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Cenegenics Patient Reviews : Remarkable Results
The Cenegenics approach works—just ask our patients. They are excited about becoming
fitter, more vibrant and healthier while enjoying more physical and sexual energy. With consent,
we proudly present excerpts of some emails and letters patients have submitted, discussing
personal results as well as our therapies, approach and professional team.
Cenegenics Program & Remarkable Results
G. S., Vacaville, CA writes . . . I cannot overstate how grateful I am for your efforts to help me
become healthier and more vibrant. I was in such a low place, feeling lost and hopeless about
what I could do to ever feel strong and get to a healthy weight again. I was not kidding when I
told you the other day that you have given me the keys to use that will save my life! I’m losing
weight, feeling stronger . . . knowing what I need to do and who to go to when I have questions
is such a huge emotional relief. I no longer feel the despair and frustration about how my life
was going. You are directly responsible for that change, and I cannot put into words how
important that is to me!
J. A., Tucson, AZ relates . . . I lost 20 pounds with relative ease and maintained my strength. I
can't tell you how much Cenegenics has meant to my overall well-being. Thanks so much for
your help.
P.R., Nahant, MA says . . .I feel like a new woman. I cannot believe how much better I feel. Do
you know the past two weeks are the first time in three years I’ve not had a blasting headache at
4 pm? No more Valium to sleep—I’m doing it on my own, and not only that, but I’m waking up
naturally after eight hours or so. I was squished into a size 16 and now am in a loose 12. And I
have no cravings. I feel human again and together.
M. B., Las Vegas, NV tells us . . . My trousers are starting to fit better and although I haven’t
noted any significant weight loss, my belt is moving to the next hole and people have commented
that I do not look as bloated.
K.K. from PA shares this . . . My body composition has changed dramatically. So much so, I
have had to buy a new wardrobe! (As you can imagine, I was so disappointed to give up my “fat
pants.) I haven’t been this lean in 20 years and it feels great! My wife is very happy as well . . .
wink wink.
My energy levels are high and given the tremendous levels of stress I am under at work, I
honestly don’t think I could handle it had I not started this program. People I don’t see very
often are astounded at the change in my appearance, and my friends and co-workers have all
commented on how vital and bright I appear in contrast to the tired and haggard “me” they had
grown accustomed to. So thank you, it’s great to feel alive again!
S. W., Scottsdale, AZ confides . . .The comments and compliments I get are beyond
belief! This is a life endeavor and is not ego-motivated. It’s actually quite flattering considering
this is something I do for my well-being. My weight is down between 20 and 22 pounds. My
muscle mass has not suffered as evidenced by the fact that my weight training strength continues
to progress. My energy levels are excellent and unless I’ve put myself in a situation where
healthy food is not available (this is very rare), I’m never hungry.
When I’m frequently asked about the “diet” I’m on, my response is that I’m not on a diet. As a
matter of fact, I can’t say I have those times when someone is dieting (on one of those roller-
coaster diets) and their blood sugar is low, they’re ravenously hungry and foraging for
something to get them through to their next meal. When asked how much weight do I intend to
lose or how long I intend to diet, my response is that I expect to eat this way forever and that it’s
P. S., Napa Valley, CA writes . . . Thank you! I am looking and feeling younger every day.
Really, I can’t thank you enough. I tell all my friends. People are starting to ask me what I’m
doing . . . bless you!
C.C., Bonita Springs, FL tells us . . .There are no words to describe my satisfaction with the
whole program, I feel soooooo good, I have lots of energy, I am eating well and exercising 6
days a week, my personal trainer is with me twice a week, I can already see results and it's very
D. K., Huntsville, AL said . . . I just wanted to send you a short note thanking you for the vast
overall improvement I have made since starting on your program. My energy levels
have increased dramatically. My moods are more consistent, I think clearer and am much more
focused. I am sleeping better and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and in a good mood.
I just finished a huge project that was very demanding and never ran short of energy or felt that I
could not handle the workload. Previous to being on the Cenegenics program, this would not
have been the case. Thanks for making my life more enjoyable and for giving me a new lease on
A. L., Milwaukee, WI shares this . . . I’m back from another one of my excellent adventures, this
time to Peru . . .following the Inca Trail from Cusco to Machu Picchu. We hiked up Wyna Picchu
one morning, steep and nasty at some points . . . My strength and recovery training served me
well. My first assent into Machu Picchu from Agua Caliente was challenging. The tour
organizer only allowed three of us to make the climb taking the rest of the group up by bus. I
was amazed not to be sore at all the next day, fully recovered. It was a good thing because a
small group of us climbed Wyna Picchu the next morning before breakfast. Never throughout
the whole trip did I feel exhausted or run down.
So next up for me is Aspen, then I’ll dive the Galapagos for seven days off the Lamer Law,
followed by several days in the Peruvian rainforest at the mouth of the Amazon River. There is a
chance I may go to Africa late next year. And I’m working with an expedition organizer to dive
the Antarctic in 2009. Diving the Antarctic is a long time dream of mine. I’ve dived with the
Antarctic humpback whales in Tonga in the dead of their winter. This would be a chance to
catch them on the other end of their migration path, the Antarctic in midsummer. I would like to
thank Cenegenics for your continued support helping me achieve my dreams.
P.T., Cape Girardeau, MO states . . . I had a follow-up electrocardiogram last week. My
cardiac ejection fraction before Cenegenics Medical Institute therapies was 30%. Now after
three months on my Cenegenics program, it is now 55%, and my cardiac study was normal. The
electro-physiologist told me "to keep doing what ever you are doing." I intend to do that. I am
stronger than ever before and keeping up with my 7-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son.
