- Subpart B—Prohibitions proaches to the crossing from each direction 219.101 Alcohol and drug use prohibited. so that the operator can accurately judge 219.102 Prohibition on abuse of controlled the end of the movement’s proximity to the substances. crossing. 219.103 Prescribed and over-the-counter 5. The cameras shall be arranged to give drugs. the remote control locomotive operator a 219.104 Responsive action. clear view to determine the speed and driver 219.105 Railroad’s duty to prevent viola- behavior (e.g., driving erratically) of any ap- tions. proaching motor vehicles. 219.107 Consequences of unlawful refusal. 6. Either the camera resolution shall be sufficient to determine whether the flashing Subpart C—Post-Accident Toxicological jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR lights and gates are working as intended or Testing the crossing shall be equipped with a remote health monitoring system that is capable of 219.201 Events for which testing is required. 232 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:47 Dec 14, 2010 Jkt 220215 PO 00000 Frm 00242 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220215.XXX 220215
  • 2. Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 219.3 219.203 Responsibilities of railroads and em- APPENDIX B TO PART 219—DESIGNATION OF ployees. LABORATORY FOR POST-ACCIDENT TOXI- 219.205 Specimen collection and handling. COLOGICAL TESTING 219.206 FRA access to breath test results. APPENDIX C TO PART 219—POST-ACCIDENT 219.207 Fatality. TESTING SPECIMEN COLLECTION 219.209 Reports of tests and refusals. 219.211 Analysis and follow-up. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 20103, 20107, 20140, 219.213 Unlawful refusals; consequences. 21301, 21304, 21311; 28 U.S.C. 2461, note; and 49 CFR 1.49(m). Subpart D—Testing for Cause SOURCE: 66 FR 41973, Aug. 9, 2001, unless 219.300 Mandatory reasonable suspicion otherwise noted. testing. 219.301 Testing for reasonable cause. Subpart A—General 219.302 Prompt specimen collection; time limitation. § 219.1 Purpose and scope. Subpart E—Identification of Troubled (a) The purpose of this part is to pre- Employees vent accidents and casualties in rail- 219.401 Requirement for policies. road operations that result from im- 219.403 Voluntary referral policy. pairment of employees by alcohol or 219.405 Co-worker report policy. drugs. 219.407 Alternate policies. (b) This part prescribes minimum Federal safety standards for control of Subpart F—Pre-Employment Tests alcohol and drug use. This part does 219.501 Pre-employment drug testing. not restrict a railroad from adopting 219.502 Pre-employment alcohol testing. and enforcing additional or more strin- 219.503 Notification; records. gent requirements not inconsistent 219.505 Refusals. with this part. Subpart G—Random Alcohol and Drug § 219.3 Application. Testing Programs (a) General. Except as provided in 219.601 Railroad random drug testing pro- paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, grams. this part applies to— 219.602 FRA Administrator’s determination of random drug testing rate. (1) Railroads that operate rolling 219.603 Participation in drug testing. equipment on standard gage track 219.605 Positive drug test results; proce- which is part of the general railroad dures. system of transportation; and 219.607 Railroad random alcohol testing pro- (2) Railroads that provide commuter grams. or other short-haul rail passenger serv- 219.608 FRA Administrator’s determination of random alcohol testing rate. ice in a metropolitan or suburban area 219.609 Participation in alcohol testing. (as described by 49 U.S.C. 20102) in the 219.611 Test result indicating prohibited al- United States. cohol concentration; procedures. (b) Exceptions available to both domes- tic and foreign railroads. (1) This part Subpart H—Drug and Alcohol Testing does not apply to a railroad that oper- Procedures ates only on track inside an installa- 219.701 Standards for drug and alcohol test- tion which is not part of the general ing. railroad system of transportation. (2) Subparts D, E, F and G of this Subpart I—Annual Report part do not apply to a railroad that— 219.800 Annual reports. (i) Has a total of 15 or fewer employ- 219.801–219.803 [Reserved] ees who are covered by the hours of service laws at 49 U.S.C. 21103, 21104, or Subpart J—Recordkeeping Requirements 21105, or who would be subject to the 219.901 Retention of alcohol testing records. hours of service laws at 49 U.S.C. 21103, 219.903 Retention of drug testing records. 21104, or 21105 if their services were per- jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR 219.905 Access to facilities and records. formed in the United States; and APPENDIX A TO PART 219—SCHEDULE OF CIVIL (ii) Does not operate on the tracks in PENALTIES the United States of another railroad 233 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:47 Dec 14, 2010 Jkt 220215 PO 00000 Frm 00243 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220215.XXX 220215
