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Carbon Disclosure
Project Report
Global Electric Utilities
Building business resilience
to inevitable climate change

The Adaptation Challenge

Report prepared by:            Report sponsored by:
Acclimatise reference        CDP001/02

This document should be referenced as:
Acclimatise (2009). ‘Building Business Resilience to Inevitable Climate Change’.
Carbon Disclosure Project Report. Global Electric Utilities. Oxford

Project Manager
Jean-Christophe Amado

Approved by
John Firth, CEO and co-founder

Hexgreave Hall,
Upper Hexgreave,
NG22 8LS

T: +44 (0) 1623 884347
E: enquiries @


The authors would like to thank the following organisations and individuals
for their guidance, advice and support in the preparation and publication
of this report:

Daniel Turner                Carbon Disclosure Project
Joanna Lee                   Carbon Disclosure Project
Matt King                    Acclimatise
Clephane Compton             Acclimatise
David Beer                   Acclimatise
Jon Bentley                  IBM
Cathy Pickering              IBM
Graham Butler                IBM
Gavin Jones                  IBM
John Juliano                 IBM
Peter Richardson             IBM

The IBM Viewpoint was written by Graham Butler, Executive Partner,
Utilities Sector, Global Business Services, IBM UK & Ireland
IBM Viewpoint

IBM believes the electricity industry is                        Energy Agency1. This is due not only         So, the industry is both a major
central to addressing world concerns                            to population growth, urbanisation           greenhouse gas emitter and one of
about both energy and climate.                                  and improvement in living standards,         the solutions to reducing emissions.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions,                              but also to new requirements such as         For example, electric vehicles are
adapting to the climate change already                          electric vehicles and the substitution       promoted by many as the best
underway and planning for a secure                              of electricity for hydrocarbon-based         option to reduce vehicle emissions,
energy future must be addressed in                              fuels as an ‘energy carrier’. We can         but there is little point in doing this
concert. And action is required now.                            expect further growth in energy              if the generation, transmission and
                                                                demands as individuals, communities          distribution of electricity is no ‘cleaner’
                                                                and organisations strive to adapt to         than it is today.
History shows the need to invest
                                                                changing climatic conditions.
for the future
                                                                                                             Climate change will exacerbate
Throughout history major problems                               The industry faces major challenges          some existing industry challenges
have been the catalyst for major                                in meeting this growing demand, not          and give rise to new ones.
change. The growing demands and                                 least because of inhibitors such as:
constraints on the electricity industry                         regulation and legislation; inadequate
suggest we are rapidly approaching                                                                           Climate change problems and
                                                                investment returns and out-dated
such a critical moment. So, a look                                                                           solutions are intertwined
                                                                economic incentives that are now
back to the lessons from previous                               unhelpful; and the supply of natural         The two core focus areas in addressing
large scale infrastructural changes                             resources. Climate change concerns           climate change come together for the
might be timely.                                                both constrain and direct the way            electricity industry more acutely than
                                                                in which these challenges can                in many areas of society:
The problems of overcrowding                                    be overcome.
and unhygienic living conditions in
                                                                                                             • Mitigation: reducing greenhouse
Victorian London endangered not only                            Taking just one example, electricity           gas emissions to limit the impact
people’s health but also the political                          companies face major financing                 of climate change in coming
and commercial well-being of the city.                          challenges. With an urgent demand              decades will require changes in
The result was major expenditure on                             for more capacity, the industry must           consumption behaviour and new
a new infrastructure, the sewerage                              raise capital for these projects. This         supply side technologies
system. The difficulty in transporting                          is particularly difficult because of
people and goods over large distances                           the size of the investment (in the UK,       • Adaptation: addressing the risks
in 19th century USA, was a major                                the industry requires an estimated             and opportunities resulting from the
inhibitor to growth removed by                                  £233.5 bn investment2 over the                 inevitable climate change – occurring
massive investment in the rail network.                         next 15 years which equates to a               now due to previous emissions
                                                                cost of approximately £9000.00 per             of greenhouse gases – which are
Key to both examples is that a                                  household), the desire from investors          changing demand patterns and
completely fresh approach was                                   for a short return on investment and           placing operational and resource
taken and the investment made                                   the general lack of funding available          constraints on supply.
for the future rather than repairing                            due to the current global financial
existing infrastructure.                                        situation. The situation is made more        Mitigation has been the main focus
                                                                complex by the relative immaturity           of the industry so far. There are
                                                                and lack of commercial scale of some         many good examples of the work
A crisis of energy demand
                                                                of the technologies central to these         underway here, with investment
and supply
                                                                projects.                                    to reduce emissions from existing
We now face a series of major                                                                                infrastructure, the development of
problems relating to the generation,                            Any growth in energy supply must             new technologies such as wind and
transmission and consumption of                                 be achieved in a low carbon way.             solar, and the deployment of smart
energy, all of which are essential to                           Power generation creates 25% of the          grids and smart meters. But there is
the commercial world, the way we                                world’s CO2 emissions, the largest           much still to do and it is vital that
live and the development aspirations                            man-made source, according to The            these efforts intensify without delay.
of the majority of humankind.                                   Climate Group and McKinsey & Co3.
                                                                Sadly, too much of the generated             Adaptation, according to the analysis
The world is demanding more and                                 energy is currently wasted. According        in this report, has not had the same
more energy. The projected growth of                            to a recent Ontario Smart Price Pilot        focus and we ignore this at our peril.
worldwide energy demand by 2030 is                              report4, 170 billion kilowatt-hours of       We need to understand the effects
36.8% according to the International                            electricity are wasted each year by          that inevitable climate change will have
                                                                consumers due to insufficient power          on the electricity industry over the
    International Energy Outlook 2008.                          usage information.                           next few years – and what steps the
    Times article, quoting Ernst & Young Study, 25 May 2009.
    The Climate Group and McKinsey & Co.,“Smart 2020 Report”.
                                                                                                             industry should be taking.
    Ontario Smart Price Pilot report:
    Regulated+Price+Plan/Regulated+Price+Plan+-+Ontario+Smart+Price+Pilot                                                                              ii
IBM Viewpoint

Scientists inform us that climate          systems means more dynamic control                               To achieve this, we need the
change is underway and the                 of the flows of power, information and                           consumer to become part of the
direct effects of increasing global        money; new sources of ‘supply’ and                               electricity management and efficiency
temperatures, changes in precipitation     ‘demand’; and changed relationships                              story. Examples of this type of
and rising sea levels are becoming         between the two.                                                 engagement include:
more evident. The indirect impacts
on social, environmental and economic
                                           Many opportunities exist to optimise                             • Encouraging people to use less
systems are also beginning to come
                                           and grow existing capabilities and                                 energy, differently. This can help
into view. For the electricity industry,
                                           accelerate emerging technologies to                                to lower energy usage directly and
these effects are likely to bring
                                           commercial scale.                                                  lower and spread peak usage. A
increasing pressures, for example:
                                                                                                              smart way of achieving this would
                                                                                                              be to implement smart grids (which
                                           IBM sees the need for three areas
• Significant changes in the                                                                                  could help to lower emissions by
                                           of action to happen consecutively,
  demand for electricity. Increasing                                                                          14% by 20205), smart meters,
                                           not sequentially.
  urbanisation will be driven in part                                                                         remote operation and automated
  by climate change with people                                                                               operation of electrical appliances
  migrating to find water, food and        • Optimise: Apply smart solutions                                  and goods
  work, etc. Energy infrastructure           to optimise and extend existing
  will be placed under increasing            capabilities, making the most                                  • Encouraging people to collaborate
  pressure. For many urban areas the         efficient use of the assets that                                 with utilities in generation –
  capacity to meet growing demands           already exist to buy time and take                               expansion of micro generation, for
  will be inadequate or non-existent         appropriate adaptation action.                                   example CHP, photovoltaic, solar
                                             Examples could include: asset                                    heating, etc., has the potential
• Significant changes to the supply          life extension and optimisation                                  to provide an almost infinitely
  chain. Access to and transportation        programmes, and new, cleaner                                     controllable electricity generation
  of raw materials, commodities and          fossil-fuel plants.                                              capability able to meet demand
  goods will be affected by changes                                                                           more closely than the current
  in climate creating disruptions to       • Grow: Rapidly grow existing                                      centralised approach.
  supply chains. We are already seeing       commercialised capability through
  conflicts between users for water          smarter design and operation
                                                                                                            Change is needed now to
  with competing demands to grow             providing ‘low-regret’ solutions
                                                                                                            enable prosperity in a much
  crops, provide drinking water and          with potentially large benefits, for
                                                                                                            different future
  cool power plants. In addition, as         example: factoring changing climatic
  urban centres change and expand,           conditions into the design stage for                           Successful electricity companies over
  it is likely that food and water will      new cooling systems; developing                                the next 10 years will be those that act
  have to be transported over longer         transmission systems to cope                                   now upon the clear signals that climate
  distances requiring ever greater           with increased temperatures and                                change is underway.
  energy inputs                              provide greater access to remote
                                             renewable energy assets; new-
• Significant shifts in the availability     build nuclear programmes;                                      They will have recognised the risks
  of natural resources. Climate change       automated and intelligent smart                                and opportunities arising from a
  will alter the productivity, economics     grids; smart metering and demand                               changing climate and will have created
  and operational feasibility of             management technologies; and                                   business models that understand the
  renewable and non-renewable                new regulatory incentives.                                     changing nature of supply, demand
  power generation in different                                                                             and control in the electricity sector.
  areas of the world.                      • Accelerate: Nurture and accelerate
                                             new capabilities to commercial
                                                                                                            They will have a fully integrated
                                             scale, whilst at the same time
There is a confluence of conflicting                                                                        approach to the challenges of the
                                             maintaining options that allow further
pressures: a variety of restrictions                                                                        energy revolution, reducing emissions
                                             adaptation actions in the future.
to generating additional supplies of                                                                        and adapting to climate change.
                                             Examples could include: carbon
electricity; a growing demand for                                                                           They will use the lessons gained from
                                             capture and storage, deep-water
more energy; a changing geographic                                                                          the present financial crisis and from
                                             wind, tidal and wave power, micro-
demand for energy; changing climate                                                                         history to avoid the even greater and
                                             combined heat and power (CHP),
and environmental conditions on                                                                             entirely ‘predictable surprise’ created
                                             more efficient home wind and solar,
a geographic basis; and a need to                                                                           by climate change.
                                             distributed on-shore wind, waste
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
                                             and bio; various forms of storage;
                                             electric vehicle infrastructure; and                           The industry must behave differently
Consumers must help with                     intelligent home devices. Other                                to address pro-actively the immediate
the supply side and utilities                industries will need to transform the                          and longer term impacts of inevitable
with demand                                  energy efficiency and demands of                               climate change while continuing to
                                             the products and processes both                                deal with today's immediate pressures.
Electricity is a complex system-of-          to ease pressure on the electricity
systems and it requires an integrated        industry and reduce their risks to
approach to fundamentally redesign                                                                          Senior executives in the sector
                                             increasingly stressed supply.                                  must take the lead and drive
the way the industry works if it is to
meet the challenges of a changing                                                                           their companies towards this
climate. Optimising this system-of-                                                                         transformation.