D. C. B., Jr., Nashville, TN says . . . Not to be silly, but from the day I came to see you my life
has dramatically changed. I was very unhappy with myself . . . Yesterday, I received a note from
a lady in our church choir, wanting to know what I have done, and asking if I would talk with her
son about diet and fitness.
For some time, I have thought about retiring (again). As an interim step, I have accepted the
presidency of Ronald McDonald Charities. Because of the new Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital,
we are going to have to raise $7 -$10 million . . . I only share this with you so that you know how
important and far-reaching your practice has become. You have helped refocus my life and I
appreciate it. Often, we don't know how many lives we have impacted.
G.H., Las Vegas, NV writes . . . I cannot believe after one month on the program how great I
feel . . . [which was] further confirmed by my local physician who could not believe the weight
loss and my general mood. She noted that I had lost 12 pounds and advised me to totally drop
[the medication for] mild depression I had been taking for three years. I am beyond impressed
at my libido, my energy and my enthusiasm for each day. Thank you, Cenegenics, for showing
me the way!
J. M., San Diego, CA says . . . I have successfully completed my first two weeks of my new
diet/lifestyle . . . I feel better too--less bloated, lighter feeling, more energy—my afternoon siestas
are no longer required. You have no idea how helpful you were in passing along the literature
on diabetes—specific recipes and general information. Thank you. I have also attached my first
week’s results from my exercise program . . .I actually ran one complete mile yesterday—that
has not happened in a LONG time; it felt good to move/glide through space again. It is very
exciting to be feeling better and stronger.
D. E., Boulder City, NV expresses . . . My primary goal in coming to Cenegenics was to
improve my cycling performance. Since meeting with you I have strictly followed your nutritional
guidelines with a few exceptions. Something I noticed right away was that I didn't suffer from
the almost daily 3-4 pm afternoon crash. I get typically six hours of sleep during the week. I am
an early riser and would constantly suffer during my afternoon drive home just to keep my eyes
open. I always attributed this to the amount of sleep I was getting never considering it could be
related to diet. After four weeks I haven't suffered a single afternoon trying to stay awake. This
alone was worth my visit. I don't feel as if I am a menace on the roadways during the afternoon.
Since our meeting I have felt strong during my training rides. Last weekend was my first race
since implementing the program. It was a four-stage race held in the Brian Head, Utah area.
This race is one of the more demanding due to it being raced at altitudes above 10,000 feet with
long steep mountain grades. I had one of my best performances ever during the most difficult
stage on Sunday. I completely dominated and controlled the pace of the peloton. To say the least
I was very pleased.
J. E., Las Vegas, NV tells us . . . The Patient Services team is truly five-star. I have totally
embraced the complete Cenegenics program. My exercise and diet have changed dramatically,
and it is easy to stick to when you see the results. I am seeing dramatic results. I have lost 2
inches of abdominal fat, from a 36" waist to a 34" waist in only the first 6 weeks. No matter what
I did, for the last 6 years I wasn't able to lose the fat. I remember asking my doctor last year
about the abdominal fat and his answer was "well you are over 50"! Not the answer I wanted to
hear. I am extremely happy with all the results both mentally and physically. My Cenegenics
physician is a fantastic doctor in all aspects. My wife is so impressed with my progress; she will
probably make an appointment. Cenegenics works.
G. H., Las Vegas, NV shares this . . . I cannot believe after one month on the program how
great I feel. This was further confirmed by my local physician who could not believe the weight
loss and my general mood. After consultation with my local physician, she noted that I had lost
12 pounds and she further advised me to totally drop the [medication] for mild depression that I
had been taking for three years. I am beyond impressed at my libido, my energy, and my
enthusiasm for each day. Thank you Cenegenics for showing me the way!
K. J., Wenatchee, WA confides . . . The baseline evaluation done at Cenegenics - Las Vegas
underscored the need for hormone modulation with my percentage of body fat being almost 25%
and my bone density low. The lowest area measured was the lumbar spine with a T. score of -2.3
and Z. score of -1.9. After about 20 months of hormone optimization and improved diet, the new
scan showed my body fat down to 17.3% and my L1-L4 density to have increased to a T. score of
-1.6 and a Z. score of -1.2.
This program has been truly life altering especially when taken together with the early diagnosis
of my hereditary hemochromatosis, found during the initial screening blood work for the
Executive Health Evaluation. Thanks and best wishes.
M. B., Las Vegas, NV writes . . . Just a quick update, I have been on my meds for exactly two
weeks now and I can feel it starting to work. My trousers are starting to fit better and although I
haven't noted any significant weight loss, my belt is moving to the next hole and people have
commented that I do not look as bloated.
C.C., New Canaan, CT says . . . I am absolutely thrilled with the results I'm getting under
your care and guidance. As you know, before I started I was already on the Paleo diet and was
exercising regularly with a trainer. However, I had reached a plateau and could not get any
further no matter how hard I tried. After you did my preliminary analysis, you told me why I
wasn't making progress and exactly what I needed to do about it. That was, as I recall, in March.
It's now August and my family and friends don't recognize me. I've lost at least 35 pounds of fat
and added about 7 pounds of muscle.
My boys, who are all active participants in team sports at school and avid weight lifters, are
stunned by my progress. I'll be 60 in February and I can bench with them pound for pound.
These are all 6 footers plus, who are all near 200 pounds. I'm told by everyone that I look like
I'm in my mid-40s! But appearance is only one aspect of the transformation. I've got energy to
burn. I can run like I did when I was a boy. Not just distance, but I can sprint hard and fast. I'm
happy and confident all of the time.