  • 3. § 219.4 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition) (or otherwise engage in joint oper- conducted in accordance with this part ations in the United States with an- prior to the applicant or employee’s other railroad) except as necessary for performance of train or dispatching purposes of interchange. service in the United States. (3) Subpart I of this part does not [69 FR 19286, Apr. 12, 2004] apply to a railroad that has fewer than 400,000 total employee hours, including § 219.4 Recognition of a foreign rail- hours worked by all employees of the road’s workplace testing program. railroad, regardless of occupation, not (a) General. A foreign railroad may only while in the United States but petition the FRA Associate Adminis- also while outside the United States. trator for Safety for recognition of a For purposes of this paragraph, the workplace testing program promul- term ‘‘employees of the railroad’’ in- gated under the laws of its home coun- cludes individuals who perform service try as a compatible alternative to the for the railroad, including not only in- return-to-service requirements in sub- dividuals who receive direct monetary part B of this part and the require- compensation from the railroad for ments of subparts E, F, and G of this performing a service for the railroad, part with respect to its employees but also such individuals as employees whose primary reporting point is out- of a contractor to the railroad who per- side the United States but who enter form a service for the railroad. the United States to perform train or (c) Exceptions available to foreign rail- dispatching service and with respect to roads only. (1) Subparts E, F and G of its final applicants for, or its employ- this part do not apply to train or dis- ees seeking to transfer for the first patching service in the United States time to, duties involving such service. performed by an employee of a foreign (1) To be so considered, the petition railroad whose primary reporting point must document that the foreign rail- is outside the United States, on that road’s workplace testing program con- portion of a rail line in the United tains equivalents to subparts B, E, F, States extending up to10 route miles and G of this part: from the point that the line crosses (i) Pre-employment drug testing; into the United States from Canada or (ii) A policy dealing with co-worker Mexico. and self-reporting of alcohol and drug (2) Unless otherwise provided by abuse problems; paragraph (b) of this section, subparts (iii) Random drug and alcohol test- A, B, C, D, H, I, and J of this part apply ing; to signal service in the United States (iv) Return-to-duty testing; and of a foreign railroad performed by an (v) Testing procedures and safeguards employee of the foreign railroad if the reasonably comparable in effectiveness employee’s primary place of reporting to all applicable provisions of the is located outside the United States. United States Department of Transpor- Subparts E, F, and G of this part do not tation Procedures for Workplace Drug apply to signal service in the United and Alcohol Testing Programs (part 40 States of a foreign railroad performed of this title). by an employee of the foreign railroad (2) In approving a program under this if the employee’s primary place of re- section, the FRA Associate Adminis- porting is located outside the United trator for Safety may impose condi- States. tions deemed necessary. (3) Unless otherwise excepted under (b) Alternative programs. (1) Upon paragraph (c)(1) of this section, on and FRA’s recognition of a foreign rail- after June 11, 2004, a foreign railroad road’s workplace testing program as shall conduct a pre-employment drug compatible with the return-to-service test on each of its final applicants for, requirements in subpart B and the re- and each of its employees seeking to quirements of subparts E, F, and G of transfer for the first time to, duties in- this part, the foreign railroad must volving train or dispatching service in comply with either the enumerated jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR the United States while having his or provisions of part 219 or with the stand- her primary reporting point outside of ards of the recognized program, and the United States. The test shall be any imposed conditions, with respect 234 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:47 Dec 14, 2010 Jkt 220215 PO 00000 Frm 00244 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220215.XXX 220215
  • 4. Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 219.4 to its employees whose primary report- (2) Any comment on a petition should ing point is outside the United States reference the FRA docket and notice and who perform train or dispatching numbers. A commenter may submit a service in the United States. The for- comment and related material by only eign railroad must also, with respect to one of the following methods: its final applicants for, or its employ- (i) Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// ees seeking to transfer for the first Follow the in- time to, duties involving such train or structions for submitting comments on dispatching service in the United the Federal Docket Management Sys- States, comply with either subpart E of tem electronic docket site. this part or the standards of the recog- (ii) Fax. 1–202–493–2251. nized program. (iii) Mail. U.S. Department of Trans- (2) The foreign railroad must comply portation, Docket Operations (M–30), with subparts A, B (other than the re- West Building Ground Floor, Room turn-to-service provisions in W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., § 219.104(d)), C, reasonable suspicion Washington, DC 20590–0001. testing in subpart D, and subparts I (iv) Hand delivery. Room W12–140 on and J. Drug or alcohol testing required the ground floor of the West Building, by these subparts must be conducted in 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Wash- compliance with all applicable provi- ington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., sions of the United States Department Monday through Friday, except Fed- of Transportation Procedures for eral Holidays. Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing (3) The commenter shall certify that Programs (part 40 of this title). a copy of the comment was served on (c) Petitions for recognition of a foreign the petitioner. Note that all petitions railroad’s workplace testing programs. received will be posted without change Each petition for recognition of a for- to including eign workplace testing program shall any personal information provided. contain: (f) Disposition of petitions. (1) If FRA (1) The name, title, address, and tele- finds that the petition complies with phone number of the primary person to the requirements of this section and be contacted with regard to review of that the foreign railroad’s workplace the petition; testing program is compatible with the (2) The requirements of the foreign minimum standards of this part, the railroad workplace testing program to petition will be granted, normally be considered for recognition; within 90 days of its receipt. If the peti- (3) Appropriate data or records, or tion is neither granted nor denied with- both, for FRA to consider in deter- in 90 days, the petition remains pend- mining whether the foreign railroad ing for decision. FRA may attach spe- workplace testing program is equiva- cial conditions to the approval of any lent to the minimum standards con- petition. Following the approval of a tained in this part and provides at petition, FRA may reopen consider- least an equivalent level of safety. ation of the petition for cause. (d) FEDERAL REGISTER notice. FRA (2) If FRA finds that the petition will publish a notice in the FEDERAL does not comply with the requirements REGISTER concerning each petition of this section or that the foreign rail- under paragraph (c) of this section that road’s workplace testing program is it receives. not compatible with the minimum (e) Comment. Not later than 30 days standards of this part, the petition will from the date of publication of the no- be denied, normally within 90 days of tice in the FEDERAL REGISTER con- its receipt. cerning a petition under paragraph (c) (3) When FRA grants or denies a peti- of this section, any person may com- tion, or reopens consideration of the ment on the petition. petition, written notice is sent to the (1) A comment shall set forth specifi- petitioner and other interested parties. cally the basis upon which it is made, (g) Program recognition. If its program jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR and contain a concise statement of the has been recognized, the foreign rail- interest of the commenter in the pro- road shall maintain a letter on file in- ceeding. dicating that it has elected to extend 235 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:47 Dec 14, 2010 Jkt 220215 PO 00000 Frm 00245 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220215.XXX 220215
  • 5. § 219.5 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition) specified elements of the recognized meaning of this part exclusively by program to its operations in the United reason of being an employee for pur- States. Once granted, program recogni- poses of 49 U.S.C. 21106.) For the pur- tion remains valid so long as the pro- poses of pre-employment testing only, gram retains these elements and the the term ‘‘covered employee’’ includes foreign railroad complies with the pro- a person applying to perform covered gram requirements. service in the United States. [69 FR 19286, Apr. 12, 2004, as amended at 74 Covered service means service in the FR 25172, 25173, May 27, 2009] United States that is subject to the hours of service laws at 49 U.S.C. 21103, § 219.5 Definitions. 21104, or 21105, but does not include any As used in this part— period the employee is relieved of all Accident or incident reportable under responsibilities and is free to come and part 225 does not include a case that is go without restriction. classified as ‘‘covered data’’ under Co-worker means another employee of § 225.5 of this chapter (i.e., employee in- the railroad, including a working su- jury/illness cases reportable exclu- pervisor directly associated with a sively because a physician or other li- yard or train crew, such as a conductor censed health care professional either or yard foreman, but not including any made a one-time topical application of other railroad supervisor, special a prescription-strength medication to agent, or officer. the employee’s injury or made a writ- Cross-border operation means a rail ten recommendation that the em- operation