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HIS multiple-choice test is designed to help
you review the subjects you studied in your
Bible with the preceding four lessons. It's an
enjoyable way of putting to use some of the vital
knowledge and understanding you have gained
through this course.
Notice that there are four parts to the test, each
part covering one of the previous four lessons. You
should take this test after finishing your studies
with these four lessons.
Also notice that you must select one of the four
choices given under each question or incomplete
statement. These choices are labeled A, B, C, D.
Only one is correct. The other three choices are
wrong-unless stated or indicated otherwise.
Usually they are false ideas believed by the major-
ity of professing Christians today, or by those who
do not believe in the Creator God and the divine
inspiration of the Bible.
From among the four choices, select only the one
that you believe to be correct and circle the letter
of that choice with a pen or pencil. As an example,
the correct choice for question one is already cir-
cled for you.
Take sufficient time to understand each ques-
tion or statement, as well as the choices. Try to do
as many as you can without referring to the pre-
vious four lessons. If you have any difficulty decid-
ing on the correct answer, then review the part of
the lesson covering the point under question or the
statement to be completed. We expect you to do
so-it isn't cheating!
Once you have finished the test and are satisfied
with all of your answers, transfer them to the test
answer card that accompanies this test. Simply
place an "x" in the box corresponding to the letter
of the choice you have circled for each question or
statement. As an example, number one on the test
answer card is already marked correctly for you.
Take special care in transferring your answers to
the answer card so that you do not make an error
during this step.
When you have completed the entire test and
have transferred all of your answers to the test
answer card, follow the directions for returning it
to our office you normally write to. There it will be
graded and mailed back to you. Our mailing
addresses are printed on the reverse side of the test
answer card instructions and on page two of this
We will continue to send you additional lessons
as long as you sincerely desire to understand more
of God's Word with the help of these lessons. So be
sure to take this test and send us your completed
test answer card!
About Your Score
Your graded test answer card, showing your
exact score, will be returned to you. A score of 75
percent or above is a passing grade. After satisfac-
torily completing this test, Lessons 5 through 8 will
be sent to you at the rate of one per month. Test
Two will be included with Lesson 8.
Remember: No further lessons will be sent to
you unless you complete and return the enclosed
test answer card for grading.
Now you are ready to begin the test!
an open letter from
The Staff
OU would be shocked to know the "Bible
I.Q." of most professing Christians in the
United States today! A recent survey con-
ducted by a Bible society found that 98% of all
American homes contain at least one Bible. Yet,
another survey showed that the vast majority of
those who claim to be Christians are "Bible illiter-
ates"! Most simply don't read the book they pro-
fess to regard as the "Word of God." But why?
Most ofthose who do try to read the Bible find they
cannot understand it. And so back onthe shelfitgoes.
Consequently, most who profess the name of Jesus
Christ do not even know what He said!
There is a reason why so many don't understand
the Bible. Jesus said: "In them is fulfilled the proph-
ecy of [Isaiah], which saith, by hearing ye shall hear,
and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see
and shall not perceive. For this people's ... ears are
dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest
at any time they should ... understand with their
heart, and should be converted, and I should heal
them" (Matt. 13:14-15).
The startling fact is that the world has been
spiritually blinded! This simply is not the time for
most people to be called by God (John 6:44). God
has not yet opened their minds to understand the
marvelous truth about His purpose for mankind.
(Future lessons will explain why.)
God has allowed the world to be spiritually
deceived (Rev. 12:9; II Cor. 11:13-15). Spiritual
blindness covers all nations (Isa. 25:7). But God is
beginning to remove this blindness from some
through His Church that is preaching Christ's Gos-
pel ofthe Kingdom ofGod to the world.
To those of you who are taking this course and
whom God is calling, Christ says, "Blessed are your
eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear"
(Matt. 13:16). Those who seriously study their
Bibles with the help of these lessons become bibli-
cal literates!
God said His truth would be "... precept upon
precept, ... line upon line; here a little, and there a
little ..." (Isa. 28:10, 13). This is one way He has
hidden His truth from an unbelieving, self-willed
world. It is also how He teaches you today. These
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
lessons draw from all of God's Word in this way.
God is revealing His truth to you through this
easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach to studying
Test One
An International course of Biblical understanding published by the World·
wide Church of God in cooperation with Ambassador College. Pasa·
dena. California. Copyright © 1983 Worldwide Church of God for the
entire contents of this pubiicafion. All rights reserved.
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the Bible. We hope you are taking full advantage
of this priceless opportunity to know and under-
stand God's Word! But your study of the astound-
ing truths of God has only begun. Much more will
be revealed as you continue to study your Bible
with the help of these monthly lessons!
Through this course, you have already learned
much about prophecy and how you can escape the
great tribulation. But more important, in coming
lessons you'll be learning how to fulfill God's awe-
some PURPOSE for your existence! You won't
want to miss a single exciting lesson. So to receive
Lesson 5, complete this test and send in your test
answer card for grading as soon as possible.
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
(Lesson 1)
1. Why should we study the Bible in the space
A. For sentimental reasons.
B. Mainly because of its usefulness as ancient
history and literature.
@Because it shows us the meaning of current
chaotic world events.
D. Because of the scientific and technological
knowledge we can learn from it.
2. What is the Bible?
A. The written record of an ancient people's
quest for a concept of God.
B. A book full of uninspired, unrelated and
contradictory statements.
C. An incomprehensible mystery.
D. God's divine revelation of fundamental
knowledge man could not obtain from any
other source.
3. This course of Bible study began with present
world conditions and their connection with
future events because
A. this is the only logical way to begin
studying the Bible.
B. prophecy is the most important subject in
the Bible.
C. the Bible will mean more to you if you
begin to relate it to your life today.
D. this is the only way you can understand the
Word of God.
4. Why do we find so much disagreement about
what the Bible says?
A. Because very few Bibles are in existence
B. Because people try to interpret the Bible
instead of accepting its intended mean-
C. Because people are quite willing to admit
error and change when the Bible shows
them where they are wrong.
D. Because people do not want to twist the
Scriptures to make them say what they
want to believe.
Test One
5. For which of the following is the Bible NOT
A. Doctrine.
B. Instruction in righteousness.
C. Reproof and correction.
D. Praise of oneself.
6. How is the Bible like a spiritual mirror?
A. It pictures us as we like to think we are.
B. It can reveal every spot on our character
and every flaw in our thinking.
C. It shows us how other people think of us.
D. It pictures us in an unrealistic manner.
7. To begin understanding the Bible, one must
A. begin to fear God and keep His command-
B. not study God's Word with an open mind,
ready to discard error in one's beliefs when
C. not desire to be personally corrected by its
D. read between the lines.
8. Great world statesmen tell us that
A. organizations of men have the answers to
all the world's problems.
B. man now has the capability of destroying
all life on this planet!
C. nuclear warfare is not a grave threat to
man's existence.
D. Christ is coming to bring world peace.
9. Jesus Christ, the greatest "newscaster" who
ever lived, prophesied that
A. scientific and technological knowledge
would bring mankind the solution to world
B. all life on earth would be destroyed.
C. unless the soon-coming days of great
worldwide trouble were shortened, no
human life would survive.
D. mankind would survive in a "Space Age
Noah's ark."
10. What should be one's approach to studying
the Bible?
A. To search the Scriptures to prove the truth
of God for oneself.
B. To assume that what one has always heard
and believed is the truth.
c. To accept everything we say in these les-
sons without proving it in the Bible.
D. To not follow the example of the Bereans,
who "searched the scriptures daily, wheth-
er those things were so" (Acts 17:11).
11. What is important to remember when
studying the Bible with the help of this
A. That the Bible interprets itself.
B. That you turn in your Bible to the scrip-
tures given in answer to the questions and
read them carefully.
c. That you study your Bible regularly.
D. All of the above.
12. The phrase "end of the world" (Matt. 24:3)
refers to
A. the total destruction of planet earth.
B. the soon-coming time when all human life
will die in a nuclear holocaust.