And as far as the fair sex is concerned, I can only say the effects are unbelievable. If I went into
details, I'm quite certain you'd think I was wildly exaggerating. Fortunately, it's all true. I'd be
happy to speak personally with any skeptics. This is for real. I've got a whole new lease on life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
S.M., Las Vegas, NV tells us . . . Within a few days after the evaluation day and prescribed
changes in my food habits, my body began feeling lighter, my mind clearer than ever before and
my retention improved in great measure. All of these have added new dimensions to my work and
life. Unbelievably, I'm like a new person and I don't have the extreme cravings for smoking, and
I have an entirely new frame of mind. These results impressed me enough to take the time to
write this. Thanks to you and your staff for this new world of mine.
S.E., Sarasota, FL shares . . . Just a note to thank each of you for the valuable and enriching
experience I had with you and the Cenegenics team yesterday . . . I wanted to express to you how
impressed I was with the informative and caring way in which you approached my
medical/wellness situation. I appreciate your unvarnished recommendations and
characterization of my choices. I want to be one of the patients who keeps living the lifestyle,
rather than one who goes back to old ways after realizing they’ve survived. I enjoyed my
Cenegenics physician’s academic as well as intuitive manner of listening, researching,
examining, educating and prognosticating on my health and wellness issues. I look forward to
working with you. Thank you all again for your professional services.
Diana A. Valdes, NY writes… Hello there- I am an extremely busy person as you can
imagine. Do want to share with you that I am extremely happy with Cenegenics and Dr.
Shapiro. He has literally saved my life. I was a size 18 when I first saw him - I am a size 8
now. I go to bed at 9 wake up at 4 and at the gym at 4:30 AM. I have taken all the information
given to me by Cenegenics and Dr. Shapiro and taken it to another level. People are amazed by
me and I have already given about 5 talks about my experience with Cenegenics. Seeing
however, is not always believing, because I am a nurse I understood the science behind age
management. I was tough on Dr. Shapiro at first because I wanted so many questions answered
and once he answered them in detail I understood - it was like this freaky paradigm shift. I want
to thank this organization and Dr. Shapiro for touching my life in a way that I could never have
imagined. When I first met him I felt that I was dying and I was, my physiological numbers were
off, I was fat, I was tired, I was diabetic, I had osteopenia, I had and I had everything that said
DEATH and now I have nothing but my health and my life!!!! Everything has been reversed I
feel like I am 18 years old. Thank you-Diana A. Valdes
Michael S. Howl, D.D.S, Tulsa, OK writes… Thank you for the opportunity to submit my
photos and information for your new commercial. My name is Dr. Michael Howl and I am a 62-
year old dentist from Tulsa Oklahoma. I have been in the Cenegenics program since January of
2012. When I began the program, I was 19% body fat. I went to the gym regularly, but never saw
any results. The first 6 months I dropped 21 pounds of fat, and put on 17 pounds of muscle and
was at 5.3% body fat. I maintain about a 7% body fat, and I have traded my afternoon naps for
afternoon workouts. My life as a fast food junky ceased and I now follow Cenegenics dietary
recommendations. Cenegenics gave me the blueprint and the tools to make significant changes in
my life. I am nbow in the best shape I have ever been in. I am constantly getting positive
affirmation from both friends and strangers. The change has been so dramatic that my father
once told me he thought I photoshopped my head on someone else’s body. I could go on and on
about all the positives, but I will keep this concise as I am sure you are inundated with
applications. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have or information
you might need. I appreciate your consideration and hope to hear from you.
John A. Holleman, AK Writes… To whom it may concern:
When I decided to participate in the Cenegenics Program I was 74 years old, weighed 190
pounds at 5’9″ and while not depressed, I was resigned to a limited outdoor experience for the
future. I had back surgery on four discs several years back and within the last two years had
rotator cuff and knee surgery, as well as a pacemaker implant.
My commitment was serious as the program requires nutrition and exercise commitments, as
well as medication and supplement regimens with recurring blood test and follow up by the
doctor. I had never been in a gym so the exercise training was new.
At age 75 I have lost 20 pounds, 3 1/2 inches in the waste with corresponding increase in energy
level and strength. I surprisingly went through last winter with no colds. Other than having to
buy new clothes, the total experience has been excellent. I feel my life span has increased but
even more important, the quality of my life has been enhanced, I can do things I had considered
lost in the aging process. My balance was so bad I could not stand on 1 foot and now I feel
comfortable walking a log in the woods that I love.
I look forward to my test comparisons in my one-year check up.
Scott Lane, AK Writes… First, a big thank you!
Let me start by saying I’m not usually the type of guy who feels the need to share my experience
with others. However, the intent of this letter is just that, and to also personally thank you.
Please share this letter as you see fit and with as many as possible
I first met you by the chance of a Google search, by typing “Fishing in Alaska” that resulted in
All Alaska Outdoor Lodge, your lodge, and again by a chance conversation while fishing from
the pontoon of your float plane on Crescent Lake. The topic of dietary supplements came up and
I quickly realized that you have a passion, not only for the science, but also to explain health
related issues to people in a way they can relate to and understand. This was four years ago and
three years ago I returned to your lodge and after a day of fishing. I attended a short Cenegenics
seminar you held at your Lodge. I’m thinking that was sometime in August 2014 and it all made
Two years ago on April 13th, 2015, I met you in Las Vegas for a physical and extremely
thorough health assessment, and signed up for the Cenegenics program. If I recall correctly,
these are my stats then and now. I have also added a current picture. Please compare with the
ones you have on file from April 13, 2015.