iii                                        5   The Climate Group and McKinsey & Co., “Smart 2020 Report”.
Executive Summary

Electricity companies must assess                                   • Reductions in agricultural and                            The present financial crisis is driving
the risks and opportunities arising                                   fisheries yields                                          many companies to take stock and
from inevitable climate change as                                                                                               revisit their business models. This
                                                                    • Increasing stress and competition
well as taking essential action to                                                                                              provides the ideal opportunity for
                                                                      for water resources
reduce emissions. The focus so far,                                                                                             companies to look at the strategic
as evidenced by responses to the                                    • Enhanced migration to urban areas                         and operational issues they will need
Carbon Disclosure Project, has been                                                                                             to address if they are to become
primarily on electricity companies                                  • Changing disease patterns                                 climate resilient.
reducing emissions and secondarily                                  • Geo-political risks.
on understanding the risks posed by                                                                                             The successful electricity companies
climate change. Companies should                                                                                                of the future will be those that act
recognise the need for action in the                                These impacts add up to significant
                                                                    changes in the demand for electricity                       now upon the clear signals that
near term to build business resilience                                                                                          climate change is underway. They
to manage the risks and capitalise                                  against a backdrop of supply
                                                                    challenges, ageing assets, new                              will have a fully integrated approach
on the opportunities that inevitable                                                                                            to the challenges of the energy
climate change brings.                                              technology, prescriptive regulation
                                                                    and impacts on asset performance                            revolution, reducing emissions and
                                                                    and efficiency.                                             adapting to climatic change. They
This century will see unprecedented                                                                                             will use the lessons gained from the
urbanisation and intense competition                                                                                            present financial crisis to avoid the
for scarce resources, driven by                                     Although there is uncertainty in the                        even greater and entirely ‘predictable
population growth and economic                                      knowledge we have about the extent                          surprise’6 created by climate change.
development. A revolution in energy                                 and rate of future climate change,                          Acclimatise and IBM have jointly
generation, supply and demand                                       there is sufficient information to assess                   prepared a set of Prepare-Adapt
is needed with companies taking                                     impacts on business models and                              questions to help electricity companies
an integrated approach to the                                       enable robust decisions to be taken                         take the right steps towards building
challenges through:                                                 as a result. The successful electricity                     corporate resilience to inevitable
                                                                    company of the future is taking                             climate change.
                                                                    climate risks into account today, and
• The optimisation of existing                                      is developing adaptive strategies and
  infrastructure assets, systems and                                actions to manage the uncertainties.
  information                                                       The existence of uncertainties
• Growth of existing capabilities                                   regarding the business risks arising
                                                                    from climate change, should by itself
• Acceleration of emerging                                          act as a catalyst for companies to
  technologies to a commercial scale.                               quantify the risks, monitor the impacts
                                                                    as they arise and be prepared for
There is scientific consensus that                                  changes to their business models.
the world’s climate is changing due
to human activity and that whatever                                 Consumer preferences and needs
steps we take to limit GHG emissions                                will change; markets will open up in
we are now faced with several                                       new locations and for new products
decades of increasing global                                        and services. Those businesses
temperatures and a far longer period                                that do not respond will lose out
of rising sea levels. We are already                                to their competitors, whilst those
seeing the impacts of these and other                               that recognise the opportunities will
climatic changes on social, economic                                become electricity sector leaders.
and environmental systems. The
impacts will become more severe
over time creating, for example:

6   A predictable surprise describes a situation or circumstance in which major issues are marginalised to satisfy short-term
    expediency. Predictable surprises can be defined as issues that:
    • at least some people are aware of,
    • are getting worse over time, and
    • are likely to create a crisis,
    • but are not priorities for decision makers or have not elicited a response fast enough to prevent severe damage.
    See M. Bazerman and M. Watkins (2004) ‘Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming, and
    How to Prevent Them’.                                                                                                                                                 iv
             IBM Viewpoint                     ii
             Executive Summary                iv

           1 Introduction                      1

           2 Climate change is underway        2

           3 The energy revolution             4

           4 What are the impacts for the      9
             electricity sector?
             Extreme events and incremental   10
             Change drivers for corporate     11
             How are companies                13

           5 What actions should              15
             companies take?
             Developing an integrated         16
             Prepare-Adapt: 10 questions      17
             for senior executives in the
             electricity sector

             Appendix 1: The future           19
             electricity sector value chain

             Appendix 2: Examples of          21
             the impacts of inevitable
             climate change for the
             electricity sector

             References and                   25
             further reading

1 Introduction

In this report we explore the issues                             Those companies focussing their                   The Information Request was sent
that electricity companies are                                   climate change activities exclusively on          to the world’s largest 218 electric
beginning to face in response to a                               reducing GHG emissions (and many                  utilities globally (based on market
changing climate and the actions                                 companies have yet to understand                  capitalisation). Acclimatise has
being taken.                                                     the urgency for action in this area)              analysed the responses to assess
                                                                 are only considering half the picture.            the business resilience of companies
The report draws upon an analysis of                             By failing to build resilience they will          to a changing climate. A separate
the responses from global electricity                            miss significant business opportunities           technical appendix is available online
companies to the 2008 Carbon                                     created by the energy revolution.                 at with the
Disclosure Project (CDP). Examples                                                                                 results from the analysis.
of actions and issues taken from the                             The report includes a series of
responses are provided.                                          Prepare-Adapt questions prepared                  Acclimatisation Index
                                                                 by Acclimatise and IBM to help
                                                                                                                   The analysis of the responses to the
As the most carbon intensive industry                            senior electricity company executives
                                                                                                                   CDP Information Request has been
in the world, the electricity sector is                          identify the steps they need to take
                                                                                                                   undertaken using our Acclimatisation
simultaneously a significant contributor                         towards building corporate resilience
                                                                                                                   Index methodology. This enables
to and victim of climate change.                                 to inevitable climate change.
                                                                                                                   a semi-quantitative analysis of the
Reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG)                                                                                  responses recognising the scope
emissions of the sector is central to                            The Carbon Disclosure Project                     of the questions. The Index can
achieving a low-carbon economy7                                                                                    take into account information from
                                                                 CDP is an independent not-for-profit
and requires “nothing short of                                                                                     other sources to provide a more
                                                                 organisation which holds the largest
an energy revolution.”8 Ensuring                                                                                   comprehensive analysis.
                                                                 database of corporate climate change
the resilience of the generation,
                                                                 information in the world. The data is
transmission and distribution
                                                                 obtained from responses to CDP’s                  The Acclimatisation Index has
network and shifting the focus to
                                                                 annual Information Requests, issued               been used to analyse the resilience
renewable sources of energy, low
                                                                 on behalf of 475 institutional investors,         of global electricity companies
carbon generation and more dynamic
                                                                 to more than 3,700 corporations                   to climate change in response to
balancing of supply and demand will
                                                                 across the globe. Since its formation             questions contained within sections
require levels of investment that will
                                                                 in 2000, CDP has become the gold                  1 and 49 of the CDP questionnaire.
transform the industry.
                                                                 standard for carbon disclosure
                                                                 methodology and process, providing
Many of the climate changes that we                              primary climate change data to the
will see over the next 30 to 40 years                            global market place. CDP plays a
are already built into the climate                               vital role in encouraging companies
system due to GHG emissions.                                     to measure, manage and reduce
Mitigation efforts to reduce emissions                           emissions and climate change impacts.
are vital if we are to keep climate
change from surpassing a dangerous
                                                                 The CDP Information Requests
and rapidly approaching threshold.
                                                                 include a series of questions seeking
This has been called avoiding the
                                                                 disclosure on the physical impacts
unmanageable. However the effects
                                                                 of climate change on existing and
of climate change are already upon us
                                                                 future company performance and
and are growing rapidly. A significant
                                                                 the management responses. (A copy
reduction in emissions is essential,
                                                                 of the questions is available on the
but, we must also prepare for and
                                                                 CDP website:
respond to the impacts – we must
                                                                 together with a list of the investors).
adapt to manage the unavoidable.