C. the end of this present "age" of human
D. a future time just before God recreates the
13. Jesus prophesied a time of great worldwide
A. at the close of this age just before His
Second Coming.
B. to occur immediately after He returns in
great power and glory.
C. similar to many past times of turmoil and
D. that will end in the destruction of all life
on earth.
14. What is the basic cause of war and human
A. Lack of educational and economic oppor-
B. Political ideologies of this world.
C. The inordinate, unrestrained lusts, com-
monly called "human nature," of carnal-
minded humans.
D. Poverty.
15. What does God reveal about man's ability to
bring about world peace?
A. Man will eventually discover the way to
B. Peace will be the inevitable result of
human governments.
C. Man's constantly increasing scientific and
technological knowledge will soon solve the
problems between nations.
D. Man, apart from God, does not know the
way to lasting peace.
16. Before God intervenes in world affairs, He
A. try to convert the world.
B. warn the world through His servants, who
are preaching the true Gospel of Jesus
Christ to the nations.
C. send no prior warning of His planned
D. attempt to unite the many churches.
17. Peace will be established and maintained on
A. through the coming world-ruling govern-
ment of God.
B. when people decide to cooperate in making
the world a better place in which to live.
C. through the political influence of the
United Nations.
D. by the united military might of all
18. An angel revealed to Mary that her son Jesus
A. be no different from any other child.
B. found hundreds of church denominations
that would reform the world.
C. inherit the throne of King David and rule
on the earth.
D. rule the earth from heaven.
19. The word "gospel" means
A. good news or glad tidings.
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
B. peace on earth and good will toward men.
C. loving your neighbor as yourself.
D. whatever anyone wants it to mean.
20. What is the Gospel Jesus preached?
A. Merely believing on His name.
B. Just accepting Christ as one's Savior.
C. The typical "gospel" being preached by
most churches today.
D. The good news of the coming Kingdom of
God on earth.
21. Which one of the following is NOT true?
The Kingdom of God
A. is the government of God.
B. is not composed of divine rulers.
C. will rule earth's nations.
D. will govern by God's Law.
22. Christ's apostles
A. all preached the same Gospel of the King-
dom of God that Jesus proclaimed.
B. proclaimed differing gospel messages.
C. preached one gospel message to the Jews
and another to the Gentiles.
D. proclaimed a gospel about the person of
23. The pattern for God's 7,000-year plan for
mankind is revealed in the
A. process of evolution.
B. pyramids of Egypt.
C. seven churches ofRevelation, chapters 2-3.
D. seven-day week.
24. What does the last "day" of God's plan pic-
A. Six thousand years of human suffering and
B. The Millennium-1,000 years of world
peace and prosperity.
C. God's 7,000-year plan for mankind.
D. Sunday.
25. God has refrained from intervening in world
affairs for nearly 6,000 years because
A. He is indifferent to human suffering and
B. the majority of mankind must first want
Him to intervene.
C. He has been waiting for the world to
repent of its sins.
D. this is the period of time He has allotted
for mankind to learn that man's own ways
result in suffering and death.
(Lesson 2)
26. World statesmen, prominent educators and
A. predict that world government will come
in our time.
B. are confident that men can bring about
world peace.
C. warn of shortages of nuclear weapons.
D. warn of the annihilation of all life through
nuclear warfare.
27. Which one of the following is NOT a grave
threat to the survival of all mankind?
A. Bacteriological warfare.
B. Nerve gasses and chemical warfare.
Test One
C. Conventional, nonnuclear weapons.
D. Nuclear warfare.
28. According to the experts, biological weapons
A. could conceivably render an attacked
nation uninhabitable for 100 years.
B. are entirely predictable as to their
C. have been proven safe to the user if han-
dled with caution.
D. are more expensive to produce than
nuclear weapons.
29. What is man's greatest need at this time of
chaotic world conditions?
A. More time to control pollution.
B. More destructive weapons as a deterrent to
c. "A strong hand from someplace" to solve
mankind's problems.
D. Effective birth control methods to stem
population growth.
30. What does the Bible say would be some of the
signs showing we are in the "last days"?
A. Scoffers saying Christ is not coming back.
B. Increasing national and worldwide trou-
c. People's refusal to face up to the grave
realities of the end time in which we're
D. All of the above.
31. God gave Ezekiel a message about national
captivity that was
A. to apply to the end-time descendants of
ancient Israel.
B. to be delivered to ancient Israel.
C. definitely not intended for the descen-
dants of ancient Israel today.
D. so general it can't be applied with certainty
to any specific time or people.
32. What would people in the "latter days," or
end time, be like?
A. God-fearing.
B. Truthful.
C. Rebellious.
D. Righteous.
33. Has Bible prophecy failed?
A. Yes, because the time setting was always
for the prophet's own day and the prophe-
sied events never came to pass.
B. No-about 90% of prophecy pertains to
this "end time" and therefore is yet to be
C. Yes, because the prophets of God were
only guessing about future events.
D. There is no way we can determine this for
34. The "day of the Lord" refers to
A. the time when God will directly intervene
in world affairs.
B. a day of worship-Sunday.
C. the day Jesus Christ died.
D. the time when Jesus walked the earth as a
35. Jesus Christ
A. could return to earth at any moment.
B. prophesied none of today's world condi-
C. foretold a number of world events that
would occur before He returns.
D. prophesied that man will indeed destroy
the human race.
36. Where can we find the list of events Jesus said
would occur before His Second Coming?
A. Matthew 24.
B. Mark 13.
C. Luke 21.
D. All of the above.
37. Once the prophesied "end-time" events start
to dramatically accelerate, how long will it
take for them to be completed?
A. Nearly 2,000 years.
B. Approximately the span of one generation.
C. One thousand years.
D. Six thousand years.
38. What was the first major sign Christ told His
disciples that would precede His return to
A. The conversion of the world to Christian-
B. The "secret rapture" to heaven of all true
C. This world's ministers would begin teach-
ing the truth of God.
D. Many would be deceived by ministers
claiming to be the servants of Christ.
39. Jesus prophesied that warfare among nations
in the end time would
A. occur with increasing frequency.
B. diminish until it was the least of the
world's troubles.
C. be the world's only major problem.
D. be effectively discouraged by the United
40. Incredible, widespread famine is certain to
A. because major food producing countries
will drastically cut back farm production.
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
B. as Christ prophesied it would.
c. because many nations possess deserts.
D. to only a few developing countries.
41. Which one of the following statements is NOT
A. Hundreds of millions will perish in the
coming globe-girdling famine that Jesus
B. The population explosion will be a contrib-
uting factor leading to worldwide famine.
C. Famine of worldwide proportions will be a
major sign indicating that Christ's inter-
vention in world affairs is very near.
D. Widespread famine could not happen in
the developed countries of the Western
42. Christ prophesied that vast disease epidemics
A. be prevented by modern miracle drugs.
B. strike at the close of this age.
C. occur only in the Middle Ages.
D. not be a sign that His coming is near.
43. What factors would contribute to the emer-
gence of great disease epidemics (pestilences)
in the world?
A. Severe food shortages.
B. Huge concentrations of people such as we
find in many large cities of the world.
C. Pollution of all types, which inevitably
weakens the body's resistance to disease.
D. All of the above.
44. Erupting volcanoes, earthquakes and other
disruptions of nature
A. have not been increasing in frequency and
B. are diminishing yearly.
C. are other indications Christ mentioned that
would show we are living in the end time.
D. have always occurred and are no cause for
us to take special notice.
45. How are the first four world conditions Jesus
mentioned in Matthew 24 represented else-
where in the Bible?
A. As four horses and horsemen (Rev. 6:2-8).
B. As four angels (Rev. 16:14-15).
C. As the seven trumpet plagues (Rev. 8:9;
D. As the seven last plagues (Rev. 16:1-21).
Test One
46. The toll of human life that will be taken by the
"four horsemen of the Apocalypse" is
A. a few thousand people at the most.
B. nearly all the earth's inhabitants.
C. one-fourth of the world's population.
D. not given in the Bible.
47. What special sign would clearly show that the
end of the age and Christ's coming are very
A. This world's churches preaching a gospel
about the person of Jesus.