April 13 2015 April 2017
Weight 214 lb 176 lb
Body fat 33.4% 18.9%
Blood Pressure l38.”84 1063‘72
VO2 27.70 48.30
Waist 40″ 35″
These are just a few of the obvious physical changes over the last two years.
However the biggest and most positive changes has been more mental. I would even describe it
as being like a religious experience in regards to the improvement in overall attitude and
mindfulness. 1 now have a clarity of thought and recall that is recognized by both family and co-
workers. My stamina is equaled to my 24 year old son. When I go to bed, I immediately fall to
sleep and awake totally rested and alert as well as excited to get the day started.
This positive change in my attitude, mind, and physical condition has had an even more
unexpected positive effect on my life. I’m now open and willing to take on more new tasks and
responsibility than before starting your program. As a construction manager for a large
company, the Cenegenics Program has led to one of my best financial years to date. Basically,
I’m now jumping at opportunities I would not have been interested in the past.
This program has also had a positive impact on my family and friends at all levels. My family is
now more aware of eating and health issues and we are all seeing the effects. Even my 24 year
old son, after seeing my results and just from what little time he spent around you and
understanding the basics of your teaching, has reduced his weight from 230 pounds to a very
healthy looking 185 pounds.
Bob, the bottom line is, I could go on and on in detail on the positive effects you and the
Cenegenics program has had on not only me, but others around me. With that being said this
brings me back to my intent of this letter.
Please, I am asking you to, and you have my permission to share my experience and my before
and after stats and pics with as many as possible.
Thank you.
Scott Lane. A satisfied patient
Wayne Powell, UT Writes… A lot of people can say that Cenegenics has made them feel a lot
better, I truly believe that Cenegenics has saved my life. It’s just amazing the attention that I’ve
gotten from the doctor that I’ve seen at Cenegenics… I’ve never experienced anything like it.
They want to see me improve and the doctors at Cenegenics were truly amazing. I would whole
heartedly recommend them… because Cenegenics has changed my life.
Cenegenics Approach & Professional Staff
B. A., Sierra Vista, AZ writes . . .Having been a patient in many and varied medical facilities
worldwide over 40 plus years. I can state that the professional attention to detail of patient
concern and information and encouragement is unmatched.
M. K, MD, Ashland, KY says. . . It was the most comprehensive evaluation of my health status
that I’ve ever experienced.
G. S., Vacaville, CA shares this . . .Thanks for all of the things you are doing to help me and my
family get and stay healthy. I bought a jump rope today and will begin using it tomorrow
morning. I plan on being significantly lighter next time I see you. I believe that you have created
a very capable and professional staff of people who have always treated me with professional
kindness and efficiency. I feel very privileged to be able to be a part of your operation.
J.C., Las Vegas, NV tells us . . . Due to the medical expertise of the Cenegenics
I am an active participant in the physical and mental aspects of my development
al age process. Because of the
many beneficial changes I have undergone through this mutual effort, I
chose to participate in numerous media interviews e.g., 60 Minutes. In every
instance, I was asked the same question: “How has your life changed?" My response was
this: “Simply because I
am doing this interview with you is testimony of my renewed physical and menta
l vigor. It also demonstrates my desire to become fully
socially involved in life at age 75. Furthermore, it indicates my abundant
motivational energy in urging others around the world to become an “active
participant” in such a program. Thank you, Cenegenics.
C. J., Henderson, NV writes . . . I am truly amazed at the sincere approach you have in helping
me make some tough life decisions and changes. When I was at your facility, I felt a strong
sense of caring from you and all your staff that I have never felt from any other medical facility
since my angioplasty, two years ago.
Everything about Cenegenics is so amazingly refreshing and different from the normal apathetic
approach to medicine. I had almost lost my faith in the medical practice before I happened to
see your ad in the newspaper . . . I was surprised at the speedy response I received . . . [a
Cenegenics physician] and I talked for quite a long while, which never happens anywhere
Your assistants were marvelous . . . friendly and sincere. They did a great job helping me feel
comfortable in my room and serving an excellent tasty light lunch. My nutritionist helped map
out the direction that I will be going and made sure I understood why these changes were
necessary. She truly knows her stuff and has a great way about her delivery . . .
In this world, where people have become so disconnected from each other and no one or nothing
truly has any value. I have come to a deep understanding that quality people should be
recognized. You and your staff are the best in the business and certainly worth every penny.
D. S., Rockport, ME says . . . I wanted to thank you for a great day at Cenegenics. I’ve told a
number of friends about it and recommended it to them. I have also raved about the quality of
the staff, the time people spent with me and the overall ambiance and friendliness. It is truly a
first class operation, as well as a good business model, which as a businessperson I respect.
J. F. Ranhofer, Valencia, CA shared this . . . I am a new patient of your clinic. I visited your
Las Vegas facility . . . for the initial evaluation. I was quite impressed with everyone that I came
in contact with that day . . . I completed your evaluation form while I was there, but I wanted to
"go the extra mile" and personally apprise you of the very positive experience I had. As the
president of a service company (tax-free money management) as well, I am aware of how
difficult it can be to have a staff that is professional, friendly, knowledgeable and well trained. I
had participated in another clinic’s program and the difference as the cliché states was night
and day. I thought you would like to know.
J. V. Jr., Painesville, OH had this to say . . . I appreciate the high level of care and service that
I have received and continue to receive from you since I started the Cenegenics program. You
have always made yourself accessible and have responded immediately to any problems or
questions I have had. You have set a new standard of care that I have not seen from any of my
local doctors. Thanks again to you and your staff for all the support!
