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加拿大佛教會  湛山精舍  學佛班   禪坐 入門  Introduction to  Chán Meditation 2010/4/17 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple
Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó  南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽  Namo Sangha
Prostration - Respect & Sincere  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Prostration – Who is the Worshipper & Worshipped 能禮所禮性空寂  能禮所禮性空寂,感應道交難思議,我此道場如帝珠, 諸佛如來影現中,我身影現如來前,頭面接足歸命禮。
Prostration – Non-Mark, Non-Duality  無相禮  -  實相平等禮 無自無他,凡聖一如,體用不二。禮至無有能禮所禮,能所一如,契入空性,本具的清淨心現前,即是禮敬自性佛,亦是禮佛的最高境界──實相平等禮。
Repentance  禮懺   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Repentance  禮懺   往昔所造諸惡業,皆由無始貪嗔癡,從身語意之所生,一切我今皆懺悔。
Repentance  禮懺   禮八十八佛大懺悔文,大悲懺,地藏懺,三千佛懺,梁皇寶懺,藥師懺…
Repentance  禮懺   若此惡業,有體相者, 盡虛空界,不能容受。 大方廣佛華嚴經普賢行願品
Samatha Vipasyana:  止觀 ,[object Object]
Meditation – 3 adjustments ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Adjust Breathing : 調息 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Counting the Breath  數息  : Anapanasite Sutra - Mindfulness of Breath   yī èr sān sì wŭ liù qī bā jiŭ shí 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Adjust Mind - Enter: 調心  - 入定 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Adjust Mind - Stay: 調心  -  住定 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Adjust Mind - Exit: 調心  -  出定 ,[object Object]
三學  -  3 Prefect Practice Discipline –  Shila : Greed Meditation – Dhyana : Anger Wisdom  -  Prajna : Ignorance ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
三業清淨 Purify 3 Karma ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Meditation  靜坐 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Samatha Vipasyana:  止觀 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Benefits of Meditaton  靜 坐的利益 消除生活壓力 增進身體健康 提昇內在涵養 享有禪悅之樂 斷除貪瞋煩惱 開發般若智慧 明見清淨本性 圓滿菩提道果
Meditation Summary  靜 坐基本方法   (1) 上座──  •安座 •墊臀 •鬆帶 •裹膝 •搖身 •吐氣 •微笑 •行香 •跑香    (2) 座中──        • 調身:  a. 毘盧七支坐法: 1. 盤腿  2. 結印  3. 直脊  4. 平胸  5. 收顎 ( 下巴 ) 6. 舌抵齶 ( 上齒齦 ) 7. 斂目           b. 放鬆:從頭到腳,作放鬆之觀想。        • 調息:  a. 深呼吸:鼻納清氣、口吐濁氣,三至七次。           b. 四種息相: 1. 風:出入有聲──守風則散。  2. 喘:結滯不通──守喘則結。 3. 氣:出入不細──守氣則勞。  4. 息:不聲不結不粗──守息則定。        • 調心:  a. 數呼吸: 1. 數出息。  2. 數入息。 b. 觀呼吸: 1. 觀腹式呼吸。  2. 觀鼻端呼吸。     (3) 下座── •開口吐氣 •搖身 •按摩 •經行
Supporting Practices  靜 坐助修法門 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
台宗二十五方便一覽表 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Meditation FAQ  靜 坐 須知  1 、如何選擇禪坐環境與設備?     (1) 環境: a. 避免干擾  b. 空氣流通  c. 光線適中  d. 自然清淨     (2) 坐墊: a. 柔軟耐久  b. 小座墊高低適中 (3) 衣物: a. 寬鬆衣服  b. 護膝毛巾  2 、那些是禪坐應避免的事項?     (1) 勿當風  (2) 勿有靠  (3) 勿飯後  (4) 勿過疲勞 激烈運動之後  3 、初學禪坐之要求?     (1) 坐時要求: a. 定時定課  b. 坐姿要求  c. 心得記錄  d. 持之以恒     (2) 平時修養: a. 起居有時  b. 飲食有節  c. 工作有量  d. 運動有恆            e. 止惡行善  f. 慈悲待人  g. 不邪酒色  h. 深信因果
A Grain of Rice  粟米 Xue Feng, teaching his community, said:  Pick up the whole great earth in your fingers and it’s as big as a grain of rice.  I throw it down before you.  It's in a black lacquer bucket.  You can‘t find it anywhere.  Beat the drum.  Call everyone to look for it. 举雪峰示众云:“尽大地撮来如粟米粒大,抛向面前,漆桶不会,打鼓普请看。”
The ox head disappears; a horse head emerges.  In the mirror of Cao Xi there‘s absolutely no dust. He beats the drum for you to come and look, but you don’t see. When spring arrives, for whom do the hundred flowers bloom? 牛头没,马头回,曹溪镜里绝尘埃。 打鼓看来君不见,百花春至为谁开? A Grain of Rice  粟米
Xuefeng and Yantou on Pilgrimage Xuefeng was on a pilgrimage with his brother student Yantou. They stayed at an inn during a snowstorm. Xuefeng spent his time meditating and studying. Yantou relaxed and slept all the time.  One day, Xuefeng could not stand for this any more and said: “Brother, Brother, you should get up now.” Yantou said: “To do what?” 义存禅师与师兄岩头全奯禅师外出,至澧州鳌山镇,被大雪所阻,住在一个野店里,进退不得。岩头禅师每天只管睡觉,而义存禅师却一直坚持坐禅。有一天,义存禅师实在看不过去,便喊岩头禅师道:“师兄!师兄!且起来。” 岩头禅师道:“作甚么?”