B. Christ's Gospel of the Kingdom of God
being proclaimed in the world as a witness
to all nations (Matt. 24:14).
C. Millions upon millions around the world
repenting of their sins.
D. The sign of the prophet Jonah.
48. Which one of the following statements about
the prophecy of the "abomination of desola-
tion" is NOT true?
A. It is dual in fulfillment.
B. It was first fulfilled when Antiochus
Epiphanes moved against Jerusalem with
his army in 168 B.C.
C. Its latter fulfillment will be another sign
that Christ's return is very near.
D. It has nothing to do with armies occupying
Jerusalem in the end time and causing its
49. In order to escape the catastrophic world trou-
bles prophesied in the Bible, Jesus said we
A. should just watch for world events that
indicate His soon return.
B. should join the church of our choice and
attend Sunday services.
C. must watch world events and pray daily to
be accounted worthy to escape.
D. should just continue living our normal dai-
ly lives as if nothing special is soon to
50. The Bible clearly reveals that
A. there is no foreseeable hope for the surviv-
al of the human race.
B. a loving God will refrain from intervening
in world affairs to save humanity from
C. God will allow heedless mankind to
destroy all life on this planet.
D. Jesus Christ will come with the power of
God to save mankind from annihilation.
(Lesson 3)
51. History shows that the early true Church
A. did not really expect Jesus Christ to
B. rejected the doctrine of Christ's Second
C. fervently believed in a coming Millennium
of peace preceded by the Second Coming
of Christ.
D. taught that the Church was already the
ruling Kingdom of God on earth.
52. The message about Christ's return to set up
the world-ruling Kingdom of God on earth
A. is the heart and core of the Gospel Jesus
B. was simply a Jewish fable.
C. originated as a heresy of the Gnostics.
D. is being proclaimed by this world's Chris-
tian-professing churches.
53. The "Secret Rapture"
A. is not a widely accepted teaching of many
churches today.
B. is only an idea of men.
C. should be the hope of all Christians living
in these last days.
D. is a doctrine of God found in the Bible.
54. Jesus warns us
A. to be prepared for the "rapture" of true
B. that His return will be in two phases-first
secretly, then publicly.
C. that there would be those who would false-
ly claim He has already returned before
the appointed time.
D. that the end-time generation will be
expecting His return.
55. Jesus Christ's Second Coming
A. was the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the
day of Pentecost (Acts 2).
B. occurred during the Middle Ages.
C. will occur after 1,000 years of peace on
D. will usher in the millennial rule of God's
government on earth.
56. Just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ, true Christians have a duty to
A. do their part in helping God's Church pro-
claim Christ's Gospel to the world.
B. personally witness to people the fact that
Jesus is our Savior.
C. merely believe on the name of Christ.
D. merely love their fellow Christians.
57. Can we know the day or the hour of Christ's
Second Coming?
A. No, because Christ will not come in our
B. Yes, both will be revealed to Christians in
the end time.
C. Christ said we would not know the exact
day or hour.
D. The Bible does not indicate whether we
would know the exact time.
58. Will it be possible to know when Christ's
return is very near?
A. Jesus clearly stated that we wouldn't know
the approximate time of His coming.
B. Yes, if we're watching for the signs of His
coming (Matt. 24).
C. It's impossible to know since all the things
He prophesied in Matthew 24 have been
occurring for over 1,900 years.
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
D. Watching the fulfillment of prophecy can
in no way help us to know the nearness of
Christ's coming.
59. Christ's return will be
A. exactly as believers in the "rapture" theory
B. as a thief to secretly "steal away" His
C. no surprise to anyone.
D. with the great noise of a trumpet and the
loud voice of an archangel.
60. Will Christ's coming be visible to everyone?
A. Only to those who are then resurrected.
B. Yes, everyone alive on earth will see Him.
C. Only to those expecting to be "raptured"
to heaven.
D. No, since He will return secretly.
61. The Greek word parousia is translated as
"coming" in the New Testament verse refer-
ring to Christ's return
A. in "brightness" (II Thess. 2:8).
B. "with all his saints" (I Thess. 3:13).
C. "as the lightning" (Matt. 24:27).
D. All of the above.
62. The last trumpet, which signals the return of
Jesus Christ,
A. will be heard by the whole world.
B. will be heard only by the saved.
C. is not the seventh trumpet of Revelation
D. does not also signal the resurrection of the
dead in Christ.
63. Where will the "saints"-true Christians-be
protected during the coming great tribula-
A. In heaven to which they will have been
"raptured" by Christ.
B. John 17:15 proves they will be protected in
C. On the earth in a special place prepared by
D. In their own homes.
Test One
64. Where will Christ touch down upon His return
to earth?
A. At Rome.
B. On the Mount of Olives.
C. In an undisclosed, remote spot in the des-
D. Nowhere, since He will return to heaven
with His saints after they have risen to
meet Him in the air.
65. Christ will return to earth from heaven
A. secretly.
B. invisibly.
C. alone.
D. with armies of angels to meet the resur-
rected saints in the air.
66. Christ is coming
A. as a meek "lamb" to be sacrificed again.
B. to try to talk rebellious mankind into obey-
ing Him.
C. as "King of kings" to rule the earth with
D. as a human.
67. What is the "day of the Lord"?
A. The period of God's direct intervention in
world affairs to punish sinning mankind.
B. The great tribulation.
C. The seven last plagues.
D. Sunday.
68. How will God punish the world?
A. With the powers of nature.
B. With various supernatural plagues.
C. In true love and concern for disobedient
D. All of the above.
69. Why will God have to severely punish man-
A. Because He is a wrathful God.
B. Because of the sins of humanity, which
have been causing suffering and death.
C. Because He loves to see people suffer.
D. Certainly not because He wants the human
race to survive.
70. How will the nations react to Christ when He
A. With the love of God.
B. They will welcome Him as a conquering
C. With smiles and open arms because they
desire the rule of God's government.
D. They will fight Him.
71. Who will primarily be responsible for stirring
up worldwide resistance against Christ?
A. Satan's demons.
B. Leaders of nations.
C. The "beast."
D. The "false prophet."
72. What will Satan's demons (Rev. 16:13-14)
cause the armies of the nations to do?
A. March against the armies of the end-time
revival of the Roman Empire.
B. Gather together in preparation to fight
C. Attack the Soviet Union.
D. Fight each other.
73. Where will these armies be gathered together
before marching toward Jerusalem to engage
the "King of kings" in battle?
A. At a place called "Armageddon."
B. In the valley of Jezreel.
C. On the Plain of Esdraelon.
D. All of the above.
74. What is the biblical name of the climactic
battle that determines who will rule the
A. The Battle of Armageddon.
B. The Battle of the Apocalypse.
C. The Battle of that Great Day of God
D. None of the above.
75. Where will Christ utterly vanquish the armies
of earth?
A. In the Kidron Valley (formerly known as
the Valley of Jehoshaphat), situated
between the city of Jerusalem and the
Mount of Olives.
B. In the Valley of Jezreel.
C. On the Plain of Esdraelon.
D. At Megiddo.
(Lesson 4)
76. World peace is possible
A. only if all the nations are brought together
under a supreme world government.
B. if Christ could be preached to all the
C. if the arms race were stopped.
D. only through the United Nations.
77. World government
A. will never become a reality.
B. is a total impossibility under present world
C. is very possible under the present moral,
social and political climate.
D. is merely an absurd myth-an idle pipe
dream of overly optimistic men.
78. How will a utopia of world peace and prosper-
ity finally become reality?
A. By a worldwide revival in the churches.
B. Through a greatly strengthened NATO
and U.N.
C. By men deciding to cooperate with one
another in all areas of life.
D. Only through the coming divine, all-
powerful government of God administered
by Jesus Christ.