J. M., Kula, HI writes . . . I would like to thank you for such a wonderful time
with you and your staff. I [am] looking forward to all the great results. This
morning I have starting talking with my parents about your services and will
continue to do so. I feel they can both benefit greatly for it . . . [The Cenegenics
physician] was very nice and took the time to hear what I had to say and also
gave me some important information. The staff was helpful and kind. I look
forward to working with you . . . and your staff. Mahalo, that means, “thank

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Cenegenics Client Reviews

  • 1. Cenegenics Patient Reviews : Remarkable Results The Cenegenics approach works—just ask our patients. They are excited about becoming fitter, more vibrant and healthier while enjoying more physical and sexual energy. With consent, we proudly present excerpts of some emails and letters patients have submitted, discussing personal results as well as our therapies, approach and professional team. Cenegenics Program & Remarkable Results G. S., Vacaville, CA writes . . . I cannot overstate how grateful I am for your efforts to help me become healthier and more vibrant. I was in such a low place, feeling lost and hopeless about what I could do to ever feel strong and get to a healthy weight again. I was not kidding when I told you the other day that you have given me the keys to use that will save my life! I’m losing weight, feeling stronger . . . knowing what I need to do and who to go to when I have questions is such a huge emotional relief. I no longer feel the despair and frustration about how my life was going. You are directly responsible for that change, and I cannot put into words how important that is to me! J. A., Tucson, AZ relates . . . I lost 20 pounds with relative ease and maintained my strength. I can't tell you how much Cenegenics has meant to my overall well-being. Thanks so much for your help. P.R., Nahant, MA says . . .I feel like a new woman. I cannot believe how much better I feel. Do you know the past two weeks are the first time in three years I’ve not had a blasting headache at 4 pm? No more Valium to sleep—I’m doing it on my own, and not only that, but I’m waking up naturally after eight hours or so. I was squished into a size 16 and now am in a loose 12. And I have no cravings. I feel human again and together. M. B., Las Vegas, NV tells us . . . My trousers are starting to fit better and although I haven’t noted any significant weight loss, my belt is moving to the next hole and people have commented that I do not look as bloated. K.K. from PA shares this . . . My body composition has changed dramatically. So much so, I have had to buy a new wardrobe! (As you can imagine, I was so disappointed to give up my “fat pants.) I haven’t been this lean in 20 years and it feels great! My wife is very happy as well . . . wink wink. My energy levels are high and given the tremendous levels of stress I am under at work, I honestly don’t think I could handle it had I not started this program. People I don’t see very often are astounded at the change in my appearance, and my friends and co-workers have all commented on how vital and bright I appear in contrast to the tired and haggard “me” they had grown accustomed to. So thank you, it’s great to feel alive again! S. W., Scottsdale, AZ confides . . .The comments and compliments I get are beyond belief! This is a life endeavor and is not ego-motivated. It’s actually quite flattering considering this is something I do for my well-being. My weight is down between 20 and 22 pounds. My muscle mass has not suffered as evidenced by the fact that my weight training strength continues to progress. My energy levels are excellent and unless I’ve put myself in a situation where healthy food is not available (this is very rare), I’m never hungry.
  • 2. When I’m frequently asked about the “diet” I’m on, my response is that I’m not on a diet. As a matter of fact, I can’t say I have those times when someone is dieting (on one of those roller- coaster diets) and their blood sugar is low, they’re ravenously hungry and foraging for something to get them through to their next meal. When asked how much weight do I intend to lose or how long I intend to diet, my response is that I expect to eat this way forever and that it’s effortless. P. S., Napa Valley, CA writes . . . Thank you! I am looking and feeling younger every day. Really, I can’t thank you enough. I tell all my friends. People are starting to ask me what I’m doing . . . bless you! C.C., Bonita Springs, FL tells us . . .There are no words to describe my satisfaction with the whole program, I feel soooooo good, I have lots of energy, I am eating well and exercising 6 days a week, my personal trainer is with me twice a week, I can already see results and it's very rewarding. D. K., Huntsville, AL said . . . I just wanted to send you a short note thanking you for the vast overall improvement I have made since starting on your program. My energy levels have increased dramatically. My moods are more consistent, I think clearer and am much more focused. I am sleeping better and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and in a good mood. I just finished a huge project that was very demanding and never ran short of energy or felt that I could not handle the workload. Previous to being on the Cenegenics program, this would not have been the case. Thanks for making my life more enjoyable and for giving me a new lease on life. A. L., Milwaukee, WI shares this . . . I’m back from another one of my excellent adventures, this time to Peru . . .following the Inca Trail from Cusco to Machu Picchu. We hiked up Wyna Picchu one morning, steep and nasty at some points . . . My strength and recovery training served me well. My first assent into Machu Picchu from Agua Caliente was challenging. The tour organizer only allowed three of us to make the climb taking the rest of the group up by bus. I was amazed not to be sore at all the next day, fully recovered. It was a good thing because a small group of us climbed Wyna Picchu the next morning before breakfast. Never throughout the whole trip did I feel exhausted or run down. So next up for me is Aspen, then I’ll dive the Galapagos for seven days off the Lamer Law, followed by several days in the Peruvian rainforest at the mouth of the Amazon River. There is a chance I may go to Africa late next year. And I’m working with an expedition organizer to dive the Antarctic in 2009. Diving the Antarctic is a long time dream of mine. I’ve dived with the Antarctic humpback whales in Tonga in the dead of their winter. This would be a chance to catch them on the other end of their migration path, the Antarctic in midsummer. I would like to thank Cenegenics for your continued support helping me achieve my dreams. P.T., Cape Girardeau, MO states . . . I had a follow-up electrocardiogram last week. My cardiac ejection fraction before Cenegenics Medical Institute therapies was 30%. Now after three months on my Cenegenics program, it is now 55%, and my cardiac study was normal. The electro-physiologist told me "to keep doing what ever you are doing." I intend to do that. I am stronger than ever before and keeping up with my 7-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son.