that crosses into the United ployee: Take one or more days away States from Canada or Mexico. from work when the employee instead Domestic railroad means a railroad reports to work (or would have re- that is incorporated in the United ported had he or she been scheduled) States. and takes no days away from work in DOT Agency means an agency (or connection with the injury or illness; ‘‘operating administration’’) of the work restricted duty for one or more United States Department of Transpor- days when the employee instead works tation administering regulations re- unrestricted (or would have worked un- quiring alcohol or controlled substance restricted had he or she been sched- testing (14 CFR parts 61, 63, 65, 121 and uled) and takes no other days of re- 135; 49 CFR parts 199, 219, 382 and 655) in stricted work activity in connection accordance with part 40 of this title. with the injury or illness; or take over- Drug means any substance (other the-counter medication at a dosage than alcohol) that has known mind- or equal to or greater than the minimum function-altering effects on a human prescription strength, whether or not subject, specifically including any the employee actually takes the medi- psychoactive substance and including, cation). but not limited to, controlled sub- Class I, Class II, and Class III have the stances. meaning assigned by regulations of the Foreign railroad means a railroad that Surface Transportation Board (49 CFR is incorporated outside the United part 1201; General Instructions 1–1). States. Controlled substance has the meaning FRA means the Federal Railroad Ad- assigned by 21 U.S.C. 802, and includes ministration, United States Depart- all substances listed on Schedules I ment of Transportation. through V as they may be revised from FRA representative means the Asso- time to time (21 CFR parts 1301–1316). ciate Administrator for Safety of FRA, Covered employee means a person who the Associate Administrator’s delegate has been assigned to perform service in (including a qualified State inspector the United States subject to the hours acting under part 212 of this chapter), of service laws (49 U.S.C. ch. 211) during the Chief Counsel of FRA, or the Chief a duty tour, whether or not the person Counsel’s delegate. has performed or is currently per- General railroad system of transpor- jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR forming such service, and any person tation means the general railroad sys- who performs such service. (An em- tem of transportation in the United ployee is not ‘‘covered’’ within the States. 236 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:47 Dec 14, 2010 Jkt 220215 PO 00000 Frm 00246 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220215.XXX 220215
  • 6. Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 219.5 Hazardous material means a com- Positive rate for random drug testing modity designated as a hazardous ma- means the number of verified positive terial by part 172 of this title. results for random drug tests con- Impact accident means a train acci- ducted under this part plus the number dent (i.e., a rail equipment accident in- of refusals of random drug tests re- volving damage in excess of the current quired by this part, divided by the reporting threshold (see § 225.19(e) of total number of random drug tests re- this chapter)) consisting of a head-on sults (i.e., positives, negatives, and re- collision, a rear-end collision, a side fusals) under this part. collision (including a collision at a Possess means to have on one’s person railroad crossing at grade), a switching or in one’s personal effects or under collision, or impact with a delib- one’s control. However, the concept of erately-placed obstruction such as a possession as used in this part does not bumping post. The following are not include control by virtue of presence in impact accidents: the employee’s personal residence or (1) An accident in which the derail- other similar location off of railroad ment of equipment causes an impact property. with other rail equipment; Railroad means any form of non- (2) Impact of rail equipment with ob- highway ground transportation that runs on rails or electromagnetic guide- structions such as fallen trees, rock or ways, and any person providing such snow slides, livestock, etc.; and transportation, including— (3) Raking collisions caused by de- (1) Commuter or other short-haul railment of rolling stock or operation railroad passenger service in a metro- of equipment in violation of clearance politan or suburban area and com- limitations. muter railroad service that was oper- Independent with respect to a medical ated by the Consolidated Rail Corpora- facility, means not under the owner- tion on January 1, 1979; and ship or control of the railroad and not (2) High speed ground transportation operated or staffed by a salaried officer systems that connect metropolitan or employee of the railroad. The fact areas, without regard to whether those that the railroad pays for services ren- systems use new technologies not asso- dered by a medical facility or labora- ciated with traditional railroads; but tory, selects that entity for performing does not include rapid transit oper- tests