    IEA, 2008.
    Excluding question b ‘Individual Performance’ of section 4 which focused on performance towards GHG targets.                                            1
2 Climate change
  is underway
                                          There is scientific consensus that the                           The IPCC has recommended that
“Even with drastic cuts in emissions      world’s climate is changing due to                               urgent action is required to limit
 in the next 10 years, our results        human activity and that whatever steps                           the concentration of GHG’s in the
 project that there will only be around   we take to limit GHG emissions we                                atmosphere and prevent global
 a 50% chance of keeping global           are now faced with several decades of                            average temperatures rising above
 temperature rises below 2°C. If the      increasing global temperatures and a                             2°C. A temperature rise above 2°C will
 world fails to make the required         far longer period of rising sea levels.                          be difficult for contemporary societies
 reductions, it will be faced with                                                                         to cope with, and will cause major
 adapting not just to a 2°C rise in                                                                        social, economic and environmental
 temperature but to 4°C or more           In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel
                                          on Climate Change (IPCC) – the most                              disruptions through the rest of the
 by the end of the century.” A 2°C                                                                         century and beyond. There are also
 increase in global temperatures will     authoritative scientific body on climate
                                          change – confirmed the scientific                                concerns that increases above 2°C
 create severe stress in many parts                                                                        significantly increase the risk of large
 of the world.”                           evidence that climate change is
                                          already under way10 :                                            scale, irreversible system disruption.11

 Dr Vicky Pope,
 Head of Climate Change Advice            • “Warming of the climate system                                 Limiting temperature rise to 2°C is
 at the UK Met Office                        is unequivocal, as is now evident                             looking increasingly challenging and if
                                             from observations of increases                                we fail we are faced with further rises
                                             in global average air and ocean                               in temperature and an even greater
                                             temperatures, widespread melting                              adaptation challenge.
                                             of snow and ice, and rising global
                                             mean sea level.” (see Figure 1)
                                          • “At continental, regional, and ocean
“Climate change is increasingly              basin scales, numerous long-term
 recognised as a key strategic issue         changes in climate have been
 for the electricity generation sector…      observed. These include changes
                                             in Arctic temperatures and ice,
 The opportunities and compulsion            widespread changes in precipitation
 for carbon reduction and adaptation         amounts, ocean salinity, wind
 strategies for this sector are              patterns and aspects of extreme
 therefore considerable and warrant          weather including droughts, heavy
 particular attention from investors.”       precipitation, heat waves and the
                                             intensity of tropical cyclones.”
 Global Climate Disclosure
 Framework for Electric Utilities,
 Institutional Investors Group
 for Climate Change

                                          10   IPCC ‘Climate change 2007: synthesis report’.
                                          11   Scientific Symposium on Stabilisation of Greenhouse Gases – Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change Exeter February 2005.
2                                              Executive Summary of the Conference Report.
Carbon Disclosure Project Report Global Electric Utilities

Figure 1: Comparison of observed continental- and global-scale changes in surface temperature with results
simulated by climate models using either natural or both natural and anthropogenic forcings12

                                                                                                                                                                            Temperature anomaly (˚C)

                                                                                                          North America                                                                                                                                                                     Asia
                                        Temperature anomaly (˚C)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Temperature anomaly (˚C)
                                                                   1.0                                                                                                                                 0.0                                                                        1.0

                                                                   0.5                                                                                                                                                                                                            0.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1900      1950       2000
                                                                   0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                            0.0

                                                                    1900                                       1950             2000                                                                              Africa                                                           1900     1950            2000
                                                                                                                                                                            Temperature anomaly (˚C)

                                                                                                               Year                                                                                                                                                                         Year
                                                                                                                     South America                                                                                                                                                        Australia
                                                                         Temperature anomaly (˚C)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Temperature anomaly (˚C)
                                                                                                    1.0                                                                                                0.0                                                                        1.0

                                                                                                    0.5                                                                                                                                                                           0.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1900      1950       2000
                                                                                                    0.0                                                                                                                                                                           0.0

                                                                                                     1900                1950           2000                                                                                                                                       1900     1950            2000
                                                                                                                         Year                                                                                                                                                               Year

                                                                                                            Global                                                                                             Global Land                                                                   Global Ocean
       Temperature anomaly (˚C)

                                                                                                                                               Temperature anomaly (˚C)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Temperature anomaly (˚C)

                                  1.0                                                                                                                                     1.0                                                                                                     1.0

                                  0.5                                                                                                                                     0.5                                                                                                     0.5

                                  0.0                                                                                                                                     0.0                                                                                                     0.0

                                   1900                                                                     1950                     2000                                  1900                                   1950              2000                                           1900            1950            2000
                                                                                                            Year                                                                                                  Year                                                                             Year

                                                     Models using only natural forcings

                                                     Models using both natural and anthropogenic forcings


12   IPCC ‘Climate change 2007: synthesis report’.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3
3 The energy revolution

    It is important that any consideration                                         Challenges                                                          Increasing temperatures will increase
    of the impacts of climate change be                                                                                                                the demand for energy and place
                                                                                   National energy security concerns.
    set against the context of the other                                                                                                               great pressure on existing assets.
                                                                                   Secure long-term access to fuel and
    challenges already faced by the global                                                                                                             Companies will be faced with more
                                                                                   energy supplies is a key element of
    electricity sector.                                                                                                                                difficult supply reliability issues. Figure
                                                                                   energy policies for most developed
                                                                                                                                                       2 shows averaged European summer
                                                                                   countries and increasingly for the
    Whereas the eighteenth century                                                                                                                     temperatures as observed (black line),
                                                                                   emerging economies.
    may have been characterised by the                                                                                                                 and simulated by the Hadley Centre
    industrial revolution and the twentieth                                                                                                            Model (red line) from 1900 to 2100.
                                                                                   Supply reliability. Failure in the security                         The observed average European
    century by globalisation, this century
                                                                                   of supplies to customers, interruptions                             summer temperature for 2003 is
    will see unprecedented urbanisation,
                                                                                   and longer term outages cause major                                 marked with a black star. The return
    shortages of food and water and
                                                                                   financial losses not to mention adverse                             period for the 2003 heatwave under
    intense competition for scarce
                                                                                   social impacts and constraints on                                   climate change increases from a 1 in
    resources, driven by population growth
                                                                                   economic prosperity and growth. In                                  500 year event in 2003 to a 1 in 2 year
    and economic development. Climate
                                                                                   the USA it has been estimated that the                              event by 2040. 2003 will be a normal
    change is being driven by the use of
                                                                                   annual cost to the economy arising                                  summer in the 2040s and a relatively
    fossil fuel based energy sources to
                                                                                   from power interruptions is $80 billion.                            cool summer by the 2060s.
    meet these challenges.
                                                                                   A large proportion of these costs are
                                                                                   attributable to the combined effect
    The responses to these challenges                                              of asset age and the impacts of
    will require a revolution in energy                                            weather events.
    generation, supply and demand.
    The challenges and how they will be
    affected by a changing climate are
    considered in the following section.

    Figure 2: Observed and modelled changes in temperature in Europe13


                          6       40N
                                    10W       0        10E       20E       30E     40E
Temperature anomaly (K)

                                          0        1         2         3     4



                           1900                   1950                           2000                          2050                          2100


                                                                                   13   Stott, P.A., Stone, D. A. and Allen, M. R. (2004) Human contribution to the European heatwave of 2003.
    4                                                                                   Nature, Vol 432, pp 610-614.
Carbon Disclosure Project Report Global Electric Utilities

Figure 3: Increasing energy demands from emerging economies16                                                                                        “Besides the efforts of reducing
                                                                                                                                                      greenhouse gas emissions from its
     Exhibit 1                 End-use energy demand by region,1 quadrillion British thermal units (QBTUs)                                            operations to limit climate change
     Higher energy                                                                                                                                    E.ON acknowledges and plans for
     productivity                                                           Potential 25% decline in energy        CAGR,2        CAGR,2               both the effects of gradual warming,
                                                                            demand in 2020 from base               2005-20,      2005-20,             as well as an increased frequency
                                                                            case – larger than today's total       % base case   % with energy
                                                                            energy demand in China                               productivity         of extreme weather events. We
                                                                 380               93
                                                                                                                                 capture              expect that these seasonal and

                                                                  27                     10
                                                                                            5                                                         weather-related fluctuations
                                                                                                                                                      in revenues and demand will
                                                                  29                                                 +3.4         +1.4
                                                                                         14                                                           continue. As a response we will
                                                                  45                                 287                                              improve our grid management and
                                                                                                      22             +3.7         +2.3
                                                                  36                                 29
                                                                                                                                                      optimize the usage of our power
                                                  231                                                                +3.6         +1.6
                               Africa              16
                                                                                                                                                      stations. We have also undertaken
                                                                                                     30              +4.5         +1.8
                               India               23
                                                                  42                                                                                  operational and infrastructure
                                                                                                     30              +2.3         +0.9
                               Middle East         23
                                                                                                                                                      improvements to increase the
                               Southeast Asia      26                                                                +3.2         +1.1
                                                                                                                                                      resiliency of our generating assets
                               Latin America       26                                                38              +1.4          -0.7               and transmission and distribution
                               Eastern Europe3     42                                                                                                 networks to these extraordinary
                                                                                                     106             +4.2         +2.4                conditions. E.ON has made these
                               China               74                                                                                                 mitigation and adaptation efforts
                                                                                                                                                      a part of its Business Continuity
                                                2005 energy   Projected       Demand             Potential lower                                      Management processes.”
                                                demand        2020 energy     abatement          energy demand
                                                              demand,         opportunity        in 2020
                                                              base case       from energy                                                             Matthias Hansch,
                                                                              investment                                                              VP Climate Protection
                                                                                                                                                      and Environment,
                               1   Figures may not sum to totals, because of rounding
                               2   Compound annual growth rate                                                                                        E.ON AG
                               3   Includes Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia,
                                   and Slovakia.

                                   Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Increase in global demand for energy.                                       Energy underpins our social and
Energy demand is expected to grow                                           economic systems. Access to reliable                                     “People really need to understand
by 1.6% per year on average between                                         and increased supplies of low-carbon                                      that the average global surface
2006 and 2030, an increase of                                               electricity are essential to meet the                                     temperature is like the temperature
45%14. Although the current financial                                       adaptation needs arising from, for                                        of your body – and if you have
crisis has affected energy demand,                                          example, increasing urbanisation,                                         a fever of 40.5°C, even though
the underlying growth in demand                                             agriculture (to improve yields and                                        that’s only three and a half degrees
is expected to continue over the                                            manage drought), transportation, the                                      above normal, it’s potentially fatal.
medium-long term. Between 2007                                              built environment (to cool buildings),                                    Everything that is expected to
and 2030, around 13.2 trillion US$ of                                       potable water supplies, drainage and                                      result from global climate change
cumulative investments are forecasted                                       waste water treatment.                                                    driven by greenhouse gases is not
to be required in the power sector to                                                                                                                 only happening, but it’s happening
maintain supply and respond to the                                          It is not clear from the scenarios                                        faster than anybody expected.”
increased demand for electricity15.                                         developed by organisations such
The increasing energy demands from                                          as the International Energy Agency                                        Dr. John Holdren,
emerging economies and developing                                           if these additional energy needs                                          Chief Scientific Adviser
countries, relevant to that from the                                        driven by climate change impacts                                          to President Obama,
OECD countries, is a key challenge                                          and adaptation responses have been                                        6 February 2008
(see Figure 3).                                                             included in demand estimates.