  • 3. D. C. B., Jr., Nashville, TN says . . . Not to be silly, but from the day I came to see you my life has dramatically changed. I was very unhappy with myself . . . Yesterday, I received a note from a lady in our church choir, wanting to know what I have done, and asking if I would talk with her son about diet and fitness. For some time, I have thought about retiring (again). As an interim step, I have accepted the presidency of Ronald McDonald Charities. Because of the new Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, we are going to have to raise $7 -$10 million . . . I only share this with you so that you know how important and far-reaching your practice has become. You have helped refocus my life and I appreciate it. Often, we don't know how many lives we have impacted. G.H., Las Vegas, NV writes . . . I cannot believe after one month on the program how great I feel . . . [which was] further confirmed by my local physician who could not believe the weight loss and my general mood. She noted that I had lost 12 pounds and advised me to totally drop [the medication for] mild depression I had been taking for three years. I am beyond impressed at my libido, my energy and my enthusiasm for each day. Thank you, Cenegenics, for showing me the way! J. M., San Diego, CA says . . . I have successfully completed my first two weeks of my new diet/lifestyle . . . I feel better too--less bloated, lighter feeling, more energy—my afternoon siestas are no longer required. You have no idea how helpful you were in passing along the literature on diabetes—specific recipes and general information. Thank you. I have also attached my first week’s results from my exercise program . . .I actually ran one complete mile yesterday—that has not happened in a LONG time; it felt good to move/glide through space again. It is very exciting to be feeling better and stronger. D. E., Boulder City, NV expresses . . . My primary goal in coming to Cenegenics was to improve my cycling performance. Since meeting with you I have strictly followed your nutritional guidelines with a few exceptions. Something I noticed right away was that I didn't suffer from the almost daily 3-4 pm afternoon crash. I get typically six hours of sleep during the week. I am an early riser and would constantly suffer during my afternoon drive home just to keep my eyes open. I always attributed this to the amount of sleep I was getting never considering it could be related to diet. After four weeks I haven't suffered a single afternoon trying to stay awake. This alone was worth my visit. I don't feel as if I am a menace on the roadways during the afternoon. Since our meeting I have felt strong during my training rides. Last weekend was my first race since implementing the program. It was a four-stage race held in the Brian Head, Utah area. This race is one of the more demanding due to it being raced at altitudes above 10,000 feet with long steep mountain grades. I had one of my best performances ever during the most difficult stage on Sunday. I completely dominated and controlled the pace of the peloton. To say the least I was very pleased. J. E., Las Vegas, NV tells us . . . The Patient Services team is truly five-star. I have totally embraced the complete Cenegenics program. My exercise and diet have changed dramatically, and it is easy to stick to when you see the results. I am seeing dramatic results. I have lost 2 inches of abdominal fat, from a 36" waist to a 34" waist in only the first 6 weeks. No matter what I did, for the last 6 years I wasn't able to lose the fat. I remember asking my doctor last year about the abdominal fat and his answer was "well you are over 50"! Not the answer I wanted to hear. I am extremely happy with all the results both mentally and physically. My Cenegenics physician is a fantastic doctor in all aspects. My wife is so impressed with my progress; she will probably make an appointment. Cenegenics works.
  • 4. G. H., Las Vegas, NV shares this . . . I cannot believe after one month on the program how great I feel. This was further confirmed by my local physician who could not believe the weight loss and my general mood. After consultation with my local physician, she noted that I had lost 12 pounds and she further advised me to totally drop the [medication] for mild depression that I had been taking for three years. I am beyond impressed at my libido, my energy, and my enthusiasm for each day. Thank you Cenegenics for showing me the way! K. J., Wenatchee, WA confides . . . The baseline evaluation done at Cenegenics - Las Vegas underscored the need for hormone modulation with my percentage of body fat being almost 25% and my bone density low. The lowest area measured was the lumbar spine with a T. score of -2.3 and Z. score of -1.9. After about 20 months of hormone optimization and improved diet, the new scan showed my body fat down to 17.3% and my L1-L4 density to have increased to a T. score of -1.6 and a Z. score of -1.2. This program has been truly life altering especially when taken together with the early diagnosis of my hereditary hemochromatosis, found during the initial screening blood work for the Executive Health Evaluation. Thanks and best wishes. M. B., Las Vegas, NV writes . . . Just a quick update, I have been on my meds for exactly two weeks now and I can feel it starting to work. My trousers are starting to fit better and although I haven't noted any significant weight loss, my belt is moving to the next hole and people have commented that I do not look as bloated. C.C., New Canaan, CT says . . . I am absolutely thrilled with the results I'm getting under your care and guidance. As you know, before I started I was already on the Paleo diet and was exercising regularly with a trainer. However, I had reached a plateau and could not get any further no matter how hard I tried. After you did my preliminary analysis, you told me why I wasn't making progress and exactly what I needed to do about it. That was, as I recall, in March. It's now August and my family and friends don't recognize me. I've lost at least 35 pounds of fat and added about 7 pounds of muscle. My boys, who are all active participants in team sports at school and avid weight lifters, are stunned by my progress. I'll be 60 in February and I can bench with them pound for pound. These are all 6 footers plus, who are all near 200 pounds. I'm told by everyone that I look like I'm in my mid-40s! But appearance is only one aspect of the transformation. I've got energy to burn. I can run like I did when I was a boy. Not just distance, but I can sprint hard and fast. I'm happy and confident all of the time. And as far as the fair sex is concerned, I can only say the effects are unbelievable. If I went into details, I'm quite certain you'd think I was wildly exaggerating. Fortunately, it's all true. I'd be happy to speak personally with any skeptics. This is for real. I've got a whole new lease on life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. S.M., Las Vegas, NV tells us . . . Within a few days after the evaluation day and prescribed changes in my food habits, my body began feeling lighter, my mind clearer than ever before and my retention improved in great measure. All of these have added new dimensions to my work and life. Unbelievably, I'm like a new person and I don't have the extreme cravings for smoking, and I have an entirely new frame of mind. These results impressed me enough to take the time to write this. Thanks to you and your staff for this new world of mine.