Xuefeng: This is very inconvenient to travel on pilgrimage with you. You disturb me and give me troubles. Today, we are here. You spend all the time lazing around. (Why don’t you meditate and study? What kind of a monk are you?) Yantou shouted: Chuang! what’s wrong with you? Sitting upright every day like that. You remind me of one of the painted-up clay idols in many villages. Also, are you thinking about women every days? Why do you spend so much time in idle meditation? (Do you actually get something out of it? What do you learn about yourself? ) 义存禅师道:“今生不著便,共文邃个(这)汉行脚,到处被他带累。今日到此,又只管打睡。岩头禅师喝道:“噇!眠去!每日床上坐,恰似七村里土地,他时后日魔魅人家男女去在。”
Xuefeng pointed to his chest: Well, now that you mention it, my mind races around like a windmill. I am not proud of myself.  Yantou: Don’t say that. I can tell that you will be teaching Buddhism at the summit of solitary mountain.” Xuefeng: My mind is not yet at rest. I don’t know if I know anything at all about the teachings. Do you think I know anything or not?  Yantou: Bring out what you know. I will let you know which one you should get rid of. 义存禅师指着自己的胸口,解释道:“我这里未稳在,不敢自谩。” 岩头禅师道:“我将谓你他日向孤峰顶上盘结草庵,播扬大教,犹作这个语话!” 义存禅师又重复道:“我实在未稳在。” 岩头禅师道:“你若实如此,据你见处,一一通来。是处与你证明,不是处与你铲却 。
Xuefeng: I arrived at Yanguan and heard about emptiness and form talks. I understood and got an entry point. Yantou: It was 30 years ago. Don’t mention that. Xuefeng: I saw a poem in Dongshan : “Don’t find that truth from your shadow. It is only a reflection on water. It is you but you are not it.” Yantou: Still, it is not an ultimate way. 义存禅师道:“我初到盐官(齐安国师),见上堂举色空义,得个入处。” 岩头禅师道:“此去三十年,切忌举著。” 义存禅师接着道:“又见洞山过水偈曰:‘切忌从他觅,迢迢与我疏。渠今正是我,我今不是渠。’”  岩头禅师道:“若与么,自救也未彻在。”
Xuefeng: One day, I asked Te-shan: “Do I have the quality of attaining Mahayana?” Teshan staggered up and striked me a blow:  "What are you saying?" I had an insight at that time When Te-shan hit me, it was like a bottom falling out of a bucket. Yantou gave a great shout, "KAH!" (he was known for his shout) and said, "Haven't you heard it said that what comes in through the gate is not the family treasure. " 义存禅师又道:“后问德山:从上宗乘中事,学人还有分也无?德山打一棒,曰:道甚么!我当时如桶底脱相似。”  岩头禅师突然大声喝道:“你不闻道,从门入者不是家珍?”
Xuefeng: Then, what should I do? Yantou: If you want to spread Buddhism, they have to come from your heart. Then you will cover heaven and earth with them.  With these words, Xuefeng got enlightened. He stood up and bowed. He said: my brother, Today is the day of achieving Ao-shan supreme way.  义存禅师接着问道:“他后如何即是(既然上面所讲都不是,那么,我以后如何做即是)?” 岩头禅师道:“他后若欲播扬大教,一一从自己胸襟流出,将来与我盖天盖地去。”  义存禅师一听,豁然大悟,便起座作礼,连声叫道:“师兄,今日始是鳌山成道!”    