The direct and indirect impacts of                                          The IPCC Synthesis Report provides
climate change (see Figure 4) will                                          examples of the impacts associated
increase the demand for electricity and                                     with global average temperature
affect the resilience of assets to meet                                     change (see Figure 4). The black
the changing demands. The impacts                                           lines link impacts; broken-line arrows
will also increase the competition                                          indicate impacts continuing with
for water resources between the                                             increasing temperature. Entries are
electricity sector and other users (for                                     placed so that the left-hand side of
example, agriculture, fisheries, drinking                                   text indicates the approximate level
water, industry, and natural habitats).                                     of warming that is associated with
                                                                            the onset of a given impact.
14   International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook 2008. Paris.
15   CDP, 2008.
16   Farrell D. And Remes. J (2009) Promoting energy efficiency in the developing world. McKinsey Global Institute.                                                                               5
3 The energy revolution

                                            High rate of asset retirement. In                                                        of which 40% (65GW at a cost of $155
“Climate change is a significant global     developed countries with ageing                                                          billion) was in renewables (excluding
 challenge and its solution will have a     generation, transmission and                                                             large hydro).19
 profound effect on how we produce,         distribution assets, many assets
 distribute and consume energy in           are nearing their design life and
 the future. But the challenge before                                                                                                Lead time for new assets. The
                                            investment is required now to maintain                                                   appraisal, design and construction of
 us is not solely about greenhouse          supplies. Many existing nuclear and
 gas emissions. Physical risks from                                                                                                  major assets can take many years.
                                            fossil fuel power stations are due for                                                   Securing regulatory consents is
 changes in climate such as potential       retirement creating a supply demand
 water scarcity that impedes our                                                                                                     becoming increasingly difficult in many
                                            gap. Asset retirement is also driven                                                     areas of the world as environmental
 ability to produce electricity and         by pollution legislation, for example
 changing temperatures that increase                                                                                                 and sustainability concerns become
                                            in the European Community by                                                             major political issues. Building new
 our summer peak demand for                 the Combustion Directive17. Asset
 electricity could significantly affect                                                                                              power stations can be difficult in
                                            retirement rates are high in many                                                        countries with high environmental
 our business. We are addressing            developed countries (including the
 these issues by studying our water                                                                                                  standards, active NGOs, and complex
                                            U.S., UK and Germany). In the UK                                                         regulatory and consenting processes.
 needs to ensure we are using this          alone, a generation shortfall of 20%
 precious resource most efficiently.                                                                                                 Political issues regarding the building
                                            is predicted by 2015.18                                                                  of new nuclear and fossil fuel power
 And we are seizing the opportunity to
 advance technologies that improve                                                                                                   stations, and the right financial
 our own use of energy and help our         Development of new assets with new                                                       conditions for the development of
 customers to manage theirs. As the         technologies (including a growing                                                        alternative renewable energy sources
 largest coal consuming electric utility    renewable energy sector). Significant                                                    create further delays.
 in the western hemisphere, we have         investment is required in new assets
 a responsibility to lead on this issue.”   to meet the growing energy demands                                                       Reducing GHG emissions. Current
                                            from the developing and transition                                                       actions to reduce emissions are
 Dennis E. Welch,                           countries, replace ageing assets in the                                                  insufficient to limit average global
 Executive Vice President,                  OECD countries and meet emissions                                                        temperature increase due to
 Environment, Safety &                      targets. $250 billion was invested                                                       anthropogenic climate change to 2°C.
 Health and Facilities,                     globally in 2008 constructing 157GW
 American Electric Power                    of power generation from all sources,

                                            Figure 4: Examples of impacts associated with global average
                                            temperature change

                                                                                   Global average annual temperature change relative to 1980-1999 ( °C)
                                                                  0                        1                        2                        3                        4                     5° C

                                                                      Increased water availability in moist tropics and high latitudes                                                             WGII 3.4.1, 3.4.3
                                                    WATER             Decreasing water availability and increasing drought in mid-latitudes and semi-arid low latitudes                            3.ES, 3.4.1, 3.4.3
                                                                      Hundreds of millions of people exposed to increased water stress                                                             3.5.1, T3.3, 20.6.2,

                                                                                                         Up to 30% of species at                                Significant † extinctions          4.ES, 4.4.11
                                                                                                         Increasing risk of extinction                          around the globe
                                                                                                                                                                                                   T4.1, F4.4, B4.4,
                                                                      Increased coral bleaching          Most corals bleached            Widespread coral mortality                                6.4.1, 6.6.5, B6.1
                                                                                                                          Terrestrial biosphere tends toward a net carbon source as:               4.ES, T4.1, F4.2,
                                                 ECOSYSTEMS                                                               -15%                           -40% of ecoystems affected                F4.4
                                                                                                                                                                                                   4.2.2, 4.4.1, 4.4.4,
                                                                      Increasing species range shifts and wildfire risk                                                                            4.4.5, 4.4.6, 4.4.10,
                                                                                                                          Ecosystem changes due to weakening                                       B4.5
                                                                                                                          of the meridional overturning circulation                                19.3.5

                                                                      Complex, localised negative impacts on small holders, subsistence farmers and fishers                                        5.ES, 5.4.7
                                                                                               Tendencies for cereal productivity                        Productivity of all cereals               5.ES, 5.4.2, F5.2
                                                    FOOD                                       to decrease in low latitudes                              decreases in low latitudes
                                                                                               Tendencies for some cereal productivity                   Cereal productivity to                    5.ES, 5.4.2, F5.2
                                                                                               to increase at mid-to high latitudes                      decrease in some regions

                                                                      Increased damage from floods and storms                                                                                      6.ES, 6.3.2, 6.4.1,
                                                                                                                                              About 30% of
                                                                                                                                              global coastal                                       6.4.1
                                                   COASTS                                                                                     wetlands lost ‡
                                                                                                                        Millions more people could experience
                                                                                                                        coastal flooding each year                                                 T6.6, F6.8, TS.B5

                                                                                                                                                                                                   8.ES, 8.4.1, 8.7,
                                                                      Increasing burden from malnutrition, diarrhoea, cardio-respiratory and infectious diseases                                   T8.2, T8.4
                                                                                                                                                                                                   8.ES, 8.2.2, 8.2.3,
                                                                      Increased morbidity and mortality from heat waves, floods and droughts                                                       8.4.1, 8.4.2, 8.7,
                                                   HEALTH                                                                                                                                          T8.3, F8.3
                                                                      Changed distribution of some disease vectors
                                                                                                                                                                                                   8.ES, 8.2.8, 8.7, B8.4
                                                                                                                                          Substantial burden on health services                    8.6.1

                                                                     0                    1                        2                        3                    4                          5° C
                                              Significant is defined here as more than 40%         ‡
                                                                                                     Based on average rate of sea level rise of 4.2mm/year from 2000 to 2080.

                                            17   EC Directive 2001/80/EC.
                                            18   Hewer, 2006.
                                            19   Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2009, UN Environment Programme's (UNEP) Sustainable Energy
6                                                Finance Initiative.
Carbon Disclosure Project Report Global Electric Utilities

Reducing the GHG emissions of                                                           therefore becoming largely an urban
the electricity sector is central to                                                    phenomenon concentrated in the                                    “Cemig has developed strategies
achieving a low-carbon economy and                                                      developing world.                                                  and undertaken projects to
restricting global average temperature                                                                                                                     minimize impacts on its business
increases. Electricity companies                                                                                                                           related to extreme climate events
                                                                                        The trend for increasing urbanisation                              caused by global warming. About
are faced with implementing new                                                         is expected to be accelerated as
generation technologies, energy                                                                                                                            97.0% of Cemig’s electric energy
                                                                                        people move from failing rural areas                               generation system is composed
efficiency and demand management                                                        under increasing pressure from climate
measures to meet emissions targets.                                                                                                                        of hydroelectric plants. Therefore,
                                                                                        change to cities. Urban areas already                              extreme droughts or heavy rains
Investments are needed in new                                                           face power shortages in many areas
assets, retrofit technologies to clean                                                                                                                     may result in alterations in the
                                                                                        of the world. Electricity companies                                generation, transmission and
legacy assets, transmission and                                                         will face major challenges in providing
distribution strengthening for resilience                                                                                                                  distribution of energy and impact
                                                                                        new generation capacity and supply                                 the company. With this issue in
and distributed generation, and                                                         reliability within urban areas to meet
control technologies (smart grid,                                                                                                                          mind, Cemig has been working to
                                                                                        the increased demands from domestic                                improve its initiatives in respect to
smart metering, distributed/micro                                                       customers, essential urban utilities
generation, virtual power plants,                                                                                                                          both monitoring and communicating
                                                                                        (for example water and sewerage),                                  hydrometeorological events and
demand management).                                                                     and the technological changes in                                   atmospheric discharges and has
                                                                                        transportation (for example the                                    been studying and simulating raised-
Increasing urbanisation. More than                                                      increased use of electric vehicles).                               flow events in order to guarantee the
half of the world’s population now                                                      Ability to pay by an increasing                                    security of its generation system and
lives in cities. According to the                                                       proportion of urban populations                                    of the surrounding communities.”
2008 Revision of the official United                                                    who are poorer and disadvantaged
Nations population estimates and                                                        will become a significant issue for                                Djalma Bastos de Morais,
projections, the world population is                                                    electricity companies, particularly                                CEO, Cemig, Brazil
projected to reach 7 billion early in                                                   in emerging economies.
2012, up from the current 6.8 billion,
and surpass 9 billion people by                                                         Water resources. Global fresh water
205020. The population living in urban                                                  resources are under increasing stress.
areas is projected to gain 3.1 billion,                                                 Less water, declining water quality,
passing from 3.3 billion in 2007 to                                                     and growing water demand are
6.4 billion 2050. The urban areas of                                                    creating immense challenges to the
the world are expected to absorb all                                                    electricity sector which is a major user
the population growth expected over                                                     of water (see Figure 6). The sector has
the next four decades while at the                                                      historically taken clean, reliable and
same time drawing in some of the                                                        inexpensive water for granted. These
rural population.                                                                       trends are creating operational issues,
                                                                                        restrictions on abstractions, more
Furthermore, most of the population                                                     stringent water quality regulations,
growth expected in urban areas will                                                     pressure to move towards full-cost
be concentrated in the cities and                                                       water pricing, and increased public
towns of the less developed regions.                                                    scrutiny of corporate water practices.21
Asia, in particular, is projected to                                                    The electricity sector requires a
see its urban population increase by                                                    consistent supply of water – in the
1.8 billion, Africa by 0.9 billion, and                                                 USA it accounts for 39% of total
Latin America and the Caribbean                                                         freshwater abstractions.22
by 0.2 billion. Population growth is