  • 5. S.E., Sarasota, FL shares . . . Just a note to thank each of you for the valuable and enriching experience I had with you and the Cenegenics team yesterday . . . I wanted to express to you how impressed I was with the informative and caring way in which you approached my medical/wellness situation. I appreciate your unvarnished recommendations and characterization of my choices. I want to be one of the patients who keeps living the lifestyle, rather than one who goes back to old ways after realizing they’ve survived. I enjoyed my Cenegenics physician’s academic as well as intuitive manner of listening, researching, examining, educating and prognosticating on my health and wellness issues. I look forward to working with you. Thank you all again for your professional services. Diana A. Valdes, NY writes… Hello there- I am an extremely busy person as you can imagine. Do want to share with you that I am extremely happy with Cenegenics and Dr. Shapiro. He has literally saved my life. I was a size 18 when I first saw him - I am a size 8 now. I go to bed at 9 wake up at 4 and at the gym at 4:30 AM. I have taken all the information given to me by Cenegenics and Dr. Shapiro and taken it to another level. People are amazed by me and I have already given about 5 talks about my experience with Cenegenics. Seeing however, is not always believing, because I am a nurse I understood the science behind age management. I was tough on Dr. Shapiro at first because I wanted so many questions answered and once he answered them in detail I understood - it was like this freaky paradigm shift. I want to thank this organization and Dr. Shapiro for touching my life in a way that I could never have imagined. When I first met him I felt that I was dying and I was, my physiological numbers were off, I was fat, I was tired, I was diabetic, I had osteopenia, I had and I had everything that said DEATH and now I have nothing but my health and my life!!!! Everything has been reversed I feel like I am 18 years old. Thank you-Diana A. Valdes Michael S. Howl, D.D.S, Tulsa, OK writes… Thank you for the opportunity to submit my photos and information for your new commercial. My name is Dr. Michael Howl and I am a 62- year old dentist from Tulsa Oklahoma. I have been in the Cenegenics program since January of 2012. When I began the program, I was 19% body fat. I went to the gym regularly, but never saw any results. The first 6 months I dropped 21 pounds of fat, and put on 17 pounds of muscle and was at 5.3% body fat. I maintain about a 7% body fat, and I have traded my afternoon naps for afternoon workouts. My life as a fast food junky ceased and I now follow Cenegenics dietary recommendations. Cenegenics gave me the blueprint and the tools to make significant changes in my life. I am nbow in the best shape I have ever been in. I am constantly getting positive affirmation from both friends and strangers. The change has been so dramatic that my father once told me he thought I photoshopped my head on someone else’s body. I could go on and on about all the positives, but I will keep this concise as I am sure you are inundated with applications. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have or information you might need. I appreciate your consideration and hope to hear from you. John A. Holleman, AK Writes… To whom it may concern: When I decided to participate in the Cenegenics Program I was 74 years old, weighed 190 pounds at 5’9″ and while not depressed, I was resigned to a limited outdoor experience for the future. I had back surgery on four discs several years back and within the last two years had rotator cuff and knee surgery, as well as a pacemaker implant. My commitment was serious as the program requires nutrition and exercise commitments, as well as medication and supplement regimens with recurring blood test and follow up by the doctor. I had never been in a gym so the exercise training was new.
  • 6. At age 75 I have lost 20 pounds, 3 1/2 inches in the waste with corresponding increase in energy level and strength. I surprisingly went through last winter with no colds. Other than having to buy new clothes, the total experience has been excellent. I feel my life span has increased but even more important, the quality of my life has been enhanced, I can do things I had considered lost in the aging process. My balance was so bad I could not stand on 1 foot and now I feel comfortable walking a log in the woods that I love. I look forward to my test comparisons in my one-year check up. Scott Lane, AK Writes… First, a big thank you! Bob, Let me start by saying I’m not usually the type of guy who feels the need to share my experience with others. However, the intent of this letter is just that, and to also personally thank you. Please share this letter as you see fit and with as many as possible I first met you by the chance of a Google search, by typing “Fishing in Alaska” that resulted in All Alaska Outdoor Lodge, your lodge, and again by a chance conversation while fishing from the pontoon of your float plane on Crescent Lake. The topic of dietary supplements came up and I quickly realized that you have a passion, not only for the science, but also to explain health related issues to people in a way they can relate to and understand. This was four years ago and three years ago I returned to your lodge and after a day of fishing. I attended a short Cenegenics seminar you held at your Lodge. I’m thinking that was sometime in August 2014 and it all made sense. Two years ago on April 13th, 2015, I met you in Las Vegas for a physical and extremely thorough health assessment, and signed up for the Cenegenics program. If I recall correctly, these are my stats then and now. I have also added a current picture. Please compare with the ones you have on file from April 13, 2015. April 13 2015 April 2017 Weight 214 lb 176 lb Body fat 33.4% 18.9% Blood Pressure l38.”84 1063‘72 VO2 27.70 48.30 Waist 40″ 35″ These are just a few of the obvious physical changes over the last two years. However the biggest and most positive changes has been more mental. I would even describe it as being like a religious experience in regards to the improvement in overall attitude and