under this part, or has a standing ations in an urban area that are not contractual relationship with that en- connected to the general railroad sys- tity to perform tests under this part or tem of transportation. perform other medical examinations or Railroad property damage or damage to tests of railroad employees does not, by railroad property refers to damage to itself, remove the facility from this railroad property, including railroad definition. on-track equipment, signals, track, Medical facility means a hospital, track structures (including bridges and clinic, physician’s office, or laboratory tunnels), or roadbed, including labor where toxicological specimens can be costs and all other costs for repair or collected according to recognized pro- replacement in kind. Estimated cost fessional standards. for replacement of railroad property Medical practitioner means a physi- must be calculated as described in the cian or dentist licensed or otherwise FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/In- authorized to practice by the state. cident Reports. (See § 225.21 of this NTSB means the National Transpor- chapter.) However, replacement of pas- tation Safety Board. senger equipment is calculated based Passenger train means a train trans- on the cost of acquiring a new unit for porting persons (other than employees, comparable service. contractors, or persons riding equip- Reportable injury means an injury re- ment to observe or monitor railroad portable under part 225 of this chapter operations) in intercity passenger serv- except for an injury that is classified jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR ice, commuter or other short-haul serv- as ‘‘covered data’’ under § 225.5 of this ice, or for excursion or recreational chapter (i.e., employee injury/illness purposes. cases reportable exclusively because a 237 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:47 Dec 14, 2010 Jkt 220215 PO 00000 Frm 00247 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220215.XXX 220215
  • 7. § 219.7 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition) physician or other licensed health care random alcohol confirmation test re- professional either made a one-time sults conducted under this part plus topical application of a prescription- the number of refusals of random alco- strength medication to the employee’s hol tests required by this part, divided injury or made a written recommenda- by the total number of random alcohol tion that the employee: Take one or screening tests (including refusals) more days away from work when the conducted under this part. employee instead reports to work (or [66 FR 41973, Aug. 9, 2001, as amended at 68 would have reported had he or she been FR 10135, Mar. 3, 2003; 68 FR 75463, Dec. 31, scheduled) and takes no days away 2003; 69 FR 19287, Apr. 12, 2004] from work in connection with the in- jury or illness; work restricted duty for § 219.7 Waivers. one or more days when the employee (a) A person subject to a requirement instead works unrestricted (or would of this part may petition the FRA for a have worked unrestricted had he or she waiver of compliance with such re- been scheduled) and takes no other quirement. days of restricted work activity in con- (b) Each petition for waiver under nection with the injury or illness; or this section must be filed in a manner take over-the-counter medication at a and contain the information required dosage equal to or greater than the by part 211 of this chapter. A petition minimum prescription strength, for waiver of the part 40 prohibition whether or not the employee actually against stand down of an employee be- takes the medication. fore the Medical Review Officer has Reporting threshold means the amount completed the verification must also specified in § 225.19(e) of this chapter, as comply with § 40.21 of this title. adjusted from time to time in accord- (c) If the FRA Administrator finds ance with appendix B to part 225 of this that waiver of compliance is in the chapter. public interest and is consistent with State means a State of the United railroad safety, the Administrator may States of America or the District of Co- grant the waiver subject to any nec- lumbia. essary conditions. Supervisory employee means an officer, (d) Special dispensation for employees special agent, or other employee of the performing train or dispatching service on railroad who is not a co-worker and existing cross-border operations. If a for- who is responsible for supervising or eign railroad requests a waiver not monitoring the conduct or performance later than August 10, 2004, for an exist- of one or more employees. ing cross-border operation, subparts E, Train, except as context requires, F, and G of this part shall not apply to means a locomotive, or more than one train or dispatching service on that op- locomotive coupled, with or without eration in the United States performed cars. (A locomotive is a self-propelled by an employee of a foreign railroad unit of equipment which can be used in whose primary reporting point is out- train service.) side the United States, until the rail- Train accident means a passenger, road’s waiver request is acted upon by freight, or work train