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
79. What is the Millennium?
A. The period of time the saints will spend in
heaven after being resurrected.
B. The period of church rule in Europe dur-
ing the Middle Ages.
C. The 1,OOO-year period of God's rule on
earth beginning when Jesus Christ
D. A spiritual condition in the hearts of
80. Cities in the Millennium will
A. be rebuilt to God's specifications.
B. have absolutely no industry.
C. be as centralized and large as today's cit-
D. be great industrial megalopolises.
81. Cities in the World Tomorrow will be
A. much more spacious and liveable.
B. built with family life in mind.
C. safe to walk in at night.
D. All of the above.
82. Which of the following will NOT be true in the
wonderful World Tomorrow?
A. The whole earth will undergo remarkable
B. The earth will remain as it is today.
C. Waste places and deserts will become fer-
D. The nations will be reforested on a grand
83. After Christ returns to rule the world,
A. He will establish one pure language.
B. material abundance will become common-
place because of widespread obedience to
God's Law.
C. the former territory of ancient Israel will
resemble the Garden of Eden.
D. All of the above.
84. Christ's government will
A. deny private ownership of property during
the Milleimium.
B. enforce harsh laws on earth's inhabitants.
C. provide true justice for all.
D. practice communism in its purest form.
85. How will mankind be liberated from sickness
and disease in the utopia of tomorrow?
A. Through miraculous healing and obe-
Test One
dience to God's health laws.
B. Through a highly trained medical profes-
sion equipped with totally new methods of
C. Christ will suspend the laws governing
D. Through "miraculous" drugs that will pre-
vent illness.
86. The river that will flow east and west from the
Temple in Jerusalem will
A. be symbolic of the tears Jesus shed over
this city.
B. not be a physical counterpart of God's
Holy Spirit.
C. be symbolic of the Spirit of God, which will
"heal" the physical, mental and spiritual
problems of mankind.
D. quickly be swallowed up and lost in the
parched sands of the southern desert.
87. Jesus Christ qualified to be "King of kings"
A. only in a spiritual sense.
B. by overcoming Satan's temptations.
C. but has His Church rule in His place.
D. and was coronated in Jerusalem.
88. Christ's coronation as "King of kings"
A. will have taken place in heaven before His
Second Coming.
B. took place when He conquered Satan the
C. is not really necessary for Him to rule the
D. will take place after He returns to rule the
89. As "King of kings," how many great crowns
will Christ have?
A. Three, representing rulership over heaven,
hell and earth.
B. One.
C. Seven.
D. Many.
90. The coming world government will
A. finally become reality through the efforts
of great statesmen.
B. be a coalition of man's and God's govern-
C. be established by Christ when He returns.
D. be the last of a long succession of human
91. At the beginning of the Millennium, Christ
A. hesitate to assert His authority to rule.
B. not deal severely with the rebellious.
C. take away free moral agency from man-
D. grant resurrected Christians co-rulership
with Him over the world.
92. Which one of the following is NOT a reason why
the world will have to be reeducated at the
beginning of the Millennium?
A. Because modern education is based on the
B. Because modern education has totally
rejected the foundation of all knowledge.
C. Because people lack the spiritual knowl-
edge of God.
D. Because Satan has deceived the world.
93. The primary goal of Christ's reeducation pro-
gram will be to
A. reform the world's economic system.
B. teach man how to fulfill his democratic
C. develop the whole man-physically, men-
tally, emotionally and spiritually.
D. revitalize the many Christian churches.
94. The resurrected saints will
A. have little to do with education in tomor-
row's world.
B. educate as well as rule over people.
C. rule, but not educate in the Millennium.
D. seldom be able to appear in a material
body at will to conduct their duties.
95. What are the results of true education?
A. True repentance-turning to God's truth
and way of life.
B. Happiness and joy.
C. Material blessings.
D. All of the above.
96. How successful will Christ's reeducation pro-
gram be?
A. Only the descendants of Israel will come to
know the way of God.
B. The Egyptians and Ethiopians will be the
only Gentiles to be reeducated to God's
way of life.
C. The whole world will come to know God's
D. It will be a total failure!
97. Universal obedience to God's Law III the
World Tomorrow will
A. result only in material blessings.
B. produce temporary world peace.
C. last for a short while.
D. result in universal peace, prosperity and
happiness for 1,000 years.
98. The most important change destined to occur
in tomorrow's world will be in
A. man's hostile attitude toward God.
B. the nature of animals.
C. the weather.
D. the languages.
99. How will the change in man's basic attitude
become possible?
A. Through human reason.
B. By people receiving God's Holy Spirit.
C. Through self-righteous effort.
D. Certainly not through any conscious per-
sonal effort.
100. What will actually make the WorId Tomorrow
a literal utopia?
A. Great material abundance.
B. Beautiful cities.
C. A verdant earth.
D. The love of God's Holy Spirit that will be
given to all repentant, obedient individu-
Final Instructions
Now that you have finished the test, transfer
your answers to the test answer card. Also please
follow the instructions for returning it to our office
you normally write to, where it will be graded and
returned to you. Be sure to keep this test together
with your lessons.
You will find it profitable to review the test
questions and the correct answers occasionally.
This will help to further cement the truth of God's
Word firmly in your mind. And reviewing the false
answers will help you to clearly see some of the
false ideas you may have assumed to be God's
truth. You will thereby grasp and retain new truth
more easily with the help of future lessons.
1 2
26 27
51 52
76 77
Dear Student:
Below is the test answer card for the enclosed muItiple-
choice test. Please do not separate it from the instructions you
are now reading until just before you mail it. Keep it in your
notebook until you are ready to transfer your answers from the
test to the card. Complete instructions for taking the test are
found on page one.
Before you put this card in your notebook, please note the
test number on the front page of the test. Write that number on
the answer card below in the box labeled "Test Number."
Just before mailing, separate the test answer card from
these instructions by tearing along the perforations, being
careful not to fold or bend the card. Be sure to print the address
of our Correspondence Course office you normally write to on
the lines provided on the opposite side of the answer card. The
addresses of most of our offices worldwide are listed on the
reverse side of these instructions.
If any part of your name or address on the mailing label is
incorrect, please print the necessary changes on the label itself.
Do not remove the label. Finally, put a stamp on the card and
mail it. Please allow approximately six weeks to receive your
graded test card.
Remember: No further lessons of The Ambassador Col-
lege Bible Correspondence Course will be mailed to you unless
you return the test answer card for grading. So the sooner you
finish the enclosed lesson and take the test, the sooner you will
receive the next exciting lesson!
(Detach along perforation)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Test Answer Card
0 o[
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TEST NUMBER GRADE
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
If name or address is wrong, please correct.
Canada: P.O. Box 44, Station A, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2M2
Mexico: Apartado Postal 5-595, 06502 Mexico, D.F.
United States: Pasadena, California 91123
Bahamas: P.O. Box N3934, Nassau NP
Barbados: P.O. Box 1021, Bridgetown
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England WD6 1LU
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Kenya and the rest of East and Central Africa: P.O. Box 47135, Nairobi
Nigeria: P.M.B. 21006, Ikeja, Lagos State
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Malaysia: Locked Bag No. 2002, 41990 Klang
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New Zealand and Pacific Isles: P.O. Box 2709, Auckland 1
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For additional addresses, see address box inside your PLAIN TRUTH
1 2
26 27
e ~
•51 52
76 77
Dear Student:
Below is the test answer card for the enclosed multiple-
choice test. Please do not separate it from the instructions you
are now reading until just before you mail it. Keep it in your
notebook until you are ready to transfer your answers from the
test to the card. Complete instructions for taking the test are
found on page one.
Before you put this card in your notebook, please note the
test number on the front page of the test. Write that number on
the answer card below in the box labeled "Test Number."
Just before mailing, separate the test answer card from
these instructions by tearing along the perforations, being
careful not to fold or bend the card. Be sure to print the address
of our Correspondence Course office you normally write to on
the lines provided on the opposite side of the answer card. The
addresses of most of our offices worldwide are listed on the
reverse side of these instructions.
