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加拿大佛教會  湛山精舍  學佛班   禪坐 入門  Introduction to  Chán Meditation 2010/5/29 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple
Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó  南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽  Namo Sangha
三學  -  3 Prefect Practice Discipline –  Shila : Greed Meditation – Dhyana : Anger Wisdom  -  Prajna : Ignorance ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Dhyana  禪定 ,[object Object],[object Object]
1 st  Four Dhyanas in the Realm of Form  四色界定 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Five Steps of 1 st  Dhyana  初禪五支 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Five Steps of 1 st  Dhyana  初禪五支 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Suumary of 1 st  Dhyana  初禪總結 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The States of the 2 nd   Dhyana  二禪發相 Cultivate Beautiful Mindfulness  In the Present Moment The stage of bliss comes from the sublimation (letting go) of the cognitive functions of the mind. There is gradual withdrawal of the cognitive states of mind so that there is only concentration and the affective states of mind.  one must remove all will, all doing and all control. 二禪未發時,於其中間,亦有定法,從此靜坐,加功不已,其心忽然澄淨,無有分散,即是未到地定。  二禪 定生時,喜樂俱發,勇心大悅。故名定生喜樂地。
The states of the 2 nd   Dhyana  二禪發相 Initial attention is sublimated, which becomes more subtle. Then, the sustained scrutiny is eliminated.  In sublimating the initial attention and the sustained thought one further purifies singleness of mind (Samadhi). One's concentration will continue to be in the affective states of joy and contentment without the cognitive functions.  Ten Virtues occur. 無尋無伺 ,  如此經久,不失不退,定心與喜俱時而發,如人從暗室出,見外邊光明,其心明亮內淨,十種功德俱發,具顯初禪發相。
Four Steps in the 2 nd   Dhyana  二禪四支功德 1. Inner Purity 內淨支 The applied cognitive thought and the sustained cognitive thought become purified and sublimated.   內心清淨。既離覺觀,依內淨心發定,皎潔分明,無有垢穢。 2. Joy 喜支 Feelings of ecstasy and revelation.  One is able to transcend the verbal & cognitive states into a deeper level of concentration. Ten virtues  generated. 喜悅無量。定與喜俱時而發,行人深心自慶,內心生喜定等十種功德善法。
10 virtues from 2 nd   Dhyana  二禪十善法 一、定  Samadhi 。 二、空  Empliness 。 三、明淨  Purity 。 四、喜悅 Joy 。 五、快樂 Happiness 。 六、善心生起  Wants To Do Good 。 七、知見 了 Understanding 。 八、無累解脫 Release from Suffering 。九、境界現前 Phenomenon by thought 。十、心調柔軟。 一、定  calm 二、空  Empliness 三、明淨  Clarity 四、喜悅 Joy 五、快樂  Happiness 六、善心生起  Want To Do Good 七、知見明了 Awakening 八、無累解脫 Release from Suffering 九、境界現前 Ability to Predict Phenomenon/Situation 十、心調柔軟 All Rounded and Flexible Mind
4 Steps of the 2 nd   Dhyana  二禪四支功德 3. Contentment  樂支 New levels of refined bliss 甚為快樂。行者享受喜中之樂,恬澹悅怡。 4. Concentration  一心支 Singleness of mind, pure mental concentration 無尋無伺 ,  一心不動。受樂心息,既不緣定內喜樂,又不緣外念思想,是故一心不動。
Summary of the 2 nd   Dhyana  二禪總結 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],The Vajra Prajnà Pàramità Sutra  金剛般若波羅蜜經
Chapter 1 of Diamond Sutra  金剛經第一品 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Chapter 1 of Diamond Sutra  金剛經第一品 ,[object Object],[object Object]
Chapter 2 of Diamond Sutra  金剛經第二品 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Chaper 2 of Diamond Sutra  金剛經第二品 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Blue Cliff Record Case 10: Thieving Phony ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Blue Cliff Record Case 10: Thieving Phony ,[object Object],[object Object]
Case 10 Xuedou’s Verse: Thieving Phony ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Great Matter  佛法的的大意 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Great Matter  佛法的的大意 “ What, ”  said Muzhou,  “ Why not?   “ I ’ m afraid to see him. I hear he ’ s rough with his students. He shouts at them and he beats them with his stick. ”  “ Don ’ t worry about that, ”  said Muzhou.  “ Huangbo is the Master here    and you ’ ve got to get to him. I know, I ’ m his personal attendant. Without meeting with Huangbo you ’ ll never realize anything. I ’ ll tell you what. You go to Huangbo and ask him to tell you what the great matter is. ” 睦州道: “ 何不问堂头和尚(方丈和尚),如何是佛法的的大意(的的大意,指真实究竟之意旨)? ”  在睦州的鼓动下,临济禅师于是前去问黄檗禅师: “ 如何是佛法的的大意? ”   