Figure 5: Population change and urbanisation

 Population (billions)

                               1950   1955   1960   1965   1970   1975   1980   1985   1990   1995   2000   2005   2010   2015   2020   2025   2030

                                      World Rural Population                      World Urban Population                  World Total Population

20 United Nations (2008) Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division. World Urbanization Prospects:
   The 2008 Revision. United Nations 2008.
21 Ceres, Pacific Institute ‘Water scarcity and climate change: growing risks for businesses and investors’ 2009.
22 Energy Demands on Water Resources: Report to Congress on the Interdependence of Energy and Water,” U.S. Department

   of Energy, December 2006.
3 The energy revolution

Figure 6: Water consumption by type of energy generation23                                                          Financing the energy revolution.
                                                                                                                    Power-sector investment in the
                                                                                                                    short-term is expected to be severely
                                                                            Water consumption required
                               Total water consumed per megawatt               for U.S. daily energy                affected by the current financing
    Energy type                          hour (m3/MWh)                      production (millions of m3)
                                                                                                                    difficulties. In the longer term the
    Solar                                   0.0001                                      0.011                       scale of the investment required
    Wind                                    0.0001                                      0.011                       to meet the energy challenge is
    Gas                                       1                                           11                        significant. A recent study by Ernst 
    Coal                                      2                                           22
                                                                                                                    Young26 concludes that £234 billion
                                                                                                                    of new investment is now required to
    Nuclear                                   2.5                                        27.5
                                                                                                                    meet the UK’s energy goals. These
    Oil                                       4                                           44                        additional investments will double the
    Hydropower                                68                                         748                        value of the UK’s total energy supply
    Biofuel (1st generation)                 178                                         1958                       asset base (after taking into account
                                                                                                                    depreciation) by 2025.

A particular area of concern for the                Delivering and treating clean drinking                          Clear national government policy.
electricity sector is the impact of                 water together with safe sewerage and                           In addition to the technological
climate change on water resources.                  waste water treatment systems to an                             challenges, the electricity sector
The IPCC Synthesis Report released                  increasing global urban population                              is faced with an uncertain regulatory
in 2007 states24:                                   will create significant increases in                            landscape and in many cases a
                                                    the demand for electricity.                                     vacuum in national government policy.
“Climate change is expected to                                                                                      Governments are slow to agree and
exacerbate current stresses on water                Current global financial situation. The                         implement the policies needed to
resources from population growth                    International Energy Agency estimates                           create the certainty required by
and economic and land-use change,                   that global electricity consumption                             the companies and their investors.
including urbanisation. On a regional               could drop by as much as 3.5% in                                The timelines do not match that
scale, mountain snow pack, glaciers                 2009 – the first annual contraction                             required to close the growing
and small ice caps play a crucial role              since the end of the Second World                               supply – demand gap.
in freshwater availability. Widespread              War.25 There is a risk of complacency
mass losses from glaciers and                       creeping in as the recession decreases                          New regulatory landscapes. Although
reductions in snow cover over recent                demand, obscures the greater                                    new regulatory provisions are being
decades are projected to accelerate                 challenges from the energy revolution                           developed in many countries in
throughout the 21st century, reducing               and climate change and delays action.                           response to these challenges, there
water availability, hydropower                      Investment is needed to invest in                               remains a great deal of uncertainty
potential, and changing seasonality of              assets now during the downturn to                               regarding the scope, content and
flows in regions supplied by meltwater              prepare for the future. A prolonged                             format of future legislation. Greater
from major mountain ranges (e.g.                    depressed financial situation will                              certainty about the future regulatory
Hindu-Kush, Himalaya, Andes), where                 delay investment and create further                             landscape is required to encourage
more than one-sixth of the world                    pressures for electricity companies                             companies to invest. New regulatory
population currently lives.”                        and for societies and economies.                                pricing structures will be required
                                                                                                                    in some countries to encourage
“Changes in precipitation and                                                                                       greater energy efficiency and demand
temperature lead to changes in                                                                                      management measures.
runoff and water availability. Runoff
is projected with high confidence to
increase by 10 to 40% by mid-century
at higher latitudes and in some wet
tropical areas, including populous
areas in East and South-East Asia,
and decrease by 10 to 30% over some
dry regions at mid-latitudes and dry
tropics, due to decreases in rainfall
and higher rates of evapotranspiration.
There is also high confidence that
many semi-arid areas (e.g. the
Mediterranean Basin, western United
States, southern Africa and north-
eastern Brazil) will suffer a decrease
in water resources due to climate
change. Drought-affected areas are
projected to increase in extent.”

                                                    23 Linking Water, Energy  Climate Change: A proposed water and energy policy initiative for the UN Climate Change
                                                       Conference, COP15, in Copenhagen 2009,” DHI, Draft Concept Note, January 2008.
                                                    24 IPCC ‘Climate change 2007: synthesis report’.
                                                    25 OECD and IEA The impact of the economic and financial crisis on global energy investment May 2009.