If any part of your name or address on the mailing label is
incorrect, please print the necessary changes on the label itself.
Do not remove the label. Finally, put a stamp on the card and
mail it. Please allow approximately six weeks to receive your
graded test card.
Remember: No further lessons of The Ambassador Col-
lege Bible Correspondence Course will be mailed to you unless
you return the test answer card for grading. So the sooner you
finish the enclosed lesson and take the test, the sooner you wil1
receive the next exciting lesson!
(Detach along perforation)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Test Answer Card
• • • • • • A
• • • • • • B
• • • • • C
• • • • • •D o0-···1
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
• • • • • B
~ ~
• • • I. e
~ ~
• • -- • I. D
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
• • • • •A
• • • • • • B
• • • • • e
• • • • • • • D
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
If name or address is wrong, please correct.
• • • • • A
• • • • • B
• • • • • • e
• • • • • • •D

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  • 1. CORRESPONDENCE COURSE TEST ONE FOR LESSONS 1-4 T HIS multiple-choice test is designed to help you review the subjects you studied in your Bible with the preceding four lessons. It's an enjoyable way of putting to use some of the vital knowledge and understanding you have gained through this course. Notice that there are four parts to the test, each part covering one of the previous four lessons. You should take this test after finishing your studies with these four lessons. Also notice that you must select one of the four choices given under each question or incomplete statement. These choices are labeled A, B, C, D. Only one is correct. The other three choices are wrong-unless stated or indicated otherwise. Usually they are false ideas believed by the major- ity of professing Christians today, or by those who do not believe in the Creator God and the divine inspiration of the Bible. From among the four choices, select only the one that you believe to be correct and circle the letter of that choice with a pen or pencil. As an example, the correct choice for question one is already cir- cled for you. Take sufficient time to understand each ques- tion or statement, as well as the choices. Try to do as many as you can without referring to the pre- vious four lessons. If you have any difficulty decid- ing on the correct answer, then review the part of the lesson covering the point under question or the statement to be completed. We expect you to do so-it isn't cheating! Once you have finished the test and are satisfied with all of your answers, transfer them to the test answer card that accompanies this test. Simply place an "x" in the box corresponding to the letter of the choice you have circled for each question or statement. As an example, number one on the test answer card is already marked correctly for you. Take special care in transferring your answers to the answer card so that you do not make an error during this step. When you have completed the entire test and have transferred all of your answers to the test answer card, follow the directions for returning it to our office you normally write to. There it will be graded and mailed back to you. Our mailing addresses are printed on the reverse side of the test answer card instructions and on page two of this test. We will continue to send you additional lessons as long as you sincerely desire to understand more of God's Word with the help of these lessons. So be sure to take this test and send us your completed test answer card! About Your Score Your graded test answer card, showing your exact score, will be returned to you. A score of 75 percent or above is a passing grade. After satisfac- torily completing this test, Lessons 5 through 8 will be sent to you at the rate of one per month. Test Two will be included with Lesson 8. Remember: No further lessons will be sent to you unless you complete and return the enclosed test answer card for grading. Now you are ready to begin the test!
  • 2. an open letter from The Staff Y OU would be shocked to know the "Bible I.Q." of most professing Christians in the United States today! A recent survey con- ducted by a Bible society found that 98% of all American homes contain at least one Bible. Yet, another survey showed that the vast majority of those who claim to be Christians are "Bible illiter- ates"! Most simply don't read the book they pro- fess to regard as the "Word of God." But why? Most ofthose who do try to read the Bible find they cannot understand it. And so back onthe shelfitgoes. Consequently, most who profess the name of Jesus Christ do not even know what He said! There is a reason why so many don't understand the Bible. Jesus said: "In them is fulfilled the proph- ecy of [Isaiah], which saith, by hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see and shall not perceive. For this people's ... ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should ... understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them" (Matt. 13:14-15). The startling fact is that the world has been spiritually blinded! This simply is not the time for most people to be called by God (John 6:44). God has not yet opened their minds to understand the marvelous truth about His purpose for mankind. (Future lessons will explain why.) God has allowed the world to be spiritually deceived (Rev. 12:9; II Cor. 11:13-15). Spiritual blindness covers all nations (Isa. 25:7). But God is beginning to remove this blindness from some through His Church that is preaching Christ's Gos- pel ofthe Kingdom ofGod to the world. To those of you who are taking this course and whom God is calling, Christ says, "Blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear" (Matt. 13:16). Those who seriously study their Bibles with the help of these lessons become bibli- cal literates! God said His truth would be "... precept upon precept, ... line upon line; here a little, and there a little ..." (Isa. 28:10, 13). This is one way He has hidden His truth from an unbelieving, self-willed world. It is also how He teaches you today. These Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course lessons draw from all of God's Word in this way. God is revealing His truth to you through this easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach to studying 2 AMBASSADOR COLLEGE BibleCORRESPONDENCE COURSE Test One An International course of Biblical understanding published by the World· wide Church of God in cooperation with Ambassador College. Pasa· dena. California. Copyright © 1983 Worldwide Church of God for the entire contents of this pubiicafion. All rights reserved. Editor-In-Chief: HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Managing Editor: Richard H. Sedliacik Editorial Staff: Michael D. Morrison, Maryann Pirog, Elva Sedliacik, Marci Sidars, Richard A. Sedliacik Graphics: Bill Wilson Circulation Manager: Boyd Leeson CORRESPONDENCE COURSE OFFICE ADDRESSES WORLDWIDE Canada: P.O. Box 44, Station A. Vancouver. B.C. V6C 2M2 Mexico: tnstituci6n Ambassador. Apartado Postal 5·595, 06500 Mexico D.F. United Slales: Pasadena. California 91123 Bahamas' P.O. Box N3934, Nassau NP Barbados' P.O Box 1021. Bndgetown Bermuda: P.O. Box 908. Hamillon 5·24 Guyana: P.O. Box 10907. Georgelown Jamaica: P.O. Box 544. Kingston 5 Puerlo Rico: P.O. Box 6063. San Juan 00936 Triflldad: P.O. Bag 114. Port 01 Spain Colombia: Apartado Aereo 11430. Bogola 1. D.E. .Um/ed Kingdom. Europe and Middle Easl: P.O. Box 111. Borehamwood. Herts.. England WD6 ILU Ghana: P.O. Box 9617. Kotoka Int. Airport. Accra Kenya and Ihe rest of Easl and Cenlral Africa: P.O. Box 47135. Nairobi Nigeria' P.M.B. 21006, Ikeia, Lagos State Soulh Africa: P.O. Box 5644. Cape Town 8000. Republic of South Africa Zambia: P.O. Box 50177. Lusaka Zimbabwe: P.O. Box U.A.30, Union Ave.. Harare India: P.O. Box 6727. Bombay 400 052 MalaYSia: P.O Box 430, Jalan Sultan, Petaling Jaya. Selangor Maurilius and olher Indian Ocean Isles: P.O. Box 888. POlt Louis. Mauritius Singapore' P.O. Box 111. Farrer Road Post Office. Singapore 9 128 Sri Lanka: P.O. Box 1824, Colombo Auslralia: G.P.O. Box 345. Sydney. NSW, Auslralia 2001 New Zealand and Pacific Isles: P.O. Box 2709. Auckland 1 The Philippines; P.O. Box 1111 . Makati. Metro Manila. 3 117 For addrlional addresses, see inSide fronl cover of your PLAIN TRUTH. Be aure 10 nollfy ua Immediately of any change In your addre••. Please Include your old mailing label and your new address. the Bible. We hope you are taking full advantage of this priceless opportunity to know and under- stand God's Word! But your study of the astound- ing truths of God has only begun. Much more will be revealed as you continue to study your Bible with the help of these monthly lessons! Through this course, you have already learned much about prophecy and how you can escape the great tribulation. But more important, in coming lessons you'll be learning how to fulfill God's awe- some PURPOSE for your existence! You won't want to miss a single exciting lesson. So to receive Lesson 5, complete this test and send in your test answer card for grading as soon as possible. Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