The Great Matter  佛法的的大意 So next time Huangbo allowed students to come to him. Linji went. He entered the room, made his bows and asked Huangbo about the Great Matter and Huangbo immediately hit him with his stick. So Linji returned to Muzhou and told him what happened. Linji was encouraged once again to go to Huangbo.    话还没有问完,黄檗禅师早已一拄杖打过来。        临济禅师莫明其妙地败下阵来。        睦州见临济禅师垂头丧气的样子,便问: “ 问话作么生? ”       临济禅师道: “ 某甲问声未绝,和尚便打,某甲不会。 ”       睦州道: “ 但更去问。 ”
The Great Matter  佛法的的大意 He went and again was hit. Muzhou encouraged Linji again and again he went to Huangbo the 3 rd  times and again asked his question and again was hit. So Linji told Muzhou that he’s had it enough and was going to leave the monastery and go somewhere where they know how to deal with students. Muzhou said: if you leave, you should tell your master at least. Muzhou told Huangbo: Linji is an unsual talent and about to leave. Please give him some instructions. 于是,临济禅师又去问,黄檗禅师举杖又打。        就这样,临济禅师三度发问,三度遭打。        临济禅师感到非常绝望。他告诉睦州道: “ 早承激劝问法,累蒙和尚赐棒,自恨障缘,不领深旨。今且辞去。 ”       睦州觉得他辞去,挺可惜的,便说道: “ 汝若去,须辞和尚了去。 ”
The Great Matter  佛法的的大意 Next day, Linji went to see Huangbo and told him that he is leaving. Huangbo said: You just need to visit Chan Master Dayu at Gao An. He will give you instructions. Linji went to visit Dayu. Dayu said: where do you come from? Linji: I come from Huangbo. 睦州事先来到黄檗禅师那儿,说道: “ 问话上座,虽是后生,却甚奇特。若来辞,方便接伊。已后为一株大树,覆荫天下人去在。 ”  第二天,临济禅师前来礼辞黄檗禅师。        黄檗禅师于是指点他说: “ 不须他去,只往高安(今江西境内)滩头参大愚(归宗智常禅师之法嗣),必为汝说。 ”       于是临济禅师便来到大愚禅师坐下。        大愚禅师问: “ 甚处来? ”       临济禅师道: “ 黄檗来。 ”
The Great Matter  佛法的的大意 Dayu asked again: Did Huangbo tell you anything? Linji: I went to see him three times and ask him about the Great Matter. But I was hitted three times. I don’t know if I did anything wrong? Dayu said: Huangbo had a such kind heart. He was so concerned about you and tried to help you to understand. So he sent you here to ask me about what is right and what is wrong? Linji immediately got enlightened and said joyfully: Now I know Huangbo ‘s dharma can’t be expressed. 大愚禅师又问: “ 黄檗有何言句? ”       临济禅师道: “ 某甲三度问佛法的的大意,三度被打。不知某甲有过(过错)无过? ”       大愚禅师道: “ 黄檗与么(如此)老婆心切(慈悲心切),为汝得彻困(亦作 “ 彻悃 ” ,诚恳慈悲至极,操心到了极点),更来这里问有过无过? ”  临济禅师一听,言下大悟,惊喜道: “ 元来(原来)黄檗佛法无多子! ”
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Questions and Comments  討論

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20100529 meditation

  • 1. 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍  學佛班 禪坐 入門 Introduction to Chán Meditation 2010/5/29 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple
  • 2. Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽 Namo Sangha
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  • 9. The States of the 2 nd Dhyana 二禪發相 Cultivate Beautiful Mindfulness In the Present Moment The stage of bliss comes from the sublimation (letting go) of the cognitive functions of the mind. There is gradual withdrawal of the cognitive states of mind so that there is only concentration and the affective states of mind.  one must remove all will, all doing and all control. 二禪未發時,於其中間,亦有定法,從此靜坐,加功不已,其心忽然澄淨,無有分散,即是未到地定。 二禪 定生時,喜樂俱發,勇心大悅。故名定生喜樂地。
  • 10. The states of the 2 nd Dhyana 二禪發相 Initial attention is sublimated, which becomes more subtle. Then, the sustained scrutiny is eliminated. In sublimating the initial attention and the sustained thought one further purifies singleness of mind (Samadhi). One's concentration will continue to be in the affective states of joy and contentment without the cognitive functions. Ten Virtues occur. 無尋無伺 , 如此經久,不失不退,定心與喜俱時而發,如人從暗室出,見外邊光明,其心明亮內淨,十種功德俱發,具顯初禪發相。