8                                                   26 Ernst  Young (2009) Securing the UK’s energy future – meeting the financing challenge. London.
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  • 1. Carbon Disclosure Project Report Global Electric Utilities Building business resilience to inevitable climate change The Adaptation Challenge Report prepared by: Report sponsored by:
  • 2. Acclimatise reference CDP001/02 This document should be referenced as: Acclimatise (2009). ‘Building Business Resilience to Inevitable Climate Change’. Carbon Disclosure Project Report. Global Electric Utilities. Oxford Project Manager Jean-Christophe Amado Approved by John Firth, CEO and co-founder Acclimatise Hexgreave Hall, Upper Hexgreave, Farnsfield, Nottinghamshire, NG22 8LS T: +44 (0) 1623 884347 E: enquiries @ W: Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the following organisations and individuals for their guidance, advice and support in the preparation and publication of this report: Daniel Turner Carbon Disclosure Project Joanna Lee Carbon Disclosure Project Matt King Acclimatise Clephane Compton Acclimatise David Beer Acclimatise Jon Bentley IBM Cathy Pickering IBM Graham Butler IBM Gavin Jones IBM John Juliano IBM Peter Richardson IBM The IBM Viewpoint was written by Graham Butler, Executive Partner, Utilities Sector, Global Business Services, IBM UK & Ireland
  • 3. IBM Viewpoint IBM believes the electricity industry is Energy Agency1. This is due not only So, the industry is both a major central to addressing world concerns to population growth, urbanisation greenhouse gas emitter and one of about both energy and climate. and improvement in living standards, the solutions to reducing emissions. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but also to new requirements such as For example, electric vehicles are adapting to the climate change already electric vehicles and the substitution promoted by many as the best underway and planning for a secure of electricity for hydrocarbon-based option to reduce vehicle emissions, energy future must be addressed in fuels as an ‘energy carrier’. We can but there is little point in doing this concert. And action is required now. expect further growth in energy if the generation, transmission and demands as individuals, communities distribution of electricity is no ‘cleaner’ and organisations strive to adapt to than it is today. History shows the need to invest changing climatic conditions. for the future Climate change will exacerbate Throughout history major problems The industry faces major challenges some existing industry challenges have been the catalyst for major in meeting this growing demand, not and give rise to new ones. change. The growing demands and least because of inhibitors such as: constraints on the electricity industry regulation and legislation; inadequate suggest we are rapidly approaching Climate change problems and investment returns and out-dated such a critical moment. So, a look solutions are intertwined economic incentives that are now back to the lessons from previous unhelpful; and the supply of natural The two core focus areas in addressing large scale infrastructural changes resources. Climate change concerns climate change come together for the might be timely. both constrain and direct the way electricity industry more acutely than in which these challenges can in many areas of society: The problems of overcrowding be overcome. and unhygienic living conditions in • Mitigation: reducing greenhouse Victorian London endangered not only Taking just one example, electricity gas emissions to limit the impact people’s health but also the political companies face major financing of climate change in coming and commercial well-being of the city. challenges. With an urgent demand decades will require changes in The result was major expenditure on for more capacity, the industry must consumption behaviour and new a new infrastructure, the sewerage raise capital for these projects. This supply side technologies system. The difficulty in transporting is particularly difficult because of people and goods over large distances the size of the investment (in the UK, • Adaptation: addressing the risks in 19th century USA, was a major the industry requires an estimated and opportunities resulting from the inhibitor to growth removed by £233.5 bn investment2 over the inevitable climate change – occurring massive investment in the rail network. next 15 years which equates to a now due to previous emissions cost of approximately £9000.00 per of greenhouse gases – which are Key to both examples is that a household), the desire from investors changing demand patterns and completely fresh approach was for a short return on investment and placing operational and resource taken and the investment made the general lack of funding available constraints on supply. for the future rather than repairing due to the current global financial existing infrastructure. situation. The situation is made more Mitigation has been the main focus complex by the relative immaturity of the industry so far. There are and lack of commercial scale of some many good examples of the work A crisis of energy demand of the technologies central to these underway here, with investment and supply projects. to reduce emissions from existing We now face a series of major infrastructure, the development of problems relating to the generation, Any growth in energy supply must new technologies such as wind and transmission and consumption of be achieved in a low carbon way. solar, and the deployment of smart energy, all of which are essential to Power generation creates 25% of the grids and smart meters. But there is the commercial world, the way we world’s CO2 emissions, the largest much still to do and it is vital that live and the development aspirations man-made source, according to The these efforts intensify without delay. of the majority of humankind. Climate Group and McKinsey & Co3. Sadly, too much of the generated Adaptation, according to the analysis The world is demanding more and energy is currently wasted. According in this report, has not had the same more energy. The projected growth of to a recent Ontario Smart Price Pilot focus and we ignore this at our peril. worldwide energy demand by 2030 is report4, 170 billion kilowatt-hours of We need to understand the effects 36.8% according to the International electricity are wasted each year by that inevitable climate change will have consumers due to insufficient power on the electricity industry over the 1 International Energy Outlook 2008. usage information. next few years – and what steps the 2 3 Times article, quoting Ernst & Young Study, 25 May 2009. The Climate Group and McKinsey & Co.,“Smart 2020 Report”. industry should be taking. 4 Ontario Smart Price Pilot report: Regulated+Price+Plan/Regulated+Price+Plan+-+Ontario+Smart+Price+Pilot ii
  • 4. IBM Viewpoint Scientists inform us that climate systems means more dynamic control To achieve this, we need the change is underway and the of the flows of power, information and consumer to become part of the direct effects of increasing global money; new sources of ‘supply’ and electricity management and efficiency temperatures, changes in precipitation ‘demand’; and changed relationships story. Examples of this type of and rising sea levels are becoming between the two. engagement include: more evident. The indirect impacts on social, environmental and economic Many opportunities exist to optimise • Encouraging people to use less systems are also beginning to come and grow existing capabilities and energy, differently. This can help into view. For the electricity industry, accelerate emerging technologies to to lower energy usage directly and these effects are likely to bring commercial scale. lower and spread peak usage. A increasing pressures, for example: smart way of achieving this would be to implement smart grids (which IBM sees the need for three areas • Significant changes in the could help to lower emissions by of action to happen consecutively, demand for electricity. Increasing 14% by 20205), smart meters, not sequentially. urbanisation will be driven in part remote operation and automated by climate change with people operation of electrical appliances migrating to find water, food and • Optimise: Apply smart solutions and goods work, etc. Energy infrastructure to optimise and extend existing will be placed under increasing capabilities, making the most • Encouraging people to collaborate pressure. For many urban areas the efficient use of the assets that with utilities in generation – capacity to meet growing demands already exist to buy time and take expansion of micro generation, for will be inadequate or non-existent appropriate adaptation action. example CHP, photovoltaic, solar Examples could include: asset heating, etc., has the potential • Significant changes to the supply life extension and optimisation to provide an almost infinitely chain. Access to and transportation programmes, and new, cleaner controllable electricity generation of raw materials, commodities and fossil-fuel plants. capability able to meet demand goods will be affected by changes more closely than the current in climate creating disruptions to • Grow: Rapidly grow existing centralised approach. supply chains. We are already seeing commercialised capability through conflicts between users for water smarter design and operation Change is needed now to with competing demands to grow providing ‘low-regret’ solutions enable prosperity in a much crops, provide drinking water and with potentially large benefits, for different future cool power plants. In addition, as example: factoring changing climatic urban centres change and expand, conditions into the design stage for Successful electricity companies over it is likely that food and water will new cooling systems; developing the next 10 years will be those that act have to be transported over longer transmission systems to cope now upon the clear signals that climate distances requiring ever greater with increased temperatures and change is underway. energy inputs provide greater access to remote renewable energy assets; new- • Significant shifts in the availability build nuclear programmes; They will have recognised the risks of natural resources. Climate change automated and intelligent smart and opportunities arising from a will alter the productivity, economics grids; smart metering and demand changing climate and will have created and operational feasibility of management technologies; and business models that understand the renewable and non-renewable new regulatory incentives. changing nature of supply, demand power generation in different and control in the electricity sector. areas of the world. • Accelerate: Nurture and accelerate new capabilities to commercial They will have a fully integrated scale, whilst at the same time There is a confluence of conflicting approach to the challenges of the maintaining options that allow further pressures: a variety of restrictions energy revolution, reducing emissions adaptation actions in the future. to generating additional supplies of and adapting to climate change. Examples could include: carbon electricity; a growing demand for They will use the lessons gained from capture and storage, deep-water more energy; a changing geographic the present financial crisis and from wind, tidal and wave power, micro- demand for energy; changing climate history to avoid the even greater and combined heat and power (CHP), and environmental conditions on entirely ‘predictable surprise’ created more efficient home wind and solar, a geographic basis; and a need to by climate change. distributed on-shore wind, waste reduce greenhouse gas emissions. and bio; various forms of storage; electric vehicle infrastructure; and The industry must behave differently Consumers must help with intelligent home devices. Other to address pro-actively the immediate the supply side and utilities industries will need to transform the and longer term impacts of inevitable with demand energy efficiency and demands of climate change while continuing to the products and processes both deal with today's immediate pressures. Electricity is a complex system-of- to ease pressure on the electricity systems and it requires an integrated industry and reduce their risks to approach to fundamentally redesign Senior executives in the sector increasingly stressed supply. must take the lead and drive the way the industry works if it is to meet the challenges of a changing their companies towards this climate. Optimising this system-of- transformation. iii 5 The Climate Group and McKinsey & Co., “Smart 2020 Report”.
  • 5. Executive Summary Electricity companies must assess • Reductions in agricultural and The present financial crisis is driving the risks and opportunities arising fisheries yields many companies to take stock and from inevitable climate change as revisit their business models. This • Increasing stress and competition well as taking essential action to provides the ideal opportunity for for water resources reduce emissions. The focus so far, companies to look at the strategic as evidenced by responses to the • Enhanced migration to urban areas and operational issues they will need Carbon Disclosure Project, has been to address if they are to become primarily on electricity companies • Changing disease patterns climate resilient. reducing emissions and secondarily • Geo-political risks. on understanding the risks posed by The successful electricity companies climate change. Companies should of the future will be those that act recognise the need for action in the These impacts add up to significant changes in the demand for electricity now upon the clear signals that near term to build business resilience climate change is underway. They to manage the risks and capitalise against a backdrop of supply challenges, ageing assets, new will have a fully integrated approach on the opportunities that inevitable to the challenges of the energy climate change brings. technology, prescriptive regulation and impacts on asset performance revolution, reducing emissions and and efficiency. adapting to climatic change. They This century will see unprecedented will use the lessons gained from the urbanisation and intense competition present financial crisis to avoid the for scarce resources, driven by Although there is uncertainty in the even greater and entirely ‘predictable population growth and economic knowledge we have about the extent surprise’6 created by climate change. development. A revolution in energy and rate of future climate change, Acclimatise and IBM have jointly generation, supply and demand there is sufficient information to assess prepared a set of Prepare-Adapt is needed with companies taking impacts on business models and questions to help electricity companies an integrated approach to the enable robust decisions to be taken take the right steps towards building challenges through: as a result. The successful electricity corporate resilience to inevitable company of the future is taking climate change. climate risks into account today, and • The optimisation of existing is developing adaptive strategies and infrastructure assets, systems and actions to manage the uncertainties. information The existence of uncertainties • Growth of existing capabilities regarding the business risks arising from climate change, should by itself • Acceleration of emerging act as a catalyst for companies to technologies to a commercial scale. quantify the risks, monitor the impacts as they arise and be prepared for There is scientific consensus that changes to their business models. the world’s climate is changing due to human activity and that whatever Consumer preferences and needs steps we take to limit GHG emissions will change; markets will open up in we are now faced with several new locations and for new products decades of increasing global and services. Those businesses temperatures and a far longer period that do not respond will lose out of rising sea levels. We are already to their competitors, whilst those seeing the impacts of these and other that recognise the opportunities will climatic changes on social, economic become electricity sector leaders. and environmental systems. The impacts will become more severe over time creating, for example: 6 A predictable surprise describes a situation or circumstance in which major issues are marginalised to satisfy short-term expediency. Predictable surprises can be defined as issues that: • at least some people are aware of, • are getting worse over time, and • are likely to create a crisis, • but are not priorities for decision makers or have not elicited a response fast enough to prevent severe damage. See M. Bazerman and M. Watkins (2004) ‘Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming, and How to Prevent Them’. iv