  • 3. WHY STUDY THE BIBLE IN THE SPACE AGE? (Lesson 1) 1. Why should we study the Bible in the space age? A. For sentimental reasons. B. Mainly because of its usefulness as ancient history and literature. @Because it shows us the meaning of current chaotic world events. D. Because of the scientific and technological knowledge we can learn from it. 2. What is the Bible? A. The written record of an ancient people's quest for a concept of God. B. A book full of uninspired, unrelated and contradictory statements. C. An incomprehensible mystery. D. God's divine revelation of fundamental knowledge man could not obtain from any other source. 3. This course of Bible study began with present world conditions and their connection with future events because A. this is the only logical way to begin studying the Bible. B. prophecy is the most important subject in the Bible. C. the Bible will mean more to you if you begin to relate it to your life today. D. this is the only way you can understand the Word of God. 4. Why do we find so much disagreement about what the Bible says? A. Because very few Bibles are in existence today. B. Because people try to interpret the Bible instead of accepting its intended mean- ing. C. Because people are quite willing to admit error and change when the Bible shows them where they are wrong. D. Because people do not want to twist the Scriptures to make them say what they want to believe. Test One 5. For which of the following is the Bible NOT profitable? A. Doctrine. B. Instruction in righteousness. C. Reproof and correction. D. Praise of oneself. 6. How is the Bible like a spiritual mirror? A. It pictures us as we like to think we are. B. It can reveal every spot on our character and every flaw in our thinking. C. It shows us how other people think of us. D. It pictures us in an unrealistic manner. 7. To begin understanding the Bible, one must A. begin to fear God and keep His command- ments. B. not study God's Word with an open mind, ready to discard error in one's beliefs when discovered. C. not desire to be personally corrected by its teachings. D. read between the lines. 8. Great world statesmen tell us that A. organizations of men have the answers to all the world's problems. B. man now has the capability of destroying all life on this planet! C. nuclear warfare is not a grave threat to man's existence. D. Christ is coming to bring world peace. 9. Jesus Christ, the greatest "newscaster" who ever lived, prophesied that A. scientific and technological knowledge would bring mankind the solution to world problems. B. all life on earth would be destroyed. C. unless the soon-coming days of great worldwide trouble were shortened, no human life would survive. D. mankind would survive in a "Space Age Noah's ark." 3
  • 4. 10. What should be one's approach to studying the Bible? A. To search the Scriptures to prove the truth of God for oneself. B. To assume that what one has always heard and believed is the truth. c. To accept everything we say in these les- sons without proving it in the Bible. D. To not follow the example of the Bereans, who "searched the scriptures daily, wheth- er those things were so" (Acts 17:11). 11. What is important to remember when studying the Bible with the help of this course? A. That the Bible interprets itself. B. That you turn in your Bible to the scrip- tures given in answer to the questions and read them carefully. c. That you study your Bible regularly. D. All of the above. 12. The phrase "end of the world" (Matt. 24:3) refers to A. the total destruction of planet earth. B. the soon-coming time when all human life will die in a nuclear holocaust. C. the end of this present "age" of human misrule. D. a future time just before God recreates the earth. 13. Jesus prophesied a time of great worldwide trouble A. at the close of this age just before His Second Coming. B. to occur immediately after He returns in great power and glory. C. similar to many past times of turmoil and trouble. D. that will end in the destruction of all life on earth. 14. What is the basic cause of war and human suffering? 4 A. Lack of educational and economic oppor- tunity. B. Political ideologies of this world. C. The inordinate, unrestrained lusts, com- monly called "human nature," of carnal- minded humans. D. Poverty. 15. What does God reveal about man's ability to bring about world peace? A. Man will eventually discover the way to peace. B. Peace will be the inevitable result of human governments. C. Man's constantly increasing scientific and technological knowledge will soon solve the problems between nations. D. Man, apart from God, does not know the way to lasting peace. 16. Before God intervenes in world affairs, He will A. try to convert the world. B. warn the world through His servants, who are preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. C. send no prior warning of His planned intervention. D. attempt to unite the many churches. 17. Peace will be established and maintained on earth A. through the coming world-ruling govern- ment of God. B. when people decide to cooperate in making the world a better place in which to live. C. through the political influence of the United Nations. D. by the united military might of all nations. 18. An angel revealed to Mary that her son Jesus would A. be no different from any other child. B. found hundreds of church denominations that would reform the world. C. inherit the throne of King David and rule on the earth. D. rule the earth from heaven. 19. The word "gospel" means A. good news or glad tidings. Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
  • 5. B. peace on earth and good will toward men. C. loving your neighbor as yourself. D. whatever anyone wants it to mean. 20. What is the Gospel Jesus preached? A. Merely believing on His name. B. Just accepting Christ as one's Savior. C. The typical "gospel" being preached by most churches today. D. The good news of the coming Kingdom of God on earth. 21. Which one of the following is NOT true? The Kingdom of God A. is the government of God. B. is not composed of divine rulers. C. will rule earth's nations. D. will govern by God's Law. 22. Christ's apostles A. all preached the same Gospel of the King- dom of God that Jesus proclaimed. B. proclaimed differing gospel messages. C. preached one gospel message to the Jews and another to the Gentiles. D. proclaimed a gospel about the person of Christ. 23. The pattern for God's 7,000-year plan for mankind is revealed in the A. process of evolution. B. pyramids of Egypt. C. seven churches ofRevelation, chapters 2-3. D. seven-day week. 24. What does the last "day" of God's plan pic- ture? A. Six thousand years of human suffering and death. B. The Millennium-1,000 years of world peace and prosperity. C. God's 7,000-year plan for mankind. D. Sunday. 25. God has refrained from intervening in world affairs for nearly 6,000 years because A. He is indifferent to human suffering and death. B. the majority of mankind must first want Him to intervene. C. He has been waiting for the world to repent of its sins. D. this is the period of time He has allotted for mankind to learn that man's own ways result in suffering and death. WORLD PEACE- COMING IN OUR TIME! (Lesson 2) 26. World statesmen, prominent educators and scientists A. predict that world government will come in our time. B. are confident that men can bring about world peace. C. warn of shortages of nuclear weapons. D. warn of the annihilation of all life through nuclear warfare. 27. Which one of the following is NOT a grave threat to the survival of all mankind? A. Bacteriological warfare. B. Nerve gasses and chemical warfare. Test One C. Conventional, nonnuclear weapons. D. Nuclear warfare. 28. According to the experts, biological weapons A. could conceivably render an attacked nation uninhabitable for 100 years. B. are entirely predictable as to their effects. C. have been proven safe to the user if han- dled with caution. D. are more expensive to produce than nuclear weapons. 5
  • 6. 29. What is man's greatest need at this time of chaotic world conditions? A. More time to control pollution. B. More destructive weapons as a deterrent to warfare. c. "A strong hand from someplace" to solve mankind's problems. D. Effective birth control methods to stem population growth. 30. What does the Bible say would be some of the signs showing we are in the "last days"? A. Scoffers saying Christ is not coming back. B. Increasing national and worldwide trou- bles. c. People's refusal to face up to the grave realities of the end time in which we're living. D. All of the above. 31. God gave Ezekiel a message about national captivity that was A. to apply to the end-time descendants of ancient Israel. B. to be delivered to ancient Israel. C. definitely not intended for the descen- dants of ancient Israel today. D. so general it can't be applied with certainty to any specific time or people. 32. What would people in the "latter days," or end time, be like? A. God-fearing. B. Truthful. C. Rebellious. D. Righteous. 33. Has Bible prophecy failed? A. Yes, because the time setting was always for the prophet's own day and the prophe- sied events never came to pass. B. No-about 90% of prophecy pertains to this "end time" and therefore is yet to be fulfilled. C. Yes, because the prophets of God were only guessing about future events. D. There is no way we can determine this for certain. 