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Questions and Comments  討論

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20100417 meditation

  • 1. 加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍  學佛班 禪坐 入門 Introduction to Chán Meditation 2010/4/17 Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple
  • 2. Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple ná mó fó tuó 南 無 佛 陀 Namo Buddha ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩 Namo Dharma ná mó sēng qié 南 無 僧 伽 Namo Sangha
  • 3.
  • 4. Prostration – Who is the Worshipper & Worshipped 能禮所禮性空寂 能禮所禮性空寂,感應道交難思議,我此道場如帝珠, 諸佛如來影現中,我身影現如來前,頭面接足歸命禮。
  • 5. Prostration – Non-Mark, Non-Duality 無相禮 - 實相平等禮 無自無他,凡聖一如,體用不二。禮至無有能禮所禮,能所一如,契入空性,本具的清淨心現前,即是禮敬自性佛,亦是禮佛的最高境界──實相平等禮。
  • 6.
  • 7. Repentance 禮懺 往昔所造諸惡業,皆由無始貪嗔癡,從身語意之所生,一切我今皆懺悔。
  • 8. Repentance 禮懺 禮八十八佛大懺悔文,大悲懺,地藏懺,三千佛懺,梁皇寶懺,藥師懺…
  • 9. Repentance 禮懺 若此惡業,有體相者, 盡虛空界,不能容受。 大方廣佛華嚴經普賢行願品
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  • 13. Counting the Breath 數息 : Anapanasite Sutra - Mindfulness of Breath yī èr sān sì wŭ liù qī bā jiŭ shí 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
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  • 21. Benefits of Meditaton 靜 坐的利益 消除生活壓力 增進身體健康 提昇內在涵養 享有禪悅之樂 斷除貪瞋煩惱 開發般若智慧 明見清淨本性 圓滿菩提道果
  • 22. Meditation Summary 靜 坐基本方法 (1) 上座── •安座 •墊臀 •鬆帶 •裹膝 •搖身 •吐氣 •微笑 •行香 •跑香    (2) 座中──        • 調身: a. 毘盧七支坐法: 1. 盤腿 2. 結印 3. 直脊 4. 平胸 5. 收顎 ( 下巴 ) 6. 舌抵齶 ( 上齒齦 ) 7. 斂目           b. 放鬆:從頭到腳,作放鬆之觀想。        • 調息: a. 深呼吸:鼻納清氣、口吐濁氣,三至七次。           b. 四種息相: 1. 風:出入有聲──守風則散。 2. 喘:結滯不通──守喘則結。 3. 氣:出入不細──守氣則勞。 4. 息:不聲不結不粗──守息則定。        • 調心: a. 數呼吸: 1. 數出息。 2. 數入息。 b. 觀呼吸: 1. 觀腹式呼吸。 2. 觀鼻端呼吸。     (3) 下座── •開口吐氣 •搖身 •按摩 •經行
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  • 25. Meditation FAQ 靜 坐 須知 1 、如何選擇禪坐環境與設備?     (1) 環境: a. 避免干擾 b. 空氣流通 c. 光線適中 d. 自然清淨     (2) 坐墊: a. 柔軟耐久 b. 小座墊高低適中 (3) 衣物: a. 寬鬆衣服 b. 護膝毛巾 2 、那些是禪坐應避免的事項?     (1) 勿當風 (2) 勿有靠 (3) 勿飯後 (4) 勿過疲勞 激烈運動之後 3 、初學禪坐之要求?     (1) 坐時要求: a. 定時定課 b. 坐姿要求 c. 心得記錄 d. 持之以恒     (2) 平時修養: a. 起居有時 b. 飲食有節 c. 工作有量 d. 運動有恆           e. 止惡行善 f. 慈悲待人 g. 不邪酒色 h. 深信因果
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  • 27. A Grain of Rice 粟米 Xue Feng, teaching his community, said: Pick up the whole great earth in your fingers and it’s as big as a grain of rice. I throw it down before you. It's in a black lacquer bucket. You can‘t find it anywhere. Beat the drum. Call everyone to look for it. 举雪峰示众云:“尽大地撮来如粟米粒大,抛向面前,漆桶不会,打鼓普请看。”
  • 28. The ox head disappears; a horse head emerges. In the mirror of Cao Xi there‘s absolutely no dust. He beats the drum for you to come and look, but you don’t see. When spring arrives, for whom do the hundred flowers bloom? 牛头没,马头回,曹溪镜里绝尘埃。 打鼓看来君不见,百花春至为谁开? A Grain of Rice 粟米
  • 29. Xuefeng and Yantou on Pilgrimage Xuefeng was on a pilgrimage with his brother student Yantou. They stayed at an inn during a snowstorm. Xuefeng spent his time meditating and studying. Yantou relaxed and slept all the time. One day, Xuefeng could not stand for this any more and said: “Brother, Brother, you should get up now.” Yantou said: “To do what?” 义存禅师与师兄岩头全奯禅师外出,至澧州鳌山镇,被大雪所阻,住在一个野店里,进退不得。岩头禅师每天只管睡觉,而义存禅师却一直坚持坐禅。有一天,义存禅师实在看不过去,便喊岩头禅师道:“师兄!师兄!且起来。” 岩头禅师道:“作甚么?”