  • 6. Contents IBM Viewpoint ii Executive Summary iv 1 Introduction 1 2 Climate change is underway 2 3 The energy revolution 4 4 What are the impacts for the 9 electricity sector? Extreme events and incremental 10 change Change drivers for corporate 11 action How are companies 13 responding? 5 What actions should 15 companies take? Developing an integrated 16 approach Prepare-Adapt: 10 questions 17 for senior executives in the electricity sector Appendix 1: The future 19 electricity sector value chain Appendix 2: Examples of 21 the impacts of inevitable climate change for the electricity sector References and 25 further reading v
  • 7. 1 Introduction In this report we explore the issues Those companies focussing their The Information Request was sent that electricity companies are climate change activities exclusively on to the world’s largest 218 electric beginning to face in response to a reducing GHG emissions (and many utilities globally (based on market changing climate and the actions companies have yet to understand capitalisation). Acclimatise has being taken. the urgency for action in this area) analysed the responses to assess are only considering half the picture. the business resilience of companies The report draws upon an analysis of By failing to build resilience they will to a changing climate. A separate the responses from global electricity miss significant business opportunities technical appendix is available online companies to the 2008 Carbon created by the energy revolution. at with the Disclosure Project (CDP). Examples results from the analysis. of actions and issues taken from the The report includes a series of responses are provided. Prepare-Adapt questions prepared Acclimatisation Index by Acclimatise and IBM to help The analysis of the responses to the As the most carbon intensive industry senior electricity company executives CDP Information Request has been in the world, the electricity sector is identify the steps they need to take undertaken using our Acclimatisation simultaneously a significant contributor towards building corporate resilience Index methodology. This enables to and victim of climate change. to inevitable climate change. a semi-quantitative analysis of the Reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) responses recognising the scope emissions of the sector is central to The Carbon Disclosure Project of the questions. The Index can achieving a low-carbon economy7 take into account information from CDP is an independent not-for-profit and requires “nothing short of other sources to provide a more organisation which holds the largest an energy revolution.”8 Ensuring comprehensive analysis. database of corporate climate change the resilience of the generation, information in the world. The data is transmission and distribution obtained from responses to CDP’s The Acclimatisation Index has network and shifting the focus to annual Information Requests, issued been used to analyse the resilience renewable sources of energy, low on behalf of 475 institutional investors, of global electricity companies carbon generation and more dynamic to more than 3,700 corporations to climate change in response to balancing of supply and demand will across the globe. Since its formation questions contained within sections require levels of investment that will in 2000, CDP has become the gold 1 and 49 of the CDP questionnaire. transform the industry. standard for carbon disclosure methodology and process, providing Many of the climate changes that we primary climate change data to the will see over the next 30 to 40 years global market place. CDP plays a are already built into the climate vital role in encouraging companies system due to GHG emissions. to measure, manage and reduce Mitigation efforts to reduce emissions emissions and climate change impacts. are vital if we are to keep climate change from surpassing a dangerous The CDP Information Requests and rapidly approaching threshold. include a series of questions seeking This has been called avoiding the disclosure on the physical impacts unmanageable. However the effects of climate change on existing and of climate change are already upon us future company performance and and are growing rapidly. A significant the management responses. (A copy reduction in emissions is essential, of the questions is available on the but, we must also prepare for and CDP website: respond to the impacts – we must together with a list of the investors). adapt to manage the unavoidable. 7 8 IEA, 2008. 9 Excluding question b ‘Individual Performance’ of section 4 which focused on performance towards GHG targets. 1
  • 8. 2 Climate change is underway There is scientific consensus that the The IPCC has recommended that “Even with drastic cuts in emissions world’s climate is changing due to urgent action is required to limit in the next 10 years, our results human activity and that whatever steps the concentration of GHG’s in the project that there will only be around we take to limit GHG emissions we atmosphere and prevent global a 50% chance of keeping global are now faced with several decades of average temperatures rising above temperature rises below 2°C. If the increasing global temperatures and a 2°C. A temperature rise above 2°C will world fails to make the required far longer period of rising sea levels. be difficult for contemporary societies reductions, it will be faced with to cope with, and will cause major adapting not just to a 2°C rise in social, economic and environmental temperature but to 4°C or more In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – the most disruptions through the rest of the by the end of the century.” A 2°C century and beyond. There are also increase in global temperatures will authoritative scientific body on climate change – confirmed the scientific concerns that increases above 2°C create severe stress in many parts significantly increase the risk of large of the world.” evidence that climate change is already under way10 : scale, irreversible system disruption.11 Dr Vicky Pope, Head of Climate Change Advice • “Warming of the climate system Limiting temperature rise to 2°C is at the UK Met Office is unequivocal, as is now evident looking increasingly challenging and if from observations of increases we fail we are faced with further rises in global average air and ocean in temperature and an even greater temperatures, widespread melting adaptation challenge. of snow and ice, and rising global mean sea level.” (see Figure 1) • “At continental, regional, and ocean “Climate change is increasingly basin scales, numerous long-term recognised as a key strategic issue changes in climate have been for the electricity generation sector… observed. These include changes in Arctic temperatures and ice, The opportunities and compulsion widespread changes in precipitation for carbon reduction and adaptation amounts, ocean salinity, wind strategies for this sector are patterns and aspects of extreme therefore considerable and warrant weather including droughts, heavy particular attention from investors.” precipitation, heat waves and the intensity of tropical cyclones.” Global Climate Disclosure Framework for Electric Utilities, Institutional Investors Group for Climate Change 10 IPCC ‘Climate change 2007: synthesis report’. 11 Scientific Symposium on Stabilisation of Greenhouse Gases – Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change Exeter February 2005. 2 Executive Summary of the Conference Report.
  • 9. Carbon Disclosure Project Report Global Electric Utilities Figure 1: Comparison of observed continental- and global-scale changes in surface temperature with results simulated by climate models using either natural or both natural and anthropogenic forcings12 Europe Temperature anomaly (˚C) 1.0 North America Asia 0.5 Temperature anomaly (˚C) Temperature anomaly (˚C) 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1900 1950 2000 Year 0.0 0.0 1900 1950 2000 Africa 1900 1950 2000 Temperature anomaly (˚C) Year Year 1.0 South America Australia 0.5 Temperature anomaly (˚C) Temperature anomaly (˚C) 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1900 1950 2000 Year 0.0 0.0 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000 Year Year Global Global Land Global Ocean Temperature anomaly (˚C) Temperature anomaly (˚C) Temperature anomaly (˚C) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000 Year Year Year Models using only natural forcings Models using both natural and anthropogenic forcings Observations 12 IPCC ‘Climate change 2007: synthesis report’. 3
  • 10. 3 The energy revolution It is important that any consideration Challenges Increasing temperatures will increase of the impacts of climate change be the demand for energy and place National energy security concerns. set against the context of the other great pressure on existing assets. Secure long-term access to fuel and challenges already faced by the global Companies will be faced with more energy supplies is a key element of electricity sector. difficult supply reliability issues. Figure energy policies for most developed 2 shows averaged European summer countries and increasingly for the Whereas the eighteenth century temperatures as observed (black line), emerging economies. may have been characterised by the and simulated by the Hadley Centre industrial revolution and the twentieth Model (red line) from 1900 to 2100. Supply reliability. Failure in the security The observed average European century by globalisation, this century of supplies to customers, interruptions summer temperature for 2003 is will see unprecedented urbanisation, and longer term outages cause major marked with a black star. The return shortages of food and water and financial losses not to mention adverse period for the 2003 heatwave under intense competition for scarce social impacts and constraints on climate change increases from a 1 in resources, driven by population growth economic prosperity and growth. In 500 year event in 2003 to a 1 in 2 year and economic development. Climate the USA it has been estimated that the event by 2040. 2003 will be a normal change is being driven by the use of annual cost to the economy arising summer in the 2040s and a relatively fossil fuel based energy sources to from power interruptions is $80 billion. cool summer by the 2060s. meet these challenges. A large proportion of these costs are attributable to the combined effect The responses to these challenges of asset age and the impacts of will require a revolution in energy weather events. generation, supply and demand. The challenges and how they will be affected by a changing climate are considered in the following section. Figure 2: Observed and modelled changes in temperature in Europe13 8 50N 45N 6 40N 35N 30N 10W 0 10E 20E 30E 40E Temperature anomaly (K) 4 0 1 2 3 4 2 0 -2 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 Year 13 Stott, P.A., Stone, D. A. and Allen, M. R. (2004) Human contribution to the European heatwave of 2003. 4 Nature, Vol 432, pp 610-614.
  • 11. Carbon Disclosure Project Report Global Electric Utilities Figure 3: Increasing energy demands from emerging economies16 “Besides the efforts of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from its Exhibit 1 End-use energy demand by region,1 quadrillion British thermal units (QBTUs) operations to limit climate change Higher energy E.ON acknowledges and plans for productivity Potential 25% decline in energy CAGR,2 CAGR,2 both the effects of gradual warming, demand in 2020 from base 2005-20, 2005-20, as well as an increased frequency case – larger than today's total % base case % with energy energy demand in China productivity of extreme weather events. We 380 93 capture expect that these seasonal and } 27 10 5 weather-related fluctuations 14 7 11 in revenues and demand will 29 +3.4 +1.4 14 continue. As a response we will 32 45 287 improve our grid management and 22 +3.7 +2.3 36 29 optimize the usage of our power 231 +3.6 +1.6 Africa 16 stations. We have also undertaken 30 +4.5 +1.8 India 23 42 operational and infrastructure 30 +2.3 +0.9 Middle East 23 52 improvements to increase the 31 Southeast Asia 26 +3.2 +1.1 resiliency of our generating assets Latin America 26 38 +1.4 -0.7 and transmission and distribution Eastern Europe3 42 networks to these extraordinary 138 106 +4.2 +2.4 conditions. E.ON has made these China 74 mitigation and adaptation efforts a part of its Business Continuity 2005 energy Projected Demand Potential lower Management processes.” demand 2020 energy abatement energy demand demand, opportunity in 2020 base case from energy Matthias Hansch, productivity investment VP Climate Protection and Environment, 1 Figures may not sum to totals, because of rounding 2 Compound annual growth rate E.ON AG 3 Includes Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Slovakia. Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis Increase in global demand for energy. Energy underpins our social and Energy demand is expected to grow economic systems. Access to reliable “People really need to understand by 1.6% per year on average between and increased supplies of low-carbon that the average global surface 2006 and 2030, an increase of electricity are essential to meet the temperature is like the temperature 45%14. Although the current financial adaptation needs arising from, for of your body – and if you have crisis has affected energy demand, example, increasing urbanisation, a fever of 40.5°C, even though the underlying growth in demand agriculture (to improve yields and that’s only three and a half degrees is expected to continue over the manage drought), transportation, the above normal, it’s potentially fatal. medium-long term. Between 2007 built environment (to cool buildings), Everything that is expected to and 2030, around 13.2 trillion US$ of potable water supplies, drainage and result from global climate change cumulative investments are forecasted waste water treatment. driven by greenhouse gases is not to be required in the power sector to only happening, but it’s happening maintain supply and respond to the It is not clear from the scenarios faster than anybody expected.” increased demand for electricity15. developed by organisations such The increasing energy demands from as the International Energy Agency Dr. John Holdren, emerging economies and developing if these additional energy needs Chief Scientific Adviser countries, relevant to that from the driven by climate change impacts to President Obama, OECD countries, is a key challenge and adaptation responses have been 6 February 2008 (see Figure 3). included in demand estimates. The direct and indirect impacts of The IPCC Synthesis Report provides climate change (see Figure 4) will examples of the impacts associated increase the demand for electricity and with global average temperature affect the resilience of assets to meet change (see Figure 4). The black the changing demands. The impacts lines link impacts; broken-line arrows will also increase the competition indicate impacts continuing with for water resources between the increasing temperature. Entries are electricity sector and other users (for placed so that the left-hand side of example, agriculture, fisheries, drinking text indicates the approximate level water, industry, and natural habitats). of warming that is associated with the onset of a given impact. 14 International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook 2008. Paris. 15 CDP, 2008. 16 Farrell D. And Remes. J (2009) Promoting energy efficiency in the developing world. McKinsey Global Institute. 5