34. The "day of the Lord" refers to 6 A. the time when God will directly intervene in world affairs. B. a day of worship-Sunday. C. the day Jesus Christ died. D. the time when Jesus walked the earth as a man. 35. Jesus Christ A. could return to earth at any moment. B. prophesied none of today's world condi- tions. C. foretold a number of world events that would occur before He returns. D. prophesied that man will indeed destroy the human race. 36. Where can we find the list of events Jesus said would occur before His Second Coming? A. Matthew 24. B. Mark 13. C. Luke 21. D. All of the above. 37. Once the prophesied "end-time" events start to dramatically accelerate, how long will it take for them to be completed? A. Nearly 2,000 years. B. Approximately the span of one generation. C. One thousand years. D. Six thousand years. 38. What was the first major sign Christ told His disciples that would precede His return to earth? A. The conversion of the world to Christian- ity. B. The "secret rapture" to heaven of all true Christians. C. This world's ministers would begin teach- ing the truth of God. D. Many would be deceived by ministers claiming to be the servants of Christ. 39. Jesus prophesied that warfare among nations in the end time would A. occur with increasing frequency. B. diminish until it was the least of the world's troubles. C. be the world's only major problem. D. be effectively discouraged by the United Nations. 40. Incredible, widespread famine is certain to come A. because major food producing countries will drastically cut back farm production. Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
  • 7. B. as Christ prophesied it would. c. because many nations possess deserts. D. to only a few developing countries. 41. Which one of the following statements is NOT true? A. Hundreds of millions will perish in the coming globe-girdling famine that Jesus prophesied. B. The population explosion will be a contrib- uting factor leading to worldwide famine. C. Famine of worldwide proportions will be a major sign indicating that Christ's inter- vention in world affairs is very near. D. Widespread famine could not happen in the developed countries of the Western world. 42. Christ prophesied that vast disease epidemics would A. be prevented by modern miracle drugs. B. strike at the close of this age. C. occur only in the Middle Ages. D. not be a sign that His coming is near. 43. What factors would contribute to the emer- gence of great disease epidemics (pestilences) in the world? A. Severe food shortages. B. Huge concentrations of people such as we find in many large cities of the world. C. Pollution of all types, which inevitably weakens the body's resistance to disease. D. All of the above. 44. Erupting volcanoes, earthquakes and other disruptions of nature A. have not been increasing in frequency and intensity. B. are diminishing yearly. C. are other indications Christ mentioned that would show we are living in the end time. D. have always occurred and are no cause for us to take special notice. 45. How are the first four world conditions Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24 represented else- where in the Bible? A. As four horses and horsemen (Rev. 6:2-8). B. As four angels (Rev. 16:14-15). C. As the seven trumpet plagues (Rev. 8:9; 11:14-19). D. As the seven last plagues (Rev. 16:1-21). Test One 46. The toll of human life that will be taken by the "four horsemen of the Apocalypse" is A. a few thousand people at the most. B. nearly all the earth's inhabitants. C. one-fourth of the world's population. D. not given in the Bible. 47. What special sign would clearly show that the end of the age and Christ's coming are very near? A. This world's churches preaching a gospel about the person of Jesus. B. Christ's Gospel of the Kingdom of God being proclaimed in the world as a witness to all nations (Matt. 24:14). C. Millions upon millions around the world repenting of their sins. D. The sign of the prophet Jonah. 48. Which one of the following statements about the prophecy of the "abomination of desola- tion" is NOT true? A. It is dual in fulfillment. B. It was first fulfilled when Antiochus Epiphanes moved against Jerusalem with his army in 168 B.C. C. Its latter fulfillment will be another sign that Christ's return is very near. D. It has nothing to do with armies occupying Jerusalem in the end time and causing its desolation. 49. In order to escape the catastrophic world trou- bles prophesied in the Bible, Jesus said we A. should just watch for world events that indicate His soon return. B. should join the church of our choice and attend Sunday services. C. must watch world events and pray daily to be accounted worthy to escape. D. should just continue living our normal dai- ly lives as if nothing special is soon to happen. 50. The Bible clearly reveals that A. there is no foreseeable hope for the surviv- al of the human race. B. a loving God will refrain from intervening in world affairs to save humanity from extinction. C. God will allow heedless mankind to destroy all life on this planet. D. Jesus Christ will come with the power of God to save mankind from annihilation. 7
  • 8. THE DRAMAr-rIC RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST! (Lesson 3) 51. History shows that the early true Church A. did not really expect Jesus Christ to return. B. rejected the doctrine of Christ's Second Coming. C. fervently believed in a coming Millennium of peace preceded by the Second Coming of Christ. D. taught that the Church was already the ruling Kingdom of God on earth. 52. The message about Christ's return to set up the world-ruling Kingdom of God on earth A. is the heart and core of the Gospel Jesus preached. B. was simply a Jewish fable. C. originated as a heresy of the Gnostics. D. is being proclaimed by this world's Chris- tian-professing churches. 53. The "Secret Rapture" A. is not a widely accepted teaching of many churches today. B. is only an idea of men. C. should be the hope of all Christians living in these last days. D. is a doctrine of God found in the Bible. 54. Jesus warns us 8 A. to be prepared for the "rapture" of true Christians. B. that His return will be in two phases-first secretly, then publicly. C. that there would be those who would false- ly claim He has already returned before the appointed time. D. that the end-time generation will be expecting His return. 55. Jesus Christ's Second Coming A. was the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). B. occurred during the Middle Ages. C. will occur after 1,000 years of peace on earth. D. will usher in the millennial rule of God's government on earth. 56. Just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, true Christians have a duty to A. do their part in helping God's Church pro- claim Christ's Gospel to the world. B. personally witness to people the fact that Jesus is our Savior. C. merely believe on the name of Christ. D. merely love their fellow Christians. 57. Can we know the day or the hour of Christ's Second Coming? A. No, because Christ will not come in our generation. B. Yes, both will be revealed to Christians in the end time. C. Christ said we would not know the exact day or hour. D. The Bible does not indicate whether we would know the exact time. 58. Will it be possible to know when Christ's return is very near? A. Jesus clearly stated that we wouldn't know the approximate time of His coming. B. Yes, if we're watching for the signs of His coming (Matt. 24). C. It's impossible to know since all the things He prophesied in Matthew 24 have been occurring for over 1,900 years. Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
  • 9. D. Watching the fulfillment of prophecy can in no way help us to know the nearness of Christ's coming. 59. Christ's return will be A. exactly as believers in the "rapture" theory expect. B. as a thief to secretly "steal away" His Church. C. no surprise to anyone. D. with the great noise of a trumpet and the loud voice of an archangel. 60. Will Christ's coming be visible to everyone? A. Only to those who are then resurrected. B. Yes, everyone alive on earth will see Him. C. Only to those expecting to be "raptured" to heaven. D. No, since He will return secretly. 61. The Greek word parousia is translated as "coming" in the New Testament verse refer- ring to Christ's return A. in "brightness" (II Thess. 2:8). B. "with all his saints" (I Thess. 3:13). C. "as the lightning" (Matt. 24:27). D. All of the above. 62. The last trumpet, which signals the return of Jesus Christ, A. will be heard by the whole world. B. will be heard only by the saved. C. is not the seventh trumpet of Revelation 11:15. D. does not also signal the resurrection of the dead in Christ. 63. Where will the "saints"-true Christians-be protected during the coming great tribula- tion? A. In heaven to which they will have been "raptured" by Christ. B. John 17:15 proves they will be protected in heaven. C. On the earth in a special place prepared by God. D. In their own homes. Test One 64. Where will Christ touch down upon His return to earth? A. At Rome. B. On the Mount of Olives. C. In an undisclosed, remote spot in the des- ert. D. Nowhere, since He will return to heaven with His saints after they have risen to meet Him in the air. 65. Christ will return to earth from heaven A. secretly. B. invisibly. C. alone. D. with armies of angels to meet the resur- rected saints in the air. 66. Christ is coming A. as a meek "lamb" to be sacrificed again. B. to try to talk rebellious mankind into obey- ing Him. C. as "King of kings" to rule the earth with power. D. as a human. 67. What is the "day of the Lord"? A. The period of God's direct intervention in world affairs to punish sinning mankind. B. The great tribulation. C. The seven last plagues. D. Sunday. 68. How will God punish the world? A. With the powers of nature. B. With various supernatural plagues. C. In true love and concern for disobedient mankind. D. All of the above. 69. Why will God have to severely punish man- kind? A. Because He is a wrathful God. B. Because of the sins of humanity, which have been causing suffering and death. C. Because He loves to see people suffer. D. Certainly not because He wants the human race to survive. 9