  • 7. mindfulness. 1 now have a clarity of thought and recall that is recognized by both family and co- workers. My stamina is equaled to my 24 year old son. When I go to bed, I immediately fall to sleep and awake totally rested and alert as well as excited to get the day started. This positive change in my attitude, mind, and physical condition has had an even more unexpected positive effect on my life. I’m now open and willing to take on more new tasks and responsibility than before starting your program. As a construction manager for a large company, the Cenegenics Program has led to one of my best financial years to date. Basically, I’m now jumping at opportunities I would not have been interested in the past. This program has also had a positive impact on my family and friends at all levels. My family is now more aware of eating and health issues and we are all seeing the effects. Even my 24 year old son, after seeing my results and just from what little time he spent around you and understanding the basics of your teaching, has reduced his weight from 230 pounds to a very healthy looking 185 pounds. Bob, the bottom line is, I could go on and on in detail on the positive effects you and the Cenegenics program has had on not only me, but others around me. With that being said this brings me back to my intent of this letter. Please, I am asking you to, and you have my permission to share my experience and my before and after stats and pics with as many as possible. Thank you. Scott Lane. A satisfied patient Wayne Powell, UT Writes… A lot of people can say that Cenegenics has made them feel a lot better, I truly believe that Cenegenics has saved my life. It’s just amazing the attention that I’ve gotten from the doctor that I’ve seen at Cenegenics… I’ve never experienced anything like it. They want to see me improve and the doctors at Cenegenics were truly amazing. I would whole heartedly recommend them… because Cenegenics has changed my life. Cenegenics Approach & Professional Staff B. A., Sierra Vista, AZ writes . . .Having been a patient in many and varied medical facilities worldwide over 40 plus years. I can state that the professional attention to detail of patient concern and information and encouragement is unmatched. M. K, MD, Ashland, KY says. . . It was the most comprehensive evaluation of my health status that I’ve ever experienced. G. S., Vacaville, CA shares this . . .Thanks for all of the things you are doing to help me and my family get and stay healthy. I bought a jump rope today and will begin using it tomorrow morning. I plan on being significantly lighter next time I see you. I believe that you have created a very capable and professional staff of people who have always treated me with professional kindness and efficiency. I feel very privileged to be able to be a part of your operation.
  • 8. J.C., Las Vegas, NV tells us . . . Due to the medical expertise of the Cenegenics staff, I am an active participant in the physical and mental aspects of my development al age process. Because of the many beneficial changes I have undergone through this mutual effort, I chose to participate in numerous media interviews e.g., 60 Minutes. In every instance, I was asked the same question: “How has your life changed?" My response was this: “Simply because I am doing this interview with you is testimony of my renewed physical and menta l vigor. It also demonstrates my desire to become fully socially involved in life at age 75. Furthermore, it indicates my abundant motivational energy in urging others around the world to become an “active participant” in such a program. Thank you, Cenegenics. C. J., Henderson, NV writes . . . I am truly amazed at the sincere approach you have in helping me make some tough life decisions and changes. When I was at your facility, I felt a strong sense of caring from you and all your staff that I have never felt from any other medical facility since my angioplasty, two years ago. Everything about Cenegenics is so amazingly refreshing and different from the normal apathetic approach to medicine. I had almost lost my faith in the medical practice before I happened to see your ad in the newspaper . . . I was surprised at the speedy response I received . . . [a Cenegenics physician] and I talked for quite a long while, which never happens anywhere else. Your assistants were marvelous . . . friendly and sincere. They did a great job helping me feel comfortable in my room and serving an excellent tasty light lunch. My nutritionist helped map out the direction that I will be going and made sure I understood why these changes were necessary. She truly knows her stuff and has a great way about her delivery . . . In this world, where people have become so disconnected from each other and no one or nothing truly has any value. I have come to a deep understanding that quality people should be recognized. You and your staff are the best in the business and certainly worth every penny. D. S., Rockport, ME says . . . I wanted to thank you for a great day at Cenegenics. I’ve told a number of friends about it and recommended it to them. I have also raved about the quality of the staff, the time people spent with me and the overall ambiance and friendliness. It is truly a first class operation, as well as a good business model, which as a businessperson I respect. J. F. Ranhofer, Valencia, CA shared this . . . I am a new patient of your clinic. I visited your Las Vegas facility . . . for the initial evaluation. I was quite impressed with everyone that I came in contact with that day . . . I completed your evaluation form while I was there, but I wanted to "go the extra mile" and personally apprise you of the very positive experience I had. As the president of a service company (tax-free money management) as well, I am aware of how difficult it can be to have a staff that is professional, friendly, knowledgeable and well trained. I had participated in another clinic’s program and the difference as the cliché states was night and day. I thought you would like to know. J. V. Jr., Painesville, OH had this to say . . . I appreciate the high level of care and service that I have received and continue to receive from you since I started the Cenegenics program. You have always made yourself accessible and have responded immediately to any problems or
  • 9. questions I have had. You have set a new standard of care that I have not seen from any of my local doctors. Thanks again to you and your staff for all the support! J. M., Kula, HI writes . . . I would like to thank you for such a wonderful time with you and your staff. I [am] looking forward to all the great results. This morning I have starting talking with my parents about your services and will continue to do so. I feel they can both benefit greatly for it . . . [The Cenegenics physician] was very nice and took the time to hear what I had to say and also gave me some important information. The staff was helpful and kind. I look forward to working with you . . . and your staff. Mahalo, that means, “thank you.”