accident de- FRA. scribed in § 225.19(c) of this chapter (a (e) Waiver requests for employees per- ‘‘rail equipment accident’’ involving forming train or dispatching service on damage in excess of the current report- new or expanded cross-border operations. ing threshold), including an accident A foreign railroad seeking a waiver involving a switching movement. from subparts E, F, and G of this part Train incident means an event involv- for its employees performing train or ing the movement of railroad on-track dispatching service on a new cross-bor- equipment that results in a casualty der operation that proceeds more than but in which railroad property damage 10 route miles into the United States, does not exceed the reporting thresh- or a formerly excepted cross-border op- old. eration that expands beyond the 10 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR United States means all of the States. mile limited haul exception in para- Violation rate for random alcohol test- graph (d) of this section, must file a pe- ing means the number of 0.04 and above tition not later than 90 days before 238 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:47 Dec 14, 2010 Jkt 220215 PO 00000 Frm 00248 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220215.XXX 220215
  • 8. Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 219.11 commencing the subject operation. ployees must be responsive to direction FRA will attempt to decide on such pe- from the host railroad consistent with titions within 90 days. If no action is this part. However, nothing in this taken on the petition within 90 days, paragraph (b)(1) restricts the ability of the petition remains pending for deci- the railroads to provide for an appro- sion and the cross-border crew assign- priate assignment of responsibility for ments on the operation covered by the compliance with this part as among petition will be subject to subparts E, those railroads through a joint oper- F, and G until FRA grants the petition ating agreement or other binding con- should the petitioner commence the tract. FRA reserves the right to bring proposed operation. an enforcement action for noncompli- [66 FR 41973, Aug. 9, 2001, as amended at 69 ance with applicable portions of this FR 19287, Apr. 12, 2004] part against the host railroad, the em- ploying railroad, or both. § 219.9 Responsibility for compliance. (2) Where an employee of one railroad (a) Any person (an entity of any type is required to participate in breath or covered under 1 U.S.C. 1, including but body fluid testing under subpart C or D not limited to the following: A rail- of this part and is subsequently subject road; a manager, supervisor, official, or to adverse action alleged to have arisen other employee or agent of a railroad; out of the required test (or alleged re- any owner, manufacturer, lessor, or fusal thereof), necessary witnesses and lessee of railroad equipment, track, or documents available to the other rail- facilities; any independent contractor road must be made available to the em- providing goods or services to a rail- ployee on a reasonable basis. road; and any employee of such owner, (c) Any independent contractor or manufacturer, lessor, lessee, or inde- other entity that performs covered pendent contractor) who violates any service for a railroad has the same re- requirement of this part or causes the sponsibilities as a railroad under this violation of any such requirement is part, with respect to its employees who subject to a civil penalty of at least perform covered service. The entity’s $650 and not more than $25,000 per vio- responsibility for compliance with this lation, except that: Penalties may be part may be fulfilled either directly by assessed against individuals only for that entity or by the railroad’s treat- willful violations; where a grossly neg- ing the entity’s employees who perform ligent violation or a pattern of re- covered service as if they were its own peated violations has created an immi- employees for purposes of this part. nent hazard of death or injury, or has The responsibility for compliance must caused death or injury, a penalty not be clearly spelled out in the contract to exceed $100,000 per violation may be between the railroad and the other en- assessed; and the standard of liability tity or in another document. In the ab- for a railroad will vary depending upon sence of such a clear delineation of re- the requirement involved. See, e.g., sponsibility, FRA will hold the railroad § 219.105, which must be construed to and the other entity jointly and sever- qualify the responsibility of a railroad ally liable for compliance. for the unauthorized conduct of an em- [66 FR 41973, Aug. 9, 2001, as amended at 69 ployee that violates § 219.101 or § 219.102 FR 30593, May 28, 2004; 72 FR 51196, Sept. 6, (while imposing a duty of due diligence 2007; 73 FR 79701, Dec. 30, 2008] to prevent such conduct). Each day a violation continues constitutes a sepa- § 219.11 General conditions for chem- rate offense. See appendix A to this ical tests. part for a statement of agency civil (a) Any employee who performs cov- penalty policy. ered service for a railroad is deemed to (b)(1) In the case of joint operations, have consented to testing as required primary responsibility for compliance in subparts B, C, D, and G of this part; with this part with respect to deter- and consent is implied by performance mination of events qualifying for of such service. jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR breath or body fluid testing under sub- (b)(1) Each such employee must par- parts C and D of this part rests with ticipate in such testing, as required the host railroad, and all affected em- under the conditions set forth in this 239 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:47 Dec 14, 2010 Jkt 220215 PO 00000 Frm 00249 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220215.XXX 220215