  • 10. 70. How will the nations react to Christ when He returns? A. With the love of God. B. They will welcome Him as a conquering hero. C. With smiles and open arms because they desire the rule of God's government. D. They will fight Him. 71. Who will primarily be responsible for stirring up worldwide resistance against Christ? A. Satan's demons. B. Leaders of nations. C. The "beast." D. The "false prophet." 72. What will Satan's demons (Rev. 16:13-14) cause the armies of the nations to do? A. March against the armies of the end-time revival of the Roman Empire. B. Gather together in preparation to fight Christ. C. Attack the Soviet Union. D. Fight each other. 73. Where will these armies be gathered together before marching toward Jerusalem to engage the "King of kings" in battle? A. At a place called "Armageddon." B. In the valley of Jezreel. C. On the Plain of Esdraelon. D. All of the above. 74. What is the biblical name of the climactic battle that determines who will rule the earth? A. The Battle of Armageddon. B. The Battle of the Apocalypse. C. The Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty. D. None of the above. 75. Where will Christ utterly vanquish the armies of earth? A. In the Kidron Valley (formerly known as the Valley of Jehoshaphat), situated between the city of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. B. In the Valley of Jezreel. C. On the Plain of Esdraelon. D. At Megiddo. THE COMING UTOPIA- WONDERFUL WORLD TOMORROW! (Lesson 4) 76. World peace is possible A. only if all the nations are brought together under a supreme world government. B. if Christ could be preached to all the nations. C. if the arms race were stopped. D. only through the United Nations. 77. World government 10 A. will never become a reality. B. is a total impossibility under present world conditions. C. is very possible under the present moral, social and political climate. D. is merely an absurd myth-an idle pipe dream of overly optimistic men. 78. How will a utopia of world peace and prosper- ity finally become reality? A. By a worldwide revival in the churches. B. Through a greatly strengthened NATO and U.N. C. By men deciding to cooperate with one another in all areas of life. D. Only through the coming divine, all- powerful government of God administered by Jesus Christ. Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
  • 11. 79. What is the Millennium? A. The period of time the saints will spend in heaven after being resurrected. B. The period of church rule in Europe dur- ing the Middle Ages. C. The 1,OOO-year period of God's rule on earth beginning when Jesus Christ returns. D. A spiritual condition in the hearts of men. 80. Cities in the Millennium will A. be rebuilt to God's specifications. B. have absolutely no industry. C. be as centralized and large as today's cit- Ies. D. be great industrial megalopolises. 81. Cities in the World Tomorrow will be A. much more spacious and liveable. B. built with family life in mind. C. safe to walk in at night. D. All of the above. 82. Which of the following will NOT be true in the wonderful World Tomorrow? A. The whole earth will undergo remarkable changes. B. The earth will remain as it is today. C. Waste places and deserts will become fer- tile. D. The nations will be reforested on a grand scale. 83. After Christ returns to rule the world, A. He will establish one pure language. B. material abundance will become common- place because of widespread obedience to God's Law. C. the former territory of ancient Israel will resemble the Garden of Eden. D. All of the above. 84. Christ's government will A. deny private ownership of property during the Milleimium. B. enforce harsh laws on earth's inhabitants. C. provide true justice for all. D. practice communism in its purest form. 85. How will mankind be liberated from sickness and disease in the utopia of tomorrow? A. Through miraculous healing and obe- Test One dience to God's health laws. B. Through a highly trained medical profes- sion equipped with totally new methods of treatment. C. Christ will suspend the laws governing health. D. Through "miraculous" drugs that will pre- vent illness. 86. The river that will flow east and west from the Temple in Jerusalem will A. be symbolic of the tears Jesus shed over this city. B. not be a physical counterpart of God's Holy Spirit. C. be symbolic of the Spirit of God, which will "heal" the physical, mental and spiritual problems of mankind. D. quickly be swallowed up and lost in the parched sands of the southern desert. 87. Jesus Christ qualified to be "King of kings" A. only in a spiritual sense. B. by overcoming Satan's temptations. C. but has His Church rule in His place. D. and was coronated in Jerusalem. 88. Christ's coronation as "King of kings" A. will have taken place in heaven before His Second Coming. B. took place when He conquered Satan the devil. C. is not really necessary for Him to rule the earth. D. will take place after He returns to rule the earth. 89. As "King of kings," how many great crowns will Christ have? A. Three, representing rulership over heaven, hell and earth. B. One. C. Seven. D. Many. 90. The coming world government will A. finally become reality through the efforts of great statesmen. B. be a coalition of man's and God's govern- ments. C. be established by Christ when He returns. D. be the last of a long succession of human governments. 11
  • 12. 91. At the beginning of the Millennium, Christ will A. hesitate to assert His authority to rule. B. not deal severely with the rebellious. C. take away free moral agency from man- kind. D. grant resurrected Christians co-rulership with Him over the world. 92. Which one of the following is NOT a reason why the world will have to be reeducated at the beginning of the Millennium? A. Because modern education is based on the Bible. B. Because modern education has totally rejected the foundation of all knowledge. C. Because people lack the spiritual knowl- edge of God. D. Because Satan has deceived the world. 93. The primary goal of Christ's reeducation pro- gram will be to A. reform the world's economic system. B. teach man how to fulfill his democratic responsibility. C. develop the whole man-physically, men- tally, emotionally and spiritually. D. revitalize the many Christian churches. 94. The resurrected saints will A. have little to do with education in tomor- row's world. B. educate as well as rule over people. C. rule, but not educate in the Millennium. D. seldom be able to appear in a material body at will to conduct their duties. 95. What are the results of true education? A. True repentance-turning to God's truth and way of life. B. Happiness and joy. C. Material blessings. D. All of the above. 96. How successful will Christ's reeducation pro- gram be? A. Only the descendants of Israel will come to know the way of God. B. The Egyptians and Ethiopians will be the only Gentiles to be reeducated to God's way of life. C. The whole world will come to know God's truth. D. It will be a total failure! 97. Universal obedience to God's Law III the World Tomorrow will A. result only in material blessings. B. produce temporary world peace. C. last for a short while. D. result in universal peace, prosperity and happiness for 1,000 years. 98. The most important change destined to occur in tomorrow's world will be in A. man's hostile attitude toward God. B. the nature of animals. C. the weather. D. the languages. 99. How will the change in man's basic attitude become possible? A. Through human reason. B. By people receiving God's Holy Spirit. C. Through self-righteous effort. D. Certainly not through any conscious per- sonal effort. 100. What will actually make the WorId Tomorrow a literal utopia? A. Great material abundance. B. Beautiful cities. C. A verdant earth. D. The love of God's Holy Spirit that will be given to all repentant, obedient individu- als. Final Instructions Now that you have finished the test, transfer your answers to the test answer card. Also please follow the instructions for returning it to our office you normally write to, where it will be graded and returned to you. Be sure to keep this test together with your lessons. You will find it profitable to review the test 12 questions and the correct answers occasionally. This will help to further cement the truth of God's Word firmly in your mind. And reviewing the false answers will help you to clearly see some of the false ideas you may have assumed to be God's truth. You will thereby grasp and retain new truth more easily with the help of future lessons. 2442218510
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