  • 11. Four Steps in the 2 nd Dhyana 二禪四支功德 1. Inner Purity 內淨支 The applied cognitive thought and the sustained cognitive thought become purified and sublimated. 內心清淨。既離覺觀,依內淨心發定,皎潔分明,無有垢穢。 2. Joy 喜支 Feelings of ecstasy and revelation. One is able to transcend the verbal & cognitive states into a deeper level of concentration. Ten virtues generated. 喜悅無量。定與喜俱時而發,行人深心自慶,內心生喜定等十種功德善法。
  • 12. 10 virtues from 2 nd Dhyana 二禪十善法 一、定 Samadhi 。 二、空 Empliness 。 三、明淨 Purity 。 四、喜悅 Joy 。 五、快樂 Happiness 。 六、善心生起 Wants To Do Good 。 七、知見 了 Understanding 。 八、無累解脫 Release from Suffering 。九、境界現前 Phenomenon by thought 。十、心調柔軟。 一、定 calm 二、空 Empliness 三、明淨 Clarity 四、喜悅 Joy 五、快樂 Happiness 六、善心生起 Want To Do Good 七、知見明了 Awakening 八、無累解脫 Release from Suffering 九、境界現前 Ability to Predict Phenomenon/Situation 十、心調柔軟 All Rounded and Flexible Mind
  • 13. 4 Steps of the 2 nd Dhyana 二禪四支功德 3. Contentment 樂支 New levels of refined bliss 甚為快樂。行者享受喜中之樂,恬澹悅怡。 4. Concentration 一心支 Singleness of mind, pure mental concentration 無尋無伺 , 一心不動。受樂心息,既不緣定內喜樂,又不緣外念思想,是故一心不動。
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  • 24. The Great Matter 佛法的的大意 “ What, ” said Muzhou, “ Why not?   “ I ’ m afraid to see him. I hear he ’ s rough with his students. He shouts at them and he beats them with his stick. ”  “ Don ’ t worry about that, ” said Muzhou. “ Huangbo is the Master here   and you ’ ve got to get to him. I know, I ’ m his personal attendant. Without meeting with Huangbo you ’ ll never realize anything. I ’ ll tell you what. You go to Huangbo and ask him to tell you what the great matter is. ” 睦州道: “ 何不问堂头和尚(方丈和尚),如何是佛法的的大意(的的大意,指真实究竟之意旨)? ” 在睦州的鼓动下,临济禅师于是前去问黄檗禅师: “ 如何是佛法的的大意? ”  
  • 25. The Great Matter 佛法的的大意 So next time Huangbo allowed students to come to him. Linji went. He entered the room, made his bows and asked Huangbo about the Great Matter and Huangbo immediately hit him with his stick. So Linji returned to Muzhou and told him what happened. Linji was encouraged once again to go to Huangbo.   话还没有问完,黄檗禅师早已一拄杖打过来。     临济禅师莫明其妙地败下阵来。     睦州见临济禅师垂头丧气的样子,便问: “ 问话作么生? ”     临济禅师道: “ 某甲问声未绝,和尚便打,某甲不会。 ”     睦州道: “ 但更去问。 ”
  • 26. The Great Matter 佛法的的大意 He went and again was hit. Muzhou encouraged Linji again and again he went to Huangbo the 3 rd times and again asked his question and again was hit. So Linji told Muzhou that he’s had it enough and was going to leave the monastery and go somewhere where they know how to deal with students. Muzhou said: if you leave, you should tell your master at least. Muzhou told Huangbo: Linji is an unsual talent and about to leave. Please give him some instructions. 于是,临济禅师又去问,黄檗禅师举杖又打。     就这样,临济禅师三度发问,三度遭打。     临济禅师感到非常绝望。他告诉睦州道: “ 早承激劝问法,累蒙和尚赐棒,自恨障缘,不领深旨。今且辞去。 ”     睦州觉得他辞去,挺可惜的,便说道: “ 汝若去,须辞和尚了去。 ”
  • 27. The Great Matter 佛法的的大意 Next day, Linji went to see Huangbo and told him that he is leaving. Huangbo said: You just need to visit Chan Master Dayu at Gao An. He will give you instructions. Linji went to visit Dayu. Dayu said: where do you come from? Linji: I come from Huangbo. 睦州事先来到黄檗禅师那儿,说道: “ 问话上座,虽是后生,却甚奇特。若来辞,方便接伊。已后为一株大树,覆荫天下人去在。 ” 第二天,临济禅师前来礼辞黄檗禅师。     黄檗禅师于是指点他说: “ 不须他去,只往高安(今江西境内)滩头参大愚(归宗智常禅师之法嗣),必为汝说。 ”     于是临济禅师便来到大愚禅师坐下。     大愚禅师问: “ 甚处来? ”     临济禅师道: “ 黄檗来。 ”
  • 28. The Great Matter 佛法的的大意 Dayu asked again: Did Huangbo tell you anything? Linji: I went to see him three times and ask him about the Great Matter. But I was hitted three times. I don’t know if I did anything wrong? Dayu said: Huangbo had a such kind heart. He was so concerned about you and tried to help you to understand. So he sent you here to ask me about what is right and what is wrong? Linji immediately got enlightened and said joyfully: Now I know Huangbo ‘s dharma can’t be expressed. 大愚禅师又问: “ 黄檗有何言句? ”     临济禅师道: “ 某甲三度问佛法的的大意,三度被打。不知某甲有过(过错)无过? ”     大愚禅师道: “ 黄檗与么(如此)老婆心切(慈悲心切),为汝得彻困(亦作 “ 彻悃 ” ,诚恳慈悲至极,操心到了极点),更来这里问有过无过? ” 临济禅师一听,言下大悟,惊喜道: “ 元来(原来)黄檗佛法无多子! ”
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