  • 9. § 219.11 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–10 Edition) part by a representative of the rail- promptly executing a consent form, if road. required by the medical facility. The (2) In any case where an employee employee is not required to execute has sustained a personal injury and is any document or clause waiving rights subject to alcohol or drug testing that the employee would otherwise under this part, necessary medical have against the employer, and any treatment must be accorded priority such waiver is void. The employee may over provision of the breath or body not be required to waive liability with fluid specimen(s). respect to negligence on the part of (3) Failure to remain available fol- any person participating in the collec- lowing an accident or casualty as re- tion, handling or analysis of the speci- quired by company rules (i.e., being ab- men or to indemnify any person for the sent without leave) is considered a re- negligence of others. Any consent pro- fusal to participate in testing, without vided consistent with this section may regard to any subsequent provision of be construed to extend only to those specimens. actions specified in this section. (c) A covered employee who is re- (e) Nothing in this part may be con- quired to be tested under subpart C or strued to authorize the use of physical D of this part and who is taken to a coercion or any other deprivation of medical facility for observation or liberty in order to compel breath or treatment after an accident or incident body fluid testing. is deemed to have consented to the re- (f) Any railroad employee who per- lease to FRA of the following: forms service for a railroad is deemed (1) The remaining portion of any to have consented to removal of body body fluid specimen taken by the treat- fluid and/or tissue specimens necessary ing facility within 12 hours of the acci- for toxicological analysis from the re- dent or incident that is not required mains of such employee, if such em- for medical purposes, together with ployee dies within 12 hours of an acci- any normal medical facility record(s) dent or incident described in subpart C pertaining to the taking of such speci- of this part as a result of such event. men; This consent is specifically required of (2) The results of any laboratory employees not in covered service, as tests for alcohol or any drug conducted well as employees in covered service. by or for the treating facility on such (g) Each supervisor responsible for specimen; covered employees (except a working (3) The identity, dosage, and time of supervisor within the definition of co- administration of any drugs adminis- worker under this part) must be tered by the treating facility prior to trained in the signs and symptoms of the time specimens were taken by the alcohol and drug influence, intoxica- treating facility or prior to the time tion and misuse consistent with a pro- specimens were taken in compliance gram of instruction to be made avail- with this part; and able for inspection upon demand by (4) The results of any breath tests for FRA. Such a program shall, at a min- alcohol conducted by or for the treat- imum, provide information concerning ing facility. the acute behavioral and apparent (d) An employee required to partici- physiological effects of alcohol and the pate in body fluid testing under sub- major drug groups on the controlled part C of this part (post-accident toxi- substances list. The program must also cological testing) or testing subject to provide training on the qualifying cri- subpart H of this part shall, if re- teria for post-accident testing con- quested by the representative of the tained in subpart C of this part, and railroad or the medical facility (includ- the role of the supervisor in post-acci- ing, under subpart H of this part, a dent collections described in subpart C non-medical contract collector), evi- and appendix C of this part. The dura- dence consent to taking of specimens, tion of such training may not be less their release for toxicological analysis than 3 hours. jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR under pertinent provisions of this part, (h) Nothing in this subpart restricts and release of the test results to the any discretion available to the railroad railroad’s Medical Review Officer by to request or require that an employee 240 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:47 Dec 14, 2010 Jkt 220215 PO 00000 Frm 00250 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220215.XXX 220215