  • 30. Xuefeng: This is very inconvenient to travel on pilgrimage with you. You disturb me and give me troubles. Today, we are here. You spend all the time lazing around. (Why don’t you meditate and study? What kind of a monk are you?) Yantou shouted: Chuang! what’s wrong with you? Sitting upright every day like that. You remind me of one of the painted-up clay idols in many villages. Also, are you thinking about women every days? Why do you spend so much time in idle meditation? (Do you actually get something out of it? What do you learn about yourself? ) 义存禅师道:“今生不著便,共文邃个(这)汉行脚,到处被他带累。今日到此,又只管打睡。岩头禅师喝道:“噇!眠去!每日床上坐,恰似七村里土地,他时后日魔魅人家男女去在。”
  • 31. Xuefeng pointed to his chest: Well, now that you mention it, my mind races around like a windmill. I am not proud of myself. Yantou: Don’t say that. I can tell that you will be teaching Buddhism at the summit of solitary mountain.” Xuefeng: My mind is not yet at rest. I don’t know if I know anything at all about the teachings. Do you think I know anything or not? Yantou: Bring out what you know. I will let you know which one you should get rid of. 义存禅师指着自己的胸口,解释道:“我这里未稳在,不敢自谩。” 岩头禅师道:“我将谓你他日向孤峰顶上盘结草庵,播扬大教,犹作这个语话!” 义存禅师又重复道:“我实在未稳在。” 岩头禅师道:“你若实如此,据你见处,一一通来。是处与你证明,不是处与你铲却 。
  • 32. Xuefeng: I arrived at Yanguan and heard about emptiness and form talks. I understood and got an entry point. Yantou: It was 30 years ago. Don’t mention that. Xuefeng: I saw a poem in Dongshan : “Don’t find that truth from your shadow. It is only a reflection on water. It is you but you are not it.” Yantou: Still, it is not an ultimate way. 义存禅师道:“我初到盐官(齐安国师),见上堂举色空义,得个入处。” 岩头禅师道:“此去三十年,切忌举著。” 义存禅师接着道:“又见洞山过水偈曰:‘切忌从他觅,迢迢与我疏。渠今正是我,我今不是渠。’” 岩头禅师道:“若与么,自救也未彻在。”
  • 33. Xuefeng: One day, I asked Te-shan: “Do I have the quality of attaining Mahayana?” Teshan staggered up and striked me a blow: "What are you saying?" I had an insight at that time When Te-shan hit me, it was like a bottom falling out of a bucket. Yantou gave a great shout, "KAH!" (he was known for his shout) and said, "Haven't you heard it said that what comes in through the gate is not the family treasure. " 义存禅师又道:“后问德山:从上宗乘中事,学人还有分也无?德山打一棒,曰:道甚么!我当时如桶底脱相似。” 岩头禅师突然大声喝道:“你不闻道,从门入者不是家珍?”
  • 34. Xuefeng: Then, what should I do? Yantou: If you want to spread Buddhism, they have to come from your heart. Then you will cover heaven and earth with them. With these words, Xuefeng got enlightened. He stood up and bowed. He said: my brother, Today is the day of achieving Ao-shan supreme way. 义存禅师接着问道:“他后如何即是(既然上面所讲都不是,那么,我以后如何做即是)?” 岩头禅师道:“他后若欲播扬大教,一一从自己胸襟流出,将来与我盖天盖地去。” 义存禅师一听,豁然大悟,便起座作礼,连声叫道:“师兄,今日始是鳌山成道!”   
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