  • 12. 3 The energy revolution High rate of asset retirement. In of which 40% (65GW at a cost of $155 “Climate change is a significant global developed countries with ageing billion) was in renewables (excluding challenge and its solution will have a generation, transmission and large hydro).19 profound effect on how we produce, distribution assets, many assets distribute and consume energy in are nearing their design life and the future. But the challenge before Lead time for new assets. The investment is required now to maintain appraisal, design and construction of us is not solely about greenhouse supplies. Many existing nuclear and gas emissions. Physical risks from major assets can take many years. fossil fuel power stations are due for Securing regulatory consents is changes in climate such as potential retirement creating a supply demand water scarcity that impedes our becoming increasingly difficult in many gap. Asset retirement is also driven areas of the world as environmental ability to produce electricity and by pollution legislation, for example changing temperatures that increase and sustainability concerns become in the European Community by major political issues. Building new our summer peak demand for the Combustion Directive17. Asset electricity could significantly affect power stations can be difficult in retirement rates are high in many countries with high environmental our business. We are addressing developed countries (including the these issues by studying our water standards, active NGOs, and complex U.S., UK and Germany). In the UK regulatory and consenting processes. needs to ensure we are using this alone, a generation shortfall of 20% precious resource most efficiently. Political issues regarding the building is predicted by 2015.18 of new nuclear and fossil fuel power And we are seizing the opportunity to advance technologies that improve stations, and the right financial our own use of energy and help our Development of new assets with new conditions for the development of customers to manage theirs. As the technologies (including a growing alternative renewable energy sources largest coal consuming electric utility renewable energy sector). Significant create further delays. in the western hemisphere, we have investment is required in new assets a responsibility to lead on this issue.” to meet the growing energy demands Reducing GHG emissions. Current from the developing and transition actions to reduce emissions are Dennis E. Welch, countries, replace ageing assets in the insufficient to limit average global Executive Vice President, OECD countries and meet emissions temperature increase due to Environment, Safety & targets. $250 billion was invested anthropogenic climate change to 2°C. Health and Facilities, globally in 2008 constructing 157GW American Electric Power of power generation from all sources, Figure 4: Examples of impacts associated with global average temperature change Global average annual temperature change relative to 1980-1999 ( °C) 0 1 2 3 4 5° C Increased water availability in moist tropics and high latitudes WGII 3.4.1, 3.4.3 WATER Decreasing water availability and increasing drought in mid-latitudes and semi-arid low latitudes 3.ES, 3.4.1, 3.4.3 Hundreds of millions of people exposed to increased water stress 3.5.1, T3.3, 20.6.2, TS.B5 Up to 30% of species at Significant † extinctions 4.ES, 4.4.11 Increasing risk of extinction around the globe T4.1, F4.4, B4.4, Increased coral bleaching Most corals bleached Widespread coral mortality 6.4.1, 6.6.5, B6.1 Terrestrial biosphere tends toward a net carbon source as: 4.ES, T4.1, F4.2, ECOSYSTEMS -15% -40% of ecoystems affected F4.4 4.2.2, 4.4.1, 4.4.4, Increasing species range shifts and wildfire risk 4.4.5, 4.4.6, 4.4.10, Ecosystem changes due to weakening B4.5 of the meridional overturning circulation 19.3.5 Complex, localised negative impacts on small holders, subsistence farmers and fishers 5.ES, 5.4.7 Tendencies for cereal productivity Productivity of all cereals 5.ES, 5.4.2, F5.2 FOOD to decrease in low latitudes decreases in low latitudes Tendencies for some cereal productivity Cereal productivity to 5.ES, 5.4.2, F5.2 to increase at mid-to high latitudes decrease in some regions Increased damage from floods and storms 6.ES, 6.3.2, 6.4.1, 6.4.2 About 30% of global coastal 6.4.1 COASTS wetlands lost ‡ Millions more people could experience coastal flooding each year T6.6, F6.8, TS.B5 8.ES, 8.4.1, 8.7, Increasing burden from malnutrition, diarrhoea, cardio-respiratory and infectious diseases T8.2, T8.4 8.ES, 8.2.2, 8.2.3, Increased morbidity and mortality from heat waves, floods and droughts 8.4.1, 8.4.2, 8.7, HEALTH T8.3, F8.3 Changed distribution of some disease vectors 8.ES, 8.2.8, 8.7, B8.4 Substantial burden on health services 8.6.1 0 1 2 3 4 5° C † Significant is defined here as more than 40% ‡ Based on average rate of sea level rise of 4.2mm/year from 2000 to 2080. 17 EC Directive 2001/80/EC. 18 Hewer, 2006. 19 Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2009, UN Environment Programme's (UNEP) Sustainable Energy 6 Finance Initiative.
  • 13. Carbon Disclosure Project Report Global Electric Utilities Reducing the GHG emissions of therefore becoming largely an urban the electricity sector is central to phenomenon concentrated in the “Cemig has developed strategies achieving a low-carbon economy and developing world. and undertaken projects to restricting global average temperature minimize impacts on its business increases. Electricity companies related to extreme climate events The trend for increasing urbanisation caused by global warming. About are faced with implementing new is expected to be accelerated as generation technologies, energy 97.0% of Cemig’s electric energy people move from failing rural areas generation system is composed efficiency and demand management under increasing pressure from climate measures to meet emissions targets. of hydroelectric plants. Therefore, change to cities. Urban areas already extreme droughts or heavy rains Investments are needed in new face power shortages in many areas assets, retrofit technologies to clean may result in alterations in the of the world. Electricity companies generation, transmission and legacy assets, transmission and will face major challenges in providing distribution strengthening for resilience distribution of energy and impact new generation capacity and supply the company. With this issue in and distributed generation, and reliability within urban areas to meet control technologies (smart grid, mind, Cemig has been working to the increased demands from domestic improve its initiatives in respect to smart metering, distributed/micro customers, essential urban utilities generation, virtual power plants, both monitoring and communicating (for example water and sewerage), hydrometeorological events and demand management). and the technological changes in atmospheric discharges and has transportation (for example the been studying and simulating raised- Increasing urbanisation. More than increased use of electric vehicles). flow events in order to guarantee the half of the world’s population now Ability to pay by an increasing security of its generation system and lives in cities. According to the proportion of urban populations of the surrounding communities.” 2008 Revision of the official United who are poorer and disadvantaged Nations population estimates and will become a significant issue for Djalma Bastos de Morais, projections, the world population is electricity companies, particularly CEO, Cemig, Brazil projected to reach 7 billion early in in emerging economies. 2012, up from the current 6.8 billion, and surpass 9 billion people by Water resources. Global fresh water 205020. The population living in urban resources are under increasing stress. areas is projected to gain 3.1 billion, Less water, declining water quality, passing from 3.3 billion in 2007 to and growing water demand are 6.4 billion 2050. The urban areas of creating immense challenges to the the world are expected to absorb all electricity sector which is a major user the population growth expected over of water (see Figure 6). The sector has the next four decades while at the historically taken clean, reliable and same time drawing in some of the inexpensive water for granted. These rural population. trends are creating operational issues, restrictions on abstractions, more Furthermore, most of the population stringent water quality regulations, growth expected in urban areas will pressure to move towards full-cost be concentrated in the cities and water pricing, and increased public towns of the less developed regions. scrutiny of corporate water practices.21 Asia, in particular, is projected to The electricity sector requires a see its urban population increase by consistent supply of water – in the 1.8 billion, Africa by 0.9 billion, and USA it accounts for 39% of total Latin America and the Caribbean freshwater abstractions.22 by 0.2 billion. Population growth is Figure 5: Population change and urbanisation 9.0 8.0 7.0 Population (billions) 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 World Rural Population World Urban Population World Total Population 20 United Nations (2008) Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2008 Revision. United Nations 2008. 21 Ceres, Pacific Institute ‘Water scarcity and climate change: growing risks for businesses and investors’ 2009. 22 Energy Demands on Water Resources: Report to Congress on the Interdependence of Energy and Water,” U.S. Department of Energy, December 2006.
  • 14. 3 The energy revolution Figure 6: Water consumption by type of energy generation23 Financing the energy revolution. Power-sector investment in the short-term is expected to be severely Water consumption required Total water consumed per megawatt for U.S. daily energy affected by the current financing Energy type hour (m3/MWh) production (millions of m3) difficulties. In the longer term the Solar 0.0001 0.011 scale of the investment required Wind 0.0001 0.011 to meet the energy challenge is Gas 1 11 significant. A recent study by Ernst Coal 2 22 Young26 concludes that £234 billion of new investment is now required to Nuclear 2.5 27.5 meet the UK’s energy goals. These Oil 4 44 additional investments will double the Hydropower 68 748 value of the UK’s total energy supply Biofuel (1st generation) 178 1958 asset base (after taking into account depreciation) by 2025. A particular area of concern for the Delivering and treating clean drinking Clear national government policy. electricity sector is the impact of water together with safe sewerage and In addition to the technological climate change on water resources. waste water treatment systems to an challenges, the electricity sector The IPCC Synthesis Report released increasing global urban population is faced with an uncertain regulatory in 2007 states24: will create significant increases in landscape and in many cases a the demand for electricity. vacuum in national government policy. “Climate change is expected to Governments are slow to agree and exacerbate current stresses on water Current global financial situation. The implement the policies needed to resources from population growth International Energy Agency estimates create the certainty required by and economic and land-use change, that global electricity consumption the companies and their investors. including urbanisation. On a regional could drop by as much as 3.5% in The timelines do not match that scale, mountain snow pack, glaciers 2009 – the first annual contraction required to close the growing and small ice caps play a crucial role since the end of the Second World supply – demand gap. in freshwater availability. Widespread War.25 There is a risk of complacency mass losses from glaciers and creeping in as the recession decreases New regulatory landscapes. Although reductions in snow cover over recent demand, obscures the greater new regulatory provisions are being decades are projected to accelerate challenges from the energy revolution developed in many countries in throughout the 21st century, reducing and climate change and delays action. response to these challenges, there water availability, hydropower Investment is needed to invest in remains a great deal of uncertainty potential, and changing seasonality of assets now during the downturn to regarding the scope, content and flows in regions supplied by meltwater prepare for the future. A prolonged format of future legislation. Greater from major mountain ranges (e.g. depressed financial situation will certainty about the future regulatory Hindu-Kush, Himalaya, Andes), where delay investment and create further landscape is required to encourage more than one-sixth of the world pressures for electricity companies companies to invest. New regulatory population currently lives.” and for societies and economies. pricing structures will be required in some countries to encourage “Changes in precipitation and greater energy efficiency and demand temperature lead to changes in management measures. runoff and water availability. Runoff is projected with high confidence to increase by 10 to 40% by mid-century at higher latitudes and in some wet tropical areas, including populous areas in East and South-East Asia, and decrease by 10 to 30% over some dry regions at mid-latitudes and dry tropics, due to decreases in rainfall and higher rates of evapotranspiration. There is also high confidence that many semi-arid areas (e.g. the Mediterranean Basin, western United States, southern Africa and north- eastern Brazil) will suffer a decrease in water resources due to climate change. Drought-affected areas are projected to increase in extent.” 23 Linking Water, Energy Climate Change: A proposed water and energy policy initiative for the UN Climate Change Conference, COP15, in Copenhagen 2009,” DHI, Draft Concept Note, January 2008. 24 IPCC ‘Climate change 2007: synthesis report’. 25 OECD and IEA The impact of the economic and financial crisis on global energy investment May 2009. 8 26 Ernst Young (2009) Securing the UK’s energy future – meeting the